(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys, we're not starting for another eight minutes, another eight minutes, but I just wanted to double check some things, make sure everything's in sync before we go live here. We'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll go. All right guys, we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes, and we'll be here in the eight minutes. Thank you. All right, seven more minutes, guys, and we're going to start. I appreciate everyone tuning in today. It's going to be on Rock Fin and on YouTube, so I hope you guys head over to Rock Fin if you're listening on YouTube. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. Check. All right, guys. Welcome back to Framing the World Live. This is episode 10 of our new show here on Rockfin. I am your host, Paul Wittenberger, with another great show here for you today. We are going to be talking with Clay Clark. Now, for those of you who don't know who he is, he is the host of the Reawake America Tour. He's also the host of the Thrive Time podcast. first heard of Clay Clark when we were making Covidland the Lockdown. We ended up using a clip from their show in the movie and so that was my first exposure to him. Liberty Man also interviewed him last season on the show you can check out that episode on band.video or on rockfin. I really encourage you guys check out our content on rockfin. I can't encourage you enough to break away from YouTube and to go to these alternative platforms. That's where you're gonna find our full archive there on rockfin. So check out those episodes there. The main reason I want to get Clay on the show today is to talk about a cashless society and when we talk about a cashless society a lot of people kind of glaze over but the Bible talks about a cashless society. In Revelation 13 16 the Bible reads and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the Beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six. The Bible definitely prophesies of a day where on this earth no man will be able to buy or sell save he that hath the mark or the name of the Beast. So how can you stop someone if there's cash in the society? There will always be a black market if cash is king and so we know in the end times a cashless society will be on this earth and we are quickly approaching that today. So let's get right into the program here. Clay are cashless transactions preparing us for the mark of the Beast? Absolutely and by the way James is with me today he's my body double my voice double because we had a massive event here yesterday a reawaken America tour event here in Tulsa and I also battling allergies so at any point my voice completely goes out James is here as my voice double and body double on an interview so we'll see what happens. Okay so yeah I'm gonna play this little clip here for you this is Steve Forbes and I want people to really listen to what Steve Forbes has to say about the cashless society listen this is Steve Forbes. The Federal Reserve is considering a digital dollar the implications for privacy and freedom are frightening but central bank digital money is ominous the downside of governments being able to track digitally every single product or service you buy and sell is chilling they could punish people who they conclude are saving too much spend it or lose it they could decree if you have undesirable political views you might not be able to access your money since traditional cash would be outlawed and your digital cash will be in a government approved digital wallets. This is Richard Warner the top. Okay so that was Steve Forbes now this is Catherine Austin Fitz chiming in and introducing Richard Warner now Richard Warner is the top CBDC professor in the world right now the top academic in the world of central bank digital currencies and listen to what he has to say. This is Richard Warner the top academic scholar in the world on central banking he wrote the book and did the documentary The Princes of the Yen about the Japanese central bank here he is in Malmo Sweden in May. The nature of this CBDC what what is it actually gonna look like they never talk about that but I heard one European central banker tell me what it's gonna look like he saw it he was invited to one of the old central banks in Europe that are very much promoting this and they showed him and you know he's a top you know executive director of another central bank in Europe and there's no reason to believe that he was telling me a story here goes and he was around this this large and would be implanted under your skin see see if that happens we're done so you might have missed what happened Wednesday afternoon at the Fed went back but they started their CBDC here it goes maybe we should start having the conversation of this just looks like the mark of the beast okay a lot of knowledge bombs there James how do you how do you react to that James look these people have been more shipping Satan for a long time and the whole reason why Jesus came down in the first place was because the world is evil and he had to come and save us and this is just a continuation of that story whoa so that's how I think about it well a lot of people that are listening might not know what CBDC is what explain what is CBDC and and why is it important to the conversation everybody should look this up by the way so CBDC stands for central bank digital currency so I want everyone to do a Google search for MIT CBDC is James what we look for CBDC central bank digital current no no you don't want to make up MIT CBDC okay so we James we need to look up what MIT CBDC right you type it into Google and when you type it in you're gonna find MIT what MIT CBDC there quant okay now the next thing you want to do a Google search for type in MIT quantum dot James