(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, guys, we are live at Framing the World with a very special live stream today, probably our biggest live stream we've ever done on this channel. Today we're going to be talking with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. And for those of you who don't know who she is, Dr. Tenpenny has invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. As an internationally known speaker and author, her many articles have been translated into at least 15 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her knowledge and to educate parents on why they should say no to vaccines. And so that's who we're talking with today, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. I'm really excited to get her on the program. We've been trying to set this up for a couple of weeks now, but it's here today and so we're going to be talking with her today about saying no to vaccines. And this is a very near and dear topic on my heart and I know others as well. We have Dustin in the house today and we also have Ms. Palumbo that is going to be actually hosting the interview today. So she's going to be talking with Dr. Tenpenny and so it should be a great interview, guys. Make sure you share this on your social media account. Click that thumbs up button and make sure you share this video right now. Just go ahead and do it right now. I'm going to be talking for a few minutes here. So while I'm just kind of jabbering here, make sure to share this video. It's going to be very powerful. We're going to have her on the program in just a few minutes. But I wanted to first quickly just tell people about the giveaway we're also doing at the end of this program. So we're going to be giving away four different products on the program today. And so this is a lot of great stuff, a lot of great information. We're going to be giving away Evidence of Harm, which is just a really fantastic movie exposing mercury dental fillings, destroy health and environment. So if you want to get this DVD, all these products are on my website. You can check them out there. We're also going to be giving away Fast Food Nation, which is a great book turned into a documentary, but it's the dark side of the all American meal. It's a great book. We're going to be giving away at the end of this program. Also we're going to be giving away the Don't Tread On Us album that we made back in 2014. It's great, great music CD. We're going to be giving away that at the end of the program and also my favorite documentary or one of my favorites, Fluoride Poison on Tap. So this film means so much to me. If you haven't yet seen it, you can check it out for free. It's all over YouTube or you can support us by ordering a copy today. But you know, just be careful about which version you watch because a lot of people, they re-edit my films for some reason they think and they re-upload them. So make sure to go to our channel here and check out that movie in its entirety. But we're going to be giving away these four books or actually these books and CDs at the end of the program and the way to get these is supporting us on Patreon. Now going to Patreon is super easy guys. If you like this show, just click the link in the description, it'll take you right to our Patreon account. It'll take you a couple minutes to subscribe to our Patreon, a dollar, five dollars a month, it doesn't matter. And you can cancel at any time. So there's no, if you want to just do a month and then just cancel, hey, it only costs you a buck to get entered in for a chance to win these great products here. And so just support us guys. We're down eight bucks this month, I don't know what's happening. So somehow we got more Patreon supporters but yet we're down eight bucks for the month. So the month's always up so you guys can make a difference, help me get positive on the month by supporting me on Patreon. Or you can just go to the store and purchase anything off the store that you like and you'll be entered in for the chance to win these products at the end of today's stream. So again guys, make sure you share this video on Facebook. Make sure you support us by going to our Patreon account, just supporting us, a dollar. If you're already a member of our Patreon, just up it, buy one dollar, that's all you have to do and you'll be entered in for a chance to win these things. But yeah, it's going to be a great interview guys. We have a talk with a few other people about the subject of vaccines. You should check out our previous episodes on the channel. They're definitely some great information but we're going to be doing this a lot guys. We're going to be trying to book as many guests as we can and having people talk about a variety of different topics. You know, it's not going to just be one topic. We're going to just discuss whatever I like. Whatever subject I'm interested in, that's what we're going to be talking about. And sometimes it's going to get pretty weird subjects, you know, but you know, why can't we talk about things? So we're going to be talking about different topics on the show. I really appreciate everyone that's tuning in now. We have a great turnout already on the live stream but make sure you guys thumbs up the video here. It looks like we have more people watching than thumbs upping the video. So thumbs up the video guys. That definitely helps the algorithm or whatever. And so I appreciate everyone tuning in today. But again guys, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is going to be on the program. Her website is drtenpenny.com. You can go check out more of her stuff. She also has educational online courses, coursesformastery.com. And she's also on Facebook. You can check her out at facebook.com forward slash vaccineinfo or vaxxerinfo. And so also she's on Twitter and Instagram. So I really hope you go to drtenpenny.com. Check her out. We're trying to get a few of her books on the store. Unfortunately we didn't get them in time for this program but we hopefully will get her back on the program in a week or two and have her talk about the books. But thank you guys so much for tuning in. Again guys, go support us on Patreon. Support the website. We're doing a lot here. So I'm finishing up a series that I shot a few years back right now and I'm also starting a new movie. So we are in the process. We're in the pre-production phase of a new movie that we plan on having done by the end of next year. Hopefully sooner but this whole coronavirus thing kind of threw it off. And I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do a lot of the traveling until later in the year. But I do have some interviews that I plan on doing in America. So I need your support to make that happen. So we're trying to raise funds for that movie. It's the secret project film. The tenth film. And so I really hope you consider going and donating to the movie. It's going to be a great movie. I'm partnering with Pastor Tommy McMurtry on this new film. And he's a great guy. And we really are both very passionate about this topic. And so it's going to be a good, good film. I've completely changed my focus on filmmaking in the last six months. I've had a lot of epiphanies. And so I plan on changing the way I film things. And so, which is good. It's going to make our films much better. And the next film, it's just going to be so much more polished, so much more professional. But with those great plans of mine, it costs a lot of money. So I'm hoping you guys consider supporting the project, donating to the project to help me cover the costs for that film. But yeah guys, we're going to have her on the program in a little bit. Make sure, just head over to Patreon right now guys. It's only a dollar a month. Dollar a month you support us on Patreon. Or just go over to the website and order something from there. Because you know guys, we have been completely demonetized on YouTube. I'm not even sure how long I'm going to be able to stay on YouTube. And so, you know, shows like these are being heavily censored right now on the internet. Anything on the vaccine topic, you're automatically labeled as anti-vaxxed and censored. So Dr. Tim Penny I know is getting highly censored right now. So we're going to be talking to her about that censorship tonight. And we're also going to be talking about the coronavirus vaccine and whether you should get it. Now I'm sure you realize my opinion on that, but we'll hear from her. And so again guys, Dr. Sherry Tim Penny is going to be on the program in a little bit. So make sure you tune in to the show here. Share it on your social media and don't forget to get entered in for a chance to win one of these four amazing products. Again Fast Food Nation we're giving away, Fluoride Poison on Tap, a great film, featuring Dr. David Kennedy, Gary Pittman, Mike Adams, Paul Conant, Dr. Edward Group, and Laura Presley. So well, let's get started here. We have Dustin in the house and we have Lisa in the house. So I want to say hi to Dustin and then we'll get right into the program today. How are you doing Dustin? Oh I guess he's not there. We'll have to go to Lisa. Lisa how are you doing today? I'm doing good. It's good to be here. Awesome. So are you looking forward to this interview? I know, what are your thoughts on Ms. Tim Penny? Oh I have listened to Dr. Tim Penny for so many years. I mean I'm going back probably more than a decade but it's got to be close to a decade that I used to recommend her lecture series with a PowerPoint, what do the CDC documents say, and risks, benefits, and choices. I have recommended those for, it's got to be close to a decade now. She is a wealth of knowledge. She's been doing this 40,000 hours plus and what we know of course, I think we talked about it on the last show when I was here, that at the Vaccine Safety Summit they did cover the fact that doctors, pediatricians, only have one half a day, about four hours of training on vaccines. So four hours compared to 40,000. So who should we listen to? Right, right. Well she has been someone I've been trying to get an interview with for a while now. I did make an anti-vaccine film years ago. I never finished it, unfortunately, but we did start the process and we were going to get her on that movie but it just never happened. But we have Ramon in the house as well here. How you doing Ramon? Good man. I'm doing good. Awesome man. Well I still don't know where Dustin is, but he'll be here sooner or later. But why is this so important to you, this conversation Lisa? Well I mean it's more important than ever because we are, our rights, this is all encompassing. I mean a lot of adults that either don't have children or feel like, oh you know I'm not really going to pay attention to what the medical freedom movement is saying because it really doesn't apply to me. And vaccines, I was vaccinated, meanwhile, depending on their age, they may have only had just a small handful of vaccines versus the 72 doses that are required for kids to go to school. So they may not be paying attention, but now they're paying attention because they're seeing it on the news. They're seeing, wow, the trials for this vaccine are not looking so good. They had multiple failures in the past and I want to get into that with Dr. Tenpenny, how previous coronaviruses vaccines actually potentiated the immune system to the point where it would make the symptoms of the disease so much worse than if you weren't vaccinated at all, including several deaths in the animal models. So I want to talk to her about the Oxford, Oxford just changed their placebo from a saline injection to a meningitis vaccine. That's their placebo. So I mean, it's just so ripe with corruption and fraud. And so I can't wait to hear her thoughts on those. Awesome. Well, it looks like we have Dustin here, so he's getting set up right now. But yeah, very exciting. So how did you first hear about Dr. Tenpenny? Boy, that's a great question. I think just in my research, you know, she's probably one of the most prominent ongoing figures out there when it comes to this. She's probably been going, you know, one of the longest and strongest advocates out there for medical freedom movement. And she just, those PowerPoint lectures that I have been recommending for so many years, she has upped her game. I mean, her stuff today is incredible. She literally has like almost like a university through her website that you can take classes online. And so she's just a wealth of resources. Yeah. And I know she wrote a couple books on the subject of vaccines. I know she wrote a fantastic book. I haven't read the whole thing, but I definitely started the book, Say No to Vaccines. Have you had a chance to read any of her material? I have not read her books, but I have listened to definitely hundreds and hundreds of hours of her lectures and her interviews. And I, you know, had been looking for recent material, and of course I looked on YouTube and you don't see anything recent doesn't come up easily. So once I looked on, you know, Bitchute, I did find some recent interviews and she did one that I can't wait to ask her about all the stuff that the viral contaminants that are in vaccines that are used, fetal bovine serum. And it's actually shocking that there's, I want to say it was like 1800 different viral particles and it was 4000 other contaminants that have been found. And this and they cross react. So they recombine almost like they become like a GMO virus in a sense. And so I want her to talk about that because I was really shocked. That was a lot of new information for me. That was very recent. Yeah, well, yeah, I'm excited to talk to her. I know she was on your favorite show, The High Wire too recently. You said you haven't missed an episode of The High Wire. So you obviously saw that that show. Yes, I'm trying to think of which one that was and how recent it was. But yeah, I've watched that show for over two years since it's been running. I've never missed one. I usually wait till it's uploaded so I can listen to it in high speed. So I, cause it's, it's usually a two hour show. Yeah. Well, if you guys don't know what we're talking about with The High Wire, I really hope you check it out. It is a great show and a really smooth production over there. Hopefully, you know, ours can become a little bit smoother as time goes on, but we're just trying to figure everything out, you know, as we go here. But Dustin, do you hear us, man? Yes. Can you hear me? Oh yeah, there you are. He's here, guys. He's here. So Dustin, what's, what's going on today? I don't know. What did I miss? Nothing. Just how are you feeling today? It's a good day. It's a good day. I, yeah, I didn't have to put a mask on, so that's nice. So it's just another day in, you know, I'm not going to call it. I don't want to refer to it as coronavirus or COVID-19 anymore. I just want to call it certificate of vaccination ID. Cause I think that's what it's about. I think that's what it, I've seen that before where they were, where the COVID instead of it being coronavirus disease, that's so lame. But it really rings when you think about it as certificate of vaccination ID, because they, they have definitely taken the whole thing and turned it into the mandatory, not mandatory necessarily, but it's one of the things you notice in the, in the, in the minds of the people is that, um, like nobody, you can't go into stores, there's social distancing, people wearing masks, and it's like the new thing. It's just a new thing. It's just like, it's just been introduced and that's what people are doing. And if you think about it, it doesn't make any sense, but that's just what they're doing. And, um, and there's all this talk about vaccinations and about, um, you know, trying to like, there's this possible cure for it and then we'll go back to normal. So I think the whole game is again, like you were talking about with the vaccinations that, that they're just trying to push this vaccination thing. And it's very interesting that people get banned and shut down for standing against vaccinations. Yeah. Well, I know, uh, they're, they're saying now that over a hundred thousand people have, uh, died of the coronavirus. Did they die or yeah, they got it or died. What is it? Does anyone know? That's the whole point. Yeah. But those numbers are just crazy. I really hope Lisa, you talked to Ms. Tenpenny about how these numbers are just bogus tonight too. I know she's talked about that in the past, so hopefully we can bring that up to her in this interview. Yeah. So most people are just tuning into the TV and they're watching, I don't know if they're watching sports, but they're watching their, their mainstream news and they're, you know what I think it might be is they get in their car and they just listen to the radio because there's a lot of programming that happens on the radio nowadays. Um, yeah, I don't listen to the radio myself. Um, but whenever I hear a radio, you'll hear him talking about it. It's the same thing. So was someone in the, um, comments just asked about James Foster, about what happened with him. And I think he was just sick. He wasn't the coronavirus. I'm not sure. Do you know what it was exactly? I don't know what it was, but I know he said that, um, it came back negative. So, yeah, but that, yeah, I was, I think they're just kind of holding off to see if he lived cause then if he died, they can just be like, there's one. So, all right. But that, you know, you know how I feel about the whole thing. I think they're, the numbers are manipulated and there's even been, um, I could probably find it by watching a video the other day of somebody, you know, showing a news clip and the news clip was saying how 50% of the antibody tests are wrong. So if you go to get tested for, um, to show that you have the certificate of vaccination ID, um, disease, um, if you check to see if you have the antibodies, you have a 50 50 shot of them just getting it a hundred percent wrong. So, um, and that was just on the news. And I think that came from the CDC, but they're still using those numbers to, um, direct policy. Yeah, I, I heard someone say, I forget the exact number, but they said like the actual number of COVID deaths is like some ridiculously low number. If you count out all the, if you just like the number one cause of death is COVID, um, it's ridiculous. Did you hear about that, Lisa? Really? They re-examined the numbers. Um, and they said that it's only 12% of their total is actual, actually primarily caused by COVID. Um, so, and in going back to James Foster, it turned out it was just pneumonia. And it was a very severe case of pneumonia, but he's doing much better. Um, and when Dustin mentioned the, uh, serology or the antibody tests coming out, uh, wrong, you know, 50% of the time, um, some people just don't have the antibodies and some people's antibodies wane very rapidly. Um, and that's, that's also considered primary vaccine failure, which vaccines are going after the production of antibodies. That's what's considered, um, the efficacy. It's, uh, it's, it's like research efficacy versus clinical efficacy. And the amount of antibodies that you produce, that's what they're looking for to say, oh, it's effective. Um, but some people are what they would consider a primary vaccine