(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, guys, well, I think we should be live. Which is really exciting. I haven't gone live here on YouTube in a good long time. I've been completely swamped with everything with the Sealand series. And so, here I am. Hopefully you can hear me and see me. I've been working on trying to get my internet speed better, so I had to end up buying a device which... So hopefully you should be able to see me. Give me a thumbs up if you can hear me and see me clearly. It should be fine, though. But anyways, guys, I just wanted to quickly just do a live stream and give you an update on the new Sealand series. And yeah, give you some news on episode two. It's been done for over a month now. It's been totally done. I mean, sound. Everything's been done for a month now. And it just hasn't been released yet. We're just waiting on Infowars to figure out the right time. I think that what they're trying to do is just... Actually, I don't think. They will see a trailer and start getting promos pushed out for that. So I'm excited to see kind of what episode two does. I know episode one was a huge thing that I am finally able to go live here on my channel. And so I am in the same location. I'm still in Michigan in the middle of nowhere. But I have bought this device, which I didn't know existed, but actually has existed since 2010 or probably even before that. I think that's when they first came out with it. But it's a device that lets you hook up two landlines, and then you can hook up your mobile connection as a hotspot. You can also hook up different other ports, like Wi-Fis and different connections. You can put in, I don't know, 10 or 11 different devices into one, and it boosts the signal. So right now, I have four internet companies come into this house, and they're all lousy. But I think you should be able to get an HD stream. Hopefully we can get a little bit better in the future, but I'm gonna try to do more of these in the future. But anyways, I just wanted to quickly give an update about the film. A lot of you know, Sealand Episode 1 is totally done and out on DVD now. It was released by Infowars, and that was just a huge, huge success. It has been seen by 4.8 or 4.5 million times so far just on this channel alone. So that is really, really cool. So I think, hopefully, if Episode 2 does as well as this first episode, I'm gonna be super pumped about all this. So yeah, I can't wait until people start getting their hands on it. You can pre-order it from our channel now, FramingTheWorld.com. If you go to our website, you can pre-order that DVD, but it's not gonna ship until it ships with Infowars. So the only way to really get the DVD right now, they got a DVD like three weeks ago. So if you donated 200 or more to the series, I have shipped those out to you. So if you haven't got it, just make sure you let me know. It says, I got one comment, still buffering issues on my end. No buffering issues on mine, so that's great. That's possible with this device. So it's just, how much do I want to pay for internet every month? I've already got four different carriers, which is ridiculous. If you guys have any questions about the film, call in 480-519-4999. Again, that's 480-519-4999. I'd love to hear your thoughts and let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts. And if you haven't yet purchased the DVD, guys, make sure to head over to FramingTheWorld.com and just, you know, get the DVD. Just click shop now and it should be one of the first things here, COVID land, or sea land I should say. And you can get a copy of this and support this episode or you can donate to the project. We definitely need all the donations we can get right now. So if you can donate to the project, make sure you do that. And help me just kind of get the word out about this new series. But I got a new system here, a new live stream system set up as well. I have a new, some new devices. So hopefully everything is just going to work more smoothly in the future for this live stream setup. We got, hopefully, that doesn't continue, showing episode one of my church next Saturday night. Okay. All right. Well, good. To go to a viewing and they have lousy sound and picture. That's too bad. Yeah. So like I said, I'm still, I live out in the middle of nowhere, guys. So you know, be patient with my internet connection. Hopefully we can make this, even with the four different companies I have internet services for. They're all very low. And when I say low, I mean, we're talking like one upload speed, guys, that I get. So I think with these four combined internets, I have a 10 upload speed. But it fluctuates. So it's not always 10. It sometimes goes down to six, four, you know, and if one kicks me off, then yeah, it's a little bit of a nightmare scenario. But you know, hopefully we'll get it going on. Anyways, episode two is done, guys. Like I said, here are the DVDs. I know they look very similar to episode one. That was probably a cover design problem on our end. But this is the episode two right here. Totally done. We have all the DVDs in hand. Imped over to the channel and get one of those and support us because this series is so expensive to produce. Luckily, you know, God has just really blessed