(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now here we go. Welcome to the Rod of Iron podcast, Fundamental Baptists breaking down discussions, dogma and daily events. I'm your host, Pastor Bruce Mejia, First Works Baptist Church in Amadeo, California, joined by the fundamentalists in our church, Brother Marco Sanchez, Brother Ray Flores, and Brother Adam Kinzari. Looking forward to a great episode tonight. It's actually the last episode of 2020. And so we had a good run this year. People seem to like the podcast quite a bit. And we got more episodes on the way in 2021. But we got some interesting topics that we're going to be discussing tonight. We're going to talk about Hitler and the parallels between him and I was gonna say Brother Trump, Brother Trump, Brother Trump, that's what Trump all that Trump administration. And we're gonna talk about fear mongering through the media and how people are just kind of losing their minds because of the whole Coronavirus vaccine. And what to do about that. And then we're going to be discussing about we're going to have a discussion about old prophets, more specifically old pastors, who have no longer or who have decided to no longer fight. And, you know, the compromise is taking place in a lot of these churches with a lot of these so called men of God, who are not only capitulating, but they're even joining forces and creating alliances with wicked individuals and false prophets. And so I think that's it, right? Is there anything else we're planning to talk about tonight? Let's see here. Memes. Supposed to discuss the me mystery. Looking forward to a great episode. gentlemen ready? Yep. So I just got finished reading the book on the Gallic Wars. Julie Caesar. Yeah, I listened to it. It's very interesting book. Yep. It's crazy that this guy was a was a real person, you know? It's crazy that you could live that type of life. Yeah. Thing is, is like, obviously, because he was he was around over 2000 years ago, over 2000 years ago. I think you're gonna say he was around for like 2000 years ago. Yeah, I think he was around for like 2000 years ago. Yeah, I think he was 2000 years ago, over 2000 years ago. I think you're gonna say he was around for like 2000 years. He was here like over 2000 in this world over 2000 years ago. Yeah. So obviously, life was a lot different back then. But it's like doubly different because of the fact that he's like on the other side of the world. So obviously, people who are there who are in that part of the world now, they live a different life than we live. It's way different in America. You know, I mean, the weather, the climate, the culture, the language, everything is different. But then you multiply that by 2000 years. It's like, it's even crazier. But the Gallic Wars, very interesting. That campaign against the ghouls, right? Yeah. Living in America in this modern world is strange because throughout history, you would live in a nation and the whole nation would be of one race, of one ethnicity, one nation. So it's like, every nation was against other nations. It was like, all the Romans, they're like, they're all Roman. So they're going into like, they're crossing into the Gaul. But they're converting people to become their nation. But they're like from a different nation. So they kind of have less inclination when they're killing them, when they're warring with people. It's like, who cares? It's like, well, it's us against them. A big reason the Roman Empire fell actually, and they teach this in public schools and stuff, is because way after Julius Caesar, like hundreds of years after that, they started letting in non Romans into like the legions, so they can like keep fueling their like war machine. Yeah, yeah. So like, ethnically, like non Romans. The barbarians. Yeah, they made legions of foreigners. legions of foreigners, and they would intermingle like the legions of foreigners with the with the Roman legions. And then there was all sorts of problems. And that indirectly led to the collapse. Well, that's because they would like, they would produce these traitors, right? Like that famous story of Arminius. Yeah, and those people weren't paid the same way either, you know, they're kind of just under tribute, basically. Yeah, Arminius was like, he was basically kidnapped by the Romans from Gaul or whatever, the Gauls, and he was trained as a Roman soldier, he ended up becoming like, you know, he ended up having a position of authority. And then they sent them back to his home town to basically regulate that area. And then he turned on the Romans and he like slaughtered them. That happened. It happened in the British Isles. Really British Isles, because like the British Isles, they, like, they pretty much conquered it. But they couldn't just hold on to it. They had all sorts of rebellions, Roman Roman, like generals would just like declare themselves like Emperor and like in the British Isles and stuff all the time. And then they just gave up and left because they just hated it so much. Arminius, if I'm not mistaken, like he slaughtered the Romans so bad with him and all the tribes that Rome began to like have trouble conquering those, going up to the Rhine or whatever, like they had trouble expanding further. They never crossed the Rhine. Because of that. And he ended up, no one really knows what happened to that guy. But he like led a major rebellion. And the thing is, like those people in those areas, they're very independent. So it's hard to like, kind of gather them together. He had to like lead leaders and convince them like, hey, follow me to go against the Romans, you know. That's what that's what Boudicca did. Oh, Boudicca. Yeah. That's a lady, right? Yeah. She was she was like, brutally killed, though. She was done. They squashed it. But yeah, same thing with the Celts in. Yep. In like the British Isles somewhere. Yeah, they did her dirty too, man. Like, cuz you know, the Romans would come and just completely pillage land and just rape the women and take their children. And that's what happened to her. And she was brutally destroyed. But she's, it's just weird, though, like this lady leading a rebellion and everything. Although like the Celts were super like wicked people. They were basically, that's like where Druidism, like pagan Druidism comes from. And all sorts of they had all sorts of like, like wickedness or sexually and all this stuff. Yeah, like uncivilized. So, I mean, yeah, they lived in like swamps. Like, the Romans are pagans, but they were civilized in a way, you know? Yeah. Arminius was a Roman officer, and later chieftain of the Germanic Tarruschi tribe, who was best known for the commanding and alliance of Germanic tribes at the Battle of the, of Teutoburg forest in 9 AD, in which three Roman legions under the command of genera Publius Quintilius Varus was destroyed. And the only reason they were able to destroy him is because of the fact that they they use the woods for as their advantage, because they knew the woods. It was because obviously, the Romans are, are fit fighters, they know how to, but they didn't know the terrain. They didn't know the terrain. They basically went back and those are guerrilla tactics. Those are, they were like proto guerrilla tactics. And a lot of them were afraid. The Romans were scared of the barbarians to a certain extent, because these guys would like fight naked. They're, they're very large and massive. If someone comes at me naked, I'm not fighting. You know, they were very, they're barbaric. Yeah. And like the book that I was reading, or that I was listening to about Julius Caesar and the Gallic Wars, he talks about how, you know, a lot of his soldiers feared the barbarians because of the fact that they were very large and barbaric. And he said that they wouldn't, they would not eat corn. They would refuse imported wine because it would feminize the mind and make them weak. They're like the size of Italians versus Germans. It's like, it's a big, different size. You know where, you know where the word like berserk comes from, right? Well, I heard that, but I heard that's not, that's how it was at, that was actually like proven false. What was proven false? That berserker came from like those barbarians. Well, it did. Because it would go berserk, right? Well, it came from, it was a name of like a warrior. I think it was in Sweden, but they're Germanics too. And what it is, is they would enter these like blood like rituals. And I'm pretty sure they'd come under like, because these were like the chief warriors, they would kind of come under some sort of like demonic possession where they would have this like blood lust, this like blood rage. And what they called it, like the the Germanics in Sweden, they'd say like they were like part animal, part man. And then when they go into like that, that mode, or whatever, they go berserk, essentially. I heard that word that didn't exist back then. That was more of a term that they came up with later on. But I don't know. I mean, they might have used a different word for it. But that doesn't like change the fact that that's something. It changes it. I'm just kidding. It's changed. I'm just kidding. It could be. I mean, these people were crazy, man. And these tribes didn't really know how to fight. They were just like, barbaric. But you know, what's interesting about that is that, obviously, that's like a political campaign that Rome set forth to conquer the barbarians. Whereas, whereas Paul wanted to reach the barbarians. Yeah. You know, he said he was a debtor to them. So and Paul was a Roman. So Paul, you know, had Roman citizenship. He was born a Roman. This is like right after that, too. That's right after that. Like, that's within 100 years. Yeah. So it's like, it's almost like today in the Muslims, you know? Like how, how Americans view Muslims. It's just like, oh, just bomb on a bunch of barbaric