(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A juggalo you never not not the other one is it's insane clown posse. Have you heard of them? Yes Yes, he was a fan of theirs Jason he is Yeah, they look like clowns They kill people, you know, they're they're a Domestic terrorist group according to the FBI. They're called juggalos. Yeah The designated a domestic terrorist group who isn't afraid of are you serious? I'm a hundred percent serious. They're dangerous You don't want to mess with them. I'll kill you. So like they're violent or something. Well, they can get violent That's the thing. They're not is it one of them called violent J. Yeah You Know, you know make fun of their makeup. Yeah, you know who's a there's a lot of celebrities who are juggalos It's like Freemason or almost like Charlie Sheen is a juggler Vanilla in the world vanilla. I used to juggle on a second, but juggalos are those who follow ICP Yeah, like fans of ICP and they're part of that like subculture. I think George Soros. No That's crazy, so they've created quite a culture there Oh The dark carnival that's what they call they have a big dark carnival every year No, I don't know It's bigger than Coachella, yeah, that's kind of that's kind of weird it is very weird But though but you know ICP is anti-fag they hate fags so They're actually it's actually kind of a weird band. I don't know if you know about this Yeah, pastor Anderson as on like ad-libbing on one of their song Yeah The entire the entire last minute of this song is literally just pastor Anderson preaching What yeah, what was this this came out this? Yeah, I like that. Yeah, this this came out recently It was like an album from like a couple months ago or a year ago or something like that I mean might have been it might be older. I don't know So they they they took a snippet from pastor Anderson sermon and put it on their CD on their song Yeah, it's entire CD but Yeah, it's entirely uninterrupted Uninterrupted preaching for like a minute and a half or something. He's just going on Yeah, it's a funny pull that up I'll ask Jason for the song we pull it up 2019. Yeah, it's recent I Wonder if he even knows I Want to send it to him right now Listen from end to start to end It's considered rap, right I don't think you ever mentioned. No, it's considered a horror core It's rap. You are on a rap song Anyways Welcome to the rod of iron podcast fundamental Baptist breaking down discussions dogma and daily events I am your host pastor Bruce Mihia from first works Baptist Church in Oman in California here joined by the church members brother Jacob lands for the Marco Sanchez for the hiked off Maci and Adam Ken Zari, I'm glad I can say your name, right? Doesn't everyone mispronounce your name? It's actually pretty phonetic Now does anybody ever mispronounce it at all it's just go ahead and on purpose That's still right We got a couple interesting topics we're gonna be talking about today we might Veer off on some other subjects, but for the most part we're gonna be talking about John MacArthur the hero of California I'm joking about that. He's not a hero and Along with that we're gonna talk about his his rival who's trying to up him one up him Jack Treiber And then we're also gonna be discussing Sleepy Joe or as Jacob lands likes to call him sloppy Joe Joe Biden and then the last topic we're gonna be talking about Kyle Rittenhouse in the whole Wisconsin shooting Kenosha, Wisconsin shooting and so thanks for tuning in what's going on gentlemen? We've got to go from like ICP to actual serious topics Yeah, apparently Insane clown posse has a has a rap song with pastor Anderson on the vast majority on the track Yeah, that's more like leverage for Michael was named Johnson Michael. They are like They're promoting rap on the Yeah Let's check his favorite like that That was too much Oh Jessica Simpson, yeah, Christina you are so much work So we're looking forward to tonight's podcast gentleman you ready done done and done and done and done and done and I Gotta tell you guys I Was listening to a pretty podcast on the way here. We're using a drug Patrick Boyle. Yeah Interesting as in stupid. No, the guy is interesting. He's actually very smart and I'll tell you why on Patrick Boyle's podcast No, not on his podcast on some other guy's podcast This guy's name is coffee Zilla on YouTube and he exposes like these fake internet gurus, right and Patrick Boyle He is a hedge fund manager from I think from the UK. He's a what a hedge fund manager Okay, like a truth day traders, you know, so this guy's really smart but this guy's channel coffee Zilla this guy goes out of his way to like expose all these fake gurus cuz on Every cuz I I like finance and like business stuff So all my youtube ads are basically like people promoting like turnkey businesses, you know, like and sell on Amazon You know buy my course So is it's a very interesting world where people lose like tens of thousands of dollars Just giving it to these charlatans how you know because they could potentially make a quick buck, you know get rich quick pyramid schemes Pyramid schemes or they call it like passive income. Hmm So it's basically the pitch is always all you know, you you don't have to work hard You can work from home. So you see this pool you want it. You see this car you want it exactly It's the lifestyle. All you got to do is these five things. Yeah sign up to get my book We're gonna my yeah my horse Yeah, there's a guy who used to my garage Ty Lopez all title. He was the first guy he kicked off the whole thing. No, I remember his Yeah, I was a Lamborghini. You guys see this Lamborghini Yeah, that guy was actually real though like recently some youtubers went to his house and like they confirmed like everything's actually real. Yeah, but Why did you sign up but the point is What is about that guy is that he was doing that same thing like he always had like the secret the answer right Patrick Yeah, it's like no Where does Patrick Boyle come in? Wait, you gotta wait, man. He's building up to No, the guy the hedge. I'm just saying I was leading into the fact that these Get rich quick schemers out there, you know try to Man, they milk people out of their money I'm just promoting the guy's YouTube channel coffee Zilla because this guy actually goes out of his way and exposes all these frauds and charlatans I'm just saying look man. There's no quick way to make money. You just got to work hard Hold on a second. That's Something interesting what's been going on, but what does Patrick Boyle have to do with that? I just thought it'd be funny just say how Patrick Boyle is interesting, but it turns out it's another Patrick Boyle Oh, the guy's name is Patrick Boyle. Yeah the hedge fund man See I don't know why you guys just ran with the whole Patrick Boyle thing You Say his name is Patrick Boyle. He's a very interesting guy When he said like oh, he's a hedge fund manager. I thought he was talking about. Yeah, he that's what he actually does Is it this gorilla guy? Exposed Patrick Boyle for being some like yeah some get rich quick scheme guy Oh, that's what I thought We're just like yes, okay Is really interesting and we're all home. No the moral of the story is there's no rich quick scene We don't care about the moral of the story now Now I know I know we go from again it's it's a Tuesday into that Day that will be right. Those are the people that will just head that part out. No, I'm gonna keep keep that in He's going back and he's fake in his house like at this multi-million dollar house he was renting it well, that's what I'm talking about Speaking to the mic Okay, what's his name? Yeah, so there was a company that would like basically use him as a guy And then like they would rent him all this stuff, but now he's like, yeah, he's going bankrupt But he owns all those companies or rather his dad cuz like news came out that his dad Might actually be the guy like behind the scenes of it all He's a white-collar. So aren't there legitimate men who do this even though they give crummy advice Who have gotten their wealth by righteous means like hard work and all that. Well, it's time one of those guys Yeah, I think it was Hi Lopez was just like some sort of entrepreneur. Yeah, but the entrepreneur doing what like just like selling houses Okay, just different stuff. Yeah Did anything I think he just talked about No, like the book that he wrote like made him a lot of money, too Well, he was he was rich before me making that book, but he just got richer. Yeah Yeah, nobody would buy his book if he wasn't rich You're just some poor guy. I just remember he Yeah, I still remember his commercials talking about how you read like a book a day or something like that Guys are like making so much money, right? Why would they spend their time or waste their time rather making