(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) It's gone live now. Is that okay with you? Yep, sounds great. Brilliant stuff. So, listen, hang on there for me and I'll be with you in just a couple of moments. Alright, thank you. Welcome to Senior Council of the FAI. He was the President of the LFA, which is the National Football Association. He was the Chairman of the DDSL, which is the Dublin District Schoolboy League. He was Secretary of the St. Pat's Football Club and an international referee. Yeah, he's quite a football pass, my father. You wouldn't think it to listen to me with my interest in sport, but my father was very well up, so much so actually, when he did die in 2014, they actually had a minute's silence at the Ibiza Stadium. But anyway, I always said, and said this to me so many times, because he went out for his meetings in Parnell Square and Merrion Square on a regular basis when the FAI was in Merrion Square at the time, he said the FAI was a shambles. And right to the 70s and 80s, he was involved in the FAI and the National Football Association. And I always remember him saying that it was a shambles. He stepped away from the Senior Council of the FAI because he couldn't deal with the nonsense that was going on in there. He would be turning in his grave, but probably laughing as well, because he knew that it would have come to this point at some stage, that the FAI would just fall apart at the seams. It was a mess. When we see tonight on Twitter being posted that they weren't even keeping proper accounts, they had been accused by auditors of not even keeping proper accounts. It just goes to show you that such a big organisation, they were just irresponsible in the way they've dealt with everything so far. And unfortunately, John Delaney's answers to questions during the week wasn't sufficient. You can't claim the Fifth Amendment in Ireland. That's essentially what he was doing, was claiming the Fifth Amendment. We don't have it over here. He's not in America, but it's an absolute mess. Maybe we'll get a chance to talk about it later on. Also, by the way, I'm noticing in the paper, Paloma Fate, the famous singer, who was in the papers last year when she had a baby because she was raising the baby gender neutral. This gender neutral nonsense bothers me. But anyway, she's now going on about the children should be allowed to wear whatever clothes they want. And in the real sense, in the real world, yes, she's probably right in some sense. But she said if your little boy wants to go out wearing a dress, let him. Let him get his head kicked in if he wants to wear a dress. Because all she's essentially saying is you should allow your child to be bullied. Because we live in a world, whether you like it or not, where girls are girls and boys are boys. And girls gravitate towards certain type of clothing. In clothing, boys tend to gravitate towards certain type of clothing. Boys are clothing of some more generic opposites. And girls tend to, I suppose, be more fond of their clothing. That would be a fair statement to make. And they wear different types of clothing. And because of the biological makeup of a woman, they wear different clothing because they have breasts. So they wear different types of blouses and tops. Their jeans and their trousers are designed differently because of obviously the anatomy of the female body. Ultimately, they wear skirts. And the idea of wearing skirts, there's many different reasons why women wore skirts. A lot of it was to do with the air. And again, there's a bit of draft in the area. All that kind of stuff. That was the original biological reason. And it was also, years ago, it was to do with horse riding or something like that as well. I can't remember the exact reason why women started to wear skirts at first. But in any case, there's a biological reason for it. It's not necessary. Women can wear trousers. They can do what they want. But for men, the idea of wearing a skirt, unless you're a Scotsman and you want to wear a kilt, was a bit strange. You know, because you always got bullied for it. And that's probably not going to change overnight. So for a woman with ages of the same age as a boy who's in school to dress, I think all she's doing is asking for people to be bullied. Now, I also want to talk about moving statues later on if I get a chance to. But the first thing I want to talk about is Pastor Stephen Anderson. Now, you may remember about going back, oh, it must have been three or four years since we spoke to Pastor Anderson the last time. And he's been on the show maybe three or four times at this stage. But he is coming to Ireland to Pastor Stephen Anderson. And he's belonged to the Faithful Word Baptist Church. They're a fundamental, independent Baptist church. And they're based in Texas, in Arizona. And he's on the line with us now. Pastor Stephen Anderson, good afternoon to you. Or good evening. Sorry, it's afternoon your time. Good evening, Michael. Yeah, good evening. Thanks for having me on. How are you doing? It's been a while. Yeah, what happened? I used to come on all the time, huh? It's been a long time. Yeah, we kind of missed you. But Stephen, you're coming over to Ireland, and they've already set up a protest, so to speak, or a petition online to stop you from coming here. I'm not too sure what that's all about. I believe in free speech, even though I may not agree with everything you say. And just to give people an idea, I suppose, of what your church stands for. They believe that the King James Bible is the inspired word of God and without error. The church also believes in the post-tribulation rapture, salvation by grace through faith, eternal torment in hell for the unsaved. Among the church's beliefs are the view that life begins at conception, that homosexuality is a sin, and an abomination which God punishes with the death penalty and opposition towards this, formalism, modernism, feminism, liberalism. And they also believe the faithful word Baptist church is strictly anti-abortion against birth control, against condoms, and you believe that birth control and condoms are murder. There's a lot going on there, Stephen. Yeah, where do you want to start? Well, let's start with, we'll start with why you believe people object to you. Why do you think people object to you coming to Ireland? I mean, Ireland, I don't know if you've watched the history of Ireland and how we have changed socially or evolved, I suppose. Some people say evolved, some people say changed socially over the last, particularly the last 20 years, because we were a very religious country. And now all of a sudden we're probably leading the way when it comes to liberalism. We're the first country to vote and have a referendum to vote for gay marriage. You know, we were the only country who didn't have abortion in Europe and now we did. We do, we voted for it last year in the referendum. 70% of the population almost voted in favour of it. So are you surprised to see Ireland change so much? No, not really. I think that the goal with banning me from Ireland or not letting me come is to try to paint me as a radical or as an extremist. When really most of my views are shared by millions and millions of people. Normal people are disgusted by homosexuality. Half the people in the United States believe that abortion is murder. And so my views aren't radical or crazy, but the media wants to paint it that way. So if they say, hey, this guy's banned from five countries. He can't even enter Ireland. Then people will think, oh, wow, those must be some really wild views he has or something. So they're just trying to make it sound crazy when in reality I'm just preaching what the Bible says. Well, I don't believe you'll be stopped coming to Ireland by the state because you don't have a criminal record. So I don't believe that's going to happen. But maybe you will be sort of felt unwelcome when you come here. Because let's deal with your views if we can. Firstly, let's go to, I suppose, abortion. Abortion in this country, last year we had a referendum. 