(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hello everyone you are watching preacher profile live This is brother ben from the youtube channel ben the baptist And this time i'm joined by pastor dave burzins You're going to hear from him in moments I'm going to ask him about what it was like to get ordained as pastor and move From arizona to georgia his church stronghold baptist church and also the persecution he's faced recently As a result of the fact he actually believes the bible yeah, what a concept, right? This is someone who believes the bible and who preaches it Unapologetically and he's faced some backlash as a result I'll ask him about that what he likes to preach about the most and so much more if you've ever wondered Who pastor burzins is if you wanted to learn a little bit more about this man of god now is your chance Over the next hour plus on this edition of the preacher profile interview series and it starts right after this Pastor dave burzins of stronghold baptist church is biblically correct not politically correct If you're looking for a soft Compromiser you've come to the wrong place Homosexuals are not allowed in this church and never will be I do believe that they're predators. There are a bunch of pedophiles perverts Reprobate wicked vile people walking marching up and down the streets of atlanta with their fag flags And just out and proud in your face. We're here. What are you gonna do about it? And no one's doing anything Worse than that Worse than that not only in in the christians what the christians doing they're supporting it After getting sent out from faithful word baptist church in tempe, arizona Pastor burzins started word of truth baptist church in prescot valley arizona in november 2013 But his journey didn't end there. The lord had some other plans for him on june 24th 2018 Pastor burzins held his first service in a new location across the continental united states He called it stronghold baptist church and it was planted in norcross, georgia Today pastor burzins continues to preach the truth out of god's word No matter who gets offended and he's not gonna stop And daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and preach jesus christ In the face of opposition in the face of beating in the face of persecution in the midst of it they cease not We're not going to stop God needs more people that are going to say i'm not going to stop that's right You want to silence me i'm going to lay raise my voice And i've got a pretty loud voice His foray into the ministry started in arizona But the lord eventually led him to georgia where he's already making an impact and attracted the attention of the local media On this ninth edition of the preacher profile interview series. I sit down with the pastor of stronghold baptist church Pastor dave burzins joins me live next It's preacher profile episode nine brother ben here with you from the youtube channel ben the baptist and I'm here with pastor dave burzins from stronghold baptist church for what should be an interesting interview with the man himself I'm going to talk to him about his salvation testimony the persecution he's gone through lately What it was like to move from arizona to georgia and so much more We're going to learn all about pastor burzins and his foray into the ministry tonight Thank you all so much for tuning in on this thursday april 25th 2019 it's eight o'clock eastern time make sure you share this video with your friends and family whether it's live or you're watching it On the archive as we speak to pastor burzins tonight And i'm going to go ahead and introduce him to you now the pastor of stronghold baptist church pastor burzins I appreciate your time tonight. Thank you for appearing on The preacher profile live podcast it means a lot to me. How you doing? I'm doing great. Thanks a lot for having me tonight Yeah, of course, it's definitely my pleasure and I appreciate that you came on to this program obviously pastors have a very busy schedule So, uh, thank you for taking some time out to speak to me and stronghold baptist church. It's been going for some time now Before we get into you and your testimony and things like that How about we just start things off by talking a little bit about how things have been lately for your church? talk about a stronghold baptist church and The people you've got going there the congregation how things have been over there in norcross Yeah, things have been going great out here in georgia I couldn't have asked for anything better starting up a church in the atlanta area. We started in june last year 2018 In june, we had our first service and for Oh, I don't know the first five months or so for four to five months we were Meeting at a community building. We're just basically renting out a room Um for a couple hours for each of our services we had to keep bringing our song books and things back in and out in and out and You know as great as it was it was accommodating for every for all of us there, but then we finally got a location in norcross And where we're currently meeting right now and We have been Running our church services have been running in the 50s uh on sunday mornings And then in the 40s on like sunday evenings and wednesday nights and the people are just amazing the people are awesome um as our you know Pretty much like in all of the other churches across the new ip that i've ever visited, you know Everybody's every church has its own Uniqueness to it, but they're all full of these great people who love god and our church is definitely no different in that regard Um, we have a close to close to 100 participation in soul winning At our church and the people the people are just amazing. They're awesome. Um It truly has been a blessing to be pastoring this church and and we're continuing to grow and to reach more people and And we've just been pretty steady on the on the increase Both in the works that we're doing and just the amount of people that are coming and it's just been great I think god's really really poured out his blessing upon this church Well, i'm glad it worked out for you because you moved across the continental united states to open Stronghold baptist church and we'll get into that a little bit later on But before we do I have to ask you this question and it's about your salvation testimony I ask all the pastors about this some of them have interesting stories, but when it comes to When you got saved, can you talk a little about that? Do you remember kind of the You know thing the events maybe that led up to it. Talk a little about your salvation testimony. Absolutely. Sure Yeah, I was I remember vividly my my salvation and everything leading up to it. So um at the time I was away in college, I Had grown up in the chicago area And the first time I went to college I went to university of illinois in champagne, urbana, illinois and uh the u of i fighting a line is where I was going to school and It was actually in the month of april and um Let's see, I would have been I was either 19 or 20 because my birthday's in april and right now. I can't remember if it was Just before just after my birthday was somewhere late april and um at the time i'd been going through, you know, I I was a partier. I like to go out and drink and do things like that and um This was my sophomore year in college and When I went to school, it wasn't to go to school. It was to get out and to kind of live that life And that's what I wanted to do. But after a while, you know, it started to wear on me And made me start to just think you know, what's the meaning of everything? And I was kind of just getting down um just for a lot of a lot of reasons And just made me get to this point to where I just wanted to know what the truth is I want to know what's real. I believe that god was real. I believe there was a god I was raised in a you know presbyterian home and If you would ask me hey, are you a christian? I would say yes, you know, I wouldn't I wouldn't say no but It also I mean it really wasn't my faith especially looking back. It's really easy to see that um I was I would have considered myself a christian because that's how I was brought up because I went to church but um When I got to this point in my life, I would say for probably about six months before I got saved. Maybe I Wanted to really start seeking and searching and figuring out what's true and I even remember having the thought, you know I can't just accept christianity because that's what I was raised with. I wanted to just know what was true So I started looking at various religions of the world because I already had the starting point that god's real It makes sense that god would want to know you know want us to know who he is and and leave us some information and and All of that seemed like it just made a lot of sense to me But I I so I looked into different eastern religions and you know islam and buddhism and to me just looking at all the various religions kind of like okay, there's there's I and you know whether it's true or not at the time. I was just thinking there's kind of two main opposing views between islam and christianity and and see at the time I didn't see the difference between all The different denominations of christianity to me. It was