(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance. Folks, I apologize if I'm coming over depressive today. It's not my intention but I wear my motion on my sleeve and when I see what's happening to Trump supporters, what's happened to Trump, it breaks my heart to the forces of evil that are totally committed, folks. They are committed to evil. And so we have to recommit to God and good and really just look at ourselves internally and pray for a miracle to defeat this encroaching tyranny. And another example of what's happening is the events that took place at First Works Baptist Church where you had an explosion and offensive graffiti put on the outside of the building. And of course this happened after it was the SPLC that put them on a map and labeled them as a hate group. Now will there be an investigation by the FBI into a connection or cause of that? Of course not. Southern Poverty Law Center is the FBI. But see, what they do when they push out their story to form a narrative on MSN, this is the one that gets to go viral, FBI investigating explosion graffiti at church known for anti-LGBT views. So that gives you the notion, oh, it's a hate group, good, I'm glad they got blown up. No. We still put our hand on the Bible when we put an oath to the Constitution. The Bible is anti-LGBT, QIA 149 or PS 690, whatever. So it's all an attack on the church and the pastor, Pastor Bruce Mejia joins me now. Pastor Bruce, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. Thank you for joining us today. Thank you for having me on. Let me first ask you, before this event and before you were labeled as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, had there ever been any targeting of your church or establishment, the likes of which what we have now seen here with the explosion and the offensive graffiti? Never. In fact, you know, we've been here in the city of Omani for three years. We've had soul winning. We have propagated our message. We've been on YouTube. We have a website. Everything's out in the open and never once has this ever happened. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago where they started making a considerable effort to protest and to protest our church, to protest me, to expose me for the things that I believe. And then it began to ramp up. And of course, climaxing to Saturday when my church building was bombed. But this has never happened before. So for you, it's just activity as normal, the services, the community outreach, everything. And then all of a sudden you pop up on this Southern Poverty Law Center map and the next thing you know, you're getting bombed. Correct. We had a couple of protests prior to this. Actually, we had one protest. There's another protest scheduled this past Sunday. But that didn't take place because there's nothing to protest because there's no building there or there's a building, but no one can meet there. We weren't able to congregate there because of the explosion that took place. But, you know, I find it very interesting and I find it funny that, you know, they're trying to claim that we're a hate group and that we're the violent ones. But here's the thing. You can't attach any bombing to me. I've never gone to any of these people's houses or any of these groups or incited any type of violence towards them. My sermons are on the open. You can listen to every single one of them. Never once have I ever tried to inspire someone to go and be violent towards people. I don't believe in violence. I'm a Christian. And so I've never preached that. But you can't attach any crime in the city of Omani or anywhere else where someone said I'm inspired by this man's sermon to be violent towards the LGBTQ, be violent towards homosexuals, be violent towards any type of group. But yet you have these people who are claiming that we're the violent ones and we're the hateful ones. You know, they're three weeks into their campaign against us and then my church gets blown up. So, you know, you be the judge of that. Who's really the hate group here? Who's really the violent ones here? Now, why do you suppose the Southern Poverty Law Center targeted you, which eventually led you to be the target of this terror attack? Well, it's pretty simple. It's because they're haters of God. And these are domestic terrorists. These people are a bunch of leftist people who hate the word of God. And because I preach the word of God, they hate me, too. You know, if Jesus was still around during this time, if there's prophets still around during this time, they would be attacking him. They would be targeting him. And because I preach God's word and I preach what the Bible says, therefore they're targeting me. So it's pretty easy to see that the reason they hate me is because I simply preach the Bible. But here's the thing. Everything that I preach, there's nothing new under the sun. There's been Baptist preachers who have preached what I preach for hundreds of years, thousands of years. There's nothing new under the sun. And they would just want to target me, especially during this time. You know, we're in Southern California and, you know, people have just been ramping up their efforts to attack our church. And so that's what they did. Yeah, it's not organic when magically a group of protesters appear outside of your church overnight and then bomb you. The thing is