(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Well, it's that particular time, 17 minutes after 9 o'clock, we have our guests, yes, and we do have John and Jesse. Good morning, guys. Good morning. How are you? Great. What makes it so great? Well, because the Bible is still true. God's still there. Okay. Tell me. It's a long way. It's a really, really long way from home. Yeah, very long from the States. But Jesus said, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Okay. So a guy comes to you and says, you know what, you guys are going to Uganda. What was your reaction? Well, we were already planning to come to Africa for some time because we came and visited Malawi two years ago. And after that, we got a vision for reaching all of Sub-Saharan Africa with the gospel. And so then some time later, about a few months ago, a man approached us with the opportunity to come and help him preach the gospel here in Uganda. And so we came about a few months ago in June, and we've been here ever since. What did you expect to find? We expected to find what Jesus said we would. He said the field is wide in the harvest. What are ye there for? So listen, let me just put it this way. There's a lot of God down here in Africa. Uganda to be exact. Because someone once told me, because we have a really poor setting, if you can say that, we find that everyone needs God. We need God in every inch of our lives. You guys don't in the U.S. And the reason why I say this is that a lot of people think once you have it all, you sort of cut God out of the equation. I'm not saying you guys do not have God, but that's a wider assumption. And why? Why Uganda? Well the reason for Africa is because Africa is so receptive unto the gospel. We're so ready to hear the gospel. And we knew that if we came here to Africa, we would find many people who are ready to listen. We all saw that vision of the Macedonian man. So we saw some sense of vision of a Ugandan man coming and preaching the gospel. Come and help us. And he's saying come and help us because although there's so many religions in this world, many of them are false religions. And even in Christianity, the majority of people who name the name of Christ are not saved. Jesus said, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? Because the majority of religions and even in Christianity are trusting in their own works to get to heaven. They think they have to be good, stop sinning, go to church to go to heaven. But the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved. So you see the Bible says all we have to do to go to heaven is just to believe on Jesus. And so Jesus said that the majority of the world actually goes to hell. He said, strive to enter at the straight gate. He said, broad is the way. Why does the gate lead to destruction? Many there be which go on their own. But narrow is the way, straight is the gate that leads them to life. And few there be to find it. And it's not because it's hard to go to heaven. That's the big deception today. People think going to heaven is really hard. You've got to try to stop sinning, try to go to church, try to praise God, try to be good. But the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life. And although all the world religions teach salvation is like a reward, you've got to earn it and work for it. The Bible says in Romans 6.3, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And going to heaven is not a reward you work for or do good things to get. It's a gift you receive just by the grace of God, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. And you mentioned the difference between maybe rich people, say, or the majority of people in America who are by the world standard very rich. Yeah, they say we don't need God. Yeah, that's actually what the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 30. It says, Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full and denied thee and say, Who is the Lord? So the tendency of many rich people is to trust in their good deeds and trust in their riches to get them to heaven. They don't think they need God at all. But a poor person, Jesus says that the poor have the gospel preached to them. They're more likely to receive the gospel because they understand that this world is temporary. This world is fleeting. The pleasures of this world are only for a while. But the rich man, Jesus says, How hardly shall they that have riches enter the kingdom of heaven? A camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And that's so because they're used to paying their way everywhere. They're used to trusting in what they do. And they're self-sufficient. Whereas the Bible said God has chosen the poor of this world rich in faith. And so Uganda is rich in faith today and it's wide under harvest today because the people are not deceived by riches as many of the Americans are. And they realize the need for God. And so basically the people are ready to hear the gospel because they know that they can't work their way to heaven. And they've been trying to be good. They're trying to repent of all their sins. But you see that's not how we go to heaven. By repenting of all of our sins or by being good. The Bible says, For by grace are you saved through faith, and not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. And I should say that going to heaven is so easy Jesus compares it. He says you must become like a little child turned into the kingdom of heaven. If you were to tell a little child that you have to stop sinning to go to heaven. You have to go to church, get baptized, live a righteous life. They're not going to understand you. Because that's not simple. You're just being children, just being innocent. Yeah, the child has a child-like trust in their parents. And Paul says in the book of 2 Corinthians, But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Okay, you guys quote a lot of scriptures. It's obvious you guys are well versed with the Bible. To me to live is Christ, to die is gain. When did you guys discover Christ? It was about seven years ago. Seven years, that's all? Maybe you guys have had Christ all your lives. Well, people always had the Bible. But it was nigh us, even in our mouth and in our heart. The word of faith. Tell me about your parents. Did you guys grow up with your parents? Were they church going? Our parents were what you would consider what one man called a flu shot Christian. They would go to church maybe once a year or something like that. But they're not really cared about. They don't care about the things of God. The only prayer you learn is a vain repetition. Now I lay me down to sleep type thing. But there's really no substance to it at all. And I feel that's how most people are with religion. They don't really care. It's just kind of a cultural thing. At least that's how our parents were. And then we learned the gospel. And then we met a preacher who preached to us the word of God. At the same time, because you guys are twins. Just because one accepted Christ did not necessarily mean the other would too. Were you guys born? Well, he was born first two minutes before me. Jesse was born. And I was born again first. Two minutes before Jesse. And so I got saved and I told him you need to get saved too. Because we can't work our way to heaven. That's incredible. That's insane. You guys married? No, we are single right now. Just fully devoting ourselves to the work of God. Okay. So listen, you do know you hate who finds a wife. That's a good thing. But do you favor before the eyes of God? What