you want to type in what MIT quantum dot yes when you type in MIT quantum dot you can see this is the technology if you scroll down here keep going down you're feeling the flow there it is right there oh right there scroll up a little more the other way sorry the other way and yes right there the Massachusetts Institute you'll see a little picture next to it it's like that little diagram oh this allows you to store someone's medical and medical and financial records under the skin what look at this technology come on man this is wild stuff look at that now the name of the central bank digital currency James if we do a Google search for quant network quant network we're gonna find what James we're gonna find the quant yes which is the name of the new CBDCs type in quant network folks do a Google search for quant network and the this is a real thing there it is quant network the CEO of the company Gilbert Verdean has says they've already integrated completely with Wall Street they're ready to go here we go and I want everyone to type this into Google or duck duck go here we go we're typing in Federal Reserve everyone type it in Federal Reserve announces July launch for the Fed now service James can you read it against us I'm going horse here sir the Federal Reserve announces July launch for the Fed now service but can you read with like more vibrato like we're talking about the mark of the beast here like the Federal Reserve announces the July launch for the Fed now service but at the end kind of yeah that's look at that look at it folks you can just click on on the Federal Reserve website it's right there it's crazy what when is this happening July July was this announced March 15th what Wow so does that answer your question there sir yeah yeah definitely and and you know a lot of people that are listening might not understand what we're talking about in regards to digital currency it's not inherently bad to have a digital currency but it's it's what they're gonna achieve with this digital currency that makes it so Orwellian well and I and I'm not gonna argue with you I would just say in the Bible it says the gold and silver gold and silver is mine saith the Lord now someone could say I'm taking that out of context and we could we could do a whole show about arguing about this but if we look up Haggai 2-8 it says the silver is mine the gold is mine says the Lord okay that's what it is so I do believe that the central bank digital currencies are inherently bad I believe that based upon knowing that who who funded the MIT lab folks look it up the MIT lab that made CBDCs and it made the quantum dot guess who funded it Epstein and gates so if you do a Google search right now type in Epstein gates MIT so I believe that nefarious people would be people intentionally causing harm would be Jeffrey Epstein yes and Billy Gates right and Bill Gates has he has a spiritual advisor by the name of Marina Abramovich Abramovich Abramovich and she is a spirit cooker she's a spiritual advisor for Jay Z Beyonce Lady Gaga okay and then that's his spiritual advisor he featured her during the Easter Microsoft commercial and then you have the world's most prolific pedophile Jeffrey Epstein that's right and he had a temple on his island to pray to who Satan right so that's who funded the MIT lab so I would argue based upon knowing that that I believe these technologies were created for exclusively nefarious reasons that's what I believe based upon that which I know but I love the argument or the discussion because I think people need to wrestle with this right and you know what's interesting about this whole digital currency is that it really goes hand-in-hand with the digital ID and the social credit can you can you talk about that yeah okay here we go the social credit score so let's do this this is audio of Klaus Schwab talking he's the head of the World Economic Forum and this is Klaus Schwab here we go folks listen to this chip sacked because it's a very important step to create the physical pain for digitalization and to have it located to a certain extent in Europe I also your reference to the clap of report of all the reports of all amounts of time launched actually is a clap of river chrome report in the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the beast okay so I just use heard audio its revelation chapter 17 verse 12 James can you read it again please and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but has received power as kings one hour with the beast in the club of Rome report in 1970 called for the dividing of the earth into ten economic kingdoms Wow so and CERN is located on top of the former temple of Apollo revelation 911 look it up folks revelation 911 the former temple of Apollo the bottomless pit that's where CERN is located on top of CERN's logo is six six six the World Economic Forum logo is six six six the Google Chrome logo is six six six the Microsoft patent for a cryptocurrency system using body activities w 0 2 0 2 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 so all of this is happening to implement the mark of the beast system yeah definitely 100% on that when we made Covid land we we are we talked a lot about Klaus Schwab and his great reset now a lot of people are saying oh the Covids all done what do you say to those people who say Covids done and that everything's back to normal well the word corona is six six six there it is the word corona is six six six look at it folks what the word corona is six six six and Covid ID Covid 19 stands for certificate of vaccination ID AI one is the a I is the nine so one is the a the I is the nine over 19 certificate of vaccination ID AI alright so let me hit play here I want to really understand this this is more biblical knowledge for here we go East