(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let's do it. All right. You're live. Let's do it. All right. Hey, everybody. Pastor Anderson here with Faith Ford Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Sorry about that technical difficulty. We were having trouble with some of our equipment on this end. So we're starting up about 15 minutes late here. And the phone number to call in today is 480-465-1203. The phone's already been ringing off the hook here while we were trying to get our act together. But again, you call in with any question on any subject. And I've also got some questions that I wrote down from the Challenging Questions to Pastor Anderson group on Facebook. But I'm going to be primarily just taking phone calls. So again, 480-465-1203, any subject. We are live and I'm ready to answer the next call. This is an 856 area code. Hello. This is Pastor Anderson. Hey. How you doing, Pastor? Great. I have a question about Timothy 3, where it talks about the deacons giving requirements for their wives also. Right. Having a lot of time trying to figure out, biblically speaking, what being grave to the wives means. Well, the word grave just simply means serious. It's kind of similar to the term sober. And those words are actually used interchangeably a few places in the New Testament. It basically means that they're taking things seriously. They're taking life seriously. And that they're not just somebody who just goofs off and fools around and isn't serious about living for God. That's what I take grave and sober to mean. All right. Well, that was kind of dry. Simple enough. Thank you, Pastor. Yeah. God bless you. Thanks for the call. All right. A question off the internet real quick. Ben in Belgium had asked a question last week about Revelation chapter 7 about the seventh seal. This time he had another question about the same subject. He asked me about a book by a guy named Ronald Frame. And apparently in this book it talks about there being a possibility of a 37-day gap between the rapture and the opening of the seventh seal. He wanted to know what I thought about that theory, if I thought that that was correct or not. And I believe that that is not correct. I believe that if you read Revelation 6, 7, and 8 that the sun and moon being darkened, the great multitude appearing in heaven will go directly into the opening of the seventh seal which sets off the seven trumpets of God's wrath. Now the reason that I say that is that in Luke chapter 17 the Bible talks about the fact that the same day that Lot went out of Sodom and Gomorrah it rained fire and brimstone out of heaven. Let me read that for you from Luke chapter 17 in verse 26 says, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it also be in the days of the son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed. In that day, and then he goes on and on. So according to Luke 17, the same day that we are removed from this earth in the rapture when two are in the field and one is taken and the other left, that's the same day that God's going to rain fire and brimstone from the sky. So that's the events of the seventh seal. If you read the seventh seal, he scoops up fire out of the altar and casts it into the earth. The first trumpet sounds, there's fire and brimstone. Also second Peter chapter three verse 10 I believe talks about fire destroying and burning up the earth on the day of the Lord and so on and so forth. So I believe that the fire and brimstone will rain the same day. I don't think there's a big gap. There's a half hour gap mentioned, but there's not a huge gap of multiple days or anything like that. And it's another reason why the left behind model is so unscriptural because they don't show any fire and brimstone on the day that Christians are supposedly removed and that's just the tip of the iceberg with the false doctrine of that film. All right, we've got another call here, 603 area code. Hello this is Pastor Anderson. Hi Pastor Anderson. Hi Pastor Anderson, this is Tara Flanders from Stratford, New Hampshire. Hi, how you doing? We're giving. We visited your church in May, I don't know if you remember me. I do. Oh great, I have a question for you. My pastor at our church, we love our church, but my pastor and I have some differences. He told me that I'm not eligible to teach in the Sunday school program unless I'm willing to teach the pre-trib doctrine and of course my kids are in the Sunday school program and I remember you preaching a sermon about deal-breaking churches that, you know, KJV, as long as they're KJV, full winning, and once saved, always saved, then, you know, nothing else is really a deal-breaker. So I wonder what you think I should do about this. Should I just be okay with this or is it time to find a new church? Well I mean it's really up to you what you want to do in this situation because, you know, like I said the other time, it's not a deal-breaker in the sense that you just can't go to that church because they're so strongly pre-trib. I mean I went to pre-trib churches my entire life until I was 24 years old. So I don't think it's a deal-breaker, but, you know, you have to ask yourself whether you're okay raising your family in a church where you disagree with a lot of things or if you're willing to make the move and, you know, go to a church that you can agree with 100%. So if you're going to stay in the area you're in, then all you can do is go to the best possible church in that area and if it's pre-trib, well, that's life. But, you know, if you wanted to go to the best possible church and were willing to move then that option is available too. So it's really just up to you, you know, what your priorities are and what you're willing to put up with in a church. But you have to go to church. That's what I'm always kind of emphasizing when I talk about the deal-breakers is when people just say there's no good church. Right. Yeah, and the unicorn church and all that. I remember that. Exactly, yeah. Well, thank you very much, Pastor. That really helps. Yeah, no problem. God bless you. See you later. God bless you too. Bye-bye. All right. So if you're listening to this broadcast, be sure to post the link to the new live stream on YouTube because we had to cancel the other stream because of technical difficulties so we started a new event. So be sure to share the event on Facebook to make sure everybody finds the new event here. Hello, this is Pastor Anderson. Hi, this is Caitlin. I'm calling from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I just have a question about the doctrine of the Trinity. My question is because if you think about the Trinity as, you know, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, you know that the Father is considered the Creator and Jesus is considered the Son. But I wanted to know if you could direct me to some Bible verses that would help me better understand the Holy Spirit aspect of God. Okay, sure. Well, first of all, I would point out that Jesus Christ, the Son, is also identified as the Creator. So it's not just the Father that's the Creator because actually Colossians chapter 1 talks about Jesus being the Creator. But also on the subject of the Holy Spirit, I think some of the best teaching on the Holy Spirit is found in the book of John, specifically chapter 16. But Jesus teaches his disciples just for four chapters straight. You know, if you have a red letter Bible, it's just 14, 15, 16, 17 is pretty much almost all red letters of Jesus talking to the disciples shortly before he's crucified. And in chapters 14 and 16, there's a lot of good teaching on the Holy Spirit. Also Romans chapter 8 is a classic chapter on the Holy Spirit. So I mean, obviously, you could always just do a search of the of the Bible on eSword or Biblegateway.com of the word spirit and ghost. But I would consider those the classic Holy Spirit passages, you know, John 14 and 16 and Romans chapter 8. Okay, yeah, because my thing was, is that I, you know, if you're going to have a relationship with God, you know, we focus so much on, you know, Jesus and what he did as Christians. And I thought, you know, like, I want like all of God, you know, like to understand the whole Trinity. Sure. Yeah, of course. Yeah. It's all of it's important. You know, we need to understand what the Bible teaches on the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Hey, thanks for the question. God bless you. All right. You too. Thank you. All right. Again, the number is 480-465-1203. Here we go. Another call. Yes, this is Pastor Anderson. This is Pastor Anderson. I'm a pastor in a congregation in California, in the left hand area. And it's reading Mark 14, like 13 and 14 are the days, which is like I haven't really read that part of the gospel, and Mark, I'm more familiar with other gospels. But there's this part in 1451 where it's like this guy, like after they capture him, he runs off naked. Like he has like, he's covered himself, he runs away. Right. like I never heard that. So I was gonna call you about that, but then I decided to go through them and expect the same scene in the other Gospels, and turns out, like in John, when he says, I am he, these guys, they all fall down. In Luke he tells Judas, you know, betray his son, a man with a kiss. In the Matthew, he tells his friend, you come, wherefore art thou come. So it seems like he gives them like every chance, like in every Gospel, he gives them like a certain chance, like to where they could have, where something happened, like straying something out of an ordinary happened, where they could have stopped and not did this. They kind of just like still went forth and did what they did, so it's kind of, I don't know what your take would be. Yeah, that is, that's pretty, that's pretty interesting, but also one thing that kind of jumps out at me about this story, because it is kind of an odd story in Mark chapter 14, when they're coming out to arrest Jesus, and it says, there followed him, a certain young man having a linen cloth cast about his naked body, and the young man laid hold on him, and he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked. So somebody here, they're trying to arrest him, and he runs away, and they rip the clothes right off. The thing that I would point to is in Revelation, where it says, blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garment, lest he walk naked and they see his shame. So there's some kind of symbolism going on with this story about the guy who's following. To be honest, I don't really have a clear answer on that, though, of what the significance of that guy is, but he represents a follower of Jesus, you know, who's not prepared in a sense, and so he's caught off guard, you know, he's caught not, he's not properly dressed, and you know, he ends up fleeing away, shamed and naked. So it's, there's some kind of a symbolism there about us, just, you know, watching and being prepared, staying awake and staying alert, and not to get caught with our pants down, as it were. Does that make sense? Yeah, so it seems in all the other Gospels to me, like, something else happened, like, that was, like, out of the ordinary. Right. I could've distracted these people from what they were doing, but they just went ahead and did it anyway. Yeah. All right, thanks for the call. God bless you. All right, 480-465-1203. Hello, it's Pastor Anderson. Hey, Pastor Anderson, I was just calling, I had a quick question for you. I wanted to tell you, we appreciate the work you do, praying for you. I was just wondering what your stance was on feet washing with the communion service. Feet washing with the communion service. Well, here's the thing, when we read in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, where Paul is describing the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, there's no mention made there of the feet washing, and that's the primary New Testament teaching on the Lord's Supper in 1 Corinthians 11. He refers back to the events of the Last Supper with Jesus, but he doesn't say that we need to continually do the foot washing as a memorialization of the death of Jesus Christ. Now, he does say in John, when he does the foot washing, he says, you know, I've washed your feet, I'm your Lord and Master, so you ought also to wash one another's feet. But I just don't think that it's in connection with the communion service or the Lord's Supper's observance. I think it would just be, in general, he's saying basically be humble and serve one another, and that could definitely include literally washing feet. Like, for example, it says in 1 Timothy chapter 5, when it's talking about a widow, that is a widow indeed, and it talks about how she's well reported of for good works, and that she has washed the saint's feet. Yeah, that was one of the verses that I was thinking about, yeah. Right. I don't think it's a ritual, I think it's more just something that believers should do in general, it's part of humility. Okay, I got you. Well, thank you so much for your help, and like I said, we're praying for you. Appreciate it. God bless you. Thanks for the call. God bless you. All right, good questions. Here's the next one. Hello, this is Pastor Anderson. Hello, this is Devon from Columbus, Ohio. I was out soloing last week, and I was with my partner, and we ran into a lady who only spoke Spanish, and my partner was able to win her to Christ in Spanish. I was inspired by that. I know you know a few languages, so I was wondering, you know, how did you learn, you know, like a new language, and how do you think, like, what do you think's the best way to do that? Well, that's a great question. When I started the church here in Phoenix, Arizona, I did not know Spanish well enough to win someone to Christ, but right away, I started running into so many people who spoke Spanish outdoor-to-door that I realized this is something that I have to learn. So I'll give you the best answer that I know for learning a language is called Pimsleur, and it's an audio-based program. It's pretty much exclusively audio, and it takes 30 minutes a day, and you basically have to spend 30 minutes a day just undistracted on it, and if you'll just spend that 30 minutes with the Pimsleur audio, you'll be amazed how much you learn just in a few weeks' time, and you get better pronunciation because it's all audio-based, but you do have to focus on it for those 30 minutes because it basically asks you questions, and you respond to it. It's an interactive thing, and it can be a little bit expensive, but one thing that you can do is get it from the public library. I know a lot of times the library actually has the Pimsleur course that you can check out and do it that way. And that's what the P, Pimsleur? Yeah, P as in Paul, I, M as in Mary, S, L, E, U, R. So I really like the Pimsleur audio. I've used that for a bunch of languages. That's not how I learned Spanish just because I didn't know about it back then, but I've used that on a whole bunch of other languages that I've studied, and it works really well. But also another thing that I like to do is once I learn somewhat of the language, I like to get the Bible in that language and do memorization, memorize verses or even whole chapters in that language from the Bible, and just reading the Bible. I've read the New Testament cover to cover in I think five languages. Actually, it is five. And the reason I like to do that is because if you already know what it says in English because you've been familiar with the Bible all your life, or at least for a long time, then when you read it in a foreign language, let's say you come to a word you don't know, you pretty much already know what it means just because you know what the English says. So that, that's a great tool, especially if you're, if you're learning in the context of soul winning. Reading the Bible will give you a lot of the spiritual terminology. Okay, yeah, cool. I already have the Spanish New Testament, so thanks for the, yeah, thanks for the suggestion. Yep, no problem. God bless you. Thanks for the call. And another thing I'll add to that is that long before I ever won somebody the Lord purely in Spanish, I won several people Lord in Spanglish. You know, people that knew a little bit of English, and you could do like a hybrid. That's a good way to get better at it. Hello, this is Pastor Anderson. Hey, God bless you. I'm Jason from Miami, Florida. How you doing, Jason? Good, good. I had a question about Romans chapter 2. Okay. I used to be part of the lordship salvation crowd. I used to open air preach with some of those guys you see on the street. I'm sure you know about them. Right, yeah. You know, the repent of your sins, everything like that. So, you know, now that I changed and believe in eternal security like the Bible teaches, they're railing on me. They say, no, I lost my salvation. And so they bring up this one, verse 6, who will render to every man according to his deeds, to them who by patient continuance and well-doing seek for glory in mortality, eternal life. So they put their continuance and well-doing at work. Right. So I wanted to see what you thought about that. Sure, yeah. This is a classic example of taking scripture out of context because there are actually several verses in chapter 2 that would appear to teach a works-based salvation. Because what Paul is basically explaining in chapter 2 is that if you do all the right things, you'll have eternal life. If you do all the right things, you'll be saved. But then what does he turn around and say in chapter 3? There's none that do with good, no not one. So yeah, he sits there and says to them who by patient continuance and well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life, except here's the thing, there's nobody who by patient continuance and well-doing seeks for glory and honor and immortality and eternal life. So in the context that's talking about if you want to keep the law, then you have to do it perfectly, kind of like. Yeah, exactly. And if you read the whole chapter, that becomes real obvious because he starts out in Romans chapter 1 talking about all these people that have rejected the gospel and become reprobate. Then he kind of turns it around in chapter 2 on people who were calling themselves Jews and making their boast in the law and he explains to them that yeah, you know, if you continue in all the words of the book of law to do them, you're gonna have eternal life. Yeah that you would be saved if you did that. But then he basically explains in chapter 3 that, you know, nobody does that. It's sort of like