a course? Like if you have a trade secret, you're gonna want to keep it a trade secret cuz who who in the world wants competition Well, they're not they're actually giving out the real secret there is no secret Selling these guys like a pile. Oh, no, you gotta do it. They're not really They're not explaining how they got to where they're at Yeah They're just privileges making more money off of the fact that they're rich and most of the time they're nowhere to begin with They just rent the car. They rent the mansion. Mmm, and they just kick start here that term a lot passive income. Yeah especially like in the YouTube world and It mostly has to do with like correct me if I'm wrong like passive income is is Like when your money works for you kind of thing. Yeah, or like you Sell certain products and it you don't really have to put a whole lot of effort off shipping or something Yeah, you actually have to there's like there's like a famous example people always use Michael Jackson He's been dead for like what ten years, but he still makes millions of dollars every year That's like one of the examples of like passive income Passive weight Oh, yeah the band The music the music. Oh, they're empire John Lennon was dead. Yeah, okay, really? Yeah Did he marry the Beatles his daughter or something like John Lennon's daughter? That's weird Yeah, because like I'll see youtubers who have like really big accounts like they're in the millions and they have passive because you know obviously they get paid by YouTube when they Monetize and all that but not a whole lot of money comes from that the vast majority of the money that comes to them is from them selling their own products on their YouTube channel or advertising yeah other products like sponsors Yeah, yeah, and then I'll just come across a whole lot of that lately yeah, it's like every day There's a new one there. I saw the newest one that I saw is somebody teaching how to Create one of these courses like that's the that's the newest thing Yeah, so this guy's course is how to create a course At least being honest Because once you find out like oh actually Yeah That became really People who just want to they want to you know get rich fast Yeah, and it's hard to feel sorry for them when you lose tens of thousands of dollars. I mean come on Don't you're an idiot also the people that want to follow them are also they they will be rich, right? Yeah Yeah, so that's the reason why they're falling into it At the end of the day, it's people who want to make money without putting a whole lot of hard work into yeah They want bad to want to make money is just like how are you making it through unrighteous means to deceit? Through guile, you know, I mean because if you don't work hard for it, how else are you gonna get it? You're probably gonna steal it and there isn't there is a concept of not just working harder But working smarter because I agree with passive income to a certain extent if you're not lying and being deceitful about it You know, there's people in our movement to make passive income by selling things on Etsy or you know They make some sort of homemade thing and it just sells itself You do the work once and then just Work in that case. Yeah, that's a perfect example. Like if you are Yeah, if you own property or apartments, that's like passive income to a certain extent because you have to like maintenance. Yeah The bulk of the work when people may have passive income Other people don't don't realize that a lot of the work came at the front end of it all Somebody actually I think honest passive income. Yeah, somebody thought through business They did all the research they build it and then yeah, they're kind of reaping the rewards from that. Yeah, it's not easy You can't just pay somebody $50,000 and have them like sell you Or whatever like a turnkey business. It just doesn't that way Well, really what Jews are like the master masters of passive income they've got they've had that stuff like down lock in like a hundred years where yeah, like this is like an example people use a lot like say you're building a house and It's $50,000 for the materials $50,000 for the labor, right? so the laborer gets like $50,000 total and the the guys selling materials gets $50,000 total and at the end of the day the user like the Jew behind it the lending the money makes like million dollars off of that and that's like really unjust if you think about like the person that's putting in all the work gets like Chump change compared to the user who's like just doing nothing sitting on his butt just moving money back and forth So it's like a one of the super like contractors are contract like Contractors and what? Contractors sometimes do that Well, they'll you know, they obviously they put in the work to get the contractors license and they have all the risk You know because they're putting up Yeah, they put up the capital, you know, so they have more of the risk than the person actually You're talking about the Jew has more risk. Well, if he's putting up the capital, you know I don't think there's any risk in like real estate or the Someone who's someone who's a contractor for example, his name is on the line. His license is on the line Well, I'm talking about like the banker. Yeah behind like the mortgage and stuff like that It's just you're watching once you're rich you get like rich faster and more and more as time goes on and that like I was Thinking about that the other day because like in the Bible there's like that Jubilee thing We're like stuff supposed to reset every every seven years I think and I don't know if that the Jews ever even observed that once in the Bible I don't think so. Yeah, I know I don't know of a time in the Bible that yeah, they've ever done that But that's like a safeguard against like people getting like richer and richer and more powerful Yeah, cuz like right now you have like these super mega billionaires like controlling like the government in the u.s And like special interests and stuff like that If there was something like a Jubilee or that God said hey do this We wouldn't be dealing with like big pharma or big corn He's a Hispanic guy he had his contractors license and He kind of like knew the ins and outs and stuff like that. He would hire people from his church But they're all Hispanic guys because it was a Spanish Church so they could pay him Yeah I'm serious. He would and the thing is that the guy who got his contractors license He was a really smart individual and he you know, he kind of knew how people would treat, you know illegal You know Mexicans or whatever So he would actually take advantage of that and pay them less and he's and he used to tell me he used to say You know It's great because you just pay them less or this amount and and if they don't like it You know, you just tell them we'll also pay for your lunch And he says Hispanics to jump all over that whole time. Whoa, it's one of our free lunch every day $12 lunch Yeah, and there and he's just like to some point. I think that's fair. I think that's up to the owner Yeah, and employee if they're okay if the employees okay with whatever way yeah was promised. Hey, man, that's yeah Yeah, it's kind of sad that People don't think about that though. I'm talking about the the recipient the employee What he should be getting paid yeah It's his responsibility Yeah, he's his neighbor. So he should be telling them exactly. He's actually his pastor It's even worse Did he pay him a penny Shelling the show is in the Bible. Yeah I'm a firm believer You got a you know, you should pay your employees what they're worth and the work that they're doing all that You know and not try to like take the take advantage of them and you know, and obviously people People are just dumb for allowing themselves to be taken advantage of and they should learn from that But you know, you're a man of goddess, you know better Well, a lot of Christian a lot of like Christian companies have like adopted that that like philosophy like yeah in and out for example or like Costco where they pay their employees like really well and the employees are happy and they like they work well and there's like You're like no turnover and stuff like that. So Well, even churches when they employ people they play they pay them. They're cheap Should always be like a win-win Because at the end of the day if for example my supplier or my employee is not Getting the most out of this relationship. They're gonna quit and that's gonna harm my business, you know Because I lost an employee or something turnover base Yeah, it should just be kind to your employees and treat them well, you know, obviously if they're good if they're good workers and stuff like that, but You're gonna get what you pay for. Yeah, and then ultimately, you know God is your boss. So he sees if