and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer okay this is revelation chapter 6 verse 2 read it again please James and I saw and behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer and the word corona in Latin means crown right and the word corona numerically is six six six and check this out the coronavirus virions this is medical jargon for you but the coronavirus virions are spherical or variable in shape and are composed of an outer layer of a lipid covered with a crown so even like the NIH describes a coronavirus using the word crown I just wanna make sure we're very clear this is a very much the great reset as an attempt to usher in the mark of the beast can you talk about quickly how kovin leaped us forward in regards to a cashless society because yeah because I remember when it first everything first came down they were trying to get cash out because it might contain the corona virus and so there was a real big push for a cashless society can you talk about that yeah I wanted I want to interject one thing your studio is sweet bro I don't know I don't know who is laying out that studio I don't know if I need to thank you or thank your team that thing is hot you that's awesome yeah 4,000 my Brett is burning looking at that yeah and he's got the the shir mic that's so great that one air sign to you're like a non deep state version of the BBC live lounge that thing is great did you lay that out yourself that's hot yeah yeah I'm just gonna take this moment in I mean the apocalypse I want to look at it all you need is two giant pencils and you're good okay this is you've all Noah Harari the top advisor for Klaus Schwab he's praised by Obama Zuckerberg and gates his name is you've all Noah Harari he's currently leading the largest protests in the history of Israel right now you these protests in Israel they're trying to they're saying that Netanyahu is a threat to democracy who's leading it this guy you've all Noah Harari so listen to what he said here folks I want people to really listen to what he says here we go ideally the response to COVID should be the establishment of a global health care system a basic health care system for the entire human race I mean COVID makes it it accelerates the process of digitalization and automatization it legitimizes the deployment of mass surveillance even in democratic countries and it makes surveillance go under your skin you just imagine the situation when everybody goes around all the time with some biometric bracelet or other device that constantly monitors what's happening inside your body so the moment your body temperature starts rising or there are other signs that something is wrong the health authority knows that you're sick and you're isolated and that's it that's the end of the epidemic if we had such a system today there won't be COVID the same system that can know if I just got COVID or I have the flu can also know if I'm angry or if I'm bored or if I'm happy many of the things that I visit a lot Europe and North America and China and one of my main impressions is that many of the things I talk about and people in the West react with apprehension and fear in China the reaction to exactly the same topics is excitement wow we can do that now if we reach a point when I can ask Google anything then when I want to buy a car I would just ask Google hey Google what what car should I buy and Google will take into account everything it knows or not only about all the different cars in the world fuel consumption and safety and regulations and if they use child labor in a third world country to produce part of the car and so forth it will also use everything it knows about me my preferences my political opinions my views on climate change my views on Middle Eastern politics everything will go into that and they will just tell you look the perfect car for you is X and if they do a good enough job I will just buy X the advertisement will not mean anything actually I will know that my judgment is constantly being manipulated by advertisers so I don't want to trust my judgment which is so easily manipulated I prefer to trust Google's we will never reach perfect we just need to be better than humans and if and by the way this guy who's praised by Obama Zuckerberg in gates you've all know Harari he's also praised by MIT Stanford Harvard TED talks and they call him the prophet Wow program that thing to be a used car salesman because that'd be one easy program well I love how you always in your interviews play clips because it's nice to hear from their mouth what they believe what why do you feel that this topic is so important the great reset the the cashless society why do you work so hard to get the message out about this stuff well a couple things I have five kids and I sincerely believe that they will not have freedom so right yeah well that that's a good that's a good reason right there I mean I'm the same way I have six kids myself so you know it's it's it's important for people to stand up and speak out against these issues because every year that goes by more and more restrictions against our rights and gets our liberties are happening in the United States and so why why is we why should we as Americans really fight back against this digital currency that's happening I'll just say this you know I grew up very poor right so somebody out there listening you grew up more poor than me we could have a contest how poor were you I had yellow boxes so I you know couldn't afford a lot of things and every box was yellow and we you know we we did trips sometimes you know to the local lake because we couldn't travel on a typical vacation or you know the family would a lot of decisions were developed focused on finances my dad worked at a gas station and at a furniture store and delivered pizzas in his late 