failure and that they don't produce antibodies. So I don't know if that's, if the test itself is just simply inaccurate and can't pick up the, um, that antibody, it can't detect it or if it's just, you know, wrong, or if it's because somebody actually just used their cell mediated immune system and got through the virus without, um, producing antibodies. So that I don't know, but, um, I don't want people to be confused between the PCR testing that gives you the positive or negative. That's, um, for example, James Foster had the PCR test that gives you the yes or the no, if you, if you have it real time, um, versus an antibody test is looking, you know, retrospectively, did you have it? Do you have antibodies? So, so that's kind of the difference between serology testing and the PCR testing. So Lisa, when they're thinking about like what they need to do to move forward with what the herd immunity and stuff and just testing random people, what they're checking to see if people have the antibodies, right? And then they would decide like if, if they're like how high the threat would be to a portion of the population. Is that kind of how they're looking at it with those testings? Well, I, I did hear that initially that they would say, oh, you would have like some type of certificate, you know, that, oh, you obviously have had the virus or so you've either had the vaccine or you've had the virus and that gives you the, your free pass to go back into society. However, um, what we're seeing and what recent statements have been made is that either your antibodies do not last long for this, which could pose a number of problems. It would mean that, oh, this is going to be like, um, you know, a cold or a flu. You're going to have to have another vaccine, a booster or an annual vaccine, like the flu or something like that. So it could, it could mean that, or it could mean, oh, you're probably not going to be able to get your certificate just based on if you already beat the disease. So it's going to be, uh, make things really complicated. And again, the immune system is very complicated and they have to stop trying to put everybody into a one size fits all, um, certificate box. Well, we'll just see where it goes. I mean, I think it, well, I always look at this vaccination thing that all I think, all I see is Mark of the beast. That's all I see. I see where, and it, there is definitely a foreshadowing in these events where you can't, it's not that you can't, but there, there are, they're ratcheting. We just saw several clicks in the, um, the psyche of the society worldwide, everywhere. I don't think there's a country on the globe. That's not, um, affected, you know, Australia, New Zealand, African countries, European, Asian countries everywhere. They're doing something, you know, they've, they figured out whether they need to, um, have mask in this situation or social distancing in this situation. So there's definitely a change in the, the psyche of society. So that's social engineering that has, you could say it just happened, but we know it's engineering. We know that people sit back and they've studied people like animals, you know, and they know what they need to do. And right now, all we're seeing is on the doors, um, you know, certain offices, you know, mandatory mask. If you're coming in this office, you must wear a mask, you know? So places where you could have gone a couple months ago and, and interacted with people you're not able to go into. And then also you've got stores where, um, I was late. I had to swing by the Walgreens and, you know, they've got the, all the stuff on the ground, which is, it's just something that's just constantly playing like background music in your psyche where there's this, um, mandatoriness and there's a mandate. And so you have to, and everybody, it changes the vibe of just people that you're standing next to. It just makes you think, you know, that's about six feet, you know, like, what do I do? Like, okay, yeah, he's standing on the circle. I'm standing on the circle and I'm like, you know, I don't want to be a jerk to anybody because you just want to be friendly to people and try to, you know, pass the good, good vibes on, on down the road and stuff and not be a jerk because they're not very, um, you know, maybe they're totally in agreement with everything and they're just putting a mask on just so they can get their cigarettes, which is what I was behind the guy. Well, we have, uh, Dr. Tenpenny on the line right now, Lisa. So I think we'll just, uh, we'll, we'll get started on this if you're ready. Okay. All right. So everyone, we have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, um, and I'm going to go ahead and read her, her bio for you. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three specialties. She was the full-time emergency medicine physician and director of a level two trauma center from 1986 to 1998. She is the founder of Tenpenny integrative medical center, a medical clinic located near Cleveland, Ohio opened in 1996. Her company provides a natural holistic approach to getting well and off prescription medications. Her approaches have attracted patients from all 50 states and 17 countries. Dr. Tenpenny has invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines as an internationally known speaker and author. Her many articles have been translated into at least 15 languages. She is a frequent guest on radio and TV to share her knowledge and educate parents on why they should just say no to vaccines. So welcome, Dr. Tenpenny. Well, thank you so much. Nice to be here. So I have been following you for, I know at least a decade. And, um, I, I have recommend, I was trying to think if it was about 10 years ago that you did the, um, the PowerPoint lectures, like what do the CDC documents say? And, um, the other one, the risk benefits and choices. And I have recommended those for, I mean, it's gotta be close to 10 years now. So actually it's longer than that. Yeah. Okay. So I thought, yeah, I knew it was at least around there. So now I think, I think the CDC, when the, uh, the CDC documents, when I think was in 2002 and I think the risk benefit choices was in 2004. Oh my goodness. Well, yeah. So my oldest flies, right? I'm just wise. Yes. My oldest son was born in 1999. You know, it does kind of go back. That's when I was, you know, researching heavily. So I have four children, three, the three younger are totally unvaccinated. And my oldest son did have one vaccine because I wasn't completely convinced. And, um, and he had a latent severe reaction and that's what drove me to research. And you've been a big part of that journey. So I appreciate you. Well, I'm so glad, I'm so glad that I could be of assistance and, and help you find your way through that rather dark maze. Yes. So, um, we want to get right into this and bring it as relevant as possible because I know you're just a wealth of knowledge and so much is coming out about the, um, the vaccine trials and the previous trials for, uh, coronavirus vaccines and how they all failed miserably. And, um, we want to touch on, uh, those, those attempts and why they failed miserably and what makes this, uh, vaccine that they're talking about, um, so different being that it's an RNA vaccine and is this the first attempt? The first one that would be on the market? That's like five questions in one sentence. Yes. Okay. Let's talk about, let's go ahead and, and first cover is this vaccine that they're talking about? You know, we have several trials going on. Um, and is this vaccine being an RNA vaccine? How is it different than the vaccines that we currently have? It's different because the, um, there are several RNA vaccines that we are currently on the market. The measles vaccine is an measles is an RNA virus. Polio is an RNA virus, but what makes this different is that the entire virus is attenuated and injected in the vaccine that children get in the MMR vaccine and polio injectable polio. This is a different, uh, RNA virus. This is a different vaccine. They just want to take just the genetic part of the, of the, the genetic part of the virus, pull out a little snip of that RNA and inject that purely into the body and then use the body's own enzymes called reverse transcriptase to replicate that virus and then get to a certain quantity in the body so that the body tries to develop an antibody to make it go away. The problem is, is that that's never ever been done before. And the, um, the trials that they have done on animals in the past, the ferrets died and the mice and rats got terribly sick. And when they sacrificed the animals and looked at their internal organs, they saw accelerated autoimmunity. And part of that is because when they inject that little piece of genetic RNA from the coronavirus, it causes a different type of antibody to be produced. They call it paradoxical immune enhancement, which it creates a antibody that instead of neutralizing that little piece of RNA, what it does is it attacks the cells and it kind of like pokes holes in them. That allows the virus to get inside of the cells when the, when people are re-exposed the second time. So it's really not the vaccine itself that causes a problem. Cause when they inject the vaccine into the animals, they get a really robust antibody response, a really robust, which is what researchers are looking for. And then they said, wow, now let's see if this antibody, this really high level, this really robust antibody response keeps the animals from getting sick when they are reintroduced to the virus. And it, and instead what happened, it was just the opposite of that. Yes. And that's where everything went wrong. We're up getting your video back up and running. We can hear you just fine. So we're trying to get your, the visual back up. And I thought maybe this was cause I can't see you. I thought maybe this was just purely audio. Oh, okay. No, no, no. Yeah, you're back. There you are. I turned off the video to save the bandwidth. So that was my problem was my fault. Cause I thought that since I can't see you, I thought this was just audio. I apologize. That was my fault. Oh, no problem. So now, um, what we're, let's, let's talk about, um, since the, the vaccine, the previous attempts at coronavirus vaccine, as you covered, um, show that, yeah, wow. They get so excited cause that's the efficacy. When we hear about research efficacy, that's what they're looking for is an antibody response. And that's what, when we hear the word effective, that's, that's what it means is that they produce antibodies. But then when they're exposed to the virus, that's when everything goes wrong and the animals, it enhanced the disease process. And so the, um, the animals suffered a much more severe case of the illness than if they had no vaccine at all. Would that be a good way to say it? You nailed it. That's exactly right. Okay. Did you take our bootcamp course? I haven't yet. I haven't yet. Do you say it so well? Cause that's how we teach people to say it inside of our bootcamp course. Okay. Effective comes from our bootcamp course because vaccines are effective, meaning that they do what they are intended to do. They create an antibody response. But the caveat is, is that having that antibody response does not, um, keep you from getting sick. And so, um, so we talk about that pretty much in detail in our bootcamp course. So maybe we'd love to have you. The next open enrollment is in September. So, um, you're, you're going to be way ahead of the curve if you join us. Oh, well, I learned that from you because you had talked about the difference between clinical efficacy and research efficacy. At some point I learned that from you. So, um, but, um, so now I, what I want to talk a little bit about, and maybe you can give us some detail, um, when we talk about, uh, immune, the immune system, which is very complex and you have basically like a humoral portion or an antibody portion of your immune system. And you have the, uh, the cell mediated immune system. And so of course, just as we said, you know, vaccines are going to activate that humoral or antibody component primarily. And it seems like it, it, it, maybe this particular coronavirus, um, really, that's not a big deal. The, the antibody portion, maybe you really need the robust cell mediated than, you know, our God given immune system. That's what would really take care of this rather than taking an approach with a vaccine. And so I just want to kind of cover, um, if you can differentiate between those two portions of the immune system and maybe talk about how, uh, the T cells, because we're starting to hear that the T cells are very, uh, an integral important part of mounting an immune response to the coronavirus. Well, I think that distinction between the two arms of the immune system is really important. And there's, and that, and there's two arms and one arm they call TH1 and the other arm they call TH2. The TH1 arm of the immune system is the innate, innate part of the immune system that you are actually born with. And so when they say that, you know, babies are born without an immune system, it's simply not true. It's not like this baby was born, came through the birth canal and it was exposed out into the universe of the, of either at home birth or in the hospital. And if they had no immune system, they would all die. I mean, with brief, they would be, uh, be overcome with the viruses and bacteria that are all there and they would die. And it wasn't as though the baby was born without an immune system. And God went, Oh no, I forgot the immune system. Oh, please hurry, vaccinate. You know, I mean, it doesn't happen, right? And it doesn't happen for a reason because babies are not, are born with an immune system. They're born with the innate immune system that they call TH1. And on the, on the surface of every one of your cells are receptors called Toll-like receptors spelled T O L L dash like L I K E Toll-like receptors. That's what they're called. And they were first discovered in the late, in like about 1998 in fruit flies. And then they started looking around and they found that they were actually also in, in humans. And the first one that they named was, was Toll-like receptor four. And then they found subsequent to that, that there are 10 different Toll-like receptors on various organs inside of our body. And in that, excuse me, that is our vigilance system. That's the receptors that differentiate between self and non-self what viruses and bacteria are supposed to be here. And those are the good guys and what shows up that isn't such a good guy. And they recognize those bad guys that end up into our bloodstream every single day by brushing your teeth, by having a bowel movement, by having sex, by cutting yourself on your skin, just a little bit and get a little bacteria or a little viruses inside of, you know, that break into your bloodstream. And those Toll-like receptors recognize that that's not supposed to be there by pattern recognition. It's not a lock and key receptor. It's pattern recognition. And the first time that I read that or I heard about that, it just brought tears to my eyes at the beauty of how our maker designed us, that we have these receptors that all day long, 24-7, 365, are monitoring for the bad guys that might get into our bloodstream through normal bodily matters of things that we do. And as soon as they see that, they give a whistle, meaning they send out a couple of little cytokine messengers and they call over the white blood cells, the macrophages and go, hey, clean that up, get rid of that. That's not supposed to be there. In a normal, healthy immune system, this is going on every single day. If we end up with a pathogen that gets into our bloodstream that's very virulent or has a protective coating around it that it can start causing some really some problems, the Toll-like receptors call in, send out more cytokines, call in more white blood cells, and then they start to turn up the heat. They start to make fever. And that's why fever is so important in particularly in the early stages of infection, because that's what activates your immune system to get rid of the bad guy that isn't supposed to be there. And so as that battle goes on, as you get the fever and the fever kills off the the bad guy and more white blood cells and more cytokines and things come in to take care of that infective pathogen that shows up at the very end of that process, at the very end of that infection, as you're starting to recover and get better, the B cells come along, B as in boy, they come along and they kind of wrap around this whole thing, this whole glob of white blood cells and viruses or white blood cells and bacteria, and they start to make antibodies against that glob of stuff. And that's the antibodies then that becomes a long-term memory, natural antibodies of the humoral or the Th2 arm of the immune system that stay around for a long time. So that's why when you've had chickenpox, you know, you get re-exposed to somebody else that has chickenpox, the B cells pump out a little bit of antibody goes, yeah, I recognize that we can glob onto that and make that go away from here without causing any problem. So the dance between the Th1 and the Th2 arms of the immune system in the presence of fever is what gives you long-term natural immunity, natural immunity. And so when we bypass that system and inject foreign matter, which is what a vaccine is, inject foreign matter that includes some dead or attenuated viruses into the system to develop an antibody without engaging the Th1 side of the equation and without the presence of fever, we've got this antibody floating around there kind of doing nothing. And because it is the antibody is made to a laboratory created virus, it's not even going to be an antibody that will recognize the virus that's floating around out here in the universe in nature. And so that's why you can get these vaccines and they don't, then you get a high antibody response and the antibody really doesn't protect you from the infection because it doesn't match the pathogen that's out there in nature, out in the community. Okay. You said so much that had me, my head was just filling up with so many things. So when you said that the animals died because of an enhanced autoimmune problem, then it kind of makes you think, you know, what is the hallmark of autoimmune disease? As you've got all these antibodies. And of course, when they've tested the previous coronavirus vaccines, they did have that robust production of antibodies. And yet they would die of a, you know, an auto, severe autoimmune event. And I also want you to differentiate while we're talking about antibodies, the difference between binding antibodies and neutralizing antibodies. And when they initially said, wow, look at all these ferrets and these primates and there's robust antibody response. Did they differentiate? And, you know, in the published literature between the binding and the neutralizing antibodies? They did not. In the published literature, they did not. In fact, that was something that sort of has come out after the fact. I mean, it's sort of something that, you know, Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Peter Hotez, who are like the poster children for the pro-vaccine movement, started