(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey everybody, Pastor Steven Anderson here from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona for another uncensored live Q&A. We've got phone calls coming in, and the number to call is 480-465-1203. In fact, I'm going to take a call right now. Yes, this is Pastor Anderson. How you doing? Well, I think I lost him. That was just too fast. All right, here's another one. Yes, Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Hey, how are you, Pastor Anderson? Great. All right, my question is, I know how the Bible says no man can see the Father's face and be able to live. Right. Well, my question is, will we be able to see His face, like, ever? Like, even when we get to heaven, will we be able to see His face, like, ever? Well, it's possible. I think that Revelation 22 is indicating that we will eventually see His face, because at that point there's no more death. You know, death has been abolished. The Bible says that after the millennium, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. And so in the new heaven and the new earth, Revelation 21 and 22, there's no death. So it seems to indicate that that's when we're gonna see God the Father's face, because it says in verse number 3 of chapter 22, and there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him, and they shall see His face, and His name shall be in there for it. So if that was just talking about seeing the face of Jesus Christ, that wouldn't really be a big thing, since we would have already seen that long before. So I think that the big, exciting thing there is seeing the Father's face. Wow, that's nice. Yeah, all right, great question. God bless you, thanks. All right, 480-465-1203, here's another one. Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hi, good, Pastor Anderson, how are you? Great. I got a question for you. First Peter, chapter 3, verses 19 through 20. Who is he talking about with the Spirit? All right, 1 Peter chapter 3, verse 19 through 20. That's kind of a big can of worms, but I just did a series through 1 Peter literally, like, less than two months ago, and in my 1 Peter chapter 3 sermon, I went into great detail on this. Which exactly verse did you mention again? 19 and 20. 19 and 20, by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. And in that sermon, I spent a ton of—I probably spent too much time talking about it. If you go to the end of the sermon, I spent, like, 20 minutes or something going through every possible theory, and why I believe that this is actually talking about literally the people living before the days of Noah being preached to by Noah. And so, yeah, check out that sermon, because that's a little bit too much to cover on a time like this. But thanks for the call. No problem, hey, great. Yeah, I really enjoy it, I really enjoy your preaching, I really enjoy everything you do. Keep it up, thank you. Yep, thank you. Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hi, Pastor Anderson, my question is, not necessarily when you're going up voting, but with, say, person to person, do you start off in the New Testament or the Old Testament? Yeah, I mean, every single time I start giving somebody the gospel, I pretty much just start in Romans 3.23, you know, I just go through the Romans road as the backbone of my gospel presentation. Different verses will be used in different situations, but in general, I stick to a pretty similar salvation plan to what I gave in the basic soul-winning demonstration video that I put out, like, a decade ago. So I don't do much in the Old Testament when I'm soul-winning. Typically, when I go soul-winning, I just carry a New Testament, and it's rare that I would turn to the Old Testament when I'm soul-winning. Okay, that works, thank you, sir. Yep, all right, God bless. Yeah, and some people have this attitude, like, oh, well, if we're talking to the Jews, we got to turn to the Old Testament, because, you know, they believe in the Old Testament. Well, guess what, they believe in neither Old Testament nor New Testament, so you might as well just go to Romans 3.23, because they don't believe Isaiah any more or less than they believe Romans. They don't believe either one, so might as well use the easy salvation verses. Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hey, good, how are you, sir? Great. My question is primarily out of Romans 13. Okay. In reference to Ephesians 6 there, where it says, or in Romans 13 we're talking about the higher power. Right. Is there a connection there with Ephesians 6 where it talks about principalities and powers, and I think maybe, like, Colossians 2, I think, principalities and powers is mentioned again? Well, the principalities and powers that we are wrestling with in Ephesians chapter 6 are actually talking about demons or devils. So, you know, you'll see in the book of Daniel, you know, the prince of Persia and the prince of Grecia, these are demonic forces that were controlling those empires. We cover that in our film Babylon USA extensively, and also in my sermon on Daniel chapter 10 that I did less than a year ago. But, you know, those principalities and powers are like, you know, demons, devils, evil powers. Whereas in Romans chapter 13, when it says the powers that be are ordained of God, this is talking about human authority that God has ordained, whether it's the parents being given power over their children, the husband has authority over his wife, the boss has power over the employee, and then human government is there having a certain limited scope of power over us because they're there to punish the evildoer. So, you know, we don't believe in anarchy, but we believe that it's the government's job to punish violent criminals, evildoers, etc. So, like, Romans 13 can be broader than, I guess, just, like, civil government or government in general? Yeah, I think specifically he's talking about civil government because he talks about how they bear not the sword in vain, which is a reference to the death penalty being carried out by civil government. But the principle of the powers that be being ordained by God and obeying the powers that be would also certainly apply to your parents, husband, boss at work, all the other different authority structures that God has set up. The only reason anybody on this earth has any legitimate authority is because God gave it to them. So that would apply to all of us. So yes, it's a broader interpretation. Alright, is there any, like, would there be any connection to, I think it's, like, somewhere in Exodus where it says, revile not the gods or cruc the ruler of thy people. Yeah, we talked about that on the last Q&A, and I think that that is, I think that ties in with, like, Jude and 2 Peter chapter 2, where it talks about despising government and not being afraid of speaking evil of dignities, and specifically talking about speaking evil of demons, not bringing a railing accusation against the devil, stuff like that. Hey, thanks for the call, God bless you. Alright, let's see what else we got here. Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Alright, he lost his nerve at the last second there. Hey, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hello, uh, excuse me. Um, uh, do you hate, uh, you not only hate homosexuals, but you also hate, uh, people, good-looking people. I mean, I— Alright, that was a bozo. Alright. How can I hate good-looking people when, you know, I have ten good-looking children and a beautiful wife? Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Good. Hey, Pastor Anderson, my question is on gambling. What does the Bible say about gambling? And obviously I believe it's wrong, but what are some verses I can use to show someone that going to a casino and gambling is just wrong and it's wicked? Well, I would definitely go on the Faith Forward Baptist Church website, click on the preaching tab, there's a little search bar, type in gambling. I did a whole sermon called Gambling, so that one's gonna be filled with verses. But just a few off the cuff, you know, the Bible says that if you make haste to be rich, you'll not be guiltless. The love of money is the root of all evil, which while some covet it after, they've erred from the faith. They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. So if you desire to be rich, if you make haste to be rich, if you want to just get money quickly by, you know, getting it out of a slot machine or at a gambling table, then you're going to be led into other foolish and hurtful lusts. You know, you could get into drinking, fornication. And I've talked to people who were addicted to gambling and they said that the gambling and the hookers and everything else, it all just kind of goes hand in hand. It's all just a certain lifestyle. So it's definitely a gateway sin and do a whole bunch of other things. And so, yeah, I'd recommend checking out that sermon that I did a while back called Gambling. Okay, great. Thank you for that, for those verses. Yep, God bless you. Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hey, how you doing tonight, Pastor? Good. I just had a quick question. When it comes to, like, men who are trying to become pastors and everything, I know back in the past, you actually worked a job, you own your own business, and you were soul winning, you were preparing three sermons a week. What would you, what are some tips that you did? Because obviously you were successful in doing that. What were some tips that you would give younger men who are in that position as to juggling, you know, that type of lifestyle? Right, yeah. It was definitely difficult back when I was doing that. And I would definitely not want to do that for my whole life, because it wasn't really sustainable, you know, it was just it was just too much, especially as the church grew. But I did do that for many years, where I pastored the church full time, I worked a job full time, and I was juggling everything. One of the main tips is just that you have to learn to multitask and take advantage of every minute of every day. So one of the things that I did was my job required me to travel a lot. So I would just every time I was driving in the work truck, I would be listening to the Bible, or at least meditating upon sermon topics. I'd be on airplanes writing sermons. So I was able to multitask a lot, just in the car on an airplane. And even if I weren't driving, I would just have flashcards in my pocket where I could be learning Bible memory verses, or I could have an audio book in my earphones or listen to preaching or listen to the Bible just to get sermon ideas just to learn more. So you have to multitask. And then another big secret to getting things done is you have to know what to neglect, because you can't do everything. So you have to know when to tell people no. If someone asks you to do something, you don't always have to say yes. And if they ask you to to meet with you or talk on the phone with them, sometimes you just have to say no, because there's only so much that one person can do. So you have to decide what's really important to you and prioritize that stuff. And then a lot of things are just going to have to go by the wayside. Gotcha. Well, thank you. God bless you, Pastor. Yeah. God bless you, too. Yeah. You just can't say yes to everyone. You know, you have to just learn to tell people no sometimes. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? It's that bozo again. Yeah, that guy. All right, let's skip that guy. All right, Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Hey, Pastor Anderson. What's up? I just wanted to know, why is there different translations in the Bible? Because I know there's the King James Version and the other versions. Why? How come this happened? Why is there different versions? Well, I think one of the biggest reasons is money. You know, the love of money is the root of all evil. And the King James Bible is in the public domain, so you can't make any money off of it through copyright. And the new versions, because they're copyrighted, they can charge money and get royalty from different software and other uses. Sometimes you'll even go to the bookstore and see a King James Bible and an ESV side by side. The exact same binding, the same paper, the same leather, and the ESV costs a little bit more, because that's going to the copyright. So a lot of it's just about making money. And so the love of money is the root of all evil, and these new versions are definitely evil. I mean, they twist God's Word, and people are making money. And obviously the devil's just behind it because he wants to attack God's Word, since that's the most powerful tool that we have. All right, thank you, sir. Yep, God bless, have a good one. Yeah, New World Order Bible Versions is our documentary, if you haven't seen that, check that out. Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hey, Pastor, I'm good. Something I've been wondering for quite a while now is the subject on immigration. The cities in the Bible, they all had walls built, and also the Bible says to not oppress strangers, and to welcome them. So what should be our view as New Testament Christians on immigration? Well, you know, the walls weren't really around a country, they were just around cities. And that was more so that everybody could go inside the city, shut the gates, and defend against an invading army or something like that. But when it comes to immigration, you know, it's a big issue in the United States today, because people talk about these illegal immigrants or being a drain on our resources and whatever. But, you know, I don't really think that that's the issue. The way I look at it is that if you had a pile of sugar on the table, and a bunch of ants are getting in the sugar, you know, you don't build a wall around the sugar, you know, you remove the sugar, and then the ants have no motive to come and get the sugar. And what's going on is that in the United States, there's all this free stuff being given away, and all these benefits and welfare and free schooling and free health care. So people would come here to want to get those things. And instead of trying to build a wall to keep those people out, you know, why don't we just stop giving away all the free stuff and, you know, have a minimal government? Because, you know, I see people talk about, well, you know, I don't want illegals getting these benefits. I don't want illegals getting this free stuff. But I don't want anybody getting free stuff, whether legal or illegal, you know, I want a minimalistic government. Now, when it comes to immigration, another issue that people will bring up is like, well, they're not paying taxes or whatever. But that's not really true, because the illegal immigrants, they do pay taxes, they pay sales tax, property tax, fuel tax. And also when they work, they typically will use somebody's social security number and end up paying into that system as well. And I remember they passed some really strict laws in Arizona against illegals, and it caused a bunch of illegals to leave. And it actually harmed the economy a little bit in Phoenix because a bunch of people leave. It's a bunch of empty houses, a bunch of businesses that aren't getting business, whatever. Now, one thing I do believe is that if people come here to the United States, they should not come here and try to bring their culture and their language and try to push that on us. You know, people come to the United States should come here and speak English and, you know, assimilate into our culture. You know, and especially when they come from these messed up countries and then they want to try to turn our country into some, you know, junky place like they came from. You know, why don't they just go back if they if they like that language and culture so much? So, you know, I think that if we just stopped offering services in England or outside of English, if we stopped offering services in foreign languages and giving away a bunch of free tuition, free health care, free food stamps, free this, free that. Then, you know, if people want to come here from all over the world and learn English and work hard and become an American, then I think it's great. The more the merrier. It'll help the economy. So. All right. Thank you. Yep. God bless. God bless. You know, and. I don't get mad at people who cross the imaginary line into the United States because, you know, if I were living in a messed up place and I could make a better life here, I'd probably come here to. As Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? How you doing, man? Good. I was wondering if I could ask. I had a question, but while I was listening, somebody asked about Romans 13. So I was hoping after we addressed my question, maybe I could propose a thought about your response in Romans 13. But if you look at the end of Romans 14, I'm calling because I try and understand where you're coming from and about the repentance in terms of salvation. From what I understand, it seems that you believe that you're not doing the work and you're not repenting from sin. You're repenting from unbelief. So I was wondering what you would do with Romans 14, 23. And see that doubt it is damned if he eat because he eateth not of faith for whatsoever is not a faith is sin. So the reason I bring that up is, is because it's everything that's not a faith is sin. And you're saying that repentance in terms of salvation is turning from unbelief. Aren't you saying the same thing as somebody who would say repentance from sin? Absolutely not. And I've heard this argument. It's it's I'm sorry, but it's a silly argument. Obviously, if you want to turn to the God of the Bible to be saved, you have to turn away from idols. OK, so like if somebody is bowing down to a statue and saying, this is my Hindu God that I worship, Obviously, they can't continue to believe in that Hindu God and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ because they have to put all of their faith in Jesus Christ. So they're going to have to turn from that Hindu God to the true and living God. They're going to have to turn from Buddhism to the Lord Jesus Christ. They're going to have to turn from Roman Catholicism to believing in salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ. They're going to have to turn from, you know, atheism or turn from whatever it is that they're trusting in and start trusting in the God of the Bible. Now, just because those things are also sinful, like obviously not believing is a sin or bowing down to idols is a sin. This is ridiculous to then turn around and say, oh, see, you do have to turn from your sins to be safe because, no, you don't have to turn from drinking to be saved. You don't have to turn from fornication to be saved. You don't have to turn from lying to be saved. You don't have to turn from stealing to be saved because those things have nothing to do with your ability or inability to believe on Jesus Christ. Obviously, you can't believe on both Jesus and Buddha. So you're going to have to give up Buddha to turn to Jesus. Obviously, you can't be an atheist and a Christian. You're going to have to give that up. So you're going to have to turn from false religion to the true religion. That's completely different than telling someone to turn from their sins, okay? Because if we have to turn from our sins to be saved, then no one is saved, because no one is sinless. Every single person has sin, myself included. But, see, like, if I could interrupt for a moment. For example, in John 3, you know that chapter, I'm sure. What happens when we come into the light? Our deeds are reproved. And the reason why the world doesn't go into the light is because they love their darkness better. Because they don't want their deeds reproved and manifested before God. So I think, because the way I was looking at it is, is I think when people, I agree with you, people try and say repentance from sin and they try and make it a work. I'm not talking about that because that clearly is wrong. I guess what I'm saying is, is could it be nuanced where somebody could be saying, turning from unbelief or turning from sin because unbelief is sin, is basically the point yourself and, I think, from the way you explain it, myself. Because I don't think if somebody has to be perfect before they can go to Jesus Christ, then they wouldn't need Jesus Christ. Right, but here's what's going on, okay? Basically, you know, I do agree with you that there are a lot of people who say repent of your sins or that you need to repent. And they're not teaching a workspace salvation. I get that. There are people who use that terminology and they mean something different by that. That's why, like, when I'm out soul winning and I talk to somebody and they say you have to repent to be saved, I always ask them, what do you mean by that? What does that mean to you? Because sometimes people don't mean the same thing when they say that. But here's the thing, if somebody's gonna sit there and say, hey, if you're living with your girlfriend, if you're not willing to leave that relationship, then you can't be saved. That's a damnable heresy right there, telling people that they have to clean up their life in order to be saved. Quit drinking and you'll be saved. Quit smoking and you'll be saved. That's garbage, okay? That is not the gospel because, you know, just as I am, you know, if I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, I'm saved. And getting the sin out of your life is work. It takes work to quit doing these things, okay? And so this whole repent of your sins thing is typically work salvation just dressed up to look like it's not work salvation. But that's typically what it is when you talk to these repent of your sins people is you've got to be willing to get the sin out of your life in order to be saved. Now, you are right that in John chapter 3 it's teaching that people who love the truth and do truth are more likely to get saved than people who love darkness. But to sit there and add this step to salvation that says, well, you got to be willing to give up your sins, okay? Well, guess what? There are sins that you're not willing to give up. There are sins that we're all in the process of growing and giving up. And so, you know, it becomes this weird gray area of just this hypocritical thing of saying, well, that guy's not saved because he hasn't repented of his sins. But I am saved even though there are sins that I haven't repented of. And it's like, well, which sins do we have to repent of? How sorry do we have to be? How willing to change? Folks, it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Whosoever believeth in him is not going to perish. They're going to have everlasting life. And so, you know, at the end of the day, that's what it is. It's all faith. All right, pastor, we've got a message here I want to play for you. about Hebrew Israelites, and we've been going back and forth, and I'm just, it's a really good debate. And I was wondering if you could put together something and have something to really, like, preach a sermon and really do some research on the Black Hebrew Israelite movement because it's really getting bad. And they saying that only after, like, only these people in these who have trials gonna go to heaven and all white people, which are Edomites, which are the children of Esau, Edom, are not going into heaven. And I just have a big problem with that, but they won't, you know, you know what I'm saying. But give me a call back if you can, if you can't understand. Thank you. You know, the biggest reason why I don't do a whole sermon on the Black Hebrew Israelites is because I don't want to insult my congregation with such stupidity and ridiculousness. It's insulting to even waste an hour of their time debunking something that's so stupid on its face that anybody could just take 10 seconds to realize how ridiculous this doctrine is. I have done a short video addressing the Black Hebrew Israelites, but frankly, I'm not gonna, I appreciate the caller, and I understand his frustration, you know, dealing with these people. But I'm not gonna waste an hour of my time debunking something, because if anybody is foolish enough to actually believe in that garbage, then they deserve that garbage, and they are just on their way to hell, and sorry, there's nothing I can do for you if you're that dumb. All right, so do you have any other messages you want to play, or should I go to the calls? Let's do another message real quick here. Let's do it. What your advice would be for somebody to overcome sexual immorality and how to pursue sexual purity in the Christian life? Thank you. One of the biggest pieces of advice is to be filled with the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, because the Bible says if we walk in the Spirit then we'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh. You know, for me growing up as a teenager, temptation was strong, and the way that I got through that was really just hard preaching. You know, I heard a lot of really hard preaching, and so I had the fear of God in me telling me, do not do this, this is wicked, God's gonna cloud up and rain on you. So I think listening to hard preaching is gonna help you keep the right attitude of walking in a way that would be pure and fearing God in that sense. And then I think also just, you know, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, because if we walk in the Spirit we'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh. And so when it comes to being filled with the Spirit, you know, reading your Bible, praying, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and actually just praying to the Lord and asking Him to fill you with the Spirit, because, you know, the Bible teaches that. All right, we got another one? Absolutely. And also just avoid temptation. You know, lead us not into temptation. That would be another thing I would bring up. Okay, here we go. Ready? Pastor's thoughts on cremation? Thank you very much. I am totally against cremation. I feel pretty strongly about it, and the cremation rates in the United States are skyrocketing. They're doubling, tripling. Historically, we've been a Christian nation. We have buried our dead, and this cremation is coming from pagan cultures. The ancient Greeks were very big on cremation. Of course, the Hindus are very big on cremation. And as we de-Christianize, people are moving toward cremation. Now, part of the appeal of cremation is the cost, because it's so much cheaper. And that's really a shame how expensive a proper burial can sometimes be. But it'd be nice if we could go back to the old days where you just got buried behind the church building or something. You know, just have a cemetery out back behind the church building. Maybe someday Faith Ford Baptist Church can have its own cemetery. But, you know, we have a cemetery that's not too far from Phoenix that has pretty reasonable prices that we recommend to people for an economic burial. And look, when I die, I don't want a fancy coffin or anything. Just put me in a pine box. But don't cremate me. I want to be buried. And burial—let's get a biblical perspective—burial pictures the resurrection. You know, the Bible says it is sown a natural body. It is raised a spiritual body. So the sowing of the seed there is the illustration of a person being buried in the ground. When we bury that person in the earth, it's like we're planting a seed, and the picture or imagery there is that that person is going to rise again from the dead. Just as when we put a seed in the soil, there's a new plant that comes up. A new life springs forth. And we believe in the bodily resurrection at the last day. And so if you think about burial picturing the resurrection, well, what does cremation picture? What, burning in hell? And obviously what happens to our body after we die has nothing to do with whether we go to heaven or hell. You know, if you're saved, you're going to heaven. If you're damned, you're going to hell. But either way, you know, I want to do what's right in the sight of God. And the Bible consistently teaches burial. Cremation is a pagan, wicked practice. All right, next. All right, you want to do another one of these messages then here? Sure, yeah, just hit me with a few more, then we'll go back to phone calls. Hi Pastor Anderson, I was just wondering if you could expound a little bit on Revelation chapter 12 verse 13 to 17. I was just kind of curious as to whether or not this means that Christians will be kind of pushed into the wilderness and be nourished by God until the Great Tribulation and stuff like that. If you could just expound upon that, that'd be a great thing. So this is a pretty difficult passage. I did a very in-depth sermon on this in our Revelation DVD series, and it's also available on YouTube. So if people want to understand this passage in Revelation 12, I would go to that sermon and listen to it. But basically, I'll quickly deal with it though right now. It says in verse 13, And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness into her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman. The earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon cast out of his mouth. I believe this is highly allegorical. I mean, it's pretty obvious that this chapter is probably the most allegorical chapter in the entire book of Revelation. I mean, it starts out with a woman clothed with the sun. That's obviously not literal. She's got the moon under her feet. Not literal. OK, all of this is highly allegorical. So I don't believe that the dragon is literally going to be chasing anyone. I think John saw a literal dragon chasing a literal woman into the wilderness and the woman having wings and flying away. But this is all just symbolic, OK, of the devil persecuting humanity in the end times, bringing all these plagues and pestilences and natural disasters and wars and famines and whatever, and all of these bad things happening. And basically people surviving, people making. I do not believe that this is teaching that Christians are going to be in the wilderness for three and a half years. I don't want to be in the