(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright guys, we are live here at Framing the World. We have a very special guest here in the studio today and so we have, oh there he is. Hello, how you doing Paul? Shane Jantz in the studio and we're going to be talking about the David Ike interview we did a couple, like a week ago. And so it should be a pretty interesting stream today. We also just wanted to quickly just kind of give updates on everything that's going on and just kind of just talk back and forth between Shane who's a good friend of mine. Shane is the one that wanted me to do this David Ike interview for months now and I just haven't been able to get a hold of him. I got turned on to David Ike from a friend of mine and I know he's not a Christian and all that stuff but he kind of opened my eyes to this COVID conspiracy and the things that were going on and he kind of got me to just take a different look at what was going on in the world and what we were being told and that's kind of how I started on this whole COVID or I guess anti-COVID thing right? Yeah, well and you know I tried months ago I'm telling you when we were back in Arizona right? You were trying me to get him on and I emailed him a couple times. He never got back to me because he was being swamped then. He just got his YouTube channel shut down or Facebook just banned him or whatever because of that interview and so he was going crazy but before we get into this conversation I wanted to quickly tell you guys about a few things that we're trying to accomplish here at Framing the World and so as you know censorship is a huge deal and so that's why this David Ike interview is not on our YouTube channel here. It is only on Brightion and Bitchute and so if you guys head over to our Brightion and Bitchute channel you can see right here David Ike talks COVID-19 censorship, cashless society, world government, face masks, etc. and it has 542 views on it already and so we have 85 subscribers guys. Come on people we need way more than that so head over to our Bitchute channels and subscribe there. We're going to put the link in the description. Also head over to our Generation Conspiracy channel on Brightion and you can subscribe to that channel as well. We also have a backup YouTube channel. We're just trying to get people to go to these channels. In fact we should probably set a timer and just walk away and just give people 3 minutes to just go and subscribe to these things. Before we do that though there's one more plug I wanted to do. We also have made a new, it's kind of like Patreon but it's called SubscribeStar so it has the same kind of, it's still under review so I haven't been approved yet but I can start getting supporters now. So if you go over there you can subscribe and we're trying to replace Patreon with this, SubscribeStar because it supports free speech at SubscribeStar and so that's what we really need to diversify because I don't want to be ruined and I'm putting too much faith in Patreon and Patreon has been known to shut people down for the stupid things. So for now I'm just, guys please head over to these channels. The link is in the description so if you type in SubscribeStar.com forward slash framing the world, SubscribeStar.com forward slash framing the world you can go there and subscribe. So we are going to put a countdown timer on the screen right now and we're going to just give you guys 3 minutes to go and subscribe. This is what I want you to do. Everyone watching right now go and subscribe to our Brightion BitchU YouTube channel, our backup YouTube channel and support us on SubscribeStar. We really need your support. We count on your support every month. We've been completely deplatformed on all these sites. We don't make any money on our YouTube videos. The only way we make money is if you guys support us or buy our products and what I've decided to do this month is do a giveaway to every new subscriber. You'll be entered in for this giveaway if you subscribe to our SubscribeStar. If you subscribe to Patreon, if you if you're new to Patreon this month or to SubscribeStar this month you're going to be entered in for a chance to win these products right here. And also if you're a $50 or higher donor on Patreon right now you'll also be automatically entered in. And so we're going to be giving away these on the last day of the month here. The new IFB Soul Winning Conference, the Red Hot Preaching Conference DVDs, the Synagogue of Satan book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline book. We're going to be giving away The Pale Rider, this book right here. And we're also going to be giving away a really cool prize. This is kind of the grand daddy prize right here. It's a Confederate 1861 Confederate bill. It's an authentic 1861 Confederate bill from Raleigh, North Carolina. It's a 20 cent bill. And so this is a really neat really neat item you could win if you subscribe to our SubscribeStar account or Patreon this month. And you say, well I'm already subscribed to your Patreon. Well, all you have to do is increase your donation by one dollar and you'll also be entered in. Or if yeah, so that's how you get in. So we're going to take a three minute break here. And while you guys subscribe to these things, please, please, please do that. Alright guys, we'll be back in three minutes. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. Alright guys, well I appreciate it. I really hope we got some new subscribers there. But today's episode, we're going to be playing clips. And this was your idea, Shane. This was your idea. Yes it was. This was your brain child. That was my brain child. Yeah, I guess it was. We were going to play clips of this David Icke interview and just kind of talk about it. Okay, yeah. You know, I watched his interview and he put a lot of information in there. He talked about a lot of things and you know, I think that if we just unpack some of those things and just discuss some of the, you know, some of the more things that kind of maybe pertain to us or that we're more interested in. I think we can really make a good go of it. Yeah, and I think a lot of people were offended that I had David Icke on because he does believe different things than we believe. But you know, I don't want to be an echo chamber here on this channel. And I want to present unique information and information I believe in. Now this conversation I had with him, I agree with almost nearly 100% of the things he said. He did say one statement I think towards the end that I did not agree with. But other than that, what he said was right on. So let's try to not focus on the messenger right here. Let's try to focus on the message. And I think he very clearly and succinctly said everything I'm thinking. I'm not very eloquent when I speak. And he just really capsulized everything that I've been thinking over the last few months and just packaged it in this YouTube video. And so we're going to play this video little clips of it and then discuss it. Any thing you