(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're live here. It is April 27th 2020 welcome to the 36th edition of the sword of the spirit podcast I'll be joined in moments by brother Ron Houser to talk about the truth with regard to Bible college will get his experience and so much more his testimony From someone who went through Bible college himself to give us the good the bad and the ugly it starts in 60 seconds music You Welcome everyone sort of the spirit podcast it's live Got a very special guest with me tonight Brother Ron Houser from revival Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida We used to go to church together actually for a while and I brought him on to the show tonight because I wanted to talk about Bible college what we'll be uncovering is the truth about Bible college the good the bad the ugly everything that you want to know about this institution brother Ron had actually been through it himself and has a testimony that I wanted him to share for the audience tonight so that we can get his perspective on what it's like to Enroll in this institution what he learned from the experience and more and if you're someone who? Hasn't been through it before and you were thinking of enrolling in your nearest Bible college Then we hope that this podcast is useful for you and making your decision so you can then know for sure Whether or not it's the right move for you, but right now. Let me talk to the man brother Ron He's here with me now brother Ron. Thanks for coming on tonight. I really appreciate it It's great to have you on the podcast for the first time and also great to get a chance to catch up with you Friend of mine from Jacksonville. How you doing tonight? I'm doing good, and I am really excited that you have me home because this is something that's very personal to me It was a big part of my life. I Guess it'd be about eight years total because I went to undergrad and graduate and so I just I really want to Give people an informed decision, you know when I think they're following the Lord and just prepare them for what's really out there So I appreciate you having me. Yeah, that's that's what it's all about here We want to give people a chance to make an informed decision Rather than just jumping headfirst into the deep end of the pool and then they start drowning right and realizing man Maybe I shouldn't have done that from someone who actually Experienced Bible culture and the thing is brother on you and I we've had these discussions Off-air and I remember going to your house where you talked a lot about it and the things that you went through and just how You slowly started to realize where you were and you're looking around you're like man Am I the one going crazy here or what's going on as you kind of you know went through some of the persecution That's involved with it but also recognizing that these Bible colleges that purport to be teaching people about the Word of God and preparing them for The ministry or other aspects related to that field are not equipping students who were going in there these young minds who are going in there thinking that they're about to be equipped with Knowledge that would be useful for their path and instead they're just getting propagandized with a bunch of false doctrine And we'll get to that in a moment. But first of all, let me ask you this brother Ron What? College did you attend yourself? So For my undergrad my first four years. I went to Gardner Webb University it's a smaller college in a or University in North Carolina and then for my Graduate degree. I did four years at Campbell, you know, and both of these are they're called Baptist base That means when they originally started they were Baptist colleges that later, you know grew and into universities And so they have a Baptist background, but as you'll see as we talk about both of them, you know And just just like anyone, you know, they become more worldly and they become more ecumenical And so that Baptist term becomes really loose just like you see in the Baptist realm today If someone says they're Baptist, they they may not even believe in being baptized I mean, it's just such a broad term now and so that same thing is applied In the schools that I went to for sure There might be some people out there who are curious about it in the sense that like we've already covered You know, they might be thinking hey, I want to go join I want to enroll and I think by the end of the podcast we'll give them a pretty good idea whether or not it's worth It but I wanted to just first start off not only with the college that you went to but also Talk a little about your first impressions in terms of when you had first started attending classes there and things like that What were you first thinking what was first going through your mind as you began your journey through Bible college yourself? So, you know for our discussion, I'm really gonna focus on the four years of graduate because that's so recent And so that's really where my mind's gonna be at But I think you know, I have I had the same mindset and literally I would say 99% if not 100% of the people that come in have and it's like, you know, I'm ready to serve the Lord I just want to take my walk of faith, you know to the next step and and that was my mindset and I was excited about it and you know, I Just praised the Lord for his mercy and his long suffering because you know, I moved and both my wife and myself Stopped our jobs. We didn't have anything else. Like hey, I'm just gonna follow the Lord I'm gonna serve him, you know, this is part of it and he'll he'll figure out the rest for us And so the faith was there in the direction was there and and I think that's it that's normally the case for it 99% maybe 100% there are some you know, there's that 1% that's like I'm skeptical I'm agnostic and the score actually lets them go through, you know Wow, and so they'll actually show up and I believe in my hundred grad There was an atheist that was going through, you know, and they let him go through, you know I guess maybe they have a mentality of perhaps you'll get saved or things like that And so I don't know all the university policies about why they would allow that or why they wouldn't But I'd say about 99% of the people when they go they had the same mentality that I did You know I want to serve the Lord and that's truly what that's truly the mindset of people as they go in and and that's the problem because they want to serve the Lord and so they're they're ready to have their mind molded and And that's gonna be one of the biggest issues is who's molding the mind and after what pattern are they molding the mind? and it's not after the Word of God, but it's after the doctrines of men and And we'll get we'll get to talking about that But I'd say that's the initial when you go in and there's I bet anybody listening to this if they're actually Considering what I would call seminary. It's just a synonym Let's say I pulled a scenario this is a college that prepares students be priests ministers or rabbis And so it's the same thing is like Bible College or whatnot But you know if anyone's listening to this and they're actually skeptical thinking about like how dumb is this new IFE or something? How they just throw education out the window. It's not that we're throwing education out the window And so that's not the case at all And actually we're trying to educate you if you're deciding about doing this or you really thinking about it And I guarantee you that most people listen to this have the heart to serve the Lord They go in and and that's why they're going in, you know, and so that was my that was my story as well as I went in Especially, you know being raised Southern Baptist. It was just like the next step, you know They say oh well if you want to be a pastor if you want to serve the Lord Then what you're supposed to do is go to your Bible College. That's that's the next step. And so that was that was my mentality Yeah, it's a lot of old IFB pastors who seem to kind of believe in that mentality as well the sense that if you really want to do something in a ministry you have to attend Bible Cultures some others and A lot of them I'm not saying they're all bad. I mean a lot of them are good pastors They're just sort of misled on this issue where they'll say things like well If you really want the hardcore doctrines If you really want the deep doctrines the meat of the word Then you don't go to church on Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday night or in your case I guess it would be Thursday night, but you don't go to the midweek service and then your Sunday service is for that But instead you need to enroll into your local Bible College and that's where you'll get the meat of the word But that's exactly the total opposite of what the Bible indicates I mean you read Hebrews chapter 6 for example And we see Paul exhorting in the very first verse of that chapter and I believe Paul wrote the book of Hebrews We see him exhorting The Hebrews in that very first verse that they need to depart from the foundation of the faith repentance from dead works the doctrine of baptisms etc and How and where is that gonna take place? It's gonna take place inside the house of God in which Congregants go and sit down in the pew and listen to the man of God expound the Word of God behind a pulpit Not at some Bible College in Titus chapter 1 when Titus was Commissioned to go and ordain elders in every city He wasn't commissioned to go and enroll them into the local Bible College first And then figure out who from that particular group can then end up getting sent out from the college to start their own church Etc. It's not a biblical concept and yet young men who want to go into the ministry become pastors are Fleeing the local church where they could have gotten trained by a man of God who's actually doing the job and instead They're going and sitting in classrooms and learning about Dispensationalism and the pre-trib rapture and Zionism and all sorts of other heresies Some are even more serious heresies than the ones I just listed You want to add anything to that before we move on well, I mean Because of the school I went to is even more liberal than that You know, it was more ecumenical more I'd say politically correct in the sense. It's like we want to offend people They they wouldn't even go in doctrines They're just trying to make such a broad brush and I actually use that term over and over like it near the end So I ran into Pastor Anderson's preaching While I was in seminary and so by the end of it I became very I wouldn't say stubborn but very bold and say you know what? I'm just gonna stay with the Word of God says and I don't care if I make enemies here, you know I'm for peace, but when I speak there for war and so I would say what the Bible says or this says, you know and I think that the school I went to is they just It would be really broad and I would use that term. I'm like, wow, so that's just really a broad interpretation, right? I mean, that's just really why it could be anything, you know, and I'd always say that you know And people wouldn't even realize I was like throwing Matthew 7 out there about the problem, you know Broadway that leads to destruction But I would say that all the time and people are like, yeah, it really is. It's it's not in awesome Yeah, it doesn't seem very narrow right doesn't seem very straight It just seems like it could be anything and so that's the approach that a lot of them take is, you know Well, you could interpret that way or this way or this way or this way And they just you know, that's exactly what this is where I'm really gonna hurt some people or stabbles of people That's exactly what Satan wants and he has his hand deep in the seminaries and the Bible colleges, you know And if you if you were gonna attack somewhere, you know, where would you do it? Would you do it to