(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright guys, well today we are going to be talking with Ross Patterson. He is from Anchorstone International. You can find out more about him if you go to anchorstone.com forward slash Ross Patterson. And so he's a really interesting guy. I really hope you check out these videos. But today we are going to be talking about the location of Sodom and Gomorrah, the true location. And in fact, if you look at this video right here, this is just an amazing video. I hope you guys check out on his website there. Sodom and Gomorrah, true location found. That's what we're going to be talking about. Has the true location to Sodom and Gomorrah been found, been unearthed? And you know a lot of people believe Sodom and Gomorrah has been totally lost forever. But you know I believe that they have found Sodom and Gomorrah. And I think this evidence is very compelling. So last week we talked with Jerry Brown. He is the director of Anchorstone International. This week we're going to be talking with Ross Patterson. So we should be getting him online here in a few minutes. We're going to be talking about you know the latest findings. We're going to be talking about the Ebla tablets. And you know a lot of people you know never even heard of the Ebla tablets. But the Ebla tablets are a fascinating discovery that was unearthed. And so we're going to be talking about that today. We're going to be talking about just the ruins. Where is it? And so on. So I really hope you guys share this live stream with people. Because you know this is very interesting information. Especially if you love stories about the Bible and you're interested in archaeology. You know this is the episode for you guys. So make sure you tune in to this. Make sure you thumbs up the video. And make sure you support us by going to our patreon account. You can subscribe to our patreon account. Just a dollar a month really helps us out. And you know I want to quickly because I don't think a lot of people understand what the perks are for patreon. And it's something that I wish I pointed out more. But there's a lot of perks. If you're a five dollar patreon supporter you get five percent off the entire store. If you're $20 or up patreon supporter you get 10% off the entire store. And of course you're going to be able to join us for patreon only exclusive live streams. You're going to be entered in for chances to win you know this stack of items were given away at the end of the month here. So a lot of different DVDs and books we're going to be giving away here the last day of the month to our new patreon supporters this month. So if you become a patreon supporter you'll be entered in for a chance to win this. We're going to be giving away this 1861 Confederate note. So a lot of cool giveaways we're doing at framingtheworld.com. Let's get into today's program. Yeah so if you know if you guys one other thing I want to bring up is if you guys have any ideas for you know guests on the show you know email me at paul at framingtheworld.com or live at framingtheworld.com or even better yet is I'm hoping I can get some I wish I could I need to make videos letting people know who's gonna be on for the next week and then you guys can call in but you guys can call in at any time 480 519 4999 that's 480 519 4999 and just leave a message and we'll play that message on the air so if you just want to call and just say hey I support you at framing the world thank you for all you're doing just anything like that just give us a call leave us a voicemail and we'll play that message on air I want to do more of that or if you have like a question for a guest we're gonna have on you can do that as well so I need to make more videos promoting the guests I just I just haven't had time lately but again guys support us at framingtheworld.com you can donate directly through the site and you know that's that's really super easy to do as well just go to framingtheworld.com you know click on store or shop now and just go down to the donation tab and we're trying to raise about 800 bucks here to get some hard drives for the show we definitely we definitely need to buy a few hard drives we're kind of in in crisis mode at this point because we need to get a new hard drive immediately so if you want to become a sponsor of the show make sure you support us and you know I while I'm thinking about it I want to you know thank a sponsor of the show and it's a sponsor I keep forgetting to mention but the Romans Road app is a sponsor of this this episode today make sure you support them guys download the app check it out there's a lot of Bible preaching on there and there's also the Bible in audio on that app so if you want to just listen to the Bible on audio it's a great way to do it through that app so again Romans Road app just type that into your apps your search engine now pop up there but let's get to today's episode Ross Patterson how you doing today sir very well thank you all right well can you start off by just telling the audience a little bit about yourself and about what you do sure I'm a computer programmer by trade but for many years I haven't actually done any contract work in that area like I used to because I've been so involved in following up the research of Ron Wyatt and also doing presentations on these things it's taken me to places like Japan Australia around the Pacific Islands Taiwan Philippines doing presentations on the biblical discoveries that he pioneered and it's led me at this point we're doing some research in Turkey and we are working on and we believe we're going to get very soon a permit to excavate the Noah's Ark site but it's another whole topic again well that that's exciting so how long has that been in the works well people have wanted to excavate that site ever since it was rediscovered by Ron Wyatt back he first met the in 1970s and people have tried on and off for years to give government permission to do