(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys we are live with a very special live stream today we're talking with former sheriff Richard Mack. He is gonna be coming on the program in a few minutes but before he comes on I just wanted to quickly just you know thank everyone for tuning in to this live stream. We definitely have a very loyal audience and so I really appreciate you guys tuning in every night to our streams. We're trying to do as many as we can. We have a great show lined up for you today and tomorrow we have another great show with Richard Gage of architects and engineers for 9-11 truth so I really hope you tune in to tomorrow's program as well but make sure real quick thumbs up this video guys make sure to thumbs up the video make sure to share this video on your social media account again we're gonna be talking with Sheriff Richard former sheriff Richard Mack he is gonna be on the program today and so I I haven't spoke with him in quite some time I did interview him years and years ago for when the Ron Paul campaign was going on I interviewed him back then and so I appreciate him doing the interview for us today it's he hasn't changed a bit he still looks the exact same and he's still you know fighting for our constitutional rights and so he's we're gonna be talking about the coronavirus we're gonna be talking about the lockdowns today we're gonna be even getting into a little bit of the the George Floyd situation that's happening in Minnesota so I I just will just briefly discuss that at the end of the stream I'm kind of curious to see his opinion and everything that's going on in Minnesota right now the riots alluding and talk with him about that as well but again guys if you want to support this program we are trying to raise some money through our patreon account so if you want to if you like these live streams and want to support it please consider joining us on patreon five bucks a month makes a huge difference in the show if I could get all my loyal listeners to head over to our patreon and just subscribe for five bucks a month I really appreciate that it would show us that you you love the show you like the show you want to keep going and it would just really show your support but we're also trying to raise some additional funds for some more equipment and so basically every donation that comes in we put it right back into the show so anyone that donates that money is a hundred percent goes right back into the show we we're trying to make the show better and better we still have to buy another camera we have to buy a device for audio for to help with the levels I know the audio is doing much better but there's still a few problems with the audio that we're trying to work out so we do need to buy that device as well so we're trying to raise you know probably about $3,000 right now to help the show grow and expand and so if you guys do believe in this show you like what we're doing you like the direction we're going in please consider donating to the program we also you books we have a new book in the store today it's a the true survival story of Harrison Okening now if you don't know who he is it's just a fascinating fascinating story that something a story that I've actually wanted to make a movie on but the only problem with the story is it happens in it happens in Africa in Nigeria it takes place off of the coast of Nigeria and it's very dangerous over there so I I do want to do this movie but not in the near future someday I hope to make this movie it's basically like the modern-day story of Jonah and the whale kind of very loosely but this guy and I'm this is no joke so he survived he was in a tugboat the boat sank to the bottom of the ocean a hundred feet down or a hundred yeah hundred feet down I believe and he survived he actually the boat tips upside down went to the bottom of the ocean right off the coast of Nigeria and an air pocket formed in the ship and he survived in the ship for three days and which is just a crazy crazy story sorry about that so I'm trying to see the exact amount of feet here well it doesn't really matter he he was underwater for over 60 hours and survived guys and there's actually footage of the re of him being found and it's just haunting footage you should definitely check it out this is I don't know if you can see it on this camera but this is the guy's face and this book right here we're selling on framing the world calm it's like a kid's story it's called 60 hours underwater and it just kind of it's I'm not sure what the age group is but it's it's bigger fine just kind of gives the story and that you can read your kids I read it to my kids last night they loved it they're like they're all into it but yeah this is just a in and he's a Christian too so somehow he survived this yeah the tugboat plunged a hundred feet into the freezing water and he was at the bottom of the ocean in an air pocket of the ship I mean it's just a miraculous story so if you want to google this guy Harrison Oh Kenny h a r r i s o n o k e n e Harrison Oh Kenny and check this guy out we're trying to get him on the show we're hopefully get him on the show next week but I I'm in discussions with him I talked to him about six months ago because I was I was gonna make a movie on him but it it fell through so but we're gonna try to get him on the show for an interview about his story and if you want to get this book we're selling it at a discounted price right now ten bucks at framing the world calm we'll put a link in the chat in the description where you can go and get a copy of this story you can read it to your kids give it as a gift to someone it's just a really awesome story it's a true survival story do you have what it takes to survive being stranded at sea you know it's just pretty cool pretty cool pretty pretty cool story but we're gonna be talking with share a former sheriff Richard gauge here and a little I mean Richard gauge Richard Mac in a little bit and so make sure you share this stream and make sure you support our sponsors the today's sponsor is our house our house is has a great YouTube channel I really encourage everyone to head over to our house subscribe to her channel she's producing content every day amazing content for the family so if you're a homeschool mom or if you're into just family life kind of stuff she's a great she has a great YouTube channel so I hope you head over to our house just type in Karen Rodriguez our house into YouTube and you'll find it we'll also put the link in the chat right now so again guys we're gonna be talking with former sheriff Richard Mac here in a little bit we have dust in the house and we have Logan in the house today so very exciting to have finally get Logan back in the studio yeah and so let's go to Dustin Dustin are you excited to talk with the sheriff today yeah you know how I've talked about sheriff's and how they have a lot more power than people realize so I just think it's pretty cool we get a chance to talk to this guy and find out what he's because he's the type of guy that knows about that power and would exercise it so he just so you guys know he has successfully sued the I think the Clint the Clinton administration I don't know exactly the details of that yeah he took it to the Supreme Court and one yeah but oh yeah so I got some nice hot coffee here today I burned myself making the coffee over the hot steaming kettle and I put some DMSO on it so it's actually just you know I just did it for an experiment I mean not I mean I did it by accident and it burned and it hurts and I wish I hadn't done it but since it happened I put some of the DMSO on it and I burned myself a little while ago and I used the DMSO and it it did a really good job of help of healing it so I don't usually make those types of mistakes but you know if you do make a mistake like that it's good to have some DMSO on hand and we happen to have a whole shelf of it here so we're gonna talk to you know to say former sheriff I don't know if that's proper because you're still calling presidents mr. president do they still does he still get the the honor yeah I don't know here that says I'm gonna say yes yeah he's gonna call Joe Arpaio Joe Arpaio call him Sheriff Joe yeah yeah yeah they earned it yeah well we'll call him share I don't want to say former because you know yeah yeah so we'll just call him sheriff Mac so he's the sheriff of or he you know he was the sheriff he's retired now of a small little County called Graham County so we've got my screen here and so Graham County is about I don't even know how many miles would you say it is it's east of Phoenix so actually this is New Mexico this line going down here so it looks like it's pretty close is that New Mexico right there that line yeah so you know it's pretty far from Phoenix but it's a small little County out there I don't think there's much going out there maybe some mining and stuff but but he had that office and he used that office to exercise the the powers of the sheriff that the Constitution lays out and you know I listened to some interviews from him earlier and he seems like a really solid guy he's a constitutional guy he he believes that the Constitution's not enforced and that's the problem and if we enforce the Constitution then we wouldn't be in the problems that we are so we're going to talk to him about that I want to ask him some questions as to maybe so just to educate our listening audience at home what the true powers of a sheriff is and and what's happened all because that's what happens these guys they cuck they they just they become politicians they work their way up they rub elbows they they make friends with people who endorse them into office and so I think a lot of them are not necessarily in the law enforcement side of the job but more maybe it's more a political thing so I want to ask him some questions about that and you know what's happened to the office of the sheriff because according to him the sheriff is the most powerful position in the county which I didn't understand entirely so it's the most powerful you have County executives but I think the sheriff is like the real the real boss yeah haven't you seen the movies man where they they go to the sheriff yeah like this is my territory this is my town get out of my town right so yeah so we're gonna talk to him find out what the sheriff's doing up there in Minneapolis cuz I'm sure they've got a sheriff up there and and find out maybe what's the difference between like your peace officers your police departments and the sheriff's office I think I think the police officers those police departments are corporate entities if you yeah that they're actually like structured as corporate things so as opposed to an elected office so we're gonna talk to him about that and find out what he's got to say about that pastor Tommy McMurtry's in the chat he threw a question there I made notes on we're gonna ask him about a you know whether somebody who's a store owner or if there's police witnessing looting smashing and that kind of stuff if like where the line is with shooting these people I don't know if he was entirely serious why not shoot looters I think is this question and yeah can store owners shoot looters which I don't know if there's a justifiable use of force around property but I don't know to done is in the chat to done wants to talk about watch Rambo first blood so I remember that I watched Rambo when it when it pretty much came out so yeah so Rambo what do you know about Rambo Logan what he's gone alright 1982 and I think I probably watched that in 1982 Rambo tell you what kind of upbringing I had I watched Rambo first blood in like yeah 1982 I don't maybe 83 hasn't seen that movie yeah but I was like seven eight watching that stuff I don't think it was that bad I just remember him sewing himself up you know so I mentally prepared myself if I ever had to do that you know and I didn't know that was an option so I was able to watch Rambo and learn a little emergency first aid there so where were we here so yeah talking about this is an interesting thing I want to check out later here it is the Republic of the United States in the act of 1871 I pulled that up now you guys want to check that out that's kind of goes back to what I was saying about those the the whole corporate buildup of our political system you know so I think that's a big a big element that's that's changed the way our country moves and not that it's constitutional republic like it used to be but it's more of this democratic yeah I don't even know what what I don't want to get into it but well there's a corporate structure now well I want to talk with the sheriff about all the riots that are happening right now I when we when I booked this interview I didn't tell him that's what we'd be talking about but it's something that I really want to talk to him about especially in light of what's happening I think it'd be perfect to talk to you yeah so that is a banning so just so orange blood I got to teach him how to moderate that's a banning orange blood he timed out this guy he was a real jerk so um let's see what else he said okay yeah all right yeah sheriff the guy made a good comment this guy a sheriff is elected but not correctly spelled by the people and only answers to the people not the president or mayor at extension I think it meant to be etc but it's ext yeah so what do you know Paul so we got this riot thing going on and there's some cool videos out there one video I saw was right up my alley where this guy goes up to I guess it was an auto zone maybe maybe Auto Zone's just on the mine but he goes up to a storefront with the big windows and he's got an umbrella anybody see that oh yeah the the cop or whatever well I don't know how do they know he's a cop well because I don't know but did you see the text messages back and forth with the people that knew him no like an ex-girlfriend or something oh really yeah she was like that's him and stuff I'll pull that up yeah that's we'll pull that up after the interview we're trying to get him on the line so what where is this I okay so did this happen in Milwaukee Wisconsin when did this what where did this minute Minneapolis I mean Minnesota I'm sorry okay so hold on the guy's name was Floyd was his first name George yeah George Floyd FL or YD well actually just put in George and it pretty much comes up the top story so Floyd this guy was killed I heard about the other day he was killed in so I heard about this talk about this guy you know how he was being sat on the knee of the officer was on the guy and the guy was saying and I never saw this but they the guy was saying I can't breathe I can't breathe I don't know if the guy I guess maybe went to the hospital or something and he died somewhere after being arrested I don't know the whole story I don't know what he was being arrested for does anybody know no Logan sorry we're busy up here man that's doing up there why is there curtain up there why is there curtain now you guys I'm all alone down here so anybody in the chat help me out okay so we're talking about this guy that was a police officer officer so apparently all right so there's a delay so it takes me a little time to get the chat to bring up what we're talking about so so if you guys can tell me what the guy was charged with a forgery that's right he had a fake $20 bill counter front money okay so yes gas mask umbrella and he busted the windows there's okay so there's protests happening in Milwaukee and I guess Javier Ramos is in Milwaukee rumor has it he was hired to advance the riot and didn't I say that isn't that I nailed that a long time ago it still stings but it's not really swollen so I called it a long time ago I thought it would be like they were trying to provoke the people but I think what they can do is is they try to work the people up so they get them into you know it's just like my uncle used to come over and have dinner or something and then when it would be bedtime or something we'd all like end up wrestling and my mom would get so mad at my uncle because we would he would get us all worked up you know and then we couldn't settle down and and so this whole kovat 19 this whole certificate of that vaccination identification program has created this thing where people are anxious and there's anxiety okay so is he calling are you gonna answer it up there I'm gonna answer okay so it creates this this tension there's like this pending tension that's