people. Whereas, like, God has a heart to win them to Christ. You know? And it's funny because the Romans wanted to appease the Jews in those days, right? There's actually some Muslim attack, too, today. Today? In Yemen, they set up a new, like a new government came in, and they're like on the side of Saudi Arabia with those peace treaties with Israel and stuff. And like, they're probably going to sign on Yemen to those Israeli peace treaties. But then like when these people, they went to Saudi Arabia to go see the crown prince. When they arrived on the tarmac in the plane, like 23 officials, there was like a crowd outside and then they got rocketed on the tarmac, airport tarmac. They got rocketed by Yemeni fighters. You know, that actually reminds me what you were just saying about like reaching the Muslims or whatever. In the first or the second Gulf War, I don't know if it was the Gulf War actually, it was just the Iraq War with like Bush Jr., Saddam brought in a certain church. And he gave that, it was a Baptist church. And he gave that church the sole authority to like evangelize in Iraq. But do you know what church it was? What? Westboro Baptist Church. Oh, man. What? Yeah. And the reason for that, they were the only church allowed. The only church against gays? That was a big thing. And they were preaching against America. Oh, I see. Right. That's why they liked them. Yeah. So Saddam liked them. So he let them come to Iraq in like Baghdad and like all the major cities and like preach against America. And he gave them like full range to do whatever they want. They could evangelize, right? They obviously weren't saved. But like that was making me think, I mean, if like, the new IFB movement had was like, or like even the old IFB movement was still on fire, like in the early 2000s, when that war was going on, that could have been some actual saved man of God. Yeah. Who get invited by this like... There's Christian neighborhoods in Iraq. Weren't you? Were you the one who sent me that article? About what? The Hitler one? Yeah, the Hitler one. Yeah, I sent you that. I thought that was very interesting. It was, yeah. It was. He was telling me about, let's see here. It wasn't that long ago. It says the timing of Baptist World Congress bolstered Hitler. Two days before it began, German President Paul von Hindenburg died in Hitler, formerly the chancellor, became Germany's absolute dictator. In an attempt to demonstrate an acceptance of Christianity before the world, the backdrop of BWA speakers platform included a giant swastika flag, a cross and portraits of famous Baptists. BWA is the Baptist World Congress. Fraternal relations between Baptists and Nazis extended beyond the BWA meeting. Although German Baptists suffered persecution for 100 years before Hitler's rise, Nazis used the police to protect Baptists from harassment and granted them favorable locations for ministry. Baptist evangelistic work expanded under the Nazi government, and when the Gestapo forced Pentecostal and Plymouth Brethren denominations to disband, some of their congregations joined the German Baptist Union, swelling its membership. So Baptists humbled by failure to close... A lot of the things he did were talked about. He's calling out the Jew bankers. He's calling out their media operations. Like the part I was in listening to in his book, he's calling out how the media works. And like, dude, I mean, the guy was on point, but he's just like how Trump is right now. He's just calling out all the evils in the world. You can actually draw a lot of parallels between... Hitler and... Not even just that, but Trump, but pre Hitler Germany and pre Trump America or the America that we're living in right now. And like the Weimar Republic is what it's called before Hitler took rise. In the 1870s, basically the same thing was happening and two movements rose up, the pan German movement, and then which is like all German people should be united, all German speaking people. And then the Christian... it's like the Christian German... Christian Socialist Party in Germany also rose up and he followed the example of those two guys that started it and then built off of their failures to make his success basically. He studied those guys, what they did, where they failed at, and he was able to build upon that. And he was influenced heavily by them. Because for him, it wasn't really social. He was a nationalist, but he used socialism as his means to rebuild the economy, because in the state that they were in, that's what worked best. It was like an economic miracle. So it wasn't like he was against capitalism or against this. He just used what he needed. What would be the most effective method at the time to pull Germany out of the crisis that they're in? Which was the crashing of the mark, which is crazy because when the world goes into an economic depression, and Germany gets like the worst of it because they lost World War Two and they had to pay reparations to... World War One, they had to pay reparations to France and Britain. And they were collecting money from them. And they took a lot of their land. And they took their military from them. They lowered their military. So all these bad things happened to them. And because of that, and it's crazy because they had hyperinflation, it would cost like 500,000 marks for a loaf of bread. A barrel of marks for a loaf of bread. For a loaf of bread. Yeah, you couldn't even carry it in wheelbarrows to buy a loaf of bread. Hyperinflation. And it was called the mark. Their currency was called the mark. That's weird. And then Hitler takes over. This guy just has a rallying of all these... Everyone's behind him because he's calling out the people in the world. Are you trying to parallel to him and then Trump or something or what? Well, he was even more effective than him because he's like... I mean, the guy was about what he's saying. He wasn't wiggling around it at all. You talk about Hitler. What Hitler was doing, he was saying it and then he was walking the walk. Yeah. Trump right now, right now there's two parties that are kind of super powerful. They basically... You got the Republican Party or the right wing and then you got the left wing. They're kind of against each other. So it's kind of division right there. And then you got Trump trying to bring the economy back to the United States to 100% again. But that's like the same thing what Hitler was doing over there. To the stimulus? Yeah, he's stimulating the economy with all those stimulus checks. I still haven't got my Trump. You promised me $2,000. I'll give you my routing number right here. So he's not going to concede, right? I don't think he's going to concede. No. But is he going to leave office? You know that Christmas Day bond? The building that they blew up? That's like one of the headquarters for those frickin voting machines or something like that. Oh yeah, wasn't it AT&T? That was a weird bombing. The guy who did it was alarming people and giving them like 15 minutes to clear the area. No one died, obviously, which is good. They think he might have died in the explosion. Okay, so they'd say he did. So this is from a super left wing liberal guy, right? This guy Tariq Nasheed. If you're on Twitter, he said, this might just be a strange coincidence, but the AT&T building in Nashville that was blown up today was owned by Cerebus Capital, owners of Dominion Voting Systems, the company many people are accusing of voter fraud, are former executives of Cerebus. And this guy's like hardcore left wing. He's like one of those black supremacists. Yeah, he's like a black nationalist. Yeah, he's like a black nationalist. So what's gonna happen? What is gonna happen? He keeps saying he keeps tweeting January 6th in DC. It's not gonna go smoothly. That's what's that's not happening. Yeah, there's not gonna be a peaceful transfer of power. Oh, so Oh, yeah. So this is what is that? Yeah, but what does that mean? So this is crazy. In my opinion, that's what I'm saying. Is there gonna be like a civil war, the new Gallic War? No, in Mind Conf, he talks about how them, what they did was that even though they kind of took over in this bad way, the opposing side, the anti-nationalist, he's like, but it was good because that's what rose the spirit of when they made being for your own country, a rebel, you're a rebel to be for your own country. When the people in the government and the people who love their country were in complete opposition to each other, he said, that's the best gift they ever gave us. That's what that's what happened. Yeah, because he's like, he's like, that's what gave us the rise. That's what gave the nationalist spirit the rise. Like that's what made it possible for him to come in and take over. You know what? So what happened after that? You know, hold on. I was one quick story. A man rose up and wielded all that power. So the power all what all these people were saying now they felt this guy just just pushed his weight. He was in the right place in the right time. And he was that it took place over a couple of years. It took some years for that to happen. He won a bunch of elections. He won like two or three. Yeah, well, he got to the government, then he got locked up. And then he came out and then, well, he got locked up. And then he came out. And then he's got then then he had more power. Because he became a martyr, you know, he became a he became a fighter for them. Like he did time for them. There's actually a news article in America after he gets put in jail, that says something along the lines of like Hitler humbled the after like the failed like, what is it Munich puts or whatever. He, the newspaper article says like, Oh, Hitler gave up. He's no longer he conceded he's gonna go back to live a life of like nothing in Austria. Obviously, that's not how he went to war with all the evils in the world. I also want to draw parallels crazy about