(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Tonight, right here on the Sword of the Spirit podcast, I'm joined by my good friend Brother Marcel Lugo and maybe Pastor Patrick Boyle if he's able to pop in. We'll see about that. No promises there. But Brother Marcel is here to talk about true biblical revival. It's going to be lots of fun. It starts in just about one minute. So it's episode 32 of the Sword of the Spirit podcast. Benjamin Naim here with you all, otherwise known as Ben the Baptist on YouTube. I'm really excited about this show tonight. We're talking about true biblical revival. We'll look at what the scriptures say about this and share our favorite example of revival from the Word of God. I'm sure a lot of you have some pretty good guesses as to which story I'm going to pick. A Certain King starts with the letter J, preached about him recently. So we'll talk about that and then also the transition of Steadfast Jacksonville to Revival Baptist Church and get the thoughts from Brother Marcel about that transition. I'll get my thoughts on it as well. And for those of you who don't know what that church is, it's a church plant in Jacksonville, Florida that was formerly under the authority of Pastor Jonathan Shelley and Steadfast Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, but was recently handed off, if you will, to Pastor Patrick Boyle and his church in Orlando, Florida has taken it over as their church plant. And Brother Marcel, he actually preached this past Sunday at the afternoon service in Orlando and I thought did a really good job. So we'll be talking to him in moments. But before I introduce Marcel, I just want to acknowledge the obvious. We're going head to head with Framing the World tonight and so we might have sort of a more modest live attendance this evening and that's totally great. I'm sure people tune in on the archive. I love Paul Wittenberger and I wanted to exhort all of you guys to help him out right now. Go to framingtheworld.com and purchase something if you can because the coronavirus outbreak has negatively impacted him and he's talked about that. People aren't spending a lot of money right now. A lot of them are in a shaky position when it comes to their job and Framing the World has done so much good for the cause of Christ. I don't want to see it ever go away. So let's make sure that we support Paul Wittenberger right now. Framingtheworld.com. Head over there and purchase something and I don't think you'll regret it because there's a lot of great documentaries, a lot of great films and great products on that website from brother Paul Wittenberger who I'm a big fan of. All right, well without any further ado let me go ahead and bring him on now. Coming on for the second time, the podcast brother Marcel Lugo of Revival Baptist Church in Jacksonville and we're talking Revival tonight. Marcel how you doing? Not too bad. Thanks for having me. It's always great to be able to catch up with you and be able to talk so now you're over there and steadfast in Fort Worth so don't get the catch up. I miss you man. Yeah it's great to catch up. This will be the way we do it most of the time other than phone calls is you coming on the show and I do appreciate you taking the time to do it. Before we get into true biblical revival, I think we have to talk about what's on the minds of everyone right now which is the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. It's dominated the news cycle. It's all over the place. Everything online. There have been several live streams put on by Framing the World who I just mentioned just a few minutes ago. Their brother Paul Wittenberger he's been talking about it and for good reason. I mean it's a big deal. I think it's a very dangerous virus and I understand why people are taking measures to protect themselves from it. Churches are going to a live stream only format etc. But before we get into revival, how has the coronavirus pandemic impacted you Marcel? I mean the only thing is the grocery store has just been running out of I guess toilet paper but I made a funny mention yesterday when I was preaching that my wife she gave birth and one of the ladies from church, one of the church families actually brought to the house about three big giant bags of toilet paper out of nowhere. So it's funny because not all the toilet papers ran out. I have toilet paper for days you know so I made a little joke I'm gonna just start selling those maybe sell them on eBay because I have so much left over. God actually blessed us with so much toilet paper before the famine came you know God always provides so God I was also saying like you know if they do run out of toilet paper what we also need to do is buy all these false you know modern version bibles and we can use that for toilet paper as well. You can use that if you run out exactly you could you could use the the book of Mormon, the Quran, the Talmud there's a lot of different books you could use in addition to all those false bibles that you mentioned. That was a funny joke in your sermon and I don't I didn't think I would ever live to hear the phrase God blessed us with toilet paper but here we are in 2020 with this coronavirus thing. The grocery stores here are out of a lot of stuff I went there yesterday and there wasn't any pasta but there was thankfully there was ravioli which is great because I love ravioli but there wasn't any pasta plenty of meat though but certain shelves were totally empty the bread totally empty so we had to get tortillas instead but obviously that's not a big deal right I mean Americans are so spoiled that just because they don't get the exact kind of food they want they're all freaking out about it but at the end of the day nobody's going hungry there's plenty of food plenty of water and you know people have a roof over their heads so what is there really to complain about? Exactly I mean obviously you just gotta be grateful and thankful but it didn't really impact me too much I'm still working I'm still doing my daily life so they didn't you know shut down church so everything is still going normal for me so you know thank God for that obviously hopefully things don't they don't get worse where they have to shut down every single thing but you know until then you know we're just gonna keep plowing ahead we're gonna keep going full out of steam so I heard you your church was shut down right? Yeah it looks like Steadfast Baptist Church for right now is gonna be going to a live stream only format and it was using that format this past Sunday night because of a decree enacted by the county which basically shut everything down limited gatherings to just a maximum of 10 people so it's getting serious out there but this podcast I kind of wanted to make it different in the sense that since everyone's talking about the coronavirus I want to go in a little bit of a different direction and talk about revival because right now we're at a low point in the sense that God's judging America and the western world harshly right now and I think you'd have to be blind to deny that when you look at what's going on and the way society is now again I do think we should just be content with what we have and I think God is teaching people a lesson in contentment and being gracious and thankful the bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as he have for he had said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee and yeah America is learning a pretty big lesson right now about contentment and when you go to the supermarket not necessarily the shelves not necessarily being stocked with everything you want specifically and things of that nature but I also think we're seeing the judgment of God on this country but