all just one thing and um I remember going to a debate Where there was somebody defending christianity and the other person defending islam And I i'm pretty sure it was at this event. It was held on um on the college campus I believe it was put on by like campus crusades for christ or some, you know some organization like that and uh And I went just because I was interested I wanted to know And i'd already been looking into things so I just wanted to hear okay Let's hear what this christian guy says. Let's hear what this islam guy says And my opinion the whole thing was just that the the christian guy seemed to have answers for everything The guy who believed in islam was always getting angry and just was just wasn't making very good arguments at all It didn't seem to make any sense. And I remember sticking around afterwards now. I don't remember The conversation specifically that I had with people but I do know that I stuck around afterwards and was talking today I didn't know anybody there. I just went um By myself to to hear this thing and I started talking to people there and i'm pretty sure that's probably where uh The at least the final seed was planted in my mind because it was shortly thereafter where um When I got saved so I didn't get saved that night, you know, I was still thinking about things I went out to a party one night. It's a saturday night and um I remember I just I just went home by myself and uh and went Went to bed, but as as I was in my room, you know I just thought about this stuff everything just seemed to be weighing on me I was real upset and just kind of down and depressed and um That's when I decided just to to call the name of the lord You know, I called out to jesus to save me and I don't think I used my words. I did it in my heart you know, I I just I I decided that I was going to put all my trust in christ to be my savior and that's when uh, that's when I got saved and then I remember You know that night having this dream and I don't talk about this very often because I don't put stock and you know I'm just dreams uh as having necessarily any extra meaning but I had this dream where um I was kind of in standing in a room And there was all kinds of stuff flying around me like I was in the middle of a tornado And there's just debris and things flying all over the place and there was a being there that I perceived to be satan and um Was just extremely angry and that's why there was so much stuff flying around me But I wasn't scared at all and I just had this peace knowing That I was safe because I was saved and that there was nothing more that that he could do to me This is this was my understanding of my dream and uh, and that proves i'm saved. No, i'm just kidding I don't I don't normally go into all this detail, but you asked me, you know These are kind of details of that night. I got saved in the next day I when I woke up, you know, I lived with three other guys. It was a four-bedroom apartment And I remember talking to my roommates. They were my friends and uh, just telling them all I got saved and they're like Well, what do you mean you got saved and I was just like well, you know, I I believe in jesus i'm safe, you know I'm, uh, I didn't know really how to explain it very well um, I knew that my trust was in jesus and they kind of Laughed it off maybe made fun of me a little bit They didn't know what I was really talking about and I couldn't explain it very well But um, but I was excited. It was definitely an exciting event for me And then You know that semester ended not too much later about a month later, you know the end of may And I went back home and was hanging out with my friends uh from my hometown and told all them I got saved and you know talked to my family about it and um Never really got plugged into a church I had a lot of conversations with my older brother and He kind of turned me on to King james only and and independent fundamental baptists and it didn't take a whole lot to convince me when I saw this evidence That that all that stuff was true I do remember one of the first things one of my first thoughts after getting saved was Well, what about evolution? Because I had been so brainwashed into believing evolution And i've always been a you know a love a lover of science And math and and just thinking that way and I remember prior to being saved. I I would literally say or think That if you didn't believe in evolution that you were an idiot. You're a moron. You have no idea what you're talking about you're uneducated, you know, I I've hook line and sinker just just ate it up And it wasn't until after I got saved and started looking at this because When I started looking at it, I wasn't thinking that evolution was true I was just thinking well, how can it be not true because I once I put my faith in christ I mean i'm believing the bible. Yeah, i'm not i'm accepting god's word. I'm not just Automatically saying oh no, it can't be true because of science. I was just thinking like well, how does it fit? How does it work? You know, what what am I missing here? Because I knew I believed the bible to be true at that point And then I started getting all these resources on creationism and demonstrating all the fallacies and the carbon dating and um all the different mechanisms of dating and and When you really start to dig into it and critically think about the evidence that's suggested It's it's actually makes me feel like the moron For not challenging What I was being taught and told and just blindly accepting it as being true And my eyes were really opened up and that's that's a subject. I really love to talk about in general Because it's something that I did do a lot of research into and it kind of hits close to home for me. So um You know every once in a while i'll be out at the door and people have been A little surprised because they'll ask me what I do sometimes. They say oh i'm a computer programmer and they're like, oh, what do you mean? You know, I had a co-worker once that didn't um He was surprised when he found out like I don't even know if I know I wasn't a pastor. I was just going to church This is a while ago. This is like five or six years ago. I took him out to lunch and um And I was giving him the gospel, you know, my intent was just to try to get this guy saved. He's vietnamese And I remember him just looking at me kind of puzzled and saying But you know, you're a scientist. You're a computer scientist. Why do you believe this stuff? And I was like, well, they're they're not diametrically opposed, you know They're not it's not like you could only be one or the other I said actually i'm a christian because it does make sense You know the bible is true and you know, I kind of explained to him. He didn't get saved that day, but That's just kind of the mindset that many people have And um, yeah Unfortunately Yeah, it's unfortunate. But was there any Preacher or somebody you looked up to that helped you Understand the truth during that time of your life you know, not really I I my brother probably would have been my biggest source of Any truth or you know information along that line because like I said before he turned me on to the king james bible And uh, and I started doing my own research into that after he told me it made sense to me, but I looked it up and then um You know him and I had gone visited a few churches but I was really relying on him Because I felt like he was way Spiritually more mature than I was And kind of let him lead the way and and we visited various baptist churches and I don't remember all of them We went to is in illinois and I did I do know I went to one where uh Where sam gibb was preaching I don't remember what it was on But I did walk away and we don't I don't have it right here. I ended up buying a book From sam gibb. I still have today uh from from the back of the church where they had their book table set up and and selling their merchandise in the house of god but um It is I had no idea at the time It was a book. It was a book about the book of acts because the book of acts is my favorite book of the bible So I was like, oh i'll get this and I kind of just felt compelled to buy something too, you know I remember thinking at the time like I didn't know who sam gibb was I didn't know who any of these people were. I was just you know brought to church my brother knew a lot more about about the people and wanted to go there so Um, probably because sam gibb was a kjb guy so you want i'm sure that's why he wanted to go and and see that and um I I remember just kind of feel feeling almost obligated. You know how when when uh, Someone gives you something for free And then they're just like expect like but they're accepting donations Oh, yeah, right at the same time and you're just kind of like, oh well, uh, yeah Yeah here. Thanks Yeah, that type of feeling of obligation I remember being there because they pushed the book sales so much yeah and uh And I just I bought one And and I didn't even read the whole thing. I still haven't read the whole thing to this day I started reading it and I remember just thinking like this is kind of boring You guys just read the book of acts. Well, yeah, like the book of acts is exciting but but that book was like really boring And you're