(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Alright everyone, welcome to the Olive Crown Podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in this evening, going live on Instagram as well as YouTube. And so this is something new that we're doing. We've been teaching through the Book of Revelation on Fridays at 5pm. Last week we didn't go live on Friday because, was it last Friday? I think it was last Friday. We had the baby recently and so we took a bit of a break. And so what I did is I caught up on the Revelation series on Tuesday. So I think it was on Monday or Tuesday I taught through Revelation chapter number 5. And I wanted to do that so I can go through Revelation chapter number 6 tonight. And so Revelation 6 of course is the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation. And so it's a pretty exciting chapter. A lot of meat in Revelation chapter number 6. And we're going to go through all of it. We'll see how long it takes us. But thank you so much for tuning in. And make sure you share the link with your family and friends. Post it on your stories. Post it on your Facebook. Spread the word a bit. And then of course you're going to be able to drop some comments in the section below if you're on Instagram. And we'll put it on the screen. We'll answer some of the questions at the end of the show. And so thank you so much. Got a good group here on Instagram. Thank you so much for tuning in folks. Make sure you guys drop some questions. Put some hearts on there. And put as many comments as you possibly can just to kind of get it circulating there. When is the Q&A? That'll be at the end of the teaching here. Alright? So just keep that in mind. And with that being said let's go ahead and get into Revelation chapter number 6 and verse number 1. Now let me just review a little bit here. Over the last couple of weeks of course we went over Revelation 1, 2, and 3 dealing with the first century AD. Revelation 2 and 3 are the letters that are written to the 7 churches which are in Asia. And we obviously see they have prophetic significance to them even though they were literal churches that existed at one time. Each and every one of them has some sort of biblical prophetic significance to them. Some underlying prophetic significance to them that we can see when it comes to the Great Tribulation. And then in Revelation 4 and 5 we see the introduction to the vision. We have John, the Apostle John, being caught up into heaven in spirit to be revealed the things which must shortly come to pass. And that's what really 4 and 5 are dealing with. At the end of chapter 5 we have Jesus Christ beginning to open up the book or beginning to open up the seals that will reveal the contents of the book that we see there in Revelation chapter number 5. Now we're actually going to look at the seals themselves in Revelation chapter number 6. So let's look at verse number 1 here. Revelation 6 and verse number 1 it says, And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw on behold a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. So the first seal that's being opened here is referring to the Antichrist. And we obviously understand that up until verse number 8 we're dealing with the four horsemen of the apocalypse. And each of these horses play a significant role in end times Bible prophecy, more specifically in the beginning of Daniel's 70th week known as the beginning of sorrows. And the four horsemen of the apocalypse, I believe to be literal people because the first person that we see introduced is the Antichrist. The person that's being emphasized is the person riding on the white horse, which I believe to be the Antichrist. Now you have people that believe that this is actually referring to Jesus Christ, which is insane. But this is referring to the Antichrist. Now let me give you a bit of a significance as to why it's describing him the way it is. Because it says in verse 2, I saw and behold a white horse. Now if we're dealing with the Antichrist, Antichrist means that he's coming in the place of Christ. He's a fraud, he's an imitator, he's a copycat so to speak. And he's a false Christ. And that's why he's coming on the white horse because when Jesus Christ returns the third time in Revelation chapter 19 to establish his millennial reign, when the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, he comes on a white horse. And notice that in Revelation 19, Jesus Christ comes on a white horse to establish his earthly kingdom. Well, that's exactly what the Antichrist is doing. When he's coming on a white horse and he's going forth conquering and to conquer, he's coming to establish his earthly kingdom, also known as the New World Order. So I believe he's going to use a lot of these biblical statements and doctrines and teachings that you see in the Bible as a means to say that he's the fulfillment of that prophecy. And so he's coming on a white horse and the Bible also says that he's given a bow. That's a pretty interesting statement, right? You know, you see that he's given a bow and a bow is not necessarily a weapon that's used for close quarters, right? It's a weapon that you use for distance fighting, so to speak. And the thing is with the bow is that when someone draws a bow from a very long distance and you get hit with the arrow, you really don't know who hit you. It's kind of a mystery, right? And we actually have a story like that in the Bible where King Ahab, if you remember in the Old Testament, goes forth to war and he goes with Jehoshaphat and they both go to war. And the Bible says that a certain man drew a bow at a venture and he smote him between the joints and the harness. And it says that it was a certain man. So this is an unknown assailant who drew a bow at a venture, smote King Ahab and eventually killed him by those wounds. And so the implication there is that the bow is used by people or the person who's using a bow, you don't really know the identity of that person. So it's a perfect way to describe the Antichrist at this point of the tribulation or what's known as the beginning of sorrows, because of the fact that when the Antichrist first comes on the scene, when he establishes the covenant for one week, with many for one week, we don't really know who specifically he is. Now, you have a lot of people today that claim to know who he is. You know, they say that he's Jared Kushner and, you know, before they said that it was Obama and, you know, they couldn't speculate and try to, you know, guess who he is. But really, we're not going to know who he is, not even at this point. If this happens in our lifetime, we're still not going to know who he is. And you say, when do we know who the Antichrist is? Well, according to the Bible, we'll know who he is. He'll be revealed at the abomination of desolation. So when he causes the oblations to cease, the abomination of desolation is set up. The Bible says that at that point, he will go into the third temple. And the Bible tells us that he will exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. This is when the son of perdition is revealed, according to the Bible. So this is after he receives the deadly wound to the head. He dies, and his deadly wound is healed. And then he comes back to life. He resurrects, and he sets up this abomination of desolation. At that point, we know who the Antichrist is. But before that, we're not going to know. And so in Revelation 13, when he's making war with the saints, at this point, we know who he is. But prior to that, we don't. And I think proof of that is the fact that in Revelation 6, verse 2, we see that he's coming on a white horse with a bow in his hand. And the implication there is that he's drawing a bow at a venture. He's going forth conquering into conquer. But we don't really know the identity of the person who's doing this exploit. So this is the first seal that's being revealed here. It says, And I saw behold a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow. And it says a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. So before we get into the other seals, let me just say this is that in order for us to have a pretty thorough understanding of the tribulation, the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation, we need to be able to compare these scriptures where in the Gospels in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. And if you actually take each and every one of those chapters, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and Revelation chapter 6, and you put them side by side, you will see that these actually match up perfectly. I'm referring to the events that take place. And let me just give you an example of this. You can go to any one of these. But of course, the most popular one that we like to go to, just because it's very thorough in its explanation is Matthew 24. And it says in Matthew 24, in verse number four says, And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. So what do we see there? Well, that matches up with Revelation six, verse two with the first seal, where the Antichrist is coming on a white horse, he's given a bow, a crown is given to him, he's going forth conquering and to conquer. This is the false Christ. This is the man who's saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many. Now, in Revelation chapter six, verse three, it goes on to say, And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second be say, Come and see. So that's the first seal, the first seal being the Antichrist. The second seal here in verse number four says, And there went out another horse that was red, and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another. And there was given unto him a great sword. So what we see here as the second seal is a red horse, and he's taking peace from the earth. And of course, we know the opposite of peace is war. And so the second seal represents warfare on a global scale. Some would say, this is World War Three. It could be World War Three, it could be World War Four, but we know the fact that it's some sort of global war that's taking place where peace is being removed from the earth, and a lot of people are being killed with a sword by warfare. Now, this actually matches up perfectly with Matthew 24, in verse number six, where it says, And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Now you say to yourself, well, you know, don't we hear of wars and rumors of wars today? I mean, don't we have something called the military industrial complex that is cementing warfare for until the end of time? Yeah, of course. This is just specifically saying that these are the events that precede the second coming of Christ is referring to the fact that there will be a man who comes who claims to be Christ. And then after that, there's going to be wars and rumors of wars. Okay, but the Bible says that the end is not yet. Now I'm going to get into the actual numbers, the numbers of Daniel 70th week to kind of match them up here in just a bit. But I just want to go through the seals to explain what each and every one of them means. So the first seal is the white horse. This is the Antichrist. The second horse is the red horse, which is warfare. Verse number five says that when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, come and see. And I beheld and lo, a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. So the black horse actually represents a famine because what we see here is that a measure of wheat is being sold for a penny and a penny is not what we think to be a penny today. A penny according to the Bible is basically a day's wage. So you think of a day's wage being used to purchase a measure of wheat. Okay, this is it's going to create famine. You understand? So first seal, white horse, Antichrist. Second seal, red horse, warfare. Third seal is the black horse representing famine. And let's look at Matthew 23, excuse me, Matthew 24 and verse number seven, it says, for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, referring to that warfare. And there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. Now let me just break this down to you here. Let me read verse number eight. It says, all these things are the beginning of sorrow. So according to the Bible, all of these events that we see the four horsemen of the apocalypse, the white horse, the red horse, the black horse, and what we're going to look at soon, which is the pale horse, the four horsemen of the apocalypse. They're actually referred to as the beginning of sorrows. You can refer to it as tribulation, but the more correct term would be the beginning of sorrows. This is when the entire world goes into tribulation, not just Christians. This affects the entire world. Okay. So nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom. There shall be famines. That's what we see with the black horse with the pair of balances, a measure of wheat shall be sold for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And we see here that famine is being taken place. Now what's a byproduct of famine and warfare? Pestilences, diseases will be spreading forth during this time. And then it says, earthquakes in diverse places. Now what does that mean? Well, let's go back to Revelation chapter six and verse number six. It says, and I heard a voice in the midst of the four B say, a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth B say, come and see. And I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death and with the beast of the earth. So the last horseman of the apocalypse is death. Okay, this pale horse. And we see there that the Bible tells us that death and hell are following him. Now, what's the significance of that? Well, if you compare that with Matthew 24, what we see there is the fact that people are dying on a massive scale. And because people are dying on a massive scale, we understand that narrow is the way that leads them to life. In other words, not a whole lot of people are going to get saved. The vast majority of people in this world are going to go to hell, unfortunately. That's not to say that people are not going to get saved. We know that we're going to be able to preach the gospel to many people. You know, there's there's going to be tons of people that are getting saved, but the vast majority of humans in this world will reject the gospel. Okay. And so when it says that there is a pale horse, death and hell are falling with them is because of the fact that due to the warfare, due to the pestilence, due to the famine, people are dying on a massive scale all around the world. And hell is falling with them. The implication here is that the vast majority of people that are dying are going to hell. Now, what significance does that have to Matthew 24, where it says that there will be earthquakes in diverse places? Well, I believe this is just reinforcing the fact that the vast majority of people are going to be going to hell. Because of the fact that the Bible often says in the Old Testament, that hell moves from beneath, right? Hell hath enlarged herself. Okay. And when you think of hell being in the center of the earth, and it's moving itself, it's it's expanding to make room for more souls, so to speak in a symbolic, that symbolic language that it uses, it's referring to the fact that hell is being filled with souls of the damned. And therefore, there's earthquakes in diverse places, because people are dying in diverse places all around the world. And a lot of them, unfortunately, are dying and going to hell. Okay. So that's what I believe it's actually referring to. So it says there in Matthew 24, in verse number seven, for a nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, this is the red horse warfare. And there shall be famines and pestilences, that's the black horse, and earthquakes in