you treat your employees unjustly He'll recompense you for that, you know, so yeah, so yeah at the end of it all Patrick Boyle is an interesting character He's an interesting character. So that's his name, huh? Patrick Boyle. Is it spelled the same way? Well, Patrick Bull was the guy on the show. Oh, I Managers talking about how all these idiots saying, you know, you could be a day trader with like a hundred thousand dollars It's like forget about it. Just don't fall for it. Yeah, you own your own business, right? Yeah How long have you been doing that for? The photography about five years the Transport on and off for about ten twelve years and twelve years Yeah, would you consider the photography more like passive income sometimes where that's more so like a side job that you do Yeah, it's a side job passive income probably not so because I actually do have to put in the work window When the products do arrive, I actually do have to photograph them Yeah, but I don't I'm not actively like promoting that I made the website It's up on Google. So whoever wants to find me can find me So what do you just like do you take pictures like by request of stuff or like like what is the photography business entail? Who sell jewelry online? Basically, that's what I do. I'm a jewelry photographer. I sell jewelry online So they need white background photos. So I specialize in white background photos. Okay, you'd be surprised. That's like It's a good business. Actually. It's pretty cool. I mean Yeah, I probably worked a cumulative of a month Like 30 days last year and I made pretty decent money like for the for the photography thing You work like 30 days basically. Yeah out of the year It's pretty cool, I think I thought I think like mostly if you like work any like blue-collar job You should probably like strive to start your own business because I know I know a couple guys who are Tyler's and they their brothers And they both I think they both started their own business. They're both like new IFB guys and I mean, I think that's the way to go any Brother Manny. No, I don't think you know them. They're up in or up in Washington, but Well, it's yeah, I always recommend that I recommend people start their own Well, it's good to start your own business. If you already have a job though, you know, oh, yeah Your business be your source of in your main source of income, you know, absolutely You never want to quit your day job to start business, right? What you want to do is when you get back home You want to put in like a half-hour day or an hour a day? Just doing research building your website like studying your competition If you put like an hour a day into building a business You'd be surprised by the end of the year how set you would be You know because anybody can open a business the question is like, how do you make the phone ring? You know, what else? Yeah, what depends to and what kind of like what are you offering? What is your product? Yeah, what is it that you're doing? Mm-hmm, right? You know, I You know from my in-laws, you know, it's a really good businesses actually long-cutting Yeah, I was thinking about that. That's actually a really good business They used to have like tons of accounts and it was just a very like landscaping or yeah. Yeah Yeah, they had tons of houses and it was I mean for like a young man or even a family though I mean it was it was enough to provide for like a family and then of course the accounts grow and everything You know, yeah, it's like cutting hair, you know grass never stops growing Yeah, it never stops growing. Yeah, so you always have Money. Yeah, there's always a demand. Yeah, you know you could end with like a house, you know You could see that they need your services if their lawns all crazy, you know, yeah, so that's something I don't know If I see a crazy lawn, I'm like, they probably don't want my service. Otherwise, oh you make That's why you gotta sell that's why I gotta sell Give them an offer nobody nobody in the area who's gonna respect you with a long like that People care about what their property looks like. Yeah, you know They had a lot of good accounts and everything. It was it was a good business You know, I would I actually had like a photography videography business for a while before I started pastoring and that paid the bills You know shooting weddings and doing photography and all that kind of stuff So I was like, you know, I would I actually had like a photography videography business for a while before I started pastoring And that paid the bills, you know shooting weddings and doing photography and all that You know and I and you know on in the beginning I had to invest a lot of money buying my own camera my lenses computer Software, but it ended up paying off in the long run No, just gotta put in a lot of work and it cost money like I would go on this website Where you would buy credits? Right, you would buy credits in order for people to add to for this company to advertise you Yeah, and people look for you and then you you send them your uh, you know How much you charge and I would try freelancer or something. It's like a freelance kind of uh, yeah I forgot what it was called freelancer.com I know there are one or two of them out, but it worked I mean, I got a couple good gigs from that and paid the bills, you know Put food on the table for a while. And so and that was when I was in between jobs Did you did you just learn like the cuz you do like photography and graphic design like your thumbnails? I was like pretty professional looking did you just learn that on your own or did you take like so? Yeah YouTube it Like people ask me like did you go to school for that? I was like, I've never been to school for videography or photography All this stuff is like you just learn by YouTube. Everything's available these days Yeah, now we're the internet to rip off these days. What's that University? Oh, yeah, you can learn everything online Yeah, especially when it comes to like arts and media and yeah exactly and they even have like, um, There are courses you can take that are legitimate courses. Like one of them is called Skillshare We can learn specific, you know skills for Photoshop Lightroom, you just don't pay a hundred grand With Skillshare, I think there's not a sponsor for But like with Skillshare I take crappy pictures you overexpose your photos insert promo code, yeah I First works Baptist Church No one likes your photos on Instagram Maybe you need to take this. Yeah, you struggle getting hearts and comments on your on your grid Are you saying about Skillshare? I don't even remember. Oh, yeah Well, yeah, we'll scope there's like a lot of websites like this or like even there's like a website like called fiber Yeah, where like you can kind of just charge like whatever you want like from used to be just five dollars And that's what most people do but you can like charge whatever you want and like thousands of people go on this website and make Requests and I know people who like have an entire like just home business off of this and they yeah It's basically like one hour fiber is risky. Don't they like make beats on their last of two beats? Yeah, like music beats. Yeah Fiber is very risky risky. Well, it works. I'm not saying this risky for the person who's putting their business out there It's the person who's shopping on there, right? Because if you like, let's say you need You Know you want something photoshopped you want to you want to manipulate a photo for some your business or whatever? you put an offer out there and some people will say I do this for five dollars others for 10 20 25 and Like I saw a video where a guy basically paid from five dollars all the way up until like 250 and the one day He paid was like a hundred bucks was like the crappiest manipulated photo ever, you know, but it was too late I mean he purchased it so they had to have their portfolio on there and everything like that But you know, sometimes it doesn't turn out that good. It's better to just learn yourself Because you know exactly what it is that you want. Yeah, and But that requires a lot of time so, you know, and I didn't even use Skillshare for that long I use YouTube a lot. Mmm to learn how to edit footage and How to use a camera and all that I still use YouTube You know when I try to up my game on the documentaries I go to YouTube and I try to figure out how to do that And people do that for business. I mean literally you have people making thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars simply by learning on YouTube, you know and There's a there's other ways of making business are making money like for in your home For example, like if you like a lot of people sell their stuff on Etsy products on Etsy You guys know what Etsy is and the big thing now is like you make a product But