(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) That's a website by some like old IFB guy where he just he's like obsessed with the new IFB He's the one that put me on blast. He's like, oh Marcos Sanchez believes like pastor Bruce Mejia and Anderson. I'm like Yes, I do. It's good Yeah, but he's like obsessed with like every new IFB pastor. You're on there. You're on there a lot Yeah, and he's like new pastor Bruce Mejia in El Monte, California Preaching here reticle new IFB doctrine and it's like a clip of you talking about how like women preachers aren't saved Does he have like a woman pastor as Probably is a woman his name is it his name is like Stacey or something. Oh, yeah Yeah, I promise that correctly He's a bozo. I hate every false way These are cool cards. Oh, yeah. Yeah the Joker Carter here. Oh wait Good magician Alright, welcome to the rod of iron podcast. I am your host pastor Bruce me here first works Baptist Church in El Monte, California I'm here joined by the men in our church the fundamentalists for the Marco Sanchez for the hike top mason Brother Jacob lands and then we got a new guest with us this evening brother Adam Ken Zari No, not Adam Fannin You pray for Yeah, brother Adam Ken Zari But Adam you've been in our church for how long I moved down here from Canada in November. So he's free He's from Canadian. Let him in never going back. Did you say a year? No, I moved here in November So it's been about like eight months. Okay, cool. Yeah Yeah, so he's been in our church quite some time and he's been a blessing to our church like having him around He he definitely has picked up on the spirit of first works Baptist Church I repented of my Canadianism, yes So it's good to have him on the show and we're gonna be talking about some various topics this evening we're gonna be talking about veganism number one and What the Bible says about veganism, right? And by the way, we're not for it. We're definitely against veganism Actually, aren't you in the carnivore diet? I am. Yeah. Yeah I've been I've been doing it on and off for like the larger part of a year And basically it just started out with like me doing keto. Yeah, and then realizing like wait a second. You don't actually need vegetables Or you don't need any anything in the plant kingdom really but Yeah, you can see we're made out of fat and protein yeah all you need yep This is true. We'll get into that. So we're gonna be talking about veganism and then also a Hot topic so to speak or something that's trending a conspiracy that's trending is this topic of Wayfair and The human sex trafficking we're gonna be talking a little bit about that and then we'll finish off with some lasers Brother Jacob lands is a laser specialist. What's your title? Lab technician laser lab technician laser specialists lab technician Jacob Can they go on sharks Yes, they can well, you know the podcast has been we took a break for for a couple weeks Maybe actually about a month or something, huh? Took a break for about a month, but now we're back on track Looking forward to a great show great episode you guys ready? Oh Yes, PG PG 13 no, it's a it's a thug podcast. Oh, yeah, according to some lame preachers out there bunch of thugs Over there in Los Angeles. What a weenie. I mean, he's just jealous. He can't be on the podcast I think he's just jealous cuz he's just laying up my job Shout out to Mike Jealous cuz more people watch the podcast and yeah We even admitted to be that he's uh, he's all oh, yeah cuz pastor me he has a big shot You know saying that I had to add in closed down with me and my ten people his own memory said that oh, yeah He called me a big shot. So that's what he thinks of me. Yeah It's kind of weird He's just the music comes on in the background mr. Big shot That's Kind of weird But he would like could out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it So it kind of shows you what he thinks about me or about us, you know, I mean Hey, if you don't if you don't like it then go start your own podcast So, you know go do another project or stop preaching my sermon that would make good content go talk about soap or something He's like so Slinger I mean, I'm not gonna hate on that but it's like dudes. Yeah, like you should make some original content So that's how this started You know, I mean, so we got a couple things on the agenda as I mentioned. Let's talk about veganism guys and The reason I want to talk about veganism is because this is actually catching a lot of momentum Especially as we're nearing the end What I mean by the end, I'm talking about like the end of the world, you know Almost seems as though like veganism is gonna be the the diet of the New World Order and When you look at the ramifications of veganism you can count you you can see why it would be, you know It makes people docile. It does. I think it was you that said on Sunday. Does it shrink the frontal lobe cortex? It shrinks your entire brain including the frontal lobe frontal lobe cortex Which is why I like you when you run into a lot of vegans who've been vegans for like 20 or 30 years They're like psychotic because like what happens is when like your frontal lobe cortex like shrinks or smaller It that's like found in like psychopaths like oh, yeah, like Ted Bundy and or people like that So literally over time this diet is literally making them crazier stupider more easily controlled and it's making them physically weaker and Like they also can't reproduce because they lose that like fertility There's a bunch of stuff that yeah veganism isn't just like a document devil as in it's like, you know Like it's it's saying what foods you can and can't eat or whatever But it really is a religion where it's like trying to make people as like weak and docile as possible Yeah, I think it really is like the New World Order diet. Yeah, I'm on the opposite spectrum of that cuz I actually heard That like a lot of animals. I I love him. They taste delicious. I heard that like a lot of politicians Actors people in high places have switched to a vegan diet. Yeah a documentary called Game changers are Arnold Schwarzenegger came out recently Yeah, wait a minute Arnold Schwarzenegger is vegan yeah You're not vegan, but he's promoting a plant-based diet is basically what it is. That's like the the term they use and It's funny cuz like Arnold Schwarzenegger without throughout his career. He always gave really bad advice to his opponents So he would do better in his bodybuilding career. Yeah, so I think it's kind of ironic that he's also giving horrible advice now Maybe That's crazy from an 8 or 10 or yeah But like every every celebrity is like a vegan every like politician is a vegan and it makes sense So where does this stem from