(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) cameras are rolling all right make sure you time on them and everything oh man sorry yeah that that hurt all right here we go welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I'm your host pastor Bruce me here here from first works Baptist Church in beautiful Southern California Anaheim Hills this is season 3 and we got a special guest with us for this season pastor Stephen L Anderson from faith forward Baptist Church in Tempe Arizona is with us for this episode how you doing pastor I'm doing great man thanks for having me out you excited to be here yep it's a blessing pastor Anderson is not only my sending pastor but he's also a very good friend of mine he's my mentor and I'm looking forward to our discussion this episode we're gonna talk about just a couple different things and the truth is we might not even hit on all these subjects but for sure we're gonna talk about a little bit about exercise health maybe some time management shoot the breeze a little bit and so looking forward to a really exciting episode all right folks you ready pastor Anderson let's do it here we go done done it and done it and done it on and on they were just roasting me about landmarks like yeah the whole time well I'm I'm gonna try to like revive landmarks not not that I'm making any new ones I'm saying like I'm gonna try to repromote our season of you know the trailer where it looks like an action movie well I'm just gonna like change the thumbnail and then they click on its landmarks bump it up on the on the upload little section there and see if that helps because we got a ton of new subscribers I have a video that went viral right now it has like a hundred and fifty thousand views on on what channel on them our channel on YouTube though on YouTube oh wow and it's a it's a short so I've been doing shorts about it's about crosses should Christians use crosses and so that one has 150,000 wow that's great and then I put out another short called our Catholic saved that one has 50,000 views yeah we have that one and then I have a couple videos that that like there's one aliens in the Bible and no one has like 30,000 views the shorts are definitely doing a lot better than just regular clip to flight the armies of the aliens yeah well not that I know so um you've been preaching through the book of Ezekiel on Wednesdays how's that been going yeah it's been going good I mean it's going through the major prophets like Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel is a little bit tough just because there's so much repetition yeah you know it's like God is just hammering the same points over and over again which it's all great stuff but just you know stretching it out over the course of like 48 weeks is obviously a challenge but I think Ezekiel has some of the hardest preaching of any book of the Bible just the most face-ripping ist chapters yeah so I've liked that you know it's been it's been a pleasure you know preaching through some of the hard things in Ezekiel so and it could get a little redundant right so that's what you're talking about stretching it out yeah just because a lot of chapters will repeat material from earlier chapters yeah it was the same way when I went through Isaiah and Jeremiah just a lot of repetition I feel like the the prophet Ezekiel obviously he's he's the one who rips the most you say you said you feel like he rips the most but he's also I feel like he's the one that God I don't know if this is the right way to say it but he's like the most hard on it you know I mean like he yeah he takes away the desire from his eyes and then he gets up and preaches the next day and well the other thing that's interesting about that is that even though the hardest preaching of any of the prophets is pretty much found in the book of Ezekiel it's not really coming from Ezekiel because it's it's the Lord telling him yeah because the Bible says like the word of the Lord came unto Ezekiel sang mm-hmm and it's actually God speaking directly to Ezekiel and he actually speaks more directly to Ezekiel than he did with Isaiah and Jeremiah actually like appears to him yeah with the cherry beams and the wheels and the fire and everything and speaks this stuff to Ezekiel and whenever Ezekiel actually speaks on his own from his own heart he's usually trying to tone God down and saying like you know man God are you gonna kill everybody like what's going on you know he's he's actually a more gentle person and God has to keep telling Ezekiel no these people are wicked they're evil they're gonna be destroyed and it's Ezekiel who's actually a mellow guy and like you said Ezekiel has to suffer a lot and he ends up going through a lot of painful things that God puts him through so we think of Ezekiel as being this really hard preacher and he was but simply just because he's preaching what God told him to preach it's not really coming from his personality yeah you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah you can turn his down on the headphones a little bit he is pastor Anderson's a different there we go yeah I definitely agree I always found it funny that you know a lot of people now I wouldn't say a lot of people but sometimes people will criticize our style of preaching they'll say it's too hard or you know we're a little too abrasive and I always point them to the Old Testament prophets but specifically Ezekiel because they'll say you know all you guys preach against everything is like well I didn't preach against everything like Ezekiel preaching it Ezekiel preached against the mountains he preached against the trees I mean he was prophesying against the hills and just kind of you know passing judgment on everything nothing was safe from Ezekiel's preaching well chapter 16 and chapter 23 are kind of the classic face-ripping chapters in fact atheists will sometimes bring up stuff from those chapters like can you believe what the Bible says it's so rude it's so offensive it's so graphic yeah but it's the Word of God yeah amen and the words of the Lord are pure words amen so I'm sure you've enjoyed preaching through Ezekiel quite a bit yes going because obviously it's it's the same truth that you've been preaching all along but it's obviously from someone else's different perspective another prophets perspective and just dealing with other issues that is the nation of Israel was experiencing at that time well the thing that I love about the Wednesday night series in general is that it gets me to preach stuff that I never would have preached because throughout my ministry I've obviously turned to the famous passages in Ezekiel a lot chapter 16 chapter 23 you know Ezekiel 22 30 you go down the list I you know Ezekiel 28 with with Satan and everything and so going through it chapter by chapter though you end up preaching some of the more obscure passages yeah that you would never preach about but it's it's not only that it gets me to preach about stuff that I wouldn't have necessarily chosen but the other thing is that there are some really cool chapters but if you just got up on a Sunday morning and started preaching them people would be kind of like why are you preaching this like just because it's so wild of a sermon yeah but like the Wednesday night sermon kind of gives you an excuse to preach it like well I got to go through every chapter yeah so yeah right now we're going through I'm going through first Samuel on Wednesday or not Wednesday but Thursday evenings and I like for Samuel because you know obviously some of the books in the Old Testament they can be very deep like if you think of like the major prophets such as Zephaniah or Zechariah but then you have books like first Samuel that can get a little deep but they're palatable because they're just a lot of stories and people like stories yeah and so that's what we're going through right now I'm gonna be preaching through first and second Samuel obviously until the following year but you're right I mean preaching through books of the Bible kind of helps us to just preach things that we typically would never preach and I think I don't use notes on on Thursday it's just because the notes are already there yeah you just really study the chapter learn the chapter and they just get up and preach from the heart yeah amen there's something else that I wanted to mention regard oh okay so you got deleted again yeah my channel got deleted like two days ago so yeah I was listening to your sermon from Sunday and then all of a sudden is like where is it I can't find it so now the channel to go to just we could let everyone know yeah right now it's it's the channel that's called Trump sucks yeah because here's my rationale I figure like that the libtard sensors over at YouTube they'll like start to delete the channel and they're like wait it's called Trump sucks and then maybe they'll let it survive just because they hate Trump like they're gonna be like that mean where the guys like sweating he doesn't know which button to push like like delete Pastor Anderson is that gonna override like their hatred for Trump yeah I want a Trump sucks channel to exist yeah so you know I'm trying to be smart and go under the radar with that title let me ask you what do you think obviously there might be someone literally specific specifically designated to like oversee you I don't believe that you don't think so no there's no way because because if they really wanted to they could just eradicate me from YouTube in a matter of two hours or something because you know they could be searching my name and searching and so but yet my channels end up existing for months before they get deleted and then other people mirror my stuff and exist for months if they had a fault if they had a person designated to deal with it then they should be fired then what guys what do you think what is causing like people to know or YouTube to find out who you are what is it about them is it just the name on the title no people just are reporting it as inappropriate oh I see yeah okay it's human beings viewers reporting it as inappropriate which people have always reported my stuff every day for the past 10 years yeah whatever or 15 years I guess I've been on YouTube but it's just that in the olden days people would be like I'm reporting this is inappropriate but YouTube wouldn't delete it because they just weren't that strict back then whereas now they're just way more strict and now I'm personally not allowed to have a YouTube channel yeah and so when people complain then it's like oh this guy and then they delete it I always thought that maybe it was like your name in the title or something like that that was causing you to know because I was gonna propose the idea I was like maybe you should change your name maybe you should like change your name completely so that the artist formerly known as Steven Anderson just turn your name into a symbol you know to me yeah exactly or just be like pastor Lee call you pastor Lee instead I am Lee oh I mean there there are a lot of channels that are out there though that have your content even from Sunday like people are constantly uploading your stuff oh yeah so that's good still and you know my day to day day in day out sermons they they still get just as many views or just as many people listen to them it's just divided over a bunch of channels or you know people listening to them well even if you have only like a thousand subscribers let's say you reach a thousand you still get like five thousand six thousand views yeah it's just that I can't go viral like I used to so none of my sermons can go viral because as soon as they you can go viral and you have gone right it's just not on YouTube it's just not on YouTube it's long tick tock and yeah because because on YouTube as soon as a video of mine starts to gain momentum they'll shut it down because somebody will report it and it'll get shut down because if I if I remember correctly there's a guy he he's actually in Texas now but his name is Oscar ot the Baptist I think that's his profile name he had a clip of yours and I think it had a million views or something like that and so that's pretty cool and then you have another video on tik-tok right now that's going viral right you kicking out the guy who's asking you to read a prayer or whatever it may be I'm not I don't upload stuff to it but other people did well I I tried it for a couple weeks cuz somebody's like because I didn't really know what it was and somebody's like oh you got to get on tik-tok and upload stuff I uploaded some videos and and they went kind of crazy but it's just it's such a weird website I decided well the reason I only use the the I only edit videos on there and I don't go because other people have asked me that like why don't you just post on there but I just haven't really desired to post anything on tik-tok I know it's the algorithm of the app the only thing that would motivate me to do that would be the fact that the algorithm is just really sensitive there and you can so it goes as far as algorithm is concerned it's like tik-tok you can go crazy viral really easily but then you can get deleted really easily as well and then it's Instagram which you can post the real on Instagram and literally get like a thousand views in a matter of minutes and then it's YouTube shorts but the thing is I feel like YouTube has the bigger platform office so where does spoon does not fall in any of those categories spoon if anybody doesn't know spoon was a app that pastor Anderson and I were on for probably a couple of weeks and it was just an audio app there's no video to it I loved it I thought it was great it's literally kind of like a podcast type of an app for anybody they can put music or just talk or you know just talking about random stuff and pastor Anderson was on it and he you got people saved on spoon it was it was good and then I got on there and man we were killing it on spoon and then you know we started saying the f-word and all this stuff and then that's when the spoon rulers deleted us yep you could actually upload mp3s of sermons on there as well oh yeah I remember that I was kind of considering trying spoon again under a different alias or something like that just cuz you know just try different platforms you know I think about that a lot do you really about food days going back to spoon I thought it was great yeah I probably will upload some stuff to tik-tok just because I heard it's the algorithm is really sensitive and there's like a lot of false prophets on it on