want to say before we get to this? Yeah, a lot of the things that he says in this interview, he was saying back in February when I got turned on to like watching him when somebody said, hey have you heard of this guy David Icke? And I just kind of YouTubed him and found out. And all the things that he said then, he's saying again now, but they've kind of all come true. So he's not like lying. It's not like he saw everything and now he's making an interview with you Paul to say, okay this is what I found out. He was saying this stuff back in February before the lockdowns, before the coronavirus really was something that was a household name. He was just bang on back then. So I think that, like I said, unpacking this interview and just going through some of that stuff is really going to be good. Yeah, awesome. Well let's get into it right now and play this clip. So Ted Ross, what he said to everybody, test, test, test knew that the more you test, the more cases you get. Well, what's been happening around the world, I can talk very in detail about the British expression of this. They've been increasing the number of tests dramatically in the last few weeks. And the cases have gone up. Of course they have. And so the cases have gone up and they've said we've got to have more lockdowns. We've got to have more restrictions and more fascism because we've got all these cases. So these people with all these cases, are they in hospital? Or no. Are they dead? Or no. Are they ill? No. But they're a case. They tested positive. This is how it's going. I've been on this road for 30 years and I've been here, done that, been through 9-11 which was extraordinary. But this has got to be globally the most outrageous but also the most transparently obvious scam that I've ever come across. And more and more people now, of course lots of people are still, you know, what the government says must be true, but a lot of people now, their personal experience is not matching what they're being told. And I can see the gathering scale of the numbers of people who are simply not believing any of it now. And it's very encouraging. I mean I spoke at a couple of events in Trafalgar Square in London in the last month. And the first one, 35,000 people turned up. The second one, 45,000 people turned up. And they're just the people that actually would turn up. But in the population in general, who wouldn't go as far as going to an event like that, they're completely not believing what they're being told. And so yeah, that's bang on. Bang on, bang on, yeah. The testing, you know, like they're, you know, in Ontario I think that they've been testing like 40,000 plus people a day just in the Toronto area. And you know, they're getting like, you know, 5-600 people but, you know, they're just testing way more. Like when they were only testing 4,000 a day or 5,000 a day you know, they were getting higher, you know, in comparison they were getting higher numbers and now they're testing like, you know, thousands and thousands and thousands and they're getting people. And then out of those, you know, 5-600 people that are positive, you know, most of them don't even, you know, they're not sick. We're not seeing the hospital visits that equal that, you know, 3,500 people, 4,000 people a week, you know, getting tested positive but the hospitals aren't overrun. You know, I have a friend that works in the ICU in the hospital, he's the guy that like actually deals with the COVID patients, you know, he's the one that's putting on the ventilator, you know, if you see him, you know, you're pretty much on your way out and they're not overrun at all. Like there's like maybe one or two people in there. So, you know, like they're testing like crazy, they're talking about all these numbers, you know, the numbers going up, up, up, up, up, you know, it's getting crazy but they're just testing more and it's just, you know, if you test 40,000 people and they all think they're sick and they're wearing masks and you know, you got to get some kind of result out of that. Yeah, and I love how he said that it's so transparently obvious that it's a hoax and it is. I just don't understand how anyone could be sucked into this, this, this hoax of coronavirus or, you know, the COVID-19. The whole thing's a scam, people. Wake up, wake up. Yeah, you know, like they're, you know, they're testing 42,000 people again in Toronto area and the cases are going up but, you know, and then they're saying, oh well, everybody's out and about but everybody's social distancing, everybody's wearing a mask, everybody's sanitizing, nobody's talking to anybody but the numbers are still going up, up and up and up. Like, it just, it just doesn't make sense. Either, either the mask, if everybody was protecting themselves and these masks are supposed to keep us from, you know, getting, getting COVID, then you would think that the numbers would be going down but, you know, they're going up so either the masks don't work or they're lying to us. It just doesn't make sense. Yeah. Yep. Alright, well let's play this next clip here. Actually, I think he's talking about masks next. Yeah. Yeah. And just one other point on the masks. Because the stadium in which all this is being played out is human perception, the target of this cult in everything, not just this, but blatantly this, is the human subconscious mind. Because if it can put programmed perceptions into the subconscious, not least through repetition, one of the greatest forms of my control I've ever invented, then what happens is they filter through to the conscious mind at which point people think that they are their own thoughts and their own opinions and their own conclusions. Because I talk to people all the time and they say, I'll tell you what's going on and they tell you. And they genuinely believe they've concluded that. But in fact what comes out of their mouth is the official narrative undiluted. But it's gone in through repetition. It's all you hear in the mainstream media and from government. But it's come out as their own opinion. This is how the whole perception scam works. And the language of the subconscious is symbolism. It's why we dream symbolically rather than, or sometimes, but very rarely, literally. It's symbolic. And so they, of course we know, I've been writing about this for decades, this cult has the satanic and secret society networks, they have their own language of symbolism. Their symbols are everywhere. I mean, obvious ones like the pyramid all seeing eye on the reverse of the great seal and on the dollar bill and there's the torch of illumination held by the Statue of Liberty and so on. But they have a whole language of symbolism, what they call a cult language. And it's because of the power of symbolism to manipulate perceptions in the subconscious. This is why you see extraordinary numbers of pyramids and eyes, single eyes or seeing eyes, in children's cartoons. It's just extraordinary the number of times they turn up. And subliminal advertising, where they put a