where does you know the promotion of veganism stem from one? It's from like a a an unnatural love for animals Worshipping the creature more than the Creator So they're like well we should be vegan because don't you see how the slaughterhouses are and the abuse the animals experience and whatnot, but it's like You know, obviously I'm not for like abusing animals or whatever But when it comes to killing animals for food, there is no like Humane way to do that. Yeah Right when I was in Guatemala my aunt she had this huge hog and She was saving it for when we would go visit her and we came and she brought it out and she hired some guys And they hit it with the with the butt of the of an axe and it was all It was like squealing and then it didn't knock out So they hit it again and again and finally it tipped over and they had this long huge knife Have you guys ever seen like yeah, I was like like in person. I think video. Oh, man so they take in and just like slit the throat and they just just Let it bleed out and then I remember like the guy came and he grabbed the leg Right, I mean after he was done kind of bleeding out as much as it could and he was kind of like cranking it and as He cranked it like more blood came out almost like a cartoon But I think myself is like there's no humane way to kill an animal Yeah, I mean if you're gonna eat it, it's gonna death is not a humane process They're not even human. So it's like I mean, I remember like even like because we would we would raise cows and You know, like we would go and you know, we raise them since they were like baby calves We feed them stuff like that and eventually they came to the point where we had to like kill them to eat them Yeah, you know it's like I remember one time. Yeah, like exactly like it didn't exactly die right away You know My dad shot it and we're walking towards it to slit his throat to let it bleed out and it just gets back up He's a fighter. Yeah, you know, what's we're actually really stupid about like, oh we care for animals so much So we're not gonna kill him to eat him like most agricultural processes Like if you if you like look up like like organic agricultural processes where they don't use any pesticides Literally thousands of rats and mice are dying. Yeah, thousands of rodents There's like this YouTube channel called garland farms where it should or they send like a pack of dogs to go like dig up the the Rats and stuff to kill them So in a way like all this like aggregate like all there's all these plants that they're like eating instead of animals It's killing way more animals than if they would just eat eat a steak Well, let's say if they weren't killing like way more animals, they're still killing animals exactly So even to like live their lifestyle, they're killing a bunch and how do you pick and choose like which animal you want to save? Like what about an ant? I mean, it's an animal, right? Well, most most vegans have to eat bugs because they don't consider those like animals a lot of vegans They don't consider them sentient being yeah So they have to eat bugs to get like the necessary some necessary like proteins that you can only find in the animal kingdom Yeah, I've heard these idiots like literally call an animal like a human like they slip up or they don't know any better It's like person. Yeah, I'll put it But specifically heard them say human. Oh, yeah, so I saw a video of this guy. I mean a human is a person, right? visiting a Petco and The worker was talking about how some lady came in wanting to buy a specific kind of fish to feed to her turtles And it was a fancy fish and she was going on and on about always you shouldn't feed this fish to The turtle, you know, they're like human beings That's what that turtle would eat in nature if that they love so much you would be eating fish and stuff She ended up not selling that specific fish to the lady as like what what? Veganism is an unhealthy lifestyle first and foremost, but you know Sometimes like I posted something on Instagram and it was just like a joke. It was satire It's what it was and it was like In response to the shutdown, but they said like, you know, if you're protesting you can you can gather So I said yeah, we're gonna have a vegan protest, you know for the 4th of July It was like a joke, but it was it was halfway joking and then man the vegans just came out of the woodwork and they were just Slamming me on there, but multiple vegans basically came up and said, you know, you call yourself a pastor The Bible says thou shalt not kill Dude like Levitical priests were like butcher butchering and what is Peter? Throughout the day. Yeah, yeah to be up to their knees Old Testament and they'll say well that's Old Testament Yeah, but that's New Testament too. Yeah rise Peter rise rise and and the people have told me about that They're like, oh you're taking that out of context and how can you you know use, you know, Peter? that's not a proper example, you know, and here's the thing is like Militant vegans who like try to use the Bible They just they fail miserably. And the reason why is because they'll often say what's that? It just doesn't say it doesn't say You could eat what you want, right? And what they'll do is they'll often pull out the Well originally God's original plan was for us to be vegans. Yeah, which is true, right? It was for us to be garden of Eden they Well, it wasn't really a plant-based diet I wasn't like vegetables those fruits, okay And that was God's original plan and I'll say and I've responded by saying well God actually killed the first animal You know and made skins to cover Adam and Eve and they'll say yeah because of sin because of sin and I'm like, yeah, and I'm sitting up. Yeah. Yeah, it's like gotcha And I said, yeah, absolutely because of sin. So basically what they're saying is that Because God killed an animal due to our sin Therefore it's wrong for us to eat animals basically, but to them I say well then you're a hypocrite because I'm sure you're wearing clothes right now and Clothes is a result of the fall of man as well So every single vegan in this world who tries to use the Bible as a means to justify their lifestyle They're a bunch of hypocrites. Not only did God kill the first animal when when Animals were first sacrificed in the Bible. God likes the smell of them being burned. Yeah Sweet saver who doesn't like the smell of he also sanctioned for animals to eat other animals Yeah, so it was and he got mad at Like with the story of like Cain and Abel when it when Cain offered him up like plants and stuff Yeah, but he became was the first vegan in the Bible exactly Yeah, but Abel he offered him up an animal and God liked it right it was sacrifice Cain offered up the