tik-tok as well weird guys really yeah and this will carry over into what we're gonna talk about next but there's a guy his name is his profile name is Gary the prophet okay and he he has like millions of followers and all that but he uploads all these videos about doctrine and obviously this guy's not saved he has a repent of your sins type gospel and then he preaches just a lot of weird stuff but people love him they love him because he he sounds like he knows what he's talking about he goes back to the Greek and all that but he uploaded this video about exercise and he's and he's talking about how you know how it's wrong for Christians to lift weights because you should never lift weights as Christians that's vain and the Greek word for for Jim and all this stuff is just talking about being naked what in the world is crazy things just nonsense but it's unfortunate because he does have a lot of followers so you know people I'm sure listen to yeah I mean the only reason why the the word for naked in Greek is you knows which is obviously where we get our word like Jim gymnasium is just because the Greeks worked out naked yeah the dudes did yeah not the women but the men would exercise naked yeah that's what he was bringing up it's not the problem with the exercise yes the problem with public nudity well the same guy came out a couple weeks ago and apparently he's in the UK or something and he just said like I just want to let everyone know that I am officially anointed and God has anointed me and here's the proof of it I walked and created diamonds so he shows he's like zirconias or whatever and he's saying that when he walks he creates diamonds with his feet now and now he's selling them and people are like what in the world Gary what's wrong with you you know and so he just went full-blown heretic at that point but I thought that was really stupid about that video regarding exercise and lifting weights because you know the Bible doesn't say that lifting weights is bad or the exercise is bad on the contrary it's actually for taking care of your body and your health right well yeah I mean the verse that I would point to verse that's been on my mind over the last couple days is 3rd John verse 2 it says beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper right so he says I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosper so you know you're doing well spiritually you're thriving spiritually but he says I also want you to be healthy yeah to be in good health and so you know obviously everybody will point to this verse bodily exercise profit a little exercise thyself rather unto godliness but obviously godliness is more important rather is a comparison like if you have to choose between training your body and training the spirit obviously you're gonna go with the spirit yeah if I have to skip my Bible reading or skip a workout I'm gonna skip the workout yeah because I need to exercise myself rather unto godliness but to take that one verse and then just ignore everything else that the Bible is teaching I mean that's just a horrible way to interpret the Bible to it says you know bodily exercise profited little yeah so the the what it's implying is that it does profit just not as much as exercising yourself rather into godliness it's a comparison you know that's all obviously we're not gonna get any rewards in heaven for gains made in the gym or athletic achievements but yet if you actually study the Bible start to finish all the great men of God in the Bible are athletic mm-hmm if you study the Bible like go back all the way to Genesis right and you've got Israel himself and one of the things that he does right away is he removes the stone from the wells mouth he deadlift the stone exactly he was doing earth gym and basically you know usually all the shepherds would come together to lift the stone he lifts the stone off the well himself and then the same guy later on wrestles with the angel all night yeah and so that shows not only incredible strength but incredible endurance and one of the attributes that Jacob was known for is that he was a hard worker that's why laban keeps wanting to keep him around and doesn't want to let him leave because he's such a good worker okay and so obviously back then they're not going to the gym and they didn't have the same type of exercise programs that we have today but that's because they worked hard physical jobs if you were a hard worker you got strong you got endurance and so men of God throughout the Bible were athletic in that way and then you know you look at other men even just like Moses and and look at him just hiking across the desert these incredible distances think about the Prophet Elijah he outran the chariot in the in the story where you know right after he faces off with the prophets of Baal and he ends up outrunning a habs chariot and I looked up on a map that distance is like 22 miles hmm so he runs 22 miles and out runs the chariot so here's a man of God in the Bible run in 22 miles you know faster than the horses can pull the chariot yeah and then you think about men like David I mean David's out there fighting all these military well how about David's mighty men who the Bible compares to having calves like Heinz feet yeah it talks about how they run like a row yeah just talking about comparing their they're running to or the speed of their running to like an animal you know right or so or Solomon in the in the book of Song of Solomon it talks about him leaping on the mountains skipping on the hills you running like a row or a young heart so we have all these guys in the Bible they're running they're strong they're physically active and it was really just from their lifestyle they didn't need to go to the gym because they're outside they're going everywhere on foot there aren't any cars and you might think that people rode horses but back then very few people rode horses throughout history because just like today how many people do you know that have a horse now not that many and the reason why people don't have the horses right now is the same reason why they didn't have them back then is because they're expensive and take a lot of work to take care of so your average Joe did not have a horse throughout history Jesus and his disciples never are riding horses while they're on this earth I mean obviously he's gonna come back on a white horse but when they're on this earth they're on foot and they're going to all the villages all the towns obviously that took a certain level of fitness for Jesus to go up into a mountain and pray and then they walk over to this village and then they go to this city and they're they're just crossing and I was real on foot it's it was a different world back then and that's why we have gyms today and obviously you can you can run today and you can walk today you can do all those things but as far as like the strength is concerned you know we're not lifting a stone off a well's mouth you know but so how do we compensate for that because now like the jobs that we have today not all of them but some of them require being at a desk working in front of a computer be most are not physical most are not physical most and majority yeah you have to be at a desk you have to be in front of a computer I mean even somebody who's working in a warehouse or something where it's a little bit physical but they're still they're using a forklift I mean they have a lot of technology so we have to compensate for that exactly and and go hit the gym and lift heavy weights and actually put ourselves in a position where we purposely actually try to become healthier physically and all that yeah and another example is Elisha where when Elijah finds Elisha Elisha is plowing yeah like he's yoked up with an ox plowing and and so back then you know just your daily life as a man you're gonna be pulling a plow you're gonna be carrying big sacks of feed you have to go draw water you have to chop wood yeah I mean these guys are working hard and then even the women back then if you think about it they've got to wash clothes by hand you know scrubbing them on a washboard or something they're hauling water every day well I mean Isaac's future wife had to pull water out of a well for all the animals right yeah I mean that's that's heavy lifting pulling up all that water and for all the animal for all the camels and whatever so now we have all this wonderful technology and I'm not I'm not against the technology obviously the the airplanes and the cars allow us to go soul-winning and do mission strips that we would never be able to do without those things but the problem is that people allow those things to make their life too easy too comfortable and then they get sedentary they get soft they get weak and it is just so incredibly unhealthy you know to be sedentary you know and so you know I think that unless you have a physical job you must exercise to be healthy like if you don't have a physical job and you're not exercising you're not gonna be healthy yeah don't be surprised when you're not healthy because your body was designed for work well I heard that sitting is like the new smoking yeah that's what I that's what they say yeah and our bodies are designed to work hard and when you just sit around all day every day and then you go to your job and you're just standing there all day yeah or sitting there all day even because some people just say oh I'm on my feet but being on your feet is still not necessarily exercise you know you might get really good at standing you're not exerting your body you're not getting out of breath you're not doing cardio I remember extreme when I was 17 all the way up until I was about 21 I really got into martial arts and I'm pretty sure it's the same with you I got into Muay Thai kickboxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu and it was a lot of fun and I really liked it I mean it was it was a great workout for me but just in general is good for my body was good for my mind and it kept me busy as a young man you know just kind of dispersing my energy into different areas where I so I don't get in trouble anywhere else yeah I mean so it's really good for me and even guys in our church there they they do a lot of martial arts but then afterwards I stopped doing that I got back into Muay Thai when I was about 30 or 31 and then I stopped but now I'm on this power lifting kick right now and I really like it like you asked me about a year ago I would have not been into it at all for me it's just like I'm not really into that that's not my thing I probably do Muay Thai kickboxing again and the brother Ulysses he he's been doing it for a couple years there's a lot of guys in our church who have done it for a couple years they're really strong and one day I think we're just at the building and he's like why don't you just sign up let's just go and I'm like all right let's just go so we went we signed up and I think when we started actually lifting heavy you know I got those endorphins and I got a little addicted to it yeah oh yeah it's very addictive but it's a good addiction oh yeah yeah it's it's a healthy high yeah and basically it's a way to keep your mind at an even keel because people are so depressed right now like people are more depressed than ever they're sad they're down and part of it is because they're sedentary yeah getting out and physically working hard actually releases endorphins and so you know we often think of exercise as being good for our physical health but it's also critical for your mental health absolutely I agree with that 100% because being a pastor is actually very stressful oh yeah it's just not only is it stressful it's just an unhealthy lifestyle all the way around yeah and that's why so many pastors are super unhealthy super out of shape because you here's the thing you're working hard as a pastor but it's not physical right you're working hard mentally and not just mentally spiritually you feel drained spiritually like other than the aerobics class on on the midweek service in the Sunday morning Sunday night right but like but like like Jesus said I feel that virtue has gone out of me yeah and that's how I feel after I preach a sermon or after I go soul winning you feel like virtue has gone out of you so mentally drained you're spiritually drained and you just feel tired yeah from working hard because you are working hard but it's not physical at all so you combine that with sometimes traveling and when you're traveling you can't really necessarily eat the nutritious foods that your wife would normally serve you at home yeah so you're eating at restaurants which is not as healthy and then you know maybe you're getting together with people for lunch or dinner as part of your job just meeting with people and you know you combine all this the the stress the persecution the the hard mental work with little physical work because you know much study is a weariness of the flesh you know yeah the soul winning the preaching all of it and it's just a recipe for for having just horrible health oh yeah and so as a pastor you have to make a point to eat healthy get enough sleep and exercise well I agree with that because you know I love pastoring I love preaching God's Word I love dealing with people and doing the ministry serving the Lord but it is taxing and it was taxing on my mental health where I kind of felt you know a couple about a year ago as though my mood was just not as as good yeah and maybe I was a little short you know my stress levels were really high and I definitely see a big difference now because you know obviously we're mind body and spirit and we could be exercising the spirit constantly which what we do we read the Bible we go so when we go to church we talk about the things of God but the truth is is that we are mind body and spirit and so each of those factors play a role into our overall health not just spiritual but even physical yeah so if you're if you're excelling spiritually but your body is is atrophying and you're not doing well it's gonna affect your spiritual life well it's a bad testimony to the church members right because you know the church members they look to us for leadership and they want to follow us as we follow Christ so that you know they shouldn't be following us to McDonald's you know you know or following us to being obese or following us to diabetes and following us to heart disease because we didn't take care of our body and you know it's amazing how preachers they get up and preach hard against smoking and taking drugs and doing all