(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Why don't you have your headphones on? It's been a while since you've been on the podcast ray feel like you lost your touch The only thing I know about DARPA is the fact that didn't they like they made robots. Yeah. Oh, is that what they do? Yeah, remember that robot that can do backflips. That's that what is that them? Yeah, I thought that was out No, that was Boston and yeah, those boss DARPA funded Dynamics, but yeah on a contract with DARPA. No, but the reason I know about DARPA is that because of the robots? It's um, all that conspiracy about the weather or whatever. That's hard. That's hard. Oh hard, but they're probably part of it Where they say like harp is like trying to change the weather Yeah, DARPA is the real Skynet. So it's like what's kind of I thought Elon Musk was a real Skynet It's Tony Stark Oh, is that like dark and then they develop the internet founder was Dwight D. Eisenhower, isn't that DARPA net isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, all right. Let's get started. Welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church, and I'm joined by the fundamentalists in our church brother Ray Flores Brother Adam Kansare Marco Sanchez, and we have our evangelists at the board for the Ulysses Hernandez. Why are you why are you laughing? Are you doing that are you doing ASMR again or what he's just making funny faces He was doing ASMR on the last podcast. Yeah, remember you're shaking your thing Are we gonna do this every five Looking forward to a great evening of discussions We're gonna be talking a little bit about Bitcoin and we got a proponent of Bitcoin apparently here in the rod of iron podcast and then also we're gonna be talking about the the George Floyd case What's his name? Derek Chauvin was convicted and All three accounts, right? And so he's been found guilty in all three accounts. We're gonna Chime in on that and give some of our opinions regarding that situation And then we'll see what else we what are the topics we get into looking forward to a great episode tonight gentlemen Are we ready? Let's go. All right, here we go done done and done and done and on and on You Can do what happened that competition We gotta we gotta wait we can still do it, but we gotta wait though, what was the prize again? Fly him out here. They can be a part of the rod of iron podcast I Want to go home it's small I want to go home I show you around but you can see the whole I show you around but I got to stand up and turn around do a 360 You so far away who you do no, yeah, but I think he's good he's good he is good though on our headphones He sounds like that. But when we actually got a mine, too Like the sound of your voice, yeah But when we play it he's um, you sound fine we'll see what do you mean we heard it, huh? We heard it where You walked out of the room no anger remember You know, they pulled that vaccine yeah, they didn't pull in Europe they did oh, yeah completely they pulled the Johnson Johnson and the pause Maybe here but Europe and you're up they pulled it. They pulled two out of the three vaccines I think the Astrid Xena or whatever AstraZeneca and Johnson is not that yeah Yeah, they put it well they put it on pause here because people are like dying from it yeah, I mean big surprise, right In like Canada, they accidentally injected like 60 people with like saline solution Accidentally instead of a vaccine. Yeah, you know down purpose, you know, it's interesting. Is that um, You know when you give like the statistics and say like well not many not many people like young people die from coronavirus you know, there's a high percentage of people who actually like Survive, you know the coronavirus is only a few people like older that died. Yeah The same people who are pro back there that are pro vaccine they criticize that But then when it comes to the vaccine It does the same thing. Well when it comes to the vaccine, like I've heard people say well like yeah Well, it's only you know, only a few people have died from that, right? So it's like they use the same logic as you do same logic Rona Yeah, it's like it's like make a big deal of it when it's like the I guess the natural occurrence of like somebody just catches It and they're old and they can't handle it and they die But you know when a doctor injects you with it and you die from complications. It's okay. Yeah, exactly I think it's crazy to go a whole year without getting the virus and you go to the doc and you have a The virus is like what you were weren't weren't you talking coronavirus though? Yeah. Yeah, we did Oh, well, not the whole church, but did you guys get it pretty hard? Still can't smell none No, I had My wife had it when she was pregnant Yeah, she only had it for like two days and so did I and we have but did you have it pretty hard? No, it was like I was felt like fatigued was like the worst symptom of that I didn't have any respiratory issues knew that she Only had it for like two days and then we were good. Yeah, I think that's like mostly what people What happens to people but then you have like all these deaths of young people. It's like these Really really morbidly obese people that like like 19 18 years old that die. I'm like, I wonder I wonder why that happened Yeah, I mean I got it and I got it really hard. I got it. How long were you? No, you got a pretty hard to how long are you sick for? Probably like seven days, okay, and I mean I didn't have respiratory issues or anything like that never just fatigue Well, I had a splitting headache. It was probably the worst. Yeah, I've ever had in my life and Then I had the body aches, but it was like crazy ridiculous painful body. Yeah, mostly Yeah, mostly in my lower back and it made it difficult to sleep because I had a fever so my body wanted to sleep But I couldn't see because I was in pain So I'd get up and they're just being more pain And then I lost my sense of taste and smell. Do you have a back now? I've had it like I gained it back probably like 14 days after or something like that I didn't get it for neither the she she didn't get it for well, you've never had sense of taste, right? The day that I found out that I had it was when he recommended Ulysses recommended that Thai food place by the church Yeah, and like I was like man this place sucks, but it was just my taste buds That's what happened to my wife. Yeah at the Red Hot She got she she was feeling a little ill and then she got Thai food and she's like, it's the worst Thai food restaurant ever Why is it like Sacramento? She's that does not know how to make Thai food or something But it's because she just didn't have it. Yeah, I got sick for a few days But then I got I got a rash a rash only like a small percentage of people get that rash It's like side effect of it. I got a rash like all over my arms He's on a crew this Is that fungus They just go away on its own that lasted for like a month almost whoa But then it finally went away. I was like putting cream all kinds of stuff Bothering me Cream went away never came which doctors? Yeah, I just took a lot of vitamin C silver silver I think it's silver It's a coronavirus not werewolf virus Like what do you mean you like ingested silver? We have this little No, I've never heard of that it's really good Yeah, it turns your blue if you drink too much of it if you take it away too much during your skin turns blue or whatever Isn't silver like hella turn into a smurf basically blue man, why are you looking at the blue man group? No, there's like a story about like some blue people in like Georgia from silver. I think that's him the guy Blue man found a girlfriend straight up look like a smurf Yeah, yeah, that's what the yeah for real that guy took too much silver. Yeah, he's taking like a bunch Yeah, his mom used to like be know that to let us over that one isn't that one like a genetic disorder or something? No, that's from so wait scroll scroll down again. Let's see it. It says what does that say? Our what it was that our grea is a rare skin condition that can happen if silver builds up in your body Over a long time it can turn your skin eyes internal organs nails and gums a blue gray color Especially an area of your body exposed to something. That's so weird that guy Green I would die They used to call like certain royalties like blue bloods because they would eat Oh, yeah, like their lips would turn blue and they would get that. Mmm So Adam, hello, so you're into Bitcoin I am Tell us about it Tell us about this new world order thing you you got into. I think it's actually the anti new world order Why is that because it's decentralized it can't be centralized and a new world order is like inherently, you know Like a one central what is Bitcoin tell us about it. So it's at the most basic level. It's like a cryptocurrency so it means it's um You know a currency that's like traded like through internet connections stuff like that and exists Perpetually on the internet and the network you have a bubble in your throat and it's bothering me Can you can you like take a drink or something? I've never heard of that a bubble in your throat. Is it still there? No, it's gone. Okay, we can't see Raise about to meet you right now All right, go ahead and Yeah, it's like decentralized So what that means is that no one the body or person controls