talking about the difference between neutralizing and binding antibodies. And I've been doing this for 20 years and 40,000 hours of my time. And it was like, wow, I've never seen that in print anywhere. What's that all about? And then I had, and really you can't find much about it. And so, but that's what they are talking about is this, they call it the paradoxical immune enhancement because they say that the wrong type of antibodies are actually produced. And so I'm wondering is that, you know, what does that really mean when they have the wrong type of antibody? Because is it the same thing like from a vaccine that you really don't get the right type of antibody to recognize the pathogen that's out there in nature? You don't recognize that because the antibody has been made against an attenuated virus and it's not the same thing. So are they, is that part of the explanation of that immunity? I'm not 100% sure. Okay, yeah, because that's why I asked you because I couldn't find a lot of information about it myself. And with regard to this new vaccine, have they talked about it being a attenuate, a live attenuated vaccine or a killed vaccine? Because I know you- It will be neither. The new one will be neither. Oh, because it's an RNA, because it's giving your body an RNA message that your body will think came from your DNA and it, okay. Okay, so it's neither, interesting. It's neither because there, because when you talk about an attenuated or a live virus, that's making the assumption that you're inserting the entire virus into the vaccine to be injected into you. And the entire virus, the coat, the surface proteins and all of that, that have been attenuated or weakened and that attenuation process is really sloppy. It's not done very well and they've known that forever, but it's the only process that they have. And so that's what they do with measles and that's what they do with polio, which are RNA viruses and that's what they do with influenza, which I believe is a DNA virus and so what they do is they weaken them, they weaken them with chemicals and with different types of processes like the influenza viruses are treated with Triton X-100, which is a detergent that separates the surface antigens so when they inject the full virus into you, that your, ostensibly your immune system can see it better and can create antibodies to those surface proteins. So when you're injecting the full virus in the vaccine, that's when the language of attenuation or live virus comes into play. This is like taking the insides of, out of this, of the coronavirus. They're going to take the genetic inside of it out and that's what they're going to inject. And that's why, you know, Bill Gates, when you listen to him talk about this and he sort of gleefully talks about it, is that it's, he said that's why they can bypass, you know, they can rapid fast test it and they don't have to go through all the different animal models with the attenuation process of weakening them because all they're doing is they're taking this RNA virus, viruses, coronavirus, and they're taking a little snip of its genetics out and they're injecting the genetics into you. Okay. Yeah, I did see a clip of Bill Gates saying something to that effect that it's kind of like injecting a genetically modified organism right directly into the veins of children. And it was right, you know, there he was. Did you see that? Did you see that? I've seen several clips and he always has this kind of mad scientist gleam gleam in his eye, you know, when he talks about it, you know. Yes, yes. So now let's talk about, you've probably been heavily censored, which is why when I tried initially on YouTube to look for some recent material from, that you've had, that you've put on YouTube, I couldn't find anything recent until I went to Bitchute and then I, it was still on YouTube. It wasn't like it was removed, but it was very difficult to find unless I put the exact title of the video. So talk about how the censorship portion and how it's impacted you. Well, I've never really had a YouTube channel. I'm not, let me restate that. I've never had a YouTube state, a channel. So I've never had my own YouTube channel. I don't know why, I just haven't. And I suppose it's because everybody that I do interviews with, they put me up on their channel and that's just the way it is. So I've never had a YouTube channel to be censored with, but where I've gotten heavily censored is Facebook. I mean, you know, we had grown our Facebook page to like 235,000 people and this was several years ago. And then if you go to the site, I think it still has that same number. It's not any bigger, it's not any smaller. I think whatever, they've just disconnected the counter or something. So it just sits there. And it used to be that whenever I would post any type of post on my Facebook page, whether it was a video or it was me doing a Facebook live or if it was just an article and I would make a comment about the article, it would get anywhere from 50 to 60,000 views and it would be shared double that time and we'd have this enormous reach on Facebook. And then about three years ago, they started really squelching down on our censorship. I mean, to the point where even when we were doing Facebook lives, nobody would be able to see them, nobody. And they smashed that whole reach. Back two years ago when we were doing our bootcamp course and on Thursday nights of our bootcamp course, we would live stream it over to Facebook and it would all be chopped up, it would all be pixelated or they would disconnect it or as soon as it would be up there, anything would be up there, we'd go nowhere. I mean, a good day if we posted something, a good day might be seen by like maybe 500 people, out of the 235,000. Fortunately, so far we have not, knock on wood and throw salt over your shoulder and pray to God that it doesn't happen, but we haven't really been censored or shut down yet on Instagram or Twitter and we've grown our Instagram account. I just started that account the very last of October, it was October 26th and we've already got almost 70,000 people on our Instagram account. And on Twitter, we started in December, we had about 3,000 people that I really wasn't busy posting much over there and we started really growing Twitter, which is busy Dr. T, busy DRT and I think we're over 40,000 now in just a couple months over there. So, so far on those two platforms, we haven't been censored. And did you see today that the executive order that President Trump just signed about people that they're going to eliminate, they're gonna lift the protection off of the social media platforms because of all their censorship so that people that had these huge followings and they were making a lot of money supporting their family and other people who are actually employed and working for them, they will now be able to sue. Oh, that is awesome. I did not hear that. That's great news. So now let me just to kind of recap what we were talking about. Hey Lisa, can I just jump in for a second real quick? Okay, thank you. If you're just joining us, we're speaking with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. She is a doctor who has been investigating for nearly 20 years and more than 20 hours documenting. More than 40,000. Am I looking? I am, sorry. I'm trying to read more than 40,000. So she's invested nearly 20 years and more than 40,000 hours documenting and exposing the problems associated with vaccines. So Lisa is interviewing her right now. So if you're just tuning in, stick with us. If you stick around till the end of the show, we're going to be having a giveaway. We're going to be giving away this book, Fast Food Nation. This DVD, Evidence of Harm. This CD, Don't Tread on Us. And this DVD, Fluoride Poison on Tap. And the only way you can enter in for the drawing to win is to subscribe to Framing the World on Patreon or purchase something from the store during the show. So thank you very much for Lisa for letting me interrupt. I just wanted to bring people up to speed with what we're doing tonight. Oh, no problem, Dustin. So just to kind of recap what we were talking about before with the Th1 versus Th2, the cell mediated versus the antibody arm of the immune system. So do you think with the bloated vaccine schedule that children are receiving today, that they become kind of Th2 dominant in their immune systems and that their bodies haven't been trained properly getting those natural childhood infections to fight bigger and better, much greater things in the future like cancer and things like that, that their immune systems are almost stunted in a Th2 dominant state? They're definitely in a Th2 dominant state. I mean, there's no doubt about it. I mean, I think children get something like 57 vaccines by the time they start kindergarten. There's this whole thing called the combo 10 that there's 10 vaccines that they get multiple doses of by the age of two. And Blue Cross Blue Shield actually rewards doctors with paying them $400 per child that's fully vaccinated by the age of two in their practice of 63% of the kids in their practice comply and are fully vaccinated. That's one of the reasons why they kick parents out of the practice who don't want to vaccinate or only want to select, even those that want to selectively vaccinate because it messes with their numbers and their bonuses. And so that's that. So yes, there's totally Th2 dominant. And what happens now, if you've got all of these antibodies floating around two pathogens that aren't there, I mean, you've got an antibody to hepatitis B and hepatitis A and chickenpox and measles, mumps and rubella and 13 strains of pneumococcus and to rotavirus and to amophilus influenzae B and polio. You've got all these antibodies floating around in there with nothing to do because there's no pathogen there. There's no pathogen there. And so the body conserves that energy and those antibodies start to degrade and break down over time. That's why vaccines create a false immunity because first of all, the antibodies don't keep you from getting sick. And second of all, they go away. They're not there. And the B cells don't pump back up and say, hey, when they get exposed to something that they need to create some natural antibody because there wasn't any. And so when they've got these antibodies floating around, they're like, well, I wonder if there's anything else in the neighborhood that looks kind of like that. Oh, look over there. That pancreas that has the same amino acid sequence as that hepatitis B virus. It says ABC on it on this antibody and it's looking around for something to match. And it goes, oh, look, that sequence on the pancreas looks very similar. I guess I'll go on and glob onto that because maybe that's what I'm supposed to do. Hence, you develop insulin-dependent diabetes because your pancreas gets destroyed. And that's why they now call insulin-dependent diabetes an autoimmune disease through a process called molecular mimicry. The same can be done with rheumatoid arthritis. The same things can be done with nephritis and encephalitis and all the itises that you can think of for the antibodies to create these autoimmune diseases because they start attacking the body's organs because those organ sequences, the amino acid sequences may have a similarity to maybe a portion of what you might see on the virus or bacteria. Yes, so being a high responder and producing a lot of antibodies isn't necessarily a good thing. So we have an autoimmune disease epidemic and because of just like you said with the molecular mimicry, we've basically traded childhood infections that last seven to 10 days for a lifetime of chronic disease and especially the autoimmune disease which can be so devastating. Which brings me to, I did listen to a fantastic interview that you did just recently. I want to say it was just a few weeks ago and you talked about all the things that you've dug up on the bovine serum which kind of ties into this and it was so incredible. And I want to say the numbers were something like 1,800 viral particles and several thousand other contaminants that are in there and how they would recombine. So they were basically like a GMO factory within the in vivo and killing the mice and if you want to kind of touch on that and just highlight that a little bit because it was fascinating. Yeah, you kind of mixed a whole bunch of things in there together. Okay. Like a whole bunch of things in there. So yeah, I want to go back to what you just said before about what did you just say before you launched into the lab? Oh, about how we've traded childhood diseases or I don't even want to call them diseases. They're just these brief infections that will give us the full activation of our immune system, both cell mediated and our humoral and antibodies and that's why we have lifelong immunity, no boosters needed. And maybe if you, before we jump into the bovine problems, maybe we can just kind of talk about the benefits because I think the base of the audience of Paul's show, they understand the dangers of vaccines. But what maybe some of the young moms don't fully understand is that there's actually a lot of benefits to going through measles, going through chickenpox and how all these studies... Okay, stop, stop, stop. Oh yeah, okay. You're going on a real roll there. You're getting like a whole bunch of things all in one sentence. And so it's like, I won't be able to answer everything that you just threw out there. So go back to this, the part about, cause this is really, really important and it's a really important take home message for your audience. The difference between the risk of a vaccine and the risk of the illness. We'll talk about that in a second. But the whole idea that I've worked really hard in the last two years to try to get us to stop talking about these childhood infections as diseases. Because an infection is something that comes and goes in seven to 10 days and leaves behind for the most part a lifetime of immunity or at least a very, very long immunity like decades. And so that's what an infection is. But what a vaccine... But the difference between an infection and a disease is an infection comes and goes, a disease comes and stays and you have a lifetime of disability and you become a lifetime customer of the pharmaceutical industry to manage that disease process. So I've worked really, really hard on the hundreds of interviews that I've done. In fact, I've done almost 100 interviews in the last 60 days. And to put that in perspective, I usually do about 25 a year. So it's been pretty busy. But I've really worked hard to get people to stop calling measles a disease. To stop calling mumps a disease. It's an infection. It comes and goes. It exercises your immune system. It boosts up your natural antibodies, the things that develop real herd immunity, which I'm sure we'll get into in a little bit. But it's really important for you to understand that that's an infection. And a disease is something like a seizure disorder, an autoimmune condition, something like lupus, something like insulin dependent diabetes. So vaccines, and this is a key point. Vaccines don't really prevent you from getting sick. Because remember, you can have that high antibody response and get sick anyways. So they don't really prevent you from getting sick, but they do cause disease. And you can see the causation of the disease by package inserts, by the VAERS report, by the injury compensation of what's happened to paying out over $4 billion to injured parties. And what we just talked about with the vaccines being able to cause lupus and neurological problems and seizure disorders, and a long list of autoimmune diseases. So that's a disease. It's something that comes and stays, that makes you a customer for life of the pharmaceutical industry, if that becomes from a vaccine injury. An infection is something that comes and goes. So young parents are trying to go, gee, what's the risk factor here? Because when you're a parent, your job is to try to mitigate risk as best you can to protect your children. I mean, that's what you're supposed to do. And so what is the greater risk? A seven to 10 days of a fever, cough, rash, diarrhea, that comes and goes, that you learn how to manage a fever appropriately, or is the bigger risk on getting an injection that can cause a lifetime of chronic disease, requiring medications, and in some cases even cause death? No, I couldn't have said it better. You really, I'm so glad you elaborated on that point because it is so important. Because if you were to even just do a risk benefit analysis on each individual vaccine, because some are way worse than others, I personally wouldn't take any of them. But if you look at that package insert, because that's where the pharmaceutical companies actually have to tell the truth, because they have to list what they know is a potential side effect, or that's where there's the loophole in the litigation with the vaccine. You know, there's the vaccine injury compensation program that they have no liability, and that's a government program. And I think our audience is familiar with that. That's what you mentioned, the over $4 billion that's been paid out because it's through a tax built into the vaccine. So that's why the pharmaceutical companies, they do tell the truth on the package insert. And if you look at, it is about 420 diseases, you know, correct me if I'm wrong, total between all these different known potential side effects, which are known potential diseases that can be caused by the vaccine. If you were to do a risk benefit analysis, you would, I mean, it's just a, it's a no brainer at that point. But also let's just talk about if this is, I don't know if this is kind of your wheelhouse to really know that there's actually benefits to those childhood infections. There's actually a long-term benefits as far as your risk of cancers and specific cancers for specific infections. And if you want to talk about that. Yeah, the one infection that really is the biggest and most important one to have that the pro-vaccine and the pharmaceutical industry is trying to do the very best to whatever they can to not allow you to have it is a measles infection. Cause measles is a very important symbiont. It has long-term beneficial effects to your immune system. If you have had a full-blown measles infection. And that's why back in the day and like in the sixties, I mean, there were, you know, everybody had measles and what that does is for one thing, the appropriate age to have measles is somewhere between seven and 10. And that is like when you have that high fever that goes along with the measles infection, you have the high fever. What that does is it seals in your basement membranes, helps your toll-like receptors identify self versus non-self and locks in basement membranes. And in girls that have had measles, it's a very important long-term antibody for when you get to older in life and you have babies and you start to be nursing. So it's particularly important to have measles and have the natural type of antibodies that come from a natural infection. And there were papers that were actually published in the seventies in the early eighties about antibodies levels in breast milk of mothers who had had the wild type