subliminal insert into an advertisement which the conscious mind can't see, subliminal below threshold, that's to put perceptions and programs into the subconscious mind. So if you look at the mask from that point of view, they give you a conscious mind reason for something to keep the conscious mind happy. In the mask's terms it's to protect you from the virus, but the real reason is subconscious. And if you look at the subconscious symbolism of the masks, A, if you are going to symbolize someone being silenced, you put something over their mouth. You look at the mask as a symbol of submission. You look at turning people literally faceless. Because the human facial movements and expressions is absolutely central to human discourse and interaction. So you've lost that. And then there's the deletion of individuality. The facial expressions, the look of the face, it's again massively the foundation of individuality gone. And it's about dehumanization. You walk down the street, you see all these people in masks. A number of people have told me they've passed a friend, they've had a mask on, the friend's had a mask on, they haven't even known the friend's passed them by. And it's the deletion, it's dehumanization that this mask thing is all about. Yeah, that whole mask thing is just ridiculous. People are just walking around with these masks on and they're afraid to just look at you. You walk down the aisle in the grocery store and you're like, if you're going down, and you get too close, they're jumping. But they're supposed to be protected, they've got a mask on, but they're still afraid. And I really don't get it. I don't wear a mask just in my day to day routine. And I've been asked, a lot of the stores now have stopped asking, at least in Canada, they stop asking if you're wearing a mask or where's your mask or whatever. And usually if you just walk by and say I'm exempt, just a little quick I'm exempt and they'll leave you alone. What I've found now is it's the people in the stores that are asking where's your mask or just giving you dirty looks and stuff. So it's not so much the retailer, it's actually society that's really pushing the mask on you. Look, the elite realize that, that's why they program you. And that's what he's talking about, that they program you into believing it and then you become their message. They don't even have to enforce it because they know the people out there will enforce it. And he said something very, it's a symbol of submission. And that's all people want. I mean, even these workers in the grocery stores, they just want you to submit to them. They don't care if it actually protects you. You can wear the stupidest mask ever with the biggest holes. As long as you're wearing something, they'll be sufficed on that. It's just a symbol, they want you to submit to them. Same thing with the elite. They want you to know that you have no voice, you're silenced, and you're faceless. It's dehumanization. What is the word? Dehumanizing. Wow, you said that really good. Yeah, it is dehumanizing. And you can kind of see that it's just to make you feel less of a person because first it was the masks and then people were like, well I can't wear a mask. They give you the shield, the face shield. Well, just looking at a face shield, what is that protecting you from? You're still breathing, it's still coming out under the mask. There's nothing stopping your exhaling or even anything coming at you because it's open. It's open on your face. You just have a little barrier on your face that things can just come up or come out. It makes no sense and it's not anything about protection in my opinion. It's all about getting you to put something on your face and being told that you need to wear something on your face and because you've been told you need to wear something on your face, if you don't, you don't fit into society and society is going to really just come after you and shame you and make you feel guilty and that's the whole point of it. I had a friend that tried to get into a store and he got denied entry into the store and he said, well I'm exempt and they went through the whole rigamarole about why he should and shouldn't go. So he ended up leaving the store and so between him and I, we made some phone calls. We actually called the police station and we asked them about what can you enforce these masks. Now this was a few months ago when the masks first started coming out. So we started asking, can you guys really enforce this? His rights were violated because he has the right to be exempt because he has a medical condition and the police were like, we don't even know how to enforce that. And they just, they didn't know. So what they ended up doing is they ended up referring me to City Hall. So I ended up calling City Hall. City Hall is like a 24 hour number. So I called City Hall and I asked them about the 24 hour hotline and asked them about the by-law for the COVID and your exemption and she's like, to be honest, she goes, I don't even know how we'd enforce that. And so she got a call back in the morning. So I called back the next morning and I spoke to the by-law officer or whatever and I said, you know, and he's like, yeah, they could deny you but again, we don't really know how to enforce it. And then my friend actually called the government and he talked to them and they said, yeah, they could refuse you but again, there's no real way to enforce it. So as you can see, as we followed up the different chains, nobody really knew how to enforce this exemption, you know, you can't breathe or whatever with a mask. So it wasn't really, you know, the guy at the store is basically the guy that made the rules and said, you can't come in. But he really has no authority because if you go up the chain right up to the government, there's nothing that anybody really knew what to do. So even if you got a charge, you got that fine or whatever, like I can't see how that would stick in court if you were to fight it because nobody knows what to do with it. Yeah, and how ridiculous is it to think that we should make our officers go to all these stores and enforce these mask policies? And it's like, don't they have better things to do with their time like stopping crime or looting or, you know, the many other things that they have to do? But no, they need to enforce this mask policy which is ridiculous. Yeah, I agree. Alright, well let's play another clip here from the David Icke interview that we did a week ago. I was saying for decades that the basic structure of the global society, which they're now actually calling the great reset and the new normal, is what I call the Hunger Games Society. And basically if you think of a pyramid, and at the top of the pyramid you've got a tiny few people let's call them the 1%, I call them the cult usually, the inner core of the cult. It's a global web of secret societies and semi-secret organizations etc. So you've got them at the top. At the bottom in this Hunger Games Society is planned to be almost the entirety of