it it exists like perpetually on like a huge array of computers worldwide on a network and Really recently it's gotten a lot of traction because like, you know a lot of people are expecting like an economic collapse to come because of like the modern monetary theory and like the the government printed like 40% more money during kovat and there's like Like stimulus going left and right like three trillion four trillion all this stuff So people are looking for a place to store their money, right? And for like ancient times are like six thousand years five thousand years or whatever. That would be gold Right, but gold that's kind of falling out of favor in the last century because we moved away from the gold standard on the Fiat And then the store of value became what's still gold for a while But then it went to like debt was a store of value and then it went to like stocks You know, like the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ and stuff like that, but more recently people like don't even trust the stock market They think it's gonna collapse along with the hyperinflation that's gonna come So they they want something completely decentralized something that can't be controlled by the government and they're turning a Bitcoin Because it has a lot of the same properties as gold in that it's a finite Resource and that it can like there's a finite amount of it There's only like 21 million coins in the world that can ever be minted and the way they're minted is by miners around the world who solve these like mathematical equations that help the whole network run and For as a reward for solving those mathematical equations, they get Bitcoin and so new Bitcoin is created in that way as like a reward So a lot of people are turning to it and kind of like putting them their their faith in it Just because they they don't really trust the the kind of the economic system that's been going for last 80 years on like Fiat and modern You don't think that um, what are you doing right you're measuring stuff or what you just listen put me to sleep You think it's not it's not it's anti New World Order, yeah, I was pretty new But the reason you say The reason you think it's anti New World Order because because of the fact that it's decentralized, right? Yeah So let me ask you you don't think it could ever become centralized. No, it's impossible why is that how because the way it was designed by its creator is There's like a Genesis Blockchain and only he has access to that and hasn't moved and since its inception for almost 15 years So like there you governments the best they can do is ban it and that you're seeing now a lot of like You know banana republics and like these poor countries around the world and they're like banning it because it allows Citizens to get around they're like crappy currency basically like places like Nigeria Central America and like Guatemala and stuff like that A lot of these like poor countries are banning it because they can't control it. It cannot be changed so let me ask you this so I mean when we view these things in light of the Bible and In light of the New World Order, do you still think that Bitcoin will not be centralized even during or it won't be stopped? Yeah, you think you think do you think like yeah, it's it's it's gonna be permitted to be Like an isolated form of currency Even when the Antichrist is there or do you think it's gonna be integrated into the New World Order? Well, here's the thing cuz I mean in order to have the New World Order you gotta have one world financial system Cuz like something changed like like like it could change how the Bibles are in yeah I mean like there's a one-world financial system Well, even right now like I can't I'm not entirely sure how that works and how it fits into the people the puzzle But even right now a lot of countries around the world who are like very authoritarian and are very like controlling You have places like Belarus and like Russia and China their citizens are using it to circumvent their Authoritarian governments that like won't rule over the lives and want like control over the how money moves and stuff like that They're using Bitcoin as that as that as I turn so I guess I don't know how that that would work and well I mean think about it But hold on. Here's here's the thing with with Bitcoin is that it's not necessarily a currency Nobody's gonna be buying going to the subway and like buying a sandwich with Bitcoin like the same way. Nobody goes to Like McDonald's and buy stuff with gold, right? That's not its intended purposes. It's meant to match gold. That's a store of value It's not meant to be like a currency like the dollar like Fiat essentially, yeah well, I mean Because when you think about it The one-world financial system is not necessarily a system that's gonna be imposed upon the people The people are just gonna ask for it. So when you think of something that's not centralized The the thought that comes to mind is like oh, there's gonna be people that are bucking it right there They don't want part of it. But what if it's integrated into a system where everyone wants it? Well, here's the thing Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency There's like it's like exploded in last couple years Like there's like hundreds and literally thousands of it just sounds like the market like part of the more Here's the thing there are centralized cryptocurrencies. I don't know if no government has like minted one yet No government has created one yet, but there's been talk about it and there's been private people who make centralized Cryptocurrencies I could see that point the most successful one. Yes. Okay, big time recently not just in price but in in well that makes me think that it's like people who had it and had it had it from Before and then it like it went down and people thought it was like all you guys are idiots and then it exploded now I feel like now it's like people are holding not like they won't even say even though you can sell it for what you started With for a bunch of money that you would have made a big profit people are just holding on to it They're like, no, I'm not getting rid of it. It went up so much I feel like whatever you did to your mic what whatever you did made it do anything to my Sounds fine to me. Okay, nevermind That's weird what's weird the Bitcoin? Oh, yeah because if it's the most popular one Do you think like the Antichrist is just gonna use some crappy form of they just like overcome just like overtake and get control of some? You know random Internet type of currency or whatever. Well, here's the thing. You said you said yourself like You know, they won't be like the the one world financial system Government be imposed on people people will accept it and it can come to a point where people are like no We don't want Bitcoin. We want the the beast coin. We want the mark of the beast coin or something like that, right? The same way the same way in the future like gold can't necessarily be controlled You can always dig it up and mine it out of the ground It's gonna exist no matter what even in a one-world financial system. Yeah, but I mean It's gold is decentralized and it can never stop being decentralized Yeah, but the the Antichrist could just say there's no value in gold now but that's not that's not exactly and The value of something is determined by how many people you know consider it valuable. That's why our dollars Me is a dollar. That's why we can buy stuff with our dollar. That's how Fiat works So the way I see it is like as long as people as long as the Antichrist says like there's no more value in Bitcoin Or whatever. There's no more value in every other cryptocurrency or any other currency in the whole world Or you could just integrate it into a system it get Bitcoin itself cannot Because it's it's by its nature It's decentralized and whether or not like you you think that like, you know gold can be integrated into the system I guess you can get kind of complicated there But I thought I'm thinking more short-term I don't think it actually have a big place in the whole new world order system just because It's it's I think that's pretty far out still from where we are But I think you think you think basically the end times is not anywhere near us right now. No, no No, what makes you think that I think there's just recently been like I think a lot of people like every generation thinks that they're you know This is the generation where it's gonna we're gonna see it right and I mean, maybe I'm wrong There's no way to know but I just don't think things are bad enough yet And we had this discussion before like during like the election I just don't think I think people are still too woke so to speak like There's still like a big like anti-vax There's still a lot of people conscious of what the mark of the beast is and you know How they'll see and where they'll see and stuff like that. Yeah, but you know and you don't say a lot of those woke people They're um, they're fighting like a battle. That's not really Like a biblical battle none of them are woke to and they're not even woke to the real truth, right? Yeah, they might be well Regarding the world the world and vaccine in route and relativity to us It's like they're not they're not there right but in relative to like the average person that like today