an excavation and it's never been forthcoming but last year I got invited to anchor and I have a contract with a organization in Turkey it's a non-government organization called to tip that probably doesn't mean anything to you let me just show you something here in Turkey to make them world heritage sites so they invited me to join the organization nice and we are working now with the Ministry of Tourism and Culture to get full permits in fact we would be excavating this year if it wasn't for the COVID-19 situation yeah that's kind of got everyone's plans on hold I was actually gonna make a trip over to Israel this year and go to the the Sodom locations and yeah that that all got put on hold as well yeah that's what happens unfortunately yeah a little tiny viruses has stopped the world yeah but anyway that's another issue well a lot of people you know you know obviously Christians believe in that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a real story but you know a lot of people listening even to this stream you know might not believe that why why do you believe that these are real events and that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of the plains being destroyed actually happened well that's a good question and it comes down to your world paradigm if you start with the Bible as being the Word of God which I do as do you know genuine Christians do stories like Sodom and Gomorrah Noah's flood for example the Red Sea crossing these are not parables these are not myths they're written as history in the Bible they're written as this is what took place this is not some sort of dream or imagination but it is history it's tightly woven with the history of Abraham Abraham was there he was an eyewitness to the destruction of these cities his nephew was living in Sodom so if you take the Bible as as a history book then these cities have to be somewhere and there's evidence coming out now through archaeology that backs up how significant this was for example archaeologists digging in Jordan have unearthed large cemeteries where the Canaanites of the time of Abraham were bearing their dead and these cemeteries are huge they're massive they found so far out of they've excavated three out of these five cemeteries and they estimate so far out of those three they've found 15 sorry 1.5 million one and a half million graves now obviously when God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that process stopped you know the Canaanites were destroyed and they were no longer using these cemeteries but to have cemeteries of that size shows the size the scale the enormity of these cities they were not little tiny villages these were big cities and so if that's the case there's got to be some evidence somewhere of where they were and thanks to the research of Ron Wyatt and others who followed up since yeah we believe we know exactly where they are and what's found at these locations is exactly what you'd expect to find if you think through the Bible story you have cities and what were the cities made of largely limestone if you go to Jerusalem today you'll see the city walls all made of limestone the buildings are made of limestone so picture limestone cities being destroyed by fire from heaven and brimstone which is another word for sulfur they think about the temperatures involved in fire from heaven think about the story of Elijah remember when there was a showdown on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and Elijah and each group the prophets of Baal made an altar and put a sacrifice on it and tried to get Baal to light the sacrifice and nothing happened then when it was Elijah's turn and he prayed for fire to come down the fire that came down it says burnt up the stones even vaporized the stones so we're talking when fire comes down from God out of heaven that is super hot we're talking supernatural temperatures here and so if you burnt entire cities made of limestone with that kind of heat and you put sulfur into the mix you're going to have left behind an ash that is a sulfate and indeed these these large areas and geometric shapes within them of calcium sulfate ash and when we've had these analyzed in the lab the reports say these are very clean that the lack of trace elements is significant and that's exactly what you expect to find in ash from an intensely hot furnace anything that can be burnt or vaporizes has gone up in smoke and left behind very pure clean ash and that is not natural you don't find that in nature you know formations that are lacking in trace minerals it's consistent though with ash from the fire so yeah I hope that answered the question yeah well you know the God said in 2nd Peter 2 6 in turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemn them with an overthrow making them an example and unto those that after should live ungodly so the Bible says that he turned it into ashes the rocks even into ashes the whole city in the ashes and that is just a fascinating thought to think about how you could turn rocks and limestone into ashes real quick so the in Genesis the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is in Genesis 18 and 19 it talks about how they were consumed by fire and brimstone can you talk about the story and kind of set up what exactly we're talking about sure the Bible describes that area as being like the Garden of the Lord or the Garden of Eden now this area when you go there today you drive down from Jerusalem say down the highway down to the Dead Sea where these places were you're going below sea level you're 400 meters below sea level when you get to the Dead Sea and obviously it was a very good climate it says in the Bible that it was well watered if you go there today it's a very dry desert and you've got the salt sea down the bottom but it's very dry desert but back in Abraham's day it says it was well watered everywhere like the Garden of the Lord or like the Garden of Eden and in fact that's been confirmed by