vegetation Yeah, and God had not respected to Abel's offering You know what and Cain reacted the way every vegan reacts His countenance was following his counts is falling he was raw No, but even like the the first clothes that the man-made big leaves got even like that. He's like now I'm gonna make you Yeah, he didn't like the plant-based No polyester. No polyester. He did not like plant-based clothing not good enough. We got to kill an animal Yeah, good point Absolutely. So tell us about What I mean you mentioned it some of it already but what are some of the the changes that the brain goes through when Over a long process of time of being a vegan. Yeah, tell me about the koala Well, basically if you look at a koala's brain It's completely smooth. And the reason it has no wrinkles. It's completely smooth Just look like a koalas are vegan, right? And they are they're vegan But they're also very very stupid if you think if you take a eucalyptus leaf Which is what the only thing koalas eat if you take it off the plant like off the tree They won't eat it because they don't know what it is That's how stupid they are And so like so like and you can tell this by the brain because I have no wrinkles anyway Um a vegan's brain over time will deteriorate will like start losing wrinkles will shrink they'll get stupider and more psychotic It's because in the in the plant kingdom you're there's some nutrients and vitamins that you just can't get and so one of those is like b12 that's literally only exists in the animal kingdom and Algae, and I don't know if you know any vegans were like going to the beach and eating algae. It just doesn't happen, right? Yeah, and what b12 does is it helps like regulate the control like red blood cells So like if your body's not making enough red blood cells a whole lot of things aren't like your immune system is gonna go down You're gonna get stupider. You're gonna get weaker like a whole bunch of stuff is gonna happen And then there's actually this is kind of funny. There's a thing called vitamin k2 as well And this was just recently discovered which proves basically that like our modern like nutrition science has like no idea What they're talking about cuz they literally just discovered this vitamin recently vitamin k2 and what it does is it controls the calcium That goes around your body basically tells the calcium to go into your bones into your teeth cartilage and stuff like that and vitamin k2 can only be found in the animal kingdom and fermented things so like stuff like Kefir and like kimchi basically or like or like or like natto I don't know if you ever had brother Glenn. It's like a Japanese fermented bean and it's never had that it's nasty It's gross. But yeah, you can only find in fermented foods and animal foods and what k2 does is yeah regulates the calcium so they literally get weaker bones and And they get weaker teeth and their teeth start rotting out of their mouth and It's actually really sad because a lot of kids who are put on vegan diets They'll get though they're their baby teeth will start rotting So they so they won't even before the baby teeth can even fall out and they can get their new teeth They're their teeth will just rot out and they'll also I don't know if you ever seen Um, you know how on on TV they have those ads for like black children in Africa Like they're starving and stuff like that. You see you'll see how they have huge bellies. Yeah Yeah That's from like protein deficiency and certain nutrient deficiencies and that's now happening in America in the 21st century to vegan children We're getting those huge like bellies. It's called like core core core core your syndrome or something like that they're getting these huge bellies because they're like they have no nutrition and Some is that bloating like in this in like the intestines or something? Yeah. Yeah It's something like that basically and it's like it comes from like water buildup basically because your body is not functioning off the front functioning optimally So your body gets weak your brain gets weaker and that kind of makes sense like because if some people think veganism is just like A diet but it's not it really is a religion because vegans don't care about whether or not if it's healthy for them or anything like That what they really care about is not hurting animals So they'll die both die and they'll be and they'll say like, oh, I don't want to hurt an animal basically Yeah, so it I'm sure it'll be like a piece of the puzzle and then you world order like religion Absolutely. Well, I mean if it's affecting the frontal low cortex and absolutely Yeah, people will probably be way more willing to take the mark of the beast if they're like retarded act It'll be less resistant There'll be less resistant to that. Yeah, exactly, you know Cuz you kind of wonder like why so many people are gonna like the whole world obviously select few will not even people who are not saved will not take the mark of the beast but For the most part the vast majority of the population will but it's like what is the fact that it plays into that? It could be just the way they think which is largely based upon affected by what you eat and it's interesting because they'll you know, often you'll talk about when you talk to vegans I'll bring up, you know, why don't you go protest the lion who's eating the zebra, you know, I say well They can't you know handle not eating that, you know, we can and all these things but there's herbivores in the animal kingdom that will Other animals, yeah, like look up deer eating bird on YouTube and you'll find like thousands of yeah and because they're lacking certain nutrients and They're deficient in certain areas and they'll actually so I've seen giraffes do it Deers do it a lot of herbivores that wouldn't typically meet they'll eat it because they're lacking certain nutrients Well, here's the thing meat is the most like bio available if you go if you go on this on this Instagram page, it's called Nature's metal metal. Yeah nature's metal. It has a lot of good footage on there, but they they have a lot of those highlights on there It's pretty interesting. What are you gonna say? No? Yeah I was gonna say like even even when animals sometimes are presented with a choice like herbivore animals like squirrels or deers or giraffes And they have like just some meat and like some green stuff They're gonna get the meat because they know it's way easier to like extract nutrients from it There's way more energy in it. There's way more nutrients in it. They're gonna pick the meat not the vegetables So they're even the herbivore animals. Yeah, there's a lot smarter I've seen that squirrels at my work eat other squirrels, but also like kittens all