I think the average person today would still not be up for a one-world government a one-world system I don't think we're there yet. Yeah, but unless um, I don't think within the next ten years But things can accelerate within the next ten years. Yeah, but they could also decelerate The thing is that a war because the Bible tells us that the love of many shall wax worse and it Perilous time shall come. Mm-hmm. I don't think it's gonna get better. It's always gonna be it's always gonna There's periods where things have gotten better. Yeah, but It's not gonna happen as we draw closer to the second coming of Christ. Mm-hmm. It's only gonna get worse There's no like oh, it's gonna get better and then it'll get worse. I think it's just gonna continue to get worse Cuz that's what the Bible teaches. Well, I just think that it'll be pretty normal until that war happens that's when things accelerate like when a war happens like so like the war the making of war accelerates like the production of technology the production of weaponry the production of Artificial intelligence the production of robots the production of all those things will be accelerated there Dramatically or what's already in store will be revealed dramatically You know, I mean, oh like yeah, you were saying or I don't know if it was Adam But you were saying like how people aren't ready to accept like a one-world order But it like I think they are as long as it fits their agenda. Yeah, exactly That's that's what I mean like the woke people. Yeah, the the conservative right-wing They tell people not to take the mark of the beast But let me let me but think about this. What do they think the mark of the beast is the vaccine? Yeah Right, like the vast majority people will say like oh the mark of the beast is the vaccine Don't take it because you're gonna take the mark of the beast the vast majority of mainstream Christianity I'm talking about those who are not saved think that that's what the mark of the beast is Well, you see like all you like during the election so you could see how someone can slip in the actual mark of the beast And they're just completely Blinded to that because they they're fighting a false. Yeah. Oh, it's enemy. It's okay cuz the Conservative Party did it or the exact I mean look how many conservative Republicans have taken the vaccine. Yeah. Yeah, they don't see anything wrong with it necessarily Yeah, well like even during the elections I remember like just going like on when Trump had a Twitter and then they're like, oh, you're the best president I hope that your your children and their children and their children's true and reign over us and stuff like that There's multiple comments. I'm like one the world like well, what do you think? What either they're wanting? You know, what do you think will be like when the Antichrist comes and that world government system is established What do you think will be the percentage of people that aren't on board with it? Like if you're rid of the rough like rough estimate, I don't think you can give a rough estimate because the circumstances There's seven thousand prophets who have not bowed they need to bail and there's gonna be a group of Christians Obviously every Christian who's saved is not yeah, it's not gonna buy into it. And even if they buy into it initially If they're saved, they're gonna know the truth eventually they'll get it that comes in What about like unsaved people, but that's a very small I think the vast majority of them because the sort of safe the perk the circumstances aren't that it's a it's a war that Turns them to it the circumstances aren't that it's like all they're woken that turns them to it The circumstances are that they watch Miracles before their eyes and they wonder after the beast all men wondered after him. They wonder after those things So what what's gonna turn them to it? Isn't their their idea their ideologies right now It's gonna be in light of viewing something. They've never soup the supernatural that they've never viewed before Well, we're talking that now at that point you were talking about the last 75 days No, I'm talking about what's gonna what's gonna make them take the mark of the beast Because they all men wondered after the beast they're gonna wonder after and to watch him die and come back to life Yeah, and that's what's gonna make them want to take it. No, we're talking about but you're not talking about that You're talking about what leads up to that. Yeah, and what leads up to is the beginning of sorrows? So there'll be like a downturn There'd be like famine was talking about what percentage of people will reject something like the mark of the beast in the New World Order I think that you can't put a finger on him because people are gonna wander after the beast things to be all It says all hundred stones and it just be like but are you talking about ever in the last 75 days? Are you talking about like at the beginning? That's when the mark of the beast happens. I don't know Yeah, but he's talking about the beginning of the beginning of sorrows. Yeah. Well, that's when everything kicks off Yeah, I don't think there's not even a New World Order at that point doesn't happen to after well It's coming it's coming into formation. Yeah, he's about the beginning stages. Yeah Yeah, I don't think I think the New World Order comes out of the ashes of the war Does it doesn't come out of it's not like like when the first seal happens like oh, we're starting New World Order Well, it's yeah, it's a gradual process I think it's a war of separate nations how it is now and then because of the war the destruction of the war Can you know why they form a united a united a united world to like never have a war again like a united nations I guess again nuclear weapons went off. It's so bad I think I think the structure the structure will always already exist the the yeah Like the the back end the behind the scenes. Yeah, I don't think the new world obviously I think the New World Order begins right when the Antichrist comes into power because all of the kings give their power unto the beast and So he then becomes the ruler of the entire world and and he does it for 75 days Up until we're taken and then three and a half years thereafter Okay, but prior to that I think there's already The structure put forth because you can't just like okay the board Comes and then it's just like boom now, let's just write introduce everything Well, I'd say it's because you got think about three and a half years war starts in the beginning of that second seal Ward lasts for about however many like a year and a half two years could be massive destruction and then out of those ashes of the war Like war is over and now it's like there's famine in the land people have died so many people have died It's like well, we need to rebuild Yeah, we need to rebuild Yeah, but there's a conditioning that has to take place prior to that a mental mental conditioning Yeah, I think the condition isn't is the war. No, I'm talking about because we're not just talking about war We're talking about spiritual things. Yeah, but for me it's like It's not like in the beginning of World War two They're like, well, we gotta fight the Nazis so we could start a united nations Like it didn't happen that way that's like after the war is over. It's like well, we can't let that happen again So Europe must unite Or the world the world the world must unite that way if we're in league with each other We're not gonna go to war with each other. I Bible says that that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and When you think of the great falling away Apostasy a lot of churches are already going into apostasy Yeah but we wouldn't say that right now is the beginning of SARS or the last 75 days and more specifically in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 when It says that there shall come a falling away first. It's literally referring to the beginning of those last 75 days Where the Antichrist goes into the temple of God declaring himself to be God and then you have The vast majority of mainstream Christianity in all the world obviously Who who who say that's the Christ and they fall into that but there's a condition before that and we see that because there's churches today Yeah, the churches today that are teaching a false gospel. They have a false Bible So there's a better unknowingly, you know kind of supporting that New World Order framework. Absolutely Yeah, so obviously a conditioning has already begun begun. It has to yeah because again, you can't just radically change the world And not have a system in place When you when you transition into like the New World Order, but I definitely agree Like war the World War is what is the event that basically yeah, it puts you over the line I guess I guess the because it's been two of them because when you have that when you have the World War three, yeah Then you have people in despair. You have people who are suffering you have people who are looking for a Savior They're looking for a solution and answer and he is the answer to that and I'm not saying that he's the right answer But he yeah, he's the answer that people are looking for. Yeah, he's that he's the king on the white horse You know what? I mean imitating Jesus imitating Jesus. Yeah so I guess the drawing line is like I just