when the rich young ruler asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life and he says to him well, you know, what does the scripture say? And he lists off a bunch of commandments and Jesus says that's right, do that and you'll live. Basically this do and thou shalt live. And he says well all that I've kept from my youth up. What lack I yet? Now there's no way that that guy had really kept every commandment of the Bible from his youth up. So Jesus points out where he's lacking and says well if thou will be perfect, you know, sell that thou hast, give it to the poor, take up thy cross and follow me. He goes away sorrowing because he has great riches. So the guy walked up thinking he had to do something, some kind of works to get into heaven and he walked away thinking he had to do works to get into heaven. He's not saved. But what Jesus is demonstrating there is that truly if you live a perfect life, if you keep all of the commandments perfectly, you'll go to heaven. But since there's no person on the planet who does that, that's where we need salvation by grace through faith, through Jesus. So it's like there's there's two ways to get to heaven. One way is to believe on Jesus and do it by grace. The other way is to live a perfect life and never sin. But okay just one last verse and then I know you're busy. Hebrews 5 9 they always bring up and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. They see how they take that verse in CC. If you're if you obey him you know keep his commandments then he's the author of eternal salvation because you're obeying him. Right but it talks about the fact of those who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let me let me let me give you this scripture here. It's the one that's popping into my mind here. Second Thessalonians chapter 1 it says in verse number 8 and flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day. So those who obey not the gospel are the people who don't believe the gospel. So you know that's how you obey the gospel by believing it. You know repent and believe the gospel or where he says you know believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that's actually a commandment to believe. So in certain in certain verses obey and believe are synonymous with each other. Well in certain in certain circumstances the way that you obey is by believing. I mean obey means different things based on what the command was. I mean if I say shut the door then obedience is to shut that door. Right. And if I say believe on Jesus then how do you obey that command? By believing on Jesus. Exactly. So sometimes when you see the word obey you know it's talking about obeying the command to believe. For example the Bible says this is his commandment I believe it's 1st John 3 24 something like that. This is his commandment that we believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ. You know and that we love one another as he gave his commandment. So believing on Jesus Christ is a commandment. Yeah it's 1st John 3 23 I found it. This is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave his commandment. So yeah you know the Lordship Salvation crowd they can grasp at all the straws they want but you and I both know that there's a whole mountain of scripture that says that salvation is by faith and that it's not of works. Yeah that's why I got out of it. I knew in my spirit even when I was preaching when I'm someone's not right. Right. Well I'm glad to hear that you got out of it. Yeah it was your once saved always saved teaching that I saw the video that really started the whole process so God bless you for that. Yeah God bless you too. Great call. Thank you. Yeah it says Romans chapter 2 is explaining yeah theoretically if you do all the right things you'll be saved but then Romans 3 goes on and on about how you know no one is good enough no one's righteous we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God and it says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. So there in Romans 2 they need to get to the conclusion where he actually concludes his whole argument and puts it all together and says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of law at the end of chapter 3 there. Yes hello this pastor Anderson please turn off your computer how you doing? Okay yeah thank you. Alright I got it off. Alright God bless you what's your question? Yeah hey well John 3 8 I want to see what the pastor thinks about the that verse right there John 3 about being born again. Okay sure I'll read it for everybody here. The wind bloweth where it listeth and now here's the sound thereof but can'ts not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is everyone that is born of the Spirit. Well I believe that what that's saying is that just as we cannot see the wind but we can basically hear the sound thereof you know but we don't really know where it's going we can't see it I think that what that's saying is that when we look at someone who's born of the Spirit we actually can't see anything physically about them that would tell us that that person is saved you know we don't really know by looking at them whether they're saved because it's a spirit salvation is a spiritual thing so it's something that's unseen but we hear the sound of the wind and we can actually identify those who are born again by by hearing what they say because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so does that make sense? Yeah yes sir and when I was born again it came right to the ceiling into my chest I was in a motel and I was a needle in my arm and Jesus saved me it is amazing thing and this let me ask you I hear a lot of this where it's a repeat after this repeat this after me and you shall be saved that's not the way it happened to me now does it happen to everybody differently? Well you know yeah what you're talking about something coming through the ceiling in a hotel room I'm not familiar with that you know and I will say this that when I got saved when I got saved I repeated a prayer that my mother prayed with me and nothing came through the ceiling or anything I just believed what the Word of God said so you know if you had an experience or if you you know talk to other people who have other experiences or emotional experiences or supernatural experiences you know you can't expect other people to duplicate that or have that same experience whatever did or did not happen to you or anyone else you know the the truth of the matter is that salvation is not based on experiences or feelings it's based on whether or not you believe on Christ and and repeating a prayer after somebody is a totally legitimate way of getting saved it's just all it is is just helping someone pray you know and it's not it's not the words of the prayer that are really important anyway the important thing is whether the person believes in their heart and that they just confess with their mouth in some way shape or form it doesn't have to be an exact wording so yeah hey I can't find a church here in Kansas City that's post-trib I've looked everywhere you know so if you get I wish I knew somebody to tell me where the church is nearby the post-trib I can't find one yeah I don't know if there's one there or not that's that's kind of tough to find because so many people have been sucked into this pre-tribulation rapture but hopefully more and more people will see our film after the tribulation and you know hopefully we can wake more people up but even if you can't find a church that's post-trib you know just just get into a soul-winning independent fundamental Baptist Church in your area because you know you we don't want to forsake the assembly right yeah I love you man I love your guts yeah big guts man keep up the good work I appreciate it thanks see you later hello this is Pastor Anderson hi Pastor Anderson thanks for taking my call I'll try and keep this quick my wife and I have been safe for probably two years and you've been so helpful in that time thank you so much mate but there's no soul-winning going on at all in our area we really want to change that but we can't get anyone from our church motivated and we just we don't know how to start is there anything you could advise yeah well what area are you in Australia I'm calling from Australia what part of Australia Queensland Logan City okay yeah I don't know of anything there's that that's not near Sydney is it is that we said no I'm probably a 12-hour drive north from Sydney I'm close to Brisbane okay because I do know of a soul-winning church in Sydney I'm not familiar with the area that you're in but you know what if you can't go ahead sorry go ahead is there any way just I mean that me and my wife could start ourselves I mean some people are not going to be very open to us just showing up at their door with a tracker or a Bible is there a way you could suggest just firstly get started ourselves even yeah absolutely that that's exactly what I was just about to suggest is to say well you know if your church isn't going soul-winning if you can't get anybody to go with you you know just thank God that you've got your wife because it's a lot easier to go with your wife than to just go by yourself at least there's already two of you so that's great so if I were you I would just go out and start knocking doors right now and and yeah some people aren't going to be receptive to it but who cares because you're just looking for that one person that is going to be receptive and that's going to make it all worth it well well that's it and I thought you know this is something that God's going to equip us to do and it's trial and error really we'll just go out and do it and you know we'll let God work but um yeah I just wanted to run that by you because I mean after watching your sermon we see that seems to be you know the way the most successful way to go soul-winning is door-to-door without a without a fair bit of luck just out you know evangelizing from the community we came from but we really want to get this you know this community saved and there's none going on yeah you started up it's got to start somewhere and hopefully other people will see what you're doing and be inspired but yeah have you seen the soul-winning demonstration video that's on YouTube yeah yes I've been watching them and we've been studying them and they've been really helpful it was just just more than we um we come from a very very different background and um I mean we're used to people slamming doors in our faces but um we just didn't want to show up and do you know more damage even we wanted to show up and make sure we could deliver you know the message clearly and we were hoping we could take someone more experienced with us but we'll just have no luck there so we're just going to go out and we're just going to keep it simple and try it ourselves there you go I think you're gonna be surprised by how easy it is honestly so hey thanks for the call God bless you thanks thank you so much pasta bless you we pray for you guys mate thank you yep see you later hello this pastor Anderson great and I have a question for you so I reading first Samuel chapter 28 it's a story when Paul goes in and tries to inquire of a woman with a familiar spirit and to bring Samuel so he can ask what the will of the goddess in that moment and this actually do it is basically I completely believe the doctrine of you know hell and heaven in Old Testament but there are some people who obviously know they deny that they teach the paradise is so and but after me and I was kind of scratching my head when she said when the woman called Samuel and it says that basically the verse in in verse 13 it says and the woman said unto Saul I thought God's sending out of the earth so this and the way I was told is basically low right there so you know he's coming from down the earth from something from the earth not from from having well yeah here's the thing about that is that this woman isn't really an accurate person for us to derive Bible doctrine from because even that very statement itself is not accurate on certain levels because it says I saw God's ascending out of the earth so I mean obviously Samuel a singular human being is not God's plural so I think that this woman is perhaps seeing demons coming out of hell because that's who this woman is normally dealing with it's a woman that has a familiar spirit and so usually she's dealing with demons okay and so I believe that this woman does not normally succeed at bringing dead people to come talk to her customers okay this is probably very similar to the psychic readers and people like that that we have today where they're they're not really you know bringing people's relatives for them to talk to but they're actually dealing with demons and they're speaking with devils so I don't think this woman was any different so she sees gods coming up out of the earth when you see the word of gods with a lowercase G with the plural like that that's pretty much always referring to demons in the Bible you know because all the gods of the heathen the bale and the Astra those are all demons because the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10 that the things that the Gentiles sacrifice unto idols they're actually sacrificing unto Devils so that's why I don't believe that this is just some accurate reference to Samuel coming up from the earth because that's not what it says as I saw gods ascending out of the earth he said unto her what form is he up okay he ends up obviously literally speaking to Samuel an old man cometh up okay but the woman is not an authoritative source of doctrine in my opinion because she's a witch and so I would rather base what I believe on clear statements from God or from some spirit-filled prophet than just you know the way this witch describes things and what I honestly don't know but you know that's what I said I'm basing my doctrine on two clear statements of the Bible especially you know in New Testament right and it's very clear the Testament yeah and here's the thing you know perhaps you know perhaps just in this this is obviously a very strange event this is obviously not an ordinary event okay we'd agree I'm sure anyone would agree with that this is kind of a one-time thing in the whole Bible where something like this happens so to sit there and say well you know this witch conjures up Samuel and that's always the the wording that's used when we talk about witches and psychics that they you know conjure up spirits and that that word up is always used you know bringing them up conjuring them up why is thou troubled me to bring me up but you know is that really a directional thing that he literally Samuel his soul was down in the earth and is coming up literally you know I think that that is not conclusive and so I wouldn't use that to turn the doctrine of heaven and hell on its head just based on that one thing alone personally because it's it's a very strange out of the ordinary situation all right hey thanks for the call god bless you hello this pastor Anderson hey pastor Anderson my name is Jared Neville calling from New Orleans Louisiana and I just wanted to say that hard preaching works well I appreciate you saying that because that's what I believe too yep and I'm a testament to that hard preaching changed my life and I thank you for for preaching hard I appreciate it what do you have a question yes sir my question is about in the New Testament especially revelation 1-1 kind of is a good example of this where it says that these things must shortly come to pass he's going to show them things that will shortly come to pass and there's a lot of statements like that and the way I kind of look at it is that the the Apostles and the writers of the New Testament were inspired and given revelation that Jesus was going to come again and they knew that would happen but they just weren't shown when it would happen yet mm-hmm how do you feel about that what would you say regarding that yeah I think that when he makes these type of statements that things was must shortly come to pass I think that it's because he didn't he didn't want them to know when it would happen he said it's not for you to know the times of the seasons which the father put in his own power he said watch therefore for such an hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh so he wanted people to always think of the fact that Christ could come back in their generation so he didn't tell them hey it's gonna be a long ways off and if you remember that the Bible says that there would be scoffers in the last time in 2nd Peter 3 saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were since the beginning of the creation and then he reminds us that you know with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day so the implication there is clearly that it could be thousands of years before the second coming of Christ would come in and if Christ we're gonna come back right away then what he said in 2nd Peter 3 wouldn't really made sense when he says that you know in the last days scoffers are gonna be saying well where is the promise of his coming yeah you know acting like it's been a really long time so I think that the shortly here is relative you know to God it's it it's a short period of time because you know what is our life it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanish at the way so our life is a vapor a day is as a thousand years and so shortly come to pass the urgency of the book of Revelation is simply because the next thing is the second coming of Christ you know even so come Lord Jesus that's how the New Testament ends so it kind of leaves us hanging waiting for that next thing and we don't know maybe it's gonna happen in our lifetime maybe it won't maybe it'll happen a hundred years from now we have no idea right and and I agree and I'm familiar you know I've watched your Revelation series and after the tribulation that's actually how I found out about you is by finding after the tribulation on on the internet but just a follow-up question if that's okay sure so do you believe that the writers the New Testament did not believe that Jesus would come back in their lifetime or in there the following generation well you know I don't really know because when you read certain things that they write it's it would indicate that that you know that they're they're waiting for it they're looking for it they're hoping for it but then in second Peter three it seems that it was at least revealed to Peter at that point in time you know we don't know exactly when that book was written but