(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right today, I'm talking with Gunluka Zana He is one of my good friends and he is also the the guy who made this amazing CD Don't tread on us So if you haven't yet heard this CD Make sure to go to framing the world calm get a copy of this CD But Luca talk to us today. Tell us a little bit about the CD and a little bit about yourself Well, this CD is exactly who I am without apologies I've been writing songs as soon as I was probably I don't know a teenager, but I say professionally Since I came to America was really my kind of one of my dreams I write only what I feel not just in my personal life but also in my beliefs the CD that you have it's a compilation of Several songs that they've been part of my journey in becoming in America so in America, so this is pretty much what we You will see it from the different titles from don't tread on us or we the people wake up America They're all songs that become part. They are part of my journey. They'll pretty much lasted now. I'm 21 year 21 years in this country and in my first ten years Exactly seven years when I became a citizen They were you know, I kind of leave these moments and I put these moments into music And it it is a fantastic CD. I mean, I must say like every time my kids here I hear you just can't stop listening to it. And like you said is a compilation CD so it has basically you've made quite a few albums and this is basically a compilation of A bunch of those albums is that that's the idea of this film this CD, right? Yes, so this CD that you have put together kind of a selections of the song that you know You personally like and I like to by the way, I think most of the song you chosen. They're all my favorites There are some that come from different albums. I have my first let's say I don't want to call it political because it for me politics is life the first You know belief oriented album was wake up America. It was exactly finished in 2005 in May After I became an American citizen and there were like about 21 trucks just in that album You got some good ones out of that then of course, there is another album that is why probably my favorite Don't trade on us that there is also the main truck They're probably you know, it's kind of the title of the compilation don't trade on us And then of course, there are log guns and freedom my latest CD, you know I probably done recorded and published with my own company about a hundred songs Some of them they are completely different topics, you know romantic and pop dance rock, whatever But the one that you chose if you want to look into this very pervious time of historical times that we're living in America Represent exactly what's happening to us as a nation as a country facing the strats of global global is a fight every day that we have to stand against the Infringements or attempted infringements against our individual rights and more important restoring and preserving this republic That's pretty much when I come to music in the political arena That's why when I believe if you are a person who believes that God's I mean the state is your God And everything come from the state or you believe in collectivism I would not suggest it to buy any of my music probably you hate me and that's fine with me because I hate you Too even I don't really hate anybody Like each other let's put it this way. I Love you Luca. That's one way to say it but you got you started a new company just kind of sidetrack in here Tell us a little bit about that and we'll get back to the CD. I've been training in a firearms training Civilians regular people in getting better to improve their skills in defending themselves with firearms But also I wanted to improve the opportunity for a ravaged person to defend themselves using their body So I have a self-defense training facility in Kingman, Arizona It's called the Kingman force on force. You can find out more about Kingman for some force calm I'm a krav maga certified Instructor I teach empty hands. I do edge weapons and we do a lot of different classes here We try to get really a great foundation for the average person to start how to defend themselves Using their brain and then their body, of course Well, very good. I just wanted to show people just kind of a little bit about This album to kind of play some of the songs But yeah, so here is just a little taste guys of the CD All right. Well today I'm launching something new something. I've never done before a new album called don't tread on us. I Honestly feel honored to be able to be part of this new album Oh This new album is a collection of 17 original Patriotic songs by gun Lucas Anna if you are pro second amendment anti new world order You will love this album. These are truly songs of freedom. These are songs for the new American Revolution I Love these songs Luca and I love I love what you do and just tell us a little bit about going into Making these songs because you weren't the singer right you hired someone to do the singing Yeah, the most of the songs especially for these political songs I don't sing him what I do every song starts with an experience, you know, as I said that they are part of a process of my Experience as becoming an American or after I became an American to leave through my off. I became an American I took an oath to defend this Republic against all enemies foreign domestic and I look at this what we're facing now as a nation a Very previous time that I think is the most crucial times of this Republic and what I look at these that we are really under attack not just physically but also morally in the way that You know this country they try to almost Make us forget what we stood for or what we supposed to stand for and destroy everything we have I mean don't get me wrong. We are not perfect. We are human beings History is made by civilizations. There is no civilization has been always perfect. Nobody's perfect But among all 5,000 years of experiments in the human history this country even with all its faults Has created something that was a very unique experiment the noir of the country around the world ever accomplished The creation of a place like America where at least on paper The original intent of our founding fathers was to create a place where all human created equals and We supposed to have rights that they don't come from a government or king or Lord But come because we are humans and if you don't believe in God come because you have if you believe in God come from God that's great. But you don't even need to believe in God technically you don't need to believe in anything, but just freedom That's the bottom line. So We had it and I say we had it because we let it go ignorance unfortunately was part of the weapons used against us That's why my songs I try always to reach a topic from I don't know talking about the Federal Reserve You know show me the law Remember also the sacrifice of people before us remember the Alamo or talking about things that they try to educate even just with a little Song I try to inject some information at least some curiosity because the first weapon we should