you only make like five of them. Yeah, and you never make them ever again Also, it's like a little time offer. It's a limited time offer. So instead of making like a Hundred of them, you know what I mean? And then people only buy like 25 and you're stuck with a bunch of them instead you say well, this is a limited edition This is the only time these will ever be available and you sell them at a high price people buy them and you know You got to make something else. The only thing with that is that you got to stay fresh on your ideas That always make something new, you know, which is good though. I like that coming up with new ideas and figure out new things You know, I know a lot of people have made money through Etsy I don't even know how we got off in this conversation. That's a good conversation though. It's a good topic Patrick Boyle Thanks, Patrick. Well check out Patrick Boyle Patrick Boyle subscribe to his content. He's a hedge fund manager. I'm not the other Instagram I forgot what it was called, but it's this person who does like manipulated photos of animals But you know, I don't know it's kind of like fantasy Where it's like you have a lion that's sliced like an orange because it has like the same color it's art is what it is, right and they make these photos but then they turn it into like a portrait or a calendar and people but I mean they They like spend a lot of money go crazy over that stuff. Yeah, you'd be surprised because I know you paint Not anymore. No, I put it behind me He's I saw I painted for five Portraits and I sold those And everything portrait again. I was more industrial design. I drew cars. Mm-hmm. I designed Studied transportation design and force don't you do like trees and forests and stuff? I did some landscape work, you know who started out as a an amateur artist in their early career Louisa out of Adolph Hitler Really yeah, he started off as an artist Yeah He went he wanted to be an artist when he was like a teenager or a young man And he went to Vienna in Austria to be an art school teacher But the Jewish art school master basically because he like you can see his paintings You can go look up out of Hitler's paintings and there he's like pretty classically trained They're very like nice-looking They're like aesthetically pleasing but the Jewish art school teacher like at the time and like around the 1920s They were pushing this like absurdist Like they always do like modern art modern art and all that stuff and they didn't like like the style where it's like classical It's pleasing to the eye. So he never made into art. So what they were more into like abstract. Yeah So you a white canvas for you know, basically yeah I think it's their way of money laundering. Yeah, I mean Jews Well, they also they also like they hate beauty I feel like like a Jew is like a universalist and that you know something beautiful like the world He just he doesn't like it like any He painted like landscapes he painted like city like city Escapes and stuff like that buildings like just nature and stuff like that. It was very like first class It was just you can look up his he painted like train cars It was Tanks planes He really Knops no people he was no like he was not like what's a good This is simple he had a lot in a lot of his painting I'm not sure what it meant looks pretty cool though Yeah, but he was he was no like DaVinci or whatever where he was like amazing but he was like a pretty pretty good artist But don't don't look up George Bush's art it's awful he's a really bad painter It's all Speaking of George Bush Quite the transition of quite the transition Like slight dementia Sleepy Joe he's he's pretty funny actually in a bad way. He's like wow this guy's masterpiece Obviously the powers that we are putting him up though Knowing that he's like that for a reason I mean don't you think can someone really be that stupid and for the powers the principalities and powers put that person in a position of authority You know, I mean and be that stupid. Yeah Well, I definitely think he's like something like a reprobate and he's like wicked and all that's like He said about the kids touching his legs. Yeah, dude Well, you don't even have to look at what he's even said even like though obviously look at what he said But look at like the stuff in his past and who's involved with but other than that I think like he actually probably does have dementia and like you were saying the powers that be whoever they are kind of like string And excuse me string him along Does he does but like because he's easily controlled He's been like that for a long time though That video that that's that surfaced with all of his those allegations and like he would literally like steal someone else's speech You know what I mean? And then he said well, I forgot to mention that it would actually belong to someone else You know or claim he had he graduated with like three degrees and then he's like, oh that slipped my mind I got oh no, never mind. That was just third grade. Is that is that dementia or it might be just psychosis I Do think there is some like weird like mental deficiencies though Like like I don't know if you guys are gonna watch it But like I kind of want to see like in November of him going against Trump That's gonna be like a UFC Hope it happens but like if that happens Trump is gonna know He came out like a few days ago and he said that he wishes like they were in high school or something he would take I Basically said he's gonna beat up All right, so so Donald Trump's YouTube channel have you guys watched a YouTube channel? You're talking about like the political ads he's been putting out Oh, yeah Like it's like whoever makes the best like YouTube poop is gonna win the presidency That's what I'm saying, that's that's very unique that's never been done before I don't ever remember seeing something like that smear campaign was like illegal Well, I mean this is 20 20 No All bets are off. Yeah, they don't even care anymore But that's not even like a smear campaign everything he says about about Joe Biden is actually real. Yeah Actually true all he just has to do is let the guy talk He's gonna dig his own grace. They're hiding them away. Yeah. Yeah, if he talks every single time every single time he talks He looks stupid. Yeah. Well, you know after like at the DNC or whatever They said that his like speech was live, but it was actually like pre-recorded like a bunch of times So he just has his mouth closed and he's just talking in the background. Yeah. Did anyone see the Cardi B interview? Yeah The Cardi B interview. Yeah with Joe Biden with Joe Biden. Yeah, Joe Biden. What the heck you gotta watch I saw the Billie Eilish thing. I don't know She's just like already like retarded but even like when she yeah What is that it's just some sound some stupid sounds like a bird like a bird Cardi B is just this whore. Yeah Cardi She's I thought that was Kamala Harris. She's a music whore And that's Kamala Harris's daughter. She's corrupting the youth. She's Jezebel. Oh, she has like a big following like 70 million followers Oh, yeah, she's 70 million. That's like a fourth of the population Yeah, this is like realistic Is there even she does have the horror of Babylon At what point it's very possible. You see that song she made Yeah, like thinking about Kamala Harris like if you if Joe Biden like he gets like dies or something, you know, right He gets assassinated or something. Kamala Harris would be the whore of Babylon, dude There's something to that there there was this tweet What Marcos is actually what he mentioned like if if Joe Biden dies or whatever There was actually this tweet by some like high dnc like democratic national convention thing And he said something along the lines of like if and when? Joe Biden is no longer able to serve in the presidency Then Kamala Harris will be the first like black woman or was that like a slip-up? I don't I think it was I think it was like a slip-up but like he said if and when So like i'm pretty sure if you never say like when when you're discussing those types of things though Like even before like he picked Kamala Harris a lot of people like from the republican party They were like estimating that it would be uh, Michelle Obama that he would pick as his vp. Yeah, michael second yeah, but Like but obviously second black man The first man, oh, yeah, the first man would be a brock obama and then the second woman of a second man But yeah, they were saying like michelle obama michael obama would be like his vp and that he would like eventually like obviously like he would like not be able to be in a presidency seat anymore So michelle obama would be the one filling in so If that ever happened if like joe biden actually wins or whatever That would be really bad for the country But it would be really