All this framework and all this all this war talk and all this stuff. I think we're really really far out from that I don't think if you look at like we live in a in an era of like peace because of America and Depending on like when I think America collapses, which I don't think is anytime soon I think after that is when you would see I Agree with that, but I would not exclude the possibility that it can happen Within the next couple years and I don't think it's gonna happen within the next couple years But I'm just saying like things can change dramatically sometimes I get that but the way I feel like America is set up I like unless yeah, we have like a lot of years to go That's true chug along but unless you have some sort of global catastrophe cataclysmic event. Yes. Yeah Changes everything. Yeah. Yeah, just I mean you look at coronavirus it changed everything and I don't think it's ever going back Yeah, I think that from where we've gone now. It's never going back. I mean, we're kind of returning to normal here in LA Things are open. Yeah right now, but I think I think it's gonna it's gonna pop off again Yeah, it's not it's gonna go back to normal It's like everybody's gonna think it's going back to normal and then it's gonna say I personally think it's gonna go back to normal I think it's gonna be it's gonna take a couple years. I mean here Yeah, maybe like obviously they could say well, there's a new strain out everybody everybody go back But even like a super like liberal place like Canada You've got like 25% of people like saying like no enough enough lockdowns all this stuff and What do you mean? Get closer to Mike I think that that that helped that helps their agenda because people are like so opposed now people are opposed to it now you're gonna have like Controversy with it. You're gonna have riding with it. You're gonna have push back to it You're gonna have reason to step in because if it's if it's a worse virus and be like well people's health are at risk even More than it was and now so many people are opposed to it. Like we got to do something. Hey, what's up with Canada? Right now we must exactly we must militarize to shut people down. Is it Canada doing that right now pushing back. It's a good segue Canada yeah it Canada shut down didn't it blame Canada They they've got like the third third or fourth lockdown, I guess and in in us in the province of Ontario Which is like the equivalent of a state The police they've given the police emergency powers. So Canada has a federal Nationwide police force from coast to coast. It's not like America where every city has different What? Yeah, it's not like America we're like every municipality has its own police and they give emergency powers to the police in Ontario to They can stop anybody that they find outside and they can question them. Yeah, they can question them Why are you outside? And if the policeman determines that it's not a good enough reason It's not an essential reason to be outside. He can give you a fine for seven or fifty dollars and your neighbors as well I I think they can basically they can get you out. They can say they think you're breaking the law Yeah, they can report you. Yeah, and Crazy if you refuse that fine like on the spot if you or later on you say no I'm not paying that seven hundred fifty dollar fine. They can put you in jail. Yeah, I can they can just incarcerate I feel like every Canadian will like pay the fine I'm sorry. Hey, I apologize. It was actually a pretty big protest in New word order as far as that's it right there. It's right across the border. That's way to go north That's like that's way too obvious it's couple hours away that's like all I do already coming for ten years It's like literally ten hours away Contradicts like what you were saying because you say it's gonna come through a sleight of hand This isn't the slide. This is super obvious. All right, even the police that I say was gonna come through sleight of hand Well, you're saying most people are gonna be deceived like Christians and the great falling way is gonna come through a sleight of hand It's gonna be like this. Yeah from a spiritual Right, we're talking about the great falling away is not we're not referring to a great falling away from a political Well, it's it. Well, it's almost interlinked when you're when you're when you're a liberal race falling away Christian it is Yeah But the great falling away you you can't apply it to to a political agenda because it has nothing to do with that The great falling away has everything to do with a pasta side with churches of pasta sizing religion, but yeah doctrine You know, I know you like to intermingle the two sometimes Adam Yeah, because it's like it's like even if you don't believe in in Jesus like right now You know that Jesus is the Christ like Jesus is the God that all everybody believes in right, but then at that point It'll go from Jesus to like well now I know that this is God Yeah, so it's no longer the invisible God now and see that see now What you just said yeah is the problem with the woke people because the woke people will take biblical concepts and apply them to Political You know situations like the lockdown. I was under the impression. That's what you were saying when when before You were talking about how sort of the conservative the right and stuff They intermingle the politics and the religion and they turn political battles into a religious battle, right? Yeah Yes, that's what I'm saying. But but here's the thing but that that's not the great falling away though They're doing that but that's not the great fall I thought that's why you know the great falling away is a spiritual thing where people don't believe in the real Christ Right that Jesus is the Christ and Part of people apostatizing is that they're switching from their belief or they're they're they're substituting biblical concepts for political Mm-hmm. So instead of the mark of the beast in the Bible, they say the vaccine is the mark of the beast You know instead of the persecution for preaching God's Word They're saying though it's persecution from the government because of you know Some political view because I'm a Republican right conservative because I support Trump or whatever, right? So they're kind of like substituting the real battle That's what I'm saying But that's not necessarily I'm sure it has to do with the great falling away in the sense that they don't really believe the Bible You know what? I mean? They don't believe the Bible They don't believe in real salvation the actual salvation because I guarantee you a lot of these people are not even saved Majority the vast majority of them are not even though they're they claim Christian and they claim to believe the Bible But they've made it more of a political battle rather than a spiritual battle. Mm-hmm, you know and what's going on in Canada is wicked Oh, yeah, I mean they were shutting down churches as well That's like a liberal church, right? But they would they would just as much shut down try to shut down any other like IFB church or anything like that I think it was like called grace life community church or something It probably does What's his name? Jack tree burr. Oh, yeah, is he still getting fines or whatever? No, he's still meeting outside He's just but he makes a video like every week whining and like a video to Governor Newsom. Let us open We've been on his brain Yeah, it's like dude God, I was talking about it with Pastor Aniston. We're just saying like God's pretty just Punishing Jack tree were for being such a money-grubbing pastor. Yeah He's just a lot cuz cuz here's the thing is that Jack tree burr Has spent years years kissing up to The government. Mm-hmm. How so because they had they always honor their police department They have the mayor they have all these politicians come up. They feed them They just wine and dine them treat them like royalty and none of no one's backing them up during this time Yeah, they're all turned bail. Well, you're home. He was a jack tree bear. Yeah, we're like, where's your boys? Yeah, we preach against all that stuff and we got delivered. Yeah. Yeah, like in the police department was on our side Yeah, they should be police I don't believe that Either what are you playing? What is this man? You guys skipped over my poor pastor jet. What does it say pastor? Jack tree burr? Gives a word to governor Gavin Newsom, please. I want to go podcast. There's an ad Is that him oh it's an ad okay Got that reverse fade But The crying yeah, I mean he's always crying Treebird no, man. Oh, it's a baby. Can you put on two times speed? Yeah, it's pretty boring See that thumbs me. What is he saying? He's like begging him to open up the let us open up He says he goes we haven't had any hospital as it any people go to the hospital and the people who did go to the hospital Said that twice in two videos He says he says we haven't had anybody go to the hospital and the people and the people that did go to the hospital They'd sent them home take two aspirants It was like didn't you just say no one went to the hospital and then you're just gonna on the same breath Is he the biggest church in California? Like biggest bad house church. I mean, no, the biggest one is I believe is Paul Chapel, right? Lancaster Baptist Church We should go to Lancaster and we get that new