this stuff you know mutilating the temple of the Holy Ghost with with all kinds of you know tattoos and whatever but the point is that as Christians if we're supposed to take care of the temple of the Holy Ghost how about eating healthy food and exercising so that we can be in good health even as our soul prosperous right yeah cuz I do remember in times past pastors would get up and rip on you know MMA or martial arts or lifting weights because they said it was vain and vanity and they would almost you know teach for doctrines the commandments of men in a sense where it was just like almost borderline sinful doing those things and meanwhile they're a hundred pounds overweight yeah or 50 pounds overweight yeah they would they would I mean McDonald's was a big thing you know yeah it's like when you go soul winning you stop at McDonald's yeah we've tried to change that culture in the new IFB where we only serve nutritious food when we have church picnics and barbecues and stuff we get organic food healthy food you know we don't do anything artificial you know the way I look at it is what food would I be buying for this event if Jesus were coming you know would I set this before Jesus Christ because if I'm not gonna set it before Jesus Christ I'm not gonna set it before the least of these my brethren yeah and so you know let's say we serve ice cream or something we don't buy just the cheapest because because a lot of times in the old IFB if there was ice cream served or whatever it was just what's the cheapest giant Walmart chemical filled janky five gallon tub of ice cream you know I would buy the most expensive quality ice cream that I can buy if I'm serving it to God's people you know and ice cream is not necessarily the healthiest food but I'm just using that as an example that even if we did get something like that we still want to get the the quality stuff yeah and not serve junk to people you know and when we get when we have burgers or something we make sure it's the grass-fed you know the natural stuff not just what's the cheapest why patty one thing I do remember especially like in the old IFB is sports was like a god to them I shouldn't say like a god but they would definitely idolize sports like basketball watching sports watching sports yeah and so it was kind of funny that they would justify that yeah but they would condemn everything else yeah they'll tell you bodily exercise profit a little while sitting around watching yeah professional sports and and let me just say right now like I have zero interest in professional sports yeah me too I don't want to watch sports I and and I'm against professional sports just I mean I'm not saying it's a sin if somebody watches it or it's a sin if somebody you know becomes a professional athlete or something but me personally philosophically I don't believe that sports should dominate anyone's life you know you know for me sports are a part of my life exercise is a part of my life but you know I think that some people like you said could make it an idol where it becomes the most important thing in their life it's it's the priorities priorities right it's like it's not wrong to go play basketball it's not wrong to go play football and to get involved in these sports but it has to have its place well put it this way I would love to see my kids out there playing basketball playing football but I would not want to see any of my kids become a professional athlete yeah because that's not what life is about right yeah these things should assist us in serving God right like the physical activities that we do like I enjoy powerlifting I really like it a lot and I go five days a week now and I have goals I have weights that I want to hit within the next six months I mean things that I want to achieve but at the end of the day the reason I want to do it aside from the fact that it's just fun and it's a good stress reliever is that it's really good on my mental health which in turn assist me in serving God yeah and a lot of people don't understand what you mean by that like with the mental health but here's how I'd explain it because a lot of people think well you know working out that's hard work that's pain that's suffering you know if I'm going for a run or swim or lift or whatever but what it is is that when you're done you're just in a great mood oh yeah like even if you're in pain and agony and misery during the workout which lifting weights is not misery at all to me I think lifting weights is easy I disagree but but there are some we could we could agree to disagree but there are some workouts that are painful but when they're done you're just in a good mood for the whole day that's what a lot of people don't realize is that isn't it interesting that every time I go for a long run every time I go swim laps or lift weights or whatever I'm just in a great mood for the rest of the day inexplicably yeah but it's chemistry yeah it's a chemical thing right that your body releases endorphins that make you feel good well what's interesting is is obviously you know I read my Bible in the morning and then I go to the gym and I prefer to go to the gym in the morning because of the fact that once I come back to the office after I'm done lifting weights my state of mind is so good that I'm really I get really creative and my job requires a lot of ingenuity it requires creativity making content and I feel like I can't be as creative if I don't hit the gym first yep so then you know the blood is going I'm in the good mood I just hit some PR I come back to the office and I'm just like boom idea after idea yeah so it's almost you know dependent upon my physical well-being my mental well-being so I hit the gym so I could be more effective in the job amen create more content have more energy to do more yep and and you know just one last point on this vanity issue like people saying that exercise is vain or unprofitable or whatever here's the thing about that okay there's nothing vain about being healthy this is not about you know posing and flexing we're not talking about bodybuilding bodybuilding is a stupid sport it's where your difference between bodybuilding and and heavy lifting but a lot of people mix these two up yeah a lot of people mix up powerlifting and bodybuilding right powerlifting you're going to the gym and just seeing how much weight you can lift yeah bodybuilding you're putting on a speedo you're waxing all the hair off your body and you're flexing in front of a mirror with a with a fake tan or something yeah I mean that's obviously kind of queer and weird and stuff you know what I mean like that's not what we're talking about and and and here's the thing you know you can exercise and work out without being prideful and having ego and just posing for a bunch of pictures you know that's not what we're talking about we're just talking about being healthy and I'm I'm just gonna come out and say it it is impossible to be healthy without exercising yeah now if you have a physical job maybe that's your exercise and that does it for you but if you have a sedentary job and you're not exercising you're not gonna be healthy your heart rate is gonna be too high you're gonna have heart disease you're gonna have all kinds of problems your body's gonna atrophy and decay because you're not using it like our bodies are meant to be used and abused like we need to push our bodies hard because you know when you go to the gym you're basically you're tearing down muscle you know when you lift heavy you're tearing down your body in a sense and then your body goes in and rebuilds yeah so you're constantly tearing it down rebuild it it's like if your body's a house you're constantly renovating it yeah and anybody who owns a home knows that that at this first on the tip of my tongue but I feel like I'm gonna misquote it but in Ecclesiastes where he says you know through much idleness that the house droppeth through you know like if you don't maintain the house it decays anybody who owns a home knows that you have to keep doing maintenance on your house or everything just gets old and the Bible refers to our bodies as a tabernacle as a house yeah and so you go to the gym and you're you're you're tearing down muscle tissue you're rebuilding it you're keeping it fresh well I think of the verse in the Bible wait are these focused these are focused right I just thought about that these like when you turn them on they were focused I think of the verse in the Bible where it says where Paul said I keep under my body and bring it into subjection let's by any means when I've preached to others I myself should be a castaway and I think of the concept of discipline right and for example lifting weights for me has caused me to be more disciplined in other areas because I want to be successful at lifting weights because you don't build muscle going to the gym you don't get stronger going to the gym it actually happens afterwards it requires discipline after the gym eating and sleeping eating and sleeping eating protein making sure you know you kind of stay away from the bad foods cuz like I don't want to do because I want to mess up my gains you know I want to make sure that I'm able to lift heavier the following week and if I do this then then it's gonna cost me you know going for 315 or whatever you know and then also it causes me to sleep right because of the fact that my body is rebuilding itself during its sleep so doing powerlifting has caused me to be more disciplined in these other areas which in turn obviously helps me spiritually as well well and Paul is constantly using athletic athletic examples you know they that are running in a race run all right I gave a bunch of examples from the Old Testament of men of God and and and their their physical feats but the Apostle Paul he talks about running with patience the race that is set before us I thought a good fight he says lest you be wearied and faint in your minds and he talks about keeping under your body bring it into subjection you know he says look they athletes in this world they do it to win a corruptible crown yeah but we an incorruptible because you know those who know a little bit of history about the ancient Olympics in Greece know that the prize for winning the Olympics was an olive leaf crown so it was literally corruptible like it was literally not something that you could pull out years later like a gold medal yeah you could pull out a gold medal 20 years later 50 years later it's still gonna be there whereas an olive leaf crown is gonna dry up wither up and decay and that's what he's probably referring to when he says you know they do it to win a corruptible crown that olive leaf crown that they earn decays and with us away but we're earning an incorruptible crown but my point is he's constantly using athletic illustrations and he says that they that strive for the mastery must strive lawfully meaning you know not cheating following the rules and you know he uses all these different illustrations about how we need to be temperate in all things because athletes have to be temperate in all things meaning they have to be temperate when it comes to their diet and what does temper it mean it means basically you know self-control right planning so they have to they have to think about what they eat they have to get proper rest they have to take care of themselves and they have to think about these things and spiritually we need to be temperate yeah well it's interesting because he uses those examples like we're looking at first Corinthians chapter 9 and the common denominator between the Apostle Paul and an athlete is that they're both disciplined right they're both disciplined to run in the race he says I fight but not as one that beat at the air so fight I so it's like the common denominators they're both disciplined they both temper it but at the end of the day Paul is gonna be the one who actually receives the eternal reward because of it because he's doing it for an eternal reason not for a temporal corruptible crown and you know at the end of the day you know the Bible says though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day and so you know our our body will one day die it's gonna decay and so you better make sure you get the most out of it as you possibly can not so you can obtain a corruptible crown but rather so you can use it to its fullest extent to serve the Lord as best as possible obviously any athletic achievements that we have our woodhead stubble there's no question about that they are not going to earn us any kind of eternal glory whatsoever yeah but the reason that you have to have these athletic achievements or goals you know whether that's just something as simple as you know I want to run a mile in five minutes or I want to go to the gym and deadlift a certain amount or I want to bench press a certain amount or I want to swim a certain distance whatever those goals are the reason that those goals exist is simply because they just give you something to strive for and it just motivates you to actually show up and do the workout yeah because if you don't have any goals if you're not logging anything if you're not writing down your gains or anything you're gonna lose motivation and then you're just gonna become a slob I think too it's just important to have goals and to achieve things even if they're not necessarily spiritual it's just good to have a good healthy hobby you know if I were to choose between you know having the hobby of deadlifting 405 by the end of summer or you know you know reaching this level on this video game I would want to do the powerlifting because it actually has other benefits to it it's actually making you healthy it's making me healthy able to serve God and at the end of the day you know that's a lot cooler anyways you know a video game is not really yeah and let's let's face it you know sometimes you go soul winning and and some people even struggled with the walking yeah even to just walk for a few hours and then sometimes we've taken people on small town soul winning trips and you know it's it's a real physical challenge yeah not just a mental and spiritual challenge just getting through the walking especially because in Arizona the small towns are all what do hills what do you remember when we went to Aruba yeah there's a lot of wine you had made the disclaimer we're gonna be doing a lot of walking yeah and I remember being there and literally we just walked all day well you know the going back to the Greek documentary yeah so I was wearing the Apple watch during