the rest of the population. So there's a disservitude through dependency to survive on the 1%. And between the two is planned, I've been writing this for decades, planned to be not just a police state, but a police military state. You know, I said this in March, watch for the military getting more and more involved in all this. Now they're openly saying that in America, are the military going to be involved in rolling out the vaccine, saying same in Britain. They've now got the military helping the police in Britain. It's so predictable, they're nothing if not predictable. So you have this structure and the key is to have the population in general in servitude to the 1%, in dependency of the 1% that's control. Now if you're going to bring that about one thing is absolutely essential and that's that you must destroy the independent livelihoods of the population. You must destroy independent businesses, small businesses, medium businesses, even big businesses that are not connected to the cult. And you must destroy obviously the employment of people in those businesses. And this is why the very foundation of the scam was locked down. Because this is how it worked. This global web I talk about, which is centrally controlled, one of its major centres in the world is China. And what they've done, because this web, this cult was behind the Mao revolution, is behind the walls of the Chinese tyranny. They have been all this time incubating a model, a society model that they wanted to play out globally, to be the global way of human control. And it's based on technology. And that's what you have in China. So they've incubated this control system vastly based on technology. You see video reports of how it takes a few minutes to find someone in China because of all the technological surveillance etc. And this Hunger Games Society is not meant to be run by elected politicians, but by technocrats, bureaucrats, medical technocrats, scientists, engineers and so on. Technocrats like those in Silicon Valley who have more power than politicians now already. And what they've done as a result, if we look at it, of this pandemic hoax, is they played out the Chinese model across the world. That's what they've done. People keep saying this is more and more like China. Yes! This is why. So China was the key. And the fact that it started in China was absolutely no accident. Because that is a major centre for this cult. They own the Chinese government. And so the key was to have this virus apparently appear in China and then to make the Chinese response to it the response for the world, the Western world etc. So what was the Chinese response? Draconian lockdown. People were even starving it would seem because they couldn't get out of their homes. It was absolutely Draconian. And what happened then, Wuhan you know, they were building hospitals in like ten days. Oh, Wuhan crisis. They're building hospitals. Oh my God. And then suddenly it all stopped. And it was all fine. And the hospitals were closed and completely open. Most of them. And now if you look at Wuhan today, it's party time. Everything's normally Wuhan. And so the key to this sequence was that China was the blueprint to how to deal with it. So as soon as that happened you had Ted Ross. He said the way to deal with this is the way the Chinese have dealt with it. That's what he said. He did not even effectively. That's what he said. And so as we went across into the West, they needed death numbers from computer models, projections to justify the lockdown. Because the lockdown was what they needed to destroy the livelihoods of people. And that's what they got. Thanks to people like Professor Neil Ferguson, who's funded by Bill Gates, and he works at the Imperial College in London, a very, very dark, dark place funded by Bill Gates. And so we had this first wave, if you like, of lockdown. And that's done for enormous numbers of independent businesses and independent business employment. And now what they're doing is they're coming through the winter. I said this in March. This is what's going to happen. And they want to now finish them off. Finish off almost all the others. And another thing that's happening is one of the major businesses they're targeting. Anything to do with entertainment, anything to do with anything that creates people coming together, human discourse, interaction, sporting events, entertainment events, concerts, all these things that are chill out, relaxation, love of life situations. They're shutting them down. They're the ones that are really being targeted. The bars, the restaurants. Because it's a psychological war on the human psyche. And you've got all these suicides now, all this depression, all this anxiety. There's no, increasingly no outlet to chill and let off steam. And it's, like I say, it's a war on the human psyche. And it's all systematic. And one of the things that people have found difficult to grasp, and I completely understand it as I've written this stuff over the years, is the scale of evil that we're dealing with. It's interesting that his take, what he's saying here, how it happened, how it came out of China and it worked its way across. And China was kind of the model of how to deal with this pandemic. I learned of COVID back in late December. I started hearing about this mysterious virus in China. By the time we went to the missions conference in January, I was starting to talk to some people about, hey, have you heard about this virus in China? And then within a week or two, I was talking to, I mentioned it to some of the pastors that, you know, there's this virus. We need to actually preach out against this because this thing's getting serious. So I started doing some research about it, and I came across an article, and I can't find it now, obviously, because of censorship, it's gone. But it said that this virus, the reason it came out of China is because if it started in North America, North Americans wouldn't stand for it. So if the virus came here, the numbers got crazy, and they locked us down, people would just go crazy, and they wouldn't have tolerated it. That's what the article said. So what the article said was it started in China, and it slowly worked its way to the West. And by the time it got to North America, the article said this, it said this back in January, February, and it said, by the time this virus makes its way to North America, North Americans will easily go into quarantine and lock down like they did in China. And it totally predicted it because they, you know, if you think about it, in January we were all just living life, and China's under lockdown, and then all of a sudden people started learning about it, and like, oh no, one case is here, two cases is here, oh we're locking down the borders, and then more cases coming, more cases coming, and then people started getting scared, and then next thing you know, we're locked down wearing masks in no time, and we just gave it to them. Nobody put up a fight. Now people are fighting you to wear the mask. So