(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) total total bang boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo Why are you touching wires with your feet? That's disgusting. And he doesn't even have socks on or shoes. You stink up all the wires. Alright, let's get started. Welcome to the Rod of Iron podcast. Fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions, dogma, and daily events. I am your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church. And I'm joined by the fundamentalists. We have Brother Hytav Masian, Brother Adam Kinzari, and we have, of course, our evangelist, Brother Ulysses Hernandez on the board. Have an exciting episode tonight. We're going to be talking about the Fauci emails. The ouchy Fauci emails exposing him for things that we already knew about, basically. And then we're also going to be talking about the popular topic known as blockchain and what that's all about. Its origins, its operations. Can it be used for the New World Order? Adam doesn't think so. I think he works for the New World Order sometimes. I'll probably be talking about a book that I basically read at least twice a year. It's a really good book. And it's about self-improvement and self-development. And so looking forward to a great episode. Gentlemen, are we ready? Let's go. Let's get started. So let's talk about the Fauci emails. Maybe you can pull them up. Yeah, he's right there. Fauci's 2,000 emails a day show how little the U.S. officials knew in the early days of the COVID pandemic. This is CNBC. I think they're trying to dilute the severity of the information that's found on the emails. Basically, I think. That's what it is. They just twisted the whole narrative. I know. He showed diplomacy. Fauci. What is it? It says 2,000 emails a day. You won't find the emails themselves on Google. Actually, this is something interesting. If you actually try to look on Google, like the search engine, for the full set of the emails, the full PDF. You won't find them. It's scrubbed. But if you use any other search engine, it'll be like the third or second result. Go to Bing. Go to Bing. Or DuckDuckGo or something like that. That Julian Assange. DuckDuckGo. Assange? Is that his name? Yeah. Julian Assange. It's DuckDuckGo. So basically, these emails. What's the website? People say that these emails were leaked, but they weren't necessarily leaked. They were actually just given out, right? Yeah, they were like. Foiled. By the Congress or whatever. And these emails are basically, what? What's going on? Why are you going on Yahoo? Just go to Bing. Bing. The way you said that was like Trump. Bing. Bing. Yeah, I hate that search engine, too. I like it. I despise it. Look at that guy. WikiLeaks. That's the website I was talking about. Oh. No, it wasn't leaked, though. It was released by Congress. I don't know if the right word is subpoena. Freedom of Information Act. Yeah, Freedom of Information Act. Basically, what it shows is the fact that Fauci just basically lied. And he didn't know what he was talking about, essentially. He didn't know what he was talking about. And something really interesting is. So he changed, he dramatically changed the dynamics of the United States for an entire year based upon his false information that he was giving. Just how he felt. But isn't he just a scapegoat? It couldn't have been only him. Like, who is he? Well, he was definitely working with, like, what's his name? The Microsoft guy. Bill Gates. Yeah. Yeah, there were contacts. Billy Goat. There were contacting each other back and forth. There's dialogue between them regarding that. But one of the things is the fact that he stated in one of the emails that the virus was made in a lab. Yeah. It actually wasn't him stating it. It was somebody telling him that. Oh, is that what it was? Yeah, I believe so. And the quote is like, yeah, the traits of the virus show potentiality of it being engineered in Wuhan, essentially. And we've known this for years. In Wuhan, in the province or the state or whatever, they have that, like, the bio weapon science lab or whatever where they test viruses and stuff. Which is, by the way, is just completely insane that something like that would even exist. Yeah. When I heard about that, I'm like, what in the world? So there's this, obviously we live in a wicked world. We're not surprised. But I'm saying there's a lab out there, probably more than one. Yeah. No, there is. It's confirmed. There's like hundreds around the world. Where they search for these natural viruses to see... Weaponize them. And weaponize them. And it's like, what in the world? Yeah. That's so evil. And that's basically what they did with the coronavirus. Yeah. Found it in a cave. And then in another email they say there was no clear link of it jumping from, and we've never documented it, jumping from an animal to a human. Just like AIDS. They said AIDS started with, like, some monkey and some... Yeah, monkey. But there's no dog. The first dude to die of AIDS was, like, some gay dude in Quebec. Yeah. There you go. Gaetan Dugas. I'm trying to look for this email here. The song is sent. What? That was his name. Gaetan Dugas. That was his name? Gaetan Dugas. His name is Gaetan. Gaetan. It's like a French name. Like a ton of gay. But... He's like, it's like a French name. It's a pretty common name. Gaetan. But he had a quote, actually. He's like, I have gay cancer. I am going to die, and so are you. Is what he said. On record. What is that supposed to mean? Basically, he went around giving AIDS to everybody. Oh, man. That wicked reprobate. Yeah. I'm trying to look for this email. He was a steward. He was an airline steward. The Fauci email? No, it's an email that someone sent me just showing all the stuff about Fauci. Because we're not knowledgeable about this, apparently. I have it up here. Oh, you do? What's up? I have one of the emails that was sent to him, but the rest is loaded. I heard that Fauci is Mother Teresa's son. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. And they look alike, too. Oh, here it is. Because they're both Italian or whatever. They look alike. They don't look alike. There's a picture of them together. And? They're both white and old. I bet you could take two random senior citizens out here in Orange County and put them beside each other. They look pretty similar. So what happens now? Nothing's going to happen. Fauci, nothing's going to happen to them. I mean, the worst thing that can happen to them is that they're just going to have them step down. Yeah. Probably. We still wear masks. But the guy's a criminal, though. Well, I mean, we're not wearing masks anymore. I mean, they made you wear a mask when they went to Canes or whatever. I went in there like a balls. So my idea is to continue wearing a mask even when everybody stops wearing a mask. You are? That's your idea? Yes. I'm going to keep doing that. Just to like witness against the world. Just to be a contrarian? Dude, honestly, you're not going to witness against everybody. Everybody else is going to be wearing a mask except like Republicans. Oh, are they? Most people still wear a mask. Most people do. There's like, oh, dude, I saw like a therapy thing, I guess you can call it, where it's like helping people cope with living without a mask. And like training people to live without a mask. And like, it's okay not to wear a mask now. You can take it off. Like, it's like unbelievable. Yeah. Because people don't feel comfortable without the mask now. And there's probably going to be a large chunk. It's going to be like China. There's going to be a large chunk of the population where like people just wear masks normally now. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you have the flu and you got to go out, just put a mask. Yeah. I mean, but like, well, if you have a flu, you just stay home. Yeah, just rest. But if you got to go like. Just stay home. There's nobody there to bring you groceries. Don't come to church. Don't come to church. Let's talk about these emails. Because this conversation is going south really quick. Well, I mean, one of them was there's an email from this guy called Adam Gartner or Gartner. And he says, hello, Anthony. This is how the virus was created. And it's a bunch of science stuff. Sounds so fake, dude. It's on page like two thousand two hundred forty six of the emails. Why would you say it's fake? Why would you say it's fake? Because like who sends an email like that? Wicked people who just are having dialogues. Plus like in an email. It's a bunch of sciencey stuff. I mean, how else are they going to communicate? Smoke signals? What do you want? He wants the he wants the emails to be written in hieroglyphics. I mean, hold on a second. If this was all a conspiracy. Well, think about that. Then what difference does it make how it was created? I mean, it's just got to be like a show. Because they lied about it. I mean, we knew they lied. Now it's confirmed. But the thing is, is like people are so deluded. The big. It's not going to matter. The problem is, is the fact that so many people defended Fauci as being an individual who knew what he was talking about. He was the expert, but he didn't know what he was talking about. And obviously, even initially, he flip flopped on the concept of the masks, said that they didn't work, said that they did. And these emails add credence to his ignorance of the whole situation, basically, because it just shows that he really doesn't know what he's talking about. And he's a person who is suspect because of the fact that he funded the gain of function, right? The gain of function is the organization that he funds. I believe that's what it is. I don't know what that is. That has to do with that whole creating the virus. Oh, where he was like, there's going to be like years before COVID-19 was, there's like a clip of him saying there's going to be like an outbreak or whatever. Was that months before? Or something like that. They were doing like a whole COVID. Basically, where the virus is made, he kind of had a part in that. So, gain of function had a part in that organization, that research lab that leaked or created the virus. And so, obviously, he's suspect if he's somehow attached to it. It also explains his weird behavior where he'll take the mask off as soon as the cameras turn off and stuff like that. Because they don't really believe it. They don't really believe it. Well, a ton of people have done that. There's this video of Kamala Harris. She just went to Guatemala. Oh, yeah. Don't come. Yeah. And she got, man, she got chewed out over there. Like people don't like Kamala over there at all. In Guatemala? Yeah. There's like a video where she went to Guatemala giving out cookies of her face. This is a weird world that we live in. She's a narcissist. Major narcissist. She went out and gave cookies of her face. Just the Guatemalans or what? Random people? Yeah. Look, that's the cookie right there. The faceless cookie. No way. That's so weird. Is she wearing a wedding dress? What the heck? What's up with her face? Don't got one. That's what happens when you get possessed. So, she went over there. She got booed. And then, what is it? Guatemala. What does it say? Oh, yeah. Kamala Trump. Yeah. I saw there was like Guatemalans with like Trump 2024 signs and stuff. Yeah. I mean, this is in Guatemala. Look at that sign that says, Kamala, mind your business. That's funny. What does she go down there for? I don't know. Just for foreign policy or something like that. Yeah, diplomatic stuff. But she was meeting with one of the leaders over there, and he had a mask, and they all have masks. And she didn't have a mask. And as soon as they were done talking, she walks up to him. The guy's like, put your mask on. Why don't you have your mask on? The other guy's like, hey, you need to put your mask on. And she's like, oh. Yeah. You know? But obviously, that behavior, that type of behavior is- Hypocritical. Not just hypocritical, but it kind of shows you that she probably never wears a mask. The one not on camera. Exactly. Yeah. Because she's so used to not having it on, she's forgetting or whatever. Whereas normal people, if you don't have a mask on in the store, you're like, this is weird. Or people who actually believe in the masks, they wear it all the time. They wear it in their car, they wear it in the store. Seeing people wear it in the car is the craziest thing to me. These people are crazy. When it comes to conspiracies, I want to know the motive, and I want to know what's their end game. Everything else in the middle, I don't care about. Calm down. Calm down. Chill out. Okay, bro? I think the motive- The motive was to crash the economy. Oh, you think so? That's what I think. Well, first, it could be multiple things. Number one, it could be to kill off a bunch of people to see if they can get away with something like this. Yeah. I mean, it did kill elderly, right? It killed a lot of people. Elderly and obese. Yeah. Yeah. Number two, to see if they can get away with something like this, because this has just kind of happened overnight almost, and then it completely changed the dynamics of America. Number three, to kind of gauge the intelligence of the common man in the United States. And I told a pastor friend of mine, this is kind of like a ... Not a prerequisite, but it's kind of like testing grounds to see if you put out a lie out there like this, will people just believe it? Do you think it's a little bit of a conditioning too? Yeah, I think so. Because it feels strange to walk up to a place and get something to beep on your head to get it tested. It feels strange to do that, but it's so normal now. Now it's normal. Yeah. So I think that, and then one of the other reasons would be just to crash the economy. It has to do with money. I think that's probably the biggest one. I think that's what it is. And the thing is, I'm not of the sort that doesn't believe that the virus doesn't believe in the virus. Some people still believe the virus doesn't exist. I got it. Yeah. And from the very beginning, I've always said- It's different. This virus is like the flu on steroids. Yeah, that's true. Because I've had the flu and I've had it really bad in times past, but I never had it like this. And you never lost your taste. I lost my taste. I lost my sense of taste. And that's neural. That's something in your brain. It's the weirdest thing to me. Yeah. It's like it's not even your taste buds that are not catching it. It's like your brain- That's why I told my pastor friend, I was like, this has to be made in the lab. Because the, what's the word I'm looking for? The symptoms. Because the symptoms are so foreign, they're so odd. You know, I've never had a fever last for more than one day, actually. This one lasted for over three days. I've had body aches before, but nothing like this where my kidneys were just feeling like they're wrecked. My legs hurt really bad. My sense of taste and smell were gone, which is something completely foreign. I'm like, this had to have been made. There was also earlier, like early on the reports, there were people who got it and then recovered, their blood was thicker. They were more likely to get blood clots and stuff like that. People who got it and recovered. Yeah. And they were also, they found that it crosses the blood brain barrier and stuff like that. What's that? Like a neurotoxin would do that with taking your blood, like a pit viper. That's what it does, it coagulates your blood. And then you need Advil or something to thin it out. Two, I think initially, I think there's not just one reason why the virus was made. One of the biggest reasons is that it helped demonize Trump, because Trump was doing really well as the president. Yeah. Like carnally. The country was doing well. The country was doing well, so to speak. The economy was just booming. Thanks for clarifying that, Adam. What? As a spiritual, we were in such a great place. Thanks, Adam. The economy was just booming. Yeah. He's, I don't know what's up with this guy. You need to put some socks on. You act differently without socks. Put your feet away. Put your feet away. I'm saying that the economy was booming and people really liked Trump. Even people who didn't like him initially liked him a lot. And it was, you know, obviously there's debate whether he won the election or not or whatever and people lied. But I think this was kind of like, was put forth to make him look bad, obviously. That and I think the George Floyd thing. I think it was like orchestrated, because that happened at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was in on it with them. And they're just being like really sadistic, kind of like giving candy to a baby only to take it away. It's like, hey, look, it could be good. But then, oh no, guess what? Yeah, that's like, that's... See, that's weird. You see, you're talking about conspiracy. He's over here criticizing conspiracies and he comes up with something even crazier. I'm not criticizing. I mean, is there any... He's like, I need proof. I need to... I don't care about anything in between. I don't believe any conspiracy. And then he's just like, he's in on it. There are conspiracies out there. That's a fact. There are conspiracies. Yeah. I'm just saying the minor ones are the real ones. I think these people are so sadistic that they would actually do something like that. Do you think they'd do that to Trump? I think they'd do that. They didn't do anything to Trump. He's basically saying that Trump is in cahoots with them. Trump is doing just fine with or without being the President of the United States. That's true. Yeah, he is. It's a game, dude. It's like a political theater. Yeah, it's the fake right, left, right. Julius Caesar is a play, like Brutus. No, actually, it happened in real life. Never mind. But the play, when they put on a play, I mean, they're two actors, right? Regardless of how much they hate each other on screen. Yeah, but I do believe, even though, obviously, they're part of the same bird. Yes. Yeah. Unfortunately, people who are not part of that bird follow the bird. They got nothing else to do. They go bird watching. You're not getting me right now. They got nothing else to do. They go bird watching. They ain't got time to do anything else. What I'm saying is the fact that if they can, you know, cause Trump to lose or go against it. It'll polarize. It'll polarize it. And then people who follow Trump, who are sincere people, can be deceived. People who follow Biden can be deceived. It's the people that they influence kind of thing. Yeah, which all the more, I think, kind of goes to prove my point. All the more. All right. Because they're just sending people up. They're divide and conquer. But they need like this head guy to lead a group or I don't, I don't think Trump really knows. Um, I mean, I'm not saying he's not wicked. I think he's a wicked person. I think that, um, I think it was genuinely, it just came from like a sucker punch basically. It just, I don't think, although he, I think he's wicked. I don't think he is in on all the nefarious agendas that are taking place. I mean, if you ask puppets don't really know the strings that are, they're pulling them sometimes, you know, Like I think Fauci is more of a puppet than somebody who's pulling. I think they're all puppets. Any president, like ultimately Satan being the puppet master. Well, I think even, I think the ones who are running Trump and running Biden, those are the puppet masters and the ones above them are, is like Satan. Well they're devils. Yeah. And I believe that, which is, I think they're out there on the same team and I think knowingly on the same team, not that they were confused or something like that. I don't think so. I think, I think, I mean, there's obviously, I think they did, they're on the same team in the sense of like, they're both anti-God, but I think in order to make it an effective, They can't know. Yeah. They can't really know. Like they need to put out, how can I explain it? In order for them to react or respond or fight genuinely against one another, they need to believe that this is like the real deal. Let's just put it this way. The chalk it up to their deceivers and they're also deceived. Yeah. That's a good way to put it. But what I'm trying to clarify though, is the fact that I don't think Trump is in on it. Like once he lost, he's like, all right, everything's going according to plan. 2024 here I come. Yes. I think he genuinely thinks like there was fraud and everything because then that, that incites his passion and it looks more real. It is real. I think the people who ultimately are over them obviously are over them. Like the Republican party, Democrats, same bird. You know what I mean? At that point, for all intents and purposes, it's real, except for the people at the top. I'm just brainstorming. You know? Yeah. I know. I agree with you. I agree with you. I'm just saying like, I don't think they really know. Like, okay, let me give you proof of the fact that they don't know the actual politicians. Yes. Let me give you 100% concrete proof, but that they don't know Biden, that guy don't know nothing. That's true. Dude, if he knew, if he knew that he was pulling strings or, or, you know, or that, um, all the nefarious agendas behind it, he'd be like, they got to fall over and die. The guy barely can just like focus on staying alive and standing and formulating some sort of coherent sentence every once in a while. And even without saying something racist, but I think they put something as someone as stupid as Biden in the office, the guy is a complete moron. He's an idiot. So that's it. That's even more proof that he's a puppet, right? Yeah. That's true. You see what I'm saying? So he's like, he's not, the guy's not smart enough to know all these things. The guy is a complete idiot. He's a goofball. I mean, it's a complete joke. People would have a hard time speculating that or believing that speculation. If we're talking about Trump, but come on, we're okay. Let's talk about Biden then. He's not that intelligent. You know what I mean? I mean, look at Kamala. Kamala is not an intelligent person either. She got to where she was. It was just, just pure wickedness for being a whore. So yeah, I'm converted. Thanks. I mean, long story short, I think pastor's right when he says like, you know, it was kind of good times, like economy wise, like the country was running good. And then they threw out the whole pandemic, the cold COVID thing. And then they threw out like the George Floyd, the racial tension. And all of this was just a, it was sort of the same end result to just polarize even more because Trump was a polarizing figure in himself. And then how do we make it even like crazier? Yeah. So I think the people up top, the powers of darkness, obviously they're running both. And they're kind of like Joab and the other gentleman that I can't remember his name right now where he's just like, well, let them play before us. Let the man rise up and play. And it's like, they're both in on it waiting by the pool side as their guys fighting, fight against each other. That's basically the Republican and the Democratic parties. It's like the black ant and the red ant in the jar and they're shaking it. Yeah, exactly. It's like, yeah, that makes sense. There's one person who's really in charge of all that. Yeah. You know, because if, if everyone was in on it and you'd have like a WWE style type of world. Hey, they actually hate, some of them hate each other in WWE in real life. Yeah. But they're, but they know that they're actors though is what I'm saying. Like they know they're acting afterwards, even, even some of them who don't hate each other, they act like they hate each other on camera and then they go have a beer or something like that. Didn't that happen? I think. Were you telling me about that? I don't, I don't really talk about WWE. That's probably this guy. Oh, it was probably you actually. Like they got caught, like two of them having like a beer together and they begged the police not to, not to release it out to the public. Oh man. They were like enemies. Somebody would tell me about that. I think it was, it was you, you know, he believes it's real. He's like, I would never say something like that. This is false information. Yeah. I think, I think also like, um, just wrecking the economy and like just changing how this world works. Like, we're not really feeling it yet. Like how bad I think I believe it's going to get like economy wise. Like we talked about the support, like the, the, the fed printed like 40% more of the money supply. It was like the highest unemployment ever recorded since like the great depression. Not even like 2008. Like we got to go like a hundred years back to see these like unemployment rates and it's not just America, it's all over the world. Well, you know, going back to that point, the fact that they don't know, like Fauci obviously is a very wicked individual, which is why he's in the position that he's in. Okay. But to prove that the guy's not running the show, look at all this stuff that came out about him where he's just contradicting himself. He just actually doesn't know. He just doesn't know the guy is just a complete idiot. He's an idiot. He doesn't know what he's talking about. And he's been, he's been, he's been called out on the carpet because of it. And again, nothing's going to, he should be tried as a criminal for just destroying a lot of people's lives, misinformation and completely changing the economic dynamics of this, of this country and destroying people's lives and just all types of stuff. Like the guy is- Kids killing themselves literally because like, yeah, they're like stuck at home for like two years. You know, with the whole lockdowns and everything, I mean, there's a lot of crazy stuff that happened in the last 365 days. Hasn't it been longer than that at this point? It's been longer. Yeah. Yeah. Because now we're in June. He is ultimately just a scapegoat, right? Nobody heard of this guy over a year ago. I mean, the average man didn't. I mean, obviously like, you know, he, I'm not excusing the fact that he's, he's, he's obviously wicked. We know that he's an evil person. And one of the reasons he just kept lying is because he wanted to remain relevant. He wanted to keep, he wanted the, you said you wanted the glory and be in the limelight. Want people to keep looking to him for information and being this leader. People call it, people say that he, people see him as like the Jesus of the medical realm or whatever. He's like this, people have looked to him for, but, but that's not even true though, because of the fact that even people who believed him initially, even though the CDC is coming out and saying that you're not supposed to, don't wear masks anymore, people are still wearing masks. They're like, no, we still got to wear masks. They shouldn't have, you know, called it out that fast. I don't think that's right. I want to see those people and be like, trust the science, trust the science. You have it from Dr. Fauci's mouth in the email. He says, yeah, the supermarket masks that you buy aren't really effective at all. I mean, it says so on the box, but it just goes to show that people are unreasonable when they're afraid, they just, you know, their fear rules them and you can't, you can't talk sense. There's people who haven't left their house in like literally a year and a half. I know people personally. That's good man. Just stay in the house. No, it's not good. It has not been good for the people that I know, their, their mental health is just deteriorated. They just become, become, have become different people. Yeah. It's sad. Yeah. It's like, it's almost like all they can talk about is how scared they are. Yeah. Essentially. It's wild. Yeah. That's sad. That's terrorism though. That is domestic terrorism. It is. It's like psychological terrorism. Yeah. What Fauci did? It is psychological war. They consider it to be psychological terrorism. I consider it. I consider it. Why is that? I think it's terrorism. Why? It's terrorizing the mind. Yeah. Terrorizing the mind. They're like implanted this virus into people's minds. It's like gaslighting. It's gaslighting. It's gaslighting is what it is. I wouldn't go that far. Oh yeah. Absolutely. But it's terrorism. Because a terrorist imposes themselves upon an innocent individual. Terrorists cause terror. Yeah. But, but the person who's being terrorized has no choice. Whereas we have a choice whether we want to be terrorized by Fauci or not. No. But like, Right? Like, like when they put out, when they put out that information, it's just like, we either believe it or not. Maybe somebody our age. What about like the elderly? I would just say that, that this, they're obviously wicked people and the simple passed on and are punished because they believe every word, you know, but I wouldn't call it something I want. I'm not saying, I'm not trying to lessen how wicked he is by not saying he's a terrorist because terrorist means like someone who literally, yeah, imposes terror upon a person and they kind of have like no choice whatsoever. Whereas we had a choice. I mean, we were not struck with terror. Yeah. But like, you can't really say that. Obviously everybody has free will, everybody has choice, but like a wife being gaslit, for example, it's like, how much is the choice does she have if she's being gaslit? Well, we all have individual sole liberty. We all have the ability to think for ourselves. Absolutely. But when you, when you gaslight like the literally half the country, right? I mean, it's pretty effective at that point. Obviously we have individual sole liberty, but this is something that works and they gaslit half the country into thinking, yeah, I agree with that. I just, I wouldn't go as far as to say that you're, they're like mental terrorists. Because that's what they would call us. They would call us like mental terrorists. They flew planes in the building. We don't, we don't make people believe what we, what we teach and preach, right? We don't make people believe and force them to believe what we preach. No, but these people do. They say like, Hey, if you don't believe this, we're going to fire you from your job. You can't see your kids. You don't go to work. You can't go to the store. You can't buy groceries. Yeah. But that's obviously. We still have a choice. I don't feel terrorized. I feel fine. But like the average person, I think, like you said, you know, these people like this. Yeah. And it's, they're weak minded. They're weak minded. But what I'm saying is like, they have a choice. Even the people that I know had a choice, I mean, the people who still wear masks have a choice, right? It's like, you have a choice, like believe it. Why is it that you believe them in the beginning, but you don't believe it now? But then it's kind of like pick your poison because people outside of like maybe church or the truth in general, they only have so many sources to go to for news. Like Fox 11, CBS, CNN. What are you going to watch? And they're all really saying the same thing. Yeah. I don't know. Yep. That's crazy. At the end of the day, the coronavirus was made in a lab. The masks don't work. I just keep repeating that because I said that from the very beginning. Masks don't work. Masks do not work. I mean, well, we can't say they don't work a hundred percent, but I'm saying to the extent that Fauci and the CDC said that they work, the triple masks. I'm sure if they work, if you put three of them on, then nothing's getting in or out. Well, first of all, from the very beginning, we never wore masks in our car. That doesn't work. And they would even say like, Fauci would come out and say, you should wear it when you're home. Did he say that? I'm pretty sure he said that. One of his recommendations was it would be a good idea if you wore it while you're at home. It's like, what? That's so weird. I mean, why would it be weird to you? He said so many other stupid things. Yeah, I know. But like, people who believe this, people who believe this. Look it up. Maybe- Yeah. Fauci's saying, should you wear a mask at home or something? The CDC recommended those two years of age and older wear a mask in public settings when you're around people who do not live in your household, when caring for someone who is sick. This is like newer though, isn't it? Yeah. That's from November 25th. Yeah. But that's even if you're at home. Oh, yeah. Whether at home or in non-healthcare settings, see? Well- That's weird. When caring for someone who has COVID. Yeah. Are masks effective against coronavirus disease? I mean, regardless of if you said it or not, people are wearing masks at home. Yeah. And people are wearing masks in their car. So- Yeah. But here's to show you how dumb our country is sometimes or the people in our country is the fact that all this information is coming up about Fauci and nothing's going to happen to him. It doesn't change anything. I mean, that's how much we've been polarized. Yeah. Well, didn't they prove that jet fuel can't melt steel and people yet believe that- 9-11 was not- 9-11 was an outside- An inside job? Yeah. Well, did they say the reason for that is because it can't melt steel beams, but it can weaken them is what they say. Okay. Yeah. Weaken it the way it can- Yeah. Maybe the top 100 some odd floor- Yeah. I'm just saying that's the explanation. That's how they explain it away. They say it can weaken the steel. Dude. Yeah. Well, I mean, the liberals basically say, yeah, they say don't wear a mask, but we should still wear one just because we don't want to be confused for conservatives, Republicans. So it's just like, it's not even about health anymore. It's politics. It's never been about health. Wearing your mask while driving alone can be more of a danger to your safety than protection. How's that? Cause you might faint, dude. It's hot and you have your mask on and your car and the windows are rolled up like you need air. Anyways, Fauci's wicked. Hopefully he, I mean, not hopefully he is going to get what's coming to him. God's going to punish that guy for being such an evil, wicked piece of crap. So anyways, so let's talk about blockchain. Take it away, Adam. Take it away, Adam. What is blockchain? Okay. Oh, now let's talk about blockchain, Adam, don't you know something about that? It's Minecraft for adults. Essentially. Yeah. Minecraft for adults. You know how many comments I'm beginning on my, I have this, I have this clip where I, where I'm, where I'm, uh, I'm preaching against Minecraft. It was like a little segment on my video games in light of the Bible sermon. And I have all these loser video game addicts who are just flooding my common section, hating the fact that I was like preaching against Minecraft. This is so stupid. You know why that is? I think recently, cause they're immature and stupid and need to get a job. Did that happen recently? It's been happening for the last couple of months. Okay. Recently there's like a huge YouTuber. He's like a video game YouTuber and he put out, he's put out like a series of videos on pastor Anderson's sermons. Who? PewDiePie? You probably haven't heard it. It doesn't matter. But, um, oh really? Yeah. He's been putting out, I think that he's done two or three like against him. Yeah. He'll play, he'll play, he'll play the video, like the sermon clip. Yeah. And then he'll like, he just comments over it. Right. It just makes like a comedic commentary or whatever. Um, and that's been like sending like tons of like video games people. That's cool. And the sermons or yeah, the sermons that he's like commentating over are, um, one of them is pastor Anderson saying that women should be silent in church. Yeah. And the other one is like, if you play video games, you're a loser. Well then probably what comes up on the recommended is that, that certain, that little clip. Yeah. It's when, when he, when he had that beach background with like the water, it's one of those like those super old sermons. Um, there's so many people going on that comment section and they're just so like, cause I get notifications on my YouTube creator studio and um, people are super offended at that clip. So what I did was, um, there's so many comments that I just, I, I think it was this morning maybe or yesterday I typed in, um, snowflakes and snowflake comments below and I pinned my comment. So I pinned my comment at the, so it stays at the top and as it like finger pointing down. What video is this for? It's called is playing Minecraft sinful. Oh, I've never seen that. Yeah. It's what for my sermon called, um, uh, video games in light of the Bible. And I was preaching against playing video games. I got to see that. You can watch it later. Hi. Yeah. Come on. You talk about blockchain dude. Let me see this real quick. So what is blockchain? Okay. So essentially, um, before I get into it, I kind of just want to like lay down some ground or like ground knowledge is like how, how we got our King James Bible, essentially like a curse. You see how he does this? He, he's, he's, he's like, let me spiritualize it. People don't judge me. Yeah, of course. You got it. It means Rod of iron podcast. All right. Tell me what, um, so yeah, the way we got our Bible, um, put it to put it in simple terms is essentially, you know, we, humanity had like the hundreds or thousands of how many, many of the word manuscripts of the texture of septus and the old set or a total Testament and stuff like that. And all these, all these manuscripts, all these texts matched and the way that we know that it's, you know, the Bible that we have is true if we were, obviously we believe on it by faith, right? The King James Bible is true. And every word of God is preserved, but from a human perspective, human, I guess from like a textual criticism perspective, um, well, we, you, you, we know it's true because textual criticism. That's something else. Isn't that textual criticism are those who are against the Bible. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don't know what exactly what the word, those who are, those are the people who basically scrutinize the, I guess that makes sense. Textual criticism. Yeah. Okay. But basically, basically from, from a, from a human standpoint, you know, let's say for example, if all the Bibles disappeared today, even the King James, and we only had a certain amount of copies, we would just copy what, like the one King James that we had. And we spread those out. We make a bunch of copies. We make a bunch of copies. Send it to every corner of the world. Basically. And then a thousand years later. Yeah. And you're trying to make one canonized Bible and let's say there's copies of Ephesians somewhere. Yeah. You ultimately compile them all. Let's say there was 10. Yeah. You just compile all those into one place. And eight of those say the same exact thing, but two of them do not. Yeah. Correct. Which one do you go with? You go with the ones who, the eight basically. But obviously, um, new or yeah, I guess new Bible versions, their textual method for translation is they go with the weird reading, the one that's like off kilter. They go with the two. The new one. They go with the, yeah, they go with the two. They go with the one that doesn't match the others because they say, oh, well this one's older and it's different. So they, it must've been changed from this, which is just a weird assumption to me. Um, and the reason I laid down that groundwork is because in a sense, um, you can, you can describe this as a blockchain and what a blockchain is, is this, um, technology. Well, that's a form of blockchain. You could say the way the King James or the way that the King James was created, so to speak, is, is a rudimentary almost concept. It's like a primitive, I guess you'd call it blockchain, right? Working without internet, working without like telecommunication, et cetera. Um, and the way blockchain works is it takes that idea essentially, and it's not, you need to keep delving into that part because in order to help people understand, basically the way it works is it's a, it's a good accountability. If there's more than one copy of the manuscript, you can trust what you have because there exists, like you said, eight other manuscripts that say the exact same thing, essentially. Um, and the way, the reason I bring this up first is because the blockchain, this technology is essentially a technology to, to, to, to track, uh, transactions. Um, so like a company, like a company would have like a ledger, right? And they would track every transaction manual. We bought this, we sold this, et cetera. Yeah. And the way, and the way that works is how do you know that ledger is true? Well, the best way to do it is similar to how we got our King James Bible was to make a bunch of copies and send it around the world and then compare and the way the blockchain works is so any time, and it obviously it's the, it's the underlying technology for cryptocurrency essentially. And, um, the way, the way it works is every time somebody transacts, makes a transaction of a certain cryptocurrency, um, that transaction is logged everywhere, like in millions and millions of ledgers around the world. So it's a completely decentralized, similar to how the Bible essentially was completely decentralized. No one person can own the Bible, right? Same way with this blockchain. No one person can own the blockchain unless they own 99% of it. Who are, who are the ones that, um, have the ledgers? I can have it. You can have it. Anybody can have it. Okay. It's, it's regular people. Companies can have it. Anybody can have it. How does that happen? Was just, it's like with an application you start, you can like mine it and, and support it. That's kind of like deep the way you do that. But it's essentially, they exist on individual computers around the world and it's completely, how many ledgers exist right now? I have no idea. When did it start? 2010, 2000. Yeah, 2010. It's probably millions. Yeah. Yeah. For, for Bitcoin, at least there's millions. So this web of, um, ledgers exists right now. Exactly. Yeah. All around the world. Yeah. Keeping track of transactions all around the world. Exactly. And the way, the way you can trust the transactions that are made through cryptocurrency wallets. Yeah. And they're all, they're all separate blockchains. So each, each coin has a separate blockchain. Okay. So it's not all like Bitcoin has its own blockchain and then Bitcoin two has its own, if there was something like that, et cetera, et cetera. Um, and the way, you know, these transactions are legit is because you can compare it to all the millions of other ledgers around the world. So I can't like go in and say, Hey, Pastor Mejia gave me a thousand bucks and like take that thousand dollars from your, your wallet and give it to myself because it has to be compared to every single other ledger in the world. And, uh, when you have, um, when you become a part of this, of this system, when you become a part of the system, you don't put any personal information. They just give you a number. Yeah. It's pseudonymous essentially. I mean, it's not completely anonymous cause you have a identifying number identifying number, but that identifying number is not linked to any innate characteristics that you have. It's only linked to you by the knowledge of a password and it's called like a wallet address essentially. And you can only access a wallet address by knowing the password. So, so I think, I think you guys have some, uh, you know, some reservations about that. Of course. I mean, cause it's all, you know, I know it's, they says decentralized and all that, and that is true now, but realistically speaking, everything becomes centralized. And if it's a, if, if it, if the technology is so advanced that you can do that, why wouldn't people in high places? And ultimately all somebody has to do is really pull the plug on it all, right? Like you need a computer. There are certain tools that you will never, yeah, but the plug will never be pulled on something like that because you have to pull every plug in the world order has to operate on this kind of reminds me during the gold rush when everybody was just flooding the West coast, right? To mine for gold, but ultimately not too many people were successful. The people who were successful were the ones selling the shovels. So I don't know. Where do you, that's a good point. I don't get the application. It's a good point, but that is a good point. But you're actually wrong about that. If it would be a good point, if, if that, if that was a true statement, but there's a lot of people who got rich off of gold during that time. But percentage, I think when it comes to like a percentage of people who actually made the attempt to do it, um, against the people who actually got rich off it, ultimately the people who got rich off it were the people selling the shovels. I mean, I, I, I think that's, what is the application to what, what he's basically saying is that at the end of the day, the people who are going to be rich off of, um, this technology currency is the one who created it. Or the one who, or the people who have the tools. If there's an nefarious agenda behind it, I don't think the, the, the end game is for them to be rich. Like the people who created it. Well, I think it's just to establish technology out there, this, this technology to get it out into the world, to create this web of, um, of ledgers. So the information can be out there. Everyone has a copy of this ledger, a copy of this ledger, but they also have a name that's subscribed to them, but it's in the cloud. Yeah. Ultimately you don't even own it without, or you can't access it without the proper tools. The tools being there has to be databases. There has to be computers there. That's wrong. You, the only way, the only thing you need to access it is the password anywhere. Yes. But you can't just like walk up to Uli's computer here and put in a password. If you, if there is no computer, if there is no shovel, he's basically saying like, um, ultimately it can all come crashing down if there was just no internet. If there was no internet, then we have a lot bigger problems. No, I didn't say there's no internet. I said you don't have access to the internet. So let's say you have this wallet, right? If they were to shut down the internet, then all of it would come crashing down assets or digital. What if they were just like, they just shut down the internet and said that there's this global problem where the internet shut down for whatever reason. They said, in order to get it up and running, we need you to do this. Put it in your information. We're going to have to attach your number. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I think that's not how it works. Essentially like the internet, the internet doesn't exist on a database somewhere. It is simply like the, the, the communication between two computers. Yeah. But you request information from somewhere like information is stored places. Yeah. That's what websites are. But the internet, that's what databases are. Yeah. And what do databases hold? Websites information. But that's not what, that's not what the internet, the internet is simply like the next, it's the highway, the next, the next, essentially it's the next, um, step up from the telegram from like, you know, there's wires going across the ocean and we can communicate with those. But it's different because I can set up a computer here and I can set up a computer here. I can set up a two computers in this room and I can put a router in between them. And that's, that's a, that's its own internet right there. It's an interconnected network. Internet essentially digital wallets. Where are they? Are they in a database somewhere? No. Where are they? They're decentralized across every single computer in the world. So it's the computer that is the, it's every single computer in the world. The information bank. Let me ask you, there's no information bank. Let me ask you a question. How do you log into your wallet with the password? Using what though? Like I'm saying it would be like an app or an application or, um, you, there's these things called hardware wallets, which are, um, uh, like these hardware wallets that can only be used for this one tool as for logging into your wallet, you input a password. Is it, it can link to your phone. It can link to a computer. There's a lot of ways to access it. There's no one way, but the only thing that you do need is access to the internet, which is correct. Right. But there's no like person behind the curtains that can just flip the switch and turn off the internet. I don't, I don't know if that's true. What about internet service providers? That's a little different because dude, my internet service, Frontier Communications, they just raised my price by 20%. There's nothing I can do about it. If they just decided to shut me off one day. Obviously from, obviously you kind of simplified it there, Adam, when you said there's no one behind the curtains with the switch. Obviously we know there's not someone with the literal switch, but obviously there's people that run these separate businesses that can literally change everything that we have and we can't do anything about it. That's true. Yeah. But it can also, it can always be built back up is what I'm trying to say. By the people who want it to be built back up. But you don't have to join to that system. You will eventually. Not Christians. Yeah. Obviously not Christians. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, uh, but here's the thing is that nowhere in the Bible are like Christians going to be able to buy or sell, right? Correct. So it's like, you're not gonna be able to do anything like Bitcoin is not going to exist in your favor in the new world order. It's just not going to happen. You really think it is? I'm joking. I'm like, man, you are delusional, my friend. It's not going to happen. No, obviously I don't, but in the meantime, in the meantime, in the meantime, before that happens. So blockchain, I just, I just view blockchain. It's obviously a good, it's good. Just like having a security camera system is good. Yeah. Right. Like you can see why people would want multiple ledgers everywhere for accountability sake. Okay. Same thing with, with video cameras and CCTV. If you have all kinds of cameras everywhere, it can work for your benefit, accountability for crime, for thieves and all these things. But obviously you could see how it can be used against you as well. Yeah. You know what I mean? And so, but don't you think most technology in this world is eventually going to be used, um, used against us? Yeah, absolutely. I'm for the technology that's moving towards a new world order. I just want to put it out there. You're not financing it. No, like utilize it for good. Yes. I utilize it. Like, like, like the, I watch people give me a hard time over there on, on, on the rod of iron podcast comment section sometimes because I have like an, I watch dude, the, the, the wallet that I have on the, I watch the Apple pay. It's great. It's the mark of the beast without being without the damnation. It's very convenient. It is. You just like tap it right there. And you're good to go. Yeah. I got a timer for the cam. We use it for good. But obviously you would say that, um, I guess, would you say that, um, that this blockchain technology that came out in 2010 that nobody knows who, who created it, they know a guy created it, but he's anonymous. Um, would you say this is Satan trying to imitate God or would you just say it's kind of getting inspiration from God? Well, I think, I think it goes back to our conversation from last time, which I know a lot of people don't agree with it, but I think it's true. Which is the fact that I don't think Satan and gives people knowledge of inventions. And someone had mentioned something about like, they, they were trying to not contradict me, but they're challenging that thought that I gave. And they gave all these examples of God endowing people with wisdom to, you know, create, to build and brass and iron. But what's the difference there. It's God, who's doing that. You know, it's not angels or it's not Satan. Satan's not a wellspring of knowledge, or he's not a source of knowledge. He's not the source of wisdom and or knowledge, just corruption, just corruption. And just from a biblical perspective, Satan, his tactics and his methods to further his kingdom of darkness, so to speak, has always been to become a, uh, to, uh, uh, a copycat, to put something that's fraudulent out there. So basically a perverted version of what God has done. Like the Antichrist, he's going to be a perverted version of Jesus. Everything is just like a dark opposite of what God does. Well, ultimately blockchain wants to be like, So what I'm saying, well, hold on, what I'm saying is, yeah, what I'm saying is it's a, it's great technology. Someone created it, you know? Um, but obviously Satan has enough intelligence to know that this can further his, his goals, his goals. Yeah. I actually agree with you a lot. Um, and here's the thing, like people, I'm not saying like, you know, like, for example, there's not wicked people out there who, who are inventors of evil things who may even invent things out in the world. And they, they have a cloak of righteousness, so to speak. Like it can be used for a noble cause, you know, it can be used for a noble cause such as this, but the underlying motive is that they wanted to use it for something nefarious in the future or something. If to put, put, put that like idea into practice, I think you're right in saying that because in its current iteration, most, most of these cryptocurrencies that have like underlying blockchains, I don't think they can be used for nefarious purposes just because of their nature. But there's a lot of talk of central bank cryptocurrencies. And what that would mean is that these would be centralized, decentralized blockchains. Isn't that kind of contradicted? So it does, but the way it works, the way it is theorized to work is there would be a private blockchain and a public blockchain, right? So there'd be two copies of, of every single ledger. And if they wanted to, they could edit the private blockchain, the central bank cryptocurrencies. And so a lot of people in like the cryptocurrency world are very against these because it goes against the very nature or the very idea of the philosophy behind cryptocurrencies. But that, that that is literally like how the B system work. Cause if, if a central bank, if a world central bank, for example, which is essentially how the U S federal reserve works. Cause every central bank in the world has us dollar in its reserves. If, if they, if the America were to create a cryptocurrency and then offload that to the whole world and say, you have to use this now, you have to put this in your bank, then they could track literally every single transaction in every single central bank around the world. Well, that's what I'm saying is like, it could be obviously used for, for, to further the new world order. Because if you think about that, like when they start hunting Christians down, how can they do that? Well, aside from the security cameras and all that, the satellites, they can also track where you're spending. This guy's getting gas here at this corner of the street. He went to this store, he's gone here and they can look for, look for one, one, two, one, one. Yeah. You know what I mean? And that's, they just track that all across the board and then they find you or whatever. You know, they could even probably predict where you're going to go just based on what you've done previously. Oh yeah. Oh, that's another thing they already do. Yeah. They do. They used to do that. Target used to do that. Oh yeah. They probably still do it where they sent, they sent some, they sent some girl like target you. They literally target you. Yeah. They sent some girl in the mail like diaper coupons or something. Because they, they, they've, they've seen her, they tracked her patterns and basically said, okay, she's about to have a baby or something. It's like, what in the world? But it's going to be like to the point is going to be so pinpoint accurate. And that's really, really true. Well, how about this? Even on your phone, your phone does that already. My phone does that. There's certain times of the day where my phone says, you know, it'll take you this long to get to this destination right now. And it's like, how do they know? That's pretty rudimentary though. Yeah. Imagine all the stuff going on behind it. Cause that's just like, oh, this guy goes there. They're here every day. Yeah. Right. But imagine the stuff that you don't, isn't that obvious? It shows me as that I think about, I don't even necessarily type it in. So I think that might be, that might be a, what is it called? Confirmation bias. A lot of the time you see, you see stuff that you think about. I don't know. It's a very, well, I, it's funny you mentioned that because that actually happened a couple of days ago. It was actually something that I thought about. What was it? I don't remember what it was, but I was thinking about it. And then maybe like a couple of minutes later I got on Facebook and I saw an ad for it and I was just like, they can know what you're about to think about. So look, I have, I have the six K camera, right? And it takes Canon EF lenses, but I was thinking, maybe I should try some Sony lenses. And I've never like thought of buying Sony lenses ever. And all of a sudden, like I opened, I think it was Instagram or Facebook and it was advertising Sony lens, but that's not that weird. Cause I'm sure you look up camera stuff all the time. Yes. But not Sony though. Yeah. But like how many camera makers are there? There aren't major makers, but I know, I know that whatever, I can't remember exactly what it was, but whatever I saw, it was out of the ordinary of what typically would be advertised to me or the brand that will be advertised to me. Yeah. I'm not saying they can read your mind, but maybe they, they, they, they can predict what you want. They could probably predict things based upon, I don't know what they, cause obviously like, I guarantee if I go on Facebook right now, it's gonna, they're going to pull up like whatever it is we're talking about or something, you know, it's gonna, it's gonna pull up. Cause obviously they Facebook is constantly listening. Yeah. So imagine, imagine that, that concept, but with like if there's a name attached to your wallet address and they can track every single transaction you make with your wallet address and every wallet address you own, that's predictive programming, or not predictive programming, but they can predict what you want to do. Um, yeah, that's why it's like, um, be careful. I mean, forget using your transactions to figure out where you're going to be. They'd already know where you're going to go. They'll say, he'll be here by three PM based upon his prior, you know, conversations with conversations and he's based upon, he's hungry right now at 11 o'clock or something. He's going to be going here. These are the three restaurants that he typically attends. Like they, they'll be able to, but I don't think, I don't think at the point where that happens, it's going to be necessarily oppressive. I think like the end times are going to be generally like time of, of freedom where like people who do have the mark, people who do have the mark, well not for Christians, obviously not. Yeah. Yeah. Well obviously it's going to be a time for freedom because whoever takes the mark of the beast is going to be as free as possible. I think it's going to be prosper physically. I think it's going to be pretty prosperous, not for Christians. We were going to be, we're going to be getting food with Ravens and stuff like that, but for like everybody else who took the mark, Ravens, Ravens. Oh, I was like, what? Raisins? You trying to barter raisins bro? You got to, you, you, uh, you know how to make raisins? You know, those are grapes, right? Who's going to get Raven Kings? Raven Kings. Yeah. Yup. Yup. Yup. Anyways, we always end up getting into the new world order topic somehow. That's you guys. Well cause you bring up Bitcoin and blockchain and all these, these precursors can't help but just like, Hey, I was making a spiritual application. I know because you didn't want us to say all that stuff. You have to make that spiritual application. I think it's just like the Bible. That's not good. Yeah, no, you're right though. The Satan always uses God's method of doing things in order to, to, to create his, uh, his precursors. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. He has to use the Bible. So he's like, you know what? And you know what? The Bible is a good method. It's the greatest thing ever created. Why don't we copy that? If the image of the beast is like AI, you know what I'm saying? I thought he was going to say the image of the Bitcoin. Me too. Is AI and there's a block and there's blockchain technology and there's like a infrastructure of computers that can handle all that information, which I don't think today's computers can, then it can be quote unquote all, all knowing. It basically is already all knowing unless you own all of it. And also predict, predict what you're going to do. Very interesting. Very, very interesting. Well, it's, uh, it's going to be, it's pretty interesting to think about what's going to happen in the next 20 years. But, um, with that being said, I see you're looking up the book that I was talking about there. Ulysses Hernandez. That's the book. Ulysses Fernandez. Yeah. This is a book that I read at least twice a year. If I don't read it twice a year, it's for sure once a year. And I typically read it, uh, beginning in November. Just as I prepare for the new year and goals and things that I want to do and areas that I want spiritual growth in or just growth in leadership growth as a father, as a husband, uh, as a man of God. And this is the book that I read. It's called the 15 invaluable laws of growth. And it's a pretty practical book, um, regarding growth. It's not just spiritual growth. You can apply the principles to spiritual growth, but it's, it's helped me over the last couple of years to, um, to just grow, not just in my own personal walk with God, but just like in language learning and, um, the leadership in the way that I think. And it's basically a book that, that gives you practical advice on how to grow. Cause you know, sometimes people think that they, that growth just happens naturally, you know, cause you think of like physical growth, for example, like you can expect your son to grow over the next couple of months. There's not much he has to do. It just comes in eight. Yeah. But, but the kind of growth that we're talking about, whether spiritual or even like developing yourself as an individual has to be intentional and growth never just happens. You have to decide that you're going to grow. You know what I mean? Even if you read your Bible, you can't expect yourself to just grow just by reading the Bible because we have to be doers of the word and not here is only deceiving our own selves. So the person who goes to church or reads the Bible, but does not put into practice that which they're listening to and the information that they're taking in, if they don't do anything with that, they're like this, they're deceiving themselves cause they're not really growing. And the Bible makes it very clear that we need to add to our faith virtue to virtue knowledge. And it goes to that list of things. So these are things that we have to intentionally add to our lives in order to grow. And really that's what this book is about. It's really good book. I want to encourage you guys to read it and it has different laws. Um, for example, let me, let me give you one of the laws that it has here. Um, the law of the mirror. Oh, there, there, there it is. The law of the mirror, the law of awareness. I started to lose faith in you, man. Hey, you've grown. Did you read that book? I'm just kidding. Um, yeah, like, look, for example, you have the law of modeling. Okay. And this is, it's not referring to like being a model. It's hard to improve when you don't have, when you have no one but yourself to follow. So anytime you grow as an individual, let's just say as a Christian, right? You can't grow. If you, if you're not with someone who's actually ahead of you in the area that you want to be successful in, you can't, you can't, if you only have yourself to gauge that, you're not going to get anywhere. You always have to be around people who are better at what you want to be. Or else you get complacent. Yeah. You get complacent, you hit a lid. I mean, you're going to compete against yourself. That's true. You know, even I remember when I used to train in Brazil and you did too, and we'd take kickboxing. You always have to fight against the person who was a lot better than you because that's the only way you would get better. So unlike manner, you know, you have to find people, uh, you don't, basically you don't learn from your contemporaries or you're encouraged by your contemporaries, but you need to have someone who's more advanced in the areas that you want to succeed in. I know what you're talking about. I seen this in like a couple of places I've worked where somebody will get promoted to a, to a new position. And before that, they were, obviously they got promoted for a reason. They were hard workers. They put in the effort, they, they show talent and like passion for what they did. Then they get promoted and they're pretty good for a couple months, maybe a year or something like that, however long it takes. But then they get really complacent because they're like, Oh, well I made it. I don't have to put in the work anymore. Yeah. They're no longer challenged. Yeah, exactly. So which goes into the next one, which is the law of the rubber band and the law of the rubber band. Basically, you know, growth stops when you lose the tension between where you're at and where you could be. And the concept there is that a rubber band is only good and is only fulfilling its purpose when it's being stretched. Is that kind of the concept reminds me of just the apostles staying in Jerusalem? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And here's the thing. The apostle Paul stretched himself even above measure, the Bible says, right? I think it literally says that. Did it literally say stretch? Doesn't it say that? I think pressed. Pressed out above measure. Same thing. And we can say that he was stretched beyond what his typical capacity was. And didn't he go a lot further, not only spiritually, but regionally as well? He was pushed to his limit. Yeah. He pushed himself to his, to, to his limit, beyond his limit. And because of that, he not only went further regionally, as far as like literally geographically speaking, but even spiritually speaking, he was given more revelation by God. You know, uh, he was able to reach more people for Christ because he got outside of his comfort zone. That's a good point. And I think ultimately as Christians, we should have the confidence that like, just bring it in kind of this metaphor of a rubber band, because we're Christian, that band will never break. Right. God will never give us more than we can handle. Yeah, exactly. You'll never give us more than we can handle. And, um, I think the law of the rubber band is one of the most important ones. I press toward the mark of the prize or the prize of the high calling of God. Is that what you're talking about? No. So talking about where he says that he was pressed out above measure for, we would not, for we would not brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble, which came to us in Asia that we were pressed out of measure above strength. Yeah. Above strength basically is like beyond what his typical capacity was. And that's where really what growth comes is where you're kind of, it's like weightlifting, right? You got it. You have to like linear progression. You need to like lift more in order to get stronger. Yeah. Right. And so, um, and actually one of the points on here is actually a sermon that I preached a couple of years ago and I got it from this book. It's the law of trade-offs and I called it the sermon was called the principle of trade-offs. And, um, yeah, it's the, the concept there is that you have to give up in order to grow up in order for you to, to, um, in order for you to gain something valuable, you got to lose something. Isn't that what you were talking about? A lot of kind of value. Well, what did you time? Time preference, time preference. Yeah. It's basically the same concept. You gotta lose something in order to gain it. You know, you, you suffer now so you can play later, so to speak. I mean, it's a great book and, um, yeah, that is, isn't that what the Bible teaches too? Well, this is John Maxwell. You gave us one of those books, the mentoring books. Okay. So yeah, the author is John Maxwell. I don't endorse him as a Christian spiritual leader. He claims to be a Christian. Um, so I don't agree with his doctrine. Don't ask me is he saved? Cause I don't know. And I don't really care whether he saved or not because the book I'm re I'm reading the book because of its practicality. It was very practical. Very practical. Oh yeah. Cause I give all the leaders a book called, uh, mentoring 101 and it's basically how to mentor other people, which you know, you guys reading that book, obviously put a lot of, you put it into practice because that's why a lot of the people on your teams have grown and our church has grown because of it as well. You understand? So like mentoring is very much an important aspect of a church. Like you have to mentor people to bring them along. But this book is written by him and it's a really good book. I read it on in like November. I'm actually going through it right now. Just a couple different chapters, but I read it in November just to kind of give me prep for the new year because, um, I like to implement my goals at the latter end of November. They're already getting the habit before January, January, January. I get in the habit and also so I can fail early because sometimes people will implement their goals January 1st and then what happens is they fail and then they get discouraged. I'll wait next year. Yeah, I'll wait next year. Whereas if you give yourself a little bit of running time, if you fail in November, yeah, you fail, you fail. And then like you kind of refine your, your strategy, you refine your, your, your goals a little bit. Yeah. So by, by January, you're already, you've already hit the ground running. You're not trying to warm up in January. You're already like, is that a concept in the book or is that something you just know? That's just something that I've always practiced. That's good. I mean, that's good advice. I just practiced that just based upon like trial and error. Cause that's what happened. What happened to me? Like I would implement goals in January and just fail. I'm like, all right, that sucks. I was just like, maybe I just need a little bit of running time. I need a little bit of a headstart. Yeah. So then December is when my warmup time, that's when I'm warming up and it's a great warmup because you know, December is kind of like a downtime. You know, you have the holidays, you're with family. And so it's just time to just kind of relax a little bit. And those, those, that's the time throughout the year in the year that I reflect a lot upon the year. I started thinking about my goals. I start becoming more disciplined in my language learning or in the new habits that I, that I want. And then I get a, I get good momentum. So then in January, you know, I'm already hitting the ground running on those things so that three months after that, I've seen a significant amount of growth. And it's important that I think, in my opinion that you track your growth every three months quarterly. How's that? You just track it based upon whatever it is that you do. So you put a timer, not a timer, you put some sort of reminder, whether on your phone, and you need something to keep track of your, of your growth. I have a book that I keep track of like a journal, kind of like a journal. And it's, there's charts on there for my language learning, for my Bible reading, just for different things to see where you're lacking basically. Yeah. And then what I do is at the, at the quarterly, after those three months are done, I go back and I, and I track everything. And I'm like, okay, I think this needs to change. I need to modify this a little bit, you know, just to kind of see where I'm at to make sure that I'm succeeding. You know what I mean? So I think, um, self-development is very much important. I don't think you, I, I don't think you should allow life to just happen to you and just like, well, I guess we'll just, you know, we're even in business. You need to grow as a business person. If you're not growing, you're dying. Exactly. I'm talking to you because you're a businessman. This is for you. The only reason I brought up this book is for you. This is not even going to the podcast. I don't even want Adam to apply this. I'm just kidding. Anyways. Yeah. I hope that helps. I know a lot of people sometimes they'll ask me about books or, or, you know, they're interested in the books that I'm reading. That'd be cool if we could like recommended a, a good book that we've read. Yeah. That's what I do. Each podcast. That's what I try to do. You should read books. You need to read, I hope you read the Bible. I read 66 books. Well, I not only read physical books, but I also listen to books on audible. Yeah. He doesn't like to hear that because he hates audible. I honestly like, I recently told you last week I got audible. I'm really into it. It's really good. Just, I mean, if you drive a lot, especially like coming on the way here, driving, if you're exercising, if you're cleaning around, it'll make you want to be more productive. So you could listen to the book is what I find. I'll be sitting at home. I'll be like, I wish I could go for a drive so I could finish that. That's not being productive. Well, it's, you get what I'm saying? He's being productive. Yes. He is being productive. He's just mad because he's not being productive. I'm saying like, Oh man, he's being productive because of the fact that he's not just sitting in his car waiting to get from point A to point B. He's doing something in between, literally sits in a car for two hours, listening to a book, increasing his knowledge. Yeah. You know, Bible talks about increasing knowledge. It's not just all sorrows. Yeah. You need to add to your faith knowledge as well. I think you're lacking that, uh, hike. Yeah. You don't want your rubber band is flaccid. My friend. It's got that rubber band. I tied it around my finger. Hey, when you stretch a rubber bands, it actually goes a lot further. The more you stretch it. Do you ever think about that? When you shoot it, it goes further. The more you stretch it, the further it goes. Read books. One side of it. Right. Cause if you, I think if you stretch both sides, it doesn't go as far. Here we go. Test that out from a man who doesn't love it, who doesn't like to read. Reading is good for you, my friend. What is this? Good idea meme. That's hikes because of the hikes comment. You only have to stretch it with one finger. Anyways. Well, gentlemen, I think that's it for tonight. Folks. Thank you so much for tuning into the Rod of Iron podcast. Just as a reminder, you can listen to the full episodes, watch the full episodes on YouTube. You can also go on fwbcla.org and see the episodes or listen to them there. And if you have a subscription to Audible, not Audible, Spotify, by the way, get a subscription to Audible too. It's good for you. And look, Hey, when you get Audible, if you buy a book and you listen to it and you say, this book sucks, you could actually return it. And they don't, they don't, they refund your money. And sometimes they even let you keep the book. And if you use the code rod of iron, promo code rod of iron, not that it's going to help, but anyways. All right, folks. Well we'll see you in the next. We'll see you in the next episode. Have a good night. Okay.