the question is whenever there's a time of judgment will that be followed by a time of revival and that's why I thought it would be appropriate to talk about what true biblical revival actually is over the course of the next hour or so because there are a lot of different definitions for it the old IFB loves to use the word revival Marcel and they repeat it a lot when they go to their tent meetings and they're running around because the holy ghost is smitten them or whatever and they're acting like chickens with their heads cut off and make it a fool of themselves a lot of the time at these tent meetings but the old IFB thinks that revival is electing a republican into office or something similar to that in your opinion though Marcel when you hear that word revival and I love that word and I love that your church is named revival baptist I think it's one of the best names out there but what do you think of what's the definition according to the word of God in your opinion of revival what makes revival truly revival I mean I think the definition of the word revival if you just look up the word revive because it's in revival you know you could think of the scripture in Romans 13 where it talks about you know how Christ both died and was buried and revived so it means he was brought back to life right so he was restored right and the Bible also talks about Ephesians you know and you have the quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins so you know when the Bible says for the word of God is quick and powerful the Bible says that the word of God is alive you know God brought us back to life and the new man once we accepted Christ once we got saved so we were quickened when we were dead you know so I also think of the prodigal son it says you know for my son is found you know it says on doesn't know Luke chapter 16 I mean Luke 15 it says for this my son was dead and is alive again and he was lost and is found so obviously you can take that for you know he was out of the will of God he came back into the will of God or maybe you could say he was unsaved because it says that he was dead he was lost but he's alive again and he's found so I think true biblical revival just a restoration you know just uh you know bring bringing something back you know and uh I think this whole coronavirus definitely will bring revival because right now is a time of fear time of panic and uh what it's gonna do once it's all said and done it's gonna it's gonna restore peace back to you know that's humanity to society so but obviously I made a mention yesterday in my sermon you know at the end times that you know when the red horse goes to take peace from the earth you know we're gonna bring the gospel of peace you know so right when peace is taken from the earth we're bringing the peace we're bringing that revival to the people and giving them that breath of fresh cheer because now they can just learn to trust in God and just know that God has everything under his power you know I mean he controlled the wind and the seas you know the wind and the seas obey him so that'll definitely give somebody revival so yeah I really like that point actually and I'm definitely going to steal it think about this the Antichrist is going to be promising peace to a planet that by the time he comes on the scene has gone through some stuff okay wars rumors of wars etc and the Antichrist is going to come in under the guise of bringing order out of chaos but the peace he's going to bring in is a counterfeit piece that then results in him waging war with the saints but it'll be those who are actually saved who will bring legitimate peace through the gospel exactly and it's sort of a spiritual piece understanding that once you get saved you know exactly where you're headed after this life yeah obviously it'll be a little bit uh turmoil once we're you know saying does make war with us right but obviously after when Christ returns he's going to bring peace to the earth exactly Jesus will actually bring his worth we'll have that thousand year rest yeah right the whole earth so the so the earth in that sense is going to start having revival yeah well with regard to revival I mean to me the definition is exactly what she said it's when people come back to God and I wanted to bring this example to you see what you think about it think of the children of Israel how in the wilderness they were whiny babies and God judged them for 40 years that specific generation but then in Joshua chapter 2 it says in verse 6 and when Joshua had let the people go the children of Israel went every man unto his inheritance to possess the land and the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua who had seen all the great works of the Lord that he did for Israel so as a nation not not individuals but as a nation the children of Israel went from whining in the wilderness about how they want to go back into bondage in Egypt and eat the food that emanates from Egypt which pictures Christians who want to go back into the world that they came out of that Jesus Christ saved them out of but the children of Israel in the wilderness whining about wanting to go back into Egypt God's wrath being you know poured out on them in the sense that he was very upset with their whining and with their complaining and in Numbers chapter 14 you can read about that and they go from a nation guilty of those sins that then ends up experiencing a sort of revival in Joshua chapter 2 when they finally do inherit the land and they're serving the Lord and they're putting God first which is exactly what the Lord had envisioned for this people being separate and sanctified from the heathen nation surrounding it once they finally inherited that promised land yeah I mean if you think about that's true revival right there that's what God had planned excuse me that's what he promised Abraham I think Joshua also pictured Jesus you know bringing the people into the promised land bringing the children of Israel to that rest that he had but it was obviously just a picture of the rest that Christ is going to bring us into you know once you know he comes back he slayed all he slayed the antichrist in his army and then he takes over the you know the world so at that time obviously every Christian is going to be that's that's actually uh glorified you know we're going to be serving God perfectly we won't have this sinful flesh so that's what I was saying earlier obviously we're seeing a revival now spiritually but once we get once Jesus Christ comes back in rapture though we're gonna have like another revival because you know we will have a new flesh so we'll be restored perfectly again I'm glad you brought that up there's going to be no revival quite like the revival that we'll get to see during the millennium right with Jesus Christ ruling and reigning the bible says he's going to rule with a rod of iron that you know the law of God is coming back and Jesus at the end of the day he's going to be king and his enemies that don't want him to rule over them well he's going to say bring hither bring them hither and slay them before me so that is going to be a really great time I can't wait for the millennium lots of different scripture about that in Isaiah and elsewhere I want to just do a quick shout out to the chat room we've got Guzman 16 11 Plurpy not sure how that's supposed to be pronounced Grammy 7 says hello brother Ben god bless your work prayers from the jersey shore used to be a popular trashy reality show jersey shore a couple years back ifb Javier Ramos is in the chat and some other people so thank you all for for tuning in here a lot of different live streams going on at the same time tonight but it's still great to be on the air and of course