the article was bang on that. If they started it here, it would they wouldn't stand for it. And they said that, and the article said that if there is to be another pandemic, it's going to come from somewhere like remote on the other side of the world, and it'll slowly work its way back over here so that we'll give up more rights again. Wow, that's a really interesting perspective that I've never thought about. But you know it's an obvious hoax because of what they're saying. It's the new normal. That's what they're rolling out. All the news media is talking about is we better get used to this new normal. Well think about the phrase the new normal. It's just like the new world order. It's bringing the whole world under a globalist system. It's a new way to look at the world. It's a new way to go about your life. We all need to unite and destroy the virus together. And so also what it does is coming from a different country is it brings the world together to fight against this virus. And so when David Ike talks about this, he really just says it so well. And when he was talking about the dependency on the 1%, and that the goal is to destroy independent businesses, it makes total sense because independent businesses are not as controlled as large corporations which are very much in control. And they usually go lockstep with the norm or whatever the government tells them to do. They'll implement those sayings. But think about it. The independent businesses are the ones that are fighting back against these lockdowns and they have to destroy that independent thought. They have to. To bring in this new normal. To bring in the globalist system. Because when they implement the mark of the beast and stuff, you're not going to be able to use you're not going to be able to buy or sell without the mark. And you have to get rid of all these smaller chains to make that happen. Yeah actually by getting rid of the small guys, if you think about it, if you can't buy or sell, everybody's buying on Amazon and going to the big box stores like Walmart and stuff, they all prospered. But in the end times there, if you can't buy or sell anything and you want to go and get whatever it is, it's going to be the small business owner that's going to sympathize with you that might cut you that deal because he kind of understands that, oh man if I help this guy, he's my buddy, whatever. But if you're going to Amazon where you're ordering online, how are you going to order online? How are you going to do anything? You don't have access to money or anything like that. So by getting rid of the small guys, I believe that they're just getting rid of the potential sympathizers that would help the people that didn't want to take the mark of the beast. And you can give the illusion still of freedom. Yeah. Because who does all the dirty work? The businesses, all the people the government doesn't even have to do any of that work. They just rely on the businesses to enforce all of their rules. Actually the businesses don't even have to even really enforce. All you would do is you would go into take Amazon for example. You go into Amazon, you pick whatever you want and then when you go to hit checkout, the button just doesn't click because you don't have access to it. It doesn't go green to checkout. There's no getting angry at anybody. There's no pointing finger at anybody. There's no calling anybody. You just can't press the button. Yeah and a perfect example of this complete censorship is when they shut me down on Square. They shut down my payment processing system. Did I get this email explaining why they're shutting me down? No. They just said violation in terms of service no longer can do it. Do they have a phone number where you can call and talk with someone, talk with a human to maybe work out the problem? No. Do they have a way to email them and ask questions? No. You can't ask them any questions. They shut you down. There's no recourse. You can't explain yourself. You can't try to work it out. Yesterday, or two days ago, I got banned from my MailChimp account, my email service. All they said is you're in violation of the terms of service agreement. I wrote them two emails. We discussed back and forth for a little bit. I asked them two different times. They asked me a question so I responded. I also asked them a question. Why did you shut me down? What terms did I break? Because I didn't break any terms. What terms did I break to shut me down? Nothing. Silence. They don't have to answer you. There's no recourse with the big business, the big conglomerate. That's what's taking over. Everything is being taken over. Stripe. Think about the payment processing system. Stripe. PayPal. Those are huge. They're getting rid of all the little guys. You can easily see how you won't be able to buy and sell in the future. Even cash. How do you put cash on all these websites, which is where everybody seems to be buying now? That's another thing that David talked about. We didn't play a clip of that. We talked about it a lot on this show. Cashless Society. Gold. All that stuff. How are you going to transfer gold to your Amazon account? You just can't do it. Getting back to the terms of service, in order to participate, they can even put in the terms of service whatever they want. If you don't agree with the terms of service, you don't get to play in their market. You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you read the terms of service and you're like, I don't agree with that, well, tough. Because there's nobody that's going to listen to you because you have to acknowledge at the bottom. There's no competition. It's like, where do you go? It's like with YouTube. It's like, okay, I'm going to go to these independent sites. Go. You can't get anyone to watch you because it's only on YouTube. It's like, dude, they're taking over and people need to understand this is all an agenda. Yeah, I keep getting asked the question, why would they do this? Paul, what would you say? I think David Icke answers it, but why? Why is all this happening? Why would the world just crumble for what reason? It's a pathological, and he said it, it's a pathological war on us. So they want to break us down. They want to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, just break us down so we just do whatever they say. And you know what? Because if we don't they'll destroy us. They'll destroy us financially. They'll ruin us our reputation. They'll just completely devastate us. And then what's the recourse? Nothing. We can't fight back. We're too small. We're just one person. And they silence you. So you can't speak. You can't speak. Where are you going to go? What platform are you going to take your grievances on? No one's going to hear it. Yeah. David Icke's really, like I said, I don't agree with his views on salvation and religion and Jesus and stuff like that, but he's really just hitting the hammer here and hitting the nail with the hammer on the head, right? That it's all about control. It's all about the 