(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) According to thy word, I have declared my ways and harnessed me Teach me thy statutes, make me to understand The way of thy praises, shall I talk of thy wondrous powers My soul melted for heaviness, stricken of me According to thy word, remove from me the way of life And grant me thy law graciously I have chosen the way of truth that I choose to find, made before me I have spoken to thy testimonies, all of which be led to shame I will run away if thy commands, and I shall demolish my heart I have chosen the way of truth that I choose to find, made before me Mmm... That thy mercies come also unto me, O Lord, even thy salvation according to thy word So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me, for I trust in thy word And I will delight in the simple my commandments, which I have loved Thy hands also will lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved And I will meditate in thy statutes And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for I have hoped in thy judgments So shall I keep thy law continually forever and ever And I will delight in the simple my commandments, which I have loved My hands also will lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved And I will meditate in thy statutes And I will walk at liberty, for I seek thy precepts I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed And I will delight in the simple my commandments, which I have loved My hands also will lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved And I will meditate in thy statutes And I will speak of thy commandments, which I have loved We'll never share the influence that's waiting, but take it, keep it to according to the word With my whole heart, if I saw thee, or let me go home from thy commandments And I will be in your arms, and I will not be ashamed Yes, I will Oh, Jesus, yes, I will I will be in your arms, and I will not be ashamed Thanks for joining us for a special election stream I've got my McDonald's fries and McDonald's Coke And so we're gonna be kicking off the stream in high fashion I've got my Make America Straight Again shirt on And we're gonna be watching as the results come in live tonight Also, we're gonna be bringing on special guests this evening So we're gonna be bringing in all kinds of different people And just, they may join here and there And really, what I kind of even told them is I said, hey, you can talk about whatever you want And so we will be talking about the election We'll be updating you We may even watch a couple different streams and everything like that But I also want to just really leave the floor open We can talk about anything in the Bible Talk about future events Talk about what's gonna happen I know four years ago I had said that if Trump loses That they're gonna come after Christians pretty hard for the next four years And I have to say, I feel like that really did kind of come true Especially for our church steadfast Do you remember last year, or not last year, I'm sorry Last cycle about four years ago Me saying something like this, Brother Ben? I can confirm You did state that prediction And over the last four years Yeah, we definitely have had some opposition from the Sodomites From everyone you can think of So it appears that it came true But regardless of that, I think at the end of the day We have the Lord Jesus Christ on our side We have God on our side If God be for us, who can be against us? Well this year, we're sponsored by McDonald's And so I'm a horrible influence on you I think that that I mean I'm just trying to represent the America spirit With some fries Donald Trump was serving these And I felt like we should just bring them on the show You got some fries, you gotta try them for me How are they? Is this representative of America? They're still warm The thing is, once they get cold You know, no longer good So you gotta eat them while they're warm It looks like we already have one of our guests joining us For this evening stream And we'll be putting the live results up on the board When we have them too And I don't know, do we have another Maybe we just go to a full screen view For our guests But we have Pastor Steven Anderson coming on How's it going? What's up man, how you doing? Doing good Do you have any McDonald's fries? No, I didn't get the memo about bringing those, sorry So, you know, obviously you care so much about elections I can tell Look how nervous Pastor Anderson looks right now He is waiting with bated breath For the results of the election tonight That's why I'm here, Johnny on the spot Because, you know, it's weird because I'm so excited It's a big night for me So just give us some early predictions here What are your thoughts about the election? Do you have any inkling of what's gonna happen tonight? Well, I think that there's been a lot of push For like high voter turnout Like there are always these big pushes Like trying to get everybody out to vote and all this And I think that the higher the turnout The more that helps the Democrats Because if you think about it The Republicans are probably just responsible enough Like that if they want to vote If they believe in the process They're gonna show up And they're gonna be like If they believe in the process They're gonna show up And they're gonna vote They're gonna have the character to get down there Without somebody having to like beg them to vote Or pay them Or give them a gift card Or drag them down there And so I think that in 2020 There was like a record voter turnout or whatever And then this time they're talking about there being another record turnout Because they're making it so easy for people to just mail it in or whatever And I think that that definitely helps the Democrats But there's a lot of energy for Trump So I don't know I heard this rumor that you fully endorsed Kamala Harris In your preaching What's that about? That actually is true, yes Well all I was just saying is that Our country is so messed up And I was so irritated and frustrated With a lot of the feminist garbage in our churches and everything That I just felt like Kamala Harris is kind of the president That Christians deserve right now Since they won't take a stand on what the Bible says About a lot of things But especially about roles within marriage, feminism, stuff like that So I just said that that's probably the president that we deserve I don't really care who wins At the end of the day I'm gonna be fine And God's gonna bless us regardless Because all things work together for good to those who love God And so I'm not too stressed out about it I'm kind of interested, like what would you do differently Like tomorrow, if it's Kamala or Trump How is your day gonna be any different tomorrow? Well no matter what This Sunday I'm preaching about Armenia Because it's our missions conference But the week after that If Kamala gets elected I'm gonna preach a sermon called The Great Whore So that's really the only way it's gonna affect me Like if Kamala gets elected I'm preaching the sermon called The Great Whore The problem is Because I'm preaching on Armenia this Sunday I'm sure all my past friends are gonna beat me to it And preach all those sermons, you know So I'm gonna be like a week late on that But if Trump gets elected I don't really have a special sermon in mind So I think that's the biggest I have some good news Because here's the thing If Kamala wins it might be drug out for a week or two Before it becomes final anyways So then you get that buffer Cause y'all are having your missions conference You've had this a couple times already Tell us about your missions conference that's coming up Yeah I'm super excited about it It starts tomorrow night And the cool thing about this Is that we feature new countries every single time So we don't talk about the same country twice And then also we talk about only missions that have happened in the last 12 months So everything's fresh, everything's new That way it doesn't just feel like we're going to the same conference over and over again year after year So that's what I like about it And I just have always loved geography I love missions So it's fun talking about these other parts of the world Learning about different countries And it's just super exciting to hear about all the great soul winning that's happened It's inspiring So yeah those that are listening You can tune in to the live streams Arizona time it's going to be 10.30am in the morning Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday And then it's going to be Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 7pm So yeah a lot of great sermons to tune into But you know back to the election You know what I think Just to kind of fantasize about what could make voting better Or make our country better What I was saying earlier is that high voter turnout tends to favor the Democrats Because like I said the Republicans are more like responsible people That are more likely to like get out there on the right day and vote and do whatever But if you think about it Like here are some suggestions that I think would make voting better in the United States Like how about this How about you have to pay to vote A poll tax Think about how great this would be Just charge $10 to vote or $20 to vote And it goes into the US treasury So it's just a federal tax It's like the only tax that I want to see added You pay $20 to vote because then you'd actually have to care a little bit to vote And you wouldn't just have derelicts who don't even know what's going on Just voting for something that they don't even understand So you charge $20 to vote Anybody who can't afford the $20 is probably not smart enough to be voting anyway And so I mean I think historically in voting you had to be a male You had to be a land owning citizen And you had to be able to read and write And to me like all three of those especially in today's age Would probably accomplish the same thing that you're saying Without necessarily the $10 tax Just because by owning property You're paying property taxes You're paying some of this If they just want to tack on $10 to your property tax for this or whatever Then that's fine But I don't know that it would It seems like there could be some corruption there If you had to literally show up with the $10 or something like that But I do think that something needs to change And again I don't know what's the best policy or the best system Obviously some people think a king Or whatever But you know obviously this system has lasted several hundred years I don't think that necessarily even the way that our government is structured is bad It's mostly just that it's not being enforced correctly That laws aren't necessarily being applied equally That we've had a lot of bad amendments attached and added to our government Is just my personal opinion And I think that if you had just land owning men that could read and write Voting in our country It would probably be a lot different I don't know what you think about that kind of a suggestion Yeah I mean the only thing about the land owning though Is that obviously you have a lot of you know responsible Hardworking intelligent people that don't necessarily own land And so I think that that might be a little bit too extreme of a requirement That's why I felt like my poll tax was a little more reasonable Yeah they don't have as much best interest Yeah but I definitely agree with the idea of you know men who can read and write Being the ones that are voting Should be the bare minimum requirement I think But here's another thing that you could do even just that would be less extreme Because I personally do believe that in 2020 there was a lot of fraud that went on It's kind of funny when they say oh there's no evidence of fraud Well there's no evidence of fraud Because there were all kinds of things that came out in the open that were fraudulent You know whatever you think about whatever happened in 2020 But you know one thing that I think should be obvious Is that if you're gonna mail in a vote right Because it seems like the greatest potential for fraud is with the mailed in votes Okay so it seems like how about if you just have to get it notarized That it's really you then it seems like that would prevent a lot of fraud Because you'd have to go down to a bank or go down to a notary or you know go anywhere that notarizes Mailboxes etc or whatever And you could go down and show your ID get it notarized and then send it in Because otherwise what's to stop me from just getting my hands on a bunch of ballots And just sitting down and just filling out ten of them Yeah because of the notary ballots stamping it I don't really love mail in ballots at all I think we've talked about this before I think just no mail in is probably just the best I agree with you I agree with you that it would be best to just get rid of it But I'm saying if you're gonna have it Require it to be notarized Obviously getting rid of it is better Because like oh we gotta have an absentee ballot because people are gone Yeah but for every Republican that's gone there's gonna be a Democrat that's gone It's probably just gonna kind of balance out anyway You know so I agree with you Get rid of the absentee ballots Get rid of the mail in ballots But if you're gonna have the mail in ballot At least if you had to get it notarized that would cut down on a lot of fraud And again I'm just for putting up as many obstacles as possible to voting Like the harder it is to vote the better the results gonna be Because then it would be people who actually care And that actually have thought about things and whatever You know so making the polling places be a little further away You gotta pay a little bit of money You know the more obstacles the better as far as I'm concerned I agree but to some degree like I think people would argue about feudalism If you started getting like really really stringent on like all the different requirements of Only the sophisticated educated Here's one that turned it all feudal Yeah but here's the thing If we didn't have like an economic just disaster And high interest rates and whatever Most people could probably afford buying a property If they were you know trying if they wanted to or tried to And to me if you have these requirements Number one only men make sense Because only men should be required to go to war To be drafted or put on the front line So they have to make decisions that affect them directly Additionally by being able to read and write You know those who are gonna basically uphold society Those who are gonna actually take care of legal things and medical things Whatever they have to be able to read and write They need to be able to have a vested interest And those who land owning you know whatever laws are passed Are gonna affect them more directly Than people that may be just migrating traveling through So journeying not owning any kind of property So to me like all of those things have a direct attachment to Why they should have a greater opportunity to vote Or like they have the reason to vote Because these things directly affect them And then it makes people you know if they really want to change something Hey I need to own property I need to educate myself And you know again I think we still have a large electorate We still have a large group of people voting But we still have a lot less than we do today And so we wouldn't have to worry about it taking so long You know we should be able to count all the ballots on the day that it happens One day paper ballot Count the ballots And you know I think that when people have a They don't feel disenfranchised Like I just feel disenfranchised in general From voting and I feel like it doesn't really matter I don't have much of a say These things aren't that important And I think when you give men back the power And talk about being against feminism When you give back men the power to rule our country and our nation Like I think that we could see some dramatic differences I think abortion wouldn't even be legal anywhere I think that abortion would probably be illegal across our country I think that we wouldn't jump into wars the way that we are And I think that the economic policies would be more favorable to business owners And just general economic prosperity as a nation When those who own that property are the ones that are having to deal with this Again you know with the Bible system you have Jubilee Which always resets things And kind of affords people to have like a starting chance again And we don't have that in America But we do have regulations right Supposedly you're supposed to break up monopolies You're supposed to put some kind of limits Like Google shouldn't be able to own YouTube And you know certain technologies that get really tightly coupled Like Apple has its phone Apple has its software Apple has the app store And it's all locked down And you're kind of forced to use all their software Their technology, their device And that really causes these horrible monopolies That stop entrepreneurship If Apple was And I've seen there's lawsuits out there to stop Apple from preventing creators From having their own apps on an iPhone That they could then create apps and put them on the phone Because right now it's locked into the app store And then the app store charges like 30% Or something like that And so again you start getting these monopolies Where wealth just gets really disproportionately Put in the hands of certain small groups of people I don't think that You know just by making the voting class Being just land owning in general That that would necessarily create as bad of a feudal system As maybe we've had in Europe Or in other parts of the world historically I do think that it's pretty reasonable And maybe the government could have buying assistance programs And different things like that To help people buy a small property to get started But you know I just think in general I agree with you that the requirement Like to let just these 18 year old girls Who don't even know anything To go in there and vote for our nation They may not even be able to read and write It's just kind of insane And we see that they don't know what they're doing Yeah here's the bottom line It's just that if every single person in America voted Then Kamala Harris would for sure win You know it's just kind of the way it is Let's put some of the elections I don't know if we can put Yeah put that on the screen The less people vote It usually goes better for conservatives You know what I mean High turnout is typically for the liberals Excuse me not president Wow Pastor Anderson I wish President Anderson Did you write him in? Did you vote today and write in President Anderson? We've had a long day folks I'm gonna botch a lot over the next couple of hours here You're gonna have to bear with me Pastor Anderson I'm curious with that statement you just made So in your mind then Most of America leans left? Yes I believe so I think that there are more liberals And more democrats in general That I think that more republicans Tend to actually get out and do the voting And so that's Well just to kind of support what I'm saying Whenever you look at who is pushing these like High turnout things like We gotta get people out voting and stuff It's usually paid for always by a liberal cause Or a left wing cause you know Just yesterday I saw a sign talking about it Like hey you need to vote And don't be this guy who stays home whatever And it's like paid for by And it was some super liberal super left wing cause And it almost always is Whenever there's a push to just Hey it doesn't matter who you vote for But just get out there and vote It's usually a left wing push Because of the fact that if everyone votes It's gonna go more left Because the liberals in general Left wing people in general Are probably less likely To actually get out there and do it Cause there's a lot of like derelicts and stuff That just aren't even gonna get down there You know what I mean Obviously there are responsible people and derelicts on both sides But I'm saying in general When there's a low turnout It's better for conservatives There's a high turnout It's better for liberals Because I do think that the general population Leans more left Than the actual number of people who vote I agree with you wholeheartedly I just think that the republican party is no longer republican And so that may not be completely true Because to me like Donald Trump Is a democrat Like if I were to really just look at his policies His positioning himself Like the things that he stands for He seems like a democrat And really the left is just like extreme So I think that Donald Trump is appealing to a lot Broader base of independents And maybe even a few democrats Than would normally be the case And I think that's why he's so dangerous To those in power Those in control The democratic position and party Because they in general Have counted on a lot of these people voting for them That Donald Trump is appealing to Because he has such liberal policies I know your best friend James White He made this comment And I actually liked it though He said that Typically towards the end of an election You see both candidates moving towards the middle Because they're trying to get those like independent voters At the last moment And they're kind of like Maybe pandering the other side Coming back a little bit And it seemed like the democrats weren't doing that at all It seemed like they were just like even getting more extreme More weird And whereas Trump was getting much more liberal Are you talking about in this election? Yeah in this election It seemed like Trump was getting way more liberal I thought I've been hearing It seemed like Because I don't really follow politics admittedly But the one thing I did do Was I believe that I watched part of the debate Between Trump and Kamala Harris That happened a while back And it seemed like she was trying to say a lot of conservative things And it seemed like a lot of the ads That were coming up on my YouTube and stuff No that's probably true Because she copied a couple of his positions Yeah she was like copying a lot of his positions And then it seemed like she was saying a lot of things About how like She's not going to raise taxes And how like She's going to support the middle class And all this kind of stuff I don't know It just it sounded like There was a lot of you know conservative sounding stuff Coming out of her mouth So I think that she probably was doing that But you know what One of the things that I talked about in my sermon I think it was this Sunday morning Was just the Orwellian signs All over Phoenix Which was kind of annoying to me Where there were just so many signs Where it's like Democrats for Trump Republicans for Harris And it was just so weird I'm trying to remember what the other Orwellian signs were But it was all these kind of backward things Oh yeah the other one that I thought was funny Was like It's a picture of Kamala Harris And it's saying like A new way forward And I'm thinking like You're the incumbent Like you're the vice president Right now And your party is in power in the White House So how is voting for the party that's already in power How is that a new way forward It just seemed like all the advertisements Were like the opposite of reality Like conservatives or for Harris And liberals or for Trump And Kamala is the new way forward It's just like weird advertising Well just to give everybody a recap Because I know you're wanting to know a little bit about the election I'm on the apnews.com And they have Essentially just kind of this map of the United States They say that so far They've kind of ruled That 99 electoral college votes have been secured for Kamala 177 for Trump And here's kind of some of the breakdown Of course they've already given Actually if you go down here to this list It kind of tells you which states but Indiana for Trump Kentucky for Trump South Carolina for Trump Vermont for Harris Ohio they've already given it to Trump West Virginia to Trump Alabama None of this is shocking Yeah most of this is pretty respected Florida used to be Florida used to swing back and forth Now it's a solid red state Yeah Connecticut for Harris Delaware for Harris Florida Ohio is not a swing state It has been historically It's gone Trump for This is the third time in a row now So they only have 58% of the votes counted But they already have almost like Nine points ahead It's been called Texas was called too by the way Yeah Oh shocker Texas was called That map that you just showed a second ago It's interesting how when you actually look at A map of an individual state How like Almost all counties will be Republican And then it's only the big cities That are liberal You know like when you look at Illinois Yeah rural areas are not liberal Yeah like when you look at Illinois It's already been called for Harris But that's probably mainly just driven by Chicago You know and if you look at California For example You know yeah you have the liberal big cities But then there are just so many counties That are just all gonna be Republican Yeah obviously the California results aren't in yet But you just popped up one state Or other and it was just like all red Except a couple of Counties that were the big cities Oh yeah we can look at Illinois Well and here's the thing That almost signifies Again my idea of land owning Think about how many people in Chicago Don't own anything And think about all these rural people Owning all this land It would totally shift How things work But You know I mean And in a lot of ways that people would be like Oh I don't want to be ruled over by A bunch of rich oligarchs or something But you know again Tons of people own just a small Little piece of land somewhere randomly And Again I'm not saying that's a perfect system I'm just saying I think that it makes sense And I think that it would be way better than what happens Let's say that I didn't own land So that I'm like Oh this isn't fair Because I don't have to vote Because I don't own a house You know I'm not a homeowner And only homeowners are allowed to vote or whatever But here's the thing I wouldn't really feel that way As long as the outcome's going the way that I want it to go Right I wouldn't just be like I want to do it I want to get to do it Like a little kid or something That they want to Pour the sugar into the recipe That mom's making or something You know what I mean Once you become an adult You're just like I don't care who pours the ingredients into the bowl I just want to eat the cookies when they come out of the oven You know Whereas like a little kid I gotta do it I want to do it So at the end of the day I wouldn't care if I were not allowed to vote As long as the right government's being put in As long as people are being put in And I will say this You know The American system Has obviously been super successful I mean I believe that America is the greatest country That has ever existed in the history of planet Earth In any period You know I think that America's success is unprecedented And the fact that it's You know Lasted For What almost 250 years now Using pretty much the same constitution I think that the problems that we're having right now Is not necessarily the constitution It's more the way it's being interpreted The way it's being executed The way it's being violated And you know Some of the amendments That have come about later I think that the original system Was and still is a great system And there's a lot of good things to be said for Back to what I was saying earlier about the whole voter turnout thing You know what I see happening in the future Is that it all becoming electronic And you don't even go to a polling place It's just It's just an app It's just an app on your phone It's bad though It needs to be paper And if it's that easy Where you're just doing it from your phone Doing it from your computer Even if you like the fraud factor And just say that there's a way To just make it totally secure and encrypted And it's for sure fair And people from both sides are monitoring it Blah blah blah Even if you take out the cheating factor Just making it that easy Where some slob can just kind of roll over And just kind of belch And just kind of push a button on his phone To vote You know Is going to make it go more liberal Than if you have to actually like Drive somewhere Or walk somewhere And show up on a certain day At a certain time And you have to be sober And awake And coherent You know That's going to make it more Conservative The harder it is to vote Yeah I'm looking at some of these comments Let's just do a poll We'll just do a poll On my suggestion Trade selector asked a question about your suggestion Yeah I'm going to answer We got some questions in here Number one They said The largest farm owner in the United States Has been to Epstein Island 34 times I'm talking about Bill Gates But see here's the thing Bill Gates could own A hundred acres Or a hundred I'm sorry Way more than that You know A million acres Or something like that And he's still only Excuse me One vote Whereas One person owns just a small portion of land And they still get the same vote And so it's not necessarily Just going to go in the favor Of just all these rich people And you know You could see like these rich people Trying to buy land For all their buddies Or something like that You know This small little tiny part of the land To like really rig this election Or something But I mean for the most part I think it's It's a decent idea I'm not saying that it's