at that point it has apparently been revealed to Peter that it's probably gonna be a ways off so you know I don't really know I don't think it's super important you know whether whether they thought that or not because the reality is the reality here we are 2,000 years later and he hasn't come back yet so we know that it wasn't meant to happen in their lifetime because it didn't happen so right and my opinion is my opinion is that it's gonna happen in my lifetime if I live my natural span I'd be very surprised if it doesn't but that being said it could be a hundred or two hundred years from now because we don't really know yeah and you know I'm not the reason I ask is because these are Holy Spirit filled authors of Scripture that are writing things down that seems like like they're expecting something soon you know and I could be misinterpreting things that they're saying you know special especially Revelation 1 1 you know for me you know that's a Holy Spirit writer of Scripture mm-hmm people at that time reading it probably if I was a bad time reading it of course we don't know everything that was going on at that time all the preaching and stuff but you see what I'm saying you know yeah I definitely I definitely see what you're saying and that and the reason for that I believe is that he wanted to lead people to think that it could happen in their lifetime even back then he wanted them to think that because he wants and he wants us to think that he wants every generation to think that and that's why he worded it that way he didn't want to tell them hey guys just chill out and relax because it's gonna be for like 2,000 years so just don't even worry about it he wants every generation to learn about it to understand it to think it and to also have the possibility open hey this could happen in our lifetime but but you know you can't ignore second Peter 3 either because that's inspired scripture to which which indicates that it's probably gonna be far out so hey thanks for the call appreciate it god bless you bye bye all right who's next hello this is Pastor Anderson yeah hey Pastor Anderson this is Joe from New Jersey I had a great time visiting your church thank you for all the hospitality you showed me my pleasure good to talk to you I just talked to your buddy Peter a little earlier in the broadcast I think it was it was before the the live stream was up and running though because we had some technical difficulties so his question was was lost for posterity so what's your question yeah well my question is you know how bad do you think it'll get if Hillary Clinton becomes president you know she's pro homo and pro abortion and you know just being a woman president so what do you think like the bad consequences would be if she wins well you know I I don't is she any worse than Obama I don't think there's any difference is there I mean yeah I don't know I mean she just looks like an evil lady and she's you know pro homo and pro abortion and well she's definitely she's definitely ugly too but the bottom line is though you know these people are all the same I don't think it's gonna make a big difference I mean especially when we're looking at Obama you know if you think about it Hillary and Obama were you know going up against each other in the primary back in 2008 and actually Obama was the more liberal of the two you know as at least as far as what they say in their campaigns you know Hillary is more moderate than Obama supposedly I mean that's the way it was presented back then but the bottom line is that you know these people are all a bunch of Satan worshipping reprobates so I you know I don't really care which one gets elected personally and I don't think it's gonna make some huge difference in our country which one gets elected because you know Hillary or Obama what's the difference I mean Obama you know if you watch him lift he's pretty much like a woman president yeah okay I see what you're saying yeah all right man I'm gonna talk to you have a good one yeah thank you bye-bye all right good to talk to Jersey Joe all right here we got a 408 area code I believe that's San Jose California hello this pastor Anderson hi pastor Anderson this is Terry in California hi Terry how are you good good I appreciate you first off I was wondering if you could help me to understand oh I gotta turn this down sorry Deuteronomy 18 we're talking about the price of the dog Deuteronomy 18 do you have a verse number on that I'm sorry I'm sorry you got to mute that computer is it were you able to get that thing muted back there Terry all right so it says in verse I think part of the key to understanding verse 18 is to read verse 17 okay because in verse 17 it says there shall no whore of the daughters of theirs excuse me let me start over verse 17 there shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel thou shalt not bring the higher of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the Lord thy God for any vow for even both these are abomination unto the Lord thy God so I think that what we see there is a parallel between verse 17 verse 18 that we have the whore and the sodomite and then we have the whore and the dog so I believe that when the Bible says a dog it's talking about a sodomite so that that's what basically God thinks of homosexuals he calls them dogs yeah you know this isn't talking about you know buying a dog or selling your dog and then putting the money from when you sold the dog in the offering plate this is sort of like in Revelation when it says for without our dogs sorcerers whoremongers murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie you know that that's a list of sins right dogs sorcerers whoremongers so the dog there is a sodomite and like the Bible says beware of dogs you know it's not saying hey when you go soul winning you know don't enter the fenced yard if there's a dog there you know you might get bit by a dog it's talking about sodomites homosexuals and so a lot of these homos will you know would prostitute themselves like a male prostitute like a male homo prostitute so that that's what that's referring to with the dog there okay and then if I could just ask one more quick question get a little bit confused sometimes and I actually have two family members that are going through a death offending death sometimes I thought I had heard you say to be absent from this world is to be present with the Lord but then I oh I often hear asleep in Jesus that's a great question so here's the thing Paul said for example in Philippians chapter 1 he said I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better he said for me to live is Christ and to die is gain why because he had a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you he said so he said he wanted to die to go be with Christ and then it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord now this thing of asleep in Jesus it is talking about the body not the soul okay so for example it says in Daniel chapter 12 many that sleep in the many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt so that sleeping in the dust of the earth and rising is talking about the body the body is asleep but yeah but but the soul is in heaven like for exam and here's more proof I gave you Philippians 1 2nd Corinthians 5 but also in Revelation when the fifth seal is open John sees the souls in heaven of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God and it says that they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true does that not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said to them that they should rest yet for a little season till their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled so they're up there waiting and conscious and saying how much longer do we have to wait but he said he saw the souls see the body is still in the grave asleep in the dust of the earth but basically when the rapture comes the Bible talks about those who are asleep in Jesus and first Thessalonians 4 he said he's gonna bring them with him but then it also says the dead in Christ shall rise first so how can Jesus when he comes in the clouds bring the saved with him but then also the dead in Christ are rising first well it's simple because the body is rising and he's bringing the soul with him and then they're gonna meet in the air and and be transformed into a you know a brand-new body for that soul that makes sense oh yes it does it makes perfect sense all right great yeah thanks for the call great questions god bless you bye-bye all right who's next hello this pastor Anderson hey this is Travis while I'm sitting here with my mother-in-law on a done Scott Dunn's wife and she has a question for you okay hi pastor Anderson hi hi hey I have a question about church membership we attend an independent Baptist Church and they require that you are baptized into the church to become a member and so I just wondered what the scriptures say regarding that well you know I do believe that baptism is part of you know making us a member of the church in the sense that the Bible says that we're baptized into one body by his spirit and it also says that they were all in the Old Testament baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea so they're baptized unto Moses I do believe we're baptized into the body of Christ or baptized into the local church but when it comes to church membership most churches have this process where you you kind of come down an aisle at the end of a service and you come forward and say I'd like to become a member and then they actually vote on allowing you to be a member or not they vote you into the membership and then when you come into the membership you either have to get baptized to join the church or if you've already been baptized in another church you are supposed to bring like a letter of recommendation and then you join by transfer of letter and stuff like that you know yeah I I find all of that to be just kind of made up stuff that's not necessary so the way that we do it at our church is we have what's called automatic membership meaning if you're saved baptized and show up you're a member of this church and if you're not saved you're not a member haven't been baptized then you're not a member and if you stop showing up you're no longer a member so those are kind of the three elements that I see as being a member and then what about requirements for what type of baptism you know if they come from another church another denomination do you have them be re-baptized at that point or well here's what I always tell people is that you know if somebody was baptized by immersion after they got saved they were actually dunked you know after they were saved and you know baptized the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost you know then they've been scripturally baptized now here's the thing about that though you know I always tell people if you have questions about your baptism or if you feel like maybe your baptism wasn't legitimate because people will come to me and say well I don't know if the guy who baptized me was even saved or you know I you know I I'm not sure a hundred percent that I was saved when I got baptized I always tell people this if you have doubts about your baptism then just get re-baptized because it can't hurt to do it again if it's bothering you just clear it up and then you just don't have to worry about it anymore or think about it ever again but as far as what my requirements are you know I don't I just leave that up to people themselves I'm not gonna judge people's baptism but you know obviously if it was before they were saved I would I would reject that or if it was sprinkling I would obviously reject that but otherwise I just leave it up to them whether they're comfortable with their baptism or not you know I don't I don't judge it but I will say this when people talk about being baptized in a non Baptist Church you know sometimes you have to wonder was the person saved because some people are like well I got baptized in you know so-and-so the charismatic Pentecostal Church and then I have to ask myself were you sure you were really saved when you were baptized because most people in those churches are not saved but if they were saved and got baptized there well you know it's up to them I always just tell people when in doubt get rebaptized but I it's not my job to worry about it I don't really spend too much time thinking about it right right and where we're attending now our pastor does want specific things lined up and even though I was baptized after I was saved I was fully immersed to him because it wasn't a Baptist Church you know he has questions about that and and so I'm not a member you know which then limits my ability to serve so what kind of church were you baptized in a free Methodist Church my my dad is a retired free Methodist but it was actually by immersion yes oh okay all right yeah I mean I can totally see where the pastor is coming from you know but you know my personal policy is different in the sense that I just I leave it up to the individual but honestly if it's holding you back or hindering your service it wouldn't really hurt for you to just get baptized again in the Baptist Church and just satisfy everybody involved I mean it's not it's definitely not a sin to get rebaptized right might as well just do it and just then you just never have to worry about it that that's kind of what I tell people is just hey just go ahead and do it what's it gonna hurt right right right yeah yeah and it's hard because my dad is still alive and so I think because my dad is the one that baptized me that's oh I see what you're saying it would be it would be very offensive to him it's kind of like saying your baptism wasn't good enough yeah well you know in that in that case you know you may choose not to it's just that's kind of a decision that only you can make if you're if you feel totally comfortable with your baptism and if you know that you're saved and and your dad saved and and that you were saved when you got baptized and that's good enough for you well you know it's just it's just you got to decide what your priority is I guess right right right that's a good point yeah I appreciate your time yeah thanks for the call God bless you thank you bye all right good question hello this pastor Anderson oh hey that's Anderson this John Cartlow from Miami how you doing good thank you it's funny I'm actually not even watching live Q&A I'm driving I just happen to call okay great yeah well my question is this I don't have my Bible in front of me because I'm driving but I was wondering if you ever I know that you like exponents and you're good I'm not you stated this many times and you know you did the exponents for marching design right I was wondering have you ever done that for like the the multiplication of the children of Israel and Egypt for example I mean the name of the pipe very you know it was on six generations I think for example the tribe of Reuben alone have gone over 50,000 and that's just counting males over 20 so have you ever that's something you've ever done or anything yeah you know I have sat down and done some calculations on that but it's been so long I don't really remember what the what the conclusions were that I came to but I definitely did sit down and try to figure out the rate that they were having kids and kind of just you know messing around with those numbers you know I used to be really good at math and take all kinds of math classes and I took math in college and I was actually you know gonna major in math before I switched to Bible college but these days I do a lot of math in my everyday life but the real high level math it's been a while on a lot of it and I don't really I don't really maintain a lot of that knowledge but yes I have delved into that they did multiply greatly from 70 people into you know several million I believe because they had 600,000 men of war you know between certain ages so they clearly had several million people there yeah I know I mean honestly if it wasn't in the I mean I did I mean a number on the surf seems very staggering to me it wasn't a Bible I would probably wouldn't believe it but I guess it has to be possible obviously well keep in mind it's not just six generations because you know that that's actually not entirely accurate because for some families it was as many as ten generations and there's a big misunderstanding that a lot of people have where they believe that the children of Israel were only in Egypt for like 215 years yeah in fact it pretty much every single age of the earth chart or chronology of the timeline of the Old Testament virtually all of them get it wrong and do not have them there for the full 430 years as the Bible says so if they're there for 430 years it could be as many as you know ten plus generations for a lot of people and not only that but some of the genealogies of so-and-so begat so-and-so it Lee it's leaving people out it's not giving you yeah and if you cross reference with the genealogies and first Chronicles 1 through 9 that some of the genealogies in there and compare with Exodus you'll see that in fact there were as many as ten generations in some places so it was actually 400 years plus that they were in Egypt so that gave them time to go from 70 to several million okay all right thank you pass everything yep thank you god bless you hello this pastor Anderson I just wanted to say that there's no salvation outside the Catholic all right we'll just leave it at that he wanted to say that there's no salvation outside the Catholic Church well here's one for you there's no salvation inside the Catholic Church because they believe in salvation by works and salvation is only by faith hello this pastor Anderson hey pastor Anderson this is Marco here from Philadelphia how are you good how you doing Marco I'm good man I've been trying to call in the last ten minutes I just I just want to say thank you for everything you do and god bless um I've been saved for about a year now sir and I got there a little bit differently than most people you know I I was always skeptical of the Bible living in Philadelphia and stuff you know and I ended up doing a lot of research on my own and I just found that I ended up realizing that there's almost like a luciferian web around us and that's what I kind of started looking looking towards the Bible that I found your movie on the internet and I was changed man my question you sir is uh what do you think about vaccination for kids and have you have you vaccinated your kids and what does the Bible say