what the archaeologists find and these graveyards of the Canaanites when the Canaanites were buried they were buried with large pots with food you know some cultures had a belief in an afterlife and they had to give them food and things for the next life so they bury these people with food and when the what's called a paleo-ethnobotanist which is someone who examines ancient botany has examined the contents of these jars they found wonderful things they found dates figs peaches or a whole manner of stuff that you think well it's obviously a very good climate to grow all these things watermelons is another one they found watermelon seeds so back in the days of Abraham this was a very lush fertile well watered area and so these cities obviously flourish there because it was a good climate they could grow food in abundance they had in fact it's I can't remember the reference but the Bible talks about how they had an abundance of food and plenty of idle time and so these cities obviously flourish plenty of food nice climate and you know there's a saying that Satan Satan finds things for idle hands to do if you heard that expression and so what these the inhabitants of these cities got into was well to put it bluntly sexual perversion the term Sodom is used even today in the English language for that's the root word for sodomy and so this what's a polite way to say it this lifestyle was obviously spreading and God thought he needs to put a stop to it before it destroyed the whole world maybe God had to destroy the world at the time of because the world had become so wicked so he was if you like a cancer starting again in the world where which God had to stop so he came to Abraham and said I need to destroy these cities and Abraham reasoned with God you can read the story where Abraham said what if there's 50 righteous people there and God said no I wouldn't destroy it if there's 50 righteous and then he said well what if there's 45 and then 40 and he went all the way down to 10 what if there's 10 righteous people in these cities and God says I would not destroy it if there's 10 righteous there well how many did he find when the two angels went down to Sodom how many people listened Lot invited these two angels they look like humans obviously into his house and in the house got surrounded by the inhabitants of the city we're told demanding that lot send these two strangers out that they may well to put it politely rape them says know them kindly in the New King James and lot said my brethren don't do so wickedly and they would have probably killed him and the angels open the door and pulled lot back into the house and shut the door and said get out of this place God's going to destroy it and the story goes lot went to his his sons-in-law who had married two of his daughters and said get out of here God's going to destroy this place and it says in the Bible that he appeared as one that mocked unto them in other words they didn't take this seriously then the story goes and the angels just took hold of lot and his wife and his other two daughters and literally took them out of the city dragged them out and said go get to the mountains and then God sent down foreign brimstone to destroy the cities so that's sort of the background to what took place and these were obviously on a busy trade route so that should we say the perversions of going on in the city would have spread further and further so God stopped it nipped it in the bud so to speak yeah and in these weren't just a couple cities because when we think of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah we think of Sodom and Gomorrah you know we don't think of the other cities of the plane when when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah can you explain that that it was there was the cities of the plane yes the Bible describes it's when Moses is writing about this 400 years later in Genesis he says the veil he talks about the veil of Sidon or the valley of Sidon he says which is the salt sea so when Moses wrote Genesis about 400 years after he could say that what used to be the veil of Sidon or the valley of Sidon was then at his time already the salt sea what we call the Dead Sea today and the Bible talks about a battle that took place in this valley where the they were invading armies coming in and the kings of these cities went out with armies to meet them and they had a battle in this valley of Sidon since then the geographies change obviously the the Dead Sea has filled up with water and the water is so salty if ever you get over there and you float in the water you you bob like a cork on the water because the water is so dense there's so much dissolved solids in the water I will warn you if you do go there and if you have a scratch anywhere on you or on your foot and you get it you feel it straight away yeah the water is so salty and a little clue don't dive headfirst into it you get it in your eyes yeah and you'll you'll know we were there one time and someone had just done that when we pulled up and he was coming out saying help me help me and people took him over to the showers because I have showers near the Dead Sea where you swim to rinse all the salt off yeah so if you go there don't put your head under the water yeah I can relate to that well that verse you were talking about earlier was I think you're referring to Ezekiel 16 49 where it says behold this is the iniquity of thy sister Sodom the pride fullness of bread in abundance of idleness and so yeah yeah these were very rich and wealthy cities at that time they had a lot of trade and industry you know in the discoveries they made in those graves they did find a lot of like exotic fruits and nuts can can you talk more about about that yeah obviously before God destroyed these cities it likens it to the God of the Lord it was well watered and there was a value there you know the fact that it's below sea levels probably enhance that I don't know if you've heard of