(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And we're back with What's Hailing America where our answer today is The Great Calling and I love that title with my special guest, co-producer of the documentary by that name Chris Maple and I just have to state Chris, you were saying in regards to the waking up process that the mercury and autism thing started making you think. Mercury has nothing to do with autism. Mercury and aluminum cause Alzheimer's. Mercury is certainly a neurotoxic. autism is demyelination due to an autoimmune attack on the brain and we discussed that in my interview so I just want to state that that may have been what started your brain wondering about these things but certainly you've learned that that's a distraction and that's one of the problems that we have. There's so many disinformers out there. They're setting people down the wrong path and that's why it's very hard to be in a position as you're in to really come up with a documentary that's waking people up and trying to bring people of conscience together cause it's the people of conscience of course that are going to go up against the predators and make them crawl under the rock like the cockroaches that they are. In regards to the chemtrails, I want to get to The Great Calling DVD documentary soon but in regards to the chemtrails, I just want to ask you if you've had the same experience that I've had, that's the one thing that I'll often bring up when I'm out and about especially if I'm at a store in the parking lot and you see the tic-tac-toe boards above your head and I'll get in a conversation with somebody and I'll just ask them, what is that in the sky? What are those tic-tac-toe boards or whatever they look like at the time and what I'm amazed at is how many people won't look up. They won't even look up. Are you encountering that situation? We are, yeah, and you do and it's a lot to take to try to jam that down somebody's throat that, look, this isn't just exhaust from commercial aircraft, this is a deliberate campaign that's going on obviously and it's pretty clear once you're just yourself, you don't really need to be a scientist to notice the inconsistencies on a daily basis. Here we are in Los Angeles, we're on a line in the sky today. I mean, yesterday the sky was littered with them. I do some contrails today and again, people do need to know the difference, what is a contrail as you mentioned and that's my starting point, my basis to the science. Why as you mentioned, the contrails dissipate at the same speed that the nose of the plane is moving through the sky. The tail is always the same length, it never shuts off. How many pilots at 40,000 feet are cutting their engines and just coasting? That doesn't happen, they're at full throttle. That's where the condensation is coming from, the heat from the engines at those altitudes. The picture of this, you step outside on a cold day. I'm from Boston so now winter is pretty chilly, you step outside, you see your breath when you breathe. It doesn't linger and hang around, it dissipates into the surrounding air around you. Same science. When I explain that to people, they go, oh yeah, that's true. I say, do you see your breath just lingering around? No, you don't. One thing that's kind of opened me up a little bit, as I mentioned, inconsistencies with the chemtrails. I remember five years ago when I first started looking up Dr. Carley, and these things would go from one end of the horizon all the way to the other, just a dead straight line, no variations, no breaks. And then over the years, I noticed that there were seasons, they weren't spray during certain times of the year. Like we would have a three to four month period where nothing, not a single line in the sky. And what I began to notice is that when they came back after the break, no longer did they go from one end of the horizon to the other. They now came back with a new delivery system where they would, it would be a line, it would shut off, turn it back on for a little spot, a little puff, another line, shut off, on off, on off, on off. So now here you have this contrail shut turning on and off, or supposedly a contrail, because that's what they say it is, but how can that be when in the same sky, you will see a true contrail on the same flight path as the chemtrail? Now the contrail, as I mentioned, the true contrail never shuts off, it never varies. How could it, as you said, right. Well, how could it? And then there's another thing, you see a lot of these, these chemtrail planes, Dr. Parley, doing lazy s's, big guys, and they'll get out to the horizon, and then they'll start turning and banking, some of these guys are doing circles. Now ask yourself this question, when are you on a commercial flight, and when do you bank at 40,000 feet like that? You do not. You bank when you come down for approach, or when you're taking off from the airport. And at those elevations, you can't scientifically, you know, physically produce a contrail, you're not up high enough. So who's up there blowing through gas? Ask yourself that question, you know. Right. Um, let me ask you this, Chris, have you gotten any response from all those traitors in the district of criminals that stated, you know, on camera that they were going to quote unquote check into it? Have you gotten any response from those minions? Well, you know, and it's something I do want to clear up, because The Great Calling, yes, my co-producer Paul Wittenberger directed and produced and edited The What in the World Will They Spring. The Great Calling is not a sequel, it all never was intended to be, we're looking at a, you know, we're looking at a broader spectrum here, we're not just focusing on what's going on in here, we want to know, we're looking at our three major components for survival here. Here, yes, being definitely a necessity for survival, but water as well. In addition to