(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) alright guys well today should be a pretty interesting show we're talking with Peter Reddick and if you don't know who he is well he is the guy that brought you censored a war on free speech and being Baptist and so these films are great films if you haven't seen them I know being Baptist is on YouTube you can check that out for free but censored war on free speech is now out on DVD I really hope you head over to framing the world.com get a copy of that film today and support Peter and me by getting a copy because you know guys these these movies take a lot of time take a lot of energy and you know we we really do depend on people to buy them when they're done we want Peter to keep making films and so the only way for Peter to keep making films is if you support his other projects so I really do hope you guys head over to framing the world.com and I'll put a link in the description on where you can go to check it out but this is where it's at war censored war on free speech and of course you can get being Baptist there as well but I want to just real quickly just thank all of our patreon supporters for you know just sticking by me this over the last month I know the mobs tried to get get my channel all taken down but it didn't work and you know I really appreciate everyone's support out there and you know if you haven't yet subscribed to our patreon you can sign up for a dollar a month and we are going to be giving away actually the title page of the book of Genesis from a 1683 King James Bible so it's a pretty awesome giveaway that we're doing but to get entered into that giveaway you need to sign up to our patreon account before the end of this month I'm going to be doing the drawing at the end of this month all you have to do is subscribe a dollar a month or just increase your donation by dollar and you'll be entered in for that giveaway it's a really neat leaf so I hope you guys consider if you like this show to head over to our patreon account and support us there but yeah let's get let's get right to it I haven't talked to Peter since he interviewed me so this is we're turning the tables on you Peter and I'm gonna be interviewing him today Peter how you doing today I'm doing outstanding awesome man well so tell people who don't know who you are just a little bit about yourself all right my name is Peter Reddick I'm 35 years old and you know I'm a Christian filmmaker I started out with in the Christian filmmaking side of things with being Baptist ended up partnering with Verity Baptist Church and pastor Roger Jimenez and brother Oliver out there and they did a wonderful job putting that together and constructing it and then I after that I partnered up with stronghold Baptist Church and with pastor David Burzins to do censored war on free speech and now at the time the censoring was just starting to pick up we they had just had the Chandler incident and so like that where if people who don't know some several individuals from faithful word were down in Chandler Arizona soul winning and they were arrested for soul winning and I just felt that was a good product you know a topic that needed to be touched on yeah well yeah I was really glad that you went to that event to at least you know get the footage but I I guess I didn't realize when you were there getting the footage that you were making that film but when you know when I watched the final product of censored war on free speech I was I was really glad you went and got that footage so so Peter what's what's what's next man for you what what's your plans for the upcoming near future here I have I have several things in the pipeline right now currently with travel being very hard to do I decided to put together a publication Christian publication which there are some out there but none to the extent that I'm wanting to do and that was one reason I interviewed you last time I also have some of the other some other major people that are gonna be in it as well as far as films goes there's a couple films that I have lined up right now the first one that I'm going to be working on is it's gonna be very important I think to a lot of Christians a lot of people in general it's gonna be alcoholism in light of the Bible and then that's gonna be the topic of it and honestly there's a lot of closet alcoholics out there or people who have misconceptions of what the Bible actually says about alcohol and I think this is what really going to hit the nail on the head of what the Bible really says about it yeah you should get some interviews with pastors that think that alcohol is fine to drink that I think that would be really powerful if you scored some of those interviews absolutely now and the other one I'm kind of working on with brother Matt Powell is but we're kind of putting that on the back burner right now since he just since he just moved and he's finishing up his film that one's gonna be more of a secret project but it's gonna be it's gonna be a semi follow-up to censored but it's gonna be a very powerful topic you know yeah and you know I chose to do my new film as a secret project because you know we're being censored so much and we have so many haters here on this channel that if I announced my new film like if I said hey we're making this film then what would happen is all the haters would literally call all the people that I'm going to interview or that I might potentially interview and get all those interviews canceled or if I have a location that I'm going to they would call ahead and make sure that location would not let me film and so that's why you know I've decided on this new film that I am NOT