just going back to the greek and talking about this stuff i'm just like this is stupid That's fun I know so in that time frame so after I got saved I had gone to church A little bit sporadically here and there but I didn't have any great level of growth. So I had enough to realize I was a fundamental baptist And then I just believed the word of god and I believed it was literal and I was king james only I was king james only, you know, I had some real basic fundamentals down But it really wasn't until I moved to arizona And then not just moved arizona, but started going to faithful word baptist church where? I really grew. I mean that's because that's the only that's the first time I really got plugged into a church Every other time I think the longest time I spent going to church was maybe a couple months, you know, yeah Well, you know that's actually a perfect Transition to what I wanted to ask you next which is about the fact after you got saved This is what I know about you So obviously you can correct me if i'm wrong because I think i've only spoken to you a few times But from what I know is that you got saved and then there was this period where you didn't do very much for the lord At all and then something happened to where you got involved in the spiritual fight you started Turning your life around you started living for god Obviously you move to arizona and then the rest is history you become a pastor Who's preaching out of a king james bible you get ordained and then you find yourself in georgia So clearly something happened in your life the light bulb went off There was a catalyst that made you want to live for god and my question is what was that? Did you come across pastor anderson on youtube and then that made you want to? Start living for christ or or was there something someone? Out there that made you decide hey, you know what i'm saved but I don't want to just stop with that. Obviously The bible says but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness And so someone can get saved to just sit at home eat cheetos all day and they'd still get to heaven We believe salvations by grace through faith alone on christ, but you wanted more than just to be saved and do nothing. Why what led to you? Turning it around and doing work for the lord Well, it sure would be nice to say that that I just had that Inspiration of my own accord and just like I need to get in church and do this But that's not how it happened I actually I have to attribute it to my mother Which is pretty ironic because yeah, I love my parents. I love my family, but they don't My parents don't believe the same way that I do Okay, they they they go to a reformed church, you know, I grew up presbyterian right now they're not very far removed from the presbyterian church, that's just uh the way that they believe but my mom understands the importance of going to church and she knows, you know, Over those years that I had, you know after I left living in arizona, you know I was not living some godly righteous life by any means I was living a very worldly life and I was in the very worldly things and um That when they came would come to visit, you know my mom She she just wanted me to get into church because she knows that's good for you and it is it's good It's good to be in church. You shouldn't just be out of church. So One weekend they were visiting and she said why you know, I wanna I want to go to church with you on sunday And I remember just going yeah. Yeah. Okay, whatever, you know, sure fine, you know and just kind of blowing it off And she brought up multiple times. No, really. I want to go to church with you. Okay. Yeah, sure. Sure mom Okay, you know in my mind i'm just thinking like whatever it'll it'll it'll become sunday and i'll be like, oh well, uh, you know Have some excuse not to go but she opened up the phone book and started fine She's like, well, i'll go to a church that you like to go to right Because we had I mean up to this point in my life. We had Discussions i've talked about my beliefs and their beliefs and you know, like I said, I knew I was an independent Fundamental baptist and and you know, I had that much established. I I knew Enough right. I wasn't just totally ignorant of of some bible truths but um So she's like, well, i'll go anywhere you want. Okay, whatever She looks in the phone book and then she goes well, what about this church? And there was an ad for faithful word baptist church. And and I remember the headline was are you tired of liberal preaching? And that was like one of the headlines in the yellow pages and um And I looked at it and it's like independent fundamental soul-winning kin games only but you know, like like all these buzzwords in there and it just struck me that that was so um I mean it was so forward right? It was it was it was a bold stance in an advertisement because you're used to seeing the the real milk toast Lovey-dovey type ads just oh everybody's welcome type of a thing, you know, so I was like, well, that's pretty interesting Well, let me check out their website. So that piqued my interest to go to their website and mind you this was in august of 2006 so Faithful word hadn't been around for very long And they're for his first couple months of sermons. I don't even they're not even online He didn't have all of them record recorded and uploaded on the internet So i'm going back and just looking at the past few months of sermons and just looking at the titles without even listening to them I remember looking at the titles and going oh man, this is going to be great. Like yeah, we're going here Because he's hitting on all these topics and you know, you can look them up I don't remember exactly what they were but just looking at the titles. I was just like This is a place I definitely want to try out so now I was excited about going to church and I looked at the website. I saw that they were meeting in his house Didn't bother me any because I had already tried visiting churches just in the time. I was in arizona like every once in a while I think You know, I need to get back in church Right, so I would try to find a good church And never was really able to find anything that I thought was that great. So I had gone to churches that met in people's houses before That wasn't something new to me So it didn't bother me at all But I knew that it probably would bother my parents because they're not used to that at all I mean they're used to church just being this church building, right? so I didn't tell them about it until we were Almost there. We were about maybe 10 minutes out I said, oh by the way, the church meets at the pastor's house And um Because I knew there's nothing you could do I mean, it's not like you're gonna find another church to go to on sunday morning when it's already, you know 10 20 in the morning. What are you gonna do? So They just kind of Didn't say much and we went there, you know, and and we show up and and the sermon was about how to manage your money Which is probably the least dynamic sermon that pastor anderson has ever preached in this entire life But I loved it it was great and and that's not an area that I felt like I had some great Needing or conviction, you know, I understood all the principles But I love a lot of things about the service. I love that he read an entire chapter of the bible Before preaching I love that he went to so many different passages in scripture. I mean everything about it was just great, right so One of the reasons why I didn't really get plugged into a church I could never really put my finger on it but everything just kind of felt like something was missing something is lacking like It was never very exciting never very motivating But once I got into a good church and got listening to a preacher that was fired up about the bible and What I got to realize very quickly is that pastor anderson was someone who didn't just Preach what the bible said, but he lived What the bible said and that has a profound impact when you see someone who actually? Does What the bible says as opposed to tries to just preach the bible so that had a big a big impact on me And honestly, what got me motivated and stirred up and fired up was literally just going to church And sitting under good preaching It's the word of god that that had that impact Ultimately on on my spirit to to get me To to get me Just deciding to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh and to just start getting rid of things and you know a man of god that was willing to Show the word of god to explain the word of god And and just make it plain make it easily understood So all the preaching on the music which I already knew the music I listened to was wrong. I needed that extra prodding You know all the worldly stuff the movies the profanity the you know Everything that goes along with it everything being preached even the soul winning, you know, I was the most timid shy person I was a computer person, right? I wasn't the most outgoing. I was extremely shy and It it literally would make me sick to my stomach to think about Getting up and talking in front of people or having everybody looking at me Looking at me I was scared to death of even going out and knocking on someone's door In and you mean you mean walk