if this is your first time listening to the show it goes on Monday nights at 8 p.m central 9 p.m eastern 8 p.m central 9 p.m eastern but we talked about what we think revival is let's move into the next topic which is our favorite example of revival in scripture and I'm going to go with Josiah I just preached on him but I love king Josiah is my favorite king in second chronicles chapter 35 verse 16 I think we see starting in verse 16 a great example of the revival that Josiah brought to Israel because just as sure as the Lord Jesus Christ is going to bring the law of God back when he rules and reigns over this planet Josiah brought the law of God back in the sense that he brought the Passover back which at the time the children of Israel that nation of Judah and the northern kingdom which was taken over by Assyria at this time they were expected to keep the Passover but they didn't and hadn't done so for so long well Josiah brought that back because when he was brought the word of God and he and the red and the word of God was read to him he tore his clothes out of anger and fear at the same time understanding that the judgment of God was coming and that made him afraid so he brought some reform to Judah and one of those reforms is bringing back the Passover and in second chronicles 35 16 it says so all the service of the Lord was prepared the same day to keep the Passover and to offer burnt offerings upon the altar of the Lord according to the commandment of King Josiah and the children of Israel that were present kept the Passover at that time and the feast of unleavened bread seven days which happens the next day after the Passover verse 18 and there was no Passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a Passover as Josiah kept think about those statements they're the magnitude of those statements no Passover up to that point like the one that Josiah participated in or led and it said neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a Passover as I kept and the priests and the Levites and all Judah and Israel that were present and the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the 18th year of the reign of Josiah was this Passover kept so he brings that back of course the Passover pictures the blood of Jesus Christ covering our sins and enabling the wrath of God to pass over us which of course we all deserve to feel that wrath of God in hell but because of Jesus Christ if you believe on him you don't get you don't have to go there you know you end up going to heaven you have eternal life but my point is you had him bringing back the law of God you also had him breaking down the houses of the sodomites and that's another aspect of revival when it comes to a nation is a nation turning back to God is going to remove the houses of the sodomites is going to get rid of these disgusting filthy dogs out of the land these perverts and isn't going to lift them up and exalt them like America does today yeah disgusting go ahead it's your turn now no no no it was good because um maybe like that story Josiah what's cool about it is that um obviously the nation of uh you know Judah and Israel they're split at that time yeah not only does just you know Josiah he destroys all the sodomites all the all the fake priests you know in Judah but he also does it in Samaria like he goes to Israel to his own territory that's not his own that's not his territory he goes and destroy everything over there he makes them get right with God over there too so you know every revival to Judah but he also does it in Israel as well which is really cool too absolutely that guy I mean if he was running for president I would I'd campaign for him vote for him go knock doors for him man they'll kill that guy we're not gonna have someone like that ever breaking down the houses of the sodomites actually fears God puts God first I mean if they want a true revival that's what they're gonna have to do right oh absolutely I mean I'm not this is not my story my favorite story revival but I was thinking of like um Jehu you know when he when he gets into office and then he he got he gathers all the children of Baal and he says hey I'm you know um he said Ahab I don't know who he said Ahab served Baal a little bit I'm gonna serve him much he said somebody right right it wasn't Ahab it was his son yeah and he gathers all the the all the the Baal worshipers and just slays them all gets rid of them yeah I mean that that'll definitely bring a big revival to America I mean that's probably why America's getting judges coronavirus called sodomites and all the abortion and stuff like that but you know to bring somebody like that into town it will definitely bring some revival around here get things back in shape the way it should be but um I would say I'll say my favorite story revival in the Bible will have to be um in the day of pentecost when the apostles they go and they preach to the you know to the nation of all the nation all the Jews that come from every nation and it talks about the end of the chapter it says in uh verse 20 uh Acts chapter 2 verse 41 it says excuse me said then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there was added unto them about three thousand souls so when they go and do this great preaching about there was added three thousand souls so I'm talking about revival I mean this is something actually that you know all of us were actually doing every single year we're doing the mega marathon and what we're doing is we're going to the entire world bringing the gospel of peace to them and trying to get them saved and you know and this is what they pretty much did they had their their the mega marathon revival and they said they had three thousand souls saved and then it said also they did that continue and they continue steadfast in the apostle doctrine of fellowship and in breaking bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common and so their possession and goods and part of them to all men and as every man had need and they continued daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house they eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favor with all people and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved so I mean we're talking about one of the greatest revivals in history it had to definitely be the day of Pentecost when they get over three thousand people saved and not only saved but the people continuing the apostle doctrine and fellowship they continue the breaking bread they have all things common they were all with one accord so I think that was definitely a big revival that's a good one it's a good one for sure people getting saved there's nothing more important than that and you notice they didn't set up a food pantry there was the gospel being preached okay exactly that spiritual meat is what matters yeah I mean that's that's the revival if you think about it because like I was saying earlier if the definition of revival is to restore to bring you know to revive right you know if you're if you're kind of dying what the hospital will do the doctors will do they will kind of resuscitate you you know what I mean that sometimes and what we're doing we're preaching the gospel we're resuscitating people we're bringing them back to life and the way revival is going to start they're just about one individual at a time you know it takes you know a soul a group of soul winners to go out preach the gospel to one person at a time and it also takes for them to continue in the doctrine and it takes for them to also to continue in the fellowship right in the breaking bread and having all things common and you know that's that's the way we're going to bring you know revival to this world to America you know to the