that, we're looking at the food, and in the food segment, we're going to, you know, have that, we're going to take a close look at the vaccination. So I just want to sort of, sort of for the record, state that this is not, you know, we've got a little heat from that, that this is a sequel, it is not, never, never, you know, was marketed as a sequel. But it is a follow-up, you know, it's, you know, we're kind of looking at the air, the chemistry of it, and taking it another step further, because once we were through with What in the World, or when Paul was, I should say, I kind of worked with him on the edit behind the scenes and that sort of thing, you know, we both looked at each other and said, wow, when we figured out what these ingredients are, again, you know, and there's where there's a lot of speculation that comes into play, because most folks say, well, how can you prove what's on the ground came from those planes? And that's the big missing link to this whole puzzle. And so, to answer your question, as far as, you know, Congress and, you know, whether or not they got back to Michael Murphy, or regarding, you know, What in the World Have They Strang, not much has come up. So, you know, and to be honest, you know, personally, I don't think half of the people, you know, over there even really aware of what's going on. I mean, it's so compartmentalized, you know, and that's the thing that's so secretive. Nobody knows. It's just following the chains of command, and, you know, it works, you know, plausible deniability. It's just, and then knowledge going on. So yeah, and you mentioned that the name of our film, too, and I'm glad that you like it, because we have been getting quite a bit of heat from it lately. Oh, yes. I want to talk about that, because I have a very strong opinion on the people that have a problem with, you know, the facts that are right in their face. Okay, there's the music again. Please hold on. We'll be back after these messages and callers. Please hold on. I'll get to you as soon as I can. We'll be right back. Stay tuned. And we're back with What's Hailing America, where our answer today is The Great Culling with my special guest, Chris Mapple, co-producer of the documentary of that name. And when you first contacted me, Chris, and told me not only that you were doing this documentary but the name, it was like a moment in my life I was like so excited. Finally, somebody gets it, because I've been talking about vaccinations as weapons of mass destruction causing an epidemic of genocide for years. And when I announced last week that you were going to be on the show, somebody had sent me a link to the website, The Truth Denied, Breaking News with Michael Murphy. And I was totally shocked to see the number of people, Rosalind Peterson, Michael Murphy, Roxie Lopez, people that are basically saying that they don't want to be associated with the film because of the name, because they don't want to be involved in fear mongering. Caller please mute your phone, caller please mute your phone. We can hear everything going on and it's interrupting the show. So I was shocked, Chris, at all the people that are afraid to be associated with a documentary that actually states it like it is. We're talking genocide and it's shocking to me, and actually I don't know if you've checked out the comments that are on that site, but the fourth comment by Alex Hunter, who is a loyal listener to this show, he basically calls these people soft activists. They don't want to stick their necks out too much. And I could not agree with that more. The whole conspiracy theory term was created by the predators to basically discredit anyone who tells the truth. Of course, they're not theories, they're realities. Well, theories are basically plans carried out behind the scenes and they're not telling us that they're killing us. But these are realities. I've been researching this stuff for 15 years and it must be such a, I don't know, bummer for you, that these people don't have the backbone to be involved with a documentary that actually states it like it is. Yeah, I can't agree with you more. I mean, that's, you know, that was a blow to us, you know, and, you know, Rosalyn Peterson, she's done tremendous work, you know, she's a great, great woman. We, you know, we've met with her. She, we called her up from when we first got involved in this. And, you know, as you know, she'd be, you know, she's the head of the coalition, I believe, excuse me, California Skywatch and that sort of thing. So she's had her hands in on this and, you know, her whole philosophy and, you know, she's really focused on, you know, the contamination, definitely that are going on environmentally, like she'll talk about the fish, the animals, the, you know, the agriculture, how everything's depleting and, and, you know, when we, when we approached her, we, we had mentioned that, you know, what, what our film was about, the basis we're looking at heavy metal contamination, the effects it's having, yes, on the environment, but more importantly, you know, what we want to focus on is, all right, we're all aware of what, how it's impacting the environment, what's it doing to us, you know, and, and as I was stating before the last break, you know, it was at the end of what in the world, but we started getting all these lab results with the strontium, the aluminum, the bariums, all these metallics and we looked at each other and said, here it is again, metals, you know, as you look into, you know, fluoride and, you know, byproduct of the aluminum industry, as well as the phosphate mining industry, you know, and again, it's, it's, you know, some form of metallic, you know, byproducts, again, the food, you know, we have, you know, GMO food containing, you know, levels of mercury chloride in the food as well. So that's, was the light bulb for Paul and I, because it was, my whole focus was the, the