that's happening and then it takes like this this whole well they make it a racial thing so they get like it's like listen I don't I don't know why the black community likes to do it so much I mean there's plenty of white people doing it too but it just seems like that's part of their thing where they just really like to smash the stuff and take it man I don't know why but then they but it seems like that's their cue like when a white cop kills a black guy then they all just got to go into the store and take whatever they want out of the target yeah I don't think it matters what color is it's just a it's just a jerk cop no but the thing is that's the narrative that's that is the narrative yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't even know and for what I what I heard is that the the cop and the the alleged victim because that's how they like to do it the alleged afford forger that he they knew each other that they work together yeah at a at a nightclub or something as security so well I'm gonna we're getting them on right now do you have the bio set up Dustin down there all right very good well we are almost there so you can do it very soon is he gonna be skyping we're gonna have video we're gonna have we got we got him on Skype so why don't why can't he look at somebody I always find that awkward but you know me if he's okay with he's a pro so yeah so apparently this guy they work together they knew each other they might have had some bad blood but I don't yeah whatever is on the news all right so we've got sheriff Richard Mack here on the line you might have heard of him before he was successful in leading a Supreme Court case against the Clinton administration I believe around the Brady bill and he challenged that and brought it all the way the Supreme Court and won that victory for state sovereignty is an author of several books on freedom government and gun control he's a consultant on constitutional issues tea tea party activists public speaker crusader for Liberty and a trainer in constitutional issues for law enforcement sheriff Mack thank you very much for coming on the show with us my name is Dustin I appreciate you taking the time to join us tonight well thanks Dustin I appreciate being on your show and thanks for having me well it's an honor I've yeah it's just you want a Supreme Court case I mean I think that's the first thing we want to talk about you were a sheriff here I already told the people listening at home a game a little bit about Graham County and how you you served as the sheriff in Graham County which is about what about an hour and a half east of Phoenix generally two and a half okay and so you're about two and a half hours east there and it's a small county but it's it's larger it's not as big as obviously Maricopa but it's it's it's it's not a very densely populated County but how did you get yourself in a lawsuit against the Clinton administration well that's an amazing story and as you said it was regarding the Brady bill and the Brady bill of course was never transparent what it really was about and what it really did we never heard that from the Clinton administration until after it was passed and it was trying to be implemented and I was at a sheriff's association meeting on January 21st 1994 I was the youngest sheriff in the state at the time and three agents of the B ATF were at the meeting and they came there specifically to hand us a 25 page document that detailed now get this that detailed our marching orders from the federal government from the president and the United States Congress telling us what we had to do to comply with enforcing the Brady bill now if you'll recall the Brady bill was a gun control scheme promoted mostly by Sarah Brady handgun control incorporated and some other gun control groups across the country but Sarah Brady led the way because her husband was shot in the head and was paralyzed for life at the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in March of 1981 he had only been president three months and so after that she really promoted gun control and that's why it was named the Brady bill after her husband and this was the first time in American history that a federal law commandeered the office of sheriff for federal bidding without any negotiation without any funding and believe me I wouldn't have done it even I had been funded but you would have thought they would if they're gonna force us to do it and I say force because this was also the first time that they tried to commandeer the sheriff's but also told us if we did not comply if we did not cooperate they would arrest us and I'm not making that up this is all true it's documented within the bill itself I have it documented in my presentation and I have a little booklet it's called the victory for state sovereignty which is a highlighted version of the Supreme Court decision and every American should read this book it's only 16 pages it fits right in your little pocket see how nicely that fits in my pocket but everybody should have this and it because it's such a miraculous case where can we get one of those just not get off topic but since you brought it up yes well you know that's that's where I wanted to go anyway so okay see us poa dot org see s poa dot org and there's two things here you can get all my books there you should be getting these and the county sheriff America's last hope and you should be taking these to your favorite public official definitely your sheriff but every citizen should read this and no one understand what it does and and what it said and what it did for America it's the most powerful 10th amendment state sovereignty local autonomy case in the history of our country and some people even say it's one of the most powerful decisions ever what's the name of the case it's Mac dash Prince and Sheriff Prince was from Montana and I was the other sheriff and from Arizona we were both at the Supreme Court together I filed first he filed second and his last name is PR I and T Z so Mac you could Google Mac V US or Prince V US it'll come up but I condensed it to where this is only the highlights and so it'll save you a lot of time if you want to get to the meat of the good stuff this is it so they bring you the Brady bill that's when they started introducing the waiting the handgun waiting period is that right yeah okay period in the background checks and and all the monitoring and and then the sheriff had to do all of that at our own expense I had to do it with my own budget and then if I decline somebody I had to go through the process of showing that the person why they were declined and really it gave no recourse if somebody was declined and I I didn't want that kind of power the the Second Amendment is clear that the people have the right to keep and bear arms and the founding fathers knew what they were talking about when they did that because they said to maintain a free society it is essential that the whole body of the people always keep and bear arms and and that's how you keep government in check and it's just amazing to me how many little dictators we have in America now mostly Democrats and mostly governors and other legislators that believe they don't have to follow the Constitution anymore I find that appalling and and why do they take an oath that they summarily ignore and disobey right and so they've already committed perjury which is also a crime and and I don't care who it is I don't give us a Democrat or Republican if you don't keep your oath then you are a liar and you should quit your job and you should be charged criminally for taking an oath that you that you don't keep and so that the Brady bill really was a crazy law that had nothing to do with propriety or the Constitution in fact quite unconstitutional and so I just I just told the the other sheriff's at this time when the VHF agents gave us that document I told them I wasn't gonna do it and they all kind of looked at me like you know that right sure you know you're just a young kid you don't know and so by the time I drove home that two and a half hour drive I had decided that I was gonna sue the federal government nice and none of the other sheriff's wanted to do anything about it they none of them liked it Democrat and Republican sheriff alike none of them liked it nobody did there were a lot there were a couple of sheriff's matter about it than I was and and being threatened by arrest by the federal government I mean sheriff's were really ticked off about it and so I I filed the lawsuit the very day the Brady bill took effect on February 28 1994 the decision came out December sorry that's when we're at the Supreme Court we're at the Supreme Court December of 1996 I lost my third election and then on June 27 1997 the United States Supreme Court in a 5-4 split said that the Brady bill was unconstitutional and miraculously that pretty much stopped Brady bills two three four and five and they were going to completely gut the Second Amendment I've seen some of those other bills Brady bill two was introduced by Howard Metzenbaum in the Senate just two weeks after I filed the lawsuit but all of them got stalled because they wanted to see how the first one was going to be adjudicated when we won none of the others ever came up and so two small town sheriff's did more to stop gun control in this country than all of Congress put together in the last 50 years so how many sheriff's across the country saw that happen and wish you would think that they would be more emboldened because that didn't stop their attempts to push more unconstitutional agendas on hardly any of them ever have ever even read the case and and you know so I find it quite difficult to understand why a sheriff would not look at the case which is the only time in history a sheriff sued the federal government and won and it is a very powerful case let me let me quote to you one thing here on page I believe it's page 13 yeah here it is but the Constitution now this is the Supreme Court saying this but the Constitution protects us from our own best intentions in quote don't you think that's astonishing the Constitution protects us from all our attempts to do good and to protect people and to make people safe and healthy which sounds like they're talking to all these Hitler governors today you know if the Constitution protects me from your good intentions then why isn't anybody doing about anything about that and I'm proud to announce that most of you have already seen nationwide where dozens and dozens of sheriff's I and I'm sure we have over 150 sheriff's now maybe more across this country that have told their governors and others mayors and other people we will not enforce your dictatorial orders you're not a little Hitler and you don't have any right to shut down people's freedoms to shut down their businesses and to shut down the liberty and the individual liberty of every citizen in my county or in this country and so I'm proud of those sheriff's and and I would like to ask everybody listening to your program which sheriff do you want do you want Sheriff Nichols from Maine from Franklin County Maine who told his governor we will not make our county a police state we will not act like Nazis and we will follow the Constitution in this county or do you want Sheriff Chronister in Florida who arrested a minister for having church services now we have also all sorts of places in California and Mississippi where people have been arrested just for going to church and in Mississippi they stayed in their cars in the parking lot and they still got cited in so you would think that we would all agree on one principle that would be sacred and that we would never violate and you would think that that would be religious religious liberty seems how our country kind of fact was founded on that principle but no we we have nothing that's sacred anymore and this coronavirus hype has put police in such a crazy position of just following orders and and obeying the dictator instead of following their oath and obeying the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the state wherein they work we need to support freedom we need to get back to freedom so you created didn't you create a group of peace officers and sheriff's for the Constitution is that the SSP oh yes constitutional sheriff's peace officers okay that's I remember that okay all right and so there's a website and get these books but you should become a member and everybody can become a member you don't have to be a sheriff or former sheriff or a cop this is a people organization guess who the sheriff reports to his only supervisor is the first three words of the Constitution we the people mm-hmm the sheriff only reports to you and that is a very profound definition of a constitutional republic because the people decide and choose their leaders and within the parameters of the law the Constitution of the United States real quick I want to ask you a couple questions so people listening can understand if you're just joining us we're talking with Sheriff Richard back he won a Supreme Court case against the United States the Clinton administration yes the Clinton administration defending our Second Amendment rights and so sheriff when you when you compare a peace officer or what we call a police officer or what people will say a policy enforcer and a sheriff what's the difference because you see them they roll up you know they're they're covering the same jurisdiction territorially but it's like they have different jurisdictions over top of each other well they do and we do coordinate with each other quite a bit because those cities are within the county that I serve so I have concurrent the sheriff has concurrent jurisdiction throughout the county and the gentleman's agreement is that they handle everything like in Maricopa County the Maricopa County Sheriff has a huge geographical area well he kind of got into a sheriff or pile when he was sheriff he kind of got into it with a couple of police departments and they challenged him on it said hey the last time I looked Phoenix was in Maricopa County and Mesa was in Maricopa County I can enforce the law anywhere I want the gentleman's agreement though between Phoenix PD or police departments nationwide no matter what County it is nationwide that is that they handle all the things inside the incorporated parts of the city and we handle all the calls in the non incorporated parts so the urban the rural areas of the county and and so it can be quite spread out but they're both peace officers but the sheriff is elected and the chief of police is a bureaucrat he's appointed he answers to the City Council or to the city manager the sheriff only answers to the people what's the difference between for power wise or authority or the relationship between a county executive and a sheriff how do they relate to one another because they're both elected and you would see them both as being heads of the county right we work together like the sheriff has to do the budget with the county commissioners or in Arizona it's called the Board of Supervisors and they have to work together on that but after that the sheriff answers to no one and and even during that process they negotiate the budget together but they're not his boss the county attorney cannot tell the sheriff what to do the Board of Supervisors cannot tell the sheriff what to do again they can sit down and discuss things and and they very well should and all of us have but he only has one boss and it's not the it's it's the people right so today we're dealing with this coronavirus agenda well let's just call it what I perceive it to be you can have I don't know everybody's got their own opinion about what's happening but I believe it's a total agenda and it seems to be being pushed pushed along like gun control you know there's there's this whole thing being pushed along like what are like it's I brought this up you know two months ago like our sheriff's are the ones that seem to have the power to stand against this you know and I encourage people to find out who their sheriff's were and what their policies were and to find out what what can we do with our sheriff's departments and work we what can we do to push back with without riding in the streets because that's what it seems like they want people to do they but what what can we do lawfully with our sheriff's department how can the sheriff's push this back well we certainly support civil disobedience we do not