the series so far and we've been able to get to where we're at. But you know, money is always tight. And you know, we don't just have an unlimited supply over here. So we definitely, we definitely just, you know, rely on your guys' support. So we can talk about everything other than buffering and internet. Okay, Dustin. Dustin. Yeah, that'd be great if you gave me a call, Dustin. You should call up the show. So excited for episode two. Thank you so much, Candace. I feel your pain. Yeah, about the internet. Yeah, that's a real issue living out in the sticks. But anyways, guys, please give me a call. I would love to hear your review of the first film. Or if you've seen the second film, give me a call, 480-519-4999. I know it takes a brave soul to call in and there's only 12 people watching. So maybe I can get one of those 12 people to call in, now 11 people watching. So I must have scared one off. But I don't, I haven't gone live in so long. I haven't really been uploading any new content to this channel because it's hard to spend any time on YouTube because they're just going to delete it or remove it. No comment is going to improve internet connections. That's true, Dustin. No comment will improve internet connections. But that's not necessarily true, actually. I take that back, Dustin. You might have a comment that might actually help me figure out how to get a better internet connection. But as of now, I have nothing, which is ridiculous that it does have that many views. And I'm really, really excited that that is even a possibility. So yeah, four and a half million views. That is nuts. So that has been a huge, huge success. And you know what? Look at this. When does the second part come out? People are ready. People are waiting for the episode to come out. Come on. Come on. Let's get it out. Please, people. We want all the crucial achievements. But a lot of great comments. This is just comment after comment of just amazing, just people really, really liked this first episode, which has made me very happy that they like it. So I can't wait. That is going to be great to hear people's feedback and response over the second one. And then the third one, which break the movie into five reels or break it into small five smaller segments. Episode three, we have the voiceover being done on those two episodes right now. And then once the voiceover is back from Alex, what I'll be doing is sending that off to sound. So but the three, the last three reels of episode three are a couple of weeks out. And I keep saying a couple of weeks because I think I keep thinking I'm getting close. I'm already working insanely insane hours. So I'm trying not to stress myself out by giving too many deadlines. But I am trying to get it done as soon as possible. And I'm trying to yeah, I'm just trying I'm trying to do my best. But I do believe that when the third episode is done is going to be better than the second episode. So hopefully, you know, first episode was great. Second episode is even better. Third episode is going to be even better restrictions. Just everything is more intense. So Miss McMurtry commented the second one is even better. Thank you, Miss McMurtry. I appreciate that. Did I really did I miss the release date for episode? I don't know what's happening with that. We Alex has been going through a lot lately. So we're trying not to stress him out too much. And you know, I hands anyways, all right. So um, I think that is pretty much everything I want to say and say all in guys, we'd love to hear your comments on episode 123, just the series in general, call into the show at 0519-4999. I want to do more of these live streams. You know, I have the capability to picture split screens, do quadruple screens as guests come on. I have all that capability now because I've been able to get some new equipment to make this happen. But I don't have the time to learn back in the video. I saw that picture in picture. That was pretty cool. Huh, guys? What do you think? I got some picture in picture. The problem is I don't know how to get it back up there now. See, there you go. See, I just did that live on air. See, I'm still learning how to do everything. But look, I'm in the picture. I'm in the corner of the screen right now, guys. That's pretty cool. So I'm still trying to work everything out. Like that, my picture should not be in the corner of the screen right there. So I saw I'm learning everything. I'm trying not to I can't on me. You are waiting on me. Everybody's waiting on me and I'm trying to get it done. But okay, just make small short commercials, jingles with contacts on the main platforms like YouTube, link to do short videos. You have to clip things. You have to re-listen, edit. I mean, that all takes time. I had a wireless caller, but I think I missed him. Shoot. So I mis-turned it off, but oh, all right. I'm a hot mess. There we go. Hello. It's a frame in the world. Oh, hey, is this Paul? Yes, this is him. Hello? Hey, how's it going, man? Can you hear me? I went live here. But he should be able to hear me. But I guess we will take calls hopefully in the future. Yeah, he's calling back again. So you know what? What I could do is just go old school. How's it going, man? Hey, how's it going, Paul? Good. Hey, it's