what Ray was just saying how like, when they make you loving your country or you being like a patriot for your country that makes you the enemy. What's really interesting is because in the most recent stimulus bill, if you like divided up like exactly like how much money is going to Americans and in America or American infrastructure, and how much money is going to outside people. Yeah, it's like 500 billion people found out about that. They were like really mad about. Yeah. And that's, that's, that's what raised. That's like never happened before. Right? We're like people were like, not just even Israel. We're like the public knows how much money is actually going out to different nations. Yeah, like people have my job or idiots like they they knew about it. They're like, man, they're ripping us off, man. We should have voted for Trump. Yeah, it's like, that's exactly what that's exactly what he's talking about. Like, this is the perfect, but that has to be planned out. You know what I mean? For that. Speaking of social media, you know, it's a great outlet to relieve stress is making memes. Yes. The memeistry is the best. I haven't been making any more. Why? Because I'm kicked off of Facebook again. I just did 30 days I got out and now I'm 30 days. Hold on. My ears like, they like pop. Oh, you're bleeding. You're bleeding. I like hurt actually. You're bleeding. So you got kicked off of Facebook? I got kicked off. I got out on bail and I was obviously guilty of what they charged me with. Yeah. So I knew I was gonna go back in jail eventually. And then someone got into one little argument with me. So you're like, Oh, they said they said I was. They said I was liberal or something because the gospel that because the free gospel. And I was like, liberal. I was like, your church probably lives but liberal. We think fags should be get stoned. I was like, just now. And now I have two profiles. And before it would be like, if you get one locked up, you can go to the other one. But now if it's on the same phone, they they track you down the same phone. Yeah, two profiles on the same phone. So like the other one, it doesn't pop up that I'm banned. But if I try to like something, it just disappeared. Do you use the same phone? I'm trying to comment. It just doesn't go through what you use the same phone number, bro. I think it's the IP one of them's on. There are two different emails. It doesn't matter. But if it's on the same phone number, that's how they there's no phone number. So look, I mean, Pastor Anderson has to, or he has a couple of but I know that when he got on one on Facebook, Joe, whatever. He had another account. Yeah. So was that on the same phone? But that was it used to be. That's why I have to account. But that was real. That was recently because he's probably got one on the computer one on his phone. He's probably got it mapped out. It's interesting. He's got a whole computers around. People get offended at memes. Yeah. You get people are just offended at everything. Snowflakes. These guys are emotional, dude. It's funny that people that don't like memes are the ones that can't make memes. Well, it's either the people who can't make memes or the ones that are being memed about. Yeah. You know what I mean? Are there not even being mean? You know what I mean? Are there not being memed about and then they get up and they're like, you think I'm just gonna, you know, if I got up and just talked about other churches, pastors, some people here would like it. But other people would be like, why did I come to church today? He's like doing what he's talking about. He's like, but he's talking about some other church's pastor. It's annoying, man. I made a meme the other day. You made a couple memes. I made a couple memes. And they're pretty popular right now. People love them. And they're like, this kid with the gun. I felt inside man. Had to put the boy down. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And there's someone commented. And they're like, do you think it's right to make fun of them? Or they say, Do you think it's right to mock men of God? And I just I shot them the verse where Elijah mocked the false prophets. Yeah. Well, then he killed them. I mean, I can't do that. He rained fire down upon them. No, he didn't rain fire. He rained fire on the sacrifices. And then he just had the others slaughtered. That's true. Yeah. But um, that was his form of, that was his meme. That was Elijah's meme. Yeah. He mocked them. That's what I'm saying. That was his meme. Is your God poopin? Is he sleepin? The New York version? I know it is because I just seen a meme where they put that. It was like NIV version and they put is he poopin? Is he sleepin? Really? Some girl or someone. Someone made that. I was on TikTok. Where did you see that? TikTok. TikTok. I think they I think they communicate truths very well. Memes. I made one where, you know, that guy's all sweating. He's trying to push two buttons. He's trying to figure out what button to push. It was about Manly Perry. And it said, you know, Pastor Anderson went with someone with an unsaved Calvinist. And the other one was like unsaved people get people saved. Which one is it? These guys are so dumb. Why is it a big deal? I got it from you. I got the idea from you. Why is it such a big deal if Pastor Anderson goes with like somebody who speaks Greek who's unsaved? Yeah, didn't he get people saved? Yeah, didn't he do a great work? Wasn't he like a superstar? Yeah, so if he's not saved and he was lying about the gospel. The more unsaved you are, the more wicked they are, the greater superstar they can become. He's probably a superstar. That's why nobody suspects him. Yup. Are you talking about Manly Perry? No, that guy. No, that guy. Which I don't really care. Johanson? Dane Johanson? I mean, I don't know. I mean, he seems like a cool guy. Seems to know the Greek New Testament very well. Is that the guy who he went soloing with? Yeah. Oh, okay. I didn't know his name. I mean, he's not like one of us, obviously. Like, he's not, he's not an independent fundamental Baptist. But he uses the King James Bible. He knows the Greek New Testament. You know, he believes in the right salvation. Obviously, you know, Calvinism is a stupid doctrine. Yeah. No one's arguing against that. You know what's actually interesting? I was reading some stuff about like John Calvin, and the modern day Calvinists or reform people that call themselves like, oh, we come from the ideas of John Calvin. John Calvin didn't, he's like in complete disagreement with like modern Calvinists. It's really, really interesting. They take his namesake. But in a lot of John Calvin's books, he talks about how, like, I don't know if that's true. The Gospel, look it up. The Gospel is like, offered freely to everybody. He says something like that. Yeah, but I've seen writings of his where he says that, but then he also says that they're predestined, and that they're elected. Sounds like how Calvinists talk. They say both. Yeah, they just kind of talk out of both sides of their mouth. Yeah, because I've heard Calvinists say that before too. Like, it's free to everybody, but unless you're chosen... I'm saying like, when you, like, you talk to them, but then you corner them, and then they tell you what you, what they really believe. Well, it's the same. And that might be the case. But it's the same with a lot of like Protestant denominations. Same thing with Luther. Like modern day Lutherans don't really believe anything Luther taught. Yeah, that is true. It's like completely different. Yeah, they don't. They're not about replacement theology for sure. And Luther was a major... It's like modern day Christians, they don't really believe anything that Jesus taught. Exactly. They're actually offended at what Jesus taught. The further you get away from the source, like, the more whack it becomes. Yeah, it dilutes. Or sometimes the older you get, it's just the older you get. You know, because you have these old prophets in the Bible, who the older they got, the more liberal they became in their views. When we say liberal, we're not referring to like generous, the biblical definition of liberal. We're just talking about loose, you know what I mean? Compromising. Yeah. You know, you have Eli, the fat prophet in the Book of Judges, not Book of Judges, excuse me, the Book of First Samuel. He was one of the judges. But he, you know, this guy, he produced two reprobate sons, Hophni and Phinehas. He was overweight, so that means he was into gluttony. And the Bible says that his eyes began to wax dim, physically speaking and spiritually. And the Word of God was precious in those days. So it was like scarce. You know, there was no open vision, the Bible says. And the reason there's no open vision is because of the fact that the man of God is not walking with God. So he couldn't even restrain his own kids. He couldn't lead his household. He didn't know how to preach the Word of God. I mean, this guy was just like old, and he's just dying out. He's just compromising, you know. And so you have examples of prophets in the Old Testament that just kind of put the vehicle on cruise control. They stopped standing for truth. And God has to replace them with a Samuel. Right? Because then God came to Samuel and started calling out his name. And then God told Samuel that he was going to bring judgment upon Eli's house. And Eli's like, you know, hey, tell me what he said. And he's just like, God's going to destroy you and your house. By the way, you know, Sam is probably a young guy during that time, and God had no problem being explicit of what he was going to do to Eli in that vision. You know? It's the same thing when Samuel gets older, too. Yeah. He's got the same spirit the whole time. He's like hacking people in pieces. He's telling Saul, he's like, you're done, bro. He's hacking a gag. He's chewing them in pieces. Even