support violence we never have I never have I never will but imagine that your civil disobedience is with your sheriff's not only approval but he's there with you wouldn't that right would that a great way and I compare it to Rosa Parks now Rosa Parks December 1st 1955 was arrested for not giving her seat to a white man okay I compare Shelley Luther to a modern-day Rosa Parks you remember her who is it Shelley Luther Shelley Luther from Dallas no I don't know the name yeah you've seen into the news she was a steep yeah she was the one who opened up her salon and got a yes okay yes okay I remember that and I'm gonna go see her I'm gonna be in Texas and near near Dallas and I'm gonna go have her cut my hair nice so you sometimes you got to go that far to get a good haircut if you can't if you're barber I'm gonna go and give her a great big old tip nice and a big hug too but I totally support what she did the sheriff should be should have been defending her but regrettably in Dallas we don't have a constitutional sheriff and and that's really sad but all the major cities just about don't have them you know Dallas Los Angeles San Francisco San Diego of Phoenix it's really hard to get Chicago New York City they don't have constitutional sheriff so usually the bigger the jurisdiction the lack of a constitutional sheriff but there's good there's good sheriff's right around those cities even in California even in New York we have good sheriff's there Sheriff Mike Carpinelli is a great constitutional sheriff in New York and so we have them all in in just about every state except just for historical clarification there are no sheriff's in Hawaii or Alaska or Connecticut Connecticut about 20 years ago voted the office of sheriff out of their state huge mistake so now they only have now they only have the police state there or the state police I don't know which order to know but anyway it's really sad there but in every state there's sheriff's and we have constitutional sheriff in just about every state but the thing of it is this is where you your people need to understand you've got to go talk to your sheriff vet your share see if he will defend you as you commit civil disobedience to get your freedom back be like Shelley Luther be like some of these ministers who have conducted church service anyway be like some of these other people who refuse to wear a mask or and I'm getting rid of my mask I will wear on the plane because you can't fly without having a mask on but I will keep it below my nose you know I'm gonna I believe in fresh air I have also talked to several doctors and now even who has come out and said a mask is not needed most of the time right and they can't because there are people that have medical conditions where a mask is not going to promote benefits to for their condition so there are situations where you could get a doctor's note to say you don't have a mask but nobody can ask you whether you have a condition so I believe there is a loophole to have to wear a mask yes so when with all these lockdowns with all this going down well actually let's back up real quick you mentioned constitutional sheriff's do you do you endorse any buddy running for sheriff in Arizona this year ever now and again you know it's really hard for me to go against any incumbent because I want that person to stay with us but I have but I have before and especially if it's a horrible sheriff in fact I've endorsed a candidate in Dallas for the last two times because it's a horrible sheriff and and Houston has a horrible sheriff there and there's some horrible things going on there and can you imagine though a sheriff not defending someone who simply wants to earn a living or a minister having church and that they would actually go arrest those people I cannot believe that we could ever do that and not only that the shutdown doesn't make any sense whatsoever and and so people say oh why doesn't it make sense it's dangerous what if we get all get the coronavirus well even when we shut down and we quarantined ourselves quarantining healthy people is stupid but even when we quarantined ourselves people that quarantined still got it and people in nursing homes were dying right and left especially in New York it was counterproductive to stopping the coronavirus it did not help ask dr. Shiva ask dr. Bataar ask dr. Stephen Smith and now 600 share of six hundred six hundred doctors sent a letter to Trump saying that what they've been doing was wrong and so you don't even have the medical appeal the medical field agreeing on this issue but but let's just take it from common sense what what kind of dangerous diseases and problems do we have facing us in America that we've been dealing with for decades well how about smoking how many people die from smoking related diseases every year in America it's about a million heart disease and lung disease because of smoking have we ever shut down smoking and don't don't get me wrong I'm not suggesting that at all I don't smoke and I don't drink and I don't want anybody else to but it's your business and I'm not going to force you not to smoke even though we all know it's extremely unhealthy it's downright stupid but you know it's your choice we never smoke sheriff secondhand it's not about you it's about the other person so we're gonna restrict your rights to protect other people that's the argument that's generally made around this so that's why you know me exercising my liberty to put myself at risk or to decide for my own health I agree with you you you can't force your smoke on to me or somebody else who doesn't want it that's why they stop smoking in planes and in most buildings now my germs that's why it's this quarantining in these lockdowns need to happen and that could and that was a that was the case way before this coronavirus happened right that's always been there yeah you know so now we're gonna stop shaking hands we're not gonna shake hands anymore in this country or in the world and and and you know what I'm okay with doing some of those things but I'm still I'm still maintaining none of that made any sense when we kill a million people a year and we we've only killed maybe a hundred thousand but we also know that the numbers have been inflated and that some of these governors and some of these hospitals and some of these counties have intentionally inflated the numbers even people who are killed in traffic accidents were put down as dying of coronavirus and so none of it is trustworthy and so I would ask this we kill 33,000 people every year on our streets and in fact the coronavirus is not even in the top ten that of people dying of certain causes and so and now suicide has gone up and I also met a doctor who said that the suicide rate by the end of this year will out distance the coronavirus disease and locking people down and destroying their businesses causes depression and causes suicide and nobody's hardly thinking about that but the the president did and the president warned about that and I love what the president has done because he has made these guidelines instead of Hitleric orders and and so that's what all of us should be doing we should be persuading the people convincing the people reasoning with the people to cooperate but not arresting us and putting us in prison and ruining our businesses and our lifelong dreams because we didn't go along with you yes and and so yeah you're told you're very well informed about you know on this matter it's very clear that while we agree with you on the constitutional sheriff's and and we agree with your stance on civil disobedience and that we need to stand up and that's we we can't just trust our leaders to we have to have a relationship with our leaders especially our local leaders now and who trusts our leaders just to take care of us like this right you trust Nancy Pelosi to take care of you you trust Adam Schiff to take care of you trust Mitch McConnell to take care of you now I just want to stay away cells but you know with this local that's why we're trying to encourage people because most people don't even know that the power of the sheriff is supreme in the county that the president the governor can't come in and tell the sheriff how to run his County the sheriff can say hey I'm going to let the park be open and the president can come in and go don't you know that because of XY and Z and the sheriff's gonna say well you know this is outside of your territory yeah and the decision makes that very clear that it says quote and again this thing is so powerful you would not believe it it talks about how the Constitution protects us from the crisis of the day it talks about how the federal government cannot force us to do anything it says quote state legislatures are not subject to federal direction it's the same states are not subject to federal direction most of the time we buy into their schemes because we want federal money and that's a stupidity in and of itself because where do you think the federal government gets their money right get it from states and the people in the state stop sending them the money and then we'll have to stop and then we can stop doing what they tell us in order to get our money back so most of the sheriff's nowadays are just politicians essentially or police officers that have been wooed to have a role that and then influenced by politicians is that how it's kind of turned into being yes and and so we we just need to quit playing politics do what's right John Wayne said a man ought to do what he thinks best and that's what we really need we need sheriff's that just do what's best and what's best is that you keep your word you keep your oath you enforce the Constitution and you protect the liberty of every one of your citizens in your county that is what we're here you've got I'm gonna I'm sorry for jumping on top of you sir I know we have a short period of time and I've got a laundry list of questions and I want to make sure that everybody gets the most of our time together every CSP o a dot org is that where anybody in the country can go to find a good constitutional sheriff if they want to find out who's running is that where their endorsements gonna be no we keep trying no there's three thousand eighty sheriff's in America there's no way we'd have room to keep track of everybody running for office you got to get involved in your own race we can get you can find good questions to ask your sheriff candidates or your current sheriff it our surveys right there vetting your share that's all on our website but this is the best thing to hand them hand that to all the candidates and then ask them which of you will keep your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution but yeah it's it's very different and very difficult to hurt all these sheriffs across the country so we need the people involved in the process okay now there's been throughout our history national emergencies regional emergencies where powers were given to executives whether it be the president or the governor or county executives which allowed them or they claim allowed them to to suspend the Constitution what's your response to a citizen who's being told hey you don't have any constitutional right we're in a state of emergency they pass you know because I think that's part of the agenda is for them to use these crises crises to push forward these these emergency power acts and then create the new normal in under that in that terrain you know so what's your response to that what are the cops arresting a parishioner in Mississippi actually the cops said that your rights have been suspended who the hell are you anyway I've got two words to tell any governor any cop that thinks that they have any authority at all or power or authorization or prerogative to suspend our rights I got two words bull loaning do not have that it is not within your emergency powers yes they can declare a state of emergency that usually opens up the avenues for funding to take care of the issue however no one is authorized to suspend the Bill of Rights that is a never situation no one has the right or authority and authority is the correct term no one in this country not the president not any governor not any mayor or sheriff has the authority to suspend the individual liberty of any citizen they can go after somebody committing a crime and arrest them but otherwise their job is to protect my rights the Declaration of Independence states clearly what the purpose of all government is quote that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men in quote good everybody in all three branches of government has one job to make sure our rights are not violated and that means from all enemies both foreign and domestic and I'm telling you we've got quite a few domestic enemies trying to do just that yeah you couldn't have said it any better one of my next questions is what would you say the purpose of government is so you you read my mind on that and so social distancing contact tracing that's another question we've got have you heard of that what do you talk on that yeah the number six six six six come to my mind when you ask me that wow yeah that's the name of the bill that's the bill on that and they're already saying that Apple and AT&T are pushing forward with an app to go on your phones well I have a flip phone so I can't do it and I won't do it and I will I'm telling you right now I will throw my phone away if they try to do that to me and I'll go back to a pager or I'll go back to pay phones or whatever it is but I am not taking any of that social distancing the contact tracing checking on me mandating me watching over me spying on me no no government has to stick within its limitations and I'm going to tell you another one maybe this is on your list but I might consider taking the coronavirus vaccination if they make it mandatory and force us to I will never take it okay and your sheriff should protect you from having to do that that's an individual choice it's called medical freedom freedom it's called I decide what goes into me I decide what's best for me and my family medically and maybe one of my children wants to take it after they do that research that if they're old enough to make that decision then I will leave them to that also but I'm telling you forced vaccinations that sounds like eugenics and what Nazis did to medically test Jews and others and twins and all of that that's not going to happen in America and we're not going to allow this to become Nazi Germany any more than we already have and I'm telling you right now our mantra our hashtag now is never again will we destroy America in order to be healthy never again for any reason will we shut down our freedom our country our livelihoods and our ideals we will never allow it to happen again so as an individual how would you recommend that somebody just move forward where if you know they've got I mean how can somebody personally stand up like what would you suggest well it first you want to have a plan with your sheriff you don't want to wait till the emergency happens when they're knocking on your door to handcuff you and honk tie you to give you a vaccination you're a little bit late you want to work this out with your sheriff starting now have a plan have him put put it in writing to let the government know there will be no forced vaccinations in my county as long as I'm sheriff and he needs to make it clear that that will not happen and and that if somebody tries to come in and do it he will stand in the way and and you know what there's been plenty of sheriffs that have already done similar things and you know what I kicked out the FDA sorry EPA and Army Corps of Engineers in my county when I was sheriff because they they wouldn't let us fix a bridge after a flood and I kicked them out and they left and we fixed the bridge and they threatened to arrest everybody in our county that was trying to fix it they would threaten to arrest the county commissioners and I kicked them out I told him I would arrest them if they didn't leave what were they saying that they had to make sure that everybody downstream was protected because you know that's how it goes you know a little bit of that and you know they had to do their environmental impact study yeah of us simply fixing what was already there so it was ridiculous and and it was just typical red tape bureaucratic bull loaning right and I just you know I wasn't gonna have it yeah somebody in our chat here is just saying