wilderness for three and a half years anyway, because, you know, I don't plan on hiding out during the tribulation. I don't plan on hiding out during the Great Tribulation. I plan on continuing to win souls and preach until the bitter end. And I will never stop if they arrest me or kill me. That's the only way that I'm going to be stopped. But I am never going to go hide in the world. What's the point in hiding in the wilderness when we're all going to go to heaven anyway, shortly at that point? So we might as well go out with a bang, keep winning souls, preach one more sermon, win one more person to Christ. So I don't have that viewpoint of hiding in the wilderness whatsoever. All right, Pastor Anderson, I was going through some of the comments from last week, and I think we were talking about divorce, and I guess in relation to Leviticus chapter 20, perhaps. But the questions that kept coming up in the chat were talking about John chapter 8, and whether Jesus would have, if it wasn't against the Roman law to put a person to death, would Jesus had stoned the woman himself? So can you just basically maybe reflect a little bit on your interpretation of John chapter 8, what the Bible says? And, you know, John chapter 8 is one of the many times when the Pharisees or the Jewish leaders are trying to tempt Jesus or trip him up. They're trying to get him in trouble with the law. They're looking for something to accuse him of. It says over and over again. So in this case, they bring a woman that was taken in adultery, and they say, well, Moses said that she should be stoned, but what do you say? And then he just basically ignores them, and then they press him for an answer, and he says, well, he that is without sin among you let him first cast his stone at her. Now, later in the same book of John, it makes it very clear that it was illegal for the Jews to put anyone to death. They were not allowed to execute anyone. This is very similar to the question of, you know, is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or no? I was just reading in my personal Bible reading today the Gospel of Luke, where they accuse Jesus of saying not to give tribute to Caesar, even though Jesus taught the opposite. He taught them to give tribute to Caesar. They wanted to accuse him of that, and when he didn't take the bait, they just lied anyway and said that he was forbidding them to give tribute to Caesar. So basically, you know, what they're putting him here in is a catch-22, where they're trying to get him to either deny the Mosaic law, and then they can argue that this guy doesn't believe Moses, this guy doesn't follow the Old Testament, or getting him to break the Roman law, which then they can turn him into the Romans and claim that he's breaking the law. So they're trying to put him in a position, and Jesus just very wisely gets out of it by having this clever answer of, okay, well, he that is without sin among you, let him first cast his stone at her. So notice he didn't say, well, Moses was wrong, we shouldn't stone adulterers, that's wrong. That's not what he said. He said, do it. He just said, he that is without sin among you, let him first cast his stone at her. So he basically just turned it around on them and made them look stupid, just like he did when they asked him by what authority he did these things, and then he said, well, you know, was John's baptism from heaven or of men? And he put him in a position where he wins the mental sparring or the spiritual sparring, and so he comes out with wisdom and they come out looking foolish. So some people will try to take John chapter 8 and say that this is Jesus abolishing the death penalty, and that is ridiculous because other scriptures in the New Testament, Jesus taught the death penalty. Like, for example, Matthew chapter 15, whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death. Jesus reiterated that, emphasized that, and called the Pharisees hypocrites for not believing that, okay? Romans chapter 13 talks about civil government does not bear the sword in vain. And so, again, we have capital punishment there. Capital punishment, the death penalty, goes all the way back to Noah's Ark. When they get off the Ark, the death penalty is instituted. Some people say, well, you know, we should have the death penalty for first-degree murder, but not for kidnapping, adultery, rape, homosexuality, these other things. But, you know, at the end of the day, the law of the Lord's perfect. Those are criminal codes that God laid down for the children of Israel, and, you know, they're great laws. And they're coming back during the millennium, whether people like it or not. So in John chapter 8, people can ask a hypothetical, well, what if, what if it weren't against the law? Would Jesus have stoned this woman? Well, number one, if it weren't against the law, they wouldn't have even been having this conversation. The only reason they're having the conversation is because it was against the Roman law, and they're trying to trick him. And number two, no, he wouldn't have, because of the fact that the Bible says that when someone commits adultery, or any crime that's worthy of the death penalty, the first person to throw a stone, the Bible says that the witnesses are the first ones to throw the stone. So the two or three witnesses are the first ones to throw the stones, and afterward, all the congregation. So if Jesus would have been in a situation where someone were being lawfully stoned under the Old Testament law, under the Old Covenant, which Jesus is under, and, you know, the witnesses would have come and started stoning someone, then yes, Jesus would have participated, because he would have been following his own law. So yes, he would have participated in stoning them. He wouldn't have done it himself, because there's a way that it had to be done. It wasn't just anarchy. There was a process to stoning someone, and Jesus would have participated in God's commandments. Because guess what? Jesus Christ is the Word incarnate. Jesus Christ is the author of the Old Testament. So how can you sit there and say, well, the Old Testament says that, but what did Jesus say? Hey, Jesus is the living, breathing, walking, talking Word of God. And Jesus didn't come to destroy the law or the prophets. He came to fulfill. And Moses didn't give them circumcision. The Lord did. Moses didn't command to stone her. The Lord did. Okay? And guess what? Jesus is Lord. Well, Pastor, I want to bring up this question first. We'll take a phone call here in a second. So when we're setting up, we got a phone call, and one of the callers had a question about Shekinah Glory. Now, we know from marching to Zion that the Jews worship the Shekinah Spirit, which is a feminine aspect of God, according to them. So if calling God the Father, obviously we can't call God the Father or Jesus Christ a woman, but calling the Holy Spirit, the indwelling Holy Spirit, a form of Shekinah, what you're now calling the Holy Spirit is a feminine spirit. If people are doing that, which is pretty popular nowadays in some of these Baptist churches, if people are doing that, would that be considered to be blaspheming the Holy Spirit? Well, first of all, let me just say that this whole thing of Shekinah, it comes from after the Lord Jesus Christ. Okay? There's no mention of it before the Lord Jesus Christ. So, you know, a lot of people will think maybe this came from the Old Testament. When I was growing up and I heard them talk about the Shekinah Glory, I thought that they were just speaking Hebrew, like that it was some Hebrew word or something from the Old Testament. It's found nowhere in the Old Testament. It comes from Christ rejecting, Christ killing Judaism. After they've rejected Christ, did they come up with this Shekinah garbage, this female aspect of God? And so when people talk about the Holy Spirit as the Shekinah, that is super blasphemous and wicked. I don't know if that necessarily classifies as blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, because technically blasphemy of the Holy Ghost was when they said that Jesus had an unclean spirit. Which, by the way, you know, the Talmud says that Jesus Christ did his miracles by black magic that he learned in Egypt. That is exactly what the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is when they said he casts out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of the devils. So the authors of the Talmud certainly blasphemed the Holy Ghost there when they wrote that. But here's the thing, when I've heard independent fundamental Baptists or evangelical Christians talk about Shekinah, I've never heard them talk about it as the Holy Spirit. Typically, I've heard them say, like, the Shekinah glory of God came down or something, and they saw it as they didn't really personalize it to the to the Holy Spirit. I think that they think that Shekinah is Hebrew for glory. So they say the Shekinah glory just because it sounds cooler than just saying glory. I don't know. They don't even know what it means. I think ninety nine percent of fundamental Baptists that are saying Shekinah have no clue that the Shekinah is this feminine spirit, the female aspect of God, perverted doctrine. And of course, we do cover that in our film Marching Design in detail. But, you know, it's just just stay away from saying it, folks. It's wicked. It's a wicked, blasphemous word. And, you know, one guy, I will say this, one guy a few months ago showed up at Faithful Word and he was a super creepy guy. And he was trying to say that the that the Holy Spirit's feminine. And he said that if we walk in the spirit, we'll act feminine. And we threw that guy out in the parking lot so fast and threw him out of the church so fast because he would he sounded like a total pervert, saying that if you're spiritual, you'll be more feminine because obviously being a feminine is wicked. What else we got? We're ready to take some more phone calls. All right, let's take another call. As Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hi, Pastor Steven Anderson. I just have a question on Genesis 127, talking about being created in the image of God. Right. I just want to know, how do you define being created in the image of God? I believe that that means in his likeness, because, you know, the Bible uses those terms both in his image and in his likeness, which means that basically we look the way that God looks in the sense that we have eyes and a nose and a mouth and ears, hands, feet. Basically, God doesn't look like an animal. He looks like a man. But is this going towards men or women or both? Well, it specifically is only referring to men, because in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, it clearly says that the man should not cover his head. This is 1 Corinthians 11 7, for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. So basically, the Bible is saying that the man should specifically not cover his head because he's in the image of God, whereas the woman is supposed to cover her head. So therefore, if she were also in the image of God, 1 Corinthians 11 7 would make absolutely no sense. So God is not female. God does not look female. God looks male. God is man, not woman. So then you would say that women are created in the image of what? Of man? Well, no, because women do not look exactly like men. They look somewhat different. So what are they created in the image of then? Well, I guess they're just a unique model. You know, they're just a spin-off from mankind. So does that—so then, what does Galatians 3 28 mean when it says that we are all one in Christ Jesus? Yeah, the Bible says there's neither Jew nor Greek, there's neither bond nor free, there's neither male nor female, for you're all one in Christ Jesus is simply saying that we have the same value, we have the same purpose, we have the same importance. Spiritually, we're not the one better than the other, because if you think about it, Jew versus Gentile, the Jews thought that they were better. And he's saying, no, in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek. And then maybe people who are free thought that they were better than slaves. So he says there is neither bond nor free. And then people might think that men are better than women. He's saying, no, there is no male or female. You're all one in Christ Jesus. If you're Christ, you're Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. So women are heirs just as much as men are heirs, we both have the same inheritance. It doesn't mean that we look the same, I mean, look in the mirror, you know, you don't look like a man, right? So there you go. It's a different likeness. So that verse has no correlation in being created in the image of God? No, yeah, it doesn't mention anything about the image of God in that verse. All right, thank you. Yep, God bless, thank you. Yes, Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hey, Pastor. Sorry for the other callers, it's the second time I broke through tonight, so it must be God-ordained. But I had a question about Luke 16, verse 9, where Jesus is talking about the parable of the unjust steward, and he says in verse 9, And I say unto you, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. Can you just, like, kind of shed some light on what that verse is specifically talking about? Because it's kind of encrypted to me, and I don't really make sense of it. Yeah, I believe that what this is saying is that—and if you actually look at what the parable is teaching and get that context of what the unjust steward did, where he basically did people a financial favor, albeit it was a dishonest one in that story— he did people a financial favor, and he said, I'm gonna do this so that they will receive me into their houses. It says at the end of verse 4. So he wanted to be received in these people's houses. So what it's saying is, make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, that when you fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. So basically, I should use my money to take care of other people, be a blessing to other people, meet the needs of other people, because then someday when I need help, when I fail, they're gonna receive me into their home indefinitely, basically. So, you know, for example, if I were to get thrown out of my home and just be out on my duff, well, you know, I'd have a whole bunch of places I could go. I could go to my mom, I could go to my dad, I could go to my brother, I could go to my sisters. I have listeners all over America and all over the world that would take me in and help me out. And I have all kinds of friends, church members. So when we invest in those relationships, then we have people to fall back on. That's the safety net, okay? Instead of burning every relationship in our life, and then we end up on a street corner with no one to help us because we've burned our parents, burned our siblings, we have no church, we haven't, you know, been a blessing to our friends. Does that make sense? It does. It actually is very simple, and I don't know how I didn't understand that from reading it, but thank you very much. Yeah, it's a tough passage. Yeah, no problem. God bless you. Yeah, that's something that a lot of people ask about. It's a difficult passage, but it's really a great truth once you understand it and apply it to your life. It's important. Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Yeah, see, I think what throws people off is the everlasting habitations. What he means there is that, you know, these people are gonna take you in indefinitely. You know, it's not even just gonna be a, well, you can crash for one night, and then you're, you know, you gotta figure something out. Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hi, Pastor, this is Obi at Philadelphia. I want to find out your view on 401k. What do you think the Christians should do with a 401k account? Should we save for retirement? I personally don't believe in saving for retirement. I'm not against people saving for retirement. I'm not gonna do it. I have a very strong retirement portfolio, and my retirement consists of Solomon, Isaac, John, Miriam, Rebecca, Anna, Stephen, Boaz, Chloe, and Peter. Okay, that's my retirement plan. So I believe that the, you know, having children and having our children take care of us when we're old is actually the right way. I plan on working until I die. But if I ever need help, I'm expecting one of my children take care of me. And like I, you know, like I just said in the last question, you know, I have all kinds of people that would help me out and take care of me because I'm investing in other people. So instead of investing in a 401k, I'd rather invest in friends, invest in family, invest in the Lord's people, and that's gonna be my retirement program. Thank you, sir. Yep, God bless you. All right, Pastor. We're gonna pull up here on your screen and on everybody's screen if I can get it up here. It's a picture of, let me see if I can get this here, of Miley Cyrus. Yeah, Miley Cyrus. Hannah Montana. Can you see that picture there? Oh yeah, I can see it. Have you seen that already online? Yeah, I saw it. I wasn't sure if someone had, I wasn't sure if someone had photoshopped that or did she actually put that out looking like that? Well, what are your thoughts nonetheless? I mean, it's it's obviously just disgusting. Just, I don't know what they're trying to do there. Like, they're trying to make it seem beautiful or appealing to murder a human being. I just thought it was when I saw that I was just kind of perplexed by it. I didn't understand it. I thought it was super weird. I wasn't sure if it was like a photoshop gone wrong. I don't know what it means. I mean... Well, she posted on Twitter. She's got like a... Hey, look how cute I am. I'm licking a cake and abortion is healthcare. It's like the picture has nothing to do with the message. Like, what does her licking that cake have to do with abortion? I can't figure it out. I liked what people did though where they photoshopped and they had her licking a toilet. That was a better version. So, maybe we can put that on the screen because I actually enjoyed that picture more. I'll find it. We'll get it up here. Very good. Let's do another voicemail here. Let's do it. Um, recently I've been casting the devils out of people covertly because we have such a huge problem with this in Southern California that a lot of the homeless population is being affected. And so, I just kind of discreetly do it. Well, the other day I was at McDonald's and I did it and one of the devils talked back to me through the person and said that I am not the law or something like that. So, I want to get your advice or your opinion on casting devils out and how to deal with them because we have a really big problem going on. I think a lot of people just are not aware to judge situations that may be possessions or demonic control that looks like mental illness but it's really not. Anyway, just wanted to know what your opinion is on that. Thanks. Well, you know, when you cast out those devils, you got to do it covertly. You know, you got to do it discreetly. I mean, that was kind of a weird call. I guess she's sneaking up on people and just kind of like casting out the devils. Maybe while they're like laying in the gutter in a drunken stupor or something, she just kind of sneak up, just kind of casually cast out the demons. You know, and I mean, if you're going to cast out demons, why not start at McDonald's, right? I mean, that's what she said, right? So, yeah, I don't know what to say to that voice. Well, okay, I'll say this. In the New Testament, we see the apostles specifically given the power to cast out devils and I do not believe that we have the power to just automatically be able to just command the devils and cast out the devils. I do think we could pray for someone that, you know, they would not be possessed or something like that, but I don't believe that we have the power to just command the devils that the apostles and Christ had. I think that those were, you know, the Bible talks about special miracles done by the apostles. If everybody was doing them, they wouldn't be special. So I do not believe that we have that ability just wholesale to just cast out any devil. You know, I mean, hey, can't hurt to try, but I don't think it's necessarily always going to work. So what else we got? All right, let's do another one of these messages there. You never know. We haven't, I haven't pre-screened these, so I'm just kind of hitting, talk about gambling. Let's just do this one here. I just have a quick question. When it comes to reprobates, I understand and I love your preaching, but here's my question. Isn't there a chance for them? Doesn't the scripture say, and such were some of you? If you could please, please just address this tonight briefly. I would so appreciate it. Love you in the Lord. Thank you so much. You know, it always just blows my mind when people are like, oh, can you please address this? Or why haven't you addressed this? Why won't you just address it? I have addressed it in sermon after sermon after sermon. I can't even count how many sermons I have preached about 1 Corinthians 6, 9 through 11, how many times I've expounded Romans chapter 1 and explained the reprobate doctrine, and people just act like, why don't you ever address this? I've addressed it ad nauseum. Okay. And no, the Bible does not say some of you were reprobates. That is not what the Bible says. Nowhere does it say reprobates and such were some of you. Okay. So obviously when he says such were some of you, he's not talking about reprobates because you say, well, isn't there hope for the reprobates? If there were hope for them, then they wouldn't be a reprobate. Okay. The word reprobate means they are rejected. Their minds have been darkened. Their eyes have been blinded. The Bible says in John chapter 12, verse 39 through 40, that it says they could not believe. God blinded their eyes. God hardened their hearts. The Bible says three times in Romans 1, God gave them up. God gave them over. God gave them up. If that were the same crowd that he's talking about in 1 Corinthians 6, that would make no sense. Okay. Because if he gave them up, gave them over, gave them up, they didn't even want to retain God in their knowledge. They're haters of God. How can you be saved if you don't even want to retain God in your knowledge? You hate God. You've been given up, given over, given up three times. You're done. So, and again, I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking about it because I've already preached about it ad nauseum. Okay. Let me just point you to some specific sermons where I covered this. You know, I just did a sermon. Maybe you guys can help me out with the title where I went through 1 Corinthians 6. I think it's called They That Defile Themselves with Mankind or They That Abuse Themselves with Mankind. I did, I think I might've done a sermon with that title like less than a year ago, but I've done sermons called Becoming a Reprobate. I've done a sermon called, you know, Sodomite Reprobates. There's a, there's a DVD called Psychopath Reprobates. I mean, I've just preached this so many times. I can't even count how many sermons and how many times I've addressed this and I've expounded 1 Corinthians 6 verse by verse more times than I can count. All right. Yeah. So it is them that defile themselves with mankind. Is that the name of the sermon? Well, there's that sermon on the online. There you go. Yeah. So there's a sermon called Them That Defile Themselves with Mankind. That's one. Any sermon with reprobate in the title, just go to faithforwardbaptist.org, click on preaching. There's a little search bar. Start typing in the word reprobate. A whole bunch of sermons are going to come up. Listen to them. All right. I got another question that came from last week, but it's kind of on the same subject and it says, Hello, Pastor, do you believe that a child molester can be saved? Absolutely not. They're a reprobate and they're doomed. Because it's not that molesting children is what made them a reprobate. It's that being a reprobate made them less children. Being a reprobate made them a homo. It's not that being a homo makes you reprobate. It's that being a reprobate makes you homo. And I've explained that over and over again. And a lot of people just don't get it. They get the cart before the horse. No normal person desires a child or desires another dude. You have to be given over to those vile affections. You have to be a reprobate to even want to do those things that are against nature. Yeah, we all have a nature that is sinful, but those things are against nature. They don't come naturally. They are not convenient. What else we got? All right. Here's a question about Jehovah's Witnesses. How do I save the soul of my Jehovah's Witness girlfriend? Well, you know, one of my favorite scriptures to take the Jehovah's Witnesses to is John chapter 2, because they don't believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. And he says in John 2 19, Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Verse 21, but he spake of the temple of his body. So he talks about how his body is going to be destroyed and raised up. You know, if you pin the Jehovah's Witnesses down on the resurrection, their resurrection doctrine is so weird and so wicked. That's the weakest link in that chain. So I would always focus the preaching on the resurrection of Christ, because, you know, what about when Jesus is showing them the holes in his hands and showing them the hole in his side? And then he even says, Have you any meat? And even eats with them. He eats and drinks with them. And the Jehovah's Witnesses say, Oh, it's just a spirit. It's just an apparition. Or he borrowed a body. He's using the loner body, you know, after the resurrection. It's not his real body. Well, that's funny. He borrowed a body that had holes in the hands, just like his original body that the Jehovah's Witnesses claim disappeared. So I would focus on the gospel, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. They don't believe in the bodily resurrection. I pinned a Jehovah's Witness down not too long ago on this. It was an older guy and a younger guy. The older guy did all the talking. The younger guy was like a silent partner. And I just took him to task on this and just completely destroyed the Jehovah's Witness doctrine on the resurrection with Scripture. And this was his response. Well, what does it matter? Why does it matter? I mean, if it's a bodily resurrection, why does that even matter? Why are you so focused on Jesus rising from the dead bodily? Oh, I don't know. Maybe because that's the gospel. Maybe because that's the one thing you have to believe to be saved. You have to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in that heart that God raised him from the dead. The gospel is that he died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that he was buried and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. That's a big deal. You know, he couldn't defend his doctrine. So what does it matter? Why is that even important? It's the most important possible doctrine. The resurrection. What else we got? All right. Here's here's a question from the live chat. And what did Jesus mean by ye are gods? Well, Jesus was not saying, Ye are gods. Jesus was actually just quoting scripture. He was quoting Psalms when he said, Ye are gods. So Jesus didn't tell anybody that they were gods. He said, it's written, ye are gods. And if you actually go back to that Psalm and look it up, it's actually being said facetiously. He's saying, you know, I've said your gods, but you shall die like men. It's talking about how the devil promised that in the day that Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that they would be as gods. So the devil promised them, you'll be as gods. And then that Psalm, I've said your gods, but you shall die like men is a response that now I did a whole sermon on that Psalm. So if anybody is interested in Jesus quoting that verse on ye are gods in John Chapter eight or in the I forget the number of the Psalm. I'm sorry where he's quoting from. I think it's eighty two. Eighty two. Yep, it is eighty two. You're right. So Psalm eighty two. I did a whole sermon on it. The sermon is called There is Only One God. So if they go on faith word Baptist dot org, click on the preaching tab, type in there is only one God. The entire sermon just completely expounding every part of Psalm eighty two and relating it to John and all that. So that's better than I can answer it in just a few moments. So but I but I did give the quick answer. Great. Let's pull up another message here off the voicemail. What if your wife almost kills you and has been you've had the gut feeling that she's been committing adultery and you put a recording device on her and she says some things that you've never heard before. Then she goes makes up the story, tells the police and then gives you serious charges to deal with and she moves away and then still acts like she loves you. She's been to Jezebel. I don't know. I don't know what else to say. I moved here to go to your church. Satan destroyed my marriage. Well I don't you know it doesn't sound like Satan destroyed your marriage because you know I don't think that your wife needed any help from Satan. It sounds like your wife is Satan. You know if everything that you said is true there. So you know that sounds horrible. Obviously you know if you're married to just a complete evil wicked reprobate person then your marriage is doomed. I don't think it had anything to do with you know moving to Arizona or the devil attacking you. You know a person like that obviously has always been a rotten person. They didn't just start out being a normal person then become that wicked and evil. They were obviously a rotten person all along. So this is just a cautionary tale to be very careful who you marry. And you know if I were a young person getting married right now I would make sure that I met the parents. I would meet the girls friends family parents and look for red flags and and make sure