measles infection. What those antibodies looked like, that they were actually the IgG2 antibodies that actually were the good protective ones that passed through their breast milk and went into the babies and protected their very young children from getting measles too young. And when you think about third world countries where they don't have formulas, they have breast milk and that's it. You wanna have the natural antibodies because when they compared the breast milk of mothers who'd been vaccinated, they had some levels of antibodies but they were much, much lower and they were not the protective type of antibodies that the babies needed. Oh my goodness, that was fantastic because we've basically, what you're saying is we've displaced the vulnerability before if moms went through a natural measles infections and had that robust full-blown immune response with- The TH1 and the TH2 dance. Yes, the dance and they would have the immunity to pass on to those babies so that they would have placental and protection. Yes, through the placenta, through the breast milk. And so now those little babies are vulnerable because the moms didn't have measles. I'm 50 so I didn't get the measles so none of my kids have had the measles. I know my older brother and sister did have the measles so they're luckier than I am. But you did mention something I haven't heard of before and that is that it seals the basement membranes. And from what I understand with say an invasive cancer. So do you think that I know there's published studies and again it's epidemiological studies so again it's correlation but you see all these different studies that are epidemiology and they're making that correlation that if you had measles as a child you are much less likely to get many types of the hard tumor cancers, right? So is that because the basement membranes were sealed because when you have an invasive tumor that cancer is literally having to penetrate the basement membrane, right? And it's and to grow the tumor and become so invasive and all these problems. So do you think that's where the because of course with epidemiology they don't tell you in the study the why. They don't have the mechanism of action but because you said it seals the basement memories that makes me think that that's the mechanism of action that the measles virus sealing the basement membranes makes it that much harder for cancer to penetrate those basement membranes. It could very well be what I was referring to for sure that they do have in published studies and it actually came out it was actually published in the Southern Medical Journal in the late 1940s that when kids had nephrotic syndrome and nephrotic syndrome is where you've got leaky basement membranes in your kidneys and you lose all of the albumin you lose all of the protein in your blood and nephrotic syndrome is graded on a scale I believe of one to four with four being the most severe and you can die from that if you have very leaky basement membranes in your kidneys and you lose all of the protein because it changes all your chemistry balances and you can die from it and in that study what they actually did was they induced measles and they found that the kids that had measles that had nephrotic syndrome it sealed up those basement membranes and cured literally cured the nephrotic syndrome. Oh I have read that before with the kidney disease and that the only cure the only known cure was the measles. So now they're talking about inducing measles and various things. I've read things you know these are all experimental trials about like breast cancer and we know that it seems as though like you said the correlation between having not having had measles let me say it the other way having measles lowers your risk of developing sarcomas and particularly brain tumors and so and those are correlative studies not causation studies but like you mentioned which was really smart but it does show that when you've had these early infections it really makes a difference and the same thing is like with chickenpox you know the people that have had chickenpox needed to keep their long-term immunity intact by getting re-exposed to chickenpox from their kids or their grandkids or kids at church or kids at camp or things like that that that would boost up their long-term immunity and keep that virus in check and now without having that re-exposure to chickenpox virus to the varicella virus because humans are the only known host to that virus and now that and what the vaccine did is it dropped in the short term it stopped the transmission of the chickenpox virus to the next person and so if it can't transmit to the next person to continue to propagate because it only lives and propagates in humans that's why it looks like it died out because it didn't have an ability to transmit so now when we don't get that re-exposure if we have that varicella virus in our spinal cord or in the dorsal root ganglion which is little knobs of neurological tissue on the side of your spine it starts to come out and it starts to propagate along the nerves which is by definition shingles so now we've developed a shingles vaccine so now we're starting to create vaccines to treat to address problems caused by vaccines No I remember you talking about the you actually made a call I can't remember what was to the CDC and you said hey you know what we're gonna we're gonna start seeing an epidemic of shingles and then maybe we should just let the kids get the chickenpox that's when the dialogue discontinued at that point Yeah and I actually found an error in one of their papers I actually found an error in one of their the way that they analyzed one of their studies it was a chickenpox one and I ended up talking to the main researcher there and they're like wow thank you very much and as I was hanging up the phone I was thinking yeah I should send them a bill right for consulting with them I should send them an invoice which was meant to be funny but yeah I talked to that person a couple times I've talked to people at CDC quite a few times actually it never really goes anywhere they're kind of like uh-huh thank you very much and that's kind of the end of it So it was predicted by many physicians and alternative circles that we were going to see an epidemic of shingles because we didn't get that natural booster of kids being around kids and grandkids with chickenpox and since we are getting close on time I want you to touch on something I know you're super passionate about and you've been getting out that message in all your recent interviews and that is the both the PREP act you know talk about the PREP act and that other horrible bit of legislation the model state emergency health powers act which is just a monster and that's you know a lot of people were sharing those clips of the WHO and that gentleman saying you know we might have to go into homes and remove people and remove your children and things like that and that all falls that power would fall under that act so if you want to touch on you know project bio shield and and those three things if you want to just because I know you've been doing that and it's so important for people to not sit back and relax and not worry about this this is something that we have to be vigilant and fight within each one of our states Well the model state emergency health powers act came out right after 9 11 I mean it was introduced you know 9 11 was in September the model state emergency health powers act was introduced was put out there in October of 2001 and it has just like you described pretty nefarious elements in there of being able to go door to door and remove people from their homes forcibly vaccinate them if they felt like their home was contaminated and was a hazard to the neighborhood they could assume the home by eminent domain and burn it down I mean it was a really really bad piece of legislation and it never really got passed at kind of like the federal level where it was introduced but I believe all 50 states have adopted some level or some elements of that model state emergency health powers act from 2001 into their public health laws and public health laws are state legislation and so it can vary from state to state to a certain degree but all of those elements were the elements that we're seeing now that are coming forth are born out of those pieces of legislation that were introduced and even if they didn't get fully passed little bits and pieces of them were carried forward into some of the things that we're seeing now so that was the model state emergency health powers act of 2001 in 2003 they introduced project bio shield and project bio shield was funded with 5.6 billion dollars which you know back 20 years ago that was worth a whole lot more money than you know the way they bounce around trillions of dollars now right but they funded it it was become a permanent funding source whenever there was a declared public health emergency or a some sort of a pandemic which is a public health emergency that the government could get would dole out billions of dollars to the pharmaceutical industry to create what was called a covered countermeasure and a covered countermeasure could be anything it could be a drug it could be a vaccine it could be a technology it could be a software it could be any of those things that was that they could get funding for and so they had all of this funding that was that would come to them and then inside of that that legislation that literally did get signed into into law by president bush also gave excuse me we we forked over all this money for the companies to manufacture or create a legislate create a drug or a piece of software technology and then if nobody wanted to buy it the us government said not a problem we'll buy it back from you so we gave them the money to create it and then we bought it back from them if they couldn't sell it at retail prices so the taxpayer took it on both sides of that inside of that legislation was also where they first started to introduce the emergency utilization authority they call it an EUA and what that means is that if with any one of these products are brought to market under this covered counter this covered countermeasure if when it got safe enough not safe not tested so that we have the lowest possible risk in the in the highest level of safety but when it was safe enough however they define that to be maybe they'd only killed 50 of the people not 100 I don't know how do you define safe enough they were allowed to start using it on a large scale well the drug companies weren't happy with that they weren't happy with the fact that they could get away with with with any sort of technology and they could get away with getting as much money as they wanted and never having to spend any money out of pocket so between 2003 and 2005 there were about 15 pieces of legislation that floated that never went through to give them complete liability protection and and consumer watchdog groups and and activists community activists when they saw that they said no way I mean they've already got liability protection through the 1986 injury compensation act for childhood vaccines we can't just do this across the board so because they couldn't get it past the legal way what they did is is is they snuck it in they literally snuck in the prep act which stands for the public readiness and emergency preparedness act and that is prep for short the prep act of 2005 that not only do they get all the money they want from project bio shield now they've gotten a liability protection on steroids that they have complete liability and protection from any drug any software any tracking device any microchip any vaccine that they make that they can put anything in it they want they can bypass the the animal studies and fast track them to market they can get this EUA this emergency utilization authority when it's safe enough they can launch it on the world and there you cannot sue them for anything so if they launch this vaccine out and and they they give it to a million people and fight and half of those people die the only recourse that their families have to try to get any sort of compensation or to sue the drug companies for a faulty product is if they can convince the US attorney general that that product was made under will in an act as an act of willful misconduct meaning they intentionally made it to kill you which is a higher level legal standard to try to prove than just neglect and then you would have to convince the the US attorney general that this was willful misconduct and even then if the drug companies admitted that they knowingly harm people the US attorney general could say well we fast-tracked it there was an emergency we tried to save a lot of lives we're really sorry we we're not going to press we're not going to move forward with any enforcement action and even if they did move forward they have a compensation program in that inside that act it has zero dollars in it it's not funded at all they would have to convene both sides both set the full set of houses in the congress to fund it define what they are going to pay for in terms of injury or comp injury and amount of compensation none of that has been done so the drug companies have liability immunity on steroids and the prep act went into place here with this COVID-19 thing our illustrious HHS director Alex Azar activated the prep act on February 4th of 2020 wrote it into the federal register on March 17th which means it is in place until which time he or the next HHS director says yep we're no longer in a in a in a pandemic we no longer have an emergency so we're gonna we're gonna unbutton the prep act and we're gonna go back to the legal ramifications that we had before because this COVID-19 tracking mechanism and all the stuff with contact tracers all of the stuff that's coming out with the COVID pass and all these different things that are all being made under this liability protection of the protect of the prep act because they're covering calling it a covered counter measure they have no liability even if they start injecting those things into you and you put your phone app against it it electrocutes you you can't sue them because it's a covered counter measure so we are in very nefarious times here and when we've heard Bill Gates say things like oh we have to give liability protection to the Gates Foundation and all these vaccine manufacturers that are making these vaccines worldwide for COVID-19 or for this virus it's what they're going to lift the language right out of the prep act it's a 40-page bill they're going to lift it out they're going to change the wording a little bit to make it on a global level they're going to operate it underneath the UN the World Health Organization Gavi and UNICEF and the entire world will have no recourse against these people none Wow if that's not enough to get people motivated to push back as much as possible on every aspect of this you know plandemic this is the greatest hoax perpetrated I've heard you say that against mankind and there's and we have to push back we have to push back with the masks we have to push back with you know opening businesses everything we all have to unite on a front so because there's way more of us than there are of them they can't arrest all of us we have to because this like you said is the most nefarious thing that they're having full blanket protection unless you can try to prove that they intentionally tried to kill us which you know and we need to reprogram our brains too I mean when I hear people now say things like well I guess we just have to get used to it it's just the new normal I say no no no wait wait no it's not the new normal this is a temporary abnormal a temporary abnormal and they kind of go oh yeah okay it's almost like you have to switch the software in their head and they have to take one thing out and put something else in we have to take out the new normal that we're seeing everyone go no no this is a temporary abnormal so I want you to help me to start spread that phrase absolutely start getting people to reprogram their brain with this is a temporary abnormal we the people need to take our country back our cities back our counties back our businesses back our places of employment back we need to get rid of these stupid masks that do nothing we need to stop this social distancing which is destroying humanity as we know it and we need to get back to where we were on new year's eve when the ball came down and while we were celebrating what a great year this was going to be we need to get back to that absolutely I couldn't agree more because all these things at all it is social engineering and it's working and people are so scared and fear is definitely conducive to to all this irrational behavior that people are going along with and I love how you always talk about how you're just sowing seeds of truth and you're sowing seeds and you know what I don't think there's ever been a more fertile ground to throw those seeds down because people are starting to you know kind of wake up and pay attention and and realize wow you know those people in the medical freedom movement really have a lot of important points to make so I think people are listening so that the ground is fertile for all your seeds of truth that are falling and I I certainly can't thank you enough it was just an honor to interact with you and you know after after listening to you for probably you know close to two decades I guess it is that denotes it finally and I think we're running out of time so if they want to cut in I just want to thank you so much and if if you want to just do a final final talk about your the ways to contact you because there's so many ways we'll put them in the show notes but if you want to just throw out a couple of things really quick that'd be awesome yeah well one thing I want to say really quick and I've been closing all of my my interviews with this because I think it's really important is that I really think that this is a time where you need to get your physical house in order clean out those cupboards get rid of the old food your stuff you shouldn't eat do the things in your house that you always get rid of the clothes that you're never going to get skinny enough to wear again you know all of those get them out of your closet get rid of clean up your house paint the room get rid of stuff you just don't need you know I make my determination on two things number one if I when I pick something up does this make me happy that I want to keep it or number two if I were going to sell my house and move is this something I would want to put in a box and take with me because if it's not it's either one of those two things that has to go the second thing is you need to take care of your physical body get some extra sleep eat better get some exercise exercise your mind you've got a stack of books over there you've always wanted to read now's the time to read them and thirdly and most importantly is get right with God get your relationship with God right where it needs to be because we are fighting powers and principalities of darkness now it's just not these evil people like Bill Gates and Gabby and Tony Fauci who's driving them what sort of spirit behind them is driving them to want to depopulate the