the local congregation member out here or you gonna do to the future pastors, right? and that's exactly and that's the problem because every You know every pastor that's coming out of that Satan's affecting Hundreds and thousands to come and so that's where his game plan is and I saw it when I was there firsthand mainly because the the biggest confrontation that you first run into is them Deauthorizing the Word of God and making it the Word of Man and that's you know, and that's gonna be across the board You know, and I think you even see that I'm not too familiar with this It's not my background, but I saw the documentary with the Schofield reference Bible, right? It even deauthorizes the King James and so it was you know It was deauthorizing the Bible in the sense of now I have to listen to the Schofield, you know Now we have to listen to his commentary and so it pulls your attention off of the words Of God and puts him on the words man. Well, what does man say about the Bible, you know, and so yeah And you're reading textbooks About what man says about the Bible that are almost upheld to a higher level of authority than the Bible itself How does that make any sense? But real quick. I just want to mention some things here from the chat room We've got some good comments from the chat Duke Scanlan says so glad you're covering this topic. I hate Bible colleges So it looks like we have some allies here listening live this person says Moi moi, she I'm not sure how to pronounce that of this name here Plattenberg or something like that Bible college is just more of the mindless credential ism that plagues our society They want to force you to attend one of the open-air insane asylums called University to hold any job And I agree with this assessment. I have not attended a Bible college myself, but I've attended a secular college, which is worse Worse by the way But we do have somebody here obviously who has and that's why he's on but Ron let's move on now I want to ask you this question what? classes you don't have to list every single one if you don't want but highlight some of the classes you took so people can get an idea of What you were learning? So, I'm definitely glad you asked that and I actually want to start off with a verse I read recently that when I read it, I was like, this is perfect. Go for it When you had asked me about You know coming on and talking and everything. I was like, well, let me go get on my school stuff Let me get on my syllabus and I already had known in my head I was like, I don't think I have any because I threw all away But with that said here's the verse that came to mind in Acts chapter 19 I'll start at 18 to read 19 It says in many that believed came and confessed and showed their deeds and listen this many of them also which used Curious arts brought their books together and burn them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it 50,000 pieces of silver and so I remember I was gonna sell my textbooks on eBay because I was done I was like I was getting money out of it And I thought I don't want to put this in the hands of somebody else I really I really didn't you know because there's other students that were going through and they're gonna get their textbook from somebody else But I didn't want that to be on me And so they burned up the 50,000 pieces of silver their book I didn't burn my books But I did take them to a dumpster and dump them in the the dumpster And so people think oh, well, that's foolish. You should have kept it You know, I did it out of my zeal for realizing, you know, what's really in contained in those books and yeah, I'm so fortunately I don't have my Syllabi or all those things but I did break it down into three categories, you know You're gonna take three types At least I did in at Campbell University and in my undergrad at Gardner Webb I took three categories of classes and you know, these are the categories I have I put spiritual, biblical, and non biblical Things in the spiritual you're gonna be learning spiritual disciplines and things like that that goes into they need the prayer Fasting stuff like that. Those are all gonna be in your spiritual classes and you're gonna see in my own experience They're bringing in a lot of Eastern mysticism this idea of you know, feeling spiritual just through you know some kind of connection that's non biblical and so a non biblical connection be just like Sitting out and clearing your mind in nature and that gets you closer to God Well, I think there are times that you just need to be still and rest But you know if you want to get close to God study to show yourself approved You know and get in your Bible and live by every word and you know, they never highlighted that, you know They think that well that's you know That's more of a bad thing And so the biblical classes would just be your general Old Testament your New Testament If you had any specific classes in those like I took a revelation class is actually how I came across pastor Anderson So I was doing a supplemental research just on my own because I really wanted to you know Learn a lot about it and that's where I came across him. And so and then your non biblical classes would be like languages leadership Worship planning and so they go over just administrative things, you know, because they're trying to prepare you for a church So they'll go over things like, you know, how would you do a wedding or how would you do a funeral? Or how would you do your bulletin or how would you know and so they do cover things like that? And those are good because those things have to get done or at least they are getting done and many people Wouldn't even consider them or think about them And so having a you know an idea of how that goes like, you know worship planning things like that You know you think about as you're trying to teach something, you know, what music are you selecting? I know pastor bore really loves music and he's really got a passion for music and so normally laughs his family has appointed singers at a certain place and they'll sing something that coincides with the you know sermon and so They teach that they teach, you know Hey choose if you're gonna choose him choose the ones that are gonna teach the same thing now I was fortunate enough that even though I went to a very contemporary very praise and worship The Person who led worship planning and the person who's head over all the worship. He liked him So we had to memorize four different hymns as part of our class Because he said you should have these things in your head and so, you know, there are good things there there really are and but that but it doesn't outweigh the bad that's there and especially when you get into the biblical classes and from my experience the biblical classes were the worst because the whole job is To deauthorize the nature of what we call an inerrant infallible Word of God and they're gonna say hey, you know that's not the case and so that's the three categories I have now I did pull up my Transcript and so I can see every class that I took all your eyes Say again all your A's You know what? Hey, I'll say I'll say this And now, you know this in all serious note, you know I listened and I disagreed and I wrote papers that disagreed with and I graduated with distinction Which mean I had a above a three point eight nine GPA when I graduated and I disagree with him And I think it's straight out of the school Satan So you can't fault me, you know with like barely making it out of there thinking Oh, well, you know I did I studied and I worked hard and it's a lot of work But it's not focused in the right direction. I was reading it's well over 200 pages a week Each class is 40 to 60 pages a week, but it's just men the opinions of man, right? Yeah, and so you'll read like one chapter in your Bible and they'll be like, you know that you know and that's just in a biblical class and then you'll read 250 pages of you know, just NT right or brew them on or all these people that they steam above everyone else and if it were an Independent fundamental it probably been someone like Schofield or you know, you can name it, you know I don't have that experience as much but they're gonna steam this person and you're gonna read You know ten times more of that than you are the word rather than it should be the other way around you should be reading ten times more of the word and then Looking at his opinion. You'll be like well, you know that does line up that doesn't line up But they don't compare it to the Bible They compare you to them and so you'll when you're talking with professors or whatnot and I had that I would say something and be Like well this says this and they would immediately not quote another scripture, right? They wouldn't give you a doctrine of the Bible They would quote some scholar and use that loosely but they'd quote a scholar at least was recognized as one and That would be their authority and that's how they and that's how it always went So I do have a couple classes and I can I can walk you through like my introduction, you know One of my first introduction classes that really started me out if you want to hear about that real quick And then we can keep going from there Yeah, let's do it. Why don't you go ahead and walk me through what you wanted to before you do though? I just want to take another peek real quick at the chat just to keep them involved here. We're getting some good comments we see There's one here from someone. I think I know who this is KJV Bible thumper 1611 and How many are not even saved and they're graduating and being sent out of these colleges so I think he's sort of piggybacking off of my comment on Young people who are going to these schools so that they can get their foot in a ministry and potentially become pastors one day Responding to that. So, thank you. Why do I not remember? Let me look closer at the profile picture here because this is a very familiar username Brother, it's brother Frank right, Ron Okay, there we go brother Frank he says he got an a-minus once with a laughing emoji So good. Good job brother Frank. I'm glad you got some good grades my friend You know what? If I if I could pick anyone to have succeeded and gotten an A or an a-minus it would have been you Frank, alright, so there you go. Good guy there from Jacksonville. We'll have to have him on here sometime soon Entertaining guy but Ron go ahead and talk about what you wanted to talk about. I just wanted to Interject that real quick So to his comment, I pulled it up real quick And this is something most of us know comes from Matthew 23 15 But it's whoa and to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites For you compass see and land to make them one Proselyte when he is made you make him to for twofold more the child of hell than yourselves When you get stuck in that way when you have that mindset and especially the ones that come out of seminary They're not saved. I know for a fact two of my professors were not saved because I tried to give them the gospel I spent over an hour and a half after class trying to tell them it's not my works And they're not saying it, you know, and they're just gentle and everything with you and they but they're deceitful because they're sinning They're making proselytes and these people that go out they look at people like Pastor Anderson as someone very ignorant You know, they look at you know Myself just being a new IP or any independent fundamental Baptist person. They immediately just tag on ignorant And it doesn't matter how much you study. You'll always be ignorant in their eyes Because you're listening to the Bible, you know, you're not listening to all these other men But so that's very that's a very important point. It was a good call that you know They get it sent out and they're not saved and most of them aren't saved And I actually asked one of my classmates one time Can you just give me the gospel