(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright guys well today we have an awesome stream. I've been trying to get Lisa on the program here for a couple weeks but Lisa went out and hurt herself. So Lisa are you doing okay now? I'm doing so much better thank you. Yes. It feels good to be able to have a little range of motion. Yeah she she threw out her back. How'd you do that Lisa? Well I have chronic back problems whether it be sciatica issues and I have scoliosis I've had it forever so I try to do certain things to offset it and try to keep like a curve in my lower back and so I do all these exercises but then when you go through big long stints of time where you feel good you kind of slack off and then you pay for it later. Yeah yeah. That's what I did. Well I'm glad you sound you look smiling and happy right now. I feel so much better. Well I'm glad we got you on the program. I don't know how long I'm gonna have this program guys cuz I this is I got another strike today so it's gotten so bad on YouTube you go to upload it and before it's even published I was just premiering a video that I did and it gave me a strike and removed the video for hate speech. It's crazy. So I don't know how long I'm gonna be here guys I really want to just encourage you guys to go over to our Bitchute channel check out our Bitchute and Brighteon. I'm gonna be removing videos from YouTube here and just putting them on this Bitchute channel only. I really want to keep the show as long as possible so I'm gonna have to really think about all the videos I have even as unlisted you can't even have unlisted videos or private videos that are bad like they'll find them and strike down your channel so I'm just gonna be actually removing videos from the this channel and we're gonna be premiering them on Bitchute so go head over there and Brighteon. So if you want to find us on Brighteon it is generation conspiracy channel and then if you want to find us on Bitchute it's framing the world but today we're gonna have a very interesting talk we're talking with Lisa and we are gonna be discussing fasting now fasting is something I've never done never once not not for spiritual reasons health reasons I've never done fasting obviously we know that it's good to do spiritually and it's good to do for your health but I just for some reason I don't know I've just been lazy maybe I just don't know how about going I don't know how about doing it and so we're gonna be talking with Lisa today and she's gonna explain how she does it she's gonna explain the benefits of fasting and why it's so good for your body and I think it's just gonna be a really interesting talk I want to start implementing this in my life maybe not to level that Lisa does where she fasts two days a week two days Lisa that is just I bumped it up for years I did one day a week I did Wednesdays and then now I'm Monday Thursday what is wrong with you Monday Thursday what day is it today Tuesday it's Tuesday okay good so you're this year happy day now you actually have much higher cognitive abilities while you're fasting but I still have residual ketones so I'll be alright alright well you'll explain that I all in a little bit but you know I think it's great that you do it because you can enlighten our audience here on the benefits of it and lighten me because you know what you hear about it and you know the Bible says stuff you know for reasons and I believe that it is healthy so let's explore this here on the show tonight I appreciate you guys tuning in make sure to subscribe to this chain channel and our other channels of course subscribe to our patreon account and just help us out over there but why why fasting Lisa why should we fast who should fast and you know when should we not fast I know it's a lot right there but just kind of start us off on the on why why we should fast okay well since you mentioned it initially about biblical fasts and how you know we are we are commanded to fast and I would say that if you're going to do it for a spiritual reason you would want to it gives you more time to pray so think about how much time food preparation really takes you have to go to the store you know for you you got to drive pretty far you got to go to the store you got to gather everything you got to bring it home you got to put it away you've got to cut it up you've got to cook it you've got to prepare it you've got to wash the dishes you got to put away the leftovers it's it's a lot of time when you if you were to do that for breakfast lunch and dinner it's it's such a big part of the day production wise and time wise so think about if you were to offset all of that how much more time you would have so you would have that much more time to devote to prayer and devote to reading your Bible and and so that that aspect is is incredible and then of course everything that God has for us always has like a hidden benefit so there's health benefits and so some people if you are not in a stage of life where you have that independence of not having to prepare food for a lot of other people like a small family then you know you don't have that extra time so you can just focus on the health benefits of fasting and that's kind of what we're gonna focus on today so I'm gonna try to convey to you and your audience that your body is actually so much better equipped to deal with much less food or no food coming in than it is to deal with an excess of it so for example today and you know in 2020 more people are dying from an excess of food and the consequences of of that than they are from starvation starvation is a real thing and you cross you cross the line when you have a certain percentage of body fat you cannot fast you're past the point of getting the benefits and you will start catabolic catabolic effects on your muscle send you lean tissue and that's where it's really bad but most people even a lean person that has say 12% body fat that's still fairly lean they have over a hundred thousand calories at their disposal which is so much more a hundred thousand calories compared to you know how much could you possibly have in your in your glycogen in your liver or your muscle glycogen it's just it's just a very finite amount and that's why marathon runners hit the wall and have to supplement with like those gels and to keep the glucose going because they aren't metabolically flexible enough to tap to switch gears into burning fat for fuel at that point so there are extreme athletes that are trained dr. Jeff vola trains extreme athletes and he gets them to be metabolically flexible and to fat adapt them so that they can break their own records because they have this unbelievable source of fuel that burns cleaner and that's why you can hold your breath longer because you don't have to need as much oxygen for each gram like you get nine calories a gram from fat and only four calories a gram from carbohydrates so you have less oxidative stress you need less oxygen therefore you can hold your breath longer there's just it's just incredible so so that's really the focal point is that our bodies are actually so much more adapt and so much better equipped to deal with a lack of food than an excess so so I think you started off with like well why fast well it lowers inflammation inflammation is the underpinning of all chronic disease so every chronic disease that you will look at whether it be cancer or neurodegenerative diseases everything has inflammation underneath and so inflammation is a driver of growth factors so you have your cancer cell proliferation will increase under an inflammatory state now the difference when people have to have to understand there's a difference between chronic inflammation and acute inflammation so acute inflammation if you were to jump off of you know a great a ledge and land on your your feet and you you've seen fine but you have shin splints you know you have all these little micro fractures in your in your shins your bones so your body will activate a acute inflammatory response and increase the circulation to go there to bring all the nutrients and things to facilitate healing so that's a good thing but that's only temporary it's an acute thing that that be has a beginning and an end whereas chronic inflammation is the really bad thing that will you know goes along with every every bad every bad disease out there so where should we start should we start well I would like to start with so okay let's say I want to start to fast I want to fast tomorrow I want to start fasting tomorrow what does that entail does that mean I just stop eating stop drinking just everything or is there a different way to go about it yes definitely since you've never done it before it's just like any other discipline you just the same people that have never exercised before really shouldn't go sign up for you know a 5k tomorrow so you have to work your way up to it and just like any other discipline it gets easier the more you do it so for example one of the best ways to start would be to kind