church van and just go saturated with So I heard Lancaster is actually the Speaking of it's number 50 and the worst most miserable cities to live in. Yeah. Well, you ever drove to there It's pretty miserable. No, and you're just driving the u.s. In America. You didn't get off of your misery. Oh, I'm sorry in America Yes. Yeah, most 50 most miserable city to live in America El Mani is number 21 Yeah, Compton was like 30 or so, but then New Jersey was like that's all the top It's like why? Well, the city's in New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah. I was just thinking why don't you just put in, New Jersey? Yeah, just New Jersey like every other one was New Jersey City in New Jersey, but then it was like one in like, Ohio Yeah, there you go. If number one most miserable city to live in was Gary, Indiana. Oh, yeah, that makes sense I don't know anything about that. I mean you Gary, Indiana gets gets um gets what? If you factor in those top ten New Jersey's all same spot then you could put the bump out money up a few more Yeah, if you just take me back there like if you just calculate all those that's just New Jersey sucks Bump al Mani up to like number 11. Yeah Money needs to be like number one or number two because it's the only city in America. They will bomb a church They got fake terrorists What are the actual reasons like why is al Mani so bad Okay, Kida Passed up with my my first Oh came up in Latin Who gave Okay, doffy What was your point wait what he was saying about the Antichrist you guys just blew over his political Complaining on the podcast on the pod What number is that? Oh 20 yeah, 22. Sorry, but I said 21 bump it up a few. Yes And it says welcome to friendly al Mani. Hey, I'm on he's all bad I was driving through al Mani there day and I just see like a fight in the street I have each other like in a big old group of guys watching. I was like, hey, it's crazy around here They're like cops flying everywhere and millenitis Well now like cops are just shooting people up Linwood, California is number 21. Is that near Inglewood or whatever? It's right by Compton I think Whittier is on the list. I Thought Whittier was like a bougie area. It is a pretty nice area. Let's see. What is that? What are you doing go down to the very bottom, let's see go down to the very very bottom Let's just look up the top 15 at least scroll all the way down, bro They'll guard row, okay, so Union City, New Jersey number 15. All right, we passed Trenton to Bell Gardens, California Where is that? Hey life, you know because he lives in the Miserable city Bell Gardens is right next to Maywood. Yeah, they would that looks rough Wait, that was Bell Bell Oh, no. No, I'm sorry. Yeah, Bell Gardens is off to 605. Oh, yeah, it's by Downey and it's where all the casinos are At and stuff keep going keep going Brownsville, Texas with a name like that New Brunswick, New Jersey Huntington Park, California, that's the one by By Maywood, I don't in part though Huntington Park. I mean, it's pretty good. Oh, yeah a good swami Warren Ohio Canton anything, you know Jersey again, that does look rough Flint, Michigan when we talk about That should be number one behind bluff, Arkansas Arkansas our Kansas I know we've already had like six New Jersey again Detroit they don't even put where Detroit is Detroit is not part of any state Yeah, why do they do that yeah, what the heck cuz Detroit is like oh, oh bro, whoops, we're good Can you go check on that camera real quick? This guy's messing stuff up Gary, Indiana, I Mean it looks like Russia. Yeah, it looks like a commie block. What's that play? What's that place called in Russia Chernobyl? Ukraine Chernobyl Gary has 75,000 residents, but lost 6% from 2010 to 2018 Miserable cities to live in I think Montebello was like number 40 or something. I don't know it was isn't top 50 for sure I feel like they have a bias against California but maybe it is that though. No, it looks like we got a bias against New Jersey. Yeah I mean, that's that's not a bias. That's just reality Heard something about the Florida mayor This answer the Bitcoin. Yeah, didn't you say something about like Florida governor you mean or is it the governor? Yeah Yeah, he's gonna be Trump's VP okay, yeah, he's like Changing stuff over there like crazy right anti right bill anti masks and everything and it gets real crazy in California Then we have to go to Florida My hey speaking of Florida Pretty cool, you know my gotta be The mayor of Miami's got a he's like making Miami the crypto capital of the world He's having like a big cryptocurrency conference and all this stuff Bitcoin's cool. See ya Go, what's that called? Mid Florida invest in Bitcoin for a minute. He's bad Pasadena I was trying to live in dying LA, but I guess it just didn't work out It's the place to be I'm recently moved to like LA everybody want to see the city City of Los Angeles here in mid city mid city. That's what it's called. Yeah, isn't it culvert? Don't you didn't you used to the mid city? Oh How's this one right here good it's not that bad I think people like something I Don't like is how people give like a really hard time to living in like Los Angeles But it's like like in living in any other city really if you think about it, it's like what what better? It's like it's like the only thing you could pop pop probably complain about is that it's kind of like the rents expensive But other than that, like well, that's cool. What do you have to complain about even like average personally? El Monte is in the count Los Angeles County Can't judge Los Angeles based upon Oman right Los Angeles is still great Los Angeles is not like other cities because it's super like spread out. It's just a bunch of suburbs pretending to be a city In Omani, it's just like it's just like the leader like the government they're like Cares about them like I mean, it's the fags to we saying the government supporting the same like Well, what about normal people? It's like it's not like they didn't yeah, it's like yeah It's like oh you have a lot of people like all I can I'll never live in Los Angeles I'd rather live in any other city. It's like why give me the one reason what's so bad about it? Don't even yeah exactly you don't even get me started I have So front lines, bro Yeah, California's the front lines It's the front lines Goshen. Yep. Goshen is just wherever you're serving the Lord. Amen I'm having a good time. I would have stayed in Omani if they would have let me Even in the midst It's time to move on though, you know I sneak into the old building sometimes to play sermons Reminiscing see my old see I was kind of like Alex Bray is the one who chose that that city for a weird It's cuz we need to find a building I don't care. Shout out. I don't even use the 60 anymore because I use the 60 so much to go to Omani The 60 is dangerous, dude Is it if you're driving like into the light and the foot those the markings on the ground are all why you can't see them You're like, oh, yeah Death trip. You're just like driving like I'm not even in lane right now. So what I do Now what I do cuz those those go like this, right? Yeah, they change them, but you're in the sunlight You can't even see I'll just go straight I'll just keep driving straight. I'm just going straight. Well, yeah, cuz if I get into another lane, I just hit my signals What you supposed to do is just turn the hazards on and then nobody's around you and you can just go By one of those like Speaking of police speaking of police you're good at segways I've been doing this for a while Derek Chauvin Chauvin was convicted was convicted on all three charges not guilty On murder manslaughter, I think you know what the third one aggravated assault or something like that sense Yeah, manslaughter isn't like you did like Murder and manslaughter somebody they do that they do that when you like if you kill a pregnant What was the degree of murder? I have no idea. Yeah, I had a cousin they got manslaughter, but He got out like in five years. Why are you looking up George Flores? Like if you kill if you kill a pregnant woman you get convicted of murder and manslaughter. Yeah, but it's two people. Yeah, that's true Maybe you have two people inside but then Yeah, see it's up to 40 years in prison Can you like make that bigger? I mean we have this huge screen here. Why is it like in the corner? Why do you always do this? Why do you why can't why can't you just make it bigger? Don't want to read it. I'm used to what are you doing? We'll don't make this okay, first of all expand the the the yeah Okay, secondly make this like magnify that mess do you want me to do Right there in the corner you see those three dots Click on it. I'm gonna Yeah, there you go. I'll never okay. Okay He faces up to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder up to 25 years for third-degree murder and up to 10 years for second-degree manslaughter So hold on a second What hold up that doesn't make sense? Well Look up why he was yucky guilty on what it says. It says that he is criminal charges are second-degree unintentional murder Third-degree murder and manslaughter. Those are the three charges. He's been convicted sounds weird How are just third-degree murder and second-degree murder the the it's second-degree unintentional murder But third-degree murder. Yeah, and then second-degree