planet that's the level that we need to engage in so I encourage everybody to get your life right with God and then if you want to get more education about the vaccine stuff that we were talking about you know the the main place you can go is to vaxter.com v as in victor a-x-x-t-e-r.com please please please sign up for our newsletter so if we get deplatformed from these places we can contact you and if you feel so moved while you're there to make a donation to support our employees and our cause you can do that on the vaxter home page if you want to see all the rest of the properties because we have about seven other internet places that of courses that we offer you can find all of that collectively in one place at coursesformastery.com courses the number formastery.com and you can find out all about that and drtenpenny.com all about me wow thank you so much Dr. Tenpenny yeah I mean these seeds of truth you know they're countered by you know Sowing Seeds of Doubt that's like the tobacco science that's the playbook that they're using you know so you'll throw a fact at them and then they just kind of say well very rare you know they just they constantly are on top of you know between the censorship and just sowing those seeds of doubt but you are a force to reckon with so we're going to be praying for you and your safety because the the powers that be you know are are just that they are very powerful so well we all got big angels and you know and we're all out there doing God's work of trying to spread the truth trying to save each additional person from the jaws of the pharmakea which are the sorcerers and we can save a few more put a few more people into the kingdom of heaven at the same time then we're doing the best we can do oh thank you so much so we're going to give it over to either Paul or Dustin at this point because since our time oh here's Dustin well thank you very much for joining us Dr. Tenpenny we really enjoyed your discussion Lisa did a really good job keeping up she was great boy she knows her stuff I think this was one of the best toughest interviewers I've had she really knows her stuff go Lisa that was great thank you she's a vital part of our team especially talking about this whole coronavirus and the vaccination thing that we're facing today and I really appreciate all of your knowledge and your spiritual outlook on this because you know we're Christians here we all Paul and Ramon and Lisa and I we all go to the same church and that's what connects us primarily so the fact that you brought in the scriptures and reminded everybody that it's about our relationship with God and that we're really fighting spiritual principalities that that's where our real safety is so I really wanted to thank you very much for bringing that to it um and so I just wanted to remind everybody that you have Twitter and that is at busy Dr. T and you also are on Instagram and that's Dr. Tenpenny on Instagram so we wanted to make sure everybody if they wanted to follow you because you post and repost stuff on those platforms so if they want to know what you're thinking and what your latest thoughts are on current happenings they can find those posts there on Instagram and on Twitter and so somebody I just wanted to touch a question from the chat we did get a question that I noted down in the chat now somebody was asking about antibody injections can you talk about that because we know of vaccinations and how they're developed we've talked about those what's the difference between antibody injections as a way of creating immunity or protecting us against becoming infected and vaccinations how would you compare those two or the effectiveness of those there's really only like three elements for that that I can think of off the top of my what happened and then there's tetanus immune globulin can you back up we just heard that you have three things off the top of your head yeah three things off the top of my head about the antibodies that I can remember that I can think of off the top of my head there's hepatitis b immune globulin which is the antibody level there's tetanus immune globulin and then sometimes they use igg iv infusions to try to eliminate toxicities from their system and they do that with various types of conditions and what that is it's just instead of injecting the the antigen and forcing your body to make antibodies it's sort of like hops ahead of the curve and inject some antibodies already there to protect from oh no okay well it looks like that might be the natural stopping point of our interview we should have stopped it when you were when you're ahead lisa yeah it was a perfect ending but yeah you know we really appreciate her coming on and doing the show so Ramon just go ahead and make sure that you connect with her okay and just stay on on dr tim benny we're losing your connection we appreciate you coming in if you want to just finish your thought I think you're back right now and then we'll we'll let you go for the night I think I kind of did I think that was the end of my thought all right well thank you I wanted to ask a question now it's personal okay all right so I've got a three-year-old daughter and she had her appendix removed you know back like six months ago do you wow and I know it was wild that's really unusual that's really unusual to see appendicitis in a kid that little yeah so young you know I kind of regret how it unfolded because being three years old you can't really get a good she can be a moody little three-year-old she had just turned three two and so when we were like what's going on she's got a fever she's like my tummy hurts but then she could jump up and down so you know we took her to the emergency room and you know they said she had strep they swabbed her and they said that she had strep so they sent her home and we took the antibiotics which I don't know if we just felt like that's what we had to do normally we just weren't gonna press the whole thing if um I guess we had been through so so much now let me just ask you if a three-year-old's got strep would you take antibiotics for that probably so yeah because strep you know because if you've got a confirmed strep infection and you you you could oh no we're doing so good colloidal silver and with um about homeopathics and things like that you really could but strep can go to the heart and can cause valvular problems and it can go to the kidneys and cause pretty bad kidney disease and so you know it's it's kind of risky and particularly in somebody that young and is going to be kind of non-compliant with the various things that you want to do I would I would probably treat that with antibiotics I mean antibiotics you know the problem with antibiotics is that they're overused they but they are an important tool in the toolbox when used appropriately and if she was sick and had a tummy ache and had a high fever and had a confirmed strep infection I would probably use the antibiotics and the other tools in the toolbox at the same time well what turned out happening is three days later she's still you know high fever and still has a stomach pain we went back to the same emergency room and then we ended up being sent to being admitted to the hospital and then then they determined that she had appendicitis and that it had indeed ruptured I guess they put her in for surgery and that it had ruptured so at that point you really can't do anything but remove it I suppose I mean that's kind of where we went well peritonitis is a really big deal it can kill people I mean it's it's and it's really and you I think it's that's pretty unusual in that age group I know interesting was she having issues with constipation or any of those things? you know I think she had like a urinary blockage like which might have contributed to it would that be possible? I don't want to get too graphic into it but you know okay they had to like like like something was like not fully her passageway was not fully like so they had to like do like a dilation yeah I don't know the entire it's a it's labial something right so they had to go and and snip the thing to make sure that everything was not blocked but anyway so with the her not having an appendix and she's three and a half years old right now now I understand that the appendix is supposed to keep like there's certain things that happen over your life appendix is supposed to keep good gut flora I know if you ask a doctor and the doctors they like to just scratch their head and say they don't know what it is or what I say doctors I know you're a doctor but when you generally talk to the doctor who's your who's the one treating at the hospital you know they'll and you're getting your appendix removed you're like well what's the appendix good for they're like oh well you know they don't think you need it anymore sign here you know so what would you think about you know somebody who's starting their life so young at three years old three and a half years old who's not got an appendix is the appendix going to help with that good gut flora no I don't think it's that big of a deal really I think it you know they call it a vestigial organ it doesn't they don't really know what it does but it's tiny and doesn't I don't think it really contributes a whole lot over the lifetime of your of your health it's not like it's not like she had ulcerative colitis and you took out half her colon now that would be a big deal you know so I don't think that you would do anything different than what you would normally do if she still had her appendix right you'd want to give her you know a good quality probiotic and we talk about giving probiotics at bedtime is the best time to take them in any age group you know because it populates through your intestinal tract through the peristalsis and it has a better opportunity of sticking where it needs to be you know at bedtime you know having to give her adequate vitamin D vitamin C eating organic washing her hands the normal stuff that you would do if she still had her appendix you want to make sure that you want to just make sure that you really follow through with it now that she doesn't okay well thank you very much I just really appreciate your take on things and your knowledge so I just personally I felt like I wanted to ask you those questions just to keep my mind in the right direction so God bless you thank you very much again for coming on the show you're welcome and you know yeah I mean I don't think you know I think I would maybe go backwards in time and look a little bit if see if you could isolate anything that may have been happening prior to when she got sick with the appendicitis and then have it ruptured I mean does she have any signs of food allergies you said you said she did you say she's she's been vaccinated or she has not she has not had any vaccinations okay even vitamin K nothing she was born at home and she's been nursed awesome awesome great does she does mom have any food allergies no I think she she just eats really well she doesn't like a lot of sugar okay because because that that would be you know and I wouldn't make like a really big deal about it because you can't do anything about it now I mean it's already gone but it's like what what could have been happening that may be something you need to change in lifestyle or food or something that would have caused her to get appendicitis at that early at that early of an age yeah all I can think of is she's probably one of my most stubborn children that I've ever had she's just like the girl is it's just the most I love her I love it I can relate I think it's we can get her in the right direction but she is a stubborn one so I don't know if that's a factor okay great well well anyways I hope that I hope that that interview is what you guys are looking for it's um I hope it helps your audience Lisa you're you're a rock star man keep doing what you're doing seriously we'd love to have you part of our boot camp oh I would love to yeah I'm still here so um I would love to plug in and get more involved because yeah I can't seem to satiate my desire to learn more about this stuff for some reason even though my kids are older um I just you know and I try in my circle of influence as much as possible to kind of just uh one person at a time as much as I can yep and if you you might want to look into and maybe direct some people over to vaccine u I don't know if you checked that out yet that's vaccine the letter u to dot com of all of our individual courses I think there's about 30 courses in there right now the goal was that I was going to have all the rest of the vaccine education all the courses for each one of the individual vaccines done by the end of the year but this covid stuff kind of has taken up my time so it's going to get done when it's going to get done I I don't know if I've got the horsepower to get it done by the end of the year though but there are a lot of the our most popular courses there are ones that come up a lot are are for for a roguium and vitamin k and tetanus are the most popular ones over there we do Gardasil there's a whole series on moms and pregnancy I'm sorry I want to get a whole series done on not on pediatric condition pediatric things non-vaccine pediatric things I just created a course on crooked heads because now because this late laying all these kids on their backs you know it's like destroying their destroying everything about childhood and so I just finished a course on that it should be up by Monday I think I want to do one on circumcision because that comes up a lot and but so you don't have to go through the boot camp to take any of the courses at Vaccine U and so you might want to take a look and then that might be another resource where you can direct people to that we'd really appreciate it oh that sounds fantastic I didn't know that's how that worked so I'll definitely look into that appreciate it yeah super and then our vaccine research library it's free all you have to do is register for an account and it's tenpennyresearchlibrary.com and we've got about 12,000 articles in there showing problems with vaccines oh wow okay yeah because you know when I when I look back I actually did have to I didn't even know it was a vaccination but I had the roguium like I'm unvaccinated my dad was really ahead of the game thanks to him looking up like Dr. Mendelson confessions of a medical heretic back then so I'm not vaccinated but I did have what I guess you just mentioned the roguium so yeah I'd be curious to see what I can do to kind of counteract having that therapy done it's really pretty interesting and if you're Rh negative if you know more about roguium and you know more about because obviously you talk to a lot of people and you've got an audience and you've got people that listen to you and so to understand it a little bit more that's a really good course that I put together too it's indexing you all right oh Dr. Tenpenny what a pleasure I just you know we'll be praying for you because just keep doing the interviews because you really are sowing some incredible seeds and I know some of these are going to just blossom into people just getting really fired up about this and pushing back so we appreciate you all right thank you guys so much God bless have a good evening all right you too thank you bye-bye bye-bye all right well what an amazing interview I'm really glad she gave us so much time she gave us more time than we even asked for so I appreciate her coming on the line and talking with us I hope you go check out her website and support her drtenpenny.com and also vaccineu.com and also tenpennyresearchlibrary.com yeah she has so many websites and you can check her out on twitter and instagram she is not shy so that's good and you could probably find a lot of interviews that she's done recently because she said she's been doing a lot of interviews I think she may have been on that high wire yeah yeah she was yeah she was talking I heard you mentioning that when I got here so well guys we're going to be doing a giveaway at the end of this live stream so um there's only like four people right now that are in the mix and there's what how many are we giving away? four so right now you're guaranteed winner unless someone uh so what we're going to do is if we have one more person who signs up then we'll just spin the wheel once and that person will be eliminated yeah there you go we'll just go home early all right well yeah so have you ever talked to her, Lisa? uh no I have not I believe I called her office and asked a question and her team is so kind, helpful, incredible a friend of mine who's a PA she calls her office pretty frequently to get some some help with with her patients so um yeah she's just a wealth of information and it's just uh couldn't you know I can't say enough great things about her yeah well I really hope everyone goes and checks out her website tomorrow we have uh Sheriff Mack on the program so make sure you tune in can you pull his him up Dustin yeah uh we're gonna have Sheriff Mack on the program tomorrow at 4 45 p.m Arizona time Mac Sheriff yeah Richard Mack Arizona yep that's okay Richard Ivan Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County Arizona which is good because he's a former sheriff that means he won't be he won't have any interest conflicting and I interviewed him probably in 2007 I believe during the Ron Paul campaign I think it was right before 2007 2008 somewhere around there I interviewed him a long time ago with my XLR camera or XL1S sorry the Canon XL1S camera and so I still have that footage somewhere I don't know whatever happened to that I think it's actually online somewhere probably on my old YouTube channel which I probably shouldn't even mention because I don't think anyone knows about what is it I'm not gonna tell what are you afraid of so um anyways um but I'm excited to talk with him again he's on fire right now over this whole issue and uh hopefully we're we're talking with Dr Ron Paul as well so hopefully we're gonna schedule that yeah we got Dr Ron we got him on the hook man we hopefully we'll get him I'm gonna have to get a haircut or something hopefully we'll get him on the show I mean I have his bobblehead so I mean you think that's all I need to say Dr Paul I have your bobblehead come on the show so it's going to be a great week we have Sheriff Mack do you have him pulled up yet Dustin? yeah I just pulled up his Wikipedia he's um yeah there you go we got Richard Mack read read read that okay so he's the former sheriff of Graham County Arizona I didn't know but there's only a handful of counties here um Graham Graham County I don't know where that is but um and a political activist he is known for his role in a successful lawsuit that's nice brought against the federal government of the United States which alleged that portions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act violated the United States Constitution he is a former lobbyist for gun owners of America and a two-time candidate for United States Congress Mack is also the founder of constitutional sheriffs and peace officers association yeah and established the county sheriff project movement both of whom reaffirm what they claim is the constitution constitutional power to refuse to enforce federal laws that's what I like to talk about