vaccine, you know, excuse me, the rise in neurology, this works, you know, with autism and, and you have Alzheimer's on the rise as well. And I'm kind of getting off track a little bit, but, um, with back to Rob, when we approached all this, two versions, couldn't agree more. He has a right on the money. I'd love to talk about it. Let's talk about it. At that time, we hadn't had our title yet. Of the film. Now we have a complete sign release, you know, legally everything good. Um, once we came out with the title, she immediately contacted us and was upset and, which we understood, you know, but that was really the only potent thing of, you know, we're not just fair modeling, this film is going to be about solutions, what to do, we're just exposing the evidence, the science that is out there, um, and, uh, you know, to see everybody, Michael Murphy kind of jumped on that, you know, there are some. I really am not at liberty to really get into, um, right now, uh, you know, there's, there are some legal issues that we're trying to iron out right now. Yeah. Ours, uh, yeah. Yeah. She's threatening to hire a land shark. Yeah. Well, I will completely, let me just tell you, Doc, probably because, you know, it was extremely deflating. Um, and you know, I'm not a filmmaker. Um, Paul is, he's amazing at what he does. He's so talented. Um, I am just a regular guy who has had enough, you know, it was, you know, the vaccinations when I learned about the vaccination courts and the vaccination injury act and the timeline between that, it was a small thing. It was just enough for me to be like, that's it, man. They're coming after kids now, like I'm not, that's what got me off the couch. Dr. Parley, that look, and I know it would be tough. I knew there would be resistance. I knew I had put my face out there and, but you know what? But you know what? I never expected the resistance would come from within our own community. You know, and yes, Michael Murphy right now. I have to, I have to comment on a couple of things cause I'm jumping on a chair here. First of all, that, that term fear mongering, I love that term fear mongering. I I've been dealing with this for 15 years. Um, you know, there's many names for people like us who tell the truth. People who say they're killing you. Okay. And that's all of a sudden called fear mongering. What's up with that? That is so insane to begin with. But one of the things that I loved, uh, in the comments section of this, uh, Michael Murphy site, uh, site was biologist Frank Frank Francis Mangels who said, I am convinced it is simple stupidity and ignorance in the, in the all out corporate drive for profit above everything. Simple stupidity. I mean, give me a break. What a coward. You know what, we are releasing Francis Mangels. Um, and it's only because, you know, he's on, you know, with Rosalind, they're, they're great companions. They, you know, they kind of follow one another and we, unfortunately he gave us a verbal confirmation. He knew what the title of the film was when we interviewed him, but because the Roswell doesn't like it now, he doesn't want to be a part of it. And when I spoke with him the other day, and I will say this as we are releasing it, um, he said, Chris, you're right on, I just, it's just that title. I don't want that. I said, doc, I said, Francis, you, you knew the title. When we interviewed you, you gave me a confirmation. We could have it. You said we could use it and it's not that he's saying it's a great calling. All we want is the science. And I said to him, so you're willing to, you know, to not give your science and all your research to us so that we can, you know, put all this evidence together and show the public. So because you have an opinion about a title, it shouldn't, you shouldn't withhold your science from the public. But at any rate, here we are, you know, and that thing kind of diffused itself. All right. And Joe, we weren't going to battle publicly. We weren't going to make statements. We didn't, you know, we know we have signed releases. We're legally, you know, in check and they can't touch us. You know what, Dr. Charlie gave us a little bit more publicity in a few weeks. We didn't, you know, we weren't even going to mention anything. And we are, we, you know, and actually, you know, we got a few extra donations and people liked it and, and it all kind of fizzled out on its own. And most people, you know, when you do look at the evidence, it is what it is. I don't know what else to tell you, but you're exactly right. If you're going on, this is not by mistake. Michael Murphy's making a film. Why in the world are they spraying right now? He didn't, you know, he's piggybacking off of what in the world? That's great. That's his thing. Paul wants him to have it. Michael's film is looking at climate control and there's money to be made, you know, in the stock market. And don't get me wrong, this, these come true about tied in with weather modification and, you know, and again, they're going to tell us it's for your own good, a global warming. We're trying to cool the planet. When we know that these, the planet's 20% dimmer, um, everybody's vitamin D nutrition. It's actually keeps the planet up because it's having the exact opposite effect that you would think. I mean, now I figured this out. I'm not a scientist. No, you have common sense. You have common sense. Yes. Okay. Um, well, we're going to another break. Um, after we get back from the break, um, I just want to make a couple of comments and I hope you can stay with us for a little while longer. Uh, please hold for callers. I'll get to you shortly. We'll be right back. Stay tuned. This is a very important show. Okay. What's Italy America? Our answer today is a great calling with the co-producer of the documentary by that name, Chris Maples. Um, and I just want to suggest to you, Chris, perhaps you should ask for a spinal X-ray of your