the making of your steps and when we were in Cyprus we walked an average of nine miles every single day yeah nine miles that's what the watch said that we were walking every day and then also we we did a a mission strip in Arizona it was only four of us because we were hitting all the Indian tribes yeah you know we only have a couple tribes left to finish now there's 21 reservations and there's this one reservation where they live in the bottom of the Grand Canyon okay so we wanted to do this reservation it has like 200 and some people or something and so we just needed a small group of solar this is only like 200 people live there and ended up being super receptive we got a ton of people say it was awesome trip but I kid you not the four of us that did it it was me my son John and a couple other guys from our church Sean Conlon and Daniel writer the four of us went down there and it was 40 we were only in there for 48 hours when we we slept in a tent and just camped out and we walked 30 miles in 48 hours yeah because it was like 10 miles we had because there's no way to get to this village by car there's no roads in or out them the US Postal Service delivers there with donkeys it's the only town in America Supai Arizona where the mail is delivered by donkey that's cool and there are no motor vehicles in the town whatsoever so it took 10 miles to hike in and then we're just walking around doing the soul winning yeah just walking around walking around preaching the gospel talking to people that was another 10 miles yeah and then 10 miles out it's 48 hours 30 miles you know now that's kind of extreme but the thing about that is that you know you obviously had to pick guys that could do that so you know Daniel Ryder was able to be up to that challenge or Sean Conlon my son John they had the fitness required like hey guys I need a few guys that are gonna be able to do this hike so that we can do this soul winning and like I said we got a bunch of people saved and those guys I know they had an awesome time I had an awesome time because it was just fun to just hiking and so winning but they wouldn't have got to go on that trip if they didn't have the fitness same thing with the Aruba soul when yeah I remember and I remember thinking to myself because I brought all kinds of equipment I brought like camera equipment to Aruba and I was carrying that stuff on my head so I had a sowing stuff and literally by by the end we were there for like five days if I remember correct yeah it was like a week-long trip I think I had lost like maybe like 10 15 pounds or something by that point because I was carrying all the sowing equipment as well as the camera stuff and I was like wow this is a lot and it was hot it was physically hard yeah it's physically hard it was extremely hot but you know it was good though and and I mean we had on that trip I don't remember the exact stats but I want to say we had about 50 60 soul winners I was a pretty big trip we had people from the Netherlands yeah I remember that come out we sponsored people from the Netherlands to come because a lot of people in Aruba Aruba spoke Dutch and then we had people from Venezuela come we had obviously people from the United States Canada and we had like 50 60 soldiers we like over I think 475 500 salvations I don't remember the exact number but it was it was a big success yeah that was an awesome trip and we didn't use any vehicles we didn't rent cars yeah just walked ever even if you wanted to I think the only time we actually used a vehicle is when we wanted to go to like the south of the island to go swim or something like that it would just take too long to walk and come back and get ready for everything because I think we started so wanting like at 12 in the middle of the day right yeah yeah well this is this is the thing we we did it to where the recreation happened in the morning in the morning because of the fact that around 11 or 12 o'clock was when the beach is kind of open for business yeah and then they became like a party and it was kind of a bad atmosphere right for Christians so what we did was we would all go to the beaches in the morning and there was nobody there and so you could just enjoy nature swim play around at the beach without anybody being around and then obviously soul winning isn't that good before noon anyway usually the best soul winning takes place in the afternoon evening so we gave everybody free time until noon and then we just have lunch and then just spend the rest of the day soul winning and do it that way because especially when you're in a place like Aruba like a lot of the people are scantily clad and stuff whereas in the morning it was fine yeah this is perfect and also just preaching the gospel is very strenuous oh yeah just just and in Spanish like like for example that makes it even harder I speak Spanish and I'm fluent in Spanish but I'm not as accustomed to preaching the gospel in Spanish it's more tiring like over and over and over I literally remember thinking myself like I'm actually tired of preaching the gospel and in Aruba was mainly Spanish yeah I was mainly Spanish it was even though that's not the official language they had about 30,000 illegal immigrants from Venezuela in Aruba and they were the most receptive so even though they were the minority since they were the receptive ones yeah that's who we ended up doing that was all mentally straining to preach the gospel and then when we went to Sonora right Mexico I think emo Reese is the same yeah it's just mentally strained to priest you were my soul winning partner on that you remember you remember the guy that we spoke to and I was I was giving the gospel to this guy and I told him I said you know I was talking about lying and you know how is the sin and I said you know and I don't know what is it I think this is what it was you said like you know if a person lies oh yeah yeah what are they or something what do you call them and when they're like somebody who lies and he said a politician yeah we both started laughing it was pretty funny and then you know cuz how many kids do you have pastor Anderson no my wife's pregnant with number 12 12 at that time you had probably like 10 I don't know but I remember we went to this house and we're talking to this guy and he had like 15 20 kids or something like that so pastor Anderson was given the illustration about having kids in pastor Anderson's like you know I got 10 kids and if you were to say that here whoa but the guy was just not impressed you just kind of like wasn't even fazed yeah he wasn't even fazed but it was so funny that was a cool trip well you know along with exercising and obviously eating right I'm really big and I'm a big proponent of fasting you know I think fasting is really good for you and in fact I actually fast for about maybe 15 hours before I start lifting which is actually completely contrary to what people tell you to do when you lift they'll say you have to eat like you know two hours before and you have to have your protein shake and do all these things or whatever and they say if you don't you're not gonna have a good lift and you know you're not gonna feel as strong but I lift on a fasted state and in fact after I'm done lifting I I still fast for about three or three more hours or so and I feel strong and the reason I do it is because of the fact that after when I fast after I lift you know fasting obviously put your body in a state of autophagy and it begins to rebuild your damaged cells and all that and so aside from the fact you know for example if you want to lose weight you know lifting heavy is really good for you but then you add on top of that fasting yeah and it's really good and just to give kind of the nuts and bolts of this for people who don't really know how this works because I practice this as well intermittent fasting yeah I usually do it about five days a week and what this involves is simply skipping breakfast that's all because here's the thing if you don't eat breakfast you're not really that hungry it's not even that hard it's more of a mental thing for a lot of people it but skipping dinner would be very difficult okay cuz you know you want to eat lunch you want to eat dinner but when you first wake up in the morning you're not really that hungry at least I'm not I mean I was when I was a kid but as an adult I don't think a whole lot of people could say that I mean I'm not I'm personally don't get hungry in the morning but I think a lot of people eat breakfast yeah but it's way easier to skip breakfast than dinner we agree I would agree with so here's what I do is I just wait 16 hours so let's say you know the last time that I ate was at 8 p.m. or something then I just I'm not gonna eat to the next day until noon yeah or if I you know if I stopped eating at 6 p.m. then I don't eat till 10 a.m. or something so it's just 16 hours of not eating and it's really just skipping breakfast so you just wake up drink a glass of water and just push through until lunch and then just kind of look forward to lunch and just get busy with other things and it's very biblical because you know the Bible talks about Ecclesiastes you know woe unto thee O land like when you're when your princes or children and I'm paraphrasing a little bit maybe but you know your princes are children rise up and it says that they eat in the morning yeah for what is it for pleasure not for snow he says he says they eat for the good example is those who eat for strength and not for drunkenness drunkenness correct that's the good example but the bad example are the ones who eat in the morning so so the idea of skipping breakfast is biblical anyway yeah and so I don't skip breakfast on Sundays because I find that if I skip breakfast on Sundays then it affects my preaching just I I have to really have those calories in me yeah otherwise I just end up preaching too much about food anyway it's like my wife always says like oh I can tell you're hungry during that sermon cuz you kept keep using food illustrations but like I find that I don't preach as well if if I'm on a caloric deficit on Sundays so I eat breakfast on Sundays and then I usually breakfast on Saturday simply because I'm usually going on some kind of a long run or something so if I'm going on a really long run then I need to get calories in me before that run yeah but as far as lifting weights though lifting weights fasted is great and I and I'll run fasted too I just can't go on a really long run fasted but I can do short runs like sprints and stuff I can do those fasted lifting weights fasted I'm for it that's great I I don't eat breakfast at all like I don't eat breakfast for seven days yeah I do eat lunch and I do eat dinner but when I'm cutting not dieting cutting the men don't diet we cut we cut wait cut wait when I'm cutting I do I typically do Oh mad which is one meal a day and I'll fill in Wow all my calories and my protein in that lunch period or whatever it may be so I can cut weight and once I do that for about I do that sometimes for about three months I find that I'm just not even hungry for dinner you know yeah I've never I've never gone to that level yeah I'm kind of a big eater and and I'll just be perfectly honest with you I tend to kind of struggle with gluttony sometimes like I I tend to overindulge that's you know just to confess my faults one to another I think we need to cut this podcast no but seriously like I tend to overindulge like you've probably been with me sometimes and seen me like overeat you know like when we got to eat I'll eat all my food and I start eating food after Anderson has this thing that like when we're on trips or something and we're hanging out I have to make sure that I just eat all my food before he finishes his because he has no problem with just coming to my plate and just eating my food well I I will finish other people's plates yes you're correct and like like I literally when I go out to eat with your family I'll finish my oh yeah and all your kids yeah he'll eat my kids food actually so one time we went to uh well I hate I hate was it see Lucille's went to Lucille's and you know my son he's a slow eater and Pastor Anderson was done with his pulled pork sandwich and then he just goes to my son he's like you're gonna finish that you know well yeah I do I do know that you're a big eater well even when we were at Island we would I think was that a grill hot dogs your daughter's hot dog you broke off the front piece because you know you don't want to be too crazy about it to be too unethical about it so he broke off the front piece where she bit off and then he just ate her well you know we would say in modern terms you're a foodie that's what we call it a foodie but even when we were just in Arizona do you remember how some of my church members just coincidentally showed up at the same fish restaurant as us yeah you want to go eat their onion rings and then like they went they didn't finish their onion rings and I went over just ate all the onion rings so two things about that number one is that I like I don't like to see food go to waste like it really bothers me that's part of the reason why I'm here the real reason but the real reason is the real reason is that I just eat too much yeah you know I tend to over indulge because I just like to eat yeah okay so for me the intermittent fasting is an easy way to not overdo it because you know at least there's only so much I can put down my gullet in those eight hours you know well I agree like for example I like I like to eat yeah and intermittent fasting and Oh mad is really good for me in that way because of the fact that when I do Oh mad and I eat one meal a day it actually decreases my hunger to the point where I don't want to eat and when I get on keto and I do and I couple that with intermittent fasting the fat satiates my hunger so I'm actually not hungry and I'm not thinking about food because you know you don't always want to live your life thinking about food right you know I'm sometimes if I'm not careful I just think about food like what am I gonna eat for lunch what I'm gonna eat for dinner but when I do when I couple those two together I don't think about food at all you know because I have a tendency to overeat as well and I could easily justify it and say well I'm gonna go lift right now well I'm gonna fast but I rather just not think about food and just kind of have the discipline of thinking about other things and not be hungry and most of the time let's just be honest it's our mouth that's more hungry than our