do you guys do? Are you working on that? Well, we're just kind of following the example of the Apostle Paul right now. Where Paul thought it was best that he would serve the Lord full time. He that is married care for the things of the world how he may please his wife. But he that is unmarried care for the things of the Lord how he may please the Lord. So for the time being we're just devoting ourselves fully to preaching the word of God. Preaching the gospel. And bring as many people to heaven. Well, Apostle Paul faced quite a lot of challenges. Have you guys faced any problems? No, I'm kind of wondering when I'm going to. The Bible says all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But usually persecution doesn't come immediately. It takes a little bit. You have to do a lot of work for the Lord. So you're ready yourself for that persecution. Ready for anything because we were ready to believe and now we're ready to suffer. The Bible says it's given to you in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake. And so Jesus said be of good cheer. I've overcome the world. Let's take it back. Your parents, right? You said they were not exactly a model type of Christian. And you guys overcame that. You guys became born again. So you tell them look dad we are leaving the world to Uganda, right? To preach the word of God. Did they think you guys were nuts? No. We were, my brother and I were both studying to become physicians in America. We were in college to become physicians. We were doing course work for that. And the real shock for them came when we decided not to become physicians anymore. And we decided to leave college and instead to work and eventually become evangelists. But I guess they were interested to see why we would go to Uganda and not stay in America. Our mom would say to us things like why don't you just preach to people here in America? But yet the Bible Jesus said a prophet is not without honor save in his own country. There is great honor abroad. And so we are not seeking honor for ourselves without honor that comes from God only. Do you regret doing what you guys do? I have no regret any day that I live my life. I regret that I didn't come here sooner. You found a lot of patience here, Dr. Jesse. Yes, Jesus compared preaching the gospel to a physician's work. He says they that are whole need no physician but they that are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners. So Jesus, he wasn't concerned with the people who didn't care. In Luke 10 and Matthew the Bible tells us that if a city will not receive you, shake the dust off your feet. So if someone doesn't want to hear the gospel then we don't want to preach to them. And even that's the kind of model that I employ whenever I go out and preach the gospel. I have seen you preach actually. I have seen you walk up to random people and you say I want to tell you something about Christ. And the guy will just walk away. You move on to the next guy. I am the next guy. You become severe man. You just go at it and that's good. I do know for a fact the gospel. The Bible says if you are ashamed of me I will be ashamed of you. So you guys really hold God out. Here is the great thing about the gospel. You see we are saved just by believing on Jesus Christ alone. Because Jesus said verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believes on him that sent me has everlasting life. And shall not come into condemnation but is the path of nothing but life. So you see we go to heaven just by believing alone. By no works we do. By how good we are. But when you believe on Christ and you get saved. Now you have the opportunity to get labor together with God. And for example if you decide to serve God with your life and do a great work for God. You can be called great in the kingdom of heaven. But if you decide to live your life in sin and live a life of worldliness. If you believed in Jesus you would still be saved. But then you would be at least in heaven. Jesus said whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so. He should be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But whosoever shall do and teach them the same should be called great in the kingdom of heaven. So there is great reward in serving God. But that reward is not salvation. Because remember salvation is a gift. Salvation is just by believing. But if you serve God you don't desire to waste your time at the pledges of sin for a season. If you like Moses have the respect, the recommits of the reward. You can be called great in the kingdom of heaven. You talked about not being ashamed. Paul says in Romans 1 16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God to salvation to everyone that believeth. So I would be ashamed of maybe living my life in a way that is not in accordance with the scripture. A lot of people have where to be ashamed. Jesus talks about this adulterous and sinful generation. But when you are preaching the gospel of God. The Bible says we are ambassadors for Christ. There is nothing to be ashamed of. There is nothing to be afraid of. A lot of people are afraid to openly confess him as it were. Many people for example I preach the gospel to. They don't want to go out and preach the gospel with me. Or they don't want to come to church because they are afraid what their parents are going to say. They are afraid what their friends are going to say. But as he said whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation. Of him shall the son of man be ashamed. So there is going to be a lot of people who are saved who will go to heaven. Who Jesus is ashamed of basically. Where Jesus is not going to give them a crown. Now they are still saved praise God. We are just saved by faith alone. Not by our good deeds. Not by our works. But once someone is saved there is the decision to become a disciple of the Lord. Now a lot of people have this confused. They think that you must become a disciple of Jesus to be saved. But you see Jesus only had 12 maybe 70 and then a few other disciples. The early church in Acts chapter number 2 only had 120 people in it. But Jesus got thousands of people saved. Because salvation is easy. But a lot of people they don't do the work of becoming a disciple. Which is not required for our salvation. Salvation is just by trusting only in Jesus. But after we are saved the Bible says it is given to you on the behalf of Christ. Not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake. Sorry I have to cut you short. How many hours a day do you spend meditating on the Bible? All day. The Bible says oh how love art thy law. It is my meditation all the day. So when do you guys watch TV? Not at all. When people are picking up their phone to look on social media. I am picking up my phone to memorize the Bible. When do you go out and do something? Jesus said my need is to do the will of him that sent me. You guys eat me. The Bible says I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. Job said. Job considered the word of God more important than what he eats. Because the Bible says it is not a vain thing for you. It is your life. Too many people are living their lives for social media. For television. For whatever it is. For politicians. For politics. That is a whole variety. A variety is the spice of life. I am just saying. You guys are 24-7 doing a lot of work. When do you find time? Me time. I am crucified with Christ. Not another verse. I am crucified with Christ. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live. Yet not I but Christ liveth in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God. Who loved me and gave himself more. But that is not to say that we don't have personal lives. So we do have a lot of personal interests. For example. I love to study foreign languages. I am fluent in French and Spanish alongside English. So I have learned those languages. Have you tried to learn Luganda? Not doing too well on that one. Just one word. So what do you do Jesse? Free time. I do other things besides the Bible. I read books on history and philosophy. That is just about the same thing man. You are reading. I want to do things that are profitable. I don't want to waste my time. I don't want to do vain things. The Bible says not as fools but as wise redeeming the time. For the days are evil. So you want to redeem your time with profitable things. The Bible says give thyself wholly to them. That thy profiting may appear to all. I know a lot of evangelists that reach rich rich billionaires. Luganda and Shelley. Millionaires with US dollars. And they find time to take in the last. When do you guys think you will hate polls? Those men that are rich are not serving the Lord Jesus Christ. They are serving their own belly. The Bible says by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. Jesus Christ didn't have where to lay his head. The Bible says of Peter. He said silver and gold have I none. And so any righteous man of God never became rich. It is only the false teachers all throughout the scripture. I know Jesus had to borrow a donkey just to write into Jerusalem. He had to borrow a donkey. He was the son of God. I get it. But still surely you guys go on. He must want to make some money. The Bible says labor not be rich. Cease from thine own wisdom. An example of Paul. He says as poor yet making many rich. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through his poverty you might become rich. Jesus Christ left the glories of heaven. He might become rich. Rich spiritually. See people are focused upon a financial blessing. Some kind of financial riches. What's wrong with having a financial blessing? It all comes from God right? Well no. The rich man of God. The person who offered someone riches in the world was Satan. When he offered Jesus Christ. He said no to that. But he knew that that was the devil's riches. But most of the preachers that are rich are saying yes to that offer. That's why they're so rich. Because they're teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre's sake. The Bible says a qualification of the pastor. As he is not greedy of filthy lucre. Any man who gets rich preaching the word of God. Is not preaching the true word of God. So what should they do with all this money? All they need to do is sell it as Jesus said and give alms. And then they'll have treasures in heaven. Jesus said lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth. Where moth is corrupt and the thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Where moth is not corrupt and the thieves break through and steal. In the near future you don't see yourselves driving a really nice car. I will never be rich. What? Watch it. My riches will only be a no. Why don't we say the town will bind. You can't say I'll never be rich. What kind of talk is that? Because that's what I'm saying. Do you want to be rich? For example many full prophets are seeking fame. They're seeking glory for themselves. But Paul says as unknown and yet well known. So I'll never be famous and loved to the world. Are you trying to say money is the root of all evil? Yeah which was some covenant after they have earned from the faith. The love of money is the root of all evil. But hey you don't know what you're asking for when you ask for riches. Remember God appeared to Solomon. And he said ask me whatsoever you would. And he asked for wisdom. And then guess what happened to Solomon? What also happened to Moses? He had 700 wives, 300 concubines and went off the deep end. Exactly. But remember now. But he asked God for wisdom. So I'm just trying to say there's nothing wrong with a beetle. But Solomon had everything. He had all the pleasure in the world. All the power in the world. All the fame in the world. And the Bible says silver was nothing account of in the days of Solomon. And he said vanity of vanities. All is vanity. Save the preacher. Then I looked and all the labor that my hands had wrought. All the work I had labor to do. And all was vanity in the next station of the spirit. Who was the man after God's heart? That is David. That was David. David still took over what was it? Uriah's wife? Yes he committed adultery with Uriah's wife. So all I'm trying to say is that like he was a man of God. There's a man after God's own heart. But even he found time to sort of kind of mess up. Sometimes messing up is a natural thing. Well that's one of his great falls. And many major people in the Bible have very big problems. Or they have one major mistake that they make in their lives. And we see David committing adultery with Bathsheba and then killing her husband. We see Solomon having 700 wives at the end of his life turning away from God. We find King Saul who he disobeys God. He seeks to kill David and commit suicide. We see Samson who sleeps with a prostitute and he breaks all of his vows. Moses kills an Egyptian. Disobeys God at the end of his life. But you know what's interesting about all these people? God did not catch Moses in that technicality. The King of the Egyptian. But you know the Bible describes to us that all of these people are in Heaven now. Because they all believed. But they all made a great mistake in their life. And so they had received some form of punishment. Moses didn't go into the Promised Land. David lost his son and three others later in his life. Solomon, he lost part of the kingdom. His son to Rehoboam. We also see Samson losing his honor and losing his eyes. We see Saul even losing his mind and everything. So you can lose everything but you can't lose your salvation. Because Jesus said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Take your example of David though. The reason why he committed adultery of Bathsheba was because it was the time when the kings go out to battle. So David should have been out battling and working. But instead he was idle on top of his roof. No really no. Kings were not really meant to go out fighting. No they were in the Old Testament time. They would often go out to battle in thine own person the Bible says. But this particular time he stayed behind to check out the girl next door. Yeah and that was the cause of his ruin. God actually told him you know it didn't make any sense why David would do that. He already broke God's commandment having many wives. The Bible teaches we're only supposed to have one wife not many. I created Adam and Eve. Not Adam, Eve, Stella, Juliet. Where does the Bible say you cannot have more than one wife? The Bible says that he has made man and woman. He made man and woman one wife. Well I mean he had a concubine right and then he had another wife after his first wife died. But matter of fact Sarah was like yo man come on go ahead and have another girl. Well that was wrong and actually God by giving the covenant of circumcision. Abraham had a direct conversation with God. They were to talk. But remember now this is when Abraham is lapsing in faith. And so this is when Ishmael is born which is the son of the flesh. But wait at that time Isaac was not born. He was still waiting on the son. And so Abraham didn't have any faith in God. And so therefore he was weak. And