diverse places, that is the pale horse. And these are the beginning of sorrows. So let me let me read to you something from Revelation six, in verse number eight, again, it says, and I looked and behold, a pale horse and his name is Jesus. And hell followed with him, and power was given unto him, unto them, excuse me, over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and look what it says here, and with the beast of the earth. Now, that's a pretty interesting statement, if you think about it. Because, you know, obviously, these four horsemen, they play a role in drastically changing the world, right through warfare, famines, pestilences, all these different avenues that they use to to basically create this global crisis. And I personally believe that a lot of this that we see here in Revelation six is obviously manmade, because it's being led by a man. Known as the Antichrist. So the man who's leading the warfare, there's an agenda behind that the man who is leading the black horse, which is famine, there's a there's an agenda behind that the man who's leading the pale horse, you know, he's doing it because there's an agenda behind it, they're creating a global crisis in order to create a need. And that need is a savior, an earthly savior. And this is where the Antichrist comes into play. And I'll get into that in just a bit. But what I want you to notice is that it says that the even people are going to die even from the beast of the field, beast of the earth, which is an interesting statement. And, you know, people often try to accredit the tribulation to God. And they'll say, you know, tribulation, the wrath of God, we're out of here, because we see that people are dying with from the beast of the field. There's earthquakes, and diverse places. And so this must be God who's doing this. But But here's the thing. Obviously, there's examples in the Bible, in the Old Testament, where God sent forth the beast of the field, to punish people, right, you have lines that are tearing people apart, she bears, you have, you know, just different things. You have different animals in the Bible, that have killed people, you have serpents that have even, you know, injured God's people and killed God's people. You know, that's obviously, there's definitely examples of that in the Bible. But I'm going to tell you what I think this is actually referring to, I don't believe God is sending forth the beast of the earth to slay people. Because I don't believe God has poured his wrath upon the earth until after the tribulation. And proof of that we'll see in just a bit is the fact that that during the fifth seal, there's martyrs, and they're under the altar in heaven, and they were slain for the word of God for the testimony which they held, and they're saying how long Oh, Lord holy and true, does thou not avenge our blood on them which dwell on the earth. So the implication there is that God has not yet avenged his people, he has not yet poured out his wrath upon the earth. So that would mean that anything prior to the fifth seal is actually referring to tribulation, or I'm sorry, leading up to the fifth seal is all tribulation, anything after that, which is you have the sixth seal, the seventh seal, eighth seal being introduced as the trumpets of God's wrath. He says, so what does that mean? Then why is there a beast of the field being sent forth and they're killing people? Well, I didn't really understand that verse until last year. Because if you think about it, you know, I actually I wish I would have pulled up the article. But last year, if you remember during the the the pandemic, there's a major lockdown. And in California, the lockdown obviously was pretty bad. But even the national parks are being locked in, no one can go into the national parks. And I remember reading an article where it said that it was actually pretty dangerous to go back into the national parks. Because now the beasts of the field were actually taken over again. You see, God has commanded us to have dominion over the land. And when we have dominion over the land, the animals are supposed to fear us. You understand, we're supposed to drive out the animals, you know, through from because of the, you know, the buildings that we build and the animals that we build. And establishing businesses and homes, we drive out the wildlife. But when there is an absence of human dominion, man's dominion, then the beasts of the field begin to take over again. And you actually see an example of this in the Old Testament, where God promised the children of Israel that he would drive out the inhabitants out of the land. But he said, I'm not going to drive them out, you know, in one year, lest the beasts of the field increase upon you. In other words, you know, we need to have some people in the land so that if I were to remove all the people from the land, then you're going to have a problem because all these beasts are going to increase and then they're going to start killing your children. They're going to start killing you. And that's that's the natural byproduct of having an absence of humans in a certain location. So if you think about it, last year, we had this happen, where the beasts of the earth were actually overcoming these national parks again, and they were saying it's dangerous to go into those places because the mountain lines and the bears and all these things that they have there, you know, when there's more of them, they they're confident they start attacking people, etc. He said, what does that have to do with this? Well, think about this, if there's pestilence involved, we saw it last year, the government has no problem doing a lockdown, so to speak. And when you have a lockdown, where, you know, there's this killer virus out there that's killing people. And people obviously, you know, some people don't even believe that the Coronavirus was real. I believe it was real. Some people don't believe it's real. But let me just say this, the pestilences that we see in Revelation chapter six are real. This is actually killing a lot of people. And so if there's a lockdown because of these pestilences, because of this global pandemic that's taking place here, then what's going to happen is the beasts of the earth are going to inhabit the parts where man is supposed to be. And the byproduct of that is that people are going to die. Okay, that's what I believe it's referring to when it says that people will die because of the beast of the earth. Now, here's the thing is that, uh oh, I think one of the cameras shut off. The one over there. All right. Come on, Ulysses. No, that one over there. I think that one's fine. Ulysses is into the, he's into the lesson right now. Yeah, see, I went black right there. I'm still here, guys. So even though I went black, there it goes. All right. So I forget, what was I saying, man? He threw me off. What was I saying? We're talking about the tribulation or something, right? We're talking about the pandemic or something. Oh, the four horsemen. Thank you. So the four horsemen of the apocalypse is actually referring to a global crisis that affects not only Christians, but the rest of the world. Because when you think of the tribulation, we often associate it with just which relates to Christians. Like it's just affecting Christians. But that's actually only true when it comes to the great tribulation. Whereas the beginning of sorrows not only affects Christians, it affects everyone in this world. Okay. Because everyone is affected by the conquering. Everyone's affected by the global warfare. Everyone's affected by the famine. Everyone is being affected by the pestilences and the earthquakes. Everyone's being affected by this. And you say, why is everyone being affected by this? What's the point of, you know, if the antichrist is seeking to destroy Christians, if he wants to make war with the saints, if he's working for Satan and his arch nemesis is Christians, he wants to destroy them. Why is he going after the entire world? Well, the four horsemen of the apocalypse are leading forth this global crisis. And they're creating a problem in order to bring in the solution, right? You know, they create the issue, the problem, the death in order to be the solution. And the solution is going to be the antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the new world order. That's what the solution is going to be. You said they're willing to go through all that just to, you know, introduce the antichrist. Yes. I mean, we have politicians today that are willing to do stuff like that, right? We have people in high places today that are willing to do that. How much more in the end times when you're dealing with the son of perdition. Okay. And so that's a fact. What we're going to see here is the fact that, you know, the four horsemen of the apocalypse is a man made agenda to create a global crisis in order to create a global problem so that they can be the solution to that problem. That's what it is. Okay. That's what the warfare is for. That is what the pestilence is for. That is what the famine is for. That is what the diseases are for. It's just to kill the fourth part of the population, fourth part of the earth in order to create this, this, this great need, this vacuum of leadership so that the antichrist can step in and take the reins and become the ruler of the world. And of course, establish his new world order. Now, I don't believe the new world order is established at this point. The new world order, I don't believe is established until the antichrist takes over. Because at this point, you have the antichrist actually ruling with other rulers. And when the antichrist proclaims himself to be God, it's at that point that these kings, as the Bible describes them, they give their power unto the beast. And then you have that eighth kingdom known as the new world order. And that's when he rules everything. That's when it's one world government, one world financial system, and a one world religion. So the new world order is not the vaccine, folks. Sorry to break it to you. Vaccines are wicked. And this video will probably get taken down now that I said that. You know, vaccines are obviously wicked. But here's the thing is that the new world order, the purpose of the new world order is to give the antichrist 100% power over all the money. One world financial system, one world government. So he's the number one ruler of this world. And then one world religion where he is the one who's being worshiped by every kindred and tongue and people that dwells on this earth. Except for, of course, Christians. Okay? So that is what the four horsemen of the apocalypse is. Now, notice that we haven't even talked about the rapture yet. Right? You know why? Because the rapture is not yet. The rapture didn't take place before all this happened. The rapture takes place after this. We see the rapture takes place in Revelation chapter number seven take place in Revelation seven. We see the day of the Lord at the latter end of Revelation chapter six, but we're just gone over the four horsemen of the apocalypse. So keep this in mind. What is the purpose of the four horsemen of the apocalypse? The purpose of the four horsemen is to create a problem in order for the antichrist to bring in the so called solution. Now let's read on. So Revelation six. How are we doing on the chat? Everything good? Let me look at some stuff here. Oops. So now what? Okay. Revelation six, verse number nine. So now we've looked at the four seals, white horse, red, black, pale horse. Now the ninth, ninth verse here says, And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them. And it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled. So now we're actually transitioning to persecution towards Christians. Now, people have asked me, Do you think that Christians are being persecuted prior to this? Well, here's the thing. Yea, all the will of God in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. So I think Christians will always be persecuted no matter what, even during the beginning of sorrows. I don't think the world changes its view on Christians during the beginning of sorrows. It's I still think Christians will be persecuted. But I think the furnace has turned up seven times hotter at the fifth seal. So it's pretty interesting. You have these four horsemen, the four seals affecting the entire world. And then all of a sudden this fifth seal is open. And then it's just like it transitions to the souls of the righteous under the altar and how they were killed for the testimony which they held and for the word of God. It's like, did I miss something here between the fourth and the fifth seal? Well, let me read to you from Matthew 24, because, again, you can take Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and compare it side by side with Revelation chapter six. And you can see the parallels to this. OK, it says in verse number nine, verse number eight says, And these are the beginning of sorrows. Verse nine says, Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you. And you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then many shall be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another. So what do we see here? Now, this is the fifth seal. This is where Christians are being put to death for their faith. Now, the question is this. How did that happen? You know, how is it that we're all going through this global crisis, this global tribulation? Everyone is suffering. Everyone's going through this. And then all of a sudden the fifth seal is open. And then all of a sudden Christians are being killed. Who's doing that? The Antichrist is doing that. You say, how is that? Well, here's the thing. In the beginning, when the first seal is open, the Antichrist is going forth, conquering into conquer. In Revelation chapter 13, we hear that the Antichrist receives a deadly wound to the head and his deadly wound is healed. So the implication there is that the Antichrist receives a wound to the head due to him going out to battle, going out to war. And a side note here, I believe that the Antichrist will seek to embody the Old Testament kings. You know, the Bible says there is a time when kings go forth to battle. David used to go fight the battles of the Lord with his men. He wouldn't tarry behind until, of course, he tarried behind Jerusalem and then he got involved with Bathsheba. But prior to that, he would go out to war. And so I believe the Antichrist is going to be the same thing. He's going to be some sort of general who is participating in warfare, according to Revelation 6. He's going forth to battle and then he honorably dies, so to speak. You know, he receives this deadly wound to the head. The volume is low. All right, let me fix that. Some people are saying that the volume is low. So let me turn it up a little bit. Hopefully that works right there. If it doesn't, just turn up the volume on your headphones or something. I'm not sure. It's pretty much, it's pretty high. Is everyone saying that? Oh, three people. So those three people need to turn up the volume. I'm just kidding. All right. Well, hopefully that helped. I turned it up a little bit. So he's going forth conquering and to conquer. And I believe that he receives that deadly wound to the head because of his conquest. And I'm sure that he's going out to fight the enemies of, you know, the enemies of God. Now, I personally believe that the Antichrist is going to be a Jew because the Jews are the ones who are looking for that Messiah still. They've rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah. He came into his own, his own received him not. And this is why he's in Jerusalem. This is why he's going into the third temple to proclaim himself to be God. People have tried to make the Antichrist to be like the imam or something. But I don't believe he's the imam. I don't believe he's going to be Muslim. I believe he's going to be a Jew who is going to basically fulfill or try to embody. He's going to be an embodiment of those Old Testament kings. So he's going to honorably die in warfare, in battle, and everyone's going to mourn his death. Okay. And I think, you know, my theory is that maybe he might even die going to war with the Muslims because that's something that that's a narrative that's being pushed a lot by conservatives and Christians is that the Muslims are like the, they're like the, they're the enemies of God. Now, obviously, I don't believe in Islam. I think it's a false religion. It's made by a pedophile and I'm completely against it. But to push that narrative that the Antichrist shall come from the Muslims, I don't believe that's the case at all. I believe that there's going to be a warfare between the Jews or Israel and Islam. They will have a great victory over them. But through that victory, the Antichrist, who prior to him being the Antichrist will receive a deadly wound to the head, he's going to die. And I personally believe because he's a Antichrist, he comes in the place of Christ. I think he's going to be dead for three days and three nights, just like Jesus. And what we see is that he goes to hell, but he resurrects. Okay. And obviously it's not the resurrection that we see with Jesus Christ. He's basically possessed with Satan because of Revelation chapter 12, we see that there comes a point with Satan is cast out of heaven. Let me read it to you so I don't misquote it. It says, and there was war in heaven in verse number seven of chapter 12. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought in his angels and prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon, the devil was cast out, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him and heard a loud voice saying in heaven. Now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before God day and night. Let me skip down a couple of verses here. Verse 12 says, therefore, rejoice, all you heavens and you that dwell on them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth, he persecuted the woman, which brought forth the man child. So I believe at the 1260th day is when Satan of Daniel 17 week is when Satan is actually cast out of heaven. He comes down and he possesses the antichrist. The antichrist comes back to life and people at that point proclaim him to be God because he goes into the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God. And that's when people begin to worship him. Now I'll get into that just a bit. So now what do we see? We see that after the four seals are open, global crisis through war, pestilence, famine and earthquakes, death on a massive scale. You have this massive problem. You have the antichrist who dies. He resurrects and then he comes back to life and he proclaims himself to be God. So what's the issue here? How do we transition here? Well, now the antichrist brings a solution that says, I have a solution to the famine. I have a solution to all these things. We're going to create, we're going to implement a mark. And obviously I don't think he's going to call it a mark, but it's a mark that's going to go on the right hand or in the forehead. It's called the mark of the beast, according to the Bible. And the only people that can receive the mark are those who worship the image because he sets up an image. This is what's known as the abomination of desolation. He sets up this image and his false prophet, the one who is his forerunner, so to speak. You know, he is commanding the world to worship the antichrist because he's claiming himself to be God. People are worshiping the antichrist and that is the prerequisite to receive the mark in order for them to buy and sell. Revelation 13 talks about the mark of the beast. They receive that mark in order to buy and sell. Now, the antichrist is not implementing this so he can feed the world. He's not implementing the mark of the beast so that, you know, he can get your vote or something. You know, he's not trying to make more money by the mark of the beast. He's not, you know, trying to, you know, he doesn't do it because he loves the world. He's not bringing this, quote unquote, solution because he loves people or because he's trying to create a solution to the problem because he has a noble heart. He's doing it because the mark of the beast is a way to sift out true believers because the Bible says in Revelation chapter 13 that he begins to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Satan, when he is cast down, his number one agenda when he's cast down is to kill Christians, to persecute them, to kill them, to put them to death. But in order for the antichrist to identify who the Christians are, he has to implement the mark of the beast because the only people in this world who are not able to take the mark of the beast are Christians, believers. And when I say Christians, I'm not referring to mainstream Christians who believe in a false gospel or who are not even saved. I'm talking about people who are saved. I'm talking about people who are sealed with the Holy Spirit of God until the day of redemption. I'm talking about people who have believed on Jesus Christ for their salvation. True sons of God, true born sons are the only ones who are not going to be able to receive the mark of the beast. So don't listen to this narrative out there by, you know, these Christians so-called that say, don't take the mark of the beast. Don't take the mark. You can take the mark. They're saying that because they're probably not even saved. They're worried about taking the mark of the beast, but I'll tell you what they should be really worried about is just being damned completely and not getting saved at all. People need, if you want to avoid the mark of the beast, all you have to do is get saved. If you feel like, man, if it ever comes to that point, I'm so scared that they're just going to give me the mark. Well, first and foremost, let me just say this. The vast majority of the world, when it comes to the mark of the beast, they're going to embrace the mark because they're going to worship the antichrist. They want to worship the antichrist. They love the antichrist. This is not, this is a voluntary worship. Okay, people are voluntarily worshiping the antichrist because they believe him to be God. And so in their heart, they want to worship the antichrist. But here's the thing, a Christian who is saved, you know, the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we're the children of God. We worship God in spirit and in truth, it's impossible for us to worship Satan, to worship the antichrist, because of the fact that we're saved. We're children of God. You know, no man speaking by the spirit calleth Jesus accursed. It's impossible for someone who is saved to start worshiping the devil. Okay. Now, the question is, like, how is he going to know that? Well, you know, there's different ways. Obviously, technology has advanced quite a bit over the last couple of years. And I've heard many different theories as far as how he's going to be able to do this. Some people have said brain scans. I've even seen some brain scans where they're actually able to scan your brain and they can actually pull up an image of what you're thinking about or dreaming about. So even if a Christian is struggling, you know, they're like, oh, man, I'm just hungry. I need to go to food for less. I need to go to Aldi. I need to go to, you know, Raising Canes. I'm just going to go and I'm going to try to get that mark so I can feed my family. But if they're saved, what's going to happen is they're going to go to go get that mark. And they're going to say, OK, we'll be happy to get you that mark. Let me just see who you worship. Put on that brain scanner and be like, oh, you are a believer. Well, straight to the guillotine for you, my friend. And so, you know, that that's that's what the mark of the beast is for. So I'm not against exposing all these precursors of the mark of the beast. And I'm not against exposing the vaccines and, you know, Amazon One and even this new thing they got going on called the giant. I'm not against that because obviously these these kind of operate as precursors. But here's the thing is that when it comes to the mark of the beast, the best way to avoid it, the only way to avoid it. Is not by knowing what it is. It's simply by getting saved. That's the only thing, because even if you are weak in your faith and you want to go get something to eat, so you try to go take the mark, don't worry about it. They'll just kill you. You're not going to take the mark. Now, we'll say this, every person who takes the mark is damned eternally. They're blotted out of the out of the Book of Life forever. They're reprobate. And so again, I'm for exposing all the modern day precursors and all these things. But just know this, the best way to the only way to avoid the mark of the beast is by getting saved. Folks, that is the only way to avoid the mark of the beast. It's the only way to avoid the mark of the beast. And the vaccine is not the mark of the beast because the last time I checked, a vaccine goes into your arm. It doesn't go into your right hand or in your forehead. And the mark of the beast goes into the right hand or in the forehead. And of course, Elon Musk, with Neuralink, they have this chip that they can put into your frontal lobe cortex and all these things. And obviously that plays a role with searing the conscience or whatever, but that's not what a vaccine is. But I'm not against exposing vaccines as being a precursor, because obviously the vast majority of the population today, they want vaccines. There are four vaccines. So you could always see that conditioning taking place, right? But don't try to use the Bible to fit your agenda and your narrative to try to claim that it's the vaccine. The vaccine is the mark of the beast because it's not. Read your Bible. Read Revelation 13. So this is how Christians are being put to death. They're being put to death because of the testimony which they held and for the word of God. Now let's delve a little deeper into that. So what we see here is the fact that, I don't have notes here, so I'm kind of shooting from the hip. What we see here is the Christians are being put to death. And the reason they're being put to death is because they're being exposed as being true believers based upon the fact that they're incapable of taking the mark because of the fact they're incapable of worshipping Satan. And therefore they're being put to death. They're being killed for their faith. Now let me say this, because sometimes there's a question of how do we know who will survive the tribulation? Because the goal of this great tribulation, what this is referring to now as the great tribulation, the four horsemen of the apocalypse is the beginning of sorrows. Once Christians are being put to death, that's now referring to great tribulation. The goal for every Christian during this time is just to endure until the end. And in fact, Matthew 24 says this, Matthew chapter 24 says in verse 13, But he that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved. Now this isn't referring to saved as in you'll be saved so you can go to heaven. A lot of people try to teach that. The Calvinists will teach that. Repent of your sins crowd will teach that. Oh, you have to endure until the end in order for you to be saved. Folks, let me just explain something to you is that when the Bible uses the word saved, it's not always in reference to the justification of the soul. To save someone can simply means that you save their flesh as well. You know, if someone's drowning in the sea and you pull up on them on a boat and they say, save me, they're not saying, hey, give me the gospel. They're not saying, hey, give me the Roman's road before I die. They're saying, save my flesh. When Peter was trying to walk on water and he started to sink, he said, Lord, save me. He wasn't saying, hey, I never believed up until this point. Can you just get me saved right now? I want to go to heaven when I die. He's saying, save my flesh. So synonyms to save is delivered, to be rescued, etc. So when the Bible says they that endure until the end, the same shall be saved. It's referring to the fact that if you're able to make it through those last 75 days of great tribulation, and I'll explain to you in just a bit why it's 75 days. If you're able to make it through that last 75 days of great tribulation, if you're able to endure until the end, your flesh will be saved. You say, how is that? Well, because of the fact that at the end of those 75 days of great tribulation, the rapture takes place and the rapture is synonymous with the resurrection. It's synonymous with the redemptions of our body. It's when the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds. It's when we get our resurrected body. And so that's what he says. That's what he means when he says they that endure until the end, the same shall be saved. And the proof of that is found in verse 22 when it says this. Verse 21 says, For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there shall there should no flesh be saved. But for the elect's sake, those days shall be shortened. So when he says that the day shall be shortened, it's referring to the fact that it's being shortened so that our flesh can be saved, because at that point, Jesus Christ returns and we receive our resurrected bodies. OK, so the goal of every Christian during this time should be I want to make it into the end. Now, obviously, not everyone is going to make it to the end because we see the example of those who were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Now, here's my opinion of who will be killed during the great tribulation as far as Christians are concerned. I believe that two types of Christians will die during. Oh, one of them went out. Which one went out? The other one? I believe two types of Christians will die during this time. OK, the first one are those who are in the flesh. And what I mean by that is the Bible talks about them being asleep. They are sleeping at the wheel. They're not walking in the spirit. They're just kind of fulfilling the lust of the flesh. You know, I believe this is referring to the people who try to live off grid as well, because they're just trying to save their skin. Instead of using those last 75 days to just go all out and preach the gospel and get people saved and, you know, preach the word of God and just go out with the bang. They're just trying to save their flesh. They're not preaching the gospel. They're just kind of sleeping at the wheel. They're not walking in the spirit. And I believe those people shall be killed. OK. And you say, what's your proof text? Well, let me give you my proof text. Luke 21, which is a parallel passage to Matthew 24 and Mark 13. Luke 21 is talking about the tribulation as well. And it says in Luke chapter 21 and verse number 34, it says, And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged, which are fading and drunkenness and cares of this life. And so that day come upon you unawares, for as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man. So people who are just kind of living for drunkenness, they're just trying to fill their bellies. They're just kind of doing their own thing, but they're not making the service of God as their focal point during this time. I think they're going to die. And that should that should encourage us and motivate us to get right with God and make sure that we are awake during this time. That should encourage us to make sure that during that last time that we are doing everything we can on our part to serve the Lord, to preach the gospel, to