Jim here. Hey, I just want to say, again, congratulations on episode one. You did a great job with the film. It's very informative. It compiles information that has just been thrown all out there and just a really nice package for people to enjoy and be informed, really. So thank you so much for the work on that. Of course, I'm looking forward to episode two and the rest of the series. But my question, if you don't mind, I know a number of years ago you had the series like The Great Calling, Our Water, and I think there was supposed to be like more films in that series. Is that something you ever plan to get back to, or has that just kind of been way, way delayed or even canceled because of current circumstances? Yeah. Well, I appreciate the call, man. Any other questions before I let you go? No, no. Just that. All right, man. I'm going to answer offline. Thanks, man, for your call. All right. So yeah, questions about The Great Calling series. I'm glad you liked that series. That series was not, by any stretch of the imaginations, a big success. It was kind of a success, but it made its money back, but barely. That film did not take off like I thought. And so we were able to release the first episode. But we weren't able to raise the money to complete the other two episodes or the other two movies of that. And that's kind of the problem. All this stuff costs a lot of money. Like even with this Sealand movie, we were able to raise all the money to film. Now I still have a $20,000 sound bill I have to pay for episode three, which I haven't paid, nor do I have the money to pay that. So I'm hoping we can raise some more money to get that sound bill taken care of. And then, of course, we have episode four and five, which would be another 30 grand for sound. So yeah, all this stuff just adds up. And if you're listening right now and you're like, wow, that's a ton of money, it is a ton of money to do these kind of productions, because this is what I do for a living. I'm trying to do my best and make things that actually make a difference. And to do that, it costs a lot of money to do it right. And so I'm doing the best I can. Unfortunately, that series was scrapped. We did get out the first episode, or first movie. I thought it was fantastic. I would have loved to finish that series. We had a lot of interviews shot for that, but it just didn't work out. Sometimes things like that happen. Another example of just projects not working out, the Daniel series, which was something like that, we just didn't raise enough money. I think we raised like $13,000, which allowed me to shoot it and allowed me to edit for like six months. But unfortunately, I couldn't get it all done. So I'm addressing that series right now. We do plan on finishing it, but it's always had to take the back burner and be put off, put off, put off. Unfortunate, just kind of that stuff happens. But you know, I have to support my family. I got bills coming out. I got my four internet connections to pay for now, guys. So no, I'm just joking. So I'm doing my best, but you know, you got to kind of prioritize your life and do what you can. I wish we could figure this sound issue out online, on air, but that's usually the best, the worst place to figure out a sound issue. So I don't know. You know what? It might be that. That might have been the problem. I think I just figured it out actually. I think we can take calls. So if you want to push any one button, Dustin, that series was lame. You're not good enough to improve it. I don't know what that means, Dustin. I'm not good enough to improve it. Okay. I don't have much, but I'll send another $50. Hey, thank you, John. I appreciate that. Yeah. So you know what? This Sealand series is really like, it is kind of like a second and third episode. Hi, this is Paul Wintber with Frame The World. You are live. Hey, Paul. How are you doing? Good. Good, man. I met you a few years ago at the Minnesota Soul Winning Marathon. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Hi. Yeah. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the first film. I actually called in before, talked about the first film, and I can't wait for the second film. What platforms other than Info Wars is your movie going to be available on? Well, I mean, the first film, I mean, if you Google it, man, that thing is everywhere. So you know, we're encouraging people to re-upload it to whatever platform. It doesn't last on YouTube long at all. I'm definitely not going to upload it to YouTube because it's a futile task. But you know, that is the main platform. I mean, Band.video is the platform. No other platform is going to get the views that it got. I mean, again, four and a half million views on Band.video, which is fantastic. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. I kind of imagine how many views you would get on YouTube if it could be on YouTube. Right. Yeah. No. I'm sure it would do very well on there, especially with Alex pushing it. But you know, censorship. I know. Yeah. Exactly. I know that I found your film, though, on Red Voice Media, and then I was able from there to share it on my own Telegram page. So... Cool, man. Yeah. So we're sharing it, and we're getting it out there as much as we can for you. And you know, hopefully we make a huge difference. Well, I appreciate that, man. Thank you so much. And did you get a chance to watch episode two yet? I didn't. Is it... It's out on Band.tv right now? Not yet. Not yet. Yeah. Well, yeah, man. Make sure to stay tuned. I'll let you guys know. I'm going to try to do more of these streams, and I'll keep you guys updated when that's going to be released and everything. Sure. I actually had one question for you, though, before I let you go. I was just kind of curious. From your perspective, is episode two... Is it kind of like episode one? Is it like the same filming style, or when we watch it, is it going to seem like a different producer produced it? No, it's the same style. It's the same style, but I think it's just better. It just worked out better. We actually edited episode two before episode one, so I had episode two done before I even had episode one done. I think it's better because I've just had an extra three months of work on it. That's some of the reasoning why it's better, in my opinion. But it's better because of the content, and I think it gives a more call to action, gets people more excited and more, I think, more ready to go out there and try to make a change. Do you feel like it's more informative, or do you feel like it's just as informative? Yeah, I think it is more inform... I mean, I really love the mask issue, so I don't know. Yeah, me too. I'm sick of people asking me to wear them and getting kicked out of stores. Right. Well, Ms. McMurtry said, Sea Land was rated 9.2 stars on IMDb. Wow, I can't believe that's even a thing. Man, any other comments? Um, you know, I just wanted to comment, you know, you're not the only one being banned on YouTube. I was a small fryer, and it turns out, because it came out positive, and I made a video about it saying that I doubted it because she didn't have any symptoms or anything like that, and then she took another test the very next day, and it was negative. So I was right, but yeah, my video got banned for medical misinformation, so yeah, you can't even talk about it anymore, so... Right. Yeah, so you're not the only one out there, man. We're right there with you. Well, I appreciate that, man. Yep, well, you have a good one, man. You too. Yep, happy holidays. You too. Bye. God bless. All right, well, see, we got a phone call. This is exciting. We have 26 people watching. It's growing slowly by the minute. All right, well, I don't have much to talk about. I think I said everything I wanted to say. I don't know when this is going to be released, hopefully soon. Hopefully really soon because we want to get this out by Christmas, so hopefully it gets out. Hopefully they release it. I know Alex is super busy. He has a lot of things on his plate right now, and he has a lot of drama in his life right now, so I'm sure all of that are reasons why it's being delayed. Covid land was amazing in that it reminded me of so much I have forgotten about this whole thing from when it started. Yeah, I mean, that I think, you know, that the time capsule element of the first episode and really this whole series is why it's so impactful is because we really are capturing what happened as this whole debacle gets memory hold. So all right, again, guys, 480-519-4999, that's 480-519-4999. If you can't remember that phone number, just scroll up to the top of the comments and it will be the first comment at least. Why are you waiting for Alex? Can't you release On Frame of the World? Yes, I can release On Frame of the World. I can release it today and get 10,000 views, maybe less. I don't really have an audience. I think my last film, the Beyond Jordan, Deported, those two films combined didn't even hit 100,000 views. I mean, I think if you combined both of those films, it didn't even reach 100,000 people, which is a joke. So I literally have no audience. I mean, does anyone think I can, I mean, I love to feel like I could get it on up to this four and a half million. I used to be able to before all the censorship, but I definitely, definitely, definitely can't do that now. Four and a half million views is, you know, people are really like, why are you releasing it through Infoware? It's like, where else am I going to release it that's going to get any views? So yeah, that's definitely one of the problems is I don't have an audience. So yeah, I'm going to wait and see whenever they are ready to release it, I'm going to be excited. And he said, I mean, for sale, okay, well, partnering with Infowars was a blessing. Yes. Partnering with Infowars was a huge blessing. I don't think people realize like, this doesn't just happen to everyone. Like I'm, I feel so fortunate, so blessed that this even happened, that I was even allowed to be part of this. And that's how I know this whole movie has just been a blessing from God, because everything from the finances to the distribution has just been working out. Every turn, every time I need money, I'm like, oh, I'm stressed now, like, how am I going to pay this $20,000 sound bill? Like right now, I'm like, how am I going to, but you know, it always works out. And you know, God has just been orchestrating every part of this movie, because I really believe that this series is important. And it