whole world just by one person at a time you know getting saved you know quickly them and the inner man making them be you know bring you know getting them saved making them be born again I think Isaiah chapter four the other than maybe the first verse has an application for the millennium and I wanted to read real quickly out of it in verse number three it says and it shall come to pass that he that is left in Zion and he that remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called holy even everyone that is written among the living in Jerusalem now it doesn't matter how successful we are at bringing revival back in this country at any point in our lifetimes we'll never reach that standard right there when Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning and obviously going into the new heaven and new earth in verse four it says when the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment about the spirit of burning and the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion and upon her assemblies a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night for upon the glory shall be a defense there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat for a place of refuge and for a covert from storm and from rain so Jesus will be there with us ruling and reigning and that'll be a time that is basically totally unmatched we'll never be able to reach it like I said and these weird preterists and these Calvinists who think that oh we're getting more godly as the years go on no that's not the case now there might be a certain time period just like you see with the kings of Israel you had Hezekiah you had Josiah you had good kings Asa is another one where for a short period you had good kings who came in and they brought things back to the way they should be for a little while but ultimately Judah was still judged the Babylonian captivity ended up happening anyway and that's what's going to happen here there might be a period in which things are going a lot better and more people are going to church and reading and studying their bibles and going soul-winning and people are getting saved and things like that but ultimately at the end of the day Daniel's 70th week is coming just like the Babylonian captivity was coming right it's coming no matter what and that doesn't mean we should just sit on our hands and do nothing we should try and stave off the judgment as long as we possibly can and I think it's possible that there is a period in which things go better right for a little while yeah for sure I mean like just like you said with Josiah you know he was able to stay off God's wrath for a little bit because yeah Manasseh he shed innocent blood and God already sworn that he was going to just destroy wipe out Judah but because Josiah did bring revival because Josiah did turn to the Lord with all his heart God you know spared them for a time for a season you know so if we're doing the work of the Lord God could spare us for a season you know and hopefully our children could continue that work that way you know that season could be spared a little longer but if not then you know the time is going to come you know whether we're going to stand up and bring revival but what will it take to turn the tide in America and that's something I wanted to talk to you about as well in Jeremiah chapter 3 it says in verse 14 turn o backsliding children saith the Lord for I am married unto you and I will take you one of a city and two of a family and I will bring you to Zion and I will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding I'll answer first and I'll go over to hand it off to you but Marcel in my opinion here's what it takes this is this is the main catalyst okay we have to have spiritual leadership it can't just be the new IFB spiritual leadership across the entire country that puts aside the skinny jeans that puts away the fog machine and that puts away the purple lights and the NIVs and the stupid contemporary effeminate music and brings back the old-fashioned hymns and brings back what church is supposed to be which is preaching the whole council of God regarding not faces no matter who it offends pastors that are dedicated to feeding the flock with knowledge and understanding in season out of season and until there are more pastors who rise up and can take that leadership it's not gonna happen change starts from behind the pulpit you can like whatever politician you want you can like whatever republican you want change starts from behind the pulpit yeah I mean just like you said it definitely starts with it it starts with us um a great passage it talks about in second chronicles it says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my faith and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin or hear their land heal their land so the bible says that my people which are called by my name if they shall humble themselves you know and and seek the lord then God's gonna you know hear them then God's gonna you know heal their land but until then you know we're not gonna see a revival because like you said it starts from us and if you see most churches that that uh they're compromising with God's word they're compromising with the message they try to just make it fit everybody but at the end of the day you know we need to you know cry loud swear not you know show my people their transgressions that we got to show you know the nations we got to shine that light and the churches are not shining that light the world is going to keep getting darker and the bible says you know because the nickel is out of bound the love of many shall wax cold so yeah absolutely definitely like you said it starts it starts with God's people first and I believe you know what God's people I mean I think there's a righteous remnant that that is standing up I mean you look at pastor Boyle pastor Anderson pastor Shelley as humanity like there's just so many people now passing here that is just you know crying aloud and they're shining that light so I mean there is a revival taking place you know and it just takes people to to to want to be fully sold out you know and at the end of the day if you're not sold out then you're not going to be a part of that great revival that's that's taking place well you mentioned some of those great pastors pastor Patrick Boyle is one of them I have a lot of respect for him and what I really like about pastor Boyle is his emphasis on zeal how zealous he is and when you see somebody who's zealous to that degree it's infectious talking about you know corona a lot of people are thinking of infections right now with the coronavirus but you know zeal is infectious when Jehu said come with me and see my zeal for the lord and then he went and slayed the descendants of Ahab I mean why wouldn't you go follow him I would want to go and take part in that work for for the lord that prophecy coming to fulfillment so pastor Boyle has that and he really cares so much about the lost he wants him to get saved but as you guys try and turn the tide over there in Florida because you gotta look I'm as much as I like you guys you're not going to change all of America right you you need help what you're taking care of is Florida though you've got Jacksonville you've got Orlando and you're trying to get as many people saved as possible I know you have some aspirations to do some work in Miami you're trying to take it and it's gonna have to be state by state but here's my point you guys are trying to get as many people to save possible over there in Florida but it seems like regularly at least in Orlando you encounter some pushback and I didn't tell you I was going to ask about this but it just popped into my mind so I figured I would I heard