and he couldn't do it You know, and so I did get one of my classmates saved and the other ones just they wouldn't listen It's a very unreceptive crowd. So I'll go into My first class I went in was introduction and I just like telling the story I've told it a lot because this is where it sort of sets the stage For how my experience went now when I did not go to a King James only Seminary Bible College I went to one that actually one of my professors my hope doesn't professor would not allow you to use the King James in In their class and so it's also a testimony Yeah, yeah truly and it's also a testimony of it being true, right? You know if you truly are seeking knowledge why exclude that, you know, and so why would you exclude something? You know, why would you hide it if you want to educate someone? It seems like the exact opposite of what you'd want to do And so every time I wrote a paper or anything like that They required us to have like five different translations And so the whole points to make it broad But I walked in and I had a King James and I wasn't the only one with the King James Because I found out later some of the older people that were there now the one I want to allow people to be 50 60 You know and above they would come in and they would do this and most of them had a King James and that could just be a generational difference But I certainly was the only one with the King James that would be under the age of probably 55 And so I had a King James And I walked into the first class and I I had heard things in the past about the different translations I had never really studied it. Remember I wasn't in seminary. I was doing other things and so I wasn't really focused on it But when I decided hey, we're gonna put everything on hold and go through this That's when I dedicated that time of study My first class was introduction to theological education and the whole point was to we're gonna teach you how to study the Bible and They had us pick a verse out of a passage Now the passage was from Acts chapter 8 and it started in 26 and it goes through the end of the chapter but this is Philip in the Ethiopian unit and We're supposed to read through this section and pick a verse now I read through it and I even have an underline here and we're supposed to underline a verse I don't know if you can see it, but I underline Right there and I was like man this verse just speaks to me and that's what we were supposed to do and my classmate gets up and he and the professor had him read the Passage start to finish and as they read they skipped over my verse or so I thought and I sort of laughed in my head I was like, that's funny that one verse that I happen to choose is the one they accidentally, you know Just I skipped over and miss if I looked at my food I was sitting at desk of two and I looked over at my neighbor's up Bible and he had some Oxford revised version or something and it wasn't there and I was like wait a minute and it had a footnote and that in the verse says and Philip said, you know, because the Ethiopian just asked, you know, what does hinder me to be baptized, you know what keeps me from being baptized and it says and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart that made us and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God now when I read this passage I was like man, that is a huge doctrinal statement. That is just powerful it's like that, you know, it is it's a requirement to baptism and All of a sudden I noticed in the Bible next to me that verse isn't even there and I said that's the problem That's a really big problem If you have that as your authority and I have this as my authority and I already knew that they didn't say the same thing And so that really that really started my path to want to figure out what's behind all this And so that's why I took languages. Why I took Greek and Hebrew I just wanted to figure out where are these texts coming from? Why is that out there? Because honestly I wanted the truth You know I don't just say King James because other people say King James I say King James because I believe it would be the true preserved Word of God and I have reasons for believing that and so you know and Not only does it speak for itself, you know, if you read it compared to the other translations But there's more than just that if you look at the translations We all know about the preserved Word of God and how I learned that the reason they don't have that verse is Because they're not using the same manuscripts they're using Alexandrian text type and a bunch of these corrupt manuscripts and that's where they're getting their Bible from and so that's how it started and You know the King James they allowed it to be used, you know Cuz it's so popular apart from the one professor that just was bold enough to just sort of expose what's behind it You know and say you can't use that most of them allowed it to be used But they did not encourage it because they said it's outdated and it's old and that's the seminary I went to I mean That's the Bible College. I went to and you know, there are more non independent fundamental Bible colleges and there are independent fundamental Bible colleges And so that's what the pastors are that are being just pushed out, you know, and it comes from the corrupt Word the corrupt seed right and they don't have the true Word of God And so how are you gonna learn anything about the Word of God when you don't even have the Word of God and that sets The stage for how it goes and so if you if you are considering, you know Seminary or Bible college in you and you're looking at it if they're not King James only You don't even have the Word of God now that may rub some of y'all the wrong way if you've never studied behind that But you know just ask yourself that God declared his word or better yet Do you believe the Bible because a lot of people will make this statement? I'm a bible-believing Christian So if you believe God declared his word and preserved it because they don't believe God preserved his word They don't believe we have it That's the whole reason they use those other translations and they can just keep adding things because we don't actually have the Word of God Which I think completely goes against you know What Jesus said that we should live by every word that proceeds out of mouth of God And so you can't do that if you don't have them and so that's how that that's how it started And it really it got me thinking and it was a problem for me You know, it's very big problem because I am a bible-believing Christian and it is my sole authority And when I see something like that, I said, you know, you have a different authority than I have I can look at somebody that says, you know, what keeps me from being baptized and put a requirement They need to be saved, you know, you can't do that. You don't have a you don't have a verse for that And so you anybody could be baptized and you get different doctrines and so that's how I started and from there, I really went off into languages and You know, I can mention a little bit about what I learned from languages in a bit But is there anything you want to say or yes First of all, I find that incredible that there were a bunch of different Bible versions in there and you picked Acts Chapter 8 verse 37 love it. Good job. Yeah, you picked that one and it Illustrates the fact that these different versions delete verses out of there and in fact communicate Different things how can you have multiple Bible versions that in some cases? Articulate a contradictory message and then say they're both right or both on an equal playing field that literally makes no sense I referenced Hebrews 6 earlier you look at Hebrews 6 verse 1 in the KJV and you compare it to Hebrews 6 1 in the NLT you have completely opposite messages the King James says that repentance from dead works is the foundation of our faith whereas the New Living Translation says that repentance from evil deeds is the foundation of our faith contradictory the total opposite and there are plenty of other examples that we could cite as well and Another thing on a less serious note what Frank was saying in the chat room is you got the a-minus once Not himself. So apparently I don't know how to read English moving on from that Another thing I wanted to point out too because you brought up that this college didn't uphold the scriptures as the perfect source of God's Word and the perfect authority Understand this and think about how Illogical it is and frankly stupid it is to take that viewpoint Because if that's true if there is no perfect Bible translation if God's Word hasn't been perfectly preserved Which is a violation of what he promised in Psalm chapter 12, then what you'd necessarily have to believe is that there is no perfect authority by which we can appeal to to understand anything about God's Character anything about the nature of God or anything about his attributes and Obviously that's not the case. First of all, it violates the promises that we see in the Bible itself but also it doesn't even make any sense if the Lord was willing to give a carnal provision to the children of Israel in the wilderness that being manna which fell from heaven then I believe you know what that was picturing is the spiritual truth that in the Wilderness that we call the Christian life God left us with the spiritual provision God's spiritual manna Which is the Word of God itself and you know what he wouldn't leave us with a corrupted manna He would leave us with perfected manna by which we can know doctrine and also the nature and personality and character of the Lord Jesus Christ, so I just find that to be abhorrent and Absolutely wicked that they would teach a doctrine like that at the Bible College, but you can continue Yeah, you're absolutely right and what gets many people doubting that but what gets me the people to accept something other than what you just said it is the fact that They're not confident They're not been in what they're holding not in themselves And so they have these what they would call these great professors these people who've been studying at their whole lives and stuff like that And they're like surely I don't know more than them and you have to remember that God gave you a rock You know and that's how he ends the Sermon on the Mount that those that keep these saying you like is the like building his house on a rock and so when they Start the professors that what they want to do is they want to poke holes in the Bible Not all your biblical classes are going to do that. They're gonna look at poking holes in that Absolutely is when you when you don't even have the Kings James, they're poking holes in the sand You can't you can't poke a hole in the rock. And so I remember near the end of my experience when I was you know more Absolute when I was more bold in the Word of God after having listened to a lot of Pastor Anderson's preaching and other pastors as well When when I would approach I would stand on say well, you know, the Bible doesn't say that, you know, it says this and You know, I actually, you know, I'll give that as an example real quick. So one of my last classes I took I Approached the professor he's not saved, you know, he was one that used the phrase, you know Grace is free, but it ain't cheap. You gotta work for it's like It's the dumbest thing you've ever hear but they believe it, you know because someone famous wrote to them wrote a book on it So I said, you know For the love of money's the rib all evil and he had a big problem with that, you know And he started citing these other people and I just flipped it over. I said, this is what it says, you know, and And he said well, you know, that's that translation Referring to the King James and he pulled it in says it's all kinds of evil and I was like, yeah Well, you know if this is my Bible if this is what I'm using then this is what you know This is