so therefore he went in unto the concubine Hagar. God kind of okayed it because nothing can really happen. God knows how many hairs you have in your hair. But the Bible said the scripture says cast out the bond woman and her son. For the son of the bond woman shall not be arrogant. I know the Bible says that too. It gets confusing sometimes. Well there is nothing confusing about the word of God. See the problem is that a lot of people they take narratives of the Bible. And they try to teach lessons from them. And you can. But what you have to do when you interpret the Bible. Is you have to take the clear statements of scripture. And interpret their narratives in light of those clear statements. For example there are many such texts in the Bible that people twist. To teach that you can lose your salvation. Or texts that you can work your way to heaven. But it's because they are taking these texts out of context. The clear statements of the Bible is that salvation is by faith alone. Verily, verily I say unto you he that believeth in me hath everlasting life Jesus says. So we need to always take the clear statements of the Bible. And interpret the unclear in light of the clear. Okay and with that we have to break into song. We can talk over there you guys. I still have Dave Nolan, John and Jesse in the studio with me. So guys keep it here. You guys have a scripture version. I thought I knew about the Bible. Not anymore. Jesus Christ. Take the scripture. I have it. Oh my God. Okay. I think he is getting rich all the time. It's obvious I have never had him rich like this. Mother's. I am very fiery. Do you like to become rich? Of course I want to be rich man. Have you heard? I have not heard your saying. I will be honest. What I have is I have not sold my soul for. Man shall eat from their own sweat. I know you guys are going to say. Oh you are getting narratives on the Bible. I am twisting it. It does say you shall work and you shall earn from your sweat. From the brow of you. Remember this right? After those guys got thrown out of those. The diligent soul. But it says man on bread by the sweat of his face. That's exactly what it is. But then why? Do you remember a part in the Bible where God says. I declare and claim what I haven't. Basically he has brought all this stuff so we can eat it. And enjoy it. That's right. There you go. Basically it doesn't matter if I am eating lobster. Or I am eating sushi. But lobster is a different price value than bread. So why should they make it any bad for me to enjoy lobster. If that's what God has put on my plate. Because the Lord's prayer is give us as they are daily bread. Oh come on now. Are you going to lock me down on the word bread. Bread is actually meant to signify something you eat. It couldn't be just normal bread. So basically I get it. By saying bread it kind of makes it. It gives it a. I can't say poor feel. It gives it a common kind of food. But in reality still. All our blessings are from God. He did say in the Bible that God just blessed man. Say you know what I will give you all these vast lands. I will give you this. I will do that for you. But you know the Bible says that God has chosen the poor, the poor much in faith. And he says in 1 Corinthians 1 God has not chosen many rich, many mighty, many noble are not called. Are you fighting wealth? I don't know. Wealth will not chase me. It cannot. Someone who preaches the true word of God. Someone who preaches God's word as it is in the word of God in the scriptures. Will not become wealthy. Because they will be hated of the world. They will be rejected of the world. And that's how it was for all the prophets. In the book of Hebrews it lists a lot of prophets. They were torn. They were sawn asunder. The Bible says. They escaped the violence of fire. So you know Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They didn't bow down to Nebuchadnezzar's statue. I do remember the same note. We wouldn't kill you guys man. Come on now. Thank you. We gave up everything to come here. We had nice stuff over in America. We had a nice car. Nice everything. And we gave it all up because it's more important. That things will go. There's no men that have left houses or wives or brethren or whatever. They should not receive a hundred full now in this time. Let me ask you a question. You guys did have girlfriends at the time or something. No I had a girlfriend in my life. The only woman I kissed was my mom. Get the... Come on man. That's your point. So wait. So I get it. You wouldn't really know when you came here. Because you've never had it from the beginning. Yeah we haven't been here. We have a taste of blood. So listen man. The only way you guys can get comfortable. You can find a girl with the same mindset as you. A girl that acts as well. You wouldn't marry Bill Gates' daughter? No. Bill Gates' daughter came and said Hey John. What's up man. The Bible says as a jewel of all of us wives now. Someone is a fair woman which is without discretion. No. No man. Hey. We don't care right. We don't care. Go down. We have company man. Just enjoy. I'm just messing. I'm just messing. Thank you. They are so heavenly. You can feel it. Anything. Every person can give you a great sacrifice. All of you guys say we have good God. We have good God in America. God give you all ashes, flavors. Apple and mango, brother. Just like everyone gives up the land of his four fathers. That's big man. You just don't aboot your entire. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's like telling me, Moses, I moved to, like, well, if I was told, Moses, you know what? You have to move to America, you know, to wherever, to maybe preach the word or something. I might be like, well, all right, let's move to America. You know what I mean? It is America. If I was told that Moses, you have to move to, like, Sudan, I'd be like, no, I'm not moving to Sudan. I like my job, I like what I do, I like my car. And everyone's like, what? So I will have had his career. Really, we're not sacrificing anything. Jesus said if you give a cup of cold water to one of the disciples, in only the name of a disciple, you shall in no way lose your award. We're not really giving up anything in the long run. We're gonna inherit half riches in Heaven. And so the difference is, we don't wanna seek the honor of men, riches of men. We wanna seek riches in Heaven. What we're going after is riches that are eternal, riches that last forever, riches that will be everlasting. Well, I'm just saying, but listen, man. Here's what I think. Because this life is so short. It is. It's good and really good. It's like a tale that is told. It's like water's foaming the ground. What is your life? It's even a vapor that appears for a little time in advantage of the way. Why live your life for about 70 years? Why not live your life for eternity? Have an eternal perspective. So wait, so listen, there's a chance, right, that someone's actually going to enjoy what you're missing out on. Then give their life to Christ like a horse. You know what I mean? But then when they get to Heaven, I'm gonna be the one who's a king and I'm gonna be eating steak in Heaven and they're gonna be eating bread. All right, all right, all right. So you're not having steak on Earth because you're waiting for the Heaven steak? That's right. Oh, come on, bro! No, that doesn't mean we have a little luxury in our lives. That's good, that's good. I like that. It doesn't mean we have a little bit of leisure time. Our life is not characterized by leisure, by laying around. There's too