(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right guys, welcome to Framing the World Live. Today is a special restream of an interview we did back on April 4th. Now this interview was officially banned by YouTube and removed from our YouTube channel, and so we just wanted to restream the entire YouTube segment. I did edit out a few things that were just like the giveaway stuff and everything like that, we're not doing a giveaway on this live stream, but I wanted to have this content out and it makes absolutely no sense that YouTube would remove this content. The official explanation they gave is this video has been removed, inappropriate content. And now I want you guys to watch this live stream, this very important restream, and tell me is this inappropriate content? This is ridiculous. And so watch this live stream today. It was originally uploaded April 4th, it had 3609 views at the time it was removed. And it features Amanda Vollmer. And we're talking about DMSO today, we're talking about, we're talking about DMSO, we're talking about the coronavirus, we're talking about 5G, and I think that's the reason why it was removed. Because it makes absolutely no sense to remove this content because it's health related stuff, it's great content, and I really hope you guys support me on Patreon, subscribe to our Patreon account. You know, these live streams are important. So far, since we've been doing these live streams almost like three times a week or so, we've had four live streams removed because of inappropriate content. And so we're going to be restreaming this entire program, of course we've cut out a few things, but it's pretty much how it was. And you know, make sure you comment on this, share this video, YouTube doesn't want us to get this information out. And I think it's very important information. If you haven't yet purchased some DMSO, make sure you click on the link in the description of this video, support us there. And yeah guys, thank you so much to everyone that has been following this channel and subscribed to this channel. Make sure you thumbs up this video and share it before it gets banned again, because it probably will. But you know what, we're going to restream this because it's very important content and we'd like to have Amanda on the show in the future. So I'm trying to get her book in stock right now. And then once I get the book in stock, we're going to have her back on the show. But again, guys, check out this band, framing the world live stream content right now. God bless. All right, guys, we are live with another live stream. It's going to be awesome. We're going to be talking with Amanda Vollmer tonight. And so I'm really excited about this stream. We're going to be talking about DMSO, we're going to be talking about COVID-19, and we're also going to be talking about 5G. So these are all things that she's interested in and she has on her website. If you go to her website, actually, you can check out some of her videos and stuff. She's a really interesting woman. And I'm really looking forward to hearing what she has to say. So make sure you subscribe to the channel, make sure you hit that notification bell to be notified, and make sure you thumbs up the video, guys, if you could. So we're going to call up Amanda here in about 10 minutes or so, we'll get her on the line. We're also going to take some calls later on. Paul, did you ever get that website, or not the website, email set up? Yes, I did. So let's talk about that. That's a good point. Yeah, so I have an email now. So if you contact us at live at framingtheworld.com, so you can email us any kind of questions you have, anything that's related to this show, make sure to email us at live at framingtheworld.com. We'll try to respond to those emails, but if you have any show tips or just any kind of insight, just give us a ring through there. I know Dustin's wanted this for a while now, so we achieved it, Dustin. Yeah, I put it in the chat, but I spelled it wrong, so. Okay. Yeah, I think it'll be good, and that'll be a good way if we can keep tabs on that during the show, they'll be able to kind of communicate with us that way. So if they want to try to give us some content, because we've been on the internet, we're paying attention to what's going on, and I've seen some of these videos and these clips of doctors and news clips and such going around about what's happening in current events. So we might be able to recognize some of those things that might be relevant to what we're saying currently on the show, so we can always keep an eye on the email and pull stuff up and be able to get it in for the show. And what we're trying to do is we're trying to go layers deep here. We're trying to get this skill level up. We just got out of the T-Ball League, and we're heading into Little League live streaming, and eventually we'll be pros and we'll be giving the mainstream media a run for its money, with the green screen and everything. Yeah, well, no green screen. But basically what we're doing is everyone that donates to the Framing the World link that we've been posting on all these live streams, basically we're taking all that money and just putting it back into the show. And so we're buying more equipment and stuff. I just purchased a bunch more of equipment that we're going to get to do graphics and to do playback, do that better without the mess ups of yesterday's stream. Was it yesterday? Did we do that? No, Saturday's stream, yeah. But yeah, this is going to be a great show. She's a really interesting lady. I listened to her a long time ago because I really don't know that much about DMSO. All I know is that it just works great. I know people that I trust recommend it. And so that's what this show is about. We're going to learn what it is. So that's what we're going to be asking her, just basic questions. What is DMSO? And just going through that. But she also has a lot of insight into the coronavirus and 5G and everything being a natural path. So I look forward to it. So I'm just going to go here to the chat. We've got some people in here in the chat today. If you guys want to say what's up, just go ahead and throw us a message here. William Edward Hackman, I see him a lot. He's a faithful follower here of the channel and it seems like he hops on the live stream. Matthew Pendleton, Crystal Wallace. There goes Logan, glad to see he's paying attention. Raphael M says, what's up? Amanda Lee says hello from Ontario, Canada. Elke, I don't know how to pronounce that, Keown, Keown. Hello everyone from Ringgold, Georgia, Elkeown, Mark Christopher Barfield, Active Denial System. Look it up, y'all. So there you go. See, look at that. It's gone out to 88 people have seen in the chat to look up Active Denial System. It might be an insult to us, maybe. I don't know. Maybe he's talking about us, so I'm just kidding. So let's look up Active Denial System. Why not? I'll check it out. Paul, do you want to let them know the number where they can call in? Yeah, so if you guys want to call in, call in at 480-465-1203. That's 480-465-1203. We'll take your call. And in fact, I would like to maybe ask some questions if Amanda doesn't mind doing this to let people call in and just ask her questions about DMSO. She's really knowledgeable on the subject. She's actually writing a book about the issue, and so I don't know if the book's out yet or not, but I know it's supposed to be out this month, so you can get that book from her as well. Hopefully I'll be able to get that for my website, too, because I'm telling you guys, this DMSO is the most amazing product. It really does a great job. It helps on all types of different things, and we're going to learn about that tonight. All right, so I looked up Active Denial System, which is recommended that we look it up. And it says, according to Wikipedia, Active Denial System is a non-lethal directed energy weapon developed by the United States military, okay, and it's designed for area of denial, which means don't go there, perimeter security, and crowd control. So I've heard about this before. I think it shoots bad feelings towards people. I don't know to what extent it can paralyze people or make them not want to do what they're doing. I don't know if it creates a pain or discomfort. I don't know, but it's like a vibrational wave that can be directed directly at crowds. That came up as one of the searches, so like it says, people who also look for that, I don't see anything about 5G, but just say yes. Maybe we're right. We'll just assume it is. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah. See, this is what I've seen. It's got this truck they pull up, and it's got this big, looks like a satellite dish, and it just shoots the ray beam at the people, and I don't know how big it can be, or there it is right there. There it is. So I don't know. Maybe if you guys don't stay in your house, instead of listening to the recommendation to stay home and stay safe, remember? I think it says stay home, stay safe. Is that what it is? That's what it says on the freeway. Is it saying stay home, stay safe? It says that on the freeway. It's kind of like a passive-aggressive threat. Right. Is that how you really- You want to be safe, don't you? Yeah, stay home, stay safe. What's this shirt there? So yeah, this is Arthur's A-Team Electric. We never send the B-Team. This is Rob Arthur's company, so if you need any kind of electrical service, they're the team to call. He's the man. This show is brought to you by Arthur's A-Team Electric. We never send the B-Team. All right, I'm going to go ahead and ring Amanda. Yeah, let's do it. Can you hear us, Amanda? Hi, I can hear you perfectly. Okay, I just want to make sure she can hear. Yeah, we can hear her. So we're going to take my image away so people don't have to look at me. They can see you. Are they okay? So we can see you great, Amanda. We just can't- You won't be able to see us. Oh, well. All right, Dustin, why don't you introduce her, and then we'll get going. Okay, everybody. So our special guest tonight is Amanda Vollmer, and Amanda holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology from the University of Lethbridge, and that's in Alberta, Canada. So she is a Canuck, I'm supposing. They're usually pretty cool folks, so. Yeah. All right, so she's got that degree, and a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and that's in Toronto as well. So she also has her previous experience as a certified lab animal technician at the University of Alberta. So most of her life has been taken, she has taken an interest in botanical medicine, so that means plants, okay, guys? So self-educating on the topic many years before becoming her formal medical training. So that's what she's been focusing on, is medicine. She has the experience with the animals and the plants, and currently she's authoring a book about DMSO, and that's what we were talking about tonight, DMSO, which is dimethyl sulfoxide, and I don't know what that means specifically, I'm sure it's relevant. But her book will be out in April of 2020, so anytime now. I'm sure she's going to pronounce that a little bit better too, yeah. I just wanted to sound smart. And so I also have her website here, so she can go into it, her website is Yummy Mummy Emporium, so that's yummymummyemporium.org, so she's the proprietor of Yummy Mummy Emporium and Apothecary in Minden, Ontario, Canada, where she supplies all natural solutions for detoxing and healing disease. So you know, in this current era where we live, there's so much junk that we just take on all the time, that detoxing has to be part of your regimen, and that's a simple way to stay healthy without going overboard, it's just getting rid of all the junk. So I'm sure she can give us some tips on how to do that, how to help ourselves to stay healthy by staying detoxified. So Amanda, thanks for coming on the show, tell us a little bit more about yourself, please. Hey, thanks for having me, it's wonderful to be here, it was a great intro. I've been doing a lot since I came out of school, I mean, my whole life I've been learning and researching and always being, actually I was an artist at first, so I wanted to be an artist and then I realized, you know, I was told I couldn't make money being an artist, which I don't think is the case, but what it did is it put my trajectory in a different way, so I started to study more of the sciences, even though I was always interested in the natural sciences, and I basically was in school all the way from when I was little through till I was almost 30, and it was quite a shock coming out of school and seeing what reality was like, and I did a lot of traveling, but then after school I had a baby and I decided to get out of Toronto because I found the city energies really intense for me, especially while pregnant and being an empath, which is basically someone who's very sensitive to energies, and that offered me a situation where I could, I became a single mom, I could own a house and I could have a storefront in the house, because in this little town that I moved into, it was a grandfathered clause, so I actually began this particular leg of my journey, because I had a baby, I couldn't find natural remedies, like I wanted to say a diaper cream and it was all natural, there wasn't anything in it that was questionable, and what happened is I ended up having to make it because I literally couldn't find it on the market, even the ones that said were green at the time were still questionable, so I decided to make it and I actually loved making these natural skincare products and things and I just kept going, kept going, and now I make over 150 different remedies, and that's where I started my business, the Yummy Mummy Emporium, and then I had this little bottle of DMSO, which is dimethyl sulfoxide, so DMSO stands for dimethyl sulfoxide, and it's from trees, it actually is an extract of trees and it comes off of the pulp and paper industry, actually, it's like a waste product, trees are held upright, they're very strong and sturdy, and then when they have to make paper from it, they use something called white liquor, and it's two chemicals put together to wash the DMSO out of it, and then it becomes pulp, and so basically, DMSO is what makes trees strong and upright, and then another industry takes that and just cleans it up, basically, and then it can be on the market for all kinds of things, including industry, so I had bought a little bottle of it because in naturopathic college, we only learned about it in sports medicine, so you'd have like a footballer get hit, come to the sidelines, and one of the coaches would rub DMSO on his injury and they go back to the field, but I thought, I'm not going to do sports med, I'm just, whatever, I don't care, at the time, and then I had an experience with it where I used it on myself, and it was so powerful, it was such an intense sensation, I was like, what is