(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Welcome to the Rod of Iron Podcast, Fundamental Baptist, breaking down discussions, dogma, and daily events. I'm your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church here in beautiful Southern California, Orange County. And I'm here with a special guest this episode, Dr. Rita Elethorpe. And she's one of our church members here. She's been a big blessing to our church and of course to me personally. And so we're going to be talking about a lot of different things in this episode. And make sure you share this with your family and friends. We're going to kind of go off topic of what we typically would talk about in this podcast and just discuss some things regarding health. But more specifically, we're going to be talking about testosterone, hormones, and a little bit into Dr. Rita's background and how she became a doctor. And so, Dr. Rita, thank you so much for joining us on this episode. How are you? I'm blessed. Thank you for having me. Absolutely. So tell me, Dr. Rita, have you always been a doctor? No. No. Tell me how you got into the field, into this field, please. Well, I guess it starts with my father who was in food research, armor food research. We were in the upper Northern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin area in the farmland. And my dad would drive all the way into Chicago every day for work in food research and fatty science research in the fats in the animal fat research department. And I was able to go on to work with him. My mother was injured and I was the youngest of four daughters. And so he brought me to work and I saw the labs and the bubbling, you know, bottles and everything. And dad didn't have any sons. So I guess I was always at his hip, no matter what we did on the farm, you know. So that interests me in science. And my father was a very special and wonderful man. Later in life, he became a Christian. I was able and honored to witness his conviction, conversion to Christianity and accept Jesus as his only hope of salvation. In fact, my Bibles, I always keep one of his statements and his references to the word of God in here. That's awesome. It's a blessing to see his handwriting on my Bible. Amen. And that interested me. But, you know, I was in school, I was best in the science projects at school and science fairs and, you know, won the prizes and everything. But I got married at I started dating my husband when I was 16 and then I got married when I was 17. And my goal was to be John Ellithorpe's wife and take care of him and have his children. He was going to be a teacher, a grammar school teacher. And that I thought was my life. But then Vietnam happened and he went off to war and he took me to his first encampment. You know, this was Fort Campbell, Kentucky. And then he said, I promised your father that I would allow you to get a college education. And he gave that promise to my father. So he walked me over. We were only a block from the campus. I'm sorry, your father wanted you to get a college education. And so he basically had your husband promise him that if you marry that he would kind of fulfill that promise of allowing you to do that. Yes. Okay. And so he walked me over to campus and he actually picked out the courses I was going to take and I went to college and he went off to doing his active duty. And I was there with my Bible in one hand and my studies in the other and it just never ended. And, you know, we didn't use birth control and there were no babies or anything like that. So I just kept on studying and being the Bible, physics, chemistry kid on the campus. Everyone knew me, all my professors and did so well. I guess I got accepted to medical school and still no babies, still no birth control. And I did very well and finished. And then after I'm a doctor and everything, then I had my first son and then the Lord gave me a second son. And that's where I am today. Now I had a military obligation of at least nine years. So the earliest I could conceivably stop working full time was after Talon was like eight and Brighton was six or something like that. And I was hoping then that things would be that I could do that and stay with them. But life didn't have that happen. And I had to work and it worked out OK. Ultimately, it led to this wonderful position where we're at, where my husband is at work with me and my eldest son runs the place, Tustin Longevity Center. And both my sons have worked there and my oldest son still is and runs the place. And my husband runs the maintenance and shipping and everything. So it's a family business to this day. And I just want to be clear to the audience that when I was attempting to think about being a doctor, I asked my husband's permission and he said, of course, you know, you can certainly go for that. And so I just wanted to be clear. It's with his permission that we have our clinic, that it is a family business with my husband there and my sons. And I am there today. Well, I appreciate your testimony because Dr. Rita, you obviously, you know, our church and what we believe about the Bible, especially regarding biblical roles in the home, that's something that we talk about and we preach about and we teach on. And it's always a blessing to