stomach exactly yeah we like to taste the food but you know for me another trick that I will sometimes use besides the intermittent fasting is just like filling up all like fill up on fruits and vegetables just to fill my stomach with that stuff and then that way I'm not as hungry for eating the really high-calorie stuff you know what I mean so every single day I'm just pounding apples oranges bananas okay so you know on our way back from that trip that we recently did yeah pastor Anderson was sitting behind me and it was me and pastor Brzezinski he and pastor bizarrely we're just talking and I just hear pastor Anderson in the back for like 40 minutes straight just killing oranges and then like kind of like just turn to look at there's just orange stuff all over his hands he's just going to town I'm like oranges you have back there that's but I eat a lot of fruit the guy ate an orchard I just I'm just telling you but I I eat like usually like probably two apples a day yeah you know oranges bananas pine apples baby carrots I'll eat so many baby carrots because that's it fills you up and like if I crave something sweet I just so when you say you fast you you consume fruits and vegetables during your fast no no no okay the fasting the fasting is only 16 hours yeah it's just it's basically just skipping breakfast that's you're saying after your meals no I'm saying during my window of eating yeah every day which is from lunch to dinner time during my window of eating I pound a lot of fruits and vegetables so that I don't eat too much of the wrong things yeah and you know there's there's certain things that are good about my my habits is that like I never drink sodas like I only drink we're ending this podcast like I you're not allowed to talk about this I virtually never drink sodas or and I you don't drink coffee you don't do so I don't even I rarely even drink so what's your unhealthy thing that you like to go what's your go-to unhealthy thing the thing that is that cuz you're not perfect pastor no I'm not the temptations for me yeah that that I would go to is first of all cereal like like if I want to just really go off the cliff like it'd be like Cinnamon Toast Crunch or just really just any cereal I just like frosted mini wheats I could just kill so many frosted mini wheats gross so like for me like the temptations are like milk and like if I if I have my way I would drink two pints of milk with every meal like breakfast lunch and dinner like I love milk but what a problem you drink raw milk or yeah okay but the problem with milk is that you may grow there by so like milk is great for a child growing up but as an adult I found that like you know if I drink milk like I want to I'll just gain too much weight you know and it's expensive anyway so I rarely drink milk but that's my guilty pleasure is like chocolate milk strawberry milk milk cereal cereal I mean I go through different phases obviously Cinnamon Toast Crunch is is pretty high on the list but and frosted mini wheats because last Thursday these are good right last Thursday I deadlift on Friday yeah and I was I was gonna shoot for a PR like 320 on Friday and so I was eating right on Thursday I eat liver I like to eat liver mm-hmm really good for you superfood and then I just told my wife I was like I'm gonna go get a cereal and I don't eat cereal like I haven't ate cereal in a long time yeah and so I was actually gonna go get honey bunches of oats which is actually one of my favorites is my go-to but you know you're walking down the aisle and then Cinnamon Toast Crunch was there first yeah and I thought to myself just this once so I took the I killed the whole box that night or not that night but I did like half of the box that night but you know what my lift was really good on on Friday and in fact I hit for PR it's called like a carbo load yeah yeah and then it was just like I think I'm gonna celebrate with the bowl of cereal I didn't do that but Cinnamon Toast Crunch is definitely really good but the only problem is with me if I eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch I get like a sugar hangover the next day yeah well I I don't eat it all the time because obviously I'm disciplined yeah but keep under your body yeah but I'm just saying if I you asked me about my sins yeah you know yeah I wanted to know what you struggle with what are the temptations that are those are the temptations are like milk cereal ice cream stuff like that oh okay okay so now he's mentioning ice cream so there's more actually yeah we'll cut what's your favorite ice cream anything with chocolate and peanut butter really yeah hmm so do like a chocolate peanut butter milkshake or like but this podcast getting a little off track because we're supposed to be like we're supposed to be helping people be healthier and now we're saying a bad exam yeah but here's the thing we're showing that we're human we're showing that we're human because we don't want to we don't want people to think that this is how we always are right in general this is how we live but all of us you know you bring up a great point and and I want to I want to make this point too is that I do believe that it's healthy to have one meal per week where you just basically go crazy just binge yeah no I do cuz I'll be very austere the whole week yeah and then one meal per week I do believe and just going for broke kind of like a reward type of a thing right well I think it's I think that there's science behind it as well because what it does is it kind of reboots your metabolism because if you're eating lean all the time then your body kind of adjusts to that yeah whereas it kind of provides a nice shock to the system when you have one indulgence per week now some people talk about a cheat day that's too much because you can you can undo all the progress that you made in the whole week in one cheat day but a cheat meal there's only so much you can eat in one meal so if you just make one cheat meal a week and then that could have a psychological boost of giving you a chance once a week to kind of splurge or indulge and I think like you know obviously it depends on what your goals are what do you want to achieve because if you want it like for example I wanted to achieve a certain weight by November and so I was very strict on my diet I didn't have a cheat day I didn't have one day a week that I would eat crazy I was just very strict on my diet and then I broke it when we went to Lucille's and I had that pulled pork sandwich and I kind of splurged and then it was fine because the day after I just went back on my regular diet and I was fine you know but I definitely agree with that well you know we talk about goals we have our different athletic goals and they keep us motivated they keep us going but if we don't hit the goals it's not really the end of the world right because for me my biggest goal if I were just articulate my biggest exercise or health goal is that I want to be preaching when I'm in my 90s yeah you know if God allows me to for my days to be long and for it to be well with me on the earth then you know I want to be preaching in my 90s I want to be healthy and strong not just physically but mentally so I want to work my brain I want to work my body that's the ultimate goal is just longevity in the ministry yeah just being able to continue ministering continue preaching continue soul wedding these other athletic goals aren't really that important I'll give you an example you know one time several years ago I was training to run a certain marathon and so I had this marathon training plan and and the marathon training plan culminated in a 20-mile run and then if you finish that 20-mile training run and that whole training week then you just have what's called the taper where for the next three weeks you just run less and less and kind of let your body recover for the marathon so I spent months and months training for this marathon I finally got to that 20 mile final like capstone run and it went great like I ran the 20 miles I felt great piece of cake and I got done with that run and I was like man this marathons in the bag trainings done now I just have to taper and I kid you not like four days later I injured my ankle and just like couldn't run the marathon so it was like I did all the training and didn't even do the event so it's like what a waste right except it's not a waste because who really gives a rip if I ran that marathon or not it's vain it doesn't really mean anything well to the training is what matters the Lord maybe allowed that because he just wanted your body to be physically fit to be able to serve him or something but not necessarily to have some athletic achievement yeah so it's like basically I don't have any regrets about that training because I got healthy in that training you know I got the cardiovascular fitness well that's kind of scary and so God basically you know it wasn't his will for whatever reason for me to run that marathon or have that achievement but it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying yeah I still keep trying stuff you know and and right now I've been running a lot with my son and my son is training for a marathon and you know he and I god willing we're hopefully gonna run an ultra marathon in March that we're training for and so another thing is that this is allowed you know me to bond with my son yeah over running and also my daughter one of my daughter's pretty into running and you know for a dad to be able to bond with his teenage daughter is important and sometimes there's a generation gap that could be there so some of these activities could bridge that gap a little bit yeah so there's a social aspect to you know exercising with people like I know you lift with people yeah like I live by myself I do have a goal like I have a goal so I started lifting in September of 2021 and right now I'm dead lifting 350 and my goal is to hit 405 by the end of summer but I actually might do that a lot sooner and so I do have that goal that I want to hit I'm hoping the Lord just you know doesn't allow me to get injured so I can hit that give you the thorn in the flesh so that you don't get prideful yeah you know what that you're joking but that's true too though yeah because honestly like that's that I wondered if maybe that's why you know a lot of times I've tried to have various athletic achievements and they almost always fall through but I still do the training yeah I still got healthy it might just be because God just doesn't want us to get too prideful or full of ourselves and I think that's really important well you don't get ego you mentioned with your kids and it is true because you know a lot we have a lot of young men in our church very athletic very strong you know we have power lifters we have people who like running we have people who are into martial arts and so me lifting has created somewhat of a camaraderie and so you're kind of bonding with young people in the church ops yeah and you're bridging a generation gap yeah cuz there's a guy in our church Giovanni he he's 17 years old the guys deadlift in a crazy emlo is a 435 was like the last thing that he hit but there's a camaraderie with him and I because we have this common interest we encourage each other and then we even do like church lifts where you know some of the guys will meet up at a gym on a specific date to hit PRS and they'll lift and their squad you know and so creates that camaraderie and I think that's really good I think it's that's better then you know just kind of all let's get together and play video games or something like that you know I mean let's get together and actually squad or some do some deadlift and obviously obviously we we're constantly talking about the Bible yeah at church services anybody who's been to our churches knows that the conversations revolve around the Word of God there's a lot of soul winning a lot of missions going on you know but it's it can also be nice to sometimes bond with people on another level yeah as well you know and especially with your kids I mean I know your kids are pretty young yep my kids are older you know I have adult children teenage children yeah and so some of these are just good clean fun activities that I can get with them and compete with them a little bit and you know sit show them that the old man can kind of keep up a little bit or at least try to keep up well I just think I think it's good for our churches to be characterized by people who take their health into consideration and they're athletic there there are people who like to run there's people who like to lift it's not just like a church where it's just like well we only you know preach about the Bible and that's it you know we don't everything else is is off you know off the the the shelf there we're not allowed to do anything else it's like no we get into these things you know and the reality is is that it's good for us as pastors is good for us as church members to take into consideration that our health is important in order to help us to serve God better in the coming years well and the reason that the reason that I will sometimes talk about the subject from the pulpit and the reason why I think this podcast is important talking about it right now is simply because I love my church members yeah and I want them to be happy I don't want to see them having a bunch of diseases that they that are preventable I mean look diseases are gonna happen sicknesses are gonna happen even if we do all the right things yeah but a lot of sicknesses and diseases are preventable absolutely and if if we love our members we don't want them being depressed sad sick heart disease diabetes you know we don't want them suffering we want them to be blessed we want them to be happy and so if we love our people and we know that this is something in our lives that's making our quality of life way better it helps us serve God better it helps us feel better we can get along with people better we can have a mental even keel wouldn't we want to share that with other people and not just let them keep eating junk and sitting around along with that worse I do want to mention this is that I want to encourage young people to obviously you know start exercising but I want to specifically encourage them to start lifting because new lifters right and you would agree have an advantage over a lot of people even if you're really small for example cuz then you know a lot of people say some guys would say well I'm really small I'm not that strong but they actually have a huge