67 percent of the population voted in favor of a woman's choice or a woman's the right to choose to have an abortion up to 12 weeks and up to 22 weeks in extreme circumstances. Now, obviously, you disagree with that. And the reason you class it as murder, you even insinuate that it's murder to use and use birth control. It's not even a stretch. Well, I think you misunderstood my position. I never said that condoms are murder. What I was saying is that there are a lot of birth control pills that operate like a morning after pill. So there's already a child conceived and then it dies. I believe that life begins at conception. I believe life begins at fertilization. And, you know, the Bible says thou shalt not kill. And so it's murder because it's alive and you're killing it and it's a human being. I mean, it really couldn't be any simpler. But you also believe that, you know, IVF is also seen as murder because embryos are discarded during the process. Right. Whereas IVF, you know, for many women who struggle to have children and do exactly what you want to see women do, which is procreate, many women who do that and we have this wonderful thing now which can help them in times where they just can't naturally procreate, you know, and they're doing that and you're not even agreeing with that. Well, you know, it just really shows you human nature. People that are supposed to be having kids are taking a drug to stop having kids. And then people who God has not blessed with children are, you know, going through this scientific process to try to have children by unnatural means. And the problem with IVF is that, like you said, many embryos are discarded in the process. You know, life is created and destroyed in the process. Yeah, but they're not conceived embryos. Well, you know, the Bible defines conception as fertilization because the Bible talks about through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed. The seed is the sperm and so the Bible talks about conceiving seed. So when the seed and the egg come together, that's conception, okay? So it's right at fertilization. Yeah, but when you say God was the one who decided... There are a lot of women out there who can't have a child with the partner they're with, and not because either one of them has anything wrong with them. In some cases, some people are just not sexually compatible. I'm sure you've heard of that. And, you know, the guy is fine, his sperm are good, the girl is fine, her eggs are fine, but they're just not sexually compatible and they end up having to have IVF. God isn't choosing there, unfortunately. It's just biology. Well, no, it is God choosing. I mean, God controls these things. The Bible says that children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward. You know, God opens and closes the womb, the Bible says. If you don't believe that, that's another matter, but the Bible clearly states that God opens and closes the womb. In fact, this is a major theme in the Bible where you have women like Sarah and Rebecca and Rachel who can't have children, and then they pray to the Lord and he blesses them with children maybe 10 years later, 20 years later. So, this is a big subject in the Bible, and so we need to wait on God. And for some people, it might just be God's will that they don't have any kids or that they only have one or two kids. You know, that's up to God. You know, so far God's given me 10 kids and I've got my 11th on the way, and I'm going to keep having as many as he gives me. And how old are you? How old are you? I'm 37. Okay, so, wasn't yourself and your wife, I was going to say partner, but you probably don't agree with that word. Yourself and your wife have been basically having kids since you got together. I mean, she's been kind of pregnant more or less. Yeah, she's pretty much been pregnant or breastfeeding our entire marriage, one or the other. Our kids are about two years apart. And how long is that going to continue for? Well, I don't know. I mean, I'm sorry to ask you a personal question, but have you ever used birth control? When I first got married, you know, I didn't really understand all these things. And so my wife did use birth control pills for the first three months we were married. You know, that was a mistake looking back, but that was the only birth control we've ever used was just she used a pill for the first three months and that's it. Okay, so you don't believe in using or having sex just for enjoyment. Sex in your mind is for procreation. Well, no, because we would have sex for enjoyment all the time, because what about when she's already pregnant? I mean, that's nine months of doing it just for the fun of it, right? So there you go. Okay, all right. Yeah, all right. Okay, but when she's not pregnant, there's no panic. You know, there's no kind of rhythm method. And there are methods that the Catholic Church, for example, approve of. Right. You know, where you can use timing and temperatures and all this kind of carry on where you don't use chemicals. Yeah, we don't use those methods. The times that they tell you to abstain are typically the most enjoyable times. Right, okay. That wouldn't be fun. All right, okay. And you're planning on child number 11 at the moment. Right. How many girls, how many boys have you got? Six boys and four girls. All right, okay. So hopefully, well, maybe a girl this time so you can kind of balance it out a bit. Yeah. All right. In relation to your girls, something that you don't agree with is feminism. Right. Now feminism, I understand that if you were talking about extreme feminisms, because some of them are nutcases, right? But when we talk about feminism in general, the word feminism should mean equal rights for women and rights for women, by which the suffragettes voted for and the suffragettes fought for for years. I mean, I'm sure you would like to see your daughters as they grow up in life and you get older and pass away. Your daughters and your granddaughters have the same rights in society that you have. No, absolutely not. I don't because, you know, I don't believe that women are the same as men and have the same role in society as men. I agree with that, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have the same rights and opportunities. Well, it depends on what you mean by right. Do they have the right to pass to the church? No, because the Bible says, I suffer not a woman to usurp authority over the man, you know, nor to teach, but to be in silence. So it's not for a woman to lead in the church or preach. It's not for a woman to run the country or run the home. So if that's what you mean by rights, then absolutely not. You must have been sweating when Hillary Clinton was running for election, were you? No, because it really doesn't affect my daily life who's in the White House at all. Here's the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. They say different things, but when they get elected, they all do the same things. So there really isn't that big of a difference what they actually do. You did bring a bit of attention to yourself back in 2009 when you were praying for the death of Barack Obama. Well, I felt the same way about George W. Bush. You prayed for the death of him? Well, I think a lot of people might have been joining you in that one. Okay. Getting back to women's rights, I understand what you're saying, that they have a different role in life, and I completely agree with you. You might be surprised to hear me say that. I do believe men and women are inherently very different, but I do believe we both bring a lot to the table, so to speak. But I do believe that my daughter and my son should have the same opportunities, the same pay if they go into a job, the same rights when it comes to voting or whatever it happens to be, and when they're in a family unit, that they both have the same input. But you believe differently. You believe the man is the king of the castle. That's exactly what I believe. I believe that the home should be a benevolent dictatorship. So the husband is in charge, but he should love his wife, do what's best for his wife, consider his wife, do things that she likes, but at the end of the day, he's the boss. So she should obey him. She should obey him. That's what the Bible clearly says, that wives