(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, here we go welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I'm your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church in Oman in California joined by the fundamentalists in our church We have brother high-top Macian Jacob lands and Marco Sanchez from our church here And we got some interesting topics we're gonna be discussing tonight But before we get into that you want to remind you, of course, you can watch the full-length episodes On YouTube, but if you just want to listen to the audio version of it You can go on our website fwbcla.org Click on a podcast section and then all the episodes are available on there And then also you can listen to us on Spotify if you have a subscription to that. So just keep that in mind Looking forward to tonight's episode. We're gonna be discussing Possibly the the the science behind psychopaths and then we're also gonna be talking about Joe Biden's son He's in the news right now, right hunter hunter. Yeah hunter hunting for crack And then we'll see what else we're gonna get into tonight and we've actually taken some time off because of the remodeling that we have to Ulysses can you meet Marcos's mic? We taking some time off because we have to really relocate our podcast room And so it's looking a lot better. Amen. I like it. And and so looking forward to tonight's episode gentlemen, are we ready? Yep, done. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun and I'm Oh Don't look at us you lie It's not even moving bro, bro. You need to be paying attention. Hey, it's not moving. Yeah, is it moving? I Just gave my concert Trying to hit He's on my imaginary friend He's over the Turks one of them being the Jews and the Turks Turks are not your enemies the Jews are Right ain't that right? Yeah, my Armenian friend. Amen. That's right. The war is over Why do you war? Yeah, why'd you like put your gun takes so long to say that? Yeah. Hey, so, um, the Armenian war is over right? No, it's not over. No Marcos. Didn't you say it was over? They signed like a ceasefire treaty On Sunday, it's probably not over. It's not it's not over within his heart You're just probably a big Trump supporter everything he tweets you take Man Yeah, I don't think I don't know if you did I just saw what did you hear it on the news what news Fox Like an animal of some sort Something car, but it was it was it's valid though No, it's not over. There has been this is the third ceasefire. The first one was broken by Russia Well, let's start from the beginning. Why is there an Armenian war versus the Turks? Why is that? Azerbaijan Azerbaijan is a turkey junior It's it's over territory Most of Eastern Turkey all of Azerbaijan is Armenia And you know it all kind of stems from the Armenian genocide well, it all really stems from the young Turks which you know, if you ask me there were crypto Jews who kind of overthrew the Sultan of The Ottoman Empire took over the land and the government and formed what is now modern-day Turkey So go on yeah and then exterminated the Armenians and Armenia or Armenians at the time back when Istanbul was Constantinople, you know, there were businessmen in the area. They were doing real well So if you ask the Armenians, you know the genocide took place and it was basically like an ethnic cleansing of Armenians and a lot of people died. It is true. It really did happen You know, I've heard stories from my family of my great-grandparents kind of being Witnessing their whole family like being buried alive just yeah horrific stories like that and Armenia now is a very small country with roughly about a three million Population so the disputed territory, you gotta make sure you're talking to the mic like talking to the mic Yeah, but this disputed territory is right in between Armenia and Azerbaijan So in the early 90s, there was a war there was a first war with Azerbaijan where they tried to They Tried to expel the Armenians out of that region, which is Nagorno-Karabakh or as are we used call it arts off They try to expel the Armenians the Armenians ended up winning that war against them and recovering even more territory than they had before and I don't know if the Turks are kind of taking advantage of this whole coronavirus And when I say Turks, I do mean other bajanis. They're taking advantage of this whole coronavirus You know, the world is kind of on lockdown They're like, maybe it's a good time to attack and try to rekindle this this war this territorial dispute So yeah, that's what's happening now and a lot of people have died on both sides It's sad. Yeah. Well, not just a lot of people just innocent people. Yeah, a lot of innocent people on both sides Right Like Well Marcos and I we were in Glendale Which is like the hub of Armenians, right? We're there on Saturday. We're picking up some some computers and Man, I mean the Armenians. I mean you see the flags they're dragging What flag is that the Turkish flag? Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they're dragging the Turkish flag. They're dragging it on behind their vehicle and Hoods were painted. Yeah, hoods were painted on cars It looks like everyone it looked like every Armenian in Glendale was like on edge. I Was on it more than ever. I was on edge looking at them on edge. Yeah Armenians already are on it Yeah Disastrous, you know, I was telling pastor I was like we gotta get out of here before they find out I'm not Armenian Yeah, cuz I could use my 10% army I say I could tell him I'm like 10% Armenian I'm like just look at my nose That's what I'll tell him. Well your beard Yeah, it's what's our median. Yeah, that's true. My grandfather had a pretty massive beard Yeah, so but I think the nose too don't Armenians have like somewhat of a I need to see your profile See the nose Yeah, we got four Armenians well two three three point three and a half we have one more coming down from Washington State Oh, that's right. He's coming in a week or two. Oh, man. Awesome. He loved the church He came down to visit once and he's like, yeah, I think I'm moving down Yeah, you know what's cool about that is that he came to church and then he brought his parents He did and then his parents came back without him Yeah, they did because he he went back. Oh, you said Seattle. I think he's an average just north of Seattle Okay, so he went back home and but his parents came like a couple weeks ago, which is pretty cool Yeah, that's pretty did you get a chance to talk to them? Yeah, I said, oh, yeah Then he's coming down and you know in the hopes of getting his family saved and he's kind of on fire like soul What are you gonna? Yeah, man, so