have someone in our church who reinforces that, um, you know, who teaches the younger women and reinforces what I preach from the pulpit and teaches the women in our church, follow the lead of your husband, be under his authority. And so, you know, when when looking at your story and your testimony, basically, we can conclude that you simply followed the lead of your husband and never went out from under his authority to do your own thing. This is all sanctioned by your husband. And so, um, I appreciate that because, you know, Dr. Rita in our church, I often see her talking to the younger women and she's teaching them to love their husbands and guide the home. And, you know, obviously they'll look at Dr. Rita as being someone, well, you're a doctor and you have a clinic, but all with the permission of your husband. It's something that your husband wanted you to do to go to college for these things. And obviously all things work together for good to them that love God. People often have this misconception that, you know, oh, well, you preach this and so you'll never accept someone in your church. But the reality is this is we have to preach what the Bible says, regardless of what background a person comes from in our church. And as long as people in our church reinforce what the Bible says and reinforce the preaching of God's Word and understand that sometimes we make mistakes or maybe it wasn't the ideal situation, but it was definitely done under our God-given authority. All things work together for good because you have through this have been a blessing to a lot of people. And, you know, I was talking to you about this earlier before we started the podcast is, you know, the Bible talks about spiritual gifts and I preached on spiritual gifts, Romans chapter 12, 1 Corinthians 12. And one of the spiritual gifts that the Bible mentions is the gift of healing, right? And obviously one interpretation could be that the gift of healing is referring to the supernatural ability to remove a disease from a person or heal the lame and the blind and the sick, those who were infected or had palsy, just miraculously, you know, the shadow passed over them and they're able to heal them. And I definitely agree with that interpretation, especially when it comes to the apostles. But another interpretation could simply mean that a person with the gift of healing has the God enabled them and gifted them to basically, you know, know how to heal the body, you know, no medicine and how to heal the body. And the reason I would even bring that up is because you have the gift of tongues, for example, which people think is this divine language, which no man can understand when actuality someone who has the gift of tongues is simply an individual who knows how to learn languages. They're gifted in that area. Not everyone has that gift. Well, I would liken that to the gift of healing where someone just has the ability to know or the God-given ability to heal the body naturally or understand how the body works and how God composed the body. And so I would say you have the gift of healing because you have a good innate understanding of the physical body and what it needs in order to be healed, to become stronger, how to avoid disease, etc. Would you agree with that? Yeah. My father, I don't know if he would recall this because of your age, but back in the 1970s, there was this congressional meeting, kind of like the government getting involved in COVID and having these meetings on COVID. There were meetings back in the 70s on heart disease and what's causing this new increase in heart disease. Senator McGowan ran it and it came up with the cholesterol heart disease hypothesis. And back then, my father being in food research knew many of the people on the publications and research on the benefit of a good old fashioned healthy piece of meat and real butter and cooking and saturated fats. And they were totally against seed oils or vegetable oils. And what happened was we started to see how censorship was occurring even back then of the research on the blessings of butter and the blessings of grass fed wild caught because most of it was still not this big mega industrialized farming. And that's when my eyes were open and my father's to see the corruption in science even and the censorship in science even back then. Yeah. Science is falsely so-called motivated by obviously money. Exactly. Yeah. Because the first American Heart Association was really the American Lung and Heart Association. That's how it originally started. But who was it sponsored by and who published it? Well, it was the food industries publishing at the cereal industries for cheap over-the-counter long shelf life, which would be hydrogenated fats. And that's, of course, what my father was tasked into doing. And he predicted so much increase of illness and vague illness and chronic problems emerging even in the children and the pregnancies because he said, we're made of fat and protein on our cell membranes. It's a double layer. It's called the bilipid layer protein and fat. And they're damning it. They're saying this is evil. And what will happen then is much like a house, if it has shingles that are getting old and need repair, if you don't replace them, the elements can