day They've tried it. Yeah, they've tried to eat me They're stalking me they come in gangs That's insane, yeah squirrels we eat rats to But the reason herbivores usually don't eat other animals because they're not predators They don't have like the tools to kill other animal, right? But if they did they would they did they did they would exactly yeah And you got to understand that the animal kingdom did change after the fall. Yeah There's a lot of things that change after the fall, you know, and these animals are gonna go back to normal you know after the millennial reign and Going into the new heaven and the new earth but that in order to do we don't bring ourselves into that though Jesus Christ is the one who brings us back into the right of those conditions again, you know It's impossible for us to do that. It's you know Trying to get us to to eat a plant-based diet using the Bible It's like trying to get us to not sin It's not gonna happen, right? We're not our Our spiritual structure is not, you know, our flesh excuse me is not, you know, it can't sustain Being sinless won't do it Naturally, we run according to the course of this world We will continue to sin until Christ comes such as millennial reign and then even then you know You have you still have sin in this world But when the new heaven new earth comes sin is completely removed at that point. Yeah got a question Is it okay to troll vegans or do we have compassion on them? I wouldn't waste my time When they when they comment on your stuff waste a little bit of time troll I wouldn't what's the point? You know, I don't what's the point? Sometimes sometimes I'll go out with vegans if they if they comment on my stuff You know just to try to get them to think a little bit Because I'm I hope that there's a mistake to make them There is hope for vegans though because you said your wife was a vegan. Yeah, she was a vegan for I'm not actually sure how long maybe around like a year, but As soon as I met her I'm like stop that get off that because she was eating like asparagus and like sweet potatoes I love sweet potatoes, but you can't live off of that You just can't so I got her some getting on meat dairy. Dairy is actually one of the best most complete foods You can eat. Yeah Yeah, raw milk go to sprouts get yourself some raw milk Mm-hmm And I think that's why I don't I talked to you pastor about this like a while ago when the Bible talks about like really Like a plentiful land it talks about the land of milk flowing milk and honey. Yeah. Yeah, right So like honey is obviously this like super like dense super food. Yeah, it's super food and so is milk Mm-hmm, so I think that has because the Bible doesn't have a lot of nutrition advice in it. So you kind of got a pick Yeah, well, it's not a it's not a cookbook. Yeah I mean, but it does have some things in it as ingredients in there Yeah, but it's funny that you mentioned about honey is like, you know local honey is actually good for your allergies Yeah, because the the bees they'll go like from plant to plant They'll create the pollen and then like or they'll get the pollen make the honey and then you eat that That's like a natural vaccine right there. Yeah allergies You guys have allergies No, I don't have me Not ever since I started eating honey. Yeah Yeah, man, that's good as an animal food. It's not a vegetable. It's made its beep It's not vegan it's not vegan they don't eat like cactus or something. Yeah, they will not I've seen vegans They're just ardently against eating honey because of the bees. Yeah Yeah, it's Morgan Freeman Started like a is he a vegan farm? No, I don't know maybe before I want to get a B form I want to be in what are they called? Before I remember I remember at my old church. I keep these they uh, there's a beehive It was like an a steeple and they brought it down and you know the bees left or whatever but they brought a huge table and they just put the honeycomb with the honey there and Anybody can come and they would just grab you could just grab a honeycomb and just scoop the honey. Just eat it, dude It was great. I'm salivating So good, obviously, you can't eat too much because then your stomach starts hurting or whatever, but it was it was awesome Like local honey versus like store-bought honey store-bought honey, usually they'll just feed the bees like cubes of sugar Yeah, and she'll start the yeah, cuz I think like during like the winner or something like that They can't have you know, any flowers or anything Yeah, so they just feed them sugar and then when they process the honey, it's like it's just sugar you're so they also pasteurize it Yeah so that it takes out like all all like the good stuff that would like help your gut and with like your gut bacteria and Help like your allergies like I've seen certain documentaries. They'll say, you know, all our ancestors had a plant-based diet You know, what's funny about that there's not a single group that you can look at in history that it exclusively plants Yeah, but you can find groups like the like the Eskimos wait exclusively Yeah, or how about the Mongolian Mongolians ate their horses? The Mongolian Empire survived off of me and dairy products and that's it. They still do. Yeah, and they took over the world Yeah large portion of the world. I mean they made a huge Genghis Khan made a huge impact over the world Yeah, I mean a lot of a lot of what he did, you know has had an effect on the modern world yeah, I think something like like 50% of Asians are like can can like trace their lineage to Genghis Khan or something crazy. They were strong people I mean obviously, you know, it wasn't the most glorious empire as far as like, you know They would they had a lot of weird customs, you know, like they wouldn't they had this thing where? Um Yeah, the blood like the blood was sacred to them to the point where you couldn't spill it on the ground So if you had a wound You wouldn't you weren't allowed to spill your blood on the ground So what they would do is they would have someone suck your blood out and in in swallow it You know like Genghis Khan received like some sort of crazy wound and his general came and just sucked his blood for hours until he Was just sick. They both just drunk drank so much blood. Is that how he died? No, I don't know He lived I Like Genghis Khan and he's I mean unfortunately in hell right now, but you know He actually had a lot of his people a lot of his generals were like married to Christians, you know Christianity permeated a lot Permeated the Mongolian Empire quite a bit tolerate it was like, you know, it was like the second like religion of that empire Yeah, how it got to like places like Siberia and Mongolia and China even but they ate meat they