(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you four three two one then a log as The authoritarian left grows in power and influence it seems like prison might actually become the safest Place on Earth kind of like the end of a game of Monopoly. I Got some questions for you. Do you support the nuclear family? Do you want borders? Do you oppose the new world order do you believe men are men and women are women are you Christian? Do you think 2 plus 2 is 4 do you actually believe the Bible? Then get ready to be labeled a political dissident an enemy of the state But here's the good news you might be cellmates with Owen Schroyer while he's not hogging solitary of course In fact we might need to release all the criminals to make room for more constitutionalists people who question Elections gun owners people who work out men with families white people those who ask the wrong questions but especially anyone that has that bigoted antisemitic patriarchal fascist mindset we call the Baptist Bias you Thanks everybody for joining us for a special episode of the Baptist bias. I'm here with my co-host Ben the Baptist How's it going Ben? It's going good excited to be here for another episode of our show. We've got a great guest great topic Let's get this thing on the road Yeah, I'm really excited about this particular interview We've got a return guest Owen Schroyer from info war is gonna be joining us. How's it going on? It's going good, and I have to say though I hate to do this right out of the gates But as a former competitive monopoly player you do not want to be in jail at the end of the game That's actually bad news So I don't want your audience to get that bad advice you do not want to be in Jail at the end of monopoly that means that you're in a bad place It's good to be back. It's good to be back on the show. It was a it was a joy to moderate a debate that you were in Recently, and I feel like I've told this story so many times by now that I'm pretty much the expert on my own story if you will So I'm ready to talk about what I went through and and really try to Get Americans to understand just what we're up against right now with the totalitarian left Yeah, I usually land on boardwalk, so it's really safe for me to be in jail. That's why I said that but But it's great to have you and you've done some really epic interviews already I know you did tucker after you came out of prison, and I know you went on I think Tim cast and Really several others. I think you in in fours Rob did a recent interview about your prison experiences as well and Of course I don't want to necessarily be a broken record, but I do want to still cover a few the same basics also interested it seems like From some of your posts or some of the things that I was following While you're in there you talked about reading the Bible, and I definitely would be interested in asking you about that But you made some videos to kind of like a pre Prison video and like at a post prison video I don't know if I want to necessarily play them, but we could kind of you can show the picture up there At least what this video looks like what was going through your mind as you're about to be put into federal prison here Well I was able to mentally prepare myself you might say since I I got about a month or so Knowledge in advance that that I was sentenced to prison so it wasn't like they hauled me right out of the courtroom So I was able to mentally prepare myself a little bit I know how close is that to the reality now looking back? You know it's a funny thing actually it feels like an entirely different world it feels like it was an entirely different life and While I was in there it felt like it was forever while I was in there It felt like it was forever, and you know the countdown Never be soon enough now that I'm out It was like it was just a completely different world a completely different life But my mindset going in was You know I talked to my family before I talked to my friends before I Try to I try to find some ways to Look at the positive. I try to find some ways to kind of fortify my own mind one example would be I think about you know I have Grandparents a lot of my family were former military. I think about the time they spent Probably a lot harder at times than Me going to prison for two months. I think about the veterans that I talk to every day and What their commitment to country to God and country is and so I kind of just Looked at it like my service in a way I think you know I looked at it like this is this is my My duty my service to the country to go through this You know a long time ago, I've I've accepted that everything is part of God's plan sometimes that goes in your favor sometimes it doesn't but it's all part of God's plan and So you know you kind of just you just kind of learn to take the good with the bad I think when that's your mentality But you know the final thing I wanted to kind of go out with or go in with rather was a message of positivity I knew a lot of people were gonna see that being as it was my last video before Incarceration and so I wanted to go out with something positive. I wanted to go out with something inspiring and so I Recorded it, and I said I'm gonna be in here 60 days. I'm gonna find a way to improve myself So in the next 60 days. I hope that you hearing this can find a way to improve Yourself so that was kind of my approach Say in the last 48 to 24 hours, and then right before I went in Well and again, you know this is federal prison It sounds like you must have been a really bad criminal. What was the charge that they even gave you for this? It was a misdemeanor charge entering and remaining on restricted government grounds. It's basically a Minor or lesser they say trespassing charge Very few people if any have ever gone to prison in fact nobody's ever heard of anybody That's gone to prison with this charge. There are other there were other January 6 defendants there might still be some in the future There were some other January 6 defendants that had the same charge. They didn't have to go to prison They didn't deal with any of the probation that I'm dealing with either So that that that's basically the charge is they were claiming that the Capitol grounds that I was on that day were Restricted government grounds and so that was my that was the misdemeanor that I eventually pled to and You would obviously ask what about and and I'm certainly not Asking for anybody else to be charged or incarcerated, but the the question here is obvious Why am I the only one of the hundreds of thousands or more? That that went on to the Capitol grounds that day, and I think we got a pretty good idea Why it's obviously political persecution right, but we didn't even we didn't even want to take that That argument to the judge Because we kind of flirted with it a little bit and the response from the government was well our investigation isn't over So if we would have tried to say to the judge well certainly this is clearly political persecution Owen Schroyer is the only person that is being charged with this of all the people well They said the investigation is ongoing so eventually they did it up charging some other people and maybe there might be some more charges before the end of the year even Right because I mean we're talking about hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that are standing right by you in the same spot I mean It's not like you were just in some isolated place by yourself. I mean correct me if I'm wrong I don't even think you entered the Capitol is that correct? Yeah, I never stepped foot in the Capitol and we had lots of people that were entered in the Capitol so obviously It's clear persecution against you specifically being a voice that is powerful inspiring a lot of people inspiring a lot of young individuals and You know I think what's Encouraging though is that even though you did have to go through this you didn't have a what was me attitude You weren't saying like well You know darn my luck or something, but rather you said hey, I want to get better I want to come out stronger and not only did you say that hey? You're still on the front lines fighting And I think that that says a lot to your character because I think a lot of people after getting this Persecution would say I'm kind of done fighting the machine because I'm the only one that's really suffering here because let's be honest There's very few people that are going to prison For specifically what you went through and I know there's are there January 6 prisoners, and I'm not trying to undermine what they're going through But specifically I mean this is like nothing you're just out there At the a very iconic event a very special event I mean this is something that a lot of people are saying hey, we don't know that this election is legitimate we feel like our country is being taken from us and You know it was a big deal especially when people breach the Capitol means every news station It was a major event a lot of people were kind of wondering what's going on. It was very chaotic I believe isn't that it's about the same timeline when Trump was banned from Twitter I think like almost happened afterward, but it was based on January 6 shortly afterward based on erroneous claims of what they said that Trump said on January 6 they claimed that he Incited violence when he did the complete opposite, and you know it kind of makes me feel like You know are we living in a Bolshevik type revolution or something is there is there really? You know our government hasn't been seized or taken over I mean what is your viewpoint when it comes to this type of persecution is it over is it? Is it just getting started like where where do you see this headed? Well, it's certainly far from over At least until maybe Trump gets back into office, but but even then the truth of the matter is I think at this point The reality is as long as the Democrat Party exists and can still get any semblance of power back Then this threat is always going to loom and that's not to That's not an endorsement of the Republicans or even to say that the Republicans wouldn't be somehow Above this I think that the Republicans could could do something similar as well I mean we've seen some of the response that they've had to protesters on college campuses not to not to go into another Topic, but I mean we've seen that we've seen this anti-semitic bill that is extremely authoritarian and anti first amendment But I think the threat right now the direct threat is Democrats at least in the in the practical sense that we've seen applied And so the the thing that I try to explain to people Because we tend to look back on history and and and history repeats itself and we want to learn from history so you can talk about all kinds of revolutions and authoritarian regimes, but I Try to humanize it for people and until you've been in my position. It's hard to understand this and so the way that I explain it is when you're in that courtroom and The courtroom is basically a triangle situation you have yourself with your defense attorneys right here And then you have the government the prosecuting attorneys the US attorneys right here, and then at the at the top you have the judge and the understanding or the expectation of the American people going into this situation is that justice is the goal Justice is what everybody in the courtroom is searching for but when you are in that that Corner of the triangle that I was in you quickly realize that that's not the case that's not the case at all justice in fact never comes into the equation and in fact It's not even a process evidence doesn't matter truth doesn't matter It's a it's a rigged system against you and so when you go through that it It really hits home it makes the whole thing a Reality aside from just the conjecture and the commentary on it It really makes it a reality and so for a lot of people. I think it's hard to It's really hard to even understand what that's like to go through that and you know you talk about Getting out and going back on the front lines It was never a doubt to me, and so I've worked with Alex Jones for I Guess eight years now and I've worked with Roger Stone I Have followed Donald Trump, and you know these are these are three men that that never gave up either So so certainly I was not in a situation where I was ever going to give up Maybe they thought they could break me with all of this the point being these principles these values these cornerstones of our Constitutional Republic one of them being justice another one being free speech You know I've had to learn the hard way that that's not something that I I've had as an American These are these are two rights of mine That have been I have been infringed upon so I think that When you go through that unfortunately you realize how bad it really is when you realize that there's no hopes of justice because if there's No justice, then you know there's really nothing else anybody anybody can just be thrown away by the government with without a real Court room without a real defense without even the opportunity to have justice So it becomes very real in that process and unfortunately I had to go through that I'd I'd wish it on nobody. I'd wish it on not even my enemies Yeah, it seems like Trump's court cases are also kind of like a kangaroo court not legitimate. We've actually had We've had two legal cases We had a trial that was honestly frankly a kangaroo court And then we ended up paying to go to a higher level and the judge didn't even allow us to have the hearing he Literally just already had made his mind up and just didn't even let us present any evidence and it was just over and it it was kind of flabbergasting to think like this is what our justice system has turned to and You know, they just don't care about rule of law there's really no accountability for a lot of these individuals and You can kind of tell that the political pressure or their personal biases or maybe even their friends Really have a lot more to do with what's going on in the courtroom then like you said justice trying to weigh the evidence trying to have a fair show and that's not to say that all judges are bad or That all these legal proceedings are bad necessarily But it's clear that there's a lot of bad things going on in the courtroom in America And it's it's not even just limited to Trump. It's going on in your case. It's going on in other cases the January 6 trials and Those individuals it doesn't seem like they're getting a fair shake either But of course it happened you went to Federal prison and I think initially you're put in solitary confinement and honestly I've thought about this and it's a it's a gruesome punishment. Just the idea of just having no interaction with any human And I'm kind of curious like what exactly did they give you in there? Like do you even have access to like books or or anything or is it just literally you in a padded cell? Well, I'll get into that in a second. I want to address One thing that you just brought up and I think it's this has become something when I really got out I focused on this messaging and Every time I get the opportunity I want to bring this up, especially because we as conservatives Tend to overlook this because we tend to land on the side of you know, pro law enforcement pro police And so we kind of lose the I think we kind of lose The mission through all the fog when it comes to justice reform another problem my case was obviously political but another problem with the justice system is Many times in in all kinds of different cases justice never really enters the equation because what you have is a prosecuting attorneys federal attorneys US attorneys and their goal is to have a high Success rate so what they do is they overcharge you so whether you know Maybe you're you're caught with drugs or a money laundering situation or whatever. It can be anything and so they they just Overcharge you to such a degree that for a minor crime you might be facing decades in prison So that way they work it down to a plea deal You think that this is getting off easy your lawyer tells you to take it because it's getting off easy When really that should have been the only charge you ever faced and you should have been able to take it to a trial With a jury of your peers and and argue it in front of the judge and then have a fair decision and a fair Sentencing but they they overcharge Dramatically, so you take the plea deal and then they have their success rates high so that they can climb the ladder claim They have a 100% Success rate dealing with this and then the judge He's all about filling the prisons. He likes the incarceration aspect. He gets to fill the prisons and So when you when you add that into the justice system, you realize that yes, my case was political but That doesn't mean that my situation the courtroom was unique to me just because it was political or politically motivated So that's another problem with with the justice system is this process that rewards high Incarceration rates High charge rates by prosecuting attorneys. And so it even in other cases. It's it's almost impossible to get Justice now, here's the situation when I first went in and it was all totally unexpected so it was like as soon as I got in there I got hit with a You know a shock because you like I said you prepare yourself. I talked to other federal prisoners what to expect You know, I did as much research on the prison as I could to try to figure out what to expect and then boom You go in there in the first week. You're in solitary confinement. That was a COVID protocol That was all a COVID protocol. So it was total nonsense Of course didn't have COVID. There was no reason to put me in solitary for a week. But nonetheless I Get out I make a phone call and then I get sent to the special housing unit. It's known as the shoe It's basically the prison inside of the prison and Once again I hear this almost the entire time or really with any part of the process dealing with attorneys and courtrooms and the Incarceration and the probation never seen anything like this before So I got put into the shoe the special housing unit the prison in the prison for a phone call the Everybody involved in the process had never heard of anybody going to the shoe for this Everybody that was in the prison long timers had never heard of anybody going to the shoe for this. So again, it was more Politically motivated and I was basically told that by people inside the prison that this came from the higher-ups It was off record. So I'm not going to go too much further into detail past that When you're in there your access to anything is obviously very limited. You can't leave the cell you get You get 10 minutes to shower Three days a week. It's the weakest shower you ever had you basically push a little button and there's a dribble that comes out of the wall The water is freezing cold. The food is horrible. You get your three meals a day at first You don't want to eat it because it looks so gross by day three or four You can't wait to get it because you're starving. I lost At least 15 pounds. I don't remember for the first time since high school. I was under a hundred and sixty pounds today I probably weigh maybe just shy of 180. I'm usually between 175 180. So I lost at least 15 pounds in the process Pretty much books are your best resource there now I was lucky because I had a bunch of people sending me books So I kind of had like my own library to choose from they have a prison library But it's you know, there's not too much good reading material there. I had a wide like what did you enjoy reading? The Bible mostly I really enjoyed reading the Bible there were a couple other books that I found Really easy to read and pass the time that were kind of just more information of informational like One was called like stories of the world or something like that. And I just learned crazy things about different cultures So those were the two books that I like doing, you know, I would do I got mailed crossword puzzles So those were kind of big ways to pass the time I actually have a list of all the books I read That I'm probably I'm eventually gonna write I've already written my own book. I just need to kind of Editorialize it and get it ready for publishing which has been a bit of a process but Books are you're the way to pass time. I mean if you can sleep they don't turn the lights off But if you can sleep, that's a way to pass the time. You don't even have any Access to a clock So the only way you can even keep track of time is based off of your meals Which are not exactly timely every day and you have a pretty good idea what time it is based on the meal But the prison guard does a walk every 30 minutes So you might try to just time everything based off of that and when you get your food I Mean, that's pretty much it. I think the the 21 days. I believe it was that I was in the shoe I think they let us outside Maybe once I think they let us outside for a 15-minute rec It's just a it's a cage outside that you can just be outside in So I think I think we got maybe that once It's hard to remember but that's pretty much your situation. You're just laying in your bed. I tried to I Yeah, there's only so much you can do it's not very big at all, but you have enough room to Do push-ups or do you know lunges or something like that? So I tried to exercise as much as possible But there's really not much you you try to sleep as much as you can You know, you try to read as much as you can to pass the time and that's pretty much it That's pretty much it when you're there Then you know after having a hard day at work. This seems like nothing, you know and a hard day work compared to that I mean that's intense. Yeah for sure. I mean You brought up The fact that they gave you and I know that there's more complex issues here But they gave you food that at first was disgusting But then you could not wait to eat later because of how hungry you were Could you provide maybe an example of what they fed you? if possible I mean you can imagine it's it Imagine like the worst version of michelle obama cafeteria food That you possibly can and that's that's basically it wow, yeah, I mean like I'm trying to remember Yeah, I mean, I just remember basically cafeteria food is it like basically the vegas vacation when they go to the buffet and uh You guys just getting the green slop and the red slop or whatever You know, I I wouldn't say I wouldn't say it was like that. I mean it was food you know, you knew you knew what you were eating like you knew the beans were beans or Um, the chicken was chicken. So I mean it wasn't it wasn't like that, but it wasn't It wasn't enough to fill you And there was really no taste to it Um, so it's uh, and it's not it's not very, you know, it comes in a little tray And a lot of the stuff because I I have a really strict diet and um So a lot of the stuff I just wouldn't even eat ever outside but um, you know, like I said when you're in there you just That's it. You gotta either starve. Yeah well In reading the bible. Is this is this something that uh is kind of like the first time maybe you went cover to cover in or what was kind of Uh your experience with that Probably probably the first time I ever went cover to cover now I was um I was born and raised in a catholic household. I went to a catholic grade school um I went to a high school called christian brothers college prep. It was a former military Academy so I wasn't I wasn't no stranger to the bible. I i'd been reading the bible my entire life I was brought up on the bible So so I I knew the bible well, but yeah first time probably that I ever just read it straight up cover to cover I would say so Anything that kind of stuck out to you or is there anything, you know, maybe That you learned for the first time that you thought was really interesting while you're in there A lot stuck out to me. In fact, I have a whole list. I've got it I've got it right down here. Actually. I could grab it and maybe pull it All right, give me one second here. No, you're good I would be just Super angry If I was at that situation, that's all i'm gonna say i've thought about it and you know If you didn't get books or something I mean i've read and like watched some videos of people. Hold on. It's actually in another room Yeah, you're good. No worries Yeah, i've seen some people literally go crazy in solitary And I could see that especially from a time perspective. You just don't even know when it is. You don't know what time of day it is Um, it kind of makes me think of a movie that I really love It's called the count of monte cristo. I don't know if you've ever seen this but a large portion of the film Just assume i've never seen any movie. Yeah. Yeah, that's probably true A large portion of the film the main character is in Basically kind of like a solitary style prison sentence, but it's like indefinite just for the rest of his life and he Is just like marking on the wall with rocks like the days or something and then he eventually just gives up well, because it's just like it's not how humans are supposed to Be living it's not the environment that humans are supposed to be in and it makes you feel like a caged animal Yeah, and that's how they treat you this is uh It's it's definitely cruel and unusual. It's cruel and they lock them in a box essentially is what they did There's nothing in the bible that teaches solitary confinement. Absolutely not and it's disgusting So, you know again our prison system Definitely has issues Um, the bible just doesn't even have people locked up even just in a cage with other people, you know Obviously a temporary holding cell until maybe sentencing but it should be so brief That it's not really the main punishment but today it's just locking people up in a cage and You know, that's it's it's just sad that that happens to a lot of individuals But you know a lot of people in the bible went to prison joseph went to prison. He's kind of the first one Um, you have jeremiah jesus. John peter paul You've got silas. Um I mean the list goes on some pretty good people went to jail So, you know you're in good company there, oh and I don't know if you uh got some Your notes with you I I I yeah, I do right here and I would say the one thing I do remember was um When paul was in prison and it was a bible verse. I know I have it in here I don't i'm not the best at memorizing the verses but It talked about the god rattling the cages opening opening the gates of the prison so he could walk out Yeah, and that's kind of how That's kind of how I felt. I bet that's probably in my notes here what you said. It was act 16. Yeah So they actually sing praises at midnight and then god opens the doors um and paul and silas are there and the jailer is afraid of Being killed because all the prisoners are going to be released But the bible says he fell down in verse 30 and he asked them serves. What must I do to be saved? And they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved So it's actually one of the coolest stories in the bible because it also gives the gospel like how to be saved and how to go To heaven and it's through like believing on jesus christ specifically just by faith And what he did Um, and it's kind of symbolic there because it's like the doors of the jail are wide open and they just get to go free And that's just kind of how the gospel is that all of our sins are just wiped away Through the blood of jesus christ and we get to go out free Um, I really also like the attitude of paul and silas. They're very Encouraged and they're encouraging themselves and that kind of reminds me of your testimony a little bit of you Encouraging yourself, but I do want you to share, you know what you got from this this passage Well, you said it was act 16, right? Yep, and i'm guessing verse 24 through 26. I have it written down right here I don't know if you guys I'll try to put that on the camera. Yeah, we can see it. Nice. Yeah, x16 24. There it is 26 So these are all these were all my favorite bible verses While I was in there I plan on eventually getting into this I don't know maybe i'm avoiding it because I don't want to relive all of it or It's probably more just that i've been so busy um So somebody actually sent me this it's a um scripture confessionals and so I would wake up every day and read one or two and Read one or two before I would go to bed every night and then I um would use the back empty pages to just write my favorite verses so it's funny because that one is in here obviously um But yeah, anytime I would read something that really stuck out to me or resonated with me or I felt Could be applied towards what? We're going through now. Um That I would I would take this out and I would write it down and revisit it later So that was um, yeah, that was kind of my process throughout the days when I would when I would read it Is um, oh wow that stuck out to me and i'd write down the verse And uh, you know, I plan on revisiting it later and then saying oh, yeah This is why this meant something to me or oh, yeah This looks like uh, or sounds like something that we might be going through now some valuable information here Well, and you know Interestingly enough you kind of bring up that passage and it does seem like your sentence ended up getting uh It ended sooner than what you're originally sentenced for. I don't know the exact number Was it like 47 48 days maybe that you served? What was the yeah, I was supposed to serve 60 I think it was right at 50. Yeah, okay around 50. So you you got out there a little sooner um, when did you find out like that, uh, They might send you out there sooner or That you're gonna get out there free. Like what how did that work? Well, this might surprise you guys to find out but um, they don't really give you much information when you're in there and um, they don't really treat you with much respect or dignity, so it's It it I think I found out 48 hours 48 hours before Uh, and so there was you know, they're never clear about what or why? Some of the people think uh, some of the people inside think it was because um, the first step act that was signed by trump Uh others said that's not the case because I didn't even have a long enough sentence for that to kick in I think that only happens after if you have like a year sentence that they can kick that in so some people say No, that didn't apply to you. So there was some Um kind of debate on that Others think that it was because my name was brought up at the BOP the bureau of prisons hearing hearing They thought that because matt gates mentioned my name. They were fighting for another two billion dollars And they couldn't answer any questions about me or my treatment or anything like that and it was a bad look So they think that that maybe that was why they wanted to get me out of there Now they're petitioning for the two billion dollars again So some people think that that might have had something to do with it, you know, either way to me It was still an act of god whether it was through the hearing or whether it was through the prayers or whether it was through A first step act, you know to me. It was it was it was god's plan And so but yeah, I think I got 48 hours advanced warning. I think is about what it was Well, you bring up act 16 verse 25 Says and at midnight paul and silas prayed and sang praises unto god and the prisoners heard them And what sticks out to me is that here we have These two men in prison and yet they are singing praises to god the positivity That they're exhibiting in spite of their situation and I brought this up when you went to get your notes about The feeling of anger that would permeate at least me In a situation like that to be incarcerated Wrongfully for political speech as a political dissident in a country that's supposed to be Uh one that Offers freedom but here's my question for you. Owen Were you ever? Blackpilled whether it was there a day Or multiple days where you were just totally blackpilled and down or even just pissed off At the backwards nature of our justice system where someone like you is incarcerated while Criminals are running around free Free Going up and down our streets and terrorizing people I definitely hit a low point. I I I remember it distinct distinctively when I hit my low point. Um, I wouldn't say I was blackpilled. I don't even know if it would be fair to say that I was angry um Maybe maybe depression maybe depressed Uh, i'm kind of naturally a high dopamine level guy I really enjoy life I really enjoy what I do. I enjoy Eating and exercising and spending time with friends and family so to kind of have all that removed from you Um, you know, you might might say that that could be clinically described as depression um But I specifically remember my low point. It was like day six Or seven in the special housing unit, so we're talking like two weeks in and and being confined and really it was it was the only thing that kind of Kept me going at that point because I had no access to mail Um, I had no access to to write a letter or receive a letter yet at that time Uh, I had no access to anything really it was just me and a bible. I I was able to get a bible Um, which was which even that was kind of a lucky thing you might say or or you know an act of god But when I got in there It just so happened. Um And again, you know a lot of this was set off the record So I just I just want to be careful But a lot of the people you know that worked in the prison believe it or not They're fans of mine or or you know, just patriots and it was kind of eerie because you hear it a lot I'm, just doing my job. I'm just doing my job. So it's kind of eerie when you get that all the time Um, but let's just say because somebody on the inside in the shoe recognized me He said, you know, hey i've got to lock you up and that's it, you know anything you want I said, can you just bring me a bible? Just can you just find me a bible bring me a bible and I mean it was this old tathered Bible he probably dug it out of you know, some compartment or drawer that hadn't been opened in years But he found it for me and he gave it to me and so I mean that's what basically got me through That was the only thing I had Um in in those times, but yeah, I specifically remember the low point um, and then once once I kind of hit that I you know, it was like hitting rock bottom and then being like, okay. Well It doesn't get any worse than this Every day that goes by is a day less in here. Then I was able to start getting some mail Then I was able to start writing some letters and then I was able to start getting some books Um, so, you know, I don't know if it's fair to say blackpilled or you know angry or anything like that I mean, maybe just maybe just depressed. I don't know how else to put it, but it's just you know, It's it's just the feeling of helplessness hopelessness with with no outlet at all Uh to distract you or to give you access to anything in the outside world And so for for me again for me at that time it was basically only only the bible that was all I had And it was the only thing that helped me get through Uh the hardest times in there of time passing slowly depression sinking in whatever you want to say Well pastor shelly, that's the natural response, isn't it? To have a little bit of a low point at least at some point during your prison sentence Which is why those passages like in acts chapter 16 are just so astounding and jump out of the page for me Because it just goes to show that hey it is possible To be in that position and yet find joy in the lord yeah, joseph serves in the prison and actually does well and Obviously, that's probably a different Experience than being in the shoe or being in solitary uh a special kind of cruelty there, but You know I'm it's definitely nice to hear you know some realism because I think that most people if not almost all are going to have some moments of feeling down or Some sadness in that experience because that's just that's got to be super hard. I mean Uh, I think it's realistic to have some highs and lows in that situation. I'm kind of curious from a perspective of like a broad perspective you feel like Maybe this caused you to draw a little closer to god or things that are spiritual having gone through an experience like this Definitely in those moments, I mean it it's hard to say I don't know if I could say that i'm closer to god today than I was before I went in necessarily Um, but definitely, you know in those moments when you have more time to meditate more time to pray Uh more time to appreciate the things that you don't have and then and then you get out and you do appreciate them So, I mean, I don't know if I would say i'm closer to god now than I was before I went in I would say that if anything I just have a grown appreciation um for for what God has given me and and the opportunities and everything that I have in my life. I would say that the appreciation for that And I guess reaffirmed god's plans reaffirmed god's power the power of prayer So, I don't know if that's necessarily me saying i'm closer to god than I was before I went in But it was definitely something you're you kind of take out of there With you and and into the you know, the post-incarceration life and again, you know Just just kind of just to kind of level things out and humble things here I I didn't spend too much time in there. I mean two months overall. There's guys that go in there for years and decades And so there's a reason why people become more religious when they're in there. You you'd think that's uh, You know hyperbolic considering the situations you're in but there's there's something there. There's something there's something real about that you know crying out to god or feeling that or or getting that through Um and then taking it out with you, so there's there's something Definitely to that some of the men in there were very spiritual It felt like it was kind of one end of the spectrum or the other either you're very spiritual and a big believer Or you're basically, you know an atheist. Um, so I mean it feels like that's kind of um, It's kind of just both far sides of the spectrum from um from my experience When you were in there, did it feel like people? Um knew who you were or did you ever feel intimidated by other prisoners? No You know the situation that I was in at my prison oakdale fci it's a low security prison and it's a prison where They have a lot of people that work their way down So there's a lot of guys that were in a high security or than a medium security And now they're kind of on the last leg of their sentence and they just want to get out So people don't really like to fight Um in a situation like that There were some politics Meaning, you know prison gangs and stuff like that But it wasn't too political because of that reason because most people are trying to get out um, and maybe a practical example that I could give is most federal prisons Um child molesters, uh child abusers can't walk the yard They have to stay either in the shoe for their own protection or they're never going to leave Their jail cell because if they do they're going to get beaten up because a lot of these prison gangs It's part of their creed Um that that you you beat up child molesters if you ever see one on the yard. I like so this it's funny because uh The the uh prison gangs seem to have a more serious approach of justice toward child's molesters than the actual justice system, right? But uh, but that's another story so dangerous for the bidens to go to prison So I hope they don't get the diary, um So outside of a couple child molesters getting beaten up Um, there really isn't too much activity like that at this prison because everybody's trying to uh, trying to get out It's not like a medium or a high security where guys have long sentences and they might need to earn some cred Or uh do a gang initiation type of thing Um, so so on that aspect I never really felt there was never really any situation of intimidation But the truth is when I when I got in there immediately a couple guards recognized me a couple Inmates recognized me And so when i'm sitting in there for a week You know, it kind of I guess maybe ended up being an advantage people talking about me like, oh, you know the guy up there You know the guy over that cell it was this guy. So there was you know, there was kind of this Mystique growing if you will and then um Because they you know A political prisoner. It's kind of it's kind of badass to guys in there a political prisoner that you know, they kind of view that as uh, Is is like a badass situation And um when you're the only guy that's ever been to a federal prison to anybody's knowledge that has on a misdemeanor Uh, that's another thing where they're like damn this guy's only he must like what what he really do So then my nickname was misdemeanor so so then after I get out of the solitary and get sent to the shoe for three weeks The mystique just grows Yeah, and so by the time by the time I was back in solitary everybody wanted to talk to me Everybody wanted to hear my story. He's a legend A lot of people wanted to get on my show to tell their stories about how corrupt The justice system was or talk about their book or what they're doing So, um, it was never really a situation where uh, I felt like I was ever In uh any any danger or anything like that? I mean, like I said, there were a couple prison guards that uh, you could tell didn't like me Um for certain reasons, but the vast majority of them did like me. They didn't want me They didn't want my time in there to be so hard the things that I had to go through all came from the top I mean the very top Uh, and these guys had no control over it. They basically told me that so, uh, but yeah that that It was a little bit maybe, you know, you think about it going to prison you can't help yourself but um In a low security prison like the one I was in it was probably a low level threat But yeah, of course I was worried about I was worried about my food being poisoned But luckily, you know all the food is basically at random So they'd have to poison the entire prison in order to poison me So that that was a comforting thing when I discovered that um, and when you know You talk to all the people that basically most of the guys that run the prison and they're like hey man like your work You know, sorry you're here It was a bit of a relief So kind of from a broad perspective here you you talked about wanting to better yourself So, you know, what would be like your biggest takeaway? From this experience or what did you feel like? Maybe you you did better yourself in if you could point to something specifically You know, like I said, it's so hard to say because It feels like it was a different world. So I kind of just have to go back to when I got out and try to remember and you know just Just appreciating life outside of a cage. I mean, I don't know how else to put it just appreciating life outside of the cage Um, you you you learn to love the little things again I mean even just Eating a meal that tastes good or that you want to eat, you know for like a week is you just savor that I think though what again what I really take away and I can't help myself. This is just this is just kind of my life my mind is um, you know This issue that needs to be addressed of justice reform, you know because of I don't want anybody to go through what I went through. I don't like non-violent people in prison I don't like political prisoners You know, I was obviously i'm in an all-male Prison about a thousand inmates And most of the guys that are sitting in there every night are non-violent offenders and most of the guys that are sitting in there every night are either Fathers or grandfathers and and they just there's just no purpose. There's just no purpose. They're not a threat to anybody They they'd be much better off and I think everybody would be much better off I mean even if you want to just put them on house arrest so they could be with their sons And their daughters and their grandkids So, you know, I kind of really the one thing that definitely sticks is, you know criminal justice reform Is a prison just prison reform is a big issue of mine But um, there's no doubt when you get out of there you learn to uh, appreciate things more You learn to appreciate Just basic things like a like a hot meal or a hot shower And uh, I would imagine it would probably stick a lot more if I was behind there for longer than two months But definitely for like a month or two it, you know every time you can have a hot shower Every time you can eat a meal that you want. It's you you remember and you you uh, really just don't take it for granted yeah, I can see having a greater appreciation for life and You know some of the early shows and interviews and stuff it just seemed like you had a big smile on your face Uh, it seemed like you definitely were really enjoying, uh coming back into society and I can't I can't even imagine so, you know, I definitely Appreciate the courage to not only go through that and stay strong But also like I said Keep going, you know Say hey, you know, you you may have shut me up for You know 50 days, but hey i'm gonna still you know get out there and put the truth out there and and be a journalist and Hold people accountable and try to make a difference and say like hey just because I went through this I don't want other people to go through it. I think that's a Admiral, you know viewpoint because I think a lot of individuals would take that just take an l after that or be discouraged or Really in the censorship war that we live in today How many people today are not saying unpopular things or dangerous things for fear of losing money? That prison's not even necessarily on the table. How much more would they cower? If prison or these kind of things were put on the table and you know our country To have freedom needs individuals that say hey i'm gonna say the truth i'm gonna do what's right If you're gonna throw me in prison, you know Do what you got to do, but i'm not going to sit here and just allow our country to just be taken over by communism or evil or Whatever regime is is waiting in the dark corner Uh that my boss always had this quote. He said the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing And I think that that's definitely true What did you have something less you want to ask here ben? You remember your first meal out of prison. I hate to keep bringing this back to food I'm, hungry Obviously go ahead. Owen. What do you remember at all? Yeah, uh, it was a raising canes chicken in where were we Oh, man, um somewhere in louisiana, I can't remember now it's skipping my mind But we were at a raising canes a raising canes chicken. It was probably like 2 30 or 3 in the morning They were open inside 24 7 And uh, really it was actually hard to eat it at first Because you're so used to the prison slop And so, uh, it was you know, it's actually it's actually kind of strange, but you could read all about these stories Especially again guys that spend a lot more time than me They can't you can't even eat normal food for a while. You have to like start really basic Uh with like pancakes or just like french fries or something that you were used to While you were in there or like oatmeal or something. Um So, uh, I I I ate some raising canes I couldn't finish it it just it just I don't know There's it didn't sit right and then I didn't eat for like 24 hours And then uh, there's a restaurant here in austin Um that I that I like to frequent it's a steakhouse. I'll give them a free shout out because I love them um perry's and so then I went and I was starving and I finally I chowed through a A nice big filet. I think I had A salad some mashed potatoes some brussels sprouts. I think we might have even gotten a chocolate fudge cake So, uh, yeah after after after like after 36 hours out after the first meal kind of was like a non-starter Then it was time and then I I turned it on I had the steak and I was good to go That sounds great I'm, sorry if i'm torturing you right now. Yeah, you kind of are but that's all right juicy rare steak Mashed potatoes with butter and cheese appreciate appreciate the description there Just to build off what you were saying pastor. Shelley. I think part of it as well is to intimidate Owen and people like owen schroyer From continuing to speak out. That's the idea is like if we can persecute these guys even threaten them with prison Maybe even put them in prison for a couple of months Maybe that'll intimidate them into silence and make them withdraw from the culture war That's the reason they do what they do and to double down in response is to say you know what? Your persecution didn't work on me and it never will and that's powerful I think Yeah, and again, you know, we really appreciate you, you know giving us time and and sharing your experience with us as well. I know Uh a lot you've gotten a lot of attention and so I but well deserved, you know staying strong fighting the right fight Bringing attention to the truth and trying to steer the course of our country back and we don't want to take you know more of your time than then you're going to give us and You're really gracious to give us this time Uh, we'd love to uh, I guess if we're ever in town We needed to go to perry's so you can uh, so we can get you another one of those fillets But there will be no shortage of fillets. There's no shortage of fillets here I promise you and I would say in closing that you know a couple just cliches but you know God never gives you a test that that he knows you can't pass or that he that he wants you to go through to strengthen yourself um And so I just kind of look at it like that And um, you know, I was raised catholic. I I have a um saint saint christopher pendant that I wear Trying to awkwardly show it with the microphone here and um in in the story of saint christopher He serves he serves evil and then he serves good and and he realizes What what? The difference is and how much better it is to serve good And as soon as he gets that that dichotomy he's like, oh wow. I should have been serving good this whole time and there's a part where He was a he was The legend says he was a giant And he used to help people cross the river because he could walk it and it was the current was heavy So he'd put people on their shoulders and he'd provide them a way across the river And then one day there was a tiny man that that needed crossing And he put the tiny man on his shoulders And he crosses the river and he notices as he's Crossing that the man is getting heavier and heavier and he's like what is going on? And finally he gets to the other side and he puts him down He says I don't understand what what what happened here and he says, um, i'm i'm probably butchering it exactly but something like Uh, i'm the lord jesus christ and now you know what it's like to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders And so it was this this reaffirmation to to do good This reaffirmation that you can you can get through this i'm not going to give you a test that you can't have And so, uh, you know, I just try to carry that forward and whatever whatever growth or attention I get because of my persecution I just I just hope that I'm able to and I pray for god's light along the way and that i'm able to Use my life and and my talents for whatever he he wants me to Well, god definitely cares about you and um, he wants Everyone to be saved and you know He wants them to go to heaven and not only be saved but also live a life that's pleasing unto him And we really appreciate you know your time We We I look forward to you know chatting again, uh about this topic But uh, we appreciate you giving us some time to share your experience about prison Uh, I really was excited to get to interview you on this and so any uh things you want to plug Uh before we we go Sure, tune into my show every day on the info wars war room american election dot news is a good link for that Or owenshroyer.show. I also have a rumble channel rumble.com slash owen and i'm pretty active on x At owenshroyer 1776 glad to be back on the show Maybe i'll be back here again or moderating another debate that one of you guys are in But it's a pleasure Yeah, thanks again for joining us and god bless. Make sure to follow owen and all those places and Ben, I want to talk about we're going to do another show here On Saturday, it's going to be a Recap show from our tuesday night show and I think a lot of people are really excited about this Um, so I wanted to plug that but you know thoughts on Owen's prison experience here. What were your thoughts? Well when I first heard about it, I was extremely blackpilled Dylan sent me a text And he said isn't it crazy That owen is in prison And I responded and said yeah kind of seems like this country just deserves to get nuked off the face of the planet And I don't really mean that of course, but you know, it's just the frustration That oozes out of me the frustration that I can't help but feel when we have animals like these drag fag queens defiling children across the country And they get to walk away free And yet someone like owen has to spend multiple months in prison And there are others joe biggs is in a much worse situation right now. There are other january 6 people and whether you agree with The january 6th protesters showing up or not. That's not the point The point is it's political speech. The point is if the left did it Then nobody would have been Incarcerated for it Democrats have been questioning the 2016 election for years without any ramifications. I guess it's different When they do it So it just goes to show you we have a two-tier justice system in this nation It is no longer the america of yesteryear unfortunately, and it's only going to get worse but the good news is At least we have the lord. Jesus christ that if god is for us who can be Against us as the question scripture asks yeah, I I definitely think that um It seems very likely that god kind of intervened and helped owen get out of there and and I hope that You know from that experience it does help him draw closer to the lord That he you know Make sure that he gets saved and understands, you know, the true gospel and that he can Um get out of the real prison, you know, which is hell nobody wants to go to hell Yeah, yeah, and of course the bible makes it abundantly clear that salvation is not by faith and works It's by faith alone. And so people need to Realize that salvation is a free gift It's not something you have to earn or work for and unfortunately a lot of churches Not just catholic but a lot of christian churches they teach that salvation is by works and how you live your life And you know, of course we've got the baptist bias and salvation is actually by faith alone just by believing in jesus christ and once you're saved you're always saved and We love going out there and preaching the gospel to people and so, you know, hopefully Through this show people will end up hearing or finding out about the gospel and getting saved I mean that's that's part of the reason why we even do the show is to reach new people And hopefully that they'll go down the true rabbit hole of the gospel and get saved Um, I know when we kind of talked about this show we kind of had some different ideas I think that you wanted to do a fanfare show But uh, i've been trying to broaden my horizon and talk to all kinds of different people in the hopes of reaching more with the gospel inevitably Um, what do you think about that? If we focus on us for no more, what's the point? We should try and broaden our audience. I think that's the responsible Position to have is what can we do to reach new people who have not yet laid eyes on? your preaching or Some of our friends preaching the new ifb in general I want to mention a verse isaiah 59 14 And judgment is turned away backward and justice stand at the far off for truth is fallen in the street and equity Cannot enter If that doesn't describe the united states, I don't know what does I think that perfectly describes our country in 2024 and you are absolutely correct. What is the answer? Well, how about the gospel of jesus christ and thankfully the bible makes it clear about what it takes to be saved One of my favorite verses on this is titus Chapter three verse five not by works of righteousness, which we have done but according to his mercy He saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the holy ghost And so you want to talk about being in bondage to sin and the inevitable consequences of that after this life that being hell Well, there is a way out. It's believing on the lord Jesus christ and receiving in that very moment not a lifetime not a process of time but in that very moment eternal life amen And again the the name of the show The baptist bias It kind of goes without saying if all we were ever going to do was stay within a baptist sphere Right. So the the whole point of the title of the show is that we're Going outside of our echo chamber going outside of our sphere But we're bringing our baptist bias with us. Of course makes me think of paul saying, you know under the week I became weak under the jew. I was a jew so he's talking about Going out there trying to find some commonality With individuals who are not saved so that maybe eventually, you know through That relationship or an opportunity you're going to give them the gospel you're going to expose them to The right thing and they're going to get saved and of course, you know this show we've been really broad uh As far as what kind of guests what kind of shows I mean If you told me I was going to do a flat earth debate I would never believe you because that's just you know in my mind just I wouldn't believe you categorically just like such a insane idea Um again, I I would have never thought that but it's like our most popular show so far Which is kind of crazy to think about that as well but you know at the end of the day, I think some people that are sincere and You know, it's not that they're stupid but they've kind of fallen into the trap of a stupid idea have gotten sucked into weird things and maybe Through us exposing, you know, some of those ideas. Maybe we can win a few people over you can normalize them I don't think that very many people trapped in the flat earth ideology are very Willing to learn or they're very willing to hear new ideas It seems like most of them are kind of already settled on their opinions but you know, perhaps that somebody said they're trapped under the dome that might be uh apropos, but It seems like there is maybe potentially a few people that You can win over here and there and of course, I think the bible says we should earnestly contend for the faith So, you know that to me is going out there challenging different ideas challenging different viewpoints and I think it also helps balance us as well that we don't create these strawman arguments and That we're actually in the real world talking to real people about their viewpoints their ideologies And it helps us to get a better idea of what people really believe what they're really like you know, I think of course soul winning helps us get an idea of what people believe as far as salvation, but in other topics, it's also just interesting to see what people think and Uh to challenge them, but i'm i'm excited about saturday show. You want to check our email group? We actually have a way you can join. It's baptistbias.com Join and you can uh join our email list send us an email if you'd like to be on there We send out emails when we have some of these Just spontaneous shows of course you want to check out our final for the season Tuesday 8 pm. We're going to have pastor anderson back on To premiere our daniel series. We're going to be doing episode one of the daniel series And we're not going to have our regular show, but every tuesday at 8 pm We're going to be releasing the next of our daniel series So we'll be doing episode two the following week three four all the way to episodes 12 And so we'll be on a little bit of a break as far as the regularly scheduled podcast But we'll have the daniel series going I may still do several other just random streams. We may do Uh, go back to the friday show where I do the uh, sword drill So that's another thing you could check out on fridays at noon Can I send a question in for that or are you not going to answer questions if I said you might say like Put a different name All right, just you know, just so my question actually gets read. Yeah, exactly You know, this is uh carl the baptist, you know or whatever what what's your pseudo name? Just so I know and I won't i'm not going to reveal it. You just told me to Use a different name. So you read the question. I'm not revealing what my pseudo name is That's anytime someone asks a question be like is this ben? Just just well, I just remember you were at a conference and they did a q a via the internet and I was the first question you received and you looked like How could I get away from this guy? Like you rolled your eyes like I can't get away from him No, you ask good questions. So I I appreciate the questions. Don't don't don't be too hard on yourself. All right, but um, You know, i'm excited about that show. Um, i'm excited about tuesday's release Tell us a little bit about the daniel series. This is something you've been working on for a while now Uh, how how do you feel about this thing getting out there? Well, I have no excuse To not know a little something about the book of daniel after watching every sermon like 50 times But no, it's been a great project. I appreciate the the privilege honestly of getting a chance to Help out with this and to get it completed finally much anticipated Many of the folks who follow our content know That this was a project originally in the works going all the way back to 2018 is when the sermons were preached and a little bit of delay in getting it released and went from a one owner to another As far as the footage is concerned, but I think we've been able to put together an exciting series with some Intriguing b-roll Eye-catching b-roll and of course, how could you go wrong? Would you have pastor itterson preaching? Yeah He I was there in person. So I actually got you were sermons. There's a few crowd shots with you Yeah, i'm kind of over in the corner. You may uh remove them but We'll see Yeah, i'm excited to release this project because it's been a long time coming. I know a lot of people donated to it They're excited to see it Also, I want to do a shout out to a soul winning marathon trip That's going to be happening at the end of may. It's in chicago specifically may 24th and 25th Sher foundation baptist church is hosting a big soul winning push and preaching event I'm going to be there pastor thompson is going to be there that friday night We're preaching if you want to find out information you could always email us, but you could also email sher foundation baptist uh at gmail.com and They are hosting the event. They're putting it all together Reach out to sher foundation baptist church if you'd like to participate if you're anywhere in the chicago area We would love to see you out there and i'll be preaching in the flesh So i'm excited to go to chicago. I've only been there one time before That was with you and me going out there to visit dr Stringer dr Phil stringer and uh, he's going to be preaching for us later this year again at steadfast. I'm excited about that Um also, you know, i've i've tried to see if I could schedule him as a special guest interview for our show So maybe I can get him to come on and talk about things. He's in a Specific group that's pretty cool. It's the king james bible research council You've looked into this Pretty cool group. What what have you learned about that specific, uh association? They're doctrinally sound and they provide scholarly biblical and intellectual An intellectual defense of the king james bible and that's what I like the most about them Well, I love dr. Stringer's story because he wasn't even king james only And he explains that he was kind of actually even researching why not to be king james and ended up switching And recognizing well, actually the king james position is the one that makes sense, right? and Now he's a champion of the king james bible and an ardent supporter of the king james bible He was in our movie the preserved bible. You got to check it out preserve bible.com But uh, he also did a full interview with us. You can check that out online, too Um, really really outstanding guy really loved dr. Stringer. Can we get him there? Maybe I don't know Maybe maybe we could we should think about if he'll be in town. Maybe we could have him sit right here Yeah, we could have him on the show in person in person. Oh, man Just a thought we could let me think about that because I i'm gonna need to figure out and plan when he's gonna be Uh here physically because I think he's visiting a couple churches while he's in the area. So i'm not exactly sure but Make sure you're following the show guys. Thanks so much. We had over 200 people watching Of course we try to take colin's we're definitely going to take colin's on saturday So if you've been wanting to call in or you feel like you got missed you want to check in saturday It's going to either be in the late afternoon or in the evening when we have the show, but we're definitely having it it's going to possibly be a pretty long show, but there's a lot to unpack i'm excited to expose some of the insanity that was said in that flat earth debate and Just you know, kind of put it to bed a little bit. I had a lot of cool slides a lot of cool show Images and stuff. I wanted to share didn't really get to share all of that because it was uh, You know Never going to happen. I had like over 80 images that was never going to happen in that two-hour show that we had so you can only show so much but I'm excited to get a chance to really walk through it talk about some of those things what were your thoughts about the Your thoughts about the The debate was just give us a kind of a high level here. What did you think? well when you drive past a Flaming car crash you can't help but look over and go. Hmm. What's going on there? Rubber necking, I think is the term rubber necking rubber necking. Yeah, I think is the term for it And so yeah entertainment for sure, uh great television drama Suspense everything you're looking for in a live stream I think that debates For me, they're always going to be that way because it's an opportunity to have Our world view challenged and pastor you brought up that you felt more sharpened after this one and After this debate and and surely after the red heifer debate as well I think that's an added positive to these Confrontations Is that you get a chance to really study hard on a particular topic and learn perhaps a little more about it in the process Yeah, to me it made me think like wwe or or ufc where it's just all this wild card and it's crazy And you don't know what's gonna happen. It's live radio. We start off where we're fighting over You're wondering if the show's even gonna happen. Is it gonna happen? Isn't it? That is it was like what is going on? Drama And it's good. I mean think about it. Think of all the reality shows. Yeah, what do they sell reality shows on? Oh, look this person had a fight with this other one tune in next week to figure out what happens The news media does this all the time where they bring people on to debate and they bicker and fight over This is what people want to watch Well, and of course, we're going to still have some other shows. I think there might be a scheduled debate on standing for truth channel at some point with um, Somebody that believes in work salvation and uh You know, i'm really scared that they're going to convince me ben Oh, i'm sure you're going to be having to do like tons and tons and tons of hours of debate prep on that I'm just kidding Yeah, so, you know, we're trying to get out there. We're trying to reach new people support the show You can join us on locals. You can watch the show on apple podcast. There's a lot of other things What else can they find us on? Well, they can find us on you brought up apple podcast They could also find us on spotify That's the big one as well google podcasts as well and don't forget to check out thebaptistbias.com Yeah, thebaptistbias.com check out ben on twitter at uh, ben the baptist. Thank you. Uh, it's uh, baptist ben 316 baptist ben 316 make sure to give them a follow and I also want to say That if you're listening to our show and you haven't heard Pastor shelly preach then you need to Just search steadfast baptist church on rumble steadfast baptist church on rumble and his last sermon was on zechariah Chapter number three and what I thought was an informative bible study So check that out steadfast baptist church on rumble. I think you're missing out if you don't listen to our preaching Well, thank you so much for joining us for a special episode of the baptist bias Thanks so much to owen shroyer for joining us and look folks. Everyone's got a perspective but you need to get the baptist bias You