after he died, and then they try to have a vision with him. He's still the same guy. Yeah, he comes back from heaven and he's just like, tomorrow thou and thy son shall be with me. He's still prophesying. You're going to die. He being dead yet speaketh. Yeah, literally. The crazy thing about Samuel, you know, hearing the word of God is like, he kept going to Eli and was like, hey, did you call me? And he was like, no. And it took Eli like three times basically to discern. It was his voice of the Lord. But it just shows you how far away he was from God that he didn't even know that. Yeah, and the Bible specifically says that his eyes began to wax dim. And obviously that means he's physically unable to see, but it's a spiritual representation of his discernment that he was no longer able to see. You know what I mean? Obviously he couldn't see. His sons were reprobates. His sons were sons of Belial. They weren't even his sons anymore, so to speak. But then you have like a Moses who he's old. He's getting ready to die. And his eyes were not waxed him, nor was his force abated. And I believe that was not just physically true, but also spiritually true. Because it should be that as you grow old, you're strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Your eyes are enlightened. I mean, doesn't the Bible say that if these things abound in you, they make you that you should neither be barren nor unfruitful. But he that lacketh these things is blinded and cannot see afar off. So that means Moses was growing to the very last day. That's why he wasn't blind. That's why he could see. And he was still strong in the Lord. Same thing with Caleb. Same thing with Joshua. Yeah, Caleb. He's like, hey, I still have the same strength as when I went into the... David was strong to the very end. Yeah. Solomon wasn't. Solomon, you know, compromised at the very end. You have the old prophet who was nameless, who led the young prophet astray in the Bible. You know, the young prophet knew, like you were saying, knew what the Bible said. He knew what God told him. Yeah. And then the old prophet... go ahead, you're telling me early. Yeah, the old prophet comes and he... first of all, he lies to him about God's word. He lies to him, so he's willing to lie about what God said. Yeah, he says like an angel came to him. So he's willing to lie about the word of God. Standing judgment of God's word. Yeah. And then he... and then the young prophet, he gives him reverence because he's an old prophet. So just because he's an old prophet, he has respect unto him. So he just said, well, it doesn't... well, I'm just gonna go with it. It's like David and Saul. He's an old prophet, so that's why it's like, just because they're an older pastor, older prophet, it doesn't necessarily mean... if they're going against God's word, what God told you, what you read in your Bible, it's like you shouldn't follow him. Older people are a crown of glory if they be found in the way of righteousness. They should be respected and, you know, obeyed, you know, to a certain extent, if they're found in the way of righteousness. But if you have some old guy who's gone astray, they are lying about the word of God, they're acting like they know the Bible and they're leading... they're trying to lead the younger generation astray? That's not godly, you know, God's done with an individual like that. Because where's this older prophet while Jehoshaphat, right? No, Jeroboam, Jeroboam. Yeah, during the time of Jeroboam. While Jeroboam's building these calves, he's... everybody's worshiping these calves and it's like, in... where's this old prophet at? He's there in that city, why isn't he taking care of this? Right. He's not doing it, he's not fighting. Yup. He's an old and... it's like the Bible says, an old and foolish king who would no longer be admonished. And the only time he gets involved is to lead the young prophet astray. Isn't that interesting? Yup. The only time you want to take a stand is when he's trying to lead the young prophet astray. Because he hears about him coming to the city, he hears about this... Bob Gray Jr. This young prophet comes to the city, he preaches a hard sermon, he's fire preaching them, they're rebuking, you're gonna die, you guys are done. And then he leaves and this guy wants to go follow... oh, I heard this guy's over here preaching hard, let me go find him. Yeah, let me go simmer him down a little bit. Let me go lie to him. This guy's being too contentious. Let me go lie to him. That's like Bob Gray Jr. Yeah, he's being contentious, why is he fighting to the end? That is Bob Gray Jr. What is this guy, a post river or something? Mid river. I wonder if this... they don't want anybody else to fight more is because they feel guilty themselves because they're not fighting anymore. Probably. Well, sometimes maybe what it is is they're so weak, you know what I mean? Yeah, they don't want anyone to outshine them or something. So instead of like encouraging the young prophet and be like, hey, preach on brother, you know what I mean? Instead, they're just like, let me give you a word of advice. Yeah, you know, these new IFBers, they just think that they literally believe they're gonna have to fight until the very end. They really think Joe's eyes are gonna come and burn these bones on the altar. I want to be like Elisha. Yeah. You know how powerful Elisha was? Not only was he a strong preacher, he was fierce in his preaching, in his miracles, but the guy dies. They bury him. People land on his bones. And come back to life. And come back to life. Bro, that's like... If I ever die, I want my sermons to be able to do that. Where people are just not right with God, and then they listen to one of my sermons, and they're just like, dang, it's come to life. That thing's on a CD? How crazy is that? Elisha. Yeah. Because he did twice. He had double portion of Elisha. So think about this. Elisha could be represented in a sense like the old IFB. Yeah, like Jack Hyles. Like a Jack Hyles? Yeah. Because people still listen to his sermons today. Absolutely. Oh, yeah? But we want to double... I do. Dude, Jack Hyles is awesome. Jack Hyles, yeah. His sermons will fire you up. I don't even know where to find his sermons. Jack Hyles is one of my favorite pre-tribbers. Yeah, and his sermons are... They're good, man. He's one of my favorite pre-tribbers, man. Oh, yeah. That guy never... He's another example of someone who didn't change at the very end. Oh, yeah. He was hard till the very end. Yep. There's people who hate him, but let them... Haters are gonna hate. He was hard to the very end. He fought for the King James Bible to the very end. And soul winning, big time. And soul winning. He did a lot of great exploits. You know what we want? We want a double portion of that. Yeah. Yep. So... But these lame old prophets... And you know what? I called out Bob Gray Jr. in my sermon. What? Some of my sermons. A couple sermons. And me. People are mad about it. Are you gonna take a spiritual 45 caliber and name it at the guy who got you saved? You got a desert... Mine says desert eagle down the side of mine. Yours says replica. Yeah. I'm like... And I told him, yeah. Any confusion? They're all, nah. First of all, Bob Gray Jr. did not get me saved. He preached at a youth conference where I was at. He preached the gospel. I came down to an old-fashioned altar, and the soul winner at the altar got me saved. But I definitely accredited him for partaking in that labor of planting the seed. That's why I've always said I got saved under the preaching of Bob Gray Jr. Because that's what happened. But you know what? The truth is not a respecter of people. And I'm not gonna be led astray. I don't wanna be like the young prophet. I know what God's word says. I know where my stance is supposed to be. And you know what? I'm leery of people who change. Men are not with them who are given to change. That's what the Bible says. Remove not the ancient landmarks which thy fathers have set. And you know what Bob Gray Jr. is doing? He's moving the landmarks a little bit. In fact, he's moving a lot of it, because he's not only compromising, he's affiliating and associating himself with devils known as Old Paths Baptist Church and Manly Perry. So people can command that all they want. You can follow multitude to do evil. It doesn't make what you're doing is right. They're being a respecter of persons by saying like, oh, this guy's older than you. This guy got you saved. That means you can't call him out. Well, what's Paul? Paul was the apostle born out of due time. Exactly. He was younger than all... He was the Peter to the face. Yeah, he was younger than all the other apostles. Not younger in age, but the spiritual... Spiritually speaking. Absolutely. That sermon you preached, the Acts sermon, was just so irrefutable. And what's crazy about it is that... It's so relevant. Is that his last words to Timothy, and then what he says right after that, he's like, I fought the good fight, finished the fight. Then right after that, he just starts calling out all these people. Then he ends his writings forever. He's like, the last thing I'm gonna write is I'm gonna call these guys out is all, Demas forsook me. Yeah, having loved this present world. Alexander the Copper Spirit. Yep. Those are his last words. The Lord reward him according to his work. Yeah. Some precatory... At the end of his Christian life... He was still... He was contentious. At the end of his Christian life, the last thing he says... He's still calling people out. He's calling people out. He's calling people out to the very end. Spirit of hate. Yeah. Yeah, this guy's bitter. He must have been one of those new IFBers. Well, think about this. Think about this. Think about this. Ephesians... Not Ephesians, Revelation chapter two. When God is praising the church at Ephesus, what does he say? He says, Thou canst not bear