eat meat That's why they they call their clients You know They would they would literally like sit on their meat when they would go and travel and conquer other cities And by the time they got there would just be beef jerky Yeah, that's a good topic for another another day the Mongolian Empire I like that topic a lot so, you know the Bible does say that veganism is a doctrine of Devils because of the fact that People who promote who teach you should have a plant-based diet are trying to get people to go back to Edenic Conditions without Christ, right? That's not gonna happen. You know, it's like basically trying to gain salvation without Christ It's like a workspace salvation so therefore it's a doctrine of Devils and it's funny cuz it's being pushed like you were saying at the beginning of the podcast being Pushed so much like you now you see like plant-based burgers That's hot dogs. I'm like who did that? There's a there's a there's burger king Carl Junior Junior del Taco Most of like everybody's doing plant-based now. Taco Bell has been doing it for a long time I Like Jack in the Box tacos, it's not real me. Yeah, that's like that's meat paste They put sand and Taco Bell beef it's like sand it is it's called silicon I know. Oh, yeah, so I know for a while they were doing like oatmeal. They were just like crushing of Officially flavoring it. Yeah, I thought you don't eat in places like that, you know, don't go to Taco Bell Unless you really need a 99 cents taco with sand in it. I'll find you a 99 cent taco I'll find you a street taco. That's 99 cents, dude Yeah, and it has maybe it'll be a buck 25, but it's it's well worth it I actually had Taco Bell for the first time ever in my life like two weeks ago in this Why would you do that? Because I want I want I want to know what was up. Did you like it? No suck. Yeah You know your system, huh? Yeah So say that to say this is that you know Christians should eat meat We've had a couple vegetarians come to our church and they converted to eating meat, you know, and you know, it's it's healthy It's mentally healthy. It's physically healthy and it's biblical. Yeah, it is biblical, you know, especially if you give thanks to God For that mean amen. Yeah, so let's move on to the next topic. What time is it? Let's move on to the next one. We're gonna talk about Wayfair For the hike. Yeah, what we got man. So I've just been browsing Instagram lately just on the queue and on topic seeing what you know, what what they're up to so on and so forth and Something that caught my eye one day was this Wayfair Selling products at an extraordinary price Yeah, we're talking about like tens of thousands of dollars and people are saying that the names are actually kind of correlated with missing persons and Not only that but in the photos themselves of the advertised products there are certain symbolisms used right that are associated with pedophilia and that thing just kind of like took off like wildfire and the mainstream media is not reporting on it because I mean That's a red flag in and of itself because the mainstream media their job is really to jump on anything Whether it be true or not because me actually the agenda of the mainstream media is just to push Their own agenda. Well, yeah, even if it means no matter the cause look they don't the media the news outlets It's not necessarily they're not in business To give you the facts or truth They're in the business more like ratings selling Right to watch. Yeah selling ads, you know, so the more interesting your topics are, you know The more or more expensive your ad space is gonna be but nobody's reporting on this and I just searched it up today Just to see you know, how how to approach this topic and you can't find any mainstream News outlet reporting on this other than them saying that it's just a crock-pot Conspiracy theory so on and so forth No, really investigations, you know, nobody at least on their behalf is investigating this but the people who are these independent people really, you know who really their only outlet is either Facebook or Instagram they're posting on it and They're saying how you know Instagram and Facebook and Twitter are kind of you know What would you call it blackballing them or quote-unquote fact blacklisting them? You know, they won't allow certain hashtags to trend so on and so forth. Yeah, but it's absolutely a real thing not the way shadow bano shadow banning but trafficking of people So yeah, that's I would say that's absolutely a major topic going on right now You know to the point where people are protesting, you know, the child lives matter or something. No, no It's a save the child Hashtag save the children. Yeah. Yeah, and here's the thing like obviously we don't know 100% if if that whole conspiracy is true or not but Human sex trafficking is real and I wouldn't put it past The rulers of the dark of the darkness of this world to utilize an organization like that to to do that You know you have pizza gate, yeah, and that is true you can't say that that's a conspiracy theory That's that's a fact. That's a that's a real $65,000 in hot dogs that Fly over some pizza worth ten thousand dollars. Yeah, what is that? Come on, and we'll eat it for an hour Yeah, you let's go eat pizza for an hour. That's what they said ran an email So with a handkerchief a lot of that Yeah, a lot of that same terminology or I'm not the same terminology But the same prices so to speak is something that you would find on Wayfair Something something interesting about those prices is if your product on Wayfair is more than $10,000 to buy it. You have to get Basically like verified because it's like a platinum purchase or something like that. So Basically, you just have to talk to like a day screen people. They can't have just a random person buying a cat Yeah, exactly. So if you go order if you go buy that $10,000 cabinet, you don't have like the secret word Allegedly or something like that. So I'll send you a cabinet. That's 100 bucks. Yeah Yeah, these people are wicked man. Yeah, you know and You know these people they use these these platforms to do things like this and I was just mentioning even on Instagram You know, you have that hashtag of in and out where there's actual in and out account that belongs to the company but then there's another one where it has like an underscore or something and You scroll through and it's a lot of women posing with burgers and you know at a glance you think well It's just ladies, you know advertisement But the more you actually look into it and the hashtags and the people that are commenting on those photos it basically the conclusion is is that it's it's a it's they're prostituting themselves and Unfortunately, you see children