that this past Sunday the police showed up while you were out soul winning and that there was some big-time pushback people who didn't want you to be knocking doors and they didn't want to hear the gospel and basically persecution could you speak to that what happened this past Sunday because you're going out there you're trying to bring revival back and the devil well he's gonna respond right and he did this past Sunday and he has been for a while now with you guys trying to soul win and just dealing with a bunch of nonsense but talk about what you dealt with as you were trying to reach the lost and preach the gospel this past Sunday with the cops and everything else yeah you know so do you see that well your your screen is frozen again oh let me let me exit out real quick okay you might want to try all right now it's freaking out this is hilarious here we go yeah you're good it was like it was literally flashing it looked crazy go ahead we're good yeah i can't see where you're at i'm there i'm here there look see okay all right yeah yeah yeah so pretty much you know obviously we're just going to preach the gospel and obviously we're just trying to do the work of the lord we're trying to bring revival that's literally what we're doing we're going to bring revival to people's lives people's homes trying to teach them how to get saved and as we go out there we're parking and you know we're preparing off and um some guy was like hey you guys don't believe in social distancing and he just started dropping the f-bombs we're going crazy so we just like we just all just start going you know to our separate locations to our houses and then literally knocking on the door with me my partner and they were leaving the house over here siren like i'm telling it was like literally seven to ten cars you would think is a bank robber you think it was some terrorist you think it's something going on of all the cars that just coming wow as i'm as i'm going down you know to go to the next house a cop comes and pulls me over and he's like hey uh what is your understanding of trespassing soliciting my understanding is you know soliciting is when you're selling something we're not actually selling anything we're actually giving away a free gift so if you'd like to know about the gift of god's eternal life i can tell you how to get it would you like to know how to get it he's like well i gotta see what's going on around here but i'll probably come back around he's like how many people you guys got over here i like you we got you know we got a you know the whole neighborhood we have a lot of people we're just going door knocking so we're just trying to you know do the work of the lord but i'll like we got a minute you know we could talk we're fast like just just give me a minute i got to wait for the sergeant to come and you know we'll come back around so he left me but you know going back once once we got done we see pastor boil and we see like 10 top cars around him i'm like what are these little poor patrick pastor patrick boy he's over here trying to do the work of the lord lead a soul-winning army and over here harassing him and a lady she goes and throws trash at him and you know this lady she's gonna have to answer to that you know answer to god you know if she if she don't get saved she definitely have to answer for that but oh she's yeah i mean devil yeah she was when i'm talking about miss and i think what's funny is she's talking about you guys don't believe in social distancing and she literally throws trash at pastor boil and then she like comes like close to his face and he's like you're not gonna you know practice social distancing so it's pretty funny well there hadn't been there hadn't been a decree or a law or any kind of shutdown order issued in florida for this past weekend so i don't know why they were freaking out at you they would have freaked out anyway they were just using the coronavirus as an excuse as a pretext to persecute you but whether there was a pandemic going on or not they would have chased you out of the neighborhood revival's been dealing with this week after week yeah they just mad the work of the lord being done it was just satan he was just upset and obviously whenever you go out to preach the gospel you're going on the offense you know and saying obviously he's trying to fight back you know it's a spiritual battle so when you're going to preach the gospel you know you're doing spiritual you're doing the spiritual work so and they like you said they just use that as an excuse to be able to argue to fight with us but really they just didn't want us in the neighborhood period and this is what happens when you try and bring revival to neighborhoods sometimes hey you got to shake off the dust of your feet and move on to the next one not every place is going to be receptive but i want to play the video this is eight minutes so i'm not gonna play the whole thing but i'm just gonna play a portion of it to give the audience an idea of what we're talking about marcel you won't be able to hear anything so just bear with me but just for the people listening and watching on the live stream what happened this past sunday with pastor boil once again this is sometimes the response you're going to get from folks when you try and bring revival to their community they're not exactly going to accept it ma'am those officers are for my protection as well special edition of cops is going on location with the men and women of law enforcement all suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law soul winning those of you watching are listening to the podcast hey i'm just assuming uh the neighbor there trying to describe it if you're listening to the audio podcast he didn't like the fact that we were out knocking doors police pulls up pastor boil well i'm sorry you can't infringe on our for our rights officer especially you're being recorded right i understand okay okay we we try not to has the state of florida issued a stay-at-home order no okay so are we breaking any laws i believe you're trespassing no i mean i'm going to verify that okay okay inside i'll be right back all right i'd better call the sheriff judd the first officer that stopped us said he didn't like the fact that we were out here knocking doors okay there's no solicitation please check your law okay we've run through this fast forward to this part right here the cop gets out his vehicle to try to intimidate so far everything you've told me so far everything you've told me was in violation of my rights so go ahead you're not allowed in here correct no it says no soliciting okay what are you doing would you charge me with soliciting i'll gladly accept that and i'll fight that because it's not i'm gonna tell you what you need to call the homeowner the homeowner association talk to the president tell them if you want to be in here you can have permission if not you all need to leave okay well uh call the homeowner and find out if we're not allowed to be here how about that you're the one you're the one in here okay okay you need to leave right now well you need to leave personally i will leave yes all right that's pretty much the gist of it there we'll get back to marcel but you notice they keep saying oh you're soliciting you're soliciting you're soliciting without even giving you the definition the true definition of soliciting which is trying to obtain something from someone you're giving something for free out a lot of the time you're handing out dvds you're handing out church tracts tracks you're giving people the gospel that's free right you're giving away stuff you're not obtaining anything from anyone unless you want to count their time as something you're obtaining but that's not even