this stuff, I didn't even research it before now, and that propelled me to do research, and I read 50 studies, I couldn't get enough of what I was reading, and from there, I do a lot of health videos, and I just basically, I think it was a Saturday, my store was even open, it was really slow, and I thought, yeah, I'm just going to do a video on DMSO, and it turned out that it went viral, and that was pretty exciting because I hadn't had a video take off quite like that before, and it was really, it was called All About DMSO, it's still on my YouTube channel right now, and that information got people excited because what I realised in my research is a lot of people don't know about the substance still, even though it's been around really since, well, technically since the 30s, but really the 50s, it's been known, so that really helped me to understand its properties, and then I started making blends with DMSO, so I have skin cream with it, I have eye drops with it, I make all kinds of different topical applications, that's quite incredible what its uses are, and then I got a publisher approached me and said, hey, do you want to write a book about DMSO, and I said, sure, I can, sure, I can do that, I'm not busy or anything, I don't make 150 products or anything, so anyway, I did that, and it was quite hard because I'm a science mind, so I really wanted to write something very nerdy, which I did, and the publisher kept coming back and saying, can you make this into lay terms, and I was like, oh my God, I will try, it's so hard for me to think in that way, so I had to simplify all the language, it was probably the most difficult thing next to having a baby that I've done, but it's coming out end of April. Well, we're definitely looking forward to that, that'll be something that we'll definitely promote. Now, I've got some questions about DMSO for the people who don't understand, and now that you've rehearsed bringing it down to the more simple levels for most people to understand, we're gonna see how well you can do these questions here. You mentioned that DMSO is a byproduct of sorts from the paper industry, but it's healing properties, do you know the history of how that was discovered to be actually something that could be used medicinally? Yeah, well, how it really came to be was through someone called Dr. Jacob, and he essentially was working in Dr. Stanley Jacob, he's gone now, he died in 2015, but he was working as an MD and a researcher, and he was doing a lot of organ transplants, and one of the properties of DMSO is that it actually affects the freezing point of water, and that's very, very important if you're going to take an organ and freeze it and not have cell damage so that you can then put it in another animal or whatever you're doing, or at least have integrity of the organ last, because crystals of ice will damage cells. If you can have something where you can still keep the bacteria from dissolving or destroying the organ while keeping the cell intact, that's important, and basically he was in Oregon, Oregon Sciences University, and he was looking at it as a potential preservative, and this just got incredible because he realized that it is safe, it didn't damage or alter the tissues because a lot of these preservatives and things that they use do, like even alcohols will do that, will damage the cell tissue or alter it so it's harder to study, and he was pretty amazed that it was doing that, and he started to go into the study of it himself and talk about it amongst other researchers and PhDs and so forth. Now there's a little bit of a garlic odor to it because DMSO has a sulfur unit in it, and so if you know sulfur, things like garlic, onions smell, right? I think that's one of the things I joke about is that I think God made the most perfect miraculous substance, which is called DMSO, except for one thing, and it's the odor, because people who take it orally often will have it come out through their breath and some even have it come out through their skin, and that's because the breakdown of it goes to DMS, and that puts the sulfur out into the body, so in my book I have different tricks for mitigating some of that, but he noticed all these principles basically, and then he published research and he got a lot of pharmaceutical companies interested in it because they were patenting it as a drug, as a formal drug, there were about six pharmaceutical companies starting to do clinical studies on it, but then they had in 1965 a woman died, unfortunately, what she had done is she had been on a lot of different drugs, many drugs, many medications, and she started taking high doses of DMSO, and one thing with dimethyl sulfoxide, one of its properties, is that it increases the circulation of the blood and it also increases drug delivery to the cells, so it actually can be used as a very effective chemotherapy agent because of that, but this woman obviously did not realize that and she had an allergic reaction, but for some reason she didn't stop taking it, even though she was having allergic reactions, and she died from it, so after that, FDA closed down everything, they closed down clinical trials, they closed down whatever, they were like, okay, let's just back off here, it was also just on the heels of the thalidomide disaster, so they were all really scared about anything new, they were not really open to more free use of it, that kind of thing, so it actually got a bad reputation undeservingly, and as well the media had picked up on it and they blasted it out before really it got into the journals, into the scientific journals, so it also got a bad flavor out in the world, so it really got a nasty start, otherwise it's a perfectly safe, it's one of the safest substances I've ever seen, I mean, even compared to a lot of botanicals, it's extremely safe it's just you have to understand something like that, you have to understand its usage, right? So that's really the beginning. So I want to show you something here, so this is, have you seen this container of DMSO before? Yes, yes I have. Okay, this is what Paul sells in his store, and we're going to give it away to a lucky drawing winner tonight, so we're going to come back to some of those dangers that you mentioned, if there's anything else really to talk about on that, but if you want to tell us maybe, because you mentioned that you have different formulas, even eye drops, and it says don't put this in your eye, so what would be a good application for this type of DMO? So that one is DMSO cream with aloe, what does it say the percentage of the cream on it? It's 99.9% pure DMSO. Yes, but then it's diluted with aloe. Okay, yes, 70% to 30. Okay, so that's a really nice product that you have there, because a 70% topical application with aloe is actually a very common use, all around use percentage. There's quite a fine art with DMSO because it has a very intricate and beautiful relationship with water. It actually changes the way that the molecules are situated, depending on its dilution, and because of that, it will have different effects on the body, so for example, a 30% solution of DMSO is very anti-inflammatory. It is the best percentage for anti-inflammatory action. If it's in a higher dose, like the 70%, it's really great for pain, so that one is really nice for pain applications, and it will help with inflammation as well, but it's more going to help with circulation. So it's depending on the percentage, it has different, you're not going to put a cream in your eye. First of all, it's not the right, it's not, you're not going to, you would, that would not be comfortable, don't do that. But you would have a, I make a saline solution, a normal saline, and I put the correct percentage, I have a 20% DMSO with vitamin C and without, and I have a 40% with vitamin C and without. And they'll heal cataracts, they help with floaters. It's quite known for retinitis pigmentosa, which is a very specific disease of the retina. There's a lot of studies done on the eye in DMSO and dissolving cataracts, removing unwanted materials, healing the eye from after injury. The only really contraindication is if they've had a cataract surgery and they have a false lens, it's not advised to put it directly in the eye as it could. Depending on the lens type, it could dissolve or damage or blur the lens. And because we don't want to risk it, we don't want to keep testing it that way, it would have to be an independent tester that took a lens and put DMSO in different concentrations in order for us to find out what's safe and what's not. So for now, we just say, don't do it. But you can use it on the eye itself with it eye closed. So you could close the eye, put DMSO on, and a lot of it will go in saturated around because it's completely transdermal. And that's one of the amazing properties of it, is that it'll go right through the skin and it'll carry whatever you've put with it. So in that application, it's just aloe. Aloe and DMSO are like best buddies because DMSO adds heat and adds energy. And aloe is cooling and soothing, so they work well together. So that's a really nice product to have, topical product. Nice. So what are some other healing properties? Maybe you can get into a little bit more, I know, maybe a little more science of it, if you could. Yeah, certainly. It's more, what doesn't it do? Because it's one of those panacea things that basically, I've wired myself now, if anything happens, I immediately use DMSO. Basically the only thing you don't use it right away for is if you're actively bleeding. But if you're finished, whatever, say you cut yourself, you finish the bleeding and you're clotting, then you can apply it and it will actually help the wound heal faster and prevent infection and prevent all kinds of secondary problems like scarring. I make a cream called facelift in a jar, and I mean it does that. Because I put DMSO in it and all of these very healing oils, and together there's a synergy that's produced. And because the DMSO will carry the small molecular weight products that I've placed it with, it will actually take things underneath the skin and help plump the skin underneath. And it heals. People tell me that they had scars forever and now they're gone, or they've had discoloration and those things are gone. So that sort of behavior, which is, it seems very miraculous, right? You can use it internally or externally. There are multiple different protocols. Basically, you have to be careful if you're taking it with any, if you're on any medication because of the increased usage of the body's abilities, right, to use the medication. And you don't need as much. So oftentimes I'll say to people, well, start to come down off that medication if you're using DMSO. And you really need to learn about it a little bit more and learn about sort of red flags in your body if you don't feel comfortable using it. The nice thing is if you apply it once and you don't feel that great, just stop and check with your doctor, check with your holistic practitioner and see, first of all, if you're on any medications anyway, you're just suppressing symptoms and that's not going to heal it. So you want to change your diet, you want to change your lifestyle and you want to work your way off the drugs. And then you can use DMSO in a really safe way to heal the body. You just don't want to use it too strong, so you don't want to put it on the body or drink it at its full 99.995% pharma grade. You don't want to drink it like that. Although I have applied it topically pure in a couple of instances in emergencies where the person was in so much debilitating pain and nothing was taking it away. So there are cases under supervision where you can use it, like Dr. Jacob was doing that and other doctors have done that. The problem is you get redness, heat and hives and people can freak out and it can peel the skin and whatever, but the skin will grow back normal and everything will heal normally and sometimes even better. But for general use and advice, that's not the way to go. I would say 80% is the highest for topical and 50% is the highest for in any orifice and drinking it as well so that you don't burn the tissue or damage the tissue. You should never, ever, ever put pure DMSO in the eye. 50% or lower is perfectly acceptable and does the job. It will still sting and bite and your eye will still water and you might swear and all of that, but it will help things like the collagen to come back in the body. That's one of its claims to faint. It's actually technically considered a cure for scleroderma or one of the most important medicines for scleroderma, which is basically, it can be fatal. It's a very rare disabling disease and what happens is collagen builds up in the body. So the skin swells, their hands and face become dense and leathery, they get a lot of calcium deposits because of all the scar tissue buildup, their joints get stiff, it's terrible. A lot of studies done on it have shown that at least half of people use it or more have excellent improvement in their histological change of the collagen and I'm sure those other half, if they did more applications or say, for example, added in other herbals or other lifestyle changes with the DMSO, they would see more improvements as well. It's helpful in arthritis or anything to do with inflammation and pain, so literally anything to do with pain. The only thing you have to think about is if the tissue does not have a lot of water content like say, tendons, tendons and ligaments, it will help heal those things but there's not a lot of water in those parts of the body, so it can be slower to heal using the DMSO just because DMSO depends on water for travel in the body. It basically does like a little handshake dance with water and switches off as it travels through the body and if there's not an area that has enough water saturation, then it's a slower process to heal, so just be patient with it if it's something like that. Nervous system trauma, huge. Any kind of injury. We've had situations where that individual has been unconscious, they're having even issues breathing, you can apply it topically and quite consistently and they come around quite rapidly. There was also a case of a boy who had a torsion of his stomach, so basically his intestines twisted and became necrotic and he couldn't eat, so he was starving to death and they actually mixed DMSO with nutrients, which one of the products that I make is that. It's a nutrient-rich DMSO blend that you apply topically and so you actually take the nutrients transdermally like B vitamins and magnesium and iodine and these types of things and they fed him this way. They literally fed this boy through his skin using DMSO, which is really quite miraculous. I don't know of any other substance that does something like that. And so really wrinkles, people use it superficially for wrinkles and scars and all of those things. Internally it'll absorb as it's going down, so