because you know I've mentioned that I really want to find out like where the rubber meets the road with these sheriffs well you're doing the interview tomorrow so am I just going to leave it to you to come up with these questions no way you're going to be here all day drinking coffee I'm going to be doing my real job and then I'll see if I can listen I'll listen to what I can I'll try to um yeah I'll try to find out what he's about and stuff but I you know yeah I just like to answer people after they talk and find out what's um you know kind of just have a dialogue sometimes I don't I'm not that good at it so make sure you tune into tomorrow's show uh 4 45 p.m we're going to have sheriff Mack on and then the next day we're going to be talking with Richard Gage of 9-11 truth um or I'm not sorry architects and engineers for 9-11 truth so I'm really excited to have him I actually worked with him quite a bit back in the day we made a video together and actually a few videos together and so I know him I don't know if he remembers me though so it was so long ago but he's a really nice guy went out to eat with him a couple times he's a really nice guy seems like um he's just uh they're they're releasing a new film called seven uh which we could play the trailer if we need some time but uh yeah I'm looking forward to that interview as well yeah I I really want to kind of remind people because it seems like with this coronavirus people can uh you know when you're looking at this whole false flag thing that there's this idea that there's people in power and when I say power I don't mean necessarily elected office I mean people who have the ability to influence policies and to make things happen that's the power that's the real power I don't think politicians have power because their powers are checked so there but there are plenty of people in certain places that have power to move forward agendas and work the political system and we saw that happen with 9 11 because all it took was uh not all it took but one event two buildings falling in plain sight one kind of on the side which nobody really talked about that's building seven and the fire at the pentagon and all of that stuff was for people who had eyes to see and maybe not that day maybe over the next couple years you see documentaries like lose change or um or architects and engineers for 9 11 truth you see those types of things and you're like well it's clear this is this is um more than what it appears to be they're doing something they're doing something sinister and they they trumped up this whole event to make it um because there's people who who are like 9 11 is an inside job which I think most people who are 9 11 truthers I don't think there's anybody saying well 9 11 happened just like that with the 19 box cutters and the um the terrorists and you know they want to take away our freedoms and and Osama bin Laden in the cave and everything but the government just took advantage of it and they just moved forward with policies that we're still you know living in today so with this whole coronavirus this certificate of vaccination identification event I believe the same people if it's not them it's it's their progeny right basically because it's a whole decade later it's whoever comes with them it's who is ever in their club and I think it's the same people because they lived like a hundred years old because they're doing that adrenochrome stuff which we could probably talk about Lisa what do you know about that but anyway I don't know anything about it all I know is that it's like drinking baby's blood or something but um yeah no it from what I understand it's um if you torture someone they produce you know obviously we produce adrenaline under severe stress so they you know it's it's I I remember the first time I read it and I just like put it down I said I am never going to look back at that ever again I wish I never saw it but it's coming up more and more that uh the globalists are just that's their drug of choice and um they torture children because there's so many you know we have the human trafficking and all those issues and all these uh pedophile rings and all that kind of stuff that's actually starting to come to light more and more allegedly yeah and some of it is actually I know we all know it's true but you know what can you do and they they torture them and then they draw their adrenalized blood out and then they uh somehow it gives them a rush and that's their drug of choice and it's just it just shows the callous um you know satanic uh just it's the darkest ugliest thing you could ever imagine it's like the monsters inc thing you know someone just I think it was one of my kids kind of made that analogy or they told me I never saw the movie but um I know the premise of the movie that they that they liked scaring the children so they can get their um they they their power came from the children's fear so that's a lesson to you guys don't be afraid of these people no it just shows that hollywood always almost kind of like puts it in your face in some way or another um through their their movies because it's all intertwined and they they kind of just give you these hints or sometimes blatant um showing what they're doing but talking about that fear thing like I believe that the way they've been with 9-11 clear fear you know they're gonna get us the terrorists want to come and you know they can just crash planes in anything anytime they could just pinpoint me in the park walk in my dog you know nowhere near anybody you can just grab a plane and just dive bomb it right into me so everybody's afraid of the terrorists so the government's like well we're just gonna have to take measures to make sure that's never gonna happen and so today nearly 20 years later 19 years later is like everybody's still afraid so the same person 20 years later is walking down the you know path with their dog but now they've got a mask on because they feel like they they need to be protected and so that fear is something that they've been playing on people for well this is in both of these instances we're talking about 9-11 and we're kind of super imposing it right right now with this whole corona I'm sorry certificate of vaccination identification program and so they've they've used the fear and you can see the people that just go right along with it because they don't want to talk about they don't want to talk about any of these bad things nobody wants to talk about the fact that maybe there is an evil cabal of people who kidnap and torture people and inject their blood and do all kinds of craziness and they really want to enslave the whole population and 9-11 was something that they executed to move some pieces down the board you know in the game of life or the game of risk or whatever they call it and today we've got this certificate of vaccination identification program where they're playing on people's fears you know if you're not wearing a mask you can infect me and so people maybe what we're looking at with people in mask are just afraid people who are afraid you know and maybe some of it's justified and maybe it's just how people live and maybe they've been whether they realize it or not their their fear response has been manipulated but you know it kind of goes back to you know the evidence was there right from the get-go when we had the princess cruise ship and we looked at the death rate and the you know here was almost like this perfect model it was real data it wasn't a projection it wasn't you know like the what was the name is slipping of that the gentleman who you know jumped ship and the master of disaster is what the articles are calling him the original model the imperial college model which was so couldn't off by orders of magnitude but here we could have just looked at that princess cruise ship and we're like wow you know here's the most vulnerable population that is older and has comorbid conditions and yet their death rate was so finite so why wouldn't we extrapolate real data instead of going with this absolutely over-inflated and it turns out his math was incorrect every everything about it was wrong and so I knew right from the get-go that this was all a facade and so I knew that this was you know planned you know you've got event 201 that this was a scare tactic that this was going to be just a pandemic of fear to take away our right so I you know I knew the virus was real you know I never denied that there wasn't a virus and I did stock up on you know vitamin c and and things like that but that's really the only thing I still have yet to wear you know a mask I'm not going to do it well I stocked up on vitamin c not because I was worried but because everyone's buying it all up and I was like I better get some it's true like even Costco their vitamin c those great big bottles of like 500 capsules that are a thousand milligrams they were out for like the longest time and then when I the one time when I saw him was like limit one or so yeah exactly and that's what that's how the toilet paper happened yeah because you know there was I'm glad the toilet paper though is coming around it seems like everywhere you go now has toilet paper yes time to stock up so you know we we just look at why didn't we look at that and just say wow this is the most vulnerable age group and the death rate was still so I'm I wish I could remember I want to say it's one percent for and that was the most vulnerable age group so today the CDC did release data I believe it was to yeah today's Thursday and it was so shocking that they determined that the symptomatic group of people has a 0.4 the death rate is 0.4 for people that exhibit symptoms and are positive for coronavirus and then they have to factor in you know after doing all this antibody testing and saying wow look at all these people that never even had symptoms but have the antibodies to show that they actually were infected and so if you factor in the serology numbers you're looking at a 0.26 death rate which is so incredibly low like it's a quarter of a percent and so we've shut down the world for an infection that kills a quarter of a percent and if you look at all the previous coronaviruses and the death rate the SARS and MERS were exponentially larger and we never did any we never took any of these type of drastic draconian measures to you know to try to fight those so and it the irony is when I was watching speaking we were talking about the high wire a little bit I haven't finished today's episode I was listening to it on the way here and they talked about how there was two tests two trials clinical trials for a flu vaccine and it was at flu vacs flu vent flu vacs I believe and the death rate for the flu vaccine trials the vaccine itself killed in one trial it killed 0.4 and in another trial that killed 0.6 so we literally shut down the world for a virus that kills 0.26 that kills less than the flu vaccine so are you telling me that six out of a thousand people who get a flu vaccine die yes and that was in the clinical trials and of course they still passed because you know the FDA like that's acceptable right and that's a high number and what I didn't get to ask Dr. Tenpenny it was one of the questions they did mention on the high wire that you know we're hearing more and more about the what is it the Moderna the Moderna trial and how three out of the 15 there was a test group of 45 individuals and they were broken up into three groups dose wise so the highest dose group three out of the 15 had severe reactions where they needed hospitalization and medical attention so that's 20% of that's just crazy so 20% of you know so it was 45 altogether and then you look at the where was it Oxford is also has a flu vaccine trial and they just switched their placebo last month from a saline injection to a meningitis vaccine is going to be the placebo that they're testing that back that particular vaccine against the Oxford one all right we got a caller here we got Orange Blood on the line Orange Blood you're on with Dustin and Lisa hey what's going on Dustin and Lisa hey Orange Blood hey I had a question for you Lisa but I did have a comment for Dustin I want to tell him I'm sorry for teasing him about the pink shirt it's just that he told me to buy one and then he told me if I did buy one don't wear it or you call me a homo so I wanted to tease him about that I don't know anything what you're talking about you do know what I'm talking about buy the shirt if you're gonna buy it stop talking about it all right sorry Dustin I know it's at you I'm not gonna buy a pink one unless you wear one so yeah I forgot about that already because a real question I remember how I forgot so but the real the serious question is I called in the last time Lisa was on and she mentioned to drink CG water yeah he talks your body and I was just wondering is there a certain amount of water of the Fiji water you should drink each day and is there like a in the in terms of like a duration like days weeks or months is there like a certain amount of time you should drink it for well it's Dr. Christopher Exley he actually did a small study and so you could probably find that information online and just trying to remember you should drink a what is it I want to say it was like three quarters of a liter within an hour's time frame so you kind of want to really do a flush so to speak you don't want to be sipping on it all day isn't going to have the same effect so I typically do it on a day that I would fast and so I can I'll drink you know within I try to do it within 45 minutes I drink those I think they're actually a half liter and I do it within 45 minutes and maybe I'll do two a day on a fast day if I remember so yeah it's a matter of kind of a flush and again it will chelate because of the silica content because silica and aluminum are bound naturally and it's going to bind that aluminum and you will flush it out all right well thank you for for elaborating on that I appreciate it and I'll leave you alone about the shared dust and I'm sorry to upset you I don't want to lose my blue branches yeah you know what's it you know what's on the line here so I'm trying to I don't want to lose it I appreciate what you guys are doing I gave Paul a framing the world donation tonight so keep up the good work and I'll be watching the other shows you got this week I appreciate it hey you got another youtube channel I have a I have this youtube channel I have another one yeah yeah I saw you rolling around on the other one yeah I had to create a new one so that way I could communicate on the pastor Steve Anderson did you get blocked yeah because I was on there like two or three months ago I didn't know what I was talking about what did you get blocked for I think I was upset that people were talking about like stoning people to death and they were talking about like which people should be killed and people didn't really like like my opinion on it so I yeah I learned my lesson we lost a lot we lost a lot of I don't know how I don't know how to see who's been blocked but that channel has had a lot of people blocked yeah I mean there's a lot of ice when I was on there on Wednesday there's a few people that say crazy stuff and they're trying to troll on purpose yeah all right man well I appreciate you calling in orange blood thanks so much for the call man have a good day if you do if you guys want to call into the show 480-519-4999 we're going to be on for a few more minutes about 15 more minutes and at the end we're going to be doing a giveaway and we're going to be giving away these materials Dustin show them off there okay we have evidence of harm mercury dental fillings destroy health and the environment and that's an awesome film dot com and that is an 80-minute documentary about mercury check it out I don't know if does that feature Dr. Tenpenny I no no I saw that years ago it's really good yeah it's really good I think it's Dr. Paul Conant is that am I right yeah and we're gonna well no no no he's not in this camera here uh yeah there you can't see it okay I kind of want to be like Johnny Carson because he always would like yeah we just have to get another camera to do that I have to lighten it up a little bit you can't see anything because that's or you know Dave Letterman yeah well we're gonna have the director on the film I think next week he's out of town this week so I think we're gonna have him on next week to talk about the film so they don't even do mercury fillings anymore but you know you could still have they do too yeah they do a lot yeah oh wow yeah I just got mine removed yeah you have to who who did you have somebody local yeah I went to somebody local yeah do you mind saying his name it's the guy you recommended to me Lisa oh wait Dr. Fritz is retired no it wasn't Fritz really no okay he doesn't want to recommend him it's look I don't want to recommend my dentist either because he sucks and they all wear masks he's real like well they are dentists worker he's safe but dude his personality sucks I want to give him a one-star review just because the way you better get a new dentist but this is the thing but this is the thing like I didn't want to give a one-star review and then have to go back there so I gotta find a new dentist you gotta commit and then the other day they wouldn't even let me in without a mask then that was like the the coup de grace man leave a one-star review yeah I should and then don't tread on us songs for freedom yeah which is amazing CD we should throw some in you don't have a cd player yeah no but we have it on the computer there all right we'll cue it up all right so all right so we'll pick one which one would be a good one well the title song the title track okay fluoride poison on tap so you know I just paid $280 for Berkey or whatever those things cost plus whatever the filters cost I don't even know what to think I just remember going okay well now's the time to buy Berkey so I'm ready for the apocalypse you know where I'll take the toilet water and I'll filter it and drink it through the Berkey but on a daily I guess I'm not really getting rid of the fluoride because these guys say that the Berkey isn't doing it so oh it's not you can even call them man I've called them personally myself and it's not so I'm gonna give you guys a taste of this real quick I want I want you guys to check this out so this is don't tread on us songs for freedom today I'm launching something new something I've never done before it's a younger version of me I honestly feel honored to be able to be part of this new album this new album is a collection of 17 original patriotic songs by ganluka zana if you are pro second amendment anti new world order you will love this album these are truly songs of freedom these are songs for the new american revolution before it's too late they're trying to make you fade away they're trying to kill your fate we we the people we're going to fight for our rise and we could go on and on forever on that yeah what is that five minutes long yeah it's like yeah we could just keep going it just plays a little bit of every track all right check it out you can see the younger me yeah I know you look like a teenager that wasn't when was that album released 2014 so it wasn't even that long ago yeah so um that's