of condition your body just like with exercise you want to condition your body to burning fat for fuel and one of there's a couple of really easy ways to kind of ease your way into it and one of them would be to restrict your eating window to an eight-hour eating window so instead of eating all day from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed just make it a make it a point to say okay what would be ideal for me if I had to pick an eight-hour window would I like nine to five would I like ten to six would I like eleven to seven and choose that window and stick to it stick to it for a week so you would have an eight-hour window of eating and a sixteen-hour fasting window so it's like an eight sixteen so try to do that for a week and then what what that will do is hopefully depending on your activity level it's gonna vary with each person you may get your body to start to become more insulin sensitive to lower your insulin levels because in order to tap into fat for fuel insulin is inversely proportional to glucagon and another thing called hormone sensitive lipase which helps break down the fat so you're never gonna have glucagon released to tell your body to break down fat for fuel if your insulin levels are steadily high and if you're eating and grazing all day long your insulin levels stay high so so that's one way another way would be to adapt more of a low carb low carb diet or a even a ketogenic diet temporarily just to kind of condition your body so if your body all of a sudden has only fat coming in because a ketogenic diet is primarily about 80 to 85 a lot more like 80% fat good fats healthy fats avocados and you know coconut oils all kinds of good fats and then about 15% moderate protein it's not Atkins it's not a high protein diet so moderate protein and then a just about 5% carbohydrates so it's very low carb so that will help you kind of get your body metabolically and hormonally in that rhythm of saying okay you know the glucagon is being released I'm gonna start breaking down going into my fat stores and breaking down those triglycerides and it's important to know a lot of people right away fasting has such a such it's such an emotionally charged issue like you know just like the masks or whatever people are like have like Oh fasting is bad Oh fasting is amazing it seems like nobody is really kind of in the middle they get really hostile when you talk about fasting because it is it's um it doesn't make sense but just like exercise exercise is a stress on the body so as exercise you are breaking tearing muscle you are breaking down it's a it's a catabolic effect but then the rest and the rest period is when you build back the muscle and become stronger so it activates all these pathways and all these mechanisms to actually make you stronger after it's over and and fasting is the same way so yeah you are breaking down you are activating all these genes and all these metabolic pathways but then the refeeding after the refeeding you're gonna become stronger so for example after 24 hours you start to increase stem cell production and stem cell production will actually go up it peaks on day three day three now they they've I don't know if they've ever mentioned measured it in humans but this is all the animal studies they're seeing a consistent pattern up at day three you peak so for example when I threw out my back I couldn't really I mean I it was so painful to even move or do anything other than just lay on my side I thought well I'm gonna fast because I can't even don't even want to get up to go to bathroom and I don't believe in dry fasting so I sipped on water but I still even restricted my water just because I didn't want to have to get up and I fasted for four straight days because I figured well I want to cash in on some new stem cells to repair my back and and because I was so inactive I thought well maybe I didn't really peak at three days maybe I need that extra day so I wanted to just be sure and I did the fourth day and so here I am you know I've got all these stem cells people spend so much money on these you know kind of sketchy procedures of getting stem cell injections why not cause your body to make their own stem cells and these are stem cells are brand new poly pleomorphic I forget how they they can become anything and it's so exciting like they don't need to exploit babies and and do these these horrible you know aborted fetal stem cells they don't need to do anything like that adult stem cells are just as amazing and so if you have you know have you ever heard of people talking about longevity in terms of your telomeres shortening the those like little shoelace ends on the end of the DNA have you ever heard of that no okay well like on your DNA the ends like picture it like a shoelace and those little things on the end of your shoelace are like a telomere and if those start to fray they can kind of again correlation isn't causation but they kind of correlate the unraveling of telomeres to how much longer you have left to live but if you can up regulate stem cell production which actually goes down so much as you age you you don't have that stem cell production like you did when you're young so if you can up regulate that and get your body to do that on its own then you have all brand new cells that have brand new telomeres and there's an enzyme called telomerase that will run along the DNA and do all this repairing and repair the the telomeres it's an incredible so that's one of the reasons you see the longevity factors so um so anyway going back to you know ketogenic diet low carb diet and restricting your eating window are the baby steps towards fasting and so once you do that for one or two weeks and be like okay you know and if you do get a headache um because that's a common effect they call it like the keto flu and people go on the ketogenic diet and they they get like almost like flu like symptoms it's actually uh the same symptoms you would get from low sodium because the reason being is that when you restrict your carbohydrates insulin is going to come down and when insulin comes down water follows insulin so you instantly lose all your water weight so it's so incredible like with after you know depending on the person within 24 to 36 hours of fasting you're going to lose like four pounds of water weight because your insulin levels have now come down so much and all that excess water and water with it has sodium in it so your sodium levels have have been depleted proportionate to your body so if you just take a little good salt like himalayan salt or a celtic sea salt that will offset those keto flu symptoms and then you're going to be ready for maybe your first one day fast and a lot of people will do uh 20 consider like a one day fast you know dinner to dinner which it is that's 24 hours but but you really should try to go the whole day without eating and sleep you know what i mean so then you bump up your time so much more and it's really not that much harder to skip that last meal so so and yeah so when you fast so you drink water then when you're talking about this fast you're drinking water the whole time now does water have anything in it it's just water just water i do just water you can um any clear liquid is supposed to be legal so to speak on a fast so for example um you know a little later on maybe you can pop up the picture of the longest medically recorded supervised fast which was angus barberry and he fasted for 382 days um he lost he went from four what is it 400 and i i think you've got it 407 pounds down to 180 pounds after 382 days with with no ill effects and he did they did give him occasional liquid vitamin supplements um because of it was 382 days so um and they gave him he was allowed to have black tea and black coffee and soda water if he would you know so i do have black coffee and i do have like green tea with nothing in it um occasionally when i fast okay all right well then that would work out great for me because i love love coffee yeah he did it was 382 days and it was out of scotland 1964-65 so i mean so people have to realize that if you have stored food energy on your body it's no different than having a meal or just using what's already a meal from like a long time ago yeah so it's kind of like when someone becomes insulin resistant or they call it insulin resistant or pre-diabetic where they uh their blood sugar is starting to creep up right they're not fully diabetic yet and one of the things to note would be that your cells your cells you're producing plenty of insulin because when you're a diabetic there's type one which is an autoimmune disease where you do not have you don't produce insulin those cells don't produce the insulin so you have to take it um but when you're a type 2 diabetic you produce so much insulin the problem is the cells aren't listening they're ignoring the insulin so the insulin is knocking at the door saying excuse me we need to get this glucose in out of the bloodstream and into the cell and the cell's