(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're live, OK, so we're going to be reviewing this video with Isaiah salad bar because he was saying some stuff about me and free grace. Yep, starting at the five. I mean, this is a seven hour stream, so at the five minute and twenty five hour, I said five minute. This is a five hour. Five hours and twenty. I'll just start here. I was doing search. I think you just passed. There we go. See. Oh, perfect. I've made a man I recognize that I used to have. When I had a green screen, I would put you like a legit green screen. I'd put Ukraine in the background. Perfect. Oh, you were came. I should put the flag. Oh, you know what? I, I know what I'm going to change it to. OK. Westfield, you saw the shooting range video. Heck, yeah, that was a funny video. OK, well, let's get into it. Starting at the five hour and twenty minute mark, I just have to. Present it here. Yeah. Make sure you do it with the audio. Yeah. It's already checked. Yeah. Yeah, it should be good. It is this one. OK. Awesome. Oh, here we go. I'll just make it full screen. OK, starting at five hours. I'll put it. Oh, my gosh. Here we go. You can party, drink, do drugs. Oh, hold on. Let me party, drink, do drugs. I heard that. Did you hear that? The first couple of seconds. That's all we do is party, drink and do drugs, man. I swear. You're contradicting your own mantra. Just be like, yo. Oh, no. My bad. It's a little. OK, I'll just do five twenty six. OK. Starting here. They show up almost every. They want you to be on Jidean Ali, you know, they let you up right now, but upload the video. You know, it's kind of sad, but the the the Muslim people go harder for me than the free gracers, man, like my free gracers. You guys got to step your game up. I know you guys don't want to do nothing, but, you know, at least make me feel wanted at least a little bit. What they do, they do work hard, though, Jidean. They work hard at irritating you and work when it comes to bothering you. But they don't want to put in work for Jesus. No, I don't understand what I understand by by constantly trying to talk to Jidean or Isaiah or myself, not to understand that you are putting in work that's work out doing right there. So I'll say we got to do anything. I've never seen so many people that say you don't have to do anything that goes out of their way to do things. It's unbelievably how just dumb this guy is and how he just lies about what we believe. Because what we're saying is that, you know, your works don't play any part in your salvation. But he's just saying that we're telling people basically to do nothing, to just sit around and be lazy, do nothing. I'm surprised you're even talking. That sounds like a lot of works right now. I know, right? Yeah, right. It's frozen. Free. Free grace means do nothing. Yeah, exactly. Be a homeless person. That's what it advocates. Right. Right. Exactly. Just be a bomb. And, you know, if grace was anything but free, then it wouldn't be grace. We're literally doing work right now by reviewing this video. Exactly. We're contradicting ourselves, though. I know, right? Have you seen how many books he's read, though? I mean, that's like at least 20 books. I don't know if you've ever seen that many books in your life. So if you've read that many books, then you would know. Yeah, exactly. That's where I see it. Here's what they are. Probably all the different Bible translations. He's read all of them. All the modern versions. He's got them all memorized. Let's see here. Yeah, it's just ridiculous. Because, like, you know, Romans chapter three is pretty clear that salvation is not by works and the works of the law, like, you're not justified by the works of the law. Yeah, 328. Yeah, let's actually just pull up Romans 323. Let's see here. This site's pretty good. 324, 328. You've got to go Romans 320. You can go all the way, Romans. Romans 3. The whole Bible. Yeah, exactly. No, no, no. See, you're not understanding it. See, salvation is free, but once you get salvation, then you have to earn it. That's the thing. Because Jesus comes as a spiritual repossessor in the middle of the night to take it if you don't have the works. Well, this is what I find interesting. He kind of makes his own self refuting argument because he says, I've never seen so many free gracers who are doing all these works. So then which one is it? He's saying, like, we're contradicting our theology by doing all these good works. And then he's claiming that we don't have any works. So it's like, which one is it? It sounds like he's saying, look at all these free gracers who are doing lots of good works. And then it's like, their theology promotes people to not do any good works. Well, it's like, well, which one is it? Are we promoting people to do lots of good works or are we not? Because he's noticing us doing all these good works and then claiming that we're somehow promoting a theology that doesn't entice anyone to do any good works. Right. So which one is it? Exactly. It's just like they can't wrap their head around the fact that your works don't play any part in your salvation. Like Romans 3.20, I was going to read, it says, Therefore by the deeds of the law, there shall no flesh be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. So nobody's justified by the law. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets. Even the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ. Isn't that crazy? The righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ. It doesn't say anything about works. Unto all and upon all them that believe, for there is no difference. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace. Notice free grace freely by his grace. No, no, it's cheap grace, though, because that's what they really believe in. Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness. For the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say at this time, his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded by what law of works? Nay. So it's not by the works of the law, but by the law of faith. Therefore, we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. You know, it's funny when people say, Oh, show me faith alone in the Bible. I just showed you twice Romans three twenty eight in Romans three twenty. What do they do with this? I don't see what they do with it. They ignore it. Somebody says you're dividing the body of Christ. Oh, oh, the body of Christ. Oh, so so somebody that preaches a false doctrine, just accept them, accept their false doctrine. No, the Bible actually. Pastor Shelley. Well, if you look at Chapter five twice, it says in verse 15 and in, I believe, verse 18, it says it's the free gift, just like verbatim. So in verse 15 says, but not as the offense, so also is the free gift. And then it says in verse 18, therefore, as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation, even so by the righteousness of one. The free gift came upon all men on the justification of life. And the Bible even says that the justification that's coming is by the righteousness of one. So why does it matter if Gideon and Josh and all these other people are righteous? Because the Bible says that our salvation is only by the righteousness of one, because the only one that's truly righteous is evidenced by what you read in Romans chapter number three for all sinned and come short of the glory of God. So the only righteousness that matters in context of salvation is Jesus Christ's righteousness, therefore enabling him to give us the free gift. But it's kind of silly. It's like, oh, someone gave me a bunch of free gifts on Christmas. That doesn't mean that the rest of my year or the next year I'm going to do absolutely nothing just because people gave me free gifts. You know, you can take a free gift and still work really hard for the rest of your life. You know, that's it's just it's a different setting. Right. I can get free gifts all day long. It doesn't motivate me to then do nothing. Obviously, some people get handouts and they decide to just continue being lazy, like homeless people. But there's people who are hardworking, get free gifts and they continue being hardworking. You know, the free game isn't motivating people to either work or not work. Obviously, in the context of salvation, you could say, well, if if you had to work for it, people might work harder. But it's funny because all the people that believe in work salvation don't even seem to actually be working that hard to get burned out and quit and just totally walk away anyways. I mean, the Catholic Church literally had to sell indulgences at one point, believing in work salvation. So human nature is human nature. We all want to be lazy. We all have a hard time doing what's right, regardless of the free gift of salvation or not. But I would argue the people that believe in free grace are the ones that work the hardest. And he even told us that he said, look at all these free graces working so hard. Yeah, yeah. Try to work pretty hard, even though I know has nothing to do with me being saved. I mean, what is what are all these great works that Josh is doing besides sitting in front of a fireplace? I mean, what is it that he does? Not sinning. Oh, he doesn't sin. That's impressive. Yes. Yeah. And I would even add on that, like when I get a free gift from anybody, it just makes me feel like so grateful that I want to do more. Like, like think about your job or whatever, if you're on your job and your your job or your boss gives you some type of free gift that you didn't earn, it's like it almost makes you want to work harder and just be a better employee, you know, because he did nothing to earn that. He's like, oh, I feel like reciprocating. Yeah. And, you know, but according to them, it just makes us complacent. Like, we don't want to do anything. We just want to send more. Like like when I when I give someone the gospel and they're like, I believe it and they get saved, I just give them a gun. I'm like, go commit murder. Here's some alcohol. Go get drunk here. There's a girl. Hey, this girl wants to hook up with you, man. Go do it, man. Go send more. Well, I know this doesn't make sense in the context of children, because according to them, if I tell my child, hey, I'm going to love you no matter what you do, even if you make lots of mistakes, you know, even if you screw up, you're still my son. I'm going to love you. Period. They act like by me saying that to my son, he's just going to be like, sweet. I never have to do anything ever again. Yeah. Like there's there's no point in even living because my dad is going to love me. Whereas if I looked at my son, I said, son, you're going to have to work really hard. In fact, you're pretty much just going to have to be absolutely perfect. Never break any of my rules. Do everything I say always perfectly. And then if you do all of that, then I'll decide to love you. They think that somehow that's going to motivate the child to actually behave and be good. But here's the problem. No one can be perfect. So if they actually took its logical progression, they would realize, wow, I've screwed up so much. My father is never going to actually love me. So what's the point in even continuing to try? And they give up and get burned out. That's what a lot of work salvation people do. They go into church hearing about how they have to work so hard in order to be safe and be perfect and be sinless. But they end up realizing they can't do that, that that's impossible. And they get burned out and they decide to walk away from Christianity as a whole. Because to them, it's pointless to keep trying when they know they can't be perfect enough. Right. As those who believe that it's a free gift and you're unconditionally love, say, hey, even though I have continued to screw up and I struggle and I have problems, I know God still ultimately loves me and I know he wants me to go to church and serve him. So I'm just going to keep doing it anyways, even though I know I'm not perfect. Yeah. Yeah. And they say you have to turn from sin to be saved, but it's like, how are we going to do that in our own power? We can't turn from sin in our own power. They got it backwards. Exactly. And the thing is, people, you know, they quit drinking, they quit doing drugs all the time without Jesus. It's a 12 step program. But I mean, they can't go to heaven without Jesus. Yeah. I mean, people get on serious diets, they lose weight. I mean, the Bible says that being a glutton is a sin. And there's people that end up changing that. There's people who I mean, most people actually, when they go to college, make a lot of bad decisions. And then they kind of like realize, like, wow, that was not a good, healthy lifestyle. And they end up kind of like changing or cleaning up their life a little bit. But that has nothing to do with being saved. You can make positive decisions in your life because the Bible says