are to submit to their own husbands and to be obedient to their husbands. I mean, the Bible says that in Titus chapter 2, 1 Timothy 2, 1 Peter chapter 3. It's all over the New Testament. Yeah, I mean, I do see it in some cultures, all right, you would see women be very subservient, but I'm very glad you would see it now in the Christian culture. I mean, I mean, would you be coming home from work and your wife would have your slippers at the door, run your bath for you, you know, have your dinner on the table? Is that the way your household works or your wife works? Yeah, sounds great. I'm only asking, is that the way your household operates? Yeah, I mean, obviously you're painting it as a little bit of a caricature, but yeah, my wife cooks all my meals, take care of me. She does run the bath for me. We just got a brand new bathtub. And so, you know, she does those things. Absolutely. And would you ever have to ask her, would you ever say, you know, honey, I'm feeling a bit tired here. You wouldn't go run me a bath. Yeah, of course I would. Yeah. Yeah, I know. And the thing is, I mean, If I said that to my partner, I know what I'd get back, you know, run your own bloody bath. Here's what you have to understand is that, you know, women are designed by God to be in that role. So actually they're happiest when they're in that role, okay? When they're married to a strong leader, a strong man who runs things, they like that, okay? And then men like to be in charge because that's the way they're wired. So, you know, if you have a henpecked man, he's not going to be happy, but his wife's not going to be happy either because she doesn't want to be married to a milquetoast guy. I mean, how many romance novels are written about some milquetoast watered down weakling? Yeah, but they're novels. Well, I'm just using that as an illustration that even ungodly people, you know, they've seen the rest of their lives. Every question you've answered me with so far this evening, right, has been, I'm respecting your religion, by the way, even though I'm not a religious person, okay? But the Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says, the Bible says, okay? But the thing about it is, you know, do you accept that the Bible is 2,000 years old and that we as a society have evolved? Do you accept the evolution of mankind? I know you won't accept Ireland's theory of evolution, but the evolution of mankind, that as human beings, you know, we're changing, even physically. For example, in Europe, people are getting taller, our brain size is getting bigger, we're changing, our attitudes change in life. You know, we think differently maybe than we would have say 200 years ago, we have more needs in our lives, we have the internet. Do you accept that, you know, life is moving on, medicine is moving on, we're living longer? Do you accept all these changes? Well, it hasn't evolved, it's devolving. It's going down the toilet. Our Western society is a society in decline. It's a culture in decline. So, we're not evolving, we're devolving. And I believe that people were smarter in the past than they are now. I believe this is probably the dumbest generation ever in the United States. I've never been to Ireland, but I would assume probably the same thing. Things are being dumbed down. If I read a book from 100 years ago, it's way more intelligent than a book that was written yesterday. If I go back 200 years, it's even more intelligent. Even if you just look at the linguistics of mankind, ancient languages are all very complicated and difficult. Modern languages get simpler and simpler and easier until we're all going to be speaking in like a texting type language. Yeah, but that's because you, like me, are getting older. And I look at kids, the way they text them, instead of saying I love you, they would put I love and the letter U. They wouldn't even bother spelling Y-O-U. And I look at that and I go, oh yeah, damn kids, they don't even know how to speak English. But that's just the way language is evolving. The same way as language before Christ would have been very different to language, say, 400 years later. In other words, language evolves as well. I mean, Western people were speaking Latin at one stage. We've all evolved from Latin. But it's getting more dumbed down. If you take the Greek language, for example, the most complicated form of Greek is going to be the Iliad and the Odyssey. And then it gets simpler, simpler, simpler, all the way down to modern Greek is the simplest. Same thing with English. Yeah, but we're speaking English. We're both speaking English now, which evolved from Latin. Yeah, but modern English was more complicated than our contemporary English. We used to have thee and thou and ye and you. Now it's all just one word, you. It keeps getting simpler. What I'm saying is people are not getting smarter. They have more technology to lean on. They have the smartphone. Yeah, the phone's getting smarter, but that doesn't mean people are getting smarter. People are getting more dumb. It's information, isn't it? Communications, information. Oh, it's great. I love it. It was originally called the information superhighway. Well, I love the technology. I love the smartphone. I love the information. But unfortunately, people are being dumbed down. They're rotting their brains in front of the television. They don't read books. They certainly don't read the Bible. And so you want to know why Christians don't agree with these basic truths from the Bible about men's roles, women's roles, abortion, et cetera, because they're not even reading the Bible, because they're not reading any book, because they're watching cartoons. That's what's going on. Okay. All right. Okay. So we've dealt with that, but that's more or less dealing with modernism. And we've dealt with abortion. Now let's get to the other one, which I suppose causes a few problems. You believe that homosexuality is a sin. And I'm quoting here, you know, your Baptist church, your faithful word, Baptist church. You're saying that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination, which God punishes with the death penalty. Well, that's just a matter of record in Scripture. I mean, that's what the Bible says, 3500... You don't agree with that, do you? Well, do you expect me to not agree with the Bible? Of course I agree with the Bible. Yeah, but I mean, I'm sure you've watched the news lately. The Sultan of Brunei, as you well know, has changed the law where he is now saying that, you know, homosexuality is sentenced by death. Sounds great. The world. Yeah, sounds great. Well, then why don't you move to Brunei? Well, because I'm not a Muslim and unfortunately it's a Muslim country. I wish Christians would follow their own holy book. That'd be great. So you believe that anything with the exception of heterosexuality, you believe anybody else with any kind of other type of relationship should be sentenced to death? Yeah, homos or being with animals or whatever, yeah. But, you know, Leviticus... Hang on, hang on, hang on. Well, I just want to bring you, reign you in slightly there, okay? You're now comparing homosexuality to bestiality. Well, that's because the Bible mentions them in the same breath. That's unacceptable. Well, the Bible mentions them in the same breath. We're talking about two human beings. Okay, leaving aside the sexual aspect of it, okay, and I understand what you're talking about in relation to the sexual aspect. You don't agree with it, and that's fine. That's your own business if you don't agree with the sexual aspect of it, okay? Although 26% of heterosexual couples perform anal sex on a regular basis, but that's decided by me. You've been parked out there for the moment. What about the fact that two men or two women can actually love each other? Do you accept they can love each other? Well, of course men can love each other. I mean, I love my dad, I love my brother, I love my friends, but it doesn't mean that you have to be a filthy pervert and do these sick acts. I mean, look, Leviticus was written 1,500 years before Christ. It's 3,500 years old. But it sounds like you're still living in that time. Here's what's funny. The