get in and destroy the house. Yeah. No matter how good you have your inside house. And I liken that to say, no matter how good you hear about one antioxidant like resveratrol or coenzyme Q 10 or some other, you know, name of the week vitamin super natural supplement, if it isn't contained within a compartment, a safe compartment, it can't do its work efficiently because even the mitochondria, your cell energy battery and the intracellular organelles, they also have a double membrane lipid membrane. And this is where my research and I'm published. I'm a scientist, too. I've I'm published. I majored in chemistry, biochemistry and and I'm published in cell membrane repair for this reason. So I'm sure I am who I am by what God wanted. Yeah, absolutely. That I was smart to figure it out on my own. And what you're referring to the cell membrane, you're to put it in layman's terms, you're basically saying that sicknesses are often a result of breaches in the cell membrane that are caused by bad dieting. And the way you repair the cell membranes is by feeding the body proteins and fats, which is exactly what it's made up of. And the sicknesses are not just a result of the breaches in the cell membrane, but the residue that resides within from those breaches, correct? Exactly. Yeah. So you have to have a good delivery system to that cell to get its nutrients and everything it needs and and repair its shingles on its roof, or its membranes and its inner membranes. And you have to have a waste removal, right? Which would you say like a good waste removal would be fasting, correct? Oh, absolutely. That's an excellent form of repairing the the house, so to speak. Yes. But there is marketing. And there is, you know, propaganda, really, TV images, marketing, telling you it's only fun, you can only be happy and fun if you go out to eat or if you eat this item. Only to hip people eat certain things and they market their imagery, drinking, alcohol, late night partying, fast foods, shelf storage life. I remember one, I don't even know the names because I've never bought these things, but Snacko's was the name of it. Well, these were these no carb foods. They were cookies. Snackwell's. I remember it. That's the name of it. Snackwell's. There was nothing good about it. They would advertise no fat. And yet it was tons of sugar. The very thing that was creating the problem, excess carbs and high fructose corn syrup and such. Well, you know, it's interesting, you know, you talk about the propaganda. I feel like now, although the propaganda hasn't ceased when it comes to the misinformation regarding food, I do see, I don't want to say it's trending, but I do see a lot of people because of the Internet. Well, let me say this, because of the Internet, there's a lot of misinformation. But on the flip side of that, I feel like you can get a lot of truth as well. And so what I've seen is, you know, a lot of momentum in good foods. And one popular thing that I see people getting into is nose to tail dieting. You know, you can call it carnivore or nose to tail, just ancestral dieting. What's your take on that? And why don't you talk about what it is first and then what's your take on it? Well, that's returning back to a more natural animal, poultry, fish, pork, crustacean eating, and less of the plant-based diet. I am not in favor of plants because they have been so destroyed with packaging, so to say, unless, you know, you go and you get some packaged broccoli or Brussels sprouts or things like that. Most of this plant-based food is in some packaged format. I'm trying to get back to as natural eating. Nose to tail is more of the carnivore or some are mixed paleo type diet. And because your cell membranes are made of fat and protein, you must eat the fat and protein. But marketing is put out there saying you should eat omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil things and the fish oil capsules. Omega-6s are bad, okay, and they say the word EPA, DHA, EPA, DHA. Well, in reality, there are only two human fats that are essential, only two, and that's linoleic and alpha linoleic acid. Linoleic is omega-6, alpha linoleic is omega-3, and they have two double bonds in them, whereas the EPA and DHA from fish have five or more double bonds in them. And when a fish is in the water, typically the water temperature is maybe, you know, 40 degrees, 50 degrees, or even less. If you sample a fish that's in cold water, their percentage of EPA and DHA will be very high in their cell membranes, and God put it there, and that's why I love the Bible, because a fish in order to swim in the water and not freeze, because there are fish that can swim in the water in 29, 28 degree water, and they don't freeze because of all those double bonds in their fatty acids unique to the fish. If you take fish that are from the Caribbean where the water temperatures are much higher, double, 70, 80 degree, you'll find a far reduced concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6s. We humans, we walk at 98.6 degrees all the time, and I tell my patients, you're like a 98.6 slow roast, a 200 pound slow 98.6 roast, and you have to understand that there are requirements for coolants and movement and intake and exhaust waste material, and if you don't understand