on that yeah that's a great question no I do not vaccinate my kids I did give my first son some of the vaccinations just because I was young and ignorant but you know we got educated on it part way through with our first job you know you make all the mistakes on the first child that's your experiment kid and that's why he gets the double portion of the inheritance right to make up for all the mistakes you made with him so basically yeah we gave him some of the vaccines but then part way through we learned about it so none of our other seven kids are vaccinated we're not gonna vaccinate the next kid what does the Bible say about it well actually I would reference you to a sermon that pastor Roger Jimenez did I haven't listened to it but a whole bunch of people have told me about it where pastor Jimenez actually has a what I've heard a really good sermon on vaccinations so I would look that up on on his channel from Verity Baptist Church but you know I would say that you know the idea of putting such unclean filthy things into our bloodstream for any reason is is ridiculous because you know we build immunity through our our nose our mouth and skin and and our body has defenses against things but to just put these toxins directly into our bloodstream is a horrible idea not to mention the fact that vaccines have you know mercury in them fight in the form of thimerosal they have formaldehyde and other just heavy metals and junk in them I've personally known people who had horrible reactions within hours of getting vaccinated to the point of almost dying from asthma attacks and things just within hours of taking the vaccines so the heavy metal toxicity is real there's a there's a documentary called the greater good I think you can pick up at framing the world calm is that right Paul the greater good that talks about vaccines but yeah not only that but people will deny this all the time but if you look it up a lot of these vaccines are actually cultured on you know cells from aborted fetuses also and also and I believe also monkey monkey animal or just regular animals and stuff that they do tests off of I believe as well yeah so it's like all kinds of weird filthy stuff that you're putting in your body with these vaccines so yeah I don't vaccinate the whole thing's a scam and a fraud the love of money's the root of all evil and these big pharmaceutical companies are laughing all the way to the bank and they don't care how many people that they hurt in the process so vaccines are a fraud that gets me the part that gets me pastor is they they run it down your throat to tell you to do it do it before the kid can even communicate with you to tell you hey dad my you know this stuff's giving me a headache or hey I'm feeling woozy or this stuff's hurting or hey I can't comprehend what I was comprehending two seconds ago after these damn shots you know that I had the same thing as you like to my first two children had those shots and eventually I got to the point where I started doing a little bit more research and you know it breaks my heart looking at them knowing that I you know out of fear I injected them with that that poison you know it's it's terrible it really is it breaks my heart yeah you know that you know not everybody reacts to it the same so they might be totally fine you know I know that I was vaccinated fully as a child but but here's the thing you know back in the early 80s when I was being vaccinated it was less vaccination than it is now you know if you look at the chart of how many more vaccines they've added to the you know what they're putting into these newborn babies bodies these these pure little children and then they're just just contaminating them with just so many different vaccines it's just it's a total over even if you believed in vaccines how can you justify just this overload of just so many different vaccines bombarding this tiny little help like like like you said you know money's the root of all evil I mean every time every time your CDC or FDA puts a new drug on the schedule you know that the company that came out with that drug that's like an instant billion dollars of sex success for them right there you know it's exactly the biggest scams in the country yeah certainly is hey god bless you check out that sermon by Pastor Jimenez I've heard thank you very much work yep bye bye all right a lot of great questions tonight the number is 480 465 1 2 0 3 hello this pastor Anderson good evening evening hey so I met you the first time in Michigan we went for a soul winning marathon over there yeah it was like you know I was surprised about how many people saw how many people are around it it's just like you know they shocked me how many people are listening to you that are not looking only to you but also to pastor Jimenez but Romero you know they're there so I'm other factors are also both reason whatnot and you know you just got me thinking like it seems like God is planning something here you like there's like a build-up like oh yeah like there's like a movement but it's much bigger than your church what's bigger than the Romero church you just like something's happening and you know what what are you one of your thoughts about it like you know what's going on yeah that's a great question you know it is amazing how we showed up in Dearborn and and I kept saying leading up to it man it'd be great if just like 30 people would show up that'd be great and then like 60 people showed up and then 60 people in Washington DC we went to Portland and had like somewhere like 90 people show up and all over the country it seems like wherever we go there are just tons of people and these aren't people that are just willing to just you know show up and hey meet Pastor Anderson I mean these are people who are coming to work they're coming to do soul-winning they're coming to you know to roll up their sleeves so I mean there is a huge movement going on in this country God is is working and waking people up and I'll tell you what's gonna complete the process is when we can start a church like faithful word or you know that style of church you know in every city in America I mean imagine what we're gonna we could turn this country upside down with the gospel definitely yeah you know a lot of people get focused on the elections they get in focusing like all who's gonna be president or the Senate or whatever I don't think change is gonna come from there at all you know change is gonna come from the church I know that you said many times that the situation that these countries in is not because some politicians what is people the pastor of the church leaders are not like spamming against it and you know I completely agree with that and that's like he gets me so excited to hear you hear like what's happening you know in my church I live in Madison Wisconsin and I know these guys that he also came up to our church we started like a soul-winning program we're going all came what you know we're getting people also motivated and I know there's a lot of people out there that I like a lot yeah there's tons of people out there that are like us and it you know the pastors need to catch up because the people in the pew are on fire and it seems like most of the people in the pulpit are just kind of sitting back and and you know not wanting to shake things up but there there's a great movement going on a great soul-winning movement and it's exciting but you know I want to see more churches starting up all over America that are that are like us there's a guy starting a church on May 1st in San Antonio Texas named brother Manley Perry so I'm gonna be going out there to preach on the Friday night right before that I think it's like the 29th of April and then Saturday a big soul-winning marathon and then May 1st is gonna be the first service of that church in San Antonio Texas that's gonna be you know a soul-winning fired up independent Baptist Church and I'm training several guys right now at faithful word to to start churches across America in the next couple years but honestly I wish that I had way more guys to train because the harvest truly is plenty is but the laborers are few yeah what do you think you know what do you think is gonna happen like in five ten years what do you see you're gonna you know this movement is only get bigger only gonna get bigger yeah there's gonna be a confrontation and you know what's that gonna be about well I'll tell you exactly what's gonna happen basically I believe that faithful word Baptist Church Verity Baptist Church steadfast Baptist Church Word of Truth Baptist Church you know other churches out there that are similar to us that that have our you know attitude about soul-winning and that are preaching hard on sin and that are King James only that are our style of people you know we're the future of the independent Baptist movement and let me tell you something the average independent fundamental Baptist Church today that has has been watered down that is back down it's kind of a remnant of a movement that used to have a lot of fire in it but honestly it's it's dying and so I'll tell you what's gonna happen in five ten fifteen years is they're gonna spring up churches like Faithful Word all over America and we're gonna be the new independent fundamental Baptist movement and you know these these dead churches that are scaling back on soul winning at a time like this and and you know pandering to homos and everything you know what they're gonna pass off the scene they're gonna be seen as irrelevant that's what I think is gonna happen in the Baptist movement all right you've got to make it quick though because you're getting a lot of questions in what do you recommend for people like oh you know they have to stay in the church today they want to serve it they want to do the right thing what do you know what do you recommend to people like those two what should we look for well you know what the main thing you should look for is soul winning in the church because a church that has an aggressive soul winning program is usually also gonna be right on the gospel and and right on a lot of things and you know you're not gonna find the perfect church but you know you just find the best church in your area and you know the main thing that I would look for is a soul winning church because that's where you're gonna grow and thrive and and be used of God God bless you thanks for the call yeah see ya all right let's see who's next here about halfway through got another hour and a half to go here hello this pastor Anderson hi how are you my name is Douglas tell saying from Kingsland Georgia how are you great how you doing doing pretty good okay I had just kind of like a twofold question for you kind of about politics okay so would there be a deal breaker of sorts for say a presidential candidate and if there wasn't anyone in say the Republican or anybody who had a chance to even get elected would it be a waste of time to cast a cast your opinion in a secret ballot you know I mean well you know I it's it's sad for me to say this but I'll just I'll just tell you the honest truth that I've just completely given up on our political process and completely given up on this government so that's where I'm at so I have I've stopped voting I'm probably never gonna vote again the last person I voted for was Ron Paul and you know in 2008 it really seemed like the Ron Paul campaign was gonna was gonna do something and he was kind of a once-in-a-lifetime candidate you know whatever you disagree with or don't like about him and there's some things that I don't like about him and disagree with about him he had integrity he was the real deal in the sense that he you know stuck by his principles and he had a record in the Congress of you know what 18 20 years where he consistently you know stood by his principles and another thing that I liked about him is how when you listen to him talk he didn't just praise himself like all these politicians just praise themselves you know the Bible says let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth whereas Ron Paul would talk about the issues not just how great he is and how he's gonna fix everything so you know I liked Ron Paul I did get involved in that campaign back in 08 I voted for him when he dropped out of the race then I went to the polls and voted for Chuck Baldwin you know who was the Constitution Party candidate and you know if you are gonna vote like I said I don't vote I'm not going to vote I'm to the point where I think voting only encourages them so and that the whole thing's a fraud I think that there's that the the the votes are not even being counted properly and there's a lot of fraud going on to an end of the bargain you know in you know beside the fact that all the candidates are you know have a lot of deal breakers about them it seems like right but you know I did vote for Chuck Baldwin so if you're gonna vote then vote for the person you believe in don't have this attitude that says well he can't win yeah but you're still sending a message because you're you're basically you know showing the Republicans what you want them to be like because if they feel like whoa we're losing a bunch of votes to the Constitution Party then they kind of realize which direction they need to go and in fact we just interviewed Chuck Baldwin two days ago we flew up to Kalispell Montana and spent several hours with with Chuck Baldwin interviewing him for our new film Babylon USA and it was a great interview lots of great material from him in this interview so he's gonna be a big part of Babylon USA cool okay well I appreciate it yep thanks for the call God bless you hmm hello this is Pastor Anderson yeah how's it going it's very nice to talk to you again I'm glad to see that you're taking these calls more frequently too by the way well it's because I have an assistant now I you know for the longest time I've been just you know just so swamped and work there are so many things that I wanted to do that I just couldn't get to because there's just only 24 hours in a day but now besides me at the church there's another guy who's working here full-time now brother Tyler Baker so because of that it really frees me up to do more things and this live Q&A I think is profitable to a lot of people so I'm glad to have the time to do it yeah it's great if I could real quick before my question I just wanted to maybe I guess kind of a suggestion for a video or sermon okay kind of like I guess you probably know a lot of people that watch you we got a really different style and everything and it's like lights a fire in people and gets people motivated so you know maybe you could make some kind of a thing where just give you step-by-step stuff to do if you're like looking to be a pastor or different ministries and things to avoid or what's effective things like that you mean like for a guy who wants to be a pastor what he can do to start preparing himself yeah just like all the different steps and what you would recommend yeah it sounds like a great idea for a sermon so are you one that wants to be a pastor someday oh yeah are you are you are you married yet okay you married do you have any kids yeah okay great well then you know it you're already you're already on the right track because you know I talk to single guys I always tell them well you know step one is you need to get married and have some kids so yeah it's a great idea I will definitely put that on my list of sermon ideas and I'm sure I'll get around to it cool and then so as far as the question goes now that sermon last Sunday man that was hilarious that was awesome I definitely watched it more than once and uh but here's my question like I actually interact with a lot of these years mm-hmm and you know it's a lot of it's online and it's just I find myself getting kind of angry when I see them like spitting on God and blasting them and all that and it's just seeing if you had any advice as far as you know some kind of suggestion yeah my advice would be to just stop interacting with atheists online because what's the point you know exactly yeah when you you know just these militant evangelical atheists online and you know first of all online is not really the most effective venue for soul winning you know going back and forth on a keyboard you know walking up to somebody and talking to him face to face is much more effective I believe and you know just especially when you're just interacting with these really hardened atheists you know I it's like you said sometimes you're you're just casting your pearls before swine at that point so especially if it's getting you mad you know God doesn't want us to be just angry people I don't go through my life just angry all the time you know I try to put off anger and and there are times when anger is acceptable and when anger is called for but I don't want to just go through life continually angry so when there are certain things that make me really angry I try to avoid those things because I want to be more joyful and peaceful most of the time sounds good all right god bless you thanks for the call everything working Paul hello this pastor Anderson are you doing my name is Chris Miles from Nevada how you doing yeah I have a question for you I go to a church here and is it biblical I'm just wondering a pastor can pass the two churches because he started a church here where I live and just heard another one about an hour away and you know I got mixed feelings about that I'm just wondering what you have to say about it well I can't really point to anything in the Bible that would say no to that so you know I'm not going to judge him because honestly when when people do things that the Bible doesn't really specifically address then I'm not gonna condemn it I'm not gonna say it's a good idea a bad idea you know that's what he's doing that's that's up to him that's between him and God is what I would say but you know I don't want to pass for two churches I think one is enough but if he wants to do that I mean I don't see anything wrong with it yeah this kind of goes back to an earlier question that somebody asked about membership where they have like a formal membership role whereas at our church we don't have a formal membership role we have automatic membership where if a person is saved and baptized and they come they're automatically members so again you know that question doesn't really apply to the way that we do things here because we don't have a membership role where we add people's names and cross them out it's it's automatic membership is the way that we do that