perfect Maybe there's some way to To get around it But Maybe we can just Owning land Or owning property You just mean like If somebody just owns a house Yeah That's enough There's some dirt attached You could own a condo Yeah You could own a little condo You could own a house You could own a town home You could own anything You could have property And just have a trailer on it You could just own a piece of land With literally nothing It could be raw land It's just that Yeah It's just It's just showing this person Has a vested interest In That particular area And maybe Maybe to qualify it Maybe it would be That you own land That's your primary dwelling So then maybe it's You know You have to basically Live on the property Yeah I think my twenty dollar Poll tax is just Way simpler And Kind of Almost the same thing I just don't see that I just don't really like it Personally But Can Let me see It's up to twenty bucks man Well I just I think that they're gonna Just have all these like Sucker bucks Or whatever Giving money to all these people In the poor neighborhoods To go Run and vote And it wouldn't Okay fine It wouldn't change anything Necessarily Okay well then Okay then It's gotta be a hundred bucks A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred A hundred I mean I think I can Read and own land Like I probably would Vote every single time Well I Ironically I'll only vote if I have to pay to do it That's That's hilarious Just make it a million Dollars No I mean Look it's not about being rich It's just It's just My point is You would have to actually Care Yeah You're weeding out idiots You're weeding out People who are just Complete Dare lakes Who don't care Or aren't paying But even so if you could just get rid of the stupid mail-in ballots, that would fix a lot. Or at least make it to where you have to get it notarized. Because anybody who really wants to vote could take it down and get it notarized. Really, almost anything would make an improvement because I'm pretty sure California had passed a law recently saying you don't even have to ask for ID now. If they just show up, they're a warm body, you can just get them to vote. You can't even ask them for ID. I mean, almost anything would make sense more than what we're doing right now. I know that a lot of mail-in ballots, you're supposed to do a signature match. And that makes sense. You go down to register, you sign, and then when you vote, your signature has to match that signature that's on file. And they have so much checking out. Is anybody even checking out? One theory, yeah. They're supposed to be doing signature matching. So what they do is they have, it comes on the screen and they have a Republican and a Democrat on both sides, and then they have the poll worker, and then they all have to agree. And then when they agree, then it just, it gets counted. So in theory, that's what's happening. But last cycle, they were saying that they were kicking the Republicans out, so then there was only a Democrat and a poll worker watching, and then they just did mass approvals of just like, they were just doing signature match, and they said they had something crazy, like 1,000 that they had approved in a matter of like 20 minutes or something like this, or they were approving like 1,000 per 20 minutes, so they're like, so this means that they were looking at the screen for less than one second every single time, and it was just like, it was pretty obvious that they were showing how they were just clicking through, through, through, through, through in the middle of the night when they brought in all these ballots that didn't match any of the signatures, and they even had like the exact same signature for every single one of the ballots or something like that. So I mean, where there's a will, there's a way. I mean, if you wanna cheat, you're gonna cheat. I mean, I don't really know. Well, so I was looking at the, I was looking at these results that are coming in, like the states that have been called or where the leads are or whatever, and then what I was doing is I was kinda comparing it to like the 2020 map, because I guess what you're looking for is things that change between 2020 and 2024, and so it looks like back in 2020, Biden won in Virginia and Georgia, but right now it's showing that Trump is ahead in Virginia and Georgia. They called Virginia for Harris. For whom? Oh, okay, so scratch that then. They are called, yeah. I guess I must be looking at something, I must be looking at something that's outdated then. Who's they? Because I'm just on, I'm on Google, and it shows it as Trump. I'm on the Associated Press. Jews, maybe, I don't know. But are you, Ben, where are you getting your information? Because I'm looking at the Associated Press thing. We're trying to fact check you and we're struggling. I saw it on X. Well, because I'm showing that Virginia is showing a lead for Trump as well as Georgia, but you know. Let me see, maybe I'm wrong. Let me fact check myself. The Associated Press has 50% of the votes counted. Trump's up 2%, approximately. Like 1.9, it looks like. Were you talking about the popular vote? No, I'm talking about Virginia specifically. Oh, oh, I'm sorry, Virginia. Oh, yeah, yeah, I see. I'm sorry, I wasn't looking at the screen. I refreshed the page. I'm not sure, I mean, maybe the Associated Press is behind on the data, but. Oh, yeah, maybe I was wrong. Yeah, I'm looking at the same data that you are with the Shelley, so. I mean, as much as I can understand it, it seems like, and it's weird to say, but it seems like Pennsylvania is the deciding state. So whatever happens with Pennsylvania. I mean, is that really true? I thought that's just a super liberal state. It is. Well, it's kind of like a toss-up, but I mean. Well, hold on, so Trump won in 2016. Yes, he won in 16. And then they stole it from him. Did he do Pennsylvania? He lost Pennsylvania in 2020. But he did get it in 2016? He got it in 16. So as far as I can understand, Pennsylvania is one of the most important. I'm not saying that it's for sure a guaranteed lock-in, but I think that it's probably one of the most. Looks like we got another guy joining us this evening, Brother Dylan Oz from Oklahoma, the red state. Hey, Brother Oz, how's it going? Can we bring him on? Oh, we can't hear you yet. Hey, I apologize, I gave false information earlier about Virginia, I apologize. We're having McDonald's difficulties, and so just wait just one more moment. My crew will let me know. Brother Oz is gonna join us, though, from Oklahoma. He personally voted for every Republican. No, I'm just kidding, I don't know. I'm just making stuff up. Oklahoma went for Trump in a real shocking result. So did Texas. Yeah. What is that? I'm not sure. Well, it's funny, in every election that I've paid attention to, Texas, when the results start coming in, starts out really light blue and everyone panics, and then as more votes come in, then it turns red. Hey, Brother Oz, can you hear us? Yes, I can, good to see you all. Thanks for joining, how's it going? It's going good, just absolutely shocking that Oklahoma is red. We're just talking about that. It's just mind-blowing. Now, what is your prediction for this evening? As we have people on the show, I wanna kinda just get an early forecast. What are your thoughts, what's gonna happen? You know, I'll be honest, the last two or three months, I really have not followed this at all, but if I just had to guess, just kinda the sickening feeling in my gut, I feel like the communist whore will become the next president. Not that I want that, but it seems like that's the way our country's going, and so that certainly would not surprise me one bit. This is obviously the best live stream for election coverage. When we ask our guests and they're like, I don't follow anything before the election, I don't care at all whatsoever. It's like all of our guests. My wife compared this to a cooking show by men who don't cook. Yeah, that's what's happened, because I personally will also say I've paid zero attention to any of this, especially for the last few months. I don't know what's going on politically, so this is great. I'm gonna say the opposite of Dylan. I'm predicting a Trump victory. There we go, all right, so we got some spicings. Now, I'm gonna put Dylan on the hot seat here for a moment. I'm saying Trump as well. All right, Dylan, I'm gonna give you a test here. We're gonna change our election laws. One side, you have to pay $20 to vote. That's the change. The other change is it's only men land-owning people who can read and write. You have to pick. Which election change are you gonna make? Clearly, you have to be the white slave-owning, no, I'm just kidding. Honestly, I don't have super strong feelings about that. I do know a lot of really smart, intelligent, godly people that aren't land owners that I feel like would give better contributions to our country, even though they're not land owners, and the 20 bucks seems like an easier bar of entry for them. So I would probably lean more towards that direction, but just anything making it more difficult to vote for everybody in general, I'm for, for sure. It's just so easy to have people turn on you, Ben. You know, I'm just telling you what, no, just kidding. We should do a hybrid, we should do a hybrid where it's the men who can read and write, and they gotta pay 20 bucks. Okay. And then we get rid of the home ownership. So we're substituting land ownership for a 20 dollar fee. The men who can read and write is for sure, yeah. I can at least compromise. I'm okay with that. I would still say I kinda lean in my direction, but if it's just men who can read and write and it's 20 bucks, I would sign up for that right. Yeah, I thought it was men on both sides of this already. I thought that was a given, men on both sides that could read and write. That was not. That just seems obvious. Is it? Is it a given? That was not the part of the arrangement, but that's fine. Oh, okay. I assumed that. Ben, where are you at? This Middle Easterner, you know. I just, whatever solution leads to a left as never winning an election ever again, I'm fine with. I don't know what that, I don't, that's like a non-answer. Just whatever solution leads to no Democrat president ever happening again, I'm fine with that. Yeah, see, this is why I'm going back to my landowning because Ben doesn't own land and I don't like how he just couldn't make a decision there, so. You know, I did see a video that was really interesting. It was Owen Schroyer of Infowars and he was on a college campus where he was just interviewing Gen Z women and they were just saying that their only reason for voting was for abortion. And I even hear this amongst my coworkers, amongst blue collar men that like men should never be deciding, you know, laws about a woman's body. And I'm just thinking like, what if I told you every law virtually that exists is telling you what you can and cannot do with your body, including the speed limit, including voting laws. It's like, it's just such a stupid thing. Yeah, obviously it's brain dead nonsense. It's not even their body though, that's the biggest problem. Exactly, my speed, my choice, my speed, my choice. It's not their body and every law regulates what you do with your body. It's just so stupid. My gun, my choice. I'll give you a real answer. In my mind, if you own land, you have, there's a lot more on the line for you and it does seem kind of unfair for somebody who's a landowner to have policy that impacts them directly, that they have no control over because a whole bunch of other people are voting that have a lot less in the game. So I would probably lean in the direction of being a male landowner, which would disqualify me, but I don't care, that's not an issue for me. So that's probably where I lean. Yeah, but I mean, I like Pastor Anderson's point on this because here's the thing, some people are disqualified in the sense of like, not everybody could be a pastor, but we all like having some standards because then just not any Yahoo. So just, there's a lot of people that may never be a pastor that still like there's some kind of a standard. So it could be like, there's a lot of men that like there being a standard for voting, even if you don't necessarily meet that requirement. I think a lot of women agree with the 19th Amendment being repealed, even though that would mean they literally don't get to vote they're like, hey, I don't think that women make good decisions. So, hey, Pastor Thompson, how's it going? Can you hear us? It's going good, yeah. Last time it was some technical difficulties and I apologize. I think you were on for a total of 30 seconds last time. Yeah, we had like a whole stream for 30 seconds. How's it going? It's going great. Yeah, I just got into Tempe. So Scott settled into the hotel and decided to jump on. So everybody so far has admitted at least once that they pay no attention to politics, haven't really been emotionally invested up to this point. Maybe you can break that streak for us, Pastor Thompson. What do you think? Have you really been involved emotionally looking at this, really cared a lot about this election thus far? Well, it depends if I pay attention or not. If I'm paying attention, I kinda, I do get a little bit sucked in. I'll admit it sometimes that it's hard because obviously I don't want some horror from Babylon, literally Babylon running our country. But at the same time, Orange Jesus isn't really gonna, you know, help us out too much either. So my brother. Wow. We need a savior, folks. My brother calls him, but I mean, obviously he's like one of the most prideful people ever. And you know, the Republican party is way different than it used to be. I mean, you got Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off and you know, Kid Rock coming out, looking geriatric on the stage. And it's just, you know, the days of Ronald Reagan, I mean, even Ronald Reagan was kind of out there back in the eighties, you know, you guys are a little bit younger than I am, but I remember, I still remember Ronald Reagan, you know, the days of Ronald Reagan and things were a lot more mellow. I remember Don Rickles coming out and doing comedy sets and you know, things have just changed a lot since back then. That's a good point. Cause Donald Reagan is saying, as pious drudges, I'm gonna miss this quote now all of a sudden, as pious drudges, something about King James. I know, no, no, I wanna get this quote here, but. Should be the King James, not modern versions. Well, it says, man, I wish I, I lost. Just pull up Preserve Bible. I'll pull it up here just a second. But it's like, they're trying to find it. It's like, it will not dawn on them that it has already been gone. So he's advocating for the King James over the critical text. Whereas he asked Donald Trump a question. He says, I've never asked God for forgiveness. I love, what Bible verse do you like? I guess I like them all. My favorite Bible is two Corinthians. So obviously there's been a denigration of society. And so it's kind of frustrating to see, you know, again, some people say like, well, at least he gives lip service to Jesus, but it's hard to even count that as lip service at this point. I mean, I don't know. I like some of Pastor Anderson's preaching from, I mean, a long time. I think it's like 2016 about Donald Trump and basically making it clear he wasn't gonna vote for him back then. I don't know what's changed. I don't think he's gotten more godly. I like the old Pastor Anderson. Yeah, that's who I like. I like the old Pastor Anderson. Yeah, I've never heard that before. No, I'm just kidding. You know, back to the abortion thing though, one thing I wanted to say was I saw this ad yesterday and it was this guy, he's like, I'm 42 years old and I'm voting for Kamala Harris because I want my daughter to have the right to choose. Like think about how weird that is for a second. The guy's literally saying like, I really want my daughter to have sex with some random dude and just kill the baby. So I'm voting for Kamala. Like, I don't know who she's gonna have sex with but I just want her to be able to kill the baby. Like how does a dad- Kill my grandchild, yeah. Like a dad is looking at his daughter saying like, I want her to be able to kill my grandchild. It's bizarre. So a man who votes for Kamala, what is that, like a faggot or something? What do you guys think? What is this, what's the demographic that's actually going out and voting for Kamala Harris? It's fags, effeminates, and feminists. It's one of those three- Fags, effeminates, and feminists. Yeah, that seems- Take me off the beginning of effeminate. So it's just like fags, feminites, and feminists. Got to literate that sucker. Yeah. Her husband was wearing a jacket. Her husband was wearing a jacket that said second gentleman on his coat. Like when he was doing that interview, it's like, oh, come on, man. It looks like we got some more West Coast representation now. Pastor Mejia joined us. How's it going, Pastor Mejia? Good, how are you guys doing? Great, good to see you. Did you get some McDonald's or what? I'm on a cut right now, so I can't. Of course. I shall send a wicked theme before mine eyes right now. I covered that McDonald's, though. I've been trying to get some early predictions here. We've got varying opinions here. What do you think's gonna happen in this election? Do you have any strong feelings? Do you have any kind of inkling of what you think's gonna end up transpiring? No. Not really. I mean, obviously, I guess you could say, in my flesh, I would want Trump to be the president because of the fact that I hate Kamala, and Kamala would be the cherry on top as far as the judgment of God upon our nation is concerned, and we would basically be like Mexico, who also has a woman president. And so, in my flesh, that's what I would want, but honestly, I don't really care. But also in my flesh, I guess you could say, I would want Kamala to win just so God's people can stop placing their faith in the White House and actually get right with God, and they get serious about the things of God. And then I have a lot of sermon material to preach on if she becomes president. So Pastor Mejia, you look like you're about ready to go to court and file a suit on behalf of Trump for election fraud. Oh, man. It was the election, so I figured I would wear the Republican pastor type of outfit on. I feel like he looks more like the enforcement. He's kind of his LA branch of the mafia or something. I'm the West Coast enforcer, yeah. There we go. He's the party whip. By the way, thanks for having me on the podcast that everyone is actually talking about. Well, you gotta have- Especially a few weeks ago. You gotta have the Baptist bias to wanna watch our show. We got lots of Baptists in the show. This is all I wanna say about that. It doesn't matter. We could caveat the crap out of something for like 10 straight minutes, and we'll still get heat for it. It doesn't matter. Maybe we should just stop doing that. Well, this is the show that, it's not a fourth sermon of the week, and so I think I get a lot of interesting criticism for some of the things that we do, but I apparently will invite anyone on my show, as evidenced by the group that we have assembled this evening, and so there you go. No, I- It's the motley crew. It's the motley crew. So what do you think, this is for all of you guys, what do you think would be some of the consequences if Kamala won? It could be spiritual consequences, carnal consequences. What do you guys think? I think all the wives throughout the kingdom will be emboldened against their husband. I agree with that. Yeah, it rewards whoredom. I mean, she is a literal whore that slept her way to whatever position she's in, and I think it just screams like feminism is successful, feminism rewards you, you can be a whore, and it does not stop you from achieving any goal, but obviously she's a giant puppet. No one voted for her. She didn't win the Democratic nomination. As far as her party, the Democratic party didn't vote her in and nominate her, and so she's a glorified puppet, which I think would signal to America how fake our government is, how bad it is, and this is what I would want to know. Can Baptists finally admit we're being cursed by God? They always want to say that we're so blessed and everything's so great, but when you have a woman president, at what point can you finally admit, okay, God must be mad at us, we're doing something wrong as a nation? So I don't know, I think that that's to me the biggest message, is just like, we're cursed of God. I will say- It's Deborah, it's Deborah. Yeah, it's judgment. It's your first day for revival. We have Deborah, we're on our last chance. Ben, give us some thoughts here. Well, I would say that one positive, and Pastor Mejia already brought this up, is you probably will see more Christians perhaps decide to take the things of God more seriously because there is no hope in the White House at that point at all with Kamala Harris in there. Additionally, I think you would see the LGBT agenda advanced even further, although of course the argument can be made that's gonna happen regardless since Donald Trump is not at all anti-fag whatsoever, but I think you're gonna see that happen, you're gonna see feminists emboldened, et cetera. It would be worse for sure, but you're gonna see a lot of reprobates and satanic people glorying and really happy and excited and celebrating, but the positive is you might see some Christians actually, like I said, take the spiritual warfare more seriously because there is no hope politically at that point. Yeah, I think one of the things that I'm concerned about that really has been terrible under this current administration is the weaponization of the criminal justice system, and that is one thing that I think will continue to get worse if she does become president because it just seems like the Democrats have no shame in persecuting people based off their religion or political views, whereas I feel like at least Trump, though he is a sleazy person, it seems like he's not really willing to stoop that low to use power to even prosecute someone like Hillary Clinton, which he could have done. So I think that's one thing that could affect Christians and just regular Americans in general in a really negative way if she wins. Yeah, not to mention the saber-rattling with Russia. Who knows from a foreign policy perspective what kind of wars we end up getting sucked into. There's a lot of negatives, obviously. So as- Yeah, I think you made a great point, Pastor Shelley, about the fact that she's a literal whore because she literally was appointed to her first political position by sleeping with a married man that was like 20-some years older than her or whatever. And so it kind of sends a message to little girls all over America, like, hey, you can be whatever you want. You can even be the president of the United States. You just have to perform lewd acts to get there. Because think about it, if Kamala gets elected, she's the first female president. Like somebody, if we ever have a female president, somebody's gonna be the first. And just think about how sick it is that the first female president literally got there by performing sex acts for an old man who was married to someone else. It's just this gross whore. And it kind of sends a message that that's how you succeed. And there's already so much propaganda out there of like, oh, you can just make porno from home and have your little OnlyFans account or whatever. I mean, there's already all this crap out there trying to get girls to basically weaponize their virtue and their bodies and everything like that. And it just sends such a disgusting message that you can succeed and literally get to the highest office in the land and succeed and prosper through being a literal whore. I mean, what a role model for girls, huh? And a stupid one at that. Well, and you got the Disney princesses being whores is kind of like a precursor to this, but she's way worse than anything that we've seen before. You know, again, I think that our country doesn't really deserve grace or a righteous leader considering how bad our country is as a whole. But at the same time, I don't want that. I don't wish that on our nation. I'm not gonna wish that we're cursed. I think that even you could see Jeremiah and the Apostle Paul wanting the best for their nation even when they're at a really bad low. But unfortunately, a couple of times, God's like, hey, don't pray for this nation anymore. Or he's kind of like, hey, don't even wish for their good anymore because they're just so bad. And I'm wondering, could it get to a point, and I'm kind of curious what you guys' thoughts are, could it get to a point where God's almost like saying, don't even pray for the good of America anymore? Or do you think that that's a pretty black-pilled viewpoint? What do you think, Pastor Thompson? Sorry, what was the question? Could America get so big? Could America get to a point? Yeah, he's already so black-pilled on America. He's like, I don't even care. I'm just kind of curious, like, do you think? It's like the kid not paying attention in class. You're like, Pastor Thompson, what do you think about that? I'm sorry. Do you think that America could get so bad that God would say, like, we shouldn't even pray for his good anymore, kind of like he did with other nations in history? Yeah, I mean, we're kind of pretty close to being there, honestly. I mean, obviously, we got a lot of Bible-believing, even the ones that are quote-unquote Bible-believing, a lot of them are super weak. And they're harder preaching about the election than they are about the things that actually matter, like soul-winning and where are they at when all the queers are taking over? They're like, oh, you should love them and invite them into your church and let them use your bathroom and whatever. And where are they when we're going through all these fights? They're just quiet and we're mean. And it really is true that the church house is where everything needs to go down. That's where everything needs, the grassroots needs to really start. And all across the nation, all over Facebook, all over social media, the biggest Baptist in the country, all they're talking about is the election. They're not talking about what really needs to be talked about, like getting this country back on track through winning this country back to Christ. Yeah, I mean, I saw a lot of Twitter posts where they were saying, if your pastor didn't preach on the importance of voting for Trump, then you're not in a real church. Like, I saw numerous posts like this and I'm just thinking, like, I thought that, you know, the Bible's what changed our nation. I saw a guy that was local that I was just interested. I listened to one of his sermons. He has a smaller church, Independent Baptist. And I really appreciate his message because he was saying, like, I don't care what happens in this election, like, we need, if we wanna have real revival, it's not through Trump or Kamala. Obviously, he wasn't advocating for Kamala at all, but he's just saying it's not through Trump. It's through the King James Bible. It's through, like, soul winning. It's through getting back into church. Like, that's what's gonna change this country, not some particular president or some kind of government. And I think that's the right message. I think that's what Independent Baptist should be preaching is something along those lines. I am kind of curious, though, with my previous question, Pastor Mejia, what do you think about, do you think America could get to a point where God doesn't even want us to pray for its good anymore? What are kind of your thoughts there? I think that as long as there is, there are godly churches in America, there's always some hope for souls and for the reformation of the minds of the people. And I think there's always gonna be churches in America. I think Christians are always gonna be there, obviously, at different spiritual levels and things of that nature. But I do believe that there's always gonna be a soul winning church in America. And as long as there are a handful of them, that can possibly stay the hand of judgment upon America. And so I pray for individual people. I pray for the people of America. I'm not a hater of America. I'm a hater of the leaders of America. But I love the people, the individuals, and I want them to be saved. And I think we're a blessed country. It's a blessed nation that has tons of fundamental Baptist churches. And obviously, the vast majority of them right now are just kind of placing their hope in the White House. And they're just kind of like gun hole about Trump and everything. And I had a conversation at the gym with this guy, and he's not a Baptist pastor, but he's a pastor. And he's kind of freaking out over the whole thing. And he came to me and he's like, tonight's the night. This is really gonna do it. We're gonna find out. And I just told him, I said, I'm gonna be soul winning tonight, and I'm gonna be preaching the gospel tonight. And it doesn't matter what happens. God is on the throne, and we just need to make sure that we as Baptist pastors or as pastors as Christians, we just keep serving God and preaching righteousness. And we can create our little Goshen no matter where we're at in the country, where we can avoid the judgment of God upon our particular area. But as far as like the nation is concerned, I believe we can still pray for individuals to be saved. And it doesn't really matter what leader say. I'm looking to change the minds of the individuals in my sphere of influence and in my state, in my city. And I still think that's possible. Yeah, I think one thing to comment on what you said is the fact that if America were to go down, and again, not to say that we're the only ones doing something for God, but since we kind of have some of the best churches and the best movements as far as missions programs, it would be kind of like what's the hope for the world then? Because I don't really see a lot of other nations, a lot of other areas reaching people with the gospel in the same way with the same level of impact as America. And so it seems like a giant light would be being put out if Christianity fell in America. And I think that it's probably necessary that American churches continue to push through whatever persecution and difficulty, even if our country did fall to communism or some horrible evil, that we still try to do the best to shine our light, because if our light goes out, I mean, it's gonna be pretty dark world. Brother Oz, what do you think about the hope for America? I know you live in Oklahoma, so you only see red, but you probably are in the heartland of Trump country, really. Yeah, that's for sure. But I mean, you'd be surprised. I've heard a lot of people that are regular blue-colored workers that are Kamala voters. It's been kind of surprising, but could America get to that point where God wouldn't want us to pray for it? Sure, I guess it could. I personally don't think that it's anywhere close to that right now, because when you look at the news and social media, it's usually just highlighting the worst things about our country. You know, the social media algorithms aren't full of videos of sermons and people getting saved and good things happening in America. But overall, I still think that this is the best country in the world and that it has the most saved preachers, the most soul winners, the most good churches. And overall, I still think that this is a great country. And of course, what is a nation? It's just a group of individuals, right? So when you think about the concept of praying for the nation, I'm praying for people in the nation. When it comes to praying for government, I'm just praying that we could live a quiet and peaceful life. That's about as much as I pray for the government. But I still think that there is a lot of hope for this country spiritually. Sure, we may not be government-wise back to everywhere we were, but I do think that our country still can do great works for God. And I've been to many other countries and traveled the world, and though I love those times and I've had great experiences in many different places, every time I go somewhere else, I am thankful that I live here and that I was born in America. And so I think a lot of people are total spoiled brats when it comes to being thankful for the things that we have. So there's still hope. We just have to keep doing our due diligence to preach the Word of God. Because here's the thing, when it comes to voting, I'm not against voting. I don't think it's wrong. But really, the greatest vote you can do as a Christian is every day waking up, reading your Bible, going soul-winning, going to church, preaching the Word of God. You're voting by doing all of those things. I think that's gonna have the biggest impact on the country. Pastor Anderson, what are your thoughts on America? You know, are you praying for it's good? What is kind of your outlook for the future? I mean, I stopped praying for God to bless America like a really long time ago. Like it already crossed my red line a long time ago. But in one sense, you know, the Bible tells us to pray for all men. So I mean, I'm praying for just people in general, just praying for people to be saved, praying for the work of Christ to go forward. I'm definitely praying for churches. I'm praying for God's people to be blessed. I don't specifically lift up America in prayer just because I feel like America has crossed some lines. And I just decided a long time ago that when they crossed certain lines, I was done praying for the country as such. But I will say this, America is obviously still being greatly used by God as far as soul winning churches, missionaries. You know, there are just a lot of great things going on. So I don't have a negative feeling about the way things are going. And at the end of the day, none of us really knows where life is gonna take us or what the future holds. We can't predict, like none of us predicted like the whole COVID thing. That was a weird thing that happened. And a lot of unprecedented things happened. So none of us really knows what's gonna happen. And so at the end of the day, no matter what happens politically, no matter what happens with natural disasters or political things or wars or rumors of wars, you know, we're going to continue serving God and we're gonna move forward and we're gonna push through. And so, you know, at the end of the day, nothing's gonna stop us from serving God. Like we're gonna keep preaching the gospel. We're gonna keep going soul winning no matter what. And, you know, I remember reading this sort of the Lord article like many years ago saying, you know, oh man, if Hillary gets elected, I think this was like 2016, if Hillary gets elected, churches might have to go underground. And it's just like, dude, you guys are already underground. Cause I don't hear you guys preaching hard publicly about the things that need to be preached. And so you're already halfway underground too already. And so the way I look at it is, you know, no matter what happens, the work of Christ is gonna go forward, you know? And I, even if it's just a Democrat president, Democrat Congress, Democrats in it, and some radical left-wing agenda goes forward, I personally can't see us getting arrested for preaching the gospel or preaching the whole Bible or preaching hard on sin or preaching it's a homos or anything. I can't see us getting arrested for that anytime in the next few decades. And so, you know, I don't, I don't think anything- You're saying it approaches me because when we were having to do hotel church at one point, we were so underground, we would email out our location just a few hours before church started on Sunday morning. And I was just like, just start driving and then we'll tell you where to go. Yeah, but you're still uploading it publicly to the internet. I know, I'm just kind of joking. But I mean, you know, I feel like I'm also hanging on by a thread because it's like if Rumble went down and X, like I have very few options as far as putting even information on the internet. I mean, God, everybody knows godresource.com is the best video streaming site on the internet. It needs Rumble. Email lists and godresource.com. What else do you need? That's right. That's it. Well, I haven't banned any uploader yet. So, you know, nor do I plan on ever doing that. But yeah, I want to give a quick update. I know some of our fans are interested in the election still and so I haven't pulled up on the AP. What's Pennsylvania, what's going on there? It's really close right now. It says- It's looking bad for Trump. 47% have been counted and it's 50% Trump, 49% Kamala. They're about 1.65 for Trump, 1.62 for Kamala. Now, if memory serves me correct, I mean, it was around 3 million for both last time. So I think we're, I think it's probably pretty similar numbers as to last year as far as what percentage that they're anticipating, 3.2. So there's still a long way to go. Plus, unfortunately, I think that a lot of times the bigger counties that have the more Democrat cities are the ones that report late. So it could get even closer. I was looking at- Pennsylvania's the big enchilada. Georgia's one that is kind of interesting in that case. It's gone red, looks like. Well, it is, but see, that's why I'm saying like, it's 81%, but if we click on it and we look at the actual state and you look at a lot of these red zones, notice it'll say like 99% have already been counted in these red areas. Whereas in these blue areas, it's like only 80%. And so that makes me feel like- Is there no data on California yet? Probably not, I don't think so. But it just means to me that the Georgia one's gonna just tighten over time. It's probably, it's around 220,000 votes ahead for Trump. And he has about 5% margin. But see, here's the thing, it's still pretty tight, pretty close. If I go to the 270 for the win, they don't really have any other data. They're not even really giving me any projections yet on this, so- 0.3% voted for Stein. That's Jacob and Jared there. Yeah, I'm sure. Well, back in 2020, it looks like Trump got a total of 232 and you need 270 to win, he got 232 and he's already got 198. So only 34 more and he would beat 2020. Is Oregon actually showing that? Yeah, but I think last cycle, if I remember correctly, he was around 320 by two in the morning and then it all shifted to the 230. So I think that he was literally winning almost every one of the swing states to a 320 or a 300. And then overnight, just all these quote mail-in ballots came in and- Mass dumping of big ballots happened. All of these ballots came in and it changed in Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I think all of those flipped overnight. And so it just like, it really dramatically changed it. Had those actually been called though or were they just leaning? No, nothing had been called. It was leaning. Just right now, I'm saying 198 votes have already been called for Trump. Yeah, but all of those were expected. Were they all expected? What are the swing states? So again, the swing states- Like Arizona, was Arizona expected? It's a swing state. Arizona hasn't been called yet. Yeah, so it's Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. And I think that this map on the 270, I'm gonna go back to it. This kind of gives us an idea. So you look at Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada. I think those are quote the swing states. And for the most part, Trump kind of has to have a Pennsylvania along with a couple others. He could, in theory, if he won like a Michigan or Wisconsin plus a lot of the others, could still potentially get over 270. But I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know if we're even gonna see a winner this evening. I don't know if they're just gonna drag this thing out. You're saying he hasn't really won a pivotal state yet? Nothing that was not expected has changed, yeah. There's really- Are you checking out Oregon? I wanna see what the heck's going on with Oregon that's showing red on that map. There's 0% counting. Yeah, there's only 1% reporting. It's just some small county somewhere. Some big town out in the middle of the world. Somewhere wherever you live. What? It's this county. It's a penalty. The audience turns Oregon. The penalty organ. That's all they count. Yeah. Just burns. Yeah, Portland went 100% for Trump. No, I'm just kidding. Wow. I don't think that's gonna happen. Yeah, Portland is boarding up all their businesses downtown today. I saw a video of that. Yeah, they are. That's a smart move. I'm sure Seattle's doing the same thing. Oklahoma City doesn't care, I'll tell you that. And what kind of people would protest? Maybe they should see. There's a movie, LGBT Terrace. You should go see it. It explains why certain people protest. They all live in Dallas, Texas. Do you remember in that film, there's a scene where we have a mug shot. Maybe we can get our production crew to find this. You could find this on Google. There's this mug shot collage. I don't know, maybe I can know. I wouldn't even be able to finish my dinner. It's like Antifa mug shots or something like this. And it definitely, yeah, here we go. Oh man, I'm gonna pull this up. You might shield your eyes. If you are weak in the stomach, then don't look. This is the mug shots of Antifa. We put some of these in our film. I don't even think it was necessarily this exact photo, but it was a similar one. And it's just like. The smiling, leering devils. This is the route that you go down. I think one of them is Leatherface. Alex Jones reference, for those of you who have no idea why the hell I'm saying that. Okay, I'll give that off the screen. It's safe to look again. It's the Alex Jones reference. He has this epic rant against Brian Stelter, so I was referring to that. Do we have any clips that we wanna watch? You had a couple. There's so many that we put in. I think you had put a couple in our chat. If there's one that you were thinking of, you could ask our production crew and we could watch one of those quick clips here. I'll let you tee that up. But I'm kinda curious too for our pastors here and everything that's going on. Is there something that you're gonna do different based on the presidential election? And I'm just kinda asking, do you think you'll be a little bit more conservative financially if Harris wins? Do you think that you may do any? I'm just kinda curious what you guys' thoughts are. I'm sure some people have different opinions here. And we can go around the room. Pastor Mejia, do you think if Trump's elected or Kamala's elected, that you'll actually make any decisions differently? No, it'll just be business as usual here. Other than the sermon content, we'll change a little bit, but yeah. I don't really foresee, obviously if Trump becomes president, I don't think I'm even gonna preach any sermons on Trump. But if Kamala becomes president, obviously I would. But as far as anything I would change in my church, I don't see it influencing the ministry at First Works at all, the soul winning at all. I think it's good to teach your people that the word of God can have recourse. And when a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with them. So let's just keep serving God, keep soul winning, keep preaching, keep doing what you're supposed to be doing. And we made it through Biden. And so my church grew through Biden's administration. And so I wasn't really negatively affected at all. So I wouldn't change anything. I'm kind of curious for our audience too, if you want to put in there, is there something that you're gonna change based on which president? What do you think, Brother Oz? Do you think it's gonna change any decisions that you really make? No, I mean, just echoing these guys, I have a sermon idea called Kamala's a Curse that I would like to preach, but other than that, I mean, presidencies don't really seem to affect church unless something crazy like COVID happens, which that really has nothing to do with whoever's in office. I mean, that obviously really affected churches. And if something like that happened again, or if our nation had some insanely huge war or something like that, that could affect church. But I don't really think just a new body in the White House is gonna change anything regarding our church, especially in Oklahoma. What about you, Pastor Thompson? If Kamala wins, I'm gonna preach a sermon called Kamala Harris, the Literal Whore of Babylon. I already said that last week, Pastor Anderson, so I know you said you were gonna preach one too, but. He said everybody's gonna beat him to the punch. There's gonna be a lot of- Yeah, he's gonna beat me to it because I have a missions conference right now. So I'm gonna be preaching a mission sermon and everybody's gonna be preaching all the Kamala sermons. You got it. I'm gonna be a week late with that, so. Yeah, but y'all know what everybody preached. You know, preach what everybody did. I'll be batting cleanup. Yeah, hit the grand slam. I'm looking forward to all these sermons, honestly. I'm gonna continue to buy green bananas, whether Trump or Harris gets elected. Pass me some green bananas. Isn't that before they're ready to be eaten? I'm confused. I'm saying I'm willing to buy the green bananas because I feel like I'll be around long enough to enjoy them when they get right. I gotcha. You know, because nothing's too urgent. You're still gonna buy pre-workout, Pastor Mejia? Oh yeah. I voted. There we go. Did anybody vote today? I'll be honest, I did, yes, I voted. I think our Middle Easterner voted. Not today, though, it was on- Oh, okay. Early Friday. We had some ballot measures that were pretty crazy. They basically, in Washington, Jay Inslee, I mean, Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington, made it to where basically you can't have gas after a certain, they made it where basically everybody has to go electric after a certain year. And so there was a measure to repeal that. So I voted against that stupid, all this carbon stuff. There's another carbon one where, you know, you can only have a certain amount of carbon and all this, I just voted. Anything that raises taxes, I voted against that. So there was like four major ones that I voted against, and then any amendments to change the city of Vancouver. They were trying to change some stuff where they could just kind of do workarounds and screw around with the city government. I voted against that. So yeah, I voted against every woman in positions of authority. Like there was a bunch of questions that were saying like, would you like to keep Janet so-and-so in position of judge? I'm just like, no. Would you like to keep Kelsey? No. Next one, would you like to keep her? I'm just like, no, no, no, no. That was my voting, so. There's probably some elections where it's two women, right? Then I just abstained from that one. Back when I used to vote, I used to do the same thing where I would just like vote to remove all the female judges. But that's kind of an interesting subject though, because if you think about it, the fact that you can even remove judges by popular vote is a bad idea anyway, because judges are supposed to do what's right no matter what. Like they're supposed to pass judgment and not be in a popularity contest, which is why Supreme Court justices, for example, are appointed for life, because that way they can just uphold the law, interpret the law, and just do what their conscience tells them to do and not have to worry about making people happy. So this whole idea of having a popular vote to remove judges is something that isn't really a legitimate part of our Republican form of government, I don't think. We want to put a little bit of a poll out there for our audience. Why don't you give us your opinion on who's gonna win, not who you want to win. Oh, okay, this is if you voted. Well, you think anybody in our chat's gonna say they voted for Kamala? Where's this poll? I mean, I feel like even though I don't vote, I feel like probably like more than 90% of my church members voted. Yeah, I think so too. But I'm just saying, I want to put in the stream hashtag Trump or hashtag Kamala, who do you think is gonna win the election? Not who you voted for, not who you want, just your opinion. I just want to get a quick sample from our audience. Where is the poll? Is it on X, is it on Rumble? It's just in the chat. So just give us a hashtag Trump or hashtag Kamala. I want to see kind of what our audience is feeling. And this is, again, not what you want, what you think. Hashtag Harris or hashtag Trump. It's pretty much all Trump so far. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, tie. How do you tie? I don't, I think you can technically tie. Oh, there's a hashtag Harris. Okay, there's another one. So we're like at about two out of 15 right now. Is there people who voted Kamala? No, no, no, no. Were you listening? No, no one listens to me when I speak. Okay. They're just saying who they think is gonna win, right? Who they think's gonna win, who they think, okay. Ben had a brother Thompson moment where he's like. I guess whenever I speak, it's like, doesn't matter. It's funny, like Utah, I'm looking at the chart. It says zero counts, zero votes counted, zero percent on all aboard. And they've already given Utah to Donald Trump. It's just like, we already know the Mormons are gonna vote for Trump. He's gonna win. I saw an interesting video. It was 180,000 Amish people registered to vote in Pennsylvania. And they're like all voting for Trump because I guess some Democrat went and like harassed them because of COVID in the last four years or something like that. So you had all these Amish people coming out voting for Trump. And it's pretty funny. Like they're so against technology and all these different things, but I guess voting for Trump. They'll use the electronic voting machine if they have to. Though they have their standards are to vote for Trump too. I guess they're just looking at it from a pure harassment perspective. They just don't wanna be harassed. And that's what most people that I know, that's why they voted for Trump. I got grief from a lot of family members, a lot of friends. They said, hey, we just wanna be less harassed. And it's the lesser of two evils. I'm not mad at those people. I think that it makes sense that it is the lesser of two evils, but I don't even think it's for sure. Because obviously even Trump brought in the COVID measures and allowed a lot of things to happen at the end of his presidency. And so I think that even if he is the president, it does not necessarily stop us from having all kinds of crazy things happening during his term in office. And I think I'm probably a little different than all of our pastor friends here and our friends here, because I will probably be more conservative if Kamala Harris is elected as opposed to Donald Trump, as far as just like decisions I would make financially or just what I'm doing with our church, just to be a little bit more careful. And I was thinking of what the Bible says in Proverbs 22. It says, a prudent man foreseeeth the evil and hide himself, but the simple pass on and are punished. And I just, again, four years ago, I said in our stream, I said, if Donald Trump loses and Biden's in office, he is a shield for a lot of hate and a lot of people are attacking him. And when he's out, they're gonna then focus all their attention on a lot of Christians. And so from my perspective, I just thought, we're gonna get harassed more than we did. So from my perspective, I just wanted to be a little bit more conservative. And so that's probably what I'm going to do. I don't know that that necessarily is right. I'm just kind of saying from my perspective, that's kind of how I feel about that situation. I wanna play a clip here that you had set up. Can we play this clip that we have set up here? It's the first clip in our media channel. The very first clip, but it's basically these dudes dressed up as Kamala Harris staff and they knocked on Kamala Harris supporter doors and offered them some migrants. Go ahead. I dressed up like I worked for Kamala's campaign and now I'm gonna deliver immigrants to her supporters. No! We are voting for you, don't worry. We do have a surprise, if that's okay. Just real fast. We're looking for a place for them to stay. They just came across. They'll sleep on floors. I mean, they're not picky, you know. We need to have like a two year old. So Hector's good with kids. Could they just like sleep on your lawn? They need a place to stay. They just came across. Oh, that's fine. Hector, he was dating a teenager like a little bit ago. So they just came across. They don't have papers. You're in support of like the whole border situation and we're just trying to get them a floor to sleep on. You guys want COVID? They said they could survive it. We work with her so we know how to say her name. Earlier you said Kamala. The way she pronounces her name is Kamala. You don't work with her either. See that car? We have three dudes who just came across the border. We're trying to find them a home. Just say I'm voting for Donald Trump without saying it, okay? That's a wrong attitude, mister. I said my vote is private. So you're voting Kamala. No! So yeah, their policies make sense for other people, just not themselves, right? We love for the migrants to come across the border and we want someone to house them, just not us. Yeah. Well, it's just funny to see the hypocrisy. It's so easy. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to point out the hypocrisy of leftists. And we talked about voting earlier. You know, I did vote early voting on Friday and a large part of my motivation is I really wanna see these people crying tonight. I really, really wanna see leftists cry very badly. Obviously, you could argue that's not the greatest motivation. I get that. Many of them who aren't saved are gonna go to hell anyway, I understand. But I guess you could argue in my flesh, you know, it would really be a lot of fun to see them be absolutely miserable and having a complete and total mental breakdown because of how arrogant, because of how prideful and because of how hypocritical they are. I really despise leftism to my core. Man, you wanna open your front door and hear the shrieking shrill screams of Lynette and all the other stupid queer protesters. You wanna hear them screaming. I wanna hear it and see what we're looking at here. Brother Oz, what we're looking at here and for the audience. Is that Lynette? This is 2016 when Hillary lost and look at all these pathetic people. They're so sad, they're so miserable that they're not gonna get the trans kids and the abortion and the Satan worship and the bloodthirsty policies and look at that, cussing the screen. You are a pathetic woman. That is gross, that is filthy, that is abominable but I love to see them upset and crying and sad. It makes my day. Yeah, people that love chopping up babies are animals, disgusting, barbaric, filthy, abominable. And it's even worse. Now they're putting the pedophile books in the schools. Now they have the pedophile story time hour. They're defiling children. They're putting them in trafficking. It is so disgusting what they're doing, what they propagate, what they support. It's gross. Every single normal person stands against it. If those people are gonna be the ones who are upset, crying, losing their minds tonight, then I will be celebrating. How's it going Pastor Anderson? He didn't get McDonald's, what did you get? We gotta promote whatever food choice you have. This is my wife's famous taco soup. Nice, is that like the chicken and the corn and the beans and all that? It's definitely beans and corn and tomatoes, rice and beef is the meat though. Oh, it's beef. I thought that was frosted wheats cause you're talking about frosted wheats. Yeah, I mean, I have kind of- Are frosted flakes? No, I've kind of switched over to preferring frosted mini wheats to Cinnamon Toast Crunch actually. Is that like backwards? Weren't you on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch and then? Yeah, but I'm saying I've now graduated to frosted mini wheats. Oh, wow. Oh, okay, so now that's like a huge development. Yeah, but I also, what's that? Is there a brand? Cause there's this one called Mom's Best that we have at our store that I like. Yeah, when I was at your house, I had a big bowl of that Mom's Best out of your pantry. Man, staying at Pastor Shelley's house has some serious perks because he has the most cereals in his pantry of any house I've ever stayed at. I opened the pantry and it was like, I don't even know where to begin. It was like a kid in a candy store. There were just like 10 wonderful cereals. I'm just like having a bowl of each. It was the greatest thing ever. I think it's because I have six kids and they'll crush a box. Like you'll just have like one box and it'll be gone the next day. So you have to be really careful. And especially if you buy something good. I do always like those other brands. Like even for Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I prefer the one that comes from Sprouts or like- The Cascading Farm or something. Or like the store brand from Trader Joe's or Sprouts. It has like half as much sugar in it. Yeah. But it still tastes great. Let's face it, the King James version, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a little high in sugar. You know, there I said it. But the off-brand one is like a little mellower on the sugar and it's still just as good. But yeah, the Mom's Best Mini Wheats. When I say Mini Wheats, it doesn't have to be that brand. Some people say they're like- So in the chat, we've got Corn Flakes, Rice Krispie, Golden Grahams, the generic wheat flakes. You know, honestly, one of the best generics for me is Walmart has just their Walmart version of Bran Flakes. And I don't know, I just like love Walmart's Bran Flakes. They're super, super good. But Apple Jack's is probably my guilty pleasure. Do you have a cereal? What's the Lucky Charms Walmart brand? What's the Lucky Charms Walmart brand? You know what I'm talking about? I don't know, I've never had that one. Oh, it's good. Ben, do you have a guilty pleasure cereal? Yeah, easily, Oreo O's. Oreo O's? I don't even know my brother in Christ. Obviously you don't go to the supermarket. They're on every supermarket shelf, the cereal aisle. Is it really like a Cheerio, but it's like an Oreo? Yes, it looks like Cheerios, but they're little Oreos like this. They're so good. I like those. Honey Bunches of Oats are the best. Honey Bunches of Oats. Oh, you're like my wife. My wife loves that cereal. Marshmallow Mateys, that's what they're called. Marshmallow Mateys. What about you, Brother Oz? You got a cereal over there? No, I don't eat cereal. My guilty pleasure would be ice cream. That's my... Wow. That's the killer right there. The holier than thou. Sorry, Brother Oz. Ice cream is so healthy, Ben. Wow. Okay, you got me on that one. Ice cream for breakfast or... No, I'm just kidding. Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, of course. That's funny. No, I love a good bowl of cereal, but my guilty pleasure was McDonald's tonight, so I had to represent the Trump fries. Mine also was McDonald's. It's not like you, Pastor Shelley. Well, you know... You're hanging out too much with me. I've been a horrible influence on you. Indian food is where I draw the line. McDonald's is great. I hope so. What did you get from McDonald's? I hope four years from now it doesn't change. What did you get from McDonald's, Pastor Shelley? We got fries. We got seven orders of large fries, and then we got their Coke. Which the McDonald's Coke is better. I believe that. Wait, wait, wait. Did you get any burgers or anything? Well, I would. Normally, if I was gonna eat dinner or something, I might get a double quarter pounder. That's probably my choice, but just for the show, we just got a bunch of fries just to have. I feel like I'm just eating a burger on the show. I'm already kind of loud, chomping. People are like, we're getting some AMSR with your eating or something. So I'm trying to back off on that. Pastor Mahian, your thoughts on McDonald's. Yes, sir. I love McDonald's. You got a double quarter pounder with the 10 piece chicken nugget meal. That's about 75 to 80 grams of protein right there. Dude, the McNuggets are terrible. I'm sorry. I can't agree with the McNugget doctrine, but. Oh man, those are awesome. Is it even chicken? The double cheeseburgers are, the double cheese or the McDoubles are really good too. Yes. To go back to one of my favorite. Those are about 24, 25 grams. Old Pastor Anderson clips. Pastor Anderson has this clip where he's re-ripping on McDonald's nuggets about it being like glue and paste or whatever. It's like one of my favorite sound bites just because I laughed so hard. I just hate the McNuggets so much that for him to rip on them, it was like a. Are you sure? It's like a special moment. But that really happened. Yeah, but hold on, hold on. Yeah, but Pastor Shelley, Pastor Anderson likes Indian food though. So that's not really a credible source when it comes to, you know. You know, I can pick and choose when I like Pastor Anderson's preaching. So, you know, I really liked that one sound bite. Is this Old Pastor Anderson or are you still confirming your McNugget doctrine? I feel exactly, look, I've been consistent on the McNugget doctrine for 18 and a half years of ministry. And, you know, back in the early days of our church, I read the book, Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. And that was really formative for me. And so that's probably where I was getting a lot of that. Super Size Me? And then there's also the documentary, Food, Inc. So that book and that film influenced me. Did you see Super Size Me? I thought that turned out to be a hoax. Yeah, that's a fraud. It's a fraud. I thought Super Size Me is a fraud. I don't believe it. Really? The guy didn't eat it for 30 days or whatever? He actually turned out to be- He's an alcoholic. That's it. I was gonna say that. Yep, go ahead. Pastor Mihir, if you want to go to more detail. This is like a 9-11 moment. He lied about all the data and he was basically unhealthy because he was a major alcoholic. Yeah. That's what he died of. Shout out to user 712101, In-N-Out is better. I confirm this. I'm glad we've got Brother Mihir in the legal department. Amen. To help us with some of this data. Yeah, we got to make sure that we're staying above board here. Pastor Tom's- He looks like a lawyer. You know, where are you at in the McDonald's controversy? It's not a controversy. I mean, I do like In-N-Out better, but- Amen. McDonald's better than the fries at In-N-Out, sorry. Just some election news here. I'm paying attention to election wizard. Election wizard. Wait, this isn't about the election. This is about burgers now, Ben. Are you going to a witch? Oh, sorry. What? So George has been called for Donald Trump. I'm just not gonna talk. Go ahead. He's going to a witch and bringing up the spirit of Ronald Reagan for advice. Coming me up Ronald Reagan. Oh man. I give up. Then give us a Reagan impression. You can do it. Hey, hey, hey. Just as long as we collectively agree that Whataburger is trash. I hate Whataburger. I hate Whataburger as well. It's terrible. I've tried it once. That was enough for my whole life. I never need to try again. I think that we actually have a common doctrine finally. It made me sick. Like I literally felt sick to my stomach after eating it. Moving to Oklahoma, I do really miss In-N-Out, but I don't miss Whataburger. See the new IFB just says lock and stuff on everything. Somebody said- Yeah, but I bet all the haters, I bet all the haters love Whataburger too. Yeah, I'm sure. It's like anybody leaves the new IFB, the first thing that goes out the window is that Jesus spent three days and three nights in hell. And then the second thing is they started loving Whataburger. They're like, Whataburger has 100 grams of protein, faster than me. How about that? Well, that seems dangerous because I see Pastor Reyes in the chat says that he likes Whataburger. So, I don't know. That's dangerous. Gotta watch out for Houston. Houston, I'm telling you. He's gonna start saying that he's using the 1960 after that. Oh man. That's low. Shots fired. Houston to become another Jacksonville, you know. Ooh, Houston, man. Jacksonville did not have good food. That's a spicy comment right there. Oh, man. Someone says they had Whataburger in Florida. That sounds like it'd probably be even worse. I can't even imagine. Not only are you having Whataburger, it's in Florida. That's gotta be really bad. I've had it in Florida and I can confirm that it's really bad. Oh, man. I had it in Phoenix. The only time I've ever had it and it was like a mustard burger, basically. Yeah. I thought that the only reason people ate at Whataburger is because everything was closed before two a.m. and so it's just like the only thing left open. I didn't realize people ate there before two a.m. Back when I used to run my fire alarm business, you know, I would sometimes have these business lunches where I would try to make deals and stuff. Yeah, you'd take somebody out somewhere kind of nice, nothing crazy, but you'd go to a sit-down restaurant because we're doing business and stuff. I remember I was gonna do business with this company and then I said to the guy, hey, where are we gonna meet for lunch to work that out? And then the guy wanted to do the business lunch at Whataburger. I was like, what the heck? That's the only time I've ever eaten at Whataburger was because I was trying to transact this deal and I went there, I ate the food, it was nasty. I just kind of forced it down. I just thought, man, this is not a classy lunch, man, for a business deal. And then the guy ended up ripping me off for like $4,500. And I should have known when he was so cheap about the business lunch that he wants to do it at Whataburger. I should have known this guy's not on the up and up. You know, I mean, I did make a lot of money working with the guy, but then ultimately he ripped me off for 4,500 bucks, so. What a crappy burger. That's what it is. I left it, it ruined Whataburger for me. So it looks like- It was already ruined. An update in the election. And this is kind of what I had said earlier, but this is the forecast. So if you look at the live results for this 270 to win, they've kind of already called Georgia, North Carolina for Trump. Georgia's Trump. And then you kind of have a forecast. And this forecast, if it's dark red, I believe that that means they've already called it. Light red and light blue is like just it's still coming in. But they're kind of suggesting that it looks like you'll probably get Arizona. And if he did, then he's at 262. The problem is even if he gets Nevada, he would still be at 268. So that means he would have to get either Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. And again, both Wisconsin and Michigan were really heavily blue leaning. So that's why I kind of said previously, it seemed like Pennsylvania was most likely the kind of the clincher. Well, this is significant. The New York Times needle is at 81% for Donald J. Trump. Well, and if you look at Pennsylvania, it says 59% have voted or have been counted. It's 50.9% Trump, 48.1% Kamala. So that gives them about 100 and maybe 16, around 116,000 vote advantage temporarily. But again, it seems like when you look at some of these things, like some of the more blue counties are behind as far as how much percentage of votes that they have counted. I believe that Philadelphia County, I heard them saying previously that Kamala would have to get 700,000 votes in Philadelphia County to win. Currently, she has 332,000 at 55% counted. So that seems like it's on pace almost. It's at least would get her to over 600,000. I think that Joe Biden had 602,000, I think was one of the things I'd seen before. There's an update too. If our production truck can go ahead and put it on the screen, we can get this on the production here, Brother Tim. No, that's not what I was looking for. Nevermind, go back to Pastor Shelley. What are you looking for? Just say it. I wanted to put, it's something funny. It won't be as funny if I describe it to you, but this right here, I'm gonna see if I can get it. Send it over to them and get them tee it up and then we'll put it on the screen. The one time I tried to cue something, look what happens. If you guys have a question that you want us to talk about, you can put it in the chat and we'll try to bring up some of the questions that we have in here. It looks like the chat has been pretty much in support of the idea that Trump's most likely gonna win, but I still think it's probably too early to say. Well, I mean, that New York Times probability is significant in my mind because when they did that in 2016, you know, we know how that went. Does anybody remember at what time in the night that Trump beat Kamala? Like Kamala, Hillary? I'm sorry, Hillary. Like whenever he won. It was like probably 10, 11. I was watching that from the East Coast. I think I remember it was around 10, 11 o'clock. By that point, we knew Donald Trump was the next president of the United States of America around 10, 11 p.m. that night. I don't know if you guys remember that. Did you guys even watch it? Wow, silence. Look at this. Did any of y'all watch the Hillary, Hillary Trump election? Don't respond too fast. I was in bed, man. I need to be in bed in about 15 minutes here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, what was the question I had? Did y'all, did you watch the... This is fantastic. What a stream. All right. So we're gonna... Look at how emotionally invested every single person is tonight. We've never had a more exciting stream. Hey, let's get back on something you care about. When we get to hate talking, what a burger. Or fast food burgers. Yeah. Okay, I think we have the thing I wanted to put. Sorry, I was giving an update on the election and they all tuned out. Yeah. So, hey, sorry. Brother Tim. Turned out the election stream. Brother Tim. So much we care. It's honey bunches of oats. Is that the answer? Yeah. Just say a cereal if you forget what your line is. Hey, Brother Tim. If you could put that up now. This is what I wanted. Chicken McNugget. We do have an election result here. This is significant. He got all the votes. CNN projects that Harry Sisson is, in fact, still a fag this evening. Who is that? But you don't know who it is. Well, that ruined it. What if... Pastor Anderson shaking his head. So this is a... You may never have heard of it. This is a hardcore Kamala supporter on X, an influencer on social media. Well, he was the biggest Joe Biden supporter. That was what's so funny. Yeah. Do you remember this? He actually was like the most hardcore Joe Biden. Yeah. And didn't want him to step down and blah, blah, blah. And then just immediately loves Kamala. Biggest Harris supporter. A hardcore democratic party sycophant. So that's the joke. Hopefully you found it funny. If not, that's fine. We can move on. Oh, they said Hillary conceded. They said Harris won't concede. I think that's a pretty fair point. Someone brought up the Hulk Hogan earlier. Was that you, Pastor Thompson? Kind of stepped on my toes a little bit. I thought that was kind of a... Sorry. I liked it. WWE is real for then. Well, Pastor Thompson's kind of overcompensating because he's kind of into pro wrestling secretly. He's kind of protesting a lot there. Oh yeah. He just doesn't like Hogan. I like Macho Man though. That's the difference. I mean, Hogan was always, he always did the thing where he's like, and then he'd pick somebody up and slam them. Yeah, I know zero about that. I am curious what your thoughts are. Supposedly Elon says, or I think Elon suggested this. Somebody suggested this. They're going to put Ron Paul in office potentially if Trump wins. Like put him in some kind of government position. Yeah, that'd be great. How do you feel about that Pastor Anderson? You already know how I feel about that. Well, you used to be Ron Paul nation. I like, I'm just trying to make sure. Ron Paul's order. I mean, when Ron Paul retired from politics, I retired from politics. Yeah, that is true. Last, the last time I voted was voting for Ron Paul in the 2012 primary. And then I did not vote in the general election because Ron Paul wasn't on the ballot. And did so. Did you pretty much give up because he was screwed out of it? So you became just totally black-pilled? Well, yeah, because here's the thing. I used to drive a lot for my job and I would spend a lot of time, honestly, listening to some of the conservative talk radio stuff just out of sheer boredom. You know, I mean, I would listen to the Bible. I'd listen to foreign language learning materials. I would listen to preaching. I would listen to, and then, you know, there's just so much time on the road. I'd be driving a lot of times eight, nine, 12, 14 hours and stuff. So I'd be driving so much that I would end up listening to a lot of these right-wing talk radio guys on XM radio because I had XM radio in my car. And then like, I actually thought that they were at least sincere people, even if I didn't agree with them on everything. Then Ron Paul came along and everything that these guys had been saying for years that they were for, here's a guy that just embodies everything that they supposedly stand for, and they all hated him and they all blackballed him. And that's when I realized they were all fake and I stopped listening to all of them. And I was just so disillusioned with these guys, you know, that I had listened, like, you know, like Michael Savage and like, I don't know, who else was it that I would listen to in those days on XM radio? Rush. Who was that guy that was in the middle of the night? The, I don't even remember their names anymore. It wasn't like what? Lowery? Lowery. Well, I think it was like Mark Levin was one of them. And then like Michael Savage. But then there was this guy like Mike Church, I think, was one that I would listen to that was on from like two to 5 a.m. So I'd be listening to him. And it was just like, I just thought, why are these people all not just rallying to Ron Paul? He's the ultimate candidate that, and it just made me realize just how bogus they were, and how fake they were, because they're just not really standing for what they claimed that they were for. And so that's when I just kind of lost faith. And just the way Ron Paul was locked out and he just didn't get a fair shake from the Republican party, it just kind of disillusioned me in the whole, with the whole- I can't blame you for that. Chat brings up Art Bell, Rush Limbaugh. What about Alex Jones? Oh, of course I listened to a ton of Alex Jones back then as well. But Alex Jones was for Ron Paul. He was, because he was a real one. Did Alex Jones have Gavin McGinnis on his show a lot in the past, and then not as much in the future? No, he has them on all the time now. But did, oh, okay. But I mean, I guess so it's no different. It's just always been, they've been- Gavin McGinnis, you asked him. He's old school too, right? Isn't he from a long time? Like he's been on air for a really long time. I don't know his history. I wouldn't be able to give you an accurate answer there. But I mean, Alex, obviously, you know, you could argue he's changed on a few things since the mid 2000s for sure. But from a pure entertainment standpoint, this guy, he is, I don't know what he's on, but like, it's crazy. The energy and the ranting and all that, I just find it to be very entertaining. Tucker Carlson, do you think he's fake? Do you think he's sincere? No, I mean, I think a lot of people are very quick to just everybody's controlled opposition, everybody's bad. I'm not that kind of guy. I think Tucker Carlson's sincere and I don't agree with everything he says. I think recently he's been saying weird stuff about demons or whatever. But in general, I think he's a sincere guy. Yeah, Nephilim or whatever. So, but he had that country singer on big and rich and they were speaking against dispensationalism, which I thought was pretty cool for somebody with that big of a platform to be saying things that are right doctrinally. So that was pretty cool. I saw it. We got a little bit of weird noise. There's an alien invasion of some sort. Sorry about that. I never really got into talk radio that much, so I didn't really follow that. I was like your normal, just average Republican. I voted for Mitt Romney and I'll admit it. But here's the thing, nobody told me he was a Mormon. And then I feel like that was kind of a disservice to me as a voter. But I just really hated Obama and the idea of Obamacare and a lot of like the programs that he was wanting to bring in. So I guess I feel victim of the voting for the lesser of two evils. I don't know, did any of you guys have a regret vote? Like I regret voting for Romney. He didn't win anyways, but I kind of stopped voting after that. I don't know, I'm just kind of- I voted for George W. Bush, I think in the year 2000. So you literally brought the twin towers down. You brought the, wow. Yeah, I seriously voted for him. Okay, so you can stop blaming me now, all right? No, no, no. You were the vehicle by which it happened. He just enabled you. Gotcha. I voted for Al Gore that same year. Oh, man. Because I already knew Bush would be a wolf. Because I read that book- Pastor Thompson was woke. I forgot what the guy's name was, but he's like an Antichrist or something. But he was right about George Bush being evil. But yeah, Al Gore's evil too. Has anybody here ever voted Democrat? I mean, he just said he voted for Al Gore. Other than Pastor Thompson. Other than Pastor Thompson. Does anybody listen to the story- And I thought you were the only person actually paying attention to the political stuff. And now you follow Brother Thompson. Yeah, the spirit of Pastor Thompson is resting upon you. Everybody's gonna have their moment. Everybody's gonna have their moment tonight. I voted, I'll admit this. I did vote for a Democrat one time. It was in third grade. They had us vote. And it was Bill Clinton or I think it was Bob Dole. It was Bob Dole or Bill Clinton. And I literally didn't know anything. I didn't even know either of their names. I just literally just checked one. But then I remember what they did is they announced the results over the loudspeaker. And so there's like, okay, in third grade, we have, here's the results. We had 280 votes for Bob Dole and one for Bill Clinton. I was thinking like, who did that? I was the only person in my entire school that voted for Bill Clinton. So has anybody- And I went home and asked my parents about it. Has anybody ever voted like in a school? I'm just kidding. Thanks, Ben. Go ahead, go ahead. That was a really funny joke. Yeah, I was- That was a good one, Ben. It was kind of weird. So I know family members that voted for Bill Clinton because he was actually a Baptist. And they were like, well, I voted for Bill Clinton because he's a Baptist. So that's pretty crazy. Obviously, Dylan, he couldn't vote two years ago or something like that anyway. So there really wasn't many opportunities. I voted for Mitt Romney in 2012 like you did, Pastor Shelley. So did I. That was the first time I voted too. Wow. Anybody but Obama. That was my theory back then. That's when I was old IFB and that's what they were pushing. And I was just like, all right. You know, we hated Barack. I guess we're just confessing our faults one by one. This evening. We're just having to admit some terrible voting habits here. Do we have an update? It's really just- Just sitting there. Yeah. I feel like this is what happened last time. I want to see the county by county breakdown of California. They just paused. Well, Pennsylvania is the big enchilada. If that's not moving, you know, we're not going to know anything tonight. California doesn't have anything on this particular site. Well, that's West Coast time, so. They already gave it. They already gave California a gallon or so. California's over. California's not. Yeah, of course. I know California's not going to vote red. I'm curious to see the county by county map. No, I don't think anything has the details on it yet, so. I'm curious, do you guys think that California is secretly red, or do you think it's actually really blue? I think virtually every state is red with some big blue cities in it, because you go to the countryside in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Oklahoma, it's all the same. People are just normal there. But yeah, any big- To answer your question, Pastor Shelley, I think that in general, it's legit. I think there's definitely cheating that goes on, but I don't think that they can cheat if it's a landslide. You know, I think that the cheating takes place when it's close. And so, if it's really close, that's where the cheating becomes decisive, which is probably what happened in 2020. Whereas, you know, a state that's just dramatically going to the Democrats, they're not cheating to that degree. I don't think anybody's cheating at those levels, because there's all kinds of polling and things that support those results. Well, Arizona last time went blue for the first time in, what, 30 years or something. Has anyone here ever been contacted by a pollster? Because I have not. Never. No, but what you have to understand is that these national polls and stuff, that they'll usually be based on about talking to about 1,000 people. And it's interesting how- Or 500. They can talk to 500 to 1,000 people and produce a pretty accurate result about a country of 340 million people. But that's because of the power of randomness. But no poll is ever truly random. But if the polls were truly random, then asking 1,000 people would give you an extremely accurate view of 340 million. It's hard to believe, but it's true. Pastor Russell is chiming in on this in the chat room, and he says, California is blue, no question at all. He also says that all metros are blue, L.A. is huge. So there you go. Does he mean metro dudes or metro areas? Well, I mean- Metro dudes are probably blue, too. I was born in Fresno, California, and it seemed to be a pretty conservative place. Yeah, I think I agree with Pastor Anderson, though, too, that it's like the reason why Dems need that bigger voter turnout is probably more people lean Democrat if they voted. It's just a lot of them just don't even vote. And so when they do show up, it usually swings pretty heavy in the Democrats' favor. But I just think that the policies of the Republicans have shifted so much that they're like Democrat anyways, and that the Democrats are now just like the party of Satan. I mean, they had Waihi Guru at the RNC. Is this a CNN or something like that? This is AP. Well, isn't Kamala an Indian herself? I don't know, she's Indian, black, Chinese, whatever. Or she used to be an Indian and now she's black. That's right, I forgot. It looks like Harris is all excited and Trump campaign's not excited at all. I don't know what any of this means. To see a guy in a green shirt sitting here doing nothing while they're counting. Here's a question that I thought about earlier this week that I could get your guys' take on. I was wondering this, do you think that there are Democrats out there who are, they're used to voting Democrat, they're liberal Democrats, but they're just like, you know what? I'm not gonna vote for Kamala as president because I just don't want a woman to be president. Yes, I've seen a lot of videos of that. I don't know that that exists. I've seen a lot of videos. There's tons of people on Twitter today that have said, I voted Democrat my entire life, but they've been doing crazy stuff. I hate that they arrested Trump. I hate that they're doing this stuff. But he said about women. Yeah, but I'm just saying like, even women. Because they're a woman? Even women. Yeah, but brother Shelley, you know. I think even the Muslims. That's not what I'm asking though. Obviously there are people who voted Democrat their whole life and are gonna switch or whatever. I'm saying where they're just like, because it's a woman, like if it were a man, they would have voted for the person, even if it was all the same policies, but they're just like, no, I just don't want a woman to be the president of the United States. I just don't want a woman to be the commander in chief. Because I guarantee that if it was the female candidate on the Republican side, there'd probably be a lot of conservatives that would feel like, ah, I don't wanna support a woman to be the leader. Like we obviously biblically believe that men should lead and so forth. I'm agreeing with you. Is the fact that she's a woman hurting her at all? I'm agreeing with you. I'm saying that they're giving another excuse though, because I don't think anybody would just say publicly, like on that side of the equation, they'd be like, I just didn't vote for her because she's a woman. I think that they did, but they're just then saying like, well, I just don't like the policies or whatever. But I mean, there's been a lot of people saying, yeah, I voted Democrat my whole life and now I'm not. And I think that is a part of it. They're just probably never gonna admit that publicly, but. I could be wrong. Now I see what you're saying and yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Trump now has an 85% chance of winning the election according to the New York Times. Who owns the New York Times? Jacob, where you at? I don't know, is Jew the answer? Is that what you're looking for? I was just looking for any answer. Oh, I'm not sure. Oh, okay. Yeah, I mean, I think that there's gonna be, like I've even heard women saying like, I don't want a woman president. Like we're gonna look weak in the eyes of other nations and countries and it doesn't really make sense. And I think a lot of women want a male leader, at least at that position. I think even some of the feminists would admit like, hey, we should probably have a guy in charge of the nation. I just don't see, I don't really see hardly any normal men wanting a woman president no matter what her policy was. But maybe I'm wrong. But Democrats aren't normal men though, right? Democrats aren't normal men. Well, I do, probably most of them are not. Yeah. I do know a Democrat. I'm just gonna throw some way of pumping, Tom, to where I think that most of them are gonna be okay when it happens. Yeah, but wasn't it so weird when all the Republicans were like getting excited about that one woman, the, what's, Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin. That felt weird. Alaska, remember that? Gross. Dylan, you admitted you know a Democrat. Yeah, I know a Democrat who is, he's still voting for Kamala, but he does not like the fact that she's a woman. Like he doesn't want a woman president, but he's kind of like holding his nose voting for Kamala because he thinks like she's still better than Trump. But he openly says like, yeah, it kind of sucks that the Democratic nominee is a woman. Like I don't really want a woman president, but she's better. So there are Democrats like that out there. Well, you bring up Sarah Palin. There's a lot of different female politicians. Carrie Lake is one and some others as well that you see conservatives actually do get kind of excited about. Kristi Noem. Noem, the mainline conservatives. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Thank you, that's another one. My point is that it seems like the mainline Republicans, they- Hillary Clinton. She's- Pastor Shelley's into this. AOC. Well, those aren't Republicans, but it seems like the mainline conservatives don't care if it's a woman. That was my point that I've been trying to spit out. Go ahead. He wasn't listening because he started bringing up Hillary and AOC. He got off track. Well, if you're going to troll me, have fun. Okay, you got me. I hope you enjoy your revenge. It's still, it's 10 o'clock central time. We have two more hours to fill. What the hell are we going to talk about? We can just watch sodomite deception if we want. I'm just saying like- Have you seen the cringe videos where Kamala's getting up there and like trying to do these cheers and like, it's so bad that like, nobody will repeat the cheers? Have you seen any of those? Well, she did one where she just said, everybody say their own name. And so it's just like, it's like first Corinthians 14 or something like this, where it's just like, everybody's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, this does seem like a feminist rally. It's just like men are lovers of their own selves. Yeah. I'm curious, Pastor Anderson, would you say, cause I had brought up Ohio and you thought it was a swing state. So from a political perspective then, are you sort of in a time capsule of like the mid 2000s? Yeah, probably most of my, most of my political knowledge was acquired like literally 15 to 20 years ago or something probably. So yeah. So I don't really probably have relevant up-to-date information about these things. So I'm, you know. I feel like that's the same for a lot of people. There's probably like an old demographic of baby boomers that are democratic. Like they were Democrats and they're just never gonna change. And it's not because of the current like policy and situation, it's just in their mind, they're stuck in like old democratic mindset and they're just gonna vote Democrat. I mean, for me, the biggest issue about this election is just the war in Iraq, you know. You gotta get Saddam, eh man? I mean, are the weapons of mass destruction there or not? You know what I mean? Are you hoping to get the perpetrators of 9-11 still? Ohio's a swing state. Ohio's a swing state. Sarah Palin, go ahead. Yeah, Bin Laden needs to be brought to justice. I mean, there's no question about that. Find the cave dwellers. Obamacare. Man, I'm gonna need a contact list of everyone you know in Lebanon. Oh man. Yeah, I'm not giving that up. Is Russia the good guy or the bad guy? I don't know. Good guy. In mid, in the early, no, we have to ask past answers. There's a time capsule. Oh, sorry. I'm asking from the beginning of the 2000s, is Russia the good guy or the bad guy? I mean, you know, on Rocky IV, they were the bad guy, so. Yeah. That was 1985. Is he still cold? It was 1985. And if I can change, you can change, everybody can change. Oh man, Russia, Russia is a good and bad guy. He's kind of like just flip-flopping all the time. So I don't know, I think Russia. I think that they've been the good guy and the bad guy. Why are you saying sweet, though? Like it's a person, because isn't it sweet Mother Russia? Isn't that, doesn't that be she? It's probably a female, for sure. Or are you talking about Putin? Yeah, Putin. People are tuning in. They see ultimate election live stream. They're thinking there's going to be some in-depth geopolitical debates going on, a discussion. And you know, this is what they get. This is like the worst live stream you'd be watching for people who actually care about it. Yeah. Yeah, but the election gets so boring so fast because they're still just counting nothing. It's just like, and still nothing. You've created a whole new genre of podcasts. It's election anti-coverage. People don't want to talk about the election. Pastor Shelley, do you remember George Bush's nickname for Vladimir Putin? Pooty poot. Let's see if you know your, yep, pooty poot. Pooty poot. There you go. There's your Texas factoid. Talk to old pooty poot today. Our enemies are never trying to, they're always trying to hurt us and so are we. I'll ask a question that has nothing to do with the election. Pastor Thompson, you preached a couple of sermons against Mark Ward and there was a controversy recently where Ward said that it would be a sin to give a child the King James Bible because according to him, it's totally unintelligible. I'm curious if you guys wanted to talk about that. We'll start with Pastor Thompson since you recently preached a few sermons. What do you think about that whole thing? Yeah, I mean, I watched, I wasn't gonna watch the debate but I did end up watching the debate and I thought that the guy he was debating went really easy on him. And the guy's obviously better at debating and getting his points across and that's why sometimes debating is kind of a failed thing. But yeah, that part of it really pissed me off because in actuality, children are way easier to get saved. I mean, if you're out just giving the gospel, children are easier. Children and teens are way easier to get saved and we give everybody we get saved a Bible. I mean, we buy Bibles in bulk and when we get people saved out so many, we just give them a Bible and for them to, I mean, the other thing is he's doing that debate in front of Independent Fundamental Baptists and then he's pimping the New King James Version because he knows he's in front of Independent Fundamental Baptists and that's supposedly, it's a PR-based translation so he's saying, hey, go to the New King James and then he's spouting all these, his talking points, his false friends and all that stuff and in another crowd, he would probably be pushing different Bible versions because he doesn't really care. He doesn't care what Bible version it is probably but he's gonna say the New King James when he's in front of Independent Fundamental Baptists. So that's really what got me upset and I think he's a piece of crap, unsaved, false prophet and I have no respect for him whatsoever. He sounds like a fag when he talks. I'm not saying he is a fag for sure but I can't say that for sure but he's definitely a feminine, he's definitely suspect so on my list of suspects. I mean, if his wife checked his browsing history, she might find some interesting things, I don't know. But. False friends. You might find him watching a lot of Kamala videos. Where to vote browsing history. Where to vote for Kamala. I just, you know, I went through and I just, you know, he talks about all these false friends but I mean, I did some digging in the New King James and they just completely take sodomites out of all the Old Testament passages where sodomites are found in the King James and then they install sodomites in 1 Corinthians chapter six and then I think in, you know, in Timothy, I think it's in 1 Timothy chapter four. Or 1 Timothy one time. Yeah. Where it said, you know, and so they take, they switch them out and then make it seem like sodomites can get saved in the New Testament by using 1 Corinthians 6.9 and so that's a false friend. You know, you wanna talk about false friends. You take out and you say that they're perverted ones in the Old Testament instead of calling them sodomites. I mean, what's, you know, you wanna talk about unintelligible? Well, how about just saying perverted ones instead of saying sodomites? What's more easy to understand? And then they take out- Is that really what it says, perverted ones? Yeah. Instead of saying- Are you sure? It took the sodomites out of the land, it says the perverted ones. Yeah, look it up. Are you for real? Yeah, I'm serious. I gotta look that up. And then when it says they break down the houses of the sodomites in the King James, it says something, I can't remember exactly what it says, but it's, they take houses out and put, it's like, you know, they're trying to make it seem like it's, you know, some kind of religious worship thing. Yeah, the high worship thing. They said they take, it's like a worship hut or something. I don't know, I can't remember exactly what it says, but- Something hut. Yeah. And then it says in the footnotes, it says, literally houses. So to say that- I didn't even believe you, Pastor Thompson, until I checked, but you are telling the truth. It says perverted persons. Yeah, look up the one- It says he tore down the ritual booths. Yeah, ritual booths. It says he tore down the ritual booths of the perverted persons that were in the house of the Lord. Yeah, that's way more clear, isn't it? Sodom than the houses of the sodomites. And it says, look at where it says in- In the house of the Lord there. And then in the King James, it says, they were by the house of the Lord. So they're trying to make it seem like that there was some little pervert cult inside the house of the Lord that was going on in some kind of like ritual, instead of just that they're faggots, you know? Well, and most of them, most of them spell out like male shrine prostitute, male prostitute or whatever, cult shrine male prostitute or something like that. But what's funny is that I don't see that anywhere on this entire planet. Like there's 8 billion people in the world. I don't think that there's any such thing in a world of 8 billion people as male shrine prostitutes, number one. And number two, I've read the entire Bible cover to cover many times. And I don't see any mention of these type of male shrine prostitutes happening in the Bible, except in these verses where they're interpreting this one Hebrew word that way, what the King James interprets as Sodomite. And here's what's interesting is that the way to debunk this stupidity is it says that they had Sodomites in the land and they did according to all the perversions of the nations that the Lord cast out before the children of Israel. And yet when you read through Leviticus and it goes through all the sins of the nations that the Lord cast out, and if you go through Deuteronomy and it talks about all the sins of the nations the Lord cast out, it never brings up male prostitution. So like it's internally inconsistent. Like I think that this male shrine prostitute is made up crap that is probably never even really existed. I mean, everything's existed in some tiny way somewhere, but I'm saying like, it's never, like it wouldn't be necessary for God to put like six verses in the Bible about something that none of us have ever heard of. Well, what's the point of it really? Because it's like, obviously it's like a prostitute, it's kind of a prostitute. Is this specific location really making a huge difference in the sin? Whereas like Sodomy is obviously a completely different sin, completely different thing being described, something that's common. And I agree with you, like, is it reasonable to believe that in some temple of some false religion, or even a good religion at some point, prostitution happened? Sure. But like I agree with you, this isn't some like major prevalent societal issue of temple prostitutes versus prostitutes or something like that. Whereas obviously Sodomites is a huge difference between prostitutes. And so, you know, it really makes the Bible just have a kind of like a meaningless, a meaningless portion of scripture. Like it's making some portions of the Bible it's kind of meaningless, doesn't really apply, has no impact. And I think it also bolsters the idea of what these people do. You have to go back to the historical context. You have to understand what the culture was like back then, because they had this shrine prostitute thing. Even stuff that today that we read in the Bible that's not culturally relevant to us in America, we could still find other parts of the world where it is culturally relevant. Like for example, you know, we don't have to deal with meat sacrificed to idols, but yeah, we could go to India, a country with a billion plus people in it, and they are gonna have a lot of meat sacrificed to idols. So it's not like it's just this unknown thing or something. And obviously historically we could point to concrete evidence of these things. But this idea of, you know, male shrine prostitutes and temples being like a big thing is a fiction as far as I'm concerned. I've studied ancient history, I've read the Bible. It is not a thing. One, it's not a cultural thing anywhere because like idolatry, obviously if you put- Name the country where it's going on. Like if you put the Catholic church aside for a second, you know, idolatry is not necessarily a huge issue in America, but you look at countries like India, you look at countries that have like Hinduism or Buddhism or some of this, like prevalent, prevalent idolatry. And so, you know, maybe it's not culturally relevant to every American, but it's culturally relevant in some parts of the world. But it's like, where's this shrine prostitute thing culturally relevant? What's price of a dog? Somebody texted me. The price of a dog, the price of a sodomite. All right. I think- Okay, real quick guys. Oh, go ahead. Real quick, pass me here. I'm gonna sign off. I just wanna say thank you guys for having me on. I really appreciate it. Shout out real quick to Faithful Word. I'm really excited to be preaching there this Saturday about Germany. Amen. And also November 24th, Lord willing Steadfast Baptist Church in OKC will become Anchor Baptist Church and Pastor Shelley, Pastor Thompson will be there. So if you're anywhere in the Oklahoma area, we would love to have you that weekend. But thank you all. God bless. Yeah, thanks so much. And you know what? Shout out to Oklahoma because their state wants to order 55,000 King James Bibles and put them into the public school. And so, you know, you guys can be a bright and shining light out there in the dark world of Oklahoma. And shout out to Brother Oz for his ordination coming up at the end of the month. So thanks so much for joining us. We really appreciate it having you on. I know Ben is a big fan, so. Can I just say one more thing? Can I just answer that question? Oh, yeah, go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. All right, I just wanted to answer the question from the chat. Nobody's disputing that there are faggot male prostitutes in this world, that that's a thing. What we're disputing is that this is like this big religious problem of these temple male prostitutes, these temple shrine, the ritual booths for the perverted persons. That's what we're disputing. Like nobody's disputing the fact that I'm sure that there are a ton of dudes selling their bodies to faggots. Like, I don't think that anybody's debating that. Okay, that's not the issue that we're taking. Yeah, Pastor Thompson, you know what you're gonna say? I was just gonna say that what Mark Ward is reporting though about the King James Bible is that he's saying like the New King James and the other versions are intelligible, more easy to read. And then you go in and then you recommend the New King James version, which takes out sodomites and then puts in the word perverted ones or perverted persons. And then, you know, the idol huts or whatever it's like. And then in the footnotes, if you look, Pastor Anderson, if you have it pulled up, it says in the footnotes, literal, literally, houses. So what's better, what was actually supposed to be there? How's that more literal or more easy to understand than sodomites and the houses of the sodomites? You know what you're dealing with when it says sodomites. I mean, maybe modern day we don't, most people don't really know what that is, but you can probably figure it out. Sodomy, sodomites, perverted one, that could be a lot of different things. You don't even necessarily have to be a sodomite to be a perverted one, do you? There's a lot of things that people are perverted, you know, that's pretty vague. So don't say that the King James is unintelligible. You know, it's just unintelligible to be saved and people that are morons, but you know, like him, that just want to, they just want to just look, this is a gimmick to try to get people off the King James. Well, doesn't it undermine foreign languages? Doesn't it undermine foreign languages, like what the Spanish says or the German or the French, like what does it say? Do you know what it says in the Spanish Bible, Pastor Mejia? You know, in some of those passages. I'm assuming it still says, it says, solomitas, it probably says sodomites. Yeah, so again, it's like, even when you correct the quote King James in these people's minds, they're not only correcting the King James, they're correcting like a whole lineage of manuscripts that are coming from the Texas Receptus. They're changing and saying basically that all of these line of manuscripts are kind of wrong or off. And that's why we made our film is because it's like, let's take the argument back kind of a layer to, you know, if you're correcting the King James, you're not just correcting the King James, you're correcting the Texas Receptus. You're basically correcting this whole lineage, this whole tree of manuscripts and you're really attacking that source and you're kind of, in many ways, acknowledging and bringing the critical text, which is a completely different argument than translation. And so I think that that also gets confused with people like Mark Ward where they're not trying to provide a better translation of the quote Texas Receptus. They're going to the critical text and then translating from it and saying, well, this actually matches the Greek better, but it's like a completely different argument than just a translation suggestion or something like that. I have heard- Got election news. Oh, go ahead. A battleground state has just gone for Trump. North Carolina has been called for Trump. There we go. This was one of the ones- Someone's keeping us in line here. I think that was like a while ago. I know, I think this is official. You didn't talk about it yet, though. Yeah, we didn't call it. So Pastor Anderson has called North Carolina for Trump. I don't mean to rain on your parade, nevermind. Go for it. No, I mean, hold on a second. Go to my screen if you can. I thought this is like the first truly battleground state that has gone for Trump. Yeah, no, you're- Or gone for anybody for that matter. I think that you're right. I think Georgia's really close. I think that some did call it for Georgia too, but you're right. Election wizard- Hold on, election wizard had North Carolina winner Donald Trump an hour ago. That's why I'm saying that. Yeah, okay, but I'm talking about on Google. I'm not talking about The Witch at Indoor. Yeah, okay. Sorry. Google just called it. My fault. Also, I do wanna give a quick shout out to Florida because Florida had a kind of an amendment four, is what it was called, an amendment to basically extend abortion beyond their current six-week ban. And it actually failed, which to me is actually a pretty good sign that not only, you know, not only obviously if the Republican party votes for Trump, you know, you could say like, well, that's a lot of Democrats and left-leaning people that are mixed in there, but if they're gonna put this, you know, amendment down and not vote for it, that seems like there's still a lot of conservatives in the Republican movement and there's at least still a lot of people that are against something like this. So I felt like that's a positive sign in general. Yeah, that's a white pill. I'm not saying that obviously, I think abortion should just be off the table and I think a lot of people believe that, but at least, you know, a majority of Florida said, no, we don't wanna make this even worse. It's worthy of a fist bump, right? Yeah, there we go. All right, you know, we're going to Miami. Miami's still winning marathon, 15th and the 16th. I'm excited to get out there. I'll be there. And, you know, I'm glad that we, you know, have this news about the abortion, you know, being extended, smack down. And, you know, that's been some soft wins. Obviously going back to the States was a good win. The Roe v. Wade overturned. The six week ban has probably eliminated some abortions and probably prevented some. I don't know for sure, but I would assume that it has. And so that at least they move in the right direction. So shout out to Florida for that. I wanna just say one last thing on the Mark Ward. He often will say, you could have your TR and read it too in his faggoty voice. And he's referring to the New King James Bible. He loves to push the NKJV, but it's so disingenuous because the NKJV, and I know you guys already know this, but for the audience, the NKJV departs from the received text and what I mean by that is it changes 1 Corinthians 1.18, for example, to match the critical text. Additionally, and some people don't think this is a big deal but I think it's a big deal, that when you look at some of the additional notes that they have in the New King James Bible, it'll literally cast doubt on the text and it'll tell you, oh, here's what the Nestle-Allen Greek New Testament says or the UBS five says or whatever. And it's like, why do I care? This is supposed to be a received text Bible. So that's totally disingenuous. And then one last thing, he brings up also these false friends. I'm curious, have you guys looked into the list of quote false friends? I know Pastor Thompson, you have, but Pastor Aderson, Pastor Mejia, these words that supposedly have changed meaning over time, for example, he says study doesn't mean study, mansions don't mean mansions. Is there any validity at all to some of these words that he brings up that supposedly have changed? There's definitely validity to a lot of the ones that he brings up, but then he just brings up a bazillion of them that have no validity because here's the thing, there are legitimately false friends in the KJV, but it's a very short list. If he actually stuck to the real false friends, it would be a short list and it'd be like, okay, whatever, learn those 10 words, not a big deal, move on. But then he wants to pad the list, so then he starts bringing in a bunch of crap that isn't true. He's wrong on 2 Timothy 2.15. I debunked him. I did a whole video debunking him on that. And as far as, the example I like to bring up as a false friend is nephew in 1 Timothy five does not mean what we think it means. And there are other legitimate examples too. That seems like the biggest one to me. What about conversation? Yeah, but think about, yeah, conversation's another good example. That could legitimately be called a false friend. But I feel like nephew's the only one where you would actually probably get the wrong idea unless somebody explained it to you. Whereas conversation, you can usually tell, you could, if you read enough Bible, you'd figure it out from the context. I think Pastor Mejia was gonna jump in too though, so. No, I was gonna say on the whole, the temple prostitutes thing is obviously a lot of that, the King James says Sodomite because of the fact that, it wants you to kind of make that connection to that connotation to Genesis 19 and Judges 19. And anytime you read the term Sodomite, it kind of brings that entire story back along with all their evil and wicked deeds and the fact that they're hated of the Lord, they're exceedingly evil in the eyes of God and that they're capable of rape. So it has all of these associations with that. Whereas if they just slip in their temple prostitute, it kind of just washes all that off and you don't really know what it's talking about. It could just be referring to anything. So obviously it's intentional to change it from Sodomite to temple prostitute because of the fact that a lot of these liberal type churches and guys who use these modern versions of the Bible, they don't want to kind of just look at homos as being unredeemable or something like that and wicked and rapist and child molesters and all that. And so it's just more convenient for them to go with these modern versions that simply put them as temple prostitutes. And I've talked to people online about that and they'll try to correct me and say, oh, you're wrong about the whole Sodomite issue. These are actually just temple prostitutes. We all know that prostitutes can be saved. Harlots can be saved, prostitutes can be saved. They can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There's many in the New Testament that got saved. And so obviously it's a perversion of that text to say that it's temple prostitutes because that's not what it's referring to. Talking about Sodomites and a shocking development, it looks like Kamala Harris is winning the San Francisco area. And that's 75%. But look, there's a righteous remnant. You know, there's 22% that is voting for Trump. So that's why God hasn't nuked it yet. When it gets down to 10 people. We had a great soul-winning marathon in San Francisco a while back. Oh yeah. Didn't y'all have over 100 soul-winners? Didn't your window get smashed, Pastor Mia? Yeah, our van got smashed and the luggage was taken and in broad daylight and all that, yeah. But it was still, I mean, we got a lot of people saved and stuff. I walked into a donut shop with Pastor Mejia and he just like started speaking Cambodian and just kind of blew my mind. He just busted out with Cambodian with the Cambodian donut shop people. That's what I remember like, the Chinese people, remember they were like talking and all we knew, it was COVID, like wash our pockets. Yeah, it was 2020. So you'd hear them just like, COVID. The funniest thing in San Francisco that we saw is walking down the sidewalks and looking at the cars on the street, they had signs on the window that said, please don't break my window, I have no money in here or I have no change in here. You forgot to put up your sign basically. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I did. One last thing about Mark Ward though, I'm sorry, I'm pissed off about this. I hate you. So here's some more false friends for the new King James. How about not translating, how about saying, the rich man lift up his eyes and Hades being in torments. How about not translating? What the Hades? Yeah, how about using Hades and Sheol? And I mean, you made a perfect example of that in your film, New World Literature Bible versions where you said, hey, you know, have you ever heard of Sheol or Hades? And people are like, Sheol. Sheol is a protective cover. Yeah, it's like, you did the man on the street with that and people totally failed the test. It's like, oh yeah, so there's your false friends for hell. They don't even translate hell in there. They leave it untranslated as the transliteration into the Greek. It's just like, that's more easy to understand, Mark Ward, you freaking idiot. Just to clear something up. I should have asked this earlier, but Mark Ward is the guy that made videos trying to debunk Pastor Anderson with all the fancy production, right? Is that him? Is that the guy? I don't think he had fancy production. I think he's just, you know. Is he the red haired guy? Yeah. Maybe. Yeah. The list. Yeah, he had some fancy camera trying to like debunk you and then Pastor Anderson just destroyed him with his phone. With his own production. Yeah, I took him to school on that Deuteronomy, the typo, and I was making the video like in my car and just kind of. On the way to class. The heebie-tuba. The heebie-tuba thing. I mean, here's the thing. I can't stand Mark Ward at all and I can't stand listening to him to speak ever, but I have to say of all of our enemies, at least he admitted he was wrong. Like, it seems like there's so many enemies that'll never admit that they're wrong. Okay, but in the video though, he's like, well, I was a little bit wrong, but. And then he's just like still saying that he's right about a bunch of stuff. It was like, I agree with you that it was refreshing that it at least like took a little bit of responsibility, but you know, he does. I'm not saying he came all our way. I'm just saying like he did at least say he was wrong, which almost seems like I never see that from our enemies. So. You know what's kind of interesting? That's true. I believe it was his video. He shows a screenshot of the Bishop's Bible that actually like was pretty good evidence that there was a typo in the King James. If you look at this screenshot of the bishops that he had. I wish we could find where that was because I think a friend sent it to him. The Bishop's Bible was marked up by the translators in committee what they were gonna say in their translation. Because remember the King James Bible is a revision of the Bishop's Bible. Yeah, and it didn't have to. So it was the Bishop's Bible that they had marked up and the way that they had marked it up was that it matched exactly with the King James. So it was like a smoking gun to prove that the King James translators got it right and that the printer had introduced a typo. And then he put it on the screen as evidence in his favor because he was misreading it. And then I proved that he was misreading it and then he admitted, oh yeah, I was misreading it. I would love to get a copy of whatever that is because it looked really interesting to see this Bishop's Bible. It didn't have the he be to be so that showed that. It's in a museum. There was a typo. It was an interesting proof. Was that the one that he was showing that from? Yeah, but I don't think that there does not seem to exist like an electronic copy of the whole thing, I don't think. But I think maybe part of it's been digitized and it's not necessarily every section because what it is is it's just the committee that was working on the Pentateuch or something. So it's not gonna be like the whole Bible. It's just the Old Testament. Yeah, it's just, okay. Not even just the Old Testament. Yeah, it's just the first five. It's gonna be like just the Pentateuch, just the first five books or something. It's the Torah. I was watching that film KJB and it kinda has some acting stuff in it and it showed like that guy found a copy of a fully intact Bishop's Bible that was given to, I think it was given away to, anyway, they found it and he found it in a room or something. You know what I'm talking about? What film I'm talking about? It's like the guy that played in Indiana Jones. He's like Indiana Jones' friend. Yeah, it's a really good film. I highly recommend. It's called KJB, The Book That Changed the World. And it's like, I think they call that like a docudrama, maybe, or something. Is that the British one? I don't know if that's the right word. It was really good. The actor that plays KJB is awesome. And by the way, I did a lot of historical research when I was working on the New World Order Bible Versions film and I believe that that KJB, Book That Changed the World film is extremely historically accurate. Like a lot of the things that King James says in the acting sequences are actually historical quotes attributed to him. So it's very, very accurate and just an entertaining watch. So very good. Well, and a lot of people falsely accuse him of being a sodomite, King James. And I think that Dr. Stringer had put out a rebuttal to that, that was pretty good. And I think that that whole, he's part of a movement, the King James Bible Research Council. And it seems like they're a pretty good group of individuals that support the Texas Receptus, support the King James Bible, and they're pretty easy. Yeah, I wanna bring up about them. I went to their conference this year and I sat through literally, I don't know, I feel like it was at least nine or 10 hours of sessions or something, because it was just like two days and they just had so many sessions. So I heard, I don't know, 11 different preachers or something, and it was very good. Some of it was better than others, but it was all in general pretty good. So let's just give a shout out that the next one is gonna be on May 1st and 2nd in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. So if anybody's interested out there watching this, I think that that conference is worth attending. It's a pretty good conference. And it's May 1st and 2nd in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. I'm not 100% that I'll be there, but I probably will show up to that, to be honest. Yeah, I was thinking about going out there too and inviting some of our church to maybe go attend, because it's a lot of fun. I really feel like that subject, there's a lot to learn still, even after, New World or Bible Version is probably my favorite documentary, and then the Preserved Bible, we were able to even uncover some more stuff. And even in these sessions and in these groups, I feel like there's still a lot of information that's beneficial. In fact, King James had written a letter to his son or a book to his son, a lot of good information in there. He really hates smoking, which was kind of funny to me, how much he just abhors smoking. I didn't even, it's funny to me that that was a huge deal in the 1600s or something like that, but he really, really hates, I mean, it's like Martin Luther on the Jews, but it's King James on faggots, I mean, smoking. So he probably hates both, honestly. Yeah, and his pamphlet against smoking, it's not that long, and you can easily read it online. Just Google King James pamphlet against smoking. It's only a few pages, I think, it's pretty interesting. Well, it's the fifth of November tonight, so I mean, it's a pretty good night. Appropriate, yes, appropriate time to discuss this. So speaking of that, I am having a King James Conference, which it's gonna be May 15th, 2018. Nice. Pastor Mejia and Pastor Anderson are preaching at it. They've already confirmed, and then Dr. Stringer's gonna be preaching on Sunday. So that's who I've got so far coming to it. Sounds great. So I've invited everybody else here. Wow, I'm excited. But that's happening, it's confirmed. When is that again? It's May 15th through 18th. Nice. I wanna go. So we'll go to the King James Research Council, we'll get all our talking points on the first of the second writer's sermon, then a couple weeks later we'll just try to. Just re-preach it, re-preach it. Regurgitate what we learned, just cram it all into one sermon, you know? Amen. That's funny. No, the last one you had was really good, I really appreciated it. It was a lot of fun. You guys, your church decorated the church really nice, and it was a good turnout. And that was the only sermon that I've done against Mark Ward, was the one that I preached at SURE Foundation at the King James Conference. I preached on strong language in the King James. Wasn't it strong language? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was responding to a Mark Ward video. I think it was funny, because I never knew about Tipper Gore until that sermon. I had never really heard about that. I'm gonna tell the story why I always bring up Tipper Gore. Because when I was a teenager, I had this friend, and we listened to a lot of the same music, this is a public school friend, and we listened to a lot of the same music, and he was telling me that this band that we liked, or this artist that we like, had just come out with a new album, and he's like, oh, you gotta get the new album or whatever. And then I saw him a few days later, he's like, hey, did you get that album? And I was like, oh, I was gonna buy it, but I said, I saw that it had a parental advisory on it. So I was like, I didn't wanna buy it, because I felt like there might be something bad in it. And he's like, says who, Tipper Gore? So that just kinda stuck with me. Because I guess Tipper Gore had some kind of a campaign about putting those advisories on albums that had a lot of profanity or something. I don't know, I don't even know, really, Tipper Gore's involvement. It's just someone says something to you in an offhand comment one time, 25, 30 years ago, and it just kinda sticks with you. Do we have to put some kind of a warning label on King James Bibles now, or something like that? Advisory warning? That's how much politics have changed. She was a Democrat, that was Al Gore's wife, and she was the spearhead against profanity. Well, let me fact check this, see if it's even real. Let me Google it real quick. It's real. She was against a crew live crew. She was in NWA and all that stuff. She was, ask me. What is that? It is weird, because wasn't Democrats like the freedom of speech people? She was the main person behind the parental advisory label, apparently. I'm on the Wikipedia page, Parental Advisory, and it's a picture of Tipper Gore. Yup. What is NWA? Wow. Well, it's, are you trying to trap us, Ben? Thanks, Ben. Actually, you can say it, can't you? You're on to me. Yeah, it's New IFB with Attitude. Nobody knows what the New IFB is anymore. We're confused about who's in and who's out. So nobody knows what New IFB is, so we'll split your acronym to NWA. Yeah, there you go. The New Independent with Attitude. I agree with that. It's confusing to me. It's like, people act like it's some sort of organization or something. It's like, give me a break. No, it's like Matt First was just saying something. He's like, I was invited to join the New IFB, and I- What was that? It's like, did he say that? He said that he received a phone call asking him to join the New IFB. I've never even gotten this call. How do I get in? I feel like I'm missing out. The dues are $99 a year. Is there a secret handshake at the temple or something like that? It's like a subscription. Brother Shelley, Brother Shelley, would you like to join the New IFB? I don't even know what that means. It's so weird. I'm nervous now. People are weird. I remember this pastor told me that one of his church members came up to him after a previous controversy in like 2019, and he tells him, hey, I just want to let you know, pastor, I'm leaving the New IFB. I'm leaving the movement. The pastor's like, okay, are you still going to my church? He's like, yeah. I'm like, what does that mean then? Do you still believe the same things? Yes, I'm just leaving the movement. Okay. I mean, again, I thought that it was just like a belief system in general. And so, to me, even if we all went away, the New IFB still just exists in the minds of people because it's like people that love soul winning, love family integrated church, they love the King James Bible, they're against repent of your sins for salvation. I think that forever the course of IFB has been changed by the quote New IFB because there's been so much of a change in the mentality for a lot of people that it's going to be forever different. It's like when they say this is the guy that turned the world upside down. People are going to have an appetite now for family integrated churches that are zealous for soul winning, that are King James only, that are against repent of your sins, and it doesn't matter if they're friends with certain people or not, that has dramatically changed. And there's plenty of people that would say they're quote not in the New IFB, but they're still like 99.9% the exact same as all of us. They're listening to our stream right now. No, I'm saying like- They believe all the doctrines. You go to their church, and I kid you not, they'll do two songs that are hymns from the exact same hymnal that I use, then they'll do announcements, then they'll do a third song that's from the exact same hymnal that we use, and then they'll read an entire chapter, and then they'll preach in a very similar style, and then they're zealous for soul winning, have family integrated services, and I'm like, what's the difference? So is that a faithful word? Is that where it started? No, no, no, I'm just saying that it's funny to me how people are literally like 99.9999% the same. I see. And then they want to be like, because I'm this .0001% different on whatever that is- I'm leaving the movement. Then you're not quote not in the New IFB. No one outside would think that they are different. Here's what I think is so funny, is that all these people are talking about like, oh, the New IFB's done, the downfall of the New IFB, the rise and fall of the New IFB, but what does that even mean when the churches that are in the so-called movement are all growing and thriving, and they're still big, successful churches? How is the movement dying, but then the individual churches are having record-breaking attendances? Like, but the movement died. What does that even mean? Because basically what they mean is, oh, the New IFB used to have a whole bunch of posers that were attached to them, and then a bunch of posers left, so there's not as many member churches. Well, it's funny, because it seems like all the big churches are still in. But I'm just saying, even these ones that are saying, I don't wanna be that anymore, they're still 99.999% similar, and they're still going forward. They haven't even stopped. And so I would say there's even more, there's more people being reached with a church that has this New IFB doctrine than ever before, and even if they all keep splitting and fracturing and whatever, it's like, this movement, a little level is the whole lump, we are forever changing the course of action. And I've said this consistently, and I think you've agreed with me, Pastor Anderson, it's like not everybody's gonna be exactly like the New IFB or like us, but some people we just drag a little bit closer, right? Like some people we're just drawing them a little bit more similar. Yeah, I'm even influencing Presbyterians. Obviously that's like way different than us. I've had Presbyterian pastors say to me, hey, you're influencing us, we're listening to you, don't change, we appreciate you on this, this, and that, even though we disagree on X, Y, and Z. When I went to that, what was it called? The Kepp-Here-In-All-Ages Conference, I had multiple Presbyterian pastors come up to me and say that they appreciated my preaching and stuff. So the point is that, yeah, we've influenced people and that influence is never gonna go away, is what you're saying. Yeah, it's never gonna, the ripple- We're not trying to build some organization. We're not trying to build an organization or have control of the kingdom. Even all of these people who've kind of like attached themselves to us over the years and then broken away from us over the years, they still go away acting like us, talk like us, be like, you know what I mean? And then it's like, okay, oh, but you're not new IFB anymore. And it's like I said, nobody really even knows what new IFB even means anymore because I don't think anybody ever knew for sure what it meant because it means different things to different people. Yeah, if they said like, hey, I'm leaving the Baptist bias, but then they still have a Baptist bias mentally, then it's like, okay, well, mission accomplished. You don't have to watch my show to have the Baptist bias, but it's like, and there's plenty of people that have watched our show that are Catholic, non-Christian, every denomination you could think of, and we're just trying to influence them a little bit more like us, having a little bit more of the Baptist bias being a little bit more King James or whatever the issue is. We're just trying to reach people where they're at, make them a little bit more like us and try to encourage people to make better decisions in their life. No one's gonna do everything like us. I mean, it's so funny when people act like our churches or my church does everything I say, as if. It's like I preach to them and tell them all kinds of stuff and they never do what I'm wanting them to say. We're never gonna reach people 100%. No one in our churches are gonna do everything that we say. I do everything. Yeah, except for Ben. Obviously, Ben does everything that I tell him to do. He is my puppet. But I'm just saying, quit Indian food right now. No, I'm just kidding. But it's like we're only just trying to reach people. And I've always said this, being a pastor, my viewpoint is just to help people serve Christ better. So as long as they're making some good moves, they're trending in the right direction, like mission accomplished. And I think that UIB as a movement, that's what we're doing. We're making people a little bit better. And even if they don't wanna go all the way, it is what it is. I remember Pastor Anderson saying years ago, like at the end of the day, one day, the new IFB is not even gonna exist. We're just gonna be called independent fundamental Baptist churches, as all independent fundamental Baptist churches are. Because we're like the new generation of fundamental Baptists, introducing a superior way of doing certain things and strengthening other things that came from the old IFB. And then after a while, like now, we're just independent fundamental Baptists. But at the end of the day, people who don't agree with the new IFB are still like the new IFB in a lot of ways, in practice and in belief. And what it is, is they just don't wanna associate with certain people. But that's how the old IFB is though. The old IFB is literally broken up into like various camps. And they all practice and believe the same exact thing, even though they don't wanna associate with each other. Oh yeah, dozens and dozens, if not hundreds of camps in the IFB. And then there's probably, I mean, plenty of IFBs that are literally just in the camp by themselves. Like they're just kinda like, just doing their own thing and just not really even. Those are the truly independent. Yeah, those are the, yeah. They don't rub shoulders with anybody. You have to just live in like a really small town and you're just not, you just, we're the true independent. Nobody agrees with us. I remember a pissing match about how, who was more independent through like half their podcasts. They're like, oh no, I'm more independent than you. And it's like, is that what we're trying to do at the end of the day is be so independent that we're just the most independent. Which church is like that in the Bible? I don't know. It's just so independent. Deontrophy's, Deontrophy's Baptist church. I mean. All went up to Jerusalem and they had like a big council about things to try to figure stuff out. Can you imagine how offended some of these people would be when you get an epistle and it's like to the seven churches which are in Asia? It's like, I don't wanna be associated with that Sardis Baptist church. How dare they lump me together with them? It's like, Jesus is talking to seven different churches. And I mean, they're all in a major different scale of success. Like they're not all in line with that. The part that I heard of that podcast is basically just two pastors getting together and just gossiping about a situation that has nothing to do with them. And they were just both just like praising themselves the whole time. Just like talking about how crazy they were. It was like, it was, it was, you gently led mister as well as, as well as Matt first, the non-soul winner. And basically they were just like bragging the whole time about how like, I figured out all this stuff on my own. And I didn't learn this stuff from pastor Anderson. And they're just talking about how great they are. And then they're acting like, God just randomly decided to use me. Like God just rolled the dice and he just picked me at random. Cause he's like, well, look how messed up pastor Anderson is. If God can use pastor Anderson, think about what he could do with me. Cause I'm so much better than pastor Anderson. Like, so if God could do great things with pastor Anderson, then God could do great things with me too. And it's like, well, yeah, but you'd have to start acting like pastor Anderson. If you want to get used by like pastor Anderson, like, like, like God, if God can do so much better things with you, then why isn't he? Didn't someone in the Bible say like, we're all holy? Like, you know, why are you lifting yourselves up above the congregation? I thought that we were all holy. Number 16. Yeah, but the, but my point is that it's like the old IFB, they sit around like praying for revival cause they think revival, you just, you never know where it's going to strike or something. And that, and that basically God just randomly picks a pastor and just uses him greatly. It's the reality is that in order to be used by God, you know, you have to be filled with the spirit of God and you have to be available and you have to actually get up and preach the Bible and do all those things. And I, I do believe that anybody could easily duplicate any of the success that I've had. And I think many people have done that successfully, but he's not one of them. Isn't, it's not like, it's not like, wow, what could God do with me? Well, I don't know. When's he going to do it, bro? Like in Calvinism, you have irresistible grace. So like, do they have this doctrine of like, irresistible revival? Like that you're just, you just kind of like, just doing your own thing. Irresistible revival. And then just, just out of nowhere. Irresistible revival. You have just instant revival that you can't even resist. Like you're just, you're just on fire with zeal that wasn't even there. You're just walking along and it just, maybe it's like Saul. Like Saul is just going out to kill David and then randomly just gets naked and starts preaching the Bible, like irresistible revival style or something like that. I don't, I'm just, I'm not sure. I'm not really- Maybe when they talked about the rise, maybe when they talked about the rise and fall of the new IFB, the rise was referring to us and the fall was referring to them, you know what I mean? Because I haven't really seen them do much. Well, it's kind of hard- My church is doing great. We had a record-breaking attendance this past Sunday. Got a ton of salvations. 218 in church, you know, just keeps growing. I don't, I'm not really seeing what they're talking about. All the real ones are doing great. I don't know if there's much of a fall there, but you know, you have to be pretty high to fall. It's over, it's wrapped up, it's done. Well, Pastor Mejia, what, Pastor Mejia, your church has been around for how long now? Going on eight years. Yeah, because you guys just had an anniversary, right? Yeah. Yep. And your church is thriving. And this year, yeah, this year we're about to see approximately about a thousand salvations, about 35 baptisms that we've had throughout the year. We had 218 in church on Sunday. And a lot of the people in our church, believe it or not, are not New IFB people. They're people that people in our church have reached because we're reaching new people. I'm bringing people in to the New IFB. I'm teaching people- How do you get so many baptisms? New IFB doctrine. We're all Mexican out here, so, you know, because they're all former Catholics, they like to get baptized. And if you baptize a Mexican, then like all their extended family shows up to the Baptist too, right? Exactly, see, it's like a quinceanera, but it's like baptism style. It's like they all come- I will say that our baptisms are lower than last year. Last year we had like 60 baptisms, but that's because we're in Belize and we had major revival in Belize and we had a bunch of salvations and baptisms over there. But, you know, I got like 10,000 followers on Instagram and a lot of them are not New IFB and I'm introducing people to New IFB doctrine. And so, you know, I don't see a fall in that area. Someone's asking me like, why Pastor Mejia gets all these baptisms? Like, well, they have a lot of Mexicans over there. So they, you know, they like to get the baptisms in because they're Catholic. I just thought, I thought that was funny. We like to strike while the iron is hot and we just ask them right away. Hey, well, you know what, we have a baptism competition in our church. So we like have all of our soul owners broken up into tribes and we're doing this baptism competition. And only one person, like we just started it. Only one person had got it and it was three people and they were all Hispanic. So there you go. All right. It works. Hey, it was a whole family. They just, they came to church and they got saved and wanted to get baptized, so. I'll butt in for a quick commercial break and then we'll go right back to what you guys are talking about. I keep getting heat for using this page, but it's really good. Election Wizard says that Pennsylvania, Trump 51.3%, Harris 47.8% with 80% reporting as of about 14 minutes ago. That's all I have to say. Right back to you, Pastor Shelley. Yeah, not a lot has really changed on the map. They're getting a little bit closer. I think Georgia is pretty similar to 50.8%, 48%. For Harris, and they're at 93% total count. Well, this is looking like a Trump slide. It's looking like he's gonna even win the popular vote. Well, what about the mail-in ballots? Here's a pathway for Trump to victory, okay? Is he's got 230, right? Yeah. If he's looking good for Pennsylvania and Georgia. Well, it's over. That's 35, that's 35 electors. So that puts him up to 265. So if he can do Georgia and Pennsylvania, then all he has to do is just get one of either Arizona, Wisconsin, or Minnesota, which he's leading all three of those. Or Nevada. So if he can just get Georgia and PA plus one other state, then he's got it. Yeah, I mean, those are probably the two most important is Georgia and Pennsylvania. And then they'll probably decide. And I'm not gonna be surprised when they won't even tell us tonight. Info Wars is saying election bombshell Trump on path to declare victory within an hour. Now he's known for bombastic headlines. Do you believe everything that Info Wars has been? The answer? I have a question. Answer the question. I just went to you. Answer the question. Wait, he wasn't paying attention. I forgot what the question was. What's your question? He doesn't remember. Can you hear me? He's gonna believe the top of the fence. Oh man. Someone says Alaska is gonna go red. So Pastor Thompson, aren't you coming to see us this week? I'm here, baby. He's already there. What the heck? You're already in Arizona? He said he was in Tempe. Why aren't you guys? No one's listening. There's the Pastor Thompson moment. You guys should be doing the stream from the same room. I know. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, man. I'm glad you're here. I'd like to get in early. Pastor Mejia, when do you arrive, Pastor Mejia? I'm not gone. I wasn't invited. We're in together, man. You're coming to preach for me on December 1st, though. Are you backing out? Is that like on the calendar already or what? Is that on the calendar? Dude, are you serious right now? Are you serious? Yeah. I'm preaching at your church on December 1st and you're preaching at mine. Remember the pulpit swap? That's your Pastor Thompson moment. I just had a Pastor Thompson. This is how we invite people. This is like those videos where the guy like proposes on live stream in front of a lot of people and then she acts like, oh, I don't know. I don't even know him. He's my brother. I'm pretty sure it's on my church website events page. Let me look at it. Go to faithforwardbaphis.org. I know not the name. December 1st, Pastor Bruce Mejia preaching at Faith Forward. There it is. Is that a Sunday? Oh, it is a Sunday. All right. Sounds good. Good thing we had this show so everybody can. Yeah, that would have been awkward if you showed up to LA and Pastor Mejia was still there. Like, oh, what are you doing here? I wanna get your feedback, Ben. Are we gonna have some kind of a declaration tonight or do you think we're just- I think it's a Trump slide. I think that this will be over by the time we all go home. Donald Trump's the next president of the United States of America. Was it brought to you by McDonald's? Yeah, I think doing that whole McDonald's stunt is what actually won him the election in my mind. Do you think Trump won for the third consecutive time in a row, huh? Third consecutive victory tonight for Donald J. Trump. I am officially calling the election right now. Wow. That's a bold move, because I think it's pretty close. When Biden called everybody garbage, that was big, too. He called everybody to support Donald Trump garbage. I guess I just thought that that was a taken. Like, everybody's like offended. I was like, isn't that how he's always felt about us? I don't know. Yeah, but to say it out loud, being the president, like half the country or over half the country was like- Didn't they make a whole, they made like a whole statement where he, they like put an apostrophe on, and like some statement to claim that he didn't call us all. They altered the- All trash or something. What it said. It was like, he didn't say all the supporters are trash. He said all the supporters with apostrophe. And then- They altered the official transcript that he was saying in that conference call. Officially altered it. And made up stuff that he didn't, you know, they changed it. What does Biden even do anymore? Like, does he do- He's on baby's feet. Is he alive? Does he do anything presidential? The real question is who's actually running our country. Is he even alive? Is anyone? Four years. Israel. Who's really been running this country for the last four years? It feels like no one's running it. A little bit too. Somebody is. Well, yeah. Somebody's making these rules and laws and- Yeah, but I mean, the president does stuff, right? Like the president is reviewing things, making executive decisions, calling people, doing foreign policy. There's responsibilities that the president is supposed to partake in. And it seems like that just not happening. He hasn't been doing all the stuff he's supposed to be doing. The first day he was in office, he just had this like big stack of things he was supposed to sign. And it was just like basically just rescinding all the policies that Trump- Yeah, but just in, I don't know if this is in Biden's defense, but just Biden, because he kind of got this vote of no confidence where he had the nomination and then had to step down because of his cognitive problems, he's a total lame duck. So he can't really be effective. So that's why he's not doing much because he can't. It's sort of like the incumbent, if they lose the election, they're a lame duck. Well, he's already been a lame duck for many months because of the cognitive thing. But he was that way when he got elected. He's been that way since he's been elected. So like, it's almost like, I mean, if you want to look at the conspiracy side of it, and it's almost like if they really want another idiot to be in there that they can control, well, they really got a big one in Kamala Harris. So, I mean, she doesn't even do interviews. Like who's ever seen that? She's done like a few, right? Pretty rare. Yeah, but they're all, you know, softball questions. I mean, Joe Biden didn't even have to do interviews. I mean, no one's, I've just never, you know, I've been around a while and I've just never seen anything like I've seen in the last like three elections where people don't get asked real questions, only the Republicans get asked hard questions and get attacked the way that they do. It's just really weird. So it used to be just a completely different setup, but, you know, now it's just like some shadow government's kind of just controlling everything. And, you know, the press is protected. This graph just keeps showing the same thing, huh? I just keep seeing the same graph over and over again. Yeah, I haven't seen much. You can go back to, you just got to go to bed and you wake up and it'll be there, maybe. Maybe. I'm going to bed. Good night, everyone. Well, thanks. Thanks for your serial contributions. Thanks for coming up. It's live. That was quick, boom. Dang. No, that was a fake, that was a fake exit, but this time I'm really leaving. All right. I was like, wow, you really wanted to go. There we go. All right. Thanks for joining. That's Pastor Addison. I'm heading out as well. Pastor Mejia. Thanks for coming. Thank you. Thank you for having me on. Had a great time. Appreciate you. Yeah, God bless. I wasn't supposed to be on here for 30 minutes, but. West coast to the best coast. Hey, Pastor Mejia, if you stayed on longer than planned, then it wasn't so bad then, right? No, it was good. It was fun. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Really enjoyed you. It's typically like the political stuff. That was okay. Yeah. Check out First Works, LA, Orange County. If you like Trump, you like his church. Orange County. There you go. Amen. See you guys. Have a good night. Yeah, God bless. Have a good one. Have a good one. Good night. I think we can go to our 3B view. So Pastor Shelley. Yes. You don't think that the footnotes in the New King James are a problem? Well, I mean, I think they're all different, right? No, but I'm saying like when it says, hey, the Nestle Island says this, the UBS 5 says that, I feel like that's a big issue. Yeah, obviously. I mean, you know, when I think of footnotes, I kind of think of a more famous New King James translation, the John MacArthur one. Oh, I see what you mean. I'm sorry. And so I was saying like, sometimes they have, I guess maybe that's commentary more than it is footnotes. That's a commentary, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are the footnotes consistent in all New King Jameses? Yeah, they all cast doubt on the text. They'll tell you 1 John 5, 7, the Kamu Yohanium is not supposed to be in the Bible. They cast doubt on the real ending of Mark chapter 16, which Pastor Thompson, I think that's how you referred to it as well, if I remember correctly. I really like that designation for the real ending of Mark. But I just feel like the New King James is the Republican Party of Bible versions where people say, oh, you know, you should just use that one. It's called the King James, but it's really not a King James Bible just as the Republican Party is not really conservative. And those folks- I think it's the worst version because it's kind of like the way to get, if you're gonna get somebody off the King James, that's what you're gonna get them with. That's what he's doing. Yeah, it's the gateway drug. Yeah, it is the gateway drug to get you, well, it's the received, it's the TR, it's based on the TR, but they didn't even really use the TR per se when they use it. They used a different kind of version of that that went away from the TR over 1800 times. I think, so are they just then using the majority text instead of the received text? They're also preferring the modern versions and the modern renderings. And if they don't change it, then they'll just say something about it in the margins. See, this is something- It's like the long ending of Mark, the quote unquote long ending of Mark. This is something that people often get a little bit confused on is they think, well, okay, we believe in the majority text every time, but that's actually not the case because it is true that there are certain readings in the King James Bible, Ephesians 3.9 being one of them, 1 John 5.7 being one of them, that are actually a quote minority reading, meaning that there's a minority of Greek witnesses that substantiate it. And that's okay because what matters to us is whether the reading has been received and passed down from generation to generation. Now a vast majority of the text can be backed up by a majority of Greek manuscripts. But in those few places where there's a minority of manuscript witnesses for that reading, it doesn't bother us at all because we believe in the received text, that which has been preserved. But those people who are on the majority text they actually don't even believe in 1 John 5.7 as a result of that. Yeah, well, I mean, they put a footnote in that one too. I mean, the only thing that they change in the verse is spirit versus ghost, which means the same thing. So that's not a problem. But then they say in the footnote, I mean, I'm just going off memory here, but I think that they literally say that everything after it says there are three that bear witness, and then it says everything after that is not in all those other different texts. And it's just like, okay, well then why don't you just say you don't believe the saying that the Father would work in the Holy Ghost. Which of course that's garbage because it's in the majority of Latin manuscripts. There's versional evidence for it. There's quotes of antiquity that back up 1 John 5.7 as well. We can go on and on on that. But one thing I wanted to mention, specifically with regard to the debate between Dan Haefeli and Mark Ward, Pastor Thompson, is that I would echo your sentiment that Haefeli, and God bless him, please don't take this as me attacking the guy. I'm sure he's a great guy. Why are you attacking him? But I will just say this respectfully to him is that I understand being respectful in a debate, I get that, but it was almost too nice in my mind where I just don't, to me, Mark Ward is such a devil. He is so, it's not even just that he's effeminate and talks like a faggot and all that stuff. But he is such a liar. And one of the leading voices, no, against the King James Bible that, look, I'm not saying that if you debate the guy you should get up there and just attack him viciously or something like that. But at the same time though, it's okay to show a little bit of aggressiveness towards someone who's really made it his mission to attack the word of God. What do you say to that? Yeah, I mean, I think that he was way too soft on him. And I don't know much about him, Dr. Haefeli or whatever, but I mean, I thought that him calling him to the carpet about that was good though. And he just set up, but he was nice about it even then. He was like, well, I'm just gonna kind of give you a chance to say something, you know, I guess to take that back basically. And then he doesn't just take, he doesn't take it back. He doubles down on it and basically says to him to do good and do it not to him, it is sin. So he's basically saying if you hand a kid a King James Bible, you are sinning because you know that that kid can't understand that you're handing him something he can't understand. So therefore it's sin. Because you've heard what I've had to say. I mean, the guy is just so full of himself. He's like, how would you like to know the word of God like I know the word of God? I'm just like, wow, that is just so full. Very arrogant, he's smug, he's prideful. He's made it his mission to discredit the King James Bible. But you know what, maybe the reason Mark Ward can't understand it to save his life is because he's a false prophet and the Holy Spirit is not guiding him into all truth. Well, I mean, to attack the word of God, and then to try to get people on it, on something else that's not the word of God, then, I mean, what else? Like, I don't know what else he would say. What else he would call that? Yeah, I mean, I know plenty of people that are not King James only who would never say it's a sin to give your child a King James Bible. Like even people who disagree with our doctrine on the Bible, I don't think would ever make a statement like that. It's so wicked, and it is evil, and I stand 100% against Mark Ward. And I think people, especially in the old IP. You're against Mark Ward? They need to be, they need to stop being so nice. Is the point of pointing. He claims to love his King James and read it every day, but like, he's not reading it for the same reason that we're reading it. He says he loves it, but I just, I have a hard time believing that he loves it when he says that it's unintelligible. If it's so unintelligible, then why is he reading it? No, he hates it, he hides his hatred with deception. You know, I really like your conversation, but I do wanna ask a few questions about the election for a second. Sure. Is it suspicious that, and I'm looking at the Associated Press data. I've also looked at the 2070 website's data. But for Nevada, they still show 0% votes counted. How is it, how is it 11 p.m.? And again, they might be an hour behind, so forgive me. But I'm like, how do you still have zero votes counted? Isn't that suspicious? Isn't that weird? Like, this is the election day. Can't you get your stuff together? Like, I'm just trying to say, like, is that not a little bit suspicious? I agree. It is, it is suspicious, and it just goes to show you that this country's embarrassing. The democratic process we have in the United States, we're supposed to be the superpower of the world, and yet we can't tabulate votes the same night as the election. Give me a freaking break. I mean, is it not also suspicious that the states that are the controversial states, the ones that are gonna make this decision, they're just trickling in, taking forever, they're the slowest ones? Like, why is that? I mean, Pennsylvania should be called by now. Well, I'm just. To your point. I'm just wanting to say, like, it feels like what happened four years ago. It feels, I'm just saying that we get an eerie feeling of like, it's exactly like what happened. I'm more optimistic. It's already 11 o'clock, and we're still super far away from a lot of these things being called, and it feels like what's gonna happen is we're gonna go to bed and wake up, and it's gonna be all blue again. I think there's a chance that could happen. I'm not discrediting that at all. I think there's a chance that could happen. I mean, why is Nevada reporting nothing? I will say that Pennsylvania's looking really good for Trump at 84% reporting. He has 218,000 vote lead right now, according to Election Wizard, which I've been paying attention to all night, and so, you know, in my mind, it feels the same in one way, but in another way, it almost feels like maybe they didn't account for the Trump slide that we're seeing transpire right now. They didn't account for cheating hard enough? I mean, like. They didn't print out enough votes. Yeah, but then why is it trickling in? It could be there's fraud in that state, but it's too much. It's trickling in. Here's my point. So that they can just last a minute, they know exactly how much they need, right? It's too little, too late, though. Pennsylvania's got fraud. There's no doubt about that, like. I think it's too little, too late. This is such a landslide they can't rig. Georgia. It's not even a landslide, though, Ben. I mean, Pennsylvania is 86% counted, so that means there's 14% left, and the election's only 170,000. And I mean, like, they said in 2020 that they brought in two to 300,000 ballots in the middle of the night last time. I mean, that's well enough to get. And again, there was several elections in 2020 that were decided by a very, very small margin. I wanna say that Arizona was 12,000 votes. I think it was something, like, super minuscule, and currently, Arizona, right now, it's 920 Trump to 909 Harris. So we're talking about only an 11,000 margin, and they're only at 50% right now. So, you know. That's crazy. No, it's possible they're setting the same thing up as 2020, you're right. It seems like we're just headed down the exact same road where they're allowing every single Trump vote to get counted, so then they can finally know, okay, we need 3.2 million, we need 1.7 million, or whatever. And there's no way that she's got more votes than him. There's no way, she's a freakin' moron, dude. We have a Cenk Uygur meltdown. Look how popular he is. I'm kinda curious how many votes that they think have come in from a total perspective, because, so right now, it says that Trump has 62 million, and Kamala has 58 million. So Trump got, what, 70, was it 71 last year? Yes, it was around 71. So he's about nine million away from getting what he got last time. But Biden got 80, over 80 million. 81? 80 million, 81 million, yeah. Maybe rounding up, 81 million? How many Biden votes 2020, it says, let's see. I would think it would've been a top result here. I remember, oh yeah, it says 81. Okay, it just rounded up, I guess. 81 million, I think Trump had 70-something. I remember looking up like, list of most votes for president. Well Cenk Uygur on TYT is freaking out and saying, come on, here's the win. Oh no, Trump got 74 million. I was wrong. Trump had gotten 74 million in 2020. Biden got 81 million. Which shattered Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 numbers. Barack got supposedly 69 million in 2008. 65 million in 2012. Hillary Clinton got 65 million in 2016. Trump got 62 million in one. So Trump's already gotten as many as he did in 2016. According to that statistic. He already got 62-6. So Trump's almost already gotten how many he did in 2016. Pennsylvania, still 86% reporting, 93% in Georgia. Super close. I think- Hey, is that Georgia? What's the, how close is that? Yeah, so if we look at Georgia, it's like 170,000. It looks like there are some preparations- This site's not working very well. There's preparations being made for Trump to deliver remarks I see on the screen there. When he comes out, I think it's important for us to switch to that feed to see what he says because I think what he's going to do is he's gonna declare victory tonight regardless of what the news media says. He's gonna declare victory tonight in order to see if he can stop the steal because I do think they're trying to steal Georgia and Pennsylvania as we speak. So he needs to declare victory tonight. I think that would be important. Yeah, but I mean, I don't know. It's a mess. I mean, how is Nevada just not even reporting? I mean, that's weird. I agree with you, yeah, it is. Well, the fraud, the steal is on. Well, can we look at the, I know the blue states are just gonna be blue on the West Coast. I just wanna see what Washington and Oregon and California are doing. Well, I would show you, but for some reason, they just won't show you right now. Oh. It's like they take you home. Oregon had early voting and so did Washington. Yeah, you used to be able to just click on this and see all the data, but now it just won't work. I don't know if there's another site. Oh, and all the big mail sacks. Okay, here's this one. Look at how red Oregon is, just except for Eugene and Portland. Portland, I mean, look. Clackamas is only 54% Dem. Hood is 66. 50,000 additional ballots. Dominic Michael Trippi says, 50,000 additional ballots are expected to arrive at Pennsylvania polling sites tonight. So it's the same thing all over again, it looks like. Is that enough to flip the state, though? That's not, dude, look at Oregon. That's not that much of a difference, really. I mean, it is, but generally, that's a lot different. Oh, that's, so that's, yeah, that's Oregon. What about Washington? Will you pull up Washington? I know it's not that big of a deal to you guys, but I just wanna see. What is that top number? It's hard for me to see it. So it's 58% for Kamala, 1.5 million, 39%. This has 64% reporting. Seattle is 75%. Whitman is 50. Spokane is 50% Trump, 46 Harris. Wow, that's the second biggest city in Washington. Lincoln is 73% Trump, but that's a small, small area. What's Vancouver? Is this throughout Vancouver? Is that Clark County, I'm assuming? Clark, yeah. That's 53% Harris, 44% Trump. So Harris had 104,000, Trump had 88,000. Wow. That seems phony too. Unless there's just been a dramatic shift in Clark County, but. All right, well that's sad. There's still 2,000 people that voted for RFK. It seems weird. Yeah, why'd they even keep him on the ballot if he's not running anymore? That's just ridiculous. So how does Kamala Harris, as it stands right now, Pastor Shelley, how does Kamala Harris win? What's her path to victory right now? What does she need to do? Well, I think that Georgia, if I were to just guess, I would guess Georgia will probably still hang on for Trump, but then it'll probably just be Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada. And then. So she would have to win all of those? Like what does she have to do to win? Yeah, and then Trump will stay. Trump will probably get, he probably will lose Arizona even. So he'll probably get, it looks like that would be 251. So it'd be a little bit better than last time, because I think it was like 230. So probably like 251, and then they're just gonna, like. So they need to flip Pennsylvania? They're gonna flip Pennsylvania. Wisconsin and Michigan will go to them. They'll probably flip Arizona, and Nevada will go blue. Because I mean, I'm sorry. There's no way for me to believe Nevada's election when it's 1130, and they have zero things reporting. They are two hours behind, to be fair. It doesn't, there's zero reporting? Yeah, that doesn't make sense, obviously. 930 local time, but there's some dancing going on at the Trump deal, so. Oh, okay. I'm just pointing it out, that's all. I'm not trying to contradict you. I mean, here's the thing. I would, honestly, I just want whoever was elected to win. If our nation as a whole just says, like, we want Kamala Harris, then so be it. Like, let's just take the curse upon us and deal with that. I think we want Trump. But if Trump gets elected, then I think that he should be elected. I just think things should be done correctly. And I think that when there's the cheating and the stealing, like, that's bad. Obviously, all things work together for good to them that love God, though. So at the end of the day, like, you know, the powers that be are ordained of God, right? So if he wants us to be a communist nation, I mean, then there's not really any stopping it. I mean, how close are we to the end times anyways? Like, I don't know. Like, could this be it? I think that if they steal this election, and they have a communist regime in full power, I think things are gonna escalate even faster as far as just the destruction of our country. Here's a question for you, and I agree with what you're saying, but when it comes to if Trump is elected president, you know, there's a lot of passages about praying for the king, you know, not reviling the gods, et cetera. What is your attitude toward him as president? You know, will you be praying for him, or what do you kind of think that could happen with Trump as the president? What's your mentality about him being the president? I mean, I guess- Because I don't know. I mean, I don't think he's a reprobate. I'm just curious what you think. I think with Trump, to me, it's unpredictable. I don't know what to think. I think with Kamala, I just know it's bad. So like, I guess in some ways, you know, to me with Trump, there's some hopium maybe. There's some like, hey, maybe some things get a little bit better. Maybe, you know, at least he's a target for a lot of evil people to like attack and stuff like that, and you know, maybe they'll calm down attacking the church as much. I feel like with Kamala, it's just like, I mean, think about this. Trump will literally be gone. He's not gonna campaign again. There's not another Trump candidate down the line. So, you know, from some perspectives, like the only real enemy of the state at that point in my mind is Christians. And I think that they're gonna do a lot more January 6th style stuff, a lot more just dismantling and disarming and just, you know, just full on destruction. I mean, the Bible says one sinner destroyeth much good. I don't think it takes much to destroy. It takes a lot to build. And so, you know, it takes a lot of effort, a lot of energy. And, you know, and unfortunately our nation is just not very righteous. So if God spares us, you know, this curse of Kamala and this communist regime, then he's very long suffering. Amen. We'd have to just say God is very merciful and maybe to a fault for us, but like, I don't know that we deserve anything better, honestly. What do you think Pastor Thompson? I don't know. I mean, but then Trump could just be ushering in more, more Jews, more Jew power. I mean, we're already pretty much taken over. Our Senate and our House of Representatives is pretty much bought and paid for by Israel. I mean, you can see that by the HB6090 stuff, where they're just like all the senators, all the House Republicans, basically not all the House Republicans was doing it. I mean, there were some people that voted against it. I looked a little more closely at it after I preached a sermon about it, but I was actually pretty pleasantly surprised that some of the people, even Marjorie Taylor Greene actually stood against it, which I was really surprised about. So she might be the Deborah in there, but she's definitely got her own issues, but at least she went against that, you know? I mean, there were some people that went against it. I mean, that's a step in the right direction. At least there's some people that are standing against stuff like that. But that's a big deal, man. It really is a big deal when you're just like, when it's both bipartisan, the Democrats and the Republicans are majority passing something that you're gonna say, if you say that Jesus, you know, that the Jews killed Jesus, then that's something that's paid speech and you're not allowed to say that or whatever. It's just like, where are we going here? You know, what's happening next? I mean, are we gonna turn into these European nations where if you question the Holocaust, I mean, it's pretty much, what happened? Instead, I mean, where are we gonna go next where you do have a law against it? And it sounds like that kind of rhetoric's already being said so I don't know, I mean. Chip Roy won his house seat. I like Chip Roy for Texas. Is he a juke bagger? No, I think that Chip Roy, again, I go with what is the Kentucky guy, Thomas Massey said, like everybody has their A-pack handler, but I don't think that a lot of our representatives are necessarily of a specific tiny hat club. I think that they just have a tiny hat handler, so. I will say that when it comes to a potential Trump presidency, which I think is looking likely. It automatically doesn't. That, for me, my optimism for another Trump term went up significantly when they tried to kill him twice. You know, for me, that was the mark of someone who the establishment does not want to be president. And so I would think, and I'm holding onto some hope that during the campaign he was acting like Jehu and saying, you know, Ahab served Baal a little, but Jehu shall serve him much. And so hopefully when he does actually get in, if he does get in, he'll do some things that are hardcore. Now he sucks on the Jews. He's terrible on homos, for sure. And an abortion, also very bad. But you know, I do like that he has RFK Jr. on his side and potentially may do something with the vaccines. I like that he at least gives lip service to being anti-war in America first. So I'm holding out some hope that with no need to worry about trying to get reelected, maybe we'll get an actual president who does some really good stuff here. But I guess we'll see what happens. And we'll find out quickly, depending on who he staffs his cabinet with. According to NBC, Nevada, still 0%. Extremely fishy, extremely suspicious, extremely weird. I just, you know, I just don't trust our elections. I never have, and I still don't. And I know the big motto is too big to rig, but this does not seem too big to rig. I think that all the margins are super razor thin and it looks like they have- You think they're doing a steal? I think it looks like they have everything they need. They're just waiting for the final data to come in and for us to all go to bed and we're gonna wake up and it's gonna be the super razor thin margins again. Okay. I think the interesting thing will be is how hard Trump will fight that. And I'm kind of curious what the Harris administration may or may not do as a result of that being contested. If they're just gonna ignore it, go after him hard, like arrest him. Like, you know, there's a lot of theories out there of what they may or may not do. And I know like some of these states, like Pennsylvania, they were saying huge Republican areas, all their voting machines were turned off and people couldn't vote. I know they were saying with the ballots in Pennsylvania, stuff like that, there was weird marks on them. Obviously, you know, it's Josh Shapiro's the governor of Pennsylvania. That seems really suspicious when it comes to some of these other swing states, even like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, it seemed like there was a lot of weird stuff going on with some of them. So, you know, to me, it was just, they were just trying to limit the damage so that when they bring in the mail-in ballots later, it's just kind of like, oh, you know, not, they don't need as many as they did last time. I don't know. Man, you're depressing me. I am a little bit black on this. I guess life sucks and then you die. Oh man. I'm not saying that that's for sure. And I'm not saying that I want that. I'm just saying like, I'm just trying to be honest that it feels like that's what's happening. I mean, how am I supposed to interpret the data that Nevada literally has zero? She can have Nevada. Well, but it could be meaningful. And I'm saying like, it seems suspicious. Why are they just so slow and there's no new data coming in? He could take, if he takes Pennsylvania, any other state, it's over. Let her have Nevada. Nuts to Nevada. Yeah. I don't really care. I just want things to seem like they're legit and they don't seem legit at all. So, to me, it's another fail that our countries are just, people didn't care about the election fraud the last time enough. And I think that, again, it's probably gonna be 2.0. It's just kind of annoying. I mean, Florida at least got their act together. I would say this, Florida did seem not legit in their election. And then it seemed like they fixed that. And now they're like the best. Florida has a very good process. They get the results out practically immediately. You never hear about weird shenanigans. The voting machines are broken. It's not working. The votes are flipping, et cetera. I mean, in all fairness, Alaska and Hawaii are zero, but at least they have an excuse since they're like in a completely different time zone. So, that's not the same as Nevada. We've had a lot of great people in our show and I'm sure people will be dropping eventually, but thanks so much for joining us in the show and coming out. Some people are now saying 271, 267, but who's the winner? You said 271, 267. Who's the winner in that? User 71201. What's the New York Times probability? That's a good way to describe it. 271, 267. Who's the winner? Even the liberal New York Times gives Trump a 93%. Yeah, but I think that they want everybody to just go to bed and just be like, all right, we won. It seems good. Yeah, this is pretty crazy here though. Likely Trump 93% chance. The last time they said this was in 2016 and he won. Yeah, but they just need to come in. I'm just telling you, they're gonna come in later. Oh, Harris will win. So User thinks 271, 267, Harris will win. I think it was 268 to 270 is what I thought. Maybe, I'm not sure what that looks like. Of course, it is very possible overnight they'll get the mail-in ballots that they want and shift Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. So if Trump gets Arizona, that would be 259. And then if he got Nevada, that would be 265. And then if he got Alaska, that'd be 268. I don't see how that's possible to have 267 from our commenter. 271, 267, I don't see that path as being possible. I do think it could be 270, 268. Yeah, someone says they're gonna find lots of ballots overnight, no doubt. Harris wins Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Wisconsin, she gets right there. Oh, it says my math might be off. Yeah, I think you're just off by one. But if you give Harris, Arizona, and Nevada, are you giving them Minnesota, I'm assuming, too, and Michigan, then yeah, it's like. This person on X says, hey, you, yes, you, remember, you went to bed in 2020 with a solid Trump win on paper two, it's not over. Yeah. Sobering reminder. No, I mean, they were not even just gray, they were just red. And I think that Trump was winning. Correct me if I'm wrong, I think Trump was winning Pennsylvania and some of these states by like 600,000 votes, or like 700,000 votes. And we went to bed and then all of a sudden. Everything changed. She was winning by 200, it was like almost they had like a million ballots. That's why you saw those charts were just like this straight up. And I'm saying like right now, Trump's not even winning by that. Think about this, Trump was winning by like six, 700,000 ballots in these battleground states. And we went to bed and he lost. He's right now winning by like 100,000 or less. It'll be less, they won't be as over the top this time. Yeah, they don't have to. They don't have to cheat as hard. Yes, we'll see what happens. It's not over till it's over, huh? Pennsylvania, let's see. Okay, Trump's at 3.1 million votes. But look at this, this Democrat area, only 80%. They say 88 is in the thing, but they're only 80 for this specific county and only 77% for this county and only 76. I mean, look at this. These counties down here that are all blue and just going like 80, 70, 50 and 60% for Harris, they're saying they're only 77% in like, and he's barely winning. I think that it's gonna be exactly like what we saw. Let's see. They don't. They don't. All right, man. Yeah. You might be wrong. Chin up. Well, it doesn't matter either way. I'm not gonna. I mean, I think I'm the only person that really said that I'm gonna do stuff differently based on who the president is, but that's just because I'm pretty black-pilled on Kamala being president. So it's gonna be hard for me to wanna spend money gratuitously and just live frivolously with something, with her in office. I think I'm gonna be pretty conservative. Whereas with Trump, I think that there could be a chance to really push the limits and kind of go hard and try to accomplish a lot more maybe. And maybe that's the wrong mentality. I mean, you can't take it with you either way, but I'm just saying in general, that's kind of my mindset, that it may be a little bit harder of a battle with that type of vote. Well, yeah, because they're just like, the Democrats are like succubuses. They just suck you to death with all their taxes. Demon rats. And it's just like, it's not just like some standard acts that they take out of you. It's everything. It's your gas. It's your groceries. It's just everything. It's all this green carbon tax, all this other crap that they have. And they just suck you dry with everything. And they're just like taking just huge amounts of our paychecks and then just making everybody's lives miserable while they say that they're saving the world. You know, someone's bringing up a good point. She can call for a recount too. That happened with Al Gore and Bush famously, because I think if you're within a certain margin, you can call for a recount. That's a good point. I think in Arizona specifically too, it's like so close. That's exactly what will happen. I just don't know that they're gonna need it. I mean. Yeah, well. I guess I would say that I would be surprised if we wake up in the morning and it's the same results. There's a chick here at the podium. I don't know what she's up to. You can put it on if she's talking. She's just standing there. I don't know. Alex has champagne, so he's optimistic. Yeah, but I mean, I just don't like to celebrate an early victory when it's not official, but. He's gotta just come out and say I won, that's it. Yeah, but seriously, Alex said over an hour ago that he would announce something within an hour. Didn't happen. Yeah, he likes his clickbait headlines. I know that there's a jar of how many times Alex Jones has been right, but I wonder if there's like a dumpster of times that he's been wrong. He over-exaggerates a lot. He was right about the frogs turning gay though. Okay. He was right about that, eventually. That is true. What's the chemical name? Tryptophan or something? Makes the frogs gay. No, I think the tryptophan's in Turkey, actually. I forgot what it was called. Nitrosine or something like that. Pastor Shelley doesn't believe in any conspiracies though, so, except for 9-11. Is that somewhat accurate? No, he believes in Sandy Hook. One election, election, yeah. He believes in Sandy Hook, not that it was an inside job. Somebody says that Trump won Texas. Oh, that's true, I can't, never mind. Forget I said that. Go ahead, Pastor Shelley, what was that? Trump won Texas. Trump won Texas? Wow, shocking. Oh, Dominique Trippi, someone quoted him and said, not only is Pennsylvania gonna get another 50,000, they're gonna get another 37 after that. Well, the margin is 200, so they're gonna have to come up with a little more. It's always funny when they bring in the balance, and it's 100% for Kamal and Mia. Give me a break. And no other candidates, you know, it's just. Is that Trump? Who's on the podium, is that Trump? No. They're cheating. They're cheating big time. Nobody's ever cheated like they have. Where's, what about this conspiracy? It's like Trump is standing here declaring victory, and then he gets shot and killed. Wow. They blow his head off? Yeah. That could happen. Wouldn't that be the weirdest? I mean, I put nothing past him. I think that everything's on the table every day. It's just crazy. They don't want him to be president. What about Crowder, because Crowder claimed that he paid like a ton, a ton of money to have the exact same data as all of the major news networks, and that he would be reporting. He did call Pennsylvania for Trump, Crowder. Where? On Twitter, or like where? I saw that on X. You're gonna have to search for it. You could just believe me, too. That's an option. You earlier said that Virginia, you said something here. I turned out to be right about that. Because I saw it on Election Wizard. Well, whatever he says, right? What made you trust Election Wizard so much? It's the Election Wizard. I mean, come on. That's self-explanatory. Crowder said, Pennsylvania alert. The fate of our nation is in a mysterious box truck convoy. New workers are coming in to count votes. We are following this closely. So it doesn't sound like he's calling Pennsylvania. I'm looking at all of his tweets. I might've gotten that one wrong, though. Wow. We all get things wrong from time to time. When you tripled down on the fact that you were right. Can't I repent? Well, obviously, if you're proven wrong, then I guess, but you were like forcing me into this just trust the plan. There's like a Q-non conspiracy over here. Trust the plan. I just don't think we're gonna find anything else out, folks. I don't know, is Trump gonna say something before midnight? I don't think it's likely. They're all gonna be standing there another hour, hour and a half. Well, should we wrap it up then? Well, we got about 12 minutes. We can stay until midnight, but I don't think anything else is gonna change. Is there anything else you wanted to plug, Pastor Thompson? No, I just appreciate you guys having me on. Sorry, I'm kind of wiped out today. I'm trying to order some groceries right now. We came with nothing. I came in and I just kind of came right up here and tried to hook everything up and get going. According to Pastor Anderson, you need to get some green bananas. Yeah, I'm kind of off bananas right now, man. When you guys had COVID, did you guys ever get aversions to food that you just can't eat anymore? Indian food. And that is one of those things. Indian food is your aversion for life, but you just haven't had the right kind of Indian food, Pastor Thompson. Yeah, I agree. Preach it. Well, hey, I do. Preach. I threw a bone out there the other day. I said, I'm sure if I had enough Indian food, I'd probably end up liking it, and that's why I'm just staying away from it. So, I just don't even want my heart to be turned aside going after other false gods and stuff like that. But that's a weird... Yeah, but if you eat something enough, you probably end up liking it. Is this just kind of a human thing? No, if you had it in England, you'd like it. It's kind of like, you know, you probably wouldn't like Chinese food in China. No, I like Americanized Chinese food. And I may like, that's what I said. I'm sure that there's probably something out there that's not terrible or whatever, but I just don't even want to go down that path. I don't want to be froward or go crooked and get off the straight and narrow path. So, I'm just trying to stay pure and not be partaker of other men's sins. Well, I was like that a lot with Indian food. I just didn't know, and I still really don't know a lot of what I'm ordering when I do. So, whenever I do go to Indian food, I go with people that know what they're doing, and I let them order stuff, and then I ask them what they ordered, just so I know. And then some stuff I don't like. I mean, some stuff is, yeah. But Thai food's the same way for me, man. And Thai food's spicy, bro. It is spicy. For our chat, before we sign off, give me either a hashtag Trump, if you think he's gonna win, or hashtag steal. So, let's get the audiences, the faithful few. Do you think that Trump's gonna eke it out and hang on, or do you think they're gonna steal it in the night? Before we wrap up, let's get some ideas from our audience. And it seems like our audience is pretty hopeful here of a Trump hanging on. Somebody put steal and Trump, so maybe they think that it's being stolen for Trump. That's a twist to the narrative. Yeah, that would be. They stole it from Kamala. Yeah, for Trump. I don't know that I agree with that narrative, but you know. We got a lot of T's right here. Trump, Trump, Trump. 21 Tripp says Trump. Trade selector is putting steal. Always Baptist steal. User 7-1-12 steal. Brother Paul says Jeb Bush got it. Okay. Soldier for Christ, Trump. Maury, Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. Steal Trump. Lynn, Trump your ear. Trump, 3 a.m. van. Yeah, probably. That's kinda where I lean. Red Lazab Trump. Someone says Trump can't steal, he's white. Oh man, that's a little spicy. All I did was read it. All I did was read it. Oh man. So we're supposed to pick who we think is actually gonna win. Yeah, what is your opinion? You think it's gonna be a Trump or steal? Steal Kamala. Yeah. Wow. I'm sorry, but I have no faith in our system. Mrs. Shelley put Trump. Okay. But my prediction. What a reaction. Yeah, so I am sometimes too superstitious as the new King James would say. I just, you know, the Nevada having zero, it just doesn't sit right with me. And I'm just, I was here four years ago and Trump was winning by 600,000 votes in Pennsylvania. He was winning by 700,000 votes in Michigan. Are you sure of those numbers? He is currently winning by like only 100,000. And so, and if you look at the counties, these like extreme Democrat counties that cheated super hard are only reporting at like 70, 77% reporting. So I think that they're just literally just letting it slowly roll in, get all the other ones 99%, and then they're just gonna win by 20, 30,000 votes or something like that again. Maybe they smash it. Maybe they just, you know, go like four or 500,000 just to make it seem like. Kamala will end up with 97 million votes. It doesn't seem like that many. If this makes everybody hopeful, I thought Hillary was gonna win in 2016. I thought Donald Trump, I mean, yeah, I thought Donald Trump was gonna win in 2020 and this year I'm picking Kamala. So if that helps you and gives you hope that I'm wrong every single time, then, you know, I'm picking Kamala this year. So, you know, hopefully Trump will lose. I think it's. I'm gonna pick the loser every time. I think it's insane to think that these elections are that close legitimately. There's a steal no matter what. I think there's fraud no matter what. The real results, if Trump does pull this out are going to be way different. I think Trump probably in reality did a massive, massive landslide tonight. Massive landslide. If you take the fraud out of it. What would be depressing is to think that there's really 58 million people in our country that voted for Kamala Harris. I mean, it's possible, but I don't know. But the people are retarded. I agree. You gotta play that clip. I think somebody was asking for you to play that clip earlier. Which clip? But the people are retarded. I don't even know that clip. What is that clip? Ben, cue it up. You don't know? I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. It's that Indian guy. He's like a Bhagwan Rajneesh or something. I don't know what he is. I think it was, you've never seen that clip. I'm sorry. Oh. Yeah, I apologize. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe our production truck can search for it or something. Our production truck. Let me find it. I'll tell you what it is. If it's even still allowed on YouTube. How many people are watching some of these other streams? Probably like thousands and thousands. It's Osho. It's Osho, people are retarded. As mom, Osho. So it says Crowder show has 395,000 watching it live. How many of you are watching Alex live? Because democracy basically means. Oh, did it freeze or something? Oh no, no. He's a. Government. And by the people. Of the people, for the people. But the people are retarded. Is that like your uncle or something like that? He looked, I knew he looked familiar. Has to be some kind of distant relative. Oh man. He played that perfectly though. He has that like pause in between each thing. But the people are retarded. I believe you guys haven't seen that. It's great. I hadn't seen that before. Thank you for introducing that into my life, Pastor Thompson. You live long and prosper with that. Oh, Nevada's finally reporting. They said it's at 5%. Oh wow, way to join the party. Is there any news on Pennsylvania? I think it's like 90-ish percent reporting, but I don't know. Let's see. So you guys are on the AP one? I've been going to a lot of different ones. I hate the AP. NBC, 93% chance of victory according to the New York Times right now. 93% chance. Really? Yep. The New York Times isn't that the liberal one? It is. New York Times is saying Trump has a 93% chance of victory. So we had a lot of people vote of what they thought. Let's go back. Sher Foundation, hashtag Kamala. Keri Shelley, 05, hashtag Trump. Smart woman. She sounds amazing. Mama who loves Jesus 97, hashtag steal. She's listening to our show. That is like awesome. If that's the real Keri Shelley, I have to just say like, this is the most legit live stream we've ever had ever. She's actually tuned in. Because for her to want to watch our show, it must be amazing. But did she like the live stream though? Best show ever. I'm not sure. There is three thumbs down. She needs to send a screenshot of her liking the podcast with the like button. I need the receipts or it didn't happen. Wasn't there a comment on Facebook that was about like our churches having people, or it was like steadfast doesn't have a building or something like this. Someone said that we didn't have a building and they were like pictures or it doesn't exist or something like that. Did you see that? Somebody was saying like nobody has a building in the new IFB. And then they were like, well, what about Pastor Jimenez? And then he's like, okay, I looked it up. Yeah, it seems like they do have a building. And he's like, what about steadfast? And he's like pictures or it doesn't have, it doesn't exist or something like that. I'm like, okay. Well, I did ask my wife. I said, did you watch our stream? And she did just respond. Did she? Yeah, she said no. Oh man. Ouch. One out of twos ain't bad. That hurts. 50%? Yeah, it's okay. Maybe next time. Secure Georgia, someone just said, is that true? Is this, can we? I need to check. Sometimes my wife sends me memes and they're like the best memes ever. So my wife sent me a screenshot of our show. There it is. This is like the greatest. With a like. This is the greatest day ever. Even if Kamala wins, this is just a win. I need to recede to that, Pastor Shelley. Is there a like on there? Or was it never happened? It's liked. Oh, it is liked. Yeah. No, no, here's the thing. This is what's important. It's liked and in the screenshot, there's three downvotes. So that means that she didn't switch. She was always on the like side. And so, that's an important distinction. You know, sometimes we have to check the photo evidence. No, there was a, man, there was, what was the show? She was sending me memes that were like epic and I wish I had put them in the show. Oh, no, no, it was the Kent Hovind debate. The Kent Hovind and, well, discussion, sorry. The Kent Hovind and Pastor Anderson discussion. She was sending me the most killer, awesome memes all the way through and I wish I had put some of them on the screen, but. Was she making them? Or was she just finding them? She was making them. She's really, she's really spicy. She's the better half for sure. She writes some good sermons that I preach for, you know, and so. Yeah, I'm sorry. Uh-oh. No, I love my wife. She's a great woman. She's cool, she's very down to earth. I like her a lot. Yeah. So, we're getting close to wrapping it up. Sorry, I don't think that Trump's coming out anytime soon. Maybe I'm wrong on that. Uh, the audience is feeling like it's a Trump victory. I think the vast majority. Some people still think it's gonna steal. I think that there's a real legitimate chance that it's gonna steal. It is disappointing that we live in the most advanced society in technology ever and we have somehow gotten worse at just voting. Somehow we can't even just tell you what happened. And I don't know. I don't know what happened. I don't know what's gonna happen. One thing I would say is they were signaling that a lot of the Senate and the Republicans were in danger and it seems like a lot of them won. And typically when you have down ballot people winning and doing really good, that means that the upper ticket was crushing as well. And I think that was another thing that was interesting in 2020. It's like all of these down ticket people were just crushed and won all their seats in elections. But then supposedly Trump loses, right? And it's like all these mail-in ballots that came in last minute that were only for the Democratic person, only for Biden. And it's just like, I'll say this. Trump for sure won the election. Trump won the election. It's not even a question. It's just whether or not they're gonna go hard and try to steal a lot of these swing states. I think that it's just, it's super obvious what happened. It's super obvious that our country hates communism. And I don't think that there's really any legitimate person out there that's gonna be able to say otherwise. But that does not mean that they aren't gonna try and contest this. I don't know what's gonna happen. It's unpredictable. But this is what I do know. I am gonna go to church tomorrow. And I'm gonna sing songs to our Savior. Oh, that's fine. And I'm gonna preach Ecclesiastes chapter 12. And let's hear the whole conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep His commandments. Amen. And I'm gonna go to church Sunday. And I'm gonna work on my job. And I'm gonna do all the things that I need to do. And no matter what, all things work together for good to them that love God. That doesn't mean it's necessarily good for our nation. I don't want Kamala the curse to be in any office anymore. And I hope that that doesn't happen. But I won't be surprised of anything anymore. Nothing surprises me anymore, Ben. Does anything surprise you anymore? No, I mean, I think we've seen enough. I mean, you had Trump assassination attempt on multiple occasions. We had 2020, they flipped it overnight with all the magical mail-ins. So nothing surprises me. But at the end of the day, no matter what happens, if God before us who could be against us, we're fighting the spiritual battle. And I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight, regardless of what ends up happening here. It does seem likely that we're gonna get Trump in my opinion. But you know, if I'm wrong on that, doesn't really change anything for me. Either way, I am hoping for a Trump presidency so I could watch some leftists lose their mind. That is always very entertaining for me. We can always watch 2020 again. Or 2016, I'm sorry. Have you guys, does anybody ever know what happened to that screaming lady that fell down and screamed no, no, you know, like. She's been mean like so many times, but like I wonder what ever happened to her. Died of a brain aneurysm? I think I saw someone sharing her name. She like, that would be epic to see her do it over again. Like in some other fashion. But like yeah, I am gonna be ecstatic to see liberals cry and scream. But they're probably gonna burn down cities and towns too. So unfortunately destroy people's private property. Portland will be burning for the next four years if Trump wins and Seattle and all the other liberal hell holes that these democrats have ruined. Right. Poison the minds of all these people. But I'll definitely laugh and enjoy CNN crying and MSNBC and all these people. That part is fun, I have to admit, you know, but. CBS says it might take a few days to count the votes. Of course it will. All the bags, the fake bags. In California they passed a law that says that they cannot ask for identification. Imagine if every state passes a law like that. There's no way any republican will ever win an election ever again. I mean, how is that even reasonable? Like you have to have ID to rent a car. Yeah. Well the only reason that. In the movie theater in some instances like. Of course, there's one reason why anybody would oppose IDs to vote and it's because they wanna cheat. I mean it's just that simple. I'm sorry, I'm dragging the show out, but these things just like are coming to my mind. I'm just like, they're stacking the deck. That's like part of the reason why they're bringing all these people over and putting them all these small towns so they can stack the deck. So they did to California. California was a red state for a long time. They did the same thing. Yeah. Not just doing it in middle America. And I mean, I didn't think Pennsylvania was gonna be close this year, honestly. I just can't believe it's as close as it is. Same thing with like. NBC shows trucks coming to the polling place saying that they just arrived with more ballots. And MSNBC says another 50,000 ballots have just arrived in Pennsylvania. Yeah. I mean, I've never really thought. I mean, I was like, if they steal it and we do nothing, why would they not steal it again? Yeah, but there's not much you can do. What can you do? And I think that they're gonna give Georgia to Trump this time just to kind of like make it seem a little bit more legit, but. And Arizona, maybe. Yeah, because they don't even, it doesn't even matter. And then they don't have to deal with any heat in those two areas because those two areas got a lot of attention. Pennsylvania, just take the heat again. I mean, Pennsylvania literally tried to kill Trump. Do we not remember this? Yes. I mean, the state that literally tried to kill him and is just like barely hanging on and then they're bringing in ballots, folks, it's like, I don't know. Oh, we just found these 50,000 ballots. They're in Shaniqua's basement over in Philly. Isn't that what they were doing last time in Georgia? Yes, they pulled out suitcases. They had like these huge mail bags just filled with ballots that they were counting. And I was gonna say this, that you know that Giuliani got sued by those women that brought those ballots in and were on film bringing those ballots out and counting them. Didn't he get disbarred or put in prison or like all kinds of stuff? He owes them like all of his money, basically. He had to like give them a condo and some kind of all of his baseball memorabilia that he had. Like he had like Babe Ruth memorabilia and all kinds of stuff. He had to give it all to them so they could sell it, make money off of it. They're like whining about how their name was made mud over this and it's just like, just all the stuff that's happened over all this, over questioning the elections and questioning their integrity or whatever. It's just such garbage. The Florida also had on the ballot for legalizing marijuana. And what I'm reading is that it actually got 55% of the vote but they needed 60% for it to pass so it ended up getting rejected. Yeah, it didn't happen. I think it's a good thing because I've seen Oklahoma change a lot with the legalization of marijuana and I think it was really detrimental to Oklahoma. And so, whether or not that's a, I mean, I understand there's an argument to say it shouldn't be illegal or anything like that but at the same time, it definitely has made a big impact on Oklahoma. I guess from my perspective, I do think it's ridiculous that people would spend long periods of time in jail for possession of marijuana. I don't think that that seems legitimate or seems right. I don't even agree with jail anyway. So, I'm not saying that that's right but whether or not you should have it legalized or not, I'm just, in general, I think it was really bad for Oklahoma. I don't know what you think about that, Pastor Thompson. Well, people doing long-term prison for small amounts and things like that, I think that's, there's a lot of people that did a lot of prison time and did, you know, for something that's, I mean, I think alcohol's much worse and has caused a lot more deaths than marijuana but I do think marijuana is, you know, the marijuana that's out nowadays is very powerful and they, you know, do all kinds of, you know, stuff to make it way more potent. So, I mean, I think people driving around on it is unsafe and I think that it should be tested for and things like that. As far as, it shouldn't be in the same classification as like meth and, you know, the narcotics that they have and stuff like that, definitely. Well, it's still stupid. I think that it should be, I mean, illegal. I hate when I go places and like, you know, I mean, just driving down the street in Washington, you'll just be driving behind somebody and you'll just, a big waft of it will go into your car. It's just like, so people are just smoking it in their cars and they're just, you know, people are just smoking it on the street. They're not supposed, that is against the law. I mean, you're supposed to be doing it in like proper places, I guess and it's totally legal here or in Washington and, you know, people will just do it like in hotel, like if you're staying in a hotel or something, like, you know, you're just like, they're not supposed to be doing it inside the hotel either but yet they just do it and the hotel people don't do anything or say anything but it's just like, I mean, I don't wanna smell that crap. So, I don't know. I'm looking at Pennsylvania. Can you pull up that on the screen? Go to my screen again. Okay, so I'm looking at Pennsylvania and they kept saying that Philadelphia County needs 700,000 votes for Kamala. Let me see if I can make this a little bit bigger. Okay, so they're saying Kamala currently has 484,000 and 78% and then there's 78% counted. So, if you do math on that, which I've been doing this consistently throughout the show, just privately. I didn't really share my results or anything but if you take the 484, sorry, 484 and you divide that by 0.78, if that stays true to percentage-wise, you would total that 620,000 total votes. I've been monitoring this. Earlier, it was only gonna be like 602 and then it was like 609 and now it's 620. So, it's actually been climbing as well. Specifically in this and I think that Biden got like 602. But again, what is 620? Let's go 620 minus 484. That gives us 136,000, okay. Let's go back and I might have to zoom out a little bit. Okay, Pennsylvania. 136,000, okay. Well, he's currently, what was that? Sorry. Yeah, that's not what I wanted to do. 327 minus, 103, 224. So, they'd have to get 224 more and then that's assuming that that's a consistent rate. So, that would be 88,000 short. So, based on those numbers, if they're bringing in 50,000, then they're still 38,000 short and then they said that they were bringing in a little bit more like, I don't know. It's definitely close. So, he's at 247. So, he needs 23 more, that's it. Yep. Yeah, you have Michigan. Michigan's very common. Michigan's 62%. He's up in every one of those states. It's just a matter of are they gonna pause the counting, bring in the fake ballots and flip them. New York Times forecast Trump very likely to win Pennsylvania. Nevada statewide referendum to require photo ID for voting on track to pass by large margins. That's good news. Trump leads Michigan by 232,000 with an estimated 61% reporting. Minnesota. Okay, Minnesota looks like it's probably gonna go Kamala for sure. Really? Yeah, it's, she's up quite a bit with 73%. Can you make that a little bit bigger? Sorry. Yeah. That's okay. I'm just getting old and blind. It's not really big on the screen. See, 100 and, it's not quite 100,000. I guess it's, but still, it's a pretty good margin, 3% at 73%. And I'm sure, again, when you click on these and look at them, that it's probably. Counted as in the bigger areas? Yeah, it's probably the more Democrat heavy areas that are not. Yeah, let's see. Oh, this says 96%, 95, 28, yeah. So that one's gonna get a lot more Dem votes. A lot of these other ones look like, the Republican areas look like they're all, I guess that one's a little bit, well, it's not that much. Say that again. Oh, I didn't say anything, I was just. I didn't say anything. Oh, okay. Yeah, I think we're just gonna wrap up. I don't know that we're gonna get anything. I appreciate our crew for hanging in there with us. Thank you, Pastor Thompson, for hanging in there with us. Yeah, thanks for having me on, it was fun. We talked about a lot of other spicy things too, so, and fun stuff, so, have a good time. Make sure to check out Pastor Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington. He's got a lot of church plants over there too. He got Seattle, Yakima, Spokane. You also have Vancouver, British Columbia up in Canada. And you have a church plant in Indianapolis. Yep, they won for Trump. There you go. It's hard to keep track of all your church plants, I'm sorry, hopefully I didn't. Yeah, no, it's okay. That church plant's doing really good too. They're closing in on 1,000 for salvation's for the year, they're running like 50 people, so. Nice. It's doing good for its first year. No, that's great. I mean, honestly, you never know what to expect, but to have 50 or so people in kind of your first year, that goes to show there was a big need in that area and a lot of people are rallying and that's great to hear that they're doing a good work for the Lord and on a path. So, thanks so much for joining us for the stream. Ben, do you have any final words for us? I feel like everything that has been said was pertinent tonight about a lot of different things and I don't really have much else to add. So, appreciate everybody tuning in. I guess we'll find out with 100% certainty by tomorrow, but it does look likely, at least from my vantage point, that Trump is the next president, but if I'm wrong about that, then I'm wrong about it. At the end of the day, Jesus Christ is our king, regardless of who the earthly president is. So, I appreciate the stream and thank you, Pastor Shelley, for hosting. God's still on his throne. Thanks, guys. McDonald's, we tried to get some McDonald's flair for this evening. We brought in all kinds of guests. Even if you're not that Baptist, we want you to get a little closer our way because look, everybody's got a perspective, but you need to get the Baptist bias.