no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourish nourish it and cherish it. So but sometimes repenting of your sin, quote unquote, is actually just for your general benefit. Like not smoking caused you to be healthier, eating healthier, working out, not committing fornication. I mean, there's a lot of these things just have intangible or have tangible benefits to your actual physical health and well-being and your mental state. So like just following God's commandments is just a better lifestyle, whether you were saved or not. And so many people do make the decision to turn from sin in lots of areas of their life. But that doesn't they're not even a Christian. They could be a Muslim. Muslims make positive decisions in their lives. Hindus make positive decisions in their lives. And, you know, that's just not the gospel of Jesus Christ, because we're not now talking about the righteousness of one. We're talking about the righteousness of many. But the Bible says the salvation was a free gift was by the righteousness of one. It's he's not declaring us righteous by our works, but he's the one that we're declaring righteous and the justifier of him, which believeth in Jesus, as you pointed out in Romans chapter number three. So it's crystal clear that, you know, if you believe in work, salvation, who you're giving glory to yourself. Yeah. Look how much I have turned my life. I gave up my giant YouTube channel. Yeah. What does that have to do with Jesus? Well, nothing. That's going to be nothing. As opposed to pointing to the gospel, what Jesus did, his death, his burial, his sacrifice, his atonement, his righteousness. You know, it's about what they've done, the sacrifices that they've made. And it's just it's just a brag show. I mean, what the Pharisees did, the Pharisees would talk about how they're so much better than other people. And they get ties of all that they possess and look at all the sins that they've turned from. But, you know, Jesus Christ was trying to make clear that they're sinners. Yeah. So is Josh literally saying he doesn't sin ever or just not that much? He doesn't practice it. OK. Well, you know, I don't think anybody practices in. You know, most people just sin because the last time I checked, people were like, you know, I'm thinking about lying tomorrow. So I'm going to start practicing, make sure I got that lie down. We talk about practice practice. It's like they just said, like, what is this practicing sin? Yeah. Like it's like I didn't sin. I was just practicing. But tomorrow is going to be the big day. It's a big game, bro. I'm ready for the big sin game. And I've been practicing all week about how to lie and I'm eventually going to lie. It's like this is silly. People just said there's there's no such thing as practicing sin. And the people that say they did. Sorry. The people that say they don't sin. I mean, it's like they're just lying to themselves and they don't realize how sinful they are. I mean, the Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin. It says to that knowing to do good and not doing it is sin. Laziness is a sin. Gluttony is a sin. So if if you have to turn from, you know, what, you know, lust or whatever or lying and stealing, then you need to have to turn from gluttony. Oh, but you can be a fat slob and still go to heaven. Oh, because that's you. I mean, the Bible says that the foolish thoughts are sin. Yeah. So just having just having a bad thought. And I mean, what person is not having bad thoughts on a basis? Yeah. Entirely control that. Now, you can obviously control it once you've had the thought, like to not continue to dwell on it or change your opinion or change your mind. But foolish thoughts are going to creep into our mind all the time because we're sinful creatures. And it's just so funny how these people want to pontificate about how they're not sinning anymore. It's usually because they had a very obvious, open, sinful life and they've been able to kind of clean up some of the really big, obvious things in their life. So then it appears like, oh, maybe I'm not as big a sinner anymore or something. But in reality, it's like I was stealing five thousand dollars every single week. Now I'm only stealing four thousand. It's like, OK, great. You know, you're still a thief, though. Like, yeah, it doesn't really matter that that's the big point when it comes to repenting of your sins. Yeah, we can't stop sinning. So like just like a thief, it'd be like if he's like one instead of stealing fifty thousand dollars every week, I'm down to only five thousand every week. Well, here's the problem. You're still stealing like you can't you can't think that God's going to accept you when you're still a thief. And the reality is, is no one could even just completely stop sinning. Right. Even if you did, you still are liable for the transgressions you've had of your past. Those have to be atoned for. And you just stopping them doesn't mean much. It's like, hey, judge, you know, I haven't sliced any new hockey players necks with ice skates. It's like, OK, but you have to tone for the one guy that you did. What about the guy that you did just slice his neck open and kill him? It's like, but I haven't done any more today. Like I stopped it today. It's like, OK, great. But, you know, we're not here for what you did today. We're here for what you did yesterday. Right. And that's another point that these repent of your sins heretics don't get about salvation is God is not just like, well, today you didn't do anything wrong. So I just didn't ignore the fact you screwed up a ton in the past. It's like, no, no, no. Everything that's happened has to be accounted for. And so even if you only send once and you never said it again, that's enough for God to say this sin has to be dealt with. Yeah. All liars. Yeah. Just one lie. But I repented. I repented immediately after. Yeah, that's their excuse. I have to go to James 2 10 men. It's like for whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offended one point is guilty of all. Yeah. Exactly. Like your honor. I haven't killed any more people today. It's like, well, what about your your list from past? You know, it doesn't matter if someone if someone committed a bunch of crimes. I mean, what a Ted Bundy. You know, I didn't I didn't kill anybody today. I know I have multiple killings of my past. But look, this last couple of months, I've turned my life around since I've been in prison. And it's all right. I think that a practice is sin. They think it's basically I don't even know what they think about it, but it's like we sin every single day. So if you do every if you do something every single day, it's repetitive. It's a practice. And we can't go a day without sinning. I don't care who you are. Practitioner of sin. Yeah. I asked a Pentecostal pastor on a plane one time because he believed in this doctrine. And I said, like, how do I know if I'm saved or can I lose myself? He's like, oh, yeah, you can't be practicing sin. And I said, well, you know, the Bible says to have a foolish thought, as it said. And I said, you know, anything knowing to do right and doing it, not, you know, that's a sin. I said it was like, if I was honest, I do this regularly, probably even daily. I mean, does that mean that I'm practicing sin in my sake? And he's just like, well, you know, I mean, God just knows your heart. And if you're trying and it's like, wow, how can anybody have any confidence in their salvation? You can't just ominous, just like, well, he knows your heart and, you know, you're just trying and you're doing good. I mean, it's just it's nonsense. This practicing sin is a doctrine of the modern versions. Can't prove it. And as where you are going. I mean, this James 2 is a great point that you are going to bring up. Yeah. For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offended, one point is guilty of all. So if you just send one time, you deserve to go to hell. Let me click the play the video here. I've never seen anybody do that. You're contradicting your own mantra. Just be like, yo, the one thing I understand about. Yeah, I don't understand about the free graces. Everyone saved. It's so easy. Everybody saved. You just have to believe, you know, pray, invite Jesus in your heart. Everybody saved. But the people that don't believe in free grace. So, like, you're not saved. Brother Josh doesn't save. I'm not saved. But no one else can lose their salvation. It's impossible. You can do whatever you want. You can party, drink, do drugs, and you will never lose your salvation. But if you say anything about works or you tell people to repent, you're not saved. So, like, the only way, according to a free gracer, to not be saved is to preach repentance, which literally John the Baptist and then Peter in Acts 2 38 did. It's like mind blowing to me how the Muslims saved and in heaven. But I'm a heretic going to hell because I don't believe that if you just believe in your mind, Jesus is Lord, you can live like the devil and so go to heaven. And the fact that I don't believe that makes me not safe. It's like the only one that's not safe. That's a good point right now. When in the world have we ever said anything like that? I would love to know what Evangelical Christian thinks that Muslims are saved. Billy Graham. Billy Graham. But he preaches repent of your sins to be saved. Okay. Yeah. What person believes in free grace theology is going out there saying Muslims are saved because they believe in Jesus. That's ridiculous. Well, you know, it's kind of funny because the people that actually go soul winning every single week. Why isn't it that we run into every single one of these people to go to church and they say salvation is a free gift? I mean, according to them, everybody thinks this and everybody believes this. It's like, why is it that when I go out and talk to people and they go to these guys churches, they never tell me salvation is a free gift. Virtually no one believes that. It's so funny. They say everyone's saved according to free gracers if their theology is correct. Well, OK, but 90 to 95 percent of the people I talk to don't believe that. So how in the world is everyone saved then? I've never talked to a Muslim in this day. Salvation is a free gift by faith in Jesus Christ. Most people will say to get to heaven. They'll say, like, oh, if I'm a good person, I'll get to heaven. That's what most people say. You just got to be good enough. That's it, man. But yeah, that's a big fat lie. Well, the thing is, he's he's saying that we we don't think he's saved because he preaches repentance. But the thing is, he preaches the wrong repentance for salvation, you know, because repentance for salvation is just turning from unbelief to belief. And, you know, after we're saved, you know, when we actually have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, you know, we have actually the power to turn from our sins. Obviously, we're not going to turn from our sins perfectly, but we should we should we should try to even work because he's like saying these free gracers. I think that they can just then party and do whatever. Yeah. But according to him and his theology, he's constantly under the power of demons. Yeah. And doing all kinds of foaming at the mouth. Like he's talking about people that are closely saved, foaming at the mouth with, you know, these these lying spirits under the power of demons. And those people are saved. But someone that would, God forbid, go out and just party or drink, they're not safe. Like if you were to ask me, Pastor Shelley, do you think the guy that went to a party and drink alcohol is more likely saved for the guy foaming at the mouth filled with demons that have to be cast out of him? Like, what's the more likely person that's probably living a Christian life? Yeah, I guess I would have to go to the party or like, I mean, how does theology even make sense? It doesn't. When in the Bible did you see the apostles casting demons out of each other? When did you see them? Never. But I saw Noah got drunk in the Bible. Oh, yeah. And lost. Oh, is Noah now not saved? Nah, bro. He didn't repent. He didn't repent, bro. But that's the thing. It's like, they just make up these false accusations. They're saying, we just want to believe in free grace so we can drink, party and cuss. And it's like, dude, I didn't even really drink before I got saved and I never partied. And, but you're saying I do it now. Yeah, I mean, you didn't realize that once you believe in free grace, it's like the party life. It's like college 2.0. I'm in Vegas every other week. It's going crazy in strip clubs, man. Yeah, our church has ragers now. I mean, that's all we do. Basically a nightclub. Have you ever been to a fundamental Baptist church? It's basically like the inside of a nightclub. Man, I'm always coming to church hungover and Pastor Shelley's all like, yo, man. Hey, and he always gives me