but on a note a side note about your first question just just to give you a little anecdote is that there was a really famous pastor in the early part of the 20th century named J Frank Norris have you ever heard of him well he was a he was a really famous guy but he actually pastored the two largest Baptist churches in America at that time he passed her both of them but here's the funny thing one of them was in Fort Worth Texas and the other one was in Detroit Michigan so he actually flew back and forth and this is back when flying was harder you know because this was like you know we're talking I think he pastored both of them in like the 30s or something somewhere around there so yeah this is back when flying was more of an ordeal and he flew back and forth and he pastored the two largest churches in America in Fort Worth Texas and in Detroit Michigan so anyway I just thought I'd throw that out there as an interesting historical I don't know I don't have any idea maybe maybe there's just nobody to pastor the other one so he's stepping in and filling a void I don't know I mean he I guess he I don't know I mean I guess ask him right yeah I don't know what he's doing but hey God bless you thanks for the call yep see you later bye-bye hello spacer Anderson hey pastor Anderson I just wanted to say thank you for answering my last question I gave to you about the soul winning event last week just want to say thank you man sure yeah my pleasure but the question I have would be you know how and I think it's second Timothy where it says where it talks about how women shouldn't be teaching and stuff right I brought this up to my pastor you know and he went to the last verse of that passage and where it says went nevertheless women shall be saved through childbearing if they get to you in the face he goes well if you can't interpret that verse I don't really have an answer for that if you can't remember that verse then how you gonna interpret the rest of it so basically its whole point was that invalid because he doesn't we don't know the interpretation of that last verse I just want that you want to ask the interpretation of the last verse yeah yeah I understand I do understand the last verse so yeah that but even so that's kind of a weird cop-out anyway yeah it sounds like he just doesn't want to accept that's the clear teacher exactly that's exactly it's gonna pick you expand upon that sir yeah absolutely so when it says let me just read the the context here yeah thank you it says let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over the man but to be in silence for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression not with sanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety so if we get the context of the book of first Timothy there's other teachings especially in chapter 5 that would shed light on this for example when he talks about in verse 11 of chapter 5 but the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to wax Watson against Christ they will marry having damnation because they've cast off their first faith and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but Tatler's also in busybodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan so according to that passage by marrying bearing children and guiding the house that will actually prevent them from turning aside after Satan it will actually prevent them from you know doing wicked things like battling and being a busybody so basically what are they gonna be saved from well in first Timothy 2 he's saying you know Eve was deceived she was in the transgression so yeah how are women gonna avoid how are they gonna be saved from that fate of being deceived by Satan through childbearing and he says the same thing yeah if they don't bear children they're gonna they could be turning aside after Satan well that's who tempted Eve also so there's a real strong connection between 1st Timothy 2 15 and 1st Timothy 5 you know 14 and 15 so you know that's what the Bible says saved it doesn't always mean eternal life that go to heaven it means like yes from from something well here yeah she's saved from being deceived by Satan and screwing up her life by childbearing that's what that's what basically will you know that's gonna keep her on the right path it's gonna keep her busy with the right things just as us as men you know we go to work and that keeps us busy if we were to get idle where we don't go to work yeah yeah yeah yeah we're gonna screw up our lives too so oh my gosh awesome dude yeah I've been reading a whole bunch of interpretations and they'll say that save means you know eternal salvation or whatever and they'll say you know I've heard another interpretation where people said she shall be saved and childbearing means she's not gonna die while giving birth but you know exactly exactly yeah that's that's kind of but that's not that's not the context you know it is yeah exactly put it next to chapter 5 and it all comes crystal clear you don't you don't need that interpretation doesn't really doesn't really hold water in the end yeah look at the women who weren't saved in childbearing like you know did Sarah not continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety you know I'm not sorry Sarah Sarah goodnight not Sarah what's-her-name Rachel for example or other women who died in childbirth hmm so um one more thing thank you for answering that question uh you know how you said you differed with Ken Hovind on end times yes uh-huh can I just get like there's like one or two of the points that you guys you know just differ I'm not trying to you know call yeah sure yeah yeah exactly but basically you know Ken Hovind believes in a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture yeah okay and I believe in a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture so that you know there's gonna be a lot of similarity of course we both believe the basic you know sixth seal Sun and moon are darkened after the tribulation etc it says that in his view it's dragged out over a longer period like basically he has seven years of seven years leading up to the rapture and then an additional almost three and a half years like over the course of ten years instead of over the course of seven so he has got a rabbit yeah he has God's wrath like spilling into the millennium basically which is not okay yeah and Dr. Roland Rasmussen's view is is exactly the same which is which is he has a book and Ken Hovind read that book and they both have the view so if you want to understand that view you know Dr. Rasmussen's book the post-trib pre-wrath rapture it's a great book for demolishing yeah the the pre-trib rapture but there are a few conclusions in there that I don't exactly agree with yeah I also noticed that he like separates the day of Christ and the day of the Lord like he thinks they're two different right again which is Dr. Rasmussen's view and and I don't separate those as you know yeah obviously I think I'm right and they're wrong or I wouldn't be different the way that I teach it yeah so yeah exactly you know I could sit here and and prove you know why I believe I'm right but yeah you know it's it's I'm not gonna sit here and split hairs yeah you want to know here's a big difference okay is that I I think that and maybe I'm wrong maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that Ken Hovind is is still kind of on the thing of the Jews or God's chosen people do you know yeah he is yeah yeah so that's what the well that's gonna really affect end times you know if you yeah if you're off on that and that is kind of a big difference but I will say this Dr. Roland Rasmussen you know he he understands that subject very well he actually is right on when it comes to to Israel and the Jews in fact I actually spoke to him for about an hour on the phone today and we were we were comparing notes and going over the teachings on Babylon in the Bible you know for Babylon USA I'm really hoping that dr. Roland Rasmussen will be in this film we're not sure whether he's gonna be able to be in it but he's the narrator at the beginning of after the tribulation he won my parents to the Lord back in the 1960s and he's okay he's very he's a narrator for after the tribulation he's the narrator at the beginning the you hear the voice of an old yeah yeah yeah exactly cool yeah he's the narrator he my parents went to his church back in the 60s and so blah yeah he's it he's a much older now he's not pastor anymore I believe he's close to 90 years old I'm not sure how old he is Oh Wow crazy but yeah that's where we hold and that's where can't open got his view was from Roland Rasmussen okay so that's awesome hey thanks for informing me and I love the work you do bro and just keep it up and just thanks for answering my question giving me your time dude yep my pleasure god bless you see you later yeah god bless you hello this pastor Anderson oh hi pastor Anderson this is Christina Anderson once again and I'm hoping you haven't answered this question because I'm kind of late to the party again okay but all like my question is you know women in church I know where to be silent and this is the one question um how do you feel about nodding when women are nodding and you're and you're looking out at them are you okay with that yeah I mean personally it doesn't bother me when they nod you know I mean we have some women that nod very vigorously here but we don't have any women a many okay yeah it doesn't bother me if they nod because they're still they're still learning in silence so you know someone else might have a different opinion but I'm fine with nodding so if you ever come by for a visit just nod away you know I wish and I know if not all you I'll see your Anderson family in in heaven but I you know I fly actually to through Phoenix all the time on layovers and I wish I know you're only nine minutes away I've done the research and I wish but I promise that if it's possible we will definitely visit and that would be a blessing sounds good god bless you thanks for the call see you later hello this pastor Anderson good how you doing good I had a question about Armageddon okay does it happen in Revelation 16 or 19 revelation 19 right okay yeah well in Revelation 16 which which scripture are you referring to in Revelation 16 where oh where it says in verse 16 he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon right right right yeah basically yeah basically with that sixth vial okay you know that they're being brought to that location they're being drawn there because it says in verse 13 of chapter 16 I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet for they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty so basically you know you see the preparations for that battle happening in chapter 16 where the the spirits are bringing them and gathering to them together into the place Armageddon or the valley of Megiddo and 17 and 18 you know that destruction of Babylon that happens in one hour okay so there's not like a huge gap in time between 16 and 19 so you know 16 is the preparation and then 19 is when it actually takes place all right god bless you thanks for the call good question oh all right you have a good one YouTube bye-bye hello this pastor Anderson hello hello this pastor Anderson hey pastor Anderson it's John Wilson from Lynchburg Virginia how you doing I'm doing good how are you great I just wanted to ask you and I think I figured this out even before I called you but I just wanted to get your take on it in uh Matthew 24 starting in verse 13 where it talks about you know enduring to the end right you know there's a lot of these preachers and people that want to say that that's a different gospel right it seems like to me after I've been reading and praying over this it's it seems like it's that is still just you know the gospel of Jesus Christ because you know that the people that are enduring to the end they're saved yeah I see how this could throw you off but but here's the here's the verse to keep in mind okay in verse 22 it says and accept those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened so it's referring to the Great Tribulation in verse 21 so if the Great Tribulation were allowed to run its full course then all of the believers would be killed you know because of course anyone who won't worship the Beast is commanded to be killed so he says except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those who are saved the days shall be shortened so basically what it's saying is if you endure the tribulation if you endure the persecution if you physically make it through then you're saved by the rapture because Jesus Christ's coming in the clouds actually cuts the tribulation short you know he interrupts the persecution yeah right right and I'll remember you talked about that because I listened to your sermon on that it's just that I remembered also you know you talking about how in the Bible is a really big book and I was just thinking too that maybe a second application of this could also just be saying that you know the very people that are enduring to the end and their flesh is being saved like you're saying there are you know these are saved people anyway they're saved by the gospel of Jesus Christ well you know I think that the problem with that because some there there are a few different things people will twist this verse to do there are the Sam Gipps of this world who will say well it's a different gospel for the Jews you know different gospel in the tribulation verses in the Old Testament you know three gospels five gospels and that's heresy you know if anybody preaches another gospel let him be accursed right but then there's other people who take a different approach and they'll say well if you don't endure to the end that proves you weren't saved you know and and and so that's where they'll they'll come out with that like you know if somebody basically quits the church and goes back to the world and gets backslidden well they didn't endure to the end therefore they're not saved type of thing yeah and that's false and if you meant hey he that endure at the end shall be saved meaning that all saved people are gonna survive well that's not true because many will be killed many will be put in prison that are saved I know right exactly yeah I just thought I just thought my whole thing when I look at this it is I don't see that there's no way that this is talking about some type of different gospel you know like Sam Gipp or Ruckman or somebody like that will say yeah you're absolutely right because that's just that would fly in the face of way too much scripture so yeah it's the flesh being saved of people who are saved spiritually they survive the tribulation so they're there you know they're physically spared and then but see the Bible even says that the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered so that deliverance or salvation comes in the form of Christ coming in the clouds and shortening the days of the tribulation by interrupting it hey great great question god bless you thanks for the call thanks bye now you know I'm gonna take a quick break from the phone calls while we're on the subject of end times because there was some stuff that came in on the Facebook group that had to do with end times so while we're on the subject I figured might as well bring it up I thought that there was a question that had to do with the tribulation of Matthew 24 I don't see it but I know that there was for sure a question on Matthew 25 in fact two different people asked this question this question came from Sheila Jackson and this question also came from Gabi Ungaro from Romania I know I'm not pronouncing right but that's because I'm my handwriting is so bad I can't even see the letters clearly the makeup her name but Gabi from Romania asked about the ten virgins as well and so let me answer that I'm gonna read the story in Matthew 25 and I get asked about this a lot so this is a great thing to address on a Q&A like this let me read the story and then I'll explain it it says in verse 1 then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom and five of them were wise and five were foolish they that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps while the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept and at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said unto the wise give us of your oil for our lamps are gone out but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us but he answered and said verily I say unto you I know you not watch therefore for you neither know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man cometh now first of all we should never base our doctrine on a parable we should base our doctrine always on clear statements in the Bible clear scripture then we use parables to support that doctrine so you don't just go to a parable and make that your primary doctrine you use it to support other doctrines and to illustrate other doctrines and to help explain other doctrines okay so what I believe that this parable represents is clearly people who are saved versus people that are not saved because of the fact that the people who don't have the oil in their lamp they are told I know you not and that's real similar to what Jesus is gonna say to the unsaved according to Matthew 7 I never knew you depart from me but notice it's I never knew you not I used to know you but it's I never knew you so what is the oil and the lamp represent well the oil throughout the Bible represents the Holy Spirit of God and there are many illustrations of that where someone's anointed with oil representing the Holy Spirit coming upon them and you know many places throughout the Bible we see that so we know that if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he's none of his so part of being saved is that you're indwelled by the Holy Spirit those who are not in dwelled by the Holy Spirit are not saved it's that simple so and once you're saved you're always saved so what the Bible is teaching here is that there are people who had the Holy Spirit in dwelling them they had oil in the lamp and there are those who didn't and the one who didn't they missed the boat you know they're not allowed into the marriage here now another thing that's symbolic in this passage is where it says in verse number nine but the wise answered saying not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the bridegroom came so notice those who don't have oil in their lamp are seeking to purchase oil so this is sort of like people who are trying to to buy their way