contributors before you allow them to be involved to make sure they have a backbone. Okay. I'm very glad I'm very, you know, I'm very sarcastic. What can I say? Um, I'm very glad you brought up that subject of weather modification because when I mentioned you were going to be on the show last week, somebody had sent me an email that you appeared on Alex Jones and you denied that chemtrails were being used for weather modification. Now there's many layers to everything they do. Um, it's not just one thing. Um, but you just stated before the break that weather modification is part of it. And I didn't have time to listen to the Alex Jones show. Um, did you in fact say that on Alex Jones, that it's not weather modification? I believe what I said, and that's something that Michael Murphy hopped all over and I'm glad you brought it up because this bring a little clarification. I said, personally, I don't think it's all about weather modification. I don't think, I think there's something more to it. I think, yes, there's money to be made along the way. There's no doubt whether modification is a part of it. We, I mean, it's evident at what's been going on, I believe, uh, personally what, you know, the hop systems that works in conjunction, you need the particles up there, we're aware of that. Um, we have all these crazy weather patterns have been going on as a pet over the past few years, and it's just getting more damped up and I completely agree whether modification, there is no doubt that escape place in addition to that, when they're going to come forward and say, yes, you know, as Francis Mango said, they're, they're talking about doing it, but you know, they, they say that, you know, they have it on the drawing board, but the evidence is clear that it's been, these programs are in, have been in effect and have been ongoing for quite some time. And in the end, as you know, like they always do, they're going to tell us this is for your own good, just like the vaccinations. Well, guess what folks, we need to cool this planet because of, um, global warming, but yet, you know, I don't, there's a, there's a whole movie right there. I mean, let's look at, you know, what's going on with the climatologists, you know, and as far as how they all disagree, not all, I mean, I know you have, you have mainstream guys and you have, you know, other, other climatologists out there that will say, no, this isn't, this isn't a global warming. This planet has been going through these, these warm periods and cold cycles. These little hiccups has nothing to do with the, you know, the number of people on this planet affecting the planet. And that's another issue right, right there, Dr. This whole idea of all the population and, you know, these carbon taxes and they're going to start taxing the world globally. Um, you know, on us breathing, it has nothing to do with industry and, you know, in this corporation, dumping oil in the oceans and forcing us to these EPA standards that were set in the sixties with, you know, miles per gallon in cars and the electric car has been killed, you know, over the centuries, three different times and all these suppressed technologies that we find out about Nikolai Tesla, free energy. I mean, on and on and on and on and on and on. We are not the problem. The corporations are the problem. Yes. Well, and I, I have to comment on what you just said, cause it's so important. Um, basically a, they're spraying us. We have become the insects. Okay. That's self-evident. And B, um, this whole, um, global warming due to carbon. Let, let's think about that. Okay. So who expels carbon? Uh, all mammals, including humans. So basically they're telling us that the humans gotta be getting rid of, and what are they doing in the meantime? They're, they're causing massive deforestation, um, eradicating millions and millions of acres of forest. What did the forest do? The opposite of what the mammals do. They take in the carbon photosynthesis and they make oxygen. Give me a friggin break. It's so obvious as to the corruption and fraud involved in this, but we have so many people lined up to talk to you. Um, I, I want to just ask you, cause you had emailed me that there's going to be, um, a slight delay, which I was extremely disappointed in, but I know you got your hands full, especially now that the land sharks are being called in. Um, do you have any, uh, estimate as to when, um, the great calling will be ready for distribution? Release? Yes. Um, that's a good question. You know, right now, unfortunately, you know, what little funding we do have and you know, you know, to do these things properly and have the quality that, you know, Paul desires and I agree as well. It's not, this isn't to be a little thing. It's going to be posted on YouTube, which is, you know, we want it everywhere. He just, you know, wants quality for big screen, that sort of thing. It costs money. Um, this film, just to complete it, we need to raise at least another 30,000, um, $30,000. You know, everything's been coming out of pocket. We have had some, some, uh, contributors and funding partners that have helped us out along the way, just enough to, uh, I might go on air in a minute. So, okay. Caller, please mute your phone. Uh, we can hear you. I'll bring you on the air when I can. Okay. Please give out your website, Paul, uh, Chris, and, um, and I encourage people to donate and help this happen. It's gotta happen. Well, with that, you know, you know, here we are, we have now have a few legal battles, so we're now the past few weeks, so Chris has been talking with attorneys and, you know, and this was just unexpected and financially it set us back a little but, um, you know, the films still weren't working on the final edit right now. Um, so we're anticipating April, you know, spring. Okay. Excellent. Well, don't let anything stop you because you are the first, uh, you and Paul are the first