Irish Mirror did an article about me last week, and they literally said, in 2014, Pastor Anderson said, quote, and then they just put the text of Leviticus 20 verse 13. And they attributed that quote to me as 2014. I came up with that in 2014, and this is journalism? You know, that's from 3,500 years ago, okay? It's the Word of God. Yeah, but you're agreeing with it. Yeah, but you're condoning it. You're agreeing with it. Well, is there such thing as a Christian who doesn't agree with the Word of God? Does that exist? Well, there are many Christians. Well, okay, Christians do believe in the Word of God. Well, hang on. There are Christians. I mean, this country is a Christian country. Who deny the Bible? I thought you had to believe the Bible to be a Christian. I thought that was what it meant to be a Christian, is that you believe... Well, there's probably no Christians in Ireland, if that's your definition. Well, sure there are, because they're coming to my event on May 26th. Do you believe there's people in this country, in Ireland, who actually think that the Bible, and when you're talking about the King James Bible, do you believe there are people in this country who literally, or who take that literally, just like you, and who live by that, the Word of God and the King James Bible? I mean, one of my most religious callers, who was actually on the air last night about a different topic, Bill, he's either a Presbyterian or a Church of England, I'm not too sure, but he's a Christian. And he believes in the Bible. He can quote it for me on a regular basis, and he does. But he, himself, you know, he said homosexuality is a sin, absolutely, that's what he believes, that's why. But he would never wish death upon anybody. Never. Well, he sounds like a wonderful compromiser. But the bottom line is, there are people in Ireland who believe the Bible, otherwise I wouldn't even be going. I'm going there to fellowship with Bible-believing Christians that are going to come out... Are you surprised you're not being made feel welcome, Stephen, when you're condoning? I didn't say that you said that homosexuality should be sentenced by death, but that you're agreeing with a book that says it. Yeah, absolutely. I agree wholeheartedly with it. I like it. I think it's great. I think that it should be implemented. And I'm going there to preach the word of God to people who actually believe the Bible, and you're watered-down Presbyterian friends, not invited, frankly. Okay, well, I'm sure he's listening. He may ring in now. I'm sure he's listening. Why should I be surprised? They crucified Jesus. They threw the apostles in jail. The Bible says, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hates you. That's what the Bible says. So if you believe the Bible and preach the word of God, you're not going to be liked by the world. Can you not just take the Bible up and use it as a sort of moral benchmark for life? In other words, pick and choose. There's a lot of stuff in the Bible that people are not going to take literally, for very obvious reasons, because it doesn't apply to 2019. As you rightly said, it's a very old book. And we live different lives 3,500 years ago or 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ was around. People live very different lives. Well, but there are a lot of things that just don't change. The Bible says there's nothing new under the sun. Obviously, we live different lives in the sense that there's a lot of new things under the sun. But the Bible's wrong, because there's a lot of new things. Well, under the sun has changed. The world has changed. The population has changed. People have changed. At its core, though, human nature is human nature. People are people. And when you read the stories of the Bible, you will find parallels in our life in 2019. The same types of things are happening. The same scenarios are played out. It's all extremely relevant. Okay, let's just move away from homosexuality for a few moments. I'm sure there are some people who want to talk to you, by the way. If you do want to talk to Pastor Stephen Anderson, who is coming to Ireland. I'll give you the date shortly that he is coming over to speak over here. But you're only invited, by the way, if you believe in the Bible. You can text WATAPUS at 087-1808. Maybe you agree with the guy. Is there anybody at all listening tonight who agrees with everything that Stephen says? You're welcome to give us a call. We'll give you those dates a little bit later on. But getting back to other things that you believe in and in relation to your children and how you raise your children. Because obviously your children are going to be raised in your eyes and in your partner's eyes, your wife's eyes. Do your children go to school? No, they're homeschooled. Okay, and why is that? Is there a fear that they would mingle with society and become too liberal? Well, it just would make absolutely zero sense for me to send my children to a school that is run by people that have values that are the opposite of my values, that are atheistic, godless values, that are against everything I believe in. Why would I go through the trouble of having children and raising children just so they could be brainwashed in a god-hating, atheistic public school institution? But you're brainwashing them into your way of thinking as well. Exactly. I want them to think like me, like a godly Christian. I don't want them to think like a gatheist or a phagnostic. I want them to be like me. Why would I want them to be raised by someone who's going to teach them to be the opposite? Because you want them to be independent people. I raised my three children, you know, 23, 19, and 17 years of age. And yes, I would have had an influence raising them, as did my wife at the time, would have had an influence raising them. But in saying that, they still became independent thinkers. I want them to be independent thinkers. Well, you know what? Isn't it amazing how all these independent thinkers out in the world just happen to all believe the exact same things at the same time? And 20 years ago, they all had a certain opinion, and now 20 years later, they all have a different opinion. Isn't it funny how they just all happen to independently think the exact same things? They're not independent thinkers. No one is an independent thinker. You're either putting the Word of God into you and getting the truth, or you're filling your mind with the crap that the school system and TV and radio feeds you. Nobody is a totally independent thinker living in a vacuum. Yeah, but I consider myself a leader, not a follower, right? So I consider myself to be an independent thinker. I don't agree with people just because I should agree with them. I will tell you exactly what I think, and sometimes, by the way, I change my mind. I'm quite entitled to do that. I have slightly different views now than I might have had eight years ago, and in eight years time, I might have more conservative views. I don't know. I change my mind on things. So I'm an independent thinker. Well, I'm not an independent thinker. I'm not an independent thinker. I depend on God's Word to tell me what I should think. I'm not independent. So you're a follower, not a leader? Yes, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. Exactly. I'm not a leader. I'm a follower of Christ. And you know what? You're a follower too. You just won't admit it. I'm just admitting who I follow. Well, who am I a follower of? Well, you're a follower of the godless, worldly, socialist system that you've been trained in over there. I completely disagree with socialism, by the way, but however, I'm certainly not a follower of socialism or a socialist system of any type. I have my own views on transgender. I have my views on homosexuality. I have my views on abortion, all those kind of key things, feminism, that we talk about on a regular basis, but I do respect other people's views of it as well. Well, if you were living 50 years ago, you wouldn't have the same views that you have right now. You wouldn't be as tolerant of homos and all these other things. Probably not. You're probably right. I probably wouldn't because I live