in a neighborhood that I don't know anybody and knock on some random person's door I was terrified of that But it didn't take that much when when you realize that this is what the bible is absolutely telling you you have to do Well, you got to make a decision. Am I going to obey or not? And I chose no i'm going to obey How about watching other people do it? Did that help you at all? I didn't see anyone else doing it because the church was really small. Okay And I was like the only at that at that point the other people had come and gone in the months that they were around But I was kind of there's a lot of ladies in church So like amanda was there and amanda's mom and someone and then many other ladies who they they went out soul winning But I didn't like see their soul winning Because the way it was in the early days of faithful word We didn't have just one established soul winning time where everybody met up together I was literally just going out sowing with pastor anderson when our schedules allowed it oftentimes is on the saturday's Where we would just meet up and go out soul winning together. So I just kind of had to decide. Well, yeah, this is what the bible says to do and of course pastor Anderson's preaching on it and and you know, it's making it obvious and making it very easy for me To go with him. He he was very accommodating In the early days, you don't realize it, you know from someone who's just very ignorant on a lot of things I had the same mindset that so many other people do. Oh, of course, he's the pastor Of course, you should be doing this. He had a full-time job and a family, right? He's got all these other things going on yet. He made a lot of sacrifices To to help help me help me personally spiritually to grow obviously he needs to be doing soul winning too, but You know, there's definitely a lot of sacrifice made there To to help to help me out and help many other people everyone in the church In any way that he could I think your story illustrates the importance of hard preaching and really just biblical preaching Because if you had wanted to go to some lefty watered down chucky cheese purple light style liberal quote-unquote church You wouldn't be what you are right now And it was the preaching that got you on fire when you came to that church pastor anderson Was the fuel the rocket fuel you needed it seems like To really start living for god and it was the preaching that convicted you to make some changes in your life And that's the point that's why we go to church pastors because we want the pastor to rip our face off We want the pastor to preach hard against sin so we know what we're doing wrong and we can correct it I don't go to church every sunday for the preacher to get up and tell me how great I am. What's the point of that? Amen That is absolutely 100 correct that and you know, that's the um That's the reason also why you know, I started word of truth baptist church Is part of the reason I chose the name word of truth because it was about the truth and and that's all i've ever cared about from from Before I got saved when I wanted to know what was right. I just wanted to know The truth I wanted to know what's right I don't want to go and have somebody tickle my ears and scratch my back and rub my belly and just make me feel good Just tell me what's true and I felt like in all of the other churches that I had visited and been to that's what was missing I just I just They just weren't really saying anything. I wasn't being you know common term. I wasn't being fed but you know There wasn't there I didn't see a reason to going right But when I when I go to a church where there is some great preaching where there is someone just telling it like it is And laying out all of god's word Man, that was amazing. I mean that's and and that's what got me going and it took very little time within the first few months I had I decided to destroy my music collection. I was listening to the bible on audio in my car I was listening to preaching. I'd gone back and listened to everything that pastor anderson preached and then i'm asking them Well, who else can I listen to what other sermon, you know, who else do you recommend? What can I what other preaching I just could not get enough? and um Yeah, like you said, you know, I want to be told What's right and what's wrong? Like just just i'm a big boy, right? I can handle it If i'm doing something wrong just just say so, you know, I don't I don't want you to And i've used this, you know illustration even in my own preaching you know if i'm walking around and i've got like Some food stuck to my face or you know something just kind of making me look like a fool I don't want everyone to just ignore that. It's there pretend like it's not really there and inside they're laughing and thinking well, man This guy's a fool, right? I'd rather have someone just tell me Yeah, it may be embarrassing when you find out But then you could take care of it and make sure you're not continuing to look like a fool Right, right when you're in sin, you're acting like a fool You're acting like a fool before god if nobody else I don't want to continue to act like a fool. I'd rather have someone tell me. Hey, you're wrong. You need to get this, right? Then I could correct it otherwise, I don't want everyone just just smiling and looking the other way when i've got some big problem I need to fix Well, it takes a certain amount of humility as well to admit i'm messed up i'm you know I'm struggling with certain sins and I need somebody to rip my face off so I can get it right Or somebody who's humble enough to say i'm just seeking the truth whether it sounds good to me or not And Unfortunately for many people the truth is highly offensive to them and oftentimes when you speak the truth It leads to persecution which we're going to talk about a little bit later on in the live stream But before we do I have to ask this question as a member of faithful word baptist church You're going you're listening to the preaching from pastor anderson And then all of a sudden he's ordaining you and I shouldn't use the word all of a sudden because he worked very hard to get to that point, but What led to that when did you decide man I want a pastor And what was it like learning? under pastor anderson at faithful word Sure, so I would say the majority of time I was learning under pastor anderson In my mind it was not to become a pastor at all My motivation my goal was I always just wanted to be the best christian that I can be the best, you know And that's still my that's still my mindset today mind you I I just I just want to Live the best that I can before god and do whatever it is. However, I can be helpful Uh in a servant to the lord, that's what I want to do. And that's been my mindset the entire time. So um pastor anderson was the one who was helping to mold me though and to shape me and to teach me and to guide me and And to give me opportunities and and it was always a little bit of a nudge or a little bit of push with me because You know, honestly in the flesh you you kind of can be resistant to doing different things and especially when you're shy, you know Learning how to preach. Well, I was terrified of doing a soloing but after a while I realized hey, this is great You know you get somebody saved. It's amazing. It's you know full of joy. It's it's there's so much to it That it's you know, obviously it's not about me and uh in my fears And then when when he was encouraging me to start a nursing home ministry After doing some of the preaching class, you know, I mean Before I think he was just explaining how hey You know someone's going to need to step in and fill the pulpit and You know, you should learn how to preach anyways, even if you're never going to be a pastor all great truths, right? as a member of the church, you know, especially as a young man, you ought to be able to Step up if needed if the church is in need if the pastor's out of town and someone needs to preach You know someone needs to be able to step up And be able to teach the word of god and preach the word of god So I thought that that makes a lot of sense. So that kind of got me Into wanting to do more in that capacity then and you know I I was doing a nursing home ministry for two years where I learned the responsibility of preparing a sermon Every single sunday I had to have something that was my ministry. That was my responsibility I go and do soul winning and meet with the people and sing lead songs and preach and do all that and that was all a bunch of really good training Uh to help me to to learn how to how to preach and then we did the preaching classes and I you know I got to the point where I started teaching the preaching classes And you know, I was leading the singing in services and um Yeah, I mean there was there was a lot of things but but my goal was my intent was never to pastor I just wanted to be Offer up the most that I could it wasn't until after I got married and My family we went on a we went on vacation and just just went on a family vacation with my family and um Of course, I already have had it established that I don't miss church You know, that was something that i've decided way early on in my life that whenever there's church i'm