that you're cooking, you're oxidizing, you're burning, and you don't know how to manage that, you won't live well, you won't live long, you'll be more susceptible to disease. So do plants and eating plants really help repair and give us coolant and replacement parts? No. For the most part, no. It is the eating that nose to tail like you brought up, eating those things because that animal has to deal with the same problem, and they're always trying to naturally eat, they're not biased with commercials and Instagram. Yeah, and plants are rigid, we're not rigid beings, and then also they're not necessary bioavailable, right? That's why you have the cow with so many stomachs in order to kind of process all that for us. I'm not really big on vegetables, obviously there's certain vegetables that I'll eat just for pleasure, asparagus wrapped in bacon, but other than that I'm not really big on that. I did get into a little bit of carnivore and nose to tail, I've been eating a lot of liver lately, which is a very nutrient-dense food, and I had definitely seen a difference in energy and strength. Of course I do powerlifting and so I always have it before my deadlift and it helps me a lot, the day before my deadlift, and so it definitely helps a lot. I do see a major difference between my diet now and my diet before and how it's helped my body and everything like that, but what particular diet or should I say do you prefer? I know you've had keto, you've done keto, the ketogenic diet, I know you've also experimented with the carnivore diet, are you sticking with that? Is there something that you prefer more than the other? Is it just a balance of both? What would you say? I stick with a keto-carnivore picture. When I say keto to carnivore, carnivore is exclusively animal diet, anything made and produced from animals. When I say keto, I'm allowing some vegetables in like asparagus, green bean, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, those kind of things, but buttered up heavily and usually cooked, as opposed to eating raw and salad-rich foods. Now I want to tell you a little bit why. Most people buy salad dressings and most of these salad dressings are entertainment sugar sources and they put in croutons and they put in all manner of things to turn a salad into a disguised treat. So I'm always fighting with my patience, not that I'm anti-salad, it's that there are so many dangers in doing this. So I say if you're going to have a salad, have it with olive oil and vinegar. Try and have it a simple salad instead of a jazzed up wild variety. And the reason is also the more spices you drink or take down your throat, the more variety of the food items in that salad. Some people have seeds, nothing wrong with a seed necessarily, but they have seeds, then they have croutons, then they have sprouts, then they have carrots, then they have avocado, then they have romaine, and they have arugula, and they have cheese chunks in there. I mean that becomes such a huge menu for your gut to figure out. You have to understand your adenoids and your tonsils and all down the lining of your gastrointestinal system are gut associated lymphoid patches. And these patches are there as God's watchmen to make sure if bacteria and bugs or toxins are coming down with that piece of food that they can sort it out and attack it. Also to make sure that this is friend or foe, yes we need these amino acids, no we don't, that's not what we want. And food itself that is plant-based is foreign to a human. We're not made of cellulose, we're not made of these things. Yes they contain vitamins and yes they contain minerals and yes they contain some starch or fruit sugars and we can utilize these things and they're valuable, but we're not composed of them. You could get everything out of that liver. You can even get vitamin C. So these are foreign proteins that your own immune system has to work very hard to try and sort out friend or foe, what can we use, and is it digested properly. Very often your blood type might be of a sort that makes you digest foods less well than another blood type. Like mine for example, I'm blood type A and so I require systemic or enzymes to break down my food sometimes. Yes, yes and I'll just tell you the facts. I in my clinic, you know I was never taught this in medical school that blood types matter other than the birth of the child and the father for you know antibodies to the baby's blood and getting a rogam shot or for a blood transfusion, but actually your white blood cells are and your red blood cells are part of your immune surveillance and you look and screen the world a little bit differently as an A type blood than I as a B positive or B negative or A minus or A positive and so there there's the O there's the A B's and there's many other components to this as well. So your immune system is really stressed the greater your entertainment you know variety and what is it marketed. Everything is marketed to be have this kind of breakfast in the morning use this kind of treat snack before lunch go to this kind of ethnic restaurant for lunch have this kind of snack for the afternoon. Whereas your body prefers to have the same thing every day. Yes. You know the same thing for for lunch and dinner. In order to