many fake missionaries in this world who they suck up thousands and thousands of dollars from the U.S. to come and sit on their hands and then just live their life. I've still preached the love of God. Isn't that what's most important? Well, in the word of God, there's many people liking any kind of love. Yeah, but they're never really, not really doing anything. They're hiding it under a bushel. They're more busy with their vegetable garden than they are with God's pot of potatoes. They're trying to go fish for another fish. They don't care about the men. Fishing for men. Food, love, food, love, food, love. Oh, man, but listen, here's another thing, man. Like God has promised us a great thing. I do remember, even the devil, when he was trying to test Jesus, he tried to test him as well. He said, get it, get it. But what did Jesus say? He said, get thee a head steak, and I shall worship the Lord thy God only, and him only, shall thou serve. Christ bow before him, yeah. And then he talks about the food. He said, man shall not eat by bread alone. Okay, every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Yeah, for real, bread could have been steak. So she can know that. Just don't come on it. Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of heaven. Here's the thing, so you guys don't drink? No. Like wine? I've never drank. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, who serve is deceived, thereby is not wise. Bible says, who hath woe, who hath sorrow, who hath contentions, who hath, no, Jesus turned water into unfermented grape juice. The term wine in the Bible, it can either mean alcoholic, fermented, or unfermented. And here's why I know that from John chapter two, the first miracle Jesus did at Cana of Galilee when he turned water into wine. Because when Jesus turned the water into wine, it says the men had well drunk. That means they already drank a lot of the wine. So if Jesus was turning the six water pots of two or three firkins a piece, about 150 gallons worth of water into wine, and he says drink more, Jesus would be giving water to people who are already drunk to make them more drunk. So that would be a great sin. In fact, there's a curse upon someone in the book of Habakkuk where it says, woe damn they giveth his neighbor drink that putteth thy bottle to him, and may discover his nakedness, and look thereon. So there's actually a curse in the Old Testament about someone who would give alcohol to someone else. Okay, all right guys, we're about to go on. Let's go. It's Honorable Judith Babili. Too ongoing, did she say she has favor? And I believe John and Jesse have favor. I mean, they've been blessed to actually be down here in Uganda, preaching the word, the gospel, to a lot of people that want to take it or not. Now, I have to be honest with you guys, even behind, like when the music was playing, behind the scenes, we were talking quite a lot, and you guys said you've never had girlfriends at all, so you don't miss having that part of your life right yet because you've never really known about it. Did you also miss another lot of things? You guys never drunk a drop of anything? Yeah, the poison of dragons, the Bible calls it alcohol. Probably what I need to tell you, Jesus turned water into wine. That was unfermented wine. Yeah, and what I was saying was that it's ridiculous when people say that Jesus turned water into alcohol. That was the first miracle though. Well, the term wine in the Bible, anyone that knows anything about the term wine knows that it can either be fermented or unfermented. The Bible actually describes the process of fermentation in the book of Proverbs chapter number 23. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. So the Bible tells us that when you're drinking wine in the sense of fermented wine, it's as if you're drinking a poison of snakes, the poison of dragons, reptiles. So Jesus did not turn water into alcoholic wine and it's just kind of silly for us today. No, the reason why is because today we have juice everywhere. You can go buy, but in the ancient world, making juice was very difficult. It's very, because they did not have machines like we do today or at least the same machines. To be honest, I'm not really trying to contest that. I'm just trying to see you kind of bizarre a little bit. But the truth is, when you guys do that script, right, really, and at the end of the day, like you said, your gift is in heaven. It's really inviting. What is the most important message you feel, we, as a continent, not just as a country, need to know? The most important thing that anyone needs to know is asked in a question in the Bible in Acts chapter number 16, verse 30. Acts chapter 16, verses 30 and 31. A jailer at Philippi, he comes up, prison guard, he comes to Paul and Silas who were in prison and he says, it brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? What do I have to do to go to heaven? What do I have to do to escape hell? No, verse 31. And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved in my house. There you go, as a Vatican. They didn't say anything about you have to be poor. No. You have to believe. Exactly. And the word believe means to trust in Jesus. Like if I say that I believe in a sport player to win the game, I'm saying that I'm trusting in him to do the work for me. So we all do that, we all trust in Jesus. No, a lot of people, they believe that Jesus exists. The Bible says in James 2.19, thou believeth there is one God, thou doest well, the devils also believe and tremble. So what will happen? The believing in the Bible is not just believing that God exists. The Bible doesn't say with the mind man believes, it says with the heart. Believing is also not with the hands. Some people say, well, if you believe, that means you're gonna do good works. That's not what believe means in the Bible. Believing has nothing to do with works. The Bible says to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly. His faith is kind of a righteousness. So believing is more properly understood as trusting or putting your faith in Jesus, letting him do all the work. Well, Jesus died on the cross, and some people think they have to add to the cross of Calvary. They think that it's not enough when Jesus went up the hill to Golgotha, to Calvary. Now I have to get baptized, now I have to do good deeds in order to earn heaven. But heaven is not something you earn, it's a free you. Yeah, but Jesus, did he have any sin, Moses? Baptism doesn't wash our sins away. Bible says that in Revelation 1.5, he washed us from our sins in his own blood. So why did Jesus get baptized? He says in Matthew 3.15, to fulfill all righteousness. But it says in Titus 3.5, it says that we are not saved by the works of righteousness. It says that God saved us. So yeah, and it's not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy saved us. So you see, there's these two things that people need to understand. There's a great distinction between getting saved, getting the gift of eternal life, which is by faith in Jesus Christ, and then living a life which is pleasing to God and living a righteous life. It's like, for example, the difference between being born and then living as a child. The Bible says, for you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. And so the most important thing we need to do is to be saved, become God's children. And the Bible says, but as many as received him, to then gave you power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. So the moment that you believe in Jesus, not when