(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, guys, we are live at Framing the World with a very special live stream. Today we're going to be talking with Pastor Charles Hamilton. He is the pastor of King James Bible Baptist Church in Greensville, Mississippi, and it's a real honor to talk to him. I mean, he is standing up for his rights, and it is going to be a really awesome interview. He actually is the one that was ticketed. We played the clips yesterday where, when his church members showed up, the cops started ticketing all of his church members just for having church. And so we're going to talk with him today and just kind of get his perspective of the whole incident, and so I'm really excited to hear from him. Today's show is sponsored by Our House. So if you want to go over to Our House, we'll put the link in the chat where you can go over. Make sure you subscribe to her channel. It's a great channel. It's a very good, clean channel that you can go to and get information on homeschooling and family stuff. So make sure you head over to Our House. She's been a real blessing to our channel, so we really appreciate her and all of her hard work. She's the one that does all the stills on the images, so we really appreciate her spending her time to do that, and she helps on a bunch of other things as well. So I really appreciate all of her work at Our House. And so today, like I said, we're going to be talking with Pastor Charles Hamilton. I want to show a clip. I don't know how much we're going to be able to show, but it's about an eight-minute clip. We'll probably play half of it before the interview, and then we'll play the other half after. But today, we have Dustin in the house. Hey, everybody. Thanks for tuning in today. Yeah, it's going to be a great stream. Aren't you excited, man? Yeah, I was listening to some of his YouTube stuff on the way here. So one of the things, he has a—where he preaches the gospel. So we're going to—I hope we can just maybe, when we go out, we can just play this clip he has. It's just him giving the gospel, his gospel presentation. So he's got a good gospel presentation, and he's got his style that is—you know, it's just cool to see a soul winner that's out there preaching the gospel that has the faith alone salvation message, and he just has his own way of presenting it, and it was cool to listen to. So I want to share that with everybody. Yeah, it seems like he is just a really good guy. I mean, from what I have researched, it seems like he's King James Bible only. He's right on salvation. He's right on repentance. It seems like he's just a really great guy. So yeah, it should be a great interview today. But we better play this clip real quick. So I'm going to play this clip. This gives you a real good taste of what we're in for today with this interview with Pastor Charles Hamilton. Look at this, y'all. See the Greenville on the church property. They got more police here than they do on the corner of Nelson Street. This in Greenville. They got more people at King James Bible Church, and they do Nelson Street, Taylor Street, Carver Circle. I'm a pastor of a local New Testament church. Look at all the police cars. They heard through the grapevine. We're having service at six thirty. And there's more police cars at a church service. Yes, this is King James Bible Church where Pastor Hamilton, where I'm the pastor of the church at. I'm a good citizen. Ain't breaking no law. Ain't selling no drugs. I'm just preaching the word of God. And look at all these police cars here. I mean, I've served on stocks at six thirty. This is America. Private property of a church. Look at this. It's more and more police pulling up being dang done. Yes sir. I got I got I got a letter from my lawyer to you. You want you want to read my last my lawyer. OK, I'm good. I don't need. I got it. I know I know about it. Yes sir. Yes sir. We're gonna get tickets. Yes sir. Yes sir. If you do have members come, we will allow them to leave before they're cited. Yes sir. If they decide not to is when they will be. Yes sir. respect. I love authority from the government. Yeah, right. No, the government. All right. Don't come from authority. It comes from the Bible. So the authority does not have the right over the Constitution. We come to constitutional law, the 1st 2nd Amendment, the U. S. Constitution that was given to us by our forefather. Take really can't give take away. Eric Simms can't take it away. Nor the police officer. It can't military. No, you can't. I look at y'all. I'm a good citizen here. I don't sell drugs. Look at the police. I'm Alex. I'm as a pastor. I got police officers here. Y'all like I'm committing like I'm robbing or I'd kill some out. This what you they don't have this when a murders in Greenville. Y'all they don't have this type of traffic when when people could be murdered. I'm from Atlas. I'm from the devil. Y'all look at this. When I sold drugs, I never seen this man. Police officers never seen it when I was a drug that I've never seen that man. Y'all come here. Never. So y'all this is happening in Greenville, Mississippi. The poorest part of the United States of America is more killing Greenville, more drugs on the corner. And look where the police office there. Look what they had a church. They had a church that being with people killing and while the murder they had a church where we ain't gonna hurt nobody. Wings ranking. Look what they had. Y'all look at all the police officers. This is America, not just America. The Bible Belt of America. Y'all Facebook. We're in Greenville, Mississippi. The Bible Belt. Look, only police officers. So all the police officers here who are roaming the streets. Y'all look at it. Who wrong? The streets while the drug does in the gang banking the prostitution here. The crack house. What? The police are here. What? What? The people committing crimes. They here mess with the church. They're here. Mess with a pastor. One of the best citizen in Greenville. Y'all mess with me. Look what? It's all the police here. Who? Who? Patrol in the streets. Oh, what a real crime is. This is America. Look at this. Y'all when you have service that we started look all the police. The police officer told me my rights can be taken away from me. That was the police. He said my rights can be taken away. Look at his detective and everything over here. Look, look at yourself at a church. This at a church and y'all trying to tell me that our rights ain't trying to be taken away from us. Look at this. I've been y'all saying our rights ain't being taken away. Look at this, y'all. All the offers on duty is that King James Bible back to church. Every officer on duty is at the church house. Look at this. Look at this, y'all. Every officer at the church. Every officer on duty. Every officer on duty is at the King James Bible church. We got no crack house. We ain't got no drugs. We ain't got nothing going on about trying to preach the word of God, trying to make Greenville a better place, trying to make Greenville, trying to get people off the street, trying to get people from selling drugs. We're trying to get people off the street from breaking the law. So y'all jogging bees and y'all here mess with us. Awesome. Look at this, y'all. I'm, I am a, I'm shocked. If y'all would've told me this, that I would experience as a pastor trying to preach the gospel, I wouldn't believe y'all. It is, listen, I'm trying to think. It is unsolved murders case in Greenville and they mess with the church. It's unsolved murder case in Greenville. They messing with us. Do y'all, do y'all, do y'all see me? I've been trying to preach this to y'all on Facebook, but y'all can't believe it. We had 20 police cars come to the church on the church property trying to tell us we can't have service. If y'all ain't, if y'all don't wake up America, the police told me our freedom can be revoked. He said he don't care what the constitution say. He don't care about the first and second amendment. I'm talking when you say you don't care about what the constitution say, you are violating the law of the land yourself. I'm just, I'm good. Is this a pastor right here? This pastor Fisher, he was at temple Baptist church yesterday and when they came and gave them tickets, I want you to say something, pastor Fisher, tell me something. You've been past preaching for 50 years. It's not right. Amen. Amen. Look at this, y'all. The police are all the way down. I'm about to show y'all. Listen, y'all, this is America. I've been trying to tell y'all this. I've been trying to tell y'all this, that our rights are trying to be taken away and y'all saying that it's not. It was more, it's more police officer at King James by a bachelor. Every police officer on duty came to this service tonight. Every police officer on duty came here, including the detectives. Look at this, y'all. They stay here. They most of them left because I put them on Facebook. They leave and you see some of them, but they still got some here. You see you got, you got them down. You got the police down there. You got the police over there. Look, they over there now with the lights on. Y'all see that? We about to have church. Listen, we about to have church, the police here. So they'll get you in here to preaching. I'm a preacher about Christ, how to be saved. I'm a priest that if you can't submit to authority, authority trying to get you to go against the Bible and that we need to stand up, Christian, and get you to go against the Bible and that we need to stand up, Christian. This is America, Greenville, Mississippi. The Bible belt, police officers messing with the church. What have happened to America? What have happened to America, Facebook? I just want to let y'all know this. Y'all seen it for yourself. I told y'all it was coming. I told y'all it was coming. I told y'all it was coming, but y'all didn't believe me. Until then, once we can see that that we had in warfare with the enemy, Satan hate the church, and Satan hate the Bible, and Satan hate the preacher of the cross, Satan hate the people alive being changed, and you're trying to tell me that the authority to try to tell me I can't have church, we need to submit to that. Listen to me. We're going to get back with you. We're about to have service here. We're going to go live in our service, but I'm just trying to show y'all what's going on at King James Bible Baptist Church. We're about to have service. All right, everybody. We are live here at Framing the World live. You just finished watching Pastor Charles Hamilton Jr. He's the pastor and founder of the King James Bible Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi. He's a graduate of Hiles Anderson College there, and he's an IFB preacher, and he's given it, you know, he's given us some fire there. So, Pastor, thanks for joining us. My name is Dustin. How are you doing, Dustin? It's a pleasure and a blessing to be able to come on y'all show to talk about what happened in Greenville. Well, we just watched the we just watched the clip. You're joining us as you're traveling, but we just watched the trip the clip of of you just going out there and approaching those police officers that are in front of your church. And that was was that the Sunday morning before service? No, that was on a Thursday evening Bible study. OK, so you went out there and how did that go down? Was it was there rumors that people were coming to your church or did they how did they find out that that they needed to come see you? Yeah, well, a couple of days. Matter of fact, I talked to the mayor on Tuesday. I'm sorry. On Wednesday about the orders that he passed on Tuesday, him in the city about that the churches can't have drive in service. And so I know the map for the way outside. I alerted him that if you don't revoke his ordinance as far as having drive and serve, that we will be having our Bible study on that Thursday. So the mayor already knew that that we have Bible study because I let him know. OK, so he tried to call your bluff, but you weren't bluffing, huh? No. And also we talked to him on Wednesday. I mean, on Thursday afternoon with like 26 other pastors. And so he had 26 of them. He asked us what we thought about it. Other pastors may not agree with his decision on not having drive in service. So I knew then that it was about to go on that Thursday evening once we had our Bible study. And that was when is that? Was that a week ago or more than a week ago? We're Tuesday now. That was just this past Thursday. Not this past Thursday to two thirds. OK, because at times just flying by. Yeah, I remember seeing that a little while ago. So it has actually. Yeah, I know it's been more than a week because I've been talking to Paul about trying to get in touch with you. So we're very thankful that you would join us and and just just share what's going on there in Mississippi because we're Baptist ourselves. Paul and myself go to the same church here in Arizona. And a lot of Paul's followers. Paul's a filmmaker. He's made a couple different movies, Bible based movies. And so a lot of his supporters are are Bible leaving Christians. So we got a lot of those people who are just who tune in and listen to us. And we're just sharing with them what's going on all around. And we're talking to different people about this virus situation. So what's come now? Are you did you stop having services after that Thursday? Are you still doing the drive up services? Yes, we stay up. I believe that the right of worshipper that we have as Christians doesn't come from the government nor does it come from America, come from the Lord Jesus Christ. And so no authority to have the right to stop us from having service. So we just have kept on having service. And we still have it now because we believe the rights we have come from the Word of God. And we're going to stand on that biblical principle that's been given to us by Jesus Christ. Amen. So what's happened? Are you getting support from the other pastors? You know, I mean, a matter of fact, the pastors in Greenville, I'm I would discourage disappointed, but I want shock because we live in a day that most pastors not have really most of them in Greenville haven't been called by the Lord Jesus Christ. And they're not they're not God called pastors. So that would they won't support a Bible believing preacher because it make them look bad that they didn't stand where they already agreed with America's decision. So I don't have no I'm not shocked that they don't support me. And so I had one pastor, I take that back. I had one pastor came and visit my service on last on last Thursday. He came a pastor in Greenville, a local pastor. So he's the only pastor that came and supported us in one hour service. So you mentioned I got a lot of questions are kind of bouncing around. I don't have an outline. I I listen to some of your some things I found about you on YouTube today. I know that you have a very you're filled with the spirit, but you're not you're not angry. You don't have any resentment towards these these leaders. You're being very honorable in your in your response. So you're asking for prayer for them. So you want to do this all peaceably. You're not calling. You're not calling for any kind of social. What you're trying to do is you're trying to work with them, right? Is that true? No doubt. I believe that the Lord Jesus gave us a government of what we read in the Word of God. So my goal was not to come public with this. My goal was to try to hound this person with the mayor. And so by love authority, I still love my mayor. I still love the law enforcement. I still respect authority. And I believe that's difficult to pray for them and pray for their families. So I have no resentment. I have no hate, no anger, no bitterness. I just believe that I had to do what the Lord Jesus told me to do is stand in his power and his might on the difficult principle. He tell us to contend for the faith. So I'm just living out what the Bible tells us to do, to contend, but not to be angry with it. So no, I have no resentment towards the mayor or the law enforcement. I really love them and their families. Yeah. So if all we have to do is just stand, that's all we got to do. We don't have to we don't have