get people saved. You know, this is important, in my opinion. OK, so that's the first category. The second group of Christians that I believe are going to die, believe it or not, I believe are those who are actually walking in the spirit. You say, what? I thought you said in order to not die, you know, you said you got to walk in the spirit. Well, what I'm I'm referring to is people who actually refuse deliverance. OK, I think there's going to be people during the Great Tribulation that will be confronted with death. You know, the Antichrist somehow gets to them and they have an opportunity to be delivered by God. You say, how do you know that? Well, because of the fact that one theme throughout the Bible is that God always delivers us in our tribulation, always delivers us. And one of the famous examples is found in Daniel, chapter number three, where Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego are tossed into the fiery furnace and Jesus Christ shows up in the midst of the furnace and they're delivered. OK, and there's plenty of other examples where this takes place. You read through the book of Psalms, you see this taking place with David all the time. When we call out to God, we shall be delivered. OK, but I also believe that there's an example of people in the Bible who refuse deliverance. Now, why would they do that? Well, let me read to you from Hebrews chapter 11 in verse number 35. Of course, Hebrews 11 is the faith chapter. It says in verse 35, women received their dead, raised to life again, and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection. So I think that the second category of Christians that will be killed are those who refuse to be delivered because they want a better resurrection. They want to be raised in incorruption and that incorruption that's going to be raised is going to shine bright, brighter than most people. They're going to receive a martyr's crown. So Jesus is going to give them an opportunity to be delivered and they can take that opportunity if they want. But if they choose not to, it's OK, they will receive a better resurrection because of it. And the Bible tells us there is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above the year able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape. So God promises us that when we go through tribulation and trials and difficulties, he's going to deliver us. But you can refuse deliverance if you want in order for you to obtain a better resurrection. And, you know, the martyrs in the Bible, such as Stephen, such as Antipas, I personally believe they had an opportunity to be delivered, but they refused to be delivered because they wanted that better resurrection. I believe that's what it was. So Christians who are being killed, Christians are being martyred on a massive scale. One will be those who are just not walking in the spirit, those who are asleep and they're kind of sleeping at the wheel. They're not watching with Jesus for one hour, as the Bible puts it. They're not praying. They're not serving God. And the other ones will be who just refuse to be delivered. So the application there for everyone who's listening is this. Hey, you better start serving God now, because don't think that, well, I'm not going to serve God now. Not right now, right now. I got a lot of things I've got to do right now. I got a lot of things I'm trying to accomplish and a lot of achievements. I'm going to kind of put God on the back burner a little bit. But when that time comes during the tribulation, for sure, I'm going to serve God. I mean, I'm going to just get, I'm going to go all out. And folks, if you're not willing to die to self today, you're not going to be, you're not going to be willing to die physically then. You know, to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required and faithful in the little you shall be faithful in much. And if you today are now reading the Bible, you're not praying, you're not winning souls to Christ, you're not serving the Lord, you're not serving your husband, you're not serving your wife, you're not raising your children in the nurturing the admonition of the Lord. You're not in church. You're not hearing Godly preaching. And, you know, you're not focused on the things of God. You're creating patterns that if this comes in our lifetime, we'll do a disservice to you then, because you'll be weak in faith. And it's going to be difficult. If it's difficult for you to serve God today when there's not that much tribulation going on, I mean, the only tribulation you got going is, you know, the wicked rulers of this world who are, you know, enforcing all these weird mandates and stuff like that. If you think that's bad. Hey, if you think the vaccine, if you think Biden going door to door, you know, try to give you a vaccine is bad. Wait till they start going door to door so you can take the mark of the beast and figure out if you're a believer or not, and then put you to death dead. I mean, that's when it's going to get really bad. And so you need to make sure that you put God first, as OT said there. Big mistake not putting God first. Yeah, that's a big mistake. You need to make sure that you're serving God today. Okay. You say, Yeah, but what if the tribulation is not in my lifetime? I mean, that's a possibility. But do you want to roll the dice on that, though? And here's the thing. You know, even if the tribulation doesn't happen in our lifetime, we're going to suffer some form of tribulation no matter what. Because, yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Jesus said these things have written unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world. Ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world. He's saying you're going to have tribulation. The apostle Paul said we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. You're going to suffer some form of tribulation at one time or another. Fact. And so, you know, serve God today. And if you're listening to this and you're not even 100% sure that you would die today, you don't even know if you are saved. If you're going to heaven when you die, stick around to the end of this teaching. And I'm going to explain to you how you can know for sure that you're going to go to heaven when you die. And so, that is the fifth seal. The fifth seal is referring to tribulation, great tribulation where Christians are being put to death on a massive scale. Okay. Let me see if there's anything else that I want to say about that. Now, verse 10 of chapter 6 says, And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? So, this is a proof text to show that the tribulation is not the wrath of God. Because we don't believe, I don't believe, my church doesn't believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. I think that's a fraud. You know, the whole thing that the immanency of Jesus Christ, that Jesus can come at any moment and, you know, it's a secret rapture. You're not going to see Him. Our clothes are going to fall to the ground and we're just going to, you know, go into heaven. The Bible doesn't teach that. He said, doesn't the Bible say no man know what the day or the hour? Yeah, the Bible says we don't know the day or the hour, but it says that the second coming of Christ is after the tribulation. And a good way to explain this is if I told you, hey, I'm going to come visit you, you know, next year. I'm going to visit you next year. I'm going to go to your state. I'm going to go pay you and your family a visit next year. And if you say when, and I tell you, well, I don't really know the day or the hour, but just know that it's after summer. Well, you can rest assured that I'm not going to come during the spring, right? I'm not going to come during the summer. Why? Because I said I'm coming after the summer. And so, yeah, we don't know the day or the hour of the coming of Christ. But what we do know is that it it's after the tribulation. And the tribulation is very much laid out clearly in these portions of scripture as being the Antichrist, warfare, pestilence, famine, martyrdom. And then the end shall be when we get raptured. OK. And so we believe in a post-trib, pre-wrath rapture. This is referring to a when we get raptured after the tribulation, but before the wrath of God is poured out. Because we don't claim that all these seven years, this entire seven years that we see highlighted in the Book of Revelation, known as Daniel's seven years week. We don't believe that those are that's a seven year tribulation. The Bible describes it as being 40 and two months of tribulation, beginning of sorrows and great tribulation, 40 and two months of the wrath of God. And so that's what we believe. Now, let me read to you a couple more verses here. And I'm going to give you some of the timing now, actually, before I get into the remainder of the chapter here where we talk about the day of the Lord. Let me just explain to you some of the the numberings. OK, the numbers. So what we see here is seven years being highlighted. Right. And this is what's known as Daniel's 70th week. And Daniel's 70th week, according to the Bible, is made up of initially 40 and two months and then the second half, 43 months. And the reason we know that is because of the fact that in Daniel, chapter number 12, you see that a thousand two hundred and ninety days is mentioned and is mentioned as referring to the ceasing of the oblations and the abomination of desolation being set up from that point till the very end of Daniel's 70th week is referred to as a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Now, the thousand two hundred and ninety days begins at the abomination of desolation. And according to Daniel, the Bible tells us that the abomination of desolation happens in the midst of the week. So obviously, the tribulation and the wrath of God together is not a week. Right. It's not seven days, but the week represents seven years because a week is obviously made up of seven days. And so he's referring to it symbolically representing seven years. And it's telling us that in the midst of the week, OK, in the midst of the week is when the abomination of desolation is set up and that the midst of the week being the abomination of desolation. That's when the Antichrist is revealed. So anything before that is referred to as the beginning of sorrows when the abomination of desolation is set up. That's when the Antichrist is revealed and that's when he begins to make war with the saints. OK, so from the abomination of desolation being set up to the very end of Daniel 70th week, the Bible says that that that's a total of a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Now, the beginning of sorrows or when the Antichrist makes a covenant with many for one week up until the abomination of desolation is set up is actually referred to a thousand two hundred and sixty days. OK. Forty and two months, as the Bible also puts it. Now, the Bible says in Daniel, chapter number 12, blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and thirty fifth day. Now, that's not referring to from the abomination of desolation and on. It's actually referring to the beginning of the week all the way to the abomination of desolation. In fact, let me read it to you just to make sure I'm quoting it correctly here. Daniel chapter number 12. It says here and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away and the abomination of desolate, excuse me, the abomination that make a desolate set up, there should be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. So this is referring to the oblation ceasing, which is simultaneously happening when the abomination of desolation is set up from that point on is a thousand two hundred ninety days. That is when the Antichrist is actually ruling for forty and two months, as the Bible puts it, which is also known as the wrath of God. So from the abomination of desolation, you have seventy five days of great tribulation after the rapture takes place. Thereafter is the wrath of God. That's a thousand two hundred and ninety days. He said, well, how do you know that that's referring to the second half of Daniel 17th week? Well, because it says that the abomination which make a desolate and previous in the Book of Daniel, it says that the abomination of desolation takes place in the midst of the week. So obviously it's given us the reference point from the middle of the week, those seven years to the very end. And then it says in verse 12, blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. One thousand three hundred and thirty five days. OK. And then he says, but go thy way till the end be the end of what? The end of those days, the end of a thousand three hundred and thirty five days for thou shalt rest and stand in thy lot at the end of days. The end of what days? The thousand three hundred and thirty five days. So once the thousand three hundred and thirty five days are over, God is telling Daniel that he's going to stand in his lot. He's going to rest before that, but he's going to stand in his lot. What is that referring to? It's referring to the fact that he's going to be resurrected because at the rapture, we have the resurrection of those who are dead in Christ, which would include Daniel. So people who wait and they come to the thousand three hundred and thirty fifth day, they're also going to stand in their lot. OK. Now. From the beginning of the of the week, up until the rapture, the Bible says that that's a thousand three hundred and thirty five days from the beginning of Daniel 70th week, up until the abomination of desolation. The Bible says that that's a thousand two hundred and sixty days. So if you subtract the thousand three hundred and thirty five by a thousand two hundred and sixty, you have seventy five days. So what does that tell us? That tells us that there's a thousand two hundred and sixty days of the beginning of sorrows because it's given us a reference point from the beginning all the way up until the abomination of desolation. And then the Bible says that blessed is he that waiteth and come into the thousand three hundred and thirty fifth day, because that's the rapture. In between that segment of time, you have a total of seventy five days. So I'm a little confused here. Why is it that the second half of Daniel 70th week is a thousand two hundred ninety, but the first half is a thousand two hundred sixty? I thought we're dealing in 42 day, 42 month increments here. That's not a total of seven years. Well, you have to understand that obviously it's going to be a little off because of the fact that we're dealing with the Hebrew calendar and in the Hebrew calendar, the months are 30 day months. OK, and the way the Bible basically describes it is that. If you have six years of just 30 day months, obviously, you know, you're going to be off a little bit on that seventh year. So what what God commanded them to do was that on the sixth year, the last month of the sixth year known as Adar, they would add another month known as Adar two. And they would basically it would it would even out, because if they didn't add another month at the end of those six years, then you'd probably have like Christmas in July or something. You know, it'd be very off. So if you multiply those five days, because obviously, you know, that's if you have 12 months of 30 day months, you're going to have 360 days. So you have five days missing. So at the end of six years, you have that last month. OK, you add another month, Adar two, you multiply five times six. There you go. OK, you have your 30 days. You have that extra month. And so from a Hebrew calendar works perfectly. Now, if you don't understand that, don't worry about it. It's not going to affect you very much. Right. But it's just good knowledge. It's just good to know. But that's why