them which are evil. Thou triest them which say they are apostles that are not, and hast found them liars. And these are things that he's praising them for. Because he says, nevertheless, have somewhat against thee. So the insinuation there is that what he was previously saying is not what he has against them. He just has this one thing against them, that they're not sowing. Yeah, they're not sowing him. And Ephesus probably got right with God after that. He's like, well, we just got a letter from Jesus Christ himself. Folks, let's just go ahead and start sowing here. But hey, I mean, this came out of Jesus' mouth. He didn't say, Thou canst not bear them which are evil. You need to be more compassionate. You need to give Manly Perry a phone call. He says, Thou canst not bear them which are evil. You have tried them. You have tried them which say they are apostles and not, and hast found them liars. It's like the tables have turned on them. One of the greatest satisfaction for a righteous man is to find out some wicked individual is just lying because we love the truth. And when we find people perverting the truth and you discover that, it's just like, oh, you're a liar. Isn't the whole... The whole Bible is... One of the main plots is that the father of lies is gonna get thrown into hell. He's gonna get destroyed by God. So it's like, therefore, when someone's lying, I mean, yeah, it's a big deal. We should hate lying. We should hate lying, especially when a so-called man of God does it. And then when you have saved people like Bob Gray Jr. backing those people up, it infuriates me. It makes me mad. Being a Jehoshaphat. He's being a Jehoshaphat because he's teaming up with Ahab. He's helping the ungodly and loving those who hate the Lord. And make no mistake about it, Manly Perry hates God. He hates him because he's trying... He's perverting the way... His ways. He's denying the fact that he died. How can you say God died? Stupid. Foolish. Yeah. Is what he says. Yep. We don't worship a bobblehead, a dashboard Jesus. That's blasphemy. Blasphemy. It's funny because he's saying that's the most blasphemous thing that a Baptist preacher can ever say. He's like, I've never heard anything blasphemous. And then he said it too a couple of years ago. Yeah. He said something way more blasphemous. My pastor, my old pastor, Pastor Hampton, he used to teach Jesus went to hell. Dude. Well, no, but the funny thing is, is that he's saying it's super blasphemous. Yeah. He's never heard a Baptist preacher say it, but he himself has preached it. Yeah. Why doesn't anybody from his church address that? Hey, Curtis, why don't you address that? Or what's his name? Noah. Yeah. Why don't you guys address that? The whole thing that he literally got up and said, this is the most blasphemous teaching. I've never heard a Baptist preacher say it, yet he was preaching it. Not only was he preaching it a couple of years ago, he was praising other pastors for preaching and saying that he learned something new. So why don't you address that, OPBC? Instead of just being blind and just looking the other way, hearing no evil, speaking no evil, seeing no evil, why don't you call him down on the carpet for that? That's called hypocrisy. Well, he repented in the comments, remember? Yeah. Yeah. He prayed his little Pharisaical prayer. Of course, he has to. In the corner of the comments. It's on YouTube. Are people still doing that? They're praying in the comment sections and stuff? That's how Bob Gray prays. Not Bob Gray. That's how Manly Perry prays every day, probably. This is really funny. We were... He Googles these on Good Prayer, and the list pops up. Dude, I like this one. On Tuesday night, on Tuesday night, I mean, Marcus, we're in the room, and in live stream chat, some dude called Dean puts in this giant prayer. I forget even what it was about. And then I start preaching on that. And then, literally, 15 minutes later, you start preaching against people praying on YouTube, praying out loud. Hanging back. Yeah, because some lady was getting mad at us. She's like, oh, if the chat is anything like Pastor Mejia's church, then I don't want to be a part of his church. And everybody's like, we're just telling him not to pray. It is like the chat room, because when people get on the chat room and start cussing and stuff, if someone were to come into our church and start cussing and disrupting, then, yeah, you will get thrown out. So, yeah, it is like the chat room. She's like, you can do anything in the chat room. I was like, well, no, you can't, because you can't teach heresy. You can't say anything vulgar. Then why would there be a moderator feature if you could do anything in the chat room? Then how come I could delete your message? Yeah. Watch me do it. I'm basically like an electronic usher. I'll usher you out. Time for you to go. Compromise. Yup. Time you out for 300 seconds. I'm an usher, my name is Raymond, but I ain't Usher Raymond. Hey, I like Benaiah. Yeah. Benaiah did great works in the very beginning, and he did great works all the way to the very end. Because Benaiah slew two lion-like men, right? And then he also slew a lion in the pit in a day of snow. Not only that, but she also took care of Joab. He bought an Egyptian. A tall Egyptian. Yeah, he had a spear. Yeah, he came at him with a staff. And he had a staff. And he took the spear out of his hand and he slew him. With his own spear. Yeah. But that was in the beginning. So he did great works in the beginning, but he also did great works at the very end. Yeah. Because when David passed off the scene, and the throne went to Solomon, Solomon sent Benaiah to go handle all these enemies, including Joab. Yup. And he went over there to go slay Joab, and Joab was holding on to the horns of the altar. He went back to Solomon and was just like, he says, did he rather just die at the horns of the altar? And Solomon said, if that's what he wants, then do it there. She went and he slew him there. Benaiah stayed faithful even to the very end. Yeah. So I like the examples of the Bible of men who stuck it out to the very end, and there were hard preachers to the very end. They were faithful to God to the very end. Not these compromising people. And look, there's no new thing under the sun. Just as there was compromises in the Bible, there's compromises today in independent fundamental Baptist churches. And Bob Gray Jr. is a compromiser. Oh, yeah. And you can cut that. You can send it over to him, text it to him, Manly Perry, if you want to. Let him know what I said. Clip it. Clip it. Upload it. Do whatever you gotta do. Make it a ringtone. Put it in a remix. You can put a link to this podcast on there. Throw it on a turntable. Yeah. This is what Bob Gray told me. He said, when he wanted me to take down the video, he didn't ask me to. I was like, but he was insinuating it. And I told him, I was like, do you want me to take this down, the video down? And this is what he said, or make another one. You can make another one. I'm like, what? When he said that in the sermon, I started busting it. It's funny. You know how he answered him? He's all, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes. You shouldn't be mocking people. Well, he's making a mockery of being men of God. He's making a mockery of Christianity. Is this guy from Long Beach? No, he's from Texas, Longview. When Saul started doing wrong and started disobeying, well, what he was disobeying was not going hard anymore. Mm-hmm. He wasn't fulfilling the entire command. God's like, kill everybody. And he's like, oh, I'm just gonna leave these people alive. He's like, I'm leaving people alive, kill them. And now they're crying about us, because we're spiritually whack this guy off, because he's over there preaching Jesus didn't die. So that means Samuel had to go in and handle the job. Yeah, you're not gonna be like Saul. Don't send a boy to do a man's job. And then David comes along, he's like cutting the heads off giants, carrying it around. That's funny, because he preached that. Remember? Yep. No, no, no, that was Mike Johnson. The other Michael Johnson. Not Michael Johnson, the devil heretic. And then the guy that killed the lion-like men and then kills... But the guy before, the other ones, he killed 800 people and his hand claved for the sword. Oh, yeah. The liaison. Yeah, he slew with his sword, and he fought for so long that his hand just claved to the sword. He just couldn't let go. A thousand Philistines he slayed. There's another guy too, where he just stood there to defend a vineyard, just basically like a garden of lentils, basically. It says that he stood his ground, basically, he stood there by himself. David's mighty man. Yeah, yeah. I like when the Bible says like, oh, but these three didn't attain to those first three. Yeah. It makes that place like... By the way, so speaking of... That's describing all of David's mighty men. Yeah. And the only one who's not honored in that list was Joab. Yeah. His brother was honored. And it said that Abishai was with them, but it never honored Joab. He was mentioned as being the brother of... It names a long list of guys. It gives those first three and the next three what the acts they actually did, and then it just lists a bunch of warriors. But Joab never... And they get their name in the book for all time. But Joab is like never mentioned. And Joab did a lot of quote, unquote, great exploits in a sense. Like he was a mighty warrior, but the dude is just shady though. Yeah. And then you know when they kill Abner? Yes. And then he said like, well, that blood's gonna be upon you guys. Your family, that cursed them. Yeah. Their family. Yeah, because he was just a shady individual. Like when he killed a Massa, when he smote him under the fifth rib, just because he wouldn't hurry up. And that's mentioned. That's one of the factors on him. Yep. He slew him under the fifth rib, and