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And we're excited about tonight's show because we're going to be doing kind of a fun game. We're going to be calling Christian Hotlines. And unfortunately most of them don't even have the right gospel. But we're going to find that out tonight. But before we get started with our calls, we're going to start off with our binologue. Have you been looking for a sign from God? Do you wish you could call or text him right now? Would you like to know the truth? Obviously our highway billboards have been speaking to your heart. Don't delay. Call now. The number is 1-666-LUCIFER. That's 1-666-LUCIFER. Again 1-666-LUCIFER. Operators are standing by ready to deliver you the knowledge you wish you had. We guarantee your experience will be sweeter tasting than that forbidden fruit you've been craving. In fact it's free. By the end of your call you might even be as smart as God. Our advice is considered by some to be so desirous it's literally to die for. We specialize in all kinds of conversations and topics which we label our Broadway approach. We don't have one of those narrow minded views. It's not a straight gate methodology but rather a multi-gateway perspective. No matter what your religious background or doctrine we're certain we will not offend you at all. And of course we'll deliver the necessary information to ensure that you can be completely confident that you'll make it into heaven. As long as you're successful and fully repentant and endure unto the end and are willing to turn from your sins with godly sorrow, not earthly sorrow. And as long as you're not practicing sin, but of course no one's perfect, but you will completely change. Behold all things are new but you will slip up from time to time. As long as you have some change you can almost know that you might make it into heaven. Call now to get your name added to the book of life. Spots are running out. If you call now and you're Catholic we've got a two for one purgatory special where you can get an extra loved one out for the price of one. It's never been this easy. Now if you're skeptical of the Bible, God, or you have a completely different religion, don't be afraid of calling our hotline because we want to extend our services to you as well. There's a wideness to our mercy. Our salvation methods are so effective you don't even have to know the name of Jesus to know that you're going to heaven. As long as you turn to the only light you have, any religion will do. As long as you clean up your life, any Bible will do. As long as you repent of your sins, any doctrine will do. As long as you're accepting of everyone, except for one group in particular. There is one group you cannot tolerate. Don't be deceived by their bigotry in disguise. They'll claim that you should go to a Baptist church exclusively, but not just any. One that uses the King James Bible, but not just that. One that preaches faith alone and once saved, always saved. These are the kind of churches that they advocate for and these are the worst people on the planet. We warn you to stay far, far, far away from these heretics. But most importantly, don't get infected with their plague of the mind we call the Baptist Bias. . Thanks again for joining us this evening. I'm your host Pastor Shelley for the Baptist Bias and my co-host Ben the Baptist is here. Why don't you say hello to everybody? Thanks for having me on another episode of the Baptist Bias. It's the season finale. Exciting stuff. Let's call some salvation hotlines here in a moment and see what they have to say. That's going to be intriguing to say the least. Well, there's a lot of them out there. One that I want to highlight is the Billy Graham hotline. Of course, Billy Graham was one of the most famous evangelists. He had big rallies. Something that a lot of people don't realize is that in his rallies, almost every denomination was welcomed to these rallies. He preached very clearly that you have to surrender, you have to repent of your sins, you have to give your life to Christ. I guess that message resonates with almost every Christian denomination because they pretty much all believe in works. But even worse than that, Billy Graham later in his life did several publications on television. He was interviewed. He talked to different people. He got so crazy in his theology. He went so far as to say that you don't even have to know the name of Jesus to be saved. That you don't even necessarily have to be Christian. I don't even know really any other Christian so-called that go for this type of doctrine. It's kind of called universalism, where just almost everyone's going to heaven as long as they're just kind of a good person. But it's certainly not really a Christian doctrine at all. This is what Billy Graham said. It's just to illustrate the fact that Billy Graham was never saved. He never taught the real gospel. He was not getting people saved whatsoever. I want to play a clip here just before we get started and we start calling these hotlines. Because I don't want people to be confused and think like, Oh, you're talking to people that know the gospel. These people are wrong on the gospel and they teach a workspace salvation. But let's play this clip real quick. Future of Christianity. Well, Christianity and being a true believer. You know, I think there's the body of Christ which comes from all the Christian groups around the world or outside the Christian groups. I think everybody that loves Christ or knows Christ, whether they're conscious of it or not, they're members of the body of Christ. And I don't think that we're going to see a great, sweeping revival that will turn the whole world to Christ at any time. I think James answered that, Apostle James, in the first council in Jerusalem. When he said that God's purpose for this age is to call out a people for His name. And that's what God is doing today. He's calling people out of the world for His name. Whether they come from the Muslim world or the Buddhist world or the Christian world or the non-believing world. They are members of the body of Christ because they've been called by God. They may not even know the name of Jesus. But they know in their heart that they need something that they don't have. And they turn to the only light that they have. And I think that they are saved and that they're going to be with us in heaven. This is fantastic. I'm so thrilled to hear you say that. There's a wideness in God's mercy. Oh man, that's just terrible. And of course that other minister doesn't just rebuke the false prophet right there. He's like, oh, I'm just so glad that there's a wideness in God's mercy. You don't even have to know the name of Jesus. You don't even have to be conscious of who Jesus is. If you just follow the light that you have. I mean, what if you follow the light which is Satanism? What if you just follow Baphomet? I mean, is that the light that you have? Can you follow the light of the Freemasons? Can you follow the light of Islam? Muhammad who was a pedophile who couldn't read. I don't even know how he followed light since he can't even read. Do I just follow people into the Mormon temple? I mean, this has nothing to do with the word of God. Jesus Christ said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. So the only light that you could even follow is Jesus Christ. The whole world lieth in darkness. And the only light that exists is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is clearly coming from someone who's unsaved, filled with unclean spirits, someone who preached work salvation, his entire ministry, and has terrible fruit. He wasn't someone that actually started a church or built up a church. He essentially just ecumenicalized Christianity and rallied together a bunch of work salvationists into thinking that they're saved when they're not. And Billy Graham is arguably one of the worst people that have ever existed, having preached such a false doctrine for his entire life. And we're going to call his hotline and we're going to get the clear fruit of it. But these people aren't saved. I mean, have you run into people that are saved and they say, Billy Graham, he's the one that got me saved. Ever heard that before? I've never heard somebody say from Billy Graham himself. No, there are some who would claim that they got saved at maybe an event that he hosted or perhaps something sponsored by him or his ministry where an actual saved person happened to be there at an altar call or something like that. And that's how they got saved. But none from Billy Graham himself because he was a false prophet. And yet so many people loved this guy. And to this day would speak very highly of him. The Bible says, woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets. And to piggyback off of what you said, Acts chapter number four, verse 12 tells us, neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. And so the Bible could not be more clear that it's through Jesus Christ that we get salvation. And what I find to be interesting about Billy Graham and his ilk is that he teaches a work salvation, but evidently it isn't even a faith plus works. It's just a works plus whatever you might believe in is sufficient. It's like you could not even have Jesus, but presumably if you have the works without Jesus, you're still going to get in somehow. That's what he teaches. It's that insidious. Of course, you know, that verse you brought up, it's just so crystal clear. And of course, that's the name which we get saved by is Jesus Christ. That's the name we're all going to glorify. And, you know, it's special. There's something special about the name of Jesus. And now I don't want to just spend all night on this. I want to get to what we're going to be doing this evening. We're going to be calling various Christian hotlines. We're going to try and pull them up. And we're going to start with the Billy Graham hotline. And to kind of spice this up, it's already pretty intriguing, but I decided I want to make this even more interesting. So we're going to play a little game. All right. And I hope you can see that. But we've got a little spin wheel here. And I'm going to be spinning the wheel. Now, I want to take turns so we can call and both take an opportunity here to use the spin wheel. But I'm going to spin the wheel. And essentially it's going to give me kind of a variation to the call that I have to make. So we have some different categories. We