manslaughter. I don't justice system in this country's black Yeah, but he hasn't been sentenced yet his sentence hearing is in June So we'll find out what well how much he gets in prison or whatever So this is obviously to appease or to appeal to the the mob the mob Black lives he's probably like they probably lied and just put under like put him under like witness protection program something I think they've swapped them out with somebody else a crisis actor I'm sure they're both bad, you know, what obviously was a bad person, but I'm sure this guy was a bad guy But still why do you think that? Just because all the controversy that surrounds him. I mean that doesn't it say like You quoted this verse earlier this this week in a sermon like that The the high places of justice are like perverted and all that stuff. Do you remember how the verse goes? It's from Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Yeah, but he saw the place of judgment and iniquity was there Yeah in the place of righteousness and wickedness is there I don't really think this Derek Chauvin guy I don't think he's any any more Sinful or wicked or exceedingly wicked than any other average unsafe George Floyd, but here's yeah I mean, I'm not I'm not saying George would deserve to die But at the same time you it's like this guy's being convicted for murder and like manslaughter and second-degree murder We don't really know like obviously this is what we're seeing but can you know? We can't always trust what the news says, you know, I mean, but it's not really the news This is like the the you know, his defendant and and the prosecutor. Yeah, but I'm saying like Someone's someone's pulling into strings on this whole thing, too. I mean, yeah I mean, I definitely think the serves like the agenda of like Wicked people in high places, but like at the same time you were kind of witnessing real justice Slowly die in this country with this conviction because this guy In like in the in the defendant's trial and stuff like that. They pretty much that demo justice has been dead for a long time Yeah, but it's like it's below our church got bombed. It's nothing's been done $25,000 war that's nothing. I mean they could send it to you want my bank account numbers We've got all the I'll give you my routing number FBI but you know what, you know what I'm saying though, like it's like The average person if they look at this or like there's no justice in this country Yeah, right and that guy he did maybe you deserves manslaughter because he accidentally killed the guy but he's not a murderer Yeah, they show that in the trial. He didn't Looks at this and says there's no just I think the average looks at the guy and says that well that guy killed that guy No, because it depends on who you're asking, right? if you're asking if you're asking the Maybe the conservative route. Mm-hmm therefore the police therefore for this guy and they don't want him to be convicted because they felt like he did his job and most of those people are You know are exposing George Floyd and all these things because he's easy it on social media They're always constantly like talking about George Floyd and all the things that he did I don't think it's really about George Floyd like the fact that George Floyd died is Is not really the point. It's the point that Derek Chauvin got pinned with the blame for him for from That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is What let's say let's say this guy is innocent, mm-hmm, well, he's not he's manslaughter. Yeah, but let's just say he's innocent. Okay, and you know people who are right-wingers will seek to Make him look innocent by Slamming George Floyd which obviously the guy is wicked. He was doing drugs or whatever, but that's all they talk about That George Floyd somehow Exactly, yeah, because I've talked to people but I think that's a very extreme Group the same way like the vocal minority on the left like BLM It's not like a huge organization The average person is not part of like the George Floyd deserved it and they're also not part of Black lives matter black lives matter black lives either the killed killed Derek Chauvin or whatever, right? Yeah So when I say average person, I mean like the average American I think knows like if you present him with all the evidence and all the defendants and everything they said I think they could make come to In that I think you're painting them with a broad brush painting Because you think the average American is probably just like I don't think the average indoctrinated Just I don't know a reasonable person. I don't think they're extreme I don't think you have to be an extremist to get on the wrong side. Mm-hmm I don't know. I think you just have to be a simple-minded person who just believes anything that well that that's why I said I'll present them with the evidence if you present them with the evidence, but I think the average person you hold on I think the average individual doesn't care for evidence. I Think they they they just kind of go with what the flow Even if they're well-meaning I think I think the most meaning to them would be that if they want they watch the video and say Well, this guy deserves to go to jail for sure. Well, yeah, if that's the only thing that you show All the evidence include which would include the video right I think most people like most people would say that yeah This guy deserves to go Joe, but we're not average people Who watch this podcast aren't average like I care about I think And they care about justice, right? So like if you if you present the evidence to like us or people who watch this podcast or be Baptist or save people I think you can come to a clear conclusion that this guy's getting thrown under the bus for something that he didn't mean to Well, I think the punishment probably is overkill definitely the punishment that he's receiving is overkill absolutely so appease them up Yeah, I think he should be punished but not to the to the extent that he's being well, that's biblical. Yeah Yeah, but yeah, there should be a rightful Rightful justice or rifle rifle punishment for the crime, but it's overkill for obvious reasons. Yeah, so You know, here's the thing. They're not gonna do overkill justice on the people who bombed our church They're not even gonna even bring him back because we're not a mob exactly. Yeah, so Like I would say that I would say that I think he's a bad cop and he shouldn't shouldn't be a cop I think he deserves to go to jail. He's a very convicted with something now the murder charges that gave him That's a separate story, but he should be in jail. He shouldn't just move on with his life Like that's not the way we obviously because it's the thing if a cop pulled me over and did that to me like Like what are you gonna say? Oh, no, he just she should be a cop. He's doing his job No way, but here's the thing about that. Okay, and what right does a cop have to pull you out your car? Yeah, handcuff you then put his knee, right? You're misrepresenting it though, that's not how it happened. That's not how it happened But here's the thing is he didn't know him out of his car. I know what you're saying because I know Independent fundamental Baptist who Will they they you know, they're all about the blue lives matter. Yeah, and and they will Defend police officers even when they're when they're when they're like when the hope like look There's a video of this kid who was running from the cops He had a gun guns behind his back and he threw off the gun turns around and he gets shot shoots him Yeah, I don't think the cops shot him. Yeah. Yeah, but I feel like you guys are kind of being a little black and white I'm not I'm trying to I'm trying to just look at this specific case here and He didn't just pull him out of his car and put his knee on his neck because he felt like it the guy was trying to use the guy was like literally drugged out on like fentanyl like ten times the amount that somebody would OD on and He tried using a counterfeit bill and they tried to restrain him, you know, because if you use a counterfeit bill, that's illegal So they tried to restrain him to arrest them and he resisted arrest And obviously if you're under the influence if you're doing drugs, you can get yourself into trouble not saying that you deserve to die But that can be a consequence that happens like just like read the book of Proverbs like Like if you don't want trouble, you know be sober-minded live righteously, right? Yeah So the fact that he put his knee on his neck that doesn't kill somebody Putting your knee on somebody's neck does not kill somebody unless like I have it right here. I have it pulled up The the thing with fentanyl is like they discovered this in the 80s if you have like a large amount of fentanyl in your body You can go into cardiac arrest and die Right, and is that because he put his knee on his neck or is that because he was on fentanyl if you put his knee On anybody else all yeah If you put his knee on anybody else's neck like you if you pull you out of your car and put his knee on it Would you just have cardiac arrest and die? No, but I think the car should be fired from his job Yeah, absolutely, but he shouldn't you shouldn't be it's it's I think I think you're both saying the same thing The police officers should be punished. Yeah, but the punishment should not