you have 1290 days in the second half of Daniel 70th week and you have 1260 days in the beginning. You have 42 months in the beginning and approximately 43 months on the second half of Daniel 70th week. OK, so that's how we get the 75 days. All right. And, you know, here's the thing. When you look at tribulation in the Bible, when you study this concept of tribulation in the Bible, you will actually begin to see that a lot of tribulation takes place, like in 40 day increments or even three and a half years type thing. You'll see that a lot. You'll see, you know, Jesus Christ's ministry was for three and a half years. Elijah was in the wilderness for three and a half years. OK. He caused it not to rain for three and a half years. And you see that number constantly coming up. And the reason for that is because of the fact that I believe there are foreshadowing of the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation that lasts for three and a half years. And so that's what we have there. And that's the numbers there. I hope I hope that made sense. And if it went over your head, just watch it again on Instagram later and I'm sure you will understand it. Now, let me answer a couple of questions here. Actually, where are we at here? I think we're in Revelation. We're still Revelation chapter six. Before I get into the day of the Lord. OK, so let me let me talk about something here that's important, because a lot of people wonder, like, man, so if we're not going to be able to get the mark of the beast because we're saved and the mark of the beast is necessary in order to buy and sell, how in the world are we going to survive those last 75 days without any food and water? You know, how in the world is this going to happen? Well, I believe, according to the Bible, that God will miraculously provide for those who are serving God. OK. And we have an example of this with Elijah, which, by the way, Elijah, Elijah pictures a believer going through tribulation, because if you remember, you look at the ministry of Elijah, you have him bringing the child to life. And then, of course, he gets raptured thereafter and he's not preventing those which are asleep. But then you also have him doing a great exploit. He's causing it not to rain for three years, three and a half years. And what we see is Jezebel coming after his life. And she, of course, pictures the Antichrist. And then we see him going into a mountain and he looks in the hand of God, seems to come in a cloud because Jesus Christ comes in the cloud and we see him later on getting raptured. But even when he's in the wilderness, if you remember, God sent forth the ravens to feed him when he goes into the wilderness. And Revelation Chapter 12 actually tells us this. It says, And the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three score days. That's referring to the thousand three hundred excuse me, a thousand two hundred and sixty days. So I believe God is providing for us during that time for that period of time that we're going to the beginning of sorrows. And I believe he's even going to provide for us during the last seventy five days. But here's the thing. I'm not saying you're going to eat like ribs and steak and raising canes and Chick-fil-A. And, you know, you might be eating some pretty raunchy meat that comes from a raven or something. He said, well, don't that make me sick? Who cares about to get raptured? You could get I could get diseases for all I care. Give me salmonella at that point. I don't care. You can hit me with the worst diseases during the last seventy five days. It doesn't matter because of the fact that I'm going to be receiving my resurrected body in seventy five days. OK. And so I believe God will be providing for us. I believe he'll be protecting us. And I believe we're going to do our greatest exploits during that time. And the exploits that we're going to be a part of is preaching the gospel, getting people saved and and doing great works for him, preaching the word of God, turning many to righteousness, inspiring others to preach the word of God. I mean, this is the last chance to do something great for God. This is the last chance that we get. And the gospel shall be preached into all nations, the Bible says. And so I hope it happens in our lifetime. And I hope that if it happens in our lifetime, that that I get to see the coming of the Lord. You know, I'm sure it's going to cost me a lot, but I think it's worth it to see Jesus Christ coming in the clouds. And where the Bible says, lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh. And so I think it'll be a great day and I look forward to that day with great anticipation. And I hope that I kind of hope it happens in our lifetime. I really do, especially with all the wickedness is going on here. You know, it's just our country's become so wicked. Our world is so vile and wicked and has been so disgusting for me. It's like even so, Lord, come judge this world, please. All right, let's continue on here. Well, hey, since we're on the subject. The sixth seal, it says here in verse number 12, and I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood. And the stars of heaven fell into the earth, even as a fig tree casted through untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island, every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondmen and every free men hid themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains and set into the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne from the wrath of the lamb. For the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand. So this is what's known as the day of the Lord, which is synonymous with the rapture. You say, this is the rapture? Yeah, he's making a grand entrance. This is so much better than the secret rapture. Folks, the secret rapture sucks. It portrays Jesus as being some like, you know, introvert coward who doesn't want to show his face to the world. The Bible says in Revelation 1 7 that every eye shall see him. You know, every eye shall see him. And the Bible says that those which pierced him, you know, the world shall look, everyone's going to see who he is. Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't you want to show himself to the world? This is called the day of the Lord. OK, and his entrance is so grand. I mean, he's pulling out the red carpet, so to speak. I mean, he's got the lights. He's shaking the earth. The Bible tells us that the the the sun and moon are darkened. Why? Because his glory is going to be the most preeminent thing that you're going to see. He's not going to allow anything to steal his glory. Every eye shall see him. Them also which pierced him. And it says the stars of heaven shall fall to the earth. This is terrible. This is scary. Even as a fig tree casts its own timely figs. It says the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together. I mean, just think about this. When Jesus Christ comes, where is he coming from? He's coming from heaven. Where's heaven? It's in a different realm. It's an eternity. So he's breaching the realm of eternity into the into our world. And so he's tearing that that that veil between eternity and the physical world here. And the heaven is departing as a scroll when it is rolled together. It's like he's just tearing through that realm of our world. He's breaching that place. OK. And what's the what is the outcome? What is the result of him breaching eternity into our world? Every mountain and island are moved out of their places. I mean, good night. Talk about, you know, power and great glory. You know, this is not a zipper breaching. And he's just like, hey, guys, guys, ready to go or something? You know, it's probably going to sound very explosive. It's going to be scary. It's going to be a terrifying sight. I mean, when we think of something that is big and mighty and strong, we think of a mountain. And you know what? The Bible says that the mountains are moved out of their places. They can't even handle it. Not even the mountains can handle. And they moved out of their places. The islands were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman, every freeman hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. So the president of the United States, every prime minister, every king, every celebrity, every great man, every person who's not even known. Everyone's hiding from Jesus. You say, why are they hiding from Jesus? You know, we're going to everyone's going to love him. You know why? Because they know that the great day of his wrath has come. These are the same people who have said, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. These are the people who are mocking, who have mocked God. Have you had someone mock God to you? Have you had someone make fun of God and blaspheme Jesus and mock the Lord Jesus Christ and mock you and mock the Bible and blasphemed him and has said all manner of evil against him? Well, guess what? You know, everyone's going to be held accountable for every single one of those words. They're going to eat those words. They're going to eat crow. And when they see Jesus coming in the clouds, breaching the, you know, breaching eternity into our realm. Everyone's going to hide. The celebrity is going to hide the prime. Everyone. No one is going to look at Jesus and be like, oh, that's it. No, they're going to be terrified. And said to the mountains and rocks, I mean, they're so scared. Look at this. And said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us. They're so terrified. They're so scared that it's actually they feel it's better for a rock to just fall upon them. They're just like, hide me from the face of him. It says, hide us from the face of him to sit on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb. You know, the lamb is supposed to be, hey, you know, meek and loving. And yeah, he is to us. But to a world that has mocked him, a world that has ridiculed him, a world that has has touched his anointed and has mocked his second coming. The Bible says that he has great wrath upon them. He says for great for the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand? In other words, who's going to be able to deal with this? So the second coming of Christ is a powerful is just it's a powerful entrance. OK, and let's read Matthew 24 here. He says in Matthew 24. In verse number 20, 90, immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven. And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. All of the tribes of the earth shall mourn. Why did I make fun of Jesus? I should have not done that. I regret every single comment that I put on that pastor's Instagram. Why did I say those things? By thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Everyone's mourning and they're not saying, oh, he's real. They know he's real. Everyone knows that God is real. Everyone knows that Jesus is real. Why are they mourning? Because they know he's about to pour out his wrath upon them. He's about to pour his wrath upon their hinder parts to punish them for their evil deeds. The great day of his wrath has come. He says all the tribes of the earth shall mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds of heaven to the other. So this is a terrifying sight to see Jesus Christ, the son of God, descend down in a cloud. Everything's off. The sun's not given its light. The moon's not given its light. You have stars of heaven falling, earthquakes. I mean, it's it's this is it's crazy. Now, for us, we're just like, yeah, all right, here we go. Everyone else, they're just like, they're terrified. And let me show you how terrified everyone is. Let me read to you from the from the parallel passage in Luke 21, because the terrifying sight is not only that Jesus Christ is coming. That's the most terrifying sight. But think about this. Think about the terrifying sight of seeing the resurrection of the dead. That's a pretty gnarly picture there. You know, where you see all these dead bodies. Of the local cemetery bursting through the coffins to the dirt through six feet deep. And they're just flying through the air to meet their spirit in the air and the Lord in the air, because the dead in Christ shall rise first, the Bible says. You know, those who are asleep in Jesus, they shall rise first. The dead in Christ shall rise first. So they get their resurrected bodies first. The Daniels of this world, the Davids, Christians who have died in times past, they get the resurrected body first. They're bursting out of the graves. All the babies bursting. I mean, we're talking about millions and possibly even billions and billions of Christians. The Bible labels it as describes it as a multitude, which no man can number bursting through coffins and dirt. And that's just the people who were buried. What about people who have died in the sea? I mean, they're bursting through those the ocean. People who were never found, who were murdered. Christians were murdered. Children who were murdered. People are bursting through every single facet of the earth. The angels are collecting all these souls. Their bodies are being resurrected. That's a pretty terrifying sight, if you think about it, when you see all these people who are dead flying through the air. And in fact, the Bible says in Luke 21, And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars, verse 25, and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity. What does perplexity mean? It's like they're just confused. They're just like, what the heck is going on? I mean, that camera turned off over there and you just turned that one off to Baltimore being turned off. You know, perplexity means they're just completely confused. They're like, what is going on? Perplexity, they're just completely confounded. They're just distraught. They're like, what is going on? All these bodies are flying through the air. And it says this earth distress of nations with perplexity. And someone says here the seas and the waves roaring. Why are the seas and the waves rolling? Because all the bodies that have passed away in the sea. Christians who have died out at sea coming through those waters, bursting through the waters. Verse 26 says this, men's hearts failing them for fear. What does that mean? They're having heart attacks. You know, you have the captain of a ship and he's looking out and he sees all these bodies flying through the air. His heart is failing him because he's so afraid of what's going on. He's like, what is this? What's happening? Men's hearts failing them for fear for and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth. For the powers of heaven shall be shaken and they excuse me. And then shall they see the son of man coming in the cloud with power and great glory. And when ye and when these things begin to pass, come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draw nigh. I don't know about you. That's a pretty grand entrance to me. That's way better than the pre-tribulation rapture. Why do people want to just downgrade and and, you know, just kind of talk down in the rapture, make it a secret rapture? As if, you know, you know what it is? They're projecting is what it is. People enjoy being secret Christians and not being open about what they believe. So they think Jesus is the same way. They're projecting that upon Jesus. They're like, well, if I was Jesus, I'd come as a secret to, you know, got to be discreet. Got to have some wisdom the way you come in can be coming in with, you know, power and great glory. Whereas Jesus is very open about everything and he wants us to be open about everything. What I tell you in the ear that preachy upon the housetops. The Bible says, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven. So, no, it's not an imminent return. It's not a secret rapture. And in fact, Matthew 24 specifically