on there and the people who comment on those posts are the same people are commenting all those on like Pizza gate type, you know content and posts like that where they make these perverted comments. And so it's not a coincidence No, you know, they're trying to use these avenues to to be able to they're trying to go under the radar kind of thing and interestingly enough It's people in high places that are involved in this stuff. Are we talking about politicians? We're talking about Hollywood We're talking about like all these Celebrities and multi-millionaires so on and so forth Yeah Turn a blind eye to it and say that it doesn't exist that these people are not involved in it talked about before remember like Actor from The Lost Boys then the Goonies. Oh, yeah. Okay. I forgot his name Cody. I still like that No, no, no. Oh, man. What's his name? Corey Feldman. Yeah. Yeah, but he was always talking about how you know as young boys They were surrounded by these men. He's powerful man, and they don't do certain things for the Macaulay Culkin, too Yeah, there were like look at how they turned out all the Disney Heads and they're all just messed up. You know screwed our rubber baits is what they are You know You can't be involved in Hollywood as a child and not have that happen to you I mean look at the ones the the two children the guys that were molested by Michael Jackson Yeah, you know and that he his thing was just open. Yeah, everyone knew about Michael Jackson Everyone knew that he had children sleeping in his bed 365 days out of the year. Yeah. Yeah, he would teach him to put it their clothes on super fast Just in case someone walked in. Yeah, it's like one in the world. I mean the parents are complete idiots I think the parents are profiting from this Well, I wouldn't doubt that but I'm sure there's parents who sell their children. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like I've heard of that I've seen a video. It's like another and of course, you can't you don't know if it's that's what happened to our Kelly's victim Our Kelly's sold into that. Yeah, her parents is the one who basically took her to our Kelly Cuz you know, this is like to them money talks. I mean, it's wicked as hell I'm pretty sure that's what happened to Madeline McCain too. It was like this girl. I think that's her name She went missing in like the 2000. She was like four or five years old and Everybody like doubted the parents everybody. It was like John Renee Ramsey that that little girl no John many Ramses the little girl was you talking with the one who was murdered by her parents? Yeah She was like the little model girls. Oh, yeah. No, this is different. This is Madeline McCain She went missing and nobody has ever found her and a lot of people initially like immediately suspected the parents And then a couple years ago if you know who John Podesta and yeah, whatever his name is they look him and his brother look exactly like the like the police drawing the police drawing of who kidnapped this girl and They were at the location at the time and what's even weirder is the parents were have been like Went to like moved in circles with like John Podesta and his brother and stuff like that There's like a first degree and they were staying at Sigmund Freud's Grandson's home or villa or something like that. I don't isn't that the same guy who basically has all this perverted. Yeah Yeah, the satanic Botanic stuff. Yeah, dude, and they're they're involved with all the spirit cooking Like people that and and they communicate one with another with like all these symbols and stuff like that you know where it's like their secret language and But people are kind of like Catching on to these. Oh Even like the there's a toy that came out and like the trolls the troll toy Yeah But even before that it was like there's they've done weird things before with toys like I remember like my old pastor someone gave His daughter a doll and you squeeze it like three times It's supposed to only say like like Google Gaga and stuff like that But the last one said Islam is the light. Oh, yeah. I remember that and then So one of the one is Islam is the light. Yeah, but now the troll doll has a secret button Underneath where the private parts would be at, you know, and it like it it basically moans and it giggles every time you push it Oh, yeah, that's so we are sick. So the Devil is it by my Hasbro those people that make like, you know, the cabbage patch kids So The theory that's going around is that look they're trying to because basically all these QAnon folks are like Well, Trump is bringing everything into light and all these pedophiles are gonna get caught. So The theory is is that they're trying to normalize this Pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Yeah, for example in Greece. They passed some laws that hey, you know what? It's it's a it's a disorder So on and so forth and they say oh well the Hanks family Tom Hanks and they moved over there because it's it's accepted over There or rather they wouldn't be in as much trouble He's a Grecian Resident now. Yeah, because he's Greek. Well, okay No, yeah, he's Greek Orthodox Okay, so there's this guy named Isaac Cappy. Okay, who I guess was in the industry I don't really know what his background is, but he came up Exposing all these politicians and all these actors and saying hey They're pedophiles and he was really adamant that he kept posting and posting and sooner or later. He ends up committing suicide Okay He got suicide off a bridge on Route 66 right down with three bullet bullet wounds in the back of his head Yeah, I hate I hate when people commit suicide At the end of the day basically what you're getting at is a lot of these pedophiles are being It goes back to the whole QAnon conversation that we had initially right that they're being exposed Yeah, and that Trump is bringing all this to light Yeah I see a lot of that those posts by QAnon people and people who don't claim QAnon But they follow them and they're just kind of like yeah Trump is the one doing this. He's the one who's bringing it to life I don't know if Trump's the one doing it But it's being done. Yeah, somebody, you know, so somebody's doing it So, I don't know I think I think it's probably like there's probably retreading ground from the first episode But probably just like a psyop to like lure in conservatives into like a false sense of like complacency It's like oh, yeah, look at all these pedophiles in Hollywood getting especially if they're if they're heroes doing it Yeah If they're here is being given credit that he's the one who's basically carrying this out and stopping the pedophiles and bringing him to justice You know that gives them more confidence