to move against anybody. We just stand on the word. And if they want to come against us, they'll find us. So I've got a pastor in our chat. We're live on YouTube right now. Pastor Tommy McMurtry from Liberty Baptist Church in Rock Falls, Illinois. He he's asking us if we would ask you the best way to contact you so people can email you and let you know how they appreciate your stand. OK, so you can reach me in two ways. You can reach me on my direct line. My cell number is 662-931-6509. If you want to contact me by email, our church email address is kjbbcgreenvillemsatyahoo.com. All right. I'm trying to type that down. Greenvillemsatyahoo.com because, yeah, there's a lot of it's not uncommon for pastors to agree with you, but not to do it publicly. So I'm sure there's a lot of pastors out there who and you don't mind that we you just gave that online. So we're going to post this video. So your phone number is is is you don't mind taking. Yeah, I'm a I'm a servant of the Lord Jesus. I have no problem. OK. My number out to the world. All right. Well, you know how to change it if it became a problem, right? So well, you know, so what's happening now with your church? You're still honoring the social distancing because there's still a mandate happening in your county, Washington County, Mississippi. Right. Is that where that mandate's been passed out? That's right. So you still have a mandate to observe certain degrees of social distancing. So your services are still within the parameters of what's been what's been laid out. So you're not breaking any laws. It's just the perception that people have that that you're not doing anything wrong. You're still within the letter of the law, correct? No doubt means that to have service in a car. I mean, I'm outside of my car, the car. I'm preaching on the sidewalk. Everybody else in the car and the cars that are distant. And so I'm not violating any social distancing guidelines set for by CDC. So we're in all of the parameters. So we ain't literally doing anything wrong or harmful because everybody is in their cars. And so it's nothing illegal concerning the social distancing part of that we are committing. So it's just like you go to the drive-thru or anywhere else. Matter of fact, we have stricter laws than how Sun is having driving and their restaurants. So so but that Thursday it was against the law to do what you did. Yes, according to the city of Greenville, they pass an ordinance on that Tuesday two days before our service that you cannot be cannot hold drive-in service. If you do, your church will be issued a citation. So they pass a law upon the law so that state of Mississippi Governor Tate Reed say that you cannot have service no more than 10 people on the inside of the building. But he never said you couldn't have drive-in service. So our mayor went beyond the law that was given to us by our governor. So you appealed to the higher authority. And so, man, so you just said that's what you stood on. And did they so they repealed that law or they just didn't they've just not executed or enforce it. So that night they did not give anyone out your citation. But so once they left, I got a lawyer and things like that. And so my lawyer contacted General Bill Barr and he heard about it. And Governor Tate Reed heard about it through videos and all what's happening with this thing had went viral. And so they came down pretty hard on the mayor on his stunt. I mean, his fans against the church. And so once the mayor got that word from Lieutenant General Bill Barr in the Governor Tate Reed, he revoked his decision he made and said now the church is in green if you can have drive-in service. So would you recommend? Because I don't I think at a federal level they're not prohibiting anybody and at certain state levels they're not prohibiting anybody from having that that these mandates are not supposed to affect religious services because of the First Amendment. So would you recommend that other other pastors take because if you hadn't if you hadn't stood your ground then then you wouldn't be in church. You would have had church this weekend and you would have had you wouldn't have church to look forward to on Thursday if you hadn't stood your ground. And other churches I'm supposing they're now having the same type of services. Are you the only one in the county? Yes. So people in green but now because the mayor let off the ordinance. So now people are having service. And so yes, I recommend pastors to stand on biblical truths that was given to us by the Lord Jesus. Even though your government government says one thing but if it's violated the United States Constitution in your First Amendment is no pandemic or any type of hardship or recession or depression can never give the government the power to stop the church for having service. And so I believe most pastors understand that they have rights not only biblically and by the Lord Jesus but also according to our United States Constitution in the First Amendment that we still can have service peaceably. And once they understand that I believe they will stand and not cower down to the ordinance of their government. I think that's awesome advice. What about this virus though? Don't you what's your stance? And this might be a controversial question because everybody's and everybody's all over the place from from one side of to the other as far as what they think about this virus and but a lot of people are considering that they should just maybe just lay low until this virus thing passes. Do you think it's putting people at risk maybe? So so think about this. Me think about this. Us having a drive-in service. Think about this now we just having a drive-in service people in their cars me preaching through the speakers. First of all that's not hurting anybody. Nobody's being put in danger. Matter of fact you are more safer and coming to our church for a drive-in service on Thursday evening Sunday morning Sunday evening then you going to Walmart Lowe's Home Depot's different stores that are considered sensual. You are having more contact in that venture than coming to a church sitting in your car listen to preaching from the Word of God. Do I believe that the coronavirus is big or is this real? Yes I believe it's real. But the truth of the matter is this. This coronavirus has been out for many years first of all so there's nothing new about this. Second of all how will we ever know when it's gone? It's a virus so it's not in the air it's not something I can see. So how will we ever know that it's gone? Basically what the media say or basically what Fox News say CNN or how will we ever know it's gone when they've been around for so many years? So that's the question as a Christian I got to understand is I'm going to live by faith or I'm going to live by fear. Is I'm going to do God's will through the hard times or I'm going to do God's will when it's easy. So I believe Christianity is a belief system that you got to serve God in hardship, tough times and a lot of our forefathers served God in cages and in hills and mountains and was burned at the stake. And so Christianity and being a Christian have never been easy and I think that the Lord have allowed us to happen to show us is American Christianity really ready for persecution. Well we're speaking if you're just joining us we're speaking with Pastor Charles Hamilton Jr. He is the pastor of King James Bible Baptist Church and that is in Greenville Mississippi. You may have seen him on social media. He is a pastor who has stood up. Was that the sheriff department then pastor or local police county police? The city police. He stood up to the city police when they came to his church when he was about to have services and the police were threatening him with citations saying that he was breaking an ordinance on cars. Nobody broke any social distancing ordinances or mandates laid out by the county. And so did you just go out there and meet them face to face and just take the brunt. Did any of your church members get harassed by the police. You know they just warned me that when people start coming in they will warn them to leave or they were given citations. So the police they came to our service about 15 minutes before we started. And so once they pulled up that's when I went live on Facebook and began to show the world this is happening in America at a church where we just preaching the word of God not violating any social distancing laws that were given by the government and this one got the whole police force coming to a church to try to demand us not to have drive in service. This is happening in America and we as Christians need to wake up that I believe personally that this virus is real but I believe that they're using this to strip us of our rights and then they targeting the local church. They ain't targeting the liquor stores. They ain't targeting Walmart. They ain't targeting the abortion clinic. They are targeting the local church so the bars are open as far as the liquor stores and the abortion clinic is open but most churches have not had service in over a month. They have to be sickened to Christianity. Now I'm going to ask you do you believe in that the rapture of the church is a doctrinal thing but it's just interesting to ask do you believe in the rapture of the church is imminent? I believe the Lord Jesus Christ can come back in a second and in a minute matter of fact he can come back while we're doing this interview with you and so I believe it's intimate coming at any time. It's nothing stopping Jesus Christ from coming back in. Does that give you boldness do you think? Do you think that gives you more boldness to face these things? Yes I'm knowing that my Lord can come back at any moment at any time and this is my belief if Jesus Christ can die for me the least I can do is to live for him and to stand up for him. He stood up for me on that cross and I can't live for him or go through some suffering for him. What kind of Jesus do I really have? If he suffers for me why can I not suffer for him? Because I believe that Jesus Christ has come back any time it gives me some grace and strength and the boldness I need and the power of the Holy Ghost to stand up for what's right now and for truth and righteousness and to stand up for his church that he died for. Sweet. So we got some questions coming from our chat. Now was there other churches in your town that had the same type of treatment or were there any other churches harassed like yours? Yeah as a matter of fact another church we didn't receive any citations but another church Pastor Arthur Scott he passed a temple Baptist Church. Okay. They've been passing their church for 45 years and 95 percent of church members are 60 years old or plus. And so they gave they actually literally gave them citations and gave them they gave them $500 tickets. They are independent fundamental at the church also in Greenville. And so our church and their church we're the only church that still having service. So we're the only church that had driving service which means our church got attacked by the local authority. And another person asked do you know of a Glendy Hamilton in Florida? Yes I preached there at his church there in Orlando Florida. Yes I'm very familiar with Glendy Hamilton I preached for him. We're not related. We're not relatives. He's not my uncle or dad or brother or cousin. But I have preached for him in the past. Yes. You remember the name pretty easy. So yes. All right. And do you that actually the video that we've seen that was a Facebook Live video right. Yes. I have been told to get a YouTube. My message that I preach can be easily found on our web. Okay. You there. All right. So you've got everything on your Web site there. You kind of might have broken up a little bit. Can you tell us what your Web site is Pastor. It's on our church Facebook page. OK. King James Bible Baptist Church. Nice. So what do you think this is going to turn allow churches to just open their doors again. Or do you think they may restrict the number of people in churches. Do you have any. What's your feel on things. Just dealing with your local authorities or what do you what do you think could happen from this. Do you think that this is the beginning of a new era where church is not going to be like it used to. No I believe that just I'll just read before you call. Matter of fact Texas does have services like they normally would without any restrictions. So I believe this that what happened in Greenville Mississippi have opened our eyes up of believers also have showed the local government in the state government that you don't want to touch the church. I believe they get the hint that you don't want to go against the church that Jesus Christ loves and what their general general is backing up. So I believe there's going to be a new era of more freedom to worship God more than we ever have. So I praise the Lord for this. Amen. What do you what what's happened with your with your church family. Do you notice a difference with you guys. Do you notice a more that you're more connected or that you guys are sharing in something. Yes ma'am. Matter of fact man I can I can sense a little. They have a lot more respect for me now and it have brought us closer and it almost like they will allow me. They also trust in Moses in God. So it seemed like the people my church are giving me more trust in them. Also they trust in the Lord. Matter of fact I got a baby brother. He's 20. I've been running from it. He said man this make me want to go surrender and be a preacher like you. So praise the Lord. Amen. Well I don't know if you have much more time. We had only scheduled a short time with you. I've got Paul up in the in the control room. Paul is there any any subjects that you wanted to bring up that I may have overlooked with the pastor. No I just I just really wanted to say thank you so much for your time pastor and doing this interview. I know a lot of people were really excited about hearing this interview. I know the chat is just blowing up right now and everyone's just in full support of you. And so I just really appreciate your stand and just standing up for you know having church during the day. And what I'd like to tell you all this since this happened people have gotten say from other states that I know of. And since then we have had more visitors and we have more people start coming to our drive in service that we had before we started before this happened. So God is using this to reach a lot more people that we wouldn't have reached without this happening. And also a lot of pastors and Christians have told me that God have used this to light a new fire in them because of the stain we have taken in Greenville, Mississippi and in King James Bible Church. So God is really using this for his glory. And we have reached millions of people. I mean we have gotten thousands of calls, texts, e-mails I mean people sending letters. It's been amazing to see how much support we have gotten not just from America but all over the country. So it's been a blessing. Our Facebook live service that went from having hundreds of people watching now to thousands of people watching our service. So God is really working through all this. He allowed it to happen. He actually gets some glory from it. So we praise the Lord for that. Well thank you very much for taking the time to spend with us today Pastor. Hey Paul. So you have a stack of books over here. Are these the ones. Yeah. So we'll give them all those. OK Pastor. So we're going to send you a gift basket. Paul's got a store. It's called framing the world dot com. Paul's made a. You're working on it. He's working on his 10th film. One of the films he's made is called New World Order Bible versions. If you look at the King James version and compare that to some of the abominations that have come out where they've changed the word of God. You can see that there's an objective that the devil has obviously to tamper with salvation and baptism and to bring Catholic doctrine in. So Paul wants to share. He's going to send you one of these. We've got a nice King James version of the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs. It is a waterproof. So we're going