sheriff and pastors are our first line of defense of defense you know so you know that local closest to you leadership you need to stay connected with and have that relationship so let's just jump over to another part of the country in the Midwest right now in Milwaukee in Minneapolis there's all this stuff going on what have you been paying attention what's your what's your take on it well I'm absolutely appalled that that officer could do what he did I'm also appalled that he had all sorts of track records regarding disciplinary problems and somebody's gonna really pay for that supervisors and law enforcement who don't train people properly in the application of their jobs we don't train in this country what the Constitution is and what our job is to protect the Constitution we we are all every cop in this country is required by the sixth article of the Constitution to to swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution but we never trained in that why we never trained that our job is to protect liberty why is it any wonder that an officer isn't gonna to get that that he's the boss that he can teach people a lesson that he can stick his knee in some guy's throat and I'm appalled that any officer could do that I'm also appalled at the other three officers that watched it and didn't do anything about it should be back should they be charged jointly you suppose yes yes and that's what I said every state should pass a law saying that if an officer watches a crime committed by another officer you're charged with the same thing good okay and I and I'm dead serious about that because these officers that don't that sit there and watch that are you kidding and and you know I can't even get through that video 30 seconds without without becoming nauseated and and I am so sorry for that family that lost mr. Floyd oh my goodness what a horrible way to die and for that to be blasted all over the country now and that family and his children are watching that oh my gosh but be that as it may it happen these thugs though that are such hypocrites said we demand justice in this case well let it play out but to go and destroy the businesses of other people in your community of other black people do any of you know Martin Luther King do any of you think for a minute that Martin Luther King would want you to be out there burning each other's homes and cars and businesses what what in the hell's the matter with you people I love the guy that was on the news just a while ago and he was a black business owner and he was asking all these thugs out there on the streets why are you doing this to me I didn't do anything wrong why are you destroying my business and and that is a great question why would you why would any of you do this in the name of justice okay a huge injustice has happened to mr. Floyd and his family okay let's do our best now to get justice in this case so as sheriff if that so say you were the sheriff of the county where that happened and then these events started happening what would you do what could your role be from the get-go as soon as you heard about hey this guy was as a sheriff one of the the local city police officers a guy died what happened and what would what would your role be what would you do and then even into these riots and all of those as a sheriff how would you get control and how would you handle it well a riotous situation like this is very difficult to put it get under control I've been in I've been in a riot like that once in my jail and once when I was a peace officer and they're hard to control you know they're gonna need a lot more manpower and these wannabe look-alike protests now in other parts of the country it's all bull and and it's just an excuse for these people to go out and loot and commit all sorts of crimes and a thrill associated and they just let me tell you this the the officer in question would would have been fired about ten complaints ago and it's so when you have police chiefs and sheriff's who don't exercise their proper authority and discipline their employees properly then these things happen as sheriff could you've just gone could you because there's I don't know where this officer is I mean administrative leave I imagine and he's got arrested he got taken into custody he did by the sheriff or by the who took him into custody I don't know I don't know who arrested me I'm pretty sure it was a local sheriff yeah it could have been the FBI they've been called in to investigate okay I wonder how you know now I'm not gonna get it but the deal is this if this had been handled one like I said proper training for officers and proper disciplinary action against problem officers this guy had 18 different complaints made against him improper conduct with the public and excessive force and shooting when he wasn't supposed to and they kept this guy on are they all loony and that they haven't had training for officers if you watch a crime committed by an officer and you don't do anything about it they've never trained in that these are common sense things that should be happening all over the country and so I believe that some heads should roll on this and some chiefs and whoever the supervisors of this officer were should be fired and action taken and we need I say this every time Dustin I say this every time these happen we need to re-examine how we train people in our academies how we train police in our academies and this is ridiculous that we allow these things to happen yeah riots are really difficult to handle no question about it and I'll be the first one to say you know it's really difficult to say you ten officers go take care of those thousands people those those thousands right there looting and burning it's very difficult situation what about any orders store owners I know that you know like in the LA riots you know they had the Korean district where you had those shop owners with their rifles on the rooftops yeah yeah they were able to protect their businesses because they were shooting back yeah so what would that be justifiable mean today in this in this because that was what 1990 oh yeah something like that arson you could you're committing an arson and you don't think somebody should be shooting you oh my gosh so that's justifiable Oh totally justifiable but the police pulled back you know and like I say I wasn't there but I'm telling you 130 businesses have been destroyed in Minneapolis and a lot of those owners of those businesses were black people and and why we would do this I I do not get I cannot wrap my mind over around it yeah it seems I'm I I thought that they were trying to promote cuz I'm I think that they really want to destroy America that there's an international agenda to bring down the Constitution and to do that so there is I'm looking for that it's been and when you have people like Barack Obama who won't come out and say look this is not the answer this is not the solution he never did it while he was in the office he's not doing it now and Maxine Waters of course comes out and blames President Trump mm-hmm you know what an absolute idiot and and I you know is she making it better or is she making it worse is Barack Obama making it better or is he making it worse and the whole time he was president he made it worse he he he literally seemed like he wanted them that he wanted it there to be a racial division in this country he seemed to promote it and he seemed to like it right they think that I I believe that with this COVID thing that they they want people to be on edge and that they they want people to push back they want to be able to justify stricter controls and to be able to because if these riots were something that you know I don't know if this happened organically obviously it seems to be a pattern when a black guy's killed by a white police officer that the media makes a big hype out of it and they irritate the situation and and the next thing you know rocks are being black kills are black it doesn't get much attention no it's not talked about I mean not like that how about inner-city crime where black on black crime is horrendous and it is skyrocketing and nobody addresses that you know what all lives matter to me and and it should be the same for everybody well the shame and the black my lives mattering too it's like when you have these people and they're riding in the street like who's gonna help them if if somebody's injured if somebody's caught in some sort of thing you can't even you've got a horde of people and somebody suffers a head injury or falls and it's trampled and the next thing you know what are they gonna do call for an ambulance call for police well as soon as that ambulance or police car comes to help the person they're gonna be destroyed and they'll have their windows smashed out so it seems like ambulances and and fire departments will not be allowed in there until it is pretty safe it's it's madness and it seems like they that would the next move after that would to bring in the national would be to bring in the National Guard or to do something to create I don't want to say a martial law type of situation but where they have they've already done a curfew and I agree with that well you got yeah you got to do something but how do you enforce it then well you bring in the troops if you have to but yeah the National Guard is is acceptable in that situation but man oh man this has got to be addressed prior and and again I will harp on harp and harp on the lack of proper training in this country with police cadets it seems like they probably train more on where to put your knee on a suspect to get him to submit like that's that's what they're sharing when they're talking of instead of like talking about maybe constitutional things or policy yeah that's policy that's allowed and that's why this cops can be in trouble but the reason that some of these departments are going to be given up a lot of money on this is because this guy had so many disciplinary complaints where no action was taken I want to hear it I want to carry my gun in California what should I do do it all right let keep it concealed so nobody can see it okay like I recommend permit even though I don't believe in permits I recommend it because I don't want you to go to prison over it but I I definitely carry a gun when I go to California I obviously don't carry one in to Disneyland I love Disneyland but I compromise and I don't wear one in there it's a pretty safe place to be with your family and and I appreciate that part they got good security but a grocery store that says I can't wear one in there they're not going to know if I have it I keep it concealed and and I go in anyway or I'll shop some of that yourself where they don't say that mm-hmm mandatory mask in Disneyland I think then they say something about that do what isn't there mandatory mask in Disneyland I don't know I've heard that's what I've heard but I'll be taking my note from my doctor saying how I'm supposed to have fresh air right for my heart condition yeah well so you're a hundred percent pro Second Amendment there shall be no law made to infringe Congress shall make no law to in front of our rights to some background acts I don't believe in permit those are all infringements and I know what the word infringement means mm-hmm yeah I mean that's the way I've always felt and luckily here we are in Arizona where you don't need to have any sort of but I just bought a 22 rifle couple like a month or so ago and I had to go through all the paperwork for that and I it had been a long time since I even bought a 22 like that wasn't private and I was totally surprised that they were having me go through all that stuff so well I just bought me a Winchester 3030 from a good friend of mine and I love it like a job 94 John went yep John Wayne Winchester yeah my granddaddy gave my great-grandfather gave me one of those so that's a fun little gun yeah hey sheriff I wanted to jump in real quick this is Logan I just wanted to ask you a question we're up here in the studio we had someone on our chat asked this question and it's something that I that I have been seeing for years you've seen the the accusation of it and you see all the videos so right now there's some video posts we don't have it pulled up right yet that one of the police officers in Minneapolis was disguised as an agent provocateur and was going around and smashing the windows I don't know if you saw that in this case or if you've ever run across that or seen how the you know authority figures the police you know whatever it is or if FBI agents have you ever heard or experienced where they're acting as agent provocateurs instigating these riots or events well we know that that's happened before and yes and sometimes the police will put people in plain clothes and have them out there among the crowd usually not to be provocateurs but we all know that provocateurs are out there in just about every one of these riots they were there in Ferguson they were there in Baltimore of course they're there in Minneapolis and and so yeah they're there what you can really do about it you know what can we do about the CIA and all the crimes they commit so you know it happens it's there and and I really wish we could get a handle on the number one problem in America and that is public corruption and that's just one little part of it I had I also have one more question from the chat you know as Baptist you know we're commanded that we should go out you know door-to-door soul-winning and telling people about Jesus and we feel that that's our First Amendment protected right as you know the freedom of religion and that we can be should be able to go door-to-door and do that we get a lot of resistance from certain cities or certain apartments where they say you know that's you know you're trespassing you can't be here have you ever ran into that what's your opinion on being able to go door-to-door and not have to deal with the trespassing charge no that's not covered that's not covered those are private businesses those are private property and if I don't if I own a apartment complex and I don't want you soliciting and it says no trespassing sorry you can't go there okay yes you have a right to go where you are invited and allowed but it's not blanket government cannot violate your right to freedom of religion and if those are government owned and operated now that's a different story but if it's private property that's my castle that's my property and I can say who and who cannot go on to my property and that is protected and that is protected by the the Bill of Rights I'm sorry you I I don't have to give you a reason why I do not want you on my property and sorry you can't do it was that the answer you wanted Logan no I wasn't looking for a certain answer that was a question the chat so I asked yeah well my question on that matter sheriff is that is the apartment manager when they like if I rented a house from a landlord who's you know in the next state over or even across the street can they sit there and tell me who my guests can be or who can visit or any of those things when that be your rent your unless he says that in the contract that he can tell you that but I've never seen those before you once you rent that property it's your you're in control of that property you have leased that from him he has leased it to you and that is your property he can't go in there without your permission unless he put that in its contract if it's in the contract you can contract away a lot of your rights but most most of the leasing of an apartment or any kind of building like that once you're in charge of it and you're paying for it you're in charge it's yours yeah so it's kind of I mean obviously they can they can make a trespass report against you but they can't if if you have a friend and you invite them over and they come in and preach that is not a trespassing if they make it where soliciting religions or soliciting anything is a trespass then you you can't do it but if you invite somebody to that property it's not a trespass okay well that's good so um just I something came to mind uh so currently there's a moratorium or there has been on mortgages or car payments and all kinds of things because of the the corona or the code here yeah for closures and yeah so that's been passed on to tenants who rent and I know part of the job of a sheriff typically is to do evictions is that right that is correct so what's gonna happen what's gonna happen