good for churches how you figure Because anytime you have a democrat in power ruling um Christians tend to have a tendency to like put their guards get fired up too yeah, they get mad and they're upset and they're just kind of like You know, they right now they're really comfortable so to speak and they're going to get even more comfortable if president trump is re-elected Because you got you got you know the christian conservative So called as the president is the the highest power in the land but when you have a democrat then people are more um vigilant and Preaching like ours is going to be very attractive to them, right? So I I personally believe that like if He gets elected our church is going to grow So we come out winning no matter what because honestly when it comes down to it doesn't matter who gets elected for us You know, there's a lot of christians who worry about that stuff though Yeah, either either way if like trump wins then Like because there is some like stuff he's doing to like to help churches or whatever and that's good But if trump doesn't win then like bases can get fired Well, if trump wins the third temple gets built Jerry if jerry if he dies you're because you don't want those to go Well, it doesn't just help He wins yeah, i'm gonna preach i'm preaching uh a sermon this sunday called the wickedness of joe biden and obviously everyone knows that he's wicked, but Let's just go in and talk about it in light of the bible. Let's like let's discuss it Let's discuss why he's so wicked But here's the thing if we're not careful like someone like that could you know, we laugh about him But it's like you guys realize that this is the state Of the country that we're in that we that someone is who's like that is actually up there in authority Do you guys know that uh joe biden is a catholic he's like a practicing catholic and he always sounds like a priest He always talks about his catholic. Yeah. Yeah and compares it to like how trump is not a christian or anything like him Yeah, I feel like every time he talks. I feel like he's about to die probably He's just having like a minor stroke like He's like the dude is like there it goes mr. Burns, mr Oh, no, that's jack treiber. Oh, yeah Yeah, we forgot to talk about that Yeah, everyone's praising. John mccarther for his supposed stance on keeping his church doors open even trump is praising. John mccarther Is he really what do you say? Thank you for keeping your church open. You're such a strong fighter for the faith and stuff like that, you know, good night So i'm pretty sure john mccarther feels good about that. Yeah, probably jack treiber feels like crap Where's john mccarther from is he california he's here. Yeah, he's in santa carita sun valley sun valley north hollywood He's by he's by six flags magic mountains That's where his college is but he's a bit south of that. Yeah in la He I I just know this because the church was I just know it's because I went there last week Yeah, well hike did he used to go to that church? No, hold on a second I went there Two or three of my parents rent their property from it He's a good guy Check out his youtube channel In context he's he's actually yeah his bastard college is over by Master seminary or something like that. Yeah bastard seminary So then you have jack treiber he got fined ten thousand dollars I feel like they're like in competitions like he's like saying like john mccarther is like, oh my god, you know My church is shut down and then like jack tree was like, well, I gotta find ten thousand dollars, you know It's like they're just gonna keep escalating it. I think he just wants to be a hero. Yeah But jack treiber is a is a covetous Greedy wants to be seen a man So by the way heato hiding that last sermon where he had somebody preach for him and and the sermon was on prayer and he and jack treiber goes out and he's basically like I'm, not, you know, basically saying that i'm not asking you guys to like tithe more But i'm just gonna pray to god for it. Like i'm just gonna pray to god that you give that money And if you don't give more money, that just basically means you're disobeying the lord. That's not you But yeah, but i'm not gonna ask you to do that. I'm not asking but he's not ashamed Every single year. I remember one time I got this email from like knvbc, right? And it's jack treiber just promoting. He's like we need twenty thousand dollars for lcd screens Oh, yeah, dude, okay. We needed a million dollars to buy a street. That's what he said So Every year you can come with the cars this year might be different but every year towards the end of the year He has this this radio show called kmvc and they do what's called like the the buckets Something right where every ministry every bus in the bus ministry has to fill up a bucket worth just a bunch of cash So every bus kid that comes they need to bring like money Somebody's got to check his book and every day he's like he goes on his radio show and he's like who's willing to donate? Seven hundred dollars or thousand dollars. We're almost there. And the reason he does that is because every year he's had a major deficit in his ministry Tens of thousands of dollars. Yeah, what do you mean how because he freaking has like three, you know, pianos and Lcd screens and fountains The guy's buying What the pianos that he has they're like a quarter million dollar piano. He's buying streets He's buying things that just don't matter and he's whining about five thousand dollars Oh, man, is this jack treiber or joe mccarther? Jack treiber ain't that interesting? You can't even tell the difference, huh? Even joe mccarthur doesn't do that Yeah, same spirit This guy is constantly asking for it's always about money with this guy always Didn't one time like some guy donate and he only donated like I guess like 500 bucks. He's like, oh, I guess that's enough Yeah, that's basically what he said. Yeah His last sermon I would have been like, uh, yeah, let me get that back his last sermon at pacific He was basically like saying that look i'm not telling you guys to sell your houses and like give the money to the church But jesus can't come back any minute Like go in and cash in right now. How about you sell your house and give You know, how about that jack? I don't I think that guy is a wicked false prophet. I think so because every time Some wicked perversion comes out of that church is one of his leaders that is under him You know, so you just got to look at the fruit Unintended I was like zachary that freaking faggot pedophile came from that church You know and so did uh cameron giovannelli There's a bunch of queers that come and then look there's a bunch of queers that come out of that church That that the public doesn't know about The only reason we know about is because some of the kids from our old church went to that college You know, there's a girl who almost married this faggot and you know, he was he he was like a drag queen or something like that Oh, and then he messaged her or something. I don't remember but she found out She found out she felt somebody else She found out that he was a a trainee And and like she was about to marry him. So was was jack trooper's church Was it always bad or did it like get worse after like over time? I'm not sure or is it like It was always bad I just like when I became an independent fundamental baptist He was already where he's at right now And I just i've always known jack trooper to just always ask for money And my my brother-in-laws used to tell me like it's because they're always at a deficit every single year like tens of thousands of dollars And so they're always talking about money. I mean every every time before they pray for the offering they give a sermonette on giving Money every every service every service i'm gonna send him a fake check for a million dollars. It bounces She's gonna be like that's it It's actually gonna have a million dollars. He's gonna withdraw that thing so quick So I was watching a compilation of his videos today how he's like, you know Don't touch the lord's anointed and he's basically saying like the pastor is like the lord's anointed and comparing like that Kings to king to king saul specifically and i'm like dude, like if you're comparing yourself Like or your position to a king or or a position a biblical position Why compare yourself to saul like why not david, you know, like out of the abundance of your heart man, like He condemned himself with his own words basically, he's all He's not like god. Oh god's anointed like ahab manassie Jerobo He's picked the worst of the kings balaam He's basically saying like god forbid should something happen in this church and we like we sweep it under the rug I'm, like dude, like what are you talking about? Cameron german one, wasn't it? I don't know. It's just they