to create a little gift back and send it off to you. He's got a couple of books on the King James Bible the making of the King James Bible New Testament King James his Bible and his translators. Which Bible would Jesus use and archaic words. I should be showing this to the camera archaic words in the King James Bible archaic words and the authorized version. So anybody who's watching you can pick one of these up for yourself if you want to use bite on the on our store there. But we're going to send a package over to to Pastor Hamilton and just show him our appreciation. I agree that it was really good to see the stand that he took. You know it doesn't take much. All you have to do is get up there and speak the truth. But everybody's afraid to do it. So it's nice to see somebody who had who just who just went out there and did it. And I hope hopefully a lot of pastors were inspired. And I don't know maybe maybe there's some guys out there who want to get their chance at standing up for the word of God and for their their church services. So God bless you pastor and just remind everybody that is if you want to check him out on Facebook it is King James Bible Baptist Church Greenville Mississippi. And so you can find him there. And he shared his e-mail. We will pull that back up and put that in the chat and we'll we'll put that in the description of the video. So if there's anything else you want to share with anybody listening Pastor please take a few moments to do that. OK. I got saved when I was 23 years old and I got drafted out of high school professional baseball player. I got drafted. I was 19 years old by the cancer rollers and I got saved by the life of seeing us work living drugs selling drugs. I was a gang banger. I got saved through the jail ministry. I got saved while I was in the county jail got called to be a pastor while I was in prison. So I surrendered to be a pastor in 2002 got saved in 2002 and got out of jail in 2004 November and I started going to the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in 2005. And so the Lord saved me and I just believe that man he has set a fire on my heart to to to just not not repent. We just keep staying with the old path of King James Bible singing soul winning street preaching support missions. And so I just thank the Lord for saving me. And also I got a book that I'm writing on be out here in the next month. It's called From the Pitching Mile to Prison to Behind the Pulpit basically talking about me and how I was before I got saved. I mean as a professional baseball player going to prison to not being a pastor. So I'll be getting more updates on my Facebook page. So people want to keep on knowing that book to be out. Follow me on my Facebook page. You can follow me on Twitter and we'll let you know about that. But I thank you all for allowing me to be on the show. And I'm a Baptist independent fundamental Baptist preacher and I still believe in an old time religion. It's a blessing to be saved and a servant of Lord Jesus. Amen. And if anybody's watching make sure you stay till the end. We're going to play there's a twenty three minute clip on that I found on YouTube. I don't know. It's not your channel but somebody was kind enough to post it from I suppose Facebook live that you had done and you give a full gospel presentation. Shall we want to share that with our listeners to make sure that there's somebody who's not saved. You can hear a good presentation of the gospel saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. So thank you very much for the work that you're doing in the Lord. I pray that God rewards you richly. Thank you for calling in and we'll catch up with you next time. Pastor God bless. I have a super day. Thank you. All right. That was fun. I like him. Yeah that was awesome. So yeah guys. So we want to put together this care package that's going to include all these different books and stuff. So if you guys want to send more stuff to them just order it from the store and just put in the notes like send this to the pastor and we'll send it to the pastor or if you want to donate we can get them put together. We can send him a check. So if you want to send him a check you can do that to him personally just go to his website and just show him your support that you appreciate people standing up for the right to assemble. And so yeah like. So for example if you you can sponsor this book to him. Yeah well we can put your name in it and if you wanted to give any message. Can't you do that Paul if you order from the store you can put a little message and then we can. Yeah we can just include a little note. Yeah. So we can do is just as long as Logan doesn't write it. Yeah. So we can just say hey if you want to sponsor one of these things you can say hey just I want I want to sponsor that that gift. Yeah I'd really like to send him a nice little care package you know even if it's just a little bit of money and some materials I think it would be a real blessing. I mean obviously it's always a blessing to receive stuff. So I think if you wanted to be a part of that just you know put in the notes what you want to do. Awesome. And you know when it comes to like Paul was giving me the stink eye man. Oh yeah but what you believe. Yeah I was just wondering hey do you believe that the Lord can come back at any time. I didn't want it. You know he answered it. Great. That was it was a great answer. I know I'm good. You know this is the thing. Not that I don't want. I just I know there's people out there there's listening to the stream that they're going to be like turned off on him now just because he believes wrong on the the the rapture. It's like he's still a great pastor to get called. He's still going to go through whatever tribulation God. Yeah it's not like it saves you from the rapture for not believing in it or if it saves you from the tribulation if you believe that you're not going to go through it. Like what do you what. What's going on. Because like people anybody who sees what's happening can say well you know this is just kind of like a stepping stone of what they plan on doing and you know what. And it's kind of interesting to see I want to see if he you know how he how he took it and put it into that context. I wasn't going to ask him if he believes that United States is doing enough for Israel. And I'm not asking if he knows who Pastor Anderson is or what do you think of the faggots or any of those things. Because you know what I listened to his Bible presentation. Right. So somebody says KBS Creations. Keb's creation says he sounded safe to me. Yeah you'll listen to his his salvation his Bible way to heaven preaching at the end of this and you'll see that the guy saved the guy is solid. He knows the Lord and he preaches a strong gospel. It's not muddy at all. Super clear. And so yeah he's totally a brother in Christ. And so yeah we don't want to give him after the tribulation. The guy's doing what he needs to do so it doesn't even matter. You got plenty of guys out there who are post-trib who are already like you know. Yeah. You know that guy's doing what he's doing. There's others that aren't. So who's to say. Yeah. All right. Well well you know I'm glad that he's standing up for us. And it's just ridiculous that they would even threaten and define him when he's obviously practicing safe social distancing you know whatever that is. You know he's he's doing everything he can to appease them. I'm just glad his church is standing by him and they're showing up to this. I like what you're saying. You know. Yeah. I just you know I should ask him if they do soul winning. I had some questions when I was thinking about it today. He's Jack Hiles man. I'm sure he does soul winning. That's that's what they do. Yeah. OK. Jack Hiles College preaches pre-trib. Yeah. That's what somebody is asking in the chat. That's where Pastor Anderson went to. Yeah. So. Yeah. So I wanted to ask him if he was out there in like if he was still doing it during this. This. Oh I see what you're saying. You know I call one to see because like it would be interesting to hear. I wish I could call him back. That's a good question. So did he say he went so winning. Somebody said he said he went so winning. They do so winning. Maybe I wasn't even listening. I must have been distracted. So I guess he does go so winning. He's a soul winner. He's got that gospel presentation. You just don't have like I guess if you preach on Sunday enough enough altar calls you got a good gospel presentation too. So let's take some calls for 8 0 5 1 9 4 9 9 9. Yeah. You hear what you guys think of the guys who call in and just let us know what you think and also. But you know more importantly like if you want to send him a gift like that's what we really want to achieve. We really want to send him a nice care package so you can go to his Web site and just send it to him personally or you could just order it through our store and we'll send it to him as well. So. Yes I want to share this on like this Facebook page but I don't know how to do that without just copying it. OK. So I'll just put this Facebook page in the chat so everybody I think you should hopefully this will work. It's a it's too many letters. OK. So his his his Facebook page he says that he's going to have a book come out which I think it would be cool. So his Facebook page is King James Bible Baptist Church Greenville Mississippi. That's M.S. And you know Paul what do you think about doing Skype for people in Europe. Somebody was. Yeah I mean they can do that. All you have to do is and you see I'm a little hesitant to get on my Skype information. Well why. What. Because I don't want people calling me all the time. Yeah. No I'm not going to give out my Skype. We need to get a Skype that's just for the show. Maybe. Yeah I've got a Skype here but I don't know if you can get audio from mine. I can as if you plug it in the audio jack. Yeah it won't go through the HDMI. No. OK. Well I don't want to use my you make me scared now. So all right. Let's see how many Skype emails can you have. I don't know. All right. Well I don't know. We'll do that. But you can email us at live. How about this. This will do. If you want us to Skype you email us your Skype. Yeah. There you go. That's live at framing the world dot com. Solutions Skype solutions. This is beautiful. Dustin Skype me in the subject. And if you want to be Skype during the show maybe just if it's live you know just say hey my name's Harry and I'm calling from you know Hungary and you know give me give me a Skype call. But if it's like if it's this off the time you know if you're watching this later if if you're watching this on a replay then you can just. We're not going to call you bad guys. But you're watching this in the replay. But you say hey I'm my name's Mike and I'm calling from Iceland and I am totally I got some good stuff for you guys. If you're in America though you can just call us. Yeah 5 4 8 0 5 1 9 4 9 9 9. But if you're like in Europe and Australia or if you're in communist China you can just just e-mail us and we'll try to get you dirty like because we get I don't know if he's seen his flounder but sometimes we're like what next Paul. He's like I don't know. Well that's like most of the time it's not like sometimes it's most of the time we're kind of what's happening right now. It's kind of happening right now and that's it's kind of happening like while you are interviewing him as well. See this is the thing guys we work all day long on stuff and then we try to do our best on the show. But you know we're we're we're doing our best guys. So that's live. That's why we're aiming the world. That's why we appreciate the questions. Yeah. We don't have. And we're not polished speakers either. We're just we're doing this out of necessity. Is it. Who is it. Who's the city. It's my business. I just do it for like for DMSO and Waterproof Bibles and T-shirts. In orange peelers. Right. So go ahead and check us out at live or send us an email at live framing the world dot com. It really doesn't do any good if I don't have that open. So questions for Mrs. Anderson. That's old news today. So a lot of people are suggesting that we get in touch with some people. So are so every suggestion that's come in I don't respond to all my emails but I get all my emails so I get your suggestion and nine times out of 10 is suggestions of people we've already tried. And so but still send your suggestions in guys. You know it's hard to get people on the hook that are actually going to do this. What you know what you guys can do is you can just call the people up and say hey you know have you guys ever thought about. Maybe you can help us. Yeah. If there's anyone want to help us book. Yeah. You can book somebody if we can get some help. If anyone's out there that wants to help us do that. OK. So all of our woman everything that we've got like has all been boiled down into cameras and equipment. Yeah. And then just two talking heads like oh pretty much. But everything all of our real everything that you see here is just because of the equipment. Yeah. And I want to say also on Monday we're going to be happy having Dr. Dr. Rita Althorp. Is that how you say her last name is from Los Angeles. Yeah. The lady from Los Angeles. That'll be. Yeah. We got her. Didn't she have a part in Pastor me. He has vaccination. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm sure I know he's going to be doing another one. It's probably developed quite a bit in the past several months. He's going to be. That's the thing with making movies right. Paul like as you're making a movie if it's relevant information you're just constantly getting new information right. So yeah. And so if you're just tuning in we finished the interview with the pastor it was awesome. I really hope you go back and listen to it. It's it was a great show. And this guy is fired up and I really like him. I really hope people support him. We want to put together a care package to give him. And so we're going to be giving him this stack of books and a DVD. And oh and a Bible leaf too. I want to send a Bible leaf as well. And so if you want to help support us make sure to do that on framing the world dot com. We've posted the link in the chat here where you can go and donate to the show. Well if you want to make sure you give that money to the pastor put in the the the note section that you want us to give it to the pastor and we can write a check out to him. Yeah. OK. So brothers do you have anything to add. Brother J Stu KJV says if you call a potential guest ask to speak with their producer and have a write up already prepared to e-mail them about the show et cetera. Yeah we do that. Oh you do that. OK. So Logan is our he's our producer guy right. He's our producer. Logan's our guy but he has a he has an actual job that he has to go to so he can't do it like 24 hours a day. You know he does the best he can though. Yeah. I think he should just get up early and let like the end of the day kind of dwindle to nothing like I do. Yeah but he's been like on a hot roof working in Arizona. Yeah. In the summer and it's getting hot out there. I know it's awful. Not really but it's going to be. I'm already it's getting bad already. I mean how can this virus survive out here. Everything shut down. You're going to see me like just like in this room here because this room gets hot. You've probably seen it on the when Pastor Anderson was doing his Q&A's his uncensored show that was in the summertime and it gets hot. All right. So what do you want to do Paul. Nobody is the phone on. No. Yeah the phones on. People don't want to call us. OK. You don't have to. We do have a clip that we played yesterday. I don't know if you want to play it again today that news clip of the pastor. I don't know if you want to play. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do that because he actually. Yeah. But make sure that we kind of week. I don't know. We'll just let it run. And then if we get any kind of copyright we can delete it later. All right. So at this point we got a phone call. Let's just take this. OK. We'll just go straight live. All right. You're live with Framing the World. What do you want to say. Hey I just want to first of all talk about Pastor Hamilton. You know what a great guy. You know he's a different personality. I go to I go to I just happen to go to Stronghold Baptist Church and I love Pastor Burton. He's a great pastor. But one of the things I love about you know new IFP pastors is that there's so many different flavors. You know you got Pastor Jimenez. You know you got Pastor Mejia. You got Pastor Fritz and of course lots of lots of more pastors. And that's kind of what this pastor in Mississippi. You know he's just a different guy. But you know if he's right on the gospel. That's all that really matters. And I thought that was a great interview. I'm really glad that you guys had him on there. I did want to you know I thought of a show suggestion because you mentioned a few minutes ago that you know you guys are kind of just doing this out of necessity. Paul you said you're doing it out of necessity. You know one thing that I'd really love to find out is like Pastor Mejia. He's got a doctor in this church and she was recommending like vitamin D and some other supplements. But one of the problems is you know as a normal person I know that not all over the counter supplements have good bioavailability. Right. A lot of them just pass right through you. And so I thought what a good idea would be you know and I don't know if this would be for Dr. Judy or maybe if you guys could get that that doctor from Pastor Mejia's church on there. Yeah that's the one we're talking about. We're going to actually have her on a Monday. Dr. Mejia. Tune in Monday. Yeah tune in Monday. What's your name brother. Christopher. Christopher Beauvais. And the reason I say that is because you know I even went to my own doctor. My doctor's like hey you know what you need some vitamin D. I'm like all right. Well there's like a bunch of vitamin D. Which one? He's like well just vitamin D. I'm like well how much? He's like five thousand international units. And then I look it up and I'm like I don't know if that's right. I guess what I'm saying is it'd be great if we could actually get some like practical recommendations like hey if you go to Walgreens or CVS this is a good brand to get. This is a good dose to get. Yeah Paul why don't you start selling vitamin D Paul. Yeah well yeah we'll keep that in mind when we talk to her on Monday and we'll ask her some specifics. I don't know if you'll remember that right Dustin. Yeah well somebody will remind us in the chat. The vitamin D question. Yeah it's a good question. Yeah why don't you just remind us actually. The caller should just remind us. Christopher I'll just write vitamin D on this piece of paper that will end up in the stack. Yeah but I don't think it's that big of a deal. Just take vitamin D. Just get some good vitamin D. Go to your local Sprouts get some good vitamin D and ask the lady hey how much should I take every day and just take some vitamin D. I don't think you have to put too much thought into it honestly. Yeah and she's gonna be like. Well I agree with you but it does get a little confusing. Like I said I get you know there's lots of different doses. There's different types of vitamin D. Do you guys mind if I jump back to yesterday's show topic about the pandemic. Yeah. Talk to us man. Yeah go ahead. OK I'm going to tell you right now. I am so sick and tired of the coronavirus. I don't even know what. I'm you know I go in my grocery stores. There's stupid arrows all over the floors. Like I'm driving down the street now. Oh it's amazing. I don't even wear the stupid mask. I refuse to wear the mask. Yeah me too. I don't think I don't think it's a good idea. I mean I haven't clinically proven this in a trial. But there's no way I'm breathing good air when I've got a mask on my face or a handkerchief or a T-shirt or whatever they're recommending to put on my face. Well what's funny is I'm actually trying to follow the arrows. I'm not trying to fight the business. This is their rule. I'll try to follow their rules. And what's hilarious is everyone with the mask they're not even following the arrows. They're totally walking right in. So I'm really fed up with this whole thing. You got to hold it together though man. You cannot you can't crack under the pressure Christopher. I can see I can feel it in your voice. You're like. Hey I've got an answer for you. Somebody is telling us in the chat now people are going back and forth it's going to be pandemonium. So D3 passed or Dr. Rita suggests vitamin D3 five hundred or five thousand. I don't know if that's international units or milligrams just five thousand of them. Yeah let's not think about it too much. Yeah so vitamin D3. Yeah it's funny like you see people driving down the road and they're just like they've got their mask down around their neck and then they put it back up. It's just they don't even follow. They don't even follow the protocol. Look every time they take that mask off they should throw it away. It should never be reused. They should decontaminate before they get in their car. Yeah. Were you talking to me Dustin about that that how people are showing different types of masks and blowing a spray bottle through it. And like like nine out of 10 masks the spray would just like continue through the mask. It's like what do they even do. No one even has the right mask on and the right mask that they're supposed to have. They're saying not to buy it and they're sold out everywhere and that you should leave it to the health professionals. You know it's like what. Well that's just you know even you're OK. Let's assume that this like one thing we do know viruses are microscopic and there's no mask on the market that's filtering microscopic organisms. This is why people that work in viral labs have complete suits on and they've got a separate oxygen system outside of the lab. Yeah. But we talked to Dr. Judy and she said she would be in the same room with a bunch of viruses anyway and not even wear a mask because it wasn't that type of problem. Well this is my episode. I just thought I'd give up. You know I live about 50 percent of the people they wear a mask. The other 50 percent just don't wear a mask. They don't seem to care. I live in Georgia North Carolina. I'm kind of on the border from a little bit of everywhere but as far as I am concerned I'm sick and tired. I'm I'm done kind of being polite about this for the past couple of days when I go to the grocery store to buy food for my family or whatever I'm walking around there like I own the place. Yeah. Do it. And if anyone says anything to me I'm just one here. You are. You know if you're scared to go shopping then go home. Yeah. But the thing is you're kind of you're in a situation where you're just going to you're just going to trigger people. It's like it's social shaming man. Yeah. You're just going to be like yeah it's just going to trigger people. And I know what you mean but there it's just it's somehow it's like punching the tar baby. You guys know what that means. No no one knows what that means. Did you ever see. OK. So did you ever. OK. So there's this character called Briar Rabbit. OK. Is this a. Well hold on is this another Dustin story. Yeah I'm gonna give you someone give you a story everybody. So Briar Rabbit if I can spell it. All right buckle up people. So Briar Rabbit is this rabbit like Brer Rabbit. OK. And so here's a picture of him with the tar baby. OK so he's just driving. He's walking down the street and he comes across this character called the tar baby. And what happens is it's like a trap. OK. So he's going. This is great. He's going he says hello to this tar baby. Now it's a trap because the Briar Fox and Briar Bear are trying to catch him. So he's like hey how you doing. And he doesn't say anything back. And then he's like hey I'm waiting for you to say something to me. I'm waiting for you to say something. So then he starts getting all mad just like Christopher at the store because it's not six feet apart. No I'm kidding Christopher. But then what's he going to do. He's going to go and he's going to give him. He's going to say hey listen I've had enough of you. And then he. OK let's get to the good part. He punches him right in the face. All right. I'm not saying Christopher is going to do that but it's just like it's a trap. That's the thing. The whole thing's a trap. And now he's stuck engaged with this thing. Have you not seen this. This is like this is this is a you need to learn how to live your life by these principles. So what's he do. He tries to get loose he punches him with the other hand. OK. All right. So he's just totally stuck. You got to get stuck in the park. He's just totally stuck. Right. And then you know the next thing you know he's just he's they got him. You know you got. OK. This is a good story. You know. So there you go. So I get I'm not good. I'm not getting stuck. This is all premeditated. Yeah I think so. I'm actually go out in public. I'm more calmer about it. I kind of have a plan on how to deal with it. But you know what the funny you know it's not funny but it's true. But this is the great thing about it is that because I'm saved right. Because I don't have the spirit of fear I have the spirit of power. You know I was telling my whole family this. I said look at us. You know people are literally imprisoning themselves under house arrest by volunteer submission right. And because of that we're not. Me and my family aren't. And we're living free. You know there's freedom and salvation there's freedom in being a child of God. And you know we're living free. And in fact Dustin I've heard you talk about it you know everywhere you drive. It's great because you're free. Everyone else is imprisoning themselves. But because they don't have the spirit of fear we get it during this particular pandemic or whatever this thing is going on here. I'm kind of enjoying it because the fact is I'm not a prisoner and I'm not in fear. And that's kind of boldness I take when I walk to the grocery stores and honestly the way I kind of approach people and the way I kind of walk it's almost like they kind of move out of my way. They're like oh this guy is like not moving. He doesn't look like he's over with any of these social ordinances. He's going around like just saying hi I'm Chris. Nice to meet you. I'm Chris. Hi. Nice to meet you. Put your hand out for handshakes. People are like panicking everyone. They're hitting the deck. So you know my wife. Look I'm the store manager. Oh yeah. But the store manager you know he wouldn't be the manager if he wasn't doing his social. I walk between two people like that. I was so close between them today. There's a guy standing here and a guy standing here and I had to kind of go between them and I just said hey I'm just going to do it. I'm just going to walk right between you see people. They weren't even practicing social distancing and I just divided their their faulty social distancing into. And so you know my wife called me today and she was kind of annoyed because she went to Costco with the kids and the lady said hey next time you can only have one kid per card member. That's going to go well. Wow. Yeah that's ridiculous. Like why don't you have enough parents for these kids. Like what do you have. What he's got a psych. How does that work. You got to leave him in the car. Yeah but you can bring your dog. You know everyone's fine with this because it's you know it's quarantine. You know we have to do this. It's ridiculous. Hopefully it'll hopefully lighten up. I mean we just heard about what's happened in Texas is. Oh so somebody's somebody's prodding Pastor me here to call in. That's not going to happen guys. Don't even even trying to get can't even use reverse psychology and even call me back. Yeah. He's probably got a question about editing. Yeah. So if you're just joining us today we started this show. We showed you a video of a Greenville Mississippi pastor Pastor Charles Hamilton Junior who you may have seen on social media. There he is right there. And he is a Hiles Anderson College graduate. This y'all going out there. Taking it to the police officers letting them know who's who's ground he's on this police officer and look at this y'all that guy's on fire man in that video. I love that video. Yeah I could just listen to that video all day. You know I want to get it back on his pastor Stacey Shiflett. I like that guy. Yeah yeah. But on another note because the way he said y'all. So yeah so we spoke with him he gave us a good 20 30 minutes. I don't know how long we were on the line with him and he was able to just just share his experience and what's been happening down there. They said that you cannot have church service even in the parking lot even if you're practicing social distancing by staying in your car. And he said I'm not going to obey that ordinance and so the police came and now he's having he's he's having church service in his in the cars. I don't know how he's doing it. It's kind of an interesting I meant to ask that question is he said something about them having radios or something. So is there some kind of transmitter that you can do like at the drive in. Yeah I think Pastor Anderson was actually considering that at one point doing like a like a drive in theater style. Yeah but the parking unfortunately parking lots cannot conducive. Yeah. It's just it's not deep it's just good. It's not deep at all. And you can't space the cars because it's pretty much fills up every Sunday. I am. I am. You know the one thing Pastor Hamilton said and I'll say this and then I'll let you guys go. But okay. You know I'm really excited for you know just like you know kind of you know I'm just ready for churches to just get back in right now. Our church hasn't been meeting now for several weeks and you know it has an effect. It has an effect. You know I love the online sermon. I have listened to you know lots of different pastors online but it's not the same. It's not the same as congregating as the body of Christ and coming together and singing and going out solely together. That is a different experience. And you know Sundays are because of the congregation. It is my favorite day of the week. And you know it's a great day. And so I just can't wait for I know I think there will be a watershed moment for many pastors who have decided to follow this. I'm in no way disagree with any of the pastors decisions but they're just like all of us. You know more importantly they're not like all of us in the fact that they're ordained. And you know I believe that they're all praying to God and they're seeking his guidance and counsel. But I do think that there is going to be a watershed moment where there are you know pastors one just like Patrick. You know where they're just going to say you know what enough is enough. Enough is enough. You know what we're going to we're going to assemble and meet not because of the Constitution but because of the commandments of God. And I believe that's what they all believe. But I am looking forward to that day and I'm hoping that when we come out because like Pastor Hamilton said this coronavirus this isn't going anywhere. And even though I'm not going to wear the mask and even though states are going to start opening up like Georgia starting tomorrow this is going to remain social. I have no doubt that the world has changed forever because of this event. It's never going to go back. This is like 9-11 right. People are never going to go back. People are going to start wearing masks all the time. And this isn't going to be the last time local New Testament churches are going to face this kind of trial where what are we going to do. What are you know. Yeah. And I encourage everyone real quick if you're listening out there. Thanks for calling in Christopher we're going to open the lineup for Pastor Mejia to call in. Yeah. And if you're listening out there and you haven't seen my short film that I made Coronavirus A Brave New World I really encourage you to check it out share it on your social media and get that that video out there because that video is the truth and it shows the end game. You know people mock it but not that many people. Most people are not buying into this bogus virus and this virus