like oh my gosh we are packed with glucose we don't want it so they ignore it so the idea you know just common sense would say okay we'll stop you know eating lower that insulin lower that blood sugar let the body start tapping into that fuel so you can think of it like if you're if you never use the food in your freezer and you keep going shopping and you're just using what's in the refrigerator and then occasionally trying to shove more stuff in the freezer and trying to sit on it that's the effect of a type 2 diabetic taking more insulin just to really cram that glucose into the cell that doesn't want to take it so does that make sense yeah totally so so let's go through some of the benefits of doing a fast you did describe one benefit but could you go into more benefits yes one of the um in 2016 the nobel prize went to a japanese researcher and he was able to explain the process called autophagy autophagy is just a compound word auto meaning south feiji meaning eating so it's a self-eating so what your body will go through in the presence of fasting it up regulates these things called autophagosomes and these autophagosomes just go throughout each individual cell they will break down broken down cell organelles and they'll just recycle the amino acids they can they can preserve your lean body mass with those amino acids they can rebuild new organelles it's like this whole incredible house cleaning process so so that in in and of itself is just like this renewal process it's almost like cleaning your house like it's a house cleaning process that can only really be activated through a fast so you again it peaks it depends on the person i want to say it peaks after about 48 hours so you don't even have to do like this super super long fast to get into a good production of autophagosomes the longevity benefits for example you know the powerhouse of the cell the mitochondria we all remember that from high school biology and the mitochondria can burn a healthy cells mitochondria can burn either fat or glucose for fuel and it has no problem using either one whereas like for example a cancer cell which we'll definitely talk about in depth a cancer cell cannot use fat for fuel they are they are metabolically you know the genes have changed they have mutations they can't use fat for fuel they can only use glucose and they don't even use glucose in the mitochondria because the mitochondria are broken essentially in a cancer cell and it's had to revert to a very kind of almost like a primitive form of of of making energy which is fermentation so for example if you a molecule of glucose can produce 38 atp which is you've heard about atp is the energy currency of the body so a regular cell can produce 38 atp um and and that's adenosine triphosphate but then a a cancer cell can only produce two atp from that same molecule of glucose so they have to up regulate the glucose receptors around this this cell and so they they increase it by about 19 times so they have 19 times the glucose receptors on the outside of the cell so those will 19 times the 2 atp will give them that 38 atp in order to survive but it's a totally different way of making energy and so people oncologists or cancer doctors know this so when you go to get a PET scan they give you a radiated sugar so they're giving you a radiated glucose and so when that glucose where is it going to be most obvious it's going to light up around the cells that have 19 times the glucose receptors and so there you look on your scan and you say oh well there's your tumor just sucking up sugar like nobody's business right with 19 times so the the oncologist has that knowledge they know that cancer cells are sugar fiends yet they don't even think diet has anything to do with it they they said you can eat whatever you want which makes absolutely no rational sense based on what they know that cancer cells feed on sugar and you have to always differentiate too people get confused because sugar and glucose are not the same you measure they say blood sugar and blood glucose synonymously but glucose and and sugar is half glucose half fructose right so um so half of that glucose is going into your bloodstream right and then the other half which is fructose is going to only be metabolized by your liver it's literally a toxin and i know i don't we haven't talked about that so much but it you know causes fatty liver and all kinds of other problems fructose like high fructose corn syrup and things like that are really bad um but that's just a really good way to to when you hear blood sugar it's not blood sugar as in like sugar table sugar it's blood glucose so that's why a piece of white bread will have a higher glycemic index and elevate your blood sugar more than the comparable amount of table sugar because only half of that table sugar is actually glucose whereas white bread is like pure glucose does that make sense yeah it does so so insulin again is a growth factor and chronically high insulin which if you're pre-diabetic and you have chronically high blood sugar what that's doing that's just a it's just a combination for disaster because what happens if you have chronic high blood sugar going through your blood vessels this is why diabetics you know the long-term side effects are you know amputations from damaging the blood vessels small tiny blood vessels that feed the extremities they have you know a kidney failure from damaging the blood vessels that feed into the kidneys they go blind from damaging the blood vessels that go to the eyes and those are just horrific side effects so and the reason being is that the blood vessels are lined the endothelial lining of the blood vessels is made out of proteins and there's a reaction called either the mired reaction or it's called glycation and that glycation damage between sugar or i should say glucose glucose and the proteins actually have this reaction and it's a browning effect it's the same thing when you put the glaze on a ham it turns the skin of the ham brown it's turning your insides brown turning your collagen brown on the inside of you and it's causing damage so essentially glycation damage produces what they call ages advanced glycation end products so in your blood vessels when you have all this elevated blood sugar that's damaging the endothelial lining what what happens you have all this all this damaged tissue and then cholesterol comes in like the band-aid to fix it and so cholesterol gets the bad rap but it's kind of like blaming the firefighter for the fire your blood vessels are inflamed they're damaged from the glycation and the cholesterol or the little firefighter comes to put out the fire and and repair everything and he gets the blame it's not the cholesterol it's the it's the elevated blood sugar it's the chronic high insulin that um your your cells aren't listening to the signal because you have to empty out you've got to clean out those cells of their of their glucose in order to put glucose back in so break it down that's why your body needs that break so break it down for people what are the benefits in a just a simple kind of way like what are the the major benefits of fasting okay so um one of the biggest benefits i i've experienced like you know i i can feel it is uh the cognitive higher cognitive function you have such clarity of thinking i mean forget a no brain fog nothing you're just your brain is just on fire when you are in a fasted state and the deeper the fasted state the higher your ketone levels because your brain loves to burn ketones and again people that get uh you know that are anti-fasters they will say well what about your brain your brain has to use some glucose and that is true um your brain parts of your brain do require about 25 glucose so they can't solely run on ketones but guess what it's it's a perfect match because the way fatty acids are stored they're stored in the form of a triglyceride which is which is three fatty acids on a backbone of glycerol so you have the 25-75 split and this glycerol backbone can be used just like glucose your body just turns that into glucose and your body can make as much glucose as it needs so whatever requirements of whatever organ um like your brain that need glucose your body will produce it through in the liver it's a process called gluconeogenesis and so you can make as much glucose as you need from other things like for example the glycerol backbone and there's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate you know there's essential fatty acids right and the essential fats and there's essential amino acids but there's no essential carbohydrates and there's people that have been doing uh the ketogenic diet for so many years and they're thriving and also um i know you i don't want to lose track of that we're talking about benefits but just a quick tangent with um with people that are all about keto or all about not doing keto you have to realize that people have different metabolic makeups everybody's a little bit different so i don't tell anyone oh