says. It says this in verse number twenty three, then if any man shall say unto you, lo, here is Christ there, believe it not. For this shall rise false Christ and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore, if they say unto you, behold, he is in the desert. Go not forth. Listen, listen to this. Behold, he is in the secret chamber. Believe it not, when they claim that it's a secret, he says, don't even believe it. Why? Because Jesus is not interested in coming secretly. He wants everyone to see him. Why wouldn't he? He's God in the flesh. He's coming to confront his enemies. And so, folks, the biblical rapture is an awesome rapture. And I hope, you know, the imagery, my explanation of the rapture helped you to kind of imagine it a little bit and see how powerful the second coming of Christ really is. When it says power and great glory, you know, he's not those are filler words. He's telling us how magnificent and powerful and terrible his second coming is going to be. And you say, why would he come that way? Because number one, he's Jesus and he deserves a grand entrance. But number two, because he's about to pour wrath upon the whole earth, he wants people to fear him. For all the trash they've been talking for so many millennia's. And so that is the rapture, folks. And then chapter seven, of course, we get into the image of all of believers being in heaven and what John sees thereafter. Something else I was going to mention about the rapture, but I completely forgot what it was. So anyways, hope that helped, folks. But that's that's what Revelation six teaches. And again, you can compare that with Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians chapter four and Revelation chapter six. And they all match up perfectly. OK. All right, let's look at some of the questions here. Question number one. Do you ever get crazy reactions with your good works, raiment shirts? I do, actually. Are you saying that my shirt is looking a little crazy? This is one of my favorite shirts, man. Yes, I do get crazy reactions sometimes, especially during that, the whole protest and the beginning of the year when we were suffering persecution for righteousness sake. We were definitely getting I took my family out of town to go just get our minds off of things and stuff. And people recognize me in a different city, in a different place. And I just so happen to have my straight pride shirt on. And someone was very, very upset at that. But who cares? People wear crazier shirts than this. Disgusting shirts propagating all kinds of filth. And so, hey, yeah, but I encourage you, if you want one of these, you know, you should go on good works, raiment. It's a great online store where you can get a lot of biblical shirts and lots of good material. It's a it's a fan company of First Works Baptist Church. And so they have First Works shirts there. It's not it's not anything associated with us. We don't make any profit off of what he does. It's simply his thing. And they have all kinds of stuff for for men, women and children. A lot of good shirts. Good works, raiment. It's a great store. What's the Olive Crown podcast about? Well, you know, my Instagram is actually called Wild Olive Tree and I get that from Romans 11. And so it's just it's like a spinoff of that. And I've called it the Olive Crown podcast just because it's just catchy. And the the subtitle is Striving for the Incorruptible Crown. And obviously, the goal or the goal of every Christian should be to strive for the incorruptible crown, that we're striving to earn heavenly rewards through preaching the word of God, through suffering persecution, to preaching the gospel, through fulfilling our role as a spouse, being a blessing in our church. We're striving for that incorruptible crown. We don't want to be the type of Christians that put the talent under a napkin. We want to be able to occupy till he comes. And so that's what the incorruptible crown. That's what the Olive Crown is all about. And, you know, I'm going to be teaching the word of God on here. I'm going to be teaching to the book of Revelation, but I might just go live every once in a while and just talk about different subjects, answer questions, et cetera. So originally this podcast was just for Instagram, but we decided to tether the livestream to to to my main YouTube channel. By the way, if you are on Instagram and you don't you're not on YouTube, I encourage you go on YouTube and subscribe to First Works Baptist Church. Lots of sermons on there. We put a lot of material on there. There's a lot of stuff on end times Bible prophecy. I'm trying to put out a video about a week every week dealing with end times Bible prophecy. I just put out a video on Tuesday called Standing Before Him Naked at His Coming and what the biblical significance is to that. And so I try to put out a lot of material about that. And we put out articles and little community posts with regarding current events, news in light of the Bible. And we'll attach a sermon to it so that you have the right perspective about that issue. You know, news is all around us and people are always watching the news, but it's important that you view what's going on in light of the Bible. And so that's what we do there. So I encourage you, if you're on Instagram, to subscribe to the channel on First Works Baptist Church. Where is the exact quote where the rapture will take place? Well, you have it in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. In Matthew 24, Matthew 24 says in verse 29 and in verse 30 that the Son of man and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven. And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn. That's referring to the rapture. And a lot of people have beef with that because they say, well, Matthew 24 is not for us. It's for the Jews, right? Because we believe that when the Bible says in verse 31 that he's going to gather together his elect, that his elect is actually referring to us. It's referring to Christians. Whereas those who hold to a dispensational view claim that the elect is actually referring only to Jews. In fact, they believe that Daniel 70th week is only for the Jews. And that's why they promote a pre-tribulation rapture. They promote Zionism because they believe that that's referring to only the Jews. They actually, they don't even call it Daniel 70th week. Most of the time, they call it the time of Jacob's trouble. But the problem with that is this. It's pretty funny because, you know, they'll use Matthew 24 to say, well, that's for the Jews. But when you ask them, where's the rapture? They'll say, well, no man know it today or the hour. You know, and when they try to prove imminency of the rapture, they go to Matthew 24, which is crazy. So it's like, it's only for the rapture when it's convenient to fit their doctrine of imminency, but not when it's to debunk the fact that the Jews are not God's chosen people. They're not the elect. When we show Matthew 24 verses 29 through 31, they say that's for the Jews. But when it's no man know it today or the hour, oh, that's, that's, that's the imminency of Jesus Christ. That's the second coming. That's, that's the rapture right there. So they kind of flip flop. But here's the thing is that first Thessalonians chapter four is a passage on the rapture that both post-trib pre-rath rapture people and pre-tribulation rapture people agree is the rapture. And when you look at the elements that are found in first Thessalonians chapter four, it actually matches up with what we see in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and Revelation chapter number six, especially with the imagery, Revelation 1 seven as well. The imagery of him coming in the clouds, whereas it doesn't fit the narrative of a pre-tribulation rapture. And so, um, there you have it. Is the flood reference in Revelation 12, 15 through 16 the same as the four horsemen in Revelation chapter six? I've actually never thought about that. Versus what? 15, the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a, as a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood and the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth. Or we need to switch it, open her mouth and swallowed up the flood, which the dragon cast out of his mouth. And the dragon was Roth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed. You know what? I can definitely see how, um, you can interpret that the flood as being the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Obviously I've always thought about the flood as just being representative of an army, because typically when you see that word being used as a flood, it's typically referring to an army. And what you see in Revelation chapter 11, um, is that we see that the holy city is tread underfoot for 42 months. And so I always pictured that kind of synonymously with the flood that we see in Revelation chapter 12, but I'm going to have to look into that a little more. That's actually, it makes a lot of sense. The four horsemen of the apocalypse representing, or the flood representing the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Good point. Who was that? Who asked that question? Oh, that was, uh, Blake or not Blake. Is it Blake? No, no, no, it's not Blake. B.M. Lake, I.F.B. I think you're thinking of the guy from Sure Foundation. How do you understand 1 John 3 verse 14? Well, let's take a look. Where's 1 John? I'm just kidding. Verse 14 through 15, it says, Marvel, not my brother. And if the world hate you, we know that we have passed from death unto life because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hated this brother is a murderer. And you know, you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Now, a lot of people have a lot of, they're very confused about 1 John chapter three, because 1 John chapter three is actually a very deep chapter when it comes to this doctrine of the new man. Okay. And the manifestation of the new man when we are walking in the spirit. Like, for example, the Bible says in verse number six, whosoever abideth in him sinneth not, whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. Little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He that committed sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose of the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. And then it says whosoever is born of God does not commit sin. And of course, we know that the spirit is that which is born of God. Right. And it's the spirit that dwells within us that does not commit sin. Our spirit will never sin. The aspect of our being that does sin is our flesh. Right. Well, in like manner, if you ever hate your brother, you're abiding in death. Okay. It doesn't mean that you're not saved. It means the fact that you're walking in the flesh. And let me give you an example of this in Romans chapter number eight, we see an example of that, where this type of terminology is used. It says here in Romans chapter number eight, and verse number four, or verse number five, for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the spirit, the things of the spirit, for to be carnally minded is death. But to be spiritually minded is life and peace, because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are after the flesh cannot please God. So I believe the distinction that it's making here is the fact that when we hate our brother, or when we sin, we're abiding in death, we're being we're minding the things of the flesh. And when we mind the things of the flesh, the result of that is death. Okay, he that soweth the flesh of the flesh reap corruption, the Bible tells us. So that's what I believe it's actually referring to. And here's the thing is, when it comes to this particular doctrine. This is actually a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow. But if you think about it, for example, the Bible says, but as many as receive them to them give you power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. So from generally speaking, when we get saved, we become children of God, but more specifically, our spirit becomes a child of God. We're still waiting to wit the redemptions of our body. So our spirit becomes a child of God. That's the part that is born of God. But in Second Corinthians chapter six, it says, touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you and be a father unto you, you shall be sons and daughters. So this is obviously referring to the fact that when we are walking in the spirit, we're living life that's pleasing unto the Lord. It's like the new man is made manifest, right? Excuse me. And we start behaving like sons of God. Now, even when we don't in our flesh do those things that are pleasing unto the Lord will always be the Son of God inwardly, because that's that's the aspect that's born of God. But if we're not abiding in the light, if we're not walking in the spirit, then the end result of that is death. The end result of that is a carnal mind and result of that is that you will the works of the flesh are made manifest and one of them is hatred when you hate your brother. Okay. Whosoever hated this brother is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. And to that I say, Amen. I mean, think about this in Galatians chapter number six, it tells us, or excuse me, Galatians chapter number five, the Bible tells us that, well, let me read it for you so I don't misquote it here. It says in verse 21, envying, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like of the witch I tell you before, as I have told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. And it's true because the only aspect of our being that is capable of doing those things is the flesh. Because for in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. And the works of the flesh are made manifest. And this is what it is. The spirit is incapable of sinning, according to the Bible, according to the Bible. And so and the flesh does not inherit the kingdom of God, because the Bible tells us flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God. What inherits the kingdom of God is our spirit and our resurrected body, who is not quickened by blood, but rather by the spirit. So when we're resurrected, the part that you know, our body is being kept alive by the spirit right now, the life of the flesh is in the blood. But when we're resurrected, the life of the flesh, our resurrected body, our celestial body is the spirit, we're quickened by the spirit. And so I believe that that's what it's referring to. I hope that answered your question there. Let's see what else we got here. Do you believe the vaccine is being used to condition the masses to trust the government? Well, you know, I think the purpose of the vaccine is, is I don't even know where I'm at here. Let me make sure. Okay. I believe you know, the purpose of the vaccine is, is there's many reasons for it. Number one is because people in high places just like killing people sometimes they just want to do away with the population. And so that's one way of doing it. Number two is because they make money off of it. And number three, it plays a role in conditioning the masses to just accept what the government tells them. Absolutely. I believe that to be 100% factual. And so they're definitely using that as a means for people to trust the rulers of the darkness of this world. And it should come as no surprise, because in the end times, people are going to trust the Antichrist, they're going to trust the government, they're going to trust all these kings and all these people who are in high places. I mean, they trust them now. How much more in the end times, when when something like the mark of the beast is rolling? Okay. And so, um, I definitely believe it's being used for that, for that, for that particular reason. What do you mean by they