what the Word of God is for the love of the money's root of all evil He says surely you don't believe that right sure You don't actually believe that that started all evil and at the time it sort of threw me off when he said something like that I'm like, well, I believe it. I don't care whether I understand it or not And because that's what it says and I have bonus in that but you know, I had planned to do this Let me let me look it up real quick so I was listening to Pastor Robinson and He's going I was just listening to a sermon about Satan and this is after the fact because I couldn't answer him at that time I'm like, well, you know, I don't understand it. But you know, I believe it and that's what it says He's like, well, you know, that's just what that's you That's where we differ there and I wish I had a better answer and there actually is one where it talks about the anointed Chair and I just got to get that reference real quick so that I can flip to it Ezekiel 28 So Ezekiel 28 get this it's talking about Satan. It's referring. It's mentioning him and this is what it says. It says That was perfect in thy ways This is at verse 15 2015 now It's perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till iniquity was found in me now get this What was the iniquity by the multitude of thy merchandise? They have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou hast sinned. Why did Satan sin? He was adorned with diamonds and There's a list over here Jasper sapphire diamond barrel onyx emerald carbuncle gold all of these precious gems that we would know as Treasures and he said by the multitude of merchandise filled the midst of him with violence and he said why is love of money? Where what's the root? The love of money was the root of all evil and I just wish I had that answer there But that just goes to show you that this is a rock. This is solid It doesn't contradict and you have to have that faith and you just have to you know And that's that's what you're standing on And so many people are intimidated by all these accolades and all these PhDs and all these other things But you have something that is greater than that in the King James Bible You have the perfect Word of God given to you in English and so you can stand on that and it will never be Wrong, you know, you can cite people all day long and they'll be wrong. This will never be wrong and I think that's the that's the The hardest part for someone going into that Atmosphere going into that environment that they are automatically placing themselves Below all of the other professors, but we're all on the same playing field, you know, we all should have the Word of God But if you don't have the Word of God, you don't have King James and you know what? It's it's whatever they say goes because they're gonna poke holes in that sand all day long and you can't answer them and they will Show you contradictions. You're like, wow, the Bible isn't what I thought It was the Bible does contradict itself the Bible does all that because they're using all these, you know We can translations that are corrupt. They do have contradictions. And so So I would say that I forgot weird, you know what started that but Standard Word of God, you know, you won't be intimidated by all the the professors and the wisdom of man I Absolutely agree with that point you made there you also brought up earlier that at some point you started listening to Pastor Anderson, and I think I mumbled something like Uh-oh, you know, that's no good yeah, and the reason why I say that is because I've heard story after story of an individual who was attending an old IFP type church or a Bible College Seminary such as the one that you went to that stumbled across Pastor Anderson slash the new IFP and it changed their view on a number of different doctrines and changed their philosophy on things and really lit their Christian life on fire in the sense that it jump-started their Christian life and got them to turn over a Brand new leaf and just take things to the next level into second gear But the unfortunate problem with that is of course the Bible says yeah and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and this is a pattern you see all throughout Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is men of God who? want to live for the Lord and preach what's right and go to the nearest house top and lift up their voice like a trumpet and Stand on what the Bible says often in response receive Persecution even from people who aren't necessarily Evil and we saw that with even when King Asa when a prophet told him that You know, he shouldn't have relied on physicians, but that instead he should have relied on the Lord Asa responds by persecuting that man and My point is this though We've seen this happen with people who've been introduced to the quote teachings of the new IFP and churches like it and it Resulted in them being treated Poorly at their local church or even kicked out of their local church But for you when you started to see hey, wait a minute here what I'm learning at this college at this seminary Contradicts what scripture actually says for example when you listen to the pastor Anderson revelation Series and some other sermons from him as well talk about when you started to realize this isn't good I'm not in a good situation. I'm learning a bunch of lies Talk about that change that that moment where the lightbulb went off So basically some of the real hardcore negatives of the college and your college I literally got a what's wrong with Bible college list that we can go through to address what you said There's a there's a burden to enlightenment, right? Because anything after That enlightenment anything after when you realize the truth or when you see the truth you plan to see it becomes a compromise and That is that is a heavy burden to bear on yourself because you know in your heart you're compromising if you go forward You know in your heart those things So when I was in that revelation class, it was spring of 2016 I looked back up my transcript to figure out what it was spring of 2016 and they were so broad with it They didn't give any kind of in-time doctrines They were just literally the whole class was looking at every name that God was called which was neat And it wasn't bad to look at all the names of God because it was glorifying God But they were just shying away from getting something wrong, you know And they just want to keep it as broad as they could but I did I took that class because I wanted to learn Revelation was teaching, you know I didn't want to take a class to to see that there's 52 different names that God is called in Revelation You know, I'm glad I learned that that's not why I took the class. So it really, you know, really Encouraged or motivated me to go out and say I'm just gonna just do my own research to figure out you know What is revelation teaching and I came across a revelation series and I remember I like binge watch that thing in two or three days Because it was like taking pure oxygen and just sticking it on your face and just breathing in as deep as you could and it's like this is just like truth and I was like I believe the Bible and that's exactly how I believe it should be preached what it says, you know and at this point already was an outlier because I was a Creationist and I was you know, and that is the minority view in seminary. I went to you know Bible college I went to there were Very few people that believe six-day creation and not old earth and everything like that And so, you know remember most of those people aren't saying most of the people in the seminar I went to I'd say that you know, the high majority are not saved. They're your contemporary Christian that doesn't really know the gospel just you know, and so Not to get on that rabbit trail So when I listen to Pastor Anderson, and I was like, wow the first thing I did with my buddies in class I came back and I was like, hey, have you ever heard of Pastor Anderson? And he goes, it's not the guy that Denies the Holocaust. I was like, I don't know. But have you heard his revelation series? It's amazing And so it reminded me like the the guy that's healed and the Pharisees are just like, you know, grilling it It's like who he'll do everything. Well, you see a sinner. He's like, I don't know if he's a sinner He just killed me, right? And so when we said that I was like, I don't know if he denies the Holocaust or not I just know his revelation. I just know his revelation series is awesome And so I just know that I was blind and now I see Yeah, no, it was just like it's like what does that have to do with what I just said That's literally my thought process and you know, and that's what they'll do to its seminary They'll discredit people based on who they are not what they're saying And so you see the same thing and a lot of people stand up for the Bible They'll say, you know, it's you know, it makes a good point, you know, they're preaching a doctrine. They're preaching hard on it Let's say it's adultery or something like that. They'll do just that They'll say well this man, you know, they'll talk about his past or do something like that And it's like what about what he said, you know, what about the scripture you just read and that was my problem is You know, I didn't care what what his past would I care if he you know what he said or what he didn't say I was listening to what the Bible was saying and it just came from his mouth, you know Just like it came from the pen of John it's all God's Word and so pastor Anderson just happened to be the one delivering it when I heard it and You know and that's that really set me on that's that's the classic ad hominem attack which is where in response to an argument an individual attacks the character of the messenger Rather than the argument that was made itself so instead of trying to discredit the revelation series and the truths that pastor Anderson articulated in that series from The post trip pre-rath rapture to Babylon to it being chronological to the seven seals Whatever instead of discounting that or trying to debunk some of those teachings instead. They go Well, did you hear that he's the Holocaust? It's always Jews and fags Jews and fags that they're always obsessed with he said something mean about Jews He's something mean about fags Well, you know what? There are some people out there who don't care about what he thinks about Jews and fags But instead cares about what the Bible says so how about you just stop crying so much about Jews and fags and Stop being such a little snowflake and turn on the revelation series and you might learn something. I don't know seriously, and that was my thought it was just like Okay, that's neat Can we talk about the revelation series now Can we talk about the Bible now and and you know, but all they want to do is just character attack Ad-hominem attack its stupid baseless playground style insults essentially. I mean think about it I could just call you a doodoo head and that's totally meaningless. That is the intellectual equivalent of the ad-hominem attack when you come at people with substance and it's they just want to attack the character Yeah So I heard it I heard his revelation series and that's when I really started listeners preaching and I'll say this, you know I had backslidden in my life, you know I grew up going to church three times a week all the way to the point when I Joined the military when I was round about I wasn't going to church anymore And so I did all the way through my undergrad and so as I was going around I really you know I was a poor example of a Christian even though I love to say that I love the Lord All right, whenever pastor Anderson preached he really goaded me because he wasn't scared to say, you know Like if you're not reading your Bible through then, you know, you're failing as a Christian Especially if you've been a Christian I was saved