advantage and it's it it's it's it is a medical scientific advantage of the fact that they have what's called newbie gains they're able to make these large achievements with weights and actually get strong really fast and in six months or in twelve months and it's really good for them it can boost their confidence it makes their body healthier but just the newbie gains just in general well if they're small and weak that's just all the more reason why they need to lift anyway yeah but what is we should work on our weaknesses absolutely but what I'm saying is they may think well what difference is gonna make is I'm small no it'll make a huge difference a little bit goes a long way yeah and I'm telling you the newbie gains you will make a crazy amount of gains and strides and weightlifting if you just start now even if you are a small person you know Ulysses you know what how much did you weigh when you first started lifting 120 and you know right now you're about what 170 and you're you're lifting you're doing the big three the deadlifts bench press and squats he's stronger than I am and so he can tell you from experience that you know you can't you can achieve great goals like that and even if you're a new lifter it's there research the newbie gains it can happen for you I want to encourage people to do that and so you know obviously people just need to find a form of exercise that they like yeah if you don't like it you're not gonna stick with it so you know whatever you like whether it's running swimming biking martial arts martial arts whatever but let me say this about lifting because I'm big on lifting myself I like lifting here's what I like about it and maybe this would encourage people a little bit and I I don't know if you quite agree with me on this for some strange reason but you're wrong no anyway the thing is I'm gonna say it's it's easy it's so easy like like literally on the pain scale it's like a two out of ten it's so easy that like even if I'm just exhausted tired having a bad day maybe even like coming down with something and I'm just like I don't care how rotten I feel like going to the gym and lifting weights for an hour is super easy yeah whereas like for me running swimming is a little bit more strenuous a little more painful I mean running is a lot higher on the pain scale yeah then and learn training yes so like if I'm feeling really motivated then I can get out there and and do some running and stuff but I have to be motivated to go running yeah lifting is just like roll out of bed go live like lift it to me lifting is super easy and so even if somebody says man I just don't really have a lot of mental discipline or I just don't like to suffer I don't like to go through pain to me like lifting weights the pain is so minimal it's so easy well it's minimal if you're not lifting heavy weights no I'm no I think lifting heavy weights is the easiest because I find it harder I find it more painful when you when you do high reps no dude high reps hurt in my opinion well high reps are are I work strenuous we're not when we talk about lifting heavy yeah I work in the four to six rep range yeah that's the range and to me it's so easy it's like I can do anything for four reps yeah that reps I would agree that's over so fast that's definitely easy before the pain hits it so I would say when you start lifting heavier though that is difficult that is hard it's very strenuous I feel like it doesn't change because because I got stronger to copy for example like on Friday I did four PRS of deadlifts and then and Monday actually when I did squats after that I was just completely exhausted the following like it drained my body and obviously it's obviously it's exhausting but I'm saying getting down there I'll put it this way I never dread a lifting workout yeah I'm never like oh man I gotta go to the gym and lift or something like well you're never dread it but I do sometimes dread runs there are people that do dread it though I'll just be honest I think you're just a different breed I can only speak from my own experience yeah I agree with you on that because I never dread going to the gym like I enjoy like I've never had a day where it's just like oh man I gotta go to the gym today like I enjoyed every single but I mean for for running for swimming sometimes I have to really psych myself up because like it's hard cuz I'm just like this is gonna hurt you know what I mean like like I have to really psych myself up whereas I don't have to psych myself up to go to the gym some people do though some people do have to like lifting weights is easy in my opinion psych there's some people that do have to psych themselves up and get themselves motivated to go to the gym I'm not I don't think it I don't think it matters how much you're lifting I think it's the same difficulty because if you're doing four to six reps and you're going to failure on every set you're both working just as hard if one guy's lifting you know 150 pounds and other guys lifting 250 pounds if they're both doing four to six reps to failure the pain is the same in my opinion yeah I mean as I've added weight over the years onto the bar it doesn't hurt more I just I got stronger and I'm lifting more weight but it's it feels the same to me I don't see what the difference is I disagree but I know where you're coming from yeah okay I see your point of view I get what you're saying and we're gonna cut this segment well but and here's the thing I know you lifting weights is all you do yeah whereas like I do a lot of cardio yeah yeah like I I do lift weights I'm for lifting weights I try to lift weights I like I like long walks on the beach I try to lift weights five days a week that's what I do on a on a good week some weeks I only make it four well let me share something with you it's pretty interesting Dr. Rita was actually saying because I was talking to her about weightlifting and running and she she holds the opinion that from a medical scientific perspective that you obviously have to do it all right like now one's better than the other but she was saying there's certain people who are more apt or will succeed more in endurance running than weightlifting and vice versa and she was saying typically in her experience from what she's seen people with type O blood are more conducive to running and I'm actually O negative so yeah so that would make sense and she she gave me the science behind but I don't remember exactly what it is there's a certain way your body's built where it would it's more conducive to running and so that's your excuse why you don't run well type A which I'm type A is that's a handy excuse yeah exactly type A is actually able to lift heavier weights they're actually more conducive to heavy lifting and so but she said you have to do both obviously but there's yeah there's just one that you're gonna excel at far greater than the other well I'm gonna use that to say I'm never gonna run in my life and but I will I will say this though God made me in a way that I'm not the right I will say this though if people's goal is weight loss because let's face it most people are overweight in America 2022 America powerlifting is the way to go the vast majority of people are overweight I would say that if you want to exercise for weight loss then lifting heavy is the way to go a lot of people don't get this yeah but like like I'll give you an example just this morning I lifted of course before I came over here and I burned my watch said that I burned 400 calories doing that lifting where's the if I get on my bike and ride my bike hard for an hour I'm barely gonna be burned 400 calories if I'm lucky if I get in the pool and swim for an hour I'm only gonna burn 400 calories and like I said lifting is way easier yeah and you still burn that 400 calories or whatever now running for an hour you know you'll burn more like maybe six or seven hundred but it's way harder yeah so I would encourage people and a lot of people by the way when they lift they they're not getting the most bang for their buck because they focus on tiny muscle groups yeah you gotta do compound they think like oh I gotta lose my belly so I'm gonna do sit-ups or something yeah here's the thing your abs are a small muscle group and you can't target what fat on your body you burn off you burn all the fat off equally yeah so doing sit-ups doesn't burn stomach fat any more than doing squats or whatever you want to use huge muscles because those are the ones that are gonna give you the most bang for your body what he's referring to is the big three well you you know you talk about the big three but you're leaving some stuff out buddy because there should be a big five he's talking about the overhead military press and pull-ups and pull-ups you're collecting at the end of the day though you can get away with it with the big three those are the most of the important ones the big three he's talking about are squats deadlift and and bench press yeah which I agree with you about the the pull-ups and overhead but the over it to me my favorite two exercises that I like better than even those three is the overhead military press and pull-ups yeah it's cuz you're not as strong on the deadlift you know you're gonna favor that you're gonna favor that would you know of course I don't you're better I also don't use the training wheels he's talking about my belt I don't use training wheels either so but anyway but the thing is you know you want to use big muscle groups you're gonna they're gonna burn more well your legs are the biggest muscle in the course that your biggest muscles are your glutes which is your butt muscles yeah and your quads yeah obviously your chest is a big muscle group your hamstrings you know so that's what you shoulders back that's what you want to focus on our big muscle groups and you'll burn tons of calories and by the way a lot of people will say like oh I don't have time I don't have time to work out but what it really is people are just wasting hours and hours of their day watching TV on social media just surfing the net like not even do anything productive on the net just just fooling around okay people are wasting a lot of time let me just break it down to you okay let's just put it this way okay let's say Monday through Friday average American eight-hour work day right eight hours stop and think about it you got 24 hours in the day so let's say you sleep for eight hours spend eight hours at work that's 16 hours right you could spend two hours on personal devotions right just reading the Bible praying singing hymns whatever you do for personal devotion you can spend two hours on that then you can spend two hours of quality time with your family yeah then you can spend two hours working out yeah and then you could spend two hours on just your personal needs like say taking a shower brushing your teeth eating breakfast eating lunch eating dinner whatever two hours time with your family two hours of time with the Lord two hours of time working out two hours of time you know on your personal needs and eight hours of sleep and eight hours of work and you could do that five days a week let alone the weekend you'd have even more time on the weekend like how do people say they don't have time yeah or I think it's just a excuse not to go to the gym okay well I work a 10-hour day at my job okay so you work a 10-hour day at your job one hour of personal devotions and you think most Christians are spending an hour personal devotions because they're not I wish they were but 10-hour work day one hour personal devotion one hour exercise you still have two hours of quality time with your family and you still have two hours to just do nothing well even then they say even then they say don't don't don't lift you know more than an hour and I never here's the thing I never lift more than an hour one hour is my limit for living we go about hour 20 sometimes but the reason that I say two hours yeah the reason I say two hours of exercise is because I actually do cardio yeah as well unlike you yeah you know but here's I'm probably never gonna go this this conversation will probably not inspire me to go run a marathon but here's the thing though is that you know I will say this though in your defense is that lifting weights does work your heart because you'll get your heart rate up doing weight for sure so you know you're getting a little bit of cardiovascular health from lifting as well yeah so I'm for it but but my point is that you know I'm just breaking down a basic Monday through Friday showing that people have time and then and then Saturday you can spend the whole day doing whatever Sunday you're going to church doing whatever I'm saying you can carve out the time and still sleep eight hours a night yeah and still have time with your family every single day I don't think that's the issue though I think the issue is when they say they don't have time to work out yeah it's just a matter of they're either lazy but even just breaking down those numbers I haven't even gotten into multitasking yet okay now let me tell you how I multitask at the gym and I don't know exactly how you lift but when I lift I take three minutes of break between each set yes that way I can hit the set the hardest yeah and give it everything that's what I do so I give it every basically for the working sets we take about three minutes yeah and then if we hit a PR or something and let's say for example when I hit 340 on the deadlift and I was gonna shoot for 350 I took like a five-minute yeah you take longer just a little longer but no more than three minutes or on average so so when I go to the gym to lift heavy weights the way that I do it is you know I do one body part per day per week so I have chest day back day shoulder day leg day arm day the only day I don't take three minutes is on arm day because I rotate between triceps and biceps so I do like a circuit training on that day so I'm only waiting like a minute and a half between sets or whatever but on the other four days like I'll do three minute breaks between every working set and during that three minutes I read my Bible yeah so that's like a that's a devotional time for me and so you know I just I I'll usually get through at least like you know three four chapters reading the Bible usually in another language so it takes a little longer for me because I'm not reading it in English so it slows me down a little bit so right now like my gym Bible is Portuguese so like I go to the gym like this morning I lift the weights this morning at the