this is the best diet once i never say there's a one size fits all because different people have a natural bent to be in a either a sympathetic dominant state or a parasympathetic dominant state and if you don't balance those you really can't heal so essentially um have you ever heard of like the correlation like a type a personality a real go-getter if you're a type a personality and this is why in japan they focus on personality types because they know that personality types will fit into certain jobs better you know they don't want they don't want the caloric type a personality as the receptionist they want the the outgoing happy person as the receptionist they know that personality types and they do um do that oh gosh that's another tangent so wait a minute so anyway really really back in so here's the thing if you are a type a personality and you are a constant go-getter you are almost like in a chronic state of fight or flight so by being in a chronic state of fight or flight what happens is your blood pressure is tends to be high your blood glucose tends to be high because if you were in a in a fight or flight state that was um that was enacted by a crisis you kind of get that rush you get a blood sugar rush you get a blood pressure rush you're ready to to go and run or whatever so if you're in a chronic state of fight or flight then you want to bring back that sympathetic dominant is what it's technically called nervous system state to a parasympathetic dominant so if you're in a chronic state of fight or flight what do you think your digestive ability is going to be it's not going to be good because if you're in a fight or flight state your blood is rushed to the extremities you're constantly ready to go but if your core your core is going to be neglected because the blood is being rushed away from the core so you don't have the resources to break down and digest your food properly so if you don't have a good digestion and you can't you can't assimilate nutrients you can't break down your your nutrients to heal properly so you have to get out of that chronic fight or flight state so different diets will work better for different for different types so if you are a chronic um of chronic fight or flight person actually they don't do well with meat they don't they don't do well eating meat because meat is a very high intensive metabolic they you have to have really good digestion really strong stomach acid to break meat down but if you're in that chronic fight or flight and you if you just eat vegetables if you're a vegetarian or even a vegan they can thrive so much better because it's easier to digest and it brings back some balance so that they eventually can consume other things so i would never say one a one size uh a fits all diet so that kind of clarifies because if people hear the word keto and they automatically think they have all these preconceived thoughts and i think it's really good it has therapeutic benefits to to cycle it in but not necessarily do it all the time so back to the back to the benefits okay so i was talking about the higher cognitive abilities so for example i think it was pythagoras he used to make his students fast before he would teach math for higher cognitive abilities and um and so i want to say the uh it was um uh well it was a bunch of greek philosophers that all felt that way that you could you know achieve much higher ability to to write or to learn new things and take on new information if you were in a fasted state um also so bdnf uh bdnf stands for brain derived neurotropic factor and it was actually um it was actually nicknamed by another harvard professor as miracle grow for the brain so your levels of bdnf will just skyrocket in a fasted state there's a couple other hacks you can do to get your body to produce more bdnf which are turmeric turmeric helps produce bdnf and actually coffee coffee produce coffee helps you produce bdnf but nothing like fasting so we used to think many years ago they used to really think okay you really can't you know brain damage that's it you're you're done but we know now that the brain there's a lot of neural plasticity with the brain the brain can heal now nerve damage takes much much longer to heal than than other parts of your body take to heal but it can be done so you really can kind of get your body into a healing state for for dementia even by fasting because especially alzheimer's alzheimer's is caused by um well many things but one of the things they they see with alzheimer's is a lot of plaques in your blank brain so the same way you get plaques in your blood vessels from elevated blood sugar where it's doing all that glycation damage and then the cholesterol comes and rescues and patches it up and then it ends up causing a plaque on that spot is the same way the your brain accumulates these plaques from elevated glucose levels so those plaques during a fasted state will be broken down through autophagy so the autophagy will will the autophagosomes will go and break down all those plaques and clear out your brain so that literally your brain just think about it like if you think about your brain in like a a house cleaning sense if you just clean out all the junk and are able to give it a super fuel which is um the ketone bodies which is its preferred fuel with less oxidative stress because you know about oxidative stress that's bad right that's why we take antioxidants because we have to use oxygen you know or we would die but but a ketone uses less oxygen per gram you get more bang for your buck you get more fuel per gram of oxygen with um using fat for fuel than you do with glucose for fuel so less more energy less oxidative stress it's a super clean fuel um so you get that brain-derived neurotropic factor and one of the reasons that it elevates so high with fasting is one of the main ketone bodies which is called beta hydroxy butyrate is the substrate for bd and f so that's one of the reasons why um okay so bring uh longevity so the longevity to me that's what that's what made me bump up my fasting to two days because of that study that i think i sent to you and it was done in 1982 and it was on rodent study and the mice were given they were given access to food from you know from day one of life throughout their whole lifespan you have one group of of mice that had access to food 24 7 right and then you had the second group of mice that only had access to food every other day so they'd have a 24-hour period where they had absolutely no food available only water then they would have the next 24-hour period right with food so you get the idea so every other day access to food and then the the group that could eat whenever they wanted and the that was the only difference and so the group they're eating that same probably crummy gmo you know mice chow right you know so it's not like they're eating healthy and the group that ate every other day lived 83 longer than the group that it had i mean that is such an unbelievably huge amount and so it there's again there's so many factors that come into play imagine lowering the inflammation imagine lowering the glycation damage lowering that chronic um uh damage that all that excess blood sugar is causing it's almost think of it almost like shards of glass just running through and damaging your your blood vessels so plus they they had higher cognitive function so they had a higher quality of life because again it's not all about how long can we live you want to increase your health span just as much as you want to increase your lifespan right so you want to have that quality of life um all the way up until you're you're as long as you go right you don't want to be dependent on anyone you want to have your independence and you want to have a vibrant um vitality for as long as you can and you really can i think fasting to me the more i learn about it it's like that it's the ticket it's the ticket to having vitality and lifespan and health span so let me look at my list for oh igf1 so igf1 is insulin-like growth factor one so it's a cousin to insulin right and again it's a growth factor so there's a group of people in ecuador and they have what's called loron syndrome and it's a it's a type of it's a mutation where they're dwarfs they're dwarfs but they have normal proportions so they have they produce growth hormone so that but they don't have the receptors and they have extremely low levels of igf1 so that was what the researchers noted about them that was the real ticket it was like they have such level low levels of igf1 and low levels of insulin so they retain their insulin sensitivity despite their obesity rates they never get cancer and they never get diabetes even if they get heavy so it's remarkable they only had one person with loron syndrome they've been studied i mean on just it's kind of bizarre how much they've been studied when you start looking into it they're just always being looked into for this unbelievable factor and they only had one person die of cancer and all of the