does have spiritual significance, especially when we get to episode four and five. I mean, that is the spiritual battle that we're really going to be tackling in those two episodes. So yes, I am very excited and very thankful for Alex's part in this. And you know, I'm super thankful just for Liberty Man as well. He's been just a tremendous blessing to this project. He's really been the guy behind the scenes, kind of making this thing happen. He has not only written all of the voiceover, he's helped me just with any of the problems he sees, which is very... I need someone to watch my work, because when you work on something for a year, you get too close to it, and you don't really see... You can't see the forest through the trees. And so he really helps me to kind of get grounded. So it wouldn't have been where it's at. Another person I'd really like to thank is Wally De La Fuente, and he's in the comments right now. And I really am appreciative of him and his Rediscover Television website. So you can check that out at rediscovertelevision.com, rediscovertv.com, I think, as well. You can get to it. But there, you can watch the film in 4K, which you can't watch anywhere else in 4K. I think the highest quality... In fact, let's go to it right now. They released it on Infowars in, I think, 720p, yeah, 720p, guys. So if you want to watch how it was made, the film... And I shot this all in 6K. So if you want to watch how it was made and see the full quality, go over to Rediscover Television and support him, subscribe to his channel, check it out there. It'll also be a good place to watch episode two when it comes out. Once I know a date, I don't know a date. I don't know anything right now. Alex does have an audience on Roku. There are close to 300,000 views. Okay, well, that's great. Alex has an audience on Roku as well, which I didn't even know Alex was on Roku. Yes, thanks to Liberty Man. Yeah, thank you to Liberty Man, man. What a great guy. This series has really been a team effort. There's been Liberty Man, me, and then Lisa Palumbo, plus our graphics guy that has been... I haven't talked about it because I don't want his name to get out there, but I found this graphics guy to help me on this, and it's hard to find anyone with any talent to help you because everyone's so triggered, and if they see something they don't like, they won't help you. They don't want to be blackballed into the industry. So I found this guy online, and he's just been a huge blessing. He takes criticism so well. That's one of the problems. If I don't like someone, I'm like, ah, no, can we redo this? Let's redo this and try something different. He takes that criticism and lets it roll off his back and just does a good job. That's what you need with people. People are way too thin-skinned, especially in production. I am a little bit too. I'm a little thin-skinned as well. I think it's just creators in general. It's like a personal attack on them. It's like, no, I don't hate you, bro. I just don't necessarily like this graphic. So I've had a lot of problems with graphic people in the past. That's why I've done most of the graphics, because I hire people, and then they suck, and then what do I do? So I just do it myself. John Scott said, I watched it on rediscovered television before my DVD arrived. It looked great. All right. Well, that's great, John, and I thank you for buying the DVD as well, because we definitely need that support. Project Cloud said, Wally, it has 3,000 views on rediscovered, so Alex giving it 4.5 million views is huge. Oh, I get what you're saying, Wally. It has 300,000 views on rediscovered television? Dude, that's awesome, Wally. Hey, Wally, you should call in, man, and just talk about the platform real quick if you have time. 480-519-4999, and just tell people what you got going on over there. I think it's important, and I think this is a great way to get this information out to people. So if you can, if you got a chance, 480-519-4999, yeah, man, I think this has been a change in my life. I think I'm definitely, this whole Sealand series is definitely, there's been some pivotal moments in my life. I think when I released my first film with Alex back in 2010, that was one of a pivotal shift in my life. We were able to raise a ton of money, get that out. And then another pivotal shift was when we released After the Tribulation. That film did really amazing. And then really since after, my audience has gone like this, because I had a huge audience. If you even look at my, you know, I should do this at some point before my channel is deleted, but I should look at the stats in my channel. And if you look at my stats when I made After the Tribulation, the stats have just gone, I'm not After the Tribulation, when I made What in the World, the stats on my channel has just gone shh. And you know, it's largely because of censorship, it's largely because of content, and just other things. But you know, hopefully we'll be getting that swing back up. Wally, how's it going, man? Hey, doing good. How are you doing? Good. I appreciate you calling in and doing this rediscovered television, helping me get the word out about the Sealand series. You said it got 300,000 views so far on? Yeah, it's at like 299,848. It's close to