that gives them more security That we're becoming a Christian nation, but none of these pedophiles are getting justice all these people in like Harvey Weinstein or whatever He's still like walking free. Yeah, or what's his name? They dude that was in House of Cards Kevin Spacey He's still walking free. Yeah. Yeah, he's like he's like no, I'm not I'm not a pedophile. I'm gay Yeah He that stealeth the man and selleth him or free be found in his hand. He shall surely be put to death That is the solution to all Pedophiles and human sex traffickers is that they just need a bullet in the head, you know And that's kind of too good for them. That is like too quick. Like these people need to suffer Yeah, you know I think they're back, you know, well, I mean the Bible's true It's basically saying they should be put to death But the way that Jesus said they should be put to death is a good way No, hang a milestone about their neck and you drown them in the depth of death and you do never favor if you actually do Do that one? Yeah Send them straight to hell a bunch of wicked people You know, we're this society is getting worse. The world is getting becoming worse men Evil men and seducers are waxing worse and worse and that's why it's important the parents man. They watch their kids Watch your kids. That's why I like it. And by the way that this is even prevalent even in churches You know because obviously wicked people, you know pedophiles they see churches as an opportunity to take advantage of so that That Antichrist from La Luz del Mundo. Yeah, he I think he got his day in court What did he get sentenced or something like that? I didn't I didn't hear anything about that. But yeah, he's been in court recently Yeah, he's a major pedophile. So was his dad and his grandfather and these idiots, you know, like you priest applying leading the blind It's like what do they have like a few million or a hundred million followers? That yeah, they have a I don't know how much exactly but it's a very large following And the question is like what does it have to take to get these people to understand like they're blind So, you know God's okay with that. He said let them alone They're gonna fall into a dish They're gonna fall right into hell because if they're justifying the wicked like that, you know Yeah, if they if they like are willing to follow a pedophile In that Falls Church and then they deserve to be there. Yeah, they deserve to be there It's unfortunate for the for the little ones. Yeah, you know art. That's why our churches family integrated You know family integrated where the kids stay with you. They don't go into some other room with some other person doors closed or whatever stay with the parents because we're trying to we're trying to kind of Minimize the risk as much as possible. You know what I mean? And even that's even here, you know I think our church is great, but you never know. You just never know so Whether people believe that it's a true conspiracy or it's just a theory regarding Wayfair You know, no one can deny the fact that human sex trafficking is a real thing in the United States The Bible tells us that Babylon in Revelation chapter 18 was responsible for slaves and the souls of men It's referring to people who are being kidnapped You know and no one can deny that that's taking place in the United States of America. So good stuff. All right. Well, you know the fact that we're discussing it sex traffickers with lasers Lasers once you cast them into the sea with the stone around and the sharks with the lasers come the lady So, yeah, we've been wanting to talk about what we have talked about lasers and by the way folks There's about two is it two episodes? There's two episodes that have been shelved and they're archived and we're gonna consider those the lost tapes for now And maybe someday in the future. I'll release those they might get leaked Yeah, but in both of those episodes we talked about lasers because it's a pretty interesting topic and We have a laser specialist here. He's not a laser specialist But to me is because he knows more about lasers than I do brother Jacob. Tell us what you're working So I work for a company that makes talking to the mic bring the mic close to you. Can you hear me? Yeah, all right so I work for a company that that makes lamps for movie projectors and What I'm doing there is I'm working on a system to replace lamps with a laser system so instead of it being lit with a light bulb, it would be Like a laser system. So what I would do is I would shoot these lasers off of a mirror and it would hit a phosphorus disc and it would give me my Different colors of lasers in order to show like a film. That's what I do. Does anyone ever gotten hurt? Not people can get hurt. Yeah, I have to wear a blue blocking Laser safety goggles because if I looked at the blue lasers, I would go blind and say just no just looking at for a second Wait a minute. Wait a minute Thousand thousand watts of laser power blue. So the laser is shooting across and you look at it Yeah, I could see it. Wait, I can so it do you ever get it on in your eyes or do you just look? Look at it. That's right. That's what I was asking Like when you say you can you can damage your eyes Are you saying if it's shot into your eyes or if you're actually just look at it if it's shot into your eyes Oh, man, if it's just if it's just there and you're looking in that direction I'm never gonna visit your workplace Become cyclops never ask you to pick you up from work. Yeah That's crazy. Yeah. So even if you look at it Yeah, that's how powerful Does anyone know that laser is actually an acronym? Yeah, what does it stand? It's a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation so Light is like what everything, you know, you see, you know what photons are right? Yes. Both ones are particles of light Okay. Okay, so you have light which is the L and laser you need Amplification so which is they amplify that Using using stimulated emission of radiation. So how you what you do is you need a gain medium, which is something that Yes It's something that the light it's a solid gas or liquid that light that photons would interact with and It would release the same frequency photons if If there's enough of the atoms in this in this game medium that are in a How would you say a higher energy state? They were they would release an extra photon That is the same frequency polarity as How did they discover that? I have no clue aliens. I can't remember the guy but the first the first laser was made out of a ruby And a xenon arc flash That's pretty interesting. It's like some James Bond stuff You know the warrior princess no xenon arc flash, I think it's like a superhero It's actually