sweep things under the rug like exactly all the time Their rug is full, but he was basically saying like lumps He was saying how like when his parents when his parents went to church Their his parents pastor was like in adultery, but he never found out about it His parents never like criticized him about it like he never knew so he's okay So basically that's justification. He's not like only god can pretty much only god can remove this man like It comes to that in the world. What the heck and he was teaching that to the bible college Students and he was making it and you know, what's funny because I saw the parallel between these fake gurus And jack treiber, it's like the same way they give and the way they're kind of hold the audience captive You know the way they speak the way they make the audience repeat something back to them. It's just like This guy's a fake man. How do you not see through this, dude? Yeah So yeah, he loves talking about money. Just if if you ever want to know what is in people's hearts just Listen to them listen to what they talk about all the time and with him It's just always money fake humility even like the people under him are just super covetous like remember your brother-in-law Oh, yeah, they're like, yeah, my brother-in-law went there I forget what it was Well, they would go there every year for like competition and stuff And one of the bible college students came up to him and this is when he was in bible college And he was like, oh man, you know the guy from from golden state He went up to to my brother-in-law and said hey, that's a nice tie And he and he grabbed this tie and he turned it around he goes. Ah, never mind Because of the brand so he's like that's a nice sign. He looked at the brand. He's like, never mind. It's not a trump tie I don't know what they're looking for Slap that guy in the mouth But is it any wonder why there's like all preppies and queer looking guys there, you know Nope, so Yep, oh jackie boy In my opinion he's the reason why I was actually uh Told to leave the staff of my old church. Did he does he have influence over like other baptist churches? Oh, yeah, he's a baptist pope for sure. Oh, yeah. I thought that was what's-his-name chapel or whatever. Yeah them too They're like in competition. Oh, i've been all like co-popes Actually paul chapel used to work for jack treeber. Oh, okay Yeah, and then he branched off and did his own thing or whatever and paul chapters and that's another story right there This church is massive. Yeah, you know, it's a city. It's literally a city. Yeah. He's he's the one in lancaster, right? Yeah, no, you know on seven hills Even when I went went to my like old ife church back in canada like years ago Um, I was like, yeah, I want to do discipleship I just got saved and their discipleship was giving me the the paul chapel continue book I don't know if any of you guys have any And that thing sucked There the last name tripped me out. It always has something to do with like the bible like a chapel. It's like biblical, you know Yeah It's like an anagram What's the guy who took off there's something to it what's the name of the guy who took over uh, Jack howells church again jack scott. Yeah, what is jack scott? What is it? What does his name mean? He's like scotch scott No, he did he's doing well jack treeber was the first one was one of the first pastors to go and preach for Uh in the absence of jack scott when all that happened and in fact the pulpit That jack treeber has was given to him by jack scott. Who's jack? What's the background? He took over after you don't know who jack scott is after pastor highles retired or died possible died No, I don't I don't jack scott is the pastor first. He's the son-in-law of jack. He's the son-in-law of jack highles Okay, is he solid? No He's a pedophile Were you in armenia during this time Jack scott is like your your uh, your classic false prophet There's a wicked false prophet And the thing is even prior to that we knew like the church that I went to My father-in-law knew that he was a wicked person because it all started When he was he had a king james summit and the con the the the um, What is it called? The kind of familiar the conference basically was to yeah King james summit the conference was to discredit the king james bible jack scott. Yes Wow, and you know at that time, you know, it was called the pastor's school So all pastors from all across america would come there that was like their own base to learn To learn how to be a pastor. It was called pastor's school. So he would influence all these pastors To say hey the king james bible has errors and all these things And so when my father-in-law found out about that, he's like we're not associated with this guy anymore This guy's he's questioning the king james bible. And in fact, my wife's uncle wrote a book against Jack scott called um if the foundations be destroyed refuting what he was saying about that and the king But there's other stuff that he would say like he preached some weird sermons He preached a sermon And because I used to listen to him like that. He's not saved I used to listen to him a lot and I used to like him and um a lot of like the Bible college students used to like him listen to him because he was very he was like a really good orator But he had a sermon And I remember I was just doing my homework or something. I was listening to him And then I just got this really nasty feeling because of the things he was saying he was just like He's like when jesus christ was crucified on the cross. It's god basically telling you I hate you Not hating jesus or anything. He's like I hate you So when he put those nails in his hands, like I hate you. I hate you. Where did he get that from? What exactly from the devil obviously and I remember like I was like probably feels that god hates him. Yeah Probably because he hates god. Yeah I remember I heard that I was still a baby in christ. I was like, I don't know if I can listen to this Maybe i'm just not mature enough like it just bothered me. That's so crazy exegesis, bro No ice in jesus. That's ice What but he would preach some crazy stuff And then you know There's a church member that we had that actually graduated from house anderson college and he was a member of first baptist church And he told me some crazy stories about some of the stuff that was going on there because you know if the pastor's perverted More than likely some of the leaders are too The students are as well. And so he would tell me stories about the perversion that went on in that college and I was like Good night. Why were you there? I remember pastor anderson he when he was preaching here. He told us about like, uh, that doctor that they had Oh, yeah about his well that that was there. Yeah, that's crazy Yep That's wild. Oh, yeah. So yeah, that's jack scott Yeah He's in jail right now good. Hopefully he gets in prison He's gonna get out soon. I think isn't he? We need to send kyle rittenhouse over there Kyle we need you that's quite the that's quite the transition the segue You missed one Kyle we got another job for you. Yeah, you know what i'm thinking of kyle rittenhouse Let's go ahead and segue into that subject there. I hope I hope if he if he gets out of like These charges or whatever. He just goes back right on the street with the ar-15 Hey the guy's justified for what he did man You know every Human being has the right to do what he did And in fact, every human being has the god-given right to do that and you know You gotta be out of your mind Just to think that you you know, someone wouldn't do that in a situation like that so you're just gonna let them just completely beat you and kill you and just Probably mutilate your body and just I mean you see what happened to those other guys prior to no, right? One of the dudes came out and said look I wish I would kill him. He's straight upset. Yeah The same the guy who survived the guy who shot in the arm, right the guy who got shot in the head, right? He actually didn't die of that Wound to the head he got one in the groin too and it just so turns out that he was a pedophile So he got shot in the it's like poetic justice. Yes That's the one that killed him That's like that's like absolem getting caught in the tree or whatever. Yeah. Yeah That's so awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that that guy was a pedophile all three of them are jews. Yeah Yeah, dude. Yeah. Well, these are like the anti-foe That's like a hike hike hike is vindicated. What do they call it? Like, uh, like no What do they call it now? Like, um, what kyle did the something mild? I forgot what they call it. They can also Smile Achievement unlocked The best meme that I saw was the one that you posted That one was funny. That was the one of the best memes I ever seen. Yeah, it's