history of people with loron syndrome and it has to do with that chronically high insulin insulin is such an inflammatory hormone and it causes all these downstream effects and and you just all those inflammatory markers are going to go up along with it and they just don't have that and so so they actually created mice in the lab they have these gmo mice i know i hate gmos but they made these gmo mice that that they don't have igf1 so they they couldn't produce igf1 and they lived uh i think it was 50 longer than the mice now they were smaller the mice were very small and isn't it interesting to think about it do you remember well i'm a lot older so you might not remember this but i used to when i was a little kid i would watch like world wrestling federation with andre the giant do you remember him no he was before my time okay there was this guy andre the giant and he had what's called like giant syndrome yeah i guess i don't know if that's the name for it and he was so tall well i just know him from princess bride okay okay so he i i can't remember how old he was when he died but but people that are excessively tall like that tend to die very young yeah so it kind of it's interesting isn't it so they probably have those growth factors activated more you know so i'm sure that's the exact opposite of what you're saying yes yes exactly yeah so so there's there's definitely something to it so you kind of want to um you want to have growth factors in balance so so when you fast people think oh my goodness you're gonna break down you're gonna lose all your lean muscle that's not that wouldn't be very why it wouldn't be a very wise body to do that right when you've got all this fat to use for fuel why in the world would you break down your muscle and your body up regulates all these lean tissue preserving mechanisms like your human growth hormone which some people they want to claim that you can read articles about human growth hormone being associated with with longevity because again remember the dwarfs that lived a really long time or never had cancer they had the human growth hormone they just didn't have the receptors so your human growth hormone goes up when you fast and that helps you you have another all these other mechanisms that preserve your lean body mass so you don't lose muscle so that's that's a myth you're going to lose more muscle with dietary restriction or caloric restriction than you will with fasting up until a certain point because once you get past a certain body fat present percentage that's when you're in starvation mode like if you research the minnesota starvation experiments they were past that point so they were you know and they weren't even being fasted they were being calorically restricted so yeah it's a totally different uh animal but back to the benefits like um even since we were talking about cancer let's just elaborate on that a little bit more because i know you like the you know gerson and stuff like that well think about it your pancreas has several jobs and two of which would be to secrete insulin right to lower that blood sugar and another one is to to make pancreatic enzymes so those pancreatic enzymes are really a key thing because what is the deadliest form of cancer that we know of the deadliest form of cancer is pancreatic cancer right so once your pancreas goes and you you don't have those pancreatic enzymes you're really in trouble because a cancer cell has an outer membrane that's really tough and your immune system really has a hard time getting to it to destroy it so that that outer membrane can be dissolved through one of the pancreatic enzymes which is trypsin like one of the the protease family of enzymes the protein breaking down enzymes so if you uh so if you have enough of the pancreatic enzymes but think about it if you are chronically eating sugar and you are or glucose and your poor pancreas is just like insulin insulin insulin it's not going to have enough time to secrete those pancreatic enzymes so here your your your chance of your cancer cells getting the upper hand goes up so again there's multi factors when it comes to the cancer thing but here's the really really cool thing the work of dr thomas seyfried out of boston to me was just is it's been reproduced so they can't they can't deny it but they're but the cancer industry just wants to turn a blind eye to this because they want to research genetics they are all about researching genetics and it's a lost cause because the genetic mutations are secondary to the breakdown of the metabolism cancer is definitely a metabolic disease and i'll i'll explain that so um so dr seyfried's work showed that if you have a cancer cell and you have that nucleus that has up regulated and it's the genetic expression of the of the oncogenes which are those cancer genes right have been up regulated and then the tumor suppressor genes have gone down and you have a full-blown cancer cell the mitochondria do not work remember those mitochondria can't break down glucose or fat inside of them they reverted to what to um fermentation in the cytoplasm with that you know up regulating the glucose receptors so so the if you were to take out the nucleus and um of that cancer cell and you put in a healthy nucleus right that's got the tumor suppressor genes up and the oncogenes down but you still have the broken uh mitochondria it still reverts back to a cancer cell but if you take that cancer cells nucleus that the oncogenes are on and the tumor suppressor genes are down if you take that cancer cell nucleus and put it into a cell that has healthy mitochondria then the the cancer the genes will revert back to the right way the genetics will go back to normal so the tumor suppressor genes will turn on and express and the the oncogenes will turn off because it's it's primarily a metabolic disease so if you can address it as such then the the gene aspect is secondary so it's not a matter of chasing after what gene makes what protein because they had that all wrong from the get-go anyway remember the human genome project when they did that they had they discovered that genetic engineering was founded on the one gene one protein theory and they always said oh you know we're going to change the genetics of this to produce this protein and it's not going to affect anything else and they were so wrong because it turns out we only have about 20,000 genes but we produce um we produce 200,000 proteins so one gene can make so many different things it can express in so many different ways so you want to eat food and you want to have a lifestyle that causes your body to express each gene in the best possible way so there's no reason if you have the BRCA gene to panic you know you are not a victim of your genes the BRCA gene is not a bad gene god did not make a bad gene it's just it's just your lifestyle has caused it to express it in a bad way but if you eat cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower broccoli brussels sprouts cabbage your BRCA gene will protect in a protective way against breast cancer now the BRCA gene i just want to clarify what you're saying here because some of it's going over my head uh the BRCA gene is the cancer gene right the the BRCA gene was what remember Angelina Jolie had the BRCA gene so she decided to go ahead and have a double mastectomy because she was afraid yeah she would get breast cancer which is ridiculous but she didn't all she had to do is eat more cabbage broccoli brussels sprouts and you know i think that gene would have been yeah my my aunt has that gene uh it's just what they when they what you're saying is like when they test you and it's like you have the cancer gene because that's what my mom said oh she has a cancer gene yeah and then my mom got tested to see if she had that same gene and she said no she didn't have it so uh somehow the sisters didn't they both didn't have that gene but you're saying yeah tell your aunt to just consume cruciferous vegetables that are raw on a regular basis and it will it will influence the expression of that gene in a positive direction and can you give some examples of cruciferous vegetables yes yes so that's all that's it i mean it's that simple so yeah because we don't have bad genes we just we have to think about epigenetics you know that's kind of a still a hot topic is epigenetics so control above the genes how can we influence our genetic expression so when you think about it if you have you know you produce over 200,000 different proteins you can almost like you know think of yourself as being able to uh be a awesome version version of yourself because think about if all your genes were expressing in a negative way you'd have this person but if you could influence all your genes to express in a positive way you could have a totally different you yeah you know that's it that's super interesting so like for instance if i don't eat right if i wake up in the morning i don't i i'm a breakfast guy i love to eat breakfast and that's bad obviously but