tangible it's not an object you're not getting money from anybody so totally ridiculous it would be the equivalent just walking around imagine if you moved into this neighborhood and you walked around knocking on doors just to say hello and inform everyone that you're moved that you moved in next door is that soliciting of course not you're not selling anything you're not trying to obtain anything from anyone you're just having a discussion and that's soul winning is you're knocking on doors giving something away for free and like i said sometimes you're literally giving away an object i go so many every week with dvds every single week and i'll give them out so the soliciting charge is complete nonsense yeah they was just trying to intimidate pastor boy but just from just from seeing that you know definitely um gave me a lot more respect for pastor boy for holding down holding his fork holding down the ground holding his ground down and um no he didn't back down he didn't just you know you know run away with his tail between his legs he actually told him you know he stood up to the cops you know what i mean and the good thing about it too is even though he was there he was there the whole time he was kind of like you know procrastinating a little bit so that way we could get done with it and we we actually did finish the neighborhood you know but it was good to kind of see him and remind me of like paul you know when he was you know going through a lot of you know uh persecution and stuff like that what what he said was just embolden the brethren you know to also go through persecutions as well so you know when we see our pastor you know he's going through stuff like that it makes us want to jump in the fight also go through with him you know you waxed bold through his quote bonds figuratively he wasn't actually bound by anything but you know what i mean kind of a reference to what paul wrote but you see we're not going to turn the corner though we're not going to turn the tide or bring revival to america unless more people are willing to do that and pastor boy was a great leader but we need more pastor boils we need more pastor andersons we need more pastor shellies we need more pastors who are willing to do what you just described there which is get dirty a little bit get your feet wet and go out and preach the gospel in the face of persecution in the face of people who don't want you there and obviously hey if the neighborhood isn't interested you shake the dust off your feet you move on when an individual at a home says i'm not interested you move on right and then you call them a rep but no i'm just kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding go ahead no yeah i mean even even though you know went through all that all those cops came we actually got one salvation in that neighborhood and that neighborhood was super unreceptive i mean like nobody wanted to talk people slammed the door but thank god we got one person saved that's awesome so it was worth it you got one person sealed with the holy spirit and at the end of the day i i hope we get to live here's how i know that we actually are bringing revival back is when the stereotype of a religious door knocker is no longer the jehovah's witness it's no longer the mormon those bunch of weirdos and their star trek cult that they believe in one day being the god of their own world and joseph smith the pervert anyway it's a different topic for a different time it's not going to be the mormons or the jw's it'll be baptists that when people think of religious door knockers they think of those pesky baptists who just won't leave anyone alone yeah we don't want to leave people alone because we want to make sure that they're saved so we're going to knock on every single door we possibly can whether you like it or not exactly whatever time you're in you you want the whole town to know like you know what revival baptist church they are knocking doors in this whole entire neighborhood you know you know steadfast baptist church they're not gonna like they run the city this is their city this is their state and and that's the mindset you know pastor boy has like you know he's in charge of the whole entire state of florida he wants to get the gospel out to our house the whole entire state of florida and that's all it is you know with all our churches you know everybody trying to reach the area and that's how we're going to do it that's how we're going to bring the gospel around the whole world you know one person taking in charge of their city their region their state and then sending someone else out and have that person replicate do the same exact thing amen to that well let's move on to the next topic i wanted to ask you next about your church and for those who just tuned in marcel is joining me brother marcel lugo from revival baptist church in jacksonville florida now that church used to be steadfast baptist church in jacksonville florida and the congregation there has been through a lot i think that's an understatement originally the church was supposed to be led by the deacon of faithful word baptist church in tempe arizona named tyler baker but he ended up being a oneness heretic and so he was ousted quickly donnie romero and that's a totally man it just gets worse and worse doesn't it donnie romero who was exposed himself as a pervert he sent adam fannin who was exposed himself as a judas iscariot over to and this should tell you the whole story of jacksonville and the futility that these folks have gone through so he sends adam fannin over there and he leads it for about a year and a half or so and then he gets exposed after donnie romero gets exposed pastor shelley takes the church over there's a preaching rotation for a little while until finally pastor shelley decides that it would make more sense to pass the church off to pastor patrick boil and revival baptist church it just made too much sense and it was something i thought maybe would happen i didn't think it would happen as soon as it did i had no prior knowledge of it there's some idiot trolls that think i moved away just because pastor bozeman i love pastor boil it wasn't i had no clue that this was happening in january but i wanted to get your thoughts on it marcel as a lay person in the church somebody who's been there since day one what do you think about steadfast jacksonville becoming revival baptist jacksonville yeah i mean i love it i think everybody in the church loves it i mean i feel like um we have this shadow taken over taken away because every time you hear steadfast you know baptist church you know you just think of you know all the you know stuff we've been through throughout the past couple of years you know you know with tyler baker and donny romero and adam fannin and it just seemed like it always been like one thing after another and um you know we thank god for pastor shelley for stepping in when he did and taking over the church and you know he did a great job teaching us and doing men's preaching i mean we used to have men's preaching probably about four or five hours and he literally just you know poured out his heart to us and tried to teach us and admonish us as much as he can but you know unfortunately because he is in texas and he has four churches he couldn't really spend the time with us that you know we needed and you know obviously this church you know and he's you know local leadership we need somebody here and he did the best he can so we're all thankful but the good thing with pastor boil is that you know we've known pastor boil for about two years since he opened the church we we followed him since he was in ohio and we've seen the transition and we've seen the the big step of faith he took by