then he covered him in a cloth, because everyone kept looking at it like, I can't believe Joab just did this. So he covered him in a cloth, and he moved him out of the road. And the Bible says that he was wallowing in his blood. He didn't die when he got stabbed under the fifth rib. Well, wallowing just means that he just... Doesn't that mean he was still alive? He said he cut his guts out too. His guts came out too. Well, I mean, if you're being smitten under the fifth rib, you probably just... You're just dying, is what it is. Oh, okay. Wallowing in your blood, it's just blood's everywhere. But I mean, obviously, he was pretty aggressive. He was fierce as well, because he was on the way to destroy... What's his name? Oh, man, I forgot his name. The son of Bikrai. Adam Fannin, the son of Bikrai. Oh. What's his name? A something, isn't it? No, no, no. The son of Bikrai. I know, but I got another question about this after this. I still got it. Sheba. Sheba. Sheba, the son of Bikrai. That was a cool story, because then the lady just lops over his decapitated head. Yeah. Just throws it over the wall. Yeah. Well, they're like, we just need this one guy, and she's like, say no more. Yeah. We already know what you guys want. Say less. They go over... I mean, you don't even know what happened. They just grab him, they slice off his head, and then they throw it over. Hey, in Canada, they have decathlons, huh? What the heck is that? It's like, you know how a triathlon has like three events that you go through? But over there, I guess they have like 10 events. I've never heard that in my life. No? No. What are the 10 events? So like, you would have like a marathon, then you have like a swimming, and then... I forgot what the other one is, but like... Curling? The other one's like... But it's like, it's a constant marathon. Like, you're always like going. I've never heard that in my life. No? Decathlon. Yeah, there's like... You've heard of that? Yeah. There's like 10 events. A triathlon has three, and then the decathlon has 10. Like, one of them, I think, is like skiing while like shooting a bow and arrow or something like that. What the heck? Yeah. What? That sounds stupid. That's 10 different things that you do. Is that many Olympics or whatever? That's actually how you say 10 in Greek. Deca. Deca. It's like decimal. Well, isn't like deca and deca, aren't they supposed to go along with like according to the number in order that they're supposed to be in? Like, December is supposed to be actually like the 10th month? It was, but then there was two Roman emperors who named months after them. It was Augustus who named August after himself, and then Julius Caesar who named July after himself. They messed it up. And a cesarean. Just kidding. He was born of a cesarean, right? Yeah, I've heard that's why they named it. A C-section? Yeah. Oh, not cesarean. Cesarean. Cesarean. Cesarean sounds like something I'd eat. I was like, is that a pizza? That's actually how I was born. Cesarean. Cesarean. Cesarean. Ah, you had pizza? A cesarean. Oh, not a cesarean. Cesarean pizza. I'm Mexican. Cesarean. That's what it's called. So when I think of Bob Gray Jr., I think of a Hythofel. I thought you were going to say a cesarean. Because a Hythofel was David's counselor. He was his advisor. And then when Absalom turned against David, a Hythofel left David and joined himself to Absalom. Didn't he kill himself? And he basically... Yeah, because Absalom did not take heed to his counsel. But I think of it because Psalm 55 verse 14 says, we took sweet counsel together... Or let me read the whole verse, actually. The verse before that. This is what it reminds me of here. I'll be honest with you. I've been grieved over this. Oh, is this the Psalm of David where he talks about? Yes. He says, for it was not an enemy that reproached me, then I could have borne it. Neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me. Then I would have hid myself from him. But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together and walked into the house of God and company. And he's talking about Hithofel, in my opinion. Yeah. Because that was his advisor, his counselor. But then he's counseling against David. So he's joining himself with Absalom to kill David. And it hurt David, you know? So that kind of reminds me of me. No, yeah. Like me and Bob Gray. Because he even says, hey, if it was someone that was my enemy, I could have borne it. It's like, if it was Manly Perry, okay, that's cool. Yeah. Like Manly Perry, when he says things, it's just like, who cares what that guy says. You're a dumb hick. Yeah, exactly. But this is like a man who was like my guide. He was a friend of mine. He was someone who I esteemed. And it's like, man, you're just joining Absalom. But at the end of the day, the principle there, because what happens to Hithofel is he hangs himself. So what Bob Gray is doing is that he's just preparing a rope to hang himself with. Because when you join these wicked people, and you begin to affiliate and associate yourself with them and make an affinity with them and all this, you know, wrath is going to come upon you. Would you say a Hithofel is kind of like a picture of Judas? Yeah. Actually, I preached about that a couple months ago. And I was talking about how he was like, there's a lot of parallels, figurative of Judas Iscariot. Okay, so I was just listening to Second Samuel, and then this is a side note. So Absalom, I don't know, when I was listening to this, I couldn't help, but this came into my mind. So Absalom, he gets hung in a tree, right? Then he gets killed, and then they cast his body into a pit, probably stones upon him. Yeah. And then David is like, is weeping for him. Oh, my son, my son. It was just like, it's like, do you think Absalom kind of pictures Jesus taking on the sin, like when he gets forsaken by God? Because it curses he who hangs on the tree, right? Yeah. Yeah, because then, I had taken these notes, I just seen, I think Pastor Anderson preached about, he said, it's the first time victory was used to mourn. So it's like the opposite, because it says- Turn into mourning? Yeah, turn into mourning. Yeah. And also like, remember when there's going to be like blood that shall be upon his house? And then Joab starts accusing God and going after God. He's like, oh, these people are your enemies. People are disobeying you, and you're just like for them, and we're your friends. Yeah. And you're not... If all of us died, you wouldn't care as long as Absalom lives. So that kind of represents the devil there, kind of. Yeah. A little bit. Oh, no, it's kind of weird. I'll just listen to it. Yeah. Man, that's kind of... Yeah, because he was... Jesus Christ was in a sepulchre covered by a stone. Yeah, and then they throw him in a pit, his body in a pit, and then they cast all these stones upon him. And Jesus goes into a pit. And he went to the bottom of this pit. Oh, yeah. It's very interesting. Yeah, it was very interesting. Yeah, and David pictures like God the Father. Weeping for his son is like, oh, Absalom. Oh, no, I was listening to it. That's what I thought. I was like, oh, man, this is probably how God the Father felt when all the sin was upon Jesus. He had to forsake his son, and then he died. He probably just probably felt... It's kind of like a prophecy. Someone in the comment section, this is stupid. Absalom was wicked. How are you guys gonna compare him like that? Well, Jesus was like the serpent lifted up in the wilderness. Exactly. Jesus represented the serpent. He became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. I love that type of stuff in the Bible. Yeah, the pictures. Those people in the comments... He has to be spiritual to get that. Those people in the comments can probably take solace in the fact that so many characters in the Bible picture Jesus. David pictures God the Father and Absalom there, right there. But David is also a picture of Jesus too. Yeah, and here's the thing. We're not saying that Absalom in everything that he did was Jesus. There's a specific event that happened in Absalom's life that can parallel the relationship between God the Father and Jesus just as... It's a foreshadowing. It's a foreshadowing because Absalom was David's son who hung on a tree. He died. He was smitten because they smote him. Yeah. Didn't he get stabbed with the darts? Yeah. Joab... Yeah, he threw a dart at him. Yeah, but they conspired because David's like, save him alive. Don't kill him. And then Joab comes and finds... He's like, he hears that. Oh, he's hanging in that tree. Yeah, exactly. He just has Jesus was pierced with the spear. And then the 10 men that bear Joab's armor, they basically get him down from the tree. Guess he's still... I don't know, if he's taking his last breath or whatever, then they all kill him, then they cast him in there and throw all these stones upon him. Yeah. Man, it's crazy. Well, you know what's crazy about that is... That's good. Remember, you're looking too much into it, but still, it's good to surmise sometimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go on, say it. Because I was just thinking... So do you remember when Jesus died, he was in the pit? And John and Peter are running. They're racing. And you remember what the Bible says? Oh, John. Yeah. Hold up, hold up, bro. Hey, put the headphones back on. I don't get it yet. Hold on. I'm building it up right now. But now you know why. Now you know why it says that the disciple outran Peter. The disciple whom Jesus love referred to John outran Peter, because two men were running to bring tidings. Oh, yeah. And the other one, the one that brings the good tidings, he outran him. Yeah. Cushai, Cushai and Ahimaaz, Ahimaaz, sorry. The son of Zadok, yet again to Joab, said yet again to Joab. So ever let me, I pray thee, also run after Cushai. And Joab said, Wherefore wilt thou run, my son, seeing thou hast no tidings ready? Let me just... Great story. Yeah, because he's like, Can I run too? And then like, I mean... He's like, You didn't have anything to talk about. What are you talking about? I mean, if you want to go, go. He says, But howsoever said he'd let me run? And he said unto him, Run. Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plane, and it overran Cushai. And David sat between the two gates, and watchman went up to the roof over the gate, unto the wall, and lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, a man running alone. So it's just like, you know, Peter and John running. And then it says, literally, that the disciple whom Jesus love outran Peter. That has always bothered me when I've read that. I'm like, Why does it go out of its way to say that he outran him? Why is that an important detail? Yeah. Because obviously, when you read the Gospels, you kind of get the feeling that there was always a little bit of competition between John and Peter. Because though John outran Peter and made it to the sepulcher first, Peter is actually the one who actually went inside. Yeah. And it's Cushai that outruns him, right? Ahimaaz. Oh, it's Ahimaaz that outruns him. Isn't that interesting? Yeah. Yeah, it's great. I love stuff like that. I love finding parallels in the Bible like that. Yeah. And you know what? This doesn't necessarily change anything. No. But it just gives you a greater appreciation for the Bible. Yeah. It's just so perfect and wonderful. It makes you stand in awe of his word. I saw an image a while ago that maps every single cross-reference in the Bible. You might have seen it before, but it's like New Testament, Old Testament. Mm-hmm. And literally, there's 10,000 lines going between the New Testament of just random references. Not random, obviously, but references. I would never want to look at that. I'd throw up. No, because I just like finding those on my own. Yeah. Well, no, it doesn't tell you. It just points like, well, this chapter references this chapter, et cetera, et cetera. It's crazy. When that happens, Ahima, as he tells him... And then the king sees him come, and he's like, no, he's a good man. He brings good tidings. Yeah. Yeah. Talk about the good tidings. Then he tells him, all is well. And he fell down on his face to the earth and said, blesses the Lord thy God, which hath delivered up the men that lifted up their hand against the Lord thy king. And the king said, is Absalom safe? He doesn't answer him. He's like, well, I didn't see. I just saw this great tumult out of them. And then Cushai comes, and he's the one that tells him that he's dead. Yeah. He's like, oh, this day the Lord avenged... The Lord avenging this day, all them that rose up against thee. That's crazy, because Peter, he was also the one... For example, Cushai, he was the one that saw everything that was going on. He's actually the one that saw, hey, step by step. But the other guy, he's like, I just saw a great tumult, right? And then, too, that's like Peter and John. Yeah. Peter wasn't standing up far off. He saw everything. But John, the Bible says that when John went in, they let him go in, because he knew the people in there. But who was also... They let him go in. Go in where? When he was being tried. Peter viewed everything as a tumult, because he was standing up far off, whereas John was actually there. He was actually there throughout the whole time. Very interesting. Man, that's good stuff. I love that stuff. Isn't that satisfying to the soul? That's cool. I just figured that out right now. Yeah. Because I preached on that. I preached on Cushai in a high mass. Yeah, like having tidings, like make sure you're prepared. Yeah, be a Cushai, don't be in a high mass kind of thing, where people are just full of activity, and they're running, but they don't even have glad tidings. They're not prepared. They're not in the gospel. Whereas Cushai had the glad tidings. He had the tidings. He knew what he was doing. He wasn't cutting corners. The high mass was cutting corners, and he had nothing to give. So it's like basically two men bringing a message. But now this has just gone deeper, though. Yeah. Dude, no matter how many times I've read the Bible, I'm just constantly learning something. The Bible is always teaching me something new. It doesn't make you stand in awe of his word. Man, God's word is so deep. This is deep. Cool. Yeah, that's amazing. Did Pastor Anderson preach on that? No, I don't know what he preached. I just had the note where it says that the victory was turned to mourning, and then I just have a note, and I'm pretty sure I was listening to him where he said that. All right, here's the first time victory is turned to mourning. He probably said something about it represents Jesus there, or something. That's cool. That's awesome. Also, all I had was a note there that said victory turned to mourning, first time it happened, or something like that. That's awesome. Hey, that's why it's important that you allow the Bible to dictate your life. Engulf yourself in the Bible. What about commentaries? Don't engulf yourself in the media. Obviously, we need to use social media, and you cannot be necessarily an effective Christian in 2020 or going on 2021 without being on social media. Gotta be on social media, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Use all these platforms. TikTok. You're on TikTok, right? You're doing your little dances and stuff. I'm just kidding. No, I see your videos. Romans 589. He's been preaching doctrine on there. What did you say? It's a lot of false doctrine. I didn't say that. I preach a lot of false doctrine. Because of that, I came across random other guys that are other Baptists around, saved and they're on there doing the same thing, basically. Yeah. It's important. But here's the thing is that we can't allow those avenues and those mediums, so to speak, to control the way we think. A lot of fear mongering going on today, where people are just freaking out regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. They're so worried about what's going on in the world or what appertains to the flesh. Exactly. And here's the thing. Obviously, people in the world should be afraid, because their future is uncertain still. You know what I mean? But for Christians, our future is not uncertain. We already know what happens. And we have God on our side. We're in Goshen. And you know what? It might get worse. And people are freaking out about the COVID-19 vaccine. Let me just go on record to say that I'm completely against the vaccine, obviously. I'm against all vaccines, period. You can't bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing. They that are whole have no need of a physician, the Bible says. We should not allow unclean things such as aluminum and polysorbate 80 and all these carcinogenic just substances into your body, things that can surpass the blood-brain barrier and cause all these reactions in your body and just destroy your body, especially in the body of a child. But here's the thing. If it gets to a point, people are not gonna like this, but the reason they don't like is because their faith is in the government. Their faith is in the world more than in the word of God. And if they pin me down and give me the vaccine, it's like, okay. Obviously, I'm gonna do whatever it takes not to get it. Suck it out. Right? Obviously, I'm gonna do whatever it takes not to get it. But if it gets to a point where it's just like, no, you have to get it, and they're like enforcing it upon you, well, you know what? I'm not worried because I have a resurrected body that I'm gonna receive. And look, folks, if you're freaking out over the vaccine, then you need to start reading your Bible more, you need to pray more, you need to walk with God, and you gotta realize that if you're afraid of that, you're definitely not gonna make it through the tribulation. Because the tribulation is way worse. A lot worse than aluminum. A lot worse than aluminum. Aluminum. And the monkey parts. And the polysoberate 80. The polysherbert 80. They're putting ice cream in that? I want it. Ice cream vaccine? Yeah, I'm not gonna end my soul-winning career on earth for anything other than the gospel. Look, obviously, we wanna fight the battles on different fronts, but there's certain battles that are more important than others. Yeah, I'm not gonna die and end my career soul-winning and go to heaven because of a vaccine. It's not happening, bro. Yeah. If I have to get the vaccine, then I get it and I continue... Yeah, obviously, it's never gonna get to that point. Because people have asked me, they're like, what are you gonna do if they start enforcing? I'm like, well, I'll do whatever it takes to not get it, and then they go, but what if they just enforce it? And then they're just like, okay, well, if they force me, they pin me down and give it to me, then I guess I'll just take it because I'm gonna get to resurrect the body. And they're like, no, not me, man. I'm gonna do whatever it takes. That's weird. I just said that. We're like, what if they make you, they force you? It's like, well, then I have to get it. Well, what am I supposed to do? What am I gonna do? Move to an island somewhere? What if they chloroform you, you're sleeping, and then they give it to you? What are you gonna do? What if they say... I'm like, I'm gonna get... I'm gonna wake up or not. I'm gonna wake up. We're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah, they get mad about that. I'm like, what if you have no choice? They give you a scenario where you could only get the vaccine and then you say, well, then I guess I gotta get it. And they're like, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Compromise. I just killed myself. I hate vaccines and I preach against vaccines and I'm completely 100% against vaccines, but that is not a hill I'm gonna die on because I'm