in a different world. You'd be a product of that generation, and right now you're a product of this generation. And here's the thing. Because you don't believe in Christ because you're not saved, the Bible says that you're under the influence of the devil. The Bible says that before we're saved... But that doesn't make any sense. Because by your own admission, I don't believe in God, so I don't believe in Jesus Christ. So how would the Bible say anything about me? Because I don't believe in us. To me, it's just a book. Is this like when little kids close their eyes and then they think that they're invisible now? Just because you don't believe in the Bible doesn't make it go away. Just because you close your eyes, it's still there. You probably don't believe in hell either, but hell is still there. Whether you believe in it or not doesn't turn out... As an atheist, am I going to hell? Absolutely. Anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus is going to hell. The Bible says, you know, he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life, but he that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. So you have God's wrath on you, and not only that, but the Bible says that you are walking according to the course of the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. So you're actually following the devil's program for your life without even knowing it. I'm not saying you're doing that intentionally. So who is the devil? Who is Beelzebub? Who is the devil? Is the devil this description of a person that we have in the Bible? A man, you know, with closure in his hand and hooked feet and claws and in a burning place down below it? Or is the devil just society that doesn't agree with the Bible? Well, there's no such description as what you just gave of the devil and the Bible. The Bible describes the devil as being a beautiful angel that is transformed into an angel of light, and he deceives the whole world, including you. And his goal is to take as many people to hell with him. And so if you don't believe in Christ and you're following atheism or whatever else you're following, you know, you're on his program. And so he's a fallen angel. Who would be top of the list? Who would be top of the list as being, I suppose, an antichrist? Probably the pope would be at the top of the list. Oh, okay. The pope is the antichrist. Why? Well, surely he's mostly the messenger of God, isn't he? No, he's absolutely not. Antichrist actually means in the place of Christ. That's what that prefix anti actually means. And so the pope calls himself father and is this mediator between God and man. He receives worship. He receives worship. The Bible says, call no man your father upon the earth, for one is your father, which is in heaven. We're not to bow down and worship statues or worship a man. And so, you know, the pope is the best representative of the antichrist. I mean, do your kids listen to pop music? Do your kids listen to music? No, they don't. So when they want to listen to something, what do they listen to? Well, I think that people spend far too much time listening to music anyway. Do they listen to any music? Have your kids been denied that opportunity? Not really. They listen to very little music. I mean, we sing music. And, you know, some of them play musical instruments. And, I mean, sometimes we do listen to hymns. I mean, when we're in the car, we'll play CDs with Christian hymns and, you know, spiritual songs. So, I mean, they do listen to music. They don't listen to as much music as your average. Would they ever listen? Okay, let's say one of your kids wants to listen to some modern music. Or even, I don't know, a bit of Queen, Led Zeppelin, Feed the Beatles, or more modern music like Rihanna. If your kids wanted to listen to that kind of stuff, would you object to it, yeah? Yeah, we would not allow those artists in our home. And if they grow up and become an adult and want to listen to that stuff, at that point, that's their problem. That's on them. But we don't allow that stuff in our house, no. And TV? Not allowed in there? No TV. It sounds like a pretty boring house. No, actually, you know, there's these wonderful things called books that are extremely entertaining. And you actually get smarter instead of getting dumber. Well, I'll tell you what. Do you mind if we take one or two calls? Sounds good. Okay, James, you're on Classic Kids. How you doing, James? How's it going, Matt? James, well, Stephen is coming over here. Stephen, remind me again of the dates you're in Ireland. Sorry, I'm going to lose my nose here. Sorry. It's Sunday. What dates are you coming to Ireland? It is on Sunday, May 26th. It's just a one-day event. It's an all-day thing. I'm busy that day. And you're also going to be hopping into us here in the studio as well on that day. Yes, on the 27th. I'm coming in, I think, around noontime. Okay. Sorry, James. Yeah, go ahead. Do you want to talk to Stephen there? Where to start now? How's it going, Stephen? I've seen a couple of videos on YouTube. And? What do you think? I think his opinions are quite terrifying. Terrifying? Because he's preaching violence. Well, that isn't true. I don't preach violence. I'm totally nonviolent. I just preached an anti-war sermon a few weeks ago. Yes, but you just said homosexuals should be killed. That's not... Executing criminals is not violence. Nobody calls it violence when somebody goes to the gas chamber by lawful process. This is going to be public display on criminality. I don't think it's criminal to be a homosexual. It's not criminal, but it should be. By the way, can I just point out, it's not a criminal act. I want to just clarify that, okay? It should be a criminal act. In some countries of the world, in some countries it is a criminal act. In many countries it is a criminal act. Seventy-nine countries did last count, I think. Okay, well, maybe it's best... I'm going down, Stephen. I'm going down. Going down straight to hell is what our whole world is doing. No, Stephen. You see, I think most people have advanced past your stage of Christianity. Thank be to God. I think most people don't take it literal anymore. I think it's much more cultural and social. You might say, be damned. I personally think fundamental Christianity literally, literally destroyed our continent twice. I don't think it's within weapons we have today. We should go anywhere near fundamentalism. I think it'd be a terrible idea. And I think you would bring the world to hell with your ideology. Because it's a conformist belief. It's a totalitarian ideology to have fundamental any religion, not even Christianity. And my mother's a Christian, and I would openly say that to her, too. Well, I've got great news for you. Your religion is totalitarianism in its finest. We can enjoy the architecture, the sculptures, the philosophy. It's a personal ideology which should be kept to you, kept out of politics, kept off the world stage, personally. Well, listen, I've got great news for you. The vast majority of people will never believe what I believe. Because the Bible says that broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in there at. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be they find it. Why are you interrupting me when I'm speaking God's word? You know, I allowed you to say your piece, and then you want to interrupt me when I give an answer. Steven, justify your actions by your own logic. Stop standing behind God to justify your own actions. I can't justify it without God. God is the foundation. The Christian God gave you free will. Why not practice that? I am practicing my free will to follow Christ, to obey Christ. Yes, and why not allow other people who have free will also? You have free will. If you want to go to hell, that's up to you. I'm not going to force you to believe what I believe. And if you would let me finish my thought without interrupting me... Can I just explain something? Sorry, James. There's a slight delay, obviously, because Steven is in Texas. So sometimes it does sound like you're constantly interrupting him. So when you say something, just allow him to complete what he has to say to you, and then maybe you could, if you want to, rebut it. Sorry, go ahead, Steven. You know, I just wanted to say that the vast majority of people are never going to believe what I believe. It's always been the narrow way that leads to life, and the vast majority of people are always going to reject the truth and reject the Word of God. So there's no fear in the continent of Europe becoming a fundamental Christian place. So just relax. To what degree is truth? Okay, so let's talk about some truth, okay? You stand over science to justify some of your religion. Use biology to justify some, how a woman is, how a man is. So how old is the Earth? Well, the Earth's approximately 6,300 years old. Well, that isn't science. So you wanted to... No, you're right. That's not science. That's religion. But that's, no, okay, going by science, Steven, do you remember the credential you used previously to justify your beliefs? There is no such thing as science that teaches that the Earth is more than 6,300 years old. That would be history or philosophy or religion. It is impossible for science to tell us what happened. 6,300, I'm not going to just sit here and be talked at by you, okay? If you don't want to let me talk, then why am I even here? The point he's making, Steven, is there is man-made structures in this world that are over 6,000 years old. That is not true. There is not a single man-made structure on this Earth that is over 6,000 years old. Name the structure. Are you suggesting that scientists, when they do carbon dating... Name the structure that is over 6,000 years old. Well, I'm asking you a question, first of all. Do you deny that carbon dating exists or is real? Well, how far back does carbon dating go? Well, according to scientists, I can only believe what I watch in documentaries. Maybe not as well read on it as you might be, but I don't take that much interest. Hang on, James. According to scientists, the Earth is 8 billion years old. Even scientists who use carbon dating only claim that it goes back about 25,000 years, number one. But you're saying 6,800 years old is only a claim as well, isn't it? I'm saying 6,300 years because when God created Adam in the Garden of Eden, he didn't create a baby. He created a 30-year-old man. And so when he created the Earth, he created a mature Earth that has the appearance of age. So the carbon isotopes were already decayed because he created a full-grown Earth. He created full-grown animals, so the chicken came before the egg. So he created a man. If a doctor would have examined the man, he would have said that he was 30 years old, but he was only one day old, the day after he was created. Sorry, James. Very quickly, because that's going to break. Why, okay, Stephen, why are we the chosen creature? Human beings? But you want it to be dolphins? Why us specifically? Why are we the specific chosen creature to be given this God complex? We are made in the image of God. I'm sorry that the dolphins don't dominate the planet. Is that what you want? Okay, we'll stay there a second. Let me go to Jerry Ann. Jerry Ann, you're in classic here. Hiya, Niall. A couple of questions for Stephen. Stephen, did you say you're 37 years old? 32? Yes, ma'am, 37. 37, yes. Oh, 37, sorry, I apologize. Okay, so you're very young. You also insulted the people of America and the people of Ireland by saying that we're very thick. That's an Irish word for dumb. Oh, dumb, yeah. You said that the American people and the Irish people are dumb, and they're a lot dumber than they were 100 years ago, and I have to say I don't agree with you with that. However, I was just wondering, I have, I'm a freelance journalist. Could I come along to your talk in May? Sure, yeah, if you want to come and hear my talk, you're welcome. Okay, would you verify that with Niall? Okay, now can I go back to another couple of things you said? Sure. Yeah, right away, Jerry Ann, just be conscious of the time here. Okay, you said that your wife was pregnant and you could enjoy having sex while she was pregnant. Right. Hello, what about your wife? Well, she- What about her, Jerry Ann? I mean- What's your question? My question is, are you saying it's okay to get your wife pregnant 11 times so you can enjoy sex, and your wife has no say in the latter? Well, actually, she feels the same way that I feel, so there's not a conflict there. I'm missing the point you're trying to make. If his wife objected to it, Jerry Ann, I would have some sort of issue or argument with her, but he's married to her, she doesn't object to it, she seems to be living the same lifestyle he does, she's a Christian, and they have sex together. What's the issue? I'm curious. Okay, she's brainwashed. Okay, go back to when he got married first and his wife was on the pill for three months. What made her come off it and how did she get brainwashed at that time? Well, the reason- Let me clarify, Steve. When you met your wife, was she a Christian? No, she wasn't. No. There you go. But the reason why she came off it after three months was because I didn't have health insurance when I first got married, and so it was going to kick in 90 days later because I had just gotten a new job, so she was on birth control for the three months so that it wouldn't be a preexisting condition because back then we didn't have the same beliefs that we have now about birth control. We learned that a little bit later, like a few years later. Are you suggesting to me that your Christianity has become stronger since the time you've met your wife? Yes. Yeah, my wife has taught me a lot of- So when you met your wife first- Even though my wife was not a Christian when I met her, she's actually taught me a lot of great things, even from the Bible. And were you a la carte? Would you suggest that you may have been just a la carte up to that point? What do you mean by that? I don't understand. Well, a la carte is probably what you would describe most Irish people as when you talk about Christians, picking and choosing the bits they want to agree with. No, she was just not a Christian at all. When we first met, she was just an agnostic and had no belief in Christianity when we met. So she found God. Exactly. Or she was in Germany. So she was raised with the feminist, kind of leftist view that Germany has. Right, okay. Well, Stephen, can you stay there for a minute? I've got to take a quick break, alright? Okay. I'm speaking to Pastor Stephen Anderson, who is, I was going to say, playing. He's preaching here on Sunday, May the 22nd in Dublin, in Ireland. And a lot of people have already signed an online petition saying he shouldn't be allowed to do it because his views, yes, they are fundamentalist. He is the founder of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in the United States. And a lot of people believe that his views are extreme. Some people have even described them as incitement to hatred. I want to know what you think. Should he be allowed to speak? Is this free speech? Let me know what you think. And the number is OA 7188008, you can watch that for text. It's PJ and Jim, quick reminder to make sure you check out this week's After Show Show, wherever you get your podcasts, or you can catch it on our Facebook page. And I tell you, this week, I think it's fair to say, PJ reflects a little on his life choices. Yeah, I thought we were going to talk about my birthday, but it turns out I'm a criminal weirdo creep. Lovely, thanks. The PJ and Jim After Show Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. The PJ and Jim After Show Podcast. 