if anybody is listening and you know they they lost their job because they're because they're they're small business or something was locked down and they couldn't continue with their beauty shop or or what have you and now they've had to miss a rent payment or or a couple and then now there's two sides to that story what about the guy who owns the car apartment complex who can't pay his and maybe he's got to pay the mortgage on the apartment complex so there's that's a double-edged sword there however the deal is this I do not have to execute any of those foreclosures if I choose not to and nobody can make me and and you can't do anything to me if I don't so if I go and talk to the apartment complex and say look you know what these people are struggling right now I know that you're probably struggling too can we try to work out a program where you know you take partial payment or whatever I would do that I've done that before and I will tell you sheriff dart in Chicago sheriff Tom Dart back about 10 12 years ago in 2009 he refused to evict people he refused to execute foreclosures for Bank of America and Chase and some of the other bigger international banks and they complained about it but there's nothing they could do about it and he said I'm not going to evict people right now and put people out on the street and increase the homeless in Chicago which is already problematic and and because you big rich banks want to take over property and take over these people's lives and he did it a bunch of times and he's not a constitutional sheriff but he saw a problem and he and he tried to take care of it and I I've actually written about Tom Dart in one of my books and so I admire any sheriff who takes a proactive approach on that and it is a big question and it that's come up quite often you even moving forward in the in the near future once they start you know repossessing property because they lift that moratorium it probably is going to be a big issue nationwide so maybe we should look for that and if you're in that situation maybe talk to your sheriff right talk to your sheriff and and what they would person talk to the person you're right exactly if that fails then go talk to your sheriff and say hey I just need a little more time I'm not trying to skip my bills I will get back to doing this and you know see what your sheriff can work out for you very good sheriff Richard Mack you have given us an abundance of your time this evening I think we went way past what you had scheduled with us we we appreciate you being so gracious to to just talk with us tonight I really enjoyed our conversation please tell us how people can help you do what you do and to get involved in what you care about well if people really want to perpetuate this constitutional sheriff concept and if you want a constitutional sheriff in your county then make a donation do something you've got to get involved if you're not involved in this process it is not going to happen this is not a parade where we get to just watch things go by we we have to be involved so the best place to get involved is cspoa.org constitutional sheriff's peace officers Association get this little book get the sheriff book get my other book the proper role of law enforcement that's way back 30 years ago when I was a rookie cop well that guy looks is that your son that's me so anyway everybody should be involved in this everybody can make a donation everybody can become a member of the CSP away and we'll provide you with the information to help this effort be successful it will be as successful as you make it so if you don't get involved you pretty much know why things are going to pot but my friends there is hope this is hope this organization is hope that we can take our freedoms back in a peaceful and effective manner I've got proof that it works I've got proof in a Supreme Court decision that this is a principle-based effort and what we are doing is the right thing to do join us in this holy cause of Liberty well god bless you thank you very much for joining us and we hope to get another shot at talking to you again soon in the future all the best to you sir all right same to you thanks so much have a good night all right another wonderful guest Paul good job yeah great job Dustin you nailed it man hey man you know the guy just had some interesting stuff to talk about and and you know that we could have just gone on I had I still had some more things I I like the sheriff thing I like that that the fact that and I just knew there was there was more to it there so that's you know this is my I think our solution is getting shot involved in church get out there soul-winning give people the gospel make sure people are on their way to heaven make sure that people's prayers are answered because they're children of God and you know teach them to do all things whatsoever Christ commanded them and you know get involved with your sheriff and find out who your sheriff is and if your sheriff is bunk kick him out if your sheriff's a woman kick her out and well maybe if she's a constitutional sheriff yeah it's probably good but you know well those are the kind of things you can actually vote on and make a difference the sheriff obviously you know but your vote doesn't really matter for president and stuff like that but that with the sheriff hopefully there's some good ones out there that you can actually get yeah in office and he was pretty on it when it with yeah I seriously was gonna ask that question about what the purpose of government it is and he and he quoted the Constitution about the purpose of government before before I got to that question now is seriously gonna ask that one next so that was great interview I'm glad he joined us so little Logan's wife in the sweat of his brow like it's pretty intense up here I Logan it's like a it's like a balmy gnarlin's porch up here I need some iced tea with some mint yeah mint julep yeah yeah so go ahead and make a donation to cspoa.org they accept PayPal yeah well yeah and and yeah I really appreciate him giving us you know time out of his day he was only supposed to do like a half-hour interview and he wanted that happen how did did he say I only got half an hour no okay that's what we yeah we just crush people yeah basically interview people until they're just like I can't they're like yeah yeah but Paul's all like he's got half an hour you gotta hurry up with the next question you guys should see the back behind-the-scenes footage all yelling at each other I'm here listen to the guy and he's quoting the Constitution he's telling me all these things and I'm just looking at him trying to read his lips because Paul's over here like yeah basically like Paul's just screaming at us the whole time I were doing why didn't you do that I told you to pull that page up why didn't you do it oh you're like have you here that's why I feel like the whipping boy this is why Logan hasn't been on the show for a while I need to break my psyche couldn't take it anymore his memory is only so good it's like good for a week and then he forgets about yeah like the first minutes I was like oh yeah that's why totally hot no I miss I missed being here for sure it's it's a serious temperature change it's no joke up here yeah it's it's an attic for sure huh yeah it is like an attic yeah man so yeah I just enjoy talking to the guy and I've got you know yeah I just I was just curious you know and I yeah I think he's a cool dude he knows all about it he knows all about the math yeah I was uh I was hoping he was gonna be with us on the whole soul winning thing that's sorry sorry guys but that kind of felt dead yeah that kind of kind of burst above all that I thought he was right there with us but I wanted to find out who his lawyer was but I didn't want to go back because we had already covered that but I want to find out who his lawyer was because you know I would sue the President of the United States I mean I would sue yeah I would sue the United States government but like how do you get somebody to take that case and and so well you and how did you finance that like was it pro bono or or what I mean it's good question to ask but I didn't want to go seriously yeah I just enjoy talking to the guy and I've got that's my fault you know yeah I'll try to pull up the chat on the computer so I can monitor the chat while it's going that's what I don't like no when you look at most of these most of the cases that are that get to the Supreme Court they're usually pro bono you like it it's it's so much money unless you're a corporation where you're just paying out it's millions of dollars in legal fees so it's why are you showing me this that's the temperature that's the temperature 107 not bad so yeah like anytime it's either it's funny it's usually either like you know whatever whether it's like a left-wing cause or it's a right-wing cause you know conservative whatever you want to call it it's all pro bono work you know these lawyers that are just there because they're they know that they can just use this person's story to push the agenda that they want so they're like yeah sure we'll take it on what you will use your story to get what we you know this law passed that we want but yeah it's yeah they're usually the private citizen it's never it's never you're paying for the lawyers because it's millions of dollars get to the Supreme Court all right cool well I don't know I don't know that was pretty cool we got Sean jolly in the chat you know he thinks the the sole winning question can be clarified I probably could have I think I could have convinced him otherwise I didn't want to push him on it you know I it was Jessica I didn't wanna I knew we were kind of towards the tail end so I don't want to try and I didn't have you don't want to end the interview and some weird yeah yeah I didn't have it in front of me because I know there is a Supreme Court decision about that that does clarify that you are looking to argue with the guy yeah yeah no he was being cool the whole time so it's fine it was just his opinion that's that's all the people yeah I wanted to hear so it's all good and I don't think he would answer the call anyway cuz you know that would probably be the city but even if he did if you talk to him personally I mean that's kind of interesting if he is the sheriff you know then you have the sheriff's deputies all right oh you know he also did this other thing and now that was a pile forget it so so you have the sheriff's deputies which are the ones that you know he deputizes he appoints these people and then they go out and they they enforce the will of the office to continue what his job is and so when you show up when the police officer shows up it could be the sheriff like you'd want to talk to him but if you knew the guy was like a total constitutional guy like that guy you might actually get through to him but you know you're probably gonna end up getting the guy who wants to put his knee on your throat you're more likely to get that guy in fact I wonder on the bell curve you know like there's probably as many constitutional lawyers they're not constitutional constitutional police officers there's pie fewer constitutional police officers then there are police officers who will kill you by just sitting on your head yeah that's a rough video did you get a chance to watch that I got to the headline I don't need to see more than really rough I heard about it yeah I don't need to see that kind of stuff and I don't he's like begging for his life and yeah guy just kills him man yeah I don't need to see that stuff but um my burn is feeling a little bit better DMSO everybody miss oh man it'll be a big blister here well I appreciate everyone tuning in to tonight's program tonight's program was brought to you by our house so make sure to check out our house you can go to our YouTube channel and subscribe to that we're also just got in Harrison Okene six hours underwater which is a fantastic book and I kind of want to change the gears here and talk about this book a little bit because I was trying to actually talk Logan into doing this movie and he's shaking his head no but that's why kind of why the movie got held up because he didn't want to go over to Nigeria I also I even know I don't think you can get like a pass to go to Nigeria it's like like whatever like the US State Department has is there restrictions of like don't travel it's the highest one okay like well you're saying like the levels the threat level the threat level it's the highest threat level yeah yeah which you you know you wouldn't think Nigeria would be higher than like Baghdad but it is yeah basically like everything you read on there like anytime you leave your hotel like the airport anywhere yeah I just hire us the words were wanton violence rights like just all types of violence for kidnapping no reason or yeah kidnappings theft or just for any read just for because yeah it just violence if they see that you're different and so yeah so imagine Paul and me who's six four six seconds sore thumb just carrying around all kinds of camera equipment yeah that looks real great and they're also and part of the ball is Starbucks he's all yeah well you're not gonna get any Starbucks over there but part of the movie is us going out to see yeah and we do the pirate lanes yeah so yeah also part of that so not just on land you're just like yeah incredibly dangerous you want to go out into the water where there's just pirates everywhere like they're like like everything everywhere he wanted to go because he also lives out so in the city they said like you're okay in the city but like anytime you leave the city it's crazy dangerous yeah so like that's where this guy lives his way out in a village so we would have to travel there you know like you to go to this place you need a security team like you yeah well just so and Paul so I talked to the guy I had long conversations with the guy we planned the whole thing so it would be he wants $5,000 do the interview he wants $5,000 for the security team and then an additional 3,500 for another security team in a separate boat that's supposed to like come next to us plus the the boat we have to rent so like when the guy who's there no like wants a security team that's that's a sign yeah well yeah when the guy's saying you can't come here without a security team it's like but so yeah so I guess that movie's not happening right now but I do have another great movie in the works but if you guys want to check out this book 60 hours underwater it's a great book you can get it at framing the world calm Logan is pulling up right now the problem is it's so hot up here that Paul's computer is oh well then we're gonna have to have well yeah it's like melting what do you want me to pull up yeah have him have Dustin pull it up down there tell him what to pull up okay so you're you're just gonna go to YouTube and then you're gonna type in I was trapped underwater for three days and this is a really cool kind of animation of the event so you get to it because obviously like there's only some like murky video of like kind of right when they pop up 36 hours or three days is that I was trapped through I was trapped at my three days is the title of the video and that should pull oh that's funny look kids like look at my page here so like you got like this chick what are you looking at here yeah you're still on my computer Paul yeah yeah so you got this yeah she was stuck underwater for 36 hours she's got to go ahead make it sound like it yeah she wasn't at the bottom of the ocean 72 hours is three days she was not at the bottom of the ocean this guy so play that video okay can you hear it I don't know if I have no here we go 26 2013 waking up and leaving his bunk to use the bathroom was a decision that saved 29 year old Harrison Harrison ended up being the lone survivor of a boat sinking at sea he can lay claim to a unique title he's the only person in the world to have survived on the sea floor for nearly three days the good I don't know wasn't there Jonah both of Guinea in the southeast Atlantic Ocean is rich with petroleum laden layers of sedimentary seabed many offshore oil rig drilling operations dot the African coast here on May 26th about 20 miles off of escravos Nigeria in choppy seas three tugboats pitched in yod as they performed tension tow functions on a ship on oil tanker filling up at single buoy mooring number three just before 5 a.m. the tugboat Jaskon 4 