a Bible believing Christian. Yeah. But here's the thing, these people, they always make these what if crazy scenarios. It's because they're projecting their fear. That's what's going on inside themselves. They're afraid. Yeah. Like they're laying down to go to sleep at night and they're thinking up these scenarios. They're dreaming about it. They're like sleeping in armor. Yeah. It's like when you're daydreaming in class or something, you're thinking, what if somebody broke in here with a gun right now? What would I do? It's irrational fears. Yeah. Irrational fears. It's a crazy reality. I think sometimes Christians, they think that maybe this vaccine caught God off guard or something. Yeah. Like, well, he didn't talk about this in the Bible. What are we supposed to do with this? What is this in Revelation? Yeah. Wait, Bill Gates is the ancient great. That's what I'm telling you. You talk about you're gonna survive the tribulation. Yeah. Are you really gonna do it? Because this is a lot worse than the vaccine. The tribulation is way worse. It's gonna be so bad. Really bad. I mean, we're talking about death on a massive scale, disease on a massive scale. Yeah, third part of the earth. We're talking about animals eating people. Yeah, fourth part, yeah. Talking about people, animals eating people. I mean, it's gonna be bad. And if you're freaking out over this, you ain't seen nothing yet. It's only gonna get worse. You say a cheetah? Some people think that they're gonna be in this body forever or something. Why is everybody making a podcast now? Yeah, why is everyone making a podcast now? Yeah, you know what. I know why, but why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Welcome to the old-fashioned... Just get your own shtick, man. We're false prophets, talk all day long. We're all false prophets, just tease all kinds of damnable errors, you brother. Am I watching? Or you might find an ox out in your backyard. Charlie Brown right now? No, no, no. Nature guy. He sounds like the adults from Charlie Brown. He's like... I sell propane and propane accessories. You're welcome to... Old propane Baptist Church. Isn't Manly Perry from North Carolina? Yeah, yes. Isn't Michael Johnson also from North Carolina? Yeah. What's going on with North Carolina? The new Florida. The Florida .5? It's like the whole East Coast is getting affected by that amoeba eating disease, except Pastor Jason Robinson. Yeah, he's not on the East Coast. He's from Virginia. And he's Pastor Shelley. Yeah, Pastor Shelley. They're holding down the... Pastor Shelley's from Texas. What? Yeah, he's from the South. Yeah. Pastor Shelley is awesome, man. Isn't he originally from California? No, he's from New York originally. I think he was born in New York. He's from the Bronx. Don't quote me on that though, because I don't know. Pastor Shelley's origin story, you're just making them up. Pastor Shelley fought crime in New York. He was in World War II, actually. He's actually really old. He fought crime in New York. Pastor Shelley's working on a documentary right now. I'm excited. It's called The Sodomite Deception. And man, am I excited about that. I get to be a part of the making of the introduction. And Louisa Kenzari is assisting in the arts. Who dat? Your wife. Dude, she's talented. Yeah. That's the second panel she sent is awesome. The green and red one with all the colors. What? I didn't see that. The green and red one? This is the only one she... What is that? The colors just show the different... Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's the second panel. Dang. Let me smite them. So anyways, let's see. So look, the solution to this fear mongering is that you just need to get in the Word of God, because God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a power, love, and a sound mind. Yeah, it makes some memes. Have a sound mind. Yeah. Or just have a sound... Just be in the Bible and renew your mind. Have a sound mind. Yeah. And if you are given over to fear, then you need to get off the social media, get off the news, and mitigate that as much as possible, because obviously that's not helping. You know, sometimes it is ignorant, or it is bliss to be ignorant about certain things, and some people can't handle all the media and everything that's taking place. People are losing their minds. Yeah. You know? Like these people right here. Yeah. That's the one I was showing you. Yeah. This looks great. Please add tears. That's what I put. That's what I responded with. This looks great. Please add tears. But what I'm saying is, just get in the Bible. Be sound. That will keep him in perfect peace whose mind has stayed on Thee, because he trusted the Thee. And you know what? I have a lot of truthers that follow me on Instagram. I have a lot of truthers. More than half of my followers are these truthers who are not Baptists, and they're just freaking out over this whole thing. They're losing their minds. And I'm like, it's Christmas Day. Yeah. And they're posting stuff about just fear and vaccines, and the world's coming to an end. Can you say, like, Merry Christmas? Like, enjoy time with your family. Those truthers are the same truthers who are like, Christmas is pagan. Yeah. You have a Christmas tree in your house. This should be a thing is that if you can't pay attention to what's going on politically and all that stuff without enjoying your life still and being a happy person, then you shouldn't be paying attention to it. Exactly. If you haven't built up enough spirit to you to where that stuff is not affecting your happiness and your friendships and your life, once you start becoming weird, yeah. You need to stop being weird, dude. Dude, you know what's sad? That Star of Bethlehem segment never made it into the podcast. Just clip it into this one. We're all sitting in different areas. I just randomly appear in High Street. Star of Bethlehem, is it gone yet? Batterthors are all freaking out. I'm gonna refer to you as Pike for the rest of the podcast. Luminary. Did the Star of Bethlehem, that's already done, right? Yeah. I'm saying as far as because they say it lasts for a couple weeks. No, it already happened. Yeah. I'm talking about obviously, is it still like... It happened 2000 years ago, bastard. What? I don't think they're lined up still. They're not lined up anymore. Yeah, no. Yeah. Yeah. I don't feel it in my chakras. My chakras are sleeping. They're coming together. Every day, someone's taking a picture and then you see this V and they come together and they're just like... That's cool. I don't believe it's the literal Star of Bethlehem. We'll just throw it into this one. Makes no sense. Were you guys able to see Jupiter? Okay, here was another thing. What? About the Star of Bethlehem. Sorry, this is about the Bible. Go ahead. They're following the star. They see that Star of Bethlehem, they come and then... But dude, a bunch of times gone by, this thing's still there. Yeah. It didn't like it just came and then went, just like it did the other day. I mean, this thing's there for weeks or however long it took for them to come. And then they go and they see... But it goes before them. Yeah. Then they see the king and then they go and see Jesus. And then it's like, how is this thing just lined up there for a month or what? Well, not just a month. I mean, he was about two years old by the time... Oh, that's what I mean. He was about two years old when the wise men got there. So my theory obviously is that the Star of Bethlehem was actually referring to an angel. And that's something I picked up from Chris Carey. And when we looked into it, obviously we already had this conversation, but we should throw it into this podcast anyways. But the Star of Bethlehem is actually an angel because it's moving, it's going before them. Many examples in the Bible of angels being mentioned as stars. You have the third part of the stars that are falling from heaven that Satan takes from heaven. Those are referring to angels. You have the stars singing in Job 38. You have wandering stars that the Bible refers to as devils, which are fallen angels. You have Apollyon in Revelation Chapter 9 referred to as a star, which can theoretically also mean that Wormwood in Revelation Chapter 8 is also an angel, not a literal star, but rather an angel because he's troubling the waters. He's coming to trouble the waters and he's given a name. Wormwood. Just as Apollyon is given a name, even though he's described as a star. Does it refer to Wormwood as he? No, it just says and its name is Wormwood. Yeah, okay. But I mean, is it any coincidence that Chapter 8 talks about Wormwood as a star coming to trouble the waters and then the very next chapter you have a star coming from heaven again and it's Apollyon, which is an angel. And it has a name, Apollyon. He's coming to bring forth destruction or something. And I'm just reminded of the person who was trying to make it into the waters in the gospel because he said at a certain season an angel came down to trouble the waters. And the only difference is that in Revelation Chapter 8, the troubling of the waters is the fact that he's poisoning the waters. But there's a lot of examples of just angels being referred to as stars. It could be that the star of Bethlehem was actually an angel, not a star. Well, everyone, thank you so much for tuning in to the Rod of Iron podcast. We had a good run this year and obviously we're coming back 2021. Looking forward to the future episodes. If you have an idea of something you want us to talk about, something you want us to address, put a comment in the section below. And just as a reminder that you can listen to the full episodes, obviously on YouTube you can go on our website fwbcla.org or if you have a subscription to Spotify, you can listen to us on there as well. But we're going to be signing off. Thank you so much for listening. Gentlemen, have a good night.