it. It's getting there. You gotta be kidding me, man. Yeah, it's really hitting there. As a matter of fact, I'm getting a lot of people trying to tell me, you should take it down from there. Some people, you know, they're always the louder minority, right? But for the most part, people are searching it and then they're going right to the channel and right now it's free. So you don't even have to subscribe to watch the first one, right? It's a different server, because Vimeo banned it, because I used Vimeo as the back end, right? And so they banned it. I had to put it on a whole separate server, so it's kind of hidden. Yeah, it's racking up. Has it got 300,000 since you put on the new server? Yeah. Oh wow, so do you know how much it got before that? They took away my analytics for it. I was trying to see, it was in a few thousand, but then they just kind of deleted everything on me. So I couldn't, I didn't get the number to write down at the time, but yeah. So now that it's in the server, you know, you can tell that when a lot of people are hitting something, because then obviously your streaming bill goes up, right? So I'm just happy that it is. So I'm like, yes, it's going, it's doing, it's doing something. Yeah, okay, well your streaming bill is going up, but the question is, is your subscription level going up? Yeah, some people have been subscribing, so it's been good. There was a time in October that we had a backend issue at the beginning of the month. Roku did some, and I don't know if it was coincidence or what, it was around the time we were launching this COVID land, and it did some upgrade that took away all my subscribers for 17 days straight. And I completely lost like all that revenue and all those people. But now, like I got it fixed, I figured out what it was, got it going, and now it's building back up again. So we're happy. We're absolutely happy. Now, did you lose them forever? All your subscribers? I did. I did. Every subscriber that had ever subscribed from the 1st to the 17th of the month, I lost them. So I had to go back out and try to market to them, try to get them to come back, all that stuff. It was like, it was nuts. We absolutely lost them for most of the month. But let me tell you something amazing is that Roku pays you out like 60 days later of what's come in through their pay system. And I was worried about what it was going to look like. And so at the end of November, I was getting paid for all of October. But God absolutely blessed it, and we actually got double the amount of money from the month before. So we're just happy and excited, and so we're excited for the new one to come out. It's ready to go, too. We're just waiting. Yeah, I know. We're waiting. We're waiting. Yeah. Yeah. I can't lose this connection with Alex, so it's important that we let him do it. But we'll let you guys know once it's ready to go. We'll give you a firm date here on this channel. And of course, I'm sure he'll send out an email to all the subscribers. So make sure you guys head over there. Subscribe to Rediscover Television today, so you'll be notified the second it's released in 4K, which is cool. Yeah. If you have Roku, just the best way is to just search Rediscover Roku or search COVIDlanta Roku. Go right in and then subscribe that way. I am working on a better back end for our online service, so it'll start to look a lot better, look like Netflix. You can have different profiles, all that kind of stuff. So we're building it. We're building it better. We don't have the billions that Netflix does, but we're getting close to making it at least look like we do. Right. Well, all this stuff costs money. I don't think people realize how much money this stuff costs. And like you said, you use server fees that you have to give. Oh, yeah. So it's real easy. Just go to Rediscover Television and subscribe. It's just a click of a button. You can watch COVIDland. Wow. We're right on the front page there of your site, man. Thank you. Absolutely. And you can watch The Chosen there, too, while you're there. I thought that series was pretty cool. We're renegotiating some rights with The Chosen, so we don't have it for the next couple of weeks. Oh, you don't? Yeah, we don't have it for the next couple of weeks, but we're going to get it back. So it'll be all right. We're working with them. So yeah, there's some licensing rights and yeah, all this stuff that people don't understand what goes into it. You know, everybody needs to get paid really is what it amounts to. Right. And I can appreciate that because, you know, people, you invest a ton of money into these projects and you spend a lot of your time on them. So yeah, I can appreciate that. But I'm glad you're getting it worked out with them. And I watched that series on your website. Oh, awesome. Yeah. So real quick, if I could just plug this, we have a lot of cool Christmas stuff coming up, too. We have a lot of Christmas programs and things like that, things that people like to watch, like all those old root. So be on the lookout for that, too, for now. Cool. Yeah, I would encourage people to head over there and definitely, you know, do that. All right. Well, cool. Thank you for calling in, Walter. Yeah, absolutely, man. We're looking forward to