that the media is trying to make it seem as though it's not the LGBTQ who was responsible for this. You know, they're trying to make it seem as though, oh, I brought this on myself. But here's the thing. For them to say that it's not the LGBTQ who's responsible for this, but then say, well, he got bombed because he has anti-LGBTQ views. It's kind of hypocritical. It's kind of stupid if you think about it. It's like, well, you're saying that I got bombed because I have anti-LGBTQ views. But yet you still want to say that it's not the LGBTQ who's responsible for this. Well, who is? Well, yeah, that's I mean, that's the liberal logic that you somehow have to work around. If you can, though, in two and a half minutes of this segment and let's get into more detail. But if you could give me a brief timeline, how long the church has been there, how long you've been the pastor doing your sermons. And then when this started to develop, did it just kind of blindside you and then just get to this explosive state overnight? Or how long have you been in the community and how long did it take to get to this point? Well, we've been in the community for three years. Our church was planted in the city of Omani three years ago. I was ordained about a year and a half ago, but the message has never changed ever since we started three years ago. I've been preaching the same sermons, the same messages. They've always been on YouTube. They've always been online. Nothing has ever changed. It's only at the beginning of this year that a specific individual got a hold of my sermons and began to campaign against me. And this is what's known as the keep Omani friendly group. This is the LGBTQ group that is attacking me. And they basically made a petition to get me kicked out of the city. They said that I'm dangerous, that I'm a hateful person and all these other things. And they got about 14000 signatures to get me kicked out of the city, which obviously is, you know, doesn't do anything. And so shortly thereafter, they basically planned a protest, which is what they did about two weeks ago. Sunday morning, Sunday night, I was assaulted. One of the protesters actually came and pushed me behind my back. They had a group of protesters there. They had a heavy metal band playing outside with a transvestite as the vocalist saying perverse sexual comments as my children walk to their vehicle. So as my church members are leaving the church premise, the church property, you know, peaceably, just going home after a day of church. They have all these weirdos just screaming and cussing them out. You have this heavy metal band making making sexual comments about Jesus on a microphone, on a speaker. As I'm placing my children inside the van, they're cussing us out. No one's doing anything about it. And then they come back Sunday night doing the same exact thing. They were going to be here on Sunday, which is Sunday that just passed, in order to have a drag queen contest in front of our church. But Saturday, they ended up bombing our church and they ended up canceling that drag queen contest. And so, you know, for them to say this has nothing to do with LGBTQ, it just seems a little too coincidental for me. It's obvious who it was. Yeah, it's now a militant wing of the Democrat Party, the LGBTQ movement. I want to talk about the future with Pastor Bruce Mejia coming back. Grateful to be joined by Pastor Bruce Mejia from First Works Baptist Church. A media blackout on this story, by the way. I think that really tells you all you need to know about the media. Hopefully more media will pick this up after seeing Pastor Bruce on with us. I mean, I don't think I need to say if this was a different religion that had their synagogue bombed or place of worship bombed. I think it would be mainstream news coverage. But since it's a Christian that's attacked by the left, they aren't interested in covering that. Hopefully that will change and we can get First Works Baptist Church, you know, maybe some help to repair their building or whatever needs to be done. Before I get back into some of the details with Pastor Bruce here, and he can comment too if he wants on this, but you know, there's an old saying, and I've always practiced this, it's called live and let live. And here in America, we have a free country. And so I remember growing up as a kid, specifically in high school and college, where I liked going out, I was a very social person. And you would end up at events or parties that you weren't wanted at. I remember being in events like this and, oh, I'm not wanted here? Bye, I'm gone. If I'm not wanted somewhere, I leave. It's none of my business. There's no skin off my nose. It's called live and let live. But see, the left is encroaching on all of our places of worship. They're encroaching on all of our places and platforms for free speech. They are all about live and kill the opposition. And so I don't understand this psychology other than it's driven by really dark demonic forces. I guess you'd have to be that way to attack a church. But again, Pastor Bruce Mejia with us from First Works Baptist Church, attacked after being labeled a hate group by the SPLC. I believe an investigation needs to be done into the SPLC for inciting a riot. Of course, the FBI works with them, so it won't happen. I'm curious, though, I have a lot of more questions for