the concept of a hyperbaric chamber where you know where they use it in say sports medicine and apparently if you and a hyperbaric chamber and they up the oxygen level any cuts or wounds heal or much quicker are you done if you were there and there's been experiments where they've done where they put plants inside higher oxygen and the plants do very good well before the flood and they've also analyzed oxygen you know when they find it because it's insects and amber you know the handle where they find in the air and the air bubbles within the amber and typically it's more like 30% oxygen rather than like the 19 and a half or whatever it is to be here today so and you know before the flood they would giant insects they find in the fossil record they find dragonflies with one meter wingspans they found centipedes eight feet long you know so obviously in those conditions things flourish very well especially insect life now when you go 400 meters below sea level to the dead sea you're actually you know sort of a mimicking if you like of a hyperbaric chamber because you're under higher air pressure not not a huge amount but it's significant enough that perhaps when the place is well watered plant life would have flourished even better there than elsewhere so that could have led to as that texture reading where it says they had plenty of food I'm paraphrasing you know an abundance of bread they weren't short on food because probably the conditions were just perfect for growing and so they didn't have to speak out a living just to feed themselves yeah well one of the one of the proofs to the Sodom and Gomorrah story outside the Bible is the Ebla tablets and that's something that really fascinates me is those findings can you explain what is the Ebla tablets and what and how was that discovery so monumental yes Ebla or Ebla not quite sure how you pronounce it is a place up in Syria and it's it was it's what you call it tell if you go across countries that have been inhabited for centuries or millennia should I say by Turkey you find all over Turkey for example what are called tells tell and the effect of there a man-made mound that used to be a city or a town and as the town will get destroyed perhaps by an invasion or just as it grew that level it out and build on top and so these man-made mounds study grew in height and then when they cease to be inhabited they're just like these man-made mounds which if the archaeologists dig into you will find building ruins and other archaeological evidence of the cultures that were living there and so Ebla was a tell tell my Duke I think was called from memory in northern Syria and when the archaeologists came to excavate it they discovered it was the old city of Ebla and one of the tablets said there's a population of about I think from memory is about two hundred and sixty thousand people living there so it was quite a sizable city and this city had obviously been destroyed by an invasion because when they came to the palace ruins they began excavating that they found the royal archives like a library where they had been shelves of these clay tablets written in cuneiform script stacked up and obviously perhaps the palace got burnt down in the invasion and this library of tablets was just left where it all collapsed down and so that was a real treasure trove for the archaeologists here's this library of tablets and when they started translating them they found names which match biblical names like apparently found by Abraham was a name they found and they came across the names of Sodom and Gomorrah and apparently one of the tablets listed the whole five cities you know the Bible mentions five cities Sodom, Gomorrah, Admar, Zeboyim and what was it Admar and so here's these five cities mentioned in these tablets so clearly they dated back to the same time period and they were known as cities that were flourishing in the days when Ebla was a an existing town yeah and that was the first time these places were mentioned outside of the biblical record yeah which is just more proof that the Bible is true can you talk about Josephus now Josephus wrote that he was able he knew where the locations of the city of the plains were back then can you talk about that yes Josephus was a first century Jewish historian so we're talking about 2,000 years ago little is now of course the events of Sodom and Gomorrah took place in the days of Abraham which is almost another 2,000 years before Josephus so we're talking 2,000 years after Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed Josephus wrote and he said in his writings he said the traces the remnants of those cities can still be seen today and that was 2,000 years ago so clearly even in his day there was enough evidence and that's significant because people have speculated that maybe these cities were in the veil of Sodom now they're under the water under the Dead Sea and so you can never see them but that's wrong for two reasons and one is the Bible calls them the cities of the plain not the cities of the veil because you had this large plain and in the middle of the plain was this valley they're not called the cities of the valley they're called the cities of the plain and the fact that Josephus 2,000 years later when the Dead Sea was full of water he could say you can still see the remains of the cities so therefore based on that the cities are still visible today outside the Dead Sea they're not under the Dead Sea and indeed where they've been located is on the plain around the Dead Sea visible today yeah one of the topics I forgot to bring up when we were talking about the wealth of Sodom and Gomorrah was the the bitment the bitumen pits how do you pronounce that in English we say bitumen okay so now I know this is speculation on your part but do you believe that that was what created a lot of the wealth possibly yes it talks about the Tower of Babel was cemented together with this so obviously biblically speaking it was