continually working with you and excited about all the projects. So we'll keep putting them up and we'll keep going until they take us down. Right. And then we'll do it a different way. So yeah. Right. Well, I appreciate it, Wally, man. Have a good day. Yeah, you too. Bye. All right. So that was Wally De La Fuente and, you know, I appreciate him. He came to the screening. We had a theatrical screening here in Michigan and he came to that. That was really cool. All right. So we're coming to the end here. I miss him. There's a download button. It looks better. Yeah. If you download the movie, it looks better. Yeah. Wow. That's great news. And the first four episodes will be even bigger than the first. Hopefully, man. Hopefully. I have a vaccine. I have my vaccine because I work with the Toronto—oh, man. They kicked me out of university yesterday because I did not upload my vaccine papers. But you got it? And they still kicked you out? My son's shirt from Framing the World caused so much trouble at Thanksgiving. It was awesome. Oh, sorry. Wow. That's funny. That's funny, Valkor. I—how do I—I'm still working on this, guys. I'm trying to figure out all this picture-in-picture stuff and, you know, I'll get it figured out. But I'm just checking the stream here and it looks like it looks crisp. So that's exciting that this is actually working. But okay, guys. That's pretty much what I wanted to say. I will be—we'll be on for a couple more minutes. So if you want to call in 480-519-4999, that's 480-519-4999, and let me know what you thought of the first episode, the second episode, if you've seen it, if you've been one of the chosen few that have seen it. No, I mean, everyone that donated over 200 bucks has the digital link and they've seen—and the physical copy right now in their hands. So if you were a donor to the film and 200 bucks gets you a donor status, so, you know, we definitely need your support, guys. We have some big bills coming up and, you know, to get—we're going to—I'm going to get to a point where I'm going to have to take a pause in this to just kind of get all the money from, you know, one person. I feel horrible even asking for money. So we're going to try to get, you know, you out there who's listening to support us. And if you just support us just a little bit, man, it goes a long way. And, you know, once you support us, you kind of—you get more involved, you become a partner of the series. So, you know, you get updated, you get through your emails and different things like that. So I'm excited that this stream went successful, that it looks good, I think. I think it looks good. And so, yeah, you know, if Bill donated, we'd be set. We just got to get him to donate. But all right, guys, I am going to be shaving this luscious beard tomorrow. So next time you see me, I'm going to be clean-shaven, which might take some of you by surprise. It's definitely going to take me by surprise. I like myself better with a beard. But we did this no-shave November thing at our church. And so, since it's December, I'm allowed to shave my beard because I haven't shaved in the whole month of November. I'm going to shave it tomorrow, and we're just going to have the horseshoe mustache that just comes down like this. You know, all this is gone. It's the mustache that comes all the way down here. I'm going to wear that to church tomorrow. So I'm going to wear the mustache for church tomorrow. But as soon as church is over, as soon as Sunday morning church is over, I am shaving that Chandler Moore mustache off. Some fun we're doing. I'm working on getting a theatrical release in Grand Rapids for the mass. Dude, that would be sweet if we can, if anyone's interested in going. I'm definitely interested. I'll be there. If you can pull it off, Wally, that would be great. Keep the mustache. No, I don't. I've seen myself in a mustache, and I don't like the cop look. My brother has a mustache, and I'm looking more and more like him. So if you want to know what I'll look like with a mustache, I guess all you'd have to do is check out my brother's picture. But I don't think he's online anywhere, so I don't think you can find his picture. But I think that's it, guys. No one's calling in. We had a good show. First one back in a long time. I wish I had, I only have one camera here right now, but I wish I could show you this crazy setup I have going on. You know what? I wonder if I can. Hold on. Let me see if I can show you. I'm going to show you on the iPad here. I don't know if that's possible. That would be sweet if it was. All right. Let's see if I can show you this here. Hmm. It should be in. It's not showing up. All right. Well, it's not showing up, guys. Good try. Good try, but for some reason. Oh, wow. It worked. All right. Let's slip the four. You know, just unplug things a bunch of times. This is kind of what the setup I have going here right now. Oh, no. I have a short cord. I have these two speakers over here, and then on this side, I have everything going on over here. So I have, you know, my thing, and then behind me here, just to give you a look, a little behind the scenes. So it's pretty wild, and you don't even want to see. Look at this, guys. I'm going to show you something crazy. I'm going to show you something