a shot in the bathroom before church to just to get rid of my hangover. I got an orange Julius or something. Yeah, we got Tylenol. We got big bottles of Tylenol in the church because everybody's always coming in hungover. It's crazy, man. You just it's just reckless, man. Free grace is so free. Why don't we just send as much as possible? Yeah, right. I almost seems like Paul didn't address that in the Romans chapter three. We've already been there. But why don't you bring that up if you can bring that back on the screen? Because, yeah, that makes a pretty good point here. I'm in three. Yeah. Verse seven and eight. OK. Yeah. Because he says he's kind of addressing. I got it. This idea of people being hypocrites. And obviously it would be super hypocritical for someone who believes in salvation by faith to this. Go out and party and sin and not care about the things of God. Obviously, we're being pretty facetious. But Paul kind of brings us up in verse seven. He says, for if the truth of God is more abounded through my lie and his glory. Why yet am I also judge the sinner and not rather as we be slanderously reported and some affirm that we say, let us do evil that good may come, whose damnation is just so he kind of brings up this idea of like how even him going out and preaching salvation, being free and being just, you know, by faith in Jesus Christ, people then slanderously report and claim that he's teaching. Oh, let us do evil that could make up like we can just sin. We can break the law. Yet we're still going to be saved. Good things are going to happen or something like that. And he's like saying those people's damnation is just meaning that they're wicked for condemning the salvation. It's a free gift and not understanding the gospel. And they're just lying about me because the apostle Paul still wanted people to keep the law and keep being faithful and being good Christians and following God's commandments. But he admits in Romans chapter seven, he himself struggles with it. And here's what these people will say. They'll say, look, see, you got to keep the law. Because they think that you need to keep the law to be saved. Yeah, but they're essentially smandering us, man. That's like, go ahead. Go ahead, Pastor Shelley. It's addressed in Acts chapter 15 and in Galatians that people who think you have to keep the law are just not even saved. Yeah, because the law just shows us our sin. We're not justified by the law. Like if the law wasn't there, then we wouldn't know our sin. But these people say, look, you need to keep the law like perfectly, basically, in order to be saved. Plus, and then Jesus basically gives you the entrance into heaven once you keep the law. They don't believe in grace. What were you saying, though? You were going to say something? Oh, yeah, because you see how Jadion basically accused me of slandering him or whatever? Yeah. They're essentially slandering us because they're misrepresenting our position. Oh, they're purposely doing it, too, because they know our position, but obviously they're going to totally misinterpret it. Let me see. Galatians 5. Romans chapter 11 is a great place, too. Oh, yeah. And if by grace, then it is no more of works. Otherwise, grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace. Otherwise, work is no more work. Clearly, either you were saved by grace or not. Like, if it's by grace, then works didn't have anything to do with it. They don't ever explain that passage. They don't explain Galatians like you have. Yeah, like Galatians 5.4 says, Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law, ye are fallen from grace. But is anybody justified by the law? No. Well, look at verse nine. This is a little 11 limited the whole up. Think about like young Don reborn. It's physically circumcised, which is like the whole point of Galatians saying like you if you get circumcised, you're not saved because you just don't understand the gospel. And he's trying to make it clear that this persuasion is kind of a did not is like a demonic persuasion. It's trying to Judaize people and draw them away from the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, you know, we see that it's kind of infecting a lot of people here. You know what Josh is saying? What Gidiana saying? What Isaiah saying? Don is saying they're they're spreading their heresy and they need to be called out. I mean, I would love to know how they would interpret Galatians one, eight and nine, which is saying if there's someone preaching any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached, let them be accursed. Show me any verse that Paul says salvation is my works. They'll always go to James to always. Yeah. And that's not all. Here's the thing. Paul is saying in Galatians Chapter one that if anybody contradicts the gospel, he's preaching. OK, then show me, Paul, show me one time the apostle Paul teaching salvation by works. For for by works, are you saved? Well, this is never by grace, are you saved? But they but Josh, Josh will use Acts Chapter twenty one and use it as a statement like versus obviously acts. Twenty one was just a story about what Paul was doing and he was trying to please the Jews and he was being a hypocrite. Well, we can find Paul obviously serving God, Paul's praying, Paul's reading the Bible, Paul's going out preaching the gospel. But where's the clear statement of him saying you have to be saved? Never. It's just as they take the story and they use that to preach work salvation. Where he's obviously being a hypocrite, like there was Peter. Peter is being a hypocrite and Paul confronted him about it. Well, how about when Paul says in Romans chapter number seven that he struggles with sin and he's doing the things that he would not? Exactly. This is what they do. This is what they'll say. They'll say, well, that was before he was saved, even though it's present tense. It's because he was practicing sinning. OK, well, let's let's let's examine that then, because you know what? The apostle Paul wrote the Book of Romans after Acts Chapter twenty one. So if they're going to say he wasn't saved in Romans chapter seven, then he wasn't saved in Acts Chapter twenty one. Because from a timeline perspective, the apostle Paul hasn't even gone to Rome yet. Yeah, exactly. You know, it's super clear that the timeline is he's kind of writing an anticipation to going to Rome. You know, you would have to say that he wasn't saved in Acts Chapter twenty one if you're going to say he's not saved in Romans chapter seven. Yeah, I'm pulling up. Where does it start again? In Romans chapter seven. It's kind of the middle section. He brings up several different verses here. But I'm just looking like just start down there in verse like fourteen or fourteen. OK, it says, For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For that which I do, I allow not for what I would that do I not. But what I hate that I do. If then I do that, which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then, it is no more I that do it, but the sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing. For to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would do I do not, but the evil which I would not that I do. Now, if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it. But sin that dwelleth in me, I find then a law that when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man. Oh, but he has the inward man. Exactly. He's saved. It's so obvious. Oh, that's present. It wasn't saved. So Paul was unsaved and had the inward man. Isn't that crazy? But I think that's a friend. No, I'll just keep reading, but I see another law and my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death. I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. Well, there you go. Obviously he saved. Young Don on that, I just called him out on that because he's basically like, if you practice sin, you're not saved. And then I brought up these scriptures. I'm like, okay, so Young Don must believe Paul's not saved apparently. Yeah, exactly. Oh, they'll find some way to twist it. It's funny how they don't sin, but all the greatest men in the Bible sin. Exactly. Like when Jesus went up to Peter, Peter told Jesus to part for I'm a sinful man. Jesus is not saved. Well, Jesus is probably just, you know, you're not even good enough, man. You know, I need to find somebody who's already perfect. Really, nobody in the Bible is saved. It's just Young Don, Josh, and Isaiah. Nobody's saved. That's what the book of Isaiah is actually about. Right. It is actually about Isaiah's albedar. It's not even about... Oh my goodness. Okay, let me go back to this video real quick. Book of Salad Bar. The Book of Salad Bar. Let's see here. Oh, here we go. Oh my goodness, dude. The Book of Enoch. They're trying to say that the very worst thing we can do is tell people to try to live better and try to have a life that's pleasing to God. They say that's not worse than being a homosexual, not worse than being a straight up Muslim who don't even accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But we tell you the ultimate sin, the ultimate blasphemy is we're telling you we believe that you're saved, not by yourself, but by, you know, Jesus Christ's sacrifice. But to show him that you're serious about what he did for you, you need to try to live for him and change your life. Right? Because we say that they want to preach to us endlessly. Like we're the worst of the worst. Wow. I mean, even... Let's just say for all intents and purposes, it turns out that we're wrong. We're not supposed to be teaching that, you know, you can't just do anything. According to them, we're still good because we accepted him and we believe in his sacrifice. But the funny thing is they don't believe in his sacrifice. They believe in themselves, turning from their sins in order to be saved. And he is definitely, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth because he tries to make it seem like he doesn't preach hard work. So I know you just do good things just to show that you are serious about what he did for you. That's like something that we would say. That you should do good things to show that you appreciate, you know, what Jesus did and how, you know, he sacrificed himself for us. That's like something we would say. But what this guy is saying is that you've got to do all these things. And if you don't, you're not saved. Yeah. I mean, I kind of likened it as if I said, hey, guys, I'm going to invite you over to my house for a free dinner party. Everyone's going to be there. It's going to be an awesome party. I want you to come. It's completely free. But every single person that shows up is going to have sold all of their possessions and give me all of their money when they show up. And you're like, so do I have to give all you give you all my money when I show up? No, it's completely free. But everyone that enters into my house will have given me all of their money. And you're like, wait a minute. I thought you said it was free. It's like, which one is it? And they're like, well, it is free, but you're going to voluntarily decide to give me all of your money and all of your goods and all your possessions. Yeah. And you don't have to, but you're going to. And you're like, well, is it free or not? And it just becomes like so confusing for people. But then I love it how he does this. According to them, we're still saved. No, you're not. Why are we saying that you're not? Yeah, exactly. You're not saved. I mean, they're they're like, why are they preaching us? It's funny to you also kind of said something about how Muslims aren't even safe. And it's like, right. No one believes that Muslims are saved. Earlier, salad bar is trying to tell us that we believe Muslims are safe. Now he's acting like Muslims aren't safe. But look, I will double down. Hey, I do think that people preaching the false gospel are worse than anybody else. Yeah. They are the worst. Because if you're going to if you teach somebody what you're teaching and they die and go to hell as a result of it, there isn't anything worse that you could do for someone. So he kind of wants to act like it's so harmless. We're just adding this wonderful we're adding blessed works to salvation. Like what could be wrong? What's so wrong with that? But it's like, OK, well, what does Galatians say? What is what any of these books say? What you're doing is you're rejecting Jesus sacrifice. And he even said to himself, oh, they just think because of Jesus sacrifice. Well, it's like you're putting down Jesus sacrifice. Yeah. You're not elevating it. You're attacking the gospel. You're being prideful. And ultimately, you're an enemy of the gospel by not embracing that as the only ticket into heaven. Yeah. I mean, I don't it's really obvious with these guys, but they use some flowery language. And I've seen Catholics say the same thing. They kind of say, oh, well, I guess I'm good