young people that you know what you're getting. And especially if you're a woman you know make sure that you don't marry a rotten guy. That's even worse. And so it's a jungle out there. I mean obviously that situation sounds completely doomed. There's no advice that I could give to fix that situation. So you know at that point you are doomed. What else we got. All right. Let's go to the voicemail again here. Hey pastor I'm just wondering. I have a friend who was in the military and he died in war. I'm just wondering like what worse is or like how am I supposed to reconcile the fact that he died for nothing and his service was for nothing. It would be great to receive an answer. Thank you so much pastor. God bless. I mean if you want you can just pretend that every war that the U.S. is fighting is somehow protecting our freedom and it's all righteous and it's all godly. But you know sadly that's just not true. So did he die for nothing. Unfortunately if he's over fighting in one of these wars of aggression over in the Middle East or you know guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan or regime change in these countries that we have no business being in then you know he certainly is not dying for a worthy cause you know the only thing I'm willing to die for is the word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. You know there's nothing else worth dying for. So it's sad. And when we lose a loved one you know I mean I hope your friend was saved. Hopefully he's in heaven. If he wasn't saved then that's even more depressing of a thought. You know I did a sermon recently called War is a racket. And I went into the financial interests that are motivating war. I tied it in with the Bible and I highly recommend the booklet by Smedley Butler called War is a racket. I actually based part of my sermon on that booklet and I used that title but I tied it in with a lot of scripture. So I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's very sad. Hopefully he's in heaven with the Lord right now. But you know I'm not going to sit there and say that what he did was right because it wasn't. What else we got is your phone ringing. Yeah. Pastor Anderson here how you doing. Yeah. Hi. I called a few times ago on Psalm 22 verses 30 and 31. I just wanted to follow up on that. It's verse 30 says the seed shall serve and it shall be to the Lord for a generation. And the point I was trying to make with that is that I think that generation there that's accounted to the Lord is the apostles. And you had mentioned in Isaiah 53 it talks about who shall declare his generation where he was cut off because he had no bodily descendants. He had spiritual descendants which were the apostles. And I just wanted to follow up on that because I think you know in Deuteronomy when it talks about the blessing to a thousand generations that had to be literally fulfilled because Christ did literally follow all of God's commandments. And so I think I just wanted to follow up and see if that made sense to you or if you see something wrong with that interpretation. Yeah I mean it sounds fine but we already covered it last time so we're gonna move on to something new. All right let's see what we got here. Pastor Anderson here how you doing. Hey how are you how are you doing. Great. I have a question about Israel. OK. Are you against the state of Israel existing. Yes I am. So who would you give this Israel to? I wouldn't give it to anyone it's it's not my land it doesn't you know I live in Arizona I really couldn't care less who lives there. But what would happen to the Jews that already live there. Where would like where would they go if the if let's say that the land was like taken over by Muslims Palestinians. Where would the Jews go. They would be extremely unsafe in especially in Europe when they're all being persecuted. Yeah I hope that they I hope that they get persecuted. I hope that they I hope that they suffer and are persecuted because they hate the Lord Jesus Christ. And if any man loved not our Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema maranatha. So blasphemous Antichrist haters of God. I'm not worried about what's going to happen to them. That's their problem. They shouldn't have blasphemed and hated the Lord Jesus Christ. Their state of Israel is an Antichrist evil state. It's blasphemous. It's wicked. It's an affront to God. It's not going to go away. So you don't have to worry about your precious Jews because they're going to be part of the Antichrist kingdom. But then guess what's going to happen halfway through the seven years the Antichrist is going to turn and wipe them out and destroy them. So great wrath will be upon them. And that's what they deserve. And you know that that's what that's what that's what's happened to them for the last two thousand years. They've been punished and cursed everywhere they go and amen. God was right to curse them and punish them for two thousand years straight. A lot of them are innocent people though, aren't they? Oh really? No actually there's not an innocent person on the face of the earth. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There's none righteous, no not one. And Jews hate Jesus. The whole religion of Judaism is basically the Old Testament minus Jesus. The Bible minus Jesus. We hate Jesus so much that we're going to try to hijack the scriptures and have our own blasphemous wicked religion in your face Jesus. That is what Judaism is. So no there are no such thing as an innocent Jew. And Jesus Christ required the blood of Abel all the way to Zacharias of the Christ rejecting rabbinical Judaism of his day. So how are they innocent? Maybe a lot of them haven't heard the gospel. So what's your point? Do you think that's a case that a lot of them haven't heard the gospel? No I don't think that's the case, no. You don't think that's the case? Nope. But even if that were the case, what does that change about anything? If they hate Jesus, they're bad. No matter what gospel they've heard or haven't heard. You said in one of your sermons you love Jews and you want to preach to them. I'm confused. Now you say you hate them? I didn't say that. Did I say that Dustin and Paul Wittenberg? Did I say I hate Jews or did I say they hate Jesus? You said that they hate Jesus. Yeah I didn't say that I hate Jews, I said they hate Jesus. That's what I said. No you said you love Jews and that's why you want to give the gospel to them. Yeah. So how many Jews have you won to Christ? How many Jews have you personally won to Christ? Well I've personally won multiple Jews to Christ, both door-to-door and through my videos. So you know probably the reason why you haven't won any Jews to Christ is because they're some of the hardest people to get saved in the world because they hate the Lord nine times out of ten or ninety-nine times out of a hundred. So of course the exception proves the rule and I would love to get as many Jews saved as I can. I want to get people of all religions saved. But many of the Jews are reprobate. You know it's it's possible that even the majority of them are reprobate. And when you go out soloing and run into them they are the most adversarial negative Antichrist people you'll ever run into. Now obviously yeah you're gonna run into some that get saved so so yes I do love Jews and want them saved but I don't love the ones that are reprobate and hate God you know but I don't really know which are which. So basically I'm gonna try to witness to all of them and hopefully get some of them saved but I never said I hate Jews you just put that into my mouth a few moments ago but that's not what I said I said they hate Jesus Christ is what I said. Okay and in general they do obviously obviously I'm generalizing when I say that they hate Jesus the exception proves the rule. Okay but you know what about the Palestinians you know they're the ones you're like what's gonna happen to the Jews if they get shoved out of their land. Well what happened the Palestinians that got shoved out of their land. Do you care about that because that already happened. It's happening right now. I'm not exactly on board with annihilating the state of Israel but approximately what percent of the Jewish population do you think are reprobate. I have no idea. You know that's that's just pure speculation on my part but you know the ones who are more the most into being a Jew are probably the ones that are reprobate. Who knows. You know I can't speculate about that. I'll tell you I'll tell you this right now that ninety nine point nine percent of the people in Israel are not saved. I'll tell you that much. You know the actual Jewish citizens of Israel. So I can give you that statistic. All right pastor I've got a question that came in from the chat last week. It says why do you attack Pastor Lawson. You know that is. Oh yeah. The guy is totally not saved. His his gospel is warped. He's he's a hardcore repent of your sins guy. It's a workspace thing. He twists scripture teaches lies. I did a video taking apart his sermons on the preacher. Perhaps it's hard to even call his preaching sermons. He the guy just rambles and tells unrelated stories weird theory. I mean the guy had the video on the hollow earth about you know people living under the earth and weird stuff. It seems like he kind of flirted with the flat earth a little bit. He just comes out with all these super weird videos. I don't believe he's saved. I've heard him talk about the gospel. I've heard him talk about salvation. I don't believe he's saved. I think he's a false teacher. Unsaved bozo. All right. On that same note. Are you familiar with Ben Shapiro. You ever heard of that guy. He's a Jew. Yeah. Well there you go. Enough said OK. Well I'm interested and it bothers me to see Christians praising Ben Shapiro and sharing his stuff. You know why would you want to share the video of a guy who hates the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what I want to know. A Christ rejecting Jew has no place in a church or on my Facebook feed or anywhere else. I'm not going to promote somebody who hates Christ and like he says these things that people think is oh he's so smart he's so conservative. It's just a lot of neo con right wing talking points out of the mouth of this Jew which is enough reason for me to not want anything to do with the guy. All right let's roll the dice on one of these voicemail messages. My question is do you think that the Ark of the Covenant will be rediscovered or and do you think it will play any role in the end times. Thanks. We had this last week but I'll hit it again because it's a it's a good point. Jeremiah Chapter 3 verse 16 and it shall come to pass when you be multiplied and increased in the land in those days say at the Lord they shall say no more the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord. Neither shall it come to mind. Neither shall they remember it. Neither shall they visit it. Neither shall that be done anymore. So in the millennium the Ark of the Covenant is not going to be a thing. The Bible says so I think that there could be an Ark of the Covenant that comes out in the end times that's used by the Antichrist or promoted by the Antichrist. But if you see anything about the Ark of the Covenant you know that's not of the Lord because according to Jeremiah 3 16 it's not a thing anymore. All right Pastor. Why do you use Facebook. You know it's owned by Jews. Well you know I mean aren't all the banks owned by Jews as well. I'm using Facebook to put out my message I'm using YouTube to put out my message I'm using the bank because it makes it convenient to transfer money. We're in the world but not of the world. So you know I'm going to continue to use these services because of the fact that it's the world that we live in. You know I'm getting my message out and you know why did Jesus use the temple if it was run by Jews. Christ rejecting Jews. I mean Jesus used the temple and the temple was run by the Sadducees who denied the resurrection. Another question here in the chat is would you go on Owen Benjamin's show. You know Owen Benjamin. I think I might have just heard about him. Is he the comedian with the tiny piano. Yes. Yeah I mean if I'm invited on I'll probably go on if I have time if it fits my schedule I would do it. I don't I don't know that I've necessarily been invited though. I don't really know anything about him. He's just he's a comedian. What's his what's his thing. What's he about. You know he bashed Ben Shapiro and the Jews and I'm right. Yes I mean Hollywood. All right. Sounds good eyes to turn people to Christ and his way. Let's do it. All right what else you got. I'm just running these as they come up here Chuck Missler. What do you know. Is it. Chuck Missler don't even get me started. I think he's one of the worst false teachers ever. I mean that guy has twisted more scripture. You know if if if Revelation 22 18 and 19 doesn't apply to Chuck Missler that I don't even know who it applies to where it says you know do not add to or remove from God's word. That's all he does when he teaches. I mean just every five minutes he's going back to the Greek or going back to the Hebrew and just lying through his teeth because he knows that his audience speaks neither Greek nor Hebrew. Here's the best example. Genesis Chapter 4 then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. It says that in every English translation every translation in every other language on the planet. Every Bible says then began men to call upon the name of the Lord. Chuck Missler says this is actually wrong here. It should say then began men to blaspheme the name of the Lord. So he just changes the Bible twists scripture lies about the Hebrew lies about the Greek. He is burning in hell as sure as I'm sitting here. Or I want to know who Revelation 22 18 and 19 even applies to if that guy can lie and remove and add to God's word multiple times in every sermon and not receive that curse then I give up actually they meant to ask about Chuck Baldwin. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. Chuck Baldwin's a great guy. So no, I mean, I like Chuck Baldwin. I I went up to Montana with Paul Wittenberger and interviewed Chuck Baldwin went out to dinner with him for a few hours. We interviewed him for a few hours and he was a real nice guy. We get along great with them. You know, I believe he's a brother in Christ and you know, I appreciated the time I got to talk to him. So, yeah. All right. How about the doctor David Jeremiah Zionist who led me through troubling times. This is what Ray M says does being a Zionist cause you to lose your salvation. Obviously, no one can lose their salvation and look let me just be clear on this. Okay, when I was growing up every church I went to was Zionist and they were still great churches. I learned a lot. I was blessed by them. And here we go. When I started faith for Baptist Church in December of 2005. I was a Zionist. Okay. It wasn't until the summer of 2006 that I learned the truth about Israel from studying the Bible. Actually, I was I was standing up and preaching on a Wednesday night and I started to say something back in like June July of 2006. I started to say something along the lines of hey, those are God's chosen people and that's their land. And just as I was saying it, I asked myself, wait a minute. Is this really true or am I just repeating this because I've heard it. I went home and studied my Bible and I was just shocked. How could I have been so foolish? How could I fallen for this? And it was just on every page that were God's chosen people that Christians are God's chosen people that the Jews are rejected. And so, you know, I, you know, I spent years believing in Zion and I had already memorized over 100 chapters of the New Testament before I started faith for and I was still a Zionist. Okay, because I was so brainwashed and most people are so brainwashed that the Jews are God's chosen people. It's really hard to get through that. So I'm not mad at people who are Zionist because a lot of good people fall for this. I fell for it for a long time. And so it doesn't make them a bad pastor, a bad person or anything like that. You know, I thank God that he opened my eyes to it back in 2006. And starting in December of 2006, I started preaching against Zionism and preaching what I preach now. But, you know, we all we all learn and grow and hopefully a lot of these pastors that are Zionist. Hopefully they'll dig into the scripture for themselves and with the help of the Holy Spirit see that they've been lied to. What else we got? Well, before you take another call, would you do a quick, what do they call it, promotion of the Massa Conference coming up next week? Oh, gladly, because I am really excited about going to the Massa Conference. And, you know, this thing's been on the calendar for many months and I've known about it. I wasn't necessarily super excited about it. But man, this this June Pride Month and all the filthy garbage that's being crammed on our throats, man, it's got me fired up to where the Massa Conference can't come soon enough. So, you know, the Pride Conference has served its purpose to help get me fired up and ready to rip some face for the for the Massa Conference. Make America Straight Again is what that stands for, Massa, M-A-S-A, Make America Straight Again. That's the hashtag. And I, you know, strongly believe that all things work together for good to them that love God. So even all this sodomite filth and all these companies changing their logo to a rainbow, even that works together for good because it gets me so mad that now I'm going to preach better at the conference. And Brother Bruce Mejia is going to preach and Pastor Aaron Thompson and Pastor Tommy McMurtry, Pastor Patrick Boyle. I think all the sermons are going to be better because of the fact that we're so mad with all the filth that's that's coming out these days. I'm looking forward to it. It's June 14 through 16 in Orlando, Florida. I personally am going to be preaching on Saturday morning, June 15th, and I'm looking forward to just sitting back and listening to the hard preaching, doing some hard preaching and let the heathen rage. Let the dust rise. Amen. What else we got? Yeah, so we're going to stream that live on the Red Hot Preaching channel. Is that the plan? Yeah, that's going to be great. It's going to be a high quality live stream. Paul Wittenberger is going out there, bringing a bunch of equipment, and he's going to be live streaming that to a disposable YouTube channel, the Red Hot Preaching Conference channel. And so, man, find it, you know, search for it on that day and at that time and tune in live because it's going to be great. It's going to be great. Better yet, be there. I mean, it's going to be great to be there, and it's going to be epic. All right, let's do another voicemail, OK? All right. Hit me. Hey, Pastor Anderson. My husband and I live in Tornado Alley, and we have a lot of tornadoes in the areas around us, and we were wondering if you ever considered making a sermon on whirlwind. Just a quick side note. We did a word search, and the word whirlwind popped up 27 times in the Bible, so it seems to be a pretty common theme. What do you think? That is a great idea. I love it. It sounds like a great sermon idea. So, coming to a pulpit near you. The closest thing I've done to that was a sermon that I did called Natural Disasters as Punishment from God, and I would highly recommend that sermon. I preached it at Pure Words Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, and so go on YouTube, search Natural Disasters as Punishment from God. And if you really want to get the full effect, there's another upload I did where I put a bunch of pictures and video from the forest fires in Northern California overlaid on that sermon. And so, you know, you can type in Natural Disasters, Pastor Anderson, you know, California fires, and hopefully you can find the one with the visual element added. But I really like the whirlwind sermon idea. Sounds great. All right, let's pull another one of these here. I just wanted to ask, what is a good method of reaching people who have hardened their hearts to God, and you have been trying to get them to see? I know you're not a big fan of apologetics, but if you feel the need to keep on going on, like if it was a family member that has hardened their hearts, what do you recommend as a good approach? That's a great question, and one of the things that I recommend is that, you know, after you've given somebody the gospel a couple times and they're not getting it like the situation that he's describing, sometimes it can be counterproductive to just keep hitting them with the exact same thing. You know, just keep hitting them with the plan of salvation can be counterproductive because they're going to just kind of just glaze over and you're going to seem like a broken record. So what I've typically done in that situation is I just preach to them other things from the Bible. People like that, I try to tell them Bible stories or just, hey, here's an interesting story from the Bible. You know, it's interesting that you bring that up because here's what the Bible says. So I just hit them with other things from the Bible because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So if they're not getting the plan of salvation, rather than just beating them over the head and beating that same drum, I just hit them with other scriptural things that maybe interest them, you know, depending on the person. Because I've had people that I worked with where they had no interest in going to church or getting saved or anything, but they would let me tell them Bible stories for hours just because we were bored and they loved the stories. I mean, everybody loves a good story well told, and that's exactly what the Bible is. And so, you know, tell the stories, quote scripture. Back on the Massa conference, do you think it would be a kid friendly event? Absolutely. Yeah, you know, there's not going to be anything obscene as far as, you know, coming from the pulpit or anything. You know, basically, my standard is I'm never going to go further than the Bible. You know, however graphic the Bible is, I wouldn't go beyond that. It's even to speak of those things which are none of them in secret. So it's all going to be kept appropriate. And I'm totally against when people post on Facebook pictures of homos and all these disgusting trannies and everything, because, you know, I don't even want to set that wicked thing before my eyes. So whenever people post that, I hide that or block that person or because who wants to look at that garbage? So the conference is going to be wholesome, you know, from a Bible standard. Now, as far as protesters, could there be protesters outside the building and weirdos and freaks? You know, that's possible. I can't control that, obviously. The conference itself is going to be kid friendly. As far as, you know, past experience, it's been okay bringing kids to these things. You just keep them close to you. You might cover their eyes on the walk from the car to the building or whatever. But in the past, we brought our kids to church during these type of protests and things, and everything was fine. All right, on the same subject of children, there was a question from last week that we missed, but I wanted to bring it up this week. How should we introduce little kids to God? I was raised as an Orthodox, and for me, it was going to church and kissing icons. So how would we introduce our children to God? Well, I think in a perfect world, you know, your children from the time they're born are going to be going to church with you, listening to preaching, family Bible time, reading the Bible together every day as a family, telling them Bible stories before bed, telling them Bible stories at various times. So, you know, I mean, how do we get to know God is through his word. So introduce them to God by introducing them to the word of God, you know, by reading them the Bible stories, reading them about Jesus and letting them slowly absorb that as they grow up. But that's a lot better than them looking at a picture of some two dimensional looking white dude with long hair that they're claiming is Jesus. Because that's a random dude on that Orthodox icon. All right. On the children still, there's a question here in the chat. Do you believe that God provides for children? I don't understand the question. What do you think they mean by that, Dustin? Well, I don't know. I was just thinking maybe, you know, God has that child in his eyes and he's doing things for that child that maybe the parents, it's not necessarily the parents blessings, but the child is going to be blessed. And therefore, right, like, like, for example, maybe Ishmael, you know, he heard the voice of the lad and he takes care of Ishmael, even though, you know, Hagar thinks he's doomed and maybe bad parents. But then God would hear the cries of the children, like, for example, in Sodom and Gomorrah or whatever. But I think that, you know, yes, God does provide for children, help children in certain situations. But we do know that there are children in this world who starve every single day. But the Bible says, I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. So we as Christians have a promise that if we seek first the kingdom of God, all these things will be added to us. We will have food, we will have clothing, we will have what we need to survive, and our children will have what they need to survive. Now, I may die today, I may die tomorrow, but I'm not going to starve to death because God will provide my needs. Okay, same thing with my children. Now, the children of the wicked, and, you know, they don't have that same promise. And we do see children that do starve in horrible, you know, third world situations and in wicked parts of the world. The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty, the Bible says. So, it's sad, but that's the world we live in. Do you want to take a call or do you want to do a voicemail? Yeah, I'll take a call. Let me take one live here. Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Pastor Anderson here, how you doing? Hey, very good. Hey, I had a question about my local church. I have a very good Bible preaching pastor here. But, you know, sometimes he doesn't go so hard and maybe not read out of Leviticus. Definitely he's sort of a Zionist. What can I do, what kind of questions can I ask him to get him to sort of come around to realizing the truth about what the Jews are, you know, feel about Jesus and everything like that? Well, you know, I would just be really happy that you have that church and maybe just not focus so much on the one thing that you disagree on and not worry too much about it. I mean, if it comes up in conversation and God gives you an opportunity to bring something up, but I would be really gentle about it and just be thankful that you have a great church. It's really not the most important thing. Just, you know, pray for the pastor that God will open his eyes. So, very cool. Thank you so much, Pastor. I love listening to your sermons every week. Yep. God bless you. Thanks for the encouragement. And I'm glad to hear that you have a good church to go to. All right, let's pull this message up. Sorry, I already answered the phone to somebody. So we'll hit that message in a moment. Yes, Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Hi, good. How are you? I love your preaching. Thank you. I wanted to ask you, I'll make it quick. People that believe in dispensationalism, I know a lot of these people, a lot of them believe in the people now they call the church age, that if they believe in Jesus Christ that they're going to heaven. But sometimes these people believe that in the Old Testament people were saved by works, that in the future they'll be saved by a different gospel or they'll believe that there's, you know, seven different gospels or something. Do you think these people are still saved if they think that we now and themselves are saved if they believe in Jesus Christ, even if they think that other people have been and will be saved by works or something like that? No, I believe that these people are absolutely not saved because of the fact that it shows that they don't even understand the gospel. If they think that anyone could have ever been saved by works or that anyone ever will be able to be saved by works, that it shows they don't even understand the gospel. They don't even understand our hopeless condition that our righteousnesses are as filthy rags and that's salvations of the Lord and that it's by grace through faith. Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. You can't be saved by works, you never could. It's not possible for the blood of bulls and of goats to take away sins. It never has been possible. But yet you'll have people say, oh, in the Old Testament they had to do an animal sacrifice to be saved. Folks, salvation's by faith and when you have these Bible teachers saying that you could be saved by works in the Old Testament or works in the future, they're not saved. I'm looking at you Andrew Sluder. All right, have a good one. Okay, thank you. Yep, God bless. All right, got that voicemail ready, Dustin? Here we go. Hey, I just have one question about the parable about the rewards. Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, and stubble. If gold would be soul winning and being fruitful and winning people to Christ, what would you say that silver or precious stones might be? A second or third most important, most rewarded worth. Thank you very much. I don't think that we can say for sure that the gold is soul winning, you know, I mean that's kind of just a human interpretation. Obviously soul winning is considered the first works, and it's the Great Commission, it's the big thing to go into all the world and preach the gospel. It's not the only thing that we're rewarded for, but it is a big part of our reward. But, you know, God commands us to do a lot of other things too, and so I think there are going to be great rewards for women who raise godly children and hold down the fort for their husband to go out and do great works. But I also believe that women themselves should go out and do soul winning themselves. And, you know, thank God for all the ladies at Faithful Word Baptist Church that win people to Christ, and the ladies in the Bible who were laboring with the Apostle Paul in the gospel, as he said in Philippians chapter 4. So, I mean, anything that God tells us to do, any work that he tells us to do, we should be doing it. And, you know, we're going to be rewarded if we're faithful, if we keep the commandments, if we win souls, if we preach the gospel, if we get them saved, baptized, and teach them to observe all things, you know, we're going to get rewarded. But we can't really talk specifically about the rewards, we just don't know, because it's something that we can only see through a glass darkly. Alright, Pastor, what is lordship salvation? Can you kind of define what that is when people talk about lordship salvation? Right, lordship salvation is basically taking the fact that we have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, or confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and say, well, see, in order to be saved, you have to make Jesus the Lord of your life, so if he's the Lord of your life, that means you have to obey him. Because he said, you know, why call you me Lord, Lord, and do not those things which I say? So basically they're twisting this, that instead of putting your faith and trust in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his death, burial, and resurrection for you, as you're taken to heaven, they're saying you have to make him Lord, or he has to be the Lord of your life, meaning that you have to obey him. So this is just another form of work salvation, where you have to obey all the commandments, and do all the works that God told you to do, because that's how you make him Lord. And the person who's notorious for this is John MacArthur. He wrote a book called The Gospel According to the Apostles, and it's one of the most wicked books. It just teaches a full-blown work salvation, and it twists the gospel, and let him be accursed, because we have to believe on the person, the Lord Jesus Christ. We don't have to, quote, make him the Lord of our life, because that's works. And the Bible says salvation is not of works, lest any man should boast. It's by grace through faith, and to him that worketh not, here's a great verse, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly. His faith is counted for righteousness, even as David also described the blessedness of the man, unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin, and that is without works, him that worketh not. Romans 4, 5 through 8. That's not what lordship salvation teaches. They teach that you have to do the works, and they have all kinds of mental gymnastics that they do to twist this up, but it's work salvation. It's wicked. All right, what do we got? All right, so Acts 13, 48. Now, I don't know if you know it off the top of your head. Is this the one as many as were ordained to eternal life believed? Yeah, can you explain that from a non-Calvinistic perspective? Feed it accurately here. All right, Acts 13, 48. When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and glorified the word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. So the Calvinist viewpoint of this is that God already picked certain people before the world began just based on his will that we can't understand, and those people will believe they've been ordained to eternal life, and they're gonna believe. We believe that that ordination to eternal life, or that election to eternal life, is based on the foreknowledge of God. So yes, as many as were ordained to eternal life believed, but the real question is, how did they get ordained to eternal life? What was it that caused them to be ordained to eternal life, or how did they become the elect of God? And the Bible says that they are elect according to the foreknowledge of God, so God foreknows who will receive Christ and who will not receive Christ. Now here's the thing. There are people that are gonna get saved, and there are people that are not gonna get saved. And God already, before the foundation of the world, knew who was going to get saved and who was not going to get saved. And so just because God foreknew that, and then he ordained these people, okay, these people that are gonna get saved, they're gonna believe on Christ, and they're gonna be adopted as my sons, and their destiny is gonna be that they're conformed to the image of the Son, and they're gonna be glorified, and he made all these plans about this group of people that are going to be saved, the elect. But the question is, who did he choose? He chose the people who would receive Christ. He chose the people who would believe according to his foreknowledge of that person, not just, well, he chose a person and made them believe. Okay, that's a false doctrine. And look, Calvinism is easily debunked with Scripture. If you want to debunk Calvinism, first go for the Achilles' heel of Calvinism. The easiest point to debunk is limited atonement, because it's so unscriptural. When the Bible's crystal clear that Jesus Christ, the Bible says in Hebrews 2, tasted death for every man. He died not for our sins only, 1 John 2-2, but also for the sins of the whole world. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. We clearly have two different groups of people. We have the world, and then we have whosoever believeth. They're not the same group. He loved the whole world. He died for the whole world. He died not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world. He tasted death for every man. The Bible talks about false prophets in 2 Peter chapter 2, denying the Lord that bought them. He still paid for them, but yet they deny him and their damnation slumbereth not. Okay, there's so many scriptures that you could use to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ died for everybody. And how disingenuous would it be of God to say, whosoever will may come. Whosoever will, let him take the water of life for thee. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. And then just turn around and say, no, actually he only died for certain people so that those people would be saved. That's not what the Bible says. And not only that, the Bible says he's the savior of all men, especially of those that believe. That means he must be the savior of people who don't believe. In order to be especially the savior of those that believe, that means he also has to be the savior of those who don't believe as well. So he's the savior of all men. Well, all doesn't really mean all there. Okay, really? Because it says he's the savior of all men, especially of those that believe. That means that all has to include people who don't believe. And so I'm not going to take one verse and build a whole doctrine on it. There's plenty of scripture that debunks Calvinism that says that God will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth, 1 Timothy 2. He's not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. And the Bible says here, they were glad and glorified, the word of the Lord, and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. Yeah, the people who were ordained to eternal life believed, but why were they ordained to eternal life? Because God foreknew who would get saved. He foreknew who would receive him. And so the people who were in that category believed. That's it. All right, what about the opposing or the antithesis of that viewpoint with the reprobates? If he knew they were never going to believe, how would you describe that just kind of from the other side? I'm not sure I understand the question. Well, because God knew they weren't going to believe. Is he going to give them... Maybe you can just talk more about how he's hardened their hearts or how... Well, I mean, it's not just the reprobates that God knew wouldn't believe, though, because there are other people who don't believe that aren't reprobates, they just don't believe. But I will say this, though, when they die without Christ, at that point they're a reprobate. So, you know, if you think about it, being rejected, being reprobate, is something that will eventually describe every unsaved person if they don't get saved. So the people that we describe today as reprobates are people who've already been given up, given over, rejected by God before they die. But if Joe, unsaved, who's not a reprobate, if he dies without Christ, at that point he is reprobate because he's doomed, he can't be saved, he's eternally damned at that point, there's no hope for him. So before the foundation of the world, God knew who would be saved and God knew who would not be saved. And I'll take it a step further, I believe that all of human history has already happened from God's perspective. Everybody who's going to be saved has already been saved, and everybody who's going to hell has already gone to hell from God's perspective, because God dwells outside of time. And so we're at a certain point in history, but God dwells outside of time, from his perspective it's all over, it's all been done. So some people will look at this and take the Calvinist point of view and say, well, if it's all done and over and God knows, then that means that God decided who would be saved and who would not be saved. That's where they're wrong. God did not decide, we have free will, we decided to either believe on Christ or reject Christ, and it's God's foreknowledge of who we are that determines who is saved and who's not saved. Did we believe or not? So if I believe, then I'm the elect. If I don't believe, then I'm not the elect. And you know how people twist this foreknowledge of God, because look, you know what foreknew means? It just means he foreknew. He knew who was going to be saved, he knew who would believe, and he gave them this destiny. You know, I heard James White say, well, you know, in Romans 8 when it says that God foreknew, it doesn't just mean he knew, like, what the word know means. He tried to take it back to Genesis chapter 4 and say it was like when Adam knew his wife Eve and she conceived. So to him, you know, pardon this, but he basically thinks foreknew is for screw. You know, I mean, that's just a perverted, sick interpretation to try to sexualize this. And I look, I've been out so many and knock doors, and I've actually had people say this to me. Well, when the Bible says I never knew you, that's like with, you know, Adam knew Eve. Folks, that's a perverted doctrine. That is weird and creepy, and I can't believe that anyone would even be able to say that when the Bible says no about Adam and Eve. It's a euphemism talking about them having a physical marital relationship. OK, you can't just take other verses about no and just insert sex into that verse unless you're a pervert. Why would that even come into your mind to say, oh, well, we have to have this this, you know, intimate union in order to be saved or that that's what God meant when he said he foreknew. I mean, that's that's super weird doctrine of perverts. All right. I think it's nameless. Anonymous has a question here in the chat. It's why won't you answer the phone and take their call? I just I'm avoiding you. You know, I know that you've got a question that's going to stump me. And so I'm just avoiding you. It's that simple. Although I don't even know who it is. So. All right. All right. Fine. I'll answer it. OK. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Hello? Yes. How you doing? What's your question? I'm curious. What's Pastor Anderson's view on the subject of foreskin restoration? Well, you know, the Bible flat out says, you know, if you're uncircumcised, don't seek to be circumcised. And if you're circumcised, don't seek to be uncircumcised. Let every man abide in the calling where he's called. I mean, First Corinthians seven clearly states that. So I don't even I didn't even know that's even a thing. That sounds super weird. You know, and here's the thing, folks. I was circumcised as a child. You know, my parents didn't ask my opinion. And so, you know, I was just a baby and I got circumcised. But restoration. Wow. That's weird. But I'll skip it. All right. Let's take another call here. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Fine. How are you? Good. My question is, what are the most important questions that I should be asking a pastor or a preacher at a church that I'm considering joining? Well, I think that the three most important things are what Bible are they preaching? Make sure it's a King James Bible. Make sure that it's the right gospel. By faith alone, make sure that they believe you can't lose your salvation. And then ask them if they have any kind of soul winning or outreach program to preach the gospel of the lost. I mean, those are the three most important things I think is just the right Bible, the right salvation and soul winning. The important doctrines that I should be worried about being taught the false version of them. I mean, I mean, obviously there are a ton of other important doctrines, but typically when you go to a Baptist church, they're going to have most of your basic doctrines right. I mean, pretty much every Baptist church, 99.99% are going to believe in the verbal inspiration of Scripture, preservation of Scripture. They're going to believe in the Trinity. They're going to believe in the basics. So, you know, those are kind of the three points that I would use to narrow down. If you're in the United States and there's a Baptist church on every corner and you want to narrow it down, those are the three things that I would look for to find the best Baptist church. Hey, thank you so much and God bless you. You pulled me from the fire. Thank you. Amen. God bless you. Thanks for the encouragement. All right. Let's take another call here. Pastor Anderson here. How are you doing? Hello. This is a, I have a question and I have, what it's about is that I have this disposition of self-loathing, self-hate, self-defeating type of attitude. And I would really want to know what your perspective on that is, because I know it's not right. But in a way, I just have a hard time even finding a sense of purpose, even. Well, I would highly recommend the sermon that I just preached on Sunday morning called Ambassadors for Christ. I actually dealt with that exact subject of, you know, seeing yourself in the right light and understanding your importance in God's plan, how you're an ambassador and how you have a really important job. So, you know, I'd recommend you listen to my sermon from last Sunday morning called Ambassadors for Christ. I think it'll help you out. Are you are you listening to yourself playing back there? I hear you. Okay. And I know my purpose, my salvation in Jesus, I understand my security and I understand that I have Jesus in my life and I understand that. And I won't look at that sermon, but I've been having it really rough. And my family even has been suffering because of some reprobate and attacking us. And sometimes I feel like they're attacking because I am so strong in my faith. Well, here's the thing, you know, get the focus off yourself, you know, see what you can do to help other people, try to be a blessing to others, serve others, minister to others. And that's always going to help you, you know, feel better, not be depressed and things like that. And then, you know, like I said, listen to that sermon on the Ambassadors for Christ. I think it's going to help you out. God bless you. Have a great day. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Yes. How you doing? Hello. Yes. Good. Steven Harrison, Donnie Romero visited casinos. Yup. And then subsequently after that, then the Baptist and Jeff Hustlers goes over the casinos. How do we know they didn't fall into the same snare that Romero did? Well, I you know, I guess we don't since we weren't there, but they were there actually, you know, wearing suits and ties with pictures of Donnie Romero and Adam Fanon and showing them to, you know, bartenders and casino workers trying to, you know, determine which casinos they've been to, who was involved. There were there was an employee that recognized Adam Fanon in one place, but didn't recognize Romero. Another casino they went to, they recognized Romero, but not Fanon. You know, they were just investigating. And so I don't think that they were wrong to walk into a casino together with another brother in Christ, holding them accountable, you know, with pictures of these guys to try to complete an investigation to figure out the level of fraud and what was going on. So I fully support what they did. I think you're calling just to kind of troll me. Like, well, what have been the Baptist men gambling in the casino? I mean, it's just it's just a railing accusation. Do you have any proof of that or are you just making things up? No, they actually went there. OK, well, how do how do I know that? How do I know that you don't go to how do I know that you don't go to casinos every day and go to whores every day? That's just a railing accusation. Prove that you didn't prove that you didn't go to a casino. Prove that you didn't go to a whore. That's stupid. So they went there. They it was all in the daylight. It was on the up and up. They're wearing a suit and tie. They went there on a mission. They had accountability there. I believe there was even a third guy with them. And so we have two or three witnesses that they didn't go there to be an idiot and gamble at the casino. All right. Let's take another call here. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Oh, hello. All right. I think we're going to just leave that there. Pastor Anderson here. How you doing? Good. Hi, Pastor. I have a question about church history. All right. Basically, do you believe in the trail of blood theory? And do you also think it's odd that there's no witnesses in church history that seem to believe what you teach as Christianity? And you could also point out who you who you like as a church figure around the time of Luther or really anyone during that time. Thank you. Yeah, well, here's the thing about that. I don't subscribe to everything that's in the little booklet, The Trail of Blood. I do believe that there have always been believers in Christ. There have always been people who've been saved. There have always been people who baptized by immersion. And does it bother me that I can't point to historical figures that believe like me? Absolutely not, because if I look at all of the true Bible believing Christians today, the people who are doing great soul winning works and the people that are evangelizing and preaching great sermons, none of them are going to make it in the history books. OK, if if a history were being written about religion in Arizona or Christianity in Arizona, Faithful Word Baptist Church isn't going to be mentioned. And if they were mentioned, they would be mentioned just to say, oh, yeah, this crazy hate group. It wouldn't say anything about what we actually believe or the works that we've done. I mean, our church has single handedly knocked half of the doors in our county, which has four million people in it. We've knocked the doors of 18 of the 21 Indian reservations in the state of Arizona. And we're planning on finishing soon with the remaining three reservations that we're working on. And yet we're not going to be in a history book. So I'm sure that there have always been people just like me and you that are calling me. There have always been people like you. And there have always been people like the Catholics and there have always been people like Luther, because there's nothing new under the sun. There have always been people like us and there were true believers. And guess who writes the history books? People who are going to not acknowledge the biblical teaching of people like me and other independent Baptists. You know, out of all of the 10000 independent fundamental Baptist churches across America, none of them are going to make it in history books in a positive way. I promise you that our books will never be on sale at Barnes and Noble and Borders. The only way that we even have a big platform is just because of YouTube, because it's YouTube, you know, because we're the ones doing it. But we're not being published or put on TV. If the history of Christianity in America were being written, it'd be a bunch of TV preachers and mega church pastors that would be in the book. And all the mega church pastors are phonies. And guess what? They were phonies back then, too. And they've always been phonies. So no, that doesn't bother me at all. Fair enough, but in the 1800s, can you point to any pastor that you admire or would recommend? We don't live in the 1800s. So do you want me to get a time machine and go back to the 1800s and see who's doing soul winning and who's preaching the Word of God? Or anyone? Well, I just said 100 years from now, the history book will say nothing about Faithful Word Baptist Church. So if I get back in a time machine to the 1800s, I can find you some great preachers and get back to you. But since I didn't live in the 1800s and neither did you, who do you want me to point to? OK. And you know, your logic, if you follow if your if you follow your logic to its conclusion, you might as well just go all the way and become a Roman Catholic. If that's your if that's how you justify the truth by tradition and church history. It sounds like I'm talking to a Catholic because I thought that the basis of what we believe is what the Bible says. It doesn't matter what history says. If the Bible says that I'm right, then I'm right. It doesn't matter what history says. I don't care if the Bible says that God would would probably preserve at least somebody out there. Right. I mean, no, no, because he doesn't want us to worship man. You want to idolize man. God doesn't want us to idolize man. He wants us to go to the apostles and Jesus not to go to some guy in the 1800s. You want to go to some guy in the 1600s to get your doctrine. I want to go to the New Testament to get my doctrine and living, breathing, spirit filled men that are alive right now. I want preachers that are alive right now where I can inspect the fruit right now. I can't do an inspection of the fruit of a guy from the 1800s. So I want living, breathing preachers or I want the apostles and Jesus himself. OK. I don't want to dig up some guy from the 1600s and get my doctrine from him. And I think God purposely doesn't allow those things to be preserved because he doesn't want us to idolize. People from 400 years ago, he wants us to go straight to the word ourselves and cut out the middleman. OK. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Have a good one. All right. On that same subject, there's a question in the chat. Which modern denominations have not gone apostate? Is the independent fundamental King James only Baptist, the only true church? No, I mean, it depends on what you mean by apostate, because if the standard is just being saved, you know, obviously I think there are a lot of Southern Baptists that are saved. Other Baptist denominations that are saved. I think a lot of the non-denominational evangelicals are saved. So, no, I don't think that the independent Baptists are the only true church. I think that there are non-denom churches that are true churches. You know, evangelical Christians, denominational Baptist churches that are not completely apostate if the standard is that they have the right gospel. And again, all I can really see clearly is places that I've been, you know, the United States or other countries that I've visited. So I don't really know what is in every corner of the world, every nook and cranny of the world. But, you know, there were true Bible believing Christians before the independent fundamental Baptist movement, and there will be true Bible believing Christians after the independent fundamental Baptist movement. That's just a label, you know, and now we have a new label, the new IFB. But, you know, at the end of the day, and this kind of ties in with the previous call, there have always been people who believe that salvation was by faith. It's so funny when the Catholics want us to believe, well, everybody was Catholic. You know, nobody believed that salvation was by faith alone. Like Martin Luther just had to come up with Sola Fide or something. Folks, you don't think that in every age people could just open the Bible and read Romans 4 and see that salvation is by faith or figure out that baptisms by immersion or figure out that baby baptism isn't in the Bible? Come on, get real. And we're supposed to look to John Calvin and Martin Luther and these other baby baptizers? No, thanks. And you know what? Our history focuses on Europe. You know, yeah, Europe was in the Dark Ages. But, you know, while Europe was in the Dark Ages, Christianity existed in the Mongolian Empire. You know, some of Genghis Khan's descendants were married to Christians. So there was Christianity going on all over the world throughout history. And so we don't know where all the true Christians were in 1200 AD, 1300 AD, 1400 AD. And so we know so little about history, you know, even really important historical works. Some of them don't even survive. You know, here, you know, since since the previous caller was so interested in theologians of the past. How about John Chrysostom? You know, I was reading a book by John Chrysostom recently and there were whole chunks missing. And it said, oh, this part's missing. Why? Because most things don't survive. Even a guy who's a really popular preacher, that's a saint in three religions. A lot of his stuff is missing. Why? Because very little survives to history. Now, nowadays, you know, we take like I think my children have literally been photographed like nine or ten thousand times. OK, there are people taking pictures of their kids every day on their smartphone. But back in the old days, you rarely took a picture of someone. And back in the old days, you know, you didn't have all these computers and Xerox machines and files. You weren't mass producing things on a printing press. So ninety nine percent of Bible manuscripts have not survived. Ninety nine percent of sermons have not survived. Ninety nine percent of anything hasn't survived. So, you know, history, you're just looking at little fragments of what was going on. You know, you think about like major works of literature like Beowulf. Right. What is there like one manuscript of Beowulf and it was almost burned in a fire. We almost lost Beowulf was discovered in the eighteen hundreds. You know, there are so many important or even think about ancient Greek literature that's popular. Sophocles wrote one hundred and some plays and only seven of the plays of Sophocles are extant right now. So things don't survive. All right. Kind of on the same subject here. And it's actually nameless anonymous. This question showed up in the chat. So my question is, do you believe that someone who is not King James only can be a safe person? And can someone be saved without the KJV? Someone who's not King James only can absolutely be saved. And someone who can someone be saved without the KJV? Yeah, they could because they could be saved with a Spanish Bible or Greek Bible or an Italian Bible or French. You know, a lot of people don't even speak English. So, of course, they can be saved without a KJV. And, you know, theoretically, they could be saved with a bishop's Bible or a Geneva Bible. Or if you took verses from the new King James that actually are the same, then, yeah, they could be saved from verses that are the same that say the same thing. And I'm not saying, you know, they change believeth to believes or something. Obviously, that's the same thing. You know, if it says the same thing, they could be saved. But can people be saved from corrupt scripture, like scripture that's actually different, that is substantially different? If I went to someone to try to win them to Christ and I used verses that were not in the Bible or verses that have been altered or changed, then no, they can't be saved. And that explains why there's so many unsaved people in all these NIV and ESV churches because they don't even have the word of God. And faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So they're getting all this corrupt scripture, you know, and no, I believe we have to be saved from the incorruptible seed, which is the true word of God, not a fraud. Now, it doesn't have to be the King James because it could be the Spanish. It could be the Reina Bolero Antigua. It could be, you know, a Greek New Testament if they're a Greek person. Obviously, it's not just the King James. But in English, you know, the true preserved word of God is the King James Version. OK, the King James Bible is the word of God without error. So if there's a verse that deviates from that, it's a lie. OK, now, obviously, if it says the same thing using a different word that means the same thing, if everlasting becomes eternal or believeth becomes believe or ghost becomes spirit, obviously that's still the word of God. But when it says something completely different, it stops being the word of God. It becomes a lie. And no, you cannot get someone saved with a lie. So these modern versions are damning people, and they are an obstacle to people getting saved because they corrupt God's word. And the Bible says, We are not as many which corrupt the word of God. So I think we're just about out of time. So thank you to everybody who called in. A lot of great questions today. Appreciate everybody tuning in. And I'm not sure when we're going to do this again because we've got the conference coming up. So the next live stream to look for is, you know, besides our normal church services is going to be the live stream from the Massa conference, the Make America Straight Again conference. And that is coming up on June 14th through 16th. It's going to be on a different channel. It's going to be on a throwaway channel called Red Hot Preaching Conference. God bless you and thank you again. Have a good day. Thank you.