metabolize and process the food properly it requires kind of the same thing because if you eat something different during lunch for dinner your body's like whoa we got a you know we got something new taking place here. Isn't that correct? Yes yeah and it puts a stress there where maybe your immune system would be better off serving you protecting you from you know a stem cell of a cancer cell that's starting to float around or emerge. So if 70 80 percent of your whole immune system lines this gut God is telling you watch what you eat. I put most of your immune system there watch what you're eating and so the whole marketing instagram people taking pictures of every silly meal they're eating tempting their friends and neighbors you know lusting after their food lusting after going and buying this or marketing it is creating such a adultery you might say to the body that I work so hard. Well I only post liver anytime I the only food I post is is my liver right before I consume it and so yeah I agree with you 100 that's definitely true. I mean in the bible obviously is not for a plant-based diet either anybody who is an advocate of a plant-based diet and tries to defend it with scripture can only go to the book of genesis prior to the fall which obviously our bodies were completely different during that time since you know sin wasn't as of yet introduced but thereafter you know you do have an animal-based product that we you know they were eating they're sacrificing animals they're eating the animals of the field the beasts of the field and that's what god commanded for them to do and like often the common argument is like well that's because of sin and so they'll say well because of sin we have to eat an animal-based product and somehow you know we for that reason we should go back to a plant-based diet but but here's the thing clothing is a product of the sin the fall of man as well should we stop wearing clothes as well no you know this is the era in which we live and obviously sometime in the future after the millennial reign it'll return back to a plant-based diet but at that point we'll have glorified bodies but you know it doesn't require we can't get there on our own obviously we have to work on god's timetable and right now god encourages and in a sense you know I'm not saying he commands but he does encourage a animal-based product and roman chapter 14 says that he that eateth herbs is weak and that is not only true from a spiritual perspective but we know scientifically even from a physical perspective that is true as well and so absolutely I have a question for you regarding testosterone we're talking a little bit about this before the podcast and we were discussing testosterone levels for men and you were telling me that about 30 years ago the average testosterone for a man was approximately about 15 1600 correct yeah I when I was on active duty for those 10 years I saw many many men and in that environment the men had testosterone levels had easily reached 13 14 15 1600 micrograms per deciliter and that's not even that's not with any testosterone therapy no any outside thing helping them with that that's literally how they were naturally yes whereas now the average is 100 to 300 you said 185 185 you know 300 is about what I see on all my testing okay I rarely ever see a man above 500 on his own and very it may be one in five years I see a man who hits 800 on his own that's so interesting because now powerlifting I see accounts and I read articles and and people who you know take steroids in order to lift more weight and even with the assistance of steroids you know they get to 100 and you know now we think well 800 is a lot but that's not a whole lot in comparison to what men had 30 years ago naturally so what is the cause of this drop in testosterone first of all obviously if men were had 1300 1500 1600 numbers were in regards to testosterone God gave them that to function as a man to accomplish to achieve things to work I mean most men if not you know I mean today have no idea what that's like to have that number right I mean that that's an incredible amount of testosterone who knows that's probably why they're growing such massive beards or whatever you know but what was what is the cause for the decrease in testosterone now in men I think it's the world you live in today the oxidative stress of the life even the breathing of the air we have these geostratospheric engineered clouds now these lines coming out of the back end of these jets and those have in them aluminum oxide strontium oxide barium oxides and these are heavy metal toxins and they land down you know and they disperse uniformly in the ionosphere to redirect allegedly the sun's rays to fight off global warming if you buy into that theory I don't but the other thing is it prevents the vitamin D ultraviolet light that's necessary for hitting your skin to produce your vitamin D which is also a type of pre-hormone vitamin D is better understood as a hormone and so so you have toxins in the air the jet stream coming from China in the east the jet stream dumps on to the United States and you know there's no EPA control in China for any real measurability and they're putting up cold flow powered plants every two weeks and so that they