99% just serving that 1% which eventually will lead to that new world order and the mark of the beast and everything else. All these things have to come into play. So he's so right here. And you know what? Part of the large agenda, I need to get someone on the show to talk about this, but part of the large agenda is also to discriminate those who go against or stand up against any of these sayings who speak out just like in China where you cannot travel. You cannot go to certain businesses. You cannot get on certain trains or buses or airplanes. You cannot travel to certain countries if you don't follow, lock up with the system. And what that does is it keeps people quiet. It keeps people in fear. It keeps people silent. So when one person stands up and takes a stand, no one backs them. So it's just a lone voice crying out in the wilderness saying you know what? Stop! Stop! No one can hear you and no one's backing you up and so you just feel alone. Where is everyone? That is so true. You go into the grocery store and on that one of your shows, the first show with Lisa Palumbo where she says say hi to the other people that aren't wearing masks. I go into the grocery store and I'm walking around and I don't see anybody. I'm the only guy not wearing a mask in the store. And then even like church, you go to church and everybody's wearing a mask and you're like wait a sec, what's going on here? And you really do feel all alone because they kind of just look at you like why aren't you wearing a mask? And I'm like well you guys drank the Kool-Aid too? It's just crazy. The agenda goes so deep here people. People don't understand. Satan is so brilliant by doing this because there was a statistic and I forget the statistic on how many, what percentage of the people who have left because of the lockdown, because of the shutdown because church is closed. How many people are not coming back? It's an astronomical number of people who stop going to church and that will not return to go back to church. It was a perfect plan. Churches are going to die over this. Many, many churches will die. We were going, we've been going to a bunch of different churches here in the area just to see what's out there and we walked into this one church and they had like four or five people in it and everyone was socially distanced and as soon as I walked in the pastor's like you've got to wear a mask. You've got to wear a mask. And I was like I'd rather not wear a mask if that's okay. And he's like well and then he lectured. This is the first time I met this guy. First time I talked to him. Then he went on to lecture me for about 10 minutes before the church service on why I should be wearing a mask and doing all this stuff and I'm like if it's a problem I can leave. No worries. I totally understand. And then he was like well I'll let you stay for this service but if you come back just know that we require you to wear a mask here. And I was like okay yeah that's fine. I totally understand that. And then they were going they did the singing and stuff and they made everyone wear the mask while they're singing and then you could take off the mask when you're not singing. And then they did this shaking of the hands. Yeah shaking the hands and everybody's shaking hands. No no no one's shaking hands. This is the most odd thing ever. So they were like okay now everyone go and say hi to everyone and shake hands and everyone just turned around and looked at each other and just was waving from their seat like hi hi hi. It was so awkward. I was just like who's going to want to go to a church like that? Who's going to want to what's the point? Yeah I agree. The one church that I've been to they've shaken hands so people are still shaking hands so that's kind of good. They're wearing masks but they're shaking hands so that's kind of good. They have the hand sanitizer but at least I can welcome that. But the human human contact is what's so important about church. It's the fellowship. It's the talking. It's the seeing each other's facial expressions. It's not when you're all covered up it defeats the point of church and that's why a lot of people are just like screw it. I'm just going to stay home and watch it on live stream and eat chips off my chest. Actually the church that I was going to before COVID came or started whatever the lockdowns it's still closed. They still have not decided to meet or anything like that. I talked to actually one of the deacons a couple days ago and they said yeah no we're still going to stay locked down because you know second wave is here and the pastor's not comfortable so they're still locked down. There's no church happening there so I don't know. What is happening? But like I said it's good that at least people are you know at least in that church you still get the human to human contact. People are still friendly still shaking hands and stuff like that so you know I'd rather take that than I guess what you got the you know the hey how are you you know the air fist pumps. I didn't go back to that church. That was the one and only time I went to that church. They called me the other day and I was like yeah. Yeah no thanks. But you know what we should be in church guys. Don't be scared to go to church. Don't be scared to go to church. I mean who are you going to put your trust in God? Like you need to put your trust in God and is God going to kill you if you go to church? Then you should be okay. We're going to die. I mean that was God's will then. Why be so scared you can't even go to church? I don't even want to say this. People that are very close to me have been staying with me and you know they won't even go outside this house. They won't shake anyone's hand. They're so scared and petrified of the coronavirus and nothing you can say will change them. But it's like how is that life? You don't want to see your grandchildren. You don't want to see your. It's just weird. I mean I it's just weird. Yeah at my work there's some guys there that have said that they're living a life of isolation. Their wives won't even touch them. I'm talking about just in the most simplest form or feed them. They'll come home from work. They'll sit at the table and this plate will just slide in front of them and then the wife disappears. They won't even touch them. Because they're out on the road all day. Because they're out on the road all day. Some of the guys are actually just actually living in their trucks because they're not welcome at home. Oh that's weird. It's crazy. That's so weird man. It's so weird. I'm so glad my wife is on board with me and she sees through this whole hoax. And I keep saying it's a hoax and people are probably offended by that but it's a hoax guys. I believe that the Holocaust is a hoax. Did people die during the Holocaust? Yeah people died during the Holocaust but it's still a hoax. He just got his strike fall. Okay we'll just beep out that last little bit. Exactly. He just got this video taken off for no reason. I need to bleep out that. Well it is true. It's