you, Pastor Bruce. You mentioned, though, they're outside of your place of worship. They're bombing it. You got assaulted. They're getting aggressive. The police had to be there. Has anyone ever been hurt? Has anybody ever been hurt by these people during the explosion or any of the attacks? No, actually, when they had their protests, they were protesting outside of our church. They're obviously cussing us out and saying all manner of evil against us. I went outside on my property. And as I was walking back in, one of them ran up behind me and shoved me from behind and yelled, F you, in my ear. As soon as I turned around, he basically skidded away and ran into the crowd. And nothing was done about that. And so basically, it kind of shows you what kind of people they are. They want to harm you. They want to try to scare you. They want to try to instill fear in your heart. But at the end of the day, they're the ones who are really afraid. I was out there by myself. Obviously, I had my church inside my building, but I went out there by myself. They have all the multitude of protesters out there against our church, but this is exactly how they operate. In fact, the bombing that took place didn't happen during the church service. It happened in the middle of the night. So obviously, what they're trying to do is trying to intimidate us and trying to get us to leave the city and stop our message. But you know what? The reality is, none of these things move me. I'm not afraid of these people because the Bible tells us that, you know, fear not him which can kill the body, but afterwards can do nothing, but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. So the only one that I fear is God. And these people should be afraid of what God's going to do to them because the Bible tells us that vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay. So I leave that up to God. You know, obviously Christianity teaches us not to be violent towards others and not to take vengeance upon ourselves. But I would hope that, you know, the powers that be, obviously it's probably not going to happen, would execute justice upon these people for, you know, doing what they did. Well, absolutely. And I mean, talk about the season of domestic terror. It's always the left. And you know, look at the irony here. Keep El Monte friendly and then they post a picture of them assaulting you, flicking you off, damaging your church. I mean, how do you even, as a man of God, I mean, to me, I can't logically reason how people behave this way other than just complete disconnection from God or even demonic possession. Yeah, you're absolutely right. In fact, the Bible says that these people are reprobates. They don't want to retain God in their knowledge. Therefore, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, being filled with all unrighteousness, the Bible says. And part of the things that they do is they're despisers of them that are good. They hate anything that is wholesome, holy or good. And they'll stop at nothing to try to stop us and silence us. Speaking of that, obviously there is an intent to silence you. And this is what the terrorism and the attack on your church is all about. You know, I've been kind of following this for a while and I've even dealt with it with some of my crew, where there'll be churches here in Texas that host drag queen storytime. And so, for many reasons, we would be suspicious of these activities and these churches. I'm almost completely convinced now, and I expect, sadly, what happened to your church to continue with other churches. But I have a feeling that there is an active operation right now by the left, you could say the Democrat party or their activist groups, it's one and the same, to basically infiltrate and take over these churches so that they can run these churches and then just put out their propaganda and completely get away from the word of God. And so I do believe they've gotten so many of these churches, but the last holdouts, like First Works Baptist Church, now they're targeting. So I believe that the SPLC is working actively with local Democrat activists to identify actual real churches preaching the word of God, not promoting the communist propaganda. And they've now put you on a list in their time of Biden in the White House to just launch an all-out assault on real churches. I mean, real churches that are left, not fake churches that want the tax exempt status, not fake churches that want the building to hold all their weird occultic drag queen storytime rituals, but real churches that want to help the community and preach the word of God. Do you think that that's far-fetched or could that be the case here? No, that's absolutely the case. And in fact, the Bible says that, you know, in the end times, let no man deceive you by any means, for that day, referring to the rapture, the second coming of Christ, shall not come except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed. So the Bible specifically tells us that there has to be a great falling away in churches. In other words, it's referring to churches going into apostasy, churches accepting a wrong way of salvation, churches allowing these infiltrators to come into the church and change the way they believe, change their Bible, change their doctrine. In order to prepare them and create a platform for the new world