be overkill. Mm-hmm. He should receive just punishment, right? Yeah, but obviously that's unrealistic Because he's not gonna get a just punishment Now it's gonna be a just punishment for the mob But it's not just punishment, you know when we look at all the evidence what he deserves We can't just turn a blind eye and say well He didn't have a part in his death just the same way like in the Bible You can't say like somebody's axe head flying off didn't have yeah He had some part and he the man who did that still had a responsibility to go to the city of refuge And there were that was kind of like his punishment. There were consequences. There's consequences to it So I think you know The punishment is overkill, but that's not to say that he shouldn't be punished. I don't even think you should go to jail I don't think well, I mean at that point we're getting into into the discussion of whether I'm replying to him Yeah, I know. Yeah, well at that point you get into discussion whether jail should exist or not Yeah, obviously when we get into the biblical concept of jail, yeah jail shouldn't even exist, right? Prison should not exist unless to determine the mind of the Lord, you know I mean regarding a crime that was committed where it's still unclear. They need to hold the person. Yeah Yeah, not as a means of punishment So I mean people who stole my car like two two three years ago Even if they if they found it and they wanted me to press charges I wouldn't have done it because I don't believe in jail. I don't believe in people going to jail interesting. So you know a lot of people don't agree with that, but You know, yeah, I mean I never heard that before but it makes sense There's like a lot of stuff like with caught like people supporting like as a curse like dude I do not support I do not support the cops Like I do not support it at all like and I don't think like I think it's a bad job it's a bad thing like I don't think it's good at all because So like I take that position like I don't think the police should exist I don't think police officers are necessarily bad people on my thing Yeah, but but at the same time again, like I don't think there's unrighteous police out there I think there's people who are well-meaning police officers who are good people who are just doing their job I think for example, the police is bad is bad the what the organization of police is bad like the idea of it is idea of is that because all I see is P is cops pulling people over for driving for traffic and then because the weight like Pulling the people out the car searching through their car. Like I don't care what what they're doing But I don't really search and we have I think we have people in our church who are in the military For example, they're not bad people. Yeah, but they but the modern military is bad I don't I don't think every police officers like that though I think mo I think most of it is right now like if you get pulled over right now Most police are young guy like my age in my car if I get pulled over on the way home right now They're gonna pull me on my car. They're gonna search my car. They put me in handcuffs. Take me down the curb I don't think they're gonna do that. I don't believe it. Especially if you're driving I got pulled over if you're driving on the 15th of San Diego They got border patrol out and every day I'm driving. I think really depends on honor hold over attitude Yeah, I think because I got pulled over that's dude. That's not I got pulled over a couple weeks ago And the guy just let me go that's crazy. And I was just you look a lot browner than him He asked me. He's like, what are you doing? I just explained out. He's like, you know, you're speeding I was just like, you know, I don't even pay attention Sorry, I I really didn't know and I did it honestly I didn't know I was going that's fast as he told me I was going and he's just like, alright Well, let me get your license registration. I gave it to him like well, you know, it's my fault I guess I was driving too fast or whatever and he came back as I got just slow down and he just let me go I've been action pulled over a couple times like that one in Montebello. Mm-hmm. And one time I was wearing my le hat Wearing my black shirt. I was out getting something to eat for my wife and I and they pulled me over and You know, he just came to me and and I don't you know, I'm not necessary for giving the cops a bad attitude like I was Like I'm just like oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't I didn't know we like we have that lady And then he just he just kind of just like alright, we'll just slow down and be careful, you know, that was it So I but that's not to say there's not police out there that are there that obviously there's some that are out there that are Really bad. It's humanity that they can so like the thing is that they can yeah, and I don't know where your car Yeah, and it's supposed to be and I think that's wicked supposed to be I think that's very wicked That's why I believe the police should not exist You know The centurion and the Gospels, you know, they got saved he that position should not exist Isn't centurion just military yeah, but they they can you know, he's playing a Occupational role. So it's basically like police. Oh, yeah, he's policing he can cause he can tell the Jews carry this for this I'm right. Yeah. Yeah this amount of Distance and they had to do it. What was that? Right? No But you know, I didn't see Jesus necessarily like fighting against them, right? He just kind of like he told him to carry a second mile Yeah, he told me to do a second mile and here's the thing like you never want to take that concept and say well You know if a police trying to cause you to sin or something Yeah, you should go the second mile and just go all the way. It's eating me But what I'm saying is like I don't believe the police should exist I think I think a lot of them get on power trips, especially those who are ex-military and they become police officers Mm-hmm. Those are the real dangerous ones Mm-hmm, you know, I mean cuz they've they got they get on power trips and I know there's there's police abuse I've seen police abuse with my own family. Mm-hmm. I've seen police beat up my brother. He's black. Mm-hmm I mean they they beat him up But you know what? There's times when my brother got arrested and and you know what? He kind of asked for to be whooped and I'm his brother so I could say that like he Broke a cop's jaw and you know, yeah threw him in jail for that. So Do you want do you want to talk about like that situation that happened in Chandler with the soul winners how that kind of fits? None of this. Well, here's the thing. Okay, so she deserved Yeah, but see both of them are bad who both the police and her right? Yeah Yeah, they're bad because they have no right to do that. But you know what when because I know who Debbie is Yeah, I'm like she deserved it. Have you watched the videos? I haven't know but if we watch like the one that they posted on YouTube But if you watch the full video, like you'll understand why she got yeah, I bet I mean like on the ground I only met her once or twice. She was she not only got thrown on the grass. She got thrown out of our church, too Yeah, that's true. So I'm out Yeah, I think um, you know I try to steer clear and here's a good example of good police the Omani Police Department were good to us. All right Yeah, they were good to us. They defended us against the sodomites. They took our side You know what? I mean? And so but if they were to ask me like do you think I should my position should exist? I'm like, no. Yeah, I do not think police should exist at all. Mm-hmm, you know and they have a little too much power You know, yeah, and when people say well, you know, there's police brutality. It's true. There is There is police brutality. I just don't think every single one of them is like that Yeah, because I've known multiple police officers throughout my life because we've had police officers at our old church and they're good people The difference is is like you were saying that you think most are like that No, I didn't know I said the organization of police is bad and therefore it causes people who are police They think they could just do whatever they want. Yes It's not necessarily the person just kind of gives their platform. They're enabled turns into a kind of would you say kind of turns? Relatively good people bad. Yes. Well, no, it just it just enables them to do an act that is bad Yeah, but no, yeah, you're right though It basically Because it kind of places the power in their hands how are people somebody's not for somebody who's not fit for it Yeah, and in power corrupts absolute and they're getting to the point where it's like they have absolute power Hey, but we're gonna be policing the millennial randy, man. Yeah That's gonna be righteous. We're gonna fly around us though. Well, we're gonna have perfect perfect judgment. Yeah You know, but right now there is no perfect judgment It's a place of the place of judgment the place of righteousness have an equity and wickedness. It is what it is but speaking of BLM you guys heard about the The lady who's in charge of BLM. Oh, yes, you brought a mansion. She has like all kinds of houses That's what BLM stands for by large mansions She's been investigated