it's good deal. It's gonna be awesome. Yeah, we have Moses We have Moses Russian Armenian, well, he's Armenian from Russia. Yeah Cuz you got it. You got you gotta Know this is that there is a huge Armenian diaspora after the genocide Armenians dispersed throughout the whole world, you know, so there's a lot of Armenians everywhere. Yeah So don't be surprised you run into an Armenian and somebody says they're from Iraq It might be from Russia might be from Armenia Canada. Where's Leon from? Leon He's maybe you know what I maybe Lebanon if I remember. Oh, yeah does speak Arabic also That's cool Men Well, hopefully we get more Armenians in the church because we we got a big Armenian population here, right? But I know they're hard to reach. They're very difficult to reach because they're part of the whole Orthodox They were the first Christians quote-unquote, yeah, that's what they believe right that identity away from them. Yeah Yeah, you know, it's hard but uh, I Mean I could approach them like my parents. I started I started with this other approach where hey, you know One of the first Baptists or Armenian, you know, the whole all politicians. Mm-hmm Yeah, so not is that fake news? I Don't remember that you guys remember anything like that Polygians were Armenians How do you know that? Well number one it was on pastor That's the only thing I paid attention to So look it up you just he can't He's busy looking at the making sure the audio is on point. I could let up right now. Let's see. It's not fake news Oh, yeah. Yeah Wikipedia because one collisions were Christians at adoptionist sect from Armenia which formed in the seventh because when we talk about Cilicia in the New Testament that was an Armenian Kingdom Polish and member of the dualistic Christian sect that originated in Armenia in the mid 7th century. What is dualistic mean? Does anyone know? Member of a dualistic Christian sect basis. There's two of them That's what it means dual right? Yeah, you ever heard of dual of fates it was it was influenced most directly by the dualism there goes again of Marcionism a Gnostic movement in early Christianity doesn't sound good mark hike Gnostic religion founded in the third century by the Persian prophet money money and they have their own prophet Yeah Doesn't sound very good. What's the other? Holy owes the good sec, right? I Mean that's what happened usually with these groups is like yeah go apostate. Well, they say the Walden's ian's went apostate Mm-hmm and the Walden's ian's were like the biggest Christian group Quote unquote like the Baptist Christian group in Europe for hundreds of years They had like the most martyrs out of all of those Christian groups in Europe, but they went apostate You know, it happens sometimes, you know It's pretty interesting. What are you reading? So Anyways Hike is armenians. Yeah, it's a horrific situation now in Armenia as you can imagine It's that obviously, you know, I'm I'm rooting for my kin You know, but at the same time they're both unsaved. God is not a respecter of one false We shouldn't root for anybody though You have like they're I'm talking about. This is extended family Well, let's say that I'm not rooting for them. It shouldn't be said that you're rooting for them It should be said that you hope that they come out of it safe You know Not that they win a war because war is just ugly. It's bad. It's unbiblical, you know, especially for Christians But just like the taking of life You know, yeah, you don't agree If I said that You gotta have a you got to renew your mind Because here's the thing if you're against any of the war with any other race But you're not you but you're for war when it comes to your race and at that point you don't really have a core value You're against war You know, you got to make sure you're when you're against war you're against any war regardless of what race is involved Yeah, but I'm saying like as far as like rooting like you wouldn't root For like if it was that if it was a war between other races, you wouldn't root for either or no Because you're against war So you got to ask yourself if you're against war that's a core value that you believe then you should have that same Perspective when it comes to this war because at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if there are meaning inner Turks its souls Absolutely, but I understand I understand you got people you have family there and so there's a there's a love for your people But there should be a love that they would you know, come out of it safely not necessarily that they want to Because in order for them to win the war people have to die. Yeah, you know What I'm saying is like when I when I go on Facebook and I have family members on Facebook and they post things every single And that's the news to you know their post is what I know of this war right and I look at the photos of these of all these kids dying and I'm like man that Very well could have been me, you know if I was in Armenia, yeah, and there's a mandatory draft and I have to go I don't necessarily get to see the other side of that story So my compassion is more with what I see exactly. Yeah, but no, you're absolutely right. Yeah I Mind I affected mine heart the Bible says, you know, so you got to be careful what you watch Because we could easily be swayed and persuaded towards one side based upon what we listen to what we hear, you know The bottom line is You know war is bad and we don't want people to die and go to hell without the gospel and hopefully these people You know, it kind of wakes them up. Oh, yeah, absolutely I made this post on my facebook that whether you are Armenian or Turk if you die and you don't have Christ as your Savior You're down. You've got a lot of backlash for that and yeah, you know, let it be but it's true Cuz my parents were saying okay hike you shouldn't you shouldn't be saying that at a time like this and I said well When there was no war I was saying it nobody was listening, you know, but the message still stays the same Yeah, really? Yep. It's just it strikes you even more now. It's closer to home. Yeah Yeah Well speaking of hell Did you guys know hell is a place of fire? What? It's a place where you burn We have the place of torment Well, you know Yeah, it's a place of torment because it's it's a place where people burn and burning is torment Wait, you're telling me that burning hurts. Yes Yes I'm kind of curious to know because you know, obviously manly Perry's been preaching this weird nonsense and You know, I honestly in my opinion and I don't obviously people are gonna get offended at this people got offended at my sermon first from Sunday You know that um, he just sounds like an unsafe person talking about the Bible if you listen to his sermon on Jesus is fireproof He sounds like an unsafe person saying that and if I were to conjecture whether he's saved or not, I would say no Because the the explanation or his explanation of hell is so bad It's as if you put a Bible in the hand of an unsaved individual and just had them explain it That's exactly what they would come up with or something similar to that I wonder is this something he's believed all along or is this something new? Well, he says in that sermon that he believed that he used to teach that Jesus Christ did go to hell and he did suffer. Yeah. Oh You're right Cuz I heard his part of his sermon and he said there was a certain brother at his church brother Matt or something Showing him this fact that oh, that's right. I remember that part and he convinced him that reminded me of Doka He's convinced by like Nothing wrong with like another person named Matt. Well, there's nothing there's nothing wrong Yeah, yeah What should be the same man? No, I can't be no he's There's nothing wrong with like a pastor getting insight about the Bible from their church members on secondary and third issues You know, I mean like, you know Like parables or seeing like some deep nuggets about the pre-tribulation or not the pre-tribulation the post-tribulation rapture Or like, you know You know on Zionism or on Jesus Christ But man when you come to like the essential doctrines like hell And the people are just convincing you on that. That's bad That makes me think that you're probably not saved and look that the sermon is called Jesus is fireproof right and let alone just burning animals for the sake of eating them You know, yeah, that was a point that he made right? Well check out this verse made a point that basically the reason they burnt the offerings that because that the Levites were eating it Well, did they ever boil it because you could boil food Well, I mean they took the the instruct I just read through Leviticus today The instruction was to remove the call the kidneys the dung the fat and to burn that without the camp. They weren't eating that Yeah, so do you to make the argument that? You know, oh they were just burning it because they wanted and he I don't know if you heard it, but he's just like barbecue he just relates it to like, you know, his Texan food or whatever and Then it's just like well, you know, there's a bunch of other stuff that they didn't eat but they burned outside of the camp. Mm-hmm So it's like one the war you're a pastor You should know these things You know what? I mean? Yeah he said some weird stuff in that sermon and Of course, he said some weird stuff on the the the John 15 sermon about the fruit of the vine He said that that uh, Judas Judas had probably more conference than all the Apostles And he said something to the extent of like He says there's a bunch of examples in the Bible Is our one example is Judas Iscariot. I think he had more conference than anybody else. I can't prove it He's well, that's what I believe Disciples suspected themselves and not Judas cuz he had the most converts But the funny thing is he's like there's so many examples and then he says, you know, I can't prove it Yeah, that's fishy my wife was telling me she's like well maybe you know if the reason he's teaching if he's not saved the reason he's teaching or trying to like Mitigate the importance of the fire in hell. It's because he's going there It might be you know, they're trying to minimize Their punishment because they know they're gonna receive it But you know, I know a lot of people are gonna disagree with me on that a bunch of snowflakes out there but look This is not like a difference in opinion then you have like other pastors who are getting like on pastor Shelley and stuff and they're like I called him and he says he believes the hell is burning So he does it you took him out of context listen to the sermon yourself. Yeah, Joe Joe major, so he's either lying to His congregation is lying to Joe major because he specifically said it's not burning You just want to ignore that this is the kind of nonsense leadership that's out there Yeah Well, it sounds more like manly perry is saying both things because he's saying it's burning You know, he's saying he's saying it's not burning like an actual fire, but then he calls a sermon Jesus christ is fireproof. Well, I think what he means is he's saying that it's there He's saying he's fireproof because he's not burning. He didn't burn but Then there is that there's there's fire in hell. He's contradictory. Jesus christ is not getting burned, right? You know, yeah, but he's not saying there is fire though He's saying that there's not fire yeah, he's saying it's just when I first heard the sermon I didn't hear him say that um That hell did not have fire in it until I I seen the clip from yeah Is it from that same sermon it's from the sermon jesus is fireproof. He's probably picturing like those Well to him it's like like the light like because his his the wind is like a light There's his argument is that it's not fire because if it was fire then it would have just like disintegrated whatever yeah, he just burns it But that's burning bush. It disproves that it's Exactly that fact but if it's like so he's basically limiting god because he thinks that god can't create a fire that can just Burn something forever just like the the burning fiery bush It was burning but it was not consumed But but on top of that it's like you got like an everlasting soul Exactly, you know that's going to spend eternity somewhere right? It's like it needs to be burning forever Yeah, you know, you can't just like the smoke of their torment shall ascend forever and ever that means it's continually burning Yeah, and what a smoke. What do you need to have smoke fire? Yeah Where there is smoke there is it's a fog machine That's pretty deep man, I should fly you out to uh, san antonio texas. Oh hell no Oh, man, did you guys see that video that pastor aniston posted about that idiot who's trying to like yeah He's like what the hell he just said Oh, that was good that was funny that was out of nowhere man that was I had to rewind yeah, it was so funny I didn't listen to the whole thing yet. I did it was it was really good Yeah, it was good. The guy just had the wrong word. Yeah. Yeah, because you couldn't read hebrew. He had the wrong word He said that basically moisture. Yeah, it's not it's cakes. Yeah But cakes was another word in the sentence. The cake was already there. Yeah It was a descriptor of the oil the the flavor of the cakes. Yeah, right as fresh oil. That was awesome Yeah, it's fantastic when somebody who knows what they're talking about. Oh, yeah Yeah So, um Ulises and I we're gonna start doing a um We're gonna read the reign of valera. I'll say 1960. Dang We're gonna read the reign of valera gomez and we're gonna record it. So i've already done three chapters from the book of john So we're gonna i'm gonna um do a separate channel just uploading those And um, it's caused me to practice a lot and just read through it out loud and whatnot. I did three chapters today i'm gonna be doing the whole book of john and then Ulises is gonna do first second and third john. You should put it like on spotify, too Yeah, that's a good idea. Spotify and spoon Spoon hey, are you guys on spoon spoon is cool, dude Me and ray were on there last night, but nobody was listening. We're just talking Spoon is awesome. Yeah, so spoon is an app Where it's like a you could do a live broadcast. It's only audio Okay, but you can go live and then people can call in. Yeah on your phone And you just pick up specific topic you just start talking away Pastor aniston was on there last night and he was talking about black holes and people were calling in Regarding like just completely irrelevant things and he ended up just getting them saved Yeah, like over the phone and people are on there like you can you can comment and stuff and he's just getting them saved So it's pretty cool. It's a new tool It's called spoon by the way, follow me on spoon. I'm i'm on wild olive tree 16 But i'm gonna make one for the rod of iron podcast Um, and then i'm gonna make one for this probably that's a good idea. Are we gonna go live on spoon? Yeah Yeah, yeah, we'll do this and we'll go live like we'll have special editions where we go live and we answer phone calls or whatnot Nice, you know It's cool. It's pretty neat. Yeah Yeah, he got like a little kid saved on there. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. That's an app Yes It's called spoon It's basically they call them like um djs The people who go on there you can actually make money on there It's so funny because I had just seen that ad that that morning and i'm like what the heck because I was listening to um I think um, this is what it looks like So you get fans you following or whatever then you have something called cast talk and wall it's like instagram, yeah It's kind of like instagram And um audio Yes, you could put me some people like literally just sing on there and people like follow you and stuff or become a fan of yours And they can send you money or whatever It's pretty legit Pretty legit. Oh, yeah So I was reading this book without conscience. This is a good book speaking of reprobates. I mean everything's just flowing today, huh? And uh, this is a really good book on psychopaths It's called without conscious without conscience the disturbing world of the psychopaths among this robert hare Who is like basically he's the expert on this and man when you read this now He tells you in the beginning of the book like hey, um Don't make the mistake of just like starting to think of people But the thing is it's kind of like hard not to do that Because you start reading their characteristics and it's like oh man I wonder if so and so is a reprobate like a lot of body language books do that too. They tell you like hey don't like Use this on everybody because it's hard to turn off sometimes like yeah Yeah, and as i'm reading this I'm looking through and i'm thinking like a people that i've known or people that we've kicked out Um No one no one that's in church right now, obviously but um Let me let me find something here. Go ahead talk amongst yourselves because i'm gonna look for something That's not the guy in pastor. He met as a documentary. I believe so. I believe it is Okay, it is right. I think so He was like because I think uh authority on psychopaths or something or was that a lady? That was a guy. I remember it was a guy in in the Documentary yeah, I think pastor jason robinson was like is this the same guy that um That pastor he met his head on the documentary Yeah, it is. Yeah, i'm pretty sure it is I'm looking for this. Um Where's it at? Here we go, I think this is it the checklist no, yeah, where's the checklist it's like somewhere in the beginning I think it might be like chapter. Here we go So look I mean The world is filled with psychopaths and obviously we would refer to them as reprobates But the thing is like when you think of a psychopath you think of someone who's just like an axe murderer Which they do exist But some psychopaths are just for lack of a better word like normal psychopaths. They're just like they live normal lives And they're not into killing people. Can you check the camera? Let's check it real quick you like those cameras are good Good All right, um They're not into killing people but they like they steal money The corporate psychopath. Yeah, the corporate there's a corporate psychopath. They use people Yeah, they use people like there's a couple stories in here. One of them was like this guy He met a girl and he developed a relationship with her and he moved in with her And she's just like he was kind of weird like he would I'd come home and he would have like a stack of tvs in the corner or whatever and he's just asleep You know, he would always have just these random things in the house or whatever and um Come home late and just kind of living kind of like shifty guy. Yeah like a shifty guy And then one day she said that she asked him she said um Hey, could you go get me some ice cream? From across the street and he just looked at her and I can't remember her name. Let's say her name was barbara He goes. Oh barbara You've always gotten whatever you wanted, huh? Yeah, and he got up and he walked out and he just never came back He just never came but you know, that's how psychopaths are Yeah, he was like, yeah, the world doesn't revolve around you Hey, he's all he's all He's all you've always gone whatever you wanted, huh? So what flavor do you want? Cold stones or baskin robbins never comes back He ate the ice cream He actually got the ice cream just ate it and left I mean this has some horror stories in there though Obviously, I wouldn't want to like say on the podcast just because it's brutal like there's some wicked people out there But there's others who are just like they're they're void of a conscience. So they're able to lie and cheat and steal and um But they basically tell you like, you know, if you have one of these psychopaths in your life You just got to get away from them It doesn't matter what level they're at Obviously if it's an axe murderer, but if it's like if he's just even just a chronic liar You've got to get away from that. So would you say that every psychopath is reprobate? Absolutely. Okay. Yeah But obviously like, you know when you compare it to the bible Every reprobate is not necessarily gonna be like a sodomite because you think of judas iscariot Judas iscariot was not a sodomite. What was the what was the the iniquity? They just kind of like bound him He's stealing, right? Yeah You know But here's the thing is I believe every reprobate has the potential to be a sodomite Because they're they're capable of all wickedness. Yeah, they're full of sin. They're full of you know, um murder They're full of hate. They're full of debate and all those things. So it's kind of giving you like an overview It's letting you know that they're capable of whatever wickedness there is, you know, and they they lack empathy So they have zero empathy towards others. And in fact, like they were interviewing this the serial killer and um What they were basically saying is that they don't know how to feel Like they don't know What it's like to be afraid And he was they're they're interviewing a guy who was in prison and the guy basically said like, um You know the guy was explained to him like, you know So tell me about some of the crimes you've committed or whatever and he was just like, yeah, you'd be surprised how like, you know people you know, uh Behave when you're pointing a gun at them, you know Some people shake and some people cry they use the restroom on themselves and stuff And he just kind of going through that list and the guy who's interviewing basically asks him like so what would you do? Like how would you feel he said if someone pointed a gun at you? He says I would run or I tried to take the gun away or I do this. He was okay But how would you feel though? And then the guy responded by saying I don't I don't understand the question But the reason you don't understand it because he doesn't know how to feel Yeah, their past feeling their past feeling exactly And then they're just it just kind of confuses them, you know Um, and they're like talk about their like their weird goals that they have even though like they're locked up for years They're very grandiose. Yeah, they're goals. Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they're very grandiose. It's like um, they basically one of the attributes of a psychopath is that they have these like Extravagant plans and you know, they'll interview these people in prison that are doing life for like killing someone And he's like, yeah when I get out i'm gonna be like a an olympic swimmer Gold, you know medalist or something and i'm just gonna live off the winnings off of that. It's like dude, you're here forever Yeah, you have a life sentence. You have a life sentence. You're not going anywhere, but they like they'll say they'll say things like that And that's one of the reasons believe it Yeah, I mean they're self-deceived. That's great And the thing is is like you can you can see why People are at times are attracted to the psychopaths Because the way they speak You know, well even like the writer of that book he's talking he's like man like because he went to go work at like at a ward at a prison and he's like he like he's like giving these people therapy and he's like when the world like i'm being like drawn into these people's stories as well because this is like so like You know, yeah grandiose. Wow I'm thinking about like cult members and stuff. Yeah cult members cult leaders. Sorry Yeah, it says here psychopaths often come across as arrogant shameless braggarts Self-assured opinionated domineering and cocky They love to have power And control over others and seem unable to believe that other people have valid opinions different from theirs They appear charismatic or even electrifying to some people psychopaths are seldom embarrassed about their legal financial or personal problems Rather they see them as temporary setbacks the result of bad luck unfaithful friends or an unfair and incompetent system so Because he's talking about like bad bad friends and stuff like that. Oh, yeah, but he's like He's the one that's saying that pastor anderson is a bad friend. Well, okay So that's that's interesting. You said that because one of the things of a psychopath is them Their their lack of empathy is so like astounding Because you have a guy like for example void. Yeah Because there's a story about a guy and he basically He like stabbed this dude at a bar Like stabbed him brutally stabbed him didn't kill him almost did the guy was laid up in the hospital for like nine months or something Right and that guy basically did life because the guy was trying to take his life Or he was trying to take that guy's life And when they interviewed him He's like man, that guy has it so good. He's over here, you know and and laid up in the bed for nine months And i'm over here in prison It's like dude, what are you talking? He like stabbed he goes he's lucky I didn't kill him. I mean he has a good He should thank me. Yeah, that's basically what he was saying It's like what in the world? Crazy, but they're very grandiose. They lack empathy. They're egocentric They have a lack of remorse and guilt So it's just like they can they don't think it's their fault. Nothing is their fault fault Not only that but they just they just don't care at all Like they You could imagine how someone like that cannot get saved because they cannot admit they're a sinner. Okay. Yeah, I did nothing wrong so before I forget So because they have a lack of remorse and guilt the reason they know that is because when when these psychopaths that score high on the psychopathy checklist like murderers and stuff When they discuss their murders they discuss it like they're going to go get milk at a store I'm talking about like brutal murders where just like You know decapitations or whatever they talk about it like they're buying like bread at a store and so these psychopaths what they do is The way they know Well, basically what tips them off to not go too far in a conversation Is they they observe the countenance of the recipient of what they're saying? He's like when he's talking about yeah I did this and did that if the person starts making like a face they're just like crying Yeah, it's just like okay. I need to stop so I got to be careful when I say that because they don't know They don't have a filter. They have no feelings You know what? I mean? It's crazy That is crazy. Yeah, and they're very deceitful and manipulative extremely deceitful and manipulative they're able to just Coerce people into like doing crazy stuff um Shallow emotions is another one Let's see what else impulsive Poor behavior controls need for excitement Lack of responsibility, they rarely can keep a job they go from job to job to job to job to job because they're just constantly bored um What else? A lot of crazy stuff. It's a good book, but it's it it made me think of like people in my life Like in times when I was like man, maybe that person was a psychopath So scary and they're like at the end of the book they basically said there's like no hope for them There's nothing you can do it's inhumane Like somebody like that who you like you're going down that list and you check off everything. You're like This person is not a human Yeah, they basically say they're monsters. Yeah. Well the secular realm basically says these people are without hope like There's no hope for them. So you just have to stay away from them because there's no cure or appease them yeah, or you have to appease like if you if you're If you're forced to reprobate if you're forced to well not appease them, but basically you have to reward them reward them What but just whatever they like good trees. Yeah Yeah with their dogs Is it good that the audio is good? Yeah. All right, they're implacable They're implacable. Yeah But basically you have to reward them but it's never going to be enough No, so you have to keep rewarding them with other things kill them Which is interesting because I mean a lot of the prisons are filled with psychopaths. Yeah And it's just like well if the secular realm knows there's no hope for them. Then why don't you execute them? Because you know that if they get out whoever they come in contact where they're going to corrupt they're going to destroy They're going to it's going to be really bad for that person. Why don't you just like kill them? execute them But you know, but what's sad is this is that like the secular realm understands this Why can't christians understand it? Yeah, and he literally called it without conscience You know everything. All right What? Oh the camera just just just scream out to a man fear not he's like Arturito Good book you guys should read it Yeah I like reading it just because like, you know as a pastor Um, I need to know if if like people who come through our doors, yeah, or psychopaths or reprobates, you know You have that checklist in the back of your mind. It's like, okay. Yeah, absolutely three check marks I think I got it before someone comes in feel it Hey take this test. Can you take this? I got an a you feel sorry for me. They're just passing out that test The visitor card, yeah Can you fill out these questions if you can fill out that visitors card right there and put it at the bottom There's a list of 10 questions on there if you knew that you you you could get away with stealing. Would you do it? The offering plate was by you And no one else was around. Yeah, that sure was looking at the other island I'm, not gonna say any names, but they're you know, there's an individual who's here. You know who i'm talking about Yeah, who he ended up kicking out you were there when I kicked that individual out i'm like that person's a psychopath for sure Just you can't name Nah, I rather not. I don't want to give him attention. We can just bleep it out Oh, yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah. Um You said he I was thinking she I didn't say I said a person no you said when he kicked him out Oh Did I say that you think she's a guy too? Yeah, that makes sense Yeah, she she's psycho bro, yeah, she got those psychos, yeah, oh she's a vegan She yeah veganized. Yeah Hey, remember what adam said? Yeah Yep, the frontal lobe cortex smoothing out Take sandpaper all that grain just like rubbing against it. I love eating Animals, I love that delicious. I've been like watching like a bunch of carnivore like uh meal prepping and i'm like, damn I want to do I've been watching a lot of animal planet It's like to eat that animal, you know, what what um, what channel is over what page is really cool on instagram nature is metal Yeah, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you guys following those accounts? That account is cool. Isn't it? Nature what nature is metal? Hey, so you don't you want to know something cool about it's basically animals killing other animals They you know how a lot of people say that chickens are vegans Like they don't eat it or that it's alive. Yeah, it's actually a big old lie chickens eat rats. Yeah, they eat rats They eat lizards. So it's like dude They're not vegan at all Exactly click on it. You'll see it. Oh delicious, bro I don't know. I wouldn't nature is metals. What is that? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, there's worse. There's worse There's a lot worse. There's some cool stuff on there, but it's just showing you like The um the awesomeness of like the car god's creation and carnivores and stuff. Yeah here's the thing like so vegans believe that um When we eat animals we're murdering them, yeah, so do they consider other animals as murderers for killing these animals? Put them to death now I don't know I don't think they can. Yeah, I want to see why won't I want to see vegans protest alliance? They don't think that deep bro I mean, what do you think wouldn't they wouldn't that be basically along the lines of what they think? They already put humans along the same like yeah height as as because if you think about it animals are More murders or they they're greater in their murder than we are Right. Yeah, they kill the weakest too. They kill. I don't know. Oh, man, they're babies. Yeah Yeah Vegans are the weakest Vegans are the weakest Well, they're on the bottom of the food chain There's more vegans against abortion They're all they're all I would say nine. They're for abortion. Yeah, all of them. I've never met a vegan hypocrites against abortion I feel like a lot of vegans like live up north in oregon or something Oregon why oregon? I don't know. It's just like liberal up there. This is wicked I think it's only portland that's liberal Exactly portland. Yeah, when I think of oregon, I just think it's bad. Oh, we went to portland we did You and I baby haters over there baby haters. Remember we went to that coffee. Oh, man We went to this coffee shop because they got good coffee In portland, they got really good coffee and they got like a specialty coffee houses like on every corner But we went there hike and I and um his wife and then jordan his wife in there and their kids and um Zayce well, you just you know, zay's was having a hard time like kids do sometimes. He's just he's just crying. It was portland We were just having a hard time and man the the the The employee yeah, well, yeah, yeah the people there who weren't employees they were just customers they're just mad dogging zayce Not the parents. Yeah They were looking at zay saw crazy And i'm like what's up with these people and then finally like the the employee was just like i'm sorry I'm gonna have to ask you to leave You can't be here and was she speaking to zay's also Probably these people never seen a stroller in their life, bro. They don't know what babies are Yeah, actually when we're walking down the street people are just giving looks and stuff. What kind of car is What is that little person? Is that a little person? You're gonna say midget, huh? Yeah, the proper name is dwarf. Hey, hey guys, come down. Elise is right there. What do you prefer? It's funny because releases actually looked away and he was just like Yeah Oh man, well speaking of animals hunting animals, let's talk about hunter biden Let's talk about hunter biden All right, so he's a crack hunter crocodile So so what do we know about hunter biden? He's a crocodile. So this is what happened a couple years back the crocodile Dundee Hunter biden the crocodile hunter. That's a good one. Thank you the croc crocodile dundee Go ahead marcos. So a couple years back. He left the laptop He took it to go get it repaired at a uh, like computer repair shop And I guess he was drunk when he dropped it off and he didn't pick it up. He had a 90 day um Like basically he had to pick it up within 90 days. If not, then it would be the um laptop or the computer repair places Property then so he didn't ever pick it up and so The the guy that owns the repair shop he started like looking through the laptop and so he's like, oh, well This is my property now. So i'm just gonna look through it and he found he finds like a bunch of crap like like just a bunch of like deals that they did with russia like crazy videos as well with like that he was like doing with like Like people like doing yeah, he was doing like math like there's like just videos of him like doing math snow snorting crack like Come on, man so like recently these these uh pictures came out videos came out and like basically he's like he's like, um, Like there's a credit card on one of these pictures and a credit card He's using they're using this credit card to chop up crack Or the cocaine right he's like using this credit card, but if you zoom in it into the the card it's um, What's her name's? Malia malia obama's credit card and so in the pictures too, I wouldn't recommend nobody to look at these pictures because it's like everybody's like like Not wearing clothes in those pictures holding. Yeah, it's on twitter too. What the heck? Yeah, like twitter like they censor everything else, but So like yeah, but But crack orgies, that's fine. Yeah Yeah, exactly. And there's like pictures of him like sleeping with a meth pipe in his mouth And stuff it's like when I seen that I thought um that looked like a like they're trying to blackmail him To be honest, like he passed out. He probably wanted to get caught here's the thing though Why would you be partying with people? You know, yeah, he's passed out because he's probably passed out drunk or partying for like days And then they were able to put that meth pipe in his mouth and take a picture of him But there's I mean, I wouldn't I wouldn't go that as far because there's uh pictures of him sorting crack I think people smoke crack I don't know. I've never done crack or coke me neither, but I I know that though One good look at his face and you already know his password is like crack You took a look at the guy. Yeah Yeah, well, you know what I wouldn't put it past him if he was snorting crack He probably did actually know anything about it But there's also text messages of him Like I guess like he got really inappropriate with like some young girl and then no the mom hunter biden. Yeah Like the mom was telling it like like father like son. Yeah Like telling him like hey, like don't get near my daughter and like she was like gonna bring so is that a challenge? Yeah, like it's like his own mom Oh, but uh, so there's like this text message that he's texting is like his uncle And his uncle's like like trying to defend him say hey, you know what? We believe you like, you know We're gonna just settle this. It's like we're gonna like basically try like, you know pay you off pay you pay her off and stuff Like that. It's like don't worry. It's like we believe you hunter. We know you wouldn't do anything like this It's like go ahead and smoke this crack. Yeah So that that guy's like evil though, but there's like a bunch of like like, um Like the deals with the ukraine is this him? Yeah. Yeah. Oh man, that's look at that Guys well, that's the same guy it doesn't look like a cigarette in there. Oh, yeah Yeah, actually kind of does look like him. Does it? Yeah It does in my opinion. No, it's more cracked out than the other one Well, I mean crack crack probably changes you a little bit I can't expect someone to look exactly the same after you've done crack That's a wicked family man. Yeah that picture right there where he's like which one covers this one. Yeah, that's the one. Oh, yeah Yeah, that's him. That just looks like he's passed out and then they put well, it just kind of looks like he's sleeping Yeah, but you want to sleep with a with a pipe in your mouth. Oh, is he sleeping with the pipe in his mouth? Yeah. Oh, man. I didn't see that. Oh, yeah Yeah, they probably I mean still where would they get a crack pipe? Yeah. Why would he even be there? Yeah, exactly because his friends are Smoking meth Is this him right here? Oh, they missing teeth. Oh, yeah. Yep He's doing crack for sure okay, so basically, um This is a result of doing crack. He's messed up teeth And that's why his teeth look all nice now because basically you got him replaced modern dentistry Yeah Man, so this is biden's son, huh? Yeah Good night, no wonder biden talks the way he talks. He probably is doing it with his son Smoking crack with his son the same smile. They got a top left corner right here. Yeah, they got the same dentists Crazy man, this is the guy that basically um And it what is he helping his dad out in this campaign or something or what? I'm not sure He hates his dad. I was listening to rudy juliani talk about some of the content in that Uh in his laptop in his laptop and he's talking about how his dad man. I hate my dad He's always telling me to stop smoking crack He's always telling me not to do he's always saying not to smoke too much crack I think he hates his dad. He I think he probably wanted to get caught life dad Maybe because I mean, come on. Come on, man. Come on, man It's my life dad. They've been sitting on his laptop for like a year now. Yeah, yeah So it's like they've known about it for a while now Yeah, it's just like until now that they've released some things because even like the who released it Rudy juliani. Yeah, rudy juliani, but also like um, I think I think also the the owner of the laptop store too. Well, he's because he down with Yeah with rudy juliani. Is he a republican? I don't know What a perfect time. Yeah, i'm still not voting. Yeah, what a perfect time to bring it out, huh? Yeah Just a week away from the election. What is the when are the elections november? November 3rd? November 3rd, when is that next week? That's next week Next tuesday, is that they call it big tuesday, right? Or something like that. Oh, yeah, it is next tuesday Would you look at that for all you fox news baptists out there? Obviously you get there already know it's next tuesday um I'm not voting Any y'all voting? I don't care. I already said I never voted before So what do you guys think about this new podcast room? I like it. I like it. I like it a lot I think it looks fresh. It looks sharp Right. I like the screen me too I like the light Right. I like that. Adam's not here Nah, I like adam on the podcast what happened How is that gonna fit here how's that audio doing good Um would adam so basically the way it's gonna work is that one person? Has to be over there with with ulysses. Is he gonna have a mic over there? Yeah, you have a mic. There's a mic down there. I was I was I was already preparing it for him. Okay Yeah, or for whoever was gonna sit there Are you gonna put another camera over there too? You guys gonna have to rock paper scissors for whoever sits there? That's cool Yeah, there'll probably be a camera there Are you a pro at rock paper scissors? Yeah, fox news baptists right now. They're just like losing they're on the edge of this They're on the edge of their fate of america the fate of america the fate of churches. This isn't the most important election in history I remember. Yeah. Yeah. Remember that one guy? He made a whole promo video If you really couldn't get some video elected it's like that means that hope for churches will not be like what the heck dude Maybe for your church. Yeah, yep Yep, yep. Has anyone ever voted? Have you have you I voted you voted in class? In my old ifb church It's like we've all heard of voting but have any of you I actually voted Because I came from an old ifb church where like voting was like an important thing, you know And um, they promoted it Yes Yeah I voted for Whoever was a republican like 10 years ago or whatever Yeah, probably bush romney Oh, yeah, probably romney. No, I think I voted for like a third party. Yeah, that was the obama era Yeah, well, who's the third part? Who's the libertarian at that time? I don't remember I didn't vote obama, but I either voted for the republican or the libertarian You said Just give me the light dude Yeah, it's worthless It's a worthless thing to do Yeah, there was like a someone put on one of the mailboxes by my house Um, it's like melon voting is a fraud and lots of and but they like took it down right away but Yeah, like people I don't know Probably right here in the city of baldwin park. There was a uh, a mail-in voting like drop box that like got burnt down Yeah, like like a week ago. Wow A bunch of ballots got destroyed Yeah The votes didn't count Who cares there's a reason it's called the election It's already elected. They're already the president's already elected chosen predestined. I'm surprised, you know pastor aniston mentioned this but it's just like It's crazy. How many? new ifb People just became a fox news baptist this year They're all about that right, you know the false right left paradigm They understood the babylon and they understood that you know, it's about the church house. Not the white house But all of a sudden 2020 comes around The election comes around coronavirus comes around all of a suddenly All these pastors and church members become these fox news baptists doctrine goes on a back burner Screw everything else. It's all about patriotism and americanism It's nonsense Yeah, I still stand where I stand There's a couple people in our church. They're probably gonna vote But there's very few Marcos Huh, who would I don't know who cares it's literally like two people Oh, they told you they were gonna vote They didn't tell me but I found out somehow They don't want to tell me because they think i'm gonna like bite their heads off or something I don't even care like if they told me hey i'm gonna vote i'll be like, huh? Whatever you want Yeah, it's weird Very strange to say the least our fall program is coming to an end in two weeks We have the november birthdays this coming sunday and then the following sunday we have pastor erin by the way We're doing a rod of iron podcast with pastor thompson When he comes because he's going to come to preach for us on november 8th And so we're actually going to do it on the 7th on a saturday So it won't be on the typical day that we do it. We're going to do it on saturday instead We don't like grasshoppers in his side. He's going to be like, hey, we should do it live huge It's not that easy. Marcos. I know I I did it at work at ohio Yeah, but the thing is it's too risky to do it on the saturday With this with the um mini recorders and then switch them over to like for preaching the next day It's just too risky to have it like malfunction Speaking of it's already been malfunctioning Yeah, but we don't you want to try that I guess we could try it. We can try it. The only thing is like we we have to get a new um Or like a new ssdi chord Hmm unless you want to take the one we'll figure it out All right guys, is there anything else I think that's pretty much it, huh? Yep Well, uh, thank you for tuning in to the rod of iron podcast tune in next week Or not next week the week the following week because we're gonna do we might actually do it every week now Now that we have this whole setup space we got the space to do it Yeah, we might as well just do it every single week. This is episode nine Stay tuned for the following two episodes. We're gonna have a pastor erin thompson is going to be with us We're going to be discussing the prison industrial complex actually. Oh, no snaps So we're going to be talking about that looking forward to that and so, uh gentlemen any last words No, thank you for tuning in Make sure you listen on spotify go to fwbcla.org Click on podcast and you can listen to all the episodes on there and that's pretty much it. Have a good night Now You