I usually suggest to use it for things like esophageal cancers or esophageal issues. It is helpful in all kinds of cancers. Lung issues, you can actually use it in a nebulizer. You dilute it starting with 20%, you can go as high as 50% and you can breathe it into the lung tissue and it will help remove scar tissue in states like situations like asthma, for example, and help regenerate the tissue. And you can use it for liver disease, use it over the liver. I mean, the sky's the limit on its uses. I have a lot of it in my book. Hey Amanda, so I'm looking at your website and you mentioned different types of applications. So Paul has this topical application for, which would be good for if you have like skin issues or like you mentioned the inflammation or pain, you get a bruise or a cut, that would be this type of application. You also mentioned having eye issues and so you sell an eye drop and then you also mentioned taking it orally for people who maybe have intestinal issues and you're, one of the products I clicked on, maybe it was the colloidal silver variety, you know, maybe it was, maybe not. But what it was talking about is how you're, you know, this can help boost your immune system and detoxify. So can you maybe talk about like how can I have a good solid medicine cabinet and how many of these types of varieties of DMSO would be practical for an everyday person, a family to have perhaps? Well, it would be probably most economical just to purchase a large amount of the pure DMSO and learn how to dilute it and learn how to mix it with things. And in my book I've put a lot of recipes in there because my, what I believe in is that everyone can be their own doctor and to empower people to learn how to use these things appropriately because honestly it really isn't that difficult once you understand some of the principles of the body and how everything's interconnected and once you understand the principles of natural medicine and that you don't suppress symptoms, you listen to the body, you listen to the symptom and then you apply the appropriate support of that system because if it's giving you a symptom then it's trying to heal something, it's trying to do something, right? For example, producing mucus means it's got, there's inflammation, it's creating mucus to try to cool down the tissue and repair it and you just want to accelerate that process and move it so that it's completed rather than putting something over top like a band-aid and suppressing it. So I would say having that on hand, if you're not comfortable with blending for eye drops then have that on hand or use that every so often and, but learn to mix it with distilled water or aloe vera for your topical use, it's very easy to do that blending and then I would say you can use it internally if you want to do some good detox, it will sequester a lot of free radicals from the body so it does help reduce what's called reactive oxygen species or ROS, so you'll get like cells that are not complete and they will make a free radical which will damage other cells and the DMSO sequesters that, it uses a system through glutathione which is part of the liver detox system so it has its own enzymes and DMSO through the sulfur, lending sulfur to it will help the body detox through the liver system. Some people I notice have problems detoxing so you do want to make sure your magnesium levels are high when you're going to use DMSO for detoxing or any type of detoxing that you do because magnesium is one of those important minerals that is in a rate limiting step basically all your six or seven main routes of elimination through the liver depend on magnesium so if you're shy on it which most people are in a deficiency of it, then you're not going to process very rapidly or very well and so if you're encouraging detox you should make sure you have a good magnesium and I like topical because it absorbs transtermally just like DMSO does. So if you wanted to start out trying DMSO if you've never done it before this will be a good way for you to do it with little to no investment maybe a dollar a month you can take your chances there of course this is for sale at framingtheworld.com and Amanda's going to, well she has her website and she sells the pure liquid so if you wanted to do what she recommended you can get the pure liquid DMSO from her website and if you're curious to how to use it her book is going to be coming out do you have a title for that book already? Yep, it's called Healing with DMSO and it is available now for pre-order at basically all major book sellers. Nice so do you have, when do you think it's going to be released? It's released on the 28th. Perfect, nice. Yeah and I would actually love to sell it on my website I don't know how I would be able to do that maybe I can just contact you and get it through you. Yeah contact me and I think I just have to connect you with the publisher and they set that up. Awesome. Alright. Yeah, yeah. So I have it. Great stuff to have I recommend it for just about everyone to have some of it and the other thing I wanted to say about it is it does prevent radiation damage so a lot of people are scared about 5G right now or a lot of people you know are getting x-rays or treatments done and if they're primed in their body before they expose themselves it actually prevents DNA breakage from ionizing radiation. This seems like it would be something that the like the you know the big medicine big pharma they would be up against it you know. Yeah they don't like it much. So what is that like what are they what do how they bad mouth in it what are they saying about it? Well what's interesting is like you know it started to get out there and then the FDA shut it down and then they kept it shut down because there was another negative study that showed high doses of it in animals were clouding the lens of the eye. However most of the when they stopped the DMSO most of the eyes returned to normal and they never really followed up on that and even couldn't repeat that study so something was happening in that lab that was questionable but all the other you know there's it's actually one of the most studied substances because it's actually used in in FDA approved devices for example it's considered a known cure for interstitial cystitis which is an issue of the wall of the bladder which actually can be fatal and if and the thing is a lot of doctors don't even know about it and so patients don't even know obviously and so nobody's saying oh we have interstitial cystitis here's this DMSO injectable that we do that you can use and they're not even really offering it so in my book I have a section in the back that talks about all the FDA approved DMSO devices and what they've what they've agreed to but they don't want it out really in the in the mainstream because it's it's bacterial static I mean it has so many properties that they would lose their antibiotics about it right you don't even need antibiotics you use DMSO instead so they definitely aren't fans they did try to shut it down there's a bit of history in my book about the nastiness the publisher didn't want me to go on and on about it so I had to cut some out about there but I am going to privately publish by the rest of the book that I wasn't allowed to formally publish so that that will come out in the next few years because I want all everyone to know all the jerks hey Amanda we had a question from our chat here from Deidre Kechel she asked does it help with autoimmune issues yeah absolutely um think of an autoimmune issue as a toxicity so the tissue that's being so-called attacked is really has something in it whether it's a metal whether it's a paraben whatever that got in there that is the body thinks is so volatile it would risk destroying the tissue to get it out and using DMSO will help the tissue repair faster so you have less of an inflammation issue get blood flow to the area appropriately and then help remove whatever that offending thing is in the tissue you just have to be careful to go slow and I mean with all of these things you should always do a test patch on your skin first like even that cream that you have there always do a test patch because you don't know it could put you into quite a detox response if you haven't done any kind of detoxing before right your body might go whoa we're excited we're gonna we're gonna knock you out for a couple of days or something and make you detox right but so just go slow with it especially people who have long-standing issues like that but definitely it's advised for autoimmune conditions and also have in my notes here that if somebody has issues with cold sores or shingles that they could apply this topically and is that a known certain remedy to that or would just put it into remission or well think about these things as they're not caused by viruses they're actually caused by toxicity to the tissue that specific tissue and it's usually the nerve that's affected and really it's just trying to get out toxins through that pathway if you use first of all DMSO topically if you have a shingles expression it will prevent postherpetic neuralgia so that's where you know it's sort of healed but it's still sensitive and tender it's one of its claim to fame's actually is to prevent this this problem but if you start to use it you may actually get a shingles outbreak because it's encouraging the body to get rid of the material to detox it through the skin I had all kinds of experiences when I first started using it up my skin opening up and dumping stuff out like using an opportunity to get things out of the body but if you're consistent with it and I usually recommend using a 50% with colloidal silver when you treat herpes or treat shingles because it also helps the white blood cell count come up a little bit more and helps the process heal without scars and then you can finish it once and for all and you don't get it again so it can do that for you where you actually complete the healing and it's over and it won't happen again and then for applications if you do have herpes outbreaks applying it regularly that way and and soothing the tissue moisturizing the tissue in between it can actually heal it completely wow so we're getting questions here in the chat one of the questions I'm going to jump to this one here it is that what about epilepsy epilepsy and seizures is there any known connection with effectiveness there in that area well it's always going to depend on the cause of that particular disorder how long they've had it etc so there's a bit of speculation but basically anything where you're going to assist blood flow to an area is going to assist the healing of it right so usually for epilepsy what I suggest is to use a combination of CBD oil and DMSO and it will assist the CBD to get into the region because it has a passive blood brain barrier and DMSO does do that and it will carry things past the blood brain barrier even if you're on certain medications and they're not getting to an area it can assist in that as well the inflammation and the secondary issues from having epilepsy it can definitely help with as well like if you're if you fall hurt yourself that kind of thing but absolutely you're you're going to want to employ it and play with your doses to see what's the perfect fit for you and it is can be case by case basis on that as well and one more question and I think we'll switch gears but the question is hypothyroidism is that something that has been addressed with studies around DMSO yes anything to do with the thyroid you're going to have healing of the tissue and so really with hypothyroidism you definitely need to treat the adrenal glands because it's usually coming from the fact that the adrenal glands have not been dealt with for a long time so you have a stress problem and then it's hit it's starting to pull on the thyroid pull on the thyroid pull on the thyroid and then the thyroid goes into hypothyroidism but like actually one of the first things I applied was on my neck and my parathyroid so there's four parathyroids that sit on the thyroid actually opened up and it started expressing all this toxic matter for like almost a week so it's I would definitely do paint patch over the thyroid you can mix it with a few drops of iodine for example and then always though treat the the adrenals make high-dose vitamin C you can do licorice root extract you know magnesium always and a B multi like those are usually places you start with that and and it it will work in conjunction so that so DMSO on his own on its own as a healer but when you start with the real beauty of it and this is where I'm really passionate about it is when you start mixing it and blending it with things and you get that synergy ball you know that's when you get real work effects like miraculous sorts of things awesome I come I keep coming up with new questions could could somebody who was savvy could they harvest this themselves not particularly I mean you have to have a chem lab to do it all right well some you know some of these things are you know are out in nature and if somebody has the capabilities to do that it would be something that maybe they could yeah they could do but it wouldn't be something in this case here so now some of the some of the dangers I don't want to end on the dangers but you know are you do you have a chapter in your book that that addresses any of that stuff would your book be able to go into is this for the most part something that isn't very like a high high risk it's very very very low risk it's one of the most lowest risk things out there but with anything like this especially when you have such a transdermal nature to it you got to know what you're doing because it's not going to kill you it's just you could have a situation that you know is an oops for example I was playing with rust and I was washing rust off of something and I had rust on my hands and then I didn't wash my hands and I started to apply DMSO and I realized I was putting it because when you put DMSO on your skin you'll immediately taste it in your mouth so you put it on your foot you're gonna taste it in your mouth almost immediately because it hits through through the nervous system like in an instant and so I started to taste rust I'm like oh no that was really dumb but I learned sometimes that way and it really taught me something you know these types of mistakes and so you definitely if people say they change the oil in their cars they don't wash your hands you don't want to go and put that your hand in the DMSO thing and rub it on your skin you're gonna take that also in to your skin so really being wise about what you're just wash your hands I mean wash your hands of any toxin that's potential then you're not gonna have an issue right just be sort of savvy about it like that and it won't carry in things that are large it won't carry in bacteria or anything like that well people in the chat are asking you know where