you get baptized, not when you go to church, not when you're a pen of all your sins, but when you believe in Jesus, then you become God's child. So basically what you're trying to tell me is I do not really have to follow up. I don't have to go to church, I don't have to- In order to go to heaven, but remember now, if you're a child of God- I don't want to go to heaven. If you're a child of God- So I'm already in heaven. If you believe in Christ and you become- I can be rich and still go to heaven. I can still make all this money. I can still do whatever I have to do and still be a good person. But now when you get born into God's family, God has expectations for you. God wants you to serve him and obey him. And so if you disobey God on this earth and you don't follow him, you don't get baptized, you don't go to church, although you go to heaven and you shall, because the thief on the cross went to heaven without being baptized, without going to church, without reading his Bible. You will go to heaven, but you're going to be punished on earth by God. Because the Bible says, whom the Lord loves, he chases, scourges every son of your receiver. Now shall also consider in thine heart, it says in Deuteronomy, that as a man chases his son, so the Lord thy God chases thee. So if someone says, oh, I just want to be rich. I just want to live in the pleasures of sin after they have trusted in Jesus. They're still God's child, all right. But God's going to punish them, just like a father punishes his child. On earth. On earth. But not only. We'll still go to heaven. Yeah, of course. There's all throughout the Bible, you'll find God punishing his children. We see God killing people. The Bible says, neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed. So listen, so real quick before we finish this song. You guys don't just want to go to heaven, right? You want to have the cherry on top. That's right. We want to have that crown in heaven, too. And we want to have the crown of righteousness. And Paul says, for what is our hope or glory or joy, our crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ? So I'm still safe, right, by living my life and doing good, but still living in Christ, like I do. Well, doing good's not how we go to heaven, Moses. See, the problem is this, is that most people, they say, oh, I believe in Jesus, so I'm good. But at the end of the day, they say, well, if you don't repent of your sins, if you don't go to church, if you don't get baptized, you're not going to go to heaven. But that means they don't really believe in Jesus. That means they're believing in themselves. So are we still going to heaven or not? Well, we go to heaven if we're not trusting in the law to save us, because the Bible says, knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law. But by the law to save us. By the Lord, not by the law. Bible says the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. So you see, Moses is not the savior, Jesus is. Is your name written in the book of life? That's exactly right. It's in there, too. But here's the interesting thing about that. The way your name gets written in the book of life, and it doesn't get blotted out, is if you believe in Christ. Who is he that overcometh by he that believes that Jesus is the Christ? Because Jesus is the son of God. So when you believe on Christ, then you can never go to hell, you can never be blotted out. However, although your name may never be blotted on the book of life, you believe in Jesus. When you get to heaven, Jesus might give you a broom, and make you be the least of it. And a lot of people they need to, the Bible says, they examine yourselves whether you'd be in the faith. They just kind of assume that they're saved because they have a Christianity or a tradition. But I'm telling you, if someone is a Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, these churches teach a false gospel. They are not teaching the true gospel. And that was so interesting when we came here to Uganda. The biggest cult that we found here in Uganda is what's known as the born again cult, or the Pentecostal cult, which are churches which teach that in order for you to go to heaven, you gotta repent of your sins. So you're not born again? Well, we are believers in Jesus, so we are born again according to the Bible. But we are not born again according to Pentecostals. Are you Christian? So yes, we are Christian. But you see, what's interesting here is that all throughout the world, the Pentecostal church calls themselves Pentecostal. But here in Uganda, they have a specific name for themselves. They call themselves born again. Born again Christians, we're born again. But you see, they are not really born again, because the Pentecostal believes that in order for you to go to heaven, you gotta stop sinning. How do you get born again? By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. There you go. Well, it tells us in the book of John, when the John chapter, they turn me to John chapter three, where he says, it may be born again, you should not enter the kingdom of heaven. But they don't look down later in the chapter of the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. But this is what we encounter every day. We run into people who are from these born again churches, and we ask them, how do you go to heaven? They say nothing about Jesus. They say, well, I gotta keep the commandments. I gotta stop sinning. I gotta try to follow Jesus and be good. They're already born again, man. They already love Jesus. How do you think you get born again, man? You proclaim Jesus as your personal Christ, that's the idea. But remember, Jesus said, not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord, should enter into the kingdom of heaven. Guys, we have to go. We have to end this. It's already time for the news. It's been amazing. Thank you guys so much. We should do this again, by the way. Thank you. In the future, sort of have a big encyclopedia or something, bigger than the 500, and I'll sort you guys out. Thank you. Thank you so much. It's been great. God bless. When are you guys getting back to, man? We're planning to be in Africa for the rest of our lives. Wow. Oh, you guys better get yourselves in Ugandan girls. Listen, yeah, real quick. If I forget, I'm sorry. Are you reachable? Like, how can people get to know more about you? So, there's a church that we work with here in Uganda, in Kampala, down in Kansanga, called Gospel Light Baptist Church. The church is located on Chitalanga Road. Gospel Light Baptist Church on Chitalanga Road in Kansanga. Social media, you guys own it? Or the devil? I see devils too. I'm just kidding. It's just a recipe. Are you on social media? Yes, we are. Oh, right, okay. Facebook? Facebook, what are you? JC, what? Yeah, I'm John McPhail. John McPhail. That's right. JC McPhail? That's correct. All right, okay. Guys, thank you so much. Yes, thank you. It's been great. Guys, it's been JC, John. It's been Moses too. I'll have to sign out with this. We'll meet again tomorrow, actually. I'll be doing the late date. I'll be sitting in for my man, Irish. So, we'll be talking tomorrow. Yes. I was wondering, when the lighting was still on right because that audio would not come on. The volume would not come on. So, I was thinking maybe they might be, you know, as droops, as you guys would sound. Oh, you guys, oh, man. Like, oh, if you tell something about the tree not being green enough, you have a voice about it. You guys would be really well versed in the violence. And the rest of their life in Africa. Yeah. Are we burying you here? That's right. This is the Promised Land. Ah! Why did you not say that, man? You guys are like, oh, shit. All right, that's it. In this case, we're going to give you guys some of the golden names, guys. Yeah. Oh. But I heard from, you know. Oh, no. Firstly, we have this thing called clans, right? Like, your name, the person can know what clan you belong to. This was done, so, in case your dad had another child somewhere, and you met them, just by hearing their name, you can know they belong to your clan, so you can't mess with them. You know what I mean? It's just a nice system, kind of like, you know how it is, like, maybe, you know, you meet a girl, and then you later on discover, oh, that's your dad's child, he had, I know it's happened before. So, anyway, that was the thing. So, oh, wait, let me just cut this out. It's okay. Yeah, it's all good. So, basically. It's like. We have many things to say. And hard to be uttered saying your goal. Usually, I'm the talk, I'm, brrrr, yes, I meet down found it all. Ha ha ha ha! I've said anything about, like, the weather, and you guys had a verse for it. Actually, you guys are really, and I'm saying, like, that stick, the seven years, that's all. Yeah, we've been, we've read the Bible, I've read it 20 times cover to cover. So we read it about... 20 times! no yes who does that well I don't do any time yes that means that's right you guys can take over this show are you you're gonna why do you have to yeah so now at some point in time I have to clear my head sort of like how you'll go to a place just to clear your head you know you know how it is sort of like you guys are from Arizona every once in a while you probably maybe just run across the border to Mexico just to clear I've been to Mexico yeah several times I speak Spanish yeah so you know why did you go to Mexico it's because I wanted to preach the gospel on the missionary trip yeah when the Mexican oh we get that more in Uganda here we're not building an empire here Moses we see we seeking them is not of this world we here we seek no continuing city but one to come Bible says that we look down on things which are seen what are things which are not seen yeah we'll take it we'll sell this and we just walk everywhere when you guys talked about a preacher sort of running after the flesh and the money yeah we do know pastor that's always bragging about how much money he has he wants to buy a jet and I know some look there's something called over the top now buying a jet in your past that that's a bit over the top oh yeah you know what I mean what having a car like I'm just saying nothing wrong with a car that was against you go one location another as long as it's not a Mercedes Benz this is flashy there's no reason for God says like God says do that he abases the problem I'm sorry and he exalts the humble Bible teaching about blessing okay I know you oh yeah according to block by the time I'm reading it Google you guys know about blessing what a God blesses us right right the spiritual blessings look at Ephesians 1 and all the spiritual blessings we see remember when you say something about like narrative so you guys also have narrative like you always find a reason to kind of say it's no good to have money but it's good it's not good to be rich but it is good it's good to have another model says in having food and raiment let us be there with inset God give us wisdom God give us direction God save these people God give us power we're praying for God to bring his his as many people to heaven as possible and preach the Word of God so the people know God's Word we're not concerned with as we say establishing you know our kingdom here you know this is my kingdom come wrong our kingdom is in the world spread across the country we're going to this area and using the money some of the money is in some of the money when he's not when he's not like yes Skinner will go home like for holidays from Canada originally you go to Canada have a little holiday or whatever go to the US or wherever then he'll give out to Israel then he'll give out to Lebanon he'll give it to these countries right and the Bible does say man blessed more is the man that gives in the one that there's more blessed to give them to receive yeah everyone I've met from what Ocho does not say yeah we made from a total believe in keeping the law to go to heaven I don't believe in salvation by faith believe in salvation by the law that means that teeth that guy is a false teacher okay let me let me split in this way right you have been taught right by your pastor yeah and I'm from the Bible again if you talk to almost any of the one total members how many times have you read this thing cover to cover okay no I get it zero and then wait you'll find Gary's kiddos problem really covered the Bible though I mean you know the devil the devil knows the Bible to level says that the devil was quoting the scripture to Jesus God to begin with yeah I'm going to church yeah see so and I get it that you know but at the end of the day right I still believe see the Ten Commandments because I feel if you want to be a good person yes I feel like when you actually follow the Ten Commandments you're pretty much a good person but you haven't kept all the Ten Commandments Moses by the by the standard of Moses of the Old Testament I know you guys know I can cook yeah I know I know that I should not know their gods before me gosh I'll make an e-driven image but you put the God of money before money because it's that same God that I will call the amendment oh no because the way listen you cannot serve God in it I get it that God said it and you cannot have two masters it's wrong when you say I mean at this rate you guys are gonna say the God of the trees God of the Mercedes right God of Education one God man got one God sort of like that baseball cup where it says and one size fits all right like my god like but the Bible says covetousness which is idolatry yep and so when you love money it is idolatry Colossians 3 so you hate money yeah Bible says hating covetousness we hate covetousness oh listen let me ask you guys a question how did you come to how did you get to Acacia? Acacia of all my boda right you had to pay this boda guy that's right yeah we put we paid him two US dollars that's chump change in America so okay you still have to pay him money yes so money is important it's a tool but they use this world as not abuse that's a good point money is a tool it's not an object it's not the goal money is a tool that buys me something that I need but when people in there because if my daughter needs to go to school this is Uganda you know I need to get to pay for her to get a quality education it doesn't matter I know in America the kid will go to a public school and they'll have a good education free education pretty much and they'll they can still be as successful as the next rich guy in America but here like I need to take my child to a good school and I need to pay money so I'll actually go out and work for that money so I can use that tool to get some God promises to supply your needs I know but but God doesn't supply your greed Moses I cannot sit here right let me tell you this be honest with yourself like be honest with me be honest with Henry over here so if you sat right there for two days you sat right there for a week right and you didn't eat a thing right you didn't drink any water because you say God will supply I don't know we're not the same we're not talking about being ascetics what