order, you know, for the Antichrist to take over. So this is part of it. But here's the thing. In every generation, there's 7,000 prophets who have not bowed the knee to bail. And no matter how hard they try to silence us or try to infiltrate our churches or try to change what we believe or try to intimidate us, it's not going to happen. And even if they take me out of the picture, let's say, God forbid, they take my life, they take the life of my family. You know, we're the real immortals here because once they remove me, another guy is going to take my place who believes just like me, who will preach just as hard as I do and believes what I believe. And you take that guy out, there's going to be another one who comes up after him. There's nothing they can do to stop us. You know, God is the one who is in control. God is the one who sets this forth. And God is on our side. And you know, the Bible says that if God before us, who can be against us? They can sign a petition that says, you know, 15,000 people that say get, you know, Bruce Mejia out of Omani, get First Works Baptist Church out of Omani. But you know what? If we have God, it doesn't really matter who's going to lay anything to the charge of God's elect. The Bible says it is God to justify it. So I'm not really worried about that. But you're absolutely right. You know, these things are it's a it's an agenda to infiltrate churches in order to cause them to apostatize and to believe all their communistic, you know, doctrines and creeds in order to prepare people for a new world order. That's what it's for. But no matter what happens, you know, you're always going to have a Bible believing church with a with a man of God there who is spirit filled, who's not afraid of these people, who's going to preach it just like it is. And if they take me out of the picture, that's all right. You know, I get to go to heaven and someone else who's a harder preacher than I am is going to take my place. Well, let me just tell you, Pastor Bruce Mejia with us, you are very inspirational. You've lifted my spirits here today, and they were a bit in the dumps. And you know, what I've learned is it seems that most of the churches that I that I'll go visit for whatever reason, whether it's for work or to see what's going on, they're either used for two purposes. I mean, rarely do I actually see a church in a city that's actually practicing the word of God and promoting the Bible. It's either promoting the leftist agenda with LGBTQ, pro LGBTQ, pro communism, or they just use them as clearing houses for illegal immigrants. And you just go in there and it's just bunks and bunks of illegal immigrants. We're not against these people, but it seems that those are the two main purposes of major churches now. We'll be right back. Pastor Bruce Mejia is with us from the First Works Baptist Church in El Monte, California, just east of downtown Los Angeles to paint the scene for you. His church was shaken by a blast in the early morning hours Saturday when law enforcement was responding to the scene. Just after 1 a.m., there was smoke coming out of the windows and the outside of the church was covered in graffiti. Monte Police Lieutenant Christopher Cano, it appeared that the walls to the church had been vandalized as well as the windows. It appeared at first to be smashed. Then we realized that the windows were not smashed, that they had actually been blown out from some type of explosion. The FBI referred to the explosion as an IED attack and said bomb technicians were on the scene investigating. And of course, this all comes almost immediately after being put on the SPLC's website, the Southern Poverty Law Center's website, and labeled as a hate group. So many times the Southern Poverty Law Center labels you as a hate group or hate this or hate that, and then you are a victim of a violent crime, and yet somehow they're still allowed to exist on social media. Nobody takes them down off the internet. Pastor Bruce has been such a great guest. I'd love to invite him on anytime he wants, even as a regular guest, or if there's any developments in this story, he's welcome to come on, specifically if the rest of the media is just going to ignore this, which seems to be the case. I have a couple more questions for you, Pastor. One, let's start right there. Has there been any other media inquiries since the event took place this weekend? Well, yeah, I mean, I've been interviewed a couple times, and obviously they're probably, you know, when they put out their interviews about me, it's just going to, they're just going to say whatever their narrative, whatever they, however they want the narrative to be, to be twisted. And so I remember a couple weeks ago when I did interview with Fox 11 News, they came when the protesters were there and they interviewed me. And, you know, I said what I had to say, and I would basically say what I'm saying in this interview. And then they put out basically a hit piece about me. They put out a bunch of clips of my sermons on TV, and they said that I refused to comment. And I basically tagged them on my Facebook page and I said, you know, you lied, you know, what do you mean I didn't comment? You came down to my building, you interviewed me, you asked me a bunch of questions. And for you to say that I had, I refused to comment, it's kind of trying to