didn't accept deliverance? I think they were they're asking about deliverance, as far as what I was referring to the tribulation. So what I what I was referring to is the fact that during the Great Tribulation, there's going to be times when when a Christian's life is threatened, they might they might be threatened. They might die, they might, you know, people are trying to kill them. And when they're at the brink of death, of being killed, according to the Bible, he always offers deliverance from that. What does that mean? He's going to rescue you somehow he's going to make a way for you to escape that persecution, or that death. Okay. And the Bible tells us in Hebrews chapter 11, that the people who were being tortured, the reason they're being tortured, is because they didn't accept deliverance. So the implication there is that they had an opportunity to escape that persecution, because God made a way for them to escape. But they chose not to be delivered, they chose not to escape, because they knew that that would produce a better resurrection. If they were to subject themselves to being tortured, being killed, being martyred, that would mean that they would receive a martyr's crown when they're resurrected. That would mean that they would get a better resurrection, a better resurrected body, there was a reward for them, if they chose to die for the cause of Christ. In other words, Which I believe both of them are great. I mean, if you die for the cause of Christ, great. If you make it to the last 75 days and see Jesus Christ coming in the clouds, that's great as well. I mean, both of them are pretty great. Because one of them you die, you get a better resurrected body and you see Jesus. Another one, you see Jesus with your own eyes. And you make it into the end, you endure into the end. And so I hope that question made sense there. Or I'm sorry, the answer made sense there. The question made sense. I'm hoping the answer made sense. Do you think vaccines are sinful? Well, here's the thing is that the agenda behind, I can't say that vaccines in and of themselves are sinful. Let me explain to you why. Because sin is the transgression of the law. And sin is when God tells you don't do this and you do it or do this and you don't do it. So it wouldn't be right to say that a vaccine is sinful. But I will say this, the motives behind the propagation of vaccines and the creation of them are sinful. Because it's based upon greed, murder, lust, covetousness, all of these things that have a nefarious agenda behind them. So because vaccines are associated with those underlying motives of people who are propagating them, they're basically evil. I would I would claim that they're evil. Okay. And so I don't think people should take it from a biblical perspective, because I think there's plenty of examples in the Bible that give us guiding principles and guiding regulations, so to speak, that gives us that common sense to say we shouldn't take that. You know, one of them being the fact that they're filled with aborted baby fetal tissue. And so the Bible says be not partakers of other men's sins. You know, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. And so if we if we take vaccines, which we know to have aborted fetal tissue in them, we are partaking of those people's evil deeds. And, you know, some people say, well, I was forced to take the vaccine. I don't think anybody's being forced to take it. And that's not we're not at that point right now. So if you support vaccines, you're supporting that medical industrial complex that has a nefarious agenda behind it, not a godly agenda behind it. And there's a lot more I can say about that. I want to encourage you to go listen to my sermon on vaccines. It's called when the priest shall look upon the plague, go to my YouTube channel, first works Baptist Church, go to the little search bar, type in when the priest shall look upon the plague. And that sermon will pop up. I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet. It has like 10,000 views or something. It needs to go viral just to get more people to hear it. But go listen to that sermon. And I I want to encourage you to go listen to my sermon on vaccines. It's called when the priest shall look upon the plague. Go to my YouTube channel, first works Baptist Church, go to the little search bar, type in when the priest shall look upon the plague. And that sermon will pop up. I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet. It has like 10,000 views or something. It needs to go viral just to get more people to hear it. But go listen to that sermon. And I I explained from a biblical perspective, why it's not right for Christians to take vaccines. What do you believe about fruit checking fellow Christians? What do I believe about fruit checking fellow Christians? I'm going to assume what they mean by that is what I believe about Christians checking other people's fruit as far as like, what do they mean by that? Actually, I'm not sure what they mean by that. What do you believe about fruit checking fellow Christians? Oh, okay. Maybe just like checking other people's fruit. Well, here's the thing is that when the Bible talks about or gives this, Matthew 7 is what they're referring to. You shall know them by their fruits in context is actually referred to false prophets. So the only people that should be checked for their fruits is actually spiritual leaders. Okay. And when it comes to spiritual leaders or people who are in positions of spiritual leadership, such as a pastor, you know, if they are doing this full time, the Bible commands us to check their fruit. This does not apply to just any regular Christian, because not every Christian is a pastor. Not every Christian is propagating the word of God as a full time job. So those who are propagating the word of God, as you know, quote unquote, as a full time job, they need to get their fruit inspected, because we shall know them by their fruits, because everything brings forth after their own kind. Now, here's what's funny is that today you have Christians who want to inspect other church members to see if they're saved, you know, let's see what kind of fruit they produce to see if they're saved. But once you call out like a false prophet, you know, they expect you to give that person grace. I mean, they have it the other way around. You know, you should be inspecting the fruit of the false prophet and giving grace to the individual who's a brand new Christian who may not be, you know, up to your standard of Christianity. And so, I hope that answers that question there. Can someone be saved without calling upon the name of the Lord? This is something that just irritates the fire out of me. Look, the Bible says, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And the Bible says that if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God hath raised them from the dead, thou shalt be saved. So look, if you have a person who is mute and they can't physically call upon the name of the Lord, obviously they're still saved if they believe on Jesus Christ. Okay. The point is, let me explain to you why it's important to call upon the name of the Lord once you believe in your heart. The reason it's important is because you are validating the witness of God. And the Bible says out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established. So the Bible tells us in first John chapter five, that God has given a witness of his son. Okay. He's giving a record of his son. And the record is this, is that he's given to us eternal life and his life is in his son. You know, whosoever believeth on the son hath everlasting life. This is the record. This is the witness that God is giving of his son. And so when you believe that in your heart, and you call upon the name of the Lord, you verbalizing that is confirming the witness of God. Okay. That's why it's important to call upon the name of the Lord. And I just have an issue with people when they, when they, when they get on this whole thing, like, I don't think you have to call upon the name of the Lord. It's like, so, so you think God just messed up when he wrote Romans 10, 13? Like, are you standing in judgment of God's word? Are you saying that that verse should not be there and all the other verses that talk about calling upon the name of the Lord, you know, why are we mitigating the importance of what God is writing there? And so, uh, I think it's important to call upon the name of the Lord. Once you believe in your heart, why wouldn't you? Right. You know, if you truly believe in your heart, why wouldn't you want to confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus, you know, for what the mouth, for what the heart man believeth in the righteousness and what the mouth confession is made into salvation. You know, if I'm not mute and I believe in my heart, I want to confess with my mouth, the Lord Jesus, because I want to confirm the witness of God is true. And I don't want to make them a liar, you know? And so I do believe you need to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. You know, if you truly believe in your heart, because who wouldn't want to call upon the name of the Lord, uh, who believes in their heart? Well, I don't know. I don't know. I'm going to need to think about this a little more. Okay. Then think about it and then call upon the name of the Lord later. Why make such a big deal about calling upon the name of the Lord? If God's commanded you to do it. Last question. I'm looking to find a church, but don't know where or how to start any suggestions. Okay. So, well, I don't know where you live, man. I don't know whoever asked that question. Maybe you guys can put in the, um, maybe you can put exactly where you live. Well, here's the thing. Let me, let me explain it to you. If you live in Southern California, you need to come to First Works Baptist Church, baby. First Works Baptist Church, email the church fwbcla1, fwbcla1 at gmail.com and let us know you're interested in coming. If you live in this area in Southern California, if you live in Northern California, there is a wonderful church there called Verity Baptist Church with pastor Roger Jimenez. Okay. And he's in Sacramento, California. That's a great church. If you live in Vancouver, Washington, there's a church out there called Sure Foundation Baptist Church, pastor by my good friend, pastor Aaron Thompson. Oh, okay. Bay Area. Yeah. Go to Sacramento. I know that's a little ways from the Bay Area, but go visit that church. I promise you, uh, Kim. In fact, Kim, let me just tell you this, Kim, hope I can call you Kim. Kim, next week, I'm going to be in Sacramento, um, at a conference called the Red Hot Preaching Conference. And so if you're in the Bay Area or in Sacramento, anywhere up North, make a trip to the Red Hot Preaching Conference, look up Verity Baptist Church and come pay us a visit. It's going to be some great preaching, great pastors that can introduce you to people who probably live in your area, uh, who probably know of other churches in the Bay Area. But Kim, I hope you go to the Red Hot Preaching Conference. Um, I'm going to be there on Thursday. I'm actually opening up the conference on Thursday. I believe what time is it at brother Ulysses? 6 30. The conference begins at 6 30. And I'm actually the, the I'm preaching the first night. There's going to be one preacher a night and I'm preaching on the first night. And so come to that church. I know the Bay Area might be a little further away from Sacramento, but I I'm telling you, it's worth the trip just to come and get some preaching in, meet some believers, uh, meet some like-minded people. And, uh, and who knows, you might love the church so much. You just, you would just end up going there from there on out. And you know what you will. Okay. And so, uh, Kim, if you have any questions about that, email the church. Okay. F W B C L a one at gmail.com. Um, but here's some other churches. Uh, if you live in Phoenix, Arizona, Tempe specifically, or in that area, faithful or Baptist church pastor by Steven L Anderson. If you live in Texas, I'm not a big fan of Texas, but I am a big fan of two churches that are in Texas. And that is pastored by my good friend, pastor Jonathan Shelley. And he pastors a church in, I want to say Fort worth, but I think they moved Dallas, Fort worth. That's the same thing, bro. In that area, Dallas, look it up real quick. Okay. That church is called steadfast Baptist church. Go to that church. If you are in Houston, Texas, I think it's Houston go to pure words, Baptist church pastor by John pastor, Jonathan Shelley. If you're in Oklahoma, there's a steadfast Baptist church there as well. Where's that at Oklahoma? What's the name? Oh, okay. See, yeah. But what's the, where's it at specifically? Do we know Oklahoma steadfast Baptist church? Look it up. Okay. If you are in Boise, Idaho, I have a friend who's pastoring there. His name is pastor Joe Jones. Um, and he's pastoring shield the faith, the Baptist church, awesome church. Uh, if you are in Spokane, go to Sher foundation Baptist church there in Spokane. Um, if you are in West Virginia, go to mountain Baptist church, pastor, my good friend, pastor Jason Robinson. Um, if you are in Atlanta, Georgia, go to, go to, uh, a stronghold Baptist church pastored by pastor Burzins, a good friend of mine. He got my church blown up. He didn't get it blown up. He preached the sermon before it got blown up. So I blame him. Um, and so those are the churches that you need to go to. All right. So, so just email me, uh, if you need a church somewhere, but let me just say this. All those churches that I just mentioned are like-minded churches, just like mine. I mean, we differ on some things, but just very minimal. Most of us, if not all of us, uh, agree on all the essentials of doctrine. And those of you who are on, on, on, uh, Instagram, you know, a lot of these churches are against vaccines too. They preach against them. So you have that to look forward to. Amen. All right. Let's see here. Oh, steadfast is at Hurst, Texas. Uh, so if you live in that area, go there. Okay. It's an awesome church. Or just come to, just come to my church. Just come to my church. Pastor Steven Anderson is actually the, the, the church that, um, uh, the pastor that ordained me and started first works Baptist church. It was faith for Baptist church of LA. They wouldn't became first works Baptist church of LA when we went independent. And so, um, that's pretty much it. Any other questions? I think that's it. Right. Okay. Well, let me say one last thing folks. And, and then we'll let you go real quick. I just want to make this announcement real quick. Um, and that is, are you a hundred percent sure that if you died today, that you would go to heaven? And it's important, more important than all the information that I just shared tonight regarding revelation six and vaccines and all the views that we have, you know, the biblical interpretation of these things, more important than anything is knowing that you're saved more important than anything in the world is knowing that you have eternal life. Okay. And this is a very much an important message for you to hear. So I hope you give me a couple of messages that you give me a couple minutes of your time while I explain to you how you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're going to go to heaven. When you die, the Bible says in first John chapter five, these things have written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. Okay. And that you may believe on the name of the son of God. So God says, you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're going to heaven when you die, you don't have to wonder about it. You don't have to doubt. You don't have to think, man, I hope so. The Bible