do we get this book can you just plug it one more time where they can order it today yes so the name is healing with DMSO and if you go to say like Amazon Barnes & Noble chapters indigo there's one in the UK I forget the name of it sorry there's even an e-book format that I started seeing about so there's there's hard softcover and ebook available healing with DMSO awesome yeah I tried to keep it very easy to function with it actually I almost did sort of a PhD because when I started to research I got a little bit of an advance from the publisher and so I thought I'm gonna just buy all the DMSO books I want to read them all I want it all right so I bought every English speaking one because there's a lot of ones in German there's Germany's on to it but so I couldn't get all of them and I basically read every single book I could get my hands on so that's almost like how a PhD works right where you get all the information and then you and then after you do your writing so it it was but what it showed me is it's really there's not that much out there really like in the span of things there's a lot of studies which I read as many as I could but there's not a lot of books and none of the books I read had you know some of the history and and and obviously some of the uses and so forth in but they didn't have they didn't have the recipes like they would tell you maybe how to mix it and stuff but they didn't have actual specific recipes like recipes to treat toenail fungus and recipes for ear infections and you know recipes for animals I have animal section in there too because it's great for your pets it's great for for it's it's very safe for your animals to use and I've used it with great success on many many animals too so yeah this this one here that I've got in my hand you mentioned so many different uses so this would be good if somebody does have the shingle situation or cold sores this would be good if they have toe fungus it would be something they could apply topically to their feet or toe fungus that all they would do is take out some of the cream into their hands and put a drop of Lugol's iodine in it and then rub that on the toe base okay and then you mentioned also mixing with iodine if you had hypothyroidism so that this this very cream would be effective in all those types of treatment yeah I mean it's 70% so sometimes might need a little higher or sometimes might need a little lower but definitely testing yourself with it and see how you how you like it and what you found it helpful for if you're using it on a spot of acne or if you're using it as an analgesic on something like sore muscles or you have restless legs and you want to maybe mix it with a bit of magnesium I'm actually in the development of a product now which is DMSO with magnesium together to help those two absorb really nicely and that's great for any type of muscle ache and pain and and restless legs as well so yeah they could definitely do that and if you take a lot of it bring some breath mints because they might make you have a little breath huh I don't know I know when I'm sick my wife's like hands me garlic cloves and just like hey just chop on this and I'll throw back some garlic I don't even care what people think I'd rather so it's not that bad really I mean smelt it on some people wait like they're off gassing pretty seriously but for the most part like I have a couple of people because I do see clients and I have a client and she had has a tumor on her kidney and we've been just helping her prepare and dissolve it and stuff she's been doing a lot of topical poultices and things and lots and lots of DMSO and so her and her husband both are doing it and they come in and I can smell it on their breath a little but it's it's not that terrible you can use oil of wintergreen or wintergreen gum that tends to sort of knock it out a little bit and if you lose your friends over something like that then they weren't your friends to begin well it's not bad at all guys you don't really taste it much at all so Amanda Vollmer she you can find her at dr. underscore voll on at Twitter she has her website here and I lost where it is but it is the yummy mummy that's top one yeah is it yummy mummy please tell him dot org emporium.org you can find her on Facebook also she's gonna have her book there we've got that there on Amazon and we just want to let everybody know that like with this DMSO you can save yourself a lot of trouble by finding this one one thing that fixes so many is you got to have it in your medicine cabinet check out her website there she sells it in different varieties different types of application so you will find what you need and clearly when you buy that book healing with DMSO you can pre-order now on Amazon you can take that and go through it it'll help you figure out how you want to apply the specific remedy using DMSO to whatever your issues may be so we just want to thank you so much for coming in and talking specifically about DMSO so I've become much greater educated because of your sharing this knowledge so thank you very much we're gonna switch gears and talk about something else now if you're willing to I noticed on your YouTube channel that you did have I've got so many tabs up here me yeah see I when I scheduled you for the show I just wanted to talk to you about DMSO and then I was going through your YouTube account today and just watching your videos and it was just you were talking about the coronavirus and everything so I thought it'd be interesting to just get your take on the coronavirus if you don't mind and also get your take on the connection with 5g yeah and I think my I'm pretty sure my my 5g stuff was taken down by YouTube because I someone told me that and what's interesting is they didn't even tell me that they did it it just disappeared because I've had I have quite a few videos on the connection between coronavirus and 5g and I can't find them anymore I I'm afraid to upload them just yet but I'm I'm on I'm not on Brighton yet I'm on a couple other loaders but on my new website because I'm actually building a new one I will have all of this information because the fact that they have to suppress it is kind of pathetic right because if they if they like David Ikey says all tyrannies when they can't win a debate and they know they can't on their information then they just ban the debate all together right so it's like that's what they do they just ban it so there's a lot of things that this particular situation is opening up and I think it's part of the great awakening honestly because if if you weren't looking into these topics and educating yourself on on this information before you're either got your head in the sand and you're hiding and you're believing your government or you're researching like crazy right now because right like it's just not it's not the official story something's going on and one of the things that I've been teaching about for a long time now is the virus myth and even the contagion myth which I was so excited to hear David Ike talk about it the other day and some of the other there's even MDs talking about it now and fine it's like finally we're having this discussion it's it's not whatever you believe that's fine but if you're presented with new information and science and and and a whole history that's been suppressed you guys are having the conversation you don't have to believe it at the beginning you don't have to to know what what you're coming in with but at least have the debate right and if they keep shutting down the debate or just use ad hominem attacks which is what happened with me because my story got put into the mainstream media and so they sent their flying monkeys after me and got like my youtube page shut down and my instagram page shut down so just over this topic like you know and if you don't want to talk about it then then you just attack that's not really fair right so a couple of things to understand about the human body or any any real body even animals is that when we are under chronic stress and it could be stress of the mind like how we and we feel stress but it can be stress from eating pad food 5g you name the stressor on the body that's causing the tissues to become damaged if you have debris in the body that cannot be eliminated appropriately through the organ systems which is mainly the liver and the kidneys then it will start to push it out through the organs it might not be ideal like say the lungs right you don't really want toxins pushing it through the lungs because then you get all this chesty stuff and phlegm and it's uncomfortable and that's basically what the flu is the flu is a seasonal detox where the body is pushing out materials that it does not want anymore and during the change of seasons or during like for example we're in the spring we're in spring in north america so it's a trigger there's triggers in in cycles for the body to release those things now normally your body should always be detoxing and always moving things out but imagine you eat bad foods you drink a lot of pop you drink coffee every morning you're stressed you're nutritionally deficient you've got all these emf fields left right and center so let's start to debate this let's start to discuss this if you go back in history all right back at the time of pasture there was uh contention at that time because we had someone named antoine bechamp and some of his um predecessors who understood that germs actually aren't the cause of disease germs come at the end of the disease process they are the results of that problem in the body that's caused by not having enough nutrition and being toxic so you'd see say you have a lot of coal burning and so the air is full of coal coal dust right and they're constantly breathing coal dust and then the coal dust has to come out so the body starts to go into activity its own bacteria start to change form and remove the material if the bacteria cannot succeed in doing that they start to produce little dna packets in order almost acting like little scrubbers or little detergents to break down that material and that will come out in the phlegm in the breath even it can be floating in the blood you can find it on the skin sometimes right depending on how it's coming out so then you have people who have taken the waste materials they put it in a petri dish they add cortisone they add antibiotics they add all this magic sauce and then they take that and they stain it and they put it under a microscope and they say oh look there's this particle here that must be what's causing it and that's the medical mafia insanity that we've been living through for over a hundred years basically if you go to that time frame and you read a book called uh bechamp versus pasture by ethyl douglas hume which i highly recommend and you can get for free as a free pdf you will realize that there was a 40-year debate on the germ theory versus the terrain theory and the only reason the germ theory won that little debate was because you had corrupt fraudulent dare i say it evil people at the helm and it was convenient for the french government to hire pasture and support his ideas because it was helping them win the war it had nothing to do with science or fact or anything it was a convenient tool of the politic to scare people into believing that if they came in contact with someone else they would have this invisible boogeyman kill them and their children and they used it as a fear tactic dr stephan lanka goes at great length describing the history of the virus which is latin for poison and um the stories that came from that time which they didn't even have a microscope to see what that even was back then okay then you had later Gaston nasons who just created something called the somatoscope and that somatoscope could see living blood and what actually is happening in the moment inside living blood and what he found is there's a particle called the somatid that he called the somatid that has a 16 cycle stage that is polymorphic or pleomorphic basically what that means is you have a bacterial rod that can go into a bacterial caucus or round shape which can then change form into a fungal form or a or a sporoform and can make all of these different particles from one particle and that the blood is not sterile and all of these amazing scientists and doctors what happened to them well due to rockefeller medicine right they had their labs raided their um all their science stolen um their names were you know thrown through the mud and a lot of them ended up in jail even rife you know same thing he identified these things as well so you have to go back in history first so that your mind understands how we got to here because if you just start to hear and you go well how can there not be a virus there's all these virologists and all this stuff right you can't unravel the magic show if you don't do that work first get that foundation first right so that's step one go ahead oh yeah you nailed it you nailed it a couple times here so one thing you said is the magic show right which i i think is a big thing because it's all about appearances it's all about what think how people perceive things and you know in the book 1984 there's a quote that i always remember is that whoever this is i'm not quoting the bible so it's not like i got to get it right right but it's like whoever controls the past controls the present and whoever controls the present controls the future so if they can change the narrative as to how we came to where we are today then they can they can put up the picture of what's happening today without people um breaking it apart with with the history of how we came here you know and then they can project what's going to happen in the future based on that and you you mentioned and this is something that people get triggered by is this idea and um so what what a lot of science does it's like it's like we can we can look at the tv screen and we can analyze what's on the screen um but the the screen is what's already happened it's the output right so when you get somebody's um you take somebody's lab results or you take somebody's blood results or they're what you're seeing is you're seeing the results of something and what what you what you've said is when people recognize a virus and i've heard this before is that the virus is like a cleaning agent it's something that the body produces to break down as a solvent the the the issues that the body's having so somebody has an immunity issue or something they're dealing with something then their body will produce this signature and that is detected as a virus and so um so there's this there's this thing going on right now where people are talking about what you can't catch a virus you know so the thing that that they're they're finding in people's um lab results would you'd say this is the virus that they have or this is the strain did they catch that strain or is that something that is just um the body's