they tell you you'll go blind if you look at the laser, but you'll actually just get powers So lasers lasers are great because it proves that we went to the moon. Oh, oh, yeah, so How's that So There's something called retro reflectors on the moon. Did you know that who put them there? New astronauts Neil Neil Armstrong now, I don't know who put them there astronauts They put it they put them there You could shoot a laser at a retro reflector and it will reflect back and no matter where you shoot on the on the mirror Because it's like have you ever seen like the corner of like a bathroom mirror? Like you could you could you could see it like but if I imagine I'm four ways Mmm, yeah, so that's what you could shoot it from any direction and it'll come back to you. Yeah, I'm saying yeah That's that's what's on the moon. So if you shoot a laser at the moon and you hit the retro retro reflector at any angle and You should be able to get that same frequency light back back in the same position Yeah, and if you're just hitting the moon and it's like a reflective surface or you know, people say stuff like that It would it would uh, it would come back at a different different frequency, but it hit a mirror. Yeah Yeah, it breaks it down. Basically. Yeah, it'll be at a different frequency. Yeah So did NASA put those there just to prove they went to the moon is that like why no They put it there to measure the distance. Oh So they know the speed of light Well, so the amount of time it takes for it to come back is the distance but you can measure measure The speed of light without putting that on the moon, I mean you could you could know they don't It's not to measure the speed of light. No, it was to measure how far or a moon is no or How further away it's getting every year, right? Wasn't that why no wall at that at the time. They didn't know how far exactly it is Then that's what did they calculate getting there? They winged it. See I don't know. I don't know. I know I know why we get a bear It's possible that they winged it. Yeah, I don't know I mean they prepared for the first Moon landing voyage. Yeah, moon voyage They prepared like a speech that the president would read out in case it was a horrible Disaster and everybody died and that speech is like readily available and it's like a tragedy has struck America We sent astronauts and they're all dead Very interesting laser, so will there ever be a laser gun? So Here's the thing about lasers, you know, I was saying that lasers are very dangerous like you need to go blind, right? I see in movies, right? We're like James Bond is like shooting like he's like welding some piece of metal I also like a laser awesome power safety goggles So the amount of power it would take in order to cut that metal you would just be blind You or like a lightsaber like the lightsaber, oh no, that's magic don't destroy Magic You might be able to get away with a red laser saber, but you're not gonna cut anything. So you translated this topic I heard that you're not gonna cut the medical industry had an actual they use green lasers for eye surgery Okay, but I heard they had an actual laser that cut flesh and they would use it for surgery and they actually called it the lightsaber because it actually like they would use it for surgery and then users George Lucas actually Sued them for that. Yeah, he would probably trade names. Wait, so lasers can't can they cut flesh or they can't Okay, they could so you translated this topic into like a more biblical viewpoint where you said the light and do you remember that? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you had like a spin on this for as a biblical spin? Well, well as they can blind you Yeah, it's interesting that like light also the sneak into the mind that light illuminates But it also can blind you. Yeah. Oh, that's what it was the same way like it kind of proves that reprobate doctrine Yeah, yeah, and said like you just get an overexposure of light that now you can no longer see. Mmm. Yeah Yeah, you're seared. Yeah, basically. Yeah, it's like your spiritual eyes are just seared and you can no longer see Yeah, you just remain blind. Yeah, so that was pretty interesting when you mentioned that's good You Know like you need the goggles, you know The goggles represent the Word of God, you know on the Bible talks about People being destroyed by the presence of Jesus Christ the presence of his appearing. Yes, you know, I'm saying that the bright brightness is coming right as I was coming and It talks about like how people in hell are in the presence of the Lamb and I was thinking well if it is hell bright Because He's in hell and I was thinking wait. No, it's it calls it outer darkness But what if it's just darkness to the people who are there because they're blind cuz they're all blind That's actually that's very that's pretty deep Because they're blind That's very deep about the cry Yeah Yeah, because it's the spirit that's there You know and that is the part that is blind Wow, that's powerful Well good stuff gentlemen. I think we Covered enough there. I think we're gonna have nightmares tonight No, that's that's that's pretty interesting Covered veganism wayfare and lasers and that's pretty much it So folks tune in next week for the rod of iron podcast. I don't know. This is episode 6 Right, is it? This is episode 6 for sure Next week will be episode number 7 and then stay tuned. We're gonna do something a little different in about a month actually, we're gonna be doing a special edition of the rod of iron podcast Livestream we're gonna have a live streamed episode and so we'll give you more details about that And no, we did not forget about the contest not yet forgotten about the contest and the contest is is that if you would like to Join us on the podcast if you basically partake of this contest and you're the winner we'll fly you out We'll pay for your flight. We'll pay for your room and board or whatever and you will be on the podcast with us You'll get to hang out with us for a weekend, but we still haven't figured out what the contest is A good contest Yeah, it's not gonna work, I don't know yeah, so actually if you have a good idea for a contest put it in the comment section below and Shoot us an email. We'll put all those links there If you have a question for the rod of iron podcast if you want a shout out Make sure you put that on the comment section or email us and so you can we can give you a shout out on the Following episode brother Adam Kansari. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. Hope you become a regular you're pretty interesting guy They're happy to have you in our church. And so it's pretty much it fellas. You guys have a good night. Good night You