you know preaching god's word without you know compromising it and we see how god blessed him and we've seen how he came to florida and started something up from the ground up in orlando so we've seen him you know steadfast you know we've seen him continuing the work of the lord and it's not like you know obviously it'll be a little different you know obviously there's a local pastor that just came and took us over and we didn't really know who he was but you know we're all familiar with pastor boy we all pretty have we all have a good relationship with him and you know we he seen us he's seen the things we've been through he's seen the people that have been there from the beginning and um so it was just a perfect fit and he came to preach for us a couple months ago and it was just a very good sermon he preached on you know pressing toward the mark you know the high calling of god in christ jesus and it was a really edifying sermon and um it was a perfect fit and the pastor boy he had a lot of zeal you know and he definitely he brings that zeal to the church and he definitely uh you know he changed everything around you know we have a new mural in the background and he changed everything around so it definitely feels like revival we feel like we got restored and you know you know on behalf of the whole church you know we're all grateful pastor Shelly and like you said it was just the right move because pastor Shelly couldn't come more often like he would want to and pastor Boyle was planning and willing to come on his own accord once a week just to preach to us just to you know edify us and it just made more sense for him to just take over the church because obviously if pastor Boyle has seen something wrong you know it just makes more sense for you know a local pastor to be able to come and to handle the situation that's going on in the church so i mean i'm excited we're all we're sold into his vision you know he's uh he's definitely trying to reach the entire state of florida he's trying to he's trying to put on his back and obviously right now we're going to the book of nehemiah and um and obviously nehemiah wants to do a great work but he couldn't do it by himself you know he needed the people to back him up so obviously we're here to back up pastor Boyle and to do you know help him you know fulfill that great commission you know yeah he brought some changes to that church and revival as you talked about it's not just a name change but bringing the instruments a new background and i think he's going to do some great things for that congregation over there which really needed that local leadership on a regular basis so i'm really looking forward to seeing what happens and going out to visit you guys multiple times here because i have family over there so i'm not going to just never come back so that's gonna be a lot of fun now you got a chance to preach this past sunday we talked about that a little bit for people who've never preached a sermon before just describe what it's like to get up behind the pulpit and talk for an hour and you know preach the bible for a full hour which you had an opportunity to you've done several sermons before i go back to the church split in january and kind of look at those clips every once in a while go go down memory lane when we were in the midst of a war i heard your sermon that you preached in theo's house actually and just the passion that you had and obviously pastor anderson he gave you some props when you you had your sermon and you made the connection to the book of esther to that situation but you've done some sermons before you're back behind the pulpit again this past sunday and i'm sure you won't have an issue with me saying this you know one of the goals you do have is to one day be in the ministry lord willing but talk about being a preacher in the sense of just getting a chance to preach a sermon if there's a christian out there who says you know i want to be a preacher one day and they're totally inexperienced just like i mean we are we're not very experienced either but from that point of view of being green what's it like to preach the bible for an hour like you did this past sunday for you yeah i mean i mean it's definitely a little nerve-wracking uh you know obviously i've only preached under maybe about 10 sermons so obviously i'm still at that phase where you know so i like to i do a lot of bible memorizations but sometimes when i'm buying the pulpit i just kind of draw blanks so like you know i get a little stage fright and it's just all about getting comfortable you know anything you do and it's new to you you know obviously you're not as comfortable as you could be but you know i'm just still trying to get you know get my feel for it still get comfortable still trying to figure out you know you know just how to be me you know at the end of the day i'm just gonna be who i am obviously god made all of us uniquely individuals unique individuals so um i'm just thankful for pastor boy just giving me another opportunity to preach and to be able to go preach god's word obviously i'm confident in god's word on everything he says is right so there's no thing it's just all about obviously you know what you want to just make sure you say everything right and make sure you're making it you know comprehensible for everybody to understand it so that that's the big pressure just to make sure that you just delivered it you're trying to edify the body of christ and you just you got to just make sure that you deliver it in a way that everybody can understand your points they can understand it and grow from it you know and uh and be built up so well the theme of the podcast has been revival we touched a little bit about revival for entire nations we talked about revival for an individual church and what's going on in jacksonville the revival going on there but how about the revival for the christian life right and to me somebody who's backslidden or maybe isn't as zealous as they should or could be a big key for them to get back in the fight would be to set some goals right some goals they want to achieve whether it's read the bible cover to cover once in the year twice in the year three times in the year or memorize this chapter in the bible get x amount of souls saved over a certain period of time when you look at your christian life and and some of the things that you might get to accomplish and where you might be in a few years what are some goals you don't have to list all of them but maybe a few examples of some goals you have that you hope to achieve in the near future yeah so i have a lot of goals um and obviously i just want to memorize the entire new testament so i have a lot of the you know a lot of books memorized already you know it gets a little difficult once you memorize a lot of chapters because like a lot of the chapters they kind of say the same wording you know so like we do like ephesians and colossians a lot of you see a lot of the same scriptures and a lot of the same wording so to be really thorough at it you got to just make sure you're saying it correctly so it could get a little difficult when the wording is the same you know if you do the book of hebrews you can get a little tricky as well so one of my goals is to memorize the entire new testament um obviously i want to do all the epistles and obviously memorize major passages like an act and john and then also memorize them in the old testament so that's one of my major goals um obviously like you said to go into ministry obviously lord willing you know he can find me faithful to put me into the ministry so obviously that's in you know a couple years i want to learn spanish as well so that way i you know i could be able to preach the