going to be there You know, I don't I don't have holidays from god. I don't take vacations from god Anywhere I go i'm gonna find a church and i'm gonna be in it. So having that mindset, you know, we're on vacation we go Well, if we see the best baptist church we can find I remember even just asking pastor anderson Hey, can you do you know of anywhere? Can you help me find a church while we're in this state in that state in this area? Can you help me find something to go to church? and and and he was gracious enough to do that and and point me in in the right direction and You know, but after visiting a lot of different churches I just started to realize From a greater understanding just the dearth of people Just preaching the word of god the way it ought to be preached right and and going in and um This is going to sound maybe a little arrogant And I hope it's not, you know, it wasn't my intention But sometimes i'd go into some of these churches thinking that You know, I felt like I can do a better job Of preaching the word of god just because there's so much that was missed and um I just felt like you know, there's so much great content so much material in the passage you just read But it was all just just kind of blown over And all I heard was just some story that didn't even really have that much Impact or teaching of doctrine or anything? and It was then when I kind of realized well There is a big problem here and Looking at all the the list of qualifications. I didn't think that there's necessarily anything that would you know, you know There definitely wasn't anything that would disqualify me from being a pastor And it wasn't until then when I started to consider it a little bit more Pastor anderson had a lot more confidence in me Before I even had confidence thinking that that I would be able to do something like that But i'm of the the mindset as well that you know If you're not willing to stand up and do something about something that's wrong then don't complain about it I I don't like hearing people complain about problems who aren't trying to do something to change it And and and at first I thought that the answer was in politics because I was going to I was getting myself ready to get involved in the politics and and join the republican party and and getting ready to be a precinct committee man and go down this path of You know Going through the ranks and and changing The world by by getting politics that didn't take long to realize that that was That was a very ineffective means of Getting the change to happen that needs to change that needs to happen. So that's kind of where It really Donned on me that I wanted to that I would even be interested in being a pastor of a church It was really out of necessity that I think that it needed to happen and and I willingly just was like, okay well, i'll do it then i'll step up and and Do my best and see what I can bring to the table Well, i'm glad you i'm glad you recognize that the political avenue wasn't going to be profitable for you and I certainly had that happen to me in my life where I thought I was going to go into the political side and For a while. I was involved with the republican party, but eventually it just hit me that this is a spiritual That this is a spiritual Battle and the bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal in eph Bad that's not my point My point is this if you really want to make a difference knocking on someone's door and showing them the gospel of jesus christ is the best way preaching behind a pulpit or Supporting the men of god who are actually preaching bible doctrine good bible doctrine behind the pulpit is the way to go and we see The two directions your life could have taken I would have never met you Who knows what you would have been but instead you decided to fight the spiritual battle? Yeah, man I can't imagine myself getting very far in politics. Anyways, to be honest with you, you know It didn't take very long to kind of see the way things were run anyways When I got interested in it, it was during the ron paul Era, yeah 2007 that's what even prompted my interest in all of it and When I showed up The people in the republican party were not fans of the ron paul people they they were not You know that they had their establishment They've been going to their small meetings For decades, right? A lot of these people are older people and they did not want to see People come in with these crazy radical ideas about you know, more liberty and less government exactly exactly but uh, but you know, it's They're both corrupt republican And look i'm not a republican anymore I was one but Now I you know, I believe in a monarchy With jesus christ as a king. Amen. It's as simple as that That's all we need. That's all we're asking for is let us preach christ and him crucified Let's talk about when you're getting ordained what's running through your head? As pastor anderson lays hands on you and this is it you are now a pastor. What are you thinking? Couldn't tell you It was kind of surreal it was you know, it was um Obviously a life-changing event. It's a it's a it's a milestone. It's something that was You know going on there that um, you know, I was up in front of everybody. I was really just listening To everything that pastor anderson had to say In in a similar fashion like when I got married and he was preaching right he's he's giving you know kind of the last bit of Of wisdom and information and things to pass on so There was a lot there That was personal for me right to hear from from that sermon when he when he did the ordination service and stuff that Was really directed towards me, I mean I felt I felt I felt special because I was up there Practically having an entire sermon just kind of dedicated to me And she was trying to receive as much as I could I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but the i'm extremely thankful For the opportunity that I had to grow with faithful word baptist church Because I was there in the house. I was there in the house and I was there in the house I was there in the early days. I was there when we were really excited about 20 people being in church I was there as the excitement grew as we got into our first location And then moved into our second location and then moved to the third location and you could see the growth And the excitement starts to build and more people get involved But but for the long time, you know in the early years it was still it was just really small but You you have to be dedicated and faithful and just just have it in your mind that It doesn't matter how many people are here in regards to whether or not i'm going to continue going to church Right, you know I don't have to I shouldn't be relying on other people's excitement or how many people are there In order for me to keep doing what's right and that was extremely valuable as I started word of truth baptist church because That was not easy That was an extremely difficult area There have been other independent fundamental baptist churches that had come and gone And even after I started that church within the first year two other ifb churches closed their doors In the first year that word of truth baptist church was open and i'm thinking you know Obviously, it wasn't good for those churches to just be shut down But I was thinking well, maybe some of those people now will will start coming to our church It didn't happen And uh for two for over two years about two years we met in my house And before we before we moved out and into a you know to a strip mall type of location but it was just it was difficult man, I mean we'd go out soul winning and and Someday you go out all day on sunday sometimes and have zero salvations Or one salvation or two salvations. It was we were averaging approximately 100 salvations a year For the almost five years that word of truth baptist church was in existence Sort of some barren landscape there for sure Yeah, and transitioning to word of truth baptist church and you can correct me if i'm wrong But I believe you were running that church for four years And you talked a little about it Just summarize your time there. I mean You you've you were there for a while you preached a lot of sermons i'm assuming Eventually, there were some regulars there listening to you preach every week I heard the story in a interview you did with on paul wittenberger show outside the pulpit and I heard you talk about Just the soul winning struggles like what you just mentioned how you'd go out and it was it was tough getting people saved But if you could just summarize your time there in prescott valley, arizona What would you say about it? Well, it was it was a great experience, you know, I I love the people there the the people that were coming to our church I mean again, we we had some really good people there and um It really helped me to grow also even as a pastor because you know You need to as I mentioned earlier decide Are you going to do what's right just because it's right or are you going to quit or you know? When you have services and no one else shows up for your family, that's not easy to deal with as a pastor I mean, that's something that few people maybe could really understand when you're not in that situation, but