hotel yeah and I got I started in John chapter 11 and I got through chapter 15 in Portuguese just between sets so I just I'll just lift heavy and then you got three minutes to do nothing yeah while you're waiting and you know I know you guys are probably talking and fellowshipping which is great but I'm by myself when I lift yeah so I just read my Bible you're basically saying you can kill two birds with one stone yeah and be productive in between so heavy lifting a lot of people bring up their commute as like oh well you know yeah eight hours of work but what about the commute okay but here's the thing about the commute let me get you off you can listen to the Bible two options for the commute okay number one if you drive on your commute then you listen to the Bible and then that's your devotion time you could sing hymns you could pray you could listen to the Bible on audio you can learn a new language you can do Pimsleur but I'm saying like you can easily combine those two things but what I would strongly encourage and I know this is not your thing so you get to me out right now but basically what I would encourage is just quit driving to work well you just get to work on your own energy whether that's walking if it's close you could walk you could run if it's close or walk or you could ride a bike or whatever so if you can get to work on your own steam I'm not against what you're saying but the thing is the church from the or the gym and the church or the building is like four cities away from yeah well then then then for you it's an audio Bible yeah or whatever I'm just saying like you can do things on your way there you can ever the commute never has to be wasted yeah because either the commute can be a devotional time with the Lord it could be an educational time where you're studying or it could be physical training if there's a way and obviously some people don't have a shower at their job you kind of need a shower yeah in order to do it that way but I you know I would encourage people to just bike run walk whatever get to work on your own steam if they have a shower yeah and then boom you just killed two birds with one stone so I'm just saying like there's a way to work it in yeah absolutely if you know it's the same reason people say they don't have time to read their Bible yeah you can work in the Bible reading you can work in the exercise no matter what your situation I think at the end of the day a lot of people will make those excuses not because they don't have enough time but because they don't want to make time or they're lazy to do it so they kind of the easy way out is like well I can't work out I don't have enough time to go work yeah I don't have enough time to do these things I think at the end of the day is just laziness a lack of motivation or like oh I got to spend time with my family yeah but here's the thing that sometimes you can involve your family yeah you know if they're into it now if they're not into it I will say this I will say this in order to start a workout regime whether that's running or lifting weights you do have to have a level of commitment there has to be a commitment when you have to program yeah and you have to have commitment to those goals yeah like you have to kind of be a self-starter you know what I mean like no one's gonna get you out of bed no one's gonna tell you to go do it no one's gonna force you like you have to make yourself go do it well good because it builds discipline I'm just saying you know you have to basically be able to be disciplined and commit yourself to the process to the program in order to reach those goals so here's that here's another point that I want to make about health and and fitness and exercise and again you know this might be something that you're not necessarily into why are you bringing up whose podcast is this anyways is you know I'm a strong believer in what I would call environmental training okay so what he's talking to the weather what oh yeah yeah I thought you're gonna talk about Earth gym no no no I mean I like that too yeah but no no I'm a strong believer in environmental training so what I mean by that is that like I think that part of the reason why people are unhealthy today is because we're too climate-controlled yeah and so our bodies are designed not only to be physically active working hard but also our bodies are designed to go through seasons of you know summer and winter so for those of you who don't know pastor Anderson he's really into if if anybody knows them personally it never stay at a hotel room with pastor Anderson in the dead of summer of some other country because he will turn up the heater on so aside from the fact that it's like 115 degrees outside he'll make sure that it's 115 degrees inside as well this is what he's talking well here's the thing like like at my house in the summer you know I mean I will literally like set up my office outside like I'll set up a table and a chair and just work outside for hours I I'll exercise outside in the summer I'll go on bike rides I am intrigued with that like I when you mentioned that to me yesterday because you're basically saying you have to adapt to the the climate of that time and obviously that's yeah that's difficult here in California no it isn't in California because you still you you know you can modify you can modify your environment have enough variation here this morning you know I looked at the weather this morning when I woke up in Santa Ana California here it's 46 degrees outside yeah so if you go swimming in pools in Southern California that water is gonna be in the 50s well and so you're gonna pull around here like because the cold is more important than the heat like you guys have pools over there we don't have yeah well I'm I'm for heat training but the cold is even more important cold showers so what I do is like in the in the wintertime in Arizona I think Arizona is more ideal for this than Southern California because we have super hot summers so I can get out and run in the heat swim in the air not swim in the heat but what was I gonna say bike in the heat like run in the heat bike in the heat take walks need work outside I just make a point to spend hours outside every day and just feel the heat and then in the winter you know I'll basically go running in the mornings or at night and just wear just very lightly dressed like I don't wear a lot of clothes so I'll just wear like just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and just go running and it's like 35 or something yeah because the good thing about Arizona is that even though in the winter it'll still be like 70 degrees every day even in the winter at night it does drop into the 30s and 40s and so you can get up early in the morning and you know I'll go on bike rides just with just maybe a light hoodie if anything sometimes just a t-shirt just shorts and just really get exposed to the cold for I basically just spend a few hours a day feeling cold like I just want to feel cold a few hours a day all winter that's good and then like I'll also go swimming in pools yeah even in the winter just year-round so and then like you said cold showers in the winter as well so you know in the summer I really acclimate to the heat and in the winter I really acclimate to the cold and I'm telling you it has made me feel so much healthier like I've been getting sick less because I I've had historically a really bad and what do you think what do you think the the scientific reason for that is are the cameras good well you know I don't necessarily base everything in my life on science I know but I'm saying is there did you know of any research I think science science is great and science has its place but science science can't really solve everything necessarily and so a lot of my views on health and nutrition and exercise are more philosophical than scientific and so they're they're just kind of based on my own ideas and my own experiences and today it's like oh yeah science you know and people are like they worship science and science is great but let's face it science has kind of failed to answer a lot of questions about our health if science is so great at health then why in the age of science are people unhealthier than ever you know so some of this is not necessarily science based it's just based on philosophy and based on experience I think so for me let me give you my philosophical answer and I think there are some scientific studies out there that may or may not have backed this up but to be honest I don't really care because if it works for me it works yeah if I started doing this environmental training over the last few years and I've gotten sick way less I've been way healthier I feel great is there anything else I changed other than the well not I would say the biggest change I made in the year 2021 was I ramped up my environmental training of just being hotter in the summer and colder in the winter and I got sick less in 2021 than any year of my life and I'm just feeling great and I feel like it really helped my immunity and I think there is some science floating around out there somewhere about it but but here's my philosophy my philosophy is that our bodies are designed to struggle you know we're designed to handle the heat handle the cold to pick up heavy items you know to walk all day to work all day you know we're designed to work like we talked about with exercise we're also designed to withstand the elements yeah and I feel like because we've gotten so climate controlled it's like our body doesn't really have anything to fight and so then our body basically like in many ways fights itself it's sort of like it if you have an external enemy it really causes everybody to unite like let's say the church was under attack then the church were kind of banned together and unite right against that common enemy whereas like let's say you know there's no enemy then the church could just start fighting within yeah do you understand what I'm saying yeah you know like it's like when America gets under attack like America kind of unites and it's not really about different facts what you're saying is is creating an environment where you're you're constantly putting your body in a situation where it has to defend itself against the elements yeah yeah then basically your body is fighting the elements yeah and so your body's just getting stronger and your body's not fighting itself because a lot of people today they have like autoimmune disorders where their body's like attacking itself like like allergies you know what I mean like like where they're their body like attacks their own cells and their own joints like rheumatoid arthritis right and I'm not a doctor I'm not a medical expert I'm not an expert on the biology of it but that's not really the point the the I definitely want to experiment with this because it seems it seems pretty even if it doesn't improve my immunity just the fact that you can acclimate to the to the different elements whether in summer or during the winter I think it's just good for fortitude well helps you lose weight anyway because it burns calories if you're in the cold and your body has to heat you up it's shivering yeah I I try to avoid shivering though like part of cold training for me is to withstand the urge to shiver so like when I go in ice water my body wants to shiver and I fight that urge to like breathe fast and shiver and stuff the way to acclimate is you you get into the cold water and you try to breathe normal you try to relax into it and you try not to shiver is the best way to do it but obviously yes shivering would burn calories too but I'm just saying like you want your body to rely on something other than shivering yeah shivering is not really the best way to get warm but it's what our body goes to like the go-to warm-up mechanism so it's better to withstand the shivering and then your body will find other ways to warm you up from the inside and obviously that's that's burning calories anyway and it just it just builds mental toughness makes you a little bit just able to handle heat and and cold so that you know you can be out in there in the summer doing stuff and now knowing the winter doing stuff and not just be like you have to have the climate a certain way all the time and like I said I think it builds your immunity as well I found that to be the case in my own life I think there is probably some science floating out there okay it's time to experiment a little bit you know because this this year I got sick quite a bit with the run on all that but we'll see for next year yeah just try it just try it and you know like I don't I don't take cold showers in the summer you know it's like you take cold showers in the winter yeah or take hot showers in the summer I mean in the summer you know I just try to exercise outside as much as I can now some people might think like how is that even possible to run when it's 115 outside or to bike and and the key to doing it is to stay wet so what I'll do is like I will jump in the pool with my clothes on and then run and then I've got those wet clothes and it's like a swamp cooler kind of and after about 30 to 40 minutes it'll be dry as a bone your clothes will be just dry in like a half hour so I'll go on bike rides in the summer I just I just douse myself in water and then 30 40 minutes of riding later I'm dry as a bone then I find somebody who has the sprinklers on and I get in the sprinklers or if I can't you know honey there goes that pastor again playing in our sprinklers I'm not talking about residential I mean like commercial I mean like commercial properties will have sprinklers some so I'll get in the sprinklers or whatever I'll try to find bodies of water I can get in just to get drenched yeah or if I can't find any of that I'll just literally just go to the gas station buy a bottle of water and just dump it all over myself and just do that and just keep going one time I kid you not I ran I ran 13 miles in my neighborhood I had this 1.3 mile loop and every 1.3 miles I would jump in the pool and it was 110 outside and I went 13 miles just by dipping every 1.3 miles jump at the pool keep running jump at the pool keep running and I just kept going just kept going and so that's the secret in the summer and then and then you know after you do it a lot you can kind of get to a level where you don't even necessarily need to get that wet where like you start just getting used to it to where like you only have to get wet when it gets really hot or if the workouts really long but