30s and so all I know is that I determined at a young age I didn't want to be poor so I went out about the task of not being poor and people said well what if you don't make it you know what if it doesn't work and I'm like well if it doesn't work by default I'm gonna live this exact same crappy existence in my mind that's how it was was crappy if you write did you know your report yeah I had a clue so I um you know I just thought let's go you know so I read think and grow rich by Napoleon Hill I read how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie you know read all those books but I did it you know I did it I turned the books into reality and even though it didn't seem statistically probable I did it because worst case scenario my future wasn't gonna be great and so I look at our country right now I think people are so comfortable they're like well I don't want to lose anything I never had anything so I have earned a lot and done a lot of things now but I have the zero fear of loss and so it is statistically improbable that in the last two and a half years I as a successful business person would have gone from a completely non political existence and I still don't like politics to becoming very close friends with people like Eric Trump and I'm not name-dropping to just drop names I'm saying this because this is the reality when you go to time to free America calm and you look at buying a ticket to our upcoming reawaken America tour event in Miami coming up in May if you look at the lineup I mean you've got general Flynn cash Patel Eric Trump Peter Navarro dr. Sherwood Mel K dr. Simone gold dr. Tenpenny Jim Brewer all these folks and you're like man how do you get all these people and how do you let people name their price how does that work how do you let people name their price we were sold out last night which is why sounds so hoarse how do you how do you why do you do it I do it because our country we are at risk of losing our freedoms and the if we don't act we will lose everything and you don't recover freedom peacefully once it's lost I repeat once freedom is lost the path to getting it back is not painless ever there so I'm just explaining to people if you don't want to lose your freedoms you have to speak out and I think a lot to like wow I will but you know I'm gonna go to Disney World first and you're like but don't you know that Disney World is woke well I know it's woke but I already had a trip planned it's like hey you need to get involved in your school board well I want to but this right now I'm just I'm gonna be going to a mommy boot camp fitness boot camp this summer and I can't I can't afford to do it no time you sir should get involved in your kids lives and teach them what made America great and speak out and well I you know I don't want to speak out because as a teacher I have tenure and I'm on the verge of retiring and I just hear all these excuses but Napoleon Hill said that the time will never be just right you must act now and that is what I credit the success of the two or two is I believe God is calling all of us to take action and I believe people like General Flynn, Cash Patel, Eric Trump, Peter Navarro, Dr. McCulloch we all acted and we met somewhere on the interwebs or in person and now we've become like a band of brothers and sisters who are all fighting non-stop to save this country that's how I met James James to afford a ticket I believe to a bill to go to the reawaken America tour in Pennsylvania what did you do yes so I took my boss's car I called out of work and I slept in his car I bought a VIP ticket and I had the best time ever the reawaken America tour it really is the greatest grassroots movement in American history in World War two Winston Churchill has said that when great forces are on the move in this world we learned that we are not animals we are spirits and this is the great force on the move right now and you don't want to miss it for anything this is history the making this is the Patriots that in the in the process of defeating the deep state and taking our country back the world's greatest president the world's greatest leader has has said we are a nation in decline and the reason we are a nation in decline is because we are a nation losing a war and if we're quiet about it we're gonna lose it Wow powerful yeah I definitely encourage everyone to go to thrive time show calm and check out this reawaken America tour information it looks it looks awesome so you had an event last night correct tell us a little bit about how it went well we had Jim Brewer live in concert we had Simone gold Mel K Greg Locke it was at my building at my office here and we had 100% sold out and we added an upper deck to accommodate every all the attendees and so the upper deck got built just in time and so I was worried about the structural integrity I thought if that thing collapses we'll know it wasn't built too well anyway so we had a great time Brewer delivered he was great Mel K delivered we just put out the videos from last night so if you go to rumble.com and you search for thrive time show you can see that event by going to rumble.com and searching for thrive time show awesome well last thing I wanted to talk about is executive order one four zero six seven talk about this executive order and why it's so dangerous it's the single most treasonous executive order ever signed by any president of the United States of America it ushers in the central bank digital currencies it paves the way for currency that can be turned on or off and the way you can turn off someone's social media right now so I encourage everybody out there sound the alarm about executive order one four zero six seven and you can go to time to free America calm to read the entire executive order one four zero six seven again time