is just. Check out this video guys check out that video that I made that in the description. Yeah I just did put it in the description for later too. So if somebody is watching they can if they're watching on a replay. OK so is my phone line hot down here. Yeah it should be. I mean let's see if it. Let's see if you got it. Go ahead and mute it. All right. Who are you calling. Nobody particular. What's up pastor. How are you doing. You're live on framing the world. Not much. Nothing happened. You kind of bored. You just figured you tune in to see what we're doing. Yeah I heard you guys talking smack on the on the live stream so I decided to call in. How did you hear if you weren't listening. I said I was listening. Oh OK. Yeah yeah. That was totally us talking smack. You heard right. Yeah yeah. Paul what are you talking about. I didn't call you back. I called you back. You didn't call me back. Well I don't have a phone. You have to email me. You didn't hear about that. Yeah I got rid of my phone. I don't know if you heard that. Oh no no no. I think I skyped you is what I did. And then you never skyped back. See this is the little cat and mouse game pastor me and I've been on is I I message him on Facebook. I send him email after email and he never responds to me. Well because I don't know if it's like a bot. You know I mean I know you have like a bot emailing people. The old bot excuse. Those emails don't really sound very sincere. I only answer emails that come from real people. Not from real bots and stuff you know. Oh I see. Because you're really nice on those emails you know. So I don't know if it's really you. Yeah. And that's why I thought it was a bot. Yeah. Yeah. So you guys are you guys. I heard I heard that one of your guys called in yesterday. It was just one of your guys called in. I guess. Yeah we had it. We had it like around 10 for a couple of weeks. But as I observe everything that's going on here in Los Angeles and how things are going I just decided on Sunday that whoever wants to come can come. So we haven't really had any problems. I mean when we first did the attendance going down when we had the attendance go down to 10. Literally that day someone had called the police on us and it was some some guy who came to our church the week before and he was like a troublemaker and and the police told us that he had called and he was in the service. He said he knew how many people were there and all these things. And so but the police are actually really gracious. They weren't confrontational at all. They're actually very apologetic. They even came to the church building and they just said hey we're just doing our job but they weren't shutting it down or anything. And I told them well I was already planning on going down to about 10 and said but it's not going to probably be like that for a couple of services because a lot of people don't know. So we're going to have a good amount of people still coming for the next couple. You know you guys are worshiping God. You guys are doing God's work. And so I don't want to interrupt that. And that was pretty much it. So he was pretty he was very kind and gracious about it and almost embarrassed to even come to the church to talk to me about it. But since then I mean everything's been going pretty much normal in El Monte. Everyone is out on the bow. People are in the parks forgetting to wear their masks. Are you in Los Angeles County. Yeah it's considered Los Angeles County. OK. Isn't that the place that was San Jose the place where they were really in one of the earlier videos we played out where they were just pretty much there. They're really they're going hard. Yes San Diego actually. I know like Riverside County like like mandatory mask any essential worker. It's mandatory masks here too. I mean like as far as I work. Let me close this real quick. As far as masks or work is concerned or even if you're out and about you're supposed to wear a mask but no one really does. I mean I don't wear a mask unless I have to go unless I go into a store that won't permit me to go in. Unless I have one and even then I think like on Sunday we went to go get pizza for everyone and I went to the pizza place. I just put the mask over my ear and I walked in and there's workers there that had a mask. Some didn't. They're not really taking it serious. So it's not as it's not as bad here. And there's police officers here that some have masks some don't. But you don't really see a whole lot of you'll see your random people where they're just in the car and they have their masks on with gloves and they have the windows rolled up and you know but that's not not not a whole lot. Yeah I am. I was talking to a friend I was talking to Peter and he had to go to the store and he was trying to buy something at the gas station and the guy is like he wouldn't give him any service if he didn't have his mask. He was like I think he was coming up maybe he was inside but he's like I don't have a mask but I think I would just carry this is my thought. I would just carry like the dirtiest beat up mask with like no the elastics are broken and I would just go if anybody says anything I would just kind of just pull it up and go OK how's this. And then when they went away I would just put it back down and put it in my pocket I would just I would just carry it around and they'd be like where's your mask. I'm like oh whoops I've got my mask can I get you know can I get a pack of gum and they buy a cool and as soon as they give me the gun I just take the mask off and that's as that's as far as I think I'm willing to go. I don't know but it's all imaginary. I don't have to deal with it because here in Arizona I'm free. Yeah I'm free too. Even I'm in California I'm still free. Right. Yeah. So I mean it's hard to tell who's doing it for social distancing for coronavirus because you got to get people here who wear bandanas all the time you know. So it's kind of like a normal thing out here. So you don't know if it's because they're part of a gang or because they're scared of the coronavirus or both. You know that's the thing too isn't that kind of interesting like you could totally rob a place. You know that's funny I was actually thinking that the other day because I was in a store and some some some guys came in and they were looking kind of rough around the edges but they had the masks on and I was thinking to myself man actually these guys should probably rob this place. Because they have hoods on. They have masks on. You can only see their eyes. And I thought to myself that's actually an opportunity for people who want to rob stores or whatever it is to to get away with it and you know have masks on. No one even will bat an eye at it. And that's part of the conspiracy that that some people are saying that our leaders aren't really caring about us and it's not about everybody's well-being or well I guess if like the ends can justify the means like you can say that and you're like OK well a lot of bad things are happening but in the end we're going to have defeated we're going to have defeated the virus and we save the most lives that way. And so therefore when we get to that point it would all have been worth it. But some people you know they say they're saying hey well they're letting people out of prison you know because they don't want these you know people who I don't I don't know what maybe they're just some drunk drivers or maybe they're just the people who got caught with some weed or they they didn't pay their child support or whatever they put people in jail for. But they're letting people out of jail. Yeah it's like OK and what about this other factor where people are now just you know they can be all day suspicious and they're wearing masks and we're just supposed to like somehow not. We're just supposed to get used to it. You know I mean it's just like a natural type of thing. Have you heard about them letting people out of jail. I think L.A. was probably one of the first places to do it wasn't it. Yeah. And I think obviously that it's just it's all conditioning and the rulers of darkness of this world just kind of taking advantage of this. I think they're responsible for it but that's besides the point whether they're responsible for it or not. I think that they're taking advantage of it to implement and impose some of their fear tactics and trying to change our way of living and make it normal. So I can definitely see that with the masks. Yeah. I you know it goes almost back to the beginning when this first thing happened is a lot of people were saying how Rahm Emanuel was it was quoted as saying you can't let a good disaster go to waste crisis. Right. So yeah. So I think a lot of these guys are just rubbing their hands together just thinking like this is exactly right up our alley. We know what to do with this. And it seems like. Yeah. Yeah. As soon as they. Yeah. It's just like a kid like or a dog. Let's just leave kids because like like the dog as soon as you leave you like your plate on the on the on the table and you leave the room the dogs like yeah this is my chance. You know this is totally this is it. This is like an open door and then they come in you're like oh no it's all over the place. And so so they are they are dogs. So like they just have the opportunity and this is their chance and I see them taking that and moving forward and I feel like they're going to they're going to push it as far as they can. Even like did you see the part where we talk to to Pastor Hamilton. No I didn't see that I didn't get to see that I only saw the video like a little bit of the video but I didn't see I didn't hear the whole interview. So are you familiar with had you seen that video already. I saw it on this show but I saw it towards like the latter end of it. OK. Well he just went out there and just said hey you know and the pastors the police officers were saying hey you know sometimes you can lose your constitutional right. Like when the when the military basically dictates it he's like you can't lose your rights. You know you can't lose your constitutional rights. And I know that constitutional rights do not come from the Constitution they come from God and we do have our freedom to practice our religion and our religion also includes dying for our religion so we can practice our religion all the way up to the point of where they kill us for it or go to jail for it. So you know I don't think I think we can continue to practice our religion in any situation. You know it's like we'll always have the opportunity to practice our religion which is faith in Jesus Christ and in the resurrection. Right. So I think it's a challenge for I think it's going to be a challenge for them to try to suppress even sometimes the most ignorant people who don't know about their rights simply because as Americans we're born free. That's all we've ever known. We only know how to be free. We have liberty. That's all you know you think of other countries that are communistic and everything and they're used to their government from the times that they're born telling them what to do. But here we're well we've always been free. And so you know you already have people getting antsy even with what's going on and I'm not saying that what's going on is the minimal amount but it is minimal in comparison to for example when the new world order. Comes into play and that's established and people are already kind of getting antsy and they're getting agitated because we're free you know. So it's something that's not normal to us or someone to. I mean I remember the day when they when they put the shelter in place. I mean that the next day I was on about and there's people around about and they weren't taking it serious and you know they were just kind of dude life just went on as usual business as usual. And so I think that's just because people are used to being free. Now again there's ignorant people out there that obviously they're they're probably going to give up their rights faster than others. But I think in general you know people already have it in them that they are already free whether they express that verbally or whatever you know they know that they're free. And so it's hard to get for the government to try to suppress the people when they already know that they already have that in the back of their mind. They've already they're born into that society. Yeah but a lot of people don't see it. So it's kind of a split of the people like ourselves you know because you know it's like when somebody if you're someone in an apartment complex and they're like you can't be here. It's just like you know like yeah you're not talking to the right person. I'm not the one that you're that's those words don't work on me. You have you have no power over me right. You do a little Jedi mind trick wave and you're like you know and then you keep going about doing what you're doing until the police come right. And then you still don't believe that they're there to stop you because you don't believe you believe you're here on higher authority. So like when they so but there's other people you know they're just willing to you know just don the mask and put on the gloves and and just right away. And that comes back to like for me. I'm not afraid of the virus. I'm not afraid that of something I can't see you know. And I don't see like I'm not you know I'm not seeing any evidence of death. I hear reports and rumors and I and I know people who have people who who say that they know somebody that's got it but you know I'm kind of have conditioned myself to not like flinch or to. Unless I see something kind of notable and so I haven't seen any direct evidence that I'm in danger of any particular virus so I don't my my you know I'm like in the hair on the back of my neck standing up so it's not an issue in Arizona. I mean no one's really getting it here. But what do you say. Yeah. Yeah. Well you guys got like I mean the inferno going on over there right. I mean isn't the weather exactly. Yeah exactly. Oh yeah. That's what Mr. Anderson even told me he said even if it if it does get bad over here the hot weather is going to kill it over here because we're in Arizona. So you guys don't really have anything to worry about. I don't think any Christian has anything to worry about. Even even if things begin to go south and it just looks worse and worse you know so be it. I mean for us as Christians I don't think we ever have anything to worry. Be careful for nothing. But in all things by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and the peace of God that passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds to Jesus Christ our Lord. Peace doesn't stem from our you know our constitutional rights. It doesn't stem from you know what decision Trump makes or what decree goes out that stems from our relationship with God and our you know us praying unto the Lord and having the peace of God that passeth understanding. You know he will keep me in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me. So you know for I understand why people would be panicking if they're not saved or even if they are saved but they're backslid and they're not in the word of God and I'm serving the Lord they're involved in sin. Yeah they got a lot to worry about you know but someone who's a Christian who's serving the Lord you know they don't have anything to worry about even if it does go south. You know what's the what's the worst that can happen to you if this thing goes south. Let's say you do get the virus and you die from it. Well for me to live is Christ and to die is gain to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord. So any outcome is a good outcome for us as long as we're serving God. You know and so I mean on a practical level even if myself if I were to get the virus or my family were to get the virus. I still want to worry just because we're young and I feel like my body's robust and it's healthy and you know I think it can overcome it. But obviously not everyone has that mentality and there's people who are worried out there. And I think you had mentioned the division even within our movement. You know people have differences of opinion but I think it's OK. Obviously it's OK to have