when I was eight, you know and I was you know, I was 20 mid mid 20s when I started listening to him and so You know and I was like I you know And I was in my graduate school and I couldn't have guaranteed you that I read the Bible all the way through I knew all the doctrines and I knew stories from each thing, but I never just sat down and just read and And you know and that was to my shame, you know And I say this because there are so many other people that are in the same boat and they're like well I really love the Lord, you know, he's just everything to me Have you read your Bible one time, you know and he had the boldness to say that and so that revelation series started me on his preaching and I'll be honest when I heard some of the things he said especially about the homos or these other things that hurt my gut It was like like this can't be like a loving spirit, but here's the number one thing I could not defend Or I could not you know go against what he was saying because he was just saying it from the Bible And that's where other people will just ignore the Bible and just say well I don't like what he's saying and it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. And that was my mentality He's showing me the Bible and I can't say anything against it, you know And so I I just I had to realize that I'm wrong, you know Sometimes waking up to that truth though brother Ron is not gonna be instantaneous It might be a process and there's nothing wrong with that Yeah, and so for me, you know It was really listening to that and I would continue to listen to it and it gave me boldness and that's when it you know you actually quoted 2nd Timothy 3 12 just a little bit ago and He got me to start memorizing scripture, you know, and cuz that was my biggest testimony right in Bible College What they're gonna do is they're gonna introduce somebody based on their world Accolades this person was the professor here and taught here and did all this Yes, three PhDs and it's all worldly things right, you know and but pastor Anderson had a better Better credentials because he memorized scripture and he read the Bible so many times and it was like wow That's what I want to listen to. I don't care how many PhDs you have Like this guy has a testimony for memorizing scripture And so it started me on memorizing scripture and I and I started with 2nd Timothy just because in my Sunday school class that Happened to be like our memory verse I was like, I'll just start with that book in 2nd Timothy 3 12 sure enough, you know yay, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and I realized something at that moment, you know His preaching got me to point to memorize that scripture and I said I'm not suffering persecution So either God's a liar or I'm not living godly and I said, I know who is suffering persecution All these King James only independent fundamental Baptist churches I said the world hates them and I was in seminary and they were listed as like a cult if you've ever seen the DVD Being Baptist, which I know you have So if you've ever seen that and if you haven't go watch it because they talk about the Anabaptist And all these other things we learned about those in church history when we were going through but they presented them As this crazy fringe like there's always these weird people on the side and I remember learning about him and saying well I mean that being baptized again just lines up with Acts chapter 19 verse 4, you know It's like that just that just fits the Bible. I believe that I believe what these crazy people You know, and so you they marginalized it and fundamentals a bad word there. You can't be fundamental, you know Divisive I mean, what is it Luke 1251, you know, Jesus came bringing a vision and so The Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 2 in verse 4 in my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's Wisdom but in demonstration of the spirit and a power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God That is what matters is whether or not your wisdom emanates from the power of God the Holy Spirit of God not a bunch of pseudo-intellectual textbooks that you memorize talking points that you're regurgitating in a classroom theological terminology the so yeah rheological truths and eschatology Yeah, I'm going to all that nuts to all your you know the not you Ron but these teachers how they'll Boast about their their titles and all the degrees that they have, you know If you watch I don't know if you've seen deported yet But in deported in the very beginning when pastor Anderson's doing that interview with that radio station and there's some Lutheran I think it was some Lutheran false prophet to his right That was to his right or to his left I can't remember but anyway He's got this guy in the same room with him and as he is as pastor is quoting scripture This other guy's like well I have a degree in so-and-so from so-and-so seminary and I also have this bachelor's and Masters divinity and all this other garbage you know what you could take all that and just put it in your pipe and smoke it because Romans 1 is all we need and Genesis 19 and Judges 19 is all we need, you know, we just need what the Bible very clearly articulates and so Someone who would brag about all these accolades To try and make themselves appear as if they have more of an authority over scripture. Just make me sick 100% 100% You know, here's a couple verses on it Colossians 2 8 beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy in vain to see after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and yes after Christ, right? If you are going after your degrees that's rudiments in the world, right if you're not using the words of Christ and so that's that one and Let's see I There was one other so Acts, let's see a photo at 22 3 Paul's describing himself and he says I am verily a man Which him a Jew born in Tarsus a city in Silesia yet born up in the city of the feet of Gamaliel and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the Fathers and was zealous toward God as you are all this day and then think about what he says in Philippians So he gives us he gives his own testimony and then in Philippians chapter 3. He's doing the same thing He's saying he was you know a Pharisee of the Pharisee, you know Hebrew of the Hebrews And then he says yay doubtless I count all things but laws for the out Excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my lord for whom I have suffered the law of all things now Listen to this and do count them but what? done That I may wait. He says look all of these things that they bring up literally in the eyes of Christ is done, you know And that's and that's what Paul realized and that was part of you know His experience and just you know Getting that pure oxygen mask of truth is like look all this these these vain traditions of men, you know These doctrines of men they're they're worthless, you know, it's not after Christ if it's not his words It's worthless and that's a big statement coming from somebody who has the reputation, you know That's in act 22 is when he's giving that reputation, right? He's making his defense to all these, you know Educated people all these Pharisees and Sadducees these people that we know were in charge of the law He said look you can't just look at me and say I'm not educated He's just he realizes the truth about his education. And I think that's what happened to me is it's not that I'm not Educated it's not that Pastor Anderson or any of the pastors are not educated. They're very educated They know about what they're talking about problem is they didn't come down on the side of men that came down on the side of God and You know and and people have a problem with that You know feature mainly because we're not saved and to because it's an Unarguable authority and you can't it is black and white and you can't have it your way It's it's God's way or the highway. And so that just doesn't speak well to the flesh Especially when you want to ignore certain things and so yes, it ain't like Burger King folks Yeah, we're not having it your way and but so by the way You said you had mentioned a list Yeah, I'm actually that's exactly what I was about Let's let's transition to that list because to me that's the meat and potatoes of this entire podcast right here Let's now see the what is the truth about Bible college? From the perspective of someone who actually experienced it. Go ahead you have a war what's wrong with Bible College and first of all, I Just wrote this in all caps. This is very short one right here It's not biblical. It's not biblical. And so find it in the Bible and show it to me until then It's not biblical. And so there's your first problem. You know, we can just stop there. I think we're done now Let's close the show. I'm gonna end the stream now. I'm done. You could but there are plenty of things that aren't biblical Right what kite what kind of chair you sit in is not biblical, you know What what kind of building you meet in isn't necessarily biblical and so there are a lot of not biblical things But the whole idea is not biblical and so you have to so to the people that have the mindset of you know This is what you have to do to go to the ministry You don't have a you don't have a basis for that. And so there are biblical things, you know Like the requirements of a pastor or a deacon, you know setting up elders churches local churches And so those are biblical things and then there are other things that we do that aren't biblical And so, you know, those are gonna fluctuate how you observe the Lord suffer, you know, how you do Just a multitude of things that are not biblical I'm not gonna throw it away just because it's not biblical but I will start with it's not biblical now The next thing I'll say is this This is another short one and I just I like pulling stuff there So think about the graduation when you're thinking about graduation, what does What does it look like to you when people go up and they're what are they dressed in what kind of girl today? Oh, you have the long robes Yeah, you have that square hat that you put on and there's some Greek mythology added in there as well And it's this wonderful grandiose Celebration where we can all gather together and celebrate just how much smarter we are than the rest of the world Absolutely, you know, let's just let's just read it for fun, right? I say I got pulled up mark 1238 and he said into them in his doctrine beware of the scribes Which love to go in long clothing and love salutations in the marketplace the whole Ceremony is driven about congratulating you you made it they dressed you in this long robe at this point when I graduated. I Was so convicted and if I went back and in my boldest novel that I wouldn't wear that because it's straight out It's like you can't get more anti Bible than this It's like let's just dress everybody up in these really long garments and you know The the bigger degrees you get the bigger the garments get like and so there's nothing new under the Sun, you know Jesus didn't say this because he knew what was coming in, you know 2020 he said this because it has it's always been there and it always will be there, you know The device is the Satan or not. And so of course, you know, that's what they do. That's that's how it ends Let's wear all these long garments and and so I'm gonna I'm gonna put that one up there, you know Cuz it's another short one like it and so Here's a dress another one Yeah, it is a dress it is a dress and so in to my shame That's what I wore and to anyone else and thinking about it You better be shamed into knowing that you're gonna wear a dress When you graduate and that's that's what everyone applauds and so it's stupid It's dumb and it's not biblical and it's actually anti biblical in that sense Because we're supposed to be aware of those people and all of those professors are wearing a