to actually state it like it is. Well, I've been saying it for 15 years, but I mean, in terms of a local viral thing, that's basically going to tell people they're killing you. Yes. It's a hard message you hear. We don't want to know it. We'd rather just, you know, live our lives and, and suffer and die and pretend that it's not being done intentionally. But the good news is, as you mentioned, Tesla, there are natural solutions for everything. And once the predators have been exposed and either, you know, get in their shuttle and go to Mars or crawl under the rocks from once they come, I don't care what they do, um, once they are basically, uh, put out of power, uh, through whatever means has to be done, then the people of conscience that have the solutions can step forward and say, okay, this is what we do. I mean, it's so simple when you actually overstand the big picture and realize that everything bad is being done on purpose, everything. And that's why I'm so excited about the global pedophilia thing being, um, revealed at this time, because once people realize that these monsters are also mostly pedophiles, maybe that will push them to the next level. I don't know, but, um, all of this is well put, well put. I was just looking at, uh, something that somebody had forwarded me about the CDC. Um, you know, I don't even open this can of worms, but, uh, you're right about the pedophile stuff. It's just, it's frightening. I mean, and, and, you know, the audience, you know, again, I'm not an expert. I'm just trying to, you know, find out some truth and trying to spread awareness. You know, it's, and everybody, you know, I have folks come up to me and say, well, what can one man do? What can I do? Well, all you can do, my advice to these people, you don't have to get up on your soapbox and stay on the corner or go make a film with Paul and I, or make a little blog page or, or just for your own personal, um, for yourself, for your family. Like, uh, find out the truth, the facts that you have to have the coverage first to take those blinders off. And once you do, when you start looking into this stuff, it gets, it may be frightening at first, but let me tell you, you're going to feel so lifted and uplifted and enlightened knowing this knowledge. And now once you have this truth, Dr. Carley, as you know, now you can make the appropriate decisions to counter it. Correct? You can clean up your water. You can stop using fluoride toothpaste. You can, you know, get rid of the plastics in your house, get rid of the poisons, get rid of the toxins, minimize your exposure. That's all we're asking. Stop getting vaccinated. Be healthy. Yeah, right. Stop getting vaccinated. Right, exactly. And see, this is what I view as one of the most important messages is that it's all being done on purpose. All the bad things that are happening are being done on purpose. So all we have to do to make this an anti-health is to stop the people who are doing the bad things on purpose. It's so easy. It's very obvious, actually, and it costs nothing. Don't put fluoride in the water. Like you said, don't get vaccinated. Uh, um, why do we have to buy bottled water in the first place? Because they're allowing all these corporations to spew unbelievable toxins into the water. Uh, stop everything that's being done. That's harming the earth. Stop raping the earth. Okay. Because this is our home. We don't have a space shuttle to go to another planet and, um, we need to fix what's going on here. And, you know, it costs nothing to stop doing things. And that's the, that's the good news in my opinion. Right. And it's, like you said, it is really easy and it's consumerism people. Let's say there's a, a bottle water company that, you know, you're, you know, you like that you enjoy, but they only serve it in plastic bottles. Well, there's a consumer number right on the side. And let me tell you, they answer those phones. And this is something we learned through the great calling. When we sat down with a former, uh, Congresswoman, Congresswoman, um, Karen Johnson, she said, and she was in legislation, if she got five to seven phone calls on a certain issue, that was the topic of the day, everything else they're clear off her desk. And that was, that was shocking for us, five to seven people calling in for a Senator, right? She didn't, she didn't need cash stuffed in her pocket. Although I'm sure that's happening as well. Okay. Wait, hold on, hold on, Chris. We're going to break. Please stay with us if you can. And we're back with part two of what's hailing America, the great calling with my special guest, Chris Papel, co-producer of the documentary Abundant Name. Um, I'm going to say it again. Callers. We have so many people lined up, Chris. I hope you can stay with us. I'm going to start taking callers. Please mute your phones because everything you're saying in the background is going over the air and, uh, it's very distracting. We have to get this message out clear and loud because this message is it. Okay. Um, I want to just, uh, give out your website, uh, Chris, the great calling.org and I encourage everybody to go there. I know that this is a, you know, um, a project in progress and you're getting more and more people involved. As a matter of fact, it's, it's actually wonderful. I'm finding out more people all the time, uh, that are telling the truth. I just found out today about an obstetrician by the name of Nancy bank. There's a YouTube video of her talking about vaccines and genocide basically. Well, she uses the word eugenics. Um, but we have people of conscience everywhere, uh, realizing they're killing us and, and that's what we have to let people know. We have the people that are telling the truth. It cannot be denied. We have to expose the people causing the problem. So please help to get, uh, Chris's, uh, and Paul's documentary out there and the fact that they're now bringing in