(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) on The Baptist Bias. This is a pilot episode of a podcast that we're going to be starting and we're trying to work out all of our technical difficulties this evening so bear with us but I'm really excited about this podcast and tonight's show is going to be about forced vaccinations and we're going to be putting this on YouTube and everything like that but it's probably going to be censored or taken down and so we're going to try and have some dedicated resources as putting out this on our websites and other alternative social medias things like rumble or our website and even maybe godresource.com and so thanks for joining us we're really excited about this evening and I want to kind of just jump in we're going to get a system some topics we got co-hosting with me this evening in The Baptist say hello how's it going everybody I'm used to saying that to open the show it's great to be here obviously I'm really excited about this project I've been looking forward to it for a long time and I got banned from YouTube so it's good to be back on YouTube in a different way does that mean it's dangerous to have you I don't know I don't know if they're going to cancel us like mid podcast or whatever but I'm really looking forward to it obviously this is a really important topic it's on a lot of people's minds everybody's thinking about vaccination people are thinking about COVID specifically the COVID shot people are thinking about mandatory vaccinations people are thinking about what to do if they find themselves in a predicament where they might have to make a decision on acquiescing to an employer that's forcing it or whatever the COVID passport I should say the vaccine passports and things of that nature it's on everyone's mind so you know I think it's a really important topic to start things out with here with our for our pilot episode so I'm really excited about it great so where should we start well I think that for me the first thing that has come to my mind is how this vaccine actually works I did have some material on that because there are people who are confused as to why the COVID shot is different than some of the other shots specifically what I mean by that is how they say it works right because it's an mRNA vaccine which means that it actually induces your body to produce through mRNA through messenger RNA produce a spike protein that your body then your immune system then reacts to and that's supposedly what gives you protection against the virus but the independent which is the mainstream media you know website it says this quote it uses a sequence of genetic RNA material produced in the lab that when injected into your body must invade your cells and hijack your cells protein making machinery called ribosomes to produce the viral components that subsequently train your immune system to fight the virus so that's what makes this shot unique and I think that's what I wanted to start off with is what makes the shot so unique is that it again through your body's your your mRNA which is of course a messenger RNA it essentially commands your body to create a spike protein that your immune system reacts to subsequently and then supposedly gives you immunity to the virus yeah I mean I preached a whole sermon on this topic and I covered a lot of things but I feel like it's good on the stream to kind of cover some different thoughts and just kind of go in a little bit more depth where you know the sermon didn't necessarily allow and when it comes to vaccination I've always been really against it and for a lot of reasons the fact that they have heavy toxic metals in them or they have animal products in them or just the fact that the development and manufacturing of them is through aborted baby cells and ultimately the theory is that you're injecting yourself with a part of the virus or the toxoids that are developed from the disease itself but this one was unique in the sense that it doesn't actually contain the virus right contains this mRNA like you said and it's kind of a different argument a little bit in the sense that since you're not actually getting the disease it's supposed to just try and trick your body into thinking you have COVID when you don't so as to create some kind of immune response now I guess from my perspective you know would you say let's say it just worked let's just say what they're telling us the theory of it you know you're able to get this injection it creates a fake like protein that looks like coronavirus and your body produces an immunity to that I mean is there anything you know it let's just stay at work is there still any concern or is there anything that you're you know say would be negative because of that well first of all it comes down to two things the ingredients because it's not I mean obviously there are going to be other ingredients involved so I would have to see what the ingredients are but if the ingredients were to suppose hypothetically they were to check out and the spike protein itself that your body produces which is supposed to mimic the virus if the spike protein was actually completely harmless and none of the ingredients included in the vaccine had any problems whatsoever then hypothetically you could make the argument that this really isn't so bad and you know we're making maybe too big of a deal about it etc and that the shot's fine but the problem is both those points I brought up have not been proven in fact there's plenty of evidence suggesting the opposite that there are some harmful ingredients involved and that the spike protein itself you know there was a Canadian doctor who came out recently and he likened the spike protein that your body produces as a result of this vaccine to a pathogenic toxin so there are some health experts who are coming out and saying that they're very concerned with this supposed spike protein that is essentially trying to mimic the the virus and that there are actually health concerns associated with that specific component of the entire process so again I think that obviously in an ideal world where Bill Gates wasn't a murderous globalist elite who wants to depopulate the planet then yeah I guess you could say that and this technology had you know intentions that weren't totally evil then yes you could say potentially fine all right if the ingredients check out and the spike protein's harmless okay then there'll be no problems but unfortunately that's not the case well that was quite a mouthful it sounds like you're ready to buy some Microsoft products but well here's some things that I am just thinking out loud okay let's say hypothetically it worked right but that doesn't mean that necessarily there isn't still harmful consequences right let's say the spike protein produced in your body your immune system fights against that what if it doesn't only fight against that what if it also then is triggering a response where it's fighting anything in your body that looks like coronavirus even possibly good cells or good bacteria in your body causing some kind of autoimmune disorder or what if it attacks another part of your body or the mRNA tells your body to do something that you don't want to do right you know here's the question it's like well yeah maybe you eliminate coronavirus I'm just saying theoretically but what are the other consequences side effects that come along that what have you lost your vision you know it's like well I don't want to lose my vision or what if you became sterile or what have you got an autoimmune disease or what if somehow it changed the bone density you had in your body and made your bones more fragile or you know I think there's a lot of other questions and to me it almost seems like we're playing god here a little bit that we're just saying oh yeah we can get in there and we can tell your body exactly what to do and how to fight this virus whereas this is like come to market faster than any other drug of its kind you know and so what are the consequences associated with this and and to me because we don't know and I think that everyone would admit we don't know is it really fair to just force that on every single person to just say you know what we don't know what's going to happen but we just feel like that coronavirus is too detrimental it's too dangerous you know we have to eliminate that you know to me when it comes to medical decisions there's always a pro and a con you know to taking drugs or whatever kind of advice that you're given and it seems like here the government's just making that decision for you in a lot of cases when they're trying to force it passports or other countries and and to me that's where it kind of gets scary that we're willing to just experiment on ourselves but that's just even if it theoretically works I don't even know if I believe that it works necessarily but what about the ingredients you brought up the ingredients you know we've talked about and seen in a lot of other vaccines the aborted baby cells that are been harvested and used to divide and create you know a way to test these and produce them I mean how does that make you feel if you know that aborted babies are helping produce the vaccine I mean it makes me feel disgusted as a bible-believing christian I would want absolutely nothing to do with something that would utilize aborted baby parts aborted baby cells whatever you want to call it at the end of the day it's exploiting the death of babies who were slaughtered in the womb to supposedly create an inoculation that'll then give people immunity I don't want anything to do with that you know and of course from a bible perspective from an ethical perspective of course I get my ethics from the word of God I would be strongly opposed to that and in fact that's probably what makes me angriest about this entire deal is the aborted baby cells that are utilized with this quote-unquote medical technology but I do want to say this okay it's important that we get the facts right about this issue because I don't want to just be the counterpart to the fake news media where I'm just giving a bunch of information that's not legitimate or wrong or whatever so people will challenge oftentimes this idea that well I don't really think that I think this whole aborted baby cell deal is overblown and things of that nature and that they're not really used and obviously you know we talked a little bit about this on the phone but isn't it true that there are some covid shots some manufacturers that actually did not is it true they didn't utilize the baby cells or what's the deal well I want to share a document here real quick if we can pull up my screen but let me know whenever you got that pulled up here was the north dakota health put out some kind of a document it's even like health.northdakota.gov in response to the question about aborted babies itself used in the vaccine production because I believe you know a lot of christians feel that way a lot of christians say you know what I don't want to support that I don't want to enable that or I don't even just want people to feel positive to say well if we save lives through the vaccine there's no problem you know taking these babies and using their them as a sacrifice as it were but do we have that pulled up okay great so if you look at the north dakota they actually talk about covid 19 vaccines and fetal cell lines specifically and they kind of talk about how there was two different aborted fetuses that have been used for a lot of different vaccine production as well as other medicine it's this hek 293 and this prc or pre or yeah perp six which was from 1973 in 1985 and it makes it clear that they have used these to produce certain testing and to help grow these viruses but I believe what they claim is that while they're going to the process of producing manufacturing they produce the virus but then they try to eradicate or move those human cells and so only theoretically either a partial or a left over is in the vaccine but that would only be the accident or that there is none and they say here that Pfizer and Moderna do not require the use of any fetal cell cultures in order to manufacture produce the vaccine I believe it's only Johnson and Johnson that did use the fetal cell cultures prc6 in order to produce and manufacture the vaccine and then you have