biggest dress in the longest garments And so you better be aware of them, you know straight out of the mouth of Christ Um, this is another one that I put it's very contemporary it's very politically correct and you'll you might see this now in Independent fundamental Baptist colleges, I'm not sure but this is across the board in other seminaries or whatnot. The idea of taking BC and AD is gone. It's BCE and CE Genders they're removing genders now, it's no longer man, you know or woman you talk about the a-minus Frank You're still listening that came from literally a paper as actually the only B I got and it was from this paper that I wrote and a professor who's a woman circled two different things She circled a place where I wrote man and then at the very end of my paper She circled God to men and I said, you know, it's just a natural habit of my writing I said God to men and she circled that said so none of this applies to women and I gotta be and I was like Where are the other Corrections like I actually went to the Dean of the college because of that I was so upset I said, you know this this is not how you should grade a paper This is like you got some kind of chip on your shoulder here. This has you know, and so Yeah, so it's very politically correct. They go to the way of the world. They try to Throw in contemporary everything and this is where you can know where Campbell University is Right and actually took this up with my pastor and he actually supported them and gave money to them and had a big problem with this They sent out a letter one time and it said we congratulate the engagement of so-and-so to so-and-so And it was this lesbian couple and I went to the Dean. I said you congratulate this I said, you know and they're like into their big defense They had a lot of people that were giving them money and when I put this out and I was like, hey look I told the pastors I told the other churches I was in and the associations everything that's how the Southern Baptist You know do things They went and spoke to him and he actually put out a letter after that right because they love money And so they didn't want people to stop giving them money and they're like, well, we're a university So we can't do anything like that's like then you need to just get out of that if you're gonna congratulate that I mean now that'll just show you where it's going Yeah That one was more liberal but it's gonna be going to the other ones too because they're gonna go in a contemporary direction They're going to try to please people Because they're getting backed by money and they love it and they want everyone to be included They want all faiths to be included which goes to my next point it's very ecumenical Let me you know, let me just interject keep keep that in mind I want to interject a scripture real quickly to go along with the point you just made about them celebrating faggots The Bible says in 2nd Chronicles 19 to shouldest thou help thee ungodly and love them that hate the Lord Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord if you're gonna be one of these softies on that issue Bible colleges if there any Bible college students or professors listening to this right now Don't go along with the pro fag agenda because God's wrath will be on you and consider this a warning Go ahead. Yeah, absolutely. Now. You're not you're not gonna get few stripes You're gonna get many stripes if you go along with that, you'll be compromising, you know So, yeah, I mean you got it right there. There's your warning and and that's right and it becomes very ecumenical So I'll sort of take it back piggybacking off of that They want to include people of different faiths and their biggest agenda Remember because they don't have an authority. They don't have a rock to stand on so that their own God And so they're just trying to piece together the best God for them. And so they're taking a bunch of different faith positions And they're saying what could be true about that that I like. Oh, I like that spiritual feeling you get I mean, that's whole contemporary Christian music, right? It's it pulls on your emotion. And so they love that mysticism type thing Like well, I just know it's right because it's right, right, you know What did David say when he was gonna build the temple, you know? Nathan looked at him and said do that all that is in my heart because God is with you and he was wrong and Nathan was wrong and then you know as soon as the Lord said hey, you're not gonna build the temple He turned around and said wow Lord. I just want to do what you want. You know, that was his attitude That's the attitude you have to have whenever you're you know Confronted like Simon in the book of Acts when he's like you want to buy the whole gift of the Holy Spirit You know laying on hands and they confronted him and he's like hey pray that this doesn't happen to me, you know I mean just you know, that's that's a good repentance one unto knowledge, you know, one unto the truth. And so So I got some other points if you want me to keep going here. Yes. I just want to interject one thing real quickly It's this whole ecumenical Thing, you know, it's funny. I've heard this From not just people who go to a Bible college like the one that you attended but also even some independent fundamental What they purport to be independent fundamental Baptist colleges where you're seeing ecumenicalism Come into play where they're a lot more tolerant of other religions and even some of them are Teaching their students that there are multiple pathways To God and multiple pathways to heaven which is obviously so anti biblical you read John chapter 14 Verse 6 you read Acts chapter 4 Acts chapter 17, but beyond all that how about You know, what would Elijah think seeing these colleges out there where they're teaching people that false gods are permissible or that everything's Okay, last time I remember he slayed 450 prophets of Baal He didn't teach the children of Israel that they're just some other pathway for people to be enlightened into some sort of Superior being that created the universe. No, there's no superior being it's the God of the Bible It's the Lord Jesus Christ and it's his way or the highway and I'd love to see if we're gonna have A bunch of Bible colleges. How about we have Bible colleges at the very least get the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith, right? Yeah, go ahead I'm gonna just tell a quick story. I was in so this was near my last year It was either the second to last semester or my last semester I was in a world religions and that professor is not saved and he's probably gonna split hell wide open because He embraced all the other religion that was the whole point he wanted us to do in the class and he's actually hosted things there About how they all point to Christ and stuff like that But in class we're supposed to we learned about Islam and we're supposed to say, you know, what did we learned? From learning about Islam How is that like strengthen your position in the Bible right because he's trying to pick out good things about the other stuff And so I was like well I never knew that Muhammad received the vision from an angel which really gives me Faith in the Bible because in Galatians it says, you know But though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached Let him be a curse and I was like, well, hey, then, you know Bible knew that that was coming down the line There's actually one point I made really mad because he's like we're all the children of God I was like, no, we're not all the children of God, you know until you receive the name of Christ, you know Then you become a son of God, but he didn't like he didn't like that. And so I still got an a There you go, Frank Keep going So they esteem men not the Bible they recognize people we talked about this all sort of breeze through this but people based on degrees You know that Brother Jesse's out at Fort Worth, right and he came and he reached So I remember you know, and I'll just you know, I'll esteemed him let other men esteem arrest all esteem And I'll say whenever he was coming I was so excited because I'd never really listened to him But this was how they seen him. He's like he's read the Bible, you know cover to cover this many times I think it was over ten or That and it was like wow, you know, I was like at least that's all I mean So yeah, I was well, you know, and I just remember thinking this is great and you know They don't do that then they never say this person's read the Bible cover to cover They would literally look at you and be like that's a prideful thing to say But they're gonna go on and talk about all their PhDs and all this other stuff and so it's like to me It's like yeah, this guy must know what the Bible says, you know, you know, I don't care what other men say And so they seen men Let's say I pulled up John 1247. Let me just see what it says. Oh, yeah So it said why should I listen to you when it comes to credentials, you know, why should I listen to you? I even think about you know, some I think it's 138 to that talks about, you know magnified his word above his name and I pulled this little segment from the end of John or not the end of John But John the end of John chapter 12 and I just want to read this and think about you know when it comes to the credentials that Jesus Christ even had and it says, you know, And if any man hear my words and believe not I judge him not where I came not to judge the world But save the world he that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words As one that judges him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day Right not spoken of myself, but the father would sent me He gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak and I know that his command is life everlasting Whatsoever I speak therefore even as the father said unto me, so I speak and I remember Jesus He came and he magnified this word says look the word judges you the word has power listen to the words They're given from the father. And so that was a big thing, you know The words of the Bible is all the credentials you need because it comes and that's all it's gonna have all the authority you need To not the words of other men or anything like that. And so they esteem men You know, but we have you know, and the Jesus himself said hey, it's not me. It's the word, you know now we know he is the word and he's the word of flesh and so And I just I just like to point that out because that's what we should be relying on We shouldn't be going seeking the doctrines of men We should be seeking God's Word because that's what we're judged on, you know We're not judged on what my professor thinks about all these other religions or what my professor thinks There's on the words that were given a crisis, you know speak and then the words That the Holy Spirit gave to the apostles they pinned them down and you know God's Word written and preserved for us Another one this is a really big issue and you're actually gonna see this in different translations as well modern academics So there's an inherent flaw with modern academics and that is it promotes original content and publications Right. So as a professor they are supposed to be for you know Writing these getting things published and writing these articles everything like this and in order to do that You have to have original content, right? You have to bring something new to the table now listen to what I'm saying all that you were considering You know out there they have to bring something new to the table That is a big inherent problem when you're talking about an everlasting truth. That is never Changing the way modern academics works is you were supposed to bring something new to the table Which means you are ever changing not never changing and that's how copyrights work with all the new translations They have to say something different in order to get a