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And the options are endless. I could turn on some Joel Osteen for a supply of feel-good catch phrases from an always smiling, spiritual, used car salesman who totally doesn't just do what he does for money. me. I could turn on Victoria Osteen and listen to her dish out the same exact positivity, but this time from a woman, because forget about what the Bible says about women preachers. Forget about what it says clearly in plain English. The Bible never condemns women like her. The Bible never condemns female pastors, female preachers at all. Then there's Steven Furtick, ready to yell about how he is God Almighty, literally. And maybe he'll be wearing his wife's sweater as well. What, you got a problem with that? Don't be a legalist, all right? And let's not forget John MacArthur, who apparently thinks that Christians aren't saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Hey, I could listen to John Hagee twist the scriptures as he always does into a pretzel to worship the state of Israel and Christ-rejecting Jews. He's got to pay his bill somehow, right? And how could the Jews reject that which was never offered? Have you thought about that before? But here's the problem, okay? I've got a brain in my head. I've got the Holy Spirit. So obviously I'm not interested in charlatans. I'm not looking for false prophets. I want nothing to do with the likes of Kenneth Copeland or Joyce Meyer who, let's be real, can moonlight as a scarecrow during their free time. I'm looking for a preacher who has the Spirit of God, a Spirit-filled man of God. I'm looking for preaching that is filled with that unmistakable Baptist bias. Thanks for joining us on The Baptist Bias. I'm your host Pastor Shelley, and I guess we're having guest Joel Osteen on the show? First time ever. Big time guest. He's got a big following. Looking forward to asking him some questions today. Yeah, I think he got a tan or something like that. And white and teeth as per usual. Maybe move to California. Actually, we have return guest Pastor Mejia on the show. How's it going? Going great. I resent that. Do you have lots of coffee ready to go or what? Moscafe right here. I will also laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your fear cometh. Right there. Oh, man. Man, that's a nice setup. Look at the setup he's got going. He looks better than us. But that didn't... I'm trying to keep up with you guys. Oh, whatever. Hey, how's everything going over there in California? Everything going smoothly? It's going great. Yeah. Great weather, great food. Great soul-winding, great churches. Yeah. Nothing to complain about. The Promised Land over there in California. How's everything going with you guys? Yeah, we're doing great. It's good to see you again. So... Good to see you too. How are you doing, Brother Ben? Great. Thanks for asking. And I will go on record in saying that I don't think California is nearly as bad as many people make it out to be. I always enjoy my trips out there. I actually like it. So... Just try to suck up again. It's obvious. Maybe. I just don't want to get on Pastor Mihi's bad side. So I'm starting off positive. Well we got a cool show tonight. We're going to talk about some bad preaching. And honestly I hope this is a segment that we bring up a lot in the future just because I think it's something we can integrate in the show a lot and kind of show lots of clips and give some commentary. So it's going to be kind of a different show. We also will be taking some call-ins if you want to give us a shout. We'd like to hear if there's a specific bad preacher or a clip or something that you've heard that you'd want us to comment on. And our production crew is pretty great so it's possible we might be able to find it out there. But if you want to call into the show 231-Babdist, you can call in, see if you have a recommendation for some bad preaching. I already see a lot of comments in here filling up. And we've got a lot of people we can talk about this evening. I want to kick it off to you Pastor Mejia. Is there any bad preaching out there that you've heard recently that you'd like to highlight? Well yeah that one right there. Yeah so I mean I'm on Instagram a lot and I'm always putting out content on social media, specifically on Instagram. So I see a lot of bad preaching all the time and some of them you're gonna highlight tonight. But unfortunately you know one of the groups that are catching a lot of momentum are the Catholics and the Orthodox. And I think you have one highlighted right there. And this guy was apparently attacked in one of his services. But he's a super wicked preacher. I mean he's a false prophet. The guy's a priest of the Orthodox Church and he's being elevated as being some man of God because he was attacked or whatever. But you know he preaches really bad. He has a lot of false doctrine. And you know good preaching has the right type of doctrine, the right type of salvation. It is pleasing unto God because it actually is in harmony with the word of God. But this guy is a false prophet and he obviously believes in a false gospel. And you know unfortunately you know a lot of young people are falling for that stuff. And so this is the guy who keeps actually coming up on my feed like over and over again due to the supposed attack that he had and he's kind of capitalizing on that. Yeah I think there was maybe a Muslim who came in and attacked him with a knife. It was pretty viral. I think he's in Australia specifically. Do you know about this guy? I don't know much about him. I've heard of the incident that you're describing where he got stabbed or something like that in the middle of one of his sermons. But I don't know much more than that. I think it was recently and the guy is named Maari Maari Emmanuel. Is that his full name? I believe so. Maari Maari. I thought it was Mar Maari. Mar Maari? Yeah. I don't know. I remember. Oh yeah I think you're right. Mar Maari Emmanuel. All right Mar Maari. Mar Maari. I think that he has a reputation for being like a hard preacher. The new IFB of Orthodoxy here. But let's play a little bit of this clip and if you want you can comment but while he's playing it let's see what this guy has to say. Some denominations in Christendom they say once you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior you're saved forever. This is a false teaching. Be careful. It is not biblical at all. Just because you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior come into my heart. Come into my life. Come into my spirit. Come into my being. That's it. You're saved no matter what you do. Hello. Anybody home? No way. And before you come to faith in Jesus. You can cut it. This guy's good. That's a good preacher but you know this is what's so funny to me is this comment. It's not biblical at all. Well isn't it just like biblical or not? Like what is partially biblical? You know like it's not even a viewpoint that's out there. It's like this isn't biblical at all. You know need to persuade. Yeah what a great exegesis of scripture here too. What verse did he quote Pastor Mejia? First Opinions 1-1 apparently. Yeah I mean I obviously the guy's not even saved you know that's not even a question because if you deny you kind of wonder if he preached this beforehand you kind of wonder if that's why God allowed that attack on him for mocking the word of God and mocking one saved always saved essentially mocking the gift of his son Jesus Christ the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross you know he's mocking the way of salvation the biblical way of salvation and essentially shutting up heaven for those who are trying to enter and he's taking away the key of knowledge and you know he's he's mocking it and all of a sudden this attack happens on him you kind of wonder if that person was doing the Lord's work just because you know God's gonna mock him and I don't know I think he now he preaches with like a patch over his eye or something like that and you know but I think that's probably the reason why that happened to him. Well you know obviously I try to be I try to be careful when it comes to Christian churches and someone getting attacked because I don't want to just instantly think like that person deserves it and I think that bad people may persecute good people so I didn't really want to pass judgment on the guy especially when I first heard about the incident after hearing him preach it's very clear the guy's not saved whatsoever so you know obviously I'm not really pro anybody going into a church and stabbing somebody or hurting someone no matter who it is really but at the end of the day obviously if God wants to allow the devil to torment and afflict false prophets then you know I'm not going to stand in the way of them or anything like that it's definitely a shame that we see a lot more violence going on in churches in general but again you know it could be and it is very likely that someone that's preaching a false gospel I think God could attack or you know raise some evil person up or you know I don't even know that I would say that's directly like God but it's more like God just doesn't even care and just allows evil wicked people to just kind of do whatever whereas I think that God kind of puts a hedge of protection around the saved and about you know preachers that are preaching the right gospel and these people that are not they don't have that they don't have like a bunch of guardian angels or a hedge about them like Elisha or someone like that but you know what is your what are your thoughts on this guy Mari Marmari I'm kind of afraid I'm kind of upset he didn't finish the job I'm just kidding uh anyway no I obviously he's a false prophet he's a devil uh and and just to echo what pastor Mahiel was talking about if you're gonna mock and ridicule and attack a doctrine as beautiful really as once saved always saved don't be surprised then if something like that happens and there is no hedge of protection about you you know the bible talks about in first john chapter five and this is the record that God has given to his son eternal life and so I feel like uh you know if that's going to be your modus operandi I will rail on once saved always saved and claim that it's not biblical and preach against it well I guess don't expect a bunch of angels don't expect a legion of angels to protect you when you're under attack I mean you know the the lord didn't protect the limus the sorcerer when he was trying to hinder the apostle Paul from trying to win someone to Christ and he let him go blind you know darkness fell upon him and he was struck blind so you know very well could have been the lord just kind of smiting him uh causing him to just watch his tongue a little bit and not just flippantly disregard clear scriptures in the bible that teach because once they've always saved isn't just like a matter of opinion or secondary doctrine that's something that's very clearly laid out in the bible you know even if you believe for example that you know oh you have to do works or whatever it may be you know to just mock salvation in general and say there's just nowhere in the bible you know it's kind of crazy to say that yeah I mean when you got the most famous verse in the bible it's saying that whosoever believe in them should not perish but have everlasting life you're basically just contradicting the most famous verse in the bible like you you think you'd have some clear verses on that and you know to kind of echo this the sentiment you know if someone makes the statements that this guy's making it's clear that he doesn't believe salvations by faith alone he's he's like mocking that idea he's mocking that concept and of course that would prove that he's not saved and someone that's not saved and preaching a false gospel you know the apostle Paul said to let him be accursed um you know but specifically you know I thought of the story in Amos because a lot of people would be really offended by someone calling out Mari or saying that you know this attack could be because he's a false prophet but think about what Amos said to a specific other false preacher false prophet he said in verse 17 of Amos 7 thy wife shall be a harlot in the city and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword and thy land shall be divided by line and thou shalt die in a polluted land and Israel shall surely go into captivity fourth of his land that's way harder than anything that we just said and it's kind of crazy you know when you think about it like because that was that's some intense preaching back in that day to literally like look at a guy and be like your wife's gonna be a whore and then just say like you're gonna die you know there's a lot of preaching like that in the bible where the men of God were basically just proclaiming like the worst things for false prophets specifically and you know again some people say like you don't have a sweet spirit I'm sure they probably said that about Amos too and Amos was told to shut up basically and that was his response go home stop preaching and his response was to turn it up to 11 and yeah he did he doubled down and how much more should we when we hear a guy who's calling God a liar he that believeth not God the bible says in first john chapter 5 hath made him a liar because they believe it not the record that God gave to the son and this is record eternal life well this is this is what I want to know did did Amos even know this guy's wife like think think about this message I mean you've probably called out a lot of false preachers but will you ever just like man that guy's wife's a whore like that's pretty yeah I mean you think about the fact that like you think about the psalm against the prophetic psalm against Judas yeah I mean God's kind of not just going after Judas he's going after his descendants and his wife and let them be fatherless and let his wife be a widow and I mean the curse is just extends beyond Judas and goes to his future and it kind of makes you it kind of opens our eyes to see that you know God really does hate false prophets and he despises those who persecute the Lord and you know he's a lot more you know wrathful in his words than we could ever be and so you know it's not a surprise that something like that would happen to a false prophet in modern days because of the fact that when you look at the spirit of God in the word of God and how he feels against those who lead others astray who take away of the key of knowledge who try to hinder those and try to essentially be unreasonable like that and just lie against the word of God you know that's kind of what happens yeah and make people twofold more the child of hell than themselves yeah the spiritual predators is what they are spiritual predators well and here's here's the interesting thing my opinion doesn't change anything like if I get up and I said the the most positive thing I could possibly think about Maramari or the you know just Joel Osteen just like God bless him or something or if I say you know God's gonna curse him and destroy his family that's not gonna change really what God does and what we would expect God to do is be consistent in his character the Bible says I am the Lord I change not and if God has these extreme harsh curses and judgments towards false prophets from Genesis all the way to Revelation then the best thing we could do would be to bring that to the attention of that false prophet other people so they could actually fear God because again me pointing out how God treats false prophets isn't really going to make a difference God's going to deal with them however he sees fit the most loving thing I can do is actually call to attention how God truly feels to not soften the blow to not pretend like hey you know God doesn't matter God doesn't care that you're wrong on this doctrine or that you're off but rather saying like God feels so strongly about this that he may cause your wife to go out and be a prostitute and a whore and cause your children to be fatherless and he may just destroy you and cause your intestines to fall out and you to be eaten of worms and you to be blind like Simon the sorcerer and just you know some really extreme harsh punishments because that's who God really is and I think we don't want to sugarcoat that message to false prophets they need to fear the Lord and you see this in the Old Testament go ahead Pastor Mihai. I was just going to say one of the things that really upsets me regarding that whole situation is the fact that you know a lot of people who are not very educated when it comes to the different you know quote unquote sex of Christianity obviously we don't consider orthodox or catholics to be christian but just you know under the canopy of what is christian you know it's causing a lot of people to compromise and just kind of say well we need to put our differences aside we need to support one another and more sympathies being given towards orthodoxy even if in times past people disagreed with their doctrine about salvation or other beliefs you know that are that are essential to the faith you know they'll put those things aside because this horrible thing happened to this guy and I've seen this a lot on social media where you have a lot of protestants and just different individuals who call themselves christians are reposting what happened and offering their sympathies and calling this guy a christian and you know just kind of uh you know showing support for this false religion and I don't think God is pleased with that you know the Bible tells us though hand joined in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished and God is not pleased when unbelievers or excuse me when believers sympathize with wicked false prophets you know should us thou help the ungodly love them they hate the Lord therefore wrath is upon thee from before the Lord and you know we can't intervene with God's judgment and even if something really bad and evil happens to these false prophets you know obviously you could just kind of be silent and just not even have uh any words to say about it but one thing that God doesn't want you to do is he doesn't want you to offer sympathies towards that person or their false religion you know because then you're gonna essentially be a tool to spread that false religion so much the more because even though you guys have differences of opinion this one particular event brought you guys closer together and this is how it always should be this ecumenical type of mentality right yeah those are some great points and honestly uh we could talk about a lot more I want to try and go and do some some more rapid fire clips but I think it's important for us to kind of help the audience understand that you know our attitude towards false prophets is not as sugar-coated love them and just be gracious anyways like the bible serious god serious the gospel serious there's many false prophets Elijah mocked the false prophets of Baal and this show is not going to hold back we are going to mock the false prophets of Baal all right let's play clip two and then lastly let's close out our time of prayer by praying for our area and specifically for the truth of the gospel to be made known to all people there's a specific reason why I'm requesting this specific prayer this morning explain it and I've gotten off my stool how can you explain this um it's as biblical as a shirt what is happening this week over uh just north of us at a at another church um something is happening that I would be happy to share with you but it's very despicable this in our film is uh very hateful there is a misreading and a misunderstanding of god's word that has pained me greatly oh no and as much as I wanted to publicly denounce that I sought counsel and instead of doing that it gives us an opportunity to pray and it gives us an opportunity to know within ourselves that there are good and right things but there are people who deceive get to the point specifically a conference is happening down the street uh with a name that may make you chuckle it's called make america straight again sounds great yeah roll your eyes absolutely the pastor that was like can I get the address I'm ready to go has uh a pulpit and said that if I could have a button and I could press it and it would make all people who are homosexual die I would press that button until my finger broke amen amen and that and then use another finger that is awful the gospel is not to destroy people he's crying no the gospel is to rescue people it's to save people okay well can we save them from predators doesn't understand all right I'm done with this faggot please please please get him off the screen forever wow this is the only time where a soft answer does not turn away wrath I agree man that was so bad I actually yeah that was gay keep that in there that was supposed to be removed because I don't even know who that is how how could any straight guy go to church like that you can't I don't think it's possible but that that was from just in case you are wondering it's I feel like I want to forget that so let's just play another clip all right let's just move on he's a faggot oh we can't hear it I don't know the political party I'm in covenant with god almighty I am god almighty what a blasphemous he's an anti-christ he he's like a modalist god because he's in covenant with himself he's like I'm in covenant with god almighty I am god almighty is it the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh oh man it's like the first thing oh man that doily sweater yeah pull this one up oh man I don't I honestly don't think that transsexuals look this gay like I think that he literally would make like fags blush tonight yeah because they would be like this guy he's making fags look bad because we would never dress this ugly and faggoty at the same time so it's just like that sweater cost two thousand dollars by the way is it was it on like was it like on target or something I don't know it was really expensive you have something that the angel says to the women and it is like these annoying parents that try to coach their kids from the bleachers when I go to watch my kid wrestle they'll say things to the kid that is probably the right thing to keep them away from kids but it's not that this guy should not be around children when you're out there doing it I heard one parent say to a kid who was wrestling that sweater away from us he said that's the wrong move wrong sweater that helps dad thanks I think it's just a woman's sweater is it is it even a man's sweater look what he says to the women he says don't be afraid and that's easy for you to say you're an angel you're big angel a ba a bold angel you've been in the presence of god you weren't there when we watched him die you're not bound by this flesh wow it gets worse don't be afraid like all that like this is exactly how women dress like they wear these over the size sweatshirts with skinny pants like it's like he's literally needs like a latte I was just he just needs a latte and needs to sit on his on his knees on a couch with the blanket over his lap or something like that you know right he's just missing uggs and a starbucks frappe latte mocha cappuccino yeah and then sit like indian style on his couch looking out the window or something right I feel like the company that sells this didn't even actually make any of these they just put up a really bad image and were like two thousand dollars and they just like someone actually put this in the cart they were like oh no we have to make it now like did they even sell more than one it's it's his it's like his attempt to wear like a long robe you know right the long robe's too old school yeah it's the modern yeah it's a modern progressive take on long robes this is the this is the long robe would have been holy garments the long robe would have been better than this yeah I would more yeah I would way be more likely to wear a long flowing garment than that like the judge's robe or something like I'm more likely to be seen in bath than this thing I think I can tolerate mari mar's long robe more than this like a faggot at least like see he's not just sinning by wearing the long robe it's it's the faggoty effeminate queer outfit on top of that plus I think he wore this I think this is like a easter sherman too just because this happened on easter he just hates jesus so much that he just has to wear the most faggoty clothing it seems like on these false prophets they love to just come out with the most weird blasphemous crap on easter itself michael todd on easter had like some sort of satanic performance with dancing oh yeah rap music and and just horrific garbage so the basketball pastor yes you kind of wonder if they're like if obviously they they have to be doing it on purpose but to to choose like easter to do the most blasphemous thing they're just kind of they're trying to mock the lord jesus christ and mock easter to to you know by by doing that which is completely against nature right yeah i don't think it's a coincidence they are playing for the devil's team so it it's no coincidence in my mind that they would pick a day in which we're supposed to be celebrating the resurrection of the lord jesus christ to come out with some weird show some satanic ritual like michael todd did a bunch of beyonce style dancing you're a freak maybe maybe we can find that i i also have a clip of mike uh michael todd i'm sending it to my production crew it's it's him playing basketball but you kind of wonder why like people even defend this stuff you know like who's going to these guys dressing like this i mean when you listen to michael todd preach there's people in the building and i'm telling you who it is it's aunt jamima oh that's right you preach it that's who's there at furtick's church or michael no michael todd i don't know about furtick well i mean with with preaching like this i mean what else do you need that is the gayest walker ever what is he doing oh man it's supposed to be it's supposed to be funny it's like the guy he looks skinny fat like like what is that well that might be like a costume isn't it might be a costume or something that he's trying to look like it might be doing some sort of skit or something but that that zesty walk is just a little too natural for him yeah how do you just how do you just pull that off like so so i actually watched this clip like maybe a few minutes before and after and then he he ties what he just did to a specific doctrine i want to give you guys a chance to uh what do you think that's what you think how what this what this would relate to biblically like what what would be the thing you would preach after doing that what dunking i i have no idea i mean going to hell or something i don't know it's god casting them into the lake of fire is that what it is that's the only thing i think i know what it is all right go for it baptism it was tithing is that how you're supposed to throw your tithe in the in the basket or something or what he said he said god's uh you're supposed to slam it into the basket you're not truly spiritual until you take the tithe and you slam it in the offering plate he said he even points out the fact that he literally just dunked on a seven-foot goal but he's basically saying i could never dunk on a real goal i needed like assistance and he's like so god's giving us that alley-oop so that we can dunk and that alley-oop is like us giving him the tie so he can bless us financially anything that breeds tithing yeah so we're gonna talk about costumes yeah i should have i should have guessed that what's the other clip we you had another one of michael from michael tod yeah let's play this other one let's get this guy oh boy transformation really really cringe trans i think it's like one of our last clips we had it's towards the bottom you got it you had it pulled up i think it was like maybe clip 18 there it is right there that's it that's it perfect god decided male and female no no no i'm not this is not a bad i need y'all to hear my heart on this this is not a bashing this is not he if i was there maybe i would have told him is there something in the middle you could do like kind of a like a little maybe if somebody somebody well i was born like this i don't know how i feel that i feel you and i wish that there was an option of other in the kingdom i know honestly i wish god would have made it so much simpler and it was like a b c or d like frick wow what as a pastor's like who's listening to this trash but i do know in the kingdom it literally says king dumb they're gonna cancel me like wait wait go what in the world whoa wow it's like a backwards k this is dumb it says dumb this guy this guy is like mocking god wow and that's what he's doing because he's saying that god made it complicated yeah a and b is is complicated male or female is complicated i wish there was a b c and d and and he feels like a tranny inside in reference to genders he wants four he's literally saying like when the bible says can the thing form say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus he's the one saying that yeah well he he's like criticizing god for how he created everything like well if it was up to me you know i would have created like a tranny category but this is what's even weirder he's pretty much admitting that it doesn't exist though like yeah in a backwards way he's kind of saying like i would love for you trannies to be real but you're fake god didn't make you that way and it's complicated that he didn't make you a tranny yeah and not to mention i don't know if you caught this one pastor mahia but he's like you know i get asked what do you think about gay marriage i don't know it's like you're this is like the most popular like he's like frustrated like he doesn't know what to say about it or something it's like why are you even a pastor then people are supposed to be going to you for the answer for the black and white answer no gray in between and you're just saying like i don't know the one of the most simplest doctrines you know are thou a pastor of a church and no it's not these things it's crazy bring bring it back on the screen because look at the fine print it says the rise of a holy rebellion oh man what in the world i can't even see that like this guy is just so wicked like yeah oh yeah let's let's be rebellious the rise of a holy rebellion being dumb he's definitely the king of that he is the king of dumb people this is the worst preaching like it's it's so cringe that it exists and let alone that it's like the largest church in tulsa oh yeah and people are making noise as he talks on youtube he's literally calling the things of god dumb i mean he's saying that they're stupid and the bible says for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but until us which are saved it is the power of god it's so crazy that like a lot of these false prophets they'll literally just blatantly go against what the bible literally says you know well the bible says that rebellion is as the sin as witchcraft so like this is like witchcraft but you know the bible says and then you know i'm not trying to like tell people we're in the end times or anything but the bible says about the end times like there's gonna be a great falling away like i don't know how much worse it's gonna get like this is this is so bad like i just don't even know at like what point are they going to be human sacrifice on the stage like i don't what are you going to do that's next obviously there's like sodomite churches where they're promoting sodomy we're going to unfortunately get to see some of that too but there is a smorgasbord of bad preaching out there this is what's sad this stuff is so far from being good like there's plenty of other stuff that's bad this is just atrocious i didn't even believe and the guy is sick he's a pervert he's grotesque he's evil and he has these people in the palm of his hand and that's also i think part of the delusion here is that people look at this guy and they say whoa he's making a great point is there a brain in your head somewhere and every word that comes out of his mouth he thinks you could tell just the way he talks he thinks he's making like the greatest point ever every word that he says let's go let's go to john getch an oldie but a goodie oh man this lifestyle is a part of the culture we live in there's no place for a crude or vile attitude toward those living in this sin faggot no place i mean there's no place for it in a pulpit there's no place for it in the pew well i'm not in a pew there's no place for us to degrade a lifestyle what about our show you know why we're hesitant some of you kind of bristled when i said we got to call this a sin you know why because your reason it's hard to call sin sin in culture is because we're not willing to call sin sin in here that's good that was hard the grace of god i am what i am don't blame these last two weeks been kind of like hey i know what i believe about this and this is kind of just dumb to me because i'm not putting up with this lifestyle i hate it and i tell everybody about it look if that's you you ought to be grateful that you're not that you've lived at least in this area according to word of god but it's only by god's grace that you have every human being regardless of their ethnic background their education their financial status their religious beliefs and sexual orientation their religious beliefs deserves to be treated with respect and dignity so so you can never disrespect any religious belief say that's insane open satanist that's totally fine it's crazy that he thinks that uh you need the grace of god to not be gay you know to not be he's like i wish i had that gift but you know not all of us it's like i know a bunch of unsaved people who are not homos and they don't even have the grace of god in their life you know that's just like a freebie when you when you're born that you're not a faggot yeah oh man well i think it's amazing how he says there's no place for a crude or vile attitude so having a vile attitude he calls it vile right toward faggots so the faggots aren't vile it's your attitude toward fags that are vile that's what's mime not the fags themselves well you can't be upset like the bible says to abhor that which is evil so what are we allowed if we're not if we're not allowed to like have an upset feeling towards sodomy like what are we allowed to be upset by nothing i mean they can go up and down the streets and say we're coming for your children and we're not allowed to have in his words a vile attitude they could be as viral as they want he reminds me of proverbs 29 27 where it says an unjust man is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked exactly right yep that that verse fits perfectly with because he's calling like god doesn't even talk about like a vile attitude towards the wicked i mean the calls them vile literally it's just reading the bible yeah out loud and he blesses those who a vile person is condemned in their eyes yes yep that's what the bible actually teaches yep so he's literally trying to lead people away from being blessed of god because god says he'll bless those when a vile person is condemned in our heights yeah like is that psalm 15 yes it sounds of seeing it but it's like the person that is blessed by actually having a vile attitude he's saying it's not welcome at their church so he doesn't want the blessing of god in their church so the king james bible would not be you know the bible says in psalm 12 8 2 i thought of this the wicked walk on every side when the vilest men are exalted and so oh we need to praise the sodomite well then we're gonna have the wicked walking on every side like todd michael todd like john ketch like a lot of these steven furtick i mean again they they act i mean steven furtick looked so faggoty fags probably wouldn't feel uncomfortable in that church because they would like appear more straight and more normal than him so it's like these guys are literally allowing for effeminacy and faggotry and queerness to be welcome in their churches john getcha saying come on in michael todd saying i i really wish i could like change the bible but you know i'm on your team buddy like i get it dressed like a fag be a queer come in my church i mean does anybody say trainees aren't welcome pastor mahia was that um earlier you quoted proverbs 17 was that right proverbs 15 15 sorry proverbs chapter 15 there there's also in uh chapter 24 i thought this was relevant to he that saith unto the wicked thou art righteous him shall the people curse nations shall abhor him yeah i mean people hate us because of joe biden and it's like yeah of course and and in fact a lot of people even hate us for some of our false prophets and it's just like yeah of course i mean it's an embarrassment i mean think of when we were in the bahamas everybody hated christianity i could i could see like imagine if this is your only exposure to christianity is john getch michael todd and steven furtick like i would think this is the most faggoty game i don't want anything to do with this well you see some young people who are realizing i mean that this is all they're exposed to and so they end up going into false religion as a result sometimes they'll convert to like islam or something like that which is obviously horrible but my point is is they're exposed to this fake christianity and they think that's what it is well christianity does seem to have the most variance i mean obviously within muslim the muslim religion religion islam there is sex like there's the shiite and the suni but the most liberal muslims they're not like this i mean i've never seen muslim churches acting and behaving like this i wouldn't be surprised if every muslim is fine with throwing them off buildings you know it's like it's just it's it's ridiculous that this represents christianity it's it's embarrassing it it almost does seem like god is like sending strong delusion or doing something because it's just like it's not only these people are existing these are some of the most popular preachers in america having some of the biggest churches in america that's what's crazy to me yeah it's sad unfortunately there's a lot more let's uh since we're since we're kind of on a a topic here let's let's keep this topic going a little bit because i know that we have a few more clips that are like this go to clip 17 with mike winger let's play this course i have to show you what he says so you can understand this teaching and how it's problematic so i apologize for what you're about to hear um it is uh not going to me too if i had a button on the pulpit i could push in every homosexual would fall over dead i will push it until i break my finger it speaks for itself the next clip is where he was asked what advice he would give to homosexuals i don't have any advice for homosexuals except to put a bullet in your own head so that you don't molest my kids or anyone else's kid yeah amen and finally where he talks about the possibility of a homosexual being saved by jesus i was just wondering is it possible for somebody that was gay to actually be saved and come to christ no i don't believe so because of the fact that you know if you look at john chapter 12 yeah he doesn't have anything good to say in john 12 um but in luke 13 i don't want to hear that some of us are sinners that deserve judgment but others are better that gets utterly refuted he doesn't say no one deserves it though that's what the secular view would be oh yeah but we're good people nobody really deserves judgment instead jesus goes the exact opposite and says everyone deserves judgment and this is the truth when you examine your heart and you know okay i've done some good things but i've also done bad things is this guy like a real past people like that's the nature of things and when you realize how holy god is how holy god is it's got a lot of books you realize this that if stephen anderson had a button like that on his um on his pulpit and he had a button to push it and all those who were under the death sentence of the law would die everyone would die everyone that's the distorted weird view that turns into something that looks a lot like hate speech that looks a lot like oh yeah um it is hate speech uh groups of people or or or highlighting you know one particular sin thing that you hate it you just look hypocritical because ultimately it is um we also if i say i want every murderer to die it doesn't soften violation of scripture yeah because the wages of sin is death oh that debunks ah this i actually hear this argument all the time right and it's so stupid it's like you really you really have to basically say you would believe in anarchy at that point say well there should never be a punishment for anything because we're all just sinners we all deserve death so you either have if you're going to take that logic to its its end conclusion do you have to do what he said press the button everybody dies or you would have to say there's literally no punishment ever but you can't then cherry pick which capital punishments you want if you're going to be biblically consistent and then this is what i always point out to be able to say then why if you're so mad though here's the thing pastor anterson is not does not have that button okay but you know what governments today really do have that button it's called the the electrifying chair the electric chair for murderers and they are killing murderers today so like why are you not so mad at texas legislature for having literally on the books a law saying that murderers will be put to death like you're so against the death penalty and you're so against people standing against this then why aren't you campaigning and making videos against the texas legislature if you're going to be logically consistent but they're not they're not logically consistent they don't understand the argument and they just want to be popular they want to have a youtube channel so they can't say hey that was a good i like that point i like i hope all these guys sound really soft too yeah they just sound like really effeminate and soft you know i i've yet to see like a hairy-legged man you know stephen verdick who is actually like espousing these beliefs sorry go ahead faster me i apologize no i mean it's it's true you know going back to that point of the fact that you know nations will be cursing you know the the person who exalts the wicked you know you kind of wonder why all these the world just mocks america and mocks christianity in america and i think of this verse here in jeremiah 18 verse 15 that says because my people have forgotten me they have burned incense to vanity and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths to walk in paths and not in a way not cast up to make their land desolate and perpetual hissing everyone that pass it thereby shall be astonished and shall wag his head and i'm just thinking like the world is just looking at us and just like they're just like they're just embarrassed for us and that's why a lot of people are converting to other religions who are espousing you know traditional families and everything because they see christianity in america and those who represent it such as joel sting and furtick and all these other false prophets they're probably just wagging their head as they're looking at how gay they look and how they talk and what they defend and you know that's why nations don't like it i want to continue with this thread because i have a lot more and i want to get to andy stanley but we do have a caller on the line and i want to give them the opportunity to talk to us for a minute we got um someone from the promised land past me tony from california hey tony how's it going can you hear us yeah i can hear you from the promised land yeah thanks for calling in how you going brothers doing great yeah it's great to see you uh yeah it's great to see you guys um i wanted to i just wanted real quickly i was wondering if you brothers wouldn't mind uh going over the doctrines of baptisms the doctrine of baptisms uh because there's a there's a brother i'm not gonna say any names because i just want you to go ahead and talk about it yourself but he's confused on the difference between the indwelling of the holy spirit versus the baptism baptism of the holy spirit baptism of fire and water baptism and uh in acts 238 mark 16 16 he thinks that's talking about baptism of the holy ghost so if you guys could just touch on that for some clarification well you know again when it comes to the word baptism i think a synonym is immerse and so i think all of them pretty much you use that terminology and it can be used in a lot of different contexts one that you didn't mention is the baptism of repentance so that's where essentially john the baptist is preaching that you have to completely change your mind kind of be immersed in a change of mind so there's water baptism obviously being immersed in water that's what you do after you get saved there's the baptism repentance that's mentioned in scripture that's talking about completely changing your mind and getting saved the baptism the holy ghost would again be being filled with the holy spirit and we see that in acts chapter number two specifically where the disciples literally have like a fire above their head they're filled with the holy spirit and they were able to speak with tongues and do other miraculous signs and wonders to testify of the gospel of jesus christ um you know the bible talks about the earth's going to be baptized with fire when it's essentially just nuked um i don't know did you have a comment there pastor mijia on no i mean i think it really depends upon what scriptures are we talking about because you know like you mentioned just baptism is used in various ways and i think people get confused because when they think of the word or read the word baptism they automatically associate it with water baptism and so um they essentially you know kind of give that definition to every single time that they read it but like you mentioned there's various types of baptisms the bible talks about one baptism and when you think about it in regards to salvation when you get say when you believe on the lord you're immersed in christ and so you know it really depends on the context but one thing we know that it doesn't mean is that you know you don't have to be baptized or immersed in water for salvation which is what people try to use acts 238 for and other portions of scripture you just got to go according to the context and you got to allow you know the the immediate interpretation regarding salvation being justified believing on the lord to be the scriptures that you go to when talking about salvation and not try to use these other scriptures that are they may seem kind of cryptic uh regarding baptism and salvation you know it really depends on the context and where it's being used did you have uh tony did you have kind of a specific example or do we kind of answer your question yeah i'll give you a specific exam and i agree amen brothers um but the specific example that i have is people thinking that mark 1616 and acts 238 is talking about baptism of the holy spirit rather than baptism by water it you know in the great commission well i you know again i believe in in acts chapter 2 you see kind of a baptism of the holy spirit upon the disciples there but when we talk about acts 238 you know they're kind of asking them like what should we do and the first one of the thing is repent which is get saved and then of course when they bring up um being baptized that's obviously the water baptism that they would want them to do i and i would think that mark 1616 is certainly water baptism as well just because you know that's the first step after getting saved and it's in context of preaching the gospel gillian to all the world and preach the gospel every creature is mark 16 15 and then it clarifies that he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved so i believe that that's definitely a reference to water baptism i mean especially back then people there was pretty much no hesitation people found out that salvation was by faith and they wanted to get baptized kind of immediately that's what we see a common pattern in the old testament um i believe that the baptism of the holy spirit was kind of a a special thing that was happening to specific individuals in the book of acts that they were given a a special anointing of the holy spirit so they could speak with tongues they could perform certain miracles and you know many of the disciples they were saving baptized for a long time before the baptism the holy spirit came upon them um so i i think that that's uh i think it's probably pretty clear that those two references would be water baptism i don't know if you've had another comment uh pastor mahia no that was good what do you think ben i agree well acts 238 specifically doesn't make sense for the baptism there to be anything other than water because it says repent and be baptized every one of you for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost so baptism is actually about the holy ghost receding so i have to i have like to me the the gift of the holy ghost there's the filling of the spirit so it's like i have to get the spirit in order to be filled with the spirit it's kind of a weird it doesn't fit the context doesn't even fit the verse itself mark 16 i don't blame somebody for wanting to try to make that about the holy spirit because then it gets rid of a problem passage so i understand the motivation but i don't see it based on the context either i've thought about it myself and i'm like is there a way that it could fit but it's water baptism it's part of the great commission it's clearly in reference to what jesus christ wanted converts to be doing yeah i grew up i grew up in a pentecostal church and they would always talk about this second experience after salvation where you'd get this like baptism of the holy spirit and you'd start speaking in tongues and even most pentecostals they pretty much attribute you know the baptism of the holy spirit to a tongue speaking event i've never even in those churches they never pointed to act 238 or mark 16 16 as proof and they're like super wanting proofs for you know the baptism of the holy spirit but you know again i i kind of believe that that was limited to that time period as kind of a special anointing because you know the bible gives us commandments to be filled with the spirit and you know we're supposed to uh sing to ourselves and and we're supposed to basically work on increasing our being filled with the holy spirit whereas i think back then god just kind of gave them just a supercharged like 100 that's why they're being immersed or baptized or completely filled with the holy spirit as a special miracle because think about it some of these people they got saved in the book of acts and then they immediately had the holy spirit come upon them and they're preaching the gospel like that's not a normal experience today people aren't able to just have that much special knowledge and ability to go so many i mean some people are saved for a long time before they ever feel comfortable even bringing up a verse like these people are just like immediately preaching the gospel and in a foreign language and they've never been studied before like this was a special thing because god wanted to fast track the spreading of the gospel back then he wasn't allowing time to to take its course so again i would limit that to a special event and um when it comes to mark 16 16 i believe this is like a this is you know of course just for all time i could see where they would come up with that because the ending of mark does bring up some of the apostolic gifts right that yeah so i've thought about it and like i said it you know i tried to make it fit i think you could if you want to but but again my point would be like everybody that i know that saved a pastor doesn't preach that and even the pentecostals don't preach that so i it would be such a a weird reading into the text and it it's not really um it it makes more sense to couple water baptism considering that's the common pattern throughout everywhere else in scripture so i hope that addresses your question brother tony it does and i really appreciate the in-depth response brothers thank you thank you god bless have a good night we got one more caller let's go ahead and take one more caller we got david from san antonio um hey david how's it going can you hear us uh hi hello uh pastor sheriff good being back on here again yeah how's it going uh going good uh hello to you uh brother bruce mea aka mano been seen and of course brother ben the baptist himself how's it going i don't know what he just said uh yes how's it going i'm sorry sorry i'm trying to talk into my mic because i have my headphones on no no i just don't understand the language you got it you got a question for us yeah oh oh yeah yes i wanted to talk about like because it's on the subject of bad preachers like i've noticed a lot of like these preachers that you think about they're what we would call on their spiritual high ward because i have a verse here that that applies to them and right here in a second timothy and chapter three verse seven it's all these false prophets they're ever learning and never even come to the knowledge of the truth because they just they're just arrogant on it even i didn't see them in like the mainstream ifb like like for example i know this one guy even uh brother stucky has uh has encountered him before but real arrogant is uh dennis corral i don't know if y'all are familiar with him he was even on the repentance heard of him okay yeah he was really big where's he where's he yeah he was really big uh i don't know where he is i can't remember but he used to be very big with uh jack hiles he used to preach a lot at howell vanderson and he's a he's a known attacker of the nisp too like he's a he's a clown basically did you so did you have a question for us yes uh yes like like how can you deal with like those who are like defenders of these guys who are up on their spiritual high horses especially when they're on their spiritual high horse like do i tell like could you like like speak with them at least twice and then like cut them off or how would you approach it well i mean here's the thing i don't i don't really uh try to approach these people at all i mean if you know especially you know michael todd i don't want to go around them or hang out with uh stephen furtick and try to shop for sweaters or anything like that so you know again for the most part you know i try to show you uh he he shops in the men's department so oh you know yeah yeah he doesn't have that issue yes furtick yeah that is true but how would you approach like those who are part of their church like to try to get them out like it's kind of my question well yeah i mean again i'm just i'm not really approaching a lot of people except for just soul winning specifically and so to me you know i i think that i typically have the same approach you know you're just checking if they're saved and and if they have something specifically like a pet doctrine you know then you might have some verses prepared but um honestly i wouldn't it's not something that i think you need to really obsess about like to me it's like these people are wicked you just kind of avoid them you know do so go soul winning and like you share clips share clips of preaching or um share verses with people that you think maybe address certain issues if you like know them personally or you have kind of a relationship with them already but you know i'm not i'm not like going over to to michael todd's church and standing outside with a sign saying like hey this guy's you know bad you know come talk to me or something it's like i'm just gonna live my life because you know the bible says in revelation 22 he that is filthy let him be filthy still so you know i think that yeah i'm not necessarily pursuing those individuals i'm just gonna uh keep in my lane and of course if i do run into somebody i'll discuss anything in the bible but most important thing is making sure they're saved because if they're going to church like this probably not even saved so you want to get them saved first before you even bring up doctrine because otherwise it doesn't even matter don't you experience that when you're talking with someone and they they're not even saved like doctrinal discussion is worthless totally not worth it whatsoever i want to yield to pastor mahia and see if he has any thoughts you hanging out with false prophets lately or what now like i have friends who are stuck in there and i'm trying to get them out so i would say like you know first of all i i'm what i think he's referring to is like ifb churches because dennis corley is a fundamental baptist and so unfortunately a lot of the old ifb have they have like false prophets preaching for them and you know you think of like someone like stacy shifflett who mocks once you know he mocks faith alone and you know he uh mocks the biblical way of salvation what do you do with people who are your friends who are under that preaching or they think that those people are you know men of god the the first thing is is that i don't i never approach them about it i wait for them to approach me and ask me about my opinion regarding a doctrine or a person but secondly you know i don't want to cast my pearls before swine and typically if i ever get into a discussion with someone in a member of the old ifb regarding a particular you know false prophet or someone who uh maybe is not saved to preach in a repent of your sins i'll just give them the biblical evidence and if they love the bible they love the truth they'll receive it and i'll convince them but if not then the bible says he that is ignorant let him be ignorant still amen and so if they want to remain in ignorance then all right see ya you know that's to your detriment and i don't really associate with people who uh are willingly under that kind of preaching i don't really like to be friends with people like that because you know i want to be around people who love the truth and if they give me an inkling that they don't love the truth and they're just ignoring the clear evidence that someone's a false prophet then see you later you know i i'm not gonna waste my time yeah well thanks so much for calling in uh brother david and asking those questions um again i would just advise you you know just try to avoid those kind of individuals i since you mentioned stacy shiftlet i saw name was dropped i saw a post on twitter today from a guy that says he's a baptist ben the baptist i don't know if we can pull up i tried to send it to my crew i wonder if they can pull up this tweet um pull it up let's see yeah what's interesting is i post so so i saw your your twitter post you retweeted him and you kind of or you quote tweeted him you basically i quote tweet you put some information on a lot of people so i clicked on his comment and i i basically posted a comment like i responded i saw and what did you remember what i said you i said so what does repent mean yeah does god repent i said what does repent mean when god does it and then i just posted john or jonah 310 that's right and then he blocked me i can't view the post i had to switch what a weasel i had to switch accounts to even view the post now so uh what a stinking weasel sorry sorry it's taking us a second to pull this up but you know i guess when you ask like i it wasn't even an insincere question it's a legit question he doesn't want to interact with his argument the guy posted this thing about how pull up his big we don't believe all up his comment we don't believe in repentance correctly well okay we've responded to your claim interact with the argument no yeah he just blocks you this is the same guy who got all upset because brother luke from verity called him had the audacity to call him and ask him about salvation what does he believe about could you imagine pastor shelley pastor mahea somebody calling you and asking you hey what do you believe about salvation how do you go to heaven and you getting upset about that it's weird i mean this guy so this guy's post for those that are just listening maybe it says repentance with big like you know warning labels here i'm talking about the old-fashioned holy ghost rending new testament requiring soul saving kind not this newfangled water down turning from unbelief to belief definition that's called believing and then you can't see it on the post i don't know if they can click the show more or not but it says repentance and believing are two sides of the same coin but they are not the same thing it takes both that's so funny to me because it'd be like saying like looking at the back of a penny and saying it's not a penny and then looking in the front saying it is a penny it's like you know i don't i don't mind people when they say it's the two sides of the same coin yeah i don't it is true like someone commented i liked some of the comments someone was saying it's like saying come over here and get in the car is it in order to get in the car you have you got to come over here right and he said like so repenting is the coming over here in the sense that you're changing what you believe to then believe the gospel because in order to believe the gospel you have to change your mind like you have to that's what i said in order to believe one must turn from yeah what did you let's read your comment a little bit what did you put here i i mean i thought i was fair in my response acts 19-4 then said paul john verily baptized the baptism of repentance saying the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on christ jesus in order to believe one must turn from unbelief that's repentance yeah i mean the guy's just a clown i mean here's the thing how how does you how do you take your definition of repentance and then apply it to god because he repents plenty of times in the bible now not to mention the book of jeremiah talks about repenting of good things so pastor mihai what do you think yeah i think the guy is a flaming false prophet i think he's a wolf in sheep's clothing and you know these guys who just kind of go out of their way to preach a repent of your sins doctrine like that and attack um you know easy believism are extremely wicked these aren't people who are confused about it and they're just straddling the fence and you know i'm sure a lot of his uh advocates and supporters who still don't seem to believe that this guy does not believe in the right type of salvation you know i'm sure they're gonna say why don't you call him brother you know why don't you have a conversation with him but apparently you guys have tried and he's blocked you so he's not trying to have a conversation about it he just wants to foment this false doctrine and not be accountable for it and so the guy is a complete clown he's a false prophet here i'll bring stacy sifat on the show any day any time he wants to explain to us what repentance really means as long as i can you know explain my position like but again these people don't want to talk about it and it's kind of funny like if you're not supposed to ask the pastor how to be saved who in the world are you allowed to ask like who are you supposed to clarify and he made some comment like i'm not going to respond to every student comment on twitter and it's like okay that's fine but how else does someone contact you though like do they have to be tithing at your church well then maybe you talk to them or like what's the what's the requirement here and again it's it's frustrating frustrating to see a lot of people defend him still in spite of these clear statements that he's made about his belief on repentance yeah and so you know are these people being respecter of people what's the deal you know we can't necessarily go ahead brother ben i was just want to say i i just don't see how that's possible he's made it so clear that he believes in work salvation i don't know how anybody could still defend him pastor mijo yeah he's a he's a wolf among lambs well there's a there's another comment says the easy believe-ism crowd isn't going to like you it's like okay yeah at least they know and then this is someone comments on that comment and said is it hard to be saved of course they're not gonna like him we hate every false way do you want to be the team that's like we believe in hard believe-ism like what like if you don't believe in easy believe-ism what do you believe difficult believe works yeah works oh we believe salvation's hard and it's by works okay well they don't like it when you call them out and say they believe in works they're like i don't believe in works i just don't believe it's faith alone okay so like in it by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace oh man yeah they even stacy shiftlet did this in one of the sermons where it's like you know people accuse me of teacher work salvation i'm not teaching work salvation i'm just saying you gotta turn from your sins i'm thinking like okay can you explain how it's not worked you you claim it's not yeah how can you tell me how no you can't because it is and you're a heretic that's turning from sin is literally an obedience to god's command and so and if the bible says that we're not saved by the commandments because that's considered work then it's works jonah 310 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law it just drives me insane because the word is repent is a neutral word like i alluded to a few moments ago in jeremiah 18 10 if i do evil in my sight that it obey not my voice then i will repent of the good wherewith i said i would benefit them so it's possible to repent of something that is good because the word is neutral but what shiftlet does is he attaches of sins to every single mention of the word making it nonsensical and it doesn't matter how often we repeat this they just ignore the point and they respond with well you just don't believe in repentance okay yeah i don't believe in repentance he brought back the 30 pieces of silver felt sorrow and he still split hell wide open bingo oh man i'm getting because he believed not from the beginning exactly i'm i'm trying i'm trying thank you pastor mahia for trying to share some sense a screenshot it's like again i i just comment on the thing and i'm just like okay so then what does it mean when god repents and blocked blocked that's what it means it's like like how can you have zero and this is this is the best part though i want you to show the proof i want to show the proof if you can but this is the mean this is the best part i don't have time to respond to all these comments and look at what everybody's saying but obviously you had plenty of time to look at my comment and read it and decide that you need to block me right i mean the guy that just doesn't have time to manage his twitter account he has plenty of time to block people that ask him really sincere genuine questions like and and here's the thing if someone asked that genuine question it's not like i'm the only person that has a brain that would like to potentially see or have that answered so it's like okay there was no ad hominems you didn't come at him like you devil worshiping piece of filth answer my question like you just asked a theological question yeah but i'm saying somebody else has got to have that question probably like sincerely why wouldn't you want to answer it like i'm not even i'm not even mad necessarily when we have trolls or somebody asked questions or whatever it's like okay well i'll just answer the question because you know there is a there is an answer to that question or even if you don't even if you choose not to answer just leave the question up like why even block it so other people can't see it yeah like who is afraid like what's the purpose of like blocking you and hiding the comment there's times when people ask me questions and i'm not going to look through every single question but i'm not going to block people you know blocking someone would be like i don't want anybody to get this idea in their head or something or have the same question or something yeah i've blocked people on twitter that are bots and spam or like showing gross pictures of stuff but it's it's like i've never i've never blocked somebody because they asked me a question with the bible like i was you know again these are the defenders of the faith this is the guy that's earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered into the saints hey what does jonah 310 mean blocked hey uh will you you explain your position on repentance in these verses no will you come on the show no he's like debate your position he's like i hate pastor shelley for he never prophesied good concerning me but evil i actually like the guy i visited his church and i've even sat in his office and had conversations with him and i want to like the guy but he just he will not answer these questions he will not he will not tell you what he believes on these things he won't address them he's not being sincere about it like it's just you know it's just bad i don't know what to say i think we should go to another video otherwise i'm just gonna keep did you want to do this one here with the winger again since we're on the topic of salvation let's yeah that's fine we'll save the indie consider two clear categories i'll be right back fuzzy categories of people a christian who's clearly a christian as far as you can tell you have real strong reason to believe they're christians an unsafe person who's clearly unsaved like you okay you've got them then you have these other categories where you've got like a person who um claims to be a christian but they're really not saved and then there's a person who claims to be a christian they're they're safe but you but you can barely tell right like they're in that fuzzy zone and you have these groups of people who you go that's good i'll give you are you the unsaved person who pretends to be christian or are you the saved person who just has a lot of compromise but you're still going to be saved i don't know how to unfuzzy these two groups personally i know there's warnings towards them i know there's warnings towards them hey if you're living these lifestyles you're not going to inherit the kingdom but how do i know how much sin is so much where i go you're clearly not saved now am i saying that your your sin made you unsaved no i'm saying your sin reveals that your claim to believe in jesus is not genuine you don't have real faith but how do i know like where exactly where's the exact moment where i go one less issue of sin that's gonna be saved one more you're not like i don't even know you're saved we don't know this so there's this whole videos i don't know paul just warns people he goes hey look if you're in this zone like you're in the scary zone get over here where your life is clearly scary zone oh oh your life is in christ or where you believe a false gospel um this doesn't mean i go around saying you're saved you're unsaved look if you reject jesus you're saved if you embrace jesus and your life appears generally consistent with the gospel of christ i would be like i feel confident you're saved but we need his list of how i'm gonna i'm gonna be hopeful i hope you're saved i just don't know because i have these warnings in scripture and i'm not sure how they apply to you that is a reality um a lot of pastors feel compelled to tell everybody who's even remotely in this group that they're all saved and this is very heartwarming and i feel the compulsion i want to tell you that but i don't think it's biblically true i think it's okay to be a little scared sometimes because your life style is contradicting your claims of faith it's okay to be scared about your salvation if that's you and you're listening god has given us the spirit of scared the the answer is not to grow despondent or depressed and not to be all woe is me those are all the bad things that got you into this situation get the sin out of your life so you turn your faith and trust in christ genuinely oh get saved again have an attitude of repentance and pray god help me have a real attitude of repentance here and have words bear the bear fruit that shows that that was genuine get saved again and have one solution is turning your life and focusing on jesus that's why these people get saved every week this is what got you into this mess that kind of thinking let me explain to you why what passage is he is he referencing stop pastor mahia uh it wasn't in the clip what passage is he referencing it wasn't it wasn't in the clip and i can't tell you specifically but pastor mahia he is responding in the in that clip to passages like first corinthian six uh verse eight where it lists these bunch of sins and then it says they're not going to inherit the kingdom of god you know there's several places in scripture like that revelation 21 8 1st corinthians chapter 6 so he's trying to say basically that if you have too much sin in your life you're not really saved it's pastor mike winger oh he's a pastor who is the pastor of bible thinker online ministry so he pastors a computer screen it's a computer screen he's a uh i got the verse i got the verse galatians 5 21 envyings murders drunkenness revelings and such like of the which i tell you before as i've also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god that was him expounding on that passage there yeah i mean galatians chapter 5 is absolutely right and it starts off with saying that the works of the flesh are made manifest and obviously in the bible when it talks about flesh it uses it uh synonymously with that which is corrupted right which is why when we get saved you know the only aspect of our being that is immediately redeemed is our spirit but our flesh remains corrupted which is why there's a constant battle between the flesh and the spirit if once we got saved the batteries came included if we did not sin that there would be no need for a command to walk in the spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh so the immediate the solution to the sinfulness of our flesh is the resurrection which is crazy to me that you know some of these guys you know they always talk about you know oh man you just have to have true repentance they're trying to fix a problem that only the resurrection can fix you know they're always trying to repent of their sins and not sin this way and making sure that we just live a complete clean life absent of sin but that's never going to happen you know god this side of eternity that's only going to happen at the resurrection when we receive the redemptions of our bodies and so you know the galatians chapter 5 is absolutely right these are the works of the flesh and the bible tells us in first corinthians 15 that flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of god which is why it requires a glorification of the body in order to go to heaven you know at the rapture amen first corinthians 6 9 i got the the verse wrong it was verses 9 uh through 11 that he likes to misquote as well or misinterpret let me just say this the whole point of that video is to make you doubt your salvation if you have a certain number of sins in your life that's the whole point to get resaved and to get resaved and do more works to determine that you're really safe so you could have an unsuspecting christian maybe they're backslidden maybe they're not going to church maybe they're not necessarily living a very spiritual life at the moment right now and they come across this video by mike winger the beta male and they listen to him speak and they say to themselves i must not really be saved or they start to doubt he said you should be scared that's okay to be scared the bible says these things have i written unto you that believe on the name of the son of god that you may know that you have eternal life that you may know mike winger says you can't really know because if you have a certain number of arbitrary sins that i can't tell you how many there are then you're not really safe to begin with go to hell how do you really feel i just said perfect love casteth out fear you know god did not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mine you know if i could only pastor youtube churches i'd be out of a job these guys with the youtube man they think they are like the greatest things in sliced bread give me a break well yes i have a channel but you know i'm not mike winger okay yeah if and i get 10 views if the woke the most woke company in the world is the one promoting me maybe i'm not really the best pastor like like have you ever thought about hey mike winger you know who also is popular on youtube uh transformation church and michael todd so what does that say like oh i'm being promoted on youtube i must be good it's like yeah look at all the other people that are popular on youtube so how does that justify the fact that you even have a church or a path i mean who are you shepherding you're shepherding literally no one you literally i mean imagine being an online shepherd pixels yeah but just saying like what do you do for a living i raise oh how many sheep do you have well i just do it online can i read this verse real quick because yeah the the fact that he said like you should be scared it's such a wicked statement and it's obviously he's divulging the fact that he himself is not saved because the bible says in romans 8 uh in verse number 15 but ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but ye have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry have a father the spirit itself bear witness with our spirit we're the children of god and so the fact that he says he's a little scared and other people should be scared he's obviously saying that he has that spirit of bondage he's not a child of god because of the fact that he doesn't know if he's saved but you know we know that we're saved because based upon the promises of god not based upon my obedience or you know my conduct my conversation it's based upon what god says in his word amen pastor mijia here's a question let's try to apply saving faith is never alone doctrine right so if you have somebody in your church and they backslide they get into alcohol drunkenness and they drop out of church and you go meet with them according to this doctrine if you want to actually be consistent with it you wouldn't try to get them to you know turn away from that sin necessarily you would have to take them to the romans road it's like hey you're backslid and you're a drunk now don't you realize that we're all sinners deserving of hell and you have to believe on jesus it doesn't make any sense that's stupid nobody does that in practice like in a practical way no one literally says oh you're backslidden you're in this particular sin you're a drunk whatever in fornication let me preach the gospel to you that salvation is by faith alone like what well again here the thing their gospel isn't faith alone their gospel is works they claim it is so they will preach works to them right they'll be like hey you don't really have the fruits of the spirit buddy you haven't really repented of all your sins you need to repent of all your sins so they can't preach them the right gospel they have to their gospel is not a once for all gospel it's a constant repeated lifestyle evangelism it's the blind leading the blind into the ditch let's go ahead let's go to another clip here we got uh your favorite preacher kenneth copeland and uh give you a chance to raise your income praise god you missed a place to shout right there that you need to get used to this now i can see why i can get into it now glory to god of course all of our so he gets demon possessed here in this clip toward the outreaches of kenneth ministries and and especially kenneth copeland ministries canada and it is and and the the territories under which the canadian office uh is um i thought he was having a biden moment alama the movement of the spirit of god that has been prayed over he just goes on like nothing happened or something people crying for the next time i forget what i'm about to say that's what i need to do throughout this entire north american continent but most people stay in these territories and in these places we sit tonight and then totally just go straight back to preaching lose your train of thought and just go crying and dying i think the goal the best part of it is he just he totally just ignored the fact that he just did that knowing because like there even if of course i don't believe in speaking beyond anything even though i don't believe in this modern day understanding of speaking tongues first trillians 14 says you have to have an interpreter where was the interpretation he was interpreting his own thing that's why he kept talking maybe they all speak gobbledygook so it doesn't really you know they all understood we just didn't understand you need to get saved ben so you can understand what he said evidently that was like the most entertaining speaking in tongues i've ever seen actually that's pretty funny goobily gobbly i thought you i thought he was gonna do the thing where he like he's like doing the slot machine have you seen that one i don't know if we can find or not but there's this one of kenneth goplin and he's he's screaming he's like money come to me now he's like screaming at the top of his lungs i like the the the wind blow like remix that he made for covet or whatever how he's gonna blow covet away or something aren't we still in the two week slow the spread or did it ever go away or what happened i have no idea well we're not on youtube so we can at least mention it but all right let's what do you have another copeland clip or what what was the oh we got uh yeah here we go what is this lever sticking up out there in front you get a hold of it and i mean you get it in your hand you got your teeth gritted you got a good grip on it and grip it down some more yeah and you say that money i didn't even do it justice everybody's doing it look at the people all the women third time's the charm okay your shout about it all right so when the bible warns about people being greedy for the liquor or like the sin of covetousness what is even kind of mind to these people like i'm screaming at the top of my lungs money in the house of god like what how could you ever justify that seems like a borderline case of someone who is covetous i know people that like him and i've i've showed them you know people that like him show them these clips and they still defend this guy so i mean i'm that's i'm just thinking like what does covetousness look like to you like so like to me it would be like hey if someone's standing in church screaming about money like coming to them that might be covetous you might be covetous if you're in church screaming money just a tad a little bit like i'm all for hallelujahs and stuff but that's you know i've never been in a church service where we're all screaming money come to me i appreciate my my crew for indulging me because i honestly didn't even do it justice it was way worse than i had remembered you were but i didn't i didn't want to like over exaggerate it yeah let's get uh the best preacher in the world the joker himself it did not come easy and i'm 45 years down the road but i finally maybe in the last like 15 years i can say that i don't waste any of my time feeling guilty i really like who i am i don't want to be like anybody else i don't compare myself with other people i've got some faults and i can tell you what they are but i've got a lot of good things going on too and so you need to learn to celebrate the progress you've made instead of being mad at yourself because you still have a ways to go how how old do you think this clip even is it can't be that old it's modern online it says she's 80 years old well maybe it was like 45 years from a particular event like how long she's been preaching yeah or something like that i don't know that's old she's been preaching a false gospel for a long time plastic like the joker yeah why is it why does she have like this perpetual weird grin thing is it plastic surgery or something like that i think they like tuck where they're like they went like this folders she's just like can you imagine when she's mad that is that is the clown right there i'm so mad at you that is the clown get i get off the screen i can't i can't even look at it i can't even look at it it's so vain like what's she her hair is shorter than almost every preacher like it's like she has shorter hair than steven fur take what is the outfit she's wearing these people just have the weirdest outfits leopard skin maybe like this is this is a modern day christianity yeah a woman looking like it the clown getting up and telling you you should never feel guilty about anything and how wonderful she is she's a god never matter she has another she wrote a book called that she has another clip where she celebrates that she got a tattoo let's do let's get that one the tattoo clip i have a nice little cross back there and it says i belong to jesus that's a tattoo another and just for good measure i put love on my foot to remind me to walk in love and of course dave he got a flag what does it say i can get it mixed up all the time i trust in the lord oh there's a guy that's one guy who got dragged here by the ear dave's 82 and got a tattoo i'm 79 this this is what the modern day church is tattoos how and in what way are they fulfilling the commandment that says let women keep silence in the church there's no silent woman there it's like the loudest church service it's like a bunch of seals this makes the new ivb seem quiet because i already know that i'm going to get literal seals but here's the reason why i'm telling you this this is the kind of stuff that we do leviticus 1928 and when i stand before god on judgment day before he makes any decision about me he's not going to call any one of you and say is there anything you'd like to add about joy at least she admitted she's going to be there on judgment day come on give her give her a standing o each of us is going to stand before god and give an account of our life and he's not going to ask somebody else what they think about what we did do you honestly think that i'm yeah because all of them like you and god doesn't care he's gonna condemn you i did it as an honor to god let's stop the judging the criticizing please and really just don't bother writing me letters telling me you think it's i won't i mean they're there they're not going away i like them i don't have any conviction about it and there may even big people here that think it's wrong and i'm okay with that i'm really okay with everybody having their opinion but i have a right to mine too your opinion sucks and this is what we got to get through our head if you think something's wrong don't do it all right let's let's stop i can't take let's stop getting a tattoo at the age of 80 of a cross on your back you know that thing is looking like a steak or something or a spear with all the skin sagging what probably doesn't even look like a cross anymore she's putting love on her ankle and it probably looks like cursive writing now you could see how like some worldly guy is going in to apply at the tattoo parlor and and they're like look dude lots of times girls come in here and take off their shirt and give a tattoo and he's thinking cool and then it's joist meyer he's like did you guys ever do like the uh the biology thing where you had to like you know you get the frog and you have to pin the skin to kind of like stretch it out you know i mean when you're dissecting like an animal you guys ever did that seventh grade yeah you have to like pin it to like stretch you kind of wonder if that's maybe what they have to do to her in order to actually do the cross you know what i mean they just kind of stretch out her skin but then it won't look right they won't look right when it's when it like folds back in or whatever yeah i'm sure they weren't like sitting here like please can i do it they were probably like hey it's your turn get the new guy hit the new guy probably have to do what they probably have to do is if you remember those old comic strips like mad magazine you know it would be like a fold in and so you have like a picture and you know you fold it out and it becomes like another picture so that's probably what they have to do to her back you know all the skin kind of folds and then you just kind of unfold and you just get another mural inside or something like that i'm just trying to guess of how that worked you know i don't know many 80 year olds that are getting tattoos like that like i would think like the tattoo guy she's like hey i want to cross my back and he just started laughing he's like what is serious he's like i don't know if you're surviving that she's like you're obviously joking look at your face you can't stop smiling she's like sorry that's how i am sounds like a dude too well that was she admitted that she's going to be there on judgment day though you know it's she's going to be accountable for her work here's the thing i don't know that he's violating first timothy 212 of first corinthians 1434 at all because that's a man well you know at the end of the day being a false preacher is not good being a woman preacher is even worse but being a false preacher is not good i agree with that she just says no she has no she she she struck out in every way but you know joel's wife is a preacher too i think we have a clip from her vicki see jesus was man until god touched him and put the spirit of the living god on the inside of him oh man that's encouraging today what the hell was that so jesus wasn't god jesus was just a man until god touched him and put the spirit of god on him so maybe he had his baptism so did he became god so did he become a god yeah that's what vicki is teaching us here oh jezebel i'm actually surprised i've never even heard that before but that's so blasphemous like i would think even people in his church would be offended by that that's that's surprising so you brought up jezebel is is this what the revelation to woman was like you think i think this is worse because god actually gave you know jezebel space to repent you know yeah well it's definitely not joyce myer because no one's gonna sleep with that well joyce myer is a man so it doesn't qualify yeah no one's no one's gonna it's still yeah it's still a no jezebel did paint her face on though so there's that little parallel that's true hey that's a different jezebel though i don't know we're going to ahab's wife here right right right hillary hillary clinton is do we have another clip i guess play it if we got it i want to remind every one of us today that we are not victims to our circumstances but we are victors see god called us more than conquerors we're not a slave to circumstances we're not captivated by our own thoughts but we can think the thoughts of heaven we can literally think the thoughts of our champion jesus christ he says that we are more than conquerors through christ jesus you know what when i think of a conqueror you know what i think i just picture this this ring with two boxers in there and i think about these boxers and how they have those big old boxing gloves on and they they smack each other in the face and you know what they don't fall down they keep on at it they keep at it they keep at it because they're champions they don't go into that ring thinking they're anything less but a champion now if they get knocked down have you ever watched them they bounce back up see champions how do we keep this mental bounce back how do we keep this emotional bank account 12 minutes long by the way all right let's just stop i'll be honest nothing she said i really disagree with in general i mean she's just saying i do i mean what about the whole boxing smacking you don't smack in boxing well smack them around the face yeah obviously i don't like the way she's saying it but i'm just saying like she's just saying we should bounce back from sure the obstacles of life she's really yeah she's not so bad that's i i would way rather go to that than to inspire i'm just yeah but here's the thing even if they say things that are right it's still wrong he shouldn't be preaching right i agree so that's that's the bigger deal let's go to this jew oh no oh man the bible says for zion's sake i will not keep silent and for jerusalem sake i will not i like the gravity christians united for israel are not keeping silent we are speaking out in the defense of israel and the jewish people israel is not a political issue israel is a bible issue king david commanded all believers everywhere for all time pray for the peace of jerusalem what verse is that prosper that love you david always praying no matter what who made heaven and earth listen behold he that keepeth israel neither slumbers nor sleeps that word keepeth is a military term meaning to defend he who defends israel neither slumbers nor sleeps there's an all-seeing eye constantly watching israel and it's god almighty man i am ready i don't know about you guys just no matter what just pray for the peace let's go to israel what about what about when jeremiah was told by god not to pray for the people and they were living in jerusalem stop too much bible too much common sense stop i mean was jeremiah like was god telling him to sin because david had already written that psalm so that psalm would have been accessible to jeremiah and he would have had it are we are we are you pray for jerusalem every day past me or what yes no i don't i pray for it you know i you know i think of it like elijah that he may get intercessions against israel you know i like to follow the examples of the of the men of the bible kind of go according to their pattern there well since you know all the men and and romans towards the latter end of romans uh chapter 10 and the beginning of romans 9 or excuse me beginning of romans 11 you have all these great men of god making these imprecatory prayers against israel well i like how they they kind of twist things because he he says like the bible says and then he's like for all people for all time to pray for jerusalem and then he quotes the scripture and it's like yeah the scripture says pray for Jerusalem but doesn't say for all people for all time he just adds that and then kind of makes it seem like that's what the verse saying whereas jeremiah 716 god's telling jeremiah pray not vow for this people neither lift up cry nor prayer for them neither make intercession to me for i will not hear thee well that's an excellent point but how do you apply pray for the priests of jerusalem priests excuse me pray for the peace of jerusalem how do you apply that in 2024 well here's the thing they're not they weren't praying for buildings back then they weren't praying for inanimate objects they're praying for the people which the people were the people of god so you would just pray for the people of god people pray for pastor mahea when his church is bombed we pray for that's a good idea pastor jimenez when his church is surrounded by 600 sodomites we pray for the peace of jerusalem in that context but yeah i'm not praying for a physical building and i'm not praying for a bunch of god-hating synagogue of satan individuals to just have peace no matter what well i guess we got to ask ourselves you know um are there bible believing christians in jerusalem is is there a house of god there there's not because in psalm 122 in general psalm 122 tells us for my brethren and companion's sake i will now say pray with peace be within me because of the house of the lord our god i will seek thy good and so obviously during that time you had the temple you had believers there but now you know the bible describes israel as being spiritually sodom and egypt and you know there is no temple of god there you know the bible tells us that the church is the is the is the house of god the pillar and ground of truth that believers are the temple of the holy ghost so that means that we should be praying for other brethren we should be praying for churches not for a nation that has completely rejected jesus christ and mocks him amen i want to we're getting kind of late on the show but i do want to play a couple of these stanley clips because they to me they encapsulate the worst preaching i don't know we've seen some really bad stuff but in the same vein as some of the earlier videos andy stanley really just makes me angry let's go and play this clip you don't seem to like him if one of us christians um has attempted has attempted to impose one of our christian rules on you i'm sorry um you know anyone who said but the bible says or jesus said or god you know and they they just try to impose one of their our christian rules on you i just want you to know i am so sorry how you choose to live your life is really none of our business this isn't context we've been doing this all along chances are this is an apology to fact send it by one of us so this is completely on us but this is what he said you're gonna love this lead a quiet life and you should mind your own business where did you get i thought we weren't allowed to save jesus says we are to impose our rules our family rules on people who don't even want to be in our family but one last thing while the rules don't apply to you god's love definitely the rules don't apply to you he loves you as if you are already in this is no morality related to hell well why does anybody go to hell if the rules don't apply to them so he got he got in a lot of heat for preaching pro homo messages and then he made this like apology to the homos like i'm so sorry that any christians ever said the bible says or jesus says now let me say that jesus says 2013 they even apply to well he calls them clobber passages i think we have another clip let's let's play another passage the gay men and women who grew up in church and the gay men and women who've come to faith in christ as adults who want to participate in our church oh my goodness i know first corinthian six and i know leviticus and i know romans one it's so interesting to talk about all that stuff is it but just oh my goodness a gay man or woman who wants to worship their heavenly father who did not answer the cry of their heart when they were 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 god said no and they still love god they don't we have some things to learn from i like how he has fire like surrounding someone made it with us and i know the verses special effects we got to figure this out and you know what i think you are i think you wouldn't come to a conference like this or you wouldn't have come back right we are and we'll be criticized for it go ahead and go to the other clip but i give this longer one of them they don't want to worship god they want to worship the creature more than the creator hi i'm 26 years old oh this is someone getting baptized in his church what is this what what are we looking at going through the motions when it came to this a homo and attending church this is a tranny taught that the bible was a book of rules and god was the rule master this brought on a lot of fear when thinking about having a close and personal relationship with jesus christ the people in my life that matter to me the most i don't know if this is like a dude trying to be a girl a girl trying to be a dude sure it's a chick trying to pretend to be a god to love and accept that for some reason the blackness of darkness forever and anyone else's in september of 2014 i had a decision that would completely alter my life and everyone around it die including my friends family your decision should be to die i was lucky to meet up with elaine scott and clay scroggins immediately church in order to can we skip this one bullet head to receive make you suffer his heart they i'm not looking at it that that's not the answers i need exactly as you are it's a woman and the confidence that comes from knowing that past to a woman pastor baptizing and i am this tranny honored to do your oh that's the pastor based upon your profession of faith it's like an assistant pastor in the name of the father and the son and the holy oh this thing keep them under keep them under so so it's like people act like oh ailey staley's preaching doesn't affect anything or whatever all these pro-home messages but then he's now having trannies baptized in the church open trannies it's not even like you know from their perspective they're not even trying to like stop being a tranny they're not even like repent of your sins like they're just open trainees yeah now no need to even repent this is just insane he i i i want to make sure i have the other clip do we have the oh yeah show this tweet this is a tweet from andy sandley he said i don't do gay weddings but i can't say i would never do a gay wedding if my granddaughter asked me someday maybe i would you know the only reason he doesn't do gay weddings is because he hasn't been asked yet apparently well i think every wedding is a gay wedding but not everyone is a faggot not everything's a mockery of marriage it's a two sodomites play play this last clip of him and maybe maybe you can join me in this hatred for andy stanley oh how do we explain this i met a family in our children's ministry a husband wife and their elementary school age daughter and we got to be friends and meal together i did a couple of funerals for parents and just you know not super best friends but knew them tracked with them knew what's going on see them at church about five five and a half years ago she discovers that he's in a relationship with another guy and it's devastating of course and it breaks her heart and there's you know there's just the deceit and all the stuff that goes with with those kinds of things and of course confusing for their daughter and embarrassing it's just it's just it's just a big mess is embarrassing she gets an attorney um you know and and to their credit they asked the attorney to represent their daughter so that however this worked out it would be best for her so a single attorney worked this out and in six months they're divorced and there's all the shrapnel and all the wounds and all the betrayal and all the confusion and all the you know all that's all there you've been through that you've seen it you have family members whether or whatever kind of divorce it is it's just all there and it's as painful as it can possibly be and then some months after the divorce was finalized he shows up here at our north point campus with his partner and she's here and it was either easter or christmas i can't remember it was a it was it was a big sunday and she is mad three-syllable mad okay she is upset she is you know she's like you would feel if it was you or your sister your daughter she said look this is my church you know you cause this problem you go to any church you want to in atlanta but you can't come to this is my church i need a worship free i need a trauma-free zone and so you go somewhere basically she kicked him and his partner out of our church and so they left well as you know we have someone was willing to kick them out of church it turned out they decided to attend a different one of our churches and it was the one that was closest to them so they attended buckhead church and as the story goes the very if i remember this right the very first sunday they showed up at buckhead church was our strategic service sunday and the strategic service sunday we spend the entire time recruiting people to volunteer and i cast a big vision and you know we're going to change the world come help us change the world and so my friend's partner said hey i like this church i think we should get involved so on the first sunday they're there they go down to sign up to be a strategic service and join a host team one of our guest services teams well a few weeks go by and i'm checking on her how's it going and she said that's good you know we talked about the you know she kicked him out of the church and how's that going you know and and she said well that the good news i guess is that they're back in church i said oh great where she said they're going to buckhead church she's in this she kind of chuckled and she said not only that they're serving i said really she was yeah they joined a host team now what i knew and i double-checked with her to make sure i was correct was the last i where we had left off was he my friend's partner and he's a friend now but back then not so much my friend's partner was still he became a closer friend and so i said to her i said now he's still married right and she said yeah the divorce is taking longer than they expect it's kind of getting dragged out so i called my buddy and said okay i know things have been awkward you know between us but look uh and i'm glad you're in church that's a good thing and i'm glad you're at one of our churches you know that's a good thing but your partner he's he's still married so see this is just good old-fashioned adultery like you're in a sexual relationship with someone else's husband you know you know i've never said that before but anyway so i said so you can't be honest guest services team okay this is you're just living in you know this is clear and he you know he he's he said and he's getting on him for adultery and it's funny now it wasn't funny then he said well he's married but he's almost divorced okay we're all he's almost divorced they're at the very end i'm like you can't be almost divorced okay you're married or you're not as long as he's married you can't serve on a host on a certain guest services team and so i kind of you know kicked him off the team he said well my partner he's going to be really upset about this because he loved the church and he loved the fact that we're going to be able to connect i said well you know what i'll i'll talk to you if you guys want to come in i'll talk about this so they came in to see me now a few weeks ago during the an rice message i introduced some of you to a new word the new word was disputatious okay disputatious so when they came to see me the three of us had a disputatious conversation it was really really awkward and bad and to to our you know to my friends partners defense it's because they showed up at buckhead church and they never saw me down there just pause it for a second you know what i get any moment he's gonna say he's gonna end up saying like my partner's friend or something like like this is what's so funny to me is they they kind of say like you know christianity is not like a bunch of rules and you know we're not just imposing all these rules on people like don't be a faggot but but then he's actually applying rules on this individual and the reason why it's so confusing is because he's unwilling to apply the right rules because if he applied the right rules he would never have to address this specific situation he's like i wonder why like it's so confusing the bible doesn't address this kind of a weird scenario or whatever it's just like uh it already did he should have been stoned to death he should have done another funeral that would have been the solution but of course he's now trying to explain to a faggot why he can't serve on a team not because he's a faggot but because he's committing an adulterous type of faggotry he's not being faithful in his faggot relationship well he's not being a faithful fag and here's the thing it'd be okay he he here's what his instructions are divorce your wife be in the relationship with this other dude then you can serve at our church but as long as you're married to a woman you can't serve at our church right like let's just play the rest of this clip because it's just so bad and so he said how can you kick me off out of a church you're not even the pastor there i'm like well you're right so i did what every great leader does i said let me give you the name and number of the pastor at buckhead church and you can call him and talk to him about this all of our churches have different pastors and so i gave him jeff henderson's name and i called jeff and said someone's gonna call you it might be disputatious and so to their credit to their credit because who's got time for this they talked to jeff and jeff said as long you know you're married this is just adultery you can't serve on a guest services team and so understandably they um left the church oh and you know what if i were them and saw the world the way they saw it at the time i would leave to who wants to go to a church that says oh we want you to come help us oh you can't help us so they left the church wow wow he's he said if he was then he would have left the church too is that what he said that if he was them he would have left the church too he should just leave the church for sure he should just leave this earth i mean this this guy i feel like he was just angry that his buddy didn't pick him that he picked this other dude and he's just like yeah so he's like you know fine just leave you know whatever just what kind of i ben what do you i want to hear what you have to say on this issue do you like this guy i i don't know what we just listened to but i could tell you this that uh this is a predator this is a revolting sick sub-human degenerate and this person needs to leave the planet immediately well this is this is what i think so funny about the story too if you pay attention he's like i wasn't really a friend with him back then but after he came out as a faggot and divorced his wife and started sleeping with another dude then we became really good friends i'm like oh what did you come in common with after that like you know you become friends with people because you have commonality it's like we weren't really friends when he was married and straight normal but then when he divorced his wife and came out as a faggot we became really close what in the world he has to be a faggot himself i mean there was no other explanation to me for this degeneracy for this deviancy he is a pervert he is sick he needs to stay the hell away from children this is a sub-human rat and let me tell you something right now this is christianity in 2024 the representation of christianity in 2024 mainline christianity in the modern era this guy is profaning the name of the lord jesus christ he is an embarrassment to the lord jesus christ the fact that he would use the name of jesus at all ever in his entire life is embarrassing it is sick it is grotesque it is so evil i cannot even put it into words i cannot believe what i just listened to i've never heard that before i cannot believe what i just heard that's the real bit that was the bit i was waiting for it just took you a minute to reboot but because it was so bad i'm just like like this is church today and again this is charles stanley's son who is a really famous preacher had tv show for a long time highly respected this guy this guy is so bad even the liberal pastors are calling him out like that's how bad do you have to be for liberal pastors to actually say something about you i guess we have our answer right there it almost seems like they're having a competition to see who can be like the most blasphemous at this point like i don't i don't even know like they're just 20 years ago when i was a little kid in church there's no way you could convince me people would be doing these things no where are we at are we headed to worse it's unheard of and i think you're literally seeing it get worse and worse by the day to have somebody get up and say the things that he said i mean you have churches today that they're not just endorsing faggotry they're literally like opening the doors wide open and saying we love you more than even straight people there's there's these these false prophets that get up now and they say fags are actually more godly than christians i've heard that before i mean this is what yeah this guy says the same there's another clip of him i don't think we have that one well he makes that point he makes that and he's not the first one to make said that uh basically they they're braver than all christians he said that fags are braver than all christians because they're willing to go into an environment where they're not welcome and he said which of you actually no he said they had more faith he said they had more faith than the christians in his church because they're willing to go to places where they're not wanted and i'm like that's not faith that's being a reprobate with a seared conscience going somewhere where you're not wanted i mean why would i want to go somewhere where i'm not wanted i'm not going to walk into a mosque and and just try to hang out with a bunch of muslims like i don't that's what these homos do is they go to places where they're not wanted that's why they harassed these are spots in your feast of charity amen that's why they went to first feeding themselves without fear hey pastor mahia i love end times bible prophecy i know you do as well do you see it getting much worse than this it when the end times begins i mean like once daniel's 70th week hits is it gonna be like even worse than it is now when it comes to these false churches well i remember just like 10 years ago thinking it was pretty bad i didn't think it was gonna get this bad and you know recently there's a there's a conference uh like a men's conference where uh one of these false prophets was attending his name is mark driscoll and it was a men's conference and they literally had like a male stripper there and he got up and like rebuked it but then was rebuked and then he apologized for it and it's just like what the hell's going hell's going on you know you just kind of wonder is this like apostate can this apostasy get any worse but obviously you know if you have the whole world wondering after the beast or worshiping the beast this is a group of people who have been desensitized to the truth for years on end so it could possibly get worse i mean you know this is why it's important that we preach the word that we're instant in season out of season we're proven rebuking and exhorting with all long suffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but will heed to themselves teachers having itching ears they're going to turn away their ears from the truth and be turned into fables and so obviously the bible predicted this and you know this is where the line is drawn between bible believing christians and those who are you know essentially parading masquerading as bible believing christians if you're not sickened by this if you're not injured by it if you don't if your blood does not just boil to hear and see those things you know either you're just a wicked person yourself or you're just you've grown completely apathetic towards the things of god and you need to get right with god because you know this should anger any even the most lukewarm christian should get angered by listening to something like this and you know this guy and all he's doing is moving the goal post of what christians should be fighting for obviously we should be angry at adultery but he's literally saying that adultery is worse than being a sodomite and so you know that's all i got to say about it you know and it's just it it angers me it upsets me but it makes me want to preach doctrine that much the more and draw the line and be very clear and concise about what the bible actually says so that i'm not a part of the problem you know as to why churches are doing stuff like this i mean could you imagine in one of your churches gentlemen some faggot walks up to you who you know he wouldn't be allowed to walk up to me in the church who you know uh cheated on his wife with a dude right and you find this out i mean i couldn't even before the neurons or whatever they're even called in your brain begin to fire that dog that filthy dog would be grabbed by the neck and thrown through the glass out of the building let alone sitting there having this negotiation or whatever the hell that analee stanley was doing we have we have the other clip of him and i want to play i can't take it i i will explode i will i will literally lose my mind my righteous soul is vexed right now gay person who still wants to attend church after the way the church has treated the gay community i'm telling you they have more faith than i do they have more faith than a lot of you gay men and women who grew up in church and the gay men and women who come to faith in christ as adults who want to participate in our church oh my goodness i know first corinthians i know leviticus and i know romans one it's so interesting to talk about all that stuff but just oh my goodness a gay man or woman who wants to worship their heavenly father they don't have one and they still love god just keep the picture up because i found it you are a faggot you are a predator you need to be uh prevented from being around children he's worse than you are disgusting you are filth what a devil you are a reprobate you will split hell wide open god hates you i hate you we hate you yeah but but here's the thing that's that's frustrating is because youtube doesn't allow us to even be on there make clips because here's the thing we would make clips of this guy and show how stupid and faggoty and queer he was making fun of him and they would be so viral they'd be so popular everybody would be like oh wow christ real this is real christianity and oh there are some cool christians out there but they have to ban us and then leave this crap up to just make christianity look bad that's the frustration i want it to be where when people search for preaching they see pastor bruce mejia they see pastor steven aderson they see pastor jonathan shelley not this demon yeah and again it's like they leave the flat earth conspiracy on youtube to just make conspiracy theorists look stupid and they leave this trash this filth this reprobate this false prophet up to try and represent christianity this is not christianity this is fake this guy is probably a sodomite probably wants to be a sodomite and even if he isn't he's a lover of sodomites so you know he's just as wicked as they are he's even worse because he preaches a false gospel and he's damning souls to hell he's bringing these predators into his church causing children to stumble causing children to get in effect with this in fact i i'm pretty sure we definitely don't have this clip but he explained how he wants to create a program to deal with all the teenagers in their youth department that are openly gay because he said that they had a whole bunch of kids like young kids coming out saying that they're gay and they're sodomite in their church and they need to figure out how to like deal with that situation and it's like this guy is a breeding ground for sodomites like this guy is literally the queen bee producing fag after fag with his false gospel and that's how fags are produced folks is by preachers preaching a false gospel and damning their souls to hell making them twice dead twofold more the child of hell themselves and that's why his church is filled with fags it's not a cultural issue it's a spiritual issue and he is perpetuating this faggotry he is scum he is the worst no one should ever listen to him i'm embarrassed that he claims the name of christ i wish god would strike him dead right now i wish that the guy that went to attack mari mari would go go to him him go to this head and i hope nobody else is harmed in the process just him just him and the fags in his church and his buddy and his buddy's buddy and all their buddies but i don't want any innocent good people to be harmed by them but at the reality i mean praise god for rumble that we can at least expose this to a few people but boy you know we need you guys or listen we have over 300 people in the stream we need you guys to wake people up you know i can't talk to pastor shifflet anymore somebody needs to talk to him for me okay you know i'm blocked i'm banned you know shadow banned whatever but you know we need people to get out there and make some noise point out who these false prophets are you know i'm glad that we have men like pastor bruce mahia in california and pastor mahia you had a pretty good following on youtube before they decided to unperson you where the jews got me you need to make some some instagram clips with with uh some of these false prophets because your instagram clips are awesome your video looks good your your suits you always like wearing like the best suit i don't even own a suit as nice as all like your worst suit i'm just trying to look like a fundamental baptist you know you got all these guys on on instagram just you know making videos in their bed and in their pajamas or whatever and sweater in their pink sweater you know i just put on a suit with a shirt and tie and just give doctrine i don't know if i can make any clips about these false prophets though because i'm already sick to my stomach i mean my soul is like my spirit is just vexed just from listening to this guy i'm kind of sad that i have to end my night this way with that guy's voice in my mind you know from the sodomite deception maybe that'll help and on a good note cleanse the palate a little bit it's kind of like you you eat too much food or something at fogo and they give you that weird thing that cleans your palate or something i don't know have you ever tried it it's like these weird bananas or something it looks like a banana but it's like not oh i've never eaten them i've looked at it and have not eaten them oh that's good stuff those are good you like that what is it hains it's plantain fried plantains it looks delicious but i was like oh that is not what i was anticipating it to taste like i i i really hope i think that there's a clip maybe i can find it for my production guru there's a clip of pastor anderson ripping on john gach it's inside of my deception all right let's go ahead and play it not the censored version though yeah somebody sent me a clip from this phony baptist preacher from west coast baptist college you know paul chapel's little queer factory he already sent us pastor polka dot to start his little queer sounding music and skinny jeans church in tempe he's got this guy dr shetler i believe is his name jim shetler this guy is a grown man and he's preaching to grown men and he's preaching false doctrine about repentance right as a lot of independent baptists are messed up on that subject this guy is a grown man speaking to grown men and i kid you not i'm not exaggerating at all and you can listen to it for yourself this is how he talks to grown men he's like all right now when we talk about god repenting you know we're gonna have to learn a little bit of hebrew all right this is exactly how the guy talks so what does it mean when it says god repents well here's what the word means it's really cool the hebrew word means it has actually two meanings and here's here's the first one the first meeting is that's not a word all right let's play let's play this other clip for a moment because that we have okay every human being regardless this is what's so funny that stupid whale noise you would think that that had you know the bible says that all things work together for good to them to love god to them that are called to his purpose he's like i can i actually use that whale clip that that moaning of jim shetler in this video at the end see if you can see if you can find it but from their ethnic background their education their financial status their religious beliefs and sexual orientation deserves to be treated with respect and dignity liar let me say it again every person on this planet regardless of their sexual orientation happens with west coast deserves respect and dignity and it has this guy john getz okay independent fundamental baptist this is the center and here's what he said he said every person on this earth deserves respect and dignity regardless of their sexual orientation this is in a baptist church in the house of god how can someone just not be afraid that god is not just gonna strike them how can anyone be that bold i mean do you not even believe god exists john getz how in the hell can you stand up behind your pulpit as a man of god and not think god's gonna strike you dead to stand up and talk about people's sexual orientation you faggot you're wicked how can you get behind the sacred desk have some respect for the house of god for god's word for god's pulpit this book doesn't talk about his sexual orientation it talks about sodomites filthy dogs vile fruit beast damnation and hell what it talks about fag well how dare you call me fag you know what fag fag fag faggot if he's not a faggot why is he so soft and interested in defending fags fag look me idiot oh man hey that looks like a good looking movie maybe you should watch that people should check it out sodomitedeception.com has an epic epic intro sodomite deception got me in trouble on the airplane it was so epic it was like during covid and i'm like over here blasting and like laughing and it's like you gotta put your mask on oh i was there she actually threatened it was epic we're on the tarmac and she threatens to turn the whole plane around because of you it was too epic of a intro thanks again pastor mijia anytime we need an intro we just have to ask pastor mijia because he just makes like the coolest movie intros i have to be highly motivated and so that movie was you know like to be a part of those types of projects and pastor mijia also gave us the intro to lgbt terrorists awesome epic intro as well which we saw and we're immediately frightened because of how good it was and we're worried about how to make the rest of the film uh match that yeah it's okay we didn't but you know we did yeah the best part is where he timed the like the beating on the window i thought with like oh that was great you know that was that was really good that was brilliant well that was some bad preaching sorry to vex your soul there maybe i yeah i'm pretty depressed now that our ears are bleeding i have to be honest though i really enjoyed pastor anderson's rant and i really enjoyed ben's rant here that was really you know your rant made me feel better because see i've already gone through this suffering personally so it wasn't my first time i'm i'm going through the healing process still and you were helping me heal by uh preaching live therapy baptists therapy yeah i'm starting the healing process now this isn't this isn't honestly the old like the worst stuff honestly there is even worse stuff i mean we didn't play like clips of literal fags with their church services what they're saying doing i'm warning you it's way worse there is worse stuff out there i believe you you don't have to convince me but i i think that is important for us to at least you know not pretend like these things aren't happening but address them because again i think these clips would be viral on youtube but youtube doesn't want to play their clipped out version with us commenting on it that's for sure well do you have any uh final thoughts for us here pastor here anything else you wanted to say before we kind of wrap up yeah i mean the only thing i have to say here is you know this is why we preach as hard as we preach so don't get mad at us you know we have this type of content for our fuel and we are angered by the unrighteousness and the perversion of false prophets and this is why we preach doctrine we're specific we're not vague about it we use a lot of bible content because of the fact that we are fighting the wave of false prophets in this world and we're trying to show the world what true biblical christianity looks like and so you know don't get mad at the messenger when we draw the line in the sand to let you know what is right and what is wrong we're trying to draw that distinction there get yourself in a bible believing church especially if you are a part of one of these uh churches with false prophets you know you need to run screaming in the opposite direction go to steadfast baptist church join yourself to annoy ifb church get involved and get in the fight amen you know i i can't understand how people they they say like it's hard to listen to our preaching and they listen to that like that is the hardest stuff i've ever like it's so hard it's so cringy to have to listen to i want to read some of these comments corbin russell said if stanley isn't a literal fag then i don't know what is my thoughts exactly deacon russell my thoughts exactly oh man we've got we've got uh lots of people saying shout out hey that's my pastor also corbin russell how does god not strike that guy dead on the spot what a retard and i i don't know how to pronounce this dude pastor anderson is such a breath of fresh air after all that terror we just sat through god bless him fbc vancouver that dude is a fag that really just i don't know when that was said but it applies when pastor anderson met polka dot in public bearded baptist 16 11 and with the ending of the sodomite deception hey you got it are you are you willing to do that or no the whole movie no no just watch just watch it on your own i guess yeah we we've got a lot of people in the chat sodom bible college that's definitely from miss king oh corbin russell said for you bid to get the rope get a rope happy to do that a lot of amen pastor where he is a lot of even pastor driscoll drifter from jtech 2000 as of the days of noah that's definitely an applicable corbins got the zears maybe we should have brought him on he would probably had uh a lot of uh this person says pardon my french but even some long-time baptists approve of this and it sucks someone says oh sbc vancouver says shetler jim shetler i i call him something else but i don't want to get uh in trouble what does that mean you should know you should explain it to me bring in the jews let's go to the jew oh man well thanks so much for tuning in guys live uh we've got another great show next week we're bringing on a special guest from australia nick holt who's actually done some interesting interviews he's interviewed carrie lake he's interviewed uh one of the best trumpet personators out there um i'm pretty just excited to have uh another guest on that can give us an idea of what's going on on the other side of the world because a lot of people have no idea what's going on i think it'll be an interesting conversation i'm really excited to have that show and then there's also um some other exciting guests we're gonna have um we actually are gonna have uh owen shore back in the show to do a special interview about his experiences in prison that's coming later this month you want to check that out also we have a couple debates that are gonna be coming down and i'm just gonna go ahead and just say it now but apparently there's this flat earther that wants to have a discussion or a debate and i really never thought i would ever do this but i guess just once for all we will bring them on for the most hostile debate ever because flat out there's either stupid wicked or both it's hard to find one that's not both what do you think about a a flat earth debate call him stupid and i'll be happy okay guaranteed but uh that's all i want you know you wanted me to bring jonathan burris on but i just this is lame he won't he won't debate me on the internet he's probably hey jonathan is he watching oh i'm sure he is what's up bud he loves you y'all are like best friends i think we've gone back and forth a little bit he hasn't blocked me yet though so but he you know i would be willing to bait online whatever but he just wants to be in person so can i put a bow on my thoughts with a couple verses oh yeah give us a final thought and we'll sign off jeremiah 23 is savage and i love this chapter but in verse 11 it says for both prophet and priest are profane yea in my house have i found their wickedness saith the lord wherefore their way shall be under them as slippery ways in the darkness they shall be driven on and fall therein for i will bring evil upon them even the year of their visitation saith the lord one of many passages in which god is rebuking false prophets verse 14 says i have seen also in the prophets of jerusalem an horrible thing they commit adultery and walk in lies and it goes on that's god's opinion of these spiritual predators so don't wince don't get upset don't get mad at us and some of the things that we said over the course of this live stream we are doing nothing other than echoing the very same sentiment that you find in the king james bible over and over and over again regarding these liars regarding these charlatans who intentionally twist the scripture for their own self-aggrandizement and monetary gain we haven't done anything that isn't backed by scripture on this broadcast and i would hope that you would recognize that instead of getting mad at us get mad at the liars open up a king james bible and understand how god feels about these people and feel the exact same way put on the lord jesus christ his character not your own and i want to say thank you so much for passing me here coming on the show uh great guy great pastor you got to go to first works baptist church in la i don't even care if you live in california just drive out there just just go see it i mean basically it's it's one of the coolest places and they're not in la so that's the the cooler part about it they're actually in orange county so i've heard it's like maga land so ben would of course love it out there wearing his trump shirt and uh but no seriously it's great church great in fact not only is pastor he's great his whole church is great they have some of the coolest people and honestly it's it's kind of not fair that they're on our team because they're so cool they kind of it's it's like that cool friend that you get and uh they definitely we like to give them a hard time even though they're a lot cooler than us but that's pretty much gonna do it for us on the show make sure you tune in tuesdays 8 p.m we're gonna have a couple special streams as well so check just the the stream we'll put out announcements follow me on band pastor don't be like stacy shifflett and ban me because you know what everybody's got a perspective but you need to get the baptist bias you