land sharks and that's going to cause you added financial assault, uh, to me is, is so disgusting. There are no words, it's just totally disgusting. And I hope these people reap what they have sown because you know, let them get vaccinated or whatever. It's, it's, it's, it's unacceptable in my opinion. Can't agree with you more. Can't agree with you more. And you know, the community really has kind of rallied around us. Yes, we've had a few, you know, we do have, there are some clicks within it, like within the community. I'm starting to see, you know, as you see, you know, everywhere, unfortunately, socially clicks tend to happen and it's okay as long as the message is getting out, you know, some people are going to concentrate on weather modifications and people are going to concentrate on agriculture and the animals and, you know, and we're just, you know, we're looking at a broader approach. We want to look bigger. We want to look, you know, a lot of what has happened to us, what is going on with why we only using 10% of our brain. I mean, what is, what is going on with this by design? Well, and as you said, it's, it is, I'm sorry. The evidence is there that this is being covered up or it's not by accident. A lot of people say, Oh, you know, they, you know, they, they put these things in the food, air and water, just, you know, um, you know, maybe by mistake, I don't know how to retract the programs. No, it's not. I'm sorry. It's not right. Well, let me just say in terms of vaccinations. Um, as I have proven and I've had, um, uh, $10,000 reward on my drcarly.com website for, I think it's seven years now, uh, for any vaccine promoter to come on my show and prove my big picture wrong. Uh, the vaccines cause all autoimmune disease, non-traumatic seizures, cancer, and genetic damage in people and pets. And now of course they're assaulting food source animals as well. Of course I've had no takers. And I'm a big picture person. Uh, my big picture talks about all the assaults we're going through. Uh, the miracle in my opinion is that, uh, any of us are still able to function or live or breathe, uh, based on all the assaults. How can this be an accident? These, these scientists, these mad scientists, these, you know, white coats with dark hats. I talked about this book on the show last week. Um, they're doing everything on purpose. This is not an accident. And anybody that believes that is a coward. As Alex Hunter said, they're a soft activist. They want to not face the fact that we're dealing with psychopaths. These people are psychopaths that are controlling every aspect of our lives. They are cockroaches and they have to be exterminated. They're the ones that have to be exterminated. Because your DNA is being destroyed. Your earth is being destroyed. And if you can't face reality, there's a monster under the bed. Then you need to get an IV and be injected with viruses 24 seven because you're breathing my oxygen. I mean, that's the level that I've gotten to. And these people, I understand they're fluoridated, they're vaccinated, they're aspartame, the pesticide, the list is endless, but you know what? There comes a point where that's just an excuse. If you have one working neuron in your brain, let it bring you to reality. And if you don't have a backbone and you can't face the monster under the bed, then just, you know, get out of here because silence is consent. The, the, the masses who are, you know, praying, you know, that God's going to save them and doing absolutely nothing to change things. They are just as liable for this travesty as the ones who are doing it. It's called aiding and abetting. We are back with What's Hailing America where our answer today is The Great Calling. I'm so excited to have our special guest, Chris Maple, co-producer of the documentary by that name. You need to help make this happen. People go to the great calling.org, donate whatever you can to help this come out because he is, he and his co-producer, Paul Wittenberg are the only people I know that are giving the big picture. We are being killed and we can stop it and we just have to become aware of it. And that's very important. There's a doctor, Nancy Banks, and you can find her on YouTube. Nancy Banks on vaccines. She is like me. She, she talks about eugenics and the whole thing. I'm so excited to be finding other doctors of conscience because there's a very, very big backlash that occurs when you tell the truth. And, you know, after you go through 17, 17 years of, of education and hundreds of thousands of dollars of, of loans and the whole thing. Um, and then you basically turn on the medical mafia and say, you're killing people, um, you know, that's a very hard thing to endure, but I'm finding more and more people that are doing that. And those are the people that we have to promote because those are the people that have a backbone. Uh, I just want to quickly mention, um, I was on, um, Deanna Spingola's show on RBN yesterday. Uh, I encourage all of you to listen to that. She's an excellent interviewer. We talked about many of these issues and, uh, that link will be posted shortly on the light of day radio show.com. Um, there's so many people that are contacting me that are wanting to learn the truth. And this is what keeps me breathing because people are starting to wake up, Chris, and this is the good news. And we have to keep on waking them up because my message to the people is you are already dead. You're already dead. So lose your fear. There is a monster under the bed. And if you don't want to face it, then you're going to die. And my own family is included in this. My mother was killed by the medical mafia two years ago. They wouldn't listen to me. Their attitude was, who do you think you are? You know more than the medical profession. Uh, yeah, I do because I have common sense. It has remained somehow, but seriously it's been preserved. Um, and they're