have accents. We have heretics, characters. You've got to rebuke them. And we also have a celebrity. So whatever you spin on, you can pick something that you feel more comfortable with. I don't even care if you're good at it. It'll just make it more entertaining. But we just want to make it a little spicier. So I'm going to go ahead and spin here and see what I have to do. What is that? You're getting character. Character. All right. All right. Donald Trump. Yeah, Donald Trump. I think that's more of a celebrity. I'm just going to go with a southern boy just to start it off. Just so we can figure out exactly what's going on with these callers and everything like that. So I'll try to be kind of southern. And we'll be southern John. So let's go ahead and see if we can dial up that number. Let's be honest. This is your character right now, and what you're about to do is who you really are. Let's just be honest. Exactly. That's actually true. So let's see if we can dial these people up. And of course we're doing this live, so I don't even know what to expect, but let's bring it home. We'll do it live. We're calling now. It's a famous quote. We'll do it live. And do you want to fill the dead air? All right, well, you know, we're doing it live, so hey, we're going to make sure that we get this caller on there, because I want to know what the Bible says. I saw this billboard. So can you explain heretic one more time? What's that? Yeah, just speak like a false doctrine. And preach it to them? We are currently closed. Please call back during our normal business hours. Oh, man, he didn't answer. I know that some of these are 24-7, so we're going to find one that's a 24-7. Maybe we can have our production crew get us in there. And just to give a setup, you know, I'm going to try and get these people to help me understand what salvation is, because I want them to essentially expound to me what they believe. And I actually had called previously just to kind of test it out. I talked with someone from the Billy Graham Ministry hotline, and they're making it clear you have to surrender. You have to give it all up. I said, well, I know some people, they believe in Jesus, but, you know, they don't really follow the commandments. They're not really going to church. She's like, they're not saved. Not at all. And I was just like, wow. It was just that clear. Yeah, it was just. Now, here's my question. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? My name's John. Yeah. Oh, okay. Thank you. I was just calling and hoping that you could help me. Yeah. Do you have any prayer requests? Yeah, I was just, my prayer request, it was really specifically about wanting to know how to go to heaven and being saved. Yeah. Did you see like a ad or? I think it was a billboard or something. Oh, yeah, definitely. So, you know, like dedicating your life to Christ. You know, it usually does start with a prayer, but a lot of it is just an interaction and a commitment to Jesus. And then just allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through your heart. Okay. Do you have a Bible that you currently read or own? Well, some, yeah, someone, some guys on some bicycles came by and they gave me a book and I was reading it. And I saw like a billboard. I saw your number and I just, you know, they were kind of confusing. And so I just, I wanted to know like how to be saved. I was just kind of worried about it. And so you, yeah, and so you said that you do, you do have a Bible? Yes. Yes, ma'am. Okay, awesome. Yeah, so like just understanding, so to get saved and to be saved, it really starts with a prayer. But what you do after it and what you allow, you know, Jesus to do in your heart is kind of what allows you to continue to be saved and to have a close relationship with the Lord. Okay. And so we, I can lead you in a prayer where you will just really confess your sins that you are a sinful human who highly commits sins all the time. However, the only person that truly can save you is Jesus because he died on the cross. Okay. And so. Do I have like, do I need to like hold something? I've seen people like holding beads or something when they pray. No, no, no. Okay. I just want to make sure I'm doing this right. Yeah, yeah. But it really, the prayer is very important as you, you're just calling and crying out to the Lord that you can't live this life without him. But we do, we just want to remind people that it's really important afterwards that having a relationship with the Lord is how you can be saved. You know, reading your Bible, talking to him, praying to him, finding a church, finding community who can lift you up, where you can learn more about the Lord's characters, what he has in for your life, what he directs us to do. And so. Well, if I, but I want to make sure that if I pray with you, will I be saved or do I have to also go to church and stuff? You don't necessarily have to go to church. However, the prayer doesn't save you. It's your actions in your heart that tells the Lord what he needs to know. So it's like, it's like the things that I do. Like if I like, if I like help people and, and like, and like do good. Because I try to be a good person, you know, and I try to help people. Like there was an old lady that was like, you know, trying to get groceries in her house the other day. And like, I went over there and just kind of helped her. And she, she's like, God bless you. And, you know, that kind of made me feel like, you know, I like this Christianity stuff and I want to be saved. So, you know, and I've heard people talk about it. So I just wanted to know like what I have to do to be saved. Yeah. So like I said, it's, it definitely is really good. Like just doing God honoring and glorifying things in your life, you know, making decisions that you know would glorify and honor the Lord. However, sorry, I'm trying to pull up the scripture for you. But really it comes down to your heart and your commitment to the Lord. Are you seeking out a relationship with Him? Are you talking to Him? And that is between you and Him. So there's no one that could tell you, yes, you're saved. No, you're not. It really is between you and the Lord. Do you think, I've heard some people, they told me that salvation was just a gift and that all I had to do was just believe and then I'd be saved. It wasn't like how I live my life. But I didn't know if that was true. I was just curious. Yeah, no, that's completely true. Okay. It's a gift. And a verse that I wanted to read you is, if you openly declare to Jesus is to declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God. And it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. And that's in Romans 10, 9 through 10. Okay. And so it's just putting your trust in your faith in the Lord and understanding that you really can't live this life without Him. So let's see, if I believe in Jesus and I believe He died and was buried and rose again, will I go to heaven no matter what I do or how I live? Let me find a verse. Like, I think I should be a good person and everything, you know, but church sometimes is kind of boring. And so, you know, like, sometimes my wife, she asks me questions and I don't want to hurt her feelings. So I just kind of fib to her a little bit, you know, but it's not like I'm trying to lie or anything. But, you know, sometimes I definitely, you know, have issues with things and, you know, I don't know that I'm going to be perfect, but I definitely try. But, you know, I just heard these people saying, you know, all you have to do is believe and then, you know, like you said, believe and then you'd be saved. But I just wanted to know, like, what that meant. Yeah, definitely. So let me pull up the Romans Road. This is a great, this is a great way to kind of lead you into salvation. Let me find it. Just give me one second. I want to make sure I'm just giving you the right information and just leading you the correct way. OK. Because your questions aren't totally valid and I had them before I'd become a Christian and I was in the same boat as you, I'd ask those questions as well. Well, I'd seen on YouTube some video called The Bible Way to Heaven by a guy named Pastor Steven Anderson. I don't know if you ever watched that video. But he said, he said that we're all sinners and that that the punishment for our sin was hell. And he even said that all liars shall have their part in the lake which burned the fire brimstone, which is the second death. And that was scary for me. But he said something, you know, kind of what you said, like in Romans, I think, about that God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So he said something about, you know, Jesus died on the cross. He bore all our sins on his body. He was buried and then he rose again the third day. And then he said something, he said something about some guy was like about to die and is afraid. And he like asked these two evangelists, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. And so what I had heard is that it was just, it's just a free gift by faith and that all you had to do was believe in Jesus. You just had to put your faith in him. And then once you did that, you were saved. Yeah. Is that accurate? You're right on the money. Yeah, that's exactly it. And you said that you saw that in a video? Yeah, it's called like the Bible Way to Heaven with Pastor Stephen L. Anderson. I think you can find him on YouTube. But, you know, I just watched the video. He also said that once you're saved, you're always saved, that, you know, you become a child of God. The Holy Spirit moves inside of your heart, that there's nothing you can do to lose it. And, you know, that kind of made sense to me since it's a gift and all. Yeah, I know. And you're you're totally right there. You know, the Lord did die on the cross for us and to allow us to live this life. And we are sinners and we are sinners by nature, which is sad because when Adam and Eve sinned, it, you know, made us become sinners. But that's why that's why God sent Jesus is to save us and to be able to live this life. And so when we pray to him, you know, we ask for forgiveness of these sins. And we talk about what we want to do to honor and glorify him. And you're right, there's not you don't have to do certain stuff to get saved necessarily. You don't have to do certain stuff to be perfect because we all saw short and we all are sinners. Well, you know, I mean, that makes me think there was another verse I saw on that thing. It said Ephesians two, eight, nine, four, by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. And so I was under the impression that it's not how we live our life. It's not what we do. It's it's a free gift. And if it were by our works, then no one could be saved. And then Christ is dead in vain. And it was just a little confusing because when I first talked to you, you said something about how it's kind of like, you know, it's important how we live our lives to be saved. So I didn't know what you meant by that. Yeah, my apologies. I think it's more just talking like, you know, when you do become saved, it's really important to establish a strong relationship with Jesus. Because the Lord will know our commitment and our love to Him through our relationship with Him. And so it's just important to, you know, understand that we just need to continue to pull forward to the Lord and ask Him for help and guidance in our life. And so my apologies is my words that mixed up or I messed that up at all. It's OK. I'm just you know, I'm just concerned. What was your name again, ma'am? McKenna. McKenna. Very, very. Thank you so much for talking with me, McKenna. You know, I just I was just interested what what was the number for this call center again? Let me put. It should be eight eight eight three eight eight two six eight three. OK. And this is this was the Billy Graham ministry because I got it. I got the number from another lady I spoke to there. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Well, McKenna, if you ever need help finding a church, we can also help you find one as well. What kind of what kind of church should I try? Like, because I see it really is up to you. Searching around to see, you know, what church lives out your beliefs and what you want for the world. Bible believing, you know, believing and living out what scripture says, do you think, because I've seen like Methodist and Catholic and Baptist is that are they all the same? There are different they have different ways of doing things, can sometimes believe in different things. I really do suggest finding like a nondominational church. This is a church that's very just straightforward on Bible believing. Kind of is, I would say, like an all in one, if that makes sense. You can find you can you can find a church that, you know, finding a church where you're able to figure out what you believe, figure out ways that you enjoy praising and honoring the Lord, and then you can find a church that might fit that a little bit better. And so that's why we can always find like different types of churches in your area. What about, you know, that guy, that guy I was listening to online, Stephen Anderson, he goes to Faithful Word Baptist Church. Is that a good church? Should I try that church? I mean, if he's near you and you like his preaching, then it doesn't hurt to try it out. Great. Yeah, it's really close to me. And he said he's King James only. So, you know, I kind of like that King James Bible. Is that is that a good one to use? Well, the awesome thing about the Bibles is that there's all different translations. OK. And so you can see a translation that you understand the best. And so if you understand King James the best, then that's awesome. But it's more just a preference. And, you know, the King James kind of sounds Texan because, you know, in like some parts, he says, I reckon that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed. And, you know, it just makes me sound it just makes me feel like it's Texan, you know, just like that. Yeah, well, and it doesn't hurt to check out other or. I'm sorry, my words. You can if you like King James, you can definitely continue to reading, reading that there CSV or NIV. Those are all different ways to just read the Bible and they have different wording. So sometimes if you read a verse and it doesn't make sense, you can change it to a different translation. And it might make a little bit more sense. OK. And so, well, you know, one other thing I want to ask you is, I heard somebody online one time, they said that you don't even have to know the name of Jesus to be saved. You don't even have to like be conscious of him. You just have to follow whatever lot that you have and you'd be saved. You're going to go to heaven. Is that true? Like everybody going to go to heaven? No, I and I wish not everybody and I wish that I could speak to that more. However, I'm just not really educated on that. And so I wish that I could I wish I could speak into it, but I don't want to give you anything that the Bible doesn't say. And so that's something that you could definitely, you know, turn more into or go find the pastor of the church that you like. I think it was I think Larry King live or something like on Larry King. And there was like another guy, I think his name was Billy Graham, that said that on national television. That everyone can be saved or everyone is going to be saved. Yeah, that everybody was going to go to heaven no matter what. That all you have to do is follow the light that you have. I've never heard that from him. And I don't think that he would say that, especially because we work. I work for him or I work for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. So usually that's not something that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association believes. I'd seen the video online where he said it. So I just didn't know if that's what he believed or not. Yeah, well, I'm going to take a look into that because I've never heard it there. But he might have been saying like those who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, meaning call out to the Lord and pray to him and talk to him. So but like I said, I'm not exactly sure. Well, you know what? Thanks so much for talking with me, McKenna. You know, I feel a lot better talking with you. And, you know, I think that you should probably go check out that Bible Way to Heaven video by Pastor Stephen Anderson. It's a pretty good one. And you probably should check out and see what Billy Graham said, because I think he clearly said that you don't even have to know the name of Jesus to be saved. So you might want to you might want to check that one out. All right. I will definitely do that. Thanks for your time, McKenna. You have a great evening. All right. God bless. Bye. All right. So I guess that was our first call. How did that go, Ben? Like I said, I'm convinced that's your natural accent. OK, well, you're doing a New York accent when you normally speak. You know, it's weird because the first lady that I called and I spoke to earlier, she told me you have to surrender and you have to give up all your sins. This is a young girl. I'm going to put you on the hot seat. Is she saved or is she not? I don't know. She did agree with me. So here's the thing. If she was genuine about agreeing with me, then she might be saved and just like really mixed up, because obviously she's working for a really bad ministry and the church is going to is probably really confused. She's not using King James Bible. And it's kind of crazy. Like you would think that they would at least give him a script or something like, you know, someone wants to just be saved. They call in his numbers and she seemed very ill prepared. I'm hoping that maybe she'll, you know, take this opportunity of being confronted about how to get someone saved. And maybe she'll actually try to look up some verses and maybe watch that video by Pastor Anderson. Hopefully she watches how Billy Graham basically just teaches universalism. Sure. But she was a sweetheart. I didn't want to give her too hard of a time because she didn't seem she seemed like a pretty nice girl. She's like a sweetheart. So, yeah, I didn't want to like want to just rip her a new one or something. I'm glad I didn't get rebuke on that. Now, to even make it more fun, I think we have a special guest that we're going to be able to bring on here, Cassidy Campbell. And he's going to be he's going to be making some calls for us, too. But we're going to have to spin that wheel. How's it going, Cassidy? Good, man. You? I'm doing great. So I felt bad for the girl. Oh, man. So nice. Yeah, she was really nice. But have you ever called the Christian hotline before? No, I haven't. OK, well, you're going to get your first experience. You ready? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Bear with us. I don't think there's going to be an issue. I think you're going to be able to call them and everything. But before we get started, I'm going to spin the wheel for you here. And then we'll explain what you kind of have to do. How's my mic? Sounds great. Oh, OK. All right. So you have to do an. No, it was accent. I turned it the wrong way because I was looking at. So so you have to just pick an accent. Donald Trump. You can do whatever you want. OK, well, he just did like a southern accent. Yeah, that's true. Like a ghetto accent. I'll just do. Try to try the TD Jakes one, if it's what was the we might we might also have our production call a few other hotlines, make sure they're still open. But what was the accent you wanted to do? Let's try our TD Jakes my gangster accent. Wankster. Yeah. Can this person like be a horrible heretic, though? Like, is there a line like press two for the damnable heretics or something and not the sweethearts? I'm trying to talk to somebody who thinks they know. I'm not trying to talk to someone who's nice. Exactly. Are we calling? All right, we're about to start dialing, so so I have to shut up. Yeah, you have to stop talking, please. Like now or. OK, just try it. Let's try Daystar. How is this going to work? Am I going to call or what? Yeah, they'll they'll answer whenever. You'll just kind of hear them talking where. But we're dialing on your behalf. Oh, you're dialing. Yeah. Yeah. You just have to speak when the call. Thank you for calling the Daystar prayer department. Pada Espanol Preción en Nueve. Please listen carefully as our menu options have changed recently for prayer to make a pledge or for placing an order. Press one for payments. Press two for. I am. And I know for his. Yeah, I was an impale. We apologize for the delay and we appreciate your patience. All agents are currently assisting other callers to leave a voicemail. And at eight thirty eight p.m., they're all we're trying. We're trying to get saved. It's harder. It's harder to get saved than you thought. Langston is trying to get saved. Right. And yet we should call the Billy Graham later and see if we get McKenna again. Oh, my gosh. Maybe we'll get someone different on there. Yeah. We need an actual heretic. That would suck if it was the same person. Seven hundred. Here we go. This call may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes. Hello. I want to thank you for calling the Christian Broadcasting Network. We are so happy to receive your call. If you are calling for prayer, please press two for our next available representative to join the 700 Club or do. We are so happy to receive your call. Please stay on the line for our next available representative. And may God bless you. We'll give it another minute. With you for just a moment. Jesus encouraged his followers, saying, seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. And all I'm going to do with you, man. That music made me cry a little bit. For you today. Good evening. Thank you for calling the Christian Broadcasting Network. Yeah. How's it going? So I was trying to see, like, what I need to do to go to heaven. I was trying to get saved. Yeah, of course. So let me help you with that. May I please have your name? Yes, Brian. OK, thank you. OK. To go to heaven. The only the only one that can provide an access for us to heaven is the Lord Jesus and accepting him as Lord and Savior. That is what we need to do. Do you want to do you want to pray the prayer of salvation? That's all I need to do is just believe on Jesus. Of course, follow his commandments. So wait, I'm confused. Do I need to believe on Jesus? I mean, what do I do? Believe in Jesus. Believe in Jesus. Pray to him. Accept him. Accept what he did for us. That sacrifice. And then when we believe in Jesus, we want to please him. So we totally have to follow his commandments. Totally. Like, what if I screw up? Am I going to lose it? There is forgiveness. No, there is forgiveness. I bet. I appreciate it. So that's all I got to do. Right. Yes, well, it's he he already did everything for us. Everything that we have to do is just receive what he has done for us. Yeah. So I don't have to do like anything, just he did it. He did it all. Oh, well, thank you so much. Yeah. What what Bible verse should I look at so I could, like, get saved? John, three, sixteen, John, three, sixteen, if you're familiar with the hospitals. Yeah. Do you want to pray the Salvation Prayer today with me? You know, I'll just think about it. I was just wondering, I mean, I could just pray out here and I could just, you know, let's do it. Let's do it. OK. But I can't lose it, right? I can't lose it. Right. Like, it's forever, right? Let's put it this way. You didn't do anything to receive this salvation. He did everything. Yeah. So if you if you if you if you commit some some error in your life, he will totally forgive you. OK. Yeah. OK, let's do it. Yeah. OK, thank you. All right. Repeat after me. Yes, Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus. I ask you to come into my life. I ask you to come into my life. I want to turn. I want to turn. From living my life. From living my life. Under my own control. And wait, I thought you just said I had to believe in Jesus. Now you saying I got to hold on. I thought Jesus did it, but why do I got to do that? I'm confused now. Now you tell me you love someone that works. Yeah. Now, if you love someone, you want you want to please him, correct? Yeah, but where? Hold on. Let me see. Romans 10. It says that if thou shalt confess the Lord Jesus with thy mouth and believe in the heart, the God raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved. Hold on. Acts chapter 16, verse 30, 31. Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house. It didn't say anything about doing nothing. I'm confused. You don't have one to you don't have to be confused. Do you have kids? I would. Do you have kids? Do you have children? Yeah, I got I got 13. What do you mean? OK, when we're a parent, when we are a parent, we want our kids to obey us. We want our kids to be saved. We want to provide for our kids. We want to do everything for our kids. So that is exactly what the Lord wants to do with us. He wants to help us. He wants to correct us from where we are wrong. He wants to protect us. He wants to provide for us. It's the exact way. Yeah, I know. But you were saying that I had to do something like some sort of thing. And I was confused. No, no. Don't be confused. It's like a mixed message. OK, let me read. No, no, it's not mixed. Let me read the whole prayer so that you can decide if you want to say it or not. I'm going to decide. I'm going to think about it. OK. Let me read it for you. Just read it for you. Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my life. I want to turn from living my life under my own control. Come now and live your life in me. Cleanse me from my sins. I receive you as my Lord and my Savior. I will live for you and serve you all the days of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen. That's the prayer. Now you decide if you want to do it. Maybe you don't want to do it today. Maybe you can call us back tomorrow. Yeah, can I get your personal number, though? I'm trying to holler at you later. No, no, I cannot make callbacks. You would have to call us back. For real? I'm going to call back, though. You sing? Yes. Oh, you is? Alright. Oh, dang. I don't know that accent. It sounds good, though. That's your decision. Everything is a choice. Everything is a choice. You decide to do it or not. Everything is a choice. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Everything is a choice. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. But alright. Yeah. Alright, I'm going to head out. Yeah. Alright, we killed that call. Oh, man. I don't think I could ever hear that and then look at Cassidy and think that was the voice that was coming from him. That was ridiculous. Oh, man. It's like she doesn't even know what she's doing. She's just reading a script. And there was no cognitive thinking. That was the 700 Club, I believe. Yeah, it was. Alright, well, hopefully we got another number here. We're going to let Ben get in this fun. So, alright, let's see how Ben can do. You ready to spin? You want to spin it? Sure. Get in here. You got to spin it hard, alright? Come on. Alright. Come on. I'm going to tell her I'm going to be the lord of your life, baby. Oh, my goodness. Rebuked. Oh, man. Now, you can play it slow if you want. You can play it slow, but just, you know, you got to finish strong. Alright, so give me the worst heretic you can please. Who are we calling? Do we have a number lined up? Can we get Mormons or Jehovah's Witness? Oh, my gosh. Imagine you are a demon. I forbid you. Oh, imagine calling Greg Locke's hotline if you have one. Yes. Breakthrough with Rod Parsley. We're going to be doing so. So if I'm a Christian, if I'm a Christian and I'm saved, how often do I need you to think of that once I'm saved? If you'd like to sow a seed into this ministry or order a product, please press one. If you would like our mailing address, please press two. To leave a prayer request for our ministry team to agree with you in prayer, please press three to check the status of an order or for any customer service. Who is that? Go from the top. Go to the top of the list. I think that they're checking it from the top of the list. So we're going to try TBN. Listen, salvation is all by believing. You just got to thank you for calling TBN. If you are calling for prayer, please press one. If you are calling to give a donation. Thank you for calling TBN's prayer line. Jesus only died for your past sins. They want you to do it in the Arab accent. You can do it everywhere. All of our prayer partners are currently praying with other callers. Please hold for the next available prayer partner. They're all busy talking. You should have a hotline, guys. Why don't you have a hotline? We do. Don't we? Thank you for calling TBN. This is Sabrina. Who am I speaking with? Hi, Sabrina. This is Ben. Hello. Thanks for calling in. I had a quick question for you regarding salvation. I was just curious, you know, a lot of people teach different things about it. And I was thinking maybe you could clear up the confusion on like what it takes to actually be saved. Faith. There's no works mentality. It's just putting your faith in Jesus Christ. So you know that like God sent his only son to die on the cross for your sins, right? And when somebody places their faith in Jesus, are they always saved? Like I've kind of heard this thing online. Once saved, always saved. No, it comes down to surrender. So I don't know. It's not, so no, that's out. I don't believe in that. But it comes down to surrender, you know. It comes down to surrender? Repentance. Repentance is not just, oh, you know, Lord, forgive me. Yeah, that's part of it. But truth, true repentance is to change the way you were to change the direction you were once walking to surrender your life to the Lord. So a lot of people want to come to Jesus and make him savior, but they don't want to make him Lord. So it comes down to surrender. When you surrender your heart, when you surrender your life to Jesus, you not only repent, but you surrender. That means you turn away from your sin and you start walking toward the cross. And he doesn't say, clean up your entire life before you come to me. He says, come to me and I will transform you. I will take out your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. So you said we have to make him Lord. Is that what you said? By surrender, yes. By surrendering your life. I kind of feel like Jesus is Lord. I feel like he kind of is Lord regardless of whether I make him Lord or not. What do you think about that? Well, is he Lord over your life, though? Is there a chapter and verse? Let me see. About which part? Well, you talked about how you have to surrender. You said you could lose your salvation, correct? I think a true Christian, you're not going to lose your salvation. Like I said, that's why you tie it to surrender, because you know if you leave God based on your level of surrender. So salvation is not just by faith alone, then. Salvation is by faith and surrendering and trying to do the best you can. Well, you know, it says faith without works is dead. In James chapter... In the scripture it says faith without works is dead. In James 2. Have you surrendered? Yes. Okay. All right. Yes, but it took me many years. There's actually a really good chapter if you want to read 1 John chapter 4. That was when I surrendered. You surrendered when you read 1 John 4? Well, I got delivered. Do you keep the whole law, would you say? Like, do you still sin at all? So when you come to Jesus, he washes all your sin away. So it's not that you're not going to make a mistake, but he doesn't see you that way. The Bible actually says that he sees this wholly blameless and above reproach. Let me see where that's at. So how many sins would I then... Basically, you put your faith in him, and then righteousness is put into your account. So no longer are you a sinner. That's why I said read 1 John chapter 4. I gotcha. And chapter 3. They're both good. My question is, though, because you had talked about surrendering, so how many sins... Is it like a quota for the number of sins that I would have to turn from or that I would have to surrender in order to be saved? Is it like three, four? Is it certain types of sins? Absolutely not. So when you really come to Jesus, he cleans up your life, because the scripture says that he's a good father, and a good father corrects his children. So if you're truly a Christian, if you're truly coming to the Lord, you will be corrected, because a good father corrects his children. But Colossians 1-22 says, But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy, unblemished, and blameless in his presence. Right. So that would bring you out of sin and bring you into righteousness. Not that you don't make a mistake and you need to repent and have forgiveness, but if you habitually keep doing the same sin, something's wrong, because 1 John 3 talks about how when you really know God, you no longer habitually sin. Is there like a verse that says that? Absolutely. It's one of my favorites. Hold on, let me look it up. 1 John 3, I think. Okay, yeah, so 1 John 8, verse 9. Verse 9, sorry. Yeah, verse 8 says, we'll read 8, I'll read 8 through 10. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil, verse 9. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, this is what I'm talking about. For God's seed abides in him and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. Verse 10, by this it is evident who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil. Whoever does not practice righteousness, remember that's what I was telling you, is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. So righteousness isn't something that we can work to attain. Righteousness comes by faith. That's why I said when your first original question, how do I come to God, is by faith. But when you put your faith in him, he puts righteousness into your account. So righteousness causes you to live a sinless life, not because of anything that you do, but because his blood was shed for your sins. It doesn't mean you don't make a mistake, but you no longer see yourself as a sinner. As long as you see yourself as a sinner, you'll never stop sinning. But when you see yourself cleansed by the blood, wholly blameless and above reproach, you start to live in the Spirit, because there's a scripture that says, walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. All right, well I'm going to be honest with you, that was one of the more confusing messages that I've probably ever heard in a phone call with regard to salvation. The Bible makes it extremely clear how to be saved. It says, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness, even as David also described it, the blessedness of the man, unto whom God impudeth righteousness without works. That's clear. What you said isn't clear. What you said actually is a damnable heresy. We're actually out of time. It's leading people to hell. I'm really sorry, but I'm going to have to let you go. You're making people twofold more the child of hell than yourself, lady. And here's what you need to do. You need to stop preaching a false gospel. You need to look up the Bible way to heaven on YouTube. You need to get saved and you need to stop lying to people about what it takes to go to heaven. Yeah, that was rough. These people, you know, of course using a false Bible version as well. But, you know, there's too much to work with there. She obviously wasn't going to get anywhere with you, but the Bible does say rebuke a wise man. He will love you. So, you know, these people are just not, I don't know what to think. You feel sorry for them at first. Like, I feel sorry. And, you know, Makenna, she seemed pretty nice. I like talking to her. But this one girl is just like, she was pretty sassy. I think someone had put in their comments, it's just like, I don't believe that. Once saved, always saved. And it's like, but then she's later said, well, I think you can't lose your salvation. You know, it didn't make sense. Truly surrender. It was all over the place. Because she did give lip service to faith alone. And then it was James 2, out of context. That's every false prophet. That's what they do. Oh, man. It's all over the place. Like, again, you isolate some statements, they sound good. Exactly. And then you listen to the whole message, though, and it's just like all over the place. She's surrendered her entire life. She never missed church once. Yeah, she's never had a sinful thought. I mean, the Bible says the him that knoweth to do good and doeth not himeth his sin. So I guess every time she's even noticed something good to do, she always did that. You know, is he the Lord of your life, Ben? I've never had a lustful, or I've never had a bad thought. Wow. That's impressive. I didn't realize that. I had them drill a hole, where they drill a hole in your head and they get to your brain. I can't remember what it's called, but basically you can't have any, like, bad thoughts. Yeah. You can't have bad thoughts. Wow. Hey, I busted out laughing when I was watching this street preacher from this video I was putting together called Street Preachers From Hell. This preacher, he's like, I haven't had one lustful thought since I've been a Christian for 17 years. Wow. And I was like, I just busted out laughing. That's a lie. All right. Let's try again. I know what I'm saying. Let's see if we can speed it up, though. I'll try to be, like, I think we should be more obnoxious. Yes. To see how long we control and they'll still try to talk to us. You're a heretic? Heretic. What's the qualifications to even work for this? I don't get heretic stuff. Well, we don't even have, we don't have to use the spin wheel. We could just go with something weird, but I think it'd be interesting to see how much we control them and see how much they would still stay on the phone with us. So what's what's the I was thinking about trying to do. Ed Bassmaster, would you look at that? Oh, my gosh. Let's go ahead. Let's go ahead. Crossroads, the prayer line. See if we can get a little bit of. Ed Bassmaster going and you know, I don't really feel sorry for these people, so not Thank you for calling Crossroads 24 hour prayer line. For the qualifications to work there, Cassidy? Yeah. Just give lip service to kind of liking Christianity, maybe. I'm vibing to the music. Man, y'all need some hip hop beats. Would you look at that? Why aren't you looking at it? You should tell them that you think you're Michael the Archangel. What do you look at that? Thank you for calling the 24 hour prayer line. Please stay on the line and our first available prayer partner will be glad. I've been serene. If you'd like to leave a message with a confident prayer request. Do you mind praying? Or you can send us an email at ministry at crossroads.ca. Sir. God bless you. At the moment our prayer partners are experiencing larger than usual call lines. Everybody's trying to get saved. As your call has been placed in priority for the first available prayer partner. You can also press one and leave a brief voice message with your prayer request. We assure your request will receive prompt attention. They outsource their prayer hotline to India. We got to have you do it. Is it possible to call multiple at the same time or only one at a time? So we have to do one. Is there another one that I almost answered right away? Let's try that one. Let's try for truth. It's on the billboard anyways. It's better for at best. If you know the extension number of the phone team member you would like to speak with. You may dial it at any time. Otherwise you may hold for the next available team member. This call may be recorded. Please listen to a brief explanation of truth while we connect your call. Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Can I really know what is true? What will happen to me after I die? Who is Jesus? Hello it's Charles with Gospel Billboard. Oh wow it's really you. Would you look at that? I was driving down the road and I saw this billboard and I told my buddy Ben. I was like would you just look at that? It's truth. Would you look at it? And he was like would you just look at that? And then I was like let's call him. And I thought like truth? I mean who doesn't love the truth? It's about Jesus man right? I mean would you look at that? That's right yeah. Yeah. So I mean. What message did you see on the billboard? Well he said like for truth and I like. It's like in the number. It's like in the phone number. Would you look at that? I mean I was like how do you even get the phone number with truth in it? I mean would you look at that? Would you just look at it? Well I'll. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and so our goal is to point people to Jesus. Yeah that's where the truth is. That's like in John 14 right? If you look at it. Have you looked at it? Did you look at it? John 14? Yeah John 14 6. Did you look at it? Have you looked at it? Would you look at it? That's right yup. That's where it says I'm the way the truth and the life. Yeah. Would you look at it? So. What was the message on the billboard that you saw? It was so fast it was like I was like would you look at that and then like when he looked at it I was like looking at it and I was like would you look at it and it was like truth and then it was just so it was just so fast and I was like how we're going to call and I didn't think we were going to get it right and we called the number and then and then when we heard it it was like truth was like would you look at that and then I showed him on my phone he said truth and I was like would you look at it and so you know I was just thinking like wow John 14 6 I mean would you look at that and like Romans 3 23 you know would you look at it and it's just like you know for you know for all of sin right? That's right yup. Yeah Romans 14 talks about the sin the sin of man and John 14 6 talks about the answer. We've all sinned and come short of the glory of God so yeah well you you know something about the Bible you must be a Bible reader well would you yeah I mean every time I get a Bible I'm like would you look at it and I'm like look at that it says Holy Bible look at it it's the truth if you just look at it and I'm like showing him Romans 3 23 and I say like would you look at it because we're all sinners. Yeah and we're all sinners yes so you you're we're all we're all sinners do you have a relationship with the Lord are you a Christian? Yeah I mean I'm just you know I'm thinking you know we're we're in America and it's like would you look at it it's America is Christian if you just look at it and they just look at the Constitution I mean if you just look at it it's like endowed with a creator and I mean like everybody's coming to America because it's I mean would you just look at it just look at the country and I mean like even people like you I mean aren't you from Canada or something? I'm from Canada yep that's right. Yeah I mean exactly I mean would you just look at that I mean it's like a guy from Canada coming to America would you look at it and it's like you know when you look at the Bible and you're just like would you look at it? Well I don't think it matters what country we're from the Bible says the grace of God which brings salvation has appeared to all men it doesn't matter what country we're from or what nationality the gospel of salvation is for all men. Hey man on TV there's like John 3 16 on the screen I'm like would you look at it and like my buddy he won't even look at it and I'm like would you look at it and it's like it's John 3 16 and then I pull up my Bible and I'm like would you look at it and then look at that it's it's it's for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son would you look at it you know I mean like it's just it's it's a free gift right? That's right yep unfortunately there's there's too many people that aren't that aren't interested in the in the free the greatest free gift that was ever available to mankind and lots of people reject rejected it that's that's on that's awful sad. Yeah I mean you know you look at America you look at Biden I mean if you just look at it it doesn't even look right and you look at you look at Obama it doesn't even look right and you look at Michelle Obama and it's like would you look at that I mean it looks like a man I mean would you look at it just just look at it I mean just just look at it just look at it it's not a woman it's a man and I'm like if you just look at it you'd realize you know salvation by faith it's a free gift right? That's right yep yep not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to the washing of the washing of the like regeneration right would you look at that so so would you say like once you're saved you're always saved? Only if we keep following in the footsteps of Jesus and obeying his commandments. So like you know like I heard someone say like once you're saved you're always saved and I was like look at it you know and like I saw like a Bible verse said that we become the sons of God you know the Bible says but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even that believe on his name I mean I was like would you look at it it's like we're a child of God and it's like we're born again and I'm like would you look at it if you look at it it's like we're child and once you're a child you're always a child so it made sense that you once you believe you're saved and you can't ever lose it. Well the but the Bible does talk a lot about deception the Bible has a lot to say about many who believed and fell away from the truth and the scripture talks about in the last time there's going to be a great falling away what are people falling away from I think they're falling away from the saved relationship that they had in Christ and they're becoming deceived. Yeah I mean if you just look at it I mean the world's like super deceived if you just look at them I mean if you look at it like you just look look at look at the TV and if you just look at it you just look at all the Emmy and then just look at what they're doing and look at the Satanism and look at Hollywood and just look at it and if you just if you just look at it you'd see it's there's a deception it just it's there if you look at it right but the Bible just look at that if you just look at the Bible the Bible is saying you know if you believe you're saved right it says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised from the dead thou shalt be saved it says saved with a D at the end it says in Acts 16 verse 30 and 31 it says sirs what must they do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and it's like if you just look at it we have to just says believe then we have to but then we have to keep on believing 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 14 says but continue thou and the things which thou has learned and has been assured of I mean it's very possible not to continue into oh yeah it's easy it's easy not to continue because we have the flesh right and we wore the flesh in the spirit and we're supposed to walk in the spirit but if we don't we're still saved right no if we start to walk in the flesh we're going to reap the reward of the flesh whatsoever a man so if that show he also reap well I mean obviously you could die physically but if you just look at it I mean once you believe you're saved right and you can't lose your salvation no I think the Bible is pretty clear that you can Hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 says now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him God's not going to take anyone to heaven that he doesn't have any pleasure in but doesn't that verse say that we're not of those who draw back under perdition but to the believing of the following the following verse right so we read the next verse look at it we are not just looking the next verse if you just look at it he says that we are not of those that draw back under perdition so you know because we're stuck because we're committed to keep on believing but if we stop believing and start following the desires of the flesh then we are of them who draw back well you know if you look up if you just look at it if you just go to Google and you just look at it like if you just type in draw back in in the dictionary and you just look at it like if you just look at it and you just read it if you just look at that it talks about how you didn't do what you were trying to strive for you didn't achieve it so if you just look at it you would see that it's saying that they didn't end up believing they never believed to be saved and so they never got saved so you know Hebrews chapter number 10 it's an important verse we shouldn't stop losing faith in the Lord we shouldn't continue in the works of the flesh but if we do the Bible says that we're still saved I mean first Corinthians chapter number three the first Corinthians chapter three says that you know all our works will be burned but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fire the Bible says I will never leave thee nor forsake thee the Bible says that you know if you just look at it it says that you know once you put your faith in him that you know you you're you're sealed under the day of redemption the Bible the Bible makes it very clear as long as as long as we keep believing second Peter chapter 2 verse 21 says for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them but it has happened unto them according to the true proverb the dog is turned to his own vomit again and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire so are you talking are you talking about second Peter chapter 2 yeah I mean yeah second Peter chapter 2 verse 1 says but there were false prophets also among the people if you just look at it it says false prophets false teachers who deny the Lord that bought them how could I look at this list of people in second Peter chapter number two that said that they don't even believe in Jesus they deny the Lord that they're false teachers they're false prophets and say that they lost their salvation they didn't have salvation they never even believed there are people that but they turn the way of truth they shall be spoken of they deceive many who are saved and and that's why it's so dangerous well I think what you're missing the point second Peter chapter number two is talking about people that are unsaved false teachers and false prophets teaching a false gospel that they start cleaning up their lives because they hear about the righteousness of God but then they end up ending up their lives worse even though they attempted to follow God's commandments because they never really got saved kind of like Judas you know Judas was covetous but you know he never really got saved never really believed so then at the end of his life he ended up selling out the whole Lord Jesus Christ and he went to hell if you just look at it I mean if you just look at the Bible if you just look at the verses it would be clear salvation is a free gift by faith that you can't lose once you're saved you're always saved I mean isn't that the truth are we here talking about the truth no no that's that's not what the Bible says the Bible makes it very clear that we can that we can fall away you know I think you just got to look at it if you just look at the Bible if he just look at it if we just look at John 5 verse 24 if you just look at John 1 12 if you just look at John 3 16 if we just look at John 3 18 if we just look at John 3 36 if we just look at Romans 3 28 if you just look at all look at all the verses in the Bible Ephesians 2 8 and 9 which says for by grace he saved through faith and that not of yourselves is the gift of God not of works the city man should boast I mean if you just look at it the Bible says salvation is a free gift you can't lose you can't you know be saved by our works it's not by works of righteousness which we have done by his mercy he saved us you quoted part of that verse then you got but then but then but then you got to keep reading why read the Bible you got to keep reading there where it talks about works it says it goes on to say that good works are the fruit or the fruit of salvation well we should obviously we thought we're not works we should fall we're not a buyer good good works but one who is saved what's your name's on good work will will be the hey what just wait would you look at what's your name son my name is Charles Charles you're you were born by your mother right that's right and then I was that a one time was that a one-time event or is that a lifestyle are you still being born by your mom or is that a one-time event you can't compare you're you're trying to make draw a perfect parallel between the natural and the spiritual you can't the Bible says that you must be born again that's right and the Bible says that we become sons of God in fact the Bible says behold now are we the sons of God and here's the thing you can't change your mom is Charles and here's the thing you cannot lose your salvation those who believe they can lose their salvation aren't saved they're not even preaching the truth if you just look at it the Bible tells us that salvation is a free gift and once you believe on Jesus Christ many put all of your faith in him you're saved but if you think you can lose your salvation Charles you're actually trusting in yourself to be good in the future you're not trusting in Jesus Christ Charles you don't believe in Jesus Christ you're believing in Jesus plus Charles you're believing in Charles to be a good person and you Charles you're not a good person you can't be saved by not a good person and that's why that's why I believe that I will only make it to heaven on the merits of the work of Jesus Christ but you just told me you can lose your salvation you can that's because you're not believing that Jesus paid at all you're believing in Charles you think that Charles is gonna get you to heaven so in Revelation chapter 21 verse 27 it says and there shall no wise enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life so it doesn't matter if you ever made a lie it doesn't matter whether a person claims to have been saved at one point or not if they have any sin in their life when they stand before God they are not going to do you have any sin Charles presence of holy God so do you have any sin Charles if I do have any sin in my life I buy as far as I know I have confessed it confessed a perfect man I mean Charles would you look at it Charles are just a perfect man he's never sinned I mean the Bible says that the thought of foolishness is sin Charles had never had a foolish thought folks the Bible says if you make one lie you you're gonna basically not even enter in the kingdom of heaven and Charles hasn't made a lie Charles doesn't even look at woman lust in his heart because that would be adultery the Bible says that him that knoweth to do good and doeth not to him it is sin Charles always does right you are Charles the reason I said that I hope I don't have any sin is because I've confessed my sins and repented of them and asked Jesus to cleanse me that's that you repent of all your sins Charles Charles would you look at that would you have you repented all your sins I mean have you read James chapter 2 verse 10 would you look at it would you look at it would you look at it would you look at it would you look at it look at that just look at that what a train wreck one actually I mean he deserved a pretty sharp good night that guy of all of them deserve the show was annoying he was annoying yeah I had a hard time keeping the at past pastor going because he just started spewing damnable heresy all right that's what you get when you call truth buddy you just you you meet guys that have never sinned they've they've given up all their could lose your salvation you can lose your salvation he said if you have any sin when you stand before God you're not was he trying to use revelation 2127 to teach that if you have one lie you can't be saved like is that how he interpreted that verse I don't that was a lie all right buddy all right is this guy young John's like we got it let's get Andrew Tate sidekick I don't know if I can do the Andrew tape well let me see tight so listen listen listen keys all right I'll try it all right let's call landed on celebrity yeah all right excuse me have you looked into most have you looked into Islam is the true religion so are you broke ease are you broke presents that last one I think was the worst those people are not safe use me who we calling breakthrough with rod parsley maybe we should call the truth one again please be advised that all calls may be monitored or maybe we'll get that guy again please hold the line for the next available prayer partner Charles thank you for calling breakthrough with not so far please my name is many I'm have your name please excuse me my name is Andrew and you may have your phone number just in case we give this connection my phone number oh it's fine I'll just call back and how can I pray for you today so I was wondering what what what do I need to do to get saved what do you need to do to get saved yes yes tell all your position because I had I had some street preacher some street preacher the other day he was telling me that I need to turn from all my sins to be saved I know you have to serve the Lord and yeah are you gonna serve the Lord so I need to serve the Lord go to church what else do I need to do okay what what Bible verses that it's in the Bible you have to serve the Lord if you are it is you read the Ten Commandments read the Bible read so you can learn it's all in them our map is in the Bibles are concerning finances concerning salvation it's in all in the Bible concerning deliverance and restoration they're all there if you are reading you don't know the Lord if you are not reading that's why you need to focus on this Bible because all in the Bible here is to show you about salvation about finances about the restoration about everything is about finances hmm did you say finances what yeah what is the first concerning finances there's a lot in there what I'm very rich I have 30 supercars okay I have 30 supercars I don't need help with my finances I know but I you know so you do know me and you take you cannot take your car in heaven you can cannot take my car to heaven what well I don't want to go down if I can't take my car to heaven mm-hmm yeah this is really the Lord even if you are rich if you don't have God how can you go to heaven well I'm trying to figure out how to go I'm very confused because you're telling me I need to do like things in order to go there is a fitting in the Bible the the the man said to Jesus how can I get saved Jesus said sell all your possession so you need to sell all my possessions are you kidding me I'm going to sell my possessions are you insane and give it to all the poor I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars this is too much work and that's that Jesus said that to the man example how to get saved man said Jesus what I'm going to do to get saved Jesus which versus which verse is this in the Bible yeah it says excuse me yeah here can you hold on one second I'm looking for it it says that yeah I'll show you it in there like it says I got it I'm on it you got it let me read it it says I'm going to read it hold on okay excuse me okay can I talk listen it says and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and he said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good but one that is God but if thou will enter into life keep the commandments he said unto him which Jesus said thou shall do no murder thou shall not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shall not bear man's witness honor a man and thy mother and thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself the young man said unto him all these things have I kept from my youth up what I lack I yet Jesus said unto him if thou will be perfect go and sell that thou has and give to the poor and thou shall have treasure in heaven and come and follow me but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowful for he had great possessions then Jesus said unto disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven so it's hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom Wow but what I noticed here I don't get it but excuse me miss what I noticed here was that the rich young ruler said to Jesus he said what good things shall I do he did not say how can I get saved but that's the part of it to be sure to be a good that's one if you are one to be able to be obedient to the Lord this says in her come follow me if you want to follow Jesus then you have to you all your possession must be a follow what God said you don't need my possession listen up your possession I love my super core they have my did you know something that my oil change cost more than your car it's $25,000 for my oil change bro key but listen so I was reading Acts chapter 16 the other day and it says serves what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved so is there a contradiction is there is there a contradiction or is something wrong here something wrong with you because you said though master you can observe so much that it says in the Bible you cannot serve your money what do you want your mind so I need to live on the streets do I need to live on the street what what what is what they said you don't need to do that but they if it says which one is more a greater on you if it's God or your money you're put so I can't have money with why I can't believe in Jesus and have money do I have to be broke so which one of you would you like better well do I need to be broke so your car so you want your car better 30 cars not just one core I'm confused but John 3 16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish without eternal life I know he didn't say that you have to be perfect I think I know I know but sometimes I your a your position is your idol my idol how do you know it's mine are you perfect are you perfect because I don't my supercars okay because they are you focus more on your possession you focus more on your money you focus more than him well let me tell you something if that's what you believe then you're not saved no what I mean that was only example because you're wrong so you're you're wrong and you're broke you're wrong I'm only the example I didn't you that you are like that if you're wrong because the Bible says that if you're out shall confess the Lord Jesus with thy mouth and believe in that heart that God had raised him from the dead and now shall be saved it doesn't set me to say that you need to sell all your stuff I'd be broken I'd be homeless under a bridge so basically I need to be broke in under your circumstances makes no sense okay now I have a game of chess to play okay you can serve Jesus are you gonna serve the Lord I serve Jesus every day I read my Bible and I go win souls all right I think we dropped that wasn't going nowhere good I want to get somebody that um I want to get somebody that actually speaks fluent English I think both people I had I know that's weird that you keep getting like she was from Mexico she was Filipino really absolutely don't think she was Hispanic I thought she was Hispanic I think she's not Hispanic to me yeah I think you're off I'm going usually off I'm good my family's Filipino yeah you got to go Gupta we got to get it we got to get at least one Indian here for Ben so let's let's let's dial someone else up and if you're listening we're gonna go to we're gonna go to rumble and give our thoughts on Nashville before we finish our season finale here but it can't be on YouTube so might not be able to you on rumble but we're gonna go to rumble here in a little bit so if you want to jump over the rumble stream we'll post it in the live chat we're gonna get Ben in here he's got one of the greatest Indian accents you know I don't know how you do it he's been too much time at 7-eleven what'd he say I went Slurpee I went free Slurpee so oh dude my baby should do truth again just for calling in today you have the opportunity to receive special pricing on TV internet and phone services from DirecTV DirecTV is your source for the best in TV entertainment bundle direct just go just call the truth the direct TV let's just call the truth again cuz they're just really not saved and I don't care about trolling them I can't wait to get DirecTV though I haven't committed a sin since I got saved ten years ago thank you for calling the toll-free number for gospel billboards dot org for English press 1 para español market rate to speak with someone on our phone team about your questions or spiritual needs press 0 para español mark in Nueve if you know the extension number of the phone team member you would like to speak with you may dial it at any time otherwise you may hold for the next available team member this call may be recorded please listen to a brief explanation of truth while we connect your call have you ever asked yourself these questions can I really know what is true otherwise I'll just do Arnold's words good evening this is now with gospel billboards I'm in the state of Pennsylvania may I ask which states you're calling from hello how are you doing I'm doing fine and yourself I'm very good today I wanting to know what you need to what you need to do to go to heaven one day I I didn't know you know I I come from India they have Muslim and all kind of religion over there I wanting to know what you in America what you need to do to go to heaven well the the blueprint or the way to get to heaven is the same for every person for every nationality whatever background it is we believe that the Word of God the Holy Bible which is written by men over over the long past that were inspired by God to write the words of God through Jesus Christ is the the Savior of the world God sent Jesus his only begotten son who lived in in this country or rather he lived in in the world about 2,000 years ago and I want things all right I know what you're talking about but I wanting to know do you need to be good person to go to heaven or is it you only need to believe a person needs to believe that salvation is through Christ and when we receive forgiveness of sins when we ask for to have our sins forgiven by Jesus in true repentance he gives us his Holy Spirit that then lives within us what watery pendant it gives pardon what what do you mean repentant what I don't know English very good repainting to okay okay that's fine to repent is to be sorry for one's wrongdoings and to turn and go the other direction but how sorry do I have to be to realize that sin separates me from God do I need to stop sinning it that comes that power comes after I okay realize my sinfulness let me tell you let me tell you quick story I want to tell I wanting to tell you quick story I working in call center and in call center we we scam people every day I get two three four hundred dollar a day from you American I tell you that I'm calling with a social security you give me all your banking information I take your banking counting number and I put it in my bank account and I'm going on cruise and all kind of vacation from this from the money that I got in from from scamming people every day do I have to you thinks do I have to stop is coming people to go to heaven or if I believe but and I continue scamming do I lose the saved that the law of God tells us one of the laws of God is that that we don't feel that we don't covet that we don't take from other people what is not ours it also tells us that adultery are living with and lusting after another woman other than our wife is wrong it tells us that having idols is wrong so the this is the holiness of God portrayed in the laws of God and in order to to be right with God we need to be come aware of our sinfulness and that our enemy Satan wants to convince us that we can disregard the laws of God so according to the Bible there'll be a change of heart there'll be the desire will change to no longer people yes where you you know you know you no longer feel comfortable and free to take things that are not yours okay do I but but I wanting to know I this is what I do for job in New Delhi that's what we do for job if I believe but then I do not stop doing the scamming will I know will I go to hell after believing will I lose what I call it cell cell way salvation do I lose can can somebody lose the salvation that you're talking about according to the scripture I believe a person can because we need to continue I have one more but but before we go okay do you have do you do you have any gift card next to you no do you have a gift card okay if you go to Walmart if you go to Walmart right now you can get gift card what do you want good we had to go is 7-eleven my cousin he worked there he got a big well for million dollars come okay who are you talking to I don't know if I'm American American boy talking to another heretic no man who believe he can lose his salvation what an idiot the Bible is clear it's a free gift by faith what is wrong with these people they can't even read around scripture I don't know they are so stupid they don't believe in Jesus they believe in themselves Gupta talk to him get his own security number do you have do you have social security number sir yes okay I I just wanting to you to know I'm I am also working for the US government and we are collecting social security number because you have outstanding balance of $50,000 if you are willing to give me your social today I can go ahead and take that we can get there better right now I'm interested in talking about the salvation that we can get through Jesus Christ you and okay I'm telling you I am telling listen to me I am telling you if you give me social we can continue talking about how you can lose your salvation but before we continue talking about that I need social I can't even I can't even talk anymore oh man but one thing I want everybody to do listening right now you think you think I'm doing funny you think I'm doing an accent but this is really this is really how I talk this is really how I talk and all of you are making fun of me right now I don't appreciate it please you're racist make fun of me for my accent I was gonna say you need to get your manager on the phone Gupta get the manager on the phone all right let's try it y'all are ridiculous yeah so let's go ahead and go to why did I agree to do this we're gonna go to rumble only here in just a second but I I want to try one last time let's try and get McKenna back on the phone I'm questioning my life decisions right yes let me let me talk to her let me talk to her well I think that we should have left her like you're on the you're live on air Baptist bias you should check us out oh that was a lot that was the bottom number so it was the Billy Graham eight eight eight three eight eight two six just to be clear you know again for people watching that are like gonna be naysayers these are very bad people all right they're teaching people works out they're worse than scammers they're worse than scam than Indian guy you know the reality is people call that are sincere trying to get to heaven they tell them they can lose their salvation they tell them it's by works and then a lot of them die and go to hell right they make people twofold more the child of hell than themselves you read Matthew chapter 23 the way Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees well it was vehement and it's because of the fact that eternity is at stake here and God hates false prophets amen and Elijah mocked the false prophets Elijah mocked the false prophets as well paradventure he sleepeth he said about their fake satanic God so one again let's make it clear these people aren't saved like the one that was nice at the beginning we were nice to her and you know again I even think us rebuking some of those people is the best thing we can do to for them because I think they need to hear the gospel they need to know that they're on that chick who hung up on me you know I think needed to hear that and another thing obviously we're just having fun with accents you know if you're offended just be offended because I don't care at all I then has one of the greatest Indian accents I've ever heard and I love Indian people of course one of my friends is Indian I wish I could do every accident but yeah I don't know so yeah I know I know Cassidy happy friends maybe after after Pastor Shelley gets done preaching about the gays he says what gay friends I just won't let you know I don't I like Indian food yeah I hate Indian food though I'll be honest so if anyone between us hates India yeah all right let's let's let's you know let's get rid of YouTube so if you're on YouTube at this point you gotta get you gotta get off so YouTube just go to hell all right now that we're on rumble can we did we call let's call one more time and see if we can get McKenna on the phone have a bay and if we get someone else we'll just you know did you have another accent you wanted to try Cassidy or no