to free America calm everything I've cited on today's show about CBD seeds it's all documented right there at time to free America calm awesome well I really appreciate you doing the show today here is the website time to free America calm you can see the next event is in April oh yeah yeah it's gonna be great Tulsa Oklahoma yep you know I do business conferences every two months and I've never stopped that since 2005 but the next reawaken America tour will be in May so you know when I fight for your country you can't also stop providing for your family right so I still continue doing my business workshops and all those things so the business workshop is in April and then the reawaken America tours coming up in May at Trump Doral Miami awesome well any final thoughts before we let you go here today have I talked about your studio being great maybe it's only talked about it twice it's like I need to bring it up again it is that's a hot studio look at that day thank you you're going to space maybe you can charge the space force that's what we appreciate you hey thank you so much for coming on the show today clay have a great day you too take care brother yeah god bless bye alright well that was clay Clark thank you so much for tuning in to the program here today guys if you want to call into the show we're gonna be sticking around here for a little bit longer to do some Collins two three one six five two sixty eight hundred that is two three one six five two sixty eight hundred if you want to call in give your thoughts about the digital the coming digital currency that is gonna be definitely coming to a town near you so love to hear your thoughts about that again two three one six five two sixty eight hundred that's two three one six five two sixty eight hundred you can call in and let me know your thoughts but yeah guys this this digital currency is a real thing this global digital currency that's coming and it was prophesied in the Bible like we talked about at the beginning of the show in Revelation 13 and so it's not a conspiracy theory it is definitely a real thing that is happening let's go to some of the comments here on YouTube again I appreciate everyone tuning in to today's program I have been blocked out of my account on my main YouTube channel so I'm using this backup channel for a few for a week or so and then I should have access back to that but central bank digital currency yes that is a CBDC thank you Hogan's Heroes for being on this show the stream today what do we got love your movies and content Paul thanks brother thank you Alexander yeah let's see here let's pop up the chat here guys what we got first step get rid of a joke bid them and Justin Trudeau yeah someone needs to do everything a favor and get rid of Noah yeah right I'm back thank you Andrew for tuning in to today's program if you guys want to call in I'd love to hear you your thoughts on this topic but yeah I'm gonna have a quite a few shows here coming up I have another one booked for Monday so we will have a show on Monday we have a show on Wednesday booked and we're just gonna be doing one or two shows every week here trying to get the word out about all these new products and DVDs that we have coming out of course we have the the kovat land series which talks about these issues episode 4 of kovat land was gonna be all about this digital currency and I really hope you know we can get that done here after we make this temple film hopefully the timing will be right at that time to do this to do that but Vincent love these shows keep them up Thank You Vincent for your support man appreciate it I hope all is well with you we are also live on rock fin guys I really want to make sure that everyone knows about rock fin that the link is on the screen right now go to rock fin and subscribe to that channel I am uploading my entire archive to that channel I'm uploading all of my content from my old movies I uploaded I don't know maybe 15 videos yesterday and I'm just gonna keep uploading different things Vincent said will Liberty man be coming back well I I hope he comes back for some shows he's so busy in his life and he had some medical emergencies that happened with his his wife and so he had to take a break from the show because it was just too time-consuming and you know he has to take care of his family the first and foremost so unfortunately Liberty man was not is not able to do the show but if he ever wants to come back he's definitely welcome because I would prefer him doing it over me 100% so yeah definitely would love to have him back but yeah he has to take care of his family once he gets his life worked out in those medical emergencies worked out then you know we can hopefully get him back but yeah guys if you want to know about these topics you got to check out these different books kovat operation lays out these exact topics that we talked about tonight kovat 19 red pilled and the truth about kovat 19 exposing the great reset lockdowns vaccine passport and the new normal this is a fantastic book that goes into all these topics and really lays out this great reset that is taking place behind the scenes because a lot of people you know think that everything's done kovat's done we're all back to normal now no they achieve so much during all this that it's not gonna go back to normal it will forever keep the pendulum will keep swinging until someday the Antichrist comes on the scene and then Jesus will come back so guys if you want to support us go to rock fin but I think that is the show for today I was hoping someone would call in and give us your thoughts but you know I guess we have no takers today alright guys well thank you so much for tuning in to the show thank you so much guys for your support make sure you check out the website and God bless you