at salvation just by faith because I have faith and the works. And I sometimes use this analogy. I say, if you go to the airport, there's all these different planes there and you can't get on all the planes. You have to pick one. Right. You've already picked your destination. You have to get on one specific plane because all the planes go to different places. Some are flying to L.A., some are flying to D.C., some are flying to Canada. They're flying all over. And if you get on the wrong plane, you're going to go to the wrong destination. And it's like that's how the religions are in this world. There's only one plane that goes to heaven. And that plane is piloted by Jesus Christ. Here's another thing, though. If you get on a plane today and you say, you know what, I'm going to get the cockpit. I'm going to throw the pilot out and I'm going to fly. They're going to arrest you. They're going to throw you off that plane. They're going to say, no, you have to either trust the pilot and he flies 100 percent of the time and you do nothing. You just sit and relax on the plane or you're going to get thrown off this flight. And that's the same kind of analogy when it comes to the gospel in the sense that you either trust Jesus is going to take you to heaven and enjoy the ride. But if you try to add your works, circumcision, Bible reading, baptism, any of those things, he's throwing you off the plane. You're not on the plane. You're not trusting. You're trying to fly the plane now. And as a result, you're not going to get there because none of us know how to fly to heaven and none of us can get to heaven. We can't do it on our own. And so that's kind of the analogy that I like to give to help people understand that what they're saying is not just this sweet little. I gave the pilot a gift while I was on the flight or something, or I gave him a compliment. Now, they're trying to hijack the plane, you know, like the 9-11 story that was totally legit. You know, if you read the official story, there were men that hijacked planes and they brought down three towers with just two planes. It was amazing, really coordinated. And the official story has no holes in it whatsoever. But well, it just like their gospel, no holes in it. Super perfect sense. Well, here's the thing. If you misbehave on the plane, you lose your ticket. But if you repent of getting drunk, then you can get it back. That's what someone said in the comments. That's so they love to bring up drinking and parties. What is it like drinking and partying like their obsession? Is that what they really want to do? Drink and party? Apparently, I mean, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouthpiece. Because I mean, I have not drank alcohol in like two and a half years. I never partied even before I got saved. So I mean, I don't know. I don't know. It almost sounds like the lukewarm scripture refers to them. I don't know if I'm taking it out of context, but it's like if you look warm, you're mixing like they mix works with faith. They're neither hot nor cold. I don't know if that can relate to this. I wouldn't I don't think so because they're not saved. You'd have to be saved for it to actually apply to you. OK. I think lukewarm is just being like apathetic in general. But I think that obviously it is there is that that strange mixture of like they don't really seem to pick anything. They're not really picking faith alone. They're not really picking works alone. They're just kind of creating this special cocktail of. Because it's like they say it's faith, but then it's not enough. And then they say it's works, but that's also not enough. So it's like they can't just clearly explain salvation. And that's why that's all they even focus on in many cases is because they're just they're confused themselves. Yeah. And then someone says not loving your neighbor perfectly is a sin, but let's focus on the partying as if that's worse. And we're going to get to that because they basically call me and Cassidy gay, essentially. That's not being loving to your neighbor, is it? But remember, the lawyer said it's not true that it's a false accusation. Yeah, but the lawyers lenders. Remember, the lawyer said who is trying to tempt Jesus and Jesus told them, like, in order to go to heaven, you got to love, love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Then he tried to justify himself and he said, who is my neighbor? Well, who is my neighbor? Just to make sure, you know what, certain people I can treat badly, but, you know, the people I like, I'm going to treat good. Let me click play. What they're trying to say is you don't really believe in his sacrifice if you're still trying to live for him. What? No, that is a big fat lie. What we're saying is that if you think you're saved by your works, then you don't believe in him. You don't trust in him. Well, I would agree that if he's saying, you know, if he's trying to say, well, we don't believe that Jesus sacrifices enough because we're keep trying to add to it. It's like me and that is true. They're not accepting that salvation has been accomplished. That's what the Sabbath picture, the Sabbath picture rests because the work was done. Jesus already did the work. So we're not trying to add like, well, you know what? I helped an old lady cross the street today. Just one step closer to heaven, you know? Oh, well, I didn't lie again today. Another step closer to heaven. It's like, no, I've already been saved. Past tense. How can you be saved past tense? And all the passages of scripture constantly say we're saved past tense. If I have to continue working to be saved, then I'm not really saved. I'm just being saved or trying to get saved. Like the modern versions say. Exactly. In First Corinthians one eighteen, it says being saved in the modern versions, but the King James says unto us, which are saved. Oh, the modern versions, they all say the same thing, though. I'm a click play. Then how is it that you can say that somebody who's wicked does believe in the sacrifice? They're not trying to live for him. Isn't that you believe that a Muslim who don't even accept Jesus got a better shot than Isaiah? That's trying to live for Jesus. Yeah. Make it make sense. Make it make sense. Yeah, it's another gospel for sure. You know, Paul said you happily put up with what anyone tells you, even if they preach another gospel, another Jesus or a different spirit. And that's 100 percent with this greasy grace. We used to call it greasy grace 10 years ago. Now, I guess they call it free grace. So the grease got off of it. Now it's it went from greasy grace to free grace. But it's all the same. It's it's a delusion of false gospel. I think, man, thankfully, it's not popular and it's not mainstream. You know, most people like if you go to my church, no one even knows what free grace is. It's just it's just these keyboard warriors and Facebook prophets and couch theologians. But yeah, it's dangerous that a lot of people got called out by. What is his name? Is there any big free gracers? And I'm not sure. You know, no. Cassidy Campbell is not the guy like us real quick. I think his name is something. Jonathan Shelley is the guy that wants to debate you, brother. Josh, I don't know. I'm going to be honest, bro. I know we're live. The reason why Cassidy Campbell wants to be free grace is because he still wants to act gay on his videos. And he still wants to cuss and drink and party and be safe at the same time. So he's made like three or four videos of me because I preach repentance. I'm a heretic and had literally I forgot the pastor's name, but in my opinion, the most heretical joke of a pastor in the history of the world. What is his name? The guy that tells like, oh, let's put all the home was on the island. I forgot the name of the guy. Jonathan Shelley. No, no, no, not that guy. Isaiah would just have all the homeless come to his house. The guy that I know something Anderson. Anyways. Yeah. He has that guy calling me a clown who that guy. I don't even get started on that guy. And it's just crazy. And then and then Cassidy because Cassidy hit me up like right away. He hit me up whenever he first started serving God. We talked on the phone. The funny thing is he actually hit me up and then I responded to him. Like, hey, bro. Same thing with you, John. If you need prayer, if you need help with anything, I'm here, bro. I got you. Thank you. Night two in the morning, three in the morning. I told Cassidy that. And then he's like, yeah, bro, I love your video. Ironically, Cassidy said my favorite video of his. This is what he said on the phone was this video I did about like Judgment Day, how, you know, we're going to be in line for Judgment Day. We need to have works because you don't want to be on the day of judgment. And God say, you know, you don't well done when you haven't done anything like a lot of Christians think God's going to say well done. And they've done nothing for God. So there's nothing for him to say well about. So anyways, Cassidy, that was that was my favorite video that that was his favorite video of mine. And then all of a sudden, a couple months go by and he's making video didn't hit me up, didn't text me, didn't call me, didn't say, hey, let's talk about your theology. Just makes all these videos about I'm a heretic for preaching repentance. I'm a heretic for preaching holiness. And you're telling people you have to turn from sin and that's not biblical, blah, blah, blah, like just preaching heresy. And then he's making his videos of him cussing, acting gay and all these crazy hitting on women on YouTube. And it's like, yeah, bro, of course you want to be free grace. You want to live however you want. And you want you know, you want your pie and you want to live like the world, live like the devil, act like the culture. And so what does the devil live like? That's that's what I want to know. How does the devil actually live? But the fun the funny thing is because once I got saved, I saw his videos and I was like, dang, these are wicked as hell. Like, I never want to talk to that guy again. Well, I would rather pretend to be gay than be filled with demons or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. The greasy grace is that because I was eating pizza while we were talking so greasy. I think it's funny how they constantly contradict themselves. He says, well, according to them, everyone would be safe because they all believe this. And then he says later, no one believes this. He says only a few people believe this. Yeah. Which one is it? Like, is it the only a few people believe this and they're the ones that are saved? Or does everyone believe this? I do agree with Josh, though. He said Muslims would have a better chance to be saved than Isaiah. And I agree that it's more likely that a Muslim under pit and believe in Jesus than I do. Salvador would end up getting saved. So but again, he just wants to he's kind of just using ad hominem attacks here. Just saying, oh, Cassidy did this one thing in a video that I don't like. So therefore, his theology is bad. His main. How does that work? His main thing is, is. Yeah, no, exactly. It doesn't work. But his mate, he loves to talk about cussing. I'll stop cussing when you stop being filled with demons and preaching heresy. Is he currently filled with demons? He said that, you know, he asked to get his occasional. What's it called when they see you on deliverance, deliverance? Yes. Yeah. He recommends say so-called saved Christians get deliverance like what? Every three months or something like that. My thing is, if you're a pastor, you're a spiritual leader and you claim to have demons. Like, what are we talking about? Like, that's crazy. Yeah. Well, he said in a video how to identify that you have a demon. And it was one of those was using vulgar language. So apparently, you know, anytime I've ever used vulgar language, it wasn't my fault. It was just those demons. So exactly. So how can you even get mad at me for that? Because it was just apparently a demon or something. The demon, the cussing demon around and just says bad words. Apparently, you know, he's really taken a big stand here with Let's Go, Brandon. I mean, he's just causing people to cuss all the time. This cussing demon just really doesn't like Joe Biden for some reason. Yeah. Because I see that all the time. Victim mentality. Well, he doesn't read the King James Bible either because it has cuss words in it. He'd never say those words. Let me keep playing this here. They'll be saved. That's that is the motivating factor of free grace is you can have the best the devil has to offer. Well, the benefits of the cross. You don't want to pay the price. You don't want to die with Christ. You just want benefits. It's a while. We just read that earlier, Chad. Roman six. We have to die with Christ. Yeah. Without without the cost, you know, they don't want to pay the price. And so you get you