killing people off one by one. And, uh, I don't mourn those people because silence is consent. Right. Okay. That's so true. I'm sorry. I'm, I'm very dramatic because I'm so, I'm so excited at having you on and, um, basically, you know, letting people know that there's somebody like you and your co-producer, Paul Wittenberg, there's people that are putting their lives on the line because let's face it, that's what you're doing. Uh, we have many people that have been assassinated for telling the truth. But you know what, as I said, we're already dead. So what do we have to lose? What are you going to do? What are you going to do? You're going to, you're going to lay down and be called, or are you going to stand up for yourself, you know? And I had the goosebumps with you, Dr. Carley right now. So, cause Paul and I, upon taking on this endeavor, we had a conversation with each other and I looked at him and I said, did you ever tell anybody in your family that you would never commit suicide? And he just looked at me and he started grinning and he's like, why do you ask? I'm like, well, did you have that conversation with your family that you would never commit suicide? And he said, yeah, I did. I go, why were you compelled to tell that? Cause I feel as if I had to have it with my family because you're right. Unfortunately, people who come out with this stuff and it's written through history, I mean, whether it's energy that's being talked about and discussed or can't secure or medicinal breakthroughs, natural holistic. I mean, in addition to people being locked up and, you know, having their licenses stripped, um, if they can't shut them up, they'll shut you up, you know? And fortunately it's, it's, it's a reality. I mean, to have that conversation, mom, dad, just so you know, you know, if anything ever happened, I would never commit suicide. So, and it's just, it's, it's, you know, I'm, I'm kind of laughing at it a little bit just because of, you know, I had to hear myself say that and have that conversation with my family. What can I do but laugh, you know? Well, I'm very glad you're, you're putting that on the record on the show. And I've done the same thing on the show myself because I've had a number of attempts on my life besides having my only child kidnapped and tortured and losing my medical license, et cetera. But you see, my, my, um, view on this is I would, I would rather have them kill me and then I go on vacation than live in the world in which they're creating. That's my view. But I will never kill myself. But of course, you know, they have many ways. They have the medical examiners and all their various minions that work for, uh, the powers that be. There was actually, um, uh, Georgia, a legislator by the name of Nancy Shaffer, who was actually murdered, uh, recently because she was exposing CPS, trafficking of children, uh, and stealing of children, et cetera. And they, they claimed that her and her husband being dead was a murder, suicide. Um, but see, that's not working anymore. Uh, we have powers within our government that are, that are taking people out that are speaking the truth. But you see, uh, people that have a conscience are not afraid of that because like I said, if you die, you go on vacation because, um, that just gives another link in the chain in terms of people waking up. Uh, we have listeners all over the world, uh, to this show and they know what's going on. So if I suddenly disappear or if you just suddenly disappear, whatever the case may be, people are going to say, well, I wonder what happened there. That's a little suspicious. So we can use everything for good. Okay. Um, we're running out of time so fast. Let me bring on the next caller. Uh, area code seven eight five. Are you there? Hi Dr. Carley. This is Vin Diesel, the Facebook apprentice. Okay, go ahead. I'm, uh, involved in a number of, uh, um, investigative reports. We're posting all of the evidence that we find in these areas under the heading of Occupy. Um, occupy pharma, occupy, uh, the, uh, vaccines. We've got a chem trail, chem vacs group, uh, young lady in Massachusetts started. Um, there's one now for celebrities against a weather modification. Um, so these are just little groups that, uh, um, there's, there's things that we can do. In fact, uh, um, with our occupied justice radio, Catherine and I actually achieved a SEO. We went to the top of Google. Under occupied justice, we were on the front page. Um, you know, not once but twice. And so what I'd like to do would be to talk to you after the show some more, um, about this documentary that Chris is doing. Okay, let me just interject something because Chris actually has, um, uh, managed to get some Hollywood, uh, uh, people involved in his, the great calling, uh, you know, documentary because see, that's what we have to do. Uh, the people that have, uh, the finances available to promote these things, um, once they realize that they are dead as well, if they do nothing, that's what's going to make this happen. And I won't mention the person on the air, Chris, that I know that you've been involved in this, uh, cause I don't have permission to do so, but that's what we have to do. We have many frauds like Jenny McCarthy of generation rescue, you know, the Playboy bunny that's, uh, you know, uh, basically promoting the whole mercury causes autism thing. There's many frauds and that's why everybody has to be vetted. You have to vet these people. Um, but there are people that have a conscience that are going to help do what has to be done. As a matter of fact, one of my dreams is start a clinic that will teach people how to reverse their diseases with natural therapies. Um, and I insist on it being done in the United States. Um, but they've financially devastated me, uh, to where I'm barely surviving. Um, so I'm waiting for one of the multimillionaires whose children, I've healed of autism and such to