was caught by a large rogue wave and capsized because of ongoing piracy problems in the Gulf security protocol on the tug boat was that the 12-man crew because it's a nine-minute video are you gonna watch this whole thing I just I thought we could kind of just like commentate over top of it but it seems the audio seems really high we can't turn the video audio down and talk over top would lock themselves in their room when sleeping unfortunately this rule slowed down the Jaskon force crew when they tried to escape the crew members had to first scramble out of their cabins that is except like that guy's like rip gotten up to use the bathroom yeah Harrison okay they're just like here you go big guy I just play it just play it doesn't sit there looking for themselves in their war was caught by a large rogue wave and capsized because of ongoing piracy problems in the Gulf security protocol yeah they're quarantining unfortunately this rule slowed down the Jaskon force crew when they tried to escape the crew members had to first scramble out of their cabins that is except for the vessel's cook Harrison who had gotten up to use the bathroom in his underwear when the tugboat in his underwear make sure that everyone knows he's in his underwear open against the wall of water the pressure of the water was extremely strong and Harrison was unable to follow some of his colleagues to the emergency hatch he watched in horror but they all started over way all died except for him of course yeah into the raging sea then the water pushed Harrison down a narrow hallway into another bathroom which had joined an officer's cabin dazed and bruised but miraculously still alive Harrison held on to it over is that crazy head about survive that so stop nearly 100 feet eventually coming to rest up when the tugboat capsized there was an immediate rescue operation launched with the other boats in the area and a helicopter you imagine that was you pitch-dark at the bottom of the ocean you scared right just wondering like how long it's like you wouldn't yeah you wouldn't think someone's coming to gate yeah how long did they get him the rescue was called off due to no evidence of survivors after nearly a day of being in the bathroom Harrison got up the courage to leave his sharks are down there you say you hear sharks and stuff felt this way to start engineers office miraculous they're banging on the boat air pocket how scary is that about four feet high in Harrison's estimation having solved the immediate problem of having air to breathe Harrison could miraculously there was another air pocket here too of about four feet high in Harrison's estimation yeah cuz those air pockets run out of air air to breathe Harrison could focus on other concerns the first one being that he was cold in ice cold water on average is a pleasant 81.9 degrees Fahrenheit but Harrison was 100 feet down differing wet and wearing only boxer shorts hair at the relevant army of your his body losing heat faster than he could produce that cautiously Harrison felt this way would be the same as your with a mattress and the material from the wall he was able to make a platform to sit on this platform helped Harrison to stay afloat allowing him to reduce he would pray and call on Jesus to rescue him over time the seawater began to remove the skin from Harrison's tongue he could smell something rotting he thought it was the decomposing bodies of his former shipments every small sound in the dark was magnifying the creaking of the hall that's what's creepy I was just like pitch black why do you have to make a documentary when we have this yeah see that okay this is part of the problem I have arrived to the area of the sinking the parent company of the Jeff are you gonna use this as your storyboard ventures had hired a salvage saturation diving team from subsea services company DC and global to retrieve the bodies of the lost crew members so they went down just to get the bodies they weren't expecting to find anyone it was going to be a grueling mission aside from the heart-rending work of recovering the dead the boat had sunk upside down into soft mud stirring up fine silt and creating extremely poor visibility furthermore because of the security protocols the boat was locked in on the inside Andre Erasmus and Darryl Ustaza with supervisor Colby where a topside rash is helping to guide the divers via a connected microphone while watching the dive through a camera worn by Nico the team spent over an hour breaking through an external watertight door and then a second metal door to get into the sunken boat once inside it was extremely disorienting with the ceiling being on the bottom and the floor overhead oh yeah that would be weird with all sorts of hazards including furniture can you imagine this diver could you just imagine the diver he's driving through there and then the guy just grabs them on just like what and you can see that when you look at the real video it's like this like it's completely murky you can't see like oh there's a real video yeah we'll play that now we're gonna play that next Harrison had nearly given up hope when he had heard a noise that sounded like an anchor dropping then eventually he heard hammering on the hull of the boat he knew it had to be divers he banged on the wall but didn't think they heard him then Harrison saw the light from one of the divers head torches as he swam through the hallway past the far end of the cabin dude fortunately I'm subbing quick in the area before Harrison can reach him but then came the magical moment you may have seen the surreal amazing rescue footage from his video we're gonna watch that next guy's body he touches the corpses hand in the hand unexpectedly squeezes his Nico has a momentary freakout Colby then tells Nico to comfort Harrison by patting him on the shoulder and giving him a thumb how scary would that be used to find hair the maximum depth for recreational diving is 130 feet generally recreational divers don't stay at 100 feet for more than 20 minutes in terms of the air pocket the divers had reached Harrison just in time a human inhales roughly 350 cubic feet of air you would have died just estimate that Harrison's air pocket had been compressed by a factor of about four if the pressurized air pocket were about 216 cubic feet it would contain enough oxygen to keep Harrison alive for about two and a half days when Harrison was located he had been underwater for about 60 hours an additional danger came from the I thought my jail experience was bad as Harrison breathed he exhaled carbon dioxide slowly increasing the levels of the gas in the tiny space however co2 is absorbed by water and by splashing the water inside his air pocket Harrison inadvertently increased the water surface area thereby heightening the absorption of co2 and helping to keep the gas below the lethal five percent level the divers first used hot water to warm Harrison up then fitted him with an oxygen mask meanwhile on the surface the dive support crew was in contact with medical experts discussing how to best help the survivor Harrison had a new problem what divers commonly called the bends the bends also known as decompression sickness or caisson disease occurs when nitrogen bubbles form in the blood as a result of changes in pressure so once he's found he can't even come to the surface you have to stay underneath the bubbles and is that the other 12 hours in the best case yes I don't know rashes to the nose paralysis neurological issues cardiac arrest or possibly even death it was decided that Harrison would be treated as if he were one of the saturation divers coming up after a diet Harrison spent about 20 minutes getting used to breathing through the mask then the divers put a diving helmet and harness onto him they were a little worried that he would panic as they got him out of the boat and would be a danger to the dive but Harrison continued to be cool under pressure the team was impressed with his level demeanor Harrison was taken from the boat in led to a dive he's like bro I'm from Nigeria the 28th of May disoriented Harrison thought that it was Sunday evening and that he had only been trapped for 12 hours that was nice shocked to learn that he'd been underwater for over two days from the diving bell Harrison was moved to a decompression chamber where he stayed for another two and a half days while his body decompressed a surface pressure of the 12 crew members on board the tug boat Jaskon for divers rescued one survivor and recovered ten of the bodies the search for the 11th crew member had to be called off due to dangerous conditions Harrison made a K pirate from his hometown of war in Nigeria go to the funerals of his colleagues because he feared their family's reactions Nigerians can be very religious but are also superstitious some rumors spread that Harrison saved himself through black magic Harrison was also plagued with survivors killed yeah man was the only one to live you know all these plane crash survivors they have Harrison will suddenly awake screaming and flailing convinced that he's underwater Harrison has since taken a cooking job on dry land and vows to never again take a position on a boat he made a pact with God when he was at the bottom of the ocean when I was under the water I told God if you rescue me I will never go back to the sea again never do you think you could survive underwater for no days like I don't want to try you think about keeping your spirits all right all right have you ever seen that Dustin did you did you even know about this story no see this is why I love this story because no one's heard of it why has anyone heard of it because this guy just wants money for like every interview and yeah he's a Nigerian yeah no I get it so but this book is basically goes through that story that you just watched and it's just like a kid's version of that story and it's really yeah it's it's a nice it's for kids well that was pretty much the kids version and we just watch yeah it's the kids version what you just watch so it's real nice a lot of pictures but are you gonna pull up the real video here doesn't have it done is that it okay so is that it it's at the right one cuz you can watch the wrong one 44 minute you just just fast forward till almost the end so yeah so that no oh this no just play it from the beginning play from the beginning Dustin I know I'm just kind of like see this is how he is off being nice publicly so after he was trapped for three days underwater turn it up turn up Harrison okay they still presume the sole survivor of the Jackson well let's back up which was carrying 12 night the idea I want to see that part worried that you already found the wrong video divers after he was trapped for three days underwater in a sinking ship Harrison still presumed the sole survivor of the Jackson for tugboat which was carrying 12 men when he capsized off the coast of Nigeria in the Gulf of Guinea in May this year okay this is the real footage guys shot by rescue divers from the DCN diving group look at his face just it's just like no he was just not expecting to be found he survived man 30 meters under the surface of the Atlantic Ocean during his time inside the boat mr. O'Kane had to endure hearing his deceased shipmates being eaten by fish and his own skin being peeled away in the ultra damp conditions yeah but there's a lot of this story every time I hear this story I hear different details the establishment of the South African rescue team he was still alive when they reached him 62 hours after the boat went under 10 of the crew are confirmed dead and one is still missing so were they all in the boat that dead people with the aid of scuba dive yeah well they couldn't they didn't find one of them I think they found all the bodies except for one but man oh man and so I am working my butt off to get him on the show without paying him some ridiculous amount of money so I might need to bring the big guns in Logan to get this set up because does he get royalties from this book I'm yeah he does yeah yeah that's the angle is like hey we're gonna promote this book on that that's what I told him so I'm hoping that does it but I think he wants a little bit more than royal but I still you know I want to support him because you know he dude what an event what a story that I mean this is it's such a unique story and he is a Christian supposedly I don't know what stripe of Christian he is but well he asked Jesus yeah he also um he if you go to his Facebook he has a lot of like Chris is a lot of Bible verses and stuff it's it's the wrong version of the Bible of course but right he's probably Pentecostal he's probably Pentecostal that's what I'm thinking assemblies a guy type yeah he might be that's what all the yeah yeah yeah it was probably his Christian friends that were all like you were doing black magic yeah right they're like cuz we do a little black man that's my Nigerian that's your Nigerian yeah you know but but you know I mean being on it being through that experience he'd probably be very likely to get saved you know if he was presented the right gospel so yeah well yeah anyways yeah guys Harrison O'Kenny 60 hours underwater is a great kids book if you have kids you can read it to them freak them out a little bit and then it always has a good story at the end he survives nice so Sheriff Richard Mack not to switch gears I want to get one of those those books that he had there so I was checking out his uh his store yeah oh yeah I suppose his store Paul do you have anyone that can call in yeah I'm like a yeah the phone ready to get my phone's ready for 805 194 999 that's 480 5 1 9 4 999 you can call into the show give you thoughts about Harrison O'Kenny or give you thoughts about Richard Mack man we'd love to hear from you what a great interview good job Dustin yeah it was fun I like the guy you know that's the that's what makes it easy and the guy's done it you know he's done a million interviews yeah and so only a pro and he's not ashamed to say what he thinks and so I thought that was really cool yeah I wish I'd known more about the sheriff's back in the day maybe I would have been a sheriff I would have been good that would be a good political thing to do yeah if you're who wants to get into politics but that's actually a cool thing yeah the sheriff so you young boys out there aspiring to be something with life maybe you want to be a sheriff yeah maybe you want to grow up and wear the star you know you know it's not a constitutional share of course yeah of course there's no other kind except for you know pansy sellouts which you know and orange blood don't call but we yeah no you can call that's cool he wants to call all the time you know orange by orange bloods a big supporter man yeah I know I know so go ahead and donate over there to CSP o a and maybe they'll send you one of those little books and you can get one of these t-shirts that I'm wearing being Baptist I think it being Baptist productions I don't know if they have it for sale people were talking about that but I suggest that you buy the Thessalonians you're just really pulling to get rid of those shirts for me I appreciate it man I got so many of those shirts I've had a couple man it's because of you orange blood is as ordered two of them I think nice guy yeah he's really nice so um so um where did it go oh by this shirt yeah I've been dropping that in random chats just like you know where people are playing video games and stuff I'm like by this Peter so you can't do that yeah he just censored he just finished censored and that's shipping oh if you guys want to get the movie censored you can go to frame the world calm all right so tomorrow night we're going to be talking with Richard Greer no this is not pretty no that's Richard gear Richard gauge all right we have I believe we have a caller from Austin that's right yeah it's me yeah it's only blood what's up man what do you think I think that I've never heard of that guy's story surviving underwater do you think that's crazy man yeah that is crazy yeah but you can't blame the guy I mean if you know if he doesn't have a good situation and where he lives and he wants to make some money off of it you know I don't know much no you should not know I I feel I feel that like if you it's big if you lived through something that traumatic you should not have to work a day again in your life yeah you should be able to live off that yeah what that's not true that's tragic like