don't filter for mercury and that gets into the jet stream we already have a lead environment and all the dust around so that's that's what we're breathing in the room in this air right now and then you have all the hydrogenated fats then you have all the high fructose corn syrup that was patented in the 1966 and bought by Monsanto in 1971 and it's everything from your ketchup to your ice cream you know and you're saying it's a culmination of all these all these elements that over a long period of time that has caused men's testosterone to be lowered obviously right and light pollution and and all the staying up at night our cycles are off our rest cycles are off our emotional cycles are off as well with all this triggered imagery that's on the TVs and social media and everything yeah so oxidative stress pollution is harming the tiny tiny capillaries that reach to and all the way down to a man's testicles and a woman's ovaries to from the brain to your vision to your toenails even and so if these capillaries are easily clogged and let me give you an example on thanksgiving dinner day often we all overeat carbs we overeat and we all get tired don't we there's a drowsiness and they attribute that to tryptophan and the turkey which obviously is nonsense it's nonsense yeah and and uh so what it is is a absolute flooding of that sugar that tiny molecule so rapidly absorbed fats are not rapidly absorbed proteins are not either they have to be digested is it over a period of four hours yes about four hours or so that it takes to metabolize protein and fats whereas i would say in minutes you know that's why if you see a person going into a diabetic reaction of hypoglycemia put some orange juice under the their tongue and they'll immediately turn around immediately so you have to understand you eating one muffin one donut one bowl of cereal cocoa puffs or all these stupid you know cereal products with long shelf lives and have hydrogenated fats i mean i can go down rabbit holes left and right the the blood sugar is going to rise immediately it's going to clog up the little tiny capillary which is one 200th of the diameter of one human hair that's how tiny it is and so you know in the testicle and in the ovaries and your brain and your retina all these very sensitive areas you are going to clog those things up and choke off that organ so we're seeing infertility you're saying that the clogging impedes the testosterone from being produced from being produced yeah and and from them getting the nutrients so we're not giving them nutrients like we should we have poor cell membranes in the ovaries and testicles and we have toxins coming in on top of it we're clogging up the capillary so there's oxidative stress it's like it's hypoxic there so the organ then goes into a state of diminished function and that diminished function is what i've been witnessing ever since i started practicing medicine in the 70s you know and i can just tell you my heart goes out to all these young men who never even knew what it was like to have a 14 1200 1600 testosterone and yeah that breaks my heart because you know i'm i'm powerlifting right now and it and obviously i don't know why i don't know what my numbers are to where my testosterone is but you can only i can only imagine if it was at a 1600 how much weight i can pull what my deadlift can be if i just had that but obviously you know as christians like i earnestly covet that you know having that 1600 and and um because that's what god intended for us to have and obviously at the end of the day we need to be strong in the lord and the power of his might but we are mind body and spirit and so they all work in conjunction one with another we need to do the best that we can with what we have so let tell me this what is something that men can do to bump up those numbers obviously we might not get it to 1600 naturally and don't get any ideas regarding using anything else but uh what is it something that men can do naturally to bump up those numbers some more well uh clean up your diet and clean up your lifestyle circadian rhythm going to sleep is a time and the only time really that your body heals and can repair your testicles or your ovaries or your eyes or your bones or your muscles okay the day is for use the evening is for repair so don't eat late if you drop a load of food in your stomach after 630 you are actually biochemically and you are a stretch receptor wise signaling your brain and your body that you intend to use this body for another six to eight hours you know until two in the morning you know and two in the morning is when all the janitors are coming out of your body to to do the repair and all your general contractors are coming out to survey the damage and do the repair work so we teach don't eat past 630 drop your forks just end it but socially we're in a world where the restaurants are open until 10 11 midnight or 24 hours all the gas stations are open all the delivery systems are out there so we're fighting a satanic in my opinion culture system that feeds to the weaknesses of man and the lusts of man and it's harming his production of his his masculinity and it's harming the women too i mean women's fertility is dropping which would also make a lot of sense as to why