the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist saying that it's totally fine to get the vaccine and there's no moral issue whatsoever even the one in Johnson and Johnson even though they did use the fetal cells I believe that theoretically it's maybe not like in the actual vaccine final product per se but here's my thoughts I mean even if it was used in any way I'm really against it because let's say you know I think through liquid nitrogen and other methods they've been able to preserve these cells and continually divide them so they can reuse them but it maybe it's possible they either run out or you know it's not preserved correctly and it gets destroyed and then wouldn't there be the argument to say well let's get let's harvest some more let's get you know another baby let's get another culture let's do more research and and to me you know I think from the principle of the Bible it says let us do evil that good may come let's kill a baby to protect ourselves or to prolong our lives and it almost seems a little bit similar to a satanic doctrine of people you know literally sacrificing their children or worshipping the devil so as that he'll get his favor or prolonging their lives and you know to me it kind of ties back to a satanic type religion and and that's literally happening today in the state of Texas we recently crossed threshold of the heartbeat bill coming into law and the democrats have already said publicly like our last chance to defend this is through the Satanists who are saying that it's part of their religious practice to abort babies on purpose or whatever and so you know why would I want to encourage promote or support some kind of a practice that is related to aborted baby cells I mean look I'm not against medicine I'm not against technology but what other technologies are we really relying upon aborted baby cells to utilize essentially this technology but I will say this obviously we want to be careful when we word things because a lot of people just say oh there's aborted babies in the vaccine and then people say oh you guys are idiots or you guys don't even know what you're talking about there's no babies in the vaccine it's really more that they're taking the cells from these stored you know harvestings and they're using them to cell divide either in the laboratory setting of producing it manufacturing it and distributing it but perhaps maybe not in the final product of all vaccines and I think in most cases it's not but some people have even sent me articles I have another article here and it shows a list of a whole bunch of vaccinations and some of them they do claim they have like human albumin and serum albumin in them and they even I think reference those same hek and so you know that would be for everybody to do their own research to see exactly what's going in to these vaccinations I think even the MMR it literally says human albumin and it even has fetal bovine serum so even if we're not injecting babies we're injecting cow and the only injection I like is some steak consumed orally not straight to the bloodstream you know what I mean yeah well I mean I like what you brought up there about the comparison to what we see in scripture where people would give up their own child to a false god sacrifice their own child to a false god and in many cases trying to increase their own longevity and here's the thing again the end this is also sort of a atheistic kind of moral perspective the ends justify the mean yeah it might sound amoral it might sound a little bit weird to utilize baby cells in the process of inoculation but you know what the ends justify the means think of all the different lives that are going to be saved etc and that's not how bible believing christians ought to think that shouldn't be the worldview that we adopt and you know that's not what the bible teaches you know the bible says to abstain from the appearance of evil the bible says that you know we shouldn't be associated with things like this and so for me just that alone forget about all the other potential health ailments that could come consequently as a result of these vaccines forget about all that stuff just that aspect alone should be enough for people to say hey let's not force this on the population especially those who might have a religious objection which i do appreciate that our church and of course people were baptist church as well and i'm not sure if any other churches have done this yet but uh has produced a religious exemption form for people to show their employers or to show anyone who who wants to see it which is up on the website and you'll plug in in a second that way people can see specifically what verses we would appeal to in scripture to determine that this is a violation of our religious views of our beliefs and that way people who want to know about that can see the proof straight from the word of god and from the pastor so if you want you can go ahead and plug that now if you like yeah we still back on are you showing my screen again okay well if you go to steadfastbaptistkjv.org or just the short version sbckjv.com it'll redirect there and right on the front i i put a red banner out there that has vaccine information and if you click on it uh it'll go to a special page it's just slash vax on our website and i have an slash vax on our website and i have an immunization exemption for in there as well as a couple sermons uh the most recent sermon i preached on forced vaccination as well as an older sermon called vaccination snake oil which i preached a few years ago way before the covid thing even came out and and i expressed very clearly that to me you know i believe that these vaccinations are are not effective the way that they describe them and i tried to show a lot of science and research that i've done i personally think that people should do their own research though on these topics and you know if you don't agree with me about their effectiveness you know that's fine everybody should be able to make up their own viewpoint their own opinion but it just kind of violates a lot of bible principles especially the one that i always bring up in matthew chapter nine where jesus christ said they that behold need not a position but they that are sick right and so you know in my view if you have a perfect bill of health it doesn't make sense to then ask a doctor to perform any kind of a medical intervention on you whether that be a surgery an injection uh anything really because if you if you're perfectly fine i don't see any reason why you would need uh to have any kind of extra medicine or extra you know some kind of a surgery or something someone brought up something in a comment i saw they said i don't know if i agree with this you don't go to the doctor and you know if your whole thing is what if you get bit by a like a rabies infested animal and i'm like well obviously at the point that you've been like obviously when you've been bitten by a rabies infested animal you need to seek medical attention right and then obviously from there you should take recommendations from your doctor or whatever hospital you you go to so again it's not to say oh i i got and then you know i stabbed myself or i got bit or i'm sick or whatever obviously even seek medical attention you know jesus christ even is telling people after he cleansed them to go see the priest and have him pronounce him to be clean and and verifying essentially that they are healthy so there's nothing wrong with even verifying that you're healthy obviously christ sent them to the priest to verify the bible talks in leviticus and other books of the bible about checking for leprosy coming back and having kind of a wellness check as it were to ensure that you are have fully recovered from any kind of disease illness or whatever but at the point that you are healthy when you feel good when you have no problems you know i don't want to hang out in the emergency room right it's not really the coolest place to hang out it doesn't really make any sense and if i'm perfectly fine and healthy why do i need to inject myself with a disease an illness or you know these other measures to try and prevent an illness that i may never even catch so but i think again it also comes with the thought process of is a healthy person better off at you know overcoming some kind of an illness or is someone that has gotten this special vaccine as it were to make them in a better version of themselves or a more protected version of themselves you know it does do these vaccines truly give a health benefit my personal opinions know and because my personal opinions know i think it's wrong for me to actually partake in receiving these vaccines and it's not just over 19 i never i never want to get the flu vaccine you know i never want to get the flu shot uh i didn't want to get you know some kind of an mnr or pertussis or like the whooping cough they'll sometimes even recommend parents getting a whooping cough right just for their children's sake or something like that but i don't you know i didn't ever want to do that i don't really believe in that philosophy and and so to me if i got it i would believe it'd be a sin for me because i think i don't have any faith in these things you know romans chapter 14 talks about the fact that you shouldn't do anything that you not a faith because if it's not a faith and it is sin and it's specifically talking about someone who's eating something but it says if he if he eats he's damn which you know that's a pretty strong language coming from the bible saying when you're eating things not a faith you're partaking in things that you think are wrong or sinful that there's actually consequences there's going to be a negative effect when partaking that how do you feel about you know the vaccine and just your personal opinion well i mean again just from a carnal perspective i would much rather get whatever illness is supposed to protect me from and then gain natural immunity to that as a result of having gone through that then to take a shot and specifically for the covet shot but to take an injection that is designed to mess with my genetics and essentially command my body to create this like we talked about this spike protein this sort of fake virus deal or this fake protein rather that is genetically modified and then trick my body into an immune response i'd rather just have an immune response that's natural you know and i think that kovat can be beaten using you know vitamins zinc you know resting things of that nature i think i might have even had it myself i know you uh i believe you've also dealt with it so you can get through it without injecting yourself with a vaccine but again the essence of the live stream tonight is about the forced aspect you know there are people out there who through their agency want to go and take the shot they think the shot is great they think the shots actually could have provided them with some sort of protection and if they want to go out and do it that's fine but where i take a hard stand as a bible believing christian is first of all for myself and my family i agree with everything you said in both the sermons that you preached on this subject but also when we're talking about forcing people this is really the key when you're talking about forcing people to take the vaccine there's two tiers to this first of all there's a societal pressure that people feel which is in a sense them being forced into doing it and here's what i mean by that family members pressuring them friends pressuring them saying they're not going to hang out with them if they don't take the vaccine or that they're going to be shunned in some way or that they're going to be smeared or attacked online or attacked in their interpersonal relationships and then of course you have the vaccine passports you have employers who are threatening to fire people who refuse to take it and that's where that actually gets my blood boiling because at the end of the day there are people out there laymen people regular people who actually support this and think that they stand on the moral high ground for taking the position that not only should everyone take the vaccine but they should be forced into taking it that they should have no choice but to take it and that those who would oppose any kind of mandate are actually sort of