used as a building material it must have been quite a good resource so yeah we don't know but it could well be that the wealth of these areas was to do with mining stuff and selling it as a building material or whatever they used it for yeah that that makes a lot of sense yeah can you explain what it is for people are like what are you guys talking about like what is the substance and where was it located well it talks in the Bible about in the in the valley of Sodom were these slime pits slime which would be the bitumen and it's interesting when they had the battle down in the valley that it called these were significant in that battle it's bitumen I guess is like it a byproduct of the process that generates oil you know when oil companies go mining for oil this is related to that so it appears that I don't know if you know but the Dead Sea will this veil of Sittim is part of a big fault in the Earth's crust it runs all the way through down through the Gulf of Aqaba you know the Gulf of Aqaba is really deep because the Dead Sea is right in line with the Gulf of Aqaba and that fault in the Earth's crust goes all the way into Africa and it's called the Rift Valley when you come to Africa you might have heard of the Rift Valley there so this is like a big fault line in the Earth's crust and obviously during Noah's flood this must have been quite a deep crevasse when the Earth's crust actually cracked open and obviously filled with material and whatever it was underneath the Dead Sea area must have been quite valuable and even today there are large mining works on the shores of the Dead Sea and they they extract magnesium out of the the Dead Sea water and other materials for fertilizer works and the things so this must have been a mineral rich area and yeah that's probably why it made it attractive for cities to flourish there they had you know minerals to mine the bitumen and a lovely climate you know so it's probably why people got established down there today it's just a dry desert you think who would want to live down here it gets really hot in summer but obviously the climate was much nicer back in the days of Abraham yeah I was watching a video that you you did when you were out there and you look so hot it is really it gets really hot out there so um exactly and the landscape just looks so barren just the mountains are just you know yeah nothing green on them at all you get these little shrubs where you might get a little dry stream bed but otherwise it's just barren as you know it's amazing yeah well um if for those of you who are a little unsure what we're talking about I really encourage you to go check out Ron Wyatt's video that he made on this subject I think just type in Ron Wyatt Sodom and Gomorrah on YouTube and you can find it it's a fascinating fascinating story I guess I I kind of want to just talk to you about your experience going out there for the first time and looking at these sites do you believe that I mean did it seem very convincing to you actually laying eyes on it yes the first time I went there was when was it 1999 and driving past I mean we knew what we're looking for we had someone take us there who who knew this area very well she had traveled with Ron Wyatt many times and Ron used to China all these things she took groups and so she showed us around we were actually hoping to meet Ron Wyatt on location but he wasn't well at that stage so he said look meet up with this lady she will show you all the places so she took us there and as you drive down the the road beside the Dead Sea and you glance across and you can see these whitish areas if you just look at them superficially it looks like it's part of the natural landscape but when you go off the road and go and investigate these areas you start to see things that don't stack up naturally now obviously it's been nearly 4,000 years for millennia since these cities were destroyed so naturally there's going to be wind erosion rain erosion but still you can discern geometric shapes square shapes of the Sashi material these places look like towers perfectly round towers these mounds that have like steps in them and there were holes perhaps they had beams inside a building going through when you look at the material itself it's many many layers of fine material alternating between calcium sulfate and calcium carbonate you ask yourself what natural process would build up layer upon layer like that now some of us said well maybe water maybe it's sedimentary deposits from the lake built up all these layers but you ask yourself what process in the lake builds up these alternating thin layers it's almost like a switch calcium sulfate calcium carbonate calcium sulfate calcium carbonate one after the other and part of the problem with that is these materials every powdery if you if you pull some out you can crush it in your hands yet if you mix it with water it goes rock solid because what's a good analogy do you know what I mean by plaster of Paris yeah right you know somebody breaks their arm they used to put a plaster cast on their arm that plaster cast of the material they use is calcium sulfate that have powdered calcium sulfate mix it with water and it sits quite hard you know that's why people have a their arm in a plaster cast to stop their I'm moving so if you mix water with calcium sulfate it goes rock hard and yet these layers on the top yes you have a very hard lay with the rain has splashed on it but you get below that rock solid layer and you find it's all powdery so how could water have laid down these layers and it still remained a powder when it's evident we have rain and water does get on it it does go hard but underneath it's still powdery do you know do you follow what I'm saying yeah so how could a lake deposit these layers and have what process would make it alternate between two very pure substances over and over and over but if you look at the concept that Ron put forward that this is what they call thermal