that's just kind of how i've always been i just like i love breakfast i i so i i eat breakfast right away if i don't eat breakfast and it gets to like 11 o'clock i'm just dying inside i'm so hungry i'm just like okay so but but you're but you said in an interview i watched you that um you know you you get like that but then if you let that pass it goes away i've just never actually let that pass i always just eat so talk about how like when you fast you get these intense cravings but then they subdue yes okay so here's the thing with ghrelin is the hunger hormone so again the hormonal uh the hormonal components of like weight loss and things like that are so much greater than the whole calories in calories out thing because the hormonal components really have such a they trump anything you try to do because even i totally believe people that that say they're reducing their calories and just not losing weight because your body that resting end energy expenditure will totally go down they'll their body temperature will become colder and and so that their metabolism will kind of meet that new lower amount of fuel coming in but but back to the so ghrelin the hunger hormone is usually not in everybody usually lowest in the morning believe it or not so when you wake up out of bed take a mental note it could be more of a um a thing that you just want to eat breakfast because you love eating breakfast rather than the fact that you're actually physically hungry because your hormone your ghrelin should be low in the morning but but here's another thing if you hunger will come in waves it's not like hunger builds you know continuously it will it will rise at normal meal times and dip down again so it sometimes 10 20 minutes later you're like i'm not even hungry because i'm sure you've probably had that happen right where you got really busy and you skipped a meal and you look at the clock and you're like oh i totally missed lunch but i'm not even hungry and then you'll get hungry at dinner time again so so essentially breakfast is stands for break the fast so you don't have to break your fast at like 6 a.m or 8 a.m or whatever you can wait and push that out a little bit so um you could push it out if you want to eat like 11 to 7 what were you thinking if you had to choose an eight hour eating window what would you choose well i would probably honestly try to go as long as i can during the morning you're right because i get super hungry right before bed too i always eat right before bed which i know is another horrible thing i have so many bad habits that i'm just trying to to fix and so that's one of the reason why i want to talk about these subjects because it gets me motivated to implement different things in my life yeah okay so those are two you recognize two bad things that you you tend to eat first thing and you're kind of and you'll eat right before you go to bed well if you eat right before you go to bed your your body goes through all these incredible regenerative processes while you're sleeping unless it's busy digesting food because digesting food is very energy intensive hence the word the food coma like you've all you know we've all overeaten on thanksgiving or something and we can't get off the couch yeah it's because our body is using every bit of energy that it has to break down all that food so if you're doing that right before you go to bed you're you're kind of cheating yourself out of all these other processes that your body could be doing if it wasn't having to work on that that food so you do definitely want to pull your the last meal of the day farther away from bedtime you know um they even say you know eating with the circadian rhythm like sun up to sun down like that kind of stuff that there's a lot to that because again what happens is your your organs are on a circadian rhythm so your pancreas that's secreting the the insulin to get that glucose out of your bloodstream is actually went to sleep with the sun it tends to go on a circadian rhythm so if the pancreas went to bed right you don't have the ability to secrete the insulin to get it out of your bloodstream and so you if you were to take your blood sugar like late at night that's why people are shocked sometimes when they take their blood sugar late at night they're like oh my goodness am i a diabetic because their pancreas already went to bed and checked you know clocked out for the day so so a lot of times to offset that you do want to definitely pull or else you're going to have all those detrimental effects of the high blood sugar and damaging your endothelial cells and creating plaques and creating all that glycation damage right so so you gotta pull that food eating away from bedtime and try to push it out and squeeze it squeeze it in for eight hours so again i think it's really doable yeah it's totally doable again what is what is the times you do was the the windows that you take yeah you know lately because i ever since i upped my two days of fasting you know instead of the one day when i was doing one day of fasting uh i would do either nine to five nine to five in the winter time and 11 to seven in the summer time so but that now that i fast two days a week i've taken a lot more liberty to not even think about it like if i feel like having something to eat later like if i i used to always start the day off with black coffee because if i added fun stuff to it if i added heavy cream or things that's eating you know what i mean that's not so i wouldn't i would have already started my eating window right at that point so now i tend to still have my fun coffees in the morning and start my eating window earlier because i figure oh i make up for it with a whole nother day yeah 11 to 7 seems like what would work for me too you know when the bible talks about with prayer and fasting it really does make sense that you you know your mind's you know able to concentrate more you're able to think clearer and that's why you would want to fast why if you have something that you really need to answer a prayer you really need to answer you know it comes by prayer and fasting that's that's pretty interesting oh absolutely because think about how much more you have uh again the the mental clarity and having no brain fog like you don't you're when you read your bible if you have all that extra time to read and you read your bible you're gonna find yourself not having to read the same passage over and over again because you're so much sharper so you get so much more out of it that way it's like it's it's incredible yeah well i found you know ever since i started uh to to do the juicing again it seems like i do have a lot clearer of a mind and stuff but uh that is just another way you can make it even more clear so yeah i need to implement that when we were talking yeah when you're talking about how some people um they have maybe a seizure disorder right and that was actually how the ketogenic diet was originally adapted or developed by john hopkins was in a treatment for seizures because think about this like if you uh if your body is either in a fasted state or if you're in a ketogenic diet it's basically the same thing you're either consuming body fat or dietary fat right for fuel so your glucose levels are going to remain so even just even peeled right if you're on a glucose if you're on a sugar fix and you have a bagel and then you have a glass of orange juice and you have this gigantic spike of glucose right so you're going to have these huge spikes that can activate a seizure in some people so when they develop the ketogenic diet in order to stabilize the blood sugar so that they and it would control the seizures and it's just remarkable i think it does it in over 74 percent of people can regulate their seizures through the ketogenic diet and so by taking that information there was a man his name was dominic dr dominic d agostino and he was um he was contacted by naval research so the the u.s navy had this type of diving equipment that didn't produce like bubbles detectable bubbles so it was more uh covert operation stuff right so but the people the navy seals that were using that new equipment were having seizures so they contacted dominic d agostino and he fat adapted the divers and so that they were were using ketones for their brains right and they were having that you know even glucose and they would stop having seizures using that new diving equipment and they could hold their breath they could increase their breath holding time double their breath holding time all these different things so so it's absolutely remarkable when you think about how it just brings everything kind of back into balance and it goes back to the the body is so much uh better adapted and better equipped to deal with a lack of food or a lack of glucose than it is to deal with a huge influx of it with too much yeah so i thought that was cool yeah that is cool so i guess one of the questions i have it in is when should you not fast um i don't think kids should fast because again