yeah I just I know if you could survive that you shouldn't have to you should be able to bank that for the rest of your life yeah no you should have to go work a nine-to-five you see what I go through three days underwater dude how scary because you know what Logan if that happened to you you're gonna be a jerk and they're gonna be like it was 62 hours you're like it was the third two days the night pause like it was seven years ago low and get over it I mean he should have he should have wrote like a real book not just a kid's book and maybe tried to like well he didn't write this book you know he didn't write this book someone from America wrote the book yeah well I don't want to try to make some money off of it but that's pretty pretty interesting story yeah if you were with Mac was pretty good yeah I I wish there was a real book yeah somebody has two done was asking if you can be sheriff and pastor in at the same time and I think you can that would be actually a pretty honorable vocation there because you you can hold a full-time job as a pastor I don't know if there would be any conflict of interest I mean you'd have to just let that run its course but yeah if you want to be a pastor and have a job as a sheriff I'm pretty sure there's plenty of pastors out there that serve as police officers so to have the tough part would just be the the politics of it because you have to run yeah as a politician yeah to get the position hey yeah there was a lot of questions about sheriff's in the chat tonight just to let people know you do vote for your sheriff and you know when they're trying to get your vote they do create websites and they have contact information so you can call them and email them and ask them what they're about and here in Texas they take it pretty serious so I'm any shit that runs in my County I can call them up and ask them what they're all about then most of them are pretty religious they're Christian I mean I don't I don't know if they're necessarily you know fundamental Baptist but most of them have a Christian belief you know and they may not necessarily be real Christian but they at least play off of that to try to get votes in Texas so well do you have anything else you want to say orange one yeah yeah I sent you that card of your wife the rookie trading to play yeah perfect I added some gifts in there for you okay there's several of them so if you want to hand them out to a few of your crew members yeah I'm in the world crew yeah give them some Paul are you getting any kind of mail from fans are you know I'm not getting mail and get a lot of email that's what everyone does everyone all these YouTube show they put the call man thing you know like a call I sent you some gifts and in in the gifts one of them is made by coal and they don't make it anymore I want to make sure you get that one Paul so when you go through the box make sure you keep the one that's made by Cole you have to do that you have to do a live unboxing we'll do a live unboxing that's just don't show my address bro all right man thank you so much and I'll take it easy yeah you too Dustin I love you Dustin great job interviewing tonight man thanks man thanks for calling us bye man all right so all right so that was a good I just echoed you you're like all right so I'm like all right so yeah maybe Sean Jolly I just texted him our friend Sean Jolly from Virginia he was in the chat I told him to call so if the phone's ringing maybe he'll yeah if you want anyone can call and we don't yeah well I just want to go someone from Williamsburg man Sean that's it just put him through hey frame the world what's up brother outstanding yeah awesome thanks for having me on I want to call and talk a little bit about I guess kind of a sheriff Mac with the I mean I think that was an awesome thing I had no idea I mean I'd heard the name I think it was awesome what he had done as far as like taking the taking him to task with that lawsuit what I'm thinking is that maybe somebody needs to talk with him about maybe doing it again you know yeah but basically an application is something else this time yeah I think that's you know yeah just mark my words here I think what people need to start doing and maybe this is we'll hear about this later is people need to start holding police officers I know there's a phrase for it that they that the sovereign people use but using like going after police officers individually like not saying hey you're you need to fire your guy you need to suspend your guy I'm reporting you to your superior like no I just filed a lawsuit you're being served for X Y & Z right and so then these did these cops that you know they're just hiding behind their their job and saying hey I'm just doing my job and be like well your job is not to violate my rights and so you're not going to be protected because you're just claiming to do your job you're gonna be accountable just like anybody else who does any kind of violation against it that's those cops are covered though by the they you can't yeah you can't sue it well you can't they're covered by the city like when they contract like to be a cop for that for the city or the county whatever they're under that umbrella and so they're totally put that that's why there's so much abuse is because they know they can't be personally held liable and I think that's that's why it took so long to arrest this guy because they had to make sure joke but the resting is a joke too because they're they're gonna arrest and then he's gonna get off on some weird technicality never get well yeah they never get the actual here's the thing though is that what what Sheriff Mac mentioned about the city's being incorporated you know that that's a key point right there so you've got your corporations that operate under contract law and then you've got your you know constitutionally elected sheriff said actually operate under constitutional common law and the common law you know we can you can look this up but the common law going all the way back to England and going to the time the Constitution when it was written it was something that was set up and designed to protect the common people the little guy like you and me you know the sole winner and so forth but then you've got these corporate institutions that come in and set up and they're operating under a totally different set of laws the Constitution is still you know the law of the land so the thing is is that they'll come in with force and in fear and intimidation try to force people into something that they don't really want to do when in all actuality exactly what Sheriff Mac was saying he says the sheriff only answers to we the people and we already saw that the sheriff is the highest authority in the county ultimately in the land he even said that he threw out the army corps of engineers and the other federal agents that were in his county trying to prevent them from getting business done so if we had you know sheriff's that were like this guy who actually you know has the the stuff to be able to stand up and do this you know that would be a possibility for being able to take the country back you know hypothetically speaking okay so people like you Logan look at my screen real quick look at my screen read my screen we're all guilty of we're all guilty of our own ignorance and just being caught up in our daily day-to-day lives where we just do not know and we do not understand the law of the land and how to make it work for us yeah so I think I think anybody nobody is outside of personal liability so I think I could happen is if you're doing your job they could totally leave you out on a limb yeah but the government pays I'm saying that you base yeah you can sue the a cop but the government no lot like he's not he's not liable for anything he's not gonna have any kind of it's not gonna hurt him at all you know like he maybe because they make it a rep it says what normally happens here no he would be if you're able to take him to court and sue him personally that's maybe after he is the one you know you can you can you guys living breathing yeah but he's not you the the city I don't like talking about is not gonna pay out no you don't know that that's what this article just said you don't know that uh-huh I'm just reading the article article you just posted said that's gonna go ahead highlight this word here no no no no that is a conditional statement right yeah you're right it's a thing there there are previous cases of people that have actually sued law enforcement officers government officials and they've actually included the people's spouses as accessories after the fact and then they talk about how you know I'm gonna see you for everything you know this is a question we should talk to him about no we'll talk well next one well we'll get market Victor attorneys for freedom yeah yeah I mean that would be you know mark Victor is attorney here what they're saying oh yeah I need defendant pastor Anderson yeah so I hear what you're saying about that you can do it but I think in this like I think what we're talking about is the exception proves a rule yeah that in the vast majority you're they're never gonna be held personally liable for the actions they do on the job you can file they can be and they have to respond no we're saying that yeah yeah but you're you are being you don't file the suit against a corporation we got to rise up yeah so what I'm telling you Logan is that we don't need that kind of talk from you like hey you know what normally that's true that's right but you know you can do that and if we just overwhelm police departments right now start to start talking right obviously this corporate veil right well that is true so when you when this happens a lot like this is what they're always on Sheriff Joe about is because he was constantly having these lawsuits brought up against him it was costing the county millions of dollars every year to contest these courts and payouts and everything so that is a that it doesn't admit is making a valid point there yeah but everyone starts the guy because he's the sheriff what I'm kind of making up a grander point of going along with what you're saying is that if you're if you are if everyone was start bringing these suits against police officers then that and where they like normally the city pays out for whatever they like if the city had to pay at a certain point you could the city can literally lose its insurance coverage to have police like that's happened plenty of times where a city can no longer have a police force and the county sheriff's have to come in to police that area because they've lost the ability to have a police force because there's no insurance we'll cover them because of all see here's no or they here's the thing the guy to hang no I'm just I'm they don't they don't have to they don't have to protect the guy Sean can't even get a word in what's up Sean well it's cool to see here's the thing is that you were talking about they were losing their how did you say brother Logan you said they lose their ability then to to actually operate as a police force right that's yeah yeah so that speaks to something that is from old old English law and this is something that I don't fully understand myself but I've been listening to talks about it and looking into it reading up on it it's called a writ of whoa whoa Ronto q u o w a r r a n t o quo Romanto it's basically saying by what authority by what you know but by what authority do you have to do this it goes back to old you know English common law and titles and lordship and land ownership and all things like that but it came to a point where somebody was operating well outside the scope of their authority and you challenge that with a writ of quo Ronto and in modern terms if it were the case if you were to issue a writ of quo Ronto challenging their authority and if you were able to prove that they were operating outside of the scope of their authority as a corporation then they forfeit all rights to operate as a corporation and they lose their corporate charter so that could be typically applied to any corporation you say like you apply it to Halliburton with that Gulf oil spill or whatever but this could also be applied to a municipality that's incorporated the same way that the sheriff was talking about cities are incorporated well if the city is operating outside of its scope of authority and you can prove it and you issue a right of quo Ronto I'm sure that no judge in the land would sign it because it would require the the signature of a judge but if that hypothetically were to happen then the corporation would be disbanded and the assets would be dispersed to the shareholders thereof and the the city of fill in the blank would cease to exist so practically so practically when would you do that I mean in our current situation if there's something like imaginary coming down the road what would that have somebody had the stones to do that I mean you could do that all over the country and literally take it back into a constitutionally like a constitutional sheriff's zone period because right now like he was saying constitutionally elected sheriff's are those that are taking care of everything that's outside of the incorporated cities if you remove the incorporated cities and everything comes under jurisdiction of the constitutionally elected sheriff's the way the Constitution originally designed Eric G says they arrested the sheriff in New Mexico for interfering on an investigation so maybe maybe they were really interfering with an investigation because you still can't commit crimes I don't know what's an ongoing internal power struggle and a lot of times people don't see it because they don't know what they're looking at alright so back to the point I wanted to throw back at Logan is that it you could like file a lawsuit against anybody you just get their full name and you can just say hey I want to file a complaint or file a lawsuit and bring a lawsuit and they got to answer it now if it's frivolous obviously you can't do that if it's fraud you can't do that but I think if there's police officers that are doing I will use the example of police officers but could be anybody so who knows we'll see what happens in the future let's see if it comes back around we'll just park it and see what happens so what's going on Sean what do you well that's I mean that's pretty much it I there was a time in my life when I would really I was really interested into learning more about this whole common law versus commercial law debate and so forth and I think that there's definitely a lot of merit to it if there's somebody that has the ability to really delve into that and learn about that because here's the thing anytime that you hire an attorney to go to bat for you they're never going to be working for you because they're beholden to the Bar Association right what I'm what I'm learning is a Bar Association is actually tied back to the City of London and there's the reason why they call people barristers or bars we should get a lawyer to the social club maybe we should just interview a lawyer like let's just get a lawyer on the show but they would probably just totally yeah they're gonna give you their official yeah but then we just go ahead and and not that we would do this but totally just start hitting in the heart I got a question what about the Bar Association thing where is that is is that how does that come up and see if they'll talk about it well they probably won't because they're under threat of being disbarred and once they're disbarred that they can't quote-unquote practice laws an attorney anywhere yes so then I would just say are you not allowed to talk about it because you'll get disbarred and then people find out what they're allowed to talk about yeah right yeah that'd be interesting there's another there's a guy who lives in Dallas Fort Worth I believe he's originally from Toronto who is I think his YouTube channel is called sovereign living or something like that and I started looking at his stuff a while back I haven't looked at it in a while just come trying to focus on more spiritual things but he seems to have a lot of answers about a lot of things and in fact he claims to be the guy that caused former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to resign because he was bringing federal suit against him and he didn't want to put up a fight so he just decided he would rather tuck tail and leave mm-hmm so I think