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And that is all the religion that anybody needs and if people can live their life like that, this world would be a very happy place and not have idealistic people like you with such hatred in their heart. So I thankfully am not insulted by you calling me a homo because I have taken years to become comfortable with who I am and thankfully I am there. And in actual fact I do believe in God and God created me this way and now it's not a choice, so sorry to pull you up on that. I didn't choose to live my life this way, I chose to accept the way that God made me. I don't think I said it was a choice by the way. I believe in God, but I believe in human hatred and this man is the epitome of human hatred and damaging because he's calling himself a preacher. And I have every intention of getting a group together to go and protest outside of his horrible speech where he's going to, you know, ensue more hatred into our very open minded Irish people and society. I think he's damaging and I don't want him here. Okay thank you Rania for that. Okay well you know Stephen I think there's a lot of people who want to protest outside. How are you going to feel about that by the way? Well I think it's great. I love it when people... And by the way not just in relation to sexuality and the gay issue but a lot of other issues that you're talking about including I suppose feminism would be high on their agenda that you kind of come across as being anti-women. Stephen see the problem is I can run with some of your views. I consider myself a conservative. I'm very family orientated. I believe in the family. I'm not disagreeing with some of your views but I certainly wouldn't procrastinate like you do to other people. You seem to have hatred for people who disagree with you. No I don't hate people who have disagree with me but I do hate homosexuals because they're disgusting, they're pedophiles, they're evil, wicked, haters of God. They prey upon children. Okay you made that quite clear but why are you so angry about it? Why are you upset about it? I mean why does it upset you so much? I mean your children are fine. You live in a lovely home. You have a beautiful wife. Why do you let it upset you so much? Okay you don't agree with homosexuality. Fine. The Bible says so. Fine. Well why do you allow it to upset you so much? Well why is she so upset that she's getting a group together to go waste a whole day of her life protesting me? She doesn't believe it's a waste of a day of her life. Okay well I don't think it's a waste of my life to get angry and preach hard against sin. I don't think that's a waste either. Okay I have to wrap up in a second but Andrew you're a classicist. Go ahead Andrew. Hello how's it going? Andrew you agree with Stephen? Not everything he says obviously. Well I have to say people like Stephen have become more appealing to myself over the last long while. I don't see, I don't agree with Stephen on everything but I can sort of see Stephen as a type of person who just worries about the future of people. I sort of see the writing on the wall that if he doesn't act in a certain way it will all go to hell. So if he doesn't act extreme I can actually understand it. Now I would consider myself an atheist for the longest time and there's too many things that have happened in Ireland that have pushed me back towards, as well as being nearly agnostic or maybe even going back towards religion. I sort of, maybe I'm in the mindset that I sort of just can't handle some of the decisions that the Irish people have made over the last while. That doesn't have anything to do with religion. I don't agree with some of the liberal. I'm not disagreeing with you completely. I don't agree with some of the liberal decisions that have been made in society but that doesn't mean that I would be anti them if you know what I mean. Well I see as there is a direct correlation between religion leaving society and awful horrors entering at Lakeham. I don't see, well it's a correlation absolutely. There is definitely a correlation. But you don't say the word correlation in correlation don't you? Well I'd say the less religious, it's no coincidence, the less religious Ireland has become and now all of a sudden people are championing abortion and as Stephen would say it is murder. And there's no two ways to look at it. It is murder. So would you be going to see Stephen and suddenly they made the 22nd? No I won't be going to see him. I'm only going to have to find out about him tonight. I've never even heard of him before. But I know a lot of people are giving out to him there but I don't see in Stephen just pure hatred. I see in Stephen he has worry for the future of humanity and he probably feels, actually you can ask him, he probably feels Jesus if he doesn't act in the same way. Like who the hell, who else is going to stand up against the rising tide of sort of degeneracy? But I mean we live in a democracy so when you say who's going to stand up to it, as people we have a right to stand up to liberalism in some sense if you feel the need to stand up to it. But there's no stopping it. Well hang on a second. In America you've seen I suppose Donald Trump who would be, he wouldn't be, certainly wouldn't be liberal and making decisions which are not very liberal. For example very recently he banned transgenders from the American army. That wouldn't have been something that Obama or Hillary Clinton would have done. And that again is votes they are voted by democratically by the people. I mean in this country we have a referendum every time we need to change the law. I mean you unfortunately are in a minority in this country now because you are the one who are against abortion. The majority voted for it. If you think it's wrong, that's okay. It's okay to think it's wrong. It's okay to be part of the 33% who voted against it. That's fine and I respect your view on it. But it doesn't mean, but we have to, I mean you either agree with democracy or you don't. Well Niall I was, well look I didn't want to argue with you at all. I just wanted to say to you that through certain actions that the Irish people have taken it's pushed me out of atheism, pushed me back towards people like Stephen. Now I know Stephen is the more extreme end of things, but to me Stephen just seems more like the only type of person that I can see of now that will actually open his mouth and stand up against these people who are. You know there are campaigns in America now at the moment, Stephen probably knows about it, called shout your abortion. So it's no longer about just having, maybe having to go. It's actually going no, be proud of your abortion. Shout it and be proud. And I can already see this getting worse. Like in my mind, without people like Stephen standing up against this, so what's them to stop them for coming after, I don't know what, sick people, elderly people. It seems like it will never end unless people like Stephen stand up against them. Okay well that's why he's on the air because we do believe in freedom of speech as well. Okay but say that one second because just before Stephen goes, Sean you want to speak to Stephen very quickly, go ahead. Yeah, I just had a question there. So let's get back to this whole, how old is the earth again? How old is the earth? How old is Stephen, 6,800 years old? About 6,300 years old. 300 years old. Alright, but that's not correct. That's not correct at all. Okay, well I think we spoke about that and he said that's what the Bible says. I don't care what the Bible says, that's not correct. I don't care what you say, that is correct. And I already explained why it appears older than it is, just like when Adam was created, he appeared older than he was. You don't care why and yet, how are you talking to us right now again? What are you using? What device are you using? Do you need me to explain to you the difference between an evolutionary biologist and an engineer? I could explain the difference to you. Can you explain to me what Richard Dawkins invented? Which cell phone company does Richard Dawkins work for? My phone was invented by mathematicians and engineers, not navel-gazing evolutionary biologists. Why don't you shut up? Okay, well you asked him a question, he just answered the question. Hang on a second. He's just going on and on. How is your plane going to get to Ireland, Steven? Well, it's going to be carried by a dinosaur fossil and Richard Dawkins is going to be the pilot and Michio Kaku is going to be the co-pilot. The way your plane, okay, for the rest of the audience who aren't deranged lunatics like you, just for their benefit, the plane is going to get to the United States to Ireland using navigational aids that depend upon the Global Positioning Satellite System. And that system actually depends on