it interferes with a growth receptor you know what i mean there's there's that factor so they should not necessarily fast but they could do like a ketogenic diet so if you have like an overweight child that's already getting a fatty liver and is already like becoming diabetic you can you can put them on a restricted eating window like the 8 8 16 so which really isn't fasting fasting and then they can also do more of a low carb high fat diet to bring them back into balance and get back to a healthy weight get rid of their fatty liver because it's really interesting people uh have there's a difference between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat so visceral fats the really bad fat that's the interstitial organ fat that lines all your your in between all your organs right and so that is the fat that causes that mid-section obesity where people could be thin everywhere else and have this huge stomach right because it's all uh it's all visceral fat which is the really bad fat because it's a it's it's because your body's almost like in that fight or flight mode when you're unhealthy it's almost like a background level of fight or flight and it deposits all that fat in that area so it can grab it really fast if it needs it so whereas subcutaneous fat is not really as dangerous although subcutaneous fat fat in general causes your body to produce for every pound of fat you gain you you produce between one and seven miles of of blood vessels your body uh it's angiogenesis it's new blood vessel making it produces new blood vessels to feed all of that uh you know adipose tissue um but uh but with the um what were you saying about the well i lost my train no no worries so so so you're saying if you have this big belly then you're not healthy yeah that's you're not a healthy person right that is super bad that's bad because and here's the funny thing is some people could be really overweight and actually still have insulin sensitivity you know what i mean so they actually don't have visceral fat they can be so heavy and just have subcutaneous fat they're rare it's very rare but it happens and then because they won't have any of the other biomarkers but then there's a there's a term that was coined by dr robert lestig it's called a tophi it's called a tophi which stands for thin on the outside fat on the inside and they are the people that don't have a lot of subcutaneous fat they're not heavy looking but they have all this interstitial organ fat inside deep and it's really bad and they they're predisposed to cancer and diabetes because there are thin people that get diabetes yeah and they're i mean it's rare the tofis are not common but they happen huh so well so okay and i know you talked about this earlier about how long uh that one guy for instance that you brought up but how long can you go without eating that's a great question so yeah i mean it depends on how much it's the same thing as like how long can you hold out in your house for how much food is in your freezer yeah you know so if you have a lot of food energy on your body like he did he had hundreds of pounds to to use as fat for fuel and you know so he was able to go 382 days like people with that are lean that just seems so impossible to me 380 days how does he do it so he was able to drink and do all that yeah yes yeah how skinny did he get by the end of that year 180 pounds wow he he was like four what was he like 420 430 he was in the force wow now so here's the thing there's a clinic called true north clinic and it's in california and they fast you up to 40 days wow and so under supervision dr gold yes yes medically supervised and it's funny because i've always been told it was very expensive but i just listened to an interview with dr goldhammer and he's been the lead physician of true north clinic for over 20 years they fasted over 2 000 people never killed anybody and they reversed like all manner of autoimmune disease cancer diabetes you name it they've reversed it with fast with water fasting and they're so strict like dr goldhammer again i i really respect him and he's doing an incredible thing with this fasting but he's a militant vegan so he is a no exceptions militant vegan which i do not agree with but so they refeed you on this you know vegan protocol but i mean you can't argue with his success his success is like better than any conventional means conventional doctors don't reverse your diabetes they manage the condition with really expensive drugs you know what i mean so they don't you go to this clinic and you fast for 40 days and they torture you for 40 days well you have to pay for that yeah no it sounds well i always thought it was expensive that's what i was saying i thought it was really expensive but then i found out that it's actually only 149 dollars a night so it's like better than a hotel yeah and they but again they don't provide any food so they're fasting you and i guess it's very you know they'll probably there's massage you know things like that to make your stay pleasant plus you're doing it in community you're with all these other people that are fasting just all starving together yeah well i know most moses fasted 40 days in 40 nights and so yeah this is like the moses fast you can yeah that's the most they will do uh is 40 days that's their limit yeah and i wanted you know i don't even think i again don't i don't know for sure i've never talked to him but i don't think he's a christian just but based on some of the um some of the comments that i've heard him say in interviews so i don't think he's a christian but it's interesting how he picked that the 40-day number is the maximum well i you know i wouldn't suggest you fast for 40 days lisa you have nothing stored up or could you do it i couldn't fast for that long and that's the thing you can only fast for what you have reserves for you can't exceed that once you exceed that then it's all detrimental that's when you're starving your body starts okay that see now you're making more sense here okay i now you just put it together it all came together for me in that statement so okay so for instance i don't know if you've seen this show called alive no it's on amazon prime you can check it out and it's been brought to you by alive um so uh the show called alive right they go out and they try to hunt their own food and a lot of times people just starve to death out there but uh you can make it that long that you would like probably like that show a lot of i'll have to check it out yeah you know you can like i said you have a person that's 12 body fat which is relatively very lean they still have a hundred thousand calories to to to utilize through a fast before they get into the danger zone yeah once you get below like five or four percent body fat and you're fasting that your body can't it will it won't activate um good genetic expression any longer you're going to be in a crisis state that's not good yeah all right well um i mean i think this sums up a lot okay one more question okay so i know a lot of people use fasting for detox can you talk about that yes and how you can use it for detox okay well again you if you are fasting you tend to break a lot of times um the same way like in an animal right and in a in a cow they the fat like if you don't have organic full fat you know milk the the toxins that that animal was exposed to are stored in the fat because that's what your body kind of you know or an animal's body will do they don't know it they don't know how to metabolize all these poisons and they just stick them in the fat tissue yeah so it's the same thing with a person you know we're exposed to so much so many chemicals um and they get stored in our fat tissue and so when you break them when you break down your fat tissue you actually can have almost like what they call a herxamer reaction which is like a healing crisis where you're breaking down all these toxins just like when you're killing cancer cells like whether it be from like gerson therapy that's why you have to do the coffee enemas in order to uh get your help your body because your liver is your main detox organ right and so in order to help your body rid itself of all this poison you you would do something like a coffee enema to kind of help your body long because that was uh dr nicholas gonzales his um uh what do you call him like his the guy he learned everything from he cured his pancreatic cancer with uh with using huge amounts of those digestive pancreatic enzymes and he dialed in his diet and his tumors were shrinking to the point where he could visibly see it through his skin his tumors were bulging through his body and he could actually see them shrinking down but then he would get so violently ill because he had all this dead tumor waste circulating inside of his body that overwhelmed his liver so he used the coffee enemas and it worked beautifully so um wow you know what and i i want to do a whole show on this with you lisa to explain why because you know i get mocked a lot for uh