he could be an interesting guest if we could actually get him on to talk about it yeah used to live in Phoenix all right man well thank you so much for calling in I hope you have a good day appreciate it God bless you guys all right brother bye thanks man see you Sean yeah Sean's got a lot of understanding about that common law stuff we've gotten into we yeah own talks about that kind of stuff because that's you know what it comes down to let me just give you guys some fundamental legal stuff is everything is offer acceptance okay I'm gonna give you guys a little lesson that I thought you didn't want to get too deep Dustin remember you're saying how you sometimes get to know no that's when I start talking about the Jews and stuff so so everything's offer acceptance all right so that means like what I just said is an offer okay so what does that mean that means you have to accept it or deny it so whenever I'm claiming something I'm I'm making a statement and I'm when I whenever you make a statement you're you're claiming something so you know I'm giving a witness or I'm Ramones trying to ring in sorry dude so so everything's offer and acceptance right so whenever we're interacting with somebody hi my name is Dustin I'm just making an offer right and so there's four ways to to respond there's there's really two two ways to to respond to an offer you're either going to accept it or refuse it that's it you just accept it and that means you take it and now you're in agreement with somebody and you know they make an offer hey my name is Dustin and you're like I'll accept that you shake hands and now you've established a fact right or you've made an agreement you guys with me on this so it's very fundamental but it's everything that you do all day long you know it's it's you know a sign on the wall you'll see this everywhere you know you must wear a mask if you enter in right so there's offer and acceptance right so you eat you see that's their offer if you want to come in the store you would have to do this right so there's two ways to respond you either accept or you refuse all right and there's two types of response there's honorable and dishonorable right so there's a right way to accept and there well there's yours hold on a second let me just make sure I get this right I haven't thought about this and then I'm not trying to use my fingers usually when I'm just describing this so you have offer acceptance you have you have acceptance and refusal so that means you're like my name is Dustin you're like I'm gonna have to see some ID right maybe something like that so what you're doing is you're conditionally accepting right so that's an honorable way to off where you're not fully accepting it's it's a way of refusing it's called in a conditional acceptance so you have straight out okay so there's four ways to respond there's total acceptance where my name is Dustin I accept that a second type of it's a way to refuse but you're not accepting and that's a conditional acceptance that means you're not make sure I have this broken down right yeah where you conditionally accept you're like listen I'll believe that your name's Dustin if you show me your your ID or you get somebody else to prove it or to make the statement so then what you've done now is now you've taken it and you've turned it around so now it's their turn to respond so there's always a back and forth so there's a process and this is how the entire legal system is is is worked out and then you have arguing which is not an honorable so those are two honorable ways you accept fully and the or you conditionally accept so those are the right ways to do it so if somebody makes an offer to you you you just accept it now you're in agreement or you conditionally accept and then you put terms on them and then you allow them to either accept or reject your offer the next thing would be to argue be like I don't believe your name's Dustin you're lying to me it's not your name it's your name is George and then you have that's the third way that's not honorable that's not gonna get you a result that's not gonna make you friends you're not gonna come to an agreement with anybody by arguing and then the fourth answer is to just be it's dishonorable and that is to be silent now you hear this a lot like well silence is agreement so what you're when you don't answer what you're basically saying is I don't you know that person's claim is is undisputed so when they say that people are you know silence is agreement and that's true but it's not an honorable way to come to an agreement with somebody is to just let it's just to ignore them and to be in silence so I don't know what the point I was making on this is but you know you know so I guess just talking to the people is when you're into these when you're interacting with people and whatever it may be you got to realize that when somebody comes up and they make a statement or they they give you an order or you know that what they're doing is they're making an offer like that's your relationship to everybody all the time so when you're sitting in the pew at church and the preacher is saying hey you know you need to get the sin out of your life quit drinking quit smoking and doing all that or whatever you know it's like that's just an offer coming to you and you can respond to it maybe that's not a good example but but there's four ways to respond that's kind of the meat of it is that everything's an offer and it requires your either acceptance or refusal and there's two ways to accept that's complete 100% acceptance conditional acceptance that means you put it back on the other person and this is you know this is like this is the art of negotiating I mean I could probably sit down with Donald Trump and he would say yep this is exactly how it works and then so you know so the conditional so if somebody comes along and says hey take this vaccination and you say well I will take that vaccination thank you very much that's exactly what what I want and then you know so you're in agreement they're offering something to you and you accept it and then the sex thing would the next thing would be you know take this vaccination you're like I will take the vaccination so you're still an honor you're not creating any dispute because that's what happens is you're not arguing there's no dispute is if you do a conditional acceptance this is the route to go when you don't want to agree with somebody who's making an offer or making a claim you say well that I would do that if and that's the main word for a conditional acceptance is the word if I will take the vaccine if you take full responsibility for any negative a consequence right and then they would have to go and say no and that means they're dishonoring you in your counter offer and you win you walk away and say have a nice day or they could say yes I will take full responsibility I will be fully accountable and therefore that you're in agreement again so you win again but if you start arguing then you have a dispute and then it needs to be you're in dishonor there's no agreement and that's when you start getting into court you know that's when disputes start happening and that's when you know it starts getting litigious and people need to get third parties and get witnesses and substantiate claims and force people to do things because they they're arguing so it's never good to argue even if you totally disagree with somebody it's the answer is never to argue the answer is to conditionally accept and if you're silent basically you're in agreement with that person whether whether you you are in your heart or not so okay Ashley says okay and so what Dustin is talking about that works in court right I've heard other podcasts talking about this type of stuff yeah I guess so I know there's lots of stuff out there about this I would suggest everybody does it I think it's something that we should teach our children you know I think it's something that that just comes down to how you interact with people I think it's a it's a foundational thing that needs to be around how we think you know and I think it's a way to remember how to be honorable because it's one of the best ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts is to just look at it from this foundational type of viewpoint because then you can determine if you're being honorable in it you know you know you just want to get to yes that's where you really want to get to you want to agree with people and so the idea is to agree with your adversary agree with the people you disagree with to come to terms where you can say yes but the conditional acceptance is the gateway to come to terms that you can say yes to without becoming a dishonorable argumentative Karen as they call them on the internet very much commonly recently that was nice to put us in what do you put I believe we have Ramon on the phones Ramona you still on with us yeah can you hear me okay yeah well go ahead man did you want to Skype in uh yeah I'm in I just I wanted to see what it looked like I want to see if the setup looks good and if my audio sounds good oh we're just you're just using us yeah but Paul was talking about those books those like children that children's book with the guy underwater there's something that we got for our children recently and I don't know if Paul should like contact this guy but it's Connor boy act I can't see it Ramon no you can't it's not a video oh really hit the video ball yeah you you call then to her phone oh really okay well no this is what happened Dustin did not answer the phone yeah I the video I didn't I dishonored your phone call I went silent man so I'm so it's just your phone yeah I did ring us back man Paul's not gonna like that because it's not good TV yeah so we'll give him we'll give him we'll let him use us for his video check yeah so you're talking about that book oh yeah he was talking about that yeah alright so he's on the iPad but I don't see video alright well Skype video though we're not seeing you rather alright let's not do this you can do it off air okay so there's too much at stake okay so it's it's by it's called the Tuttle twins and it's yeah yeah I tried they don't um for some reason they they don't want me to sell the book I don't like my store I tried whatever dude like I mean it's still a good book so you know I mean yeah I have this the series for my kids yeah so that's what that that that story about that guy like reminded me of the sheriff and everything like those books are really pretty much all about freedom liberty also Paul have you tried to try to get some copies of like these little citizen rule books that they're like little pocket constitutions yeah yeah I haven't no I should do that yeah man I was I was going through it last night but yeah I just wanted to call in and drop that that suggestion on you so yeah and your feet if you're a grown-up you probably need to read the Tuttle twins to brush up a little bit because you'd be surprised of how uneducated people are just because we just live in a natural world where we're just we don't think about these things and most of our influences come from our society and our culture and so understanding the principles of of commerce and you know how to make deals and how to to do things like balance your checkbook or those things aren't talked about but even so like how the Constitution works and how the people's rights are and all of those things people just don't know so it's not boring to read to your kids you know you're not you're not like falling asleep because it's just like a really boring story you know you're actually into it and like it does like you said it reminds you it brushes you up on your rights and the things to do one of my favorite ones is food truck fiasco and it kind of talks about like you know obviously the food trucks and like how the government like lobbies with restaurants how they can't be within a certain amount of feet from like a like a big restaurant you know because obviously it's competing prices it's better quality food but you know they want you to go to the restaurant that kind of thing so yeah I just want to recommend those books I like reading them to my kids and so is my wife's awesome man well thank you so much for calling in sorry about the video man I don't know why he did it he didn't hit his video icon that's why I work but I'm not gonna sit here and go over how to work the stupid thing so he's got like some high-tech setup he just doesn't know how to use Skype Paul's getting aggressive up here alright well that's probably that's it man yeah was it you got what's with the time zone over here on the clock man what do you mean it's like you know okay unplugged I mean so does anybody a favor by just plugging a clock up putting across I walked by and I was like that cocky right yeah it tripped over the cord and it unplugged and I never reset it's like Africa at least it's not flashing all right well yeah all right well guys thank you so much for tuning in to the stream today with tomorrow's Richard gauge guys so make sure to tune in to tomorrow's stream it should be a great stream with Richard gauge of architects and engineers with 9-eleven truth yeah so make sure you thumbs up this video guys before you leave there's 78 people that stuck to the end and there's only 62 thumbs ups here so come on guys help us out here we definitely need some more thumbs up it helps with the I don't know analytics and stuff and don't forget to check out our house pull that up Dustin real quick check out our house if you go to YouTube you can subscribe to our house it'll just take you a few minutes there's a great channel and I also want to show people how to because everyone's saying they're not getting notified with my show well you're not gonna get notified that my show's live unless you hit the the bell so show people how to do the bell Dustin go to okay subscribe do we're here at our house yep you want to go ahead hit that subscription button yeah and then the bell the bells right there and then click on all guys look at that would you even believe I'm notified by Karen's yeah you're there man look at that I'm already I'm doing it right dude she has a lot of great things go to her videos she just released a bunch of videos with this lady go down right there on the right stop worrying once and for all like that those are really good how to get over mom guilt that was an awesome video I watched that one as well yeah she's doing a lot of great interviews she's she's really doing a lot of work here as you can see almost every day yeah and she puts a lot of work into the videos it's not just it's not like our live streams where we just kind of plop them out why don't we get Karen on the show we need to get Karen on the show but what's gonna be the topic so what do we talk about what we can just have yeah we don't need that yeah that's what we try to tell Paul some of the best shows are the ones with no guests where we're just where we're just yelling at each other you will in it yeah those are those are fun yeah I don't know one of the biggest crash and burns the ones without gas those are the ones that are talking about yeah let's have tons of views yeah all right cool so check out our house there on YouTube ring the bell subscribe buy the t-shirts yeah and make sure you support our new film guys we're just we're making the tenth film I just secured the interview with the main interview for the film so I'm gonna be driving up to Colorado here within like next week so next week we probably won't have any shows I'm gonna be in Colorado all week okay good get a break not next week the week after not next week father you're home okay so anyways so make sure to I just connect with my family on the security camera so support that tenth film guys we're trying to raise money for the film we have raised some money and that has been successfully spent we've purchased plane tickets over to yeah different area location not Nigeria and so but we're doing a lot here we're trying to do a lot we just need your help need your support for all these different projects thank you guys so much for tuning in tonight's livestream don't forget to tune in tomorrow guys have a good one are you gonna turn this out did you yeah yeah here you go the wise you you you you still live talking Paul cuts it off we're still just we're still talking sweet Logan were you like into all this stuff in he must have been what's all this stuff see you guys