don't tread on us that was the good old days it's it's family friendly so yeah if you want to get that uh leo the lightning bug cd out of the cd player yeah that's what we're listening to now man it was what was before that man it was the it was actually the um soundtrack for um oh brother war art thou kids like that but fast food nation so this is talking about uh how bad that food is right paul yep and so if you guys want to be entered in for a chance to win any of those products make sure to just go to our website buy anything on the site or just subscribe to our patreon account and you'll be entered in for a chance to win uh we do have someone on the phone uh you want to tee it up there for us ramon yeah we got a bro j stu from the chat he's calling in you're online man hey dustin paul what's up guys yo hey bro j hey i had a super interesting day at work today and i totally thought of you guys after and i wanted to tell you um relates relates to the coronavirus and such um just through my work i deal with like the mayor's office and such and so today i was at a location the mayor was there and we were just chit-chatting where do you live man what part of town or what part of the country you don't have to tell us like details but like yeah no that's i live in utah okay the uh the one utah listener did we talk already once you called him before yeah okay yeah we talked before i didn't know you were brother j stu maybe last time did you did you identify differently last time no i always identify okay all right okay so you're like in with the mayor and you're just talking to the mayor and you guys are just sitting in like you got the food you feed up on the mayor's desk carry on yeah we're boys we're just chilling yeah uh no uh i work for the fed so i deal with my anyway doesn't matter anyway so we're sitting there chatting about just stuff and and so he brought handlers like i've said too much go ahead right right he's like keep it down uh no he says did you notice this is the mayor asked me he's all did you notice that in our county you know we've only had one death for covid and i said yeah i did notice that and he says do you know the story and he named the guy's name and i said no i don't know any i don't know the guy or anything you know and he said he says oh it's really interesting he's all he was in michigan when he died and i was like okay that's weird and he's all yeah he was on a mission obviously he's you know a latter-day sickness but he was on his little mission over in uh michigan and and i said well did he can contract the covid here in utah and he said no and i said well how in the world did it get on the map as being our county a death counted for us and he said that's the exact question he's all i'm surprised you didn't hear about it because it was like big news because uh and then i'm just gonna make it the short version basically he says do you remember when it first started and they were projecting four million deaths or two million deaths but there was like there wasn't enough deaths and then all of a sudden a couple weeks later reports started coming out of people being pressured to put down other symptoms for the death instead of covid 19 he said the whole reason for that is because individual counties and states get money from the fed based off of how many deaths they have in their given county or state so the states are like fighting with each other to to get the deaths on record so they can get money from the fed for oh wow so michigan had a guy die over there and then utah was like zoink we we need that uh you know exactly 250 he he had been there for six months uh you know he had left utah for six months was living in michigan for six months contracted it died but they said but he's from utah so we need to put it as a utah death so i i anyway i'm relaying this with them and i said so what about other states what are they doing i mean is this kind of fight going on and he said i brought that up with the lieutenant governor you know when this death came about which was like six months or six weeks ago or something he said i brought that up with the lieutenant governor and he just looked at me and said you know there's certain questions that we've learned not to ask about so i'm like well how many deaths from like new york are from people that are quote unquote from new york but maybe they're living in you know tulsa oklahoma or something right and he was like that's exactly right i said i said well how do you know if any of these numbers are even accurate and he said that's exactly my point this is so it was pretty interesting man to get the the insight scooped there you know no i've heard about that i've heard about how yeah just follow the money you know i think there's a very clear trail of um you know where the motivation is the funding and all of that and hospitals that i know we don't talk about it anymore but i think there was a lot of talk about how hospitals would get money when they were when people were diagnosed with covid and then also um when people were put on ventilator so somebody's right somebody's call look at your screen here on the ipad paul some yeah we got uh them queued up and ready to go here on the skype video yeah yeah don't don't don't worry about it okay all right well hey bro anything else you want to say brother no man i just uh appreciate the show man and uh keep up the good work it was a great interview today lisa you knocked it out of the park and uh dustin i hope you know how much we love love and appreciate what you're doing man and all the uh the sunglass fun and the pink shirt fun man it's all in fun man i just appreciate you guys so much i know how hard it is to do what you do so i appreciate it well thanks for tuning in we really like the fact that we've got a very um committed loyal listeners man you know oh man we're in it we're in it for the long haul we're having a good time so i appreciate your call man all right i'll talk to you guys later all right so we have on the line someone that i totally forgot that was coming on tonight so i apologize but we have uh zachary and i i'm not sure how to pronounce his last name so i'm gonna try not to butcher it we have another guest yeah we have another guest man and so um we're just gonna be quick um uh zachary how you doing man yeah i'm uh i'm doing well i i've got on my phone right now i had it on my laptop here but when you called it went through my phone and on my laptop so i'm trying to i don't know why that happened but here i am well we can call you back if you want us to uh no this will be all right all right as long as the video is okay yeah no it's great so uh i just want you to tell us your story because i'm not quite sure what what you're going through um but just tell your story right now and what's happening with you and your family well so there's actually something else that happened in our town over the weekend um they put out a big notice the health department saying we're going to come after these restaurants our governor went on cnn here in ohio governor deline and said he was going to go after all restaurants that were not social distancing he encouraged people to call in call into the health department and they would come after them so actually an ice cream place in town um a small place small family business uh they have got picnic tables out back they had them six feet apart and they got written up and they got threatened like we did um the difference with our situation how i emailed you we got threatened before the mask mandate went in so we were under the impression with the health supervisor who's above our uh health inspector we were under the impression that we had exemptions for our store because we have a farm market so it's really hot outside especially right now in ohio it's like 89 90 degrees um we've got a deli with uh slicers who slice meat and cheese and everything like that so it's a very hard physical job and we had exemptions in place she was getting calls from snitches coming into our store saying we're reporting this business and she told us they were these people go from business to business snitching on other people snitching on businesses and she was on our side the whole time hey zach yeah okay hey my name is dustin i won't be talking with you so you you called in just a minute ago you're on skype yeah correct hey call right back i'm gonna switch you to this ipad so you can see me and i i want to talk to you so we can kind of because uh yeah i didn't know you were calling in so i just wanted to be able to i want to be able to look at you so uh can you call right back and i'm gonna switch devices you can switch to your phone if it's better for you you want to do that yeah i guess he is all right you there okay yeah so so paul give us a little back story okay you want to bring me back just call real quick uh if you want to use your phone or your laptop whatever you prefer to do and then that way i'll get my camera on and you'll see who you're talking to okay so should i just call back paul yeah just call back the same same connection all right sounds good okay dustin really enjoys mute mute uh the computer justin really enjoys to have yeah it's more personal yeah for some reason you'll you'll stop the whole show we'll we'll like take five minutes to try to connect him again all right here we go all right all right so now we're on audio i don't know if we got video here let's see if we can go video here all right okay can you hear me yeah i can hear you perfect all right you should be able to see me now too yeah perfect all right i got you okay so forgive us for um for just the abrupt change um no no worries so my name is dustin i'm hosting the show here with paul and i don't know if we have uh lisa or ramon gonna jump in but we're talking with zachary and zachary's in ohio and zachary you have a store you got a restaurant and what happened you you got okay so paul didn't brief me so i'm just gonna have to go to you and part of the interview is gonna be like well who are you and what do you do zachary no uh we actually own a farm market so it's a farm market and retail store okay um and we've got like deli meats and cheeses uh produce um and you know amish bulk food and stuff like that yeah and we've got like an open air produce market as well is a family run type of place yeah yeah it's been my grandpa started it in the mid 80s i think so we've been here you know almost 40 years nice i um i used to live in the country and we used to go to a place like that and you know you get sandwiches made or they'd have like you can uh get bulk candy or whatever right that kind of thing yeah right okay so you know you guys are just running your business just like you normally would and then this lockdown happened did you guys start taking some uh some social distancing measures and did you shut down did you just change the way that you operated what was the first thing that went through uh you're operating here no we we never shut down and even the program uh presented to us by the president um it wasn't really enough i mean it was like a payroll protection so it'd be good for our employees but as for you know my father there's there wasn't really anything for him as a small business owner so we never really were interested um it was never really enticing to shut down and we never had to because a farm market technically um is essential and we never wanted to wear a mask we never did social distancing right at the beginning because we just thought well just like any other virus or whatever people will just police themselves you know that's generally the thought we had i've never been interested in wearing a mask i'd we have to now um if we didn't have 30 employees i would have just told the health department to come get us you know but you know that's 30 people that we pay a good wage to right so you know like what i was saying we had an agreement with the health department intact in place and then like a normal government job she emails us five o'clock friday so she's not going to be there all weekend and she came out and said you know and monday was the first day for the masks for the retail stores so she comes out she sends us email and she says if i hear of anyone in your store not wearing a mask employee wise on saturday we'll fine you and prosecute you and then we're going to shut you down and this was two days after we had an agreement with her in place is this when was this last week no this was three or four weeks ago um this was i think i forget what date it was may 14th i think or may 12th when the governor came out and said that this is going to be the mandate mandatory day for masks for retail stores so this was the saturday before that friday before that and so this is in what jurisdiction um of ohio uh it's madison county and so this is that madison county like health director or who what's the title of the person that you're interacting with this one's the i think she's a supervisor so it's our health inspector's boss that's who it would be what's her name i'm not sure what her name is i should have wrote that lady you probably say under your breath yeah and it's um you know when it happened you know i've got two sons and my wife you know my wife stays at home and i was hot i've never been it's kind of different when you have kids i think uh if this would have happened before i got married or whatever i would have just said whatever but you know when someone comes after you like that it gives you this anger or uh it's not like an anger like you want to go yell out or scream out or whatever but it's like a motivation where it's like you know i this is illegal you know you can't be doing this you know this isn't anywhere there's business all over the country suing the government and winning over things like this so and he's actually our governor's been sued they brought an official lawsuit the gym a couple gyms in ohio and won so that was last week so i mean it's happening and we were actually i reached out to a couple people and surprisingly enough they actually have contacts within the cabinet of our governor governor's cabinet positions and they said it's happening all over the state and they don't really know why because there was never anything in place you know if you're gonna do a mandate like three days down the road well two days before that i don't have to do it right you know so why are we getting threatened a couple days before it even comes out and so evidently they had to try and put the clamps on these health departments because i mean they were just going to bring lawsuits especially to these counties because a lot of counties you know they can't afford it you know they can't even afford to redo the courthouse downtown you know they can't afford a lawsuit so so what happened to your business so what do you do did you show up on monday did you on saturday morning were their employees not wearing masks and then somebody ratted is that what happened no we actually had masks but the reason why we were going to be exempt is because the first box we got from amazon was from wuhan yeah i mean the mask came from wuhan i mean you can't even make that up yeah and the second one came from a neighboring city so from the reports i've been seeing in china they probably just relabeled the box and so we weren't going to wear them and i don't know what switched i don't know what happened between that and two days later but um it was a really interesting situation and you know now i just i was telling my wife you know i didn't really want to be in ohio anymore you know i want to go to south dakota or wyoming where they haven't had anything you know south dakota never closed down yeah so do you you know this is a ramon um so so how can we help you like uh are you doing any action do you know anybody uh that that is like doing any type of like petitioning or uh is there like an email that we can send emails to or a phone number that we can call and let them know about your particular situation and how we can help you so we've actually my dad's been in contact with a couple people and it our situation did go all the way up top from what i've heard within ohio uh had nothing happened no i mean the situation we're in is we just got threatened so when that happened dad reached out to a few people that he knows and we were it was able to go all the way up to the top and nothing ever happened after that email we haven't heard a single thing from the health department since so back up real quick so we're still two weeks ago you did you got your mask but you didn't put them on because they're woo hand mask so now here we are today um but she threatened you on that friday come monday what what's happened i mean i i kind of i'm still trying to catch up on um how does this all come to where we are today so we did get masks in that weren't from there so we've been wearing them on the floor um and since then we haven't heard anything uh what's kind of odd is i mean this is happening around the country but the cases go down but the restrictions get stronger right you know the regulations are increasing and it doesn't make any sense to me because from what our governor and what even the president and falchi and whoever were saying was we need to flatten the curve well like a month ago they said we flattened the curve and then i think everyone's thought was okay well we're just gonna go back to normal and now you've got people coming in with masks and i still say customer base wise we're probably 80 are wearing masks and it's it's dumb it blows my mind that people so many people are wearing masks i don't know about you guys but i mean it makes absolutely no sense i see people driving around and their car and they've got a mask on and it's just it's wild to me no one talks to each other they just have their head down walking through the store because it's like they live i don't know if you i've never seen that movie but i've seen the pictures where it's just like you put on the glasses and and everybody's like a zombie it's i mean because i don't want to be mean to people because there's plenty of people out there maybe they've got older relatives or they've got somebody who's got some kind of lung issue at home or they don't want to take the risk so they wear a mask i know people like that and so i can respect that and and and you know you got to make your choices and weigh out your thing but at the same at the same time um it's just it just seems like like you mentioned wait a second i thought this was about flattening the curve they did flatten the curve oh like it's like they're what are they doing with the with the news that comes in that says hey you know the the numbers were exaggerated and you know it's not it's not as as bad as they thought it was going to be and then on the other hand then they go in and they increase the degree of mandates so somebody with a rational thinking mind is going to say well what that doesn't even add up because the mandates seem to be trying to reduce the numbers but the numbers were even lower than we thought it doesn't make sense but if you think like some of us around here think like hey that's what they want to do that's the whole agenda is that they have an agenda and that is to crush small business that is to put the people behind