supporting the gerson therapy and believing in it and doing the coffee enemas because i i've done them and i know how good it makes me feel and how much healthier i feel so i i it doesn't i just kind of feel bad for the people that mock me for for this because it's like you what do you what are you mocking me well it's interesting it was in the it was in the merc manuals because um it used to be in the merc manuals up until the 70s because they knew that it would purge a person's like if a person was acutely poisoned that was a a modality that they would use to to help rid the body of the poison wow so it was in the merc manual it was a conventional practice up until the 70s when they pretty much you know the rockefeller all that stuff they kind of eliminated all the alternative things and that was one of them but that used to be a conventional practice and just you know to remark on on toxins the the ability of your body again to do with epigenetics and up regulating your genetic expression in a protective way um they did an experiment in this doc well they repeated it multiple times but they highlighted it in a documentary and it was they injected mice with three to five times the amount of chemotherapy obviously per body weight that a human being would go through during chemo right so they had these mice in two groups and they both were injected with three to five five times the amount of chemotherapy the only the only variable was that one group of mice had fasted had water fasted for 48 hours prior to being injected so the group that had access to food all the time and was injected with the chemo they almost all of them died and if they didn't die they were in the sorriest most lethargic state like they could barely move but all and i repeat all of the mice that were fasted for 48 hours prior to being injected with humongously toxic levels three to five times the dose of chemo all had no ill effects it was like they're just running around like nothing happened so they and they they started doing it in an experimental phase trials with people and so they highlighted some of those stories on the documentary where the these women that had to go through chemotherapy fasted prior to their chemotherapy and suffered no ill effects then then their oncologist was like oh i don't really think you should fast this time don't fast before this next session and they wouldn't fast and then they were just throwing up and sick as a dog and that's so your body yeah it's incredible well i'm definitely going to recommend that to people um that i know because i know i know a lot of people in my family have have got cancer it seems like everyone in my family that's older that than like 70 is getting cancer my sister just had this is the saddest thing to say but she just had like part of her ear cut off i'm like what are you doing yourself like you she she probably could have healed herself and just yeah you know tumors there's a lot of um there's um what is it that eggplant extract there's bec5 and there's it used to be called skin answer and then the fda shut the whole thing down right and so they had to come back with a new name it's the same exact formula so skin answer came back to uh sunspot es so sunspot yes and that is an incredible topical like it's amazing so if people that get um like kind of act that it's called actinic keratosis like i don't know if we're like spots that you've gotten really bad sunburn sometimes will start to get a little slightly discolored like light brown and then they will get kind of crunchy on your face and it just sometimes you can slap it off but it comes back hard and that stuff will just eat it right up hmm so it's amazing yeah well i i would love to talk to you more about this lisa i know we could talk forever uh if you want to find out more than more about this subject i know lisa has released three videos on her youtube channel what is that youtube channel name lisa oh you'll have to link it in the comments that's the only video i've ever done i know three part it was it's great though it's great yeah you learn a lot about fasting no fasting i'm telling you it's it's the um it's the math if there was going to be a magic bullet if you were to say to me like what is the the best way to live the most the healthiest life i would say you have to be able to fast regularly yeah and i'm gonna get dr group on the show hopefully uh he just wrote a book on the power of fasting and i i think that's the name of the the book i i gotta check it out but um um i know he's a big supporter of fasting as well but uh we're we're out of time i appreciate it okay lisa um we gotta get you back on to talk about a few things we gotta get you on to talk about the mass we gotta get you back on and talk about gerson and uh some alternative cancer therapies because you know i like i said a lot of people my family have cancer and i just i want to talk about these alternative therapies because i feel like just people are just going into these they're being scared into doing things to themselves and i want to just equip you know my small listening listeners my little base here to just you know think about things before they do them if they do you know have cancer yeah and you can fasting no matter what they choose as their as their uh therapy of choice but no matter what they choose fasting will works in conjunction with it because fasting will weaken the cancer cells and make them more vulnerable to whatever you are using to try to destroy them so and i'm really excited to hear about ed uh mr dr group's book because i followed his fasting he did a 21 day fast did you ever did you see that yeah he did a 21 day water fast and he would videotape himself every day like how he felt and i remember watching watching you know day the day he was doing the refeeding and he ate a little bit of watermelon like i watched like all those videos so that's cool that he wrote a book on it yeah well you probably you know was inspired by that fast um but yeah thank you so much lisa for coming on the show we'll get you back on soon here i'm glad you're feeling better and i'm glad your back's doing a little bit better um yes yeah thank you so much uh if you guys uh want to support us here at framing the world make sure you check out our website framing the world.com and also you can support us by going to patreon and just a dollar a month um it really helps so if you're listening out there and you want to support us go to our patreon account or you can get a lot of different materials on our website but thank you again lisa for for coming on the show any final thoughts before we uh we take off here yeah if you're on any type of medications especially blood pressure lowering medications or blood sugar lowering medications you should not no fasting because you are going to you know if you're still taking those medications and then you're lowering your blood sugar you're you're going to be in a bad place so you really do have to consult you have to work with a practitioner that's going to work with you they need to at least appreciate the benefits that this could have for you to get off your medications but they need to get you to slowly come down off those medications to meet the new need for for lowered amounts of the medication so you really have to be careful and again the most dangerous part to fasting historically is the refeeding because your body can adapt really quick to fasting if you're not on medications but when you go to refeed after an extended fast you can make yourself so sick if because everything's been shut down for so long you have to really ease back into the refeed so that's my word of caution again you probably we better put out that disclaimer so consult with a physician we are not physicians this is not medical advice yeah for sure well thank you so much lisa it's always a pleasure to talk to you and uh and tell your husband i said hi okay oh yeah same same to you guys i miss you guys yeah for sure all right lisa that is lisa plumbo thank you so much for talking with us we'll get her back on soon um yeah guys just uh think about these things and uh research them for yourself you know like she said we're not we're not doctors or anything search these out search these things out for yourself and i hope you gain some information uh today that will help you out i know i definitely have and i i'm gonna try it lisa i'm gonna try fasting um i don't have anything stored up too much i do have a little bit stored up here uh but i think i could do a week i don't i don't know though i would it would be a rough week for me you gotta work up to it don't do it all at once work your way up i would be like i do the the i don't think it worked too well yeah i'll work up to it i'll slow i'll do the the window i think that's a good place for me to start is just uh you know limit myself uh the 11 to seven yes perfect perfect start all right thank you so much lisa thank you so much for tuning to this stream i hope you have a good day guys and god bless