um is the body producing that that's kind of where people are a little bit and it seems to be uh kind of a territory that nobody has been taught or understands and so therefore it's immediately rejected can you go back a little bit and talk about that because then what people hear you say is there's no such thing as this virus that that they can catch right well there isn't i'll say that right there there isn't it it doesn't exist um what what we have to tease this apart now because your question isn't a simple answer because we have to go through a few things one we have to understand how science can be manipulated okay and i learned this firsthand because after i graduated from university before i went into naturopathic college i decided i would work at the university of alberta and become an animal lab technician and what an animal lab technician works as in its vivisection so it's using animals to study medicine or research so it's it's basically what the scientists do first step once they figure out what they're doing they're using animal models right and i was basically an aid to the animal helping them and also an aid to the scientist what i saw firsthand was uh shocking because as someone who done science in the lab in my undergrad degree i knew what good science looked like and what shady science looked like and i saw a lot of shady science going on basically where you want to massage your data to get to the hypothesis that you're after because if you can get the answer that the pharmaceutical company then you get your drug passed basically if you ran like say 12 studies on animals and to see the dangers of a specific drug all you need is two good studies which you can massage the data just say you know what we're going to get rid of this strain of mice because they showed they had really a lot of tumor activity but we can massage the data so we don't show that then you get two positive studies but the rest of them the 10 other 10 studies are negative and but you don't have to submit those you only have to submit two positive studies and then you can get your drug passed okay so that's the kind of massaging going on so that's one step one in your understanding science is not pure science is about getting your grant funding science is about getting your um your pharmaceutical contract okay there's a lot of that going on so there's corruption step one step two understanding that kerry mullis even himself said before he died was he was the inventor of the pcr technique now the pcr technique polyamory chain reaction basically what it does it takes a piece of dna say they took something out of your blood they found a piece of dna and it's only a fragment but they then repeatedly they grow it basically they it's a it's a method where you can take rna on dna and grow it fast so you have a larger sample so you can actually see with your two eyes what you've got going on you know essentially you can then take it weigh it measure it and figure out what it looks like okay so it was a very he won a nobel prize for that and by all means it's a very important thing that he discovered however it's being misused as not a tool for just getting that data it's being used as a test and it's never was meant to be a test it was just meant to be information gathering not to say now you definitively have a virus or not it wasn't meant to be used like that so all you need to do is say you want to prove that someone has a virus okay in the pcr stage of identifying what you think that thing will look like so let's say you know that 80 of the population produces a certain particle when they're under stress okay let's call that cv19 and we will they will take a compartment or part of that dna out of the body they will treat it like i said so they'll actually alter it quite a bit to preserve it and then they will go through the pcr technique and they will create on a western blot a line and they will say if you if someone say comes in sick or not they extract blood they do this process with them and it lines up with that western blot in the amount of the weight of it and the size particle and this and the structure of it if it's close enough not even identical close enough you have cv19 so the test that is created is a circular argument because you'll always be you'll always have a positive proof of the test you know what i'm saying like you can easily manipulate the test to show a false positive in somebody just because it's a similar piece of dna so that being used as a sort of a gold standard to say you have this versus that is an error and we've seen that used in the aids debacle the whole hiv scam that was a huge scam that's a deep dive down the rabbit hole just that topic alone on who's involved with that lie the next piece okay so the test so the science is questionable the testing is in error and then you have issues around the agenda behind you know the people so look at fauci look at the look at bill gates look at just look at who's involved the players and who who wants a vaccine for you right like that in and of itself is simple enough if you are if you're supposedly have this boogeyman thing and you're sick then they're going to come with the cure because problem reaction solution they use the hegelian dialectic all the time right um and so you have bill gates who's not a scientist not a doctor not of any you know he's a microsoft geek and he's actually linked to margaret sanger of planned parenthood and all the way back to the eugenicist and that's another deep dive that people haven't done so if you understand the players involved in all of this you have to question the motives of why they are they don't they actually care about your health and all that no they don't they care about trillion dollar vaccines they care about microchipping you because this vaccine the covid one actually has a tag in it that's id 2020 that's bill gates little baby it actually is an injection and a zap so they actually zap you as well to activate the little tag so that you can walk around and they know that you have the vaccine not because you're going to pass anything along but because you are going to be counted and you're part of the grid system the smart city system that's the whole 5g coming on to the you know that they're putting up rapidly right now so we have this type of extraction and then we have people that the testing end of it right that are told by the cdc that even if they have symptoms similar or they tested positive even if they died from something else so say they had a heart attack and they go and they test them for this little dna particle and they have it they're being told to put on their death certificates that they died from cv19 so they're actually bumping up numbers to make this fake pandemic and they also in the science have never ever ever ever ever measles you name it have never fully isolated a virus ever never they they have never said okay let's take this out of someone's body let's take everything around away make sure there's no other tissue no other dna nothing okay let's take that out completely on its own let's take that and inject it into something an animal or human or whatever and see if it causes that disease that has not been done what they do is they take it out they put it in their little mess that they make they have to preserve it because they put it in all these formaldehyde and whatever and then they have to put it with some sort of adjuvant like uh organ tissue blood i've seen i've read studies where they actually made people eat feces with the virus in it in order to in order for the body to react so they could say it caused a disease because if you just took that particle and put it into somebody nothing happens so it is not contagious you see so what is contagious when they talk about contagions and they talk about things that you can catch things and and so what's what's being spread about well this is actually my next topic of research because there's really not a lot on it again like same thing with the dmso i went into this to go looking i'm like oh well i'm surprised there's not more about it right and like t.c fry he talked about the myth of contagion there's a lot of myths about now we've all had an experience where we've been in a household maybe one of our family members got sick and then we also got sick right or we've been around someone who's in full expression and then we get it but there's other explanations for why you could have situations where you have your own expression as well that don't depend on this contagion of something flying through the air coming into your body and making you sick right for example like i said earlier we have energy fields so what about what about that discussion have we ever even studied that have we ever studied someone sitting in another person's field even with a a plexiglass or something in between and seeing if there's transfer through the fields of anything have we if we haven't done that then we don't know anything okay we we have the thing we know is so arrogant right we haven't even touched scratched the surface of our knowing for example say if you're vibrating in a specific resonance right so how about sympathetic resonance that is a phenomenon that we understand i am being empathic being sensitive i've picked up people's cancers i've picked up people's heart murmurs i've picked up people's arthritis okay just by being around them and having a conversation with them is that contagious well i think it's a thought form i think it's an idea i think i i went into such an empathetic situation with them that i brought it into myself vibrationally okay and then i have to realize oh i did that and then i clear it and it's gone okay and that's also what i think partly a healer is because i'm not just trained that's what i i'm a healer i always was you know animals would come to me they'd find me in the street and and come and either die in my hands or i'd have to cure them they just came out of nowhere right so people find healers it's different so what about that question has that been answered no what about tribal your family's your tribe right have you heard of maybe you haven't but that women who are around each other a lot they start to menstruate together i've heard that okay so what's happening now why would they start to menstruate together well obviously there must be some sort of hormonal signaling going on right where they're communicating on another level and that probably was advantageous to have babies at the same time so you could help one another uh what else would be tribal maybe it's actually advantageous to get sick together except for maybe one person in the family which i hear often it's like one the mother the father one of them might not get sick and they go through their detox expression and they're stronger for it because they're usually growth milestones and after the after they come through it they go through a growth spurt if they're a child and adults they feel like they've released something right and if they have enough nutrition then there's no complications for these things and uh so what what about that tribal understanding that they have their hormonal signal going on there and was that an advantageous thing for travel if you say we were very nomadic in the past if everyone's sick in a staggered way that's not very beneficial if you have to keep moving for food right but if everyone gets sick together and recovers then you can move again you can locate your relocate yourself so let's let's back let's unravel this a little bit i think that's your term right so um so i i'm of the opinion that um that this is a actually donald trump has said that there's a monster that has uh has the whole world under a spell that's one of his things he said hey you know and i don't take i don't take people's words lightly so this guy's made it he's he's uh very powerful he's got a world platform to speak and i think he's uh well trained in and how what his job is and and i know they a lot of these guys play play dumb you know but i don't think he's dumb i think he's a pretty pretty foxy type of guy and so he said that there's a a spell that um that this monster has uh cast upon the world i i could probably pull that up it's you know he just said it uh a few days ago i think but so i definitely think that the that the people who are in charge they understand these thought types of things and how they can influence people's thinking and people's mindsets and i think the television and those types of things i think one of the best things you can do to stay healthy is just turn off the tv and some of the people who are most scared in this whole situation whatever is going down they've got their tvs and their radios just pumping this stuff in into them and i think what you're talking about is probably a small percentage of people would even grasp like the level at which you've uh expressed your understanding as far as um you know we're interacting with each other in many different uh varying levels you know obviously people don't realize that the that the words that they hear have been vibrating through the room to come to them and their mind is just deciphering these things and so people take that for granted they don't recognize the the the degree of intricacy of our of our perception and reality and so um that reality can be manipulated and the people who are the wizards that are in charge of the powers that be you know these guys understand this and they can they can take measures to um to deaden people's perception so they it puts them in the dark so they can be blind to things that are happening around them and not be aware of these things and then their dependence then becomes on um kind of what the narrative is and so public school and television all these things are just i believe are just put forth so people can just uh swallow the lies that they're being told and they become and then you get into vaccinations and all the things that happen to the immune system there and um so so on and so forth so what i've kind of just um put together in what you're talking about is you know this is their plan this is what they're doing and there's many people out there who uh are not aware of it and they are believing it um at different levels and everybody's awake it's not like a red pill blue pill where you just take the pill and all of a sudden now you can just you can put on the sunglasses and now you see the alien faces right it's like the movie right they live so there's everybody's at a different degree of understanding in their lives so we've all got different specialties and maybe some people are just total layman's in this but besides we can take care of our own health and we can do that but what how can we talk about defending ourselves against this agenda because they're um you know uh agenda 2030 for example clearly they have an agenda so um how can we know their agenda is to um to to have people with some