says you can know for sure, 100%. And I'm going to give you a couple things in order to understand there's actually only one thing you have to do to be saved. A lot of people will teach you, no, you got to keep God's commandments. You got to get baptized. You got to do good works. You got to repent of all your sins, but that's actually not true. You won't find that in the Bible. There's only one thing you have to do. And it's actually quite simple, but before we get into that, let me share with you some foundational truths before we get into that. Number one is this, is that we're all sinners. Okay. The Bible says in Romans 3 23, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Sin according to the Bible is the transgression of the law. And you think of what the Bible says, you know, in God's law, it tells us that we shouldn't lie. We shouldn't steal. You know, if you've done any one of those things, according to the Bible, you've sinned against God. You say, well, I've never murdered anybody. I've never committed adultery. Well, the Bible says in James 2 10, whosoever keepeth the whole law, yet offend in one point, he's guilty of all. So the Bible's emphasizing very strongly that all of us are sinners. Okay. Well, no one's perfect. The Bible says there's none that do with good. No, not one as it is written. There's none righteous. No, not one. There's not one single soul in this world who does right all the time. We're all sinners. And because we're sinners, the Bible tells us that there's a penalty for that sin. Romans 6 23 says for the wages of sin is death. And what it's referring to is the fact that the price we pay because we've broken God's commandments, we've broken God's law, we've sinned against God is that we deserve death. Now, obviously, we understand that we're all physically going to die one day. But when the Bible talks about death, it's actually also referring to a spiritual death in a place called hell. And the Bible even gives us a list of people who are going to go there in Revelation 21. And verse number eight, it tells us this. It says, but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Now, you and I know that God is not a man that he should lie. And if he says that even liars go to hell, that would mean that I deserve to go to hell. That would mean that you deserve to go to hell. You know, that would mean that the whole world deserves to go to hell. Because even though maybe you've never committed sorcery, you've never committed murder, everyone at least has told a lie. Okay. And so the Bible tells us that the penalty for breaking God's commandments is hell. That means if you were to die at this moment, the Bible tells us that your soul would descend into a place called hell for all of eternity, and you would never escape that. You would be there forever to pay for your crimes against God. It's a sobering truth, but it's reality. Okay. Now here's the good news. The good news is that God loves you. The Lord loves you. And he doesn't want you to go to hell. The Bible says that he's not willing that any should perish. He doesn't want anyone to go to hell. And it's for that reason that 2000 years ago, he sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth. He was born of a virgin, and he lived a perfect life. And the Bible tells us that he died on the cross. The Bible says in Romans 5a, but God commended his love toward us. And that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We know that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, that he lived a perfect life, and that he preached the word of God, which ultimately got him arrested and nailed to the cross. And the Bible says that when he was nailed to the cross, they put a crown of thorns upon his head, they nailed his hands and his feet to the cross to be put to death. The Bible says that he himself bore our own sins on his own body on the tree. Every single sin that you've ever committed in the past, every single sin that you will do in the future, he put those upon his own body, and he suffered the consequences of your actions and mine. The actions of the whole world. The Bible says that he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. The Bible tells us that when he hung on the cross, that he died, he gave up the ghost, he was buried, and on the third day he resurrected. The Bible says in Romans chapter 4 that he was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification. Now, obviously we understand that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins. I'm sure we've heard, you've heard that many times, that he resurrected on the third day. But here's the thing is that, you know, the Bible tells us that in order to be saved, we have to believe in that exclusively for salvation. Okay. We have to believe that Jesus paid for all of our sins and that he resurrected from the grave in order for us to be saved. Now, obviously Jesus died for the whole world. He died for everyone. But we obviously understand that not everyone's going to heaven. And the difference is this, is that in order to get to heaven, you don't need to repent of all your sins because it's impossible to repent of all your sins. You don't have to do good works because the Bible says that there's none that do with good. No, not one. You don't have to keep God's commandments because the Bible says, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. The commandments can't save anybody. The commandments were never meant to save anyone. You say, well, how do I get saved? The Bible says in Acts chapter 16 in verse number 30, records a man asking the apostles what he had to do to be saved. He said, what must I do to be saved? And the apostles responded and said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved in the night house. According to the Bible, the only thing you have to do to have eternal life is to believe on Jesus Christ. Now, look, obviously we understand that when it says believe, it's not just referring to believing that he exists, believe that there is a God. When it says believe, it's referring to the fact that you're trusting that his death and his resurrection, that Jesus is sufficient to save you. And what it's telling us is that we have to exclusively believe on Jesus Christ for our salvation, plus nothing, minus nothing. The Bible says in John 3 36, that he that hath the son hath eternal life, he that hath not the son hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. The Bible says in John 1 12, but as many as received him to them give you power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believe on his name. One of the most famous verses in the Bible is John 3 16, it says for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. According to the Bible, all you need to do to be saved is to believe on Jesus for your salvation, and not add anything to that. The Bible says it has to be exclusively upon Jesus Christ for salvation, and you can be saved if you just believe on Jesus. But not only that, the Bible says that once you believe on Jesus Christ, not only are you saved, but you'll never lose your salvation. Ephesians 2 verse 8 through 9 says, for by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. The Bible says that we're saved by faith. What's the synonym for faith? Believing. He says for by grace are you saved through faith, and then it says this, and that not of yourselves. So God does not require any effort on your part for you to be saved. It's not of yourself. And the reason for that is because Jesus already did all the work. He lived the perfect life. He kept all of God's commandments. He did that which is pleasing unto the Lord 100% of the time. He loved the Lord his God with all his heart soul mind and strength 100% of the time. He did all the work so that you wouldn't have to. He is righteous and we are not. And the Bible says that it's not of yourself. And then it says this, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. So get this, God compares salvation to a gift. And the Bible says, you know, when you think of a gift, a gift is something that you don't pay for, you receive freely. Now, the person giving you the gift pays for the gift, but the person he's given it to does not have to pay for a gift or else it's not a gift. Well, when it comes to salvation, God paid for that gift. Did he not? How did he pay for it? With the blood of Jesus Christ, his son, the life of his son. That's how he paid for it. But for us, it's free. It's 100% free. All we have to do is believe on Jesus to be able to get it. Okay. Now, if you try to add works to that, you say, well, you know, I think you have to believe. I think you have to trust, but you also have to do some sort of work as well. Well, that'll be like me trying to give you a gift. And then you telling me, Hey, I appreciate the gift, but here's $5. Here's $10. At that point, it ceases becoming a gift. It's no longer a gift. And the only difference with that when it comes to salvation is this, is that you can never pay for salvation. You can never earn it. You can never merit salvation on your own. Why? Because there's none righteous known on one. The Bible says that he hath made them to be sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. And so salvation is a free gift that God offers to you through Jesus Christ. The Bible says for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And this is how we know we can ever lose our salvation is because of the fact that once a gift is given, it's never taken back. It's never taken back. And more proof that we can ever lose our salvation is the fact that the Bible calls salvation eternal life, eternal meaning forever without end. So if he gives you eternal life, that means your life never ends. Now we obviously understand that our physical life will end one day. So it's obviously not referring to our flesh. It's referring to the fact that we will live forever with God. Jesus said, I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. This is the witness that God is giving of his son. Okay. And that this life is in his son. And if you believe on Jesus Christ, you can have the free gift of eternal life. There's nothing you have to do to try to earn it. All you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. And the Bible says you can be saved. Okay. Now here's the thing is that some people get confused a little bit and they think to themselves, well, what if I sin after I get saved? Well, there's good news. The good news is this is the Bible tells us that when Jesus Christ saved you, when he saves you, he forgives you of all sins, past, present, and future. The Bible says in Romans chapter number four, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousness without works, saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven. That's past whose sins are covered. That's present. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. That's future. The Bible says, the Bible teaches that God forgives you of all sins, past, present, and future. He saves you knowing what sins you will come in in the future. But not only that, he saves you forgiving you of those sins that you will commit in the future. This is why we know we can never lose our salvation. And another proof of that is the fact that we become children of God. The Bible says, but as many as receive them to them, give you power to become the sons of God, even unto them that believe on his name. And God will never send his children to hell. Now, let me make myself very clear. I'm not saying that, you know, we're not advocating for people to sin after they get saved. Obviously it's wrong for people to sin. And the Bible commands us not to sin. And here's the thing. I'm not saying that you won't be punished after you get saved because the Bible tells us that whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. The difference is this. He will never punish you in a place called hell. Why? Because he gave you eternal life and you'll never suffer the consequences of hell ever again. But if you sin after you get saved, God will punish you on this earth. The Bible says you can suffer as an evildoer here on this earth. You can, if you commit murder, God will allow punishment to come upon you on this earth. If you become a thief, if you lie, if you steal, if you commit adultery, God can punish you on this earth because you're his son and he's your heavenly father. But the difference is this, is that he'll never send you to hell. The Bible says that the just shall live by faith. If any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them that draw back into perdition, but believe to the saving of the soul. Even if you backslide, you'll never backslide so much that you go into perdition. Why? Because we believe to the saving of the soul. And so that's proof that we can never lose our salvation no matter what happens because he pays for all of our sins. So number one, we're sinners. Number two, we deserve help because of sin. Number three, all we have to do is believe that Jesus Christ paid for all of our sins and that he resurrected it on the third day. And number four, understand this is that you can never lose that salvation. Okay. That is the gospel. The Bible says in Romans chapter 10 and verse number nine, that if thou shall confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead, thou shall be saved. For what the heart man believeth unto righteousness and what the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Verse 13, for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. If you're out there tonight and you don't know 100% sure that you're going to die today when you go to heaven, that you're going to go to heaven when you die, excuse me, I want to encourage you to obviously listen to this message. And if you believe this in your heart, you say, I believe that Jesus paid for all my sins. I believe he resurrected on the third day. And I want to exclusively believe on Jesus for my salvation right now. You can be saved right now. And what I'd like to do is just assist you in telling God what you already believe in your heart. And so wherever you're at, you can close your eyes and bow your head and say this to God. I'll lead you in a prayer and you can be saved at this moment. And so I'll lead you in a prayer at this time. Dear Jesus, I believe I'm a sinner and I believe I deserve hell, but I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for all of my sins and that he resurrected on the third day. I place my faith in Jesus exclusively for my salvation. And I'm thankful that I can never lose it. Thank you so much for saving my soul. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. According to the Bible, if you believe this in your heart, you confessed it with your mouth, you now have eternal life and you can never lose it. And I congratulate you for that. Not because you did anything to merit it, but because you were willing to obey the gospel and you're willing to obey the commandment to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. If you got saved, if you got saved at this time, please do me a favor. And if you're on Instagram, just shoot me a DM letting me know that you got saved. If you're on YouTube, shoot us an email at fwbcla1atgmail.com. Let us know you got saved so we can rejoice with you. And so that's pretty much it. All right, folks. And thank you so much for tuning in to the All of Crown Podcast. It was a blessing to go through Revelation chapter number six. And so I want to encourage everyone to tune into next, actually next Friday is the Red Hot Preaching Conference. So we're not going to do Revelation seven next Friday because we got the Red Hot Preaching Conference. We might do it on Tuesday though, Monday or Tuesday. And so stay tuned for that. I hope to see you all in the next chapter.