into heaven through their good works through their good deeds they're trying to earn it they're trying to pay for it when the Bible says that salvation is a free gift it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast so salvation is not of works it's not wages the Bible says the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so salvation is not a wage it's not something that you pay for work for or earn it's given to you freely as a gift so notice that the unsaved people are symbolized as trying to buy the oil trying to earn it trying to pay for it trying to gain it the wrong way when in reality you know it doesn't work out for them you know because it by the time you know the the marriage happens they're too late so you can't go too far with a parable and expect everything in a parable they'll just line up perfectly because people would would pick that apart and say well you know why are the people who have the oil telling them to buy it well that's just the story about the virgins that's just a parable okay you take what interpretations from it you can but you can't just expect everything to line up perfectly no parable is a perfect parallel you know the parable of the sower it's not a perfect parallel so but it does help illustrate the points that Jesus was trying to make and I think that the situation here is no different in this parable but I clearly believe that this is talking about people who are saved versus not saved I think that's beyond question and then you can draw other you know illustrations about the fact that people weren't saved don't have the Holy Spirit inside them that they're seeking to purchase their salvation by works or by putting money in a plate or whatever so anyway I wanted to cover that and then I might as well while I'm at it cover Gabi from Romania's other question she asked do you have any advice for a single woman she's 31 years old she's never been in a relationship and she said that you know first Corinthians 7 talks about being single but she's not really sure if she wants to be single she's open to getting married and she doesn't feel like she has a special calling you know to be single but she's in a situation where I believe it's not like she's living with her mother and her dad passed away I believe I don't I don't have the comment in front of me but you know my advice is this you know just if you're not certain that you want to remain single if you don't feel that you know that is what God has for you then you know just serve God love the Lord go about your life and and keep an open mind you know be open to getting married so it's a little different for women than men because with men you know I tell men to obviously you know you can't just sit back and wait for it to happen you know you need to actually talk to two women and actually you know go on dates and and and be out there doing it but with women obviously you know they're not the one who goes out and initiates dates and things like that they're more waiting for for the guy to come along and and approach them so you know my advice is to just you know pray that God's will be done be faithful to God be faithful in church keep an open mind you know if you don't know what God has for you just wait and see but the Bible does say that if we delight ourself in the Lord he will give us the desires of our heart and you know if we pray to the Lord and express our desires then you know he will grant our our prayers and he will answer prayer and I I've known ladies that you know got into their 30s and they you know they desired to be married and and it just seemed like it wasn't ever gonna happen for them but then lo and behold they ended up getting married and even having kids in their mid 30s or late 30s so you know just hang in there and see what happens and keep an open mind about about either outcome all right and then let's see a couple other of these I'll just crank through real quick Paul Kaiser asked you know why I stopped at Psalm 41 in the Psalm series and if I'm gonna start it up again and the answer is I stopped because the book of Psalms is actually divided into five books most Bibles show this not all Bibles do but they say book 1 book 2 book 3 book 4 book 5 and book 1 of Psalms is Psalm 1 through 41 so I just did book 1 only so I'm gonna come back at a future date and do book 2 and then I'll take another break from it and then come back and do book 3 why because I don't want to spend 150 consecutive weeks in the book of Psalms so it's easier to break it up into the five books so that we can take a break from it so it's it's probably in the pipeline pretty soon somebody else asked if I would do Ephesians as the next book that's a pretty good idea that's very likely that I will do that very soon book of Ephesians and they asked for a sermon where I covered Calvinism in you know the the scriptures in chapters 1 and 2 that Calvinists will twist and use as they also twist the other scriptures to their destruction but I I can't really think of any scripture or any sermons where I specifically dealt with I know I've dealt with both of those repeatedly but I could not figure out I tried to do some research I couldn't figure out which sermons they were so it's probably coming to a sermon near you in the form of Ephesians series and then all right let's go back to the phone calls here West Virginia hello this Pastor Anderson hello I wonder if we're having a problem here technically because it seems like we had a couple calls like that lately let's let's let's try the next call and see if it was just a fluke hello this Pastor Anderson hey Pastor Anderson this is Ruben from Nashville Tennessee how you doing Ruben okay how about yourself great I've had a little question in regards to the Babylon USA movie okay I'm just curious do you know or have you heard of a person named Demetri Dudeman you know the name sounds familiar but I I can't place it okay if you could I will just ask if you could just research him on YouTube he's got some testimony now he passed away in 1997 but his his grandson Michael Baldia would be happy to do an interview with you guys on the Babylon USA movie now is this guy a Romanian yeah yeah I've heard about this guy didn't he yeah he had a lot of visions and things that he talked about well I'm curious if you could just look at his testimony and tell me what you feel what you think about him he is a Pentecostal pastor he was a Pentecostal pastor and well do you know did he believe did he believe that you can lose your salvation because that's what the vast majority of Pentecostals believe if not all of them I'm not sure about that yeah because if he if he believed that you can lose your salvation then I don't want to hear a word out of his mouth because I don't believe that anyone who teaches that you can lose your salvation is saved because I think that's just that's just another form of workspace salvation because you know if salvation is by faith if Jesus paid at all then you know we don't have to do anything to maintain it so you can't lose it you know Jesus said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand so if he's a Pentecostal he's having visions he's talking about losing your salvation you know that's a deal breaker for me so that that's what I'd like to know where he stands on salvation you know what I mean right I couldn't tell you if I could tell you I would but he basically talked about he has a warning message for America and that's basically the title of his testimony on the YouTube it's about an hour long okay and I was just curious if you could research that and maybe debunk him you know who knows right okay I'm not I'm just curious about what you would have to say about him you know he goes on to say he had angelic visitations that have told him that America is Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 and Jeremiah 50 and 51 so because he wanted that he was told to go out and tell the American people give them this message right that I can't I I cannot tell the American people if it's not in the Bible right so then the angel the angel referred into Revelation 18 17 and 18 and Jeremiah 50 and 51 sounds sounds kind of sketchy just because like you know everything out of these Pentecostals is kind of sketchy you know where it's just kind of oh God told me this and God told me that angels appearing to me and everything you know I I'm not buying it you know but honestly you know even a broken clock is right twice per day and honestly you know even the devil's that Jesus encountered bowed down and said he's the Son of God you know he's the Messiah so you know the devil I'm sure the devil knows that the Babylon of Revelation 18 is as you know embodied right now in the United States but you know I don't want people to misunderstand a lot of people are misunderstanding what the movies about and they're misunderstanding what the movie teaches that's why it's so important that we make this movie because this subject is so misunderstood you know the mystery Babylon is a religious system that goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel and it has manifested itself in various ways throughout history so you know mystery Babylon religion was present in Babylon itself in in Persia in Greece in Rome and the Roman Catholic Church is heavily based on the mystery Babylon religion and the founders of the United States and you know when we see our current status we are embodying that Babylon spirit so this movie is gonna be really interesting for people and a lot of people they're already disagreeing with it you know before they've even seen it but honestly I I think that a lot of the people who are kind of just saying oh man this movie you're way out in left field once they watch the movie I don't think there's gonna be any question in their mind that what we're saying is true that's why we need the movie because it's gonna prove it all the Bible you know yeah I'm already convinced that America is Babylon of Revelation 18 it's just that a lot of Americans a lot of Christian Americans they just have a hard time swallowing that right because of patriotism right yeah yeah it's just so hard how can America be the mystery Babylon of Revelation so are you Romanian yes yes faster I'm Ruben you probably oh yeah Ruben yeah I know you real well you you you're the truck driver right yes I'm driving right now okay yeah yeah you've been to our church you that you I was like that sounds familiar it's because you already told me about it before one time we talked yes I'm just serious my father doesn't believe in what the uh-huh but my father's my father's a very strict Baptist guy okay well you're talking to a real strict Baptist to Ruben you'll take a look at this in a different angle and give it give it the right you know have the right attitude for it and then debunk it if you have to hey on another note I spent I spent about three hours today working on the fully dubbed marching design in Romanian so in fact tomorrow morning I'm gonna be releasing the part two of five parts in Romanian I'm hoping to get it done in the next several days it's just a real bear it's it's a lot of work doing the dubbing on these movies but I I did finish reel two out of five of the marching design film fully dubbed into Romanian so keep an eye out for it and then I'm we're gonna you know make DVDs and stuff once it's totally done so yeah a lot of a lot of Romanians I forwarded the subtitle version and they they they like that just fine cool it's yeah they really appreciated that very much so awesome man well good to see you good to talk to you Ruben yeah I'm hoping to catch a load over in the Phoenix over there so I can come by the church again yep awesome man I look forward to seeing you all right la la la la la la la la see you later bye hello this is Pastor Anderson hey Pastor Anderson this is Mike I'm from Nevada I had a question for you sure but yeah I've been watching a lot of YouTube lately and I saw some of your sermons where you're saying um the gays have a reprimand mind and you actually had to cast one out of your church and I was just wondering is it possible for somebody that was gay to actually be saved and come to Christ no I don't believe so because of the fact that you know if you look at John chapter 12 where Jesus talks about people whose hearts had been hardened and their and their eyes had been blinded in fact I'll read it for you it says in verse number 39 of John 12 therefore they could not believe because the desire said before he had blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them so he talks about people whose eyes are blinded their heart is hardened to where they could not believe and I think that in Romans 1 it's pretty clear that the reason why a man would lust after another man which is pretty hard to explain you know when you think about the fact that 90 some people think it's disgusting and revolting you know what would get a person to actually desire that well you know the Bible explains how they got there God gave them over to vile affections God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient and he explains in the process how their foolish heart was darkened and how you know they are people who don't even want to retain God in their knowledge the Bible says and they are haters of God so if somebody's a hater of God who doesn't even want to remember that God exists and the Bible says that God has darkened their heart and everything then yeah I don't believe that they're gonna be saved after that it's too late okay well is there any way that somebody like a girl can go through a phase and date another girl and maybe not be truly gay and then come back to Christ or is it yeah I think that I think that these days because of the fact that there's so much propaganda and the media and this faggotry and lesbianism is just kind of pushed on people from all sides that basically you know it's like a trendy or cool thing to you know to basically say that they're bisexual or say that they're homosexual and you know so I think it is possible for a person to identify that way especially like as a teenager or you know or even to you know experiment with something you know but if they actually desire that because what does the Bible say you know in Romans 1 because the Bible is my final authority Romans 1 is saying that when a man burns and lusts toward another man it's because God gave him up it's because God gave him over to vile affections that's why he's burning and lust one toward another with another dude and and it says even the women change the natural use into that which is against nature in that same context so you know I've heard you know testimonies of people where they said you know I was molested as a kid I was brainwashed or I was drunk or I was on drugs you know that all the reasons why they experimented with something but then they said that you know they were grossed out by it and and oh man I never want to do that again or something you know whatever they experimented in or you know that this whole you know girl kissing another girl or something just because that's the song on the radio or whatever so I do think it's possible that somebody could dabble through peer pressure brainwashing mind control drunkenness molestation whatever but when you have a dude who actually lusts after another dude or women who are burning and lusts one toward another you know to me that's a clear sign of a reprobate and it's too late for that person okay okay all right god bless you have a good one see you later hello this pastor Anderson hi pastor Anderson my question is about Deuteronomy 27 16 and if you could tell me what you believe that means all right let me get there Deuteronomy 27 16 the Bible reads cursed be he that set at light by his father or his mother and all the people shall say amen I have no idea and you're you get the award this week one person stumped me last week and I'm stumped again your guess is as good as mine do you have a theory on it or no not really that's why I decided to call you up but seems most people don't have a theory on it but well you know what can I ask you one more thing sir besides that yep um Elijah serving uh hey guys yes I do you think that the curse that was put on him it it's like perpetual went like literally forever do you think that was like broken by now or do you think well let's let's look it up and get the exact wording because it's always good to get the exact wording in front of us so it says in 2nd Kings chapter 5 verse 27 the leprosy therefore of Naaman shall cleave unto thee and unto thy seed forever and he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow so you know I guess one way that you could interpret that is that basically his seed could be like his literal seed in the sense of you know what comes out of his body in the reproductive act that is also referred to as the seed of man seed of copulation as the Bible calls it in the sense that basically he's leprous and whoever he begets is gonna be leprous it may not necessarily mean that it's just every person that ever descends from him would have leprosy or maybe God just knew that there was gonna be an end to that family line anyway that he was only gonna have maybe one kid or something and then that kid's gonna end and that it was literal in the sense that all those descendants did have it so I mean I don't think that God made of Naaman a great late nation and they all have leprosy because you know we don't see that anywhere in the world so those would be my two theories of what that could possibly mean I mean do you think it's true that like sometimes when the Bible uses the phrase forever sometimes does it just mean perpetually sometimes and sometimes and not necessarily like eternally well yeah I mean I definitely mean I do believe that forever means that it's it's there's no end it does you know forever means forever but if he says forever like you said it could mean perpetually you know like that to me that's the same thing as forever so you know right thy seed forever meaning as long as there's a seed there it's gonna have leprosy right because I don't think I'm thinking of like some laws in the Old Testament like obviously like the Sabbath was discontinued and God told them to do that forever well I just I don't think that the Sabbath was discontinued it's just that Jesus is the new Sabbath right yeah it's it's right sort of like the Passover is is forever you know but Jesus is the Passover right so some things have just been replaced you know what I mean but it is I do think forever is forever