true. It's a hoax on so many different levels guys. Look what they're doing to us is such a spiritual issue. I mean not only the mass but the just... So for the people that are throwing their water bottles at the screen right now Paul you do believe that there is a virus though right? Yes of course yes. And that people are dying right? So like I don't know about the numbers that they're saying but there are people that are dying. Look I have a very good friend of mine that got the virus when we were in Arizona. And you know it's a guy I trust. I love. He's been a big supporter of mine and I call my friend. His whole family got the virus. And so I know it's real but are you just going to give away all your rights because of a virus? You know the flu vaccine you know it has H1N1 in it. That's swine flu. So they've been vaccinating us for swine flu. So if you're like most of us we don't take the vaccine I'm sure you've had the swine flu or you've had the flu in the last 10-15 years. So you've probably had the H1N1. That was like a big deal in 2009 right? And then in the flu vaccine there's also, this is all of CDC, there's the H1N2. Have you heard of that one Paul? No I haven't. So H1N2 is the Hong Kong flu. Oh wow. And the Hong Kong flu in 1968 killed 4 million people. Right? So we haven't even come anywhere near to that and they locked us down. Where in 1968 like come on they didn't have any major lockdowns or masks or all this stuff going on. But they've been vaccinating us with that for years as long as the vaccine's been around. You go on CDC and just research it. Every year it's H1N1 a different strain and H1N2 a different strain. So you know people get sick. Once COVID-19's gone there'll be another virus right behind it that's going to make people sick and people will die. It's not the virus that we have to worry about it's what's going on behind the virus that's really taking away our rights making us wear masks, vaccines, all this other stuff that people fought for these freedoms and now we're just giving them away. Just giving them away. We're saying please take away our rights. Save us. Save us. When you have a 99.9% chance of surviving. People wake up. Alright well let's play our last clip here of David Icke and I really encourage you guys to head over to and if you haven't yet guys come on head over to our Brightion channel right now as this stream is going and sign up to our Brightion channel subscribe to our Bitch You channel. Subscribe to our Generation Conspiracy Backup YouTube channel and subscribe to Subscribe Star. Guys help me out. Help me out. Please. I depend on this income and I really want to start getting people over there. I want to make sure it even works. No one's subscribed yet so this is kind of the first video. Probably by the time you hear this it'll be working though right? Yeah so maybe hopefully I can get some people to support us on there. But yeah so let's go to this final clip and then we'll come back here. One of the things I wrote about in relation to the vaccines was that he and Gavi which is the vaccine alliance that he created with a donation of 750 million dollars were developing what they were calling an electronic tattoo which would indicate technologically if you've been vaccinated or not. And they've been developing this for a very long time because they knew this was coming. But what they said was that we're doing it because we care about the third world. We care about the developing world. We care about all those children that we want to vaccinate. And so we want to make sure that we don't miss anyone because we care so much. So they developed this electronic tattoo ostensibly to make sure all children in developing countries and poor countries were vaccinated. But now we see the real reason why that development was going on. It was to be played out for everybody. And the idea is that you have this tattoo, this electronic tag in effect and there will be technology and where you go that technology will pick up if you've been vaccinated or not or if you're alleged to be infected or not etc. And it will decide and you know the British government some documents from the British government have just been linked or leaked very recently to the British Medical Journal the BMJ it's called. And it reveals something called Operation Moonshot. And this is the plan to test vast numbers of British people, eventually everybody ongoing. It says in Operation Moonshot that by early 2021 they want 10 million Britons tested every day. So before they go to work before they go into the work, these are all in the documents they have to be tested. And if they test negative they can go to work. If they don't then they have to go and isolate for 14 bloody days. And same if you're going on a train, if you're going to a sporting event, if you're going to a concert and this is the new normal where through a fake virus which even if you believe it exists the death rate is insane compared with what's being done in its name. But your life will constantly be one of testing and surveillance and control based on whether you test positive, test negative or you've had the vaccine or not. And this is what they're talking about. We've had a member of Parliament in Britain just come out, a guy called Tobias Elwood. Now he's very significant because he is a member of the British military unit called Brigade 77, 77th Brigade, which is a psychological warfare unit of the British Army. And if you go on, if you're in Britain, maybe even further afield, but if you're in Britain and you go on the internet, like Twitter or something, and you post something that's questioning the narrative of the virus, a lot of the people that come back immediately and trash you will be from the 77th Brigade because they've even admitted that they are seeking to shape the narrative on the internet in favour of people believing the official narrative and admitted that. And this Tobias Elwood, member of the 77th Brigade, said in Parliament in the last few days that the military should be used to distribute the virus, just as Trump is saying the same in America. The health secretary, a complete moron called Matt Hancock, he's just come out since and said yes, we are going to have the military distribute the vaccine. But Elwood also said, and of course we must develop a system of passports which mean that basically, well not basically, literally, if you haven't been vaccinated, then you can't go to concerts, you can't go on trains, effectively you can't work, and this is where it's coming from. So when Gates says we can only go back to normal, he's lying, he does it by reflex action, he's not going back to normal at all, he's just telling people that to manipulate their behaviour, when he says we can't go back to normal until every man, woman and child on the planet is vaccinated with his Covid vaccine, you know that this has nothing to do with health. Because the vast majority of people on planet Earth are not affected by it at all. But he wants everyone vaccinated, so in there