ionization where you get an intensely hot fire basically what's there becomes almost like a plasma and it starts separating out as the ions repellent attract each other so it separates out into these layers and there are places where these layers go in a swirling pattern like this and other places we can find where the concentrates on a point as if there's something distorting the plane there and then of course you find embedded in these places you find bits of charcoal so something was burning there and of course along the top layers you find these sulfur balls the only reasonable explanation is this is the remains of buildings made of limestone that were burnt with an intense heat super intense heat I mean to illustrate how hot that had to be if you get a block of concrete for example and you get a blowtorch and start burning this block of concrete will you turn that block of concrete into ash no you won't you might blacken the surface but to turn meters of meters of limestone all the way through into ash that had to be super natural heat you follow what I'm saying and so this makes sense and of course as I mentioned before we had these analyzed we took samples here to analyze at a lab they say this is very clean that the absence of trace minerals is significant this is more consistent with ash so here we have piles of ash and geometric shapes with sulfur balls and charcoal embedded in it can you think of any story in the Bible that could produce or something like that yeah well Genesis 18 19 well I think the sulfur balls are the most telling because when you look at just finding all these sulfur sulfur balls all over especially after 4,000 years you're still finding them and you know if Josephus knew of them existing most people back then must have also known and I'm sure they went to those sites and and picked out sulfur sulfur balls of their own and so you know just throughout the years you know you can see how you know the evidence would slowly be taken away but it's it's still there today it's just fascinating now were those sulfur balls are they just around a lot or is it harder to find them now to be honest if you go to the sites that Ron publicized like Sodom and especially Gomorrah are just underneath Masada and it's getting very hard to find them because so many people have obviously seen these videos and gone in and collected bags I've got videos when we first when they have school kids there's a school trip a Bible school trip came down and the kids had bags full of these sulfur balls around fighting them so there they are hard to find now but I tell you what if you go to some of the sites in Jordan and there are some over there too that might have been related to this maybe a temple complex over there and these are out of the way places they're all over the place they're very easy to find but where they've been picked over by the tourists it's getting harder and harder to find now on the surface anyway so yeah so I guess it's kind of a mixed bag where it's like it's it's not a you know it's cool to get the story out and let people know about this but you know you know one of the verses I read earlier is that second Peter verse where it talked about it the Sodom and Gomorrah was an example unto those that should live after can you explain just how you know it could only be an example you know an example if if you could see it and and look at it exactly that's a very good point the fact the Bible says these are an example or an example those who after means it's got to be something that people can see and that ties it with Joseph is saying that remains are still visible in his day and I guess here's an interesting point when God sent down fire on the altar that Elijah had built it said the stones were consumed now if you add sulfur to that sort of reaction the sulfur would react with the limestone and remain there as an ash and so perhaps God ended the brimstone into this this chemical reaction if you want to call it out the fire and the brimstone being added as well for the purpose of leaving the ash behind so that centuries after his people Israel living next door could see these as a reminder you know they're there that's the remains of Sodom Gomorrah right down there you know next to the Dead Sea as a reminder of what took place in the days of Abraham and that probably helped keep Israel reminded that God did not tolerate that kind of abuse should we say wow that yeah that would fit that's a fast yeah I mean this whole conversation is just so interesting and that's why I want you on because I watched a few your videos that you that lecture you gave it was just so well put together how you you broke down all these different facts and I really encourage you guys to go watch that that presentation because it really does make you just kind of just stand in awe of how God you know did this yeah something else we didn't touch on is the actual sulfur balls themselves are significant because when we took them to the lab to have analyzed these sulfur balls a very pale white almost creamy color you know sulfur is normally sort of here's an example this sort of yellow color don't you can see that but the the sulfur balls are almost like almost white almost like a very pale creamy color not the bright yellow that we used to seeing with sulfur here's another example something yellow you know sulfur is normally this sort of color very bright yellow but the sulfur balls are almost a whitey cream color and when you pull them out it's it's in a form of like chalk or how do you say America chalk you know that stuff you write on a blackboard with very soft powder you rub your fingers on it and your fingers are coated in powder so it's almost like pressed powder balls of this free pale white sulfur and when we had to analyze it's actually extremely pure the form of these sulfur balls that you find at these sites is extremely pure elemental sulfur but it's in a form that's like pressed powder when we had it