your body adapts fast you know what's interesting with the cold training you you will adapt super fast like this isn't somewhere you have to wait months for results like if you wanted to try this you'll have results in one week I guarantee it really one week what do you mean by results here's what I mean are you saying I would withstand yeah cold water within it within a week let me give you an example when I first started doing this a few years ago the first time I went into a cold swimming pool it was like 52 degrees of the water on a little thermometer so it's like 52 degree water I went in there and after two minutes I had to get out like I was so cold that I was like I got to get out of here now right but after one week of doing that every day I could stay in for ten minutes no problem well let me ask you no problem when you go into the pool are you swimming or just just kind of just staying well as a start to start you just kind of hang out you just just and I would just dip my head underwater like every minute and just stay in up to my neck for ten minutes but as you get more advanced yeah sometimes I'll get in the pool and swim around and stuff well I don't work out I just saying that because like obviously if you jump in a pool that's 50 degrees and you start swimming you're gonna warm up no no I'm no you just hang out okay if I did swim around I'd swim very slowly so it's not a workout it's just it's more just a chill no pun intended you just kind of chill in the water but but the thing is I'm telling you like after a week you're adapted hmm and then literally I did it one winter and then like I I didn't do any cold training the whole spring summer fall next winter it was like the adaptation was still there you just get right back into it and you you haven't lost hardly anything so what I'm saying is you get results really fast now would a word of caution though is that you know if you go into ice water for a long time you'll die like in a very it doesn't take long to kill you in fact so like if you go into like ice water after 15 minutes you'll you could start getting hypothermia if you're not trained so I would that's why I would recommend people just limit themselves to 10 minutes especially in the beginning you know what I mean like don't go beyond 10 minutes and obviously 52 degree water is not the same as like in the 30s yeah if you get in water that's in the 30s and you're in it for 15 minutes you could you could get hypothermia and and also after about a half hour you might die hmm in in ice water but if you know if you build up to it then you could be in that 30 some degree water for an extended period but still just for safety I would just recommend people just kind of just limit yourself to 10 minutes especially if you're in the 30s yeah because some people live in because in Arizona the water only gets down to about 50 degrees but but when I go to other parts of the country I'll take advantage of those cold places so I've I've been able to swim in some icy rivers and in other places and and do some cold plunges but like you got it you got to be aware though that it's not just about hey look how tough I am because you can literally die yeah if you don't do it right right so you know limit yourself to 10 minutes and then the other thing I would recommend is just when you get out don't warm up too fast either if you're a beginner because that can be very painful and it could also be harmful so usually what I do is you know I'll spend 10 minutes in the in the water and then I'll get out and I won't even dry off right away I was kind of hang out in the cold air for a few minutes and let my body slowly so I'll kind of just hang out for a couple minutes and then I'll dry off hang out for a couple more minutes then I go in the house and and put on warm clothes yeah and you know get my body temperature back the only thing I do because I do want to try it I want to try that yeah or the 10-minute walks we could do that it's 20 minute walks but he's not 20 minutes in the 90 degrees isn't that that's like that's like me lifting his deadlift you know I mean like that's not really gonna come on can we do something can we do actually something to do something challenging here it's lightweight you know so maybe we'll start work maybe we'll start running maybe I just want to try it though I do want to try that that sounds pretty interesting I like it I want to see if it affects me for the sixth season coming in 2022 or something you know we'll see if it actually works I mean it worked for me yeah and maybe it's just a coincidence yeah you know either way I mean I don't let's say it doesn't help my immunity it's still good for fortitude reasons yeah to just make you stronger withstand the elements it may be a coincidence put your body in a position where it's uncomfortable but always good to do that I feel like it's helped me a lot and I just I know anybody else who they've tried that and it's helped their immunity I mean I don't know anybody personally who does this to themselves except my son very valid my son my son my son Solomon he's into it like how much credibility this has here my son Solomon he does all the cold training and stuff the same it's helped his immunity and all that I mean he's always had great immunity okay you know he grew up just well he's got great genetics and he just grew up eating healthy and being physically active and you know so he's got a lot going for him obviously well I will definitely try that that's all that's pretty awesome sounds very uncomfortable yeah I mean I another thing that I believe in philosophically is every single day I like to do something that I don't want to do yeah you know what I mean just every day I just force myself to do something that I don't want to do yeah take yourself out of your comfort zone yeah just just take something hard just don't always take the path of least resistance yeah you know so I and I typically like to every morning pick a task that I've been dreading and just kind of get it out of the way yeah so I hope that this podcast has helped people just maybe think about making some changes to improve their health a little bit or absolutely start some kind of exit and here's thing if you're not into lip I do think that the best place to start is lifting like if you're gonna if you're only gonna do one thing if you're only gonna exercise one thing I would say lifting yeah is the is the is the most important but if you're not into lifting no problem because there's running there's swimming I swim laps almost every week I run every week I lift weights I buy you can get it you can get into martial arts you can get into boxing yeah kickboxing or if you don't like striking you can get into Brazilian jiu-jitsu which is really good on the body just find anything you like didn't it make you do something physical to exert your body yeah some way fashion or form you know it's it's just you need to do something with your body and I'm not one of these people that says like oh you got to do this workout and don't do that workout because to me the workout the works is the one that you do yeah so if you like doing it you know then great I mean except there's a few things that I would just say right now that I'm just against which is using the machines at the gym are a big no-no like do not use the machines at the gym like I'm just against that right away like like that is elating that is not a real workout like don't do isolation exercises and don't use the machines I would say like that's a hard and fast thing for me yeah the machines for people who don't know the machines will isolate a muscle it's more so for body composition than anything else whereas the heavy lifting such as the big three they're more so for getting strong we have to use free weights yeah or body weight exercise I'm all for body weight exercise pull-ups push-ups sit-ups yeah all that kind of free weights dumbbells herpes whatever yeah free weights dumb bells is what you need to be using but like the machines are dangerous they're harmful you don't build muscle like yeah like you feel like oh I'm working so hard and building so much muscle they don't work the stabilizing muscles and you've got if you don't you're not working the stabilizing leg press for example the leg press is not a good the leg press is hazardous yeah the leg dangerous I you know when I was just funny because people will say like debt lifting is really bad for your lower back but it's actually like the leg presses yeah when I dude when I was 12 years old we had a leg press at our school a leg press machine and we would load up like 400 pounds on the leg press and I was like the skinny kid and I'm just like leg pressing 400 pounds because it's like because it's not real it's not a real workout like you're not really you can't lift 400 pounds but the with the leg press you can yeah dude I'll go I'll get on the leg press I'm just piling up hundreds you just keep adding hundreds of more pounds you just keep being able to lift it but then you go over to the squat rack and you've made zero gains yeah it doesn't it does not translate yeah one time I spent I experimented one time I spent like five or six weeks using the leg press and then I went to the squat rack I hadn't even gained an ounce on the squat rack like the leg press is a joke and it's dangerous for your back because you're lifting these insane amounts whereas like for example like I've noticed that my my deadlift has gone stronger only because my squat has gone strong like my squats have helped my deadlift tremendously and those things all transfer because you're actually building real strength yeah whereas this fake strength that you build and and the worst machines are like the bench press machine the military press machine those those machines are horrible like you just grab the dumbbells and do it do it the real way you talk about like the Smith machine yeah or the pec deck or whatever well Smith machine is really bad even for like deadlifts and squats because yeah what did you say Ulysses like it kind of messes up your form right yeah it only moves in one manner it's these real unnatural movements you can get injured it's unnatural you're not gonna make gains look if I go to the gym I don't want to waste my time spinning my wheels look so fight I not as one that beat at the air yeah not as you know use it the leg press I'm just saying like using the machines at the gym and people gravitate to the machines because they're easy but like you might as well not even go to the gym if you're gonna use so gain my opinion so so I make gains not as one that does the leg press I'm just saying like I don't even go to the gym if you're gonna use the machines like it's free weights or die okay so I do want to say that but other than that do whatever you want do whatever you like and on another thing I hate treadmills they make no sense like yeah but hold on a second why would you run a treadmill when you could just go outside and run okay see now and then and here's what and here's what was excuse yeah they they drive around the parking lot trying to find the closest parking spot so that they can get on a treadmill but but here here's the thing too about the treadmill people's excuse for using the treadmills like what about when it's too hot what about what's too cold okay back up this recording 20 minutes if it's cold or hot that's just better training yeah no treadmill I would rather run in place hey I'm all for you to run on a treadmill yeah amen jump no running jump rope yes treadmill no you don't have to worry about me getting on it makes no sense exactly I agree all right percent I'm not as against the treadmill as I am against the machines the weight machines yeah but treadmills to me you're just boring anyway yeah yeah I agree I agree and you don't take any supplements you don't do any pre-workout no you don't take it most radical thing I take is a multivitamin I told I told you what one time I I did some doping before a workout you with some Starbucks I drink a caramel frappuccino from Starbucks that was like the most radical doping I've ever done you don't do a pre-workout or creatine or anything of that nature never you're all natty just food water and a multivitamin he doesn't folks he doesn't even use shoes when he runs can you believe that but I've he's all natty I mean we're talking about natty he's his feet sometimes I'll do like an organic like all natural organic protein powder that's from like pea protein or whey or something it's kind of but it's all like he's a he's a boring he could be a Mormon when it comes to like these matters and if ever I go on a trip with pastor Anderson I make sure I don't go to his cabin because it's there's no junk food allowed junk food we went to a pastor's retreat and we went to the grocery store to go get some some stuff and I was I was getting like Swiss rolls stuff that I typically me but it's like we're partying he's like we're not getting this he wanted to get like vegetables and all it's the more it's the Joseph Smith cabin you know I mean no no so does no nothing yeah no cat there's no coke no no coffee no nothing so just for future reference anybody who you know so he's very much that he he takes the he takes the natty approach to another level so yep so it's an unrealistic goal for a lot of people well pastor Anderson thank you so much for being on the podcast yeah man a lot of great information folks I hope it I hope it inspires you and motivates you to number one start exercising in some form or manner whether that's powerlifting or running or swimming or doing martial arts changing up your diet maybe testing out some fasting maybe changing out you know trying out this this climate change type of a workout not workout but just you know training I like that climate change training or adapting to the climate whether it's heat or it's cold and and just recognizing that all these things at the end of the day whatever it is that you do is to make you a better servant of God to help you to be a better tool for the Lord to use a better vessel and to honor meet for the Masters use and not bad to have short-term goals but at the end of the day we do this to obtain an incorruptible crown and so pastor Anderson thank you again for being here hope you have a safe trip back home folks thank you for watching make sure you watch the episodes of course on YouTube these will be on audio on Spotify as well and we're looking forward to seeing you all on the next episode god bless and have a great evening you