so many men are effeminate today oh my goodness yes these i preached on that yesterday and um that's that's a very common thing and it's i feel like it's more common now than it was even 20 years ago when when i was a young man and you know you rarely see an effeminate man but now it's it's all over it's it's everywhere but you you can kind of credit it to what you're talking about you know the dieting and all that and of course with with social media you can see why men have become more soft testosterone levels are low estrogen is high you know uh speaking of estrogen you see commercials of men on the beach and opening up some alcoholic beverage for partying or dancing in the evening or whatever it's always with alcohol but you also see it married up with some excess carb of they're eating a pizza or a pie or or something like that as opposed to something more healthy like meat or fish meal an alcohol is like an estrogen it's an estrogen mimicker the body in a sense when you take an alcohol even if you eat too much bread wheat cracker cereal bread grains that sits in your stomach for hours and it ferments and it will turn in some of it to alcohol but god in his wisdom he created in your liver alcohol dehydrogenase an enzyme in the liver specifically designed to break down some fermentation product fermentation of eating like the meal offering in the jewish they would have fine grain you know of their first uh wheats and so there was some carbs and plant food there i acknowledge that but the volume that we have today and the ferment is far greater than then is back then it's the same thing with fruits and everything like that people want to bring up we should always eat fruits but obviously it's a different world back then and obviously fruits were a luxury in those days whereas now they're far more readily available yes it estrogen then if it cannot uh estrogen is an alcohol is what i'm getting at estradiol alcohol ethanol anything ending if you did enough biochemistry and chemistry before becoming a doctor you would understand that's an that's an alcohol and so women when we start producing our estradiol we are under the influence of a calming mood altering molecule and god gave this to us to i think position us in our relationship to our husbands to be nurturing kind of like a happy drunk you know i i mean not severe like that but in a sense it we're always under the influence of alcohol okay i see what you're saying you're saying the effects that it would produce is it's kind of like this natural high that god gives women in order to um you know nurture their children when they're nursing you know to to nurture or be affectionate towards their husbands it produces that natural high so to speak maybe the word i should have chosen is mellow mellow them out it makes us mild and mellow and and uh this is a blessing and so when women have a hysterectomy or they have menopause hit and i see when i was a young doctor in the 70s i had women who would be menstruating all the way up into their early 60s now i see women in their late 30s going into menopause i see infertility crashing all right so a man has to have a little bit of estradiol so god has estradiol on a man and i can measure it and i do measure it and i have for decades and what happens is the man who drinks a drink a day several beers blows them away who eats a high carb diet when i get his lab and i see his estradiol level it's high it's high enough for me almost 70 to get rid of my female hot flashes oh wow yes so these men are going around estrified like a woman okay and wow and that what was this information for my sermon yesterday i'm just kidding well well it's good that's that's that's that's devastating actually and and commercials promote this commercials say drinking alcohol is manly they say eating these food gives you fun and has the girls come to you and i'm telling no this is absolutely not true it's gonna it's gonna make you like a woman yeah absolutely you know yeah that's crazy and then what did they do to the women they gave us birth control since the 70s and pushed it on us liberally under the excuse of oh you have poor menstrual cycles you know you let's get you on the pill all the while i know how doctors talk i know what is in their background right get the girl on the pill so there's no babies me you know and so what happens is birth control is a synthetic fake progesterone like ovulation okay and it is actually if you look at the women's health initiative of 2001 uh 2002 uh that came out and it showed that progestins which is the fake copycat and a bad copycat of progesterone and there's only one progesterone okay for a woman and a man and that uh progestin is associated with more cancers more cancers so after all this research we've done 10 20 years uh well you know 20 years since that report came out a retrospective meta analysis shows that actually that was associated with more breast cancers but my point i want to get at is this then also impacts the estrogen production in a woman so women's have a crash in their estradiol even after birth sometimes after birth but on the birth control pill and so women become more testosterone dominant because women make a little testosterone too for our muscle mass right and so you're