get all the benefits of salvation and everything else. But you get also to live like the world and everything the world has to offer. And it's completely it's like the rich young ruler. Free grace was real. The rich young ruler would be saved right now. But he's not. That was the best part. If the free grace was true, the rich young ruler would be saved. Let's go to the rich young ruler. I think. What is that? Well, is that they bring up Roman six and, you know, they're bringing up the passage about talking about being baptized. But it says, therefore, we are buried with them by baptism into death. Like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so, we also should walk in newness of life. So the point of getting baptized is to illustrate that you've died to your old self and you want to now serve God with your life. But that process happened when you believe in Christ, that you did truly die to yourself already. And you've been saved. You've been born again. You now have that new man. But it's not to motivate me to then sin. I mean, I'm like one person. Show me one free gracer that's saying, go sin. Now, like now that you've been saved, party as much as you want. Just I mean, this is what's so funny. I guarantee Isaiah Salvador, if someone came up to him and said, look, I drink all the time, I drink alcohol, he wouldn't throw him out of their church. No, I would throw that person out of my church, which is so funny that he wants to claim that we're so permissive here. But I guarantee there's drunkards that go to Isaiah's church, whereas people that are drunkards in our church will get thrown out literally. So who's the one encouraging sin here? They have demons in his church. So that's the thing. They'll blame it on the demon. Yeah, I guess I'm not delivering people from all their do you do you hand out a license to sin as soon as someone gets saved? Well, I have to first print it. So I print them out and then I put them in these really nice frames and I kind of have I have them. It's kind of like, you know, at a graduation ceremony, they all really got saved. They walk down the stage aisle and then I hand them this professional license and I shake their hand and then I hand them a 40. And then, you know, basically they just go into the nightclub next door. You don't do shots real quick. Yo, you got saved. Let's do shots. That's expensive. We would maybe it's it's kind of like Biden. Inflation has caused us to have to cut back on some of our shots as well. So we just go. I just want to go to the rich young ruler passage in Matthew real quick where it says, let me see here. Oh, and it says in Matthew, 1916, and behold, one came and said unto him, Good master, what good thing shall I do that I made here that I may have eternal life? So he says, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? He didn't say, what must I do to be saved? And he said unto him, why call? Jesus said, and he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one. That is God. But if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, which Jesus said, Thou shall do no murder. Thou shall not commit adultery. Thou shall not steal. Thou shall not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother, and thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up. What lack I yet? So he thinks he's without sin. Then it says, Jesus said unto him, If thou will be perfect, go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor. And thou shall have treasure in heaven and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily, I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again, I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved? But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. See, that pretty much summed it up. With God, all things are possible because he thought he could do it himself. How about the fact that he doesn't acknowledge that Jesus is God? Because he says there's none that do good but God. And he's like, Good teacher, why call somebody good? There's none good but one that's God. And he's just like, Hey, yo. He's like teacher. He drops the good and it's like, OK. He doesn't believe that Jesus is even the Son of God or God. How is he then saved? It's a good point. Yeah. And it's like this. Like there's one time in the Bible when somebody says, What must I do to be saved? And it was a pretty, pretty different answer. Acts 16. Yeah. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. So this guy says, What good thing can I do? Versus what I do to be saved. That's a big difference. And this comment, Golden Knight said, I never willfully sinned again. This is my story. This is my song. Crazy Savior all the day long. Everything I eat is right. Everything I drink is right. He's referencing that from Pastor Anderson. Do you remember that, Pastor Shelley? I think I needed to listen to that. It sounds funny. That was. Hold on. Oh, gosh. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I got to pull it up real fast. This whole willful things thing is weird, willful sin. It's like we all like choose. Nobody's making a sin. We have free will. I don't have free will. But here's the thing. I'm just yeah, the demons made me sin. But you free grace. You guys are willfully sinning without demons. Like, you know what? I like it. It was a demon when you lie. Yeah. You ain't saved. You know, that's why I say it's a victim. Oh, you got to get them suckers cast it out every like other day, man, because you could always get new demons in, man. Hold on. This is so funny. I'll just keep playing it from here. Let me see here. Jesus said, you know, he walked away sad because his possessions were many. And sadly, that rich young ruler would be, you know, on leadership of most churches because he had a lot of money. We'd put him on the board. And it's crazy, bro. So, yeah, it's trash. That's the reason why a guy like Cassie and these other guys love that doctrine is because they want to live in darkness still. It's not about, oh, it's you know, we want to make sure we're preaching. They don't care about being biblical. They don't care about walking in holiness and walking the narrow path. They just care about being able to do what they want to do and still add Jesus like he's some accessory. It's like, you know, I want to order my meal. And then Jesus is like a fry on this. The funny thing is, that's actually what they're doing. Yeah. When did they even point? They're not even pointing to scripture. No. When did they show any scripture or bring up any passages? And he he really just blasphemous grace. He calls it greasy grace. But wait a minute. He doesn't even he's not defining grace. He's not showing us how we believe in this. Show me a passage in the Bible that says greasy grace or like what we're saying. Like someone going around saying, you know, there's all these people out there saying salvation is too free. You know? Yeah, it's too free. I also want to attack these people preaching a free grace theology. He never does that. He attacks people who are preaching works. Well, yeah. Hold on one second. You guys keep talking. If you don't preach repentance, because, you know, if you if you don't preach repentance, then you're going to sound like the Gospel of John, which doesn't have the word repent and at a single time. And that's just dangerous. You know, the Gospel of John's dangerous because it doesn't have a word repent. And of course, it was dangerous when the apostle Paul was making it clear that, you know, salvation is simple. You know, he said that he does not frustrate the simplicity of the gospel. You know, it was really dangerous when the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, Sirs of Mosiah, to be saved. And they just said, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I mean, what a dangerous theology there where they didn't explain to them how they have to repent of all our sins and surrender and do the courts of salvation. I mean, even even Jesus himself, you know, when talking with Nicodemus, he said, you know, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him should not perish but ever last in life. Why didn't Jesus? I mean, he's got a golden opportunity to try and get this Pharisee saved. Why didn't Jesus say, you got to, you know, repent of all your sins and all the commandments and do right. And then maybe you'll have eternal life. You know, it's just so many golden opportunities. This is dangerous if you read the Bible like that. Yeah, yeah. Oh, here, I'll just play it real quick, since I for some reason can't send it to myself. Hold on. Any day now. This is low tech podcasting. This is the podcast. This isn't a Logan Paul podcast. I'm sorry. We got people that they're getting. This is a greasy podcast. Dude, this is just this is not even worth Isaiah's time to watch. You should have wore your outfit, Cassidy, with the jersey and all that. Yeah, you should. I got it. I got it. I mean, think about it. Does walking in the spirit just come naturally to you? Was it just automatic? Is this automatic for you? Ever since I got saved, I just roll out of bed. I literally just roll out of bed every morning when my alarm goes off, I throw back the cover. This is my story. Oh, and it froze. Oh, my gosh. That was one of the funniest things, too. This is my song. Is that what you do, Pastor Shelley? You just like you get out of bed. You throw your wife to the side. Singing, you start singing those hymns. Well, usually I first start by walking on water and then I multiply some bread. And I pretty much just walk through the Red Sea a couple of times. And, you know, then I write the Ten Commandments on tables of stone and I eat those for breakfast. And then I pray for I pray for about 30 hours in the morning. And then I read my Bible for another twenty five simultaneously while giving alms of the poor. And really, you know, I I don't even have a bad thought at any at any. Yeah. So speaking to me. And you don't preach the gospel once you just do all the other stuff. Yeah, I mean, obviously, if you just get all the way saved, you know, typically, you know, Isaiah's morning. He wakes up first, gets the dirt out of his eyes. Then he tries to he swears at God for a whole hour straight and then God talks to him about it. He has to cast out that cussing demon real quick. He then he then video chats with everybody in North Korea and gets them all saved. And then essentially, oh, you know, he pretty much just it's pretty much this. He simulcasts every country in the world and speaks in tongues. And he doesn't when he speaks into the microphone, it automatically just translates into every foreign language and he just gets everyone saved. So, you know, obviously he's he's better than all of us and we should probably worship him. I need some dirt in my eyes. I just want to know if it was good soil or not, like it was the topsoil. Like what kind of dirt is it's like Khaleesi, you know, maybe Lowe's or Home Depot, maybe. It was kind of it was cutting out. OK, you're back now. Was it cutting out for you? It cut out for me. Yeah, that was kind of like you see here. Aaron Rodgers in the first quarter. Oh, I know it was trash. It was injured, man. Let me see here. It was like the Jets off. I think I just got it really slow. I mean, think about it. It does. Walking in the spirit just come naturally to you. Was it just automatic? It's just automatic for you. Ever since I got saved, I just roll out of bed. I literally just roll out of bed every morning. When my alarm goes off, I throw back the covers. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my savior. All the days. You know, and I read the Bible for a few hours. I pray for a few hours. I go on soul winning all day, you know, and I'm just out preaching and I just live right. I have no desire to ever sin. Everything I eat is right. Everything I drink is right. What's wrong with you? You're still living in sin. You're not even saying what I got saved. I never had any desire to sit again. I live for God. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's automatic. I mean, when is that just ridiculous? Because, you know, and I know that every single. That is weak because I serve 30 hours a day. Yeah, because you make extra time for God. Yeah, I serve him in my flesh and my spirit. So like I'm serving him six hours in my flesh and 24 hours. Exactly. Spirit. So, you know, it's kind of weak if you're only 24 7. Amen. Amen. I say, Amen. And when they say that, when he says they'll be like, that's right. That's right. And they'll say, yeah, yeah. Well, I just sometimes a competition between them to see who is the most righteous about how godly they are. I'm so godly. It's just an accessory to the wardrobe. This man, this man's metaphors and analogies. He got a metaphor. Hey, give a W. I just want to break in for one sec. Oh, I will give a W in the chat. I've got metaphors and analogies for days. Oh, I mean, my dreams are a minimum of two and a half hours. So, you know, I want that Simburger with some Jesus on the side. Preach a man got metaphors and analogy. Me personally, like, you know, and this is no shot at Cassidy at all. All right. But it's like I don't be blowing up Cassidy's phone and I'm not saying he's blowing me up, but he's always just sending me different videos. Like, oh, I think you should look at this video. I think you should look at this video about free grace. And the thing I don't get is I don't want to live my life in sin. And I told you guys that I've never told him to live his life in sin. Where does that where does that come from? I just send him videos about the gospel because I'm actually trying to get him saved. Why are you trying to feed him Simburgers here? I don't know when I've ever told someone to go sin. I just that's that's what they see when I say when I when I say salvation is free and I show them all the scripture and it's not of our own doing. Well, you're why are you telling me to sin, man? It's just like this automatic is automatic here. Salvation is free. Why are you telling me to sin? I like what someone said. They said. Gideon has to start walking in Christ. He's got to pick up his cross 30 hours a day, eight days a week. Lazy, lazy, lazy. I really hope he gets saved, man. I feel like God is being sucked in by these these weirdos. And I know, brother, Josh, see how I was nice about to Gideon. I just said, refuting Gideon. And then I am roasting Isaiah salad bar. Yeah, I won't be nice about Isaiah. No, I'm going to give Gideon some grace. But Isaiah salad bar grace wolf. Yeah, exactly. Let me keep playing this pension for my sin. And I'm trying to, you know, live a righteous life. So I don't understand why free gracers are trying to send me videos to show me, you know, it's OK. I don't think they realized it, but they're really acting like the serpent and they're acting like the serpent. Are you on, guys? Come on. Exactly what the serpent said. You know, it's OK. You can eat up this fruit every time he sends me those videos or something. I always look at it. I'm just like, bro, like, why do you keep on sending me these? Like, you know what I believe in. I know what you believe in. I just drop it right there. You know, we can talk about sports. We can talk about anything. And then out of nowhere after, I don't know if you've seen it, Isaiah, but bro, Josh, he just dropped a video on this free grace guy that was coming after me. And then after brother Josh dropped this video, I don't know if Kathy was like, it's time to go nuclear on them or something. But they were just like, hey, my pastor wants to debate brother Josh. And it's like when you really get down to the nitty gritty of it, you're basically saying, can we do whatever we want as long as we believe in Jesus Christ? And then I literally asked him, I said, so do you think homosexuals can enter into the kingdom of heaven? And he said, well, if they're gay, I don't think they ever really believed in Jesus. And it's like, hold on. I've never said that. What I said was, if they could believe they'd be saved. I've never come across a homosexual that could believe. So that's what I said. Anybody who can actually trust in Jesus is saved. So that's, he's totally taking what I said and just lying. Hold on. And I don't know where the whole, whole sin thing comes from. But obviously if we do live in sin, there's consequences. Let's go pull up Hebrews 12. What videos are you sending them telling? I literally, I sent all these preachers saying, it's okay. Eat the forbidden fruit. Break the commandment. I mean, like, come on. Seriously, people saying salvation is a free gift are like this serpent or snake going out there. Just yeah, I've never said that. I sent him some of Pastor Anderson's videos. Pastor Anderson preaches harder on sin than any of these guys. That's the funny thing. But he's, and he's free grace. Isn't that crazy? Hold on. Hebrews 12. For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons. For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards and not sons. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the father of spirits and live? So if we are living a sinful life, God is going to chasten us here on this earth. He's going to correct us. That's what's going to happen. You're going to receive punishment here on this earth. You're not going to lose your salvation, but they'll sit there and say, well, you're going to, you know, lose your salvation. That's not the way it works. That gives us more reason not to sin because I don't know about you, but I don't want to experience that punishment from God. Like it doesn't feel good. Doesn't feel good. Exactly. Yeah. Oh, I like this. Yes, we're saved by grace through faith, but repenting of all your sin isn't a work. What's what's Jonah 3 10 say? Oh, my gosh. On a three ten. I want to go to and God. Let me pull it. Let me pull up. So, you know, this is what's interesting is Jidean is saying, hey, why doesn't Cassidy just talk to me about other stuff like sports or whatever? But, you know, according to him, he at least acknowledging like Cassidy's worried that Jidean is not saved. So he keeps trying to give him his opinion on salvation so that he would be saved. According to Jidean's theology and what they're kind of trashing Cassidy over and over, saying he's obviously not saved and he just is living in the world and blah, blah, blah. So according to them, they would say that he's not safe, but Jidean doesn't want to bring that up. It's like, well, then who actually cares about the other person's salvation? If if you both think that the other person's unsaved and one person wants to talk about it and the other one doesn't, well, then who's the person that's actually sincere and cares about other people here? And, you know, I think it's funny to keep in like, oh, his pastor wants to debate Josh so bad or something like it's like, I don't care about debating Josh at all. All I, Cassidy texted me is just like, hey, would you debate Jidean's pastor? And it's like, I don't want to. I feel like it's punching down. But at the same time, I'm not afraid of defending my beliefs. So, you know, these guys want to talk all this smack, then, OK, why don't you go ahead and show us and prove, prove up what you believe. But it's like they're only content just getting on these big live streams and trashing us and making all these false accusations. Constantly calling you guys gay or whatever. It's like they just make false accusations and won't back up their doctrine. Yeah. And then he claims, I don't want to talk about any more. Well, then why are you making live streams talking about it? It's like I won't ask the about this, but I will make live streams and talk trash on him for hours. You know, it's like, well, which one is it? Yeah. Yeah. And that's the funny thing, because I literally never said anything. I was never I was never even going to make a video on that. And I'm just only responding because I was mentioned in that video and they were saying a bunch of lies. So that's why I'm responding. But this guy says, did Cassidy give up his riches? You don't have to give up your riches to be safe. I'm not even rich. But but according to, you know what, Gideon believes he would have to give up all his millions of dollars in order to get to heaven. But he doesn't get to sell all that he has and give to the poor. Exactly. When is he going to do that? When is it? It's like we're going to do that. It's a select it. We are. Well, well, you see, not everybody has to give up all they have to the poor and follow Jesus perfectly. You just you just kind of pick and choose what you do. You know, you can like I don't have to give up my 10 million dollars. But that guy over there, he's not even saying he doesn't do that. It's like, no, dude, you're just picking and choosing what you want to what you want to follow. It's like when you ask these people like about keeping the law, are you circumcised? Do you believe in Leviticus 2013? They'll totally just divert and not even like respond or try to bring up some other obscure passage. Yes, exactly. Matthew 721 through 23 and John 640 connect. Exactly. Well, if you don't like Cassidy because he hasn't sold all of his possession and given to the poor, then why would you ever like these guys? Because they didn't. Yeah, I don't preach that. I've never played. Why not hold everybody the same? Oh, I don't like Cassidy because he didn't give all of his money to the poor. Well, none of these guys either. So which one is it? Yeah. And I like I do like this verse. And I said I had Jonah 310 where it says, And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. And God repented of the evil that he said that he would do unto them. And he did it not. So that's proving that turning from your evil way is works. And that proves that God repents because they'll say repent means to turn from sin. So what sins did God turn from? They can't tell you. Can't answer that. No, exactly. I like this one, too. Was it just to show you can't lose your salvation? John was at John 639, where Jesus says, And this is the father's will, which has sent me that of all which he had given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And another just thing to show, you know, talk about how you can't lose your salvation because we're we're you know, God foreknew who would be saved. So if God foreknew who would be saved, is he just going to take your salvation? That doesn't make any sense. You're predestined to the image of Christ, but he's going to take your salvation. He wouldn't even give it to the person if he knew that they were just going to walk away. Why would you give it to the person in the first place? Yeah. But you got to, you know, Pastor Shelley, do your kids have to beg you for forgiveness to be your kids again after they mess up? Well, they've already messed up, so it's over. It's over. They're out on the street. Yeah. And that would be perfect. So exactly. You freakin took a cookie out of the cookie jar when you're two years old without asking. They cried one time when they were upset. You threw you threw them out in the freezing cold. Hold on. Let me see here. Click on this video. Yeah, this makes no sense. Because the whole Bible. You know, if you actually understand it, it's preaching salvation by faith alone. But, you know, it's only against the free great. So it's not even all free racers believe the same thing. Right. This confusion, it's the same as a new age, bro. A lot of these people that come out of the New Age, they believed in Jesus. You know, I have a couple of good friends that came out of the New Age. They spent years, a decade teaching in the New Age, and they all believed in Jesus. Buddhists believe in Jesus. You know, Muslim. They don't trust in Jesus is sacrifice to be saved. They acknowledge he exists. It's not the same thing that when did you guys come out of the New Age movement? Because apparently we all came out of the New Age movement. I didn't realize that I was in this like hippie free love movement. And then I decided free grace is just ridiculous. I was actually part of the New Age before the Bible says even the demons believe even the demons tremble. They got to use that verse. Even the demon. The demons acknowledge the existence of God. That's it. That's all that saying. Congratulations for taking a verse out of context. Jesus died for demons so they could be saved. All they had to do was believe on him. Have eternal life. OK. Demons are going to heaven now. That's the next thing. It's not enough that you just, oh, I believe it has to be proven by the way you live. Paul said, prove by the way that you live, like prove you're among those God has called and chosen. So there has to be evidence. It's like going to court with no evidence. How are you going to go to court and try to convince a judge of something? And then he says, do you have any evidence? And you're like, oh, there's no evidence. So you're making claims that you're a Christian, but there's zero zero zero evidence. There's no change life. There's no consecration. There's no holiness. There's no set apartness. And if it was for them, Jayon, you'd be at a party right now. If it was for them, Friday night. Dude, you would be at a party right now. Which one? What scripture are you talking about when he says, Paul said, prove by the way you live? Do you know what scripture he's talking about? Well, he's reading from a modern version. Yeah, it's probably like where the Bible says, examine yourselves, whether you be in the faith. Yeah. Yeah, that's probably. Or he's possibly quoting when it talks about work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Yeah. But it you know, he's not that there's no place where Paul said, prove by the way you live your life that you're saved. Yeah. Like that. That just you know, that would be a twisting of what the Bible