antithetical to being on the right side of history or that they're actually perpetuating COVID-19 in some way that's what angers me is those who support this being forced and act like anyone who disagrees with them is morally inferior well and you know to comment on a few things when you said it was going to mess with your genetics you know a lot of people are putting out this idea that it's actually changing your DNA but you know according to all the research and studies they say that there's not i mean there's nothing you really could do to change i mean you got billions of DNA cells in your body that all have the exact same code even if you could tamper with one or mess with one which i don't believe they can and they're not even claiming they did you know you still got the same deal you know i know in this world they think you can change from a man to woman but you can't okay and i know you weren't really uh wanting to do that necessarily but i mean when it comes to the pressure this is actually not something new because i know whenever me and my wife were first having our first child you know our pediatrician said hey we're scheduling all these vaccines for you and we said you know we're not going to take these and he's like well i'm canceling you as a client so i already lost my pediatrician and then calling around most pediatricians would not take a client that was not going to vaccinate his children this is pre-covid additionally school districts and other areas would put restrictions on parents for putting their kids into certain schools or colleges and you would have to present some kind of religious exemption form that they would have to approve of to still be in these type of classrooms and in these settings even in hospitals they give what it feels like and seems like preferential treatment to people who are going to vaccinate or not i know especially even having a baby the nurses sometimes depending on what hospital you go to would put a lot of pressure on a mom saying you know you need the vaccine and they would give them very looks or talk negatively about them yeah they put all this you know a lot of pressure on people because they're firm believers and of course i believe people should be will should be able to express their concern or voice their opinion but it seems like a lot of places have already kind of implemented a little bit of a pressure on people to get vaccinated there's a lot of media and celebrities that put a lot of pressure against anti-vaxxers you know they've already been demonized in the public's eye a lot of ways and i think only recently because of the fact that it's now being more pressured than ever and it's very uh you know experimental vaccination that a lot of people are kind of saying you know what maybe i'm an anti-vaxxer now a little bit or maybe i have some questions about this or i could see where people are coming from when they don't want to just experiment on their children with these type of inoculations as it were so to me the pressure thing is really unique but i think a lot of people what's interesting to me is this a lot of people don't believe that our government or the media are nefarious and so they kind of have this altruistic viewpoint of the world that we live in today and they're saying why can't we just trust the experts and why can't we just trust the science and why can't we just trust those who you know obviously have our best interests at mind because if someone's truly coming into an argument saying the government doesn't lie the government's on our side this is the ccd all the doc all the experts and all the scientists i've already proven this and everything like that then it does seem kind of foolish perhaps to just forego all of this information and forego all of this you know counseling as it were but you know for from my perspective i think when you actually study you know what's going on you start listening to the argumentation you know why is it that when cnn gets on and don lemmon is talking about this he doesn't bring up the double blind study test why doesn't he bring up all of the scientific data and the research to prove why covid is so good and use that to compel people why are they saying you're not going to be able to buy you're not going to be able to sell you're not going to be able to go to school why when someone's wants you to do something are they trying to bully you and force you into it rather than convince you with reason this stats with the truth to me it almost proves the fact that they don't have that they don't have the truth they don't have the reason they don't actually have the science because when any some anytime someone's kind of bullying you pressuring you and just just shut up and do it anyways it doesn't really seem like they have any reasoning themselves or they think you're just too stupid to understand it how does that make you you know feel well let me say this you want to know how i know that you know your ideas suck is if you don't think that whatever you're advocating for can withstand the test of a structured discussion and that ladies and gentlemen is the mo of the modern left who by the way tend to be the ones who are loudest and pushing for the forced vaccination and all the rest of it so they claim to be liberal but then they want to force you to accept the sodomites they want to force you to adopt their worldview get kicked off social media they want to force you to take the vaccine they want to force you to believe like them on covid etc but i can go down a really long rabbit trail on the left so i'm not going to do that right now but here's the point i'm trying to make people have adopted a position that says this what i believe is the is indisputable fact and i am not even going to allow for a back and forth discussion about it and that's the the the arrogance and the narcissism of somebody like a don lemon or you know other corporate media personalities who i i truly believe this i think that they they believe deep down inside that they are the arbiters of truth but ultimately if they had true confidence in their ability in their ability to defend their position on vaccines to defend their position on covid or whatever issue you want to pick the sodomites it doesn't matter what the issue is that we're talking about if they had true confidence in themselves to be able to defend their worldview they would allow other people to challenge them on what they believe and they would allow a free marketplace of ideas on these big tech platforms but instead we have the opposite we're facebook twitter youtube ban anyone with a dissenting opinion and it makes me absolutely sick and this is how we know honestly this is how you know whether or not you're on the right side of a particular issue in my opinion which is this if what you say will result in a permanent ban or getting shadow banned or if what if you're not allowed to espouse a particular opinion on social media it should at the very least make you question why and i think for me i'm happy to be on the side that is getting banned that is getting censored that is getting mocked that is getting smeared because it makes me realize well hold on a second what is it that they're hiding what is it that they're so desperate for the general public to be blinded for well it kind of raises this question in my mind if it let's let's just assume that you know the left the government pnns of this world are the ones that are right okay that what they're saying is true that they have the right opinion and that you know someone like myself or people like donald pastor not pastor president trump pastor trump that would be a weird church uh donald trump or you know other medical professionals that are alternative um joseph mercola yeah just any of these type of personalities if they're just spewing lies right and they're the minority voice in the sense that they don't have as many followers they don't have as many platforms and everything like that if they're a little lie can destroy this mountain of truth that doesn't really make the truth seem that it's very powerful it makes it where the lie is way more powerful than the truth whereas you know everybody realizes that the truth is actually always more powerful than the lie so they don't even want to allow a little bit of information to leak out meaning that it would completely destroy their narrative it takes a mountain of lies to try and cover and shroud over a tiny little truth and so to me you know they always want to talk about misinformation right and they want to talk about all this bad information that's the buzz word on the internet but isn't it interesting that there's tons of bad information that they don't censor i mean what about the fact that i mean i could get online and make a youtube video about the flat earth all day long they're not going to censor that isn't that bad information i mean isn't that misinformation as it works and i mean how many other kinds of crazy ideas and viewpoints are constantly allowed on social media on youtube on facebook i mean you got people like the taliban that are able to use twitter use social media platforms aren't they a dangerous organization i mean you got all kinds of different yeah not your family but i'm just kidding but i mean depending on who you ask i mean when it comes to these these topics there's all kinds of misinformation that's perfectly allowed online why is it that specifically you know on covid or these other platforms it's no longer acceptable and when it comes to medical opinions didn't they used to always say on the commercial four out of five doctors or nine out of ten doctors is that now not allowed it has to be ten out of ten doctors five out of five dentists recommend every single thing and then typically this is how it works now if eight out of ten doctors recommend the other two now aren't doctors all of a sudden right because they're not an authoritative source of information and we've already decided that everything we believe is the absolute truth even though it changes on a regular basis when it comes to the forcing here's my viewpoint if it was true putting out the truth out there people would want to take it and you would only have a small group of people that probably wouldn't abide by it i mean we have plenty of medicines that everybody buys into you know i mean when it comes to headache medicine pretty much everybody's on board with headache medicine you know when it comes to antibiotics pretty much everybody's on board with antibiotics i mean people get all kinds of illnesses today where everybody's kind of recommended the same type of drugs or the same type of treatments and the majority of people want them they like them they continue to purchase them and seek after them why would this covid vaccine not be the exact same way but for me here's the thing nobody ever argues for the position that these people are just actually wicked and evil you know they're always they always say this they're just stupid they say oh the don lemons are stupid and oh the left is stupid and oh biden is stupid but here's the thing i don't think that they're all stupid i think that they're just wicked i think that they're just actually evil and they're doing all these things on purpose and that they're really trying to force a really evil wicked agenda it's not even their own but really it's the devil controlling them because it really feels like a lot of these things that they're implementing kind of lead towards like an anti-christ one world government type system where he can just come alongside and just take over everything and implement the mark of the beast right now some people say the covid is the mark of the beast what do you what do you say to that i say no now here's the thing if i said it was we would get millions of views on youtube or thousands of views right i mean it would be good clickbait but we can't just lie to get an audience so no it's absolutely why is it not the mark the covid shot is not the mark of the beast from a biblical standpoint because of the fact that the mark of the beast revelation chapter 20 and other places revelation 14 i believe as well proves this the mark of the beast is associated with the abomination of desolation meaning that there has to be a satanic image set up in a rebuilt temple in jerusalem which