like all right three felons Walk into a bar. No, it's like a pedophile A felon and somebody else and the saint is walking to a bar and then you see and then it's kyle shots are on me Yeah That was a good one It's not mine, which is why I could say it was a good one. I'm not these leftists are just like retarded though They are their reasoning is like I just can't have no reasoning. It's off the charts downhill though Well, it's so weird because like I was talking about this earlier like they all want this violence and they want to like overthrow the government or whatever and all these antifa people but The moment they come in contact with somebody who actually pushes back just a little bit They'll be like that's a felony call the police. I need a medic or something like that and and This is like the generation. They got consolation prizes, huh? The funniest thing is because you mentioned the movie platoon It's funny like when they get hurt like the way they shot medic like they're in some war movie It's like call of duty medic. I need a medic the guy that got hit from remember the beginning of the riots A guy hit by a rubber bullet and like just like scraped his leg and they're like, he's all They're like putting a tourniquet on him and he's like he's gonna stop the bleeding What a wimp dude, yeah Well, do you see what happened with um, like the in oregon and portland? Where like a bunch of like the like the trump like the maga country people or whatever They like stormed downtown portland like all the antifa things and so it was like protesters versus counter protesters And they just wiped the floor with them What do they do Like well, first of all, they all rolled up in a giant like caravan of like 400 trucks I think they called it like the trump caravan or something like that So these giant pickup trucks with these like keep america great flags and whatever these guys like brandishing like ars and stuff like that I guess like a hundred vegans. Yeah I guess I guess like women's studies graduates and like And they just wiped the floor with them They like I the the mayor the mayor of portland was like basically begging them to go back to like where they came from Like rural oregon or whatever and like please go back to where you're coming where you came from Just let us violate everyone here, please Yeah, basically, this is the mayor he was asking them to leave nicely because like they just wrecked them. Yeah So what do they do? They just like beat him up. They beat him up. They they showed him who's boss Pretty much one of them lost their lives though. Yeah, there was a dude who um I had like a patriot prayer hat or something something like that and he got shot. I believe he got murdered. He got executed Yeah, he got like the guy walked up to him and just like put a gun to his head and shot And he just shot him like twice in the chest something like that and he died and straight up execution Yeah, and he he was he this guy wasn't even part of like the counter protest like the maga counter protest or whatever I think he was just some guy who was there And they just went up and executed and obviously you see nothing about this on like the media, right? Right because he wasn't like shot by police. It doesn't fit the narrative Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't really see this stuff going on like in hispanic communities You live in a hispanic community. I live right here. Yeah, I live in los angeles Have you seen anything like that here, uh, george flight floyd thing happened like there was there was something that happened, right? There was like they they got ready for it. Yeah, but here's the thing mexicans don't care about black people. I know they I know It's true You know, it's like it's not the same battle. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this I'll speak on behalf of all mexicans, you know, yeah Jacob's basically a mexican. I married a mexican. I have a say now. So let me ask you this Do mexicans hispanics whatever Do they like Side with the conservatives or what the liberals more it's interesting to say that like here i'm talking about here no money My wife's parents. They're more conservative there and they're very conservative. Yeah, they want I mean, they don't they're they're I don't want to say this. They're not here legally So they're kind of like you get you can edit that out They're not here So it's a it's against it's against it's just a picture of a dog pulling the plug They're here All right. Thanks for watching So It's against their own interest to be supporting supportive of trump. Yeah, yet they want trump to win They don't want your wife to win. Yeah, you know because of like the homos and you know all this stuff So I think that depends I think that depends on like where what hispanic you're like what country you're from because I know like cubans in florida They're like they're very conservative extremely conservative, but I think I think it's like yeah Yeah Like my mom is for trump And my mom is very much like old school hispanic. Yeah, she's legal You know, she got her citizenship and all that but she she likes trump. She she hates liberalism. She hates joe biden That's like the older generation. I feel like yeah, but In monobello, which is the city that i'm from which is predominantly hispanics. They're also like that Like when all these riots started taking place um, I had this neighbor And And I was like, hey, did you hear some of the stuff that's going on? He's like, yeah, but that stuff's not going to happen here. He goes we're ready for them Speaking of the protesters, you know, and so it seems as though like I know in my opinion You know like monobello or these very like heavily hit or even like la puente And whittier they seem to side more on the conservative side than the liberal side Well, I think they're black and they all vote blue though They all yeah, if you look at like the demographics if you look at the like the demographics or whatever hispanics vote Yeah They might have like conservatives about conservative values whatever and most of them do because like they're religious or they just grew up like That but if you look at like how they vote and like where what they do you it's it's very overwhelming But wouldn't you say that that is the younger generation though? I'd say I'd say that's across the board. I think it's across younger people vote Yeah, dude, what the heck? The younger people because even like when you check on like instagram and stuff like that The younger people are always like just bashing trump. Yeah, and they're like promoting Yeah, i've never really run into like an older generation type hispanic Against trump. Well, regardless that's like the future. I feel like i've like hispanics but like the weird thing is is what's the future? Uh, well what you're talking about like the younger like generation. That's unfortunate. Yeah That sucks. What's weird is what are you laughing at? Hi I was just expecting to say like are you a witch or something? You can see the future. Never mind Uh But yeah, if you look at like blm blm stuff like these leaders of black lives matter A lot of them are against hispanics Because hispanics aren't like a monolithic group that are being controlled by like the leftist narrative or whatever And a lot of a lot of hispanics quote unquote like are like white like kyle rittenhouse. He's he's hispanic I don't know if you if you knew that I heard about that. Yeah. Yeah, he's so but he's a white nationalist racist He's hispanic yeah, so he's hispanic yeah, yeah my man he has It's another that's another w for the hispanics. Yeah But like a lot of like hispanics are like white passing and blm people like hate that. Yeah, because Wait, what did you say a lot of a lot of what hispanics are white passing? Yeah, that's what that's the word blm people use. What does that mean? So they might be they could pass for white they're hispanic, but they're like white like like my wife like my wife White hispanic and then they'll say like like They're called like castisos or whatever it's like the white hispanics Just recently shot. I guess like here in la right? Yeah. Yeah, they call him a white hispanics. He's no he but that guy's mexican Yeah, that guy that guy's not white This guy's darker than me Did you hear about that in uh, los angeles yeah, his palms are white Yeah, yeah his feet the bottom of his feet are white But they're just grasping at straws at this point the media so blm hates that, huh? They yeah, they're and even in chicago I believe it was there's like these like uh hispanic gangs or like mexican gangs or what have you and they were going around like The lion kings that's what it is. They were going around taking out like blm like protesters and I think I think there's a lot of animosity because like they're being sort of like Defaulted because they're brown like hispanics are like brown. They're just being defaulted into like this blm movement or whatever But I don't think they're like we're not in agreement. Yeah, i'm gonna yeah Well, the thing is like, you know, i've even heard of some like black people who are not for blm either There's a lot of black people who are not for my neighbors. I'm not talking about like christian black people. Yeah Yeah, i'm talking about like mainstream Like middle class or rap type people. They're like, we don't want nothing to do with blm like lord jamar Yeah, he hates blm. I think anybody who's not a black people's movement. It's like a marxist lesbian movement That's what it is. That's exactly what it is. Yeah, well you see like who's out on the rides You see black people out there mostly it's like it's mostly the white people who got shot Three white people like three jewish white people I made a comment on jewish white people. Yeah, jewish white white mexicans white jewish Yeah, you just created another one. You're part of the problem Yeah, I made a comment aren't you about to become a white mexican i'm just kidding He's all no it's happening he's all a man can dream candy so I think this may be still so I went on instagram and I was typing up kyle rittenhouse like hashtag kyle rittenhouse And it would automatically populate Kyle rittenhouse, it wouldn't say call it kyle rittenhouse, but kyle rittenhouse Uh terrorist or kyle rittenhouse murderer So that's what it would automatically populate. So I just went on just to look at some of the posts So I made a comment on one of the posts that like he did a great job, you know And somebody automatically called me racist and that i'm against black people and I said dude He didn't shoot black people. I said number one. I said nothing about color and the guys he actually killed were not black And then just they just kept on setting up one strong man after another their souls were black Then you must be for trump. I said I said nothing about trump either Idiot, well, they want to put you in a box and then he says well the bible says this matthew 21 matthew 21 And I was I read the verse i'm like this has nothing to do with anything And they're and I and I told them And I made a comment about the bible and then they say oh no christian will vote, uh, uh, no christian is Man, what's the opposite of? communism Capitalism capitalist there there is no such thing as like a christian capitalist I was like who's talking about these talking points liberals are just like stupid Yeah, it is. It's a mental disorder from veganism. It is. Yeah It's funny, but there's a lot of truth to that. It's crazy We were talking about like mexicans being like, you know for more conservative like the older ones, right? so there's this there's this page that I follow on instagram and They like the guy kind of like tries to promote like, you know the left But like the people that like follow him are pretty conservative So when he posted like the video of kyle rittenhouse, like, you know shooting taking out these guys, you know They're like like what's wrong with this and then because he on the caption he puts like shame like, you know America's come to this point like, you know, a kid can carry a gun and stuff like that And like everybody in the comment section is like what what did he do wrong? He killed a pedophile He killed a man beater and a felon is like a guy that was about to execute him Yeah, it's like what what's wrong with this? No, and then like everybody so it's like even like because it's a it's a like the the page is a uh, hispanic like, uh, Aimed page there's more for hispanic people right? But the vast majority of hispanics were yeah, what are you saying? Exactly Yeah, it's basically like that one that guy posted about your john mccarther quote But then everybody in the comments So now I get that shirt when he posts anything about kyle rittenhouse, it's just like more neutral Yeah, so it's like he doesn't want to go against his followers, yeah, yeah exactly he's resting judgment who is this He's declined after many to rest judgment. It's called it's a page called, um for loco and you follow this page Yeah, yeah Of this page Anyway, I told moses on sunday. I was just like yeah, colin rittenhouse. He's a hispanic. He's like, I don't think so I think he's house written house. I'm like that's that's a very like offended His mom's name is written house. Yeah, because his dad wasn't in the picture or something. So he just he just took his mom's home Dang, that is that's totally his It's written house like german stuff. Yeah written house. It's probably it's probably like german. So that's like killing juice in his blood It's like a judar Hey my name my last name, um, I was gonna take my mom's last name You know, her last name is written written house. Oh So imagine that would have been pastor Imagine yeah, that's pretty cool. I bet you have any comments. I would have gotten about that. Would you have brought you're related to pablo Michael johnson would have been all on. Oh, yeah He got to where he's at now because of his uncle The drug lord, yeah, some like like troll would like make a family tree and like somehow you're related to He's the one that brought the hippo to I was very close to changing my last name to that And then uh, I ended up just not doing it. Was was pablo escobar already like prolific at that time or no. Yeah I mean like when I was in the 80s, he was already dead or something. I thought he's still alive What pablo escobar has been dead for a long time. He's dead I go escobar. I don't think i'm somebody else. There's kind of a conspiracy. You guys know who pablo escobar is He's like that. Mexican drug lord. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, man. These guys these guys are way off Mexican colombian. He's a tomato tomato. He's one of the biggest Colombian drug lords Of all time he had his own prison. What's the name of the mexico's? What's it? He's like solomon with an eight all like the the The cocaine craze of what the 80s or whatever. He's actually the one responsible. He would fund everyone In compton and different parts of the i thought that was a cia that did that. No, it was him. He was making money Yeah, escobar owned the cia He basically like he had submarines transporting drugs When they arrested him, he said that's fine. You can arrest me. I'll just stay in my mansion He would burn uh piles of money would lay the terms he would burn piles of money to keep his daughter warm If she was cold dang They would spend I think like over a thousand dollars in rubber bands weekly for money The guy was like a major drug kingpin. Did I mention he had hippos? Yeah, he had hippos He died a horrible death because you know Bloody and deceitful men should know How'd he die his estate actually escaped and now they're like reaping havoc on like columbia From pablo escobar that escaped he's the one who coined the phrase, uh money or lead Like you would go to the authorities and say, okay, you can take my money or you take the lead So everyone would just comply with him They call it the medellin, uh cartel No, which is a larger cartel than even like the mexican cartel I must be thinking of what's the name of that mexican drug lord who like escaped prison like Chapo, that's what i'm thinking. That's the mexican guy. Yeah What about him? Is he still alive? He's still alive. Yeah, he's still alive. Yeah, how did uh, escobar die? He was shot by the government like multiple times the columbian government or I think it was the columbian government Was it no, I think it was Don't quote me on that, but I think it's the columbian government so anyways, yeah people would have uh Associated me with him if I so it's good that I didn't get that last name Pastor escobar that has a nice ring to it though. It does I mean people don't even know it's not too late. Yeah, it's like either the pulpit or You can come up with another. Yeah Yeah, this is pastor escobar from first works baptist church Well, my brother and my sister The pulpit Yeah Anyways, I think that's pretty much it. That's all the time we have for tonight. I say that right Uh, I don't even think we went over the the did we go over what we said we were going to talk about And then something right? We didn't talk about icp. Maybe that's for next week. Yeah, we might uh, I might leave that in there. I don't know. We'll see but anyways, so, um You know just to let you folks know those of you who are tuning in We're not gonna be doing the podcast every week It'll be every other week just to give us a break and then we could come up with some new ideas to talk about And so uh stay tuned in two weeks for the next one Thanks for watching. Have a good night So You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You