says. But it's funny. I mean, if if Jayon believe what Cassidy did, then he would be at the club or at a party. So what party are you at, Cassidy? Because apparently you're partying or something. I had a it was funny because I had a house. Remember the house party I invited you to where I had like some games and stuff? Well, I can't go to that because I'm saved. Yeah. Yeah. It was funny because everybody from the church came. It was just literally me and the people, my wife and some people from the church. And that was actually a lot of people. And we just, you know, played some games and had food. You know, we got toast, got drunk and partied. There was no alcohol. There was no part of a hardcore party and it was literally a bunch of families and food. But, you know, we were we were drinking apparently. It's like whenever they hear the word like any sort of party, they just think about drinking because that's the kind of party they would have. Yeah. Like a kid's birthday party. Yeah. Obviously drinking. Yeah, exactly. Young Don, Cassidy, when he was debating you, apparently he was like drinking heavily. Yeah. So Young Don, apparently when because he was preaching like the works of the law for salvation and he was telling people to stop sinning, to be saved, and then he just totally had a breakdown and fell fell into like heavy sin. He was drinking and smoking, but he was accusing me of doing all these things. That's what they accuse us of doing. But they're the ones doing it. Isn't that funny? He loses salvation, dude. He had to get it back, man. He had he had to keep getting born again. Let's see here. Young Don never fully drink. He didn't finish the whole bottle. There's a few droplets left, so fully willfully sin. Well, I would have to drink a whole bottle of vodka before I get circumcised. Yeah. So what is the fruit of free grace? It's you being drunk right now at a party and still being a Christian. Like technically you were free grace because you were, you know, Christian as you grew up. And then you went back like they would say you were still saved that whole time. Which I know you weren't. You know, I've had them tell me, well, you were raised in church as you think you're still saved. No, I was on my way. First class business ticket to hell. When I got saved, I was not saved. I was going to hell thinking, you know, because I prayed a prayer, invited Jesus to build a Guatemalan treehouse in my heart. Some unbiblical sinner's prayer that I was going to heaven when I was partying. I was drinking. I was doing everything you could think of and not saved. But they'll tell you, no, you're saved. And they give people a false sense of security. And on Judgment Day, a lot of these people are going to hear depart from me. I never knew you because you had to count the Jesus. A lot of these people say, oh, I believe in Jesus. And my question to them is like, what Jesus do you believe in? Do you believe in the American version of Jesus, the watered down version of Jesus, the African version of Jesus, the Chinese Jesus? Do you believe in the New Age Jesus, the Buddhist Jesus? Like the Buddhists have a version. The Muslims have a version of Jesus. There's a lot of bar. Jesus is like in the Book of Acts out there. But the only Jesus that will save is the Jesus of the Bible, of the scripture. So a lot of these guys that believe in Jesus and they'll preach this stuff, man, they don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible. They believe in a Jesus they've made in their image instead of the Jesus that made them in his. They got to make believe that lets them do whatever they want and then gives them eternal life. Absolutely. So I'm I'm glad you didn't get in that, dude. I like the scripture where I always give this to people. It says do whatever you want. You can have eternal life. That's a good one. What about the salad bar version of Jesus? You better give me 100 percent, not ninety nine point nine percent. The salad bar Jesus puts dirt in your eyes and only talks to you if you swear at him. And he'll literally pull you down the aisle against your will at church. Yeah. So I you know, that that's definitely not the Jesus I know. I know is the one that is in the Bible, not the one that's pulling me down aisles and causing me to swear at him. Putting dirt in my eyes, although I'll be it. I think Jesus one time did spit in some dirt and put some mud in a guy's eyes one time so that he could see. I don't know if that's where he came, where he got that idea. Yeah. You know, it's you know, it's funny how he was using Matthew. Let me go. Matthew seven. He was using that verse. This is literally and this verse describes these people. That's the funny thing. It's like, yeah, let me pull it up here. I often use their own scriptures against them. Yeah, I love you. It says, Matthew 721. Not not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. But he that doeth the will of my father, which is in heaven, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works. That sounds just like salad bar. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you. Notice he says I never knew you. So how would you lose your salvation if he says I never knew you? Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. And then the will of the father says he that does the will of my father. So John 640. Yeah, I am going to hear that said, but it's not going to be said to me. It's going to be said to salad bar. Yeah, exactly. And John 640 says, and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which seeeth the sun and believeth on him may have everlasting life. And I will raise him up at the last day. So people that actually trust in Jesus and believe that his sacrifice paid for their sins. And that's the only reason they're going to heaven. And salad bar thinks he's so high and mighty because he's casting out demons. Didn't literally say in Matthew seven that there will be casting out demons. All these mighty works that cast out demons in your name. I did many wonderful works. Mighty works. Funny, the free gracers don't cast demons out of anybody. So why would I even say that? And notice it takes sometimes hours. It takes it takes these people like hours to cast out these so-called long time. In the Bible, they came out immediately and then they just keep coming back. Like in the Bible, they never come back in the Bible, in the Bible, where they throwing the demons up into a trash can. Like that's what they're doing, where they choking them out of them, where they turn in blue. Apparently, if you're yawning and demons coming out of you, apparently. Yeah. Yeah. Any any time. Any time you're like just unexplained pain. Yeah. Lots of time. Irrational crying. This is this is his list. Yeah. Here we go. Click play. Rational crying. Every Jesus. And we still got to pray for all these people. But man. Oh, OK. It's a delusion. It's a deception. And it's it's crazy, dude, how people are buying into this. It's it's going to lead you guys to hell. I'm telling you right now, if you think you can live however you want. And still go to heaven, you're going to end up in hell wishing somebody warned you. And I don't know, I would rather people love me. I mean, hate me now and love me in heaven than love me now and hate me in hell. You know, I'd rather people like give them that. I'm not what you said. Give me the heaven, man. You can be my best friend. I'm going to be like, oh, man, why don't you tell me this sooner? And, you know, you know, you know, hopping into the stream, you know, we probably you know, this is a this is probably a free graces wet dream having. Oh, here we go. A sexual joke. This is for twenty nine convert false convert. Well, you know, it's kind of funny that if if you would just if everybody would just preach like me, then you'd just be so loved. I mean, I'm obviously the most loved preacher in the world. Yeah. Like pretty much everybody just loves me so much. And that's the whole reason why I preach free grace is just for all the love that I get. Yes. You know, pretty much I'm just invited to go anywhere. Banks love doing business with us. Exactly. We love our church. We've never been evicted. That's why you're a registered hate group. We don't have protesters like we just pretty much we're in love, love, love. Like, you know, what salad bars saying, you know, just so toxic and just really nobody will like him. You can't get a million subscribers on YouTube or anything like that. He's not getting censored. I mean, this is this is the most ridiculous proposition that, oh, man, I just I don't want to talk like these guys because then you'll love me here. What? Yeah. These guys hate me. The whole world hates those who preach free grace. Look who has the most subscribers, right? Exactly. Look who hasn't been banned from YouTube. Yeah. How many articles are there out there by the news media saying how bad how bad they are as a preacher? Exactly. Let me play it again. You and me to be able to put in the title. Brother Josh, these three heretics are going to lead you to hell because they're telling you to repent of your sins. But I already know the free graces got the notebooks out and stuff. So if you're a free gracer, please add this part into the video. They still can't comprehend the fact that they're telling people that you need to turn from your sins to be saved is a false gospel. That's the gospel. Turn from your sins. But Jesus, you know, Jesus will only save you if you turn from all your sins. It's not even possible. It's impossible. Nobody saved. Nobody saved with that false gospel. Amen to that. Let's see here. Some guys, somebody's mocking the idea that if you're super popular, that that's not a bad sign. But Jesus said, Well, and you and all men shall speak well of you. Yeah, exactly. So that's what Jesus said. Exactly. I remember I did a video on Apollo being a false prophet. It has like twenty three thousand views or so. I think thirteen or fourteen hundred comments and probably a thousand just flat out negative comments. It's trashing me saying how I'm I'm wrong. Apollo preaches the true gospel because he has a lot of subscribers. Just take personality out of it. Just say, OK, maybe Pastor Shelly is not popular because he's ugly or has a bad sounding voice or no one likes him as a person. OK, then show me all the free gracers that are super popular. Show me all the people that are teaching the same things that I'm saying that are just super mega popular and super love and everybody likes them because of the message that they're giving. In fact, the vast majority of articles written about me or my church have nothing to do with how wonderful of free grace I'm teaching. It's about me preaching against sin. It's like, when are these guys getting any articles written about how hard they preach against sin or people to give up their sinful and wicked lifestyles? It's like we're the ones that are constantly making the world upset with preaching sin. So how does that fit with their theology? Exactly. How would you interpret this verse? Follow peace with all men and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord in Hebrews twelve fourteen. Yeah, I mean, obviously, you know, the Bible gives us commandments as far as like what we should do. The Bible says be therefore holy and be holy and things like this. So we have the standard is perfection. And obviously we are supposed to be holy, but we're made holy by Jesus Christ the moment we believe in him. So, you know, the Bible says in John chapter number three, when Jesus Christ is talking to Nicodemus about these things, he says that you can't see the kingdom of God unless you've been born again. So it's like the same way, like you can't really see God, understand God, know God, do the things of God until you first get saved. And that holiness comes from Jesus Christ. That's his imputed righteousness. So it's just in the same vein as that. I mean, the book of Hebrews is obviously written to brethren, says that over and over. It's talking to the saved. It's trying to encourage believers to continue serving him and doing right. And of course, there are going to be Christians who do nothing and are backslidden and kind of worthless. But the Bible warns that those people are going to get punished severely for being lazy Christians and being backslidden. Now, they're not going to go to hell, but they could still have severe punishments on earth. So there is motivation to not just live however you want. It's just we're changing the question of what's the motivation? Severe punishment and chastisement on earth or hell. They're acting like we're claiming there's zero punishment no matter what. Yeah, that's like hyper grace. Hyper grace is certainly not accurate, but we're not representing that. And they know that we're not representing that. But that's the only thing they can kind of attack because the Bible is so clear on grace. Salvation being a free