people have to worship as a necessary prerequisite to take the mark of the beast obviously we don't see that today um you know to claim that the covid shot is the mark of the beast discounts what the bible teaches from an eschatological perspective about what the mark really is which is again something you receive after selling your soul to the devil literally bowing down to the anti-christ bowing down to the abomination of desolation at the midpoint of daniel's 70th week is when that thing is set up and then after that's set up people can choose to worship that in order to receive the mark which then enables them to buy or sell but here's what i will say and i'll throw that crowd a bone a little bit not that the the vaccine is the mark at all but you could make the argument since we're talking about the forced aspect of the whole deal and the vaccine mandates and all the rest of it i think you can make the argument that perhaps forcing people to get inoculated is sort of maybe laying the foundation and i don't know i've used this talking point with you a bunch of times off the air but you'll have to hear it again uh it's kind of laying the foundation for a two-tiered society in which certain people lose some rights if they refuse to do something and that's what we see with this shot in the sense that those who would choose not to take it all of a sudden now can't fly for example or maybe they can't enter certain businesses we know that there are private businesses who are mandating that their customers take the shot so you can you can make the argument that the forced covet shot is laying the groundwork for a future mark of the beast system that has not yet been established but to say that the vaccine itself is the mark is wrong from a biblical perspective 100 well you know what i think about is this this topic i mean to me if i were to prove that it's not the mark i'd say well it's not in your right hand or your forehead i mean you're getting this shot in your arm right there's that and you're not worshiping the anti-crisis the most important aspect of remark um but again you know the forcing aspect we see this uh pressure happening all over the world right now in an incredible rate um in australia and france and in other countries i mean they have a lot worse uh as far as being forced to get these passports i think in israel uh they have they've been hardcore on the vaccine passports like that and um and i want to talk about some of these other countries for a moment now if you are tuning in with us and you have questions put them in the chat yeah we have the chat i'm going to get to some q and a real quick and we'll try to take some chat questions if we have any i know ben has a couple questions but in australia i saw one of their prime ministers or one of their prime uh leaders essentially get up and he said that if you're not going to get vaccinated you won't be able to participate in our economy we're going to have a vaccinated economy where essentially you cannot buy you cannot sell you cannot go to the store you cannot do these things i know in in france they're they're trying to make it where certain stores and restaurants you literally have to download their app or you have to get these passports to come and go and so you could see the framework i agree with you of this anti-christ new world order that's being set up so i mean the real question becomes then to me you know how do i respond let's say i'm you know someone or someone out there is like us that says you know what i think this vaccine's shady you know i think there's something weird about it i don't like all the uh stats that are coming out about people being injured i know people that have been injured through it and in fact there's a website that i highly recommend that you just check out it's called there's there's analysis.info and there was specifically a post that he had made on august 27th called their summary for covid19 vaccines through 8-20-2021 and he puts a lot of data out here from the VAERS website specifically and when he analyzed the data in regards to the covid vaccine he says that in the united states alone from december 2020 to the present there has been 488 000 adverse reactions reported through VAERS whenever i actually went and downloaded their data it was even higher than that since this article has come out is in the fight it was over half a million he also accumulated all of the vaccine deaths that were reported to VAERS and the total was 13 467 and he has a chart on here and when you look at the other vaccinations they're not even close he put all other vaccinations for this year reported deaths 279 then next to it is 13 467 just for the covid19 vaccines alone now i'll say this about these numbers obviously if you're going to vaccinate the entire american populace that is going to increase your potential for adverse reactions and deaths and you have 7 500 people die every single day in america so if someone gets a vaccine if if you get the whole united states to take the vaccine a 750 or 7 500 people are going to still die the next day and the day after that the day after that so it's plausible that in some cases it wasn't even a direct result however i would say this i would think most people going through the effort energy of reporting to VAERS probably aren't doing it on a whim they probably weren't dying in a motorcycle accident and then reporting that they died from the vaccine you know as as it were so i i find that that information is pretty troubling you know we've seen a lot of or at least i have people on facebook youtube and other platforms posting hey this healthy 30 year old got the vaccine fell over dead the next day or got bell's palsy or had this you know traumatic experience from receiving the vaccine specifically and they believe that it's from the vaccine but doctors will say oh well you can't prove it oh we don't know for sure but you know it's not much different than all the vaccines before where people would take their 10 month old 18 month old baby two-year-old baby into the doctor get a whole bunch of vaccines and then come home and the baby's completely different it stops developing they end up getting autism shortly thereafter and the doctors will say oh well you know it we don't know for sure it was related to this shot or maybe they were already like that and and there really doesn't seem to be anybody that's willing to take on the accountability of any evil that's coming from these vaccines because that's where all the money's rolling in you know they got all this money and look i again highly recommend you you go and research yourself i wrote an article on godresource.com right now if you go to godresource.com and you go to blogs and there's a specific uh title for a blog post that i've done i put a lot of research into vaccination it's called our vaccinations logical and it's kind of a mad lib what i did is i i put it in there where one side you kind of can click you can either both crime or vaccine you can read the article and i substitute all the words for vaccines for like crime bosses and crime lords and it just is it's really interesting when you read it that way or you read both or you read the vaccines but at the very bottom there's a citations hyperlink if you click on it it has a bunch of information that i collected about vaccinations specifically and how i just don't even believe that they're effective and and so if they're not effective what would be the older what would be the motive i believe it's money and on the love of money is the root of all evil and i think vaccinations for a long time have been motivated by money specifically but now it seems like now it's turning into control where governments want to control the people and while the mrna right now maybe help you with covid even if that really worked who's to say that later they won't do something that would be harmful or to injure people you know with all these boosters and the continual need to go in and get all these different vaccinations i mean people like bill gates you brought them up have already said that they want to reduce our carbon emissions in the world and said one of the best way is to reduce human population and i'll even want to they literally said that vaccines will help reduce human population in countries like in africa specifically or these other parts of the world so it to me it's not a surprise that these atheists and and people that claim to you know basically not like the bible not be a christian who are highly involved in these vaccinations have nefarious or wicked intentions and so you know call me a baptist for believing that but you know what it's called the baptist bias for a reason you know if you're a christian if you're if you're a baptist you believe the bible you have to realize there's a real devil out there there's truly wicked people out there that want to hurt and harm us and and to me it seems real obvious the motive that's going on but i guess again you know it drives the question what does a bio-believing christian do well for me you know what when it was get your children vaccinated or or get dropped by your pediatrician drop a pediatrician and you know there's only like one or two in our area we can even see but after going to the visits i felt like hey maybe holding another physician i need to stop going to the pediatrician and you know while we live here in the dallas worth area where there's a lot more options i we do have a pediatrician and we still try to take our kids there and i'm not against uh wellness checks and everything like that but it's not like people had pediatricians their whole life you know and if i have to choose between injecting my my children with some experimental uh vaccination or not having a pediatrician it's like not having a pediatrician you know not go to public school okay well homes you know not have uh certain privileges you know if there's a certain restaurant that says no i'll eat in another restaurant you know certain uh grocery stores won't do it then i'll go to the other grocery store i think my opinion is this that you should resist it as much as humanly possible and that you should try to seek alternatives and that you should do other things um you know sometimes people will then say what about a job well even me personally you know i worked in the banking industry for a long time and i was being groomed to be a commercial lender where basically i'm going to be responsible for making loans to people and collecting money on usury well the Bible makes clear usury is a sin and i didn't like that and i felt like it was a dishonest job so i sought a completely new career because i didn't want to work in that industry so i think you know it when push comes to shove if i even was forced to possibly have a new career i have another job i'd rather have my you know conscience not seared the conscience not violated i'd rather not have these experiments happen on my body where you know maybe i do become uh sterile sterile and i can't produce children again or you know whatever look i'd rather be a trash man for the rest of my life and have kids than to be uh sterile and having this high profile job you know and again that's for me personally some people uh you know can make their own decisions or their own choices here but if if every Christian in America stood up and said you know what we don't agree with this we're not going to do it the government wouldn't be able to force it and so i think that it you know people need to actually stand up for what they believe in end up for that which is right expose the wickedness expose the evil rather than just just mindlessly going on and just you know yeah i just watched the TV Fox News uh look Fox News is not on our side i mean Fox News is fake news if you ask me i i like Tucker Carlson every once in a while he's kind of funny but even him he seems really controlled i think there's a lot of topics he would love to cover but he knows he gets censored or right or shut down and so he's not even covering them um and so to me you know i think that we should be exposing this telling people about these things sharing sermons about this topic opening our bible and educating people people doing their own research printing out documents you know even in uh certain areas if you can email your government legislators and stuff if you want to tell them hey i'm not taking this this is wrong uh taking a stand for your rights um telling your employer you know where you stand on these issues at times even and i think if enough people kind of push back we could see a delay of some of these things being implemented i think the devil wants to just let us just lay down and take it i think of a verse in the bible where it says while men slept the enemy came and so tears amongst the weak and so you know we as christians don't want to be asleep at the wheel here and just let them just trample over our rights i mean you look at australia they let them take all their guns away and you know i preach a sermon this sunday night called buy gun and you know we need to have guns but when they take your guns away what's next now of a sudden you're strapped at home you know you can't talk to your family and friends you can't post on social media you have to get the jab or you can't buy or sell i mean you know i only want to be in that position when it's the market abuse right well go ahead and what is your viewpoint on the forcing you well it's easy for me to get up here and beat my chest and be like i'm never taking the vaccine because you know you know dylan's not going to make me do anything you know dylan's my employee you know the bible is not going to command me to get the shot me as a pastor me as you know a fundamental baptist i don't really have a lot of pressure to get the vaccine but people have the workforce they have legitimate pressure from their employer you know from your perspective like how do you view these issues and the force and the pressure well i will say this as somebody who is working a secular job obviously there is the chance and there's zero indications this is going to happen you know praise god for that you know they're pretty hands off in this area but let's say hypothetically i walk into my job just you know routine monday morning and all of a sudden i get a note on my desk that says take the shot or you're going to get a fire right something like that for me this is my opinion is that it is not worth acquiescing to their demand it is not worth compromising and i know it's easier said than done i understand people are in very difficult situations and i don't want even myself to beat my chest or anything like that i don't want anybody out there to misconstrue what i'm saying and think that i'm just doing this in a trivial way and making it appear as if it's an easy decision because i understand that for some people it's an extremely difficult position and i know that not every situation is alike i get that however if you're working a job and they were to force you hypothetically to take the shot or get fired i don't believe it's worth compromising and obviously you have the biblical element which we've talked about but also you have to understand this just because they're making you take a shot now doesn't mean that if you were to compromise that they're not going to ask you to do it again they're already pointing people toward getting a booster shot they're already talking about around three potentially around four a booster to the booster and then all of a sudden they're going to come out with a booster to the booster to the booster shot and then eventually it'll be an annual deal just like people get annual flu shots where you know you go and you get your annual covid shot so if people are thinking in their head well i'll just compromise this one time and take the shot just so i can keep my job that does not preclude you from having to face the exact same situation again perhaps in six months or maybe even in a year and so for me personally when i look at that and i think all right obviously this is going to be a routine deal in my opinion it's just not worth compromising and just taking the shot to keep my job i would rather you know the bible says that all things work together for good to them that love god and so i would probably take the position that says let's trust in the word of god the bible says that he that god had never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread let's just trust what the bible says let's trust the lord let's seek first the kingdom of god and all these things will be added unto you jesus promised and let's just say you know what no i'm not taking the shot allow them to fire me and then go and find a different job and you know what i have faith that in that scenario the lord would bless an individual who's in that scenario with perhaps a better job maybe they'd get a better job that pays more or that suits them better whatever my point is is that it'll work out if you trust the lord in and you find yourself in that particular situation but i would take again i would take the stance that says it's not worth compromising because again how do we know that it is that they're not going to mandate it two or three or four times they're like i said they're already talking about booster shots yeah i mean one thing that's interesting to me is like when it comes to the flu shot i never got the flu shot but you know that's another question where'd the flu go but uh we won't we won't go down the rabbit hole just right now when it comes to flu shots and the covid shot they're somewhat similar in my mind i think when you look at the stats the covids actually had a lot worse reaction a lot higher numbers as far as that adverse reactions but they're both i believe in a 99 point something percentile where most people aren't having a problem most people aren't experiencing anything in the short term as far as some kind of adverse reaction but with the flu shot people weren't being forced to get it so to me a lot of my angst against it is just the forcing aspect of the passport aspect and people that are complying with this i don't think that they really understand you know the infringement of our rights that is coming down the pike if enough people say sure no problem let's go for it or let's force other people to get this and and if i did compromise let's say i'm at the job and i say you know what i really feel like i need to get this job if you compromise once of course they're going to pressure you to do that again and it may not even just be with covid it could be with other medical tyranny it could be with other types of persecution or what if they said not only do you have to get this vaccination but if anybody that's a family member a friend of yours is unvaccinated you're not allowed to see them and we're going to start tracing you on this app and if you go near one of these people will fire you too i mean then it just starts a downward spiral of you know how much are you going to compromise where's the line right um and again you get the next booster i mean what happens when you get paralyzed what happens when you die i mean is the job really worth your your physical health is it really worth you know the compromise um you know a lot of evil could happen from it you could perhaps take the vaccine and get fired for a completely different reason the next day and then all of a sudden you you lost both scenarios right um especially with the economy and the way it is joe biden trying to destroy the economy and do a lot of things to me it's just if you really feel bad about something or your conscience is going to be really violated about it i just feel like you know there's not really much worth your conscience there's not really much worth your ability to go to sleep at night and feel like you're doing the right thing yeah you know and so to me it'd be better off to make the decision that you feel like it's best because we don't know where this is headed we don't know what is coming down the pipe necessarily um with the medical tyranny and i think that really the government right now doesn't either i think that they're kind of just testing us the frog and the pot of boiling water and they're hoping the frog doesn't hop out because if the frog hops out they have to start all over again and and right now america is just kind of slowly being cooked and and so i think it's important that people at least stand up to you know the loud voices out there and say you know we we don't agree with this even if you are pro vaccine maybe somebody's out there saying you know what i'm pro covid vaccine but i don't like what the government's doing and i think you should still be willing to say that you know talk to your employer talk to people and say hey i think we should keep my medical information private what happened to hippo these days we're actually not supposed to have to disclose all this information and isn't it funny that those who have hiv and aids they don't want that disclosed to every single person if they have that disease look i would way rather know if someone had hiv or aids sitting near me than if they had covid or not or if they had the vaccine or not yet of course you know again i would point to the fact this is a sinister again and again that's my personal opinion i believe that there's a lot of sinister aspects that we could see that are going on but i'm kind of interested in what other people think do we have any do we have any question good there's a couple of good questions i saw on here let's see if we can queue up a couple questions in here and get some participation okay this person asks have you ever known someone that was reported to cps for not vaccinating their kids if so how did they deal with it and let me if you don't mind i want to take this one real quick so i know somebody from uh jacksonville speaking of covid hopefully we don't have it again but um anyway i know somebody from jacksonville which i won't use his name just because i didn't ask him if i could but i know somebody from jacksonville who because of a company he was doing a home birth but because of a complication he had to get transferred to the hospital and so basically when he delivered when his wife delivered baby at the hospital of course they hardcore pushed for the vaccine and they scared his wife into thinking that if they don't take the vitamin k shot specifically that basically they're in their newborn would die on the way back home from the hospital which is a common tactic that nurses would use and doctors would use to try and scare people into taking vitamin k shot and other vaccination as well but anyway so he said no and then what ended up happening is he went home and then after getting home cps knocked on his door and basically questioned him about this and they asked him well why didn't you take the shots or you know basically they kind of just questioned what went on at the hospital tried to get his perspective on on vaccination and what he did essentially i believe and i could get i'm just this part of the story i'm a little murky on but i'm pretty sure he just answered their questions honestly and then they left and he was never harassed again so that's the one story i would point to is a buddy of mine who refused to take the shots at the hospital and then the next day cps knocked on his door asked him a few questions he answered them and then they went on their way well my comment to that would be this i've never uh vaccinated my children i believe only one of them had the vitamin k it was my first just because i didn't i didn't even know it was happening we just signed so many papers at the hospital we didn't realize what we were signing it says vitamin in the name well it wasn't that it was just literally we didn't realize that he was getting that shot but i haven't and most everybody you know in my churches and stuff like that they haven't i know tons of people that haven't we go to doctors and and they ask are you doing vaccination we say no and we're not getting reported to anybody no one's calling us in so it's not there's nothing wrong with not vaccinating in the sense that the government can come and take your kids away because you're not vaccinated typically when people share stories about this stuff there's a lot of other things that are going on and that's just one arrow in their composite uh quiver as it were against someone so they may use it against you theoretically but it's not that alone that could really mean that would just be if you're doing other strange medical things then they may use that in a case against you and say they're they have a weird diet and they're not letting the kids get exercise and they're an anti-vaxxer it would be kind of like a an and or an added on to but again that alone is not something that cps can just take your kids away because you're not vaccinating and and that would be witnessed by the fact that me and plenty of people do this on a regular basis threatening well that's good news then what's another question this person says question for both pastor shelley and brother ben what is your view on pox parties pox parties and then he put a wikipedia excerpt so we can actually understand what he's talking about pox parties also known as flu parties are social activities in which children are deliberately exposed to infectious diseases such as chicken pox what do you think about parties where children are intentionally infected with chicken pox yeah i know a lot about this just because my mom she did this for me specifically so i am i am an actual subject in the pocket now i was two so i don't remember but she says that at the church they're going to whenever a toddler would get chicken pox they would invite every other kid over and like specifically try to like have them play with the kid to get chicken pox and it was very effective because it's a highly contagious disease and so everybody would get it and i got it and the theory is this that you know chicken pox is really dangerous really hazardous to your health if you get it when you're older you're less likely to recover or could be worse for you so they'd rather give it to you when you're young so you don't really remember it and you can recover quicker now again that's all theory that's all kind of like uh you know a wives tale in my opinion that that's true necessarily um you know when it comes to chicken pox today it's a pretty rare circumstance that an adult is going to get that regardless of if they have the immunity or not now some would say oh because i have the vaccination and everything like that but again you're not going to just get these diseases out of a vacuum someone has to be sick and so to me here's my perspective you know if if a child in our church had chicken pox i'm not going to purposely take my kids over there and try to get them this disease or this illness because it's possible they never get this disease and i would again point to the fact that jesus said they they be whole need not a physician and it's plausible that my kids never get chicken pox and when you read the old testament you see that god actually taught that if you followed all his commandments and all of his instructions he would put none of these diseases upon you so from an idealistic perspective god would have it where his people never got any illness or any disease whatsoever but i would say this obviously that's a hypothetical okay just like the hypothetical that we bring up and say if you're perfect you'd go to heaven right if you never sinned you'd go to heaven but this problem for all of sin comes short of the glory of god right so we live in a world though where we're all going to get diseases we're all going to get sickness we're all going to have illness at some point in our life but from my perspective i would rather just say i'm going to try and get as least amount of sickness and illness as i possibly and and we should stay away from sick people when people are sick in our church i recommend that they stay away that they try to get healthy and then come to church and praise god for things like youtube and live stream where they can still participate in the service listen to the sermon from home while they're sick yet we're not infecting everybody else we're not getting other people sick and of course when it came to the temple and you know in old testament examples people weren't walking in there with illness or sickness or being unclean you had to be very clean in order to enter into the temple and and i believe in the new testament while we don't necessarily observe all those same rituals or standards the same degree it's just a general principle that thick people shouldn't be coming to church you know thick people should just stay home stay without the camp kind of like miriam when miriam had leprosy staying without the camp and then once she recovers now she's able to come back in camp and so you know i don't know do you have any experience when it comes to the pox parties or none at all none at all but i did have a question for you though isn't it true that not obviously we don't have too much time to get too deep into this but when you're an adult right let's say you don't get chicken pox and if you address this already i apologize i was reading the chat um when you don't get chicken pox as a child if you do get it as an adult isn't it shingles which is exponentially worse because that's the argument for just get it over with and get it as a child so that when you're an adult you don't get shingles yeah i can't remember off the top of my head so i think people should look that up i think that shingles is like an offshoot of chicken pox where even if you've had chicken pox you can actually leave potentially um and i think there's um to my knowledge there's different types of shingles because i think i actually contracted shingles um at some point but it was like shingles two or something like that so it was a different variation or different strain and i had it like on my side it was kind of it wasn't like a whole body experience like chicken pox typically is so again people should do their own research and study on that but at the end of the day you can't necessarily scapegoat all illness or sickness um and and here's the thing i think it's arguable that well as an adult is worse than a kid just because you can't remember it you know i don't want my kids to have some kind of an illness and you can kind of mess with their health or their development or anything like that so to me it's kind of a pro-con type of a situation and i'm just going to default again with what jesus said yeah i mean obviously that makes sense now when it comes to these illnesses though you know because of pox parties that kind of lends me to believe you know and confirm the idea of germ theory i don't know how much experience you have on this there's kind of like this uh other alternative theory called terrain theory something like that and you know i'm not an expert on either of these theories i think we should maybe even maybe we should do a podcast on in the future where we can do a little more research and study on this but from my perspective i mean germ theory is generally the idea that germs exist and that those germs can be harmful negative bad and when you're around other people with those you know toxic germs that you can catch their disease or illness isn't that what you just feel like we observe on a regular daily basis where people that are sick constantly are getting other people sick and and that contagion is something that is often observed in our natural world because if it's not why why am i taking a bunch of toddlers to a pox party and everybody's getting chicken pox right what is your perspective on those well i think i think that people have to understand that uh the way that we live our lives does have an impact in the sense that you know uh the health the lifestyle that we choose to live whether it's your diet or whatever but at the same time i agree i mean if you would have put your kid in a pox party they're obviously going to contract it you have the biblical principles that are taught through the levitical priesthood in the sense that they can declare somebody unclean for a little while for the purpose of not spreading disease so i mean i think it's biblical at the same time i do think though that you know the way we live our lives can have an impact can make an impact on the chance that you would have in contracting something i mean does anybody disagree with that though i mean people that are proponents of the germ theory wouldn't they all agree that your your health is always going to be somewhat dependent on your age your demographics what you eat your diet you can exercise all those things play their role absolutely of course yep so i mean again you're kind of speaking i don't and i'm not an expert on this but when it comes to the terrain theory they kind of almost uh lean towards the fact that how you take care of your body is the only factor that's going to really result in contracting illness sickness or type of illnesses that kind of generally oversimplifying what they what they kind of propose or what is your viewpoint on that well i i don't know a lot of people who are exclusively terrain theory i mean the way this is how i understand it is that most people take elements of germ theory and elements of terrain theory and just kind of combine it into one and i'm not so sure that terrain theory is really like a it's not like a fringe idea it's just people take elements of it and they adopt it people take elements of germ theory and adopt it and like i said they kind of combine the two and like what you were talking about they would say that yeah diseases do spread person to person through close contact but also that you know your terrain or the way in which you take care of your body your lifestyle does play a role in the chance of you contracting some sort of virus as well but again i'm also not much of an expert it's like the germane theory now it's just like a mangling of the two i think that's probably mainstream kind of the health community probably combined well i mean here's another just aside from pox party just go to red hot 2019 and it's covid party so i mean you go everybody that went there they all got covid and you know i would i would believe that people going all have a different level of terrain everybody kind of had their different level of health and circumstances environment but if something's contagious enough i mean you're going to pick that stuff up well i recently just experienced this where i got something i don't know if it was covered or not maybe it was i have no idea probably and then my wife recently had the exact same symptoms you know where she also had like i had a fever she ended up having a fever i had a sore throat she had a sore throat so literally the same symptoms spreads through the family it went through the family right so i've observed that in my life so i think there is an element of proximity that does play a role but i also believe that we should do the best that we can to prevent illness by eating right and exercising now when it comes to exactly why that's happening or the processes that are involved you know science does its best and that's why it's called a theory we could find out new technology or information in the future that totally disproves germ theory or terrain theory but what is observed is when sick people around you there's a high likelihood you could get their sickness and that depending on your health whether that be uh you know exercise diet or you know just demographic factors they do play a role as well so absolutely agree on that and when it comes to covid it seems like everybody's catching his butt kids right right that's pretty much the only demographic that seems to kind of been not infected or high rates of infection so you know but they still want the kids to get well praise the lord that the kids are not getting sick right you know that would be really sad if it was all the kids and not the adults that were getting this yeah i'm glad that kids aren't suffering from this but they do still want vaccine you know vaccination for children it's kind of scary what what other questions do we have let's see what else do we have here um this person says i haven't pre-read this so you're fine just look it up question for pastor shelly and ben you may have answered this earlier podcast if so i'm sorry do you personally believe we may possibly be on the cusp of the tribulation starting soon i say no what do you say well it depends on what you mean by cusp obviously everything's relative right you know when you study matthew 24 and you look at revelation chapter number five and six you know and we talk about opening the seals and everything like that i think that's the cusp the cusp is kind of when we enter into the first seal so that's kind of my viewpoint of when that timeline is and i don't think that we're there at that point i don't think we're near the seals the seals have definitely haven't been open and it's talking about nation rising against nation talking about a conqueror going forward it's talking about war it's talking about pestilence and we haven't really seen anything to indicate that that's going to happen anytime soon it to me it almost seems a little bit different it almost seems like we have like a one world or uniting of all these globalists as opposed to a bunch of nations getting mad at each other it almost seems like we see a bunch of nations that are uh unifying and kind of agreeing and coming together but to me we could see this unification process taking place for a long time to implement the framework for the one world government and then eventually people are going to get tired of each other countries are going to start getting frustrated and then we kind of enter into that tribulation period but i mean i think it's reasonable to believe it could still even be a hundred years out or it could even be even further in the future than that you know i wouldn't say it's going to be several thousand years from now i do think it would probably be in the next few hundred years or sooner but i don't believe it's going to happen this year it's not going to happen probably next year or anything like that so if they if they mean by the next few years i would say no but again is that on the cusp i mean if it happened in five years from now is that the cusp i don't know it kind of depends on their definition me personally i think we're probably at least five years out from it even possibly happening but it's most likely even way further out okay this person says do you think coronavirus will go away in a few years like the spanish flu did or is this thing here to stay government conspiracy or not because i believe they have found a new way to control us well i think unless the narrative changes yes because the flu has always been with us i mean i believe the estimates you know you can look this up but it's around 50 to 60 million people are getting the flu every single year it's just it's just an illness it's a virus that we just keep perpetuating it keeps adapting it keeps you know changing unless they truly could come out with some kind of miracle technology that could eliminate people from catching the flu i mean the flu is probably going to be with us for the foreseeable future and if the flu is going to be with us i believe it's just kind of the repackaged name is coronavirus you know because if you look at the the stats it's like oh 60 million people are getting flu now all of a sudden no one's getting flu 60 million people are getting covid and it's like well that's interesting that you know the numbers just seem to just kind of be the same and kind of this transitional shift and that's just my personal opinion and it lends itself to the idea of perpetual control medical tyranny and all of these these elements because i said this when covid first happened and we were first kind of thinking about this there's some other live streams i said we've never tracked a disease likely to track covid and if 60 million people are getting covid and 60 000 people are dying annually which had happened already with the flu if you just have a little tracker on the tv it's going to sound scary i mean 60 000 people dying in a single year you're going to have several hundred dying every single day so it could just sound way worse than it is by sheer magnitude of the numbers that are involved when it comes to 350 million people or we talk about the world population of 7 billion people but that doesn't mean we should freak out or alter our lives dramatically or beg the government to you know lock us up and inject us with experimental chemicals just so we can have quote unquote freedom how's that even freedom anyways but i think a lot of people have this idea well if we all get vaccinated it's all going to go away and we can finally go back to what was normal but that's assuming that the government's not evil that's assuming that they would love to give back control and i would ask them this question when has the government taken any control of our lives and given it back i mean when we had 9 11 they had tsa uh major revelations or changes in tsa because of the patriot act when did they you know give that back was the patriot act ever repealed i don't know i mean when are they you know when are they give it taking away all of our freedom and then just handing it right back to us it seems like they just only take take take take my name's jimmy i'll take all you give me as it were i mean when was the last time we got a tax decrease i mean you know maybe with trump a little bit but they just keep pushing it higher and higher and higher i mean i don't see us getting any anything back unless we take it back right well i wanted to say this um real quickly because you brought up trump and pastor trump remember i thought i really did i thought when joe biden was elected selected excuse me when he was selected when they installed the biden regime i thought that covet might go away because think about this what a great pretext to make the biden regime appear to be the heroes who ended covid and so as a result we need to support this president who brought an end to this horrible pandemic but instead they decided to continue to perpetuate it which i actually find to be interesting i thought they would bring biden in and basically propagandize people into believing that biden cured covet well again here here's the thing though they can't make a disease go away number one so if people are still getting sick and doctors then that would be kind of hard to disguise but they could have gotten away with they could have gone or let the uh medical tyranny go away essentially the mass forcing the restrictions the the vaccine push and everything like that but it it kind of ruined their narrative that they made it seem like it's so dangerous and ultimately here's the thing how do the pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars on their vaccine if it's not important so obviously it seems like there's a lot of money involved number one number two though if biden was selected which we all know but if he was you know you can't just give people all this freedom and access online again because they're going to prove a lot of the fraud a lot of the deception so to me you know when when they got their foot on the gas they're not going to let it go right because as soon as they start letting it go then a lot of other things start to unravel and a lot of other problems start to devolve from this but it just frustrated me how many people are apathetic yep yeah where's this and look i i think it's really important but obviously there's things that are more important you know like getting plugged in the church doing soul winning and i've seen some people that get so radicalized on this issue that they're they're just like this is the mark the anti-crisis coming in and we got overthrow the government and blah blah blah right and some of the people that are the more extreme on this they're forsaking church because they're getting involved in these you know i want to go to a rally i want to go i i got a busy sending all these letters to the governor and doing whatever and at the end of the day are we going to really stop the anti-crisis let's go take over dc right now i mean insurrection 2.0 right just get your uh horns on and you know just get your uh no revelation is written we're not changing it yeah obviously the anti-crisis coming the new ruler is coming the the devil is gonna you know have his heyday as it were yeah okay to me you gotta balance two things number one i think we should try to expose the evil as much as possible and i'm all for resisting these things but at the end of the day we have to realize there's bigger fights to be involved in and there's things that are ultimately more important and at the end of the day i'm not going to get the vaccine i don't want the vaccine i don't see a reality where i'm probably going to ever get it i don't see how you could put me in any situation where i would um but i would rather right now get the vaccine and continue going soul winning for the rest of my life than not get it and never go so winning yet i see a lot of people today a lot of christians they don't even go to they're not even plugged in the church they're not even going soul winning they're not preaching the gospel to anybody yet they're not going to get the vaccine and and it's like that's not really the biggest fight here isn't it no and the thing is okay obviously i think it's important right i mean we're talking about it we're doing a whole live stream about it i've got the documents right here that i printed out to try and prove my points but you know what's more important to getting people saved you know what's more important is the spiritual fight you know what's more important is getting plugged into church bible doctrine serving jesus christ and look again i'm not trying to discount everything we've talked about today but we have to get our priorities in check we have to make sure that whatever political issue of the day is a hot button issue that is being talked about all over social media in the world we cannot allow that to supersede that which is spiritual because we're in the middle of spiritual warfare today that's what truly matters and so whatever happens politically whatever happens you know tomorrow if we wake up in america descends into another war in the middle east whatever goes on with covet whatever goes on with this vaccine whatever happens in the future when it comes to current events we have to stay plugged into the spiritual fight and ultimately understand that that is what is most important right i agree i you know even if i was in one of these horrible countries you know i mean at least you could console yourself with the fact that the apostles are told if they drank any deadly thing you know that it wasn't going to harm them but i don't think that we should do that on purpose i don't think we should go out there i got to raise their hands for my church and i said who in here has ever had any vaccine and it looked like 99 of people had raised their hand i've had i've had that i hated them i'm not saying there wasn't consequences of taking it because i think there probably was you know i wonder if my allergies or other issues were developed because of vaccination and i can't prove it i'll never know that at the end of the day i'm still here i'm still able to you know preach the word of god i'm still able to you know be with my family preach the gospel and so you know i'm sure that there's plenty of people out there that agree with us are christian and maybe they already have gotten the vaccine and i don't want them to just be like oh no my life's doomed or i you know i'm the worst person ever or something like that you know to me you just got to keep serving god right and you got to be focused on those things and we'll pray with you and we'll we'll hope that nothing bad happens you know as a result of that but even if you make a mistake in the past doesn't mean you have to keep making it in the future but you know again i i hope that people realize that this pressure that's happening it's happening to everyone this is this is unprecedented you know we don't know what's going on people are going to freak out people are going to make weird decisions right now and to me what's best is not just condemn everybody or to try and vilify people but rather you know try to educate and try to show mercy and ultimately point them the fact that this isn't the biggest issue the biggest issue is the gospel the biggest issue is going to be saved do we have we have kind of a concluding question do you have something else that you wanted us to address real quick before we kind of summarize here well i want to say this that in your sermon that you preached here at at this church obviously you did one at pure words as well a number of years ago there are going to be people who comment i don't know if they already have but they're going to be naysayers out there who are like you should have been so much more hardcore why didn't you declare that anybody who takes the vaccine is unsaved and going to split hell wide open why didn't you call it the mark you know this is the most important issue of our day and i just find it funny that those same people probably not going to church probably never going soul-winning you know what i mean so it's like i get it right like obviously i'm against the vaccine you're against it we just spent over an hour talking about it and if this is an anti-vaccine enough for you then you're the crazy one all right you're just you've just gone off at the event but look this is my point keep your priorities in check right and we don't want to let carnal issues supersede that which is spiritual now having said that i wanted to get this point in and i know it's kind of out of left field because we moved on but you brought up VAERS earlier right and i just wanted to bring this up before we end because i put it here on my sheet so you brought up how there are so many more VAERS reports or reports that have been sent to that system for the covet shot compared to all the other ones i just wanted to bring this up real quickly in this article that i have here which is by tucker carlson which i know you mentioned earlier and i get that he's not perfect but it says the biggest database of self-reported vaccine harm which is VAERS has reported elevated rates of myocarditis of very serious complication low platelets deep vein thrombosis and death but he listed even some of the complications that people are experiencing and reporting the VAERS and here's why i bring that up this covid vaccine in my estimation it's not just about the fact that it's being mandated it's not just about the fact that it violates scripture not just the aborted fetal cells that we talked about earlier it's not even just the fact that it is causing people some serious health complications i just listed a few examples you brought up there as we talked about it throughout this entire live stream but this covid vaccine is laying the groundwork like we said earlier for a future system that'll lead to the mark of the beast and so yes it is important but with all of that said you know with that in mind that yes this is a crucial issue we also don't want to lose focus with everything going on right now with covid with everything going on with geopolitics with this vaccine and all the rest of it we don't want to lose focus on the most important issue of all which is getting as many people saved as possible because think about it if we're going to enter into the tribulation in our lifetime why not get as many people sealed with the holy spirit of promise now because the more people that get saved now the less people will take the mark of the beast in the future well and you know to me to some degree is a futile fight i want to live in a country where there's freedom where we have the right to live however we choose and that we're not going to be persecuted or afflicted for our beliefs and i think that we should be vocal and we should try to stand our ground and we should try to resist things but at the end of the day if every nation is going to rise against nation if the anti-christ is going to conquer the entire world you have to realize that you're going to lose that carnal fight eventually yeah and you know to me the bible about this the bible teaches that you know really the only carnal fights we should get into are more of a defensive fight you know not this proactive trying to take over certain parts of the world or you know even necessarily overthrowing the government or going to war against other people and a lot of people have this idea that every war that you fight as a nation is righteous but what about when the whole world is fighting each other you're going to have christians that live in both nations you know is it really right to just say well i'm american god bless america you know we're always right in every war and every conflict and you know germany's wrong or france is wrong or china's wrong or japan's wrong and look obviously their governments a lot of times are wicked but there's still a lot of good people in these nations a lot of still you know the whole the bible talks about when we go to heaven there's going to be people praising the lord from all nations so i think that we need to be less nationalistic in our observance of christianity you know the the church is supposed to be a house of prayer for all men and i think sometimes people are like america first and christian second whereas i believe that we should be christian first and america is not even second it's way down the list now hey i'm all for you know being uh loyal to your country loyal to your leaders um praying for the betterment of your nation of your country of your leaders as long as they're not reprobate and um but at the end of the day you know my loyalty is is to so many things before my nation before my country you know to me it's it's god my wife it's my children it's my church it's my family uh and then to me it would even outward spiral from there would be my my city my state in my country you know i'm not going to have this top down approach of america first and then everything else second third fourth fifth i think we need to have the right priorities today and realize that there's a lot bigger battles out there there's a lot of things that are going on and i think this is just a big distraction by the devil i think he wants to discourage and demoralize a lot of people right now i think he wants to get people out of church he wants to get them to stop serving god he wants to be worried about their money worried about their food worried about their future rather than saying you know what i'm going to seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things should be added then because in the day our economy could be destroyed tomorrow and that job that you were so worried about is gone anyways or you know perhaps a new regime of leadership could come in and everything could change we don't even know isn't it plausible that somehow the political arena changes or is modified or there could be a war breakout or all kinds of manner things have happened in the history of our world where people thought it's going to be like this forever and then lo and behold the next year it's completely different so you know and i thought hillary clinton was going to be elected president and i was embracing it even getting even worse during that era but trump came in and look i didn't vote for trump but it was arguably a lot better than it would have been if hillary is probably in office i agree i agree 100 with that we don't even know if joe's gonna make it to tomorrow the whore might take over for you know i mean kamala harris might come into office which right i don't think that's gonna be better but no things could change again and you know other countries could invade us i mean we don't know what's gonna happen here's my philosophy instead of worrying so much about tomorrow instead of worrying about when the end is happening you should rather be focused about today you should really be focused about the now what decisions can i be making now am i serving god now am i reading my bible now am i going to church now am i going soul winning now am i making the right decision now and allow god to take to worry about the future allow the lord to basically protect you sustain you and deliver you from the evil that is arguably on our doorstep but you know what it hasn't happened yet and instead of worrying about all the things that could happen how about you worry about the things that you can control right now oh absolutely and you know what i wake up every morning and i hear birds chirping and the sky is blue and i have a beautiful baby at home i'm a beautiful wife like life goes on right you don't want to become a perpetually angry person and that's who i was when all i paid attention to was politics you know i became like a living embodiment of alex jones running around ranting all the time and it just makes you angry and it makes you i mean seriously though like it turns you into that person where it's you're just constantly angry you're upset there's no good news not that i know of no i mean every time i get this this could be the last broadcast that i ever had this most important broadcast evil is prevailing you know but sometimes he's like all the globals are failing but then the next breath it's like we're doomed we're destroyed this is terrible i mean do we really want to live a life where we just we're constantly worried about death and destruction because here's the thing the antichrist is going to take over so from alex's perspective we are doomed heartily speaking i mean the antichrist is going to take over the globals are going to win they're going to have their heyday but can't god's people thrive and succeed while all that's happening well haven't we already won the bible says and this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith amen i mean we can we can survive and thrive in the worst situations and really god's people typically have amazing incredible things happen in the darkest of times i mean when you read through the bible you know sadrak meeshak and abednego pretty dark time going to be thrown in the fiery furnace but then they go straight through it okay okay and we see the apostles going through some dark times having a lot of persecution but that's the great stories that we read in the bible and so to me the darker the world gets the brighter the gospel is going to shine and the brighter the church is going to shine and there's never been a better time to get plugged into serving the lord and doing that which is right but you know what we have that advantage because we have the baptist bias don't we exactly and i think that this show this pilot episode gave people a taste of what we're doing here which is talking about some of these events but doing it through the lenses of the baptist bias right we're putting on our baptist bias glasses i know you don't wear glasses so that metaphor didn't exactly make sense for you sunglasses yeah there you go and and you know what we're viewing things through the lenses of the baptist but and again what's the theme though like that's kind of the theme of the last 10 minutes it's been this we're already on the winning team if you're saved you've already won and that gives me hope when i was in the political world and i wasn't saved and that's all i cared about i felt like the situation was hopeless but now that i have the holy spirit inside me and i'm here at steadfast baptist church i'm plugged into my local church i feel like i'm on the winning team because i am on the winning team and that's what gets me out of bed every morning that's what gives me hope amen and here's the thing you you may never win the covid fight but you know what you can win the the the gospel fight you can win the church fight you can get on the winning team here and you can just be a constant winner by preaching the gospel and getting people saved and you know at the end of the day paternity is the only thing that matters exactly right so i would encourage people if you're not saved watch our byway to heaven video if you're not in a church come to steadfast baptist church the houseforth area go to pure words baptist church in houston texas go to our church plant in oklahoma city and if not just look up a new ip church in your area and or email us and we'll send you the best church that we know of um we'd love for you to get plugged into serving the lord because at the end of the day that's the best fight that you can get in is the fighting the good fight right of faith right you can't defeat these evil newer globalists from a carnal perspective all you can do is get as many people saved as possible which then like i said in the future means less people will take the mark and on the flip side if you support the vaccine mandates if you support covid 19 you know lockdown measures and mandating everybody to take this inoculation then i have a message for you being a sycophant lap dog for the establishment and trying to get in bed with them isn't going to profit you either it just renders you a low life pathetic loser well we know how he feels but again i guess that's the baptist bias so we'll sign out uh from pastor shelley thanks for tuning in and ben sign off for us we'll talk to you guys again after a while