we're talking about is not living beyond your means again so what exactly means because your means beyond your means beyond your means could be look as long as I have food today I'm good maybe for me you'll be like do you know as long as I have food and mention me yeah that's a note see when you say mansion my kind of clothes brands had mansions right they lived good the Abrahams they lived good they had a lot of cattle but what you look of is not blessings of all you know got greed cowardice in the Bible you should come to our church I'll teach you I've seen that guy the guy that heads gospel like bucks another guy he drives a Noah right and comes with his family big cowboy hat yeah yeah I know the guy really well met him on a good few times we've had a chat he should come up to seroma writing advice and material wherever and it's not doing bad for himself I know he's not driving a Bentley no he rents a house but I know he runs a house he's got four children I know people are paying him money right still in the church people giving their offertory and they're giving him the tigers right and he's putting them to use but it's not most of that money is not going to him most of the money is going back into the church that's good right that's good right spreading the word of God that's what I told you but that's what Gary Skinner is doing too because he's most of his money's going to him most of his money I have seen I've been to the world total homes man he's actually giving people a future people that would otherwise have had a very he's going to often and women we does yeah actually it's all their works they do to receive you do remember there's a part in the Bible that said like you know oh thank you so much for clothing me and it says wait when did I close you and say that anytime you helped out a person right it's a good thing to help other people but but you know you can give someone a pair of shoes and then send them to hell that's not going to be a false gospel to no man come on listen you do know there's a person in the Amazon right that's never heard about God I don't believe I think that everyone has heard what's so funny is when we were in America they said hey there's people in Africa they haven't heard the word of God and now we're in Africa and they say those people we go to the Amazon you know what they're gonna say there's people in Asia we go to Asia you know they're gonna say there's people in America no no no we believe what we believe before we don't even meet Pastor Pritchard before we came here yeah this past word we're all we come from a church in America faithful word Baptist Church pastor Steven Anderson so yeah pastor we didn't even know him till five months he didn't drain us at all we we here we don't have the same philosophy as he has his different philosophies you're a dude this merely your mind no I'm just you do remember these guys in the Bible used to marry their cousins and such yeah but God said it's an abomination the book of Leviticus and so after well the Bible the thing is this the Bible doesn't change but man does and so God's laws are often accommodative that is to say although Abraham could marry his sister as the gene pool started to become closer and closer and then where the you know we could not have an air because then it would be a question of I love God so if I then started having what we are having now right it would be contradictory then it would sort of be like we're all believers in God and we will fight in each other you know what I mean we don't all believe in the same God the Muslims have a different God but guess what oh they're God is the devil the devil Jesus says the Quran right pretty much it denies Jesus the Son of God no no the crowns the bigger the most confused jumble I've ever read my time it says Allah beget if not nor is he begotten the Bible says that he's the great God and our Savior Titus 2 13 says my Lord and my God Thomas says yeah yeah because he claimed to be God and they called him and that means to be God son of God is a title but notice this Bible tells us that Jesus Christ he knew people starts his omniscient Jesus Christ could forgive people sin because he's God Jesus Christ also was when the Bible says he died on the cross it says in Acts 20 that God shed his blood so Jesus Christ is God he's not God the way down the cross is just a man he irrigated to himself titles of deity God the Father yeah because there's three God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit yes absolutely yes I completely agree with that so listen you'll have some people that say you know what I'm a bit uncomfortable you know calling Jesus God because God is God you know what I mean it's sort of like a person says look I get it that you will get son but I'm more comfortable doing but Jesus said I know the Bible still did say that no one shall get to God the brother except through the son I get it I get all that so it actually does acknowledge that God is there and this is son you know he's seated on the right hand it's on the Bible and if you deny the son you deny the father then you can't deny the son because you love the son of a Muslim says Jesus not the son of God they're denying the son I know but then there who is an Antichrist but he they deny the father and the son he's Antichrist he's believing in a different God that commandment one Moses you shall have all is them it is the God of Muhammad when Jesus by the way even to the Muslims in the Quran Jesus's return is more like he comes back right if you're seeing what the Quran says about his return Jesus will return back and then he will set up kind of destroy all the enemies of basically all the Christians according to Muhammad and then he's gonna die and go be buried next to Muhammad in Mecca that's why Islam is the greatest persecutor of Christian in Islamic countries why can't we preach the gospel why if I went to Islamic country first gospel where they cut my head off if you go if you go to Hindu Hindu majority countries communist or atheist majority countries is long majority countries they are hell holes but if you go to a Christian majority country there's freedom why because Christianity brings civilization or the spirit of the word is there is liberty the whole world lies and wickedness there's two different things right going to heaven and serving God those are different things going to heaven is very easy being saved is very easy but serving God that takes a man of God like Jesus Christ like Paul like Peter a man of God is actually doing the truth Jesus is I am the way the truth and the life no man coming to the father but by me but you're saying that people get to heaven without Jesus you're saying people get to heaven without trusting in Jesus but Jesus that I am the way how can you get to heaven yeah they've been here for four or five hundred years the tribes no they believed in idols statues and according to Romans 120 yeah the Catholics are fake religion yes one they're pagans well I mean you know the substantiate the claim every every continent has its own pagan gods African spiritism European spiritism okay with the old god the gods on and then Native American spiritism it exists everywhere and they have to read you have to reject that same thing with Greece false gods Grecian paganism almost as a jack 17 but now God commends all men everywhere to repent turn from all these idols turn from believing in false gods and believing the one okay well we gotta head out okay hope you don't mind if you can go quick we have to be there by 1040