a very fine-tuning of timing between the surface of the Earth and the geosynchronous orbit, 25,000 miles above the surface where those satellites are located. It has been determined by some guy called Einstein, yeah that's it, about 100 years ago, that time actually progresses relatively slowly compared to a stationary, compared to a moving observer. If you're down here close to the surface of the Earth, then your time is going to run slower than somebody up in space. This isn't a theory, this isn't a liberal agenda, this is a hard fact that determines where your plane is going to go. Just like it's a hard fact that determines how your cell phone system can locate where you are using trains and GPS satellites. I know you just poo-pooed there, the whole dinosaur thing, but again, okay, so... Well that's really fascinating because I had no idea that... The point that Charlotte's clearly making is that scientific facts can actually be proven and demonstrated. Well that is really fascinating because I had no idea that Einstein's theory of relativity had anything to do with me flying on an airplane to Ireland. It turns out Einstein's theory of relativity is allowing me to talk on this phone right now. That's amazing. That is the stupidest crap I've ever heard. Einstein's theory of relativity has nothing to do with my flight, my GPS or my cell phone. It's nonsense. Interesting, interesting. Okay, but the point clearly that Charlotte's making is that scientific facts can be proven and demonstrated, as he demonstrated there, talking about... Amen, but then there's science falsely so-called that cannot be demonstrated. ...of the Earth being 6,300 years old is just something that's written in a book. It can't be proven or demonstrated. Well the Big Bang is something that's written in a book that can't be demonstrated or proven either. Well there was a big picture then in the Internet last week of a black hole for the first time ever we managed to picture it. The picture that was taken by the Event Horizon Telescope is actually, depends on the dispersed telemetry across the entire surface of the Earth, the only way they can actually collate these pictures by using very precise atomic plots that again account for relativistic effects of motion and gravity on the flow of time. Okay, well let's move away from the Earth for a moment. Wow, that's so fascinating. Thank you so much for that. That was amazing. You're an idiot. You're a complete idiot. The fool hath said in his heart there is no God. You think that everything came from nothing. That is the ultimate stupidity. That is against science to think, hey why don't you be quiet and listen to what I have to say. I listen to you run your mouth about all your theory of relativity, airline, okay, but the bottom line is the fool hath said in his heart there is no God. You think that nothing can create something. That's against science. You believe in a biogenesis which is anti-science. A biogenesis is spontaneous generation and it doesn't exist. I can't hear both of you talking at the same time. Sorry Sean. I mean, I gotta have it one at a time. It is radio, not TV. People can't see both of you. But okay, let me just move away from the Earth and how old it is, very Christian. Okay, Sean, do you believe in God, yes or no? No, we've given you that answer many times. A God, a God. I don't believe in his ridiculous concept of a God, but yes I do believe in some sort of God, yes. Well then, is that a contradiction to what you've just told us, like over the last ten minutes, that you base everything on logic and scientific facts? Because a God relies on faith. My conception of God does not entail denying the fact that time flows at different rates according to the relative motion or gravity of the observer. No, my God is not a God who says stick your head in the sand and don't figure shit out for yourself. My God is a God that says, yes, man was created, my image, yes, fine. Use your fucking brain. Don't be an idiot. That's my God, Niall. Okay, does your God say that women should be treated equally in society? Of course. Of course, Niall. I know, I know it does. It's just an excuse for him and his bigotry. He leans on this. He's an intellectual lightweight who, again, doesn't even understand how he was framed at Ireland. And he's bad-mouthing the science that makes it possible, cherry-picking where you want to. This notion of a 6,000-year-old Earth is ridiculous. And the United States is the only country in Earth where there's a sizable proportion of people who believe that. To his eternal shame. Despicable. Okay, Stephen, you could answer that very quickly. Yeah, five billion years from now, we're going to be ashamed of America because of the eternal shame. Right. This guy is a complete idiot, trying to sound smart, using a lot of big words about how Einstein's theory of relativity is going to get the airplane to Europe. Well, guess what? Airplanes flew long before Einstein came up with his theory of relativity, and then that was implemented into a global positioning system. Not that you would know that, actually. They weren't actually, you know, depending on navigation systems. This guy is a moron if he thinks that evolutionary biology and astrophysics and the theory of relativity have to do with cell phones and airplanes. That is stupidity and nonsense. He can use as many big words as he wants. Stephen, what do you do for a living, by the way? What do you work at? What do you do for a living? I'm a pastor. Yeah, but you don't make money being a pastor, do you? Oh, yes I do. I have a church. I pastor full-time. It has 400 people in it, and that's my full-time job. I used to be an electrician. I'm sure. I guess evolutionists invented electricity, too, according to him. I guess, you know, we need to calculate the age of the Earth in order to turn the light bulb on, according to this guy. Well, I mean, it did take clever people to, you know, invent electricity or develop electricity. It wasn't around the Jesuses. Well, it took clever people. It wasn't for Tesla. It took clever people to come up with an idea so stupid is that everything came from nothing and that nothing exploded, and that's everything. That's stupid and non-scientific. That you understand. Well, explain to me. Where did life come from? Where did the first life form come from? Can you explain that? We don't. It's not known at this point. Yeah, you don't know because, and that's the only question that matters, and you don't know. And you don't know either. I know it was created by God. I have to say, Stephen, that, you know, a few hundred years ago, we didn't really know how far the moon was. We didn't really know if we could get there. We didn't know what was further than the moon because we didn't have telescopes powerful enough to see it. We didn't know how computers would work because we didn't have them. We didn't know a lot of stuff. You know, but as time moves on, we learn more. Well, you're never going to create life. Scientists will be able to answer your question. You're never going to be able to create life. Only God can create life, and they'll never be able to create life, and they never have, and they think life came from nothing by itself? Cling to your pacifier, buddy. Keep clinging. You're a big baby is what you are. You can't deal with reality. Grow the fuck up. Okay. I'm not in those. Stephen, I know you're kind of a busy man, and you've got to go, and I'm looking forward to you coming over because I know you said you come into the studio during the day when you're here. You're here on Sunday, May the 22nd, and people want to get more information. Where will your sermon be? I assume you call it a sermon, do you? Well, we're not announcing the location because we don't want the businesses to ban us or create problems for us because we'll have a bunch of homos call them and shut us down. Gay people, yeah, that you don't like. Well, I'm gay. I mean, gay means happy. Okay. All right. Well, I'm concerned about that anyway. Okay, so we'll talk to you then anyway, all right? Okay, Stephen? Yep. Sounds good. Thanks. Looking forward to it. All right. Okay. There you go, Pastor Stephen Anderson.