make it seem as though I'm weak or I'm afraid, I'm not, you know, trying to speak out about this. And so obviously the media is going to seek to twist this and to fit their narrative. And so that obviously has happened. Well, and I had to learn this the hard way, but just word of the wise for anybody out there, and I'm sure you're aware of this now too, anytime people want to do an interview, always record your own audio at least, just so when they try to twist it, you can have that backup to prove that they're liars. I've wondered, Pastor Bruce, and I have a feeling that this is coming down the stretch real soon. There's a new push and it's being promoted pretty much entirely by big tech, Google, Twitter, these other things. When you go to look at a restaurant, is a good example, there'll be a little tag there that says Pro LGBTQ, basically are LGBTQ friendly. It's like, oh yeah, like a gay person is afraid to go to a restaurant. I mean, give me a break. It's the guy in the Trump hat that's afraid to go to the restaurant. It's the Christian that's being demonized, not the gay person. So that's already a twist of reality. But what I'm afraid is, because I didn't even think this at the time until I went to the restaurant, I've got a couple shirts that have Jesus Christ on them. And so I'm wearing a shirt that has Jesus Christ on it. It's from Rio de Janeiro, the Cristo Redentor. And so I'm walking up and I see the sign on the side of this restaurant, we are Pro LGBTQ friendly, like it's the new certification badge. And I'm walking up with my shirt and I'm saying, huh, you know, this is a recipe to ban me from eating at this restaurant. This is a recipe for labeling me as, you know, a hateful person because I have Jesus on my shirt. You know, I have a feeling that this is coming down the stretch and that they'll use restaurants as kind of the prelims to then say, oh, any place that's LGBTQ friendly, you can't have any association with Christianity or any Christian symbols or anything, because as they label it now, that's anti-LGBTQ. But that's just biblical. It's not like you promote that in your sermons. That's just a biblical thing. It's just a Christian thing. So how do you think that goes? I mean, is the demonization of Christians going to become so bad where you can't even go out in public with a crucifix around your neck, with I love Jesus on my shirt? I mean, I see it getting that bad. Well, it's funny you mentioned that, because a couple of weeks ago, when all this started happening, I actually have a few shirts. One of the shirts that I like wearing on my off days is a shirt of a man and a woman. And it says straight pride. You know, they wear their gay pride shirts and their rainbow colored shirts. So, hey, I wear my straight pride shirt. And when I'm running my errands, when I'm out with my family, I take my family to a different city just to kind of hang out for a couple of days. And I'm literally in Walmart just kind of getting some snacks for my kids. And then a random individual just comes up to me as if they're already looking for me and said, hey, that's a nice person. You're in your in your basket there. And I said, well, that's my wife's. And he goes, yeah, it matches what you're wearing. He's being very aggressive towards me. And then I realized this guy is one of those LGBTQ people. And so, you know, he's probably trying to intimidate me because he got on my face and I got in his and I showed on my shirt and I said, yeah, do you like my shirt, too? It says straight pride, at which point he disengaged and just walked off. And so, yeah, I definitely see, you know, the world is trying to demonize Christians because of the fact that the Bible tells us that in the end times, Christians are going to be the main enemies. You know, they're going to be put to death. The antichrist is going to come after them. You know, anybody who does not have the mark of the beast, which are Christians who are not going to take the mark of the beast, they're going to come after them. And people are going to kill Christians thinking that they're doing God a favor. So obviously, right now we see a conditioning conditioning of that where, you know, Christians are being blasted, they're being demonized. They're making people think they're making the public think as though they're the real enemies. I mean, we're to a point where a group can say that we're a hate group and that we're the violent ones. And the way they prove it is by bombing our church. I mean, think about that. And you have tons of people out there who are saying, well, that's what you get. That's what you deserve. We're trying to keep Omani friendly. And it's like, so you keep Omani friendly by blowing up a church building. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. So obviously there's a big conditioning going on here in society where, you know, they're trying to condition the masses to think that if you're a Bible believing Christian who holds true to the word of God, who preaches the Bible, you're the enemy of the state. And, you know, there used to maybe be a time where there'd be sermons or even agendas that would be anti-LGBTQ or whatever. That's a thing of the past. Nobody focuses on that anymore. We've moved on. Good for them. That's fine. Nobody's complaining about it. Live and let live. But, you know, I hope that the LGBTQ community understands how they're being used. They're being set up. They're being told, hey, you're victims, so you're fighting a righteous fight against Christianity now who aren't even your enemies. They're not even posturing as your enemies. But, you know, I look at, for example, Brandon Strzok, who's part of the LGBT community. I mean, he doesn't hoist it up like it's a trophy, but he's a gay individual. He just got arrested by the FBI. Why? Because he's a Trump supporter. So I hope that these people understand once the new world order has come for us, who you think is your enemies, they're coming for you. They're going to come for you immediately when they're done with us. I mean, I don't think they get that yet. There's no victories in this formula that they've inserted themselves in. Well, how about this? How about the people who aren't necessarily gay or they're not necessarily, you know, homosexual, but they just support that. They've been conditioned because of the public school system, because of Hollywood and all the movies that they watch, the condition to think that this is a good way to live. And if you speak out against it, you're evil. But they're not necessarily homosexuals themselves. How about them? You know, they're not thinking what this is going to do to their next generation and their children that are coming after them. We've got just over 90 seconds here. Pastor Bruce Mejia again with us from the First Works Baptist Church in El Monte. You know, I would hope that you get some big mainstream interviews. Maybe this can kind of open up that floodgate to give your church some attention. I'm sure that you haven't even asked for a financial donation, but I'm sure cleaning up after an explosion isn't cheap. But just before we depart with you here and you're welcome to come on anytime if there's a development in the story, what would you like to depart my audience with today? Well, let me just say this is that obviously we're living in dark times and obviously people would listen to a story like this and their hearts may tremble a little bit. And just kind of looking at the state of affairs of our of our country. Look who our president is. Look who the vice president is and everything that's going on. And they can become very hopeless, you know, just kind of wondering what the future holds. And I just want to encourage people out there to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. You know, the most important things for you to know is where you're going to go when you die. And the Bible says we're all sinners. The Bible says we deserve hell. But the Bible says that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for all of our sins resurrected on the third day. And all we have to do to be saved to go to heaven is believe on Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. He that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. Yeah, if you've lost hope for our country, you feel like we're living in dark times. There's always hope for the future. If you're safe and if you believe on Jesus Christ. And the second thing is this. Find yourself a Bible believing church like mine. There's there's a bunch of churches called a new IFB churches. Just look them up where you can enjoin yourself to find them. Get some good biblical preaching. Get encouraged. Get inspired to stay in the fight. I want to encourage you to do so. And if you're in Southern California, hit me up. There you go. My church. Amazing. What a great guest. Pastor Bruce Mejia, thank you so much. God bless you. Thank you. And we will be praying for that church and continue to pray for America, folks. Hi, I'm Brother Mejia here from FWBCLA located in El Monte, California. You know, more important than all the content found on this channel is knowing where you're going to go when you die. You know, the Bible tells us that what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? And I want to take a couple of minutes in this video to show you from the Bible how you can know 100 percent that when you die, that you will go to heaven. The Bible tells us in First John, chapter five, verse 13. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. So the Bible tells us that we can know that we're going to go to heaven when we die. The Bible tells us we can know that we're saved here on this earth and that we will no longer go to hell, that we have eternal life. It's something we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt. You know, there's a lot of people out there that believe you have to work your way to heaven. You have to keep God's commandments, get baptized, be a good person, and the list goes on and on and on. But the Bible actually teaches us that there's only one thing you have to do, and it's actually quite simple. I want to share that with you, but before I do, we need to lay a foundation. There's a couple of things you have to understand first before we get into that one thing. Number one, admit that you're a sinner. The Bible tells us in Romans chapter 3 and verse 23, For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The Bible tells us that sin is the transgression of the law. And according to the Bible, we're all sinners. And in fact, in Romans chapter 3 verse 10, it tells us, As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. So the Bible tells us that there's no one