kind of marker on them so they can track them and they can uh it's like almost like a brand as it were you know you've basically you belong to this farmer or this uh this rancher and you've got your brand and and you um and you ask for it you accept it and they get you to do that they they get you they put you they can put people under a spell where they believe that this is what they need because if they don't they're they're gonna have just a lot of fear and dread of of uncertainty and that's part of the spell is that if i don't do this then people are gonna get sick and people we're not gonna have a safe society so these things are all put in place what can we do about their agenda right so what's what's the answer to that as just a regular person who doesn't understand necessarily the degrees that of of the sensitivities that you do it's um it's the the issue is you know we've been people like you and me you know we've been researching this stuff we've been looking at these things for years decades i mean i've been i found out about this whole new world order whatever thing i think it was over 20 years ago i was uh or right right when i started university i started to figure it out because i started reading buckminster fuller and he started talking about the pirates on the on the ocean coming onto land and taking over the people of the land and he was suddenly saying there's you know talking about admiralty law and things and that actually propelled me into learning about admiralty law and natural law and common law and all these other laws which most people don't even have a clue about that the issue is that now it's going to be overwhelming because if you haven't looked at any of these things then it's going to shut you down with overwhelm and that's where we're at now whether you you you're going to either shut off or you're going to be really overwhelmed with information but what i would suggest is pick a topic that you're more interested in um and and read a book in that area or read something in that area or watch a video in that area and just like focus on one thing at a time and try to just tease it out almost like you're doing a little bit of a course for yourself um and then the other thing is you have to do the self-work see if you aren't coming into consciousness that if of self-awareness right of your own existence and you haven't done that work you're not meditating you're not looking within you're not doing breath work or any of that stuff you're only going to believe the external projection you're not going to be seated in yourself so you're not going to be grounded you're not you're not going to know what's truth and what's not right if you don't do that inner work so i would say the first things to start is all media that's mainstream is off stop hypnotizing yourself with the television which they have tech that's patented that does that so that's magic stop reading ms you know mainstream media newspapers all of the outlets just stop completely find a few alternative media sources that you like or you're interested in to sort of catch wind of what's going on because things are happening very fast right now um and then do some sort of inner work whatever that is where you're getting control of your own mind again because the government right it governs your mind meant is latin for mind and that's what they're doing they're controlling your mind this is a war for your mind we're in one of the major battles of this war right now and we we need people to be getting their minds back in control and if that means changing your diet if that means you know stopping certain bad habits or taking control of some part of your life then that's what you need to do and it's going to be a little bit different for everybody um and then maybe watch like un like david eich did a really good presentation on agenda 21 i think his is one of the most comprehensive and not too overwhelming um for people so that would be a good start for them to go what is this agenda um and that will help them go down whatever rabbit hole they feel compelled to whether it's the health one whether it's politics whether it's cryptocurrencies whether it's whatever they want to go into but it starts with to stop consuming the lies you're not going to keep just ingesting truth if you don't stop with the lies right so that that's where to start and then just you know i love amazing polly i think her work is really logical for people it's not overwhelming it's fact-based um so you can watch stuff on her channel for example she goes through look this is who fauci is look at all his political ties look at where he came from look at tedros aden on the head of the who look at where he came from in ethiopia he was a literal genocider in ethiopia he killed thousands and thousands of people starved them to death right and that's your head of your who so so find the politics in that from amazing polly because she does a really good job of the politics you know find find like-minded people around you and start to decide hey who wants to grow tomatoes this year who wants to grow cucumbers this year take the power back you'll feel so much better about what's going on right now you don't have to worry about something floating through the air and landing on you in fact there was a german um doctor okay just recently he went into the house of someone who they all had tested positive for it okay and he tested all of their surfaces everything in the house they they were looking for this cv19 couldn't find it anywhere it doesn't exist on surfaces it's ridiculous it couldn't possibly exist on surfaces it's immediately that that exosome or that particle the second it hits air it dissolves it's done it's over you'll find it in waterways in in oceans you can find it in rivers where in the water it can survive you can find it in animals all kinds of animals because it's your own particles and that's the joke about strains right oh it's mutated it's mutated now we've got this string we've got that string if you go pull up the strain map of cv19 of you know where it started in china blah blah all this kind of stuff right it's always going to be different depending on the area because everybody's a little bit different it's because we're making the particle and of course it's gonna they're saying it's mutating but it's not it's just our individual cells are making it a little bit different because we're all a little bit different all right well you know i don't know if uh if we have much more time to talk uh but i wanted to touch on uh elderberry syrup do you know much about that yes of course you know it's i don't listen there's a lot of crap going around about natural remedies because they don't they not only don't want you well and they not only don't want you dead because that's the eugenics agenda they don't want you knowing about natural remedies and they don't want you helping yourself and they don't they're going to talk bad about everything good so they're going to say colloidal silver will make you blue blatant lie they will say elderberry syrup is going to cause a cytokine storm that dangerous don't take it right they're going to make you fear the things that you actually need um that's why you turn off that garbage and go do your own research um elderberry is a stimulant for the lymphatic system actually look at it there's something called the doctrine of signatures where the the thing the plant can actually resemble the um body system that it treats okay so these little tiny berries in clusters are reminiscent of the lymphatic chains in the body right like little grapes and that's what they support that's what the immune system is the immune system term came from describing the entire lymphatic system but our bodies are not an immune system our bodies are a complete defense system on every level we have three times more bacteria than our own cells that let that number sink in when you go thinking you're going to take an antibiotic and kill something you're just killing yourself three times more bacterial cells than your own person you're actually just renting space from bacteria okay so when you're taking elder you're stimulating that system so if somebody has an autoimmune condition which means their system is already on high alert you know you're going to have to be careful when you take something that's going to stimulate an already stimulated system right so that's why you have to have a little bit of knowledge going in there's lots of books and lots of resources it's all it needs just just to take some time and learn it's a very wonderful support for any type of flu but if you have underlying condition of autoimmune you have to be a little bit delicate with it that's all what if you wanted to do dmso with the elderberry syrup is that something yeah you could you could you um i've not tested that it's it's going to be an experiment right so but it will increase absorption of it wow so i i think a lot of people are interested right now in um what they can do to increase their immune system and to just because we want to be able i want to i shake people's hands i'm telling you the truth right now i go out there and i meet somebody and i say put her there and they look me in the face and they say i'm gonna shake your hand too and we laugh at each other we don't laugh we're just like yeah we're just like uh kind of we're not afraid and we probably just killed like 20 people down the road what do we know right so i put it there but i just want i i think that's life you know if that's if that's how i go out by shaking somebody's hand that god's put in my path then i'm just gonna go out like that and i'm just gonna be happy to meet you on my way out so um but people want to boost their immune system so they can shake people's hands right so um what's the what's what's what's the recipe what's a daily regiment for somebody and we're gonna um uh we're we're gonna have to end the call shortly because we we're going long on time and we're still gonna take some calls um but what would a good daily regiment be for just uh the average joe who doesn't have any issues with uh immunity or autoimmune deficiency you know if they're not having any type of issues but they're just good stock typical person right yeah well uh just to touch on that you really cannot get ill that way it's it's a joke um and they're actually trying to say that this is a first wave and there's a second wave and a third wave so and in the history of act of of infectious disease if you will has never ever been anything like what's right now and it because it's it's a make-believe story it doesn't happen like this in every single even the black plague the spanish flu was actually aspirin poisoning and vaccine poisoning that's what killed them all um it's either pollution of some or some toxin like ddt causes polio for example it's not a virus all of these things you can easily explain with a toxin or starvation that's it you can shake hands all you want and you will not catch a thing it does not work like that now do you want to have clean hands i would hope so why because you're going to touch food right you're gonna you're gonna touch things that can rot you bacteria breaks down things in in nature right do flies come to garbage of course but did flies make the garbage no but they'll break it down and if you are inflamed to the max you already got your own thing going on you already got full of bacteria because they're in activity mode breaking down your wastes for you right so hygiene of course like you don't want e.coli getting into the compartment of your mouth you don't want e.coli getting into the compartment of your lungs you don't want h pylori getting into the compartment of your stomach that's not where it belongs it actually belongs in the lungs we have we have h pylori and naturally in our lungs and when you have leaky lung it gets into the gut and then it causes this problem right so we have we have to rewrite bacteriology we have to rewrite all of that stuff and i hope that's coming soon with the fall of this cabal now what you can do to strengthen yourself and not fall party to toxins which they're giving to you in the form of 5g which they're giving to you in the form of spraying the skies with metals like aluminum and barium is first of all you have to be diligent in removing metals if you don't know how to chelate metals you're going to be sick because there's so much of it now in fact our birds are dying our small creatures are dying on mass because uh and our soils are all contaminated now with aluminum it is it is atrocious and it's it's not it's not conspiracy all you have to do is take a sample of the soil and go take it to a lab and test it and it's right there um barium and aluminum and some of these other particulates that should not be in our food source in our food supply in our water supply or in our bodies so i would suggest something literally very cheap is diatomaceous earth okay it will chelate aluminum out of the body you can buy it at feed stores it won't hurt you breathing it that's a lie um you you don't breathe it you actually um can put it in applesauce or put it in water and drink it and you take for a child it's one teaspoon a day for seven days on and seven days off and for an adult it's one tablespoon for seven days on and seven days off and why you take breaks is because it's dehydrating so you have to make sure if you're doing this aluminum cleanse that you're drinking enough good water and i mean not tap water and i mean not well water i mean spring water or distilled water that's as pure and clean and electrically active as possible well water unfortunately can give arthritis and even alzheimer's because it's sitting in rock and it depending on the source of the well can absorb inorganic solutes and cause all types of sediment in the joints and in the brain i've seen it like a thousand times and people are like oh my god great well water i'm like yeah but you have a kidney tumor yeah you have arthritis or yeah yeah you can't you have no memory right so they have to be detoxed the other thing is high doses of vitamin c okay you can take up to i i take five grams twice a day that's 5 000 milligrams twice a day i use a buffered format so it's not too acidic um and you can if you want to just do less than that you can do two thousand milligrams three times a day and that should be enough to keep your blood levels happy in your oxygen saturation where it needs to be because this 5g tends to damage the oxygen saturation which a lot of people they are admitting into hospital which aren't very many because most hospitals are empty they are having probably put them on a respirator and that actually kills them because they can't even use the oxygen they're giving to them because their blood saturation is not able to take the oxygen at all and so if they only use dmso and vitamin c those people would live and that's the travesty that even these uh these monsters at the fda and cdc and who they should be in jail because they're denying our actual science about the health about what vitamin c does to the body and helps the body and heals the body and they're actually saying that if an atropath or anybody even suggests it they're getting slapping them with fines right i mean this is how insane these people are and they're not to be trusted um zinc you can take a zinc between 40 and 50 milligrams of zinc to colonate a day with food zinc is helpful for your hormones hormones are major for cell-to-cell communication and then that therefore telling the body what's going on where's the problems and how can we deal with the problems um and it also helps the gut the pairs patches which is sort of like your immune system of the gut optimized and then it helps also with males for prostate as well so it has other benefits magnesium always i will always say in almost every one of my videos to magnesium you're not going to detox if you don't have enough magnesium topical is the best ten sprays twice a day and um and then you want to make sure you've got colloidal silver because colloidal silver increases your white blood cell activity so it actually upregulates your lymphatic system through white blood cell encouragement okay that's one of the main things yes it's antibacterial and all that stuff but i don't think in terms of antibacterial unless someone is so far gone they're basically the living dead so of course they're going to have all kinds of bacterial infections i don't kill unless we're at that stage what i suggest is you use these things to encourage the body to overcome the the damage to the tissues and make sure the blood is flowing optimally really in this particular situation always thinking about the blood and blood flow is what you want so people for example on blood um products that like things that thicken the blood or damage the blood like um heart medications and some of these anti-cholesterol medications and stuff they actually do a disservice to the blood and i bet you a lot of people on those medications are having a very hard time right now um in fact the heart attacks and strokes miraculously have stopped so the statistic there's no statistics anymore why because they're labeling them all as cv19 so heart attacks and strokes are all getting mislabeled to pad the numbers for this fake pandemic and they're also they've taken all pneumonia cases and this miraculously there's no pneumonia this year why because it's all being labeled as cv19 so it's all a scam and it's all there to manipulate people into their product which is the vaccine and they definitely don't want you figuring out how to get well using some of the things i just mentioned so i would just focus on some of those supplements and find a botanical tea that you like for example hibiscus flower um tea is wonderful it supports the blood it supports oxygenation of the blood it supports the blood flow it's great for hypertension people have high blood pressure and if you're on any medication or you're eating a lot of junk food just that's it stop putting just like you're going to stop watching the fake news on the tv you're going to stop putting the bad stuff in your mouth that your body has to go through and deal with if the body has enough resources to deal with other issues like 5g you're going to stay healthy but if it's battling all of these things in your body and then you put another stressor on that's the straw that breaks the camel's back and now you've got an issue awesome i feel healthier just talking to you so hey thank you very much for for coming on the show with us i i believe that we could uh visit with you again and um because we just we could have gone deep in so many different ways and i tried to keep it broad um but there's so many specific things i think time will tell um where they're going but i believe what you're saying as far as um that there's a problem reaction solution happening with this and that there it is something that um that in the end they want to uh to use it to push some kind of act i mean they're clearly saying that's that's what they want to do so um you know we'll cross that bridge when we come to it but in the meantime i think there's an answer and that's to be healthier like you said to um uh to get that to get the junk out of your life whatever it is because i mean um our thinking patterns and and how we look at things and our attitude and our our our our diet and all these sort of things that we can immediately do just in our everyday living to make us better stronger people and i think that we can go down the path as far as you know all the bad things that are happening um and but we can take control of our lives in these immediate ways to make ourselves um healthier emotionally physically and in community too so i think this is an opportunity i really appreciate you putting it into that context and let me go ahead and show this to you here have you seen this movie yet here um amanda oh yeah okay yes we just want to let you know about that and uh we want you to check that out and um so and so you can see amanda all over the internet she's got her yummy mummy emporium.org so you can check out her product there she's selling her book healing with dmso it's going to be released on amazon and other booksellers you can pre-order now and on the 28th of april it begins shipping so you can go ahead and pre-order that now and then put that with your dmso which you can buy at her store and be educated all of the potential healing effects there that can happen by uh one simple product that uh that you can take for many different reasons and have there's many different applications um amanda please just if you could um just say a few words in parting um just what you think is most important for us to know at this time about uh what what's laid on your heart right now i think what's important for people to know is that um they're the ones that have the power we we're the ones with the power the small minority um elite they require us to obey and we don't have to obey we're the many and they're the few and if you take this opportunity right now to um really collect your mind so stop the input of the negative and listen to what you've always wanted to do a lot of people have lost their jobs and are in dire situations but if they realize that that god is showing them an opportunity for something new and wonderful in their life and they start to listen to what that might be they might find themselves surprised or even relieved that they're out of their nine to five horrible job that they had just making ends meet and paying all these taxes to all these evil people and you know driving a car and polluting it the environment and you know not having enough time for their children and all of these things and their children are being indoctrinated in the schools and all of this stuff that now isn't happening if we see that as a grand opportunity to take our power back we're going to come out of this as uh amazing awakened humanity and with a whole new structure a whole new financial structure in place and so learn to find your like-minded neighbors and start to collaborate on projects projects like growing food because see the food prices are going to go up and we have to prepare for that so if you just start to think about that now and how you can collaborate with your neighbors you won't feel stressed about it you'll feel empowered if you start to think about what you're putting in your mouth what you're eating and and learn how to say can your foods right learn how to make better nutritional decisions for yourself you're going to come out of this with a new skill set and that's always going to be empowering so just to think of it as anything that we see as a problem is always an opportunity right so if we switch our thinking into what's the opportunity now how can i better myself learn a new skill teach my child something that i wouldn't have taught that child you know because of school and work you're going to come out of this because we will come out of this a much better person and you will feel proud of yourself and you will realize the power that you actually do have to make those decisions over your life and stop giving it to fear because they need you in fear in order for this to work if we're not in fear and we call out these people for who they are just like you know bill gates on his twitter feed and his instagram feed lately have been very illuminating because people are realizing what he is um then and we we stopped the social distancing thing most people should just quit that now i know there's a lot of i call them the zombies that just follow orders they just follow orders they're just as dangerous as the elite and i get that but the more of us that stand up to the bullying of these individuals they're they're also going to be the minority right so just take take your mind and center yourself and understand that if you weren't valuable and to them as a commodity they would they wouldn't care about what they're doing right now but they have to trick you into consent because there is spiritual law otherwise they would have already done it to you without any of your consent so don't give them consent learn the law learn your constitutional rights and claim them right and that's the time to do it now so i thank you for having me i really appreciate being here oh god bless you all the best to you and we hope to talk to you again soon in the future yeah thank you so much amanda for coming on this has been an awesome conversation i think a lot of people really liked it in the chat i definitely love to have you back on again and talk about dmso and i definitely want to get your book in my store so we'll talk about that later um but i really appreciate it amanda awesome thank you guys it was great appreciate it all right have a good day okay bye for now all right call into the show if you have any questions you want to chat about anything 480 465 1203 um that was a great interview what'd you guys think yeah i loved it man and you know what guys come on not everyone's going to be a fundamental baptist christian like you guys everyone has wisdom in different areas and so you know i like having different people on and just talking about things and so i really enjoyed the conversation no i really i think she's a really pleasant lady i had uh that was fun so uh we're gonna be taking phone calls if you want to call in and just give us your thoughts on uh on dmso or you just give us the thoughts on the coronavirus just give us the thoughts on the coronavirus if you have any uh uh new thoughts on that you know a lot of the new age is kind of like the old age too because they like they have this idea of of like going back to the more natural things like um they there's a lot it's kind of funny because like a lot of the new age people are against vaccines and a lot of them are against um like they like the home births and you know it's kind of it's interesting probably because like if you if you're in a like a raw milk group you're probably in there with a bunch of new agers and you know um because a lot of that stuff is just basic you know stuff and then they're um a lot of them are uh i'm just saying the new age group but you know a lot of people who are just like uh they're not for the current medical system so they're they don't believe in it they're not buying into it and so it's kind of funny it's because like a lot of the um the independent fundamental baptists of today you know they're just straight like hey run your kids to the hospital hit them full of the um yeah give them a vaccine just go ahead and give them all of this and put them in the public school system and and then they turn on the fox news and they're sitting in front of the whole fox news and it's kind of funny is that we're actually the the minority when it comes to the independent baptists that are you know promoting things like dmso you know they're probably just like i just need to get my heart medicine before i eat eat these uh this barbecue sandwich here you know all right well i just wanted to quickly say thank you to matthew for subscribing on our patreon so matthew sheila nathan i really appreciate it um and uh who else joseph so i appreciate it guys for supporting us on patreon of course logan as well yeah you're welcome so uh we just we apologize we just realized that the phone number uh is not working so we apologize that's why we can't call we can't call in if you want to text us a question put it in the chat we'll get you a new phone number tomorrow and we'll have it so you can call in okay guys yeah we'll get it set up tomorrow hold on a second let's see what happens we'll have a new we called it dustin we it's it's already it's confirmed yeah we'll put we'll get a new phone number for you guys tomorrow yeah i just wanted to say thank you to larry too larry thank you so much for subscribing to our patreon account because this show can't be done unless you know we have your guys's support and so i really appreciate it uh we want to keep doing this show getting a bunch of different people on and doing that so i really do appreciate it and uh of course i do appreciate all the the patreon supporters that have been supporting us over the years all right so oh i wanted to say thank you to uh kevin real quick thank you kevin and james larry matthew logan chela nathan and uh who's my guy at the beginning there joseph i really appreciate it guys yeah so i mean she hit some of that cbd she talked about cbd oil which uh i don't know anything about that but uh that's kind of a little controversial thing a lot of people uh think was that cannabis yeah yeah it's that whole thing so she touched on that so uh i'd like to talk i'd like to have someone to talk about that because uh i have a friend that that was in that business that talked about how it's uh it's not like it's a macro thing and so it's when they talk about that it's kind of it's not necessarily a scam but the science hasn't been tested because there's so many receptors in your brain that the cbd affects it's they haven't got the science down to where they can exactly affect the right receptor in your brain to make it effective and that right now it's too blanket so i'd like to have someone with a little more knowledge on the show to kind of talk because it's a huge thing right now that we're seeing there's a bunch there's cbd products all over that right now that's you know that make all these claims and so we'd love i think we should have someone on the show that can talk about that and explain where the science really is and what if it's affected or not and the phone might not ring so i don't know what's going on i i think uh i'm not sure well no but it works yeah well someone calls someone's gonna call they're not gonna call yeah so this is i mean it's it's just eerily oh there you go even or i we're just gonna run right through going right through might get wild if it's sean barnish nothing all right you're live on framing the air framing the world live on the earth in the world that close enough hey what's up hey who are we talking to my name is gage from california what's going on gage um all right what brings you to uh call you call us this evening well i've seen your guys's documentaries and i really like your guys's work i'm into that kind of stuff and i saw the 5g uh covet 19 and i see how censored it is and it's being ripped off of youtube and i really wanted to see what you guys had to say about all that it's very interesting cool are you calling in to win a prize yeah you did say call in to get a dvd yeah so it's even or odd even or odd you have to guess even or odd though even or odd i'm gonna get i'm gonna go with odd one three all right good job all right stay on the phone and i'll get your info okay wait do you want to tell us anything else about what you what's going on for you in california uh not really much is going on in california it's really just the censorship that's going on online yeah well so do you guys expect this video to stay up or do you guys expect it yeah yeah the dr judy video stay has stayed up and it's gone totally violent even though it's totally being suppressed by youtube there's no way because i said this in the chat they got that many views if you type in dr judy mikovits judy mikovits it doesn't our video does not come up it'll have all these other videos none of my clips of of that video that only have a couple hundred views will show up way before you have to type in like framing the world my whole channel has been like that you can't search any of my stuff if you search anything that i've done everyone else's videos come up first before mind you which is ridiculous oh and by the way all credit for movies go to paul you mean no hey hey my last film dustin was a big helper on it remember dustin come on what are you talking about you deported you gave all your inputs oh well yeah but you did all the work i just gave you some feedback all right man we'll stay on the air and logan will talk to you all right for sure thanks for calling hope you enjoy the movie the dvd we've bought this a couple times and we've gone through it and you know when you've got kids like you know it's it makes a difference like when they bang them i mean paul's got a story of of one of his kids taking a baseball bat was it a baseball bat yeah other kid and you know i don't know what that wasn't on purpose it was an accident we even reviewed the security footage because my and it was totally an accident and it healed right up and my wife can attest to that yeah so it's like one of those things where you can put it on the owies and and you know at least they they think something's happening and it actually works so that's even better so um we've gone through it and we've replaced it and um you know there's more uses than you even realize it's you know what i was thinking i don't mean to make a joke of it but there's that movie where um i'm not going to plug the movie but there's a movie where there's the character thought you could put windex on anything and it would like clear it up you know like it was like the so i think dmso is one of those things that you can almost apply it to almost all kinds of things and it naturally stimulates your body to uh to activate a healing uh so sean barnish says yeah dmso what is that because sean barnish was not listening at all to the attire he was arguing in the chat yeah i don't think sean actually listens to anything i don't think he sounds his internet's that thing do you say yes yeah dmso what is that yeah yeah i think he's joking though so oh my goodness all right so are you ready to spin the wheel let's just spin the wheel well would you we got logan on the phone here oh we got oh put him through or he's just chatting with gauge did you hold on doesn't you have a lady that wants to talk about the pastor that had the service the drive-through service they got there's some please show did you want to talk about that you want to wrap up the show hey you talk about that i'll be right back all right just put her on all right and then all right go ahead you're live on the air with framing the world yeah i just wanted to say if you guys heard about the guy that um the pastor that got um like the the police showed up to his service um they were doing like a drive-through service like everybody in the parking lot and he just had like a speaker on or something like that yeah yeah i i heard all about that yeah you guys are planning on maybe having him yeah i can't i contacted i contacted him today actually and he did get back to me and he said he's not doing any any interviews at this time i think they're just so they don't want to be persecuted yeah he's probably just a small time regular church like he's never had an issue never the probably no one's put a camera in front of his place before ever but you're talking about the one in kansas right that church because there's a few there's a few churches yeah they ticketed all the people that came up yeah yeah and i contacted the pastor he wrote me back and said he didn't want to do he's probably getting hit by like all kinds i'm sure he's getting hit because it made national news maybe when it dies down we'll get them on the show we'll show them you know we're brothers in christ and get them on yeah awesome any other any other points i'm sorry say that again yeah any other points you want to make oh um yeah i wanted to talk about i wanted to say about there's uh my friends i have like a friend um her mom she works like in the hospital and uh she actually was saying that she doesn't have any like she was like sent home there's no there's not any job to do and there's a lot of people now like they have other like conditions and stuff and they're not being treated like a lot of people are dying just because they're shutting down other sides of the hospitals and it's just crazy because of the covid-19 no it's very it's very interesting well i appreciate you calling in and talking to us man i hope you have a good day god bless you okay have a good day you too bye-bye you too guys hey who am i talking to this is chris from ohio chris the lab tech from ohio chris wellman right yeah yeah chris wellman how's it going doing well man how are you i'm doing good am i on the air yet you are on the air oh cool hey i was just uh wanting to suggest uh a guest i don't know how easy you'd be able to get on but i always like to watch uh videos from ben swan i noticed on one of your earlier videos you had him doing some uh he'd done a video i think it was kind of comparing the number of flu cases to the number of coronavirus cases but his uh his last video was really interesting and it was uh kind of going to be looking at who stands to benefit from a vaccine and and i you know um he does a lot of work on the cbd oil as well but uh he was uh he was a news anchor out here in cincinnati and uh back uh back around 2012 i was really into like uh the ron paul campaign so i used to go and uh try to you know i'd go to uh this building and there'd be a lot of people we'd make phone calls and so forth trying to get you know people to support ron paul and uh so it was a group of us we were libertarian-minded so forth and uh and i met him once and uh he did a really you know really good presentation he's very well spoken yeah well i think we probably um put the call out logan you listening unless you can say it again yeah uh you can put the call out to uh to ben swans people he's got about 123 000 subs so i contacted ben swan sorry i wasn't listening okay i did contact ben and he there's no response so okay well he might be a one-man show man he might just be his own uh his own guest all right so that's cool maybe in the future who knows um what's going on i thought people would enjoy them but you know who knows if it's possible yeah no he's got looks like he's got quite a little production going on there like uh he's got looks like he's got the whole uh the background graphics and everything so at least maybe we can get one of those back here we can do the screen in the back that would be so cool so um yeah so what's going on there how things at the hospital are they uh still uh all right have you noticed uh the leveling of the curve uh well i'll say this i uh i know that um i think there's three positives in my county now um and only one of them has called out of our hospital and i know that uh i handled that specimen um meaning that uh i did the initial testing on it and then i packaged it to be sent out how much did they pay you for that they're you traitor no i'm kidding just a joke what's that now that you were bribed they're bribing you to come out with those numbers so how much did they pay you all right man well thanks for calling and uh wait a second we're not hold on he was telling us yeah i know you want to go yeah all right so i kind of got in with my joke he didn't finish his thought that's all i just wanted to give him the decency to finish what he was saying sorry i wasn't listening oh i know yeah yeah i mean the question was uh am i being bribed to that was the joke but you were i wanted to know how it's going you said that there had been three um cases not even any deaths but these are just cases of corona positive right kobe yeah okay and uh i haven't checked those numbers in a few days but i do know that like my co-workers called me at home when they got the first result back and they was like do you remember such and such name and i'm like no and uh and anyhow um they was told to me that uh that you know i had done the testing on it and packaged it out i told them i wasn't worried you know i i uh you know i do what i'm supposed to do when i do my work i i uh have my personal protective gear on and so forth so you know i don't think uh it's just that contagious where you know you need to run scared i mean you handle specimens that uh you know that could uh you know you guys know that when you guys have a like a gastrointestinal you know like an intestinal virus and uh it can go through the whole family and you know so viruses can transmit and people can end up throwing up and so forth it happened to me you know towards the uh end of last spring i think and my whole family got it but uh you know if you're just smart about things and you watch your hands and and do things it goes a long way and i do believe that taking vitamin c and stuff like that is a very very smart thing to do right now and all the time really well now i'll have to let you go because paul wants it to go to the next thing so thanks very much chris for calling us and letting us know we'll try to see what happens with ben swan but everybody uh chris is a is a lab tech at a hospital and he called in a few weeks ago one of our earlier shows and explained to us how the hospital was testing the coronavirus people and he lives in in uh eastern ohio right about an hour east of cincinnati and he um he just works as a lab tech there and so in the in the weeks that we've talked to him he's had three positive cases of coronavirus and i wonder if the whole county's been shut down of course yeah so it's kind of yeah i think shutting the whole thing down is a little crazy yeah well for those three people you know i mean who knows who they could have run run into i mean we better find out who they talk to and uh and where they've been and you know what door handles they've touched so well i would just like to say thank you for calling man and i would like to say thank you to all of our patreon supporters that have been supporting us thank you cheryl we're gonna i appreciate that i mean i think i shaped her look i kind of i feel i kind of feel bad because we were kind of putting her on blast yeah but uh but she did go above and beyond and actually just upped her support uh to twenty dollars a month yeah so we'll do double yeah we only feel it's right that we should yeah give her two give her two yeah we're gonna give her a double blessing yeah a double portion of the of the inheritance so we had a i had uh thank you so much uh i'm gonna reference abdul sent me a great uh film that was made that i'd love to try and get some of the guys that are on this film onto the onto our show uh abdul sent us the video um it's a document tracking down it's the origin of wuhan coronavirus tracking down the origin of wuhan coronavirus on youtube it's a phenomenal film they did a fantastic job dr judy was on there and she had a great section about explaining about how this vi how it went from basically how they engineered this that there's no way it's impossible that it could have just came from some fish market and from a bat that it's a hundred percent the chinese have been working on engineering this uh engineering of viruses that go back and forth so very interesting uh video uh we should probably you know try and get some of the people that were on there onto the show but if you want to you know definitely check it out um it's tracking down the origin of wuhan coronavirus it's ntd is the channel n n t d uh they've i've just subscribed to them they've got a lot of cool stuff so if you want to check them out it seems like they have kind of a base in china in hong kong kind of fighting against the communists there so check out ntd on uh on youtube a lot of great stuff from them hey everybody thanks for tuning in yeah guys thank you so much for your support uh this has been awesome uh blessing tonight we'll be back tomorrow we'll be back tomorrow with dr judy dr judy tomorrow okay great guys all right so and if you want to get that dmso i just posted the link in the chat make sure to go get some of that it's really awesome stuff all right god bless you everyone have a great day see ya good night all right guys thank you so much for watching this band live stream that was done on april 4th i really hope you liked it it's definitely a great live stream and so make sure you share this video if you haven't yet subscribed to our youtube channel make sure you do that uh thank you so much for everyone's support thank you for everyone uh donating to the program we cannot do it without your help so your donations are muchly appreciated again this was an interview that we did back on april 4th it had 3609 views and youtube banned it because they said it was inappropriate content well as you can see it wasn't inappropriate content there's no inappropriate content that took place during this live stream and so i don't get it but we're going to do more of these videos if youtube bans it we're going to re-upload it restream it for you guys and you know hopefully this one won't get banned thank you guys so much for your uh support uh thank you for all our patreon supporters watching this and just thank you for sticking with us guys make sure to tune in to our next live stream and we'll talk soon god bless