gift is by faith. I mean, there's so many verses on it and they have to kind of twist the definition. And they act like they don't know. It's like, dude, you do know you've had it told you a million times. Ben Shapiro knows the gospel better than all these false prophets. That's the funny thing. Well, I think it's funny. Oh, free grace is true. Then they're saying Buddhists are saved. Hindus are saved. Muslims. It's like, what in the world? No, none of us have ever said that. None of us would ever believe that. Yeah. I've never met a Hindu that says, you know, salvation's faith alone. Jesus Christ. I've never met a Muslim that says that or any of the I don't mean Catholics that say that. And these guys don't say that. So, you know, let's make it clear that, you know, we don't believe that false religions are saved. Yeah, that's ridiculous. Let me click on this here. Help pay rent. They never do. They never reviewed anything, though. They all they do is talk at us. Yeah. And about us. They never reviewed anything. They'll never go to any of the scriptures we bring out and be like this scripture is wrong. That's why I don't want to talk to a free gracer, because it's like talking to a brick wall. They don't have anything to add to the discussion. It's like talking to a free record. I asked Gideon about this. I said, if you remind me asking how old are you? OK, so you ever seen that movie, I Robot? Years ago, probably 15 years ago, this whole gospel of like a slide. Oh, here it is. The GPT is 67. Come on, man. It's annoying, man. For real. And they keep coming back. I don't get it. Right. Like they got they got Steve Urkel syndrome. Oh, my gosh, you think he talks about me or put God is good in your bio and then you're saved. But you're not saying right now, bro, you got to sin and backslide and stop repenting to be saved. That's the free grace message. It's a new age gospel that says you got to be in the new age. Wait. Free grace is a new age gospel. That's new. That just started getting preached recently. Wow. And we tell people to sin. That's I love how they bring it up every time. Never refute anything except for the fact that every statement they brought about the Bible we show on the screen and show the verses. It's just like talking to a brick wall, man. It's funny because whenever you debated young dog, you would bring up a point. You would literally refute it or show how it is wrong and then just move on to another point. Yeah, he didn't he didn't actually address it. They run away from every single time they get refuted and then claim that they didn't get refuted, I guess. I you know, it's like let's let's stick to one point and let's talk about it. These guys are the ones that are picking obscure passages and just ignoring giant sections like John three, Romans three, Acts 16, Romans 10. I mean, they're going to just ignore all those super clear passages in the Bible and run away from those and pick something in Hebrews. You know what I like, Pastor Shelley? This is a good this is such a good one. I love the sermon you did on Hebrew six, where this is this is what they say. You can lose your salvation. I use their own verses against them. Amen to that. Yeah, that's the best. I remember one time I was soul winning at this lady's door and she was like, I just had it on Matthew seven. And then the next thing she says is, oh, what about Matthew 721? I'm like, oh, you're already there. But it says in Hebrew six for four, it isn't because these people say that once you lose your salvation, that you can get it back. Like Gideon, Gideon, like was saved before and then he gave his life to Christ again. But it says here in Hebrew six for four, it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come. If they shall fall away to renew them again and to repentance. So it's saying right there, if if you're saved, you can't get saved again. Let me keep reading, seeing they crucify to themselves the son of God afresh and put him to an open shame. So but they use this verse to prove you can lose their salvation, but they say you can get it back. This is saying that you can't get saved again. So if you lost it. Then you can't get saved again, but you can't lose your salvation. Yeah, in verse one, it says not laying again the foundation of repentance. If you're going to build a house and they've already laid the foundation, you don't then lay the foundation again and then just keep playing foundation foundation. You know, you start building on top of that house. Yeah. Yeah. And so he's saying we're not going to lay the foundation again because once it's been laid, it's laid. And if you compare scripture with scripture, the Bible tells us that the foundation that is laid is Christ. There's no other foundation which can be laid, but that which is laid is Jesus Christ. So that once that's laid, the only thing you can do is then build upon that foundation. And of course, that's what's being emphasized here in Romans. I'm sorry, in Hebrews, chapter number six is building upon the foundation. What was that? Hebrews 10 26. I keep on getting some so many people coming to me about Hebrews 10. Oh, that's annoying because the funny thing about Hebrews 10, it just preaches eternal security. But then they'll go to that one verse by itself and they'll say, look, you can lose your salvation. But yeah, let's read from 10 10. It says, by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. How many times? Once for all. And every priest stand at daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth, expecting till his enemies be made his footstool. For by one offering he hath perfected forever than that are sanctified. So it's one time thing. It doesn't keep happening. That's just proof of that. But then they'll go to this for if we sin willfully after that, we have received the knowledge of the truth. There remaineth no more sacrifice for sins. Well, yeah, because Jesus is the sacrifice. That's what they read. And then it says, can't we read the whole lot of there? I'm sorry. I was just doing what they do. But then it says, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. He that despise Moses Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. Of how much sore punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under the under the foot of the Son of God and have counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified and holy thing, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the spirit of grace, which they do for we know him. That has said vengeance belongeth unto me. I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, the Lord shall judge his people. So he's going to punish you. That's what it's literally talking about. But notice the language it says his people. Yes, exactly. The people that are saved in verse nine is saying he was sanctified. So the people that are already sanctified and they've already received the spirit of grace. But you have to understand the contrast in Hebrews is from the Old Testament sacrifice system and the New Testament sacrifice system. In the Old Testament, if I sinned every single time I sinned, I would have to then take a sin offering. I have to go and take a calf or I have to take turtle stubs or I have to take some kind of an animal. And I have to be cleansed of that sin every single time. But since Christ was a once for all sacrifice, as you pointed out previously in the chapter, when I go ahead and sin again after having been saved, there's no more sacrifice. The sacrifice has already happened. Yeah. So then what could happen is I end up receiving some kind of a judgment or some kind of a punishment, even up to a fiery indignation, as the Bible describes, when it says in verse twenty nine, kind of this presumptuous sin, meaning that I'm just I know I shouldn't do it. I know that it's wrong, but I'm just going to do it anyways. Then I could receive a very sore punishment as the Bible is describing. And you read Deuteronomy chapter twenty eight. I mean, the punishments from God are a litany of things. He can make you crazy and and affect your money and your house and your sheep and your children. And just like anything bad that you could ever think of is basically encompassed in Deuteronomy chapter twenty eight is punishments. And he's saying how much worse of a punishment for people who are in the New Testament and sin than people that were receiving punishments in the Old Testament for their sins. Yeah, but it doesn't bring in context. Hell. It's not saying that they're going to die. Go to hell. Yeah. Oh, it says fiery. It says fiery. But you could die from fire. Can you not? I mean, people die in house fires, physical, physical fire. It's saying fiery, fiery indignation, meaning that God's upset. It's poetic language that he's describing how he's really angry and he's really upset. And that's why it's important to constantly pray and ask God for forgiveness for the sins that we do commit. Not so I will escape hell, but so that I'll escape the fiery indignation in this life. But I would just if someone brings this verse up to me, I'll just show them verse twenty nine and say, like, hey, I was saying we were sanctified. We're already sanctified. It's just that God is obviously wanting us to serve him. But again, it's so funny that we're going to go to Hebrews chapter number 10 to discuss how to go to heaven when Hebrews chapter 10 has nothing to do with eternal life, salvation, heaven. And show me any of those words in this chapter. Whereas we actually have verses in the Bible that say, sirs, what must they do to be saved? You know, talking about getting eternal life. John chapter, the end of John, basically saying or not the end, but the chapter before. Basically, the second to last chapter is telling us the whole purpose of John being written is that you believe in Jesus and they have life through his name. Oh, but it's like repent. Yeah, that's dangerous. Super dangerous, man. I don't even tell people what to do to be saved. I just go tell them to turn from their sin. Let me see here. Yeah, because in Hebrews 10, what is it? 10 16, it says, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days. Sayeth the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin. Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say the flesh, his flesh and having a high priest over the house of God. Let us draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. OK, well, anyways, it's clear that Jesus is the only sacrifice for sins. There's no more animal sacrifices. That's what that's talking about. My goodness, Jesus doesn't keep dying on the cross over and over. Exactly. Anyways, let me keep playing here. There's only a little bit left. You got to go where you're talking about me. He like flames me so hard later on. Hold on. I don't know if it's going to show it, though, on the video. I had to go back. Let's see here. Gosh, dang it. And we all believe, I've said this a million times, I'm sure you guys have, we all believe grace is free. You call on what? No, grace is free. What? You just contradicted everything you said. I can't earn it. We all know what race, its faith. It's it's all about what Jesus did. But when you believe on the cross, but we're going to insert the heresy now. Hold on. That's the very start. That's not the end of your journey. There's no like prayer now. That's the beginning. I believe in the cross. Then Jesus invites us to get on the cross with him. Paul says that I'm crucified with Christ. So free grace. They don't go. They just sit back and say, oh, Jesus did it for me. That's too much work to get on that cross. Yeah. Yeah. The cross is an invitation. The tomb, the open, the empty tomb is an invitation for us to die with Christ, which they'll never talk about. There is actually you being crucified. Romans 12 says, give your body parts to God. It was like, why don't you watch those ungodly movies? Why don't you drink? Why don't you party? I can't. My body doesn't belong to me. My mouth doesn't belong to me. I can't watch those movies. My eyes aren't mine. I gave my body to God 13 years ago. Romans 12. You gave your body to God, but you're still demon possessed. OK, so righteous sacrifice. So they don't believe that. They believe that they still it's still them that live. Paul says it's no wonder I live. It's Christ that lives in me. And the life I live in the body is only by through Jesus Christ. So this whole gospel of like you could have it without the cross, it's that's you know, it's it's it's basically bypassing bypassing the cross. Jesus said, Father, do I have to like in the devil said, hey, Jesus, you could have all this, which Jesus already was getting on the cross. The devil tries to give us a shortcut. Hey, you could have all of this. He goes, Jesus, bow down to me. I'll give you all this that you're already going to get in your death on the cross, but I'll be I'll give it to you without the cross. So free. Grace says, