(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'll see you guys in the next one. You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Hey, I have the Baptist bias Everybody thanks for joining us on the Baptist bias. We've got a great show for you tonight and It may even be the rapture Ben. What do you think could happen by the end of this broadcast according to many? Preachers out there and the prevailing view amongst Baptists You know, obviously there's a lot of crazy things going on today but at the same time we don't want to necessarily get all of our opinions from Tik-tok do we no definitely not and the reality is like you said there's a plethora of Opinion and Conjecture when it comes to this topic and I think we might need to be extra careful pastor Shelley Where we are getting our information from when it comes to Bible prophecy because everyone has an opinion on it Yeah, obviously, there's a lot of views out there on in times and they all seem to be wrong Yeah, how can we have a good opinion on in times? I think we have to look at it through the lenses of Scripture maybe with a Baptist bias Some biased about that I do I I am I have a King James bias. All right, I'm open about it That's what you get on this podcast honesty about our bias Well, we have a great guest coming on the show a repeat guest that we've had from a previous season Brian Wilson from red pill TV He has a channel on band video and he's joining us today for an episode about the end times Hey Brian, how's it going? Good. How are you guys doing? Doing great. Great. Thanks for coming on again. We appreciate your time for what I think is gonna be a lively discussion I'm glad to be back. I've been tuned in to the Baptist bias y'all have had great guests Eliza Schaeffer Kent Hovind pastor Anderson and I'm looking forward to the red heifer debate with Adam King should be very interesting And I really liked that been a log to the most important thing is to read your Bible And I don't remember any part of end times prophecy talking about Cities named after Nineveh being in the path of an eclipse But I had lots of people lots of people sent me that very same Piece of information like it would kind of be the missing puzzle piece or something, but they have that clip We have that clip. Maybe we'll play it later on but there's Definitely some rumors going around YouTube and the internet Concerning the solar eclipse and the idea that well the path of totality is going through Nineveh And maybe there's a special message there. We could talk about it later Well, I I've read revelation when does Nineveh mention the book of Revelation? never You have Sodom and Egypt you have Babylon you have these different areas mentioned for sure the holy city But what's just it's just so funny to me that people get all excited just because it has a Bible name or something But it's kind of funny to me like who would want to name their city, Nineveh After reading the Bible like who was like you know what we need a name for a city Nineveh sounds good Yeah Nineveh does give me hope a little bit that there's chance for a reprove or a reprieve of our country because of their first Repenting you don't want to be Nineveh the second time, but you might you know it wouldn't be so bad The Bible says and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God Repented of the evil that he thought he would do unto them, and he did it not so yeah You're right about that. Yeah, the king put sackcloth on his beast so you know that is funny Maybe maybe we just put some sackcloth on Michelle Obama and we'll be good Joe Biden will put sackcloth on his dogs that keep biting it right That'll finally that'll finally fix everything we have going on in our country Amen well I do want to play some clips and to get started I want to play a clip of yours from one of your more recent episodes one of your shows kind of on this subject matter I want to see if we can play clip one. Let's go ahead and play it Allow America to be destroyed as a divine judgment in the 8th century BC The Prophet Jonah was instructed by God to go preach a message of rebuke and Repentance to the people of the city of Nineveh they were said to be wicked idolatrous and violent Often skinning alive their prisoners of war through Jonah God Prophesied that the city would be overthrown in 40 days if they didn't repent of their wicked ways This was a conditional prophecy And it did not come into fruition because the people of Nineveh truly did repent and saved their land from God's divine Judgment even the king repented and by faith believed God and his prophet Jonah more than a hundred 20,000 people in his kingdom were saved by grace So the question for us today is can we save America from our own divine judgment? This country is a gift from God and he can choose to allow it to be taken away if we don't obey his laws And neglect the righteous path about two centuries later Nineveh returned to its old evil ways and the city was finally destroyed Sacked and burned by the Allied forces of the Persians Medes and Babylonians It's people taken captive in a strange land The area was sparsely populated thereafter and slowly the ancient ruins became buried in the earth How much time can we buy for these United States through repentance before we are judged? Trampled under the feet of our enemies and buried beneath the earth that we have allowed to become so cursed How many more generations can we secure through genuine repentance? Preaching to our fellow countrymen the need to change our evil ways and seek forgiveness from our Creator pray for America and be like Jonah a prophet of repentance to those outside the church This is Brian Wilson with info wars dot-com Well talk about hitting the nail on the head. He's bringing up Nineveh and then BAM right there in your clip That's pretty funny to you're just a prophet you you were talking about Nineveh And then now all of a sudden, you know, the eclipse is going through Nineveh. I mean, what do you what do you think about that? Sometimes I do feel like Jonah I feel like I'm gonna want to run away from going to preach I think that that's a common feeling among Christians is feeling a little hesitant like there is a Pastor I was listening to talking about how he was asking for God Please put someone in my path for me to witness to and then up the road on his walk He saw someone he goes. Oh not yet. That's not so soon and He tried to build up the courage to talk to this person as he got there But he said they looked you know, like an angry Grumpy person and so he he said on the next lap around all I'll talk to them He went past them and on the next lap around they weren't there anymore. So Sometimes I can relate to Jonah and I hope I can have the courage and faith that he had when he finally went Nineveh yeah, I just hope I don't have to get swallowed by a whale before I Decide to open up my mouth and make known the mystery of the gospel Hopefully it doesn't go that far that God doesn't have to put you like that before you act, right? It's kind of interesting how Nineveh seems to be It kind of plays both sides of the angle here You have the one version of the story where they get right with God and they're spared and then the latter end where they're Destroyed in the book of Nahum is what you're referring there And I think that that's just reminiscent of every nation in every country that God is kind of long-suffering and constantly gives them opportunities to Perpetuate their existence, but it can eventually time can run out and if the wrong generation comes to power and doesn't change their ways Then it could just spell destruction and doom for a nation a group of people or a particular area Obviously we see that with the Babylonians. We see that the Medo-Prussian Empire. We see the Grecian Empire. We see the Roman Empire and arguably We gonna see that again with the Babylonian the mystery Babylon Empire the final one which I think is probably America. What do you think Ben? I would agree with that Yeah, I mean for a little while I thought that it might be Jerusalem, but I found that position to be inconsistent with several different scriptures I won't get into it now, but there were some things that I felt like just did not fit that picture I think when it comes to mystery Babylon you are 100% correct I would say that the United States seems to fit and pastor Shelley. What do you think about this? Of course, we would all agree that Rome at one point was the seat of mystery Babylon or was considered mystery Babylon How about the United States as sort of a revived Roman Empire so there's that connection too, right? Well, there's definitely Roman influence I mean, I kind of brought this up about how our money it's interesting It has Latin characters on the dollar bill and it's it's interesting Why would they pick Latin because it's not like in the founding of America people walking around speaking Latin They were of course speaking English. And so it's kind of eerie that they would pick such a language and such Artistry and everything else that kind of Has symbolism tied to the Roman Empire. I'm kind of curious where you're at here Brian What do you think about the idea of America being the end times Babylon? Is that something you've thought about before? Oh Yes, definitely and and adding on to your comparison. I think the US and Rome Even the papacy have a lot of similarities. You're describing the Roman use of Roman numerals There's also the Capitol building being a dome similar to over in Rome and even in London, there's a church there that has a dome with a Needle or a obelisk nearby just like in st. Peter's and at the US Capitol So I agree that there are like Babylonian influences or images that the US has of Ancient Rome or even Holy Roman Empire But sometimes I feel like the US is more like an Egypt type Where I mean don't get me wrong. There's tons of tons of comparisons between the US and Rome I mean, they're they're innumerable, but there's also those Egyptian influences on architecture and things and On Symbolism like on the dollar bill having the pyramid, but there was an interesting study. I was reading about Ancient Egypt having a culture of eating all these different kinds of meat high sugar diets They had obesity problems and I was starting to think this is very interesting. This these are very u.s. Type Problems that they have and then in times prophecy There's also described a king of the south and a king of the north The king of the north being the Babylonian king and the king of the south being a Pharaoh Egyptian king so I feel like this question ties directly into the beasts of Revelation first beast and then a second beast and I Mean it depends like how far you want to go down this rabbit trail right now Or do you want to talk about some other things? Well, yeah, I don't mind where the conversation goes I I think the Egypt connection is obviously true, too. I think what's kind of interesting is how the mystery Babylon is referenced as being kind of the seventh of a particular system and I believe those seven would be Number one starting with Egypt then the Assyrian Kingdom then the Babylonian then the Medo-Persian then the Grecian and then the Roman as the sixth and then the seventh would most likely be America again, that could be wrong obviously if times Escapes us and you know the Lord Terry's for a long period of time America could be destroyed new nations The geography of the world could be completely different, but it seems like we're trying to be the end times Babylon In my opinion and I would Assume that whatever was Babylon would probably have a mixture of all of these particular influences It wouldn't even just be limited to the Roman culture But I think it would be realistic to also see the Egyptian influence because it's that same spirits that same Babylonian spirit that has Migrated its way throughout history as a one-world Government one world leader and I'm sure since the Bible says there's no new thing under the Sun that they're particular cultural influences and lifestyle is very Similar to what we see and experience today in a culture. That's very morally declining we have so much wealth and prosperity and Really we see this as a common thread throughout the Bible that when a nation has a lot of wealth Then there's an increase in adultery. There's an increase in pagan worship there's an increase in just Sacrifice child sacrifice there's an increase in sodomy And really we kind of see that with the land of Canaan as well, which isn't necessarily in this lineage But just it's kind of reminiscent of a lot of civilizations. I mean, what do you think about the Egyptian influence in America? Do you think that that? Parlays with being mystery Babylon. Do you think that that's what's your opinion been? Yeah, I would definitely agree that it is reminiscent of that Babylonian spirit Egypt always is symbolized in Scripture as something negative as well and even worldliness the children of Israel when they're in the wilderness wanting to go back into Egypt is kind of a picture of Christians wanting to go back into the world that they've been delivered from and so I think that the United States Obviously, this is a captain obvious moment right here Definitely promotes that worldliness that I'm describing and and sort of the vain Materialism you look at Black Friday and you have people trampling over each other to get a half-price toaster and things like that that That sort of mentality exists in our country Unfortunately, and one other point that I wanted to bring up in the discussion here You had brought up revelation 17 you referenced them verses 9 and 10 but in revelation chapter 18 the Bible says about Babylon for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the earth Have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies and Guys, I think that when it comes to the United States It fits this bill perfectly because what we're seeing described here is a nation that has global influence And here's what I think of first of all, we have military bases all over the world, but beyond that It doesn't matter where you go on this planet. You'll see a McDonald's You'll see a KFC. You'll see an American brand. What are you guys's thoughts on that? Yeah, that's true Yeah, I totally agree and kind of zooming out Before we get into exactly who could be the beasts of the first beast who could be the second beast who could be Babylon? This is all Satan's design. So he's gonna be using all the government's all the powers that can be One of the one power throughout history I often add in to listing off Powers throughout time is the English Anglo Empire The Sun never set on the British Empire. They were all over the world similar to how there's McDonald's all over the world There was English colonies and similar to that there was cathedrals built all over wherever Rome went through the Spanish or whoever it was So I feel like between Babylon and Egypt Satan is going to set up a dialectic between these two Babylon was a political power, but it was also a religious power like in Daniel's time you had to bow down and worship the Nebuchadnezzar statue whereas Egypt is similar and having a worshipful Pharaoh But in Egypt you could worship whatever you wanted you could worship a frog you could worship the Sun You could have all these many gods The only time that it became contentious there was Pharaohs that worshiped the one true God after the Hebrews left so you can argue that there was influence from the Hebrews there in Goshen That maybe they influenced culture there to bring people to worship the one true God We know that Egyptians left with Moses the mixed multitudes and so they were definitely basically Evangelizing in a funny way back then and bringing people into Christ's fold into God's fold but as far as your question to US's role in all of this It's similar to mark of the beast questions like without a doubt Satan is going to use the power of the u.s to Torture to bring about destruction kill destroy It's just that when we get into the details We can argue all day and all night about it, and I've come a long way with my understanding of looking at prophecy I used to think that the dragon oh the red dragon that that must be China. Well. It's that's that's Satan Okay, like a red dragons not going to be China but still there are some things that we surely can hang our hat on like the Daniel prophecy going through the Vision of the dream where it goes through Babylon Medo-persia Greece Rome and then I would argue that the ending feet of that statue of Daniel the clay mixed with iron would be the Holy Roman Empire and a lot of the What do you what do you think what do you think about a modern-day application of that because it talks about how? The clay mixed with iron is is being made the first thing of men the first thing I think of is That's why I was gonna bring up the reformers is when they were studying this and what they were coming up with You had all these year the kingdoms of Rome Western Rome broken up into ten and you had these families Constantly trying to intermarry with the other families to try and cleave together to try and create Unity in all these separate kingdoms, but it never really quite worked out that way. And so I think of that but when I think about the iron and clay of the feet of that statue and Daniel and This is all like everyone watching you need to go read your Bible and see what you think about these things That's the only way you're really gonna get a grasp on it Are these things salvation issues is understanding what every symbol and revelation and how it ties into Daniel are these? Going to ensure your salvation. Of course not God is way more loving than that to judge you based on how you interpreted Revelation, but I think God is going to use people like us who have an interest in this to try and shed light To try and get people interested in reading the Bible get people interested in God and how these prophecies came to be like Daniel's vision was fulfilled and we look back at that now and are just kind of like oh You know, it's it's obviously this this that and that but it wasn't always so simple to see and even the I feel like I talked about this with you last time but the I Won't I won't go into that if we mentioned it last time but the reformers a lot of them definitely Felt like the papacy because imagine in their time like what you were saying the all the nations of the world drinking of the wine, I Mean in from their view that would have been the Holy Roman Empire That was this America like power that we see today But back then this super powerful group all over Africa Asia Philippines setting up Colonies essentially but setting up churches there and it's not all So that becomes a very contentious issue in itself Was every Cathedral that colonial Spain set up an evil world empire? No, some cases they're bringing the gospel to the world. So God has a way of using Even bad things happening to push forward the gospel going to the world and we know that before the end times that the gospel will have gone To the world but before I don't want to break go dive right into these I have some quotes from some of the reformers about their thoughts on the Antichrist power But I don't want to jump. I mean, yeah. Yeah, here's the thing. Obviously, I think everyone kind of tries to superimpose their Substances on scripture like there's a tendency So obviously if I go back in time to let's say World War two and we have Hitler A lot of people are kind of thinking Hitler's the Antichrist or a lot of people are thinking That the end times is going to be shaping around World War two specifically and I could see how you know if we if we go back to I don't know the 15th 16th 17th century somewhere in that timeline and Someone's talking about the wine they could think of that as maybe in the communion of the Catholic Church now, they're all drinking that Specific Eucharist and there's a lot of ways you could try to interpret these things But at the same time I think that in hindsight We can have sometimes a better perspective. I don't know that I always agree with end times from people of the past I think that because it was a lot harder for them to Recognize, you know things that are gonna change in the future Everybody kind of seems to think that the end times is in their generation and I I get that we do the same thing but I think that you know as Time goes on. It's more likely that we'll have a better prediction or a better Idea or understanding of the end times. I think as we draw closer It's just gonna become that much more parent what these scriptures really mean, you know I've kind of wondered myself about the Iron mixing of miry clay and I've wondered does this have something to do with that many European countries and even America are being Really kind of quote invaded by a multitude of immigrants and these immigrants when they come into these countries whether it be France Germany UK even America they typically do not actually mix with the culture or the the people there They're staying in their own separate Camps separate parts of the city taking them over and it's really weakened that particular nation it's that nation's partly strong and partly weak that could just be a coincidence or just to maybe a Secondary idea that's coming from the text, but I almost wonder if that's partly what's Being fulfilled potentially in that description. What do you think about this migration issued Ben? Do you think that's a possible interpretation of the mingling there? Yeah, I think that there are obviously several different possible interpretations of that Passage there in Daniel chapter 2 specifically dealing with the ten toes of the statue mixed with miry clay Etc. And that's definitely one of them you look at what's going on with especially in Europe Some of these migrants that are coming in that are not assimilating the Islamic refugees you'll get what's going on here domestically in the United States with our open border policies leading to all kinds of all kinds of drugs and crime and Criminals who are coming into this country and not assimilating as well So I would not be surprised if that's what it's pointing to. I think that Brian had an interesting theory as well. A lot of this is up to conjecture because it's not a clear verse, right? It's left up to interpretation and I think done so on purpose So that you know, we could speculate But I do think it's important to note this because you had brought up that different people in different time periods Had their own views and their own applications of eschatology and that's 100% accurate But I think specifically when we're talking about mystery Babylon I would say that if you were alive during the time of the Roman Empire It would be a hundred percent accurate to claim Rome is Babylon and and when people draw those connections between Revelation 17 and some of the verbiage there and the Catholic Church. That's great. I agree with that I would just say that in 2024 it's not Rome that is now the global superpower over this planet. It's the United States of America Yeah, I think the landscape At least from a political perspective it's it's undisputedly America you could even argue that America is a major influence even from a religious perspective because we've sent out more missionaries from our country than virtually any other country and We've influenced them now. It may not be from a specific denomination but you can see from non-denominational churches Catholic churches from Presbyterian you could see from even Pentecostal all kinds of people being spread out and and kind of a lot of people looking to America for Spiritual guidance and spiritual leadership. The problem is they're looking at a lot of false prophets when they do so And I don't know that the the false prophet is necessarily gonna come from America I know I talked to a Catholic recently and he told me that the Pope is gonna be the false prophet and a Catholic said that yeah, he did and I was thinking well, you know, I can't say that I disagree with that opinion Like it's definitely plausible What is your kind of idea on the false prophet specifically Brian? Do you have any idea on what you think there? Well, there was something I wanted to address before but remind me about that. So I'll probably forget. Yeah, it's all for it I see the u.s. As historically becoming merged with the British Empire Around World War one and two with the League of Nations and then the UN so I automatically now from learning this hidden history of New World Order UN censored New World Order because there was a competing World government system coming out of Germany, but they lost so now we have an Anglo American establishment so when I when I dabble with putting the US Into prophecy fulfillment. I automatically merge them With the British Empire Anglo American establishment that ties into Israel and the five eyes Australia Canada, I guess New Zealand is one of the five eyes. It seems like they should just be lumped in with Australia But I know people from Australia and New Zealand wouldn't appreciate that. But anyway One thing for sure is that no matter Who is the Babylon who is the new Babylon it's a mystery Babylon because it's a mystery because Satan is behind the scenes pulling the strings making all these things happen and he's the one power principalities and powers in high places bringing all of them together around that table that we see in prophetic in a prophetic future where they're all going to be sitting around this one table and then eventually they're gonna turn on that first beast on that Antichrist power and another thing we can rest our hat on no matter who the miry clay and iron is a Rock is going to come and destroy all of these things Amen, so Satan can have his way with all these powers and principalities But it's gonna be all for naught just like Christ dying on the cross and rising again. He's gonna come as a rock and Destroy all these things by crushing the toes of the giant statue and Your question was about the false prophets. Yes. There's any idea on that So many false prophets, I think You have the Matthew prophecy Matthew Text about when they say he's out in the desert or he's up in the mountain Don't go to him we Christ already came when he comes again He's gonna be in the sky where everyone can see him all at the same time He's not gonna be hidden in a cave or in some desert somewhere. So I mean, this is something I run into a lot of If I don't agree with someone's take on something I'm not gonna automatically call them a False prophet, but there's the potential There I In some ways feel like this Pope Francis is a false prophet. I personally just don't feel like he represents the vigor of Christ When he becomes a political Pope more than a Christ Pope Even the calling yourself the vigor of Christ. I feel like is problematic But then if you don't even try and act like Christ, that's it's pretty bad Now other things that I would label as Troublesome without having to just call them straight-up false prophets speaking in tongues and as if this is a Gift from the Holy Spirit to babble nonsense speaking in tongues is a real thing where you I've heard accounts of people Miraculously being able to speak to someone in another language that they did not know when it was pertaining to them Evangelizing so that's what I would see speaking as tongues as and babbling nonsense in a fit of joy or rage I would label as a false prophecy I Don't even know if it would classify as false prophecy. It's just toddler talk it's just it's kind of gargly goop, but Obviously, I agree with you and you know when we talk about False prophets there's false prophets, and then there's the false prophet Just like the Bible says there's Devils and then there's the devil or how we're the sons of God. It's like how there's the Yeah, yeah, so I think that when it comes to the false prophet specifically the Pope is a great guess as to who could potentially Be someone like that obviously the Jesus said to call no man father upon the earth and hope is kind of like saying Papa and Really, it's it's just a blasphemous term to use spiritual father in any sense obviously we have carnal fathers But to say someone's your spiritual father is blasphemous because we only have one father God the Father Obviously the Catholics have a lot more problems than that too, but I kind of was speculating in a sermon Not that long ago about the false prophet, and I think this is kind of an interesting idea I was wondering if it's possible that the false prophets not even necessarily Religious like he's not necessarily a religious character at first But then he kind of takes on a religious persona with the Antichrist but more he's a character that has a megaphone and I kind of Theorized and I don't think this is necessarily true But I kind of looked at the idea of something like the X app and with someone like Elon Musk You know if the Pope goes out and says something tomorrow Yeah, a lot of people pay attention But honestly there's certain people that have a lot more influence than the Pope and it seems like someone like an Elon Musk Where they have a lot of power they have a lot of influence they have a big following They have a pretty big megaphone with their own particular Application that if someone like that were to say, you know, I'm not that religious But now all of a sudden this is God This is the Christ and we all need to follow them and they're just kind of shouting that with their megaphone application that I Think that could fit scripture pretty well also, you know, and again, I'm not trying to pick on Elon But you know The Bible says that the false prophet is gonna be able to do miracles like calling fire down from heaven Well, it's pretty interesting that Elon is really interested in having all these satellites set up kind of like a hive all over the entire earth and additionally with Starlink He's gonna be able to broadcast the internet to pretty much every square inch of the planet Which is another important prophecy because the Bible talks about how when the two witnesses are lying dead in Jerusalem that the whole world is gonna be able to see their their their dead bodies lying there And you know, we see that day approaching fast in the sense that with internet with smartphones and everything like that Pretty much the whole world can be tuned in to a particular event As long as there's internet. So if we literally did solve that problem to where there's internet everywhere There's satellites that can potentially you know Whether that's a supernatural thing or not call fire down from heaven and we have someone of the megaphone saying this guy is God I Kind of wondered if maybe I'm wrong and it's not necessarily the Pope. It's it could be somebody that has Political and technical influence. What do you think about that bit? What did you think about that bit when I kind of brought that up? Is that a possibility? I think it's a possibility. I don't know about Elon himself, but I would say what about his son? Yeah, I was gonna say the xae Somebody that he's Excuse me somebody that he's related to or one of his future progeny his son or his son's son, maybe Second or third generation could potentially fit the bill But when you talk about the false prophet not starting out as a religious figure That also fits perfectly with Scripture because if we look at the life of the Antichrist He does start out as a political figure. He does not start out as an inherent Religious figure it isn't until the midpoint of Daniel 70th week when That he ends up getting hit with a deadly wound to the head and then he's revived courtesy of the power of the devil You have the abomination of desolation. I think that's when he actually reveals himself as a religious figure and in particular a false Messiah figure where he sets up that image and he basically forces everyone to worship him as a False God. Yeah in Daniel chapter 11 and again, you could be alluding to the future Antichrist It's saying in verse 38 But in his estate shall he honor the God of forces and a God whom his fathers knew not Shall he honor with gold and silver with precious stones and pleasant things. So It almost alludes to the idea of this person not necessarily following in any specific religious Historicity but almost coming up with something new I don't know. What are your thoughts about Brian's reaction a technical false prophet or or something like that? Is that is that something you think is possible? Yeah, I definitely feel like the use of the word prophecy I mean prophet is going to include that religious part and like what Ben said I do believe that the Antichrist power is both a political and Religious power I think we both I think we differ a little bit on the interpretation of Daniel 925 of that last week and how that lays out but One thing I wanted to bring up when you're listing the things and distinguishing between them one thing I think is so important to distinguish between is the end times versus the end of time So we have the end times being a longer period than the end of time being When God creates a new heaven and a new earth But back to Elon Musk, it is worrisome that he wears this Halloween costume with the upside-down cross on the back and a little half a minute on the front it's a little worrisome that this man has deals with the Defense Department and Gets all this money from government that I guess would have been going to NASA or whatever and there is the potential for Doing false miracle work by giving people sight Giving them Hearing or maybe other kinds of healing with brain chips. So I think there's a huge potential in there For Musk to at least Be a tool of Satan if not if he's not gonna be the Antichrist or whatever He could at least be a false prophet or a tool of Satan and the great thing about Conversations like this is that it makes me feel a lot of relief like as long as the body of Christ Is sort of looking in all these directions trying to identify something that's gonna come after true believers And that puts us on a pretty good footing for the future So long as we have the ability to communicate like this Yeah, hey, did you hear about this thing with Elon Musk? Did you hear what the Pope said? Did you hear what this random ruler over here said so gives me a lot of relief to know that we're all out here trying to figure this out and be on good footing before the End of time before the end times, excuse me begins and that would be the question that I wanted to throw to you guys Do you feel like we are in the end times and How soon do you think the end of time would be well, I think that you know, obviously there is a Distinguishment between some of the timelines that we're talking about I think sometimes people might loosely refer to the end times is just being like we're towards the end of Human history as we know it and I could see how people could say that and I could generally agree that it seems like we're nearing the end So maybe we're in end times in that sense But if we're gonna talk about Daniels 70th week or the idea that there's gonna be a final seven years Before the millennial reign of Christ. No, I do not believe that we've entered into that seven year period Or a the book of Revelation brings up Seven seals that are gonna be unleashed. I don't believe that any of those seals have been opened today Of course the Bible does bring up how after those seven seals there's gonna be a thousand year reign of Christ He's gonna rule and reign on the earth and is gonna be peace for a thousand years Then the devil is gonna be let loose one more time to gather the whole world together to the Battle of Gog and Magog Upon which God will destroy them with fire from heaven and will enter in the great white throne judgment and Then we'll have the new heavens and the new earth I Don't even know that I would say that the new heavens and the new earth is the end of time because You know, I don't know that it there's really any scripture that say that time is gonna completely end It's just gonna be forever like Time will just go we're in eternity in a sense. So however that works I of course I could never wrap my mind around something that's eternal but at the end the end of time of this earth Sure. Yeah, and I agree with I agree with that So, you know when it comes to the seven year period some people say we're already in the seventh year The fifth seals just been open or we're in the sixth seal or stuff like that. We're at we're Nineveh. I Mean You know, have you heard these ideas of we're in these seals been? If I may interject real quick. Go for it. Go for it Brian. You go first and then I'll jump in after you. Go ahead Yeah, I was gonna just throw out there that I don't necessarily feel like these seven seals have been opened or anything like that but just to the audience there's a Discussion out there in the Christian body you might say of what the last seven Days day years of this Daniel prophecy Means and I don't put it into the future I I believe that that seven year period the middle of that week was Christ being crucified and Making an end of sins through that so that's just something we don't have to have The debate of that right now, but I'm just saying as an audience member go look into it. See what you think I lean on one side. I don't necessarily and dogmatic about it, but That's what becomes the trouble of these discussions is being too dogmatic on the seven seals the seven trumpets We have the seven churches seven seals Excuse me seven churches seven seals seven trumpets then there's going to be this great Controversy Climax between Christ and Satan then the fall of Babylon then the millennium and then the New Jerusalem And it's interesting that I believe it's the book of Nahum That we were talking about earlier where Nineveh finally does fall due to its iniquity It's structured similarly to Revelation where the structure is like a chiasm Where you have almost like equal parts on each side of this Structure as it goes through not chronologically, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. No, you're good That's why I want to I want to get your thoughts. Do you kind of agree with how I labeled the end times? They're been Yeah, I'm on the same page with you. I think that I do understand Brian Where you're coming from on that Daniel? 927 Transportation and I have heard that position before but to answer the question regarding the Are we in the end times that question? I would say no and there's certain things that I have to see first before making that Declaration first of all, I need to see a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. There isn't one right now. I need to see daily Sacrifices going on in that temple. There aren't any right now, and I also would say that Until the abomination of desolation occurs, which Brian I realized maybe we have some disagreement on this. That's okay Still like you. All right, everything's fine. But my point is We're not liberals here. Okay, we don't demand ideological purity to come on our show. But here's my point Yeah, we wouldn't let your McDonald's trash come on the show even Pastor Shelley and I have different views on stuff He hates McDonald's like I kind of like it. But anyway I have to see that abomination of desolation before I can for sure definitively say that we are in the end times Well, I've talked with pre-tribbers and and they say obviously they disagree with me on end times You know eschatology and I kind of I kind of asked one of my friends I said, okay at what point will you agree with me and say it's post-trib and it's kind of like that abomination of Desolation of venture if that if that happened then you'd be like, okay, I guess you're right this was We weren't raptured out before that a particular event Yeah I mean the Bible says or Jesus Christ himself said in the Olivet Discourse when he therefore shall see the abomination of desolation Spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holy place who so read it let him understand So clearly that is a pivotal event and I do think that how could you believe that with the pre-trib? Like because according to according to that them No, Christian will see the the abomination desolation because they're all raptured out of here Well, if you hold to the pre tribulation rapture position your only option I would think the Jews that randomly got saying the rapture or something It's either Jews or you could or you you have to you have to claim that Matthew 24 mark 13 in Luke 21 has nothing to do with The rapture at all what is a preterite view but that's not pretty true it Yeah, well then you would have to claim that it's either already all completely been fulfilled or that it's only for the Jews Okay Well, that's that's kind of funny. I you know, what's interesting to me is thinking about Elon like Pull up that image because I think I sent it to you I don't want to like kick kick the dog anymore But you know, obviously when you're wearing clothes like this it kind of puts you thinking like we know what's going on What is the deal? What was the plan? A lot of people like you on look I kind of like Elon I like what he's done with Twitter in the sense that it seems like he's brought a little bit more He says good things on the free speech. Yeah, and again, I it's it, you know some bad things have still happened on Twitter and it's questionable if that's like Elon or if that's just Minions that work for him that are kind of subverting his policies I don't I don't know. I'm kind of glad Twitter actually put me back on today So I have to give them a thumbs up, you know pastor Shelley's accounts your back pass at pastor steadfast was reinstated today So do we do we think it was Elon in his office? Yeah personally, yeah for clear the button He's a fan of the bad guys. Okay, he watches it for sure. And so that's probably why but Honestly, you know the thing is about his son though That's really creepy to me is his his biological mother Her name is like Grimes is like this artist name or something and she she has like a bunch of music videos There's one where she's like in like a garden and she's got like a snake wrapped around her and then there's like another video where she's like this bloody fallen angel or something like that and She's they specifically said they want to raise their son without gender which which is weird, of course but if you know when it talks about the Antichrist specifically, he doesn't desire women and You know, it's kind of like you wonder with all this transgender binary, you know non-binary Parenting going out there. Is that the perfect vehicle to raise an Antichrist type child? obviously he's gonna be given access to unlimited wealth and Power and everything because of daddy. I mean if you think about what Elon has he could very well hand it down to the next generation and they kind of inherit a fortune of Power influence and ability to do things so, you know I'm not saying that his son is the Antichrist of the False Prophet or anything like that but obviously if I were to in my own science fiction novel try to figure out what would be the kind of the Pieces of the puzzle here. It seems like his son could be someone that's fitting that mold What do you think about what I just said about him his son is that kind of perturbing or what do you think Ben? obviously It's perturbing. It's weird. It's satanic. I'm curious if Brian has a reaction to all that I Mean these are strange people they have doctrines of devils you might say You know, I Don't have much to say about Musk and Grimes I just find them really weird I was for a long time gonna do a report about Grimes, but it just didn't feel like it was that important I don't know how significant these people are in the course of History going forward. I think time will tell I definitely didn't think he was gonna be running Twitter and I that's been a huge deal and he's become very like Just on a sonna on an ex-spaceship into the political world because of the implications of Twitter and uncensoring people and so we know that Satan's gonna be using dialectics to Control us. So I guess the question I would ask or a statement would be maybe he's Musk is being used by Satan to To kind of gather Christians behind him be like, yes I'm in a I'm gonna give Baptist bias their Twitter back and I'm gonna be a Right-wing ally and so therefore all the Christians can trust me type of thing while the left Simultaneously, you know, there's hit pieces on Musk all the time now just like there was with Jones and Trump And so he's kind of become politicized ever since his Twitter involvement So I definitely think Satan's gonna use all the pieces on the table, you know, Satan's even infiltrating all the churches So, of course, he's gonna use things in the secular world Well, and even if Elon's not necessarily a bad guy like he's evil to the core or something He could still be used by the devil obviously Solomon was a great man of God but was used by the devil and a lot of ways towards the end of his life and I've seen Elon Musk on the Babylon be and I've seen him talking about Christianity and things and he's definitely never been like blasphemous that I can remember like openly blasphemous or anything Obviously, he's been like kind of an atheist and stuff like that But I don't see him just you know saying GD and like cursing God or Jesus Maybe there's clips out there that I'm ignorant of but you know I would hope that if given an encounter someone that has the gospel would would share that with him You know, I would I wouldn't back away from giving the gospel to Elon or any of his kids or anything like that but at the same time I think that we have to be careful that there could be some Trojan horses out there and We don't really know, you know what these people it's easier for the camel to go through the eye of the needle than it is For a rich man to enter the kingdom of God We know he's very very very, you know, he's autistic though So maybe like that would help him because I feel like autistic people they care more about the truth It's a lot harder for them to lie and things like that He's autistic. Yeah, he has he's like slightly on the spectrum, I believe But you know another thing that's interesting about him though is it's like he's not really rich for just being so awesome it's just like he's gotten all these government handouts like essentially a lot of the companies and the Organizations that he's built It's just been with like a hand of the government kind of allowing him to have that influence and have that Money, so obviously he is smart I'm not trying to take away from how smart he is But at the same time like I don't think he's as much the self-made man as he's kind of the bought and paid for man and in a lot of ways too, so I definitely think that we should be as Christians watching and you know, even though I have a strong bias I have the Baptist bias I want to always make sure that my viewpoints can be challenged with Scripture and with the Bible and that I'm willing to You know make sure that I'm I could change because I've changed a lot of things in my life I've changed a lot of views. I used to be pre-trib and Then I ended up realizing like that's just not what the Bible teaches And so, you know, I've come to a position called post-trib pre-wrath But you know at the same time there's a lot of people out there that just while we can't know everything there's still a lot of things we can know for sure and there's still a lot of people that are Giving ear to and and listening to a lot of just junk. You have a couple clips I want to get to a couple more clips before we get a little bit deeper in the conversation But you have a clip from clip 5. It's encounter today TV. It's about the pre-trib rapture Maybe it's a prediction, but I want to play a couple of these clear Yeah, it's just a guy who's trying to give biblical evidence from his perspective on why the rapture is pre-trib. It's very short Yeah, let's just play clip 5 Because there are people saying that there's no verse that speaks to the rapture of the church and it's not in the Bible Well, no, you're not in the Bible Because I give you I'm going to give you two verses right here that prove the rapture is coming and you want to be ready Here it is Revelation chapter 3 verse 10 because you have kept the word of my patience I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation We shall come upon all the world and to try them that dwell upon the earth behold I come quickly hold fast, which thou hast that no man take your crown He's gonna keep us not from the tribulation From the hour of the tribulation and then I want to speak to what you just said here with first Thessalonians Which is there's such a blessing chapter 1 in verse 10 where he commands us to wait for his son from heaven Whom he raised from the dead even Jesus Which delivers us from the wrath to come Well That's a pretty strong accusation that someone who's not pre-trib just not in their Bible But of course first Thessalonians chapter number one agrees with the post-trib pre-rath position So he's kind of straw manning his opposition there because obviously I agree that I'm not gonna go through the wrath of God But the word wrath and tribulation aren't interchangeable We're experiencing tribulation today when Christians are being persecuted for their faith There's tribulation all over the world tribulation is simply just trouble or persecution for the cause of Christ, which has happened from Inception Abel was killed by his brother Cain that was tribulation And additionally we've seen tribulation throughout all of the Old Testament and the New Testament To say that we're not gonna go through tribulation is really not understanding scripture at all to say that we're not gonna go through wrath Well, that is biblical. Of course. The Bible says that you know, we're not appointed unto wrath But the wrath of God is very clearly unleashed in the seal seven in the book of Revelation It says in his wrath is come, you know So and then we have seven vile judgments you brought up those sevens which I thought was interesting the seven churches and then there's seven Seven seals then there's seven trumpets well there's also seven vile judgments if you if you kind of pay attention to that as well, so You know to say that the preacher rapture is there in Revelation chapter 3 that was the only other verse he brought up It's such a stretch because he's talking to one church out of seven the Church of Philadelphia So, I don't know if he's a dispensationalist or something probably going with we're in the philadelphian age or something Perhaps but to say that's a clear verse on a pre-trib rapture is It's just it's not being intellectually honest with the text, but I feel like this is the prevailing view I mean, do you find that most people you talk to Brian or pre-trib or what? What do you kind of run into? No, most people that I talk to are believing that we are going to go through a tribulation that we are gonna be like imagine the Israelites in or I guess, you know, they were Just Hebrews or I guess they're Israelites in Egypt Did they leave before the plagues happened or were they there for the plagues? So I feel like there's types in the Bible that show us what things are gonna be like in the future and So definitely and I also wanted to bring up here's something that you know Might just be fun to look at because I've always assumed that This rapture moments would be God taking the righteous Away, but when you look at which I pretty much believe, you know I'm just saying if you want a little something to chew on and think about let me find this real quick in the wheat and tares parable in verse 30 I'm sorry. I didn't write what chapter was but it's mad that both growths Yes, yes. Yes What let both grow together until the harvest and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers gather ye together First the tears and bind them together in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn So I just thought it was interesting that in that parable first the tears are gathered So, you know this left-behind Scenario where it's just a normal day. There's no tribulations going on and all the righteous disappear I think first of all, you're gonna be going through the tribulations. There's gonna be people put to death You know, it's gonna we'll know when we're there There's not any much of an argument for being in the tribulation now At least, you know not having the mark of the beast and all that but then I think it's an interesting point to study In your Bible those listening What if the people first taken were actually the tears and not the weed? I just think it's an interesting conversation that usually just becomes assumed because of pop culture Left-behind series did a huge huge number on everyone on that one. But what do you think about that? Yeah, this is definitely an interesting verse and this has always been my interpretation and I could I could totally change my mind but I've always interpreted this as first of all understanding the tears are Reprobates, they're they're basically the seed of the devil. They're people that have given up their chance to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ because they hate God so much and I think in the end times we see the Obvious manifestation of this is by taking the mark of the beast the Bible says that the people who take the mark of the beast are Going to be thrown in the lake of fire that they're they're doomed And so if you kind of understand a timeline from our perspective, you know I believe that the abomination desolation happens in the middle part of a seven-year period it's the it's at the fifth seal of the Seven seals that are in the book of Revelation and what happens is the Antichrist is killed Given received a deadly wound. He comes back to life declares himself God and then demands in Revelation chapter 13 All the world to receive a mark in the right hand or in their forehead and I believe those who are taking that mark could be seen as those bundles being bound together and gathered together as the minions of the Antichrist in the Antichrist kingdom receiving this mark and that happens for a short space until there is the Rapture where those who are alive and remain After going through a great tribulation are caught up together with the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds and so I think that what maybe it's possibly describing here is that gathering of the reprobates with the mark of the beast and then he's gathering the wheat through the rapture and After the rapture he's gonna then pour out his wrath on this earth and he's and of course throw all of those people which Received the mark into the lake of fire which burned the fire brimstone What do you what do you think about that idea Ben have you heard you probably heard me say that before I don't know Yeah, I've heard you teach it this you have another view. I I think that for me It's possible that this could actually be in reference to not that what you're saying is wrong or something like that I think there's likely multiple interpretations to this parable and one that I heard that I actually subscribe to myself is this idea that What we're talking about here in Matthew 13 is the transition from the Millennial Kingdom to the new heaven a new earth and specifically the reason why I would say that is because you have in Matthew 13 in verse 38 it says the field is the world the good seed are the children of the kingdom but the tears are the children of the wicked one and The thing is though Verse 39 I'm sorry is what I really wanted to read the enemy that so them is the devil the Harvest is the end of the world The thing is about that phrase end of the world you could argue that that is talking about the rapture but I also think there's evidence in Scripture that the end is Actually talking about the end of the millennium in the beginning of the new heaven a new earth The Bible in 1st Corinthians 15 talks about this and it says You know then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to the Father and we see that in verse 43 the Bible says then shall the righteous shine forth at this as the Sun in the kingdom of Their father who hath ears to hear let him hear Well the kingdom of their father seems to be pointing to the new heaven a new earth when the father actually comes down and dwells With mankind so for me the primary interpretation is actually that transition From the millennium to the new heaven a new earth which would explain why the tears are bound first Because we know that at Gog and Magog they're all gathered around Jerusalem, and then a fire comes down from heaven and devours them Well, I I don't know that I necessarily even see a difference between what I'm saying and you're saying I'm saying that they the bundling process Starts with the mark of the beast and the end culmination is of course the millennial reign sent with you But it could be and I could see how maybe you would say the gatherings Maybe at the very beginning of the millennial reign he comes down, and then he's like hey Where are those servants that said this man shall not reign over us and they gather them, but I like what the Brian's? Pointing out is it kind of almost seems like there's a gathering before the rapture event So if that's true if that's kind of what the text is Alluding to then I think that my interpretation you're possibly answer all of that like kind of explain that whole transition We're on the same page and the end of the world is that talking about the actual moment or just a general like Lump of time that's kind of just the general end. I don't know yeah I mean, what do you think Brian about those ideas? Let's get Brian's? I love that like what y'all just said I feel like shined a lot of light for me on on this parable It's just amazing how sure the Word of God is that like these things? perfectly parallel Things in other parts of the New Testament, and then you also have the amazing parallels from Old Testament To new like the snake on the stick that when they're being bit by the fiery serpents And if you look to it, then you won't die There's just so many of amazing things like that that gives me so much faith that this book was not just Devised by humans. I don't want to go off on its tangent about that But I can't the most common thing I'll hear I guess I will go on the tangent is people saying oh Did you know that the Egyptian? these stories in Egypt were actually that's where they got the Jesus story from as If Satan is not behind the scenes trying to create counterfeits not only for the Antichrist Counterfeit that's horsemen that can do these Yeah, exactly yeah Well, I mean here's the thing people that are saying that they didn't like actually study the Bible thoroughly and read it cover to cover and they don't even believe it either so it's not like they really have a High level of standard that they're holding themselves to a high level of scrutiny They're just like oh if you were if you were so learn it as I am you would realize this happened in Egypt But it's like where's your sources? What did you read you read the Bible, and it's like they didn't even read anything They're just quoting some YouTube video from an atheist or something like that But we are gonna be taking a few call-in questions if we have any we we do have one already and I want to bring on Mike from Florida. He's got a question for us about the first seal Hey, Mike. How's it going? Can you hear us? Oh? We're I want to point out before we get my just went to you yeah How that that's appropriate with Brian on the line. I don't know if you got that reference Brian, but I want to say very Just quickly Alex yeah The caller wouldn't talk that's like our favorite clip in our in our studio We all we always say that all the time this conversation I think and other ones that we've had especially in private between you and I pastor Shelley it just highlights How true it is that iron sharpens iron? Yeah, that's really the point I wanted to make and you know again We like bringing other people on the show and and getting all our ideas and the truth is gonna win And I like that we have Collins we got a call-in from Mike from Florida. Hey Mike. How's it going? Hey, especially how you guys doing today doing great. Thanks for calling in Thanks for thanks for taking my call. I just had a question about the seals, and I've been thinking about things for a little while Does the first seal when it when it does it have to does it have to start the three and a half year period and the only reason I'm asking that is because It says that the first seal is a crown was given to him and he went forth conquering and to conquer It doesn't specifically say that there's gonna be war or or people being murdered then it does though however, like later on down in the other seals down after the I think a pale horse came with death and what I'm always thinking about is that the internet has in my opinion has to play a huge role in the end times because it's so revolutionary and Like the internet has done a really good job of like taking peace from the earth, which is like the second seal And I just look at it like is the conquering and to conquer is that like the internet and the Internet of Things? like could that be like that's the way it kind of conquers in to conquer and to kind of like move the battlefield to the whole earth and Then after a certain tipping point maybe that then it takes peace from the earth and it convinces people to Kill one another or am I totally off base here? Well, you know, I think that when it comes to My view that there's like this last seven year period of time I think it does seem logical and seems consistent with scripture that the First seal being opened would be kind of kicking off that timeline When it comes to the word conquer, I think it definitely Just the word itself alludes the idea of some kind of violence or some some type of taking over Could that be like you said a different style of conquering? I think It could but the reason why I would say it's not is just because when you look at the other seals and you look at What's going on on the earth? You see the ramifications of worldwide war you see the bloodshed you see You know famine and it seems like all these things very easily roll into one another in the sense that when there is worldwide You know war Then there is going to be a higher likelihood of certain parts of the earth not getting food the supply lines being cut short Disruptions in the economy and Everything that's going on. So I think that it it really makes a lot of sense that these things are going to unfold in a Of course a pattern But at the same time like the Bible talks about death being the fourth beast the pale horse death and hell follows with it You know, I no one's gonna die from just watching the internet. At least I hope not. It's like the rain or something like that You know, yeah, what is your take on this Brian? Yeah, I'd love to address this one I I obviously don't ascribe to the fact that the 70 weeks of Daniel Need to necessarily be involved with this timeline and I don't think that the end times Have to be begun for the seals to begin being opened. All we know is that there's only one Capable of opening these seals and that's Christ and I wanted to bring up Before I tell you what I think the white horse is I wanted to bring up What you said about the internet the first Morse code signal sent which you could argue is like the predecessor for telephone and internet was What hath God wrought and I can't remember what Old Testament book that's from but I think it's very Interesting that that would be the first thing told when yes, we see all the evil in the world perpetuated through the Internet music television all the horrible culture and pornography demonic influence But the internet can also be used to spread the gospel It's almost like two things are going to be heightened at once I can attest that I Started watching different pastors on YouTube and that really was a huge huge Almost just you can't take it away and have me be on this path To Christ without that. So as long here there's gonna be evil increasing with Internet and also the gospel will quicken With the Internet I think and I I've fallen to the it's not a Uncommon thing. I believe that the first horse a white horse Christ was pure and white. I believe that this represents Christ and He had a bow. He didn't have arrows and he had a crown We know that Christ is King and he went forth conquering and to conquer with his bow and a bow could also be sort of symbolic of a covenant like the rainbow after Noah's ark and I think it's interesting that in Zechariah This is when I use Old Testament. What is what are these horses? What are these horses all about in Zechariah? You also have horses That proceed from God the horses are coming from where God is in Zechariah 8 9 10 of Zechariah 1 Talks about the horses and in Zechariah 6 so you could look at that and there's different horses in there that are kind of similar you got a red horse and Sorry, yeah, anyway first horse red horses black horses and they're Proceeding these horses are coming from where God is So I think the horses don't necessarily all have to be nefarious is my point with that But we also know that the angels hold back the winds of strife So it doesn't necessarily mean that the horses or any of them are good or bad But I hope that you know gives you something to look into their mr. Florida. I forgot where your name was Mike Mike Mike I'd get any good thing here in Florida Well, you know one thing I've never heard of the idea of the white horse Being Christ what one thing I would I would say that it doesn't seem to fit to me Is just how in Revelation chapter 4 when John is being given this vision specifically It says in verse number one come up hither and I will show thee things which must be here after so in Revelation chapter number 4 we start all of these prophecies and John is seeing things that are not gonna happen yet because he's told he's gonna be see things that are gonna happen now like in The present and then things that are come after this so John is being told in Revelation 4 that the things he's gonna see you're gonna happen afterwards and Then in Revelation chapter 6 is where we pick up with the seal Specifically and we see the white horse and the one sitting on it So I think that it would kind of mess up the chronology of Christ if we were to put Christ there Because Christ has already come well before the book of Revelation was ever written Obviously John is an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is this is the revelation of Jesus Christ and his glorified state That's what it says in Revelation chapter number one. So I I do think that There could be other Interpretations of you know revelation that maybe I haven't thought of or I could I could change our mind I've just I've never heard of it being Christ. That would be kind of a pushback from my perspective of Maybe that that doesn't seem to necessarily fit this vision. I I do agree that horses are not necessarily a negative creature they're a positive and a negative creature because Specifically Jesus Christ does definitely come back on a horse in the end part of revelation When he conquers everybody at the Battle of Armageddon, so there's there's no doubt that The horse can be a positive and a negative creature. I just have always seen revelation chapter 6 referring to Specifically, you know, it's called the four horse of the apocalypse is one of the ways that people describe this as being the Antichrist Also, you mentioned you had the bow I think it's another indication of this being war. What do you think Ben? Do you think this guy is is out for bloodshed? Do you think there's any way that this could be interpreted as like a peaceful takeover? I would say that this is the Antichrist's rise to the top of the New World Order power structure Which then enables him to start the world wars that we see and the famines that we see with seals two three four and then leading up to the martyrdom of seal number five and To add to what you were saying revelation chapter 19 With regard to the Battle of Armageddon Jesus comes on a white horse No question there. And so if revelation 6 and the first seal is describing the Antichrist Well, that would fit because the Antichrist would be counterfeiting. Yeah Jesus Christ there Brian brought up though about the Internet and how the Internet has played a huge role in his Christian life and Another point that I wanted to make there is Jesus Christ. He said that before the rapture has to happen That this gospel the kingdom Must be preached basically he says that it shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come and I Think that you could argue maybe the Internet is the vehicle by which that occurs. Yeah a reaction to that Yeah, no, I think that's those are good thoughts. I was kind of curious Mike. What do you think about? Our answers here Yeah, I'm obviously it's Open to a lot of open to it. All you guys are really learned it on this stuff be way beyond me So all this is it's fantastic what the only reason why I thought the first thing that I thought I've been thinking about for a while is because on in revelation 6 for it says Him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another And there was given unto him a great sword. So it's like people are killing one another He kind of gives them the power to kill each other or he gives like the influence It seems like that to me, but then in Revelation chapter 8 it's almost like and power was given to them meaning death and hell to Over the fourth part of to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death So in my head when I was when I read it all the time, I always think this is two separate Like entities Killing the earth it's like The earth killing itself because of some sort of influence in the earlier part of the chapter and then later on in the chapter It seems like the actual Conqueror the ant or the Antichrist is the one actually killing with the sword But I think I might be leaning towards more wet. Pastor Shelley says about well, I you know I'm on this chapter recently. You could check it out on our rumble the steadfast rumble. There's a revelation for I do think the the white horse It may not have any kind of bloodshed with that specific event like been mentioned It's kind of like someone becoming the king of America and it says he has a bow which would make sense because America fights a lot Of wars from afar we have so much power with missiles airstrikes. We have just a The ability to shoot from afar as it were and You could say that maybe the white crown or the white horse and the crown is just the idea of Getting the power to have control over this particular entity Then the second horse the red horse is where that we see the actual bloodshed and war Begin and they could come very quickly very subsequently When it talks about them killing each other I just think that's in reference to war obviously people are just killing each other in war and when you have Massive worldwide war you're gonna have people dying from a lot of different things specifically, you know It says that they're gonna be killed with a sword. That's the direct warfare hunger That's due to the famine death could be pestilence and plagues that are also brought and then beasts of the earth this is where I always think of Australia specifically and and just because they have like 50 million kangaroos and 28 million people but honestly Australia has some of those deadly spiders scorpions All kinds of snakes and in fact, you're not allowed to kill snakes over there because it's like taboo or something like that But just imagine I mean I guarantee Australia is bringing all kinds of food and imports if there's a worldwide war Those ships might start to cease to come over there could be a lot of economic disturbance and now you have all these tick-tock Beach babes wandering around in the city without any food and they're running into all kinds of scorpions snakes kangaroos and whatever I mean like you could see a lot of people is literally dying from the beasts of the earth because the beasts also are looking for food They could be very perturbed by things that are going on the Bible talks about how there's signs in the sky I heard a lot of people say that their dogs and animals freaked out when there was the Eclipse recently and I even know that my toddler was kind of kind of nervous about that But you know when there's earthquakes animals get all scared and nervous And so I mean just with all kinds of crazy things going on There's gonna be a lot of opportunity for people to die in a multitude of ways And I think that's what we kind of see and it makes sense I mean, this is the this is the final works the final escalation of the fireworks This is the end part of the show where all the fireworks are being shot off in one great event And so I think this is a short period of time where we're gonna see the most bloodshed death destruction That we've ever seen before and it culminates even in the Great Tribulation and then of course the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ finally, so No, I really appreciate your quest question. Do you have any last things you want to say there Mike before we let you go? That's it. Just thank you guys and God bless you. Thank you. Keep keep Florida sane over there. Okay, you know pastor Shelley I'll go ahead Mike No, he's good we dropped him pastor Shelley there's forces today The ruling class today has the power to take peace from from earth we see it with the constant warfare that we have that the United States engages in and the Regime change. Well, look at how the supply lines got disturbed just through kovat I mean that wasn't even worldwide war that was just Covid or whatever and yeah, we really haven't even recovered all of our supply lines since then If you want to ask another question we can take Collins two three one Baptist You could call into the show you could put in a question into the chat Sometimes we'll look at some of the questions that you have in the chat. We may ask one Did you want to cover the solar eclipse thing and people? Yeah, Brian Did you did you get nervous whenever the eclipse happened or you guys could see it over there in Austin, couldn't you? Yeah, I was at Zilker Park sending a live feed back to the studio here and it was a pretty good crowd out there and it was I would say maybe five times more impressive than I thought it would be of how dark at God and yes, these bats started flying around and I thought it was nighttime. So oh, man yeah, because there's a bunch of bats that live in Austin under the bridges and They just started flying out because they thought it was nighttime and it was pretty pretty powerful, but I wasn't necessarily concerned And basically that's what it's turning into Bunch of jokers running around here. Yeah. Oh Man but it was you know, I didn't think anything necessarily crazy was gonna happen, but I did Suspect that a cult, you know people that are very into Astrology and stuff. We're going to maybe do some ceremony and secretly or you know, who knows what the heck's going on Bohemian grow was not to hang out where you want to hang out yesterday You You'll find out you're the one that's gonna be sacrificed Let's see. I think we have another clip or two some from some of these weirdos What do we have the the big Nick? Hey, tell us how you really feel. Go ahead. Well, let's see the clip Let's see what this guy has to say Yeah big Nick on YouTube here clip to On April 8th a once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse is gonna plunge certain parts of America into total darkness during the middle of the day The news is even calling this an astronomical experience like no other the shocking part Is this Eclipse is gonna be passing through eight towns called Nineveh? Which is the city recorded in the Bible where the Prophet Jonah warned them about the wrath of God to come this will also be Taking place under the constellation Cetus which means the whale as many of you know The Prophet Jonah was swallowed by a whale before being spit onto the shore to go preach repentance to Nineveh Jesus says in Matthew 16 for a wicked and adulterous Generation seeks after a sign and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the Prophet Jonah and he left them and Departed we learn in the very beginning of the Bible that God created Astronomical events in the sky to be signs to mark sacred times Genesis 1 14 says this and God said let there be lights in The vault of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times and days and years Can this guy get a little more pink? I mean I not enough pink I don't think he has enough pink in his show. I think there's another clip is that was that clip two or three I? Can't remember, but obviously the devil knows something that we don't I'm not saying that America is for sure mystery Babylon But there probably is a chance that it is considering that these people believe so in fact America's history is shockingly founded off of Babylonian witchcraft and Babylonian God worship even monumental buildings engraved in this country's history like the Statue of Liberty is actually a Satanic altar of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar now back to the first question that the skeptics may have why would something like an eclipse Indicate that this is a sign from God many people don't know this about the biblical history of Nineveh But something similar happened when Jonah preached judgment to them ancient history also shows that right before Nineveh Repented in the Bible story of Jonah there was a total solar eclipse called the Bur-Siguel eclipse Which was one of the astronomical? Phenomenas that caused an entire pagan city to repent from their pagan practices and turn back to the true God Yahweh this solar eclipse was also engraved in ancient Assyrian Archaeological finding further verifying that an astronomical event took place during this time America has abandoned God and fully embraced perverse secular values and this eclipse very well may be a sign from the heavens that the doors for Repentance are closing this should be a wake-up call to repent of your sins and turn back to Jesus before it's too late I love America, and I'm very proud to be a citizen here, but let's just face the fact It's not surprising that God is getting close to judging this country things that were all viewed as sin 10 years ago are now being Promoted as normal and this poisonous ideology that has destroyed the West is being exported to nations around the world one of the reasons Why the devil attacks America so much with embracing sinful values is because he knows other countries viewed the United States as the moral Authority due to their financial success and freedoms that other countries don't have this causes a negative psychological Influence on other countries that are originally traditional to start embracing progressive beliefs since they look up to America as a country Wow, I don't disagree with some of the stuff there. I mean he's talking about Babylon and the United States Knowing Cadence to his speech moral decay right obviously there's that aspect of it I'm not sure I buy and find these carpet jockeys to you know Put on the screen for us. I'm not sure what that means, but he's like your cousin from another mother I heard well you could thank Pastor Mahia because Pastor Mahia preached on this subject And he mentioned this guy, and then I went and looked him up So I don't buy the solar eclipse Well, you know it's kind of funny is like Pastor Anderson brought this up on our show about the timing of the Passover debunking Good Friday How Christopher Columbus had actually tricked the Native Americans by saying God was mad at them and He knew about a solar eclipse just because they had studied astronomy and so he basically told him about us a solar eclipse That was gonna happen, and they saw it and it kind of freaked them out or whatever But notice the Native Americans never really got right and got saved and or anything like that So I don't I don't know what this guy is really trying to say it seems like he's just saying stuff But he's not really connecting any actual dots of course. I agree right some of the things He said I think America probably is mystery Babylon, but I don't know what was the point of these clips I feel like you had a point to them Just to point out that there's a theory out there online that the solar eclipse was a message by God that the United States is nearing judgment and the fact that the Totality went over these cities about Joe Biden being our president is do we need a bigger sign than that? I'm just coming. I'm just I'm just trying to tell you what they're saying is that it went over the the Eclipse went over these cities of Nineveh and so that points to the judgment of Nineveh That occurred in the Bible and therefore the United States is nearing judgment as a result And that's what the Eclipse is trying to communicate to us well again He points out to some things in the Bible that are true obviously the Bible does talk about things being signs in the sky So I think I would never take away from the idea that there couldn't be a sign in the sky But to say that it's this American city named Nineveh, and that's somehow tying us to Nineveh I just think that that's like pseudo intellectual It is funny how one of his proof texts is a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign That's kind of like ironic a little bit But what do you think Brian oh I think there was definitely truth and error mix there It starts off kind of painting this picture of the path and all the Nineveh and the whale Constellation and that's all very interesting. I don't blame him for cashing in on the Eclipse Frenzy it definitely was all over the place and then towards the end of that second clip It's like yeah like what you're saying like I don't necessarily disagree with Stuff he was mentioning that we have a culture that has problems We need to repent and everything and that God will judge. You know everybody including this country at some point Oh, yeah, I just saw it as you know just salacious Sexy prophecy and a non biblical sexy prophecy and trying to get clicks and stuff Yeah, that's I agree because he's trying to like appeal to everybody that likes pink What it what is this is he trying to be in the well's belly or something What's going on with all this pink although? He said that it was gonna be completely dark that wasn't even true like it was it was kind of like Twilight where I was at was it really pitch black where you were in Austin or was it kind of more twilight seeming Not pitch black it looks like when you're like you know a kid and you're late going home Yeah after biking around the neighborhood all day, and you know you get there like right before it's technically night We were near a school and all the kids were just screaming they were just like but it seemed like it was happy screams and Then a bunch of people are shooting fireworks. Did you have fireworks where you were at? Yeah, some fireworks went off everyone did started screaming at Zilker Park I was like right on the other side of the Colorado River and so I could see all the Office buildings and all the lights were on you could see straight into them and it lasted You know it felt like only like a minute that it was super dark, but it was probably like four minutes But it was you know it was impressive. It was you know I wouldn't Really care if I missed it much, but it was you know it's cool Well, I was nervous because there was a big dark cloud that literally covered it Maybe like two or three minutes before it was supposed to happen and and I was like really like disappointed thinking like we were gonna See it, but it moved like maybe one minute before the whole thing happened So it's still gotta me and my family got to see it. You know right out there Did you get to see the the solar eclipse man? Yeah? I got to see it Did you see did you see like if you looked really close at it? It said the Baptist bias right and the right yes So that was our that was our newest marketing scheme and clearly it worked so there you go You I didn't even know there was a city named Nineveh, so you know news to me I think that when it comes to this subject people try and draw connections With anything because it's fun. I kind of like that term. It was funny there Brian the Sexy prophecy, but you know that's that's really what it is in the sense that trying to grasp at anything possible to draw connections ultimately with no With with extra biblical things like there's nothing in there that says when the whale constellation is not and you know Oh man again if you want to call in and ask this question two three one Baptist We're talking about the end times all kinds of different things I want to get to one of the subjects you brought up You know in your idea of like the synagogue of Satan, but before we get there I think we have one more clip. Maybe that we could show In relation to the pre-trib view versus the post-trib views from Robert breaker I want to see if we can play just a little bit of this because this guy is Actually pretty popular online. He has a pretty big YouTube following. I think he didn't he Predict the coming of Christ like multiple times already and like fail or something. I'm unaware. I can't confirm or deny that We'd have to fact-check that yeah fact-check that on me But I'm pretty sure this guy has already even predicted to return are you all times Brian? Are you familiar with him? No, no, I've never heard of him. Okay. He's the online church. So maybe this is the white horse. All right, we'll play it I do not see any types of a mid-trib rapture. I Just not see any types in the Bible of a post-trib rapture Matter of fact if there was a post-trib rapture in the Bible, I would be a very angry person I think I'd give God a piece of my mind when I got to heaven because Why would he let me go through the tribulation and then not get to enjoy the millennial kingdom in my natural body? Why would I get changed into a glorified body and not get to enjoy being married for a thousand years? What what is what why would that? No, it doesn't make sense The only thing that makes sense is that Christ returns for his bride Takes her out while the earth Enjoys their little kingdom under the Antichrist and then God pours his wrath out on them and then we come back with Jesus in 1,000 years in the millennium. We enjoy the earth that makes sense. It doesn't make sense that God would give his bride To the Antichrist and let him have her first that makes no sense Well, I don't even isn't this guy pre-trib Yeah, how in the world if he gets raptured before all of that? Is that not the same concept as what he just described as on the post-trib? He's like well, I would then oh, I guess he's saying because he's gonna die in his opinion if it's post-trib He's gonna somehow die and not get raptured or something. I don't know zoom ably But it like he said if he said he's not gonna go through the millennial reign in his natural body But if it's pre-trib, he's not gonna go through the natural reign in his natural body either. So I'm like, what's the point? Yeah, I don't get his point either. Plus why would you be married for a thousand years? Like you're not gonna live a thousand years. Are you? Necessarily, I don't I mean obviously the Bible does give allusion to people living longer longer But again, that guy already looks like he's on the on the back nine So I don't really know that he has a thousand years left in him. Let's get Brian's reaction Yeah, I was just gonna comment on that. Like I don't see how you would live a thousand years in your unglorified body, I don't really understand that I feel like I have seen that guy before now that the video went up, but I didn't know what his name was but Robert Brea, yeah, I mean Robert Brea, correct, right, right. Oh I'll go check him out. But you know, he's probably a good guy. We probably agree on a lot of stuff That's the whole thing with some of the revelation some of the end time stuff is that it's not a salvation issue necessarily You know how these events? Unfold but I think it's good for us to study these things. I Was very interested in revelation and Daniel initially when I was coming to Christ and that drew me in and Then now I get to enjoy all the fruits of the gospel and all the Old Testament But yeah, I mean I I don't I don't see The rapture happening before the tribulation. I hate to break it to people. That would be nice, but you gotta break it to break it Yeah, you gotta break it to breaker We're gonna get broken, you know, we're gonna go through some stuff and it might just be wishful thinking the whole pre-trib Rapture but Well, he's gonna give his bride to the Antichrist, but even if you're not pre-trib I'm not pre-trib, but I still believe in a rapture Not everyone's gonna be destroyed or martyred by the Antichrist, but haven't there been martyrs throughout all of history I mean, it's what is it? What is he trying to really allude to again? I think there's a lot of great people that are pre-trib There's of course saved Christians people that are gonna go to heaven that are wrong on in times. We're friends ology Yeah, I have a friend. That's a great guy He preaches in my church's pre-trib, but I I do think that Robert breaker has a lot of other issues So I don't know that he's necessarily a great person to listen to on the Bible at all From my perspective. He's he's wrong on a lot That's just a specific clip where he's really wrong on the end times as well But again in times eschatology is something that we all are kind of looking through a glass darkly And so I you know, I like being able to have open discussion I think that it'd be great if we could if pre-tribbers would be willing to come on the show and Discuss our their viewpoint. Let's hash it out. I just don't think that they want that kind of confrontation I don't think they want their views to be scrutinized against our view because Like the other guy said there is no verse in the Bible he had to bring up a bunch of stuff That's not really well He had the clever line of if you don't believe in the rapture of the church Then you're not in your Bible But but here's the thing about pre-tribbers specifically is they end up making everything in the Bible in the end times about the Jews I mean that's pretty much their answer to everything Matthew 24 is about the Jews when we talk about these people in the book of Revelation Only the Jews are going through this but the Bible does mention the Jews in Revelation. What does it say about them then? refers to them as the synagogue of Satan Okay, but it doesn't seem like pre-tribbers ever bring that up and there's a reason why it's because they pedestal eyes The Jews in Israel today Well, wouldn't it be a little difficult to convince your congregation that the Jews you've been talking about that are gonna get saved are called The synagogue of Satan is that kind of strange like hey this synagogue of Satan's gonna get saved folks seems incompatible Pastor Shelley, how does that how does that really work seems incompatible? But we do know that Zionism and the pre-trib rapture are very closely linked. They're connected Yeah people, you know I do know people like my father has never believed in the pre-trib rapture at least while I've been alive Yet he's he's been a very pro Zionist Christian for a long time Obviously, I'm neither But you know, I've never really been that Zionist But it seems like the pre-tribbers kind of have to be Zionist in a sense to try and understand the scriptures here What is kind of your view here on Zionism and the synagogue of Satan? Is that something you see a lot of people talking about I? Had a few comments to say on that one I guess for starters in my view of end-time scenarios I don't see the third temple as being a necessary thing I feel like the third temple is the body of Christ and we are the stones of that body and Going back to Jesus's life. He came to Fulfill this prophecy for the Jews. He came to find the lost sheep of Israel. He wasn't yet Gathering the Gentiles he had to first fulfill his Rejection by them in order to then have the gospel go to the world So going back to something we were talking about earlier. It would be an honor to be tortured by the Antichrist all the great martyrs of Christendom, it would be an honor to be in their club and then going back to the synagogue of Satan So in Jesus's time and during the time after a church of Christians was a synagogue. That's where they met and so I don't necessarily think that the synagogue of Satan has to be free Christianity Jews Worshipping because as we all know a lot of the first Christians that Jesus was preaching to gathering the lost sheep so many hundreds and Thousands believed that he was the Messiah and followed him so in my opinion the synagogue of Satan could be any number of Religious houses and I in my personal view. It's going to be a Christian house of worship We've just taken on for so long the idea of a cathedral or of a church and we say church or an iglesia in Spanish the root word of that being What's the root word of the glacier? It's like well, anyway so Synagogue of Satan don't necessarily think it has to be the third temple or anything like that What do you think about that? Well when when it talks in Matthew 24? In verse 15 and he says when ye therefore shall see the abomination desolation spoken of by Dan of the Prophet Stand in the holy place How are you interpreting that? I'm just kind of curious because like I enter because I'm standing in the temple And that but the temple has been destroyed and it hasn't been and it's interesting that Josephus Wrote as Jewish Roman historian. He was I guess he was both Roman and Jewish, but he observed the destruction You know some of the end times prophecies I think it was an a Way to sure the faith of Christians at that time was Jesus's prophecies about the temple being destroyed And he said when you see them Circling about then, you know, it's time to go and to leave that city and the ones that stayed were massacred and it's interesting that and Seized to death they starved and ate each other It was horrible and Josephus records that the Roman soldiers went and surrounded the temple surrounded Jerusalem and then they left very interesting and Jesus told them to watch for when they encamped or surrounded the city. I'm excuse me I don't remember the Bible verse but Then that would be the sign of the time to leave and a lot of them did leave a lot of Christians did leave at That time because they remembered his prophecy and then Titus came back surrounded the city. That was the final one When they burned the temple the gold adorning all the instruments and everything ran down in between the rocks of the temple according to Josephus and the Roman soldiers Literally took the stones apart to get the gold that had run down in between the cracks very interesting not one stone left upon another and some people will argue that that hasn't been fulfilled because of the foundation stones or certain blocks being there that they're saying are part of The temple but I think it's a clear fulfillment of prophecy Jerusalem being destroyed in 70 AD 100% of that I do think that no stone has been left unturned Yeah, I I of course agree with everything that you said as far as The fulfillment of Titus fulfilling Jesus Christ prophecy of the temple being destroyed I believe that a lot of Matthew 24 is foreshadowing 70 AD specifically but I also believe the Bible uses dual fulfillment or even triple fulfillment in senses where There's a type and a shadow of something that's gonna happen in the kind of the near future and then it also has a end-times significance as well It's it's very clear that the Antichrist has a kingdom and that kingdom seems very clearly situated in Jerusalem The Bible talks about obviously in Daniel the daily sacrifice of being taken away to me it seems that the Bible is kind of indicating that The Jews are gonna go back to their blasphemous sacrifice and that what causes that sacrifice to cease Would be the Messiah which we believe the Messiah already came which is why we have the cease the ceasing of that sacrifice But with the Antichrist if he's claiming to be the Messiah and the Jews accept that then they would cease their sacrifice System and would worship this Pacific the specific Antichrist. There's a lot of is it Right now build a temple Yes, there is a lot of prayer they're getting everything ready so that all is going on they you know the Heifers to dedicate that area, but they're building the candlesticks and have all these instruments in preparation But isn't it interesting that the sacrificial system never really started up again like I never have heard of friends that go to Synagogue on Sabbath doing a Sacrifice so it's interesting like where where's the atonement that was what would atone for sin. There's the the yearly atonement as well. Yeah, and It's very interesting that that hasn't ever been fulfilled. But for this question that you asked about because obviously we differ about the Daniel 70 weeks and without You know beating that horse to death As you said earlier about a different about Elon Musk or beat I remember he said beat the dog or something But I would like to maybe take this take this time to point out some of the quotes from reformers, so instead of looking at this conversation as Oh pastor Shelley thinks this and Brian thinks this Everyone needs to be studying this for themselves Look at what all these different people say it's not like pastor Shelley or me or been Originated some of our views of the Bible because there's been conversations going on for hundreds of years about what all this means And that's why I became super interested in what Luther thoughts their Spurgeon John Wesley About who the man of sin was where was this? Temple Seated in the Church of God, is that what it said? Sorry. What was what was the Matthew verse that mentions the Matthew 24 15 talks about him standing in the holy place and I also want to point out second Thessalonians chapter 2 let no man Deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed The son of perdition who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God indicating there's gonna be a man of sin who sits in a temple a rebuilt temple yeah, I think that that verse here does point to that but I'd love to use this as an exercise too. So just as an exercise and you know We tried Elon Musk does he fit this sure try an exercise of putting the Pope in that place? Here's Antichrist and his ten kingdoms by John Wesley He's in an emphatic sense the man of sin as he increases all measure of sin above measure and he is To properly styled the son of perdition as he has caused the death of numberless multitudes You know, you can just study history of the Holy Roman Church for that both of his opposers and of his followers He exalted himself above that all that is called God So during all that time the Pope had a monopoly on what was God what could be seen as holy he could Clear you to be a heretic Claiming the highest power and the highest honor claiming the prerogatives which belong to God alone So he was going to interpret the scripture and give it to you and he is the vigor of Christ and he is standing in the place of Christ so that's kind of how I You know, I'm not dogmatic about it, but how I would broaden the application of the Antichrist to an Extra Jewish System. I'm also perfectly willing to exercise that same thought process with other candidates, but Whitecliff Tyndale Luther Calvin Kramer in the 17th century others the translators of the King James Bible The men who published the Westminster and Bablish Baptist Confessions of Faith, Sir Isaac Newton Spurgeon these men among countless others all saw the office of the papacy as the Antichrist and that's from all roads lead to Rome So that for me, I'm not saying this to convince anyone. All I'm saying is like this has Influenced my thought process on all these events. You can't look at this without studying history I think that it's definitely Beneficial to just consider what views exist and what views have existed throughout time You know a lot of these men hold two positions that I certainly disagree with today So just because they may hold a specific historical position I don't always necessarily say that that's right, but I would say, you know when we talk about the Antichrist There's a verse that I thought of in 1st John 2 in verse 18 The Bible says this little children It is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many? Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time so the Bible says of course there is a the Antichrist but then there's many Antichrists and I think that it's very accurate to say that many popes have Embodied that Antichrist spirit have exhibited attributes that are similar and in character with the Antichrist, but again, I don't believe that any of them were the Antichrist, of course I don't think that that fits the revelation model. I believe the Antichrist is still coming. That's what 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 was alluding to And again, I think that it's impossible to have perfect hindsight when you're locked in time Obviously these men are dealing with scripture that they have right now and the time that they're dealing with and it's easy to point to the Antichrist of their day and say maybe this is the guy but I think obviously From hindsight and having you know time on our side we can recognize. Okay that guy embodied a lot of what an Antichrist is but wasn't the Antichrist mentioned of in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 Mentioned of as the shadowing type in Daniel Matthew and alluded to in Revelation chapter 13 which receives a deadly mark Just deadly wound comes back to life and declares himself God Where what would be the most blasphemous place on the earth to stand and declare yourself God would be a temple Saying that it's the temple of God So I do think that that makes a lot of sense that that is what the Bible is alluding to in the end times What do you think about the former Antichrist popes Ben do you have any problem with that or that viewpoint? No, he's an Antichrist and there are many Antichrists just like the scripture says I would say when it comes to the Antichrist. I Don't know. I really I I shy away from Even thinking of candidates myself personally or just because I really have no idea and I don't want to just say something That's completely preposterous. But well, a lot of people say he's gonna be Jewish. I I've kind of disagreed on that point I don't know if that's true or not I'm not sure but obviously we're gonna have a debate on the red heifer and if in a few weeks great segue April 18th we're gonna have a debate pastor Roger Menes and I are gonna debate against Adam King and Byron Stinson on specifically the red heifer and I Believe that my opponents in this specific debate discussion believe that they're ushering in the Messiah That's why they're so excited about this red heifer And of course myself and pastor Menes would say that they're trying to usher in the Antichrist himself But we got a nice poster here on the is the red heifer biblical. We're gonna be talking about Red heifers are they even mentioned in the Bible talk about the daily sacrifice talked about a possible third temple talk about the Antichrist Talk about Jews and and everything else. That's fun to talk about. That's taboo It won't be on rumble. I'm sorry won't be on YouTube. I'm sorry. It will be on rumble But that's just because I'm not allowed on YouTube. Yes, but this is why you know good information just isn't on YouTube anymore, right? Yeah, that's why you got to go to info wars band dot video Censored TV red pill TV got red pill TV. You got to go to rumble You got it you got to go find it in the dark web hell of a segue right there hell of a segue You know Ben Ben Shapiro is not the only person that can walk right into a promotional ad So, right. The only problem for me is I don't get paid by any corporate sponsors. So You're getting spiritual bucks. All right get paid in spiritual bucks. Yeah, and those are the only Currencies that matter. Yeah, it's interesting why Ben Shapiro just hires a bunch of Catholics to work with him How does that how does that work? Seem to cause friction lately, didn't it? Well, I think that they're they're pretty friendly towards each other I don't think that Candace is Candace account. She's not a Catholic Oh, I believe that she's married to a Catholic, but I think that she's more evangelical. I don't do you know What Candace's religion is I'm pretty sure Like she I mean actually I'm not gonna speak on that. I have no idea. Yeah, okay All I know is just trends of you know, usually typically People that I've known that marry and are one is you know, one thing and one's Catholic They'll become Catholic because it's more of a real line like hard hard line thing. Well, but I have no idea if you surprise her it would be surprising for a lady to marry a Catholic and not be Catholic because typically I would think the wife would gonna make all over you in their husbands religion no matter what? Religion even if you put apart Catholicism, but again, I there was a debate I believe between her husband and Allie Beth Stuckey on Specifically like dick like the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism. I believe like Allie Beth Stuckey was representing like a Reformed Baptist position maybe is kind of where she's at and then her husband was obviously Doing a Catholic position and she was kind of like just a moderator or just like part of the discussion I don't think that she was really even siding with her husband necessarily just saying that he's really smart But I don't know. I'm just interested. I would be interested to know what Candace positions really is on specifically Christianity because I don't know I've seen some old videos of her making fun of Christianity So I have no idea if she even believes what she believes. I Would love story was chance. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I was just gonna say big stories April 18th debate Make sure you tune in for that. Go ahead Brian. I Was just gonna say I would love to encourage your audience to study Reformation writers, it's very interesting study. There's always a Way for different churches to better themselves, right? And it's like even today we can look at churches and criticize them and it's a very very interesting study to look at 15th century or 1600 1600 1700s all these reformers their criticisms of the most popular Church and then as they criticize each other like Martin Luther was a strong Catholic and he was probably a better Catholic than most Catholics and then he went to Rome and saw the hypocrisy just lavish living Like some of the descriptions of him seeing these parties and he had a crisis of faith because he realized he was a part of a corrupt Institution and it's not a dig on the Catholic Church I'm just saying all the churches are gonna be corrupt especially as we get closer to the end times all the churches are in need of reproving all the churches are in need of reforming and what how they reform the church back then or what we're standing upon now as Baptists or Presbyterians or whatever you are Well, I don't mind if you dig at the Catholic Church because I abhor the Catholic Church Especially since in the 16th century of the Council of Trent they basically made it clear They don't believe in the gospel at all they said specifically that if you believe in faith alone that you're an anathema and they they killed William Tyndale and they said in his Sentencing hey first he maintains that faith alone Justifies well, I believe that you know, praise God that William Tyndale was willing to die on the hill of the gospel Secondly, I believe the second charge against him was that he believed that all you had to do is put your faith in the mercy Offered in the gospel and you'd be saved and again Catholics were burning people at the stake for believing such things. Of course William Tyndale was influential in bringing the Bible into English Allowing us to have the King James Bible we have today And I really appreciate a lot of these men I do think of course because they were coming out of the Catholic Church a lot of them probably still had Some some leaven that they hadn't quite Shaken off of and of course politically it was very difficult to say things against the Catholic Church So I think a lot of times they maybe were a little soft on their particular view So, you know, I do think there is some historical benefit and reading some of these things or just figuring out what these people believe but generally I don't I don't like, you know Calvin or Wesley or many of these people's position, I think they're wrong on a lot of doctrine. They have a lot of issues That's why I have the Baptist bias. I'm not a Protestant. I'm a Baptist Well one area where I feel like quotes can help would be when you're trying to substantiate a particular scripture that's under attack and what I mean by this is Many and not to dive into the whole King James only issue, but many Would say that first John 5 7 Doesn't belong in the Bible right many say the real lending of mark 16 does not belong in the Bible and I do find it Interesting that you could find Irenaeus of Leon you can find Some of these quotes of antiquity that lend credence to the fact that these scriptures were there they were being used and they were being preached from which Helps to defend them from those who want to discredit or invalidate them in our King James Bible Honestly, I really have enjoyed this conversation someone messaged in here. How do we find your content Brian? And Dot video and you've got a chill on there Uh-huh scroll along there's tons of channels. We need to get the Baptist bias on band on video I put you all's information to To the guy in charge of that last time and he kind of got back to me kind of didn't but I think now I'll Push him to make that happen because if you're getting censored out there then band on video is the place for you It really is a great community of people watching stuff There's all kinds of different Christians on there. I mean, that's why I love info Wars It's a great platform for Christians and for great patriots, but it really has I feel like God has raised it up specifically and withstood all of the attacks Started band on video after YouTube because a lot of this information would have been censored on YouTube So just like you're being censored on YouTube Christians need a good place. They can go band on video Red pilled TV, I should have called it Christ pilled TV, but I started it kind of in the beginning of my Christian Revitalization why I like the name. Oh, I got I got stuck with the name. It should be Christ pill because that's basically all the reports are about well, you know, it's funny I saw an Owen Schroyer clip on this specific point. He was talking about how he feels like Podcasts like fresh and fit have maybe been like a psyop to take over the word red because it kind of used to mean red pilled kind of used to mean like you're Aware of the truth and you understand what's going on in the political sphere That not religious fear and how a lot of people are trying to co-opt that term into what's the manos fear or like being able to be a playa and knowing how to you know, Manage all these these, you know women out there Yeah, I know what you mean it's kind of like it's kind of like become like well I'm now macho alpha male red pill and and I understand that Women have you know these body counts and I understand their value and I know how to play the game and it's like it's like I guess their truth is only in like carnal ways of like Taking advantage of women and it's just like that's not really being Red pilled like from a more historical viewpoint I agree like when you probably came out with your channel and this term red pill is kind of the idea of like Why you know the truth because let's trace the origin the origins coming from the matrix when he's offered the red pill or the blue pill and the blue pill is to just stay in the system and be Asleep at the wheel and the red pill is to wake up and understand the truth about the reality of the world you live in Well, we understand that Jesus Christ is the truth the way in the life and he says you should know the truth and the truth Shall make you free, you know It doesn't make you free getting in bondage to fornication and whores and all of the what the red pills Trying to turn into that's not really the red pill. That's a fake pill and I thought it was great Owens take on This was really good. He handled himself. Well in that clip, I think was on Twitter. Maybe I'll repost it on my Twitter But you know, that would be great to be on band out video We're walk we'll go on any platform and we're just trying to bring our Baptist bias with us We actually got a website recently Baptist bias calm up and people can check it out It's a great way for people they don't know about us because it's kind of hard Of course the censorship machine loves to just ban you everywhere and then they pretend like you're nobody and You got to appreciate pioneers like Alex who gets banned from everything and then basically kind of had to reinvent himself Build his own platform and you know, a lot of people are reaping the benefits of someone like Alex going out there and pioneering a way to have a platform when no one else will give you one and to Kind of build your own system albeit. It's on an Infomercial read every five minutes, but you know what? Hey, he figured out a way to get there and at the same time You know, I think that Christians need to keep innovating, you know We shouldn't let censorship and being banned stop us from being creative stop from putting stuff out there We can find a way to get people the information and even if we didn't have the internet Look, the apostles didn't have the internet Christians haven't had the internet the whole time We can still talk to the individual and I think that's where this is important. Don't just stay only online I know a lot of people love watching podcasts and videos and everything like that I like it too, but you know open your Bible read your Bible when you run into somebody open your Bible with them Share with them what the Bible has to say and you know it you can have a lot of great Interactions with people in real life. I remember one of my co-workers a long time ago He brought up 9-eleven and I can't remember he was trying to explain to me how the gasoline from the airplanes went down the shafts of the elevator and weakened the beams and That's what caused them to slowly collapse and I just said hey just look up building 7. I Said if you want to know the truth about this issue Just look up building 7 and I I didn't want to talk I didn't want to argue and I didn't want to like cause work to be awkward So I just said I don't really agree look at Billy sir a couple weeks later He comes back to me He's like you're totally right as an inside job and like it was it was kind of cool to see someone actually, you know Transform and so, you know, sometimes you just kind of have to put that Bait out there a little bit like hey look up this verse or you know Hey check out this or whatever that was in the good old days when YouTube you could actually find cool stuff now Now it's a little bit harder. But now you got to go to Rome. Maybe now it's like hey check out red and build TV Yeah, check out this video a band on TV. Yeah, exactly and check out check out the band on video. Excuse me I botched it. I apologize band dot video. We got to use We got to use the internet while we can because if people are gonna in the future be killed for not taking the mark I doubt they're gonna be online talking about the gospel Well, one thing I really like about Alex Jones too is his rants. I think those rants are fantastic. I love the passion That's where you get it. I have listened to hours and hours and hours of Alex Jones and and frankly speaking I probably have learned a little bit about you know from him on on just Demonstrating that that passion and and anger really righteous anger. So I like Alex in that way He always seems on like he like I've never really watched him. He's like low energy like I don't know how I don't know how he can just be like high energy for four hours straight, but Guys got some leather lungs. You say that for sure. Oh, yeah, he's been doing it a long time It's the 30 year anniversary coming up here in the middle of the month of info Wars How long he's been doing it, you know four hours show Six days a week. He's he's an he's a pro and I think God's definitely using him to wake people up and as long as He keeps info Wars going. Hey actually to your viewers or wait, you know what before I do that Is there any more like calls or comments? I was kind of excited about the call. Yeah, I don't I think we had one more question Let me see if I can find the question that Someone had put in the chat It was specifically do you think that the tribulation will be the greatest? Opportunity to demonstrate faith in all history. I I think so and I think that it's exciting to have that kind of an opportunity I think what's cool is because you read about all these miracles like Daniel being delivered from the lion's den you see Shadrach Meshach and Abednego delivered from the fiery furnace you you see kind of these these awesome events where men take bold stands and they are delivered and I believe that since Daniel is a prophetic book that it's very likely that we could see Christians doing the same thing as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego as Daniel where they take bold stands they make known the mystery of the gospel They stand against the opposition that's there and then they're even raptured. They're delivered. They don't even actually get martyred Of course, I do believe there will be a lot of faithful martyrs as well. But I think it is an opportunity to Be in one of the greatest generation You know to ever live one of the greatest opportunities to ever live You know, the Bible has long periods of time where it's kind of silent on a particular issue But if we end up being in the book of Revelation, that would be an honor What do you think Ben? Yeah, the more the more. Oh, sorry. Go ahead Brian. No good Now the more people we tell about these prophecies in Revelation in the Bible and the more people will be Have that moment if things start happening in their lifetime where they can go Oh my I remember that He's that guy told me that this was gonna happen and he I heard that sermon that this was gonna happen So even though judgment would be upon us at that time, you're right it would it's gonna be a powerful time to witness and Yeah, I'd be honored to you know, go through a test being thrown into a fiery furnace And where only the ropes burn, you know, and I'm there with Christ protecting me The Apostle Paul wrote and many of the brethren in the Lord waxing Confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear And I think that when you see Christians who are willing to stand up When the music is playing like Daniel chapter 3 describes with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego It gives you that boldness that you can do the same thing And so yes I would say the tribulation period for sure is gonna be a time where Christians can demonstrate their faith and arguably the most Powerful way being willing to preach the entire Bible believe the entire Bible preach the Word of God Get people saved in the face of opposition in the face of an Antichrist Who's gonna think to change times and laws and make it illegal for us to do so. Absolutely Yeah, well, you know, there's a book called the Fox's book of martyrs and I'm not saying that this is authoritative because we don't really know but if you read the first section of this book It's kind of interesting because it's talking about the it's kind of in a chronology. It's like in a timeline So it's trying to talk about some of the first Christians apart from Christ that many of them When they were confronted by the political powers who wanted to kill them for their beliefs Many times the leaders felt so much pressure to not martyr them or torture them or kill them because of the people But then the Christians would actually say like no you are gonna martyr me Like they didn't want to be given grace or be spared they were like no you are gonna martyr me and they would they would kind of bend over backwards to try and give them a Way out and they wouldn't take it. It kind of makes me think of you know, Braveheart I'm sure a lot of people have seen that's that scene but in the end part of Braveheart The guy's trying to offer him mercy keeps like saying like hey just you know We'll give you the mercy and he gives that last scream right at the end just for it and it's just to illustrate like he cares more about the principle than he does the pain and You know, that's that's an interesting level of boldness You know, I don't know that I would say god-willing I would have that kind of boldness You never know what it's gonna be like until you're there but at the end of the day that would be Really to me the the ultimate achievement as a as a Christian is to die for Christ to be a partaker of Christ's sufferings and To see it to the end. I think obviously if you're an old man I mean, I don't know maybe that's easier to want to do at that point because you kind of feel like you've lived your life I think it'd be a much harder sacrifice as a young man People that would be willing to die you have children Yeah, like someone like an Isaac, you know who's being offered on the altar by his father or Jephthah's daughter or you know We know that this has happened and it's described in Hebrews chapter 11. Yeah verse 35 and others were tortured not Accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection Yeah, so I mean again that is biblical whether or not those stories in focused book of martyrs are Perfectly accurate who knows but it does seem like that is a Concept that's out there. So I find it kind of interesting somebody wants to play Our clip I guess I don't know should we play the Alex clip about the Collins or what I say go for it Let's add a little Comedy. All right. Let's let's see. We got some we got some Colin Lee and Colin problems So we talked a lot of about a lot of serious serious topics tonight This is a break. If you have young children, you may plug their ears. All right, go Yeah I'm sorry. I love you Frank. Go ahead Yeah, can you hear me? Yeah, of course I can hear you I just want to tell ya John we're going to break here When were you arrested Okay, come again John when were you arrested? Oh Come again It's like those guys are trolling him I know It's such a blind faith when you're like, all right, we're gonna go to collar John Like well, I I've called in I've called in to the show of twice to the Alex Jones show and I'm telling you man It's a little nerve-wracking because I want to be on the ball I don't want first of all I don't want to get screamed at but second you want to be on the ball you want to make sure you contribute something and I remember the first time I called into he went on this like epic rant about Obama or something like that and then he's like, alright, let's go to Ben and I just felt like I wanted to meet him I wanted to rant with him right there. And yeah, and it was a lot of fun But yeah I can see he does love when you scream if you just start off and say I want to hear your war cry and he Loves that. Yeah. Hey, here's here's two of his books Anyone out there is interested in supporting the info war and Bandai video We have first the greater Resets which was his first one and then the answer to their evil plan Most likely devised by Satan behind the scenes. You have the Great Awakening so Aside from your Bible. This might be a nice in the evening Great reset and hey, maybe you could get yourself a signed copy. Oh nice. You see that There you go, there you go info war store calm have you read either those books I have not yet but I might have to now Look at that. He touched info war store calm Alex Joe, I've used brain force. It's pretty good brain force. Plus you might need a little more I need it. I need a pop one before every episode. Yeah, especially when you're drinking coke and eating McDonald's Yeah, I need to make up for it. All right, so your turbo force is way too strong. It's crazy Well, my father-in-law loves the info war store products as well. He owns a bunch. Oh nice. Yeah, there's a lot I mean, there's a lot of crossover obviously from that up Pastor Steven Anderson got to go on the Alex Jones show at one point and promote Some of his films I believe after the tribulation was the film to the tribulation and also Alex promoted Alex also promoted newer little Bible versions for us back in the day yeah, so, you know, that's that's pretty cool that there was some crossover there and I think a lot of people found Pastor Anderson from info war specifically and That helped them to you know Find the truth about the gospel to get saved to be zealous about Christianity to get the King James Bible and to ultimately get The Baptist bias so and that's where you know we're coming from we want people to get the Baptist bias and We're trying to go out there in an ugly world a dark world and bring some of the light with us Which is the scripture, you know, we talked about an interesting subject tonight the end times prophecy Of course, there's differing views out there the Bible shines through though as the truth We always want to trust the Bible no matter what opinion that we have. We always want to be willing to change our mind I thought this was a really cool discussion. I really appreciate you coming on the show Brian Do you have any last thoughts for us before we kind of wrap up? I Really appreciate you guys having me and definitely King James Bible all the way the New World Order Bible Translations is a great expose on Where we get our Bible from in those translations and funny enough. I found a really good Mormon breakdown of the Bible translations Online, I remember what group it was, but it was actually pretty solid information. It synced up with stuff in the New World Order Bible translations, but I highly recommend Everyone watch that documentary because when you are witnessing to non Christians Especially that's gonna be a topic that comes up is how can you trust the Bible? Why would I trust the Bible and then once someone gets over that hump and they say okay God's real I want to go on this path. Then the question comes which which is which Bible translation is God capable of preserving his word and I think the answer is yes Amen. Well, you know, we we actually made a documentary about that. It's like a 10 years after New World Order Bible versions, it's called the preserved Bible You can actually watch it for free online too. If you just go to preserve Bible comm you can check it out Brother Ben and I worked on this for a couple years and I was really pleased with the production value and it does give you a little bit of that Historicity coming from that Reformation time period and what many of those men did in order to get us the King James Bible Specifically and why it's different than all the other Bibles We believe the King James Bible is the preserved Bible and that the other ones are really just kind of cheap Imitations frauds and and they've got a lot of problems with them What do you think about the preserved Bible New World Order Bible versions, which is your favorite? Put me on the spot I'm gonna say New World Order Bible versions has the edge But I do think that they're both excellent films for sure and they come at this issue from different perspectives Anyway, I think New World Order Bible versions focuses more on the fact that the modern Bible versions are the product of a globalist Satanic conspiracy to corrupt God's Word and goes into great detail on how they differ from the King James version Whereas the preserved Bible I think offers more of a scholarly take gives you the history timeline that you described and I think more so highlights the doctrine of preservation and how King James only ism actually aligns with the doctrine of preservation and the modern versions do not and goes into detail on how the King James is based on a Lineage that goes all the way back to the original Greek and Hebrew and the received text versus the critical text as well is a topic and subject matter that's covered in a lot more detail in the preserved Bible and if you liked NWO Bible versions you will love the preserved Bible including Some it I should say it also includes some returning characters like Joel lamp pastor Anderson, of course So I think definitely if you like the chat agrees with you, they say New World revival for the wind. Sorry pastor Hey, it's like my favorite documentary too. I love it I just I just wanted to make another film on the on the subject and you know what? Pastor Anderson said he liked preserved Bible that yeah, so there you go teach their own, right? The grass is always greener on the other side, but shout out to our audience. Thanks for watching us live You put us on the front page We're I think in fifth place on the podcast on the home page of rumble for you guys tuning in live Also, you want to tune in live next week? We really have to plug this make sure tuning in live because we're gonna be doing a live Call in show with pastor Steven Anderson It's gonna be a Q&A show so you can email us questions at info at Baptist bias calm Or you can put them in the chat or you can call in we're gonna be Prioritizing the call-in questions the most but if you also want to put one in the chat or even email us We're gonna have a huge list of other questions that we're gonna bring on but it's gonna be a free-for-all Bring your questions These call-in shows can be a lot of fun But of course we want to have a live and active audience So you know what call in two three one Baptist you want to check us live 8 p.m. On Tuesday night Pastor Anderson is gonna be taking calls. We're gonna be taking calls. We want to get your questions I'm excited about next week's show to next week's gonna be a huge show and we want audience participation So make sure you call in be involved next Tuesday night 8 p.m Central time Q&A with Pastor Steven Anderson. Yeah, and I really appreciate will you be answering some questions as well Pastor Shelley? Well, yeah, of course. Yeah, we're all on the show. It's just we we're obviously having a guest too So if you want to ask our guests or us any kind of question, we'll talk about anything we're not afraid to talk about any subject whatsoever and Honestly, the show flew by really quickly. I Really enjoyed our previous discussion. I enjoyed this one We'd love to have you come on again in the future I Like your videos that you make there on red pill TV brother Brian And I appreciate you being willing to you're such a good sport To have any kind of conversation and talk about the Bible and I just love people that are zealous for the Bible Amen, so thanks. I love so much for coming. I love being on man. I really appreciate it and you know, Jesus is the way truth and the life and eat your bread and drink your water and If if Jesus is your friend and talk to him talk, you don't you don't not talk to your friends, right? All right Love you. Well, well, thanks so much for coming on the show. That's gonna pretty much do it for us I want to make sure I get all the right plugs in if you want to join our Email list we have a way if you go to Baptist bias comm slash join You can give us your email we send out emails about the show Also, we have upcoming show this Tuesday at 8 p.m. Pastor Steven Anderson, it's gonna be a call-in show you want to check it out I also want to mention that we're gonna have a really epic debate. It's coming up on April 18th at 9 p.m So it's a little bit later. It's a Thursday and we're gonna have a two-on-two Pastor Roger Jimenez and myself are gonna be debating Byron Stinson and Adam King Adam King was actually on a pretty Pretty popular debate With the legis Schaeffer hosted a debate It was between Nick Fuentes and Vincent James Against Gavin McGinnis and Adam King and I got a lot of views. He got spice on their rumble show So I'm pretty excited about this show. I think Adam King lost his own Gavin walked out when Adam King Proclaimed they simply said he would he would eliminate Catholicism would rather get rid of Catholicism than Islam. It was a pretty epic debate. A lot of people checked it out I don't know what kind of anticipation we're gonna have for the show, but you know what I'm bringing, you know, our a-game We're gonna bring you know what the Bible says on these subjects. We're not gonna hide away from it So I hope that it's a lively discussion brother Ben's gonna be moderating for us So we're gonna have a pretty epic debate pretty epic show you want to check out both of those for sure But we have some other great guests you want to keep tuning in Tuesday nights 8 p.m. Baptist bias We've got several more shows. We have guests for the entire season the entire season We have a guest coming on and then we're gonna be going to our Daniel series, which really fits in Well this in times we've been talking about pastor Anderson in 2018 preached a really great series on the book of Daniel and we've been working on Editing that for him to where it's gonna be kind of an enhanced sermon Style broadcast we're gonna be putting it here on this channel the Baptist bias So while we're off-season every Tuesday night 8 p.m You're still gonna get a live stream of the Daniel series each chapter once a week for 12 weeks straight And then God willing we'll probably roll back into season 4 of the Baptist by so really, you know You've got you've got it settled on the calendar Tuesday nights 8 p.m The Baptist bias you need to share it like it post post it tweet it Tattoo it. No, I'm just kidding. I don't get a tattoo Unless it's okay, Mary, right? Yes temporary. No, but of course you can check me out at ban pastor on Twitter or pastor steadfast they gave me back my new Twitter today and Basically, I'm just gonna use both until I figure out which one's the least past banded I think it's yeah, I think it's a pastor steadfast and someone already has pastor Shelley Some lady or something like that. So I can't really lady. Yeah, isn't that isn't that lame? It's like yeah, so but hopefully You know, whatever one seems to get me the most attention I'll probably just end up sticking with that one the most and focusing on it But we'll also stream everything on X so you can check it out at band pastor. We have the show on there as well Am I forgetting what other podcasts and things can they find us on Ben just Google the Baptist bias Podcast and we're on a whole bunch of platforms so you can listen on the go Spotify and you don't have to see our faces Spotify Apple podcast then as a face for radio for sure. So right you were born to be a broadcaster that I Take that as a compliment. So thank you for that Well, he's got a nose like a Jew, but he's a Jew inwardly folks It's been the Baptist and it's your host pastor Shelley signing off Everyone's got a perspective out there folks, but you need to get the Baptist bias You