a mask whatever that means to them but you know they can see who's um not wearing a mask you know and who's not playing the game so um and that um like your point i think was the other night you were talking about you know costco like costco doesn't care you know if you don't go there because they've already got the promises in the back or whatever i think that's essentially what's happening here we've we've heard from people within the state government or the state department here in ohio um that there are people that are actively trying to shut these business small businesses down and it's a goal of theirs and i think you know we've got kroger here in ohio but over by you guys i think it's called rouse i don't know if you've heard of that grocery store or not i think it's in california maybe um and it's under the same umbrella uh kroger is and you know essentially you know i think i think they'd be happy if it was just kroger and costco and walmart and that was it yeah that's kind of what it seemed like to me yeah if it's not kroger then it's harris teeter or fred myer or one of those things but they're all pretty much it's just like it's the same company it's just a different um just a different uh appearance so they you think it's a you know it's a different thing so zachary um what's what what's in the future for you guys i mean so now you're still what you got social distancing you got some plexiglass up and how's business we've got we've got like the tape on the floor for every six feet but we aren't policing it you know i i can't stand the it's odd that these businesses are like policing their own customers because it's like you're going to take that person off and they'll just never shop there again and it's it's not my job to police someone in the store you know it's i don't we don't hire people to go around you know with like a six-foot ruler and make sure you're within you know there's no small business built to withstand six feet it's just not possible even even that they're forcing these restaurants especially in columbus ohio to police their own customers and it's just there was one bar the first weekend we opened i think it was last week where he got cited by the health department for not having a six-foot distance in his line on the sidewalk and he said that's not my property i don't i can't do anything about the columbus sidewalk you know that's not my that's not my role here right and he was actually they attacked the wrong bar owner because he's actually in charge you know house state football urban Meyer the head coach for the old head coach he's in charge of his bar that he just opened so you know you ticked off the wrong person in ohio you know because he said he was on the phone with urban Meyer the next day well you know i think one of the things if we had any lawyers with real stones but none of them do they're all a bunch of grabblers even if they're trying to if they're acting like they're protecting you they're still grabblers they got their they're carded you know they're they're members of the club but um it would be nice because i think the real remedy probably is to flood the court system with um with just lawsuits and just naming everybody and you know suing one guy 20 times for 10 20 different things and then suing his his the next person and that people just you know go ahead and let them feel like they're personally liable for the decisions that they're making because they're just doing it behind the title of mayor or city health person so um so exactly we're gonna have to let you go we're about to wrap up the show and um and so do you want to give a shout out to anybody listening in ohio where they can come visit and get some uh what do you guys what's the best product that you recommend out there what you guys tell i mean we just we just got fresh strawberries in so that's our that's our big star you know we're big into sweet corn and stuff but we're in plain city if anyone wants to reach out in ohio what is it we're in plain city ohio plain city ohio yeah where's that near is that anywhere near any major city or what's direction i mean we're 20 minutes from columbus probably 25 northwest of columbus all right so we're not that far from central ohio you know the one shout out i do want to give the senator that represents you know the area where our business is uh stephanie kunzi i sent her an email and when she ran i mean she ran like donald trump you know he's like big bombastic populist guy she was you know all these republicans in ohio they're all about being for trump because there was a big trump movement here in ohio well just like you know i don't know what you guys think about trump i'm not very you know this operational warp speed thing happening with the vaccines i mean if that was hillary quinton i mean can you imagine what would happen you know could you imagine if hillary quinton was overseeing this when the churches were shut down you know i just can't imagine that right and you know i sent all these emails to our representatives and our senators who are republicans who uh shared the stage with donald trump and they just sent this email back oh my gosh make you want to barf you know just this typical politician type email back you know about you know we understand all the problems that you're facing and it's a very complex situation and that was it you know it's 15 to 20 sentences that you could have just said i don't care you know i mean that's all you would have but the senator is it they're different or they gave you the same garbage no they're no they're the exact same they're all the same the same that's just yeah that that's what gets them the part it's not um it's not the fact that they're going to do anything different that's what that's the last thing they want is somebody who's going to think for themselves and be like a mr smith goes to washington because um you know that's the last thing they want that's how they get into that position and then they realize like what your brand is or what the you know donald trump's brand because they brand these people they put them out i think they they totally portray them in the media in a certain way they come out and say all these things they um you know they play to their groups and then they get their groups to kind of like to echo what they're saying or to continue whether it's the left wing or the right wing and they play that stuff up and and then the next thing you know you've got all the republicans and the tea party people and all those people you know singing his praises and everything and and then that just makes it work work for their agenda so it's just like you said it wouldn't work with hillary i don't think there was no way hillary is going to get into office anyway you know so yeah i didn't see it but um all right zachary well thanks for tuning in and thanks for calling us up uh check back with us next chance you get are you in the chat ever yeah i'm uh i wasn't usually i catch you guys the next day because i'm usually asleep by now okay but uh it's my name is farmer zach in the youtube chat all right well we'll see farmer zach that's me well i apologize farmer zach for screwing this interview up but thank you so much for coming on telling your story i appreciate it man hey no problem i love the show i love what you guys do and uh i'll be tuning these next two shows they look really good so maybe i'll give you guys a call awesome well have a good day man all the best to you god bless you yeah you too all right i think we're ready to do the giveaway what do you think dustin is this is this it lisa how you doing over there lisa good i'm here all right yes she's just browsing facebook yeah no i actually just looked up uh someone told me that there's a really sketchy person on the board of costco and that's why they've been so you know tough with the masks yeah um and so his name is jeff rakes and he sir he was the chief executive officer of the bill and melinda gates foundation really and he also held several positions with microsoft and he's on costco's wholesale corporations board well it makes sense because they're they're trying to scare us again you know it's dying down and then costco makes this this all these that's all they gotta do yeah it's gotta get some guy with all the money in the world who can you know once you get all the money then you can buy all the shares and then you can get your seat on the board and then you can push your agenda and yeah so that's probably who's driving that whole mask thing and because costco is one of my favorite stores and i haven't been i haven't been since you know so i haven't either but you know what the um i don't ever go though because they own costco themselves own organic farms i mean they have a lot of organic products they're one of the largest organic yeah they're they're incredible so it's it just sounds like they you know they've got this snake in the mix from bill gates so um and i also wanted to point out because i i don't know the stats on ohio but um if you look it's kind of interesting again it's a correlation but if you look at all the states that have the most severe draconian measures like new york and michigan and california they're not only are they all democrat run but they are all the most in debt states they have the most uh amount of debt so if they can drive up their numbers if they can cause an economic uh devastation that they can qualify for more federal aid so i really think there's definitely um something to that you know and if you look i can't remember the other states i just those three come to mind but um that's that's definitely at play interesting so ohio he said he was from ohio right so i don't know yeah well let's do it are you ready yeah we got the let's let's do the first giveaway all right first one is don't tread on us don't tread on us all right so how many how many names do we have in the hat we've got let's read them all here oh so we got we got 10 uh so so far we have all right chance k kimberly g justin s brad sees on there twice morgan m william d crystal w jessica g and ray a well i appreciate it brad i don't know how you got on there twice oh you you did an order and a patreon yeah nice well and i had to add uh ray a onto this list because we forgot to add them last time there was a show yeah all right which happens okay here we go spin it to win it that was pretty weak william d yeah that was a week spin 100 yeah that was a 360 degrees i don't know but william d won man all right william d william dunham jr i imagine unless there's another william d that would be nice uh if william dunham jr our friend all right what's what's next doesn't okay so the next thing is um evidence of harm evidence of harm okay so this is a blu-ray i don't think i have control over the the spin you click it hard you just click it harder you just gotta click it hard man just smash it it's it's the next generation macbook it senses intention there you go see all right okay this is a great movie brad brad c thanks for supporting us yeah brad thank you so much man all right so if you have mercury fillings brad you might want to watch that and get those remedied okay next one here nation is new york times i gotta take them off as i go that's yeah take them off and write them down you know it changes the um he has a lot of pressure it changes everything yeah when you have that too many names on there because it just they would have skipped past that one person and then second time around it would have been to two people you know it throws everything off you ready just uh yeah all right let's go fast food nation here you go fast food nation don't eat at wendy's or jack in the box yeah kimberly i appreciate your support kimberly i appreciate everyone's support thank you kimberly guys i hope you don't have this book and i hope it's a good read i'm sure she doesn't yeah so let's open this up here let's see what it says in here um yeah it's got a lot of stuff it's like too many pages look at all this black and white here all right all right let's have it your way what's in the meat a bug that kills children the most dangerous job cogs in the great machine on the range why the fries taste good yeah um behind the counter all right what's next on that list your trusted friends the brand essence all right i just want to kind of see what that was about fluoride poison on tap all right here we go thanks for doing this ramon yep yeah man oh crystal crystal man and crystal is ahead of the game for jessica why because she just missed it it was just a hair yeah but crystal's like i think she's getting good she's like making this a uh an investment yeah and so listen guys let me tell you something very important now if you just won and you didn't order something you're just a patreon supporter you need to send me your address okay that's live at framing the world dot com send me your address so i know where to send these things and if you won in the past and never received your prize it's probably because you have not emailed me um right yeah there's some there's some miss it's definitely your fault fault no it's it's no you know who's let's get real here the real fault of all this is logan and his horrible penmanship what he's not even here come on no he's he's here tomorrow are you in the chat logan i think he's in the chat yeah logan's gonna be here tomorrow i'm gonna stick up for logan i think he does a great job yeah you haven't read his penmanship though nobody has he has it's his own thing he remembers what it's literally the worst cues to himself this will this will remind me of the thoughts that i'm having when i wrote this down so all right guys well i appreciate everyone's support and any final thoughts lisa uh no i thought that you know i was just so honored to get a chance to uh talk to dr tenpenny and i think she brought up i i mean if that isn't motivate people i don't know what will yeah she rocked it tonight awesome dustin yeah i was gonna buy a case of um some of this uh amazon water or not amazon some fiji water a case yeah let me see just like 20 is there some like special on it right now so 500 milliliters what does that look like that's not like 16 16.9 ounces okay so at costco you get the same thing for like three bucks and here it's like is it worth wearing a mask i'm not gonna get costco we we do the um insta part anyway is that why you're looking no okay let's do our shopping after the show this is the fiji water though this is the stuff that's good for the mercury not mercury um aluminum yeah and fiji water just so everyone knows is is tastes great is the beautiful taste except it does have fluoride in it ah what but it doesn't naturally occurring yeah yeah you know yeah you can even call the company and they'll tell you what does that mean how far is it actually from fiji i don't yeah but wouldn't it be better paul i mean yeah you don't want to have extra fluoride because even people in india that they have a lot of natural occurring flora in some areas have like not even just they have uh bone fluorosis coming from natural flora fluoride is really bad for you as well oh i know but but i mean it's not an industrial waste product at least let's look at the bright side yeah well great job lisa great job dustin great job ramon yeah i was gonna buy a case of 20 water i don't think i'm going to no it's medicine you think of it as my i am still thinking so i i just don't know if i should subscribe and save no okay so just just in case anybody that's local i did find my dentist and i'll shout i'll shout him out did you forget his name yeah i did oh so that's what that you weren't playing well koi it was actually yeah he put me on the spot yeah he froze up he didn't know what to say happens a lot but dr margolis and it's called my dentist that's where i go it's in mesa that's where i go oh really you like that guy well so i got my own wore a mask yeah i didn't get my uh it wasn't during this covet oh okay yeah yeah you said just that's why we look yeah that guy i'm not gonna get into it because i still have to go back to him hold on i got a doctor hold my tongue i got a good doctor i like her you know a good dentist um no but they did they did a great job like yeah they do great work i got all my feelings removed yeah i feel great but you know what when you got your feelings removed which i did too they didn't wear any masks or anything so he wore a mask for me they're supposed to be wearing like well they didn't wear they're supposed to be wearing the full uh mop gear like almost tasmat did they um do the rubber dam a constant suction and did you have oh he didn't do any of that for me you have to have the three those are the three baby things he doesn't like me so it's it has to be the rubber dam it has to be constant suction and you have to have an alternative air supply yeah what do you mean like a nose you have to have you have to um have an oxygen over your nose because there's two guys at that office maybe you got the good guy what they don't have a policy oh yes there's two doctors because i had mine out yes i did get the other guy yeah i got i got him taken out and they they did like she said this picture they had the suction and they had the dam but i didn't get any oxygen as far as i remember wait you had the same guy i did right no oh no i got him like 15 years ago i think i don't know it's been a while all right we're getting down to the bottom of this this is the guy right there he's there that's the guy on the right yeah i don't like if you if you go to that place don't use that guy i don't like them use the other guy use the other guy yeah that other guy is great it doesn't even matter that guy though is rough yeah yeah it's you know what i didn't even feel as bad for um like for me as i did for them you know because it's like it was it's already been in my mouth yeah that other guy wore a mask huh this guy didn't wear a mask i mean he wore that that thing but that's not a mask yeah yeah i mean you know it's just it's mercury once it gets all agitated like obviously that's really bad dude they're those people that like put the fluoride in a tray and stick it in your kid's mouth yeah well they supposedly don't use for it yeah but these places they're like it's a very dangerous risky procedure because if you and um ingest any of that's why you have to have the constant suction the rubber dam everything because if you swallow some of that mercury um dr mercola who i'm sure a lot of our listeners are familiar with he had this done a long time ago and didn't have all those um safety measures put in place and he ended up having kidney failure yeah yeah so i actually did a little detox um afterwards that was smart you know did a little detox you know beforehand too so you you're gonna have to speak up or turn your volume up yeah yeah so yeah whispering you gotta do a detox like right before and after like when you get your dental fillings removed so that's definitely a good thing to do awesome guys well i think that's our show for today thank you so much for tuning in to the stream uh don't forget to tune in to tomorrow's stream with uh sheriff mac richard mac and then on saturday we're gonna have richard gage so two richards back to back should be great shows thank you guys so much for tuning in and god bless