copyright and those professors and your papers They have to say something new They have to say something original and they can't just say the same old thing because we've already got that right? That's what God is the same old thing he wants to stick with the same old thing and it's never changing is the same yesterday today and forever and So that's the that's the first inherent flaw with the whole education system Is that they are required to produce new content, you know, and that's not education. That's just opinions That's all you get is these new opinions and that becomes the standard is, you know Who can come up with the most convincing opinion, you know, you don't do that in math, right? It's like well, I just think that one goes one should be three, you know And it's you have concrete things because you need to be educated and the same thing should be true about the Word of God If you're learning all these new ways to look at it you're already out of the realm of Christ who's never changing, you know, and you've entered into ever-changing and so Now here's another big one church fathers, right and they'll talk about these Saints, you know St. Augustine or st. Aldi Jerome or seeing all these other people and those about these are the church fathers if you watch being Baptist You'll actually see that You know in the Protestant realm of things, they'll say all these church fathers See the problem with that is they're not church fathers, you know at all They're not even safe And so they're going to if they can't beat you in what you're saying from the Bible they're gonna go back to so-and-so church father and surely you're not gonna argue with him because you know, he lived way long ago and he said this and so Church fathers is a big thing. We are required readings. We had to read a lot of their content And it was all about look at how they looked at it. Now. Here's something hilarious and you're gonna love this I had a professor because it was I think it was st. You know, I'll just call him Augustine from now on but it was Augustine and he's and he was talking about how we were learning everything here The professor says now he really got this thing about the Jews wrong and he was just anti-semitic And we just sort of have to look over that that was just the time he lived in or whatnot Cuz he was just ripping hard on them and I didn't even know pastor Anderson's He's gone back to some of their writings and showing how they just like really rip harder And so, you know at the seminary they're just like well, you know, they lived in a different time and you know Let's try to use it away Yeah, and they do the same thing with something called a patriarchal society if you've ever heard Well, that was a patriarchal or whatever society. So here's the problem with that The only time it hasn't been that way is Recently, there's a big problem. We're the new non patriarchal society And so it's always been that I'd always say all that used to be or was I mean We're the only thing that's changed that's never changed. And so yeah, God is the re oracle Yeah, absolutely is patriarchal God the Father the Son of Man Okay, so There you go You're right. Yeah, it isn't until modern times that we've introduced this feminist idea That says the patriarchy is inherently evil or wrong or oppressive in some way go cry about it That's how it's always been welcome to humanity. Yeah, go ahead Yeah, I mean So that's another thing you see and I think one of the last things I have written here is The Eastern mysticism now, I'm going to talk about something called Lectio Divina Now it's this practice. They have a pretty much just repeating something over and over five times You can google it if you want you read this section and then you you think about it And then you think about a word and then you read it again and then they'll have this prayer called You know Lord have mercy on me a sinner and you just repeat this over and over and over You're supposed to do that and that kind of Eastern mysticism brings this newfound spirit that the Holy Spirit just talks to you And yeah, I mean you can probably guess what verse I put next to this right? I was thinking of it Matthew 6 But when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do they think they shall be heard of their much speaking now Here's the problem, right? That's King James and we already know this Now they're gonna they're gonna build on the sand which is ever-shifting right and so they're gonna say oh, it's not vain repetitions I forgot. What are the new translations say something like babblings vain babblings and so like this isn't a vain babbling, you know and so That's why your translation matters and if you fool yourself if you don't think it matters because they're gonna beat you in an argument If you don't have the King James, they're gonna say doesn't say that but we know from the Word of God That that's exactly what the Lord was talking about these vain repetitions of let's just say this same prayer Over and over trying to get new knowledge, you know Are you I don't know what knowledge that brings just learn how to occupy your mind for 30 minutes That's about all you're gonna get out of that. That's what it is Yeah, that's why the Lord Jesus Christ Preached against it because you're not supposed to just utter vain babbling and repetition and repetitions and then call it prayer What is it? That's not what that's just sort of like a Ritual more so than it is actually communicating with the Lord from the heart Yeah, so I'm gonna for my last one that I have I'm gonna pull from Matthew 23 and we all know this because we all Use this to actually I don't even have it pulled up. I'll just go to my Bible Um, we all use this against the Catholics right calling no man your father, right? And you use it against the Jews calling no man a rabbi now let's bring the Baptist into this and this is why you haven't heard me say it yet because I stopped saying that title because it Applied and many people didn't think it applied but it does apply and I'm gonna read it right here. It says, um, Make sure I'm starting the right place. Yeah, verse 10 neither be called masters, right? I will not call that the degree that I have I'll just say Graduate because the Bible tells me not to and for all those Baptist out there that are thinking well I have my master of divinity or something like that You need to get it straight that the Lord Jesus Christ said be not called a master. And so When you go around creating that degree You better take heed because that comes straight out of Matthew 23 and we're gonna preach against the Catholics with father We're gonna preach against the Jews with rabbi and you better know that Lord's talking about you when you say I got a master of Divinity, you know, I've been in that boat and I just stopped I just you know, I'll say hey I went through graduate You know degree I went through seminary and went through Bible College because I've been Commanded not to be called that and let no man call you that you know, and so And that's really important because you think well We like to put that on other people, but that's the whole seminary right and you walk around and so I just say take heat on that one and that's something that you know, that's the end result, right? If you're thinking I'm gonna go to Bible College or I'm gonna do this, you know, that's the end result You're Striving to get your masters in divinity and so that right there should be enough to make you put on the brakes and say You know this this isn't of the Lord if that's the title it comes out And so I'm really glad you brought that up for the run Yeah, and that's why you know, it's like what do I do? I you know, I just well, I don't say that I got my you know, I got that degree You know, I'm very careful about it. And I just say I went to graduate I went to you know School or I went to seminary or I went to Bible College You know and I just don't bring it up and but I will know that people will say that I got my MDiv I got things like that. I mean that's and you're right. It's just pride It's just this, you know, give me this title and you know, and that's the whole thing about graduating You finally got that degree. You finally got that title and know that that's the end result, right? You're trying to make it to graduation where you get that title and just go to Matthew 23 verse 10 and read it for yourself A couple times, you know put it in your head and say that's what you're striving for. That's the completion of it And that should be enough to keep you From even trying to obtain it, you know, because you don't need it And all it's gonna do is create a world of headache, especially if you're saved and you believe the Bible, you know I can tell you created a world of headache for me going in there and I was more convicted on fronts than I wish and You know, I would say it was for the worse But it ended up for the better because I went down and now I'm at revival Baptist Church in Jacksonville but my church one of the charges they brought up against me was that I Discouraged the youth to he asked me about going to seminary and I told him don't do it I said and I walked him through a bunch of the problems and I walked him through what they're gonna do and I didn't just Tell him I sat down with him and his mom And I walked him both through this and they both agreed with me when I was done It's like wow, that's not of the Lord We don't want to do that and then the church had a big problem with that because I just ruined his future, you know And I actually saved him from this from this mess But um, you know the world looks at this and they esteem that and they think well you need that degree and everything And so that's that's the last point that I had as far as you know, some of the problems there are other things I can think about and But you know that that really sums up some of the major ones It's a great summary there and I definitely like I said, I'm glad that you brought up The flattering titles that they use in the place of something normal like for example a pastor They call themselves a master of divinity and they have all these grandiose Over-the-top titles that they didn't actually earn but in fact just received because they regurgitated Mindlessly some information that they got out of a textbook much of it isn't even true and they use it to exalt themselves They are very much self-willed and I'm glad that you also brought up exactly how that contradicts scripture there with that verse in Matthew chapter 23 so thank you so much for doing that. There's somebody in the chat room here You might know this person Ron goes by the name of Rachel says what a great guest Ben And then put a winky face Looks like you have a fan that you may or may not be Married to he's married to her folks. Yeah. No, I'm definitely married. That was a bad joke She he is married to her and she's in the chat room your biggest fan there So that's good. Thank you for tuning in everybody in the chat room. We really appreciate it live radio folks It's always fun. You never know what's gonna be said, but brother Ron one thing. I also wanted to mention is There seems to be something and I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the food. Maybe it's the water I don't know but from the outside looking in one of the products of Bible College Inseminaries it seems to produce men who are very effeminate extremely effeminate they're walking around in their skinny jeans looking like they should be at a Bernie Sanders rally not going to start a church and It's just unbelievable what we're seeing come out of Bible colleges. Here's an example I'm not gonna play this entire clip brother on you won't be able to actually hear this but I wanted to play an excerpt of this courtesy of pastor Shelley's other YouTube channel pure words Baptist Church and this is John guy and the title of this video is John guy sounds like