though so okay all right man thanks a long question God bless all right hello this pastor Anderson hello this is there from people how you doing hey I had a quick question okay okay it's in 1st John 3 starts in 9 it says whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God and I was wondering how this works sure yeah it's a great question I've definitely done sermons on this passage I would point you to a full sermon I'm gonna give you an answer right now but to get a really in-depth answer you should listen to my sermon that's called the old man versus the new man because I go into great detail and I've done it in other sermons but that's probably you know the best one that's recent that really covers this the old man versus the new man but you know obviously we have to receive this in the context of chapter 1 where it says in verse 8 if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us so you know he's not saying that we as Christians are gonna live sinlessly perfect after we get saved because what he's actually saying whosoever is born of God does not commit sin now here's the thing our spirit has been born again but our flesh has not our flesh according to Romans chapter 8 is still waiting for that you know the that spirit of adoption that glorious liberty of the children of God you know so right now there's a there's a dichotomy about us where our flesh is unsaved our flesh is non-regenerate our flesh is not born again whereas our spirit is so there's a battle between the spirit and the flesh well the spirit does not commit sin the part of us that is saved the soul and spirit cannot sin because he's born of God whereas the flesh can still sin this is why the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 7 said I delight in the law of God after the inward man but I find another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and he said you know the things that I want to do I end up not doing and I end up doing these bad things that I don't want to do so he talks up in Romans 7 about the struggle between the flesh and the spirit and and and committing sin but he says this twice he says in Romans 7 he says when I do that I would not the things he doesn't want to do the bad things against God's law he says when I do that I would not it is no longer I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me so Paul says when he sins that's not the real him that's doing that that's the flesh right doing it so when the Bible says whosoever is born of God does not commit sin you know we that are saved when we sin it's not even it's not the true us it's not the saved born-again regenerate spirit within us it's the flesh that that will cause us to sin and the Bible says if we if we walk in the flesh we're gonna fulfill the lust of the flesh and that if we walk in the spirit will not fulfill the lust of flesh so the whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he's born of God it means just that the part of us that is born again cannot sin but but here's okay here's the here's the the false doctrine people will do they'll say well this is just saying that you're not gonna sin continually and they'll go into the Greek and they'll pull out all this foolish stuff that is completely false because they don't even speak Greek fluently they just make things up or repeat things from other non-native Greek speakers that come up with all these dumb ideas well it just means you're not gonna sin as a habit or way of life I proved that to be a fraud in my sermon going back to the Greek so I have a sermon called going back to the Greek where I go into this exact verse first John 3 and I prove a bunch of different ways why it means what it says whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin it's it's a well it's saying he doesn't sin habitually that's not what it says is it says he doesn't sin at all right okay okay so then so so then the whosoever that it's speaking about is not the flesh it's the spear the whosoever is born of God did not commit sin yeah that's that's referring to the fact that if you're born again you won't sin but here's the problem your flesh is not born again the spirit all right and then and then uh and then I guess I have like a like a part two to that okay down in verse 15 it says whosoever hated his brother is a murderer so if you hate your brother then you're a murderer is that what that's saying and then and then it goes on to say and you know that and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him so it's the same I'm saying that I go and I murder my brother then I'm a murderer so I still have eternal life and if I do then would that contradict what this it's the same answer as verse 9 it ties in with verse 9 it's the same passage so again we're talking about we're talking about the new regenerate man versus the old man so I go into much greater detail well no if you murdered it'd be like Paul said it's no longer I that do it but sin that dwells in me if you were okay I get it but but the thing is whosoever hated his brother is a murderer what God's saying there is similar to what he says like hey if you look on a woman to lust after you've committed adultery in your heart well if you hate your brother you've like murdered him in your heart it's it's it's the same type of a concept so then so then God in the New Testament is really more strict which I've heard you say that before oh yeah yeah definitely more strict exactly and I had I had just a just a probably a quick question second one it's in Matthew 24 34 okay and if I could just paraphrase it it says verily I say to you that this generation shall not pass until these things be fulfilled and yet saying that in regard to like like like pretty much everything that happens in the last days and what to look out for so he's talking to this group of people and he says that this generation shall not pass is he talking to them or is he talking about the people that are experiencing all these you know so-called birth yeah exactly when he says heaven and earth shall pass away or my words cannot pass away I'm sorry I'm reading the wrong verse right before verily I say unto you this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled the this generation is not the generation he's talking to it's the generation that sees the Sun and Moon darkened that sees the the the events of the tribulation and and the reason that that's a really important statement is because there are people out there who will try to stretch out the events of the end times like over like a thousand years or like 12 hundred and sixty years twelve and a they'll say that the days are really years that it's not really three and a half years it's like twelve hundred and ninety years instead of days stuff like that so it tells us look you see these things and this generation shall not pass till all these things but meaning it's all gonna happen in the same generation everything he covers in math okay good I've heard people try to say that because you said that to them for that generation to really start into that the Bible is like false because you know obviously that generation passed a long time ago oh yeah but that's not what he's saying so hey thanks for the girl god bless you hello this pastor Anderson okay can you go ahead and mute the computer yeah yeah there you go how's that very good okay um okay I called you last time you did this and told you that a lot of charismatic people in my family and everything and one thing that they're always big one is like if you would say something like oh I feel so sick I could die or something like that or or don't speak anything negative positive and stuff like that I just gonna get what's your take on that they're always talking about the power of words that don't speak things and well it sounds like this this teaching of like Norman Vincent Peale that I was just talking about on my Sunday night sermon of you know the power of positive thinking and there's just a lot of people who've come under the influence of this power of positive thinking and you know the Joel Osteen kind of positive you know motivational type thing but let's face it the Bible is a pretty negative book in a lot of places I mean has positive in it but it also has a lot of negative so this sunshine flowers rainbow unicorn Christianity that's just all sweetness and light and doesn't acknowledge that which is negative and expects us to be happy and cheerful all the time I don't think it's biblical okay that's kind of my thought on the two and if you got time I got one more quick I'd like to ask you about um you did a sermon recently and you've done this you do this sermon seems pretty regular at least touch on it about false prophets right and that you go into about four different ones with Cain and yes and Judas and but my question is Balaam I mean I I know that I think I've heard you say that you believe he's a false prophet right but yet at the same time if you actually read the story of him he was actually getting the word was speaking to him right and an angel actually came to him yeah and it would be my thoughts that if he was a false prophet unsaved person that he wouldn't even hear from or was that just a special case well you know there are actually other examples of of God using people that are not saved and that are false prophets like for example you know the Holy Ghost actually spake through Caiaphas the high priest in the book of John who was clearly an unbeliever clearly you know rejected the Lord Jesus Christ but yet God actually used him to speak his word in the book of John I don't remember the exact scripture I want to say it's at the end of chapter 11 it could be in chapter 12 but I want to say like the end of John chapter 11 where Caiaphas the high priest speak also you know God speaks his word through Cyrus the Great who may or may not have been saved you know God's spake his word even through Balaam's ass you know who was definitely an animal definitely not saved so well do you think that that that that change happened I mean do you think that he was actually a good prophet until the point when he he you know grabbed the money before I don't always here here's why I don't think he was ever a good prophet because you know first of all here's another example besides the ones I just gave how about Judas Iscariot himself I mean here's Jesus specifically choosing Judas and sending him out to preach a certain message and and knowing all along that he's a devil so it wouldn't be the only time that God used an unsaved wicked person because Judas himself is in a similar boat there so the reason that I don't believe that Balaam started out good and then ended up going down a wrong path is that he's lumped in with people who were never saved you know and this he's tied in with Cain and Korah number two you can never lose your salvation number three he's known in the Bible elsewhere in the Old Testament as Balaam the soothsayer now that doesn't sound good Balaam the soothsayer I mean that sounds like some kind of a psychic reader or something so I think God chose to speak through him and use him but that he was still an unsaved man and God has spoken through unsaved people elsewhere in the Bible and even through an animal so and and to take that a step farther do you think that God could even reveal himself and speak through an unsaved person even today absolutely well yes if an unsaved person stands up and reads a verse from the Bible then God just used that person to speak his word because what they said was God's Word if they quote scripture well have I heard you say though that you don't believe that that a person that an unsaved person could could get another unsaved person saved right yes I I that's what I believe I do not believe that an unsaved person could get a person saved but that doesn't mean that God could not use the Word of God in other ways and people could quote scripture or preach a sermon where I could learn something from a Bible story from an unsaved person I could learn but the South no is a supernatural act I do not believe that an unsaved person could get someone well anyway so you're obviously very good at languages you know learning languages and I know you speak a ton I'm trying to really get good at my Spanish here the only other non English speakers here in Boise are Spanish speakers or if there's like a specific book or a website or if you post your Spanish classes at your church online or anything like that well I I mentioned earlier in the broadcast about the Pimsleur P as in Paul Pimsleur have you have you used that program at all I have not heard of that okay well yeah write that down P as in Paul I M as in Mary S L E U R Pimsleur I think that's the best way to learn a language it's it's it's audio based it takes 30 minutes a day of your undivided attention and it really works well a lot of people in our church use it a lot of times you can get it at the public library to save money or you can purchase it online as a download or you can purchase CDs or whatever that's a great program and it helps you pronounce things right and also you know get a Spanish New Testament and start memorizing verses yeah memorize chapters and then there's a couple of sermons by Brother Jimenez online I wish there were more I keep trying to get on him telling him to preach more Spanish sermons to upload but there are a few but hey the Marching to Zion movie is almost done fully dubbed into Spanish should be done in the next few days but we've already got already got after the tribulation in Spanish so those are all good tools but honestly you know I listen to he meant pastor Jimenez is so winning demo like for like it's like a 10-minute demo I watched it I watched it one time while I was driving down the road I had it playing in the background for like four hours until I had it almost memorized so that helped memorizing scripture and just anytime you get a chance to practice just just practice conversationally and Pimsleur flashcards for vocabulary I'm a strong believer in flashcards also but but Pimsleur's is is the best course so anyway I hope that helps yeah yeah I definitely have a lot of room chances to practice because at my other job I'm a tax preparer and I get lots and lots of Spanish speakers in there and I actually did a whole tax return in Spanish even though I don't fully speak the language yet so I'm good well don't tell the IRS huh but anyway definitely I would say that you know one of the hardest things about learning language is getting over your your pride because you know you don't want to sound like an idiot but you have to just start speaking and start sounding like an idiot until you get it you know you gotta fake it till you make it so yeah all right God bless you thanks for the call all right now I know a lot of people are trying to get through but some people are double dipping you know they're calling last weekend this week but that's good though I'm glad we're getting a lot of calls hello this Pastor Anderson oh hi Pastor Anderson my name is Curtis I visited your church sometime in October 2015 but I had actually two questions for you actually three first is how are you doing I'm doing great no you only get one that was it no I'm just kidding you know I don't I don't really believe in that concept of you know called to preach in a set you know people talk about you know having these you know on June 19th 1994 I was called to preach you know and I'm not down on people who say that I'm not judging them but honestly I don't that's not something that I that I say or subscribe to the Bible says he that desireth you know if any man desire the office of a bishop he desireth a good thing you know and the Bible says you know would God that all God's people were prophets and that he would put his spirit upon them so I'm a volunteer okay well when I was growing up you know from a very young age I really just had a burden to want to get people saved and even I remember literally at age six years old just really wanting to get people saved and I remember just you know passing out tracts and stuff just not really knowing what I was doing but just wanting to get people saved and I and I can remember as a little kid wanting to be a preacher wanting to be a missionary especially like a foreign missionary was the kind of the big thing when I was a child that I thought about and that's part of why I got really into learning foreign languages was because of the idea of wanting to be a foreign missionary but then when I became a teenager you know I we started going to these really liberal churches and the pastors were so lame that you didn't want to be these guys so then I lost my desire to be a preacher because I had these really poor role models but then when I turned 17 and started going to an independent fundamental soul-winning Baptist Church the pastor was preaching hard he was a strong leader then then my desire to be a pastor came back then then my vision came back of yeah I do want to be a missionary or a pastor and so that's when my dream came back because you know you've got to have a good role model you've got to have people to to look up to and to follow them as they follow Christ when you have a bunch of lame sissies in the pulpit nobody wants to pastor but when you're in a church where the preaching is is is hot then you'll find lots of people wanting to pastor you a lot of pastors will come out of that church because they want to do likewise right okay so my last question before I ask this last question I want you to know where I stand so that you don't think that I'm attacking you or what you preach but I believe that the King James Bible is without error it is the Word of God and all these other translations are of the devil right you how you believe but I had a question brought to me and it kind of kind of ate at me a little bit because I'm not really a professional but in the first or sorry in Genesis 22 God obviously tempts Abraham and as someone bring up James 1 13 where it says that God and it says neither does God tempt any man right the person who came to me he said that that was a contradiction in the King James Bible and I don't believe that but can you kind of put that to bed for me so that I can sure yeah well first of all you know to say it's a contradiction it'd be kind of silly because in the very next chapter James talks about that story so it's not like James is just saying well you know God doesn't tempt anybody and then in the next chapter chapter 2 he talks about the story about Abraham offering Isaac so James is definitely aware of that