the differences of opinion. I just I just think when people get in the flesh and they start attacking other people because of those differences. You know that's wrong. You know I even have people in my church who have criticized me on both ends. Some people think I'm too strict. Other people think I'm not strict enough. But there's others who have a difference of opinion with me. And you know what. They they're still walking with God. They're serving the Lord. They're having a good attitude about it. They're having a good disposition about it. You know and obviously you can basically you can filter in and see who are the people who are walking with the Lord who are those who are reading the Bible and who are focusing on Christ. You know I think that's important. You know I would hope that those who are complaining about not going to church that they would be drawn to the Lord during this time reading more Bible and memorizing more scripture. But you know so I'm not saying you know these things are not important and making sure we have our rights. I believe that and and exercising our rights. I mean here in Los Angeles we're still we're not supposed to meet. You know as far as like having more than 10 people but we're filtering in more people each service now. And I just in my opinion I'm discerning that I think now is a good time to start doing that and bringing people back in. And so you know if the police come and they say something about it then you know I'll give them my spiel and I'll explain to them but I don't think that's going to happen. I think God's going to give us favor. You know he gave us favor the first time. He's given us favor since then. And I think we'll be just fine. I mean it's on the kingdom of God and his righteousness. That's what I think. Are you guys doing your regular soul winning times is everything. I mean maybe maybe not everybody's out there for one reason or another but do you. Are you guys your regular scheduled soul winning happening. Yeah I mean when we had initially began the attendance at 10 we were still doing the soul winning. I think we we had postponed it for about maybe two weeks or so. But we went back to regular schedule the last couple of services. So that's the one. But obviously there's people who don't go. You know what I mean. And I want to put it out there that you know there's people out there who don't agree with people going to church and you know you don't think that this that I'm making the right decision or any pastor is making the right decision. Just keep your mouth shut about it. You know I just you know you don't have to opinionate on everything and criticize every single decision if you feel like you need to stay home and stay home and don't criticize those who do go to church and you do go so when you know pray for them. Pray for them right. Pray for them. I've learned in any situation you can always improve your patience. So no matter what like this is always an opportunity to practice patience. Yeah. And then with patients with other people because not everybody is in the same place not everybody sees the same thing. Not everybody's got the same job on this earth. And yeah so you know I find that usually when I have issues like that is that I'm not being patient with people. And so right. You know if I was right then I guess my I can just have all the patience because because in the right in the end I'll have been right and I just have to wait for them to understand that right. As opposed to trying to force somebody to change their mind before it makes sense to them before they see the whole picture. And if I'm wrong if I wait then maybe I won't be a jerk and I'll save myself some face and with my friend right. So we should be patient with both groups whether they're if they were if they're right or wrong. You know if your pastor is wrong then I think they merit you know patience that you know he's not infallible. He makes mistakes and you know you're going to make mistakes and we're all going to make mistakes. But you're right. I mean like a situation like this obviously true because this is true. This is a time of tribulation but it works with patience. And you know but I feel like a lot of people not taking advantage of that. They're actually their patience is wearing thin right with people and situations. And unfortunately you know like I was thinking to myself when all this started like man you know I think a lot of us are going to come out better Christians because of this. Like it's going to help a lot of people. But I hate to say it I've seen like the worst amount of people. And I feel like maybe some people when they come back to church if they do come back they're going to come back more carnal and impatient and more critical or something you know because they didn't they didn't know the time of their visitation so to speak where they could have. You know spend time reading the Word of God praying and just being better Christians. Well we've got Pastor McMurtry who's been patient on the line so fast over here. Thank you very much for taking our call and for letting us prod you and to take taking some time out of your evening. Yeah I'm getting on the phone with us real quick. That's the only way to get all those a call. Hey Paul. Yeah he was my phone number. That's why he picked up. Yeah. Yeah. Paul I'm expecting your phone call. OK. Or your Skype. Skype. Yeah. Yeah. I have to be Skype. Yeah. Please do. This week please. This week. I still need an answer to that question that I gave you. OK. So whenever you have a chance. I know you're busy but. All right. You can make some time. All right. Maybe you can make some time to answer the 50 emails you didn't respond to. All right you guys. Your email or the bot. Rebuke not an elder. OK. I'm just joking with you. I'm just joking with you. All right Pastor I'll call you later this week. All right. All right. God bless you. Nice talking with you Pastor. Talk to you next time. So that was Pastor Bruce Mejia at First Works Baptist Church in El Monte California. So I want you guys if you're not subscribed to his channel to go ahead and subscribe there I just dropped that there in the chat and Pastor Mejia is an awesome preacher. You'd really love. He's got great wisdom. You'd really love his preaching. I love the way he breaks down breaks down the Bible and he's going through the Revelation series right now. And if you're in Los Angeles if you need a church they're open on Sunday nights I guess they're still on Thursday nights also so Sunday night Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings are their services there. Check them out there on YouTube. First Works Baptist Church. And we also have with us another friend of ours Pastor Tommy McMurtry in Rock Falls Illinois Pastor McMurtry. How are you doing. Doing great. What's going on over there. All same old same old over here. Happy anniversary. Thank you. Thank you very much. But yeah I've been in the show. I really enjoyed listening to Pastor Hamilton and I just love what he had to say. I love what he did over there. And I just wanted to call in because I noticed in the live chat you know you had everybody wanting to immediately convert this guy to the post trip doctrine. And let me just say I got rather aggravated by that. And listen all you I'm so new I have B people. I love you all very much. But you guys have got a clue. All right. Yeah. I mean that guy he's a solid preacher he's right in the gospel he's got a King James Bible. He's taken a great stand during a tough time and you just immediately go to the whole post trip thing and ask him what he thinks of Pastor Anderson. You know who cares. You know there's you can do a great work for the Lord and not give a rip about any of our crowd and be wrong in the post read. Stop doing that. All right. You're making us look bad. And I just want to say too that a lot of these old IFB crowd is proving that they can handle tribulation right now. They're proving they're not going to bow the knee to the image. They're taking strong stands right now. And I've been very I am very refreshed at what I'm seeing with many people in the old IFB. Yeah I would agree with that too. And you know it makes it makes it look bad if we attack him for not believing in the post trip. I mean good night. Yeah I mean who cares. I just you know what what matters is how how are they going to respond to tribulation. And just like Pastor Mejia was saying there at the end you know he's wondering about some of these people they're going to come back to his church. Are they going to come back at all. Are they going to come back better. And the thing with a lot of these people that are in this movement you know they haven't done anything for six months straight. And you know they want to straighten out all these people that have been faithfully serving the Lord for years and years and years. And you know at least with those folks while they might be offering some things we know you're going to get from them. I was just listening to one of my favorite old IFB preachers someone I've looked up to for years and followed his ministry for years and years and years. The guy's been faithfully serving the Lord for years and I found out he's in the process of writing a book right now on the pre-trib rapture. And you know what that's fine you know that's fine I'll read I'm anxious to read it you know I'm sure I'll be able to completely dismantle it and you know show where he's wrong. But even if I do that he's still a good guy he's still doing a great work for the Lord. And I just want to say to you know before you guys you know these people get all hard on the old IFB because you know they're wrong in the tribulation. So not only are they handling the tribulation very well right now I think in many cases but there's some stuff coming up. And I still have contacts in the old IFB and there's some stuff going on where I think it's about to get really interesting and I am very pleased with what is happening. And they've got a fire lit under them right now and something I've been praying for for a long time with the old IFB movement is I've been praying for movement. And you know what they've gotten shaken up and we're starting to see some things and so let's let's be supportive right now. And when we hear about a preacher that's doing a good thing that's taking a strong stand you know let's not go picking apart his doctrinal statement and looking to see how many new IFB isms he's got going for him. You know let's just support these people that are doing the right thing. In fact I'm in the process right now of contacting other churches in my area of other religions and things just encouraging them to just open their doors. You know because it's just time for everybody to go back to church and even if they're wrong on some religious things you know right now this is kind of an American battle that's going on. And you know there's there's people out here in my community that are doing the right thing and taking strong stands. And so I'm going to I'm going to support them where they're doing right you know and I'll if if the time is right and if it's necessary I'll let people know where they're wrong too. But you know I was just a little irritated when I saw some of that and I just felt led to just say something about it and tell everyone. But what about the dispensationalist do you feel the same way about them. You know I'll put up with the dispensationalist right now. You know my dad you know my dad's a pastor. Something he used to say all the time is you know if he was fighting in a war you know and he was fighting against the whoever. China or whatever. You know that guy that's next to him in that American uniform shooting at his enemies. He's not going to look over to him and find out hey you know what religion are you know. Right now we're fighting back. He's going to be worried about the battle he's fighting right then. And he doesn't care if it's a Catholic next to him Methodist or something else. So you know there's a battle that's going on right now. It is it's an American thing. And boy if we're going to really be taken apart. Other fun King James Stolen Baptist. You know good night. We're not going to get anything right. You kind of are you are you kind of like get the phone in your in your like on your shoulder and you're kind of doing something. No I my phone. It only works on speaker phone so it might sound a little weird. OK guys you kind of yeah kind of like kind of a little muffled. Oh no my phone's messed up in an iPhone. No it's an Android. OK because like iPhones sometimes like towards the end of their life they get like where you need them on speaker you need like a Bluetooth or something. So you know I've thought about this. This is something I've pondered. These are thoughts that I've had. Where. You know there's good saved Christians they've got their their soul winning. They're right on the gospel. They believe the King James Version of the Bible. But you know you just can't talk him out of worshipping the Jews or you just can't get them away from the pre-trib. You know and I'm sure that we don't have everything right ourselves right. So whatever it might be. And but God knows you know and that's the funny thing is God is like showing everybody he's giving each person a different measure and giving different people different things. And so we've got to trust God and what he's doing because he can see it from a different angle. And so somehow like even pastors who may disagree with what they're doing with their churches whether it's you know. Let's just this is the time to lock and load some of them might be and some of them might be like you know what. You know we're just going to ride this thing out until until everything just makes sense to do it otherwise right. I'm just going to hold fast with this last decision until the next decision is clear. So we can't really question what God is doing with because I believe God can use all of these pastors and all of these Christians. Whose eyes see different things and somehow like God's I think towards the end it's going to make sense that we're going to see his glory in it. Because there's people God's use him they've got the Holy Spirit. I don't know why they they still think the Jews are God's chosen people. But you know. Or why they are well God's given to everyone every one of us a matter a measure of grace. And so while you know the old IFB they don't have as many of their of their facts correct. As the new IFB does. Well you know what. They don't have as many idiots I think half the time because we've got a lot of just you know knuckleheads that they learn a few facts that they're you know that they learn because they're capable of repeating something that they heard from another preacher. And you know your spirit stinks. So at the end of the day too you know knowledge puff it up and you're going to get all puffed up with knowledge because you learned a few things from listening to the past. And you're going to go around just using that information that's accurate to just condemn everybody else. But you know you better remember that God resists the proud and give grace to the humble. You know and so when the tough times really do come and when things get difficult. God's going to give his grace to those who are gracious and he's going to he's going to be with those who are humble he's going to he's going to help them out and strengthen them during those times and those of you that got all your facts correct. And you know you know how to straighten everybody else out but you're full of pride and puffed up. God's not helping you out. So when the tough time comes you're going to flop out guaranteed you're going to flop out and you know there's people that are in this movement you know that listen a lot of preaching. I'm just I'm just telling you all right now you're not in it you're not going to be in it for the long haul and you all better learn to start showing some grace with folks. Because you will you will be on the wayside and these pre-trib Zionist pastors are going to still be serving the Lord through the tribulation and at his return while you're going to be found in need of the image of the beast. So that's as