analyzed at the lab that he said this is interesting because this is what they call monoclinic sulfur here's a little bit of a chemistry lesson sulfur is normally what they call rhombic it's where you get eight atoms of sulfur forms a ring and that's the sulfur molecule but if you cook that soft if you heat it up it'll break down into individual atoms they call it monoclinic and that form doesn't last long before it reverts back to the rhombic type but yet the sulfur we find at these sites is still my clinic yet here it is down the open embedded all through these action formations and you take the Bible story that God sent down fire and brimstone from heaven this is of divine origin and it makes sense because this it's totally unique the form you don't find anywhere else in the world and yet there it is you can go and collect your own sample take it to lab and say tell us about this and also this is you know not as it's normally found in nature yeah so well it's all part of the in sample to the world you know yeah and it's more proof that you know these are legitimate sulfur balls it's it's fascinating yeah what why is this conversation important why does why do these things matter well that's a good point if we go back to the words of Jesus himself and this is what Christianity's all about it's all about Christ that outlined prophecy in Matthew 24 he said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be the days of the coming of the Son of Man and he also said as it was in the days of a lot you remember that one so I ended us of what took place in the days of lot he says the people they were planting building etc and knew not until the day that lot basically I'm paraphrasing taken out of the city and destruction came so Jesus reminded us he pointed that to that as an example here were these things that had the wilderness of law they must have known about Abraham if you go back to the story leading up to the destruction do you remember how he's came in and actually captured they conquered and captured all the people in these cities and Abraham came with 300 servants and rescued them must have been amazing because I don't know how big the armies that came in were but to conquer entire cities and for Abraham with just 300 servants to go and recover the captives obviously God was blessing him mightily and this must have been a wake up call to these people that God was with this man Abraham and yet despite that instead of saying well we need to find out about the God of Abraham they went back to their wicked lifestyle and so the point where God said enough is enough God always sends a warning first and like he said as it was in the days of Lot so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man if we ignore the warnings that God sends us then we're going to be doing exactly the same thing as those people in the cities you know God will send a message he'll send a messenger whatever it takes to to wake up people wake up you know destruction is coming if we ignore that message then we run else to blame when the destruction comes and the fact that it says these are in samples unto those who after should live ungodly and they're visible today is that not a message to today's society wake up people this is what happened in the past you know God doesn't change he says I change not you know there's some people who say if God doesn't do something soon he might have to apologize to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah we heard that saying it's it's a poignant way of saying you know God does have a limit here's a here's a limit which he will not let people go beyond and we know as Jesus said he's coming again and as it was in the days of Lot so shall it be so what do we see in the world today the same conditions you know when it speaks of Sodom you know it talked about how there was a fullness of bread and everything and it definitely is a lot like the how the world is today in America in New Zealand I mean you have that fullness of bread and so it definitely is a warning to everyone so exactly fullness of bread but abundance of idleness yeah you know we're in the same conditions and so it's leading to the same situation yeah exactly well how can people support you Ross how what what is a way for people to look up more information on you and to support you I do have a website it's discovery news dotnet so discovery news dotnet it's a website I've been meaning to develop more thoroughly it's just got a few videos popped up there but there is a contact page on there so if anyone has any more questions or would like to know more information you're welcome to go through that contact page I'll happily stop anybody will have a zoom meeting if people want to have a chat like we've just had so yeah yeah I an option to you so yeah flick me an email yeah we can arrange it what was this discovery seminar in India Indiana did you did you go to that or not okay no that's a good friend of mine meetings as well so he was doing that one we're doing one next week in a town in New Zealand we did one two weeks ago in another town through the north of New Zealand so yeah we do these seminars all the time yeah so can you even travel can you even travel to America are you guys even allowed to or is it you have to quarantine well the situation seems to be changing all the time yeah look if I get an invite to the States I'll be totally open to coming if you come into New Zealand you have to quarantine for two weeks at this point in time but yeah I'm not sure I'd have to look up to find out what happens if we go from New Zealand you know to States but look you know I'm open to that we could find out if someone wants to do a seminar there be more than happy to to find out what we have to do yeah that that would be great to do a big seminar on it but well I really appreciate you coming on the show today Ross and it's very interesting subject I hope you have a good day and God bless thank you very much Paul much