story so that'd be a pretty weird contradiction in the Bible if that's a contradiction but honestly it's it's just a misunderstanding of the word temp because the word temp has multiple meanings and so we all know the word attempt if we attempt something what does that mean to attempt if I make an attempt what am I doing you're trying I'm trying I attempted it well that's what tempt means in the Bible to try so when it says that he tempted Abraham it's saying he tried him he tested him he proved him so one definition of tempt in the Bible is to test or to prove him now there are other things it's not just Genesis 22 because what about in the book of Hebrews because you know the King James wrong well what about in the book of Hebrews when God says that the children of Israel tempted him and proved him 40 years so it says it says in multiple places that God was tempted by the children of Israel what does that mean it means that they were trying him like trying his patience okay so there's two definitions of temp one definition of tempt is to entice someone to do something wrong like where Satan tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit he's enticing her to do that which is wrong and then another definition of tempt is simply to test or to try so that's that's the reason why it is apparently a contradiction but it's really not just two different definitions of the same word so well that was a great help for you but thank you for what you do and everything I appreciate it god bless you hello pastor Anderson okay oh okay I very quick questions for you okay first question is what hymnal do you recommend for people to buy if they want to learn hymns well the hymnal that we use here is called soul stirring songs and hymns you can buy it from sort of the Lord so just go to sort of the Lord publishers website in fact I got a copy right here soul stirring songs and hymns yeah there are some songs in here that aren't any good but honestly out of the 480 songs in this hymnal we sing 300 of them on a regular basis and that doesn't mean the other hundred eighty or bad some of them are wrong some of them talk about like hey Jesus might come today or something we definitely skip those but yeah but we regularly sing 300 of these songs I counted the other day which ones we actually sing so this has 300 300 great songs and there's probably some other great ones that I just haven't learned yet but I'm in the process of either rejecting or learning every song in the seminal because all right great songs and it's I think it's about 10 bucks or 12 bucks to buy one from sort of Lord oh yeah that's a great deal yeah okay um okay next question I I noticed a long time ago you you put up a guitar tutorial where you where you play to God be the glory and yeah just as I am do you think you can post a couple more videos in the next few weeks or so where you like do a few of those yeah you know that that video that video is is really outdated it needs to be replaced in fact with with a much better video and in fact you're not gonna believe this but I literally sat down the other day in front of the camcorder like and like a week ago and recorded like four or five really in-depth guitar lessons about playing hymns like how to become a church you know guitar player you know playing the traditional hymns I just haven't had a chance to sit down and and edit them and upload them but I already filmed it man you read my mind the guitar videos are coming okay okay next question oh buddy how many questions are you watching like 180 times you're one where you destroy Barack Obama for the devil that he is you know how he should go to hell since our next president most likely gonna be someone satanic like Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders or whatever are you gonna do another sermon on one of them when they get elected yeah you know I'm sure I will you know I'm sure that they're they're gonna get their their treatment as well you know it's not just Obama right so I mean I might have to do I might you know if Hillary gets elected I might have to do a sermon called the great whore but then that might mess up my Babylon movie so or maybe that's more evidence for Babylon in the US I don't know hey thanks for the call man see you later you got to make room for others here hello this is Pastor Anderson good can you mute the computer yes sir sorry about that my name is Ryan from Baton Rouge Louisiana and I just had a question about well actually first I wanted you to say that I really enjoyed one of your sermons on how anger is not bad it's sort of desired well maybe not desired but it's just it has its place sometimes it's sometimes it's appropriate look most of the time it's sinful but sometimes it's appropriate okay but um I guess my question is is about during the tribulation I may be you know I'm not very versed in this I guess I'm very new to Christianity and I've been I found you through Alex Jones channel and for Wars and my question is during the tribulation we're going to be persecuted as Christians and I guess me personally I don't want to to die so you know in defending myself if I should you know end up killing someone and the self-defense would that you know send me to hell or how would how would what is your opinion on that well first of all first of all being saved is just based on whether or not you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and it's impossible to lose your salvation so I would highly recommend that you listen to my sermon called once saved always saved because you know there's nothing you could do to lose your salvation including murder but on top of that I do not believe that self-defense is is murder so you know I believe that we are justified to use self-defense but that being said honestly it's not like well if I don't use self-defense I'm just gonna be killed you know the Bible says that there are gonna be people that are killed but it's not like everybody's gonna be killed I mean there are still gonna be a lot of people that are here when when Christ comes in the rapture that that survived the tribulation and the Bible says that we should pray always that we would be counted worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of Man which actually somebody on the Facebook group even brought that verse out as a question so yeah we should pray that God will allow us to survive and escape the the terrible events of the tribulation and to you know to make it to the end and be alive and remaining when he comes you know I prayed that prayer many times that God would allow me and my family and I prayed for people in my church that we would if it happens in our lifetime that we would be able to endure to the end and and be alive at the coming of Christ okay great I don't want to take any more of your time but I was just curious about that I'll read your I'm now watch your sermon about you can't lose your yeah yeah check it out God bless you have a good one bye all right hello this is Pastor Anderson all right can you mute the computer yeah yeah who is this yeah Steve from Portland I was at the soul winning marathon cool thanks for coming baptize me yeah okay so I got two questions if we still have time sure one is I posted on the Facebook so I don't know if you got to it or not it was about oh is this Steve Gould yes oh yeah of course yeah I know you so yeah let me answer your question from the Facebook site real quick it was on my list here I got the paper in my hand your question was about replenish in Genesis 128 where God blesses Adam and Eve and tells them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and because we see the re at the beginning replenish like refill well here's my take on that is that the reason that he used the word replenish it's not because it had been full in the past and it needed to be refilled but rather that there's a continual process of replenishment in the sense that we don't just fill it up one time he wouldn't just tell them fill the earth because of the fact that it's not something that you do one time you don't just fill it and you're done you replenish it on a continual basis meaning that you keep having kids because people keep dying and it keeps being replenished so that's what it means by replenish now I've heard some people say and this was in your question too that well if you go back to the 1828 dictionary replenish actually just means fill and that's all that is it just means fill I don't think that's accurate I don't think that that's correct yeah you know that's accurate that that's what the 1828 dictionary says but the 1828 dictionary has a lot of weird stuff in it and I don't to me that's not any kind of an authority so okay I I feel like I feel like you know mr. Webster basically he had real strong ideas about Bible doctrine and then he imposes them onto the definition of words so I think because he understood Genesis 1 a certain way he put that definition in there to support his belief because he does that in a lot of places like look up repent in the Webster's 1828 dictionary and you'll see that he puts his spin on that so he he foists a lot of his doctrine into the dictionary which is not really the purpose of what a dictionary should be doing so right I believe it's replenish the re means again because you're gonna fill it again and again and again not because of the fact that it was full in the past so okay well you know I've been hanging around these dispensationalist right and their gap their gap serious and they're talking about replenish to refill again because there were other beings on the earth you know between Genesis 1 1 & 1 2 and I know your philosophy on that I agree with right but you see what I'm saying with replenish right how it means continually replenish yes that makes more sense than than the Webster dictionary so all right because I do hang around these dispensationalists they have these bizarre doctrines and when I was on a trip to Israel it was a Baptist group and they were all dispensationalists and I got into this discussion with one of the pastors about Satan and why one third of the angels were taken with him and his theory was that of course he's got scripture which he gave to me and I looked up and I looked up all these words and there's no basis for it but I wanted to get your take on it but there were three archangels Michael Gabriel and Lucifer and when Satan fell he took his third with him at the time and like I said I looked up Archangel I looked up Michael I looked up Gabriel and the only there's only one reference to an archangel in the Bible and there's no correlation between there being three and Satan right taking his third with him when I thought so if you could just talk about that for a couple sure yeah basically you know what they're saying may or may not be true it's not that what they're saying is for sure false because it's it's definitely possible that Lucifer Michael and Gabriel are the three archangels you know that's possible I don't know but but they're kind of there it's kind of just a theory though that they're you know so if they stated as fact well it may or may not be fact because it's just their theory but you know we do know Michael the archangel that's the one reference you're referring to Michael the arch that's the only reference to it yeah it's the only reference so there's just a theory out there oh well Gabriel and Lucifer that works out perfect because then the devil takes a third of them etc I do believe that the scripture teaches that the demons are fallen angels and I do believe that you know there is scriptural basis for him taking them with him because it talks about how there's a great red dragon in Revelation 12 and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth which is symbolic of taking the the third of the of the demons with them you know a third of the host of heaven so the two the two options that I see maybe there's another one is he was in charge of a third and he took them with him when he fell or he had to convince a third of the angels to also rebel against God exactly yeah exactly right is there any scriptural basis for you through those or no I think I think you know when you start talking about angels and devils it becomes a lot of speculation because the Bible doesn't really give us a lot of information and I'd rather spend more time you know teaching on things that are clear in the Bible but some people okay you know some pastors will just get up and preach in depth on these things that the Bible is not clear about and just speculate and then they kind of state things as facts that are more theoretical more theoretical okay cool awesome hey God bless you and hopefully I'll see you again sometime thanks for coming out for that so any marathon I plan to visit Arizona I should come now because it's cold up here but I'll probably come in the spring or the fall yeah yeah just do anything but summer right all right God bless you hope to see you sometime hello it's Pastor Anderson hey this is Aaron Bargo I'm from Kentucky I've been watching your videos for a while I just want to say you have a great impact on my life I just had a question a very simple question I think well it's sort of an anomaly in the Bible in numbers two nine it numbers the camp of Judah as four score thousand excuse me a hundred and four score thousand six thousand four hundred and turn eighty six thousand four hundred and we found out later in physics scientists find out that the speed of light is 186,000 more or less on the hundreds miles per second huh and I was just wondering what take on that was since the tribe of Judah is referred to as that they can't they pitched their tents to the east side towards the rising Sun which would you know associate them with light I just wonder what your take on that was yeah it's pretty interesting I've never heard that before in my life about that number being almost the exact speed of light or maybe even the exact speed of light I don't I don't I'm not an expert on that but but yeah and you know God is light and Jesus Christ came from the tribe of Judah they pitched toward the rising of the Sun I mean it's an interesting theory yeah it's just kind of a neat little thing you know I think stuff like that in the Bible is probably more for Christians to just appreciate and stand in awe of because they neither will if they don't hear if the atheists won't hear Moses and the prophets you know neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead you know it's not it's not evidence that the atheist needs to see because he needs to believe it by faith not by scientific evidence so yeah he needs the gospel and death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ if that's not going to do it for him well he's doomed but it's interesting though I'll have to look that up it's a complete fraud my take on it is that it's not quoting from that book at all but that rather it's quoting the person Enoch it doesn't say as it is written in the book of Enoch it says Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying and it tells what Enoch said so just because Jude says what Enoch said doesn't mean it's quoting the fraudulent book of Enoch here are some reasons why the book of Enoch is a fraud number one read it for about five minutes and you you're gonna realize how stupid it is number one number two you know and God doesn't write stupid things number two is that you know the book of Enoch only came to light in the last what I think it came about in the 1800s in Amharic and then it came about in the original Hebrew like in the 20th century with the Dead Sea Scrolls or something so well God promised to preserve his word and that you know that it would be preserved under all generations and you know I don't see the book of Enoch being preserved why was it buried for so long exactly and then you know on top of that is that fact that it's filled with all kinds of garbage and nonsense and and it contradicts scripture and it was buried and it was it's very suspect because it's found with the Dead Sea Scrolls but see Jude did not quote it at all because this is what it is which came first the chicken or the egg somebody took the quote from Jude and put it into a book and put a bunch of other junk in it and people will try to argue and say that it that it predates the book of Jude I'm not buying it it's a fraud these are the same people that are telling you that you know billions of years ago and stuff and so the whole thing's a fraud it's like anytime the Bible mentions something like that like the Epistle to the Land of the Sea and somebody's gonna go out and write Epistle to the Land of the Sea and try to pass it off and that's the same thing here that they took the quote that was legitimate from Enoch and then they made a fake book around it. Absolutely and you've been a blessing in my life I just want to say Pastor Anderson I mean I was I was saved and I went through some trouble in my life and I found you on the internet and I live in rural Kentucky very small town at least you know we have churches on every corner of which it's great you know different you know denominations and stuff like that but you've really got me back into the boat I guess you could say and wanted to do Lord for the Lord and and yeah looking through the numbers 2 9 I think that's an amazing thing just that the speed of light was predicted 6,000 years beforehand and also that the running water I heard you talk about the running water in the surgeons one time in one of your sermons and you know the Bible had it right 6,000 years ago it's fascinating stuff but it's stuff that a lot of atheists are just they're too blinded you know but the Christians on the Christians are gonna love it hey God bless you thanks for the call well that's about it it's 902 p.m. and so it's time to shut her down for the evening thank you to everybody who tuned in and I'm hoping to do this every Friday night you know God willing we'll see how long I can you know maintain this and as long as the questions keep coming in but man the questions are pouring in I can't even answer the phone fast enough it's just non-stop questions coming in plus you know I get emailed questions all the time it's great to answer them publicly like this because then instead of just benefiting one person I can benefit a lot of other people who had maybe the same question so anyways as as long as I can keep this up and as long as the questions keep flooding in and the calls keep pouring in God willing hopefully we'll be here next Friday night at six o'clock and so goodbye for the evening