nice as I can say that. Yeah I mean in the end you know we'll both be you know looking up because our redemption is nigh. So we'll be at the same place you know they might just be looking up all the way through and might not be seeing some of the things that are right in front of their noses that we might be you know. Well I'm confident I'm confident that when it all goes down and it might not be for another hundred years when it all goes down you know those that are right with the Lord and that are saved they're going to figure it out. You know when Jesus comes back they're all going to be post-trib the way I look at it you know might not you know they might not be there right now. But I do think there's going to be a lot of people with a post-trib position who's good at repeating facts that we're going to be I think we'll watch them take the mark before the pre-tribbers if you ask me. Yeah because in the end it's it's the faith that God is pleased with. So I think there's going to be a lot of people who are just going to force gump it all the way through the tribulation you know. I used as an example I mean I don't know if everybody's seen that movie but the guy just had dumb luck after one thing after the next and he just you know and he was the most simple person when it came to all of the big picture. But he just totally made his way through life and I think that we can all you know there's going to be people who do that. There's totally going to be people who threw the whole thing they're just going to be like I don't even know how I made it all this whole thing. Yeah that's what I call it you know. Have you seen that movie Paul. Yeah a long time ago. Do I need to pull up a clip. No no no. Well pastor like listen we're going to we're going to play I don't know how much how much time we have left on our show. I think we're wrapping it up here. So yeah so we're going to play this pastors Bible Bible Way to Heaven presentation. We'll play that at the end. It's like twenty three minutes long. So he go he is I don't know if he gets the eternal security but I think he he he hits all of it. Yeah you'll like it. I think you'll like his preaching. It's a good it says Black Greenville Mississippi preacher M.S. Right so Mississippi preacher preach the gospel in the church today. So he's at the church before he's going to go out and do his in the car service before it rain it's raining though so you'll follow what happens. He gives a good. Yeah and so and you you've been corrected here Pastor McMurtry is that no save Christian will take the mark Safari Sam remind you to know. Well well no I I absolutely agree with that. I just think a lot of these fact repeaters though they haven't got anything on the inside. Not saying that with everybody that's running their mouth but you know there there's a lot of people that know how to repeat the facts back. And I don't think any say people will but I think there's a lot of new I have beers that we all thought were saved and turned out not to be. Yeah they're going to force gump it. They're going to get right to the end and God's going to spare them. They're like what huh. I want to take the mark. Right because it is basically God's luck them through the whole the whole way. So all right. Thank you so much Pastor for calling in. Yes sir. Thanks for doing these shows. All right great. Have a good day. You too. All right. All right guys again I want to say thank you so much to our house. If you don't know who that is you should definitely go check them out. We'll post a link in the chat there. Our house is a sponsor of this video. She does great family videos and homeschooling videos. So if you want to learn more about homeschooling that is a channel to check out our house. So we'll put that link in the chat. And also we're going to be having Pastor Jimenez on the program on Thursday. So this Thursday that'll probably be the next stream. I don't think we're going to have one tomorrow. But this Thursday we're going to have Pastor Jimenez and his wife on the show. And we're going to be talking about their new kids book The Adventures of Herb Meyer. So I really appreciate everyone tuning into the stream. It was awesome that that pastor was awesome. It was awesome to listen to. I'm really glad that we got him on and that he gave us some time. And that was just a really great guy. I encourage you guys to go get these new books that we got in the store. This one right here is Archaic Words in the King James. And this is by Lawrence Vance. It's a fantastic book. It basically lists out all the archaic words in the King James. And gives you definitions and it's just a great resource to have. And also we have The Making of the King James Bible. These are all brand new in the store. We used to have them but they were out of stock for a long time. This is another great book. And then we have King James, his Bibles, and his translators. And we're going to be giving all of these books to Pastor... What's his name? Hamilton. We're going to be giving all of these books to Pastor Hamilton in like a gift basket. What Bible would Jesus use? Yeah. And just go to his Facebook page and make sure you just let him know you're supporting him. Just tell him you're praying for him. Yeah. Shoot him an email. Say thank you. Send him a gift if you can. That would be a real encouragement. I mean he's really taking a stand for this. And you know he's gotten a lot of followers. I think this is a great sign for people who take a stand. I mean you're going to get some blowback but you're also going to get a lot more followers and a lot more supporters over it as well. Right. So what are we doing with this Paul? Are we doing any giveaway or are we just giving it to the pastor? No. We just give it to the pastor. Okay. That's good. Usually we'll do a giveaway but if you guys want to take your... We're going to be doing a ton of giveaways on Thursday's show. So make sure you tune in to Thursday's show. We're going to be doing a bunch of giveaways then. But thank you guys for supporting us on Patreon. You guys make this show possible. If that stops we won't be able to continue doing this show. So basically your donations and Patreon support is the way we are able to do this show. And every dollar that comes in we put it back into the show. And we're trying to make it better. We're trying to get better every time. And it's slowly getting better but we still have a lot of work to do. Alright. So let's take it out. We're just going to play this video to the end. And this is going to be some preaching from our new friend, brother in Christ, Pastor Charles Hamilton Jr. from King James Bible Baptist Church. And this is a 20 minute video guys. So just enjoy. Just enjoy hanging out in the chat and just thank you guys so much for tuning in to the stream. We really appreciate it. And make sure to hit the like button on the video. Guys make sure to thumbs up this. Make sure to share these videos. Make sure to share my little short film I did, Coronavirus A Brave New World. It's a great little short film. I really hope a lot of people get to see it. And so thank you guys for your support. Uh, do you have the sound up? Oh, sorry. Oh, good night. I've got it plugged in. Alright, it says it's connected to Airplay. It's clocking away. The time's going. Alright. Are you, are you, are you muted on the iPad? No, it's unmuted. What in the world is going on? Alright, you just keep playing with that and then. It says it's connected to Airplay. I don't even know what that means. Yeah, maybe pull it up on your other computer. Alright. Alright guys, so again Thursday's show is going to have Pastor Jimenez and his wife. So stay tuned for that show. It's going to be a great show. And make sure you go support us on Patreon guys. It's only a dollar a day. It only takes you a few minutes. You can cancel anytime. It's not a commitment that's crazy, just a dollar a month. Not a dollar a day. I don't know why I always say that. A dollar a month and you can support us over there. And you know if a lot of, if all the listeners would actually go out and do that. You know, we could really do a lot over here. So I appreciate everyone's support that has taken the five minutes out of their time to sign up. I really hope the rest of you do that. Try this now. It's the same line that was on the phone with Pastor Mejia. You got it? Oh, you know what? It was. There wasn't any sound in the first bit. It's just him straightening out his tie. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. Was that it the whole time? Yeah. Well this works great. Alright guys, God bless. Sorry. Sorry. King James Bible Baptist Church is pouring down. Turn around. It's pouring down. Turn it up. Raining here in Greenville. We've been praying that the Lord will hold back the rain and the thunder and the lightning. We're praying for that this morning. I'm inside the building and I'm talking to the safe folks out there that know the Lord. We still got about 20 minutes left before the service starts. So we're praying that God will hold back. This is rain and we're thankful for this Easter Sunday here in Greenville, Mississippi at King James Bible Baptist Church. Thank God that today we're able to celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, that he died on the cross for our sins. And he died on the cross for the sins of the whole world. And he died that you and I can have salvation. Salvation is found in Jesus Christ. It's not found in baptism. It's not found in church membership. It's not found in keeping the Ten Commandments and trying to be the best person you can. Salvation is not based on how many times you go to church a week, how many times you pray. Salvation is found in a person called Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He died on the cross for us almost 2,000 years ago. He died not just so he could be a good example. He died because you and I are sinners. And we have a sin debt we need to pay. And so Jesus Christ knew that if we pay our own sin debt, we'll die and go to hell. So God loved us. He didn't want to see nobody die and go to hell, so he sent his son Jesus Christ to die. So a lot of us know the story that he died on the cross. He was buried. He rose again. And so the Bible gives us an opportunity not just to believe what he did, but to receive what he did. And on March 17, 2002, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I grew up believing in Jesus. I grew up believing that he died on the cross. I grew up believing that he was buried and rose again. I believed that, but I never personally received the Lord Jesus Christ. As I say, it's different between believing in something and receiving something. And so you can believe that I'm going to give you $100. But until you reach your hand out and receive that $100, that $100 will mean anything. And so it's a promise that I give it to you, but that promise ain't nothing for me personally if I don't receive it. The Bible says, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, whosoever. So therefore you have to call. So the gift is available. The Bible says, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So the gift been paid for. Jesus paid the price on the cross of Calvary. He died on the cross for our sins. And so Jesus Christ had paid the sin debt. Now it's up to us to receive him as our Savior. And so the Bible tells us that, That thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead. Thou shall be saved. Works does not save nobody. You can do all the works you want to. The thief on the cross, think about this. The thief on the cross was on the cross with Jesus and another thief. And the thief began to say, Hey man, I know my sin. He told the other thief, Man, we are rightfully getting judged for our sins. But this man, Jesus, haven't done anything. And one of the thief said, Hey, remember me and thy kingdom. And Jesus said, Today thou will be with me in paradise. And so that thief didn't get baptized. He never joined a church. He never did any good works. Listen to me now. He never got baptized. He never gave to the church. He never kept the Ten Commandments. He died. What I'm saying is salvation is found in a person, not in a place. Salvation is found in a person, not in any type of works. It's found in the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm in the church building. We got people outside. I'm going to show you out there in a little bit. I'm in the church building right now. There's thunder and lightning and all that type of stuff. It's pouring down, raining out there. But Jesus Christ saves, though. So that's what people understand. Christ is the Savior. A lot of people, they're religious. They've been baptized. They do religious rituals. They do religious service. They practice religious duties on Sundays. And they believe because of that, they're going to heaven. Salvation is found in Jesus. The Bible is saying from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth and to him that love us and wash us from our sins in his own blood. So that your sins cannot be washed away outside of the blood of Jesus Christ. Listen to me now. You can come to church here in Greenville. You can go to any church in the United States. You can go to every church on every block, every Sunday, every Wednesday. And you still won't go to heaven. You can do all that and still die and go to heaven. It's people in the choir. It's people on the deacon board. It's people on the mother board. It's people that raise up in church. They ushers and greeters and sound system. They in the choir. They do their Sunday school teachers. They involved in the church activity. They church treasurers. They the pastor secretary. And they believe because all of that, what they involved in, the religious activity they in, that they will be saved. No, no, no, no. You cannot get saved by religious works. The Bible said, for by grace are you saved through faith, that not of yourself it is a gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. Salvation is found in Jesus. That's what the resurrection means. Salvation means that the Bible said this. The Bible tells us this. For I deliver unto you first of all that which I also receive, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. The resurrection of Christ is real and he the savior. And the Bible tells us when Jesus died on the cross, he was buried and rose again. Over 500 people seen him. Above 500 people seen Jesus Christ after he rose again. So listen to me now. Because of the resurrection of Christ, I can be saved. Listen to me. I believe in being a good person. I believe in living a good life. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I don't party. I don't curse. Listen to me now. I'm not involved in sin and I'm not involved in the stuff of the world, but that don't mean I'm saved. I'm not saved because I do good works. I'm not saved because I'm better than my neighbor or I sin less than my coworkers or I do more things for God than anybody else. I'm saved because on March 17, 2002, I asked the Lord to forgive me. I repented towards God and I asked Jesus Christ to save me. So I'm saved today not because I'm a pastor, not because I don't drink no more, not because I do good deeds, not because I'm a better person, not because I done took up my cross and followed Jesus, not because I try to live right, treat people right. I'm saved because of what I did. I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible says, Thou shall be saved. Some of y'all out there today, you trust in who you are. You trust in your good works. You trust in what you're doing. You trust in who you are. Your marriage will stick is your coworkers. Your marriage will stick is your family. You feel like I ain't as bad as him or I ain't as bad as them or I don't do that or I don't go here. So I know I'm a good person. Anybody gonna get to heaven will be me. So you believe in that because you better than me or you live a better life than your neighbor or you don't see as much as you should that you saved. No, salvation is found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Bible said these things have I written to you that you believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. The Bible tell us he that have the Son have life, he that have not the Son of God have not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Listen to me now, the Bible, you gotta have the Son. Who's the Son? The Son of Jesus Christ. The Bible said for God so loved the world that he gave his own begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him. You gotta go back to the antecedent, the person Jesus Christ. Whosoever believeth on him should not perish, go to hell, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son to the world to condemn the world, but the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Listen to me, Jesus Christ is the answer. He's the savior of the world. And so listen, I want to encourage y'all. Yes, we have a server day, but we're gonna talk about that here a little bit. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He's the savior of the world. He came to save you. He came to save us. And the only way you can have eternal life, the only way you can have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ with God is through Jesus Christ. And I want to encourage y'all today, if you've never been saved, you've never been born again, you never trust Christ as a savior, you never repent towards God and put your faith in Jesus Christ because today is a good day to get saved. What you mean, pastor, to get saved? What all that means? The word saved actually means to be delivered. For instance, if I was drowning and you were driving by and you came by to try to save me from drowning, I mean, you saved me from parish and you saved me from death. And the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the savior and that means he can save you from your sins because your sins about to take you to hell. You about to die and go to hell as a sinner because the only sin God would not forgive you for people say, well, he won't forgive you for committing suicide. It's people in hell today that never commit suicide but they went to hell. So suicide is not the sin God will forgive you for. The only sin that God will forgive a person for is they reject the Lord Jesus Christ as savior. What I mean by reject? What I mean about that, you believe on Jesus but you never received him. So you reject him. He's like, well, I never received Christ but I never reject him. Think about your background. Are y'all women? So today you need to be saved by the grace of God. You know you're a sinner. You know you have sinned against God. Think about all the lies you've been told. Think about all the fun occasions you've been committed. Think about all the duds you've been committed. Think about all the lusts you've been committed. Think about all the lies you've been told. Think about how you disobeyed your parents coming up. Think about all the mischievous thoughts and bad thoughts that you had in your heart, in your mind. Think about that. So you might not have a lot of outward sins and you might not have a lot of public sin that I can see but inside of that dirty heart, inside of that black heart, inside of that wicked heart, and people say, Pastor Hammond, I got a good heart. No, no, no. The Bible say that the heart is wicked above all. Who can know it? Your heart is deceitful. Don't trust your heart. The Bible say out of the bundle of heart, the mouth speak. The Bible say inside of man heart is lust, funication, murder, lasciviness. Okay, listen to me now. So don't trust your heart because your heart is wicked so you don't have a good heart. Nobody have a good heart. That's why God tell us that he don't have to come and give. Once you get saved, he take away your stony heart and give you a new heart because the heart you have now is wicked. And so you might be saying, Pastor, I never murdered nobody. Well, the Bible said that if you commit one sin, you broke one of God's law, you're guilty of all of them. That's James chapter two and verse 10. So if you have committed one sin in your life, you are guilty of all of them. So in God's eyes, you're a liar, thief, murderer, you're a dulcimer, funicator, murderer, so you think you can stand before God. Listen now, if you think you can stand before God as a murderer, as a sinful person, you broke one of them. Imagine you only committed one sin. We ain't talking about all the sins you committed but think about the one sin you committed. God said based on that, listen to me now, based on you being guilty of one sin, you're guilty of all the sins. So imagine standing before God as a wicked sinner, as a funicator, as a dulcimer, as a liar, as a person that have sinned against God. Imagine standing before almighty God that's holy and that's holy and pure and righteous and never sinned. You think you can impress God with your good deeds. You think you can impress God because you got baptized. You think you can impress God because you go to church. You think you can impress God because your religious riches, the Bible said that our righteousness are as filthy rags. And so your righteous, my righteous in God's eyes is filthy rags. I like to use the illustration. Imagine you had $10 million and I told you I had $10,000. You wouldn't be impressed. You got $10 million and that's how a lot of people are. They say, well, I'm a good person. You think you can impress God with that? God never sinned. God never lied. He never sinned. So you think God impressed with your few good deeds. Your good deeds don't impress God. Your good deeds don't. And can I earn you favor with God? Listen, the Bible tells us this. Listen to me now. The Bible tells us this, God would take away our sins and give us his righteousness. Are y'all with me now? God would take away your sins. The Bible said he have made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we may be made the righteous of God in him. So God would take away your sins, not just take away your sins and give you sin, but he would give you his righteousness. So if you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, God no longer look at you as a sinner. He look at you as his son. So therefore now because you've been saved, he see you, he see Jesus inside of you. So therefore in order for you to be right with God, you got to have Jesus Christ as your savior. So I'm right with God, not because I'm at church this morning. I'm not right with God because I preach. I'm not right with God because of my religious activity. And I'm not right with God because I go street preaching. I travel the country preaching. I do good deeds. I'm right with God because on March 17, 2002, I repented towards God and I asked Jesus Christ to save me based on that God took away my sins, gave me his righteousness. I've been saved. I'm his child all because I realized I was a sinner doomed to hell because I sinned against God, but because of Jesus that he died on the cross and was buried and rose again. Today I say I'm saved, amen. Yes, I've been baptized, but baptism don't wash away sin, Jesus does. Listen, baptism don't wash away sin, only Jesus wash away sins. All right, y'all, we're about to get ready to get off here because we still don't have service. We got people in the parking lot. Man, y'all help us, man. It's storming too bad out there. Pouring down rain and so we're gonna have to find out a way how we're gonna do this today, but you need to be saved. That's my point, you need to be saved today. If you've never been saved, if you've never, listen to me, I'm about to close with this, you've never been saved, you're about to get saved because you died without Jesus. You think this coronavirus is deadly, imagine dying and going to hell without Jesus. Then one day standing before God at the great white throne just because the Bible says appointed for man wants to die you're gonna stand before God. And the Bible saying after this the judgment, that means you're gonna have to stand before God for all them sins you committed. You're gonna have to stand before God for being a crack rejecter. You're gonna stand before God for all the lies you told, all the fun occasions you committed, all the duds you committed, all the drinking you did, all the lustful thoughts you had, all the bad words you used, and you have to stand before God as a lost and filthy sinner. If I was you, I would trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I would give you a heart and ask the Lord to save me. And today is the day of salvation. Today is the day to get saved. Not tomorrow, not next week. It's not coincident that you don't lie today. It's not coincident you watch this if you've never been saved. Today is the day to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior. The Bible said if you should confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus shall believe in our heart that God has raised you from the dead. Then you shall be saved. If you've never been saved before, I don't like leading people to words you and to ask the Lord to save you. Now if you don't realize you're a sinner, if you don't realize you're doomed, if you don't realize that you lost and you understand you lost, if you don't understand you lost you can't be saved. Well how can you get saved if you don't understand how lost you are? If you don't realize you sinful, that you dirty and you filthy in the eyes of God, that your sins have caused you to be separated from God. If you don't understand that you can't be saved, if you think well I know I'm a sinner but everybody's sinner. No we ain't talking about everybody. I know I'm a sinner but nobody's perfect. We ain't talking about that. We're talking about you realize that you are sinful person. That, listen to me, that you have, that you are sinful person, that you need to be saved, that you ain't right with God. We ain't talking about how bad your neighbor are, well how good you, that you better than know. We're talking about how sinful you are. If you don't realize how sinful you are you can't be saved. You might be saying well I got a good job. I live in a nice neighborhood. Listen to me now, you might be saying well I live in a good, I got a good job. I drive nice cars and I'm educated and I'm very professional. See I got, I live in a gated community. I'm good Pastor Hamilton. I don't need Jesus cause I'm okay. See Pastor I don't need Jesus cause I ain't bad. Look at me, I must be doing something good. Look at my house. Look at my car. Look at my job. Look at my keys. Look at the neighborhood I live in. Well I might, I must be doing something good because I'm so blessed. Well God, the Bible says the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance. So God's being good to you so he can lead thee to repentance and realize that God is good, that you are sinner even though you don't deserve his goodness, even though you don't deserve his grace, even though you don't deserve his favor, but you are lost and you need to be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and you can be saved. Anybody. It might be a thug. It might be a good person. It doesn't matter if you go, if you're a dope smoker, you're a lesbian, a homosexual, or you're a crackhead, or you're a whore monger, a dodger, a fornication, a drunker. Listen to me. You can be saved. It doesn't matter if you're a professional person. It doesn't matter where you're from. As a matter of fact, where you've been. It doesn't matter what neighborhood you grew up in. It doesn't matter what situation you're in right now. God can save you by his grace because he's a expert in saving sinners and we all sinners so he's an expert of saving sinners. Amen. He can save any sinner. The preacher of the cross revealed that the grace of God can save any sinner and so today if you've never been saved, get saved right now. Come to the cross. Come to Christ. Come to the light. Come to your broken and contrite spirit that I need to be saved by the grace of God. Listen to me. I got people out here waiting. I got to go out and tell them something. So Jesus saved y'all. So today if you've never been saved, right now you can ask the Lord to save you right now. Right now I got to get off this live. I'll be back live here in a little bit because we're about to have our service here but I'll be back live. I just want to a little point my heart to give a clear plan of salvation right now to be saved. Right now if you want to be saved, you know you're lost. You understand that Jesus died on the cross. He was buried and rose again. That he's the Savior. You ain't trusting in the preacher. You ain't trusting the baptism. You ain't trusting your good works. You ain't trusting who you are. You ain't trusting what you're doing. You're not gonna say well I'm gonna ask the Lord to save me. They're gonna help me get closer to heaven. Jesus is not something you add to your life to help you get to heaven. Asking Jesus to save you is not another part of getting you to heaven. No, Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man come to the Father but by me. And so Jesus is not one of the person you need or one of the things you need to get saved. He's the only person you need to be saved. And right now you can be saved. The Bible said God command all men everywhere to repent. God said he ain't one of the innocent parents but all come to repentance. For the grace of God to bring us salvation have appeared to all men. God wants you to be saved today. So if you've never been saved and you said pastor Hamilton I like to be saved. I know I'm gonna do this. I like for people to ask the Lord to save themselves. I like for people to ask the Lord to save them but since you're on watching me live I like to lead you. And these words don't say Jesus saved. These words don't say the Bible says who shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. The words don't save you. How you say it don't save you. It's what you believe in that's saved. That's the Lord Jesus Christ. If you would like to be saved I ask you to say something like this. Say dear Lord I believe in my sin because I believe that you died on the cross and you was buried and broken and I believe you the only way to heaven is through you Jesus. I ask you to save me from my sin and forgive me for all the sin I have committed against thee Lord Jesus. Save me Lord Jesus right now. I believe that you can save me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. I'd like to get off the phone. If you ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you I'd like to hear from you. You can inbox me and let me know say pastor Hamilton I just got saved. If you just got saved you can post on this page and say pastor I asked Jesus Christ to save me and I'm not ashamed to let you know that I got saved. I'm not ashamed to let nobody know. If you just ask the Lord to save you the Bible says you have eternal life. You cannot once you ask the Lord to save you the Bible says you are sealed to the dead of redemption. If you've been saved let me know. Inbox me on Facebook or say something. I'd like to reach out to you and give you more information on how to be saved and so I'm about to get to the service here. Let people know what's going on but if you got saved please inbox me and let me know that you got saved so we can help you grow in your faith. We can help you grow in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. And so we thank you for listening but we're about to get ready to have our service. I just be fair led to let y'all know that cousin Tasha I see you asking about the cash. You can go to kingjamesbiblebaptist.com. My cousin Tasha Williams we don't want to know how she can give. Tasha you can go to kingjamesbiblebaptist.com and we have a online giving on our website. You'll see a donate button and you can go and donate. So I know that's your second time asking me cousin and so but yeah you can go on kingjamesbiblebaptistchurch.com and give cousin Tasha Williams. Thank y'all. If you got saved please inbox me. I want to know that you got saved. I want to know that you accept Christ. I want to give you some good biblical information and we want to let you help you grow your faith and help you to take the next step. Thank y'all. We're about to get ready to have church service. No that wasn't church service. That's a plan of salvation before church. God bless you. Have a great day.