gonna be announcing what it is so yeah that's a it's a it's a good idea to do that to not do it especially if you have a sensitive material you need to get good footage for absolutely now I just also one thing I want to say to all the viewers and supporters out there is first and foremost thank you we don't get paid for a lot of these films we get paid from doing the sales and stuff like that but to go out there and do the work we do it because we have a passion for it and we want to get a message out there for you guys something that's enjoyable entertaining but also more importantly informative and honestly we can't do it without the support of the people yeah yeah definitely and that's why I continuously say you know go to framingtheworld.com and get these guys I know most people don't have these two films in on their shelf and so why not guys why not just you know support us 20 bucks makes a huge deal huge difference if you just head over and get these movies absolutely so are you plug your YouTube channel real quick Peter my YouTube channel is youtube.com forward slash Peter redock okay very simple you can find me on there subscribe I will say this I do get quite a bit of request to release censored war on free speech on YouTube and I do plan on doing that in the future currently it is and so it has been in several film festivals internationally and is still in the lineup for a lot of film festivals and some of those festivals have rules that you can't produce it or have it streaming or anything like that that's why I'm holding off yeah no I didn't totally understand that and it's it's something that I've regretted every time I've released a film it's just because once it's released free on YouTube no one will support it anymore and it's I mean very few there's there's some out there that do so I totally understand you holding off and especially if you want to get this out to the film festivals because you know if it if it's out there streaming they won't let they won't take it you know a lot of film festivals actually won't even take it if it's been released on a DVD so that limits you just having to do that but I totally understand it's like you have this finished movie and you have to start making money off of it or you know you're gonna just go broke so yeah I totally understand you getting the DVD out I'm really happy that you did that but you know what all these people and I say this every time in my mind I just think this every time someone says when are you gonna release this to YouTube I'm just thinking well when are you gonna buy the DVD you know I hate to have that kind of attitude but it's like people don't understand like they think that I don't know what people think that these are just hundred percent backed by churches or something that you're just making all this money I like I don't understand what even goes through people's minds because I know you know the majority of money is either raised through donations from private people or it just comes out of your pocket right Peter exactly and majority of that even like I said I know with my films all of that went straight into the part into the production itself into the projects and one thing people need to realize it's these projects take a year or more to make yeah it's not something we just push out and you know a few weeks yeah yeah cuz I mean you want to make them as good as you possibly can and you and you care about the film so you want to make a good production you care about the people that watch it you want them to like it and so yeah but anyway so um so so you have that magazine that's in the works and you have a couple of films that you're thinking about doing what else what else you got going on Peter right now I am in the process of remodeling some my house so other than working on projects trying to take the time while I have it do some remodeling trying to get my office area into a nice actual production studio yeah you know I saw some of those pictures you posted on Facebook you redid your kitchen and stuff man good job yes yeah you did good some good work there other than that I mean just working at the grindstone here I do I do marketing with clients like film and marketing for commercials and stuff like that here locally so when I'm not working on films or working on the house I'm doing those yeah awesome well I you know I I wanted to have you on just to kind of just remind people about these films and you know just encourage people out there to go support them I wasn't trying to have a super long live stream today but you know these things are important these movies are important because you know people don't understand the power of media and I think a lot of people out there they they understand it has a lot of power but they don't really understand how much power it has you know things are pushed forward because of media that's how the world works if so you know we need to keep this machine going because it really does create momentum as a movement as you know and if you didn't have these kind of projects you know it really would kind of die down and so these kind of things are important and so I absolutely yeah well I will say this you know I don't think I think censored is more relevant today than it was when I released it on DVD yeah and the reason I say that is because everything is changing so rapidly you got media that is pushing false narratives out there and which is covered in this film and you got more and more stuff happening and for example what was it just a about a week ago you had a some people arrested at a churches for singing worship songs and then you got people who are just being arrested and not