really scary. Are you guys ready? Are you guys prepared to look what I'm about to show you here? I mean, it's pretty scary, guys. You've got to be ready. But if you're ready, I'm going to show you something wild. Look at all this stuff. And you know why it's like that? It looks like a bomb went off because we had some flooding in our house the other day, and I had to quickly take all my stuff from that back room. And you can't see it, but there's a back, like, utility room back there. And that utility room turned into basically a storage unit. It turned into a storage unit. Ah! How do I switch? How do I go back to that? I'm trying to figure this out. Anyway, so that utility room back there has turned into a storage unit, and it flooded. And so, which is horrible because I had a ton of hard drives back there. All my backups were back in that room, and this unbelievable miracle happened. And I have pictures of it that I should show. I don't know if I can pull them up here, but you know what? I seem to be able to pull up everything else. So I'm going to look on my phone here and pull up these pictures of what happened. Um, but the water destroyed only... I had this large archive of false Bible versions. And it literally did not destroy anything of these Bible versions that I purchased for... Oh, I found them. Let's go to this now. Let's go to four here. So let's go to that. And then let's see if we can see me here. Alright, so this is what happened. So right here you can see this box is just filled with a bunch of destroyed Bibles. And other books. But I had them sitting all on this table right here. And on that table I also had a bunch of hard drives and stuff as well. Um, this is the floor where stuff kind of went off here. But I had this whole... this whole shelf was just filled with hard drives. Um, you only see a few hard drives on there now, but it was all hard drives. And water literally, I don't know how this happened, like, did not ruin any hard drive. It did ruin a couple boxes of the hard drives, so I'll have to throw those out. But, um, other than that it literally did not ruin anything else. Luckily I had some plastic bins on there that stopped the water from running out. Um, but on this table you'll see I have this water filter in the back. And you can't see me pointing to it, but, uh, where's that? Okay, I had this water filter. Okay, it was like this. It was sitting like this, right? Somehow the top was on. Somehow, I don't even know how this is possible. Okay, it was just like that, right? And then somehow the water went inside the bucket, filled up the bottom of the bucket, but didn't go anywhere else on the table. I don't even know how the water got to the bucket. There was no water in this bucket. It was like a miracle. I'm explaining it bad, but somehow the water came through the wall, came through, dropped through the ceiling, and went in this bucket. Which if it didn't go into this bucket, it would have ruined a ton of hard drives. Because there was hard drives on this table here as well. Plus, uh, false bibles. I had a stack of false bibles and I had, uh, some hard drives on that table. Somehow the false bot was like sucked in all the water and saved the hard drives. That's what I'm trying to say. Huge miracle happened. Alright, huge miracle happened. That is crazy that that happened. But you know what? Super blessing that that ended up that way because it could have been so much worse. That's been my life. Kind of, uh, it took up like a day of my life trying to dry out stuff and try to do anything. But I lost all, I lost all my false bibles. It's sad. I can't look up, I'm going to have to look it up the old way now. So, anyways guys, um, that is pretty much the day. No one else is calling in. 480-519-4999. So we're going to end this. It's been an hour. I think we've been streaming for an hour now. So, I think that's plenty long. An hour right now. So, we just hit an hour. Hey, I got to head out. Paul, looking forward to episode two. Thank you so much, John. I appreciate it. That's crazy, Wally. Yeah, it is crazy. God is good though. As long as you keep the glorious mop on top. Yeah, so, the mop on top needs to be cut too. It's getting wild. But, alright guys, that's it. Thank you for supporting us. Make sure to head over to framingtheworld.com. If you haven't donated to the Sealand series, make sure to donate and support this project. Pre-order a copy. This really helps me, you know, get the funds to be able to finish this series. Episode three is right around the corner. Should be out in late January. And so, I have to get that done soon. So, if I don't get that done, I'm in trouble. But, my mom said it's still buffering. Hopefully, the buffering will smooth out at the end. Hopefully, it's not a bunch of glitchy stuff. But, no one really said it was glitchy. So, maybe that's your internet connection, mother. Alright, well anyways guys, appreciate it. Love you guys. And, you know, keep subscribed to this channel. We'll do a little bit here every once in a while. And then, I'll delete the video because that's what I always do if you haven't noticed. I do a live video and I usually delete it. So, watch it while you can. God bless you guys. Have a good day. Thank you for watching.