he's going to be a sterilisation agent, in there he's going to be nanotechnology designed to change the nature of the human body, I'll go into all this in the answer, and this is a point of human history that is unprecedented in known human history. Because if they pull this off then Orwell was wrong because he underestimated the scale of the tyranny a few thousand fold. And because this is literally the end of humanity as we know it, because of the technology, if they pull this off. So this is a point in human history where people really do need to get the backside disconnected from the sofa and start to realise what's going on and to start disengaging with cooperating with their own enslavement. Because we have seven odd billion people in the world closing in on eight billion, not too long from now I would assume. And at the core of the core of this cult, you could get them in one room. So humanity has the numbers but does it have the awareness to use the numbers to bring an end to this nonsense? That's what we're all working on of course. Wow. Well that is super interesting, the Operation Moonshot. I definitely need to look into these things more because I'm no expert on this show. That's why I like to have these guys on because they are the ones that actually do the research they study out these issues and my job is to get the information out of them. I try my best to do as much research as I can obviously but there's always so much time in the day. But the dude's right on with Operation Moonshot and they do want to test everyone and that is the end game guys. They want to control your movements control where you're at and control your life. Absolutely. He's talking about the ten million people a day. Can you imagine just that number ten million people. Imagine every day, your normal day is just going to work and getting a cotton swab stuck down your throat for a COVID test and that's going to just be the new normal. Well they want to control you, this is just a great excuse to do it. Exactly, 100%. Just control you and then you don't want to get the cotton swab in the nose then take the vaccine and like he's saying there too in the video, we need to disconnect from the sofa because a lot of people, even Christians are just sitting at home watching the news, taking the narrative following the narrative thinking if I just wear the mask then this will all get better or if I just do this, this will all get better or if I just social distance this will all get better and it's not working. All the measures, every time they tell us something and we just kind of toe the line, it doesn't work. So we've got to just stop watching the news and figuring out all this, getting scared with the numbers and just kind of like he says, just get out there and get a little resist. Awesome. Well that's our show here today guys. I mean I really encourage you guys to go to our Brighteon channel and I know I've just been pushing it on you left and right on this show but I need you to go, go right now if you didn't go on that 3 minute break earlier go now, subscribe to BitChute, subscribe to Brighteon, subscribe to our Patreon and more importantly guys, go to our Subscribestar and donate 5 bucks. I really need you guys, the few dedicated listeners I have that aren't haters to go and show your support for me and you know, and this is just another thing guys. Look, if you want to get rid of my support too, you know if you're short on money, just go down to one dollar. You don't have to just get rid of it all together. Then I think you hate me. Yeah you know this probably, this interview, this you know probably our conversations probably might get you some hate in the comments section but you know, even when I first got, like I said earlier in the stream here when I first got turned on to David, I actually approached some of my Christian friends and they were like, how can you listen to that guy and you know they kind of read me the riot act a little bit and you know the stuff he was saying back in February, March when I first listened to is pretty much what he's saying today in you know, in October 2020 and a lot of what he said has come true so for those of you that are kind of like, how can you put this guy on your show and stuff like that, like you know like I said earlier, the guy, I don't subscribe to anything he says about you know, salvation, religion, Jesus, any of that stuff you know, I don't subscribe to any of that but the stuff that he's saying about this coronavirus and the stuff that he's presenting here you know, just put the hatred aside for a second and just kind of just listen to what this guy is saying here, you know Paul didn't you know, bring this guy on just to upset people, he actually brought this guy on to just give you guys some education, some knowledge, something you know, a different insight to something that you may not have seen because I was seeing the coronavirus totally different until somebody turned me on to David Icke and he just, he didn't influence all my opinions on the coronavirus but he helped to open my mind to be more receptive to other avenues and to kind of understand things differently so you know, if I can encourage anybody, if you guys are getting ready to type some hateful stuff in the comments below you know, just appreciate it for what it is, we don't you know, here in the world Paul doesn't support this guy's religious views and he's not here to push David Icke down your throat, he's just you know, again he's just bringing you some information so you know, just go easy yeah, well you know, most people are, most people realize that you know, I'm trying something new I'm trying to just survive and feed my family so there's really no agenda except for you know, I'm trying to work hard and produce content that I hope you guys like and so make sure you support us guys, if you do subscribe to our subscribe star or Patreon, you'll be entered in for a chance to win these books at the end of the month, we're going to do the drawing last day of the month and we're going to be giving away the Synagogue of Satan book, we're going to be giving away the DNA Science and Jewish Bloodline, we're going to be giving away the Pale Rider book right here also the Red Hot Preaching DVD and the new IFB Soul Winning Conference DVD along with the MacDaddy Prize, this six or 1861 Confederate States, North Carolina bill from the Confederate money, it's legit Confederate money, a 20 cents bill, so I guess they didn't have pennies and stuff, they just issued cash for the change even, that's interesting, so this I'm going to be giving away guys, so all you have to do is subscribe, one dollar a month or head over to the subscribe star and donate to there, but of course if you are a donor on Patreon already, all you have to do is increase that by a dollar or if you're $50 and up, you'll automatically be entered in for this drawing, thanks so much for your support guys, any final thoughts? No, that's it, have a good night. Alright guys, good night, God bless.