wearing a mask I mean these are petty things you know I mean I'm there I mean in reality they're major things to us but the shit it's not something you should be arrested over yeah well and that's why yeah no and that's why I had to make this bitch you channel and a bright ion channel as well because you know things are tightening up and so you can support us by heading over to bright ion and sign up to our generation conspiracy channel on bright ion or you can go and sign up to our our bitch you channel framing the world I only have one video up there but I do plan on adding a bunch of videos because you know you never know how long we're gonna last on YouTube and so censorship is a huge deal I know a lot of people know about that but you know you know if I if people understand the financial impact that that would create if we were censored so you know please head over there now subscribe to those channels now while we're promoting them so you can get plugged in for when the time comes you know you'll be there and ready to go so absolutely yeah so do you have you start have you seen any censorship happening probably not because it hasn't been released but of your films not not like that no yeah I've had some film festivals tell me that we're not gonna put it in due to the topic and stuff like that but that's their opinion yeah I did have one of my interviewer my interviewees write me after writing right before I released it and telling me hey don't put me in it I don't agree I agree with what I said but I don't agree with it when anyone else said I'm like well I got a release form so I'm putting you in it either way yes but you know those are the as of right now that's the major censorship or attempt to censorship I've gotten on this yeah it's it's unfortunate that people do that I get that a lot too on my films you know they they regret being in and they want to be removed but it's like you know I'd love to remove you man but you know how much money it took and how much time it took to get you in that it's not gonna happen bro sorry yeah exactly sorry but all right well Peter what what is what is your hope for this film censored honestly I would love to give it get it into the hands of every person out there who's interested in it you know pick one up for yourself pick one up for a friend a family member because this is information that we are living today and we need to and we need this information this is critical and vital this is something that you know if you are trying to tell someone about this people are gonna think you're a nutjob but at the same time if they see it and they hear the information for themselves you know it'll open their eyes yeah what's really going on well I would just like to just tell you man try try not to let people pressure you into releasing the same for free on YouTube just try to release it at the right time whenever you feel comfortable because you know you don't want to just you don't want to you know it's something you know people don't understand that these projects are like part of us and so when you release it it's it's an emotion that I don't know how to describe it so you want just I would just encourage you did not let people pressure you that's all I'm trying to say and I'm not planning on it right now because I know as soon as I release it I'm pretty sure my youtube channel and every channel I put it on will be shut down yeah well yeah and you know when it's definitely a touchy subject for a lot of people so well Peter I appreciate you coming on any any final thoughts you wanted to give and give people you know I know things are you know kind of seem depressing lately especially with you watch the media and stuff like that but in reality we're just seeing the Bible unfold and honestly I think it's exciting but I mean it is depressing at the same time I would say don't give up hope just you know you know stay in the Bible stay you stay grounded and realize that you know we're one day closer to you know Christ return awesome well again guys thank you so much for tuning in to this program I want you to go out there guys and get a copy of censored war on free speech today support Peter support me at framing the world calm and yeah just get a copy it's a great great film also make sure to subscribe to Peter's YouTube channel at Peter Riddick on YouTube and don't forget guys to be entered into the drawing for a chance to win this Bible if you want to go to patreon and subscribe only a dollar a month that's all you have to do is subscribe a dollar and you'll be entered in for a chance to win a 1683 King James Bible leaf and so it's an awesome leaf and I'm sure that I'm actually gonna be sad to give it away but you know it's good I'm glad I'm doing it to our patreon supporters because I used to do when I did the live stream I used to give it away to two people you know just who are listening to the show and that was cool too but it's it's it's really nice to kind of give something back to our patreon supporters they've been so faithful over the years that you know I want to do more of these giveaways on patreon so I plan on doing multiple giveaways on patreon every single month to our supporters and so yeah thank you so much to everyone that is a supporter over there that have supported in the past I know you know sometimes it and one of the perks you know I just want to bring this up real quick is one of the perks on patreon like if you have a bad month you can just on you can just lower your your pledge a little bit that month or you know raise it back up it's real easy to do just click of a button how much you want to support every month and you know I I would even encourage