stand up. But many people don't give a crap. They don't give a crap. It's all about them. We need to find the people of conscience and there's that music. Okay, hold on. I'll bring you back after the break. Here we go to the music again. Stay tuned. And we're back with the last segment of what's ailing America where our answer day has been the great calling with my very special guests, Chris Maples of the documentary of that name in this world where John Corzine, former CEO of IMF global testified in Congress that he just doesn't know what happened to the $1.2 billion in client funds that are missing and has not been charged with any crime. While here in North Carolina, the predator robo cops are arresting the homeless for panhandling without a permit. Wake up people. This is what's going on. Uh, people are loving your message and uh, you are being embraced and I just send you such a big hug for what you and Paul are doing. And uh, don't, don't let anything stop you because we're talking about the destruction of humanity in the earth. You're absolutely right. I mean, and I can't, you know, echo your sentiments more, uh, towards you, you know, cause you, yourself and what you do and everything that you do and everything that you've been through personally because you know, we have talked and, and um, I just want to thank you now for my heart and as well as humanity should be thanking it because we're at a critical fork in the road. Um, as far as, you know, human evolution is concerned, you know, um, we had an out road of self distinction, you know, destruction. And um, I don't know, there's, there's an alternative out there and it, it comes with knowledge. I mean, it's not just, I mean, I have this journey, Dr. Crowley, it wasn't just about metals and neurological disorders and being called up. I was kind of looking at a bigger picture, you know, um, I want truth in everything, whether that be in, you know, in politics and history, science, education, you know, the more I looked into the medical industry and you, you know, there's money in that, there's money in people being sick, there's cancer care is being suppressed. The oil industry that owns the world and suppresses these technologies and these inventors and should assist throughout, throughout, you know, throughout times. And it just goes on and on and on and on and on. And this is just a small part of the big picture. And even though we're encompassing food, air and water in this film, and a lot of people say, you know what, you should break it up into a three part series because we have so much on each individual topic. Um, that it's, you know, we're going to try to jam it into 95 minutes, you know, and we really need, you need to do what will be on every subject. I tell the audience, just grab a camera, do some research, sit down, be aware, you know, cause I believe once everybody has come to this level of awareness and we all start vibrating on the same level of awareness and a higher consciousness kicks in and that's when change will take place. But as long as everybody's continues to remain unplugged, blinders strapped on tight, focusing on their fantasy football leagues and their fantasy this and that and sports and America's got talent and idolizing all this, you know, that box in their living room when they, you know, there's so much more out there to the rap, the natural world and the real world that would blow anything that Hollywood away cause we even think for right. It's more fascinating to me. I don't even, I don't even have TV. I don't have cable. We're talking about, we're talking about life, life itself. If you don't have your health, you have nothing. And we're all being distracted and they're, you know, distracting and denying and discrediting people that are telling the truth. Well guess what? It's going to be funny how it all works out. I know that in my very DNA, if I didn't know that, I would have driven my car off a cliff long ago or let them, the minions kill me because the truth, truth, not, not just truth, just set us free, but acting on the truth will set us free and that's what he needs to do. And that's what you are going to stimulate and that's why I embrace everything you're doing. Okay. We're almost out of time. I can't believe how many people we have waiting in line and I apologize to the callers that are not going to be gotten to. The next one is from area code seven eight five. Are you there? Call her. Real quickly. I wrote the article, they want us dead and it went viral. So all over the world, people that still have a survival instinct want to know this and if Rosalyn wants to shy away, that tells me all her work is for nothing. If she won't stand up, she may be one of the ones who decided because that's when they get you. Once you come out, you're safer. I believe Alex says that's true. That's the only reason I'm alive is because I'm on the air. I do shows every day, not just this show. And um, basically if I disappear, people are going to say, what happened to dr Carly? But you see, I have no fear. That's the one wonderful thing that's happened to me after everything they've done to me. I don't care. I would rather die than live in the world in which they're creating. And once enough people get to that level and realizes there is a monster under the bed and take a stand with a backbone like Chris and Paul have done in their documentary, guess what? It's going to be funny how it all works out. These cockroaches got no place to hide. Okay. I can't, I can't believe the title of that. Okay. I can't believe I can't believe we're out of time. Chris, I thank you so much. You are one of my heroes. You and Paul, thank you for what you've done. And if you ever want to be on the show again, you just give me a call and we'll continue this conversation. Okay. I'd love to keep you posted and thanks to all your listeners and thanks for having me on and we'll keep you.