creating the perfect storm where you're taking away the modifying feminine beautiful hormone estradiol you're promoting the increase of her testosterone impact and she becomes brutish and bull butchy butchy like and and bossy and and testosterone is not an alcohol it's in another class of chemicals and it's it's that that gives a man his i can do this i'm strong what's the problem give it to me i know where i'm going uh whereas women who don't have the estradiol and too much they start getting i want the leadership i want control at which point they get out they get out of their biblical role exactly exactly so you're watering you're feminizing the men with this marketing and the alcohol and the drugs and the oxidative bad eating and you're masculinizing the women yeah so at the end of the day basically these the way god created our bodies was to produce uh these hormones in order to assist us in our in our us fulfilling our biblical roles in life because having testosterone allows us to not be infidels but to provide for our family to fight god's battles to want to achieve and to accomplish things but he's also created women to have these bodies and produce these hormones of estrogen in order to be keepers at home to love their husbands to nurture their children in order to fulfill our roles in life and and a lot of the problems that we see today are spiritual problems in america but they can be tied into the physical issues that stem from bad dieting that stem from birth control that stem from alcohol and and this propaganda to to drink and to you know eat these kinds of foods that eventually ultimately essentially affect our spiritual life as well yes wow that's sad yeah it is yeah well um you know what can we say but first and foremost obviously the best thing you could do as you mentioned is just change your diet and i and i definitely you know uh i see i'd like like i mentioned i see a sudden move towards uh nose to tell dieting which i strongly encourage and and the carnivore diet strongly encourage that or high fats and and and meats and proteins and of course exercise and you know uh lifting heavy and and doing all those things i think that's the most important thing but also in conjunction with your spiritual life making sure that you're exercising yourself into godliness as well because the greatest strength that you can obviously obtain as a christian is is this is to be strong in the lord and the power of his might right not by my not by uh your power but by my spirit saith the lord and so um that's pretty amazing well dr rita uh i think that was a great discussion there's a lot to chew on there pun intended um but uh i think we're going to conclude it there it's a bit of a shorter episode here and so uh if you have any questions go ahead and put it in the comment section below but i want to encourage everyone who's who's watching this podcast to go subscribe to dr rita's channel she is as you can clearly see a well of information and knowledge that god has gifted her with and obviously she's worked hard to obtain the knowledge as well but here's the thing is that if you go to her channel she goes live when do you go live on mondays monday night at six o'clock so i'll be live in pacific standard time pacific standard time oh you're going live in about two hours and um two hours on monday because this is going to be this is pre-recorded and she actually answers questions and so if you have questions you can put it on the live stream there and she will do her best to get to all the questions there and so she's a doctor and she's willing to put out that information there so um make sure you take advantage of that she has a lot of information a lot of knowledge as you can clearly see so go subscribe to her channel what is the channel called tustin longevity center tustin longevity center subscribe to the channel visit the live stream put a question there hit a like button uh recommend her channel to others and your with your family and friends spread the word there and so that's pretty much it dr rita thank you so much for joining us on the rod of iron podcast did you have something you want to say yes i'm i'm in a real need of finding a good doctor or two or three i want to hire doctors who love god and who love people and god's creation and i have two women out on maternity leave so i'm working six days a week right now and if i can find a doctor we certainly need them full-time part-time but they have to love god and if even if they don't know all the natural things i can teach them and we have training for the health care providers there to learn about natural medicine in conjunction with the standard of care i mean if you need a blood pressure medicine we'll start out with that but we'll work to get you off that blood pressure medicine and so many other things so if there's any doctors out there this is a fine place to to live any place in the lord is fine you know amen well dr rita thank you so much for joining us for this episode and we're looking forward to having you again sometime in the future god bless everyone thank you so much for tuning in to the rod of iron podcast make sure you watch on youtube listen to them on the full episodes on spotify we'll catch you on the next episode so you