gospel in spanish i do want to be able to be as effective i can for god in the area um but every year i have a goal to try to at least you know get a hundred salvations that's you know a goal that i set for myself so you know i take so many you know really that's one of my main priorities to be a very efficient soul winner that's something i pride myself in and try to i'm just super grateful for salvation i'm just so happy to be saved and how easy it is to be safe so i just love the feeling of being able to show somebody else how to be saved and so i just try to you know be the best solar that i can memorize as much bible as i can read the bible as much as i can cover to cover and all i'm doing all i'm doing is just preparing myself and i'm just seeing god open different doors for me he's putting different things into my heart you know the bible said you know a man's hard to buy the same way but the lord directing his steps so i have a lot of plans and a lot of goals but it's going to be god ultimately that's going to direct my steps you know so like right now without you know i go soul winning in south florida once a month so you know i know a lot of people down there a lot of faithful soul winners and church members so you know my goal is for you know to be able to have a church for them down there so lord willing the lord will open up that door so if god sees us faithful with the look that we do have you know god would give us more you know so that's just some of my goals i have yeah you look at tons of different examples in scripture from david to moses even to saul obviously paul paul in the new testament they they had that humility about them and the lord used them as a result so it's so important and i really look forward to seeing what happens with you in the future marcel it's always a pleasure to talk to you get a chance to catch up you know we had a lot of good times there in jacksonville a lot of fun soul winning a lot of laughs you brother edwin i miss him by the way he's he's a he's a lot of fun so you know it was great also our own lingo bars and everything like that so i look forward to seeing you again but i think at the end of the day you know god did have us going in different directions regardless whether it was this year or five ten years from now anyway but that doesn't mean that we can't not keep in touch and and do podcasts together and things like that and visit one another every once in a while and who knows maybe one day i will be visiting your own church you know who knows what could happen in the future i think that god has some really interesting plans and at the end of the day all things work together for good to them that love god so that's right and looks like your your video is frozen at you smiling which is fine it's better than you looking like you're high on on uh cocaine but oh let me let me let me get back in there why don't you try and fix that real quick and then we'll go ahead and wrap things up here on the sword of the spirit live march 23rd 2020 all right marcel well let's land the plane yeah i'm here let's land the plane marcel any last words for the listeners tonight the live audience it's a lot lower than usual because there's like 45 different live streams going on at the same time this evening but it's always fun regardless whether it's one person listening or 100 so what are your thoughts and any any closing any closing comments before i just uh wrap this thing up yeah just uh you know don't like jesus said let not your heart be troubled neither be afraid you believe in god you know believe also in me just um during this time of crisis when things you know could be getting really bad lord willing it don't get bad just trusting god the lord's refuge the lord's buckler the lord's shield you know put your trust your confidence in him you know he's the one that commands the winds and the sea you know they obey him so just put your confidence in god and at the end of the day everything's gonna work out for good and just use this time to when there's a lot of fear in the world just use this time to bring that peace to people and just bring them the gospel and just show them at the end of the day you might die from the coronavirus but you know you can have eternal life in heaven so you know if you're not you know if you're not done with killer body but i'm not able to kill a soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell so amen no we need to fear god you know because he's able to destroy both soul and body in hell and not fear some virus or something so obviously take your proper precautions to be clean and sanitized and to be healthy and um either the day safety's of the lord the horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety's of the lord so that's right stay say hey don't get that corona all right stay safe social distancing okay sir i want to hear a call coming from you that you got it no not me lord willing yeah lord you're a young guy it's all right you should be okay if you get it but it is pretty tough to go through regardless of your age all right marcel have a good night it was a pleasure to do this with you thanks a lot for your time my friend and we'll talk soon okay take care my brother yes sir all right well folks use this time right now use this time to sort of spark your own individual revival if you've had some trouble finding the time to read your bible if you've had some trouble finding the time to go out soul winning if you've had some trouble finding the time to pray and do all the things you should be doing in your christian life use this time right now because a lot of you are on pause from work a lot of you have had your schedules completely freed up right now use this time for some introspection and look at what you're doing right what you're doing wrong some adjustments that can be made spending more time with the lord reinvigorating your spiritual life bring some revival back to your life and like i said kind of get that zeal back to where it needs to be i think that's what we can do to sort of take advantage of what's going on right now look at the silver lining with this coronavirus i mean you look at bars and casinos are shut down i've heard some planned parenthood locations aren't murdering babies for a temporary period of time so some lives are being saved because of this virus if you want to think about it that way and the you know the sports leagues are all shut down so there are less distractions people don't have anything to watch on television first run programming this is a time where it's an opportune moment for people to think about the lord for people to think about the spiritual things because the distractions that keep them from their bible are temporarily on pause for right now whether it's work or vain entertainment whatever the case may be let's take advantage of the time we have now and look at the glass half full have that glass half full mentality in the silver lining of all this that's it for the show tonight i'll be back again next monday at 8 p.m central 9 p.m eastern time with brother rob from canada we'll be talking about deported and some other things as well so make sure you tune in next week for another episode of the show monday 8 p.m central 9 p.m eastern time ben the baptist kjv.com is the place to go if you want to listen to the archive of this podcast both the audio only format and the video and there's also a link to download each episode if you're interested ben the baptist kjv.com head over to youtube.com slash ben the baptist if you'd like to subscribe to this channel thank you to the diehards who listened live tonight i really appreciate your support god bless you all and i'll talk to you guys again after a while so so so so