(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you Everybody thanks for joining us for another episode of the Baptist bias. I'm really excited about our show this evening We're gonna be talking about feminism. We've got a special guest Elijah Shafer from slightly offensive is gonna be joining us Before we get started though, we're gonna get kicked off with our pentalogue All across this country women are being held down by a patriarchal system designed to enslave females against their will The obvious solution is a cultural revolution focused on feminine needs wants and desires namely Feminism nothing could be more freeing than kicking off the shackles of a husband and getting up early Putting on that name badge driving into work and showing up to that morning meeting ready to do whatever your boss tells you Oppression has been destroyed Simply throw off the shackles of your misogynistic overbearing red-pilled husband and march right on to work for your sympathetic understanding and caring boss What victory I? Can't even imagine a world in fact where women would take orders from men except of course when flight attendants obey the pilot and secretaries obey their boss and Teachers obey their principal when waitresses get everything their customers want Nurses when they tend to every need of their client when maids clean up every mess But my point is it's beyond cringe to think of a society that would make women answer to men Without women in the workplace the world would obviously Collapse we'd have less adultery less complaining less accidents higher standards no maternity breaks no need for HR and Everyone knows our society couldn't possibly function without those things Really it would destroy all the obvious Contributions that women in the workforce bring to the table if they left it I mean think about this if you were in the middle of a bank robbery All right Would you want a bunch of heavily armed young? Strong red meat eating chads to bring their hammer down on a bunch of thugs or a small flock of compassionate eco-friendly progressive feminists to talk down the poor Victims of systemic racism, it's obvious which one of those scenarios would turn into a bloodbath Look, I just don't want you to get confused into thinking that women would actually enjoy not having a job staying home having children cooking cleaning Shopping going to church and following their husband's vision for the family only radicals would live that way And it's obvious they have the Baptist bias You Thanks everybody for joining us again for the Baptist bias, I'm your host pastor Shelley I'm here with my co-host been the Baptist want to say hi to everybody excited to be here. Thanks for having me on It's gonna be a great show tonight. We've got Elijah Shafer. We're talking about feminism It could be triggering to those of you out there who have an unnatural Hair color that are women and the effeminate limp-wristed male feminists out there who are hate watching the show But we don't care go get a tissue cry about it doesn't matter to us. I'm looking forward to the show So we'll go ahead and introduce and bring on our guest. We have Elijah Shafer from slightly offensive. Can you hear us? All right Yeah, I can can you guys hear me? Yeah, sounds good So thanks so much for joining us Now I I'm happy I was gonna say real fast I'm very happy to be here because I did watch some of your other content and I feel like there's not enough genuinely conservative Biblically based men who are not trying to be influencers and are not trying to be like famous But they're trying to give a biblical worldview first and then not worried about how it's received because it's usually the other other way around So I checked you guys out before I came on here I gotta say I was impressed and I'm very grateful to be on the show with you guys Well, thanks for the compliment and I know that you like to always start off your show with some high energy So we figured we would do the same and we would get down All let's do it. Oh Yeah, you know what is this the same music from the show it is we ripped it Baptist water they would get some confetti going But you have to if you're white you it's part of the being white mode It's like you have to do like the worst dance moves ever. You know, I mean If you don't have bad white dancing, are you really white question Oh Because white people used to dance well when the cocaine was good in the 70s, but now Yeah Now we just dance like this, you know, we just dance like yeah on the streets of Philadelphia. I kind of just Do a little bit of Will Ferrell Well, we just have a little bit of funds Yeah, I loved it man, I'm feeling pumped you know, I am I didn't want to bring too much energy I don't want to I didn't want to get too hyped For the show because you guys seemed like you were like, hey, let's be an intellectual. Let's talk about this, but Thanks for bringing me on for a topic that I love. So let's get let's do it yeah, I've seen you have a lot of different clips and a lot of different shows where you Really covered this topic, but I want to play a clip that Ben kind of made for us here clip number one It just I guess just a collage here I haven't even seen it So, I don't know what I'm getting into but we're gonna play a little bit of feminism here and see what's going on cringe I'm so sick of talking about men. I have a male, baby Man man, man, man, man, it's always about men Oh Screaming she's consoling I Ripping apart a sign There I was thinking it was just me that had a problem but turns out it's the air conditioning the sexist I know So many women in our office have the exact same problem, you know We just sit there absolutely freezing at our desks trying to tie and you can probably tell I've got a cold right now Which I blame all on the AC And so it's just so actually quite nice to see this research It's just such a relief to know that there's actually proof that this is happening that women, you know, do feel the cold more than men Retrieving my very soul from inside your stomach I am raw meat in a slaughterhouse packaged according to what you are hungry for that day There's more Let's just let's just kill the clip it's it's so cringe I mean if that doesn't make you want to get married I don't know it will Yeah, I sadly there are some men who are aroused by that stuff and I have been I don't under I don't understand you know, I think I would call that like the opposite of Of erectile dysfunction Pills like I don't know. What's a good, right? Like I don't know what it is, but it makes me want to not be around women it makes me want to go to an island and just bury myself in sand because it's like I cuz if you're actually