Joel Osteen and that is an accurate statement folks pastor polka dot John guy who looks like his entire diet consists of nothing But soy let's listen to this and when you the listener hear this Then please take this into account When you think about joining a Bible college because you might at the end of your tenure Turn out like this guy with the chicken legs. I Believe that God has one direction in mind for you and me for this coming year directions forward We can look back and we can appreciate the past and we can be thankful for the past and we can learn from the past Certainly, but ultimately God's direction is forward God wants us to move forward onto bigger and better and greater victories God wants us to move from John guy Direction forward but I also believe that God has a goal for our life and that goal is Jesus But instead she just kept moving forward letting God make her and there's Joel Osteen You know what saying the same thing again to add new ingredients both talking about moving forward, whatever that means No, I don't like this Water down compromise good. You got him. I'll stop here 45 seconds. That's all I can take But you know, I don't like this kind of preaching and this is what they teach the kids Where it's just so vague. You gotta keep you just got to move forward. What does that mean be specific? Gotta move forward got it. You know, it's like Joel Osteen said the same exact thing in that clip brother run Gotta just keep moving forward so Bible College on top of all those other problems that you brought up there and Every single one of them is scriptural, but they also produce these effeminates these soy boys and it's that because then they end up and they end up starting churches and producing other soy boys from those churches And we've hit points of what what causes that right it's not it's not just like whoa, where did that come from? You know, that just is such a random product. We've already talked about it, right? I had a professor drop my grade because I said God to men right they they're trying to teach you that You know if women have a role that isn't a man's role or it's different then you're devaluing them somehow And that's not a biblical perspective at all And so you you know, you're just being crammed in your head that we were all on the exact same playing field I mean anybody who's ever used the tool right and you're screwing something in you don't pull your hammer out You know and try to twist that every tool has a different purpose and God designed it that way when it comes to gender roles and it comes to the household and It comes that man Woman and you know what being a woman's a really hard job, especially when you have to be submissive Or especially when you have to submit, I mean, that's that's difficult And so it's not any less of a position. It is a different role It is a different position. And so they want to devalue that they want to devalue the Word of God They want to flip everything the Bible says upside down and so that's exactly why they're coming out like that And I'll say that's and that's what's coming out. And that's and that is across the board. It's very feminine and Because of everything we've already talked about this political correctness this whole like well, you know We don't we want to lift people up and not put people down, you know The church I came from the pastor was there for seven years and never preached against sin. They just you know, that's that's They just don't want to hurt people. You know, we'll just man up, you know, you know and say what the Bible says And so there's a reason that God says girl up your loins exactly show thyself a man The Bible says it's it's limp-wristed. It's sissy. It's not church Ron we are pretty much out of time here, but let's just end with this and Just let's be real quick about this because they want to start wrapping it up Positives Positives go anything that you could think of that that is positive about Bible college or your experience specifically Here's the positive that the front door is Is filled with people seeking to please the Lord that's positive There's a lot of people out there that want to seek the Lord and want to please the Lord To know that when someone's going in the seminary, right? They are a fresh person to give the truth to they are the most they have the most malleable If that's the right word mine, that's a big positive and so catch them at the door Right catch them at the door Someone's thinking about it start giving them the truth because they're willing to listen to it These documentaries are great, you know sources just say hey you need to see this. You need to listen to this It's just gonna help you in your knowledge and they'll soak it up because they want to but the more you go the longer you Go especially when you're not saved you're just getting indoctrinated to all this worldly stuff and you're gonna reject that later So that's a positive another positive is they teach, you know They teach good practical things like worship and these other things, you know, because you don't want to be chaotic you don't want to just be led by the spirit in the sense of not having a plan or just We're gonna leave me what to say, you know, you need to put things in your memory You need to study and so here's a positive I learned to read a lot and I was just reading the wrong thing. Sure And so it's not it's not that the people that go through seminary aren't or Bible college aren't working hard You're just laboring in vain and so don't labor in vain and it's gonna give you some good good habits those reading habits There's a couple other positive things, but I would say that you know the biggest positive Overall is that I got to listen to Pastor Anderson And now So, yeah Don't you to Yeah, get it while you can especially with the way Censorship is skyrocketing right now in today's society Ron. This was a lot of fun. I appreciate you know, definitely Exceeded my expectations not that my expectations were low. Don't take that the wrong way. They were definitely high I know you were a good talker But I really enjoyed this program and do want to thank you very much for taking the time to come on Here and share your experience and also your expertise on this issue. I'm someone that did not go through it myself I've just heard stories. So to be able to get your perspective. I think was very valuable for the podcast tonight So as we wrap up here, I just want to once again say I do appreciate your time And if there anything else you want to say in closing to the audience watching tonight before I close the show You know, the one thing that got me is that it was the translation differences, you know The King James if you were still in a place where you are not secure that the King James is the Word of God No that we're not just saying that out of ignorance But we're saying that out of the fact that we are Bible believing Christians and we really mean that so when the Bible says that God gave us his word and preserved it we believe that and Before you get messed up in the head, right before you go through all this Figure that out first exactly it's solid in that first and then because that's where I started remember That's how it all started if I didn't have that foundation coming in. I would not be where I am right now You know, I'd be saying but I'd be some backslidden soy boy coming out of there I would never wear skinny jeans. I'd actually never do that. I'm glad I'm glad that you wouldn't stoop to that low You got you got out, you know out of that mentality early enough, right? So there we go. Yeah, so alright Well Ron, you'll have to come back on again sometime. We'll touch on that other topic don't reveal it But that we were talking about before we went on a yard. That would be great Some warning to know what we're talking about exactly Exactly, so I'll have to have you back on for that But until then keep up the great work over there at revival Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida The satellite of revival Baptist in Orlando you guys have really changed some things up It looks like and have taken that church to a whole nother level I really look forward to coming over there Once this corona craziness dies down a little bit and paying you guys a visit it'll be lots of fun And look look forward to you to come back I want to hear you preach again, too All right. Well, I appreciate that. I will let you go now though Ron. I hope you have a good night and we'll talk soon Thank you. All right, God bless you That is brother Ron there from Jacksonville a Friend of mine It was a fun show tonight for sure Maria YouTube 100 says I wouldn't want a man's role It's hard and stressful every day. Well, there you go. There's an example of a normal woman Saying I don't want a man's role because you know what normal women like to be women. They like to act like women They like to be feminine You know, this is sort of off topic here, but my wife's pregnant and I told someone I won't reveal who but I told someone That if I have a daughter, she won't be wearing pants just skirts and dresses and for this person It was like how could you say such a thing? This rocked their world almost It's shocking to me How crazy our society has gotten to the point that's stating Hey, I don't want my daughter to dress like a man is somehow controversial. Well, you know what? I don't care how bad it gets I'm sticking with what the Bible says whether This world likes it or not that I would hope that you guys have that exact same mentality as well That's it for the program tonight Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel if you'd like some more content youtube.com slash Ben the Baptist hit the like button Comment with your feedback. I'd like to hear what you guys thought on the show and I'll be back again next Monday at 8 p.m. Central 9 p.m. Eastern Time before I go, please In fact, I forgot about this. So I'm gonna stop the music because this is very important I totally forgot about this. So actually before I end the show on a serious note I do want to remind you all that my good friend brother Matt Powell is in need right now of some help He's going through University and I want to share this his GoFundMe Matt and Francis Powell. I Almost forgot to plug this but I think it's important enough to mention here because I love brother Matt and Francis These are two great people brother Matt has done some excellent work in the realm of creation versus Evolution and really taking it to the atheistic community destroying them with sound biblical Arguments and he's done also some great documentaries and going through some health issues with regard to his wife just had a baby boy and They need some help with paying the hospital bills So if you would click on the GoFundMe, it's in the description box of this channel the disk of this video I should say the description box of this video Includes a link to Matt and Francis the GoFundMe where you can donate to help them pay for their hospital bill a Godly man and a godly woman are in need of some help from the brethren right now So if you would like to contribute there The link is in the description box and I would urge you even if you can't donate financially at the very least Please pray for them right now as they go through this problem pray for them right now As they go through like I said a little bit of adversity here following the birth of their child with Regard to Francis. She's a great woman Matt is a great man of God as well And I just really hope that they get the support they need at this stage whether it's through the financial option that I shared with you just now or Prayers Matt if you're watching this, I love you my brother and God bless you for the work that you've done and I hope that Things get better soon until next time. Thank you for listening God bless you all and I will talk to you guys again after a while You You You You You