on this earth who does right all the time. Well, why is that? Well, again, the Bible tells us it's because we're all sinners. And in fact, one of the Ten Commandments states, Thou shall not bear false witness which is lying. And I think you'd be able to admit, as well as myself and pretty much everyone else in the world, that we've all told a lie, which would confirm that we're all sinners. The Bible also states there's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not. So the Bible tells us that we are sinners, that we've broken God's commandments, that we have violated his rules, and because of that, we're sinners. The second thing that God wants you to understand is that there's a penalty for your sin. The Bible says in Romans chapter 6 and verse 23, For the wages of sin is death. That word wage simply means payment or what you earn. So what God is stating there is that what you earn because of your sin, what you deserve because you've sinned against God, is death. Now, when we think of death, we think of a physical death that we're all going to experience one day. But when the Bible talks about death, it's actually referring to a place called hell. And in fact, the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 20 verses 14 through 15, that death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, and whosoever's name was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. You see, a synonym for the word hell is also the lake of fire. And in fact, in Revelation 21, 8, it gives us a list of people who are going to go there. It says, but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. So it goes through a pretty bad list. It talks about murderers and whoremongers and the abominable. You may think to yourself, well, I've never done any of those things. But then the list finishes off with saying that even liars shall have their part in the lake of fire. That would include yourself, that would include me, that would include the whole world. You know, we need to understand that the penalty for our sin is a place called hell. Hell is a real place. It's a place of fire and brimstone where people go to pay for their sins for all of eternity. But here's the good news. The good news is that God loves us and doesn't want us to go to hell. And in fact, the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 5 of verse number 8, But God commendeth his love toward us, and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. You see, 2000 years ago, God the Father sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth. The Bible tells us that he was born of a virgin, that he was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin. And that during his ministry, he did a lot of miracles. He healed the deaf and the blind. He fed the multitude. He resurrected the dead from the grave. And he also preached the word of God, which ultimately got him arrested, turned into the authorities, and crucified on a cross. The Bible tells us that when he was hanging on the cross, that he himself bore our own sins on his own body on a tree. What does that mean? Well, specifically what that's talking about is that he took the sins of the whole world upon himself. Think about this. He took the smallest of sins as well as the biggest of sins. He took a small sin such as lying, and he paid for that. He also took the biggest of sins such as murder or even suicide, and he paid for that. And in fact, he paid for the entire spectrum of sins from lying all the way up until suicide and everything in between. He paid for it all. And the Bible tells us that God hath made him to be sin who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Now when he died, the Bible tells us that his soul went to hell for three days and three nights. But the Bible explains to us that his soul was not left in hell, neither did his flesh see corruption, and on the third day, he resurrected from the grave. Now let me ask you this. Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for all your sins? Do you believe that he resurrected on the third day? You know, the obvious answer is that he died for everyone, but the question remains, does that mean that everyone's going to heaven? Well, if you remember from Revelation chapter 21, verse number 8, it showed us a list of people who are not going to go to heaven. In fact, they're going to spend the rest of eternity in a place called hell. So if Jesus Christ died for everyone but not everyone's going to heaven, what is it that we have to do to have everlasting life? What is it that we have to do to be saved and to go to heaven? Well, the Bible explains to us in Romans chapter 6 and verse 23, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. So the Bible tells us that what we deserve or what we earn because of sin is death. But God is offering a gift. That gift is called eternal life, but it's only found through Jesus Christ. Many people are trying to obtain that gift through good works, through going to church, through getting baptized, through repenting of their sins, whereas the Bible says that that gift can only be found through Jesus Christ. You see, at the beginning of the video, I had explained that there's only one thing you have to do to be saved. It's not keeping God's commandments. It's not doing good works. It's not repenting of your sin or even being consistent in church. It's actually a lot easier than that. And in fact, there's a guy in the Bible who actually asked the question what he had to do to be saved, and this is the response that he got. In Acts chapter 16, verse 30 to 31, it states, You see, the one thing you have to do in order to be saved, to have everlasting life, to go to heaven, to be saved from hell, is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And in fact, the most famous verse in the Bible is John 3, 16, where the Bible states, That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Again, it says, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, when the Bible talks about believe, it's not referring to just a mere mental assent that he exists. When it talks about believe, it's actually synonymous with the word trust. So what the Bible's commanding us to do is to trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. And why is that? Well, because the vast majority of people are trusting in themselves to go to heaven. They're trusting in their own effort and their own obedience and their own surrender in order to go to heaven. Whereas the Bible tells us that we have to believe on or we have to trust in Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross and his resurrection to go to heaven. In fact, John chapter 3, verse 36 states, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. See, there's two types of people in this world. Those who believe on Jesus Christ, they have everlasting life. But those who don't believe on Christ will not see life, but God's wrath is on them. What does that mean? They're not saved. They're going to go to hell when they die. Now, here's the last point that I want to make is that once we're saved, once we believe on Jesus Christ, the Bible says that we have eternal life, everlasting life. What does that mean? Well, it means that we can never lose our salvation. In other words, once we're saved, we're always saved. Ephesians chapter 2, verse 8 through 9 says, So the Bible tells us that we're saved by faith. What does that mean? We're saved by believing, specifically, of course, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Bible tells us that it's not of yourself. What does that mean? Well, it means that it's not of our own effort. It's not through our works or anything that we do on our part. Why? Because Jesus Christ did all the work for us by dying for us, by resurrecting. He did all the work. Therefore, it's not of ourselves. And then it goes on to say that it is the gift of God, not of works that any man should boast. So God compares salvation to a gift. A gift is something that is freely given, not earned. It's something that is given and something that someone does not have to pay for. That's why it's referred to as a gift, not of works that any man should boast. And in fact, we know that salvation can never be lost because of the fact that it's called eternal life. Eternal is basically stating that it never ends. So eternal life is a life that never ends. Now, if God promises us eternal life, the Bible tells us that God is not a man, that he should lie. In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began. This is how we know that we can never lose our salvation. It's by faith. It's not of ourselves. It is the gift of God, and it's not of works. So let me review with you. We're all sinners, and because of sin, we deserve hell. But the Bible tells us that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and resurrected the third day. And the Bible explains to us that all we have to do to be saved is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, distrust in him for our salvation. And once we trust in him, we can never lose our salvation. We have everlasting life. We have eternal life, and it can never be lost. Now let me show you briefly how you can be saved at this moment. The Bible tells us in Romans chapter 10 and verse number 9, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart, that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. And verse 13 says, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. You see, the Bible tells us that you can be saved at this moment if you simply call upon the name of the Lord. You simply tell God what you already believe in your heart, which is that you're a sinner, you deserve hell for sin, but you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins, that he resurrected on the third day, and that you're placing all your trust in him to be saved. I'd like to lead you in a prayer so you can get saved at this moment. Keep in mind that there's nothing special about my words, there's nothing magical about them. It's simply an example, a template that you can use to get saved at this moment. Go ahead and bow your head and close your eyes and repeat after me. Dear Jesus, I believe I'm a sinner, I believe I deserve hell, but I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that he resurrected on the third day. I place my trust 100% in Jesus Christ for my salvation and I thank you for giving me eternal life. In Jesus' name, Amen. If you pray that prayer, the Bible says that you have everlasting life, that today is the day of your salvation. I'd like to congratulate you on that. Feel free to email me at fwbcla1 at gmail.com. Hope you enjoy the content found on this channel. God bless and have a great one. You