you to do that Peter have you have you thought about getting on patreon actually I am on patreon it's a big search being Baptist or being Baptist productions oh awesome yeah guys so head over to Peters channel also and support them over there it definitely takes a lot of stress off when you have a little bit of money you can depend on every month to you know help just pay the bills and so it's definitely something that I depend on every month and I really really appreciate and so we are doing patreon only streams I've started this up to this month where at once a month I'm gonna do a patreon only stream where people can join us in the chat video chat and you know ask me any questions they want or just talk with me and that's a way for people to get to know me a little bit get to know my motives or my agenda or just ask me any question that they want and you know I'm a pretty transparent person I I'm happy to answer any questions people have to my supporters you know to all the haters out there I could care less what you think especially you know when you just make up stuff about me but to the people who actually support me you know I'm definitely down to answer any questions you have so um again guys thank you for tuning into the stream make sure you tune on tune in for tomorrow's stream we're gonna do this show we're doing this show six days a week we're putting out different content every day trying to just get different topics out there and I I'm having people on the show about topics that interest me you know not every show is gonna be for you maybe maybe if you just really you know you can't handle when someone that's unsafe gets on the show you know you might not not be able to tune in for every single episode but if you're just wanting to learn and if you want to hear different kind of things this is the channel for you we're gonna be talking about all different types of things on the show we're gonna talk about a lot of health stuff I I'm gonna be we're gonna be talking about fasting a lot on the show coming up I plan on doing a bunch of shows on fasting something that I've never done before never fasted in my life and it's something that I want to do but I really don't even know where to begin I mean I know there's more to it than just stop eating so and I'm not talking about spiritual fasting here guys I'm talking about just for your health and so I'm I'm saying like because it's really good for your health to fast I just never done if I go two hours without eating I'm like my stomach's cramping up I'm getting angry angry and I need to eat so you know I'm an eater I love to eat so but the but you know I know that there's a lot of health benefits in fasting and you know that's why I think you know God even talks about fasting not only is it help you spiritually but it helps you you know your health as well so I want to have a lot of shows about that and you know if there's anything that interests you out there just write in the the the chat right now or even in the comment section below you know who you'd like me to get on your my show listener the other day wrote me hey you need to get such-and-such name on the show and dude I got him on I interviewed him yesterday actually and someone I've never heard of but a listener out there said hey you should contact this person I interviewed the guy the guy was awesome and I'm glad I interviewed it I'm glad I interviewed him so um you know if you know you're out there and you know someone that I don't know if say it's let me know and I'll contact them have them on the show I'm trying to get a bunch of different topics on obviously if you're having to show six days a week six days a week you can't just have the same thing being talked about or no one is gonna watch this show so so yeah we're and they're all different lengths this one's gonna be a little shorter but you know I still still great still good information I definitely wanted to get Peter on I consider him my friend he's always been very kind to me and and supportive of framing the world so I appreciate you Peter thank you for coming on man any any final thoughts um you know just I would urge people to support us you know especially you know with your film that you're doing and also with mine you know it we can't get it done without the help of people and I know times are tough but even a few dollars here and there from a lot of people will make up the difference yeah so if everyone in our movement or just everyone listening to this stream because about a thousand people tune into each stream if I got just a dollar from everyone or two dollars from everyone I'd be fine I'd be sad like I don't have to worry anymore but unfortunately it's just a small percentage of people that actually do support you you know come on guys head over to Peters page support them over there support me it's just a couple bucks a month what makes a huge deal so again guys thank you so much for tuning in thank you Peter for joining us on the show I hope you have a good day man God bless thank you thanks for having me God bless all right bye all right guys that was Peter Reddick he is a good guy I really hope you head over to framing the world calm get a copy of his film censored war on free speech and yeah guys thanks for tuning in today's stream make sure to tune in tomorrow 9 p.m. Michigan time we're gonna be streaming six days a week for now it's not this is just for now we're trying to get this done so six days a week nine o'clock Michigan time some days are gonna be shorter episodes some days are gonna be longer episodes you just every day is gonna be different it's gonna be fun so spin the wheel thanks guys talk soon