married and if you've been around females, you know what a good One is and you really know what a bad one is Dude, you can't pay me enough money to spend time with these people. They're absolutely insufferable Well, it was kind of funny because I think we talked about it one time We were like, would you would you rather be? Mig tau for the rest of your life or have to marry one of these crazy lunatic feminists. What what? What do you go on that? Well, I like well like well, of course a pornography and masturbation is a sin It's like what's worse that or murder and self-suicide combo because I feel like you know one hand It's gonna be hard if you withhold yourself from a woman but like don't kill them either so I honestly it's uh, yeah That's my that's my case I don't think I could survive more than like three weeks with a woman like that in my house It would it wouldn't be it wouldn't be a nice place to live like It's just when when females are living outside of their role just like men living outside of their roles. It makes for an extremely Incompatible Existence right? Like I don't even want to I don't even want oxygen in my lungs anymore So I guess I'll move to Canada and just do a death pod Well, according the Bible you'd be willing to go to the wilderness because it's just like man they're so cringe Well, we have another clip here and I wanted to get your thoughts on I want to play clip three here for a second but this is a you know, someone kind of going the antithesis here of feminism and and you know pearl she is kind of like An antithesis of feminism in my mind and you know, I I don't know what I think about this clip But I just kind of want to get your thoughts she kind of went on this rant about how men are just better than women at everything and We'll just hear from her. Let's play the clip So I have spent the last couple weeks Genuinely trying to think of something That women are better at and this didn't come out of malicious intent This didn't come out of trying to put women down or whatever Genuinely, I was just looking at some numbers. I'm like, what are women better at? Well, the premise is women are more caring and nurturing well If so, why are we more likely to kill? infants and elders Wouldn't the most caring and nurturing gender? So then I was like, okay, I guess that number doesn't make sense So then then I start asking myself. What about teaching women are better teachers? Turns out we have ruined the education system. We can two women cannot teach as effectively as one man Okay, we're not better teachers. All right chefs were the cooks right where women are better cooks Wrong all the top Michelin chefs are men then I was like, okay. What about What about aren't there more female doctors? no, no, no, if you look at the top doctors and Like surgery and all the advancements in the field, it's all run by men Men then I was like, well aren't women out earning men in cities Um Yes, but it's usually in industries that are subsidized or By beauty and men still pay 80% of the taxes 70 to 80% of the taxes So then I'm thinking all right All right, women have to be better at something Okay, I guess we're not more nurturing. We're better parents, right? We have to be better parents. Well It looks like Single-mother homes are the root of basically everything wrong with society They're more likely to go to homeless the kids are more likely to be homeless Mental institution. I mean you name it. We suck at raising kids by ourselves and what I realized is women Can only be shoot. Sorry guys the best version of ourselves Under the authority of a guy whether if it's at work. It's in a company they built if it's at home It's under the authority of male headship of the household If it's in society Well, it's really only under guys authority so I've sort of concluded that men are just superior beings. I don't say this to be mean I Don't say every single man But I will say That I can't think of one thing That women are better at that numbers back up But I don't know maybe I'm just an old sexist. So let me know in the comments like the video guys I'll talk to you. So that was kind of a longer clip but and I like pearl I like a lot of things that she says but I'm curious are men just superior beings Well, of course no III think And the podcast just ask me that question. Yes. There you go but but No, I think it's it's not to get too intellectual here But it's mind-blowing to people to watch this clip and try to process what she's saying But it shouldn't surprise you because we're also in a culture where I'd like I have people show up on my ex feed Which is formerly Twitter who are 28 year old men with breast implants Still just trying to like explain to people their gender, you know what I mean? Like that is that is we're in a situation where grown adults are like arguing about Rudimentary things and making complicated. I mean simple things complicated like our men superior I don't think that's the correct even like phrase, right? I think her phrase on the authority though is correct because yeah superior would mean that we're competing So then we are above them in the competition but I feel like the main problem with feminism has been the competitive pitting of men against women and That's that to me is where the disaster started. So like well, I love her. She's not a Christian I don't think I don't think she she has like a biblical worldview I don't think she is but I but I but I hear what she's saying. She's coming from like an anti-feminist perspective So she's coming with the assumption of like well we do compete So on a competitive level if you believe feminists worldview, then she's a hundred percent correct men are or men are superior That's why feminists are make me laugh because if you compete men against women, we're a hundred percent superior. Yeah, they have childbearing Yeah, they have homemaking etc, etc. But you show me a home decorated by a woman and a home decorated by a gay man Still kind of a superior there I'd say the game right somewhat better at decorating because they have a you know A lot of these architectural gay guys on HDTV or whatever are incredible at decorating a home So another breastfeeding babies, so I don't want to get into that but I'm just saying like that's the that's what you have to accept To believe women are better than men is that we're competing and if you do accept that You know pretense then they lose in almost every single round and that's why God literally created us as compliments Because in a competition, it's just not fair Yeah, and that's a good point I you know for me what I really liked about pearl is I have a guy on my crew that He always loves to tell everybody how he men are better than women at literally everything and I always joke There's not a girl out there that he could ever date and then I found pearl and I was like well If you go on a date and she just tells you your superior being maybe maybe that's the match you got That's like a match made in heaven. Yeah, exactly But I do want to play a clip based on what you said clip for Because you know even the military has gotten so extreme on this point And I get where pearls coming from because I think if you if you put it in the context of a physical competition Men are superior beings, but I wouldn't agree with that is just an overall statement. They're they're equal in value Obviously in a physical competition though. There's no even chance and in the Marine Corps, they're letting women compete against men and Well, let's just look at the results here Once Again to prove that there is no difference between biological females and biological males We see this female marine against this male marine and watch how it is a completely fair and equal bow I like the commentary The commentary put it over the top for me I mean he the guy just like destroyed her which it's kind of sad to laugh at that but it's like You know, that's the logical conclusion that we get to and we even have people arguing this in our government Let's play clip 5 if we can get that with Benny Johnson He has a short here about people just spouting this nonsense in our government. Go ahead and play that clip On with these people How many female members of the NBA do you see? Well, I can say that you know There's been this news article about men that think that they could beat Serena Williams in tennis Right that they think that they could actually score a point on her And it's just not the case. She is stronger than that. What's your experience been? Male female both Serena and Venus lost to the 203rd ranked male tennis player, which they're phenoms for women Somebody got a body bag. I Kind of like Benny, I don't know What where he's coming from on things but that it's a child friend of mine, by the way, you know, really we grew up together Yeah He's friend of mine from when I was a kid that's what's so weird one time I saw him years ago at like a political conference and I was like Benny Johnson from childhood. It's like hey, and I was like, wow weird how he got it Both got into this home school kids or whatever weird. Yeah, he's got such a just like generic name Benny Johnson It's just so funny that People yeah, it's so funny that these people are just like literally advocating that women are literally better than men at anything To the point where you then have like the antithesis of someone like Pearl, you know having to say look Literally women just aren't even better at Absolutely any competition or physical event or something like that? And I think that you know in some regards when she says some things about the abortion statistics Like it it is true that women will vote more for like pro abortion than men would but at the same time, I think it's unfair to categorize all women as just like these Creatures that would kill their children because like my wife I think that she loves our children way more than I do and would be Way less likely to do any harm or injury to them than I would so it's not fair in my mind to categorize all women As being these rabid psychos who would murder their children more than a man would I mean, what about your experience? well, I think that this is a really interesting topic that I'm really glad we get to discuss because Something that I see people doing specifically on the conservative right, which is a like neoliberal feminism Light, right? That's that's what the right-wing means now. It's that you're just a little bit less progressive And you want to restore America back to 2010, you know back to our great historical or 20 right of 2000. Yeah Yeah, exactly. So so, you know, one of the things that I they'll make a case for is How important female virginity is and the majority of women today young women are whores according to traditional standards I think I was reading that, you know It's less than 5% of women after college still retain their virginity and that's not even accounting for for looks Okay So we're not even accounting for those could just be ugly women who are have a hard time gonna have a hard time getting married But it's looking like when I look at stats Oh, there's been no blind study on looks any girl that's like a four or up in terms of male attraction aka the would or wouldn't if you would the likelihood of them being a virgin after college is near 0% and That's a really important understanding of like well then is what's what's different about women today? I guess the main thing that's different about them is not their rights It's their lack of virginity and virginity is such an important factor for women because women have a purity sense And I think that it's I compare women's virginity and this is a little bit weird to some people to like a child's Purity right one of the things that we hate the most in society are child sex abusers, right? We hate child sex abuse. Amen. Uh, if you if you if you go on the internet There's like one thing that I would think people could agree to and that was you know the the punishment should be harsher and the reason why we we have that is You notice all these like gay liberal single people with no Children are the ones advocating for maps minor attracted people towards love is love towards like, you know Reducing the age of consent why because they don't have kids and you don't really I mean you do understand children's purity if you're a Normal person but you really understand how important their purity is when you have your own kids Because you look at them and you go. Oh my gosh This is a being that has not been tainted by the world that has not been decimated. My son has not seen pornography He is not chasing after hose and I need to protect this or my daughter right now We know the children's purity is intact But I always say that the interesting thing about women like you said where they're not all rabid whores or they're not all like Feminists, it's true But here's here's where most of them are like that and why they they should be treated like that and where we're wrong as a society is I think that the Like I need to be careful how I word this But I think that it's really weird when you look at the argument over age of consent in the West On both sides and what I found at the argument of age of consent meaning age of adults being able to relegate in in consensual Sexual activities really is an argument of when someone can start being a whore. I'm not joking. I watch this It's like people will argue, you know, there's there's some countries that have younger ages like 15 16 or 17 So a lot of countries are 18. That's what I'm accustomed to in, California But if you look at what people are really arguing It's like when is a woman old enough to start whoring herself out to men and you look at the context of their argument and it's like for me then if that's the argument of age of consent, then I say then My daughter is not ready to have sex even at 24 at 25 because I'm not gonna argue about when my daughter's ready to start Being a whore. I'd rather have my daughter retain her virginity Until she's ready to get married because at a point when a woman starts to become a whore There's no age for that Like it's not the younger people arguing 16 or 17 or the people arguing 18 or 19 should if you're 30 and you're a woman That's not the time to start being a whore. It's just not the time There's no time because there's something important about not engaging in that and when women don't engage in whoredom When women don't allow themselves to do that It's important to realize that there is a broken Factor to when you are a whore and the the God even instilled that with the hymen with something that literally there's a barrier Flesh just like the men have foreskin or there's different things It's a barrier flesh that literally signifies the changing of a girl to a woman or from like the Bible says don't awaken love Before it's time so the whole context and arguments about women's liberty and when they can become like you guys mentioned earlier Subsidiary women to men in the corporate workplace and rabid whores. I hate that argument I reject that argument and I want to have an argument of you know, what is the purpose of sex? What is the purpose of of females? what what are what is their role and the role is to be wife's and to be in the home and to Take care of the family and no that doesn't mean they can't run a candle company on Etsy Doesn't mean they can't do part-time secretarial work if the family needs money It doesn't even mean they can't work full-time if you're in a financial crisis or the husband's disabled God is a god of understanding but we don't run our lives like Jesus said with the Sabbath, you know He gave an exception like if your beast falls into a pit, would you not help it out on the Sabbath? Yeah, but you don't intentionally throw your beast into the pit to help it out on the Sabbath You you don't you don't live your life based on exceptions. You try to apply your life to the rule So I'll conclude on this though, you know, so I don't take up any more time here I just don't want people taking this out of context And so whenever you're talking about consent stuff, you have to be very thorough. So people don't miss misconstrue what you're saying My idea of like not all women are like this is this is why we need to really promote virginity and females Yes, sanctity just chastity and men too. Okay, like people always go like I'm talking about on the right wing You're like, oh so men's virginity isn't important. No it is. It's just not the same importance It doesn't have the same value just because we're not competing men and women's virginity are different Okay, they just they are and because men masturbate commonly. It's very common and they're not in love with their hands Okay, and this is like a pomela. Henderson, right? You're not gonna marry her. This is not it's not promoting masturbation I'm just saying men's sexuality is wired differently and we have to understand that and accept that and work at all costs to prevent women From ever thinking that they're at an age to become whores and I feel like that's the whole problem of feminism It's let's let's 18 is a woman's age to become the whore She was designed to be that's working a job that she hates for less money than then is needed And then that's the value of a woman is that she's working She's an economic unit and that she's able to freely express herself sexually and I reject the entirety of that argument and say The woman's value is nothing to do with sexual liberty It has nothing to do with her economic output and it has nothing to do with her Liberty to freely express herself under foreign men's authority. It's quite the opposite I mean, maybe it's extreme for some people but that's I just feel like the argument is incorrect We're arguing whether we should have less feminism or more and then I reject the argument entirely Well, I like some of the points you made and you know You brought up even the fact that the woman has a hymen and the Bible does give allusion to that because it's the token of her virginity and You know even secular science and just even personal anecdotes will tell you that a woman who only has one partner is just gonna naturally be way more loyal to Whoever she is with for the first time and there's that stigma that I think Hollywood and a lot of the media Want to try and put out there about Oh virgins are the worst because they're so clingy Afterwards and they make it seem like that's bad. Like it's bad that she's clingy, but every man that wants a wife He wants her to be loyal and and cling unto him and the Bible even used that language about how the husband and the wife are to leave father and mother and cleave one to another and So I think it's really important that we don't destroy the the woman's natural emotions and natural affection by Allowing her to be a whore, you know, even myself good. I have a few daughters already now They're very young, but I don't even want to let them go into college and go out in the world I mean, I think they should always be chaperoned just to not allow, you know them to get destroyed by You know men that are obviously having bad intentions for my daughters. And so I think you know from a biblical perspective It was always the men's fault when women are out there being promiscuous It says essentially going out and committing feminism and I think even today it's not really the women's fault They're just not being reined in we don't have any men that are willing to keep their daughters virgins and Allowing women to basically run rampant because they're just interested in whoredom, you know They've allowed a whoredom to cause the land to fall. What is your assessment been on this? Well, the Bible tells us in 1st Corinthians 11 that the head of the woman is the man and when they don't have that head They don't have that authority structure over them That's where you start to see them decay and it's visual you brought up your daughters not going to college well, I've seen a visual decay in women because I used to go to a College in Florida and I saw a visual decay in women who came into college one semester Looking completely normal and feminine and a few months later in the next semester Short dyke haircut looking just awful looking like a dude on meth or something It's just terrible the when they get infected with the disease of feminism and that most often occurs in those post-secondary Institutions and so I would say It's obviously the right decision to shelter your daughters and women are in need of that authority structure The reason why we're seeing feminism Be so pervasive in our society is because that authority structure has been lost the men aren't men anymore You know, what's interesting I never thought about that until you said this but I went to college too and you could always tell the difference between a freshman or a first-semester freshman girl and Anyone past that because all the freshman girls they came to they came to college classes looking very pretty Dressed really nice wearing makeup and then all of the girls that were sophomores juniors and seniors They're wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt like they you can tell that they just like don't care anymore Like they've just totally and it's almost like you could almost see like maybe they've been defiled or they've been just like Destroyed somehow and they just don't even like care anymore and it's just it's just kind of sad I had a lot of them didn't care and it's cuz they're wasting away their prime years Sitting in a college class. They couldn't possibly care less about instead of getting married having kids guiding the house Submitting to a godly husband now. I know they don't care. I know you recently had your first child and I think I I watched a show where maybe I heard you say something about Like you don't even let your wife get on like social media and stuff without you kind of paying attention I was just kind of curious how you even came to that conclusion Well, okay, so it's unironically is I met my wife through social media I met her on I met her on Instagram and she was actually Running something for Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern out in Australia And she jumped into a crowd of antifa and they started like sticker attacking her which is something they did out here because they actually Prosecute violence because this is a this is a country where you still can't be violent to people and get away with it I'm like the u.s. Which is why they have 87% less violence here, by the way I would remind you that the u.s. Could be less violent if they actually prosecuted it people would stop doing it anyway you know, I saw her there and Man, I there is a bit of falling in love. I just see this girl and I thought she was super cute I was like, wow, I really like like her. I love her accent and Man, when I started talking her the moment she told me she was a virgin we were married within six months So like that's the guy who was just like, all right, we're doing it I'm like marrying this girl because I have not met a virgin in the US, you know That's that's even semblance of attractive, right? Yeah, probably that's a sad part They're ugly, dude. Let's just be honest here. Like that's the problem Everyone's like, oh meet a nice girl at church church girls. Stop being fat and ugly yeah, that's my best advice because because men are sexual and we're we want to be aroused and it's like you don't need to be Angelina Jolie and put filler in your lips and you know Botox and stuff and hair extension You don't have to be and look like you're a slut or you're looking for sex, you know There are beautiful dresses that you know, if you're if you're thin as a woman a lot of men That's enough like just an shape Lee body is enough Even if you're a homely looking face a lot of men are gonna be okay because they value your virginity They value that luckily. My wife was actually smoking hot and And I love her so much anyway through the years One thing I noticed that whores hate the most and feminists hate the most is women who are not whores and feminists And a lot of people's hatred of me has come from their hatred of my wife and I've noticed that people would attack her More than they would attack me and they would always come for us. It never came from my views They would never come for anything There's just always personal attacks and fights and things and I noticed that like women we are around or people like in the Democrats or something like that or like political figures would like Would like share pictures of her and be like this woman's like in slavery and you know All this crazy stuff people would just like send her dick pics and just like rape porn and yeah and horrible horrible stuff And so, you know and then so we had a mutual conversation. I said there is no reason as a woman that like your mind should be off anything other than your family and Like your home and your marriage like why should you be concerned about? Like these these brutish things. Why should you even know what rape porn is? You shouldn't even know what that is. You're a female this is not this is like I don't even want to know what that is, but I but I'm a man I can handle it and You know and I said like well, we look at the net positives and the net negatives So she stopped posting stuff and then she's actually on her own Found it to be so beneficial and she started dressing more feminine She deleted any pictures of herself in a bikini or anything. She started buying like it was just natural I didn't even push her started buying like beautiful like handwoven skirts and Sexy still girls. Don't don't not there's a way to be modest but sexy for your husband, you know but like not to the world and and she just started taking on these like she became so much more positive and emotionally stable when she stopped interacting with people on the internet and stopped posting so many pictures and getting outward validation that she's Decided to pull back and now She's it's her own choice completely. I she went further than I even at we even discussed I didn't tell you I asked we discussed it and we came to an agreement that this was where it was the best best best Place but she went further because she found it was so helpful that now she wants to start something You know for for moms and mothers and she told me like, you know I want to start something but I'm gonna let you know if only women can join Like I'm gonna I want to create a private server and this stuff and I want to connect with women share recipes She has this whole thing. She's starting with her mom She's like and I want to do it with my mom So I have an older wiser woman and that we'd like both have access to the community And she said like I don't think women should be interacting with men on the on the internet Like I just don't think it's appropriate and I don't think that it's beneficial To them, you know if they want to go on Facebook and message their mom I mean, that's not weird, right? but it's when you start reading the timeline and you start getting involved you add friends from high school and they're 28 and whoring themselves out and you start feeling jealous because they look like they're having fun and you know I mean that's basically where it's come to so we found that as a net positive and I'll just say for men too If we spent less time on social media, we'd probably be happier as well Unless your job is social media, then you're kind of in a catch-22, but whatever. Yeah I remember I like deleted my Facebook for a long time, but then I got like a marketing like email job I was like a software developer for a company and they would like wanted me to promote everything on social media so it kind of like Got me back in and then I end up I kind of like have like a love-hate Relationship with social media because it's like, you know, I love the memes and I love You know a lot of videos and stuff like that But at the same time it's just that it's where they just surprise you like with that that gross Disgusting stuff that you weren't expecting and you're just like really taken aback and I mean, I've got me the stuff I share most Yeah, and and definitely pictures of your face, but I mean it's just like oh it's a new profile picture, right? Hey, I gotta get off this But I mean I've even had my wife like unfortunately because we got so much negative attention a few different times like They're emailing or all these things like hey We'll help you escape your husband and you know just sending all kinds of weird emails and stuff But fortunately Facebook just labeled me and my wife terrorists. So we just we didn't even have a choice We just got new from it or whatever But well, they can't fathom the idea that a woman's actually happy in a conservative traditional biblical marriage, right? So that's why they send her those messages Yeah, they're always like we know you're so unhappy and you must hate your life and you know, we're here. We love you We want to rescue you and all this all this nonsense and everything like that but my wife she only likes social media to like talk to you like you said her mom or friends and homeschool fit like groups and stuff where she can buy homeschool curriculum and like kind of some of those things are pretty Beneficial but like just the vast majority of social media is just so it's just kind of trashy Well, it feeds narcissism as well for a lot of women who might have that issue You know when you talk about feminism That's a big part of it and they get a lot of attention on there that feeds their ego It becomes a monster they crave that attention and they get it on social media Well, I mean for me like the trashy aspects mostly even coming from the companies itself because like on Facebook I feel like every other post is an ad it's just like this ad for something I don't want or just Smut or filth or it's just like, you know It's so annoying and obviously they got everybody addicted to just looking at their newsfeed and scrolling and stuff like that So then they could just slam us with a million. I mean even YouTube. It's just like I know but how many? Though but here's the thing. So this is what I noticed. So I'm like, um, like dude, I can't get into this right now Because I it's an ongoing sensitive situation But like there's a like I've had I've had like three hit articles written about me in the last like 24 hours And it's it's almost gets and it's almost like a void right to where like I feel like I've had every single thing in the world thrown at me or said about me that now I Just like don't care anymore, right? So I'm kind of immune to the negative side of Twitter and YouTube and you know people making videos Like I don't even respond to people anymore. So on one aspect you said like the negative side of things I think once if you're a public figure you have to embrace the fact that like a good majority of people will believe lies about You and that there no matter what you do because you're a public figure and there's slander laws There will be a certain amount of lies that you will never be able to remove legally that just you just whatever you just embrace It would be everyone's lied about however, I think that's the main thing with social media. Isn't the ads I think it's people's fragile egos Because I noticed that a lot of people like i'll just like disagree with someone on twitter And they'll go like on a tirade against me with personal attack Even some personal attacks based upon gossip or lies or different things like where it's like literally so insane. We're going How people have really fragile egos, right? And I think that there's an insecurity in a lot of humans because they're right, you know, they're not living in their gender roles They're not living with their identity in christ They're not living, uh, you know for for self-improvement and bettering themselves, you know, according to what god has for them They don't have families to find identity with and so like a lot of people walk around with anxiety And I really think that a lot of the world's anxiety is caused by social media. Like I I genuinely think That and a lot of the lack of character development and the the soullessness you see in people's eyes And that like emptiness, uh when you meet a teenager now and there's nothing going on Versus seeing a teenager in the 50s when they'd be interviewed and how they could communicate Is they're so wrapped up in what people think about them in a digital world Um what their profiles like I mean it's gotten so crazy There's a lot of teenagers that put nothing on their profile because it's considered cooler to have nothing So you have and they freak out about it Because they can't comment on anything because they're not a lot of comment because they can only comment a couple times a year And they have these like rules and stuff And so I think it's this meta world digital space that's removed people from the real world And like that's how i'm able to stay they go. How do you mean you're impervious to attack? It's like oh some people on the internet are talking poorly about me and lying about me Guess what? I can go walk to the grocery store and buy a ribeye and cook it and butter It doesn't like what like you know what i'm saying? Like what does that do to my life like something? Yeah So so the people that are chronically online don't you know are are good, you know tomorrow They'll they'll they'll get involved in hating somebody else because that's their internet people They just they just consume like they're like alcoholics Where it's just get through the morning hangover so you can drink again, right? It's it's like it's definitely just get through the next gossip to get onto the next gossip And so like yeah, but i'm gonna I just leave it there That's why I think it's toxic for women to be on there particularly because I don't think women should have Should they do have fragile egos? They're emotional beings and the criticism they're more sensitive the lack of likes Yeah, it's it's too much to where I like How can you be caring about what your husband only thinks about you or your family and your in-laws and just your life? But now you're worried about what stacy from ninth grade says about you know, your couch like I don't know I just don't think that we're meant to have that level of connectedness Yeah And how many of these comments are literally trolls or there are just liberals that work at facebook that are hired to just post Crap comments on high profile, you know accounts or just to attack conservatives or you know, whatever I mean a lot of it's even fake number one plus people, you know, of course if you hang out with someone They're not going to say every single thing they think about you But when you're on the internet, you'll say all kinds of just stupid things that you would never actually say in person And you know, it's it's very true that people can't seem to handle the heat and I think that a lot of teenagers A lot of young people definitely They are so wrapped up in their influence. They want to be an influencer and they Don't really look at making real world connections and real world relationships And unfortunately, most people aren't even saved so they don't have that joy of the lord They're not necessarily have an inner peace. So it doesn't really matter what the world throws at you but you know, we've experienced that too where Like because we've had a couple of places where we were renting for our church And we got a lot of heat and you know for us. It's it's just like another day in the park We don't really care. We'll get five thousand, you know, voicemails saying they're gonna murder all of us and it's like whatever but you know Our landlords or business associates. They don't they can't handle that like right? They've never experienced something like that before and they don't realize that You know in five days from now, no one will call them. No one will care. It's all blown, you know It's just kind of like this quick heat and pressure and they try to make people Fold, but they don't realize that it's going to blow over so fast And I think that it's important that our culture wakes up to the reality that if if people don't always just cower Every single time someone says something negative about you or puts pressure on you. They're going to lose their power Like there's this mob online that's had so much power for a while And I think that we need people to wake up and realize like it's you know Sticks and stones may break my bones, but online trolls can never hurt me No, I mean yeah, I like I don't know but you're but you're right But I think this is where like i've lost seven figures of income because of like pressure campaigns. I mean, I like oh well real Yeah, like I mean i've had i've had like a guest say a joke and I lost 300 like 75 000 In 24 hours, okay, so i've had i've had things happen like that where it's it's uh, It starts to hurt. Let's just say that like like, uh Yeah, like it just starts to hurt because and i've lost seven figures for not backing down But it always happens yet because they start calling and i'm going through something, uh right now that I can't explain Because I think i'm gonna win. Uh, that is a similar situation And that's why even now I don't even bring attention to details because I don't even want to add to their bullshit Uh, sorry for the the curse word there, but but I but I I genuinely don't want to add to it But I feel like that's where the book by uh, diangelo white fragility The problem is human fragility because when your identity isn't in something then you are weak and that's why feminism is a lie Because when a woman's identity is in her job, she'll never be satisfied So she makes her job like the home starts getting too concerned with interpersonal relationships and gossip And hr complaints and this and that and it creates this toxic work environment where everyone's not really friends anymore There's no real workplace friendships and relationships There's no community that you're not you don't have workplace barbecues and everyone's together Work is just this place where you're trying not to offend people You don't want to get in trouble for your dick joke or you know, or you looked at somebody wrong, right? You looked at a girl wrong and now you're being accused of rape or something like I mean This is really what what it comes down to right? um, you know so much to the point that states have changed their laws that even if like you uh, Something happens and you text an employee outside of work and they don't like your joke Then you can get in trouble for sexual harassment in the workplace and you're probably fired actually We're just like texting someone a meme, right? I mean people I know many people have been fired over memes. I get emails every day And uh, and it's on their record forever, right? They call. Yeah, I sexually harassed a woman and it's like what happened Oh, he sent her a meme of uh, But uh, it was uh, what's it called miss piggy from the muppets and she had big boobs and it was inappropriate and you're like, okay Is that really sexual harassment? I don't know. However That's my point is that women are out of their role. They're not in their identity They're trying to live in a male identity So they create destruction and whenever we're out of our identity men and women we create a path of destruction and that goes for men When we're living our lives out of order when we're living our lives out of discipline And i'm not lecturing men because i've gone through many seasons living outside of order I'm still a man and there's parts of my life that are still out of order that need to be brought into subjugation And where's the chaos in my life? It's in the areas where i'm not living in the order and discipline of male leadership Or i'm not in self-control or these things that god has called me to and where are women? Weak is when they're out in the world. They're vulnerable. They're subjugated to all these things. Do you know how women can end? Uh, you know rape Be around male guardians. Don't be going out out of clubs and drinking like, you know, these crazy situations in these random places You know how you can prevent, uh physical violence on the street Don't be jogging at 11 o'clock at night as a single woman in your 30s in your underwear and you go Are you blaming the woman? Um, yes and no i'm saying it's a shared responsibility of society of men and women not living in their roles And it's just never going to work out Well, and if women are living in their homes if they're finding their satisfaction in the work I mean in their families in rearing kids They're probably actually going to be the strongest women possible because they have a man protecting them They have a value for their family and their foundation and then they have a shield of christ and a faith For their own personal lives keeping them You know and their hearts secure even when their husband fails them or their children fail them or their family lets them down They're still going to be ultimately reliant on god So it's like we remove that system and you have a bunch of weak We have a bunch of weak people right women acting like men men acting like women and you wonder why everyone's depressed anxious And nobody's happy and everyone's suing everyone. It's like because they just they're looking for money and you know the wrong things Well, there's definitely nothing feminine about feminism, right? And I think that's the major theme of this ideology It's a bunch of women acting like men Yeah, you would like it sounds good. Like you would think like hey, let's make women more feminine But then it's really just making them masculinist But they're never going to be a good at being a dude just like dudes are never good at being girls And you know Well, that's why complimentary the complementary aspect is so important and you guys already touched on it But the idea that god created men and women to complement each other And they're not at all in competition whatsoever. A wife is a help meet. It's a harmonious relationship actually Well, you know, I even agree with the definition of patriarchy that it's you know, still supposed to be male authority top down leadership and of course women do uh compliment men but you know, we don't want to get so extreme to Misidentify the fact that men are just literally different than women And that women are not good at doing men things and men are not good at doing women things And so we don't want to put women in men's roles. It's going to screw everything up. Obviously men are Going to be able to handle themselves a lot differently in a workplace environment when there's no women It's just going to be much different And i'm even remember one of my bosses said he's like I became a software developer because there's no women And I said that to you. Yeah, he said that he's He's like i'm not interested in the neck beard software guy, you know like And so, you know, and of course that's changed a little bit I think there's more girls that have gotten into that industry in the last 10 years by force though by design Like it's not because they just wanted to be in there It's because they get massive scholarships diverse and these companies diversity hire And they don't even give them any real projects go watch tik tok coders. I this is the only time And go watch tik tok female coders. They don't do anything. I promise you this. They're just well Sure, I i've been in that industry and it was very evident, uh why they were there but Before dude engineering too, by the way, i'm just saying engineering. I have a I have a female friend. She at least admits it She's like dude, they pay me so much money and they give me no responsibility And they don't even trust like my like my engineering uh, but like they'll never fire me and i'll just get raises and I was like She'll probably get put into management She'll probably get put into management because like they they don't know what to do with them And they don't want them to be the engineer So they're just like well just don't screw up the emails and the you know, whatever the meetings and everything like that But before we I want to talk about something a little bit different Uh, but before we do I want to make sure everybody realizes we're going to be switching over to rumble only here in a minute Uh, that way we can say whatever we want and uh, we have a kind of a quick little game We want to play with elijah here in a second. And so you want to make sure you switch over to our rumble the baptist bias and we're going to be kicking off youtube because Really? They just kind of suck and they don't like us. So well, we're gonna move over to rumble here in a minute, but you know, it's it's just kind of it's sad that men allowed feminism to come into being and Of course, you know you you brought up how they're not happy. There's an article we had from abc I think we can pull it up. But I mean even just Secular science in the world will tell you. Yeah Well, this article says women are more likely to experience depression anxiety new cdc data shows Of course feminims is making great strides in the last 10 years for their ideology, but women are miserable because women innately want to be mothers and Want to have children and you know, I don't I don't even have to tell my daughters But just even at the ages of one two three They all want baby dolls and they're carrying them around and it's like they already want to be a mom At one two and three and of course that just innate desire that god planted into their heart is so important to cultivate and to You know bring up whereas the public school system and college they're not talking about being homemakers and Uh the importance of being a mother I think in the in times past there were classes like that But in today's schooling you don't see that I mean where you went to school Was there anything like a homemaking class or like a home ec or something like that? No, not that I recall at all, especially not in college there's like the opposite there's you know, how to be a whore literally like a whole event Whore 101. Yeah, it's like How to commit fornication the right way. Here's the like a sex ed class or something. What are you saying? Yeah, literally It was a whole week-long expo Here's how you be a whore Here's the devices you could use You mean rush week? It's like rush Where you meet all the other whores and they train you and they train you how to be a coward Sorority house Oh, man That's crazy. All right. Well, we're gonna go ahead and just drop it off and go over to rumble only So if you're still on youtube, you know, you got to get over there on rumble We'll check you out over there and keep the stream going so YouTube you can just go to hell