have Is knowledge to understand who we were and what they will become because our lack of knowledge And just to give you a little taste of the the titles that are on this album is Don't tread on us wake up America. We the people the wall Remember the Alamo the line in the sand here they come Thrive the Second Amendment live free or die. I'm not afraid the enemies within Revolution get us out of the United Nations Show me the law a bright new day and don't chat on us instrumental. And I love the names that the CD the The songs and they really go with the music. It's a great album I really hope everyone goes out there and gets this album at frame in the world calm what tell me Let me finish a little bit. I'm sorry. I got kind of distracted my mind. I always think too much The way I produce my songs is this I come from a feeling something I'm living as an experience as I said in this life as an American and then from there normally I really dream The music normally I go to sleep and I wake up with a song I mean most of the times and then of course I already have the lyrics that I'm writing during my experience and then I have exactly Everything from the beginning to the end in my mind I envision the song and then I have different musicians I work with in the last 20 years. I have a team of musicians and I go to studio in Los Angeles I have a really small budget. I mean, I don't have a big productions normally in five hours. Everything's done I have a most couple singers that I work very well, and I don't listen I'm not asking to believe in everything I do But I would never hire a singer that does not believe in what I sing or at least what I write so we have a good team and in a very Paced way I can put together produce the song from A to Z in about you know Half-day, okay, and that's the way I've been doing it And of course then I got my publishing company and then normally what I do, you know My songs all over the world through different channels But I'm glad that through you you really capture the essence or all different song people don't need to buy Five different CDs to get my songs. They got a very good Package with your CD and I like also the graphic you did this very nice package I wouldn't you know, wave that at some Antifa You know board meetings When I get killed, but yeah, this is the spirit, you know, we're here We don't have we're not afraid to stand up for what we believe So where are you based out of now Luca? Right now I'm based out of Kingman, Arizona because my official headquarters are exactly 3001 Stockton Hill Road, Kingman, Arizona Kingman first of all, she's also had one for my design enterprises LLC and my other company my creative company, you know Technically is with me wherever I go because he's a I'm a Wyoming company for my music But wherever I go, I write music and I'm so so if people want to learn what they come to your Well what we do here at Kingman Force on Force we do first of all self-defense we do Kramaga We do edge weapons. We do firearms training. We do Force on Force firearms training is very unique I can We use of them see in the back here. We have all these weapons here They're all airsoft, but we don't just play kids with that. We use them for real training situations from Simulating different type of scenarios. They're very effective normally at the range. You cannot do things like that We have also UTM a simulation Simulator ammunition real guns they shoot like plastic bullets and hurt a little bit, but they're really realistic I have a visual range simulator something normally just the law enforcement Academy has or the military you have a big screen with a computer with different videos of different scenarios of People attacking you or try to do bad things to you You have infrared guns when you shoot a movie the actors will interact will die or fall or stop It's a very unique training Empty hand is very very very unique to I mean Kramaga's. I'm a Kramaga certified instructor with the American Federation of Kramaga and I trained directly under mr. Cohen from Israel and as I said many people say oh damn it easily in my point of view I try to keep now when I bring Kramaga to the people I focus on the message the message is self-defense The message is to learn a technique that gives you the opportunity to be able in a very short time To be able to defend your family yourself not like in some academic way This is a real proven combat techniques and I don't want I even go to into you know People I say Palestine Israel. I don't care in my gym. I don't care the color of your skin I don't care at this point, you know all I had I Lost audio Yeah, anything yo, yeah Well, we sorry we lost you there Luca for a second I didn't hear the last thing you said but I can surely attest to Luca's teaching skills because I took a CCW class once with Luca and it was awesome I learned a lot from the class and If I'm ever out your way, I'm definitely gonna stop by and see your new studio and I wish I lived closer that I could I could gum take some of those classes But if anyone listening out there is anywhere near Luca King give the address again Luca Okay, first of all go to Kingman force on force calm. Let me give you good news. I'm starting now a free seminars online We can do now. I'm starting next week free online Self-defense seminars and when I say free what means fee because I believe in private sponsorship putting sponsor gonna you know Try to help to put the seminars out and that's the way, you know free market truly So even if you are now live another country, I do by the way private lessons or via Skype With students from around the world. I have a couple ladies from New Zealand They're learning how to use knives. It's pretty freaking great classes. I mean, I enjoy it so much. Of course, I cannot be there to technically Touch your hands or do things or sparing with you But I can give a lot of information how to use firearms or even empty hands or by the way I'm also right now a certified mixed martial arts conditioning specialist and fitness nutrition Specialist and personal trainer certified. I try to take everything I do, you know, I do my best doesn't matter if it's firearms or Empty hands and now of course I wanted to get a little more deeper to know in the human body since I train with athletes or at least people they need To prepare for a fight. I also got my specialization with NSM in a mixed martial arts conditioning Specialist well, you got your hands and everything Luca and I really appreciate you spending some time here to talk to me a little bit but guys if you haven't yet Heard this new album don't tread on us go to my youtube page you can hear some samples on there, but more importantly go to framing the world calm buy a copy today and Listen to it. You will not be disappointed. It's a fantastic album and Thank You Luca for everything. Thank you. Thank you for making this album making it available to me at framing the world calm and Just I hope I wish you the best my friend on your new endeavor Thank you very much. And thank you for promoting my music. I really appreciate it. Thank you. You got it. We'll talk soon