you know, you're Dedicating more of your time more of your life more of your energy more of your efforts to Um, you know to serve god but to reach people to try to help people to try to provide a place for believers to come together and and and You know if you're preaching and you know, try to offer all this stuff and um When there's not a lot of people showing up it's not always easy and especially when You don't have very many people going out soloing there's been many many times where I would just go out soloing all by myself And I know there's other people out there that do the same thing You know, if you don't live in an area as a good church or whatever, it's not easy I mean I get props to people that are able to just get up And just go soloing by yourself because it's not easy, especially when no one's looking Right. No one's watching what you're doing You just do it because it's right you do it because you know, you should be doing and because it's really important It's not about being seen of others and you know, I Went through a lot of that and and word of truth But um But we had I mean we had our ups and downs, you know I mean we we were really I thought things were really going to start taking off We had people moving there. We had a lot of stuff going for us But then there's always setbacks along the way so there's always these these hills and these valleys Did the thought creep into your head to quit? No, never I never considered quitting Ever and I don't consider my transition to georgia as quitting either. I mean I didn't quit i'm continuing to preach right. Um I just think and I don't want to get into too many of the details with that. There's a lot There's a lot of things that happened last year from january of last year up until You know april of last year that really were weighing on me because I never intended on leaving presgate valley. I intended on staying there. So Um, even at the time no matter how hard things got no matter how few people were there. I just intended on staying there but With many many events that were happening There in my life With with my job with the church with different church members with people being Kicked out of the church with with just kind of the way things were going Um It really made me start to contemplate whether or not um God would rather have me doing work somewhere else And you know, I sought a lot of counsel during that time. I spoke to multiple pastors that i'm that i'm friends with that I really value their their um Their opinions And um, honestly the the thing that made it a possibility for me even to move because I I was not going to turn my back on the people of presgate valley and I didn't I wasn't going to leave them hanging high and dry And it wasn't until pastor anderson offered To keep the church open if I wanted to to go, you know and and move to another area and start a church somewhere else That I even considered leaving Because there's all these things going on, but I was just trying to figure out well, what can I do? You know, I was trying to make things work and I was seeking advice but when I realized that this church can still exist and still remain and the people there can still get some good preaching and um You know can can continue Continue Then I felt more comfortable entertaining the idea of of starting up another church in another location um The church but before I left it got to the point to where we basically had a few people that were Essentially sunday morning only and there are many services where it was just my family and I on sunday nights and wednesday nights and um that had a lot to do with Definitely a lot to do with with the decision sure, so when there's There's a friend there Hey little guy He wants in on the interview too All right. This is my son. David Hey, david, say hi How you doing? David. David interrupt or not interrupting. I should say, uh Coming in in addition to the interview. Yeah, he's trying to make it a little bit more entertaining I guess because sometimes to ramble on But um, right Well, welcome. David David and and and uh and david So you moved to georgia and you start stronghold baptist church it took you I'll tell you why I start I chose georgia too. Go for it I waited because at the time it was right around the time of the mega marathon last year So when I started thinking about the different areas, I had asked other pastors as well Hey, what area do you think would be a good area to start our church? So when I started the church in presgate valley had more to do with Um me and my wife liking arizona, please set the door and go out of here It had more to do with me and my wife You know trying to stay in arizona. I loved arizona. I moved out to arizona for a reason, you know I didn't really want to leave I loved presgate area. I knew there weren't any great churches there I thought it was going to be awesome I actually thought that the people up there were going to be way more receptive. I thought that this is a more conservative area They're going to love this old-fashioned type of preaching, you know, the people there were a little bit older I thought in my mind. I just thought that it was going to be great. Like it was just going to be Never huge like I never expected to have some some massive church but I thought it was going to be way better than it was so When that didn't didn't turn out I started thinking about okay. Well Now i'm going to take the approach of of Not so much of where I wanted to be But where can I be used the most and where's going to be the best area? and get the most results and and help the most people and get the most people saved I don't think I had the the The right mindset from like at the very beginning i'm not saying anything wrong you know, there's nothing wrong with starting a church and winning souls and you know and doing that but That's kind of the difference between Going to georgia and starting in presgate valley. I wanted to reach presgate valley is definitely an area need everyone needs To go to church, but there's so many other areas that have a lot more people in it I think that can be better served. So Uh after the mega marathon, I looked at the results obviously the states that have churches that already existed Had some really big numbers right lots of salvations lots of soul winners But I was looking at the areas that didn't have established churches sending people out And when I saw the numbers last year from georgia, I was like, wow, you know, they had over 20 people out soul winning And they had you know, like 40 some salvations or 50 salvations or something. I was looking at that going that's pretty impressive They've got you know a large number of people already Able to go out soul winning And the the salvation count seemed to be a very good ratio of people just being receptive so That was kind of a very large factor that and I started I got in contact then with people out here And there were a few people that were They'd already been friends. They you know, people are going to all different kinds of churches in the area but um They they kept in contact With each other and there's there's one person in particular that really that really helped a lot and uh Was able to provide me with a lot of a lot of good contact information and just good information in general in getting the church started so Now that we decided okay, well georgia's the place to be I mean atlanta's got six million some people and um There's there's not a close church in this vicinity, I mean you have to drive really far To get to a decent church from from my understanding now, there's other soul-winning churches in in georgia but um From my understanding nothing that's really, you know, every people were going all the people who were kind of new ifb style They weren't all going to like one church. That was well, this is the best church in the area they all just were going to the church that was closest to them because One was apart from my understanding from talking to them because I didn't visit these churches They were just saying like yeah, it's Basically the same as going to this other one in this other one. So I might as well just go to one that's closest to you Looks like your son's enjoying that apple. Yeah, he loves apples. Hey, that's good. It's a healthy snack, right? So you're in excuse me You're in georgia now Can you talk a little about what it's like in comparison to where you used to be? Has it been night and day from the outside looking in? Obviously, I haven't been to your church yet but Just seeing how you're getting the media attention. You're you're you've got People who are coming to your church. You've spoken already About how good it's been for you and how the lord has blessed stronghold baptist church You've got a church building things seem to be going really well Has it been night and day has there been a huge difference between what's going on for you in georgia compared to arizona? Not to disparage anybody that used to go to word of truth baptist church at all But have you noticed a huge difference intensity and said to yourself man? Now we're kicking it into second gear Yeah That's that's absolutely right, you know Because there is no reason to disparage anyone. There's people that were very