right now for what Because she's I think she's under investigation because of the fact that she's buying all these mansions Oh, that's called illegal. Yeah She's like nonprofit organization supposed to be a nonprofit organization Jim pay taxes on all those donations. You can't just take that money in and the thing is, you know, they have like different chapters different parts of The United States and these chapters are like we get no money from like the head from the head We actually like we funnel it in Funded themselves like whatever they have to do, you know, whatever crimes they have to commit Whatever rights they try to do or whatever, you know, they had to fund it It's a pyramid scheme and they're like she never gives us any money And then you know, there's three of them two of them are no longer part of like the the head or whatever They got kicked out. She's she's she's the only one. Oh, she's like a dictator now. She got rid of the triumvirate She's kind of like what is there and she's being criticized because she's getting like these massive homes and like white neighborhoods. Yeah So that's interesting yeah, look it up look it up real quick, you know recently I think it's the antifa leader of BLM buying mansions the antifa in Portland or some or some other city my man next door to white people BLM co-founder, let's see. Let's read the headline Inside BLM co-founder Patrice Khan colors million dollar real estate buying binge Oh man Wicked that's not a mansion What do you mean that's not a mansion that's like a house but still mansions house, bro I mean, I guess it'd be different if she just had like one house, but look at that. What in the world? Where is she buying these he's bawling where she's oh, yeah, and it's not just in the United States I think she got some like Bahamas Black lives mattering is hard Queen gotta have some real estate That looks like that Queen gotta have some rich rich yourself. Yeah, that's a what Topanga that's in Topanga Might be going there for my good You just gave it away, bro That's why I said my I'm leaving this in I know I'm booking her house Anyways But something interesting is the the antifa in Portland They like don't want to associate with BLM anymore because they commit too much crime BLM commits too much. Yeah, they were saying like antiva commit. Yeah, that's how that's how crazy it's gotten They're like these people they're stealing from us They're like they're like taking away like stuff from our communes and they're like getting us in trouble like to pull it like all this Stuff, you know, you know what it's called. It's called. There's no honor amongst. Yeah exactly That's how it works They're too radical well, you know the Bible says That you reap what you sow. Yeah, the world says what goes around comes around. Yeah It's both the same concept though They're just they're just getting what they've been dishing out, right? Yeah That's hilarious They're like banned from antifa own places now BLM and a lot of places in Washington and Oregon as Moses will say Yeah, beautiful Hike story Oh Yeah, all right, we'll finish this podcast with hike story if you guys obviously, you know, hi brother hike is typically on the podcast, but he's not out here tonight and You know it this so let me tell the story that he told me today it starts off pretty sad, you know It's a little a little devastating But uh, you know brother hike and his wife to have a cat his name is patches, right and Patches didn't come home last night So he didn't come home last night and You know, he basically contacted me and said patches didn't come home last night So we went to go look for him and he was on the other side of the street and they found he found him And he was he was dead But he wasn't eating or anything. He was just his face was just Bludgeoned or something. There's somebody killed him. Yeah, like something or someone killed him Oh, and so he found him in the morning and you know, he's just kind of devastated about it, you know And it's it's his wife's cat. Yeah, and here's the thing. Like I'm not really an animal person But I feel for brother high cuz you know, I love brother hiking his wife and you know, they love that cat So therefore I guess I love the cat too, you know Yeah, for some reason I like it felt like dude. I was hurting. Yeah, I'll be honest with you. That's a church man He was no it's not But they're just really devastated about it. You know what I mean? It's just like sick people out there. Who knows? Yeah, there's an animal who did it or whatever So, you know patches is a part of the family and he died So then he calls me and he's like you're not gonna believe this One of the kids that was there starts saying like Patches patches and hikes wife is just like can you just not say that name? You know, I mean, he's telling me the story. He's like, I don't want to hear that name right now It's gonna he's like, well, he's right there And he looks at in the backyard and patches is right side of the door. Well, he's patches the Antichrist Deadly wound to his head You like he comes back with like a three hours later army of cat and a half hours later Yeah, three and a half hours I'm just thinking Pet Sematary One one world cat government. So he's telling me this happen in Pet Sematary. Listen. Listen, he's telling me this and he's like He's like it's in his patches and we pick him up with patches he's alive. Mm-hmm And then he tells me and I'm he's like pastor I'm like, he's like who the heck is buried in my backyard then cuz he I He's like whose cat do I have buried in my backyard? What the heck? Was like what he goes I buried I thought I buried a cat like I hear live a little too it gets weirder it gets weirder. Oh, no, the cat the other cat comes back to life So patches evil to any kill them so here's the thing So he's like if this is patches like who do I who did I bury I buried someone's cat I buried someone else's cat in my backyard. Yeah thinking those patches And he goes, you know, it's even weirder we pick up patches and he has blood all over his paws Like he killed the cat he's like, I don't know he buried him dude, so like Well, he said he said that the cat that he buried was like identical to patch Yeah, it was like that spider-man meme, but he's yeah. Yeah, here's the thing. Like how many guys seen patches? Yeah, he's a big cat Yeah, he's a fat cat. He's a very well-fed He lives like royalty, he's very large So I'm saying well, so I told him I was like well probably happen his patches ran into him and said there can only be one Yeah, it's not room enough for the ball ran into his doppelganger. Yeah, and he's like this can't be I'm lonely patches We have the doppelganger killed patch. Yeah, how do you know which ones patches? Oh, what are they? How do you know? How do you know? Like hikes home. Well, here's the thing is like I got home. Yeah, then he becomes evil as the days go on It's more and more evil. It is and he only does it. Well, I think I think I think patches actually has like a Maybe he has like a collar How do you know how do you know the? Weirder it gets weirder what they dig up the the dead cat it's gone and it walks away Oh Hang on Pick the patches and when he wasn't like breathing or eating or anything like that like they just brought him home and then like when the kid said it patches in a Cat came back to life or something something even creature than that. That'd be scary. What happens? That's it bro, he must have killed the other cat How do we know which one's real? But the thing is like when when hike looked at the other cat he's like man someone bludgeon this thing to the patches, bro His paws are red. It was filled blood. He's like he messed that cat up. He's happy So where was he puts him on it? He puts him on his shoulder and as he's walking away the fake patches Yeah, it's like Yeah, you show like like back of the hike and then he's like patches, you know I think so Yeah, well I think I want to make an animated movie about that But the funny thing is that hike has some neighbors dead cat buried in his backyard that's nasty. Hey, I'm a crazy story. Yeah, I Felt really bad for hike but then I was with a Texan way. I'll be like, hey, sorry to hear about patches, bro He told me he's rest in peace He's like don't tell the guys cuz if the guys make fun of my cat like I'm gonna like lose it I won't tell him I won't tell him dang. Really? Yeah We don't know that though, we don't know that yeah, yeah you guys pretty you guys could get pretty sad I'm not defending a murderous cat. You guys can get pretty savage So anyways pretty funny story pretty funny and like sad at the same time crazy rollercoaster of emotion Yeah, one less doppelganger in this world. Amen Bless God anyways, well gentlemen, I think we're gonna call it a night Folks, thank you so much for tuning in to the rod of iron podcast Just as a reminder, you can watch the full episodes on YouTube or you can listen to it on Spotify Tune in next time for episode number Five I'm always forgetting which ones these are. Yeah, this is for This is for The one we're currently doing right now is for Right Tune in why now see you see the seasons are cooler. Yeah seasons are cool, dude. It's like a show Tune in start your podcast tune in next time for episode number form. Thank you so much for tuning in God bless. Have a great night You