appreciated all right well that was Ross Patterson you can find out more information on him at discovery news dotnet and yeah so I appreciate him coming on the program and talking to us we got to get him on the show and talk about this Saudi Arabia Mount Sinai and the Red Sea crossing because all these topics are fascinating and so we'll talk well we'll have them back on and we'll do more shows on this I just I I kind of just want to talk about Sodom and Gomorrah at the location right now cuz I'm into it right now I wrote this whole script cuz I was gonna make this movie on this topic how long is this script so it's just a short 19 page script that I wrote on this research I did this like a I don't know a year ago or so and it's just fascinating it's a fascinating conversation I hope you enjoyed this stream we lost him there the lost connection there for a little bit but all in all I think we're great and I seemed like a nice guy so hopefully I can make it out to New Zealand someday and interview him for the film or you know maybe maybe we could do a conference because that would be really neat too but all right guys well thank you for tuning in to tonight's program don't forget to thumbs up this video and subscribe to our Bitchute and Brightion channels because censorship guys it's out of control and I want to make sure I get my audience over to those alternative sites just in case we get shut down and so I appreciate everyone's support out there I appreciate just you know all the love we've been getting through the website through the emails and just from orders people ordering from the store it is much appreciated guys we have a whole new line of t-shirts that we are gonna be doing I say we I mean me I you know I made a video about this a while ago but I haven't really talked about it since I have gone crazy here guys I have started a new business a new t-shirt business and I can do hoodies sweatshirts whatever I can do kids clothes I I have gone big guys I got all the gear it's all being shipped to me and so it's not everything there's like I'm waiting on like three main things so hopefully they will be here by the end of next week so if you pre-ordered some stuff I apologize I expected to have these things earlier but you know the coronavirus seems to be a great excuse for everyone right now so we'll just blame the coronavirus on these things not happening but you know if you guys want to get one of those shirts you definitely help me out because I've I've blown through a lot of money trying to set up this new business here and so you can check out these new designs we got Jesus is essential fearful Thane hashtag soul winner surfing monkeys evolution is dumb so we got a lot of great shirts on the website as well as some conspiracy shirts to say no to mandatory vaccines so go check out these shirts guys support us at framing the world calm and you know help me start this new business cuz you know I've gone full board here you know I've been watching tutorials left and right I feel like I'm gonna be able to really do a good job with this I'm gonna we're gonna have I'm gonna it's gonna be like a whole it's gonna be like my own label it's gonna be my own clothing line cuz I'm gonna print my own neck labels like I'm gonna rip out the tags do the neck labels you know the shirts are a way higher quality now because I'm not paying someone else to do it you can get a higher quality shirt so I'm going with a lot higher of a quality t-shirt this time and I you know I I really wasn't able to do this before returns as much before because I was ordering so many of them and but I think what I'm gonna start doing is doing more returns so if people are not happy with their shirt for some reason maybe it's just too small maybe they just ordered the wrong size that's no problem so you guys have to ship it back on your dime if if you order the wrong size if there's some other reason then that's on me but if you order the wrong size some you pay for to ship back and then we'll ship it back to you on our dime but we want you to be happy with the shirts you have and especially now that I can just print another one yeah so yeah so we're gonna start off small and start off small by doing one colors we'll do a bunch of those you know and then once I master the art of the t-shirt we'll move on to some other things sweaters stuff like that so I it's just something I've always wanted to do and you know I like to challenge myself if you guys don't don't know yet I like to do new things that challenge myself all the time and it seems like I constantly am taking on these huge tasks but you know what I'm gonna pull it off guys I'm gonna pull it off and you're gonna love these shirts so make sure to go to framing the world calm get one of the shirts today and support us yeah I really need some more pre-orders come in and another thing is if you order now you only have to pay $14.95 so you get five bucks off so that's one benefit once the shirts are now shipping I'm gonna raise those all up to $19.95 and it'll stay at that because I I don't have to do discounts as much to get rid of them anymore because I'm not sitting on like this huge stash of shirts because before you know I'd do one design and I'd have to buy 300 of them and then if it's a hit you know it's great you run out of sizes real quick and then you have all these other sizes like oh crap I can't reorder till all these other sizes are gone just a headache this way you know I can do a bunch of different designs and just print on demand as people want them as people that buy them you know and then obviously if it's not a seller we just say see ya and we do a different design so I think it's a great idea if you have any t-shirt ideas for me send them to Paul at framing the world calm I'll definitely steal your idea happy to steal your idea but yeah thanks for tuning in guys share these videos help me get the word out about the show spread it far and wide god bless guys