faithful at word of truth that God bless them and and they were a huge help to me and they know who they who they are Um I couldn't have done nearly what was done there Without their help. I mean it was all it's always been and always will be a church effort But there's something to be said for just having a lot more people that are that are really interested and motivated and on fire and and and sold out and ready to do this this work and I Was able to to walk into a to an area that already had a bunch of people that that wanted to serve the lord and and The more people you have the the more you get done Absolutely, there's there's and as a result now you know we're Our goal this year for salvations is like 800 800 And I think I think I should I I think I undercut our what's going to end up happening already. Praise the lord just just for the year and it's um, and then yeah, praise god, it's And and this was the bigger picture of the decision to move Yeah, right Every soul is important Every soul every one of those hundred souls in fresco valley that we're getting saved each year They're all valuable. They're all important but How much more value is 800 souls versus 100 solely? Right, like like I mean, there's just that many more people that you can reach And after especially though the other consideration with the fresco valley church was we knocked all the doors In the four and a half years that I pastored there we knocked Basically every single door in fresco valley and we started going into the surrounding um communities We started going into dewey and and fresco and you know already started doing other doors, but it was met with similar results Well, the bible says in matthew chapter five blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and Persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake Rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted day the prophets which were before you What's come along with your move to georgia is some local media attention as of late? The people don't like that. You actually believe the bible pastor burzins See you actually preach what it says you actually believe romans chapter one you actually believe leviticus chapter 20 You actually believe the word of god as a christian and in the modern era That's such a foreign concept people don't know how to react to that It makes their brains short circuit and it results in them getting very angry with you Can you talk a little about some of the persecution you've faced lately? As a result of the work you're doing over there in georgia I said it moments ago it's kicked into second gear now and you're getting some attention because of What you're preaching talk a little about that? Sure. Yeah, well it's actually a really interesting story because um when it when the news first broke so I was contacted by the by the local station Because they wanted to do a story, right and As soon as they contacted me, I remember thinking like well, of course i'm gonna do i'm gonna do this I'm gonna talk to him I got some advice from pastor anderson because I know in general how the media has been with him and I know how deceptive they can be so I was trying to Get some good insight into how should I how should I handle this? How should I deal with these people because Generally speaking when it when the media talks to someone who's preaching the bible They're not doing it to promote your belief and to promote the bible and and to help educate people Into what the bible says that's that's kind of not their agenda. They won't make you look bad So I wanted to be wise in the way I dealt with them and I knew you you know Going into this that there's there's potential consequences with publicizing what you believe but As a man of god don't I want the word to be preached as loudly as possible Of course it is. So whatever the consequences are they are now when that story first aired I actually think it turned out great. I was surprised at how They didn't take my statements out of context I think they were you know, obviously there's always something they could do that that would have portrayed our views better, but I think they they didn't just um You know, it wasn't some big attack and because of that Maybe it's because of the way they presented it or whatever. We actually didn't receive as a church We received very very little Persecution or even you know hate mail or anything like that It was very little the the most that there that existed was just in like comment sections On the facebook page of the news story, right? That's probably where you saw the most of it, but it wasn't even direct like it wasn't literally directed to us I received a few emails a few, you know personal messages from people who were upset That's it. I actually received more support From people in georgia just in general, right like Not necessarily in atlanta, but just surrounding georgia from pastors preachers All across the state saying hey, man. Hey brother. I'm with you. I stand with you. So it's important to get that out there because We're not the only ones that believe the bible, right? There's a lot of normal people out there that Stand on the word of god and and know that this sodomy and homosexuality is just is abominable and not to be tolerated And they believe that you know, even if they don't believe exactly what we do whether it be about reprobates Or about instituting a death penalty You know, they still are repulsed at homosexuality And they're not going to take the side of the sodomite Just because they don't agree with with some detail about what we believe, right? they're willing to make the stand against those things and there's a lot of people out there like that, but the persecution that I faced really had more to do just Against me personally in when it comes to my job because I ended up getting fired from my job I believe directly as a result of the uh, the story I mean Of course they had a different reason for firing me but the story aired on a thursday I was fired on a monday You tell me right But I knew that couldn't be a a potential consequence anyways But it doesn't matter because I have tried faith that god's gonna take care of me No matter what as long as long as i'm not gonna back down and i'm not gonna censor the word of god then How is god not going to take care of me god knows I have a family god knows I have mouths god knows my needs And you know what he He's proven himself over and over and over again to me personally When I left that job I was blessed with another job. That's way better way closer and is working out so You know, it's hard to say that I was receiving persecution So everything's been working out, you know, it's it I kind of feel like I I don't want to say this but I feel a gift right? I could I didn't really go through That much it was really a light affliction and especially if you compare it to the book of acts It really is a life. It's nothing those people were physically the apostles were physically assaulted and beaten Yeah and killed So It is really just a light affliction and you know what more people need to realize that And and not be afraid I mean if this is the worst thing that can happen to you. Oh, you might lose your job and go find another one. Okay Right. I mean, what do you really have to be afraid of? But uh One more fallout I guess you would say of this probably just from the fact that we got attention is that most recently now our church somebody Made a complaint or called us in about to the um fire department That we're operating without a certificate of occupancy and all this stuff, right? Just Trying to figure out any way they could you know, the sodomites they're implacable. They're unmerciful They're gonna do whatever they can to just just screw things up and get you distracted and whatever so that's something that we've had to deal with recently is just deal with getting our Build our meeting space up to code and Just just an aggravation more than anything um, we're dealing with it we're You know got all that stuff going on. It's a minor distraction, but we're continuing to move forward They're trying to demoralize you I think of course and and make you jump through all these hoops just to use the building well, yeah, and it's They want to if they feel like oh if we could get you know, they want to get us shut down in any way they can So if they can get us shut down through the government Then they're going to try that if they could you know Show up in protest and try to get us shut down or get us in the media and get us shut down Contact the southern poverty law center and get us shut down. They're going to try whatever they can try Why do the heathen rage right? I mean this has been happening forever Of course, that's going to happen What am I going to do? I'll tell you what i'm not going to do. I'm not going to stop So If we can't meet in the building we're meeting in right now Guess what? We're going to meet somewhere else We have to we'll meet at my house we could meet at the park we could meet anywhere I'm going to bring my bible with me and we're going to sing songs and we're going to continue to do what we're doing If someone wants to try to make that more difficult for us, okay, but that's not going to stop what we're doing I mean think of what the apostles did in acts chapter 5 verse 41 after they were physically assaulted It says in verse 41 they departed from the presence of the council Rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. So it wasn't just that they kept going they rejoiced As a result of the persecution they didn't let it demoralize them And clearly you've decided to adopt that exact same attitude It's going to take a lot more than bothering you about some building code to get you to quit on preaching the bible I think it's safe to assume that As I said in the interview, you know, the only way they're going to stop me from preaching is to kill me Right. I mean that that's really like it doesn't matter what they do Well, they'll try anything these people hate god and the bible says they're implacable unmerciful We look at what and this is kind of off topic But they're reprobates hillary clinton and barack obama tweeted out about easter worshipers Now to my knowledge they were called christians first at antioc not easter worshipers at antioc But these people can't even utter the word christian And so that gives you just a small glimpse into their mentality When it comes to the word of god and when it comes to the lord, jesus christ, they hate him with every fiber of their being And I hate them in return psalm 139, let's talk real quickly about What you like preaching on the most You just referenced reprobates a little bit there. Is that what you like preaching about the most or or Is there is there a topic that you would say? This is what I enjoy talking about better than anything else there's a couple things. Um The first thing is just anything that's going to help my church members Is is my favorite thing to preach because I I really enjoy seeing the growth In people spiritually and you know, i'm not just saying that to you know, trying to sound good or something as a pastor. I I Thoroughly enjoy I love when I hear people that say, you know pastor versions you preach this sermon and it really helped me because That's the point right that that's why I preach so those are my favorite but besides hearing that from people Because I don't always know I mean I usually don't know What people need to hear? I just kind of go through Reading my bible whatever stands out to me and just kind of preach and you know I'm praying all the time for god to just help me and preach whatever I need to preach but Um the things that hit me personally Are topics I like to preach on so alcohol is a big one just because that's that was a part of my life and uh, and I know firsthand how destructive it can be and um, That's something I do like to preach on because I I just I just like Screaming at the top of my lungs About how wicked it is Especially since it's so tolerated and acceptable today um, amen that that's that's one thing I really and I have to kind of Make sure that I don't Don't overdo it in some you know in certain areas But yeah, the things the things that have been real personal for me are the things I probably like enjoying enjoy preaching on the most Awesome, okay last question here because i'm over time and and I don't want to go too long What aspect of this position of pastor do you enjoy the most and What do you enjoy the least about the job? I love helping other people to grow the bible says it's more blessed to give than it is to receive and that's a fact And that's true and the more you Serve and give to people the more you realize that's true And um the blessing comes in seeing people Just continually grow When you see people who are coming to church, then they weren't soul winners They weren't anything they you know, they may have a lot of problems in their life And then you see them You know grow and get sent out of their life and become soul winners and and become servants themselves and help other people That's the that is the best part of this job. I mean hands down I I love that. I love being able to in in whatever way that I can To to help other people get better. That's that's very fulfilling and it's and it's um, It's you know meeting that goal is uh, It's great. So I I love that about this job and What do I like least is there anything you could live without? Yeah That's what i'm trying to ask the negatives I just worded it nicely but yeah, no, I mean there's If you can think of one The negatives would be The people that are fake or that stab you in the back That's the negative because for as much as You can pour into people And sacrifice and give of yourself Not because you're asking for anything in return But just because you care about those people and then to have someone turn around and and just do you wrong I could do without that. You know, that's that's not cool. That's not fun That's that's one of the definitely one of the harder things to have to deal with as a pastor is Just Coming to realize wow, I thought I knew you and they turned out to be at Judas or something, you know, that's That's pretty that's that's that's the worst thing about the job But I mean you could say that goes probably in any aspect of life But because this job has to do with investing in people, you know That makes it it makes it tough That's a good answer and one that And one that I would expect because in this position They're going to be people who sneak in privily unawares and eventually will uncloak themselves as either reprobate false prophet judas iscariot types who stab you in the back or Something else and I would imagine that's very tough to go through so one of Many reasons why we as church members should be in continual prayer for the leadership of the church and our pastors Well pastor burzins, it was a pleasure to get a chance to speak to you here on this live stream Is there anything else you want to say anything you want to plug an event? You'll be going to perhaps the anti-faggot conference make america straight again. Will we see you there or not? I'm dying to know Yeah, anything else you want to say? I really I really really want to go to that But because i've started a new job I am very limited in my time off And um, I mean the good news is my you know, my wife's with child So praise god for that. We're expecting number six So we're really excited about that But as a result, I need to be able to plan to be able to take off time for that and um i'm going in august to uh To arizona pastor anderson's putting on a like a pastor's retreat type of a thing. So i'm going to be going there for that so i'm my my time off now is is Taken up for the year already and um hopefully all it asks for is prayers that that one day soon i'll be able to Just be pastoring 100 full-time and um have my schedule open up to do more work to do More of these events and to and to be able to do more I'll be keeping that in prayer I'm sure it would help a lot to have that much more time To spend on the ministry writing sermons soul winning and everything else. I'm sure it's difficult So definitely we'll be keeping that in prayer for you. Thank you again for coming on, sir I appreciate your time went a little bit over. I apologize for that over than what I I told you my fault Well, you gave some detailed answers so i'm gonna blame you Yep, thanks a lot for having me. I mean, I really appreciated you you bring me on and uh, Really enjoyed the conversation tonight. Thank you And no problem at all and you did me a favor giving me some content for the channel Feel free to re-upload if you like And and it could be whenever you want. I don't care about that and that goes for anybody watching this Re-upload anything on my channel. You don't have to ask in advance I'm cool with it and speaking of the viewers out there just a quick shout out to the chat room. I want to say Thank you to guzman 1611 maria tube 100 paul atkins williard william edward hackman heath Hendrix is in there as well So I appreciate you guys tuning in that's gonna do it for this ninth edition of the preacher profile interview series The bible says in luke chapter 6 verse 26 woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you For so did their fathers to the false prophets And here's how you know whether a man of god is preaching the bible and doing what the bible commands their enemies when the world speaks evil of them And that's true for many new ifb preachers including pastor dave burzins It was great to get this opportunity to ask him some questions and pick his brain a little bit and talk about His background how he got to where he's at today until next time subscribe to my youtube channel for more content youtube.com slash bend the baptist and Make sure you subscribe to pastor burzins channel keyword stronghold baptist church if you're interested to hear his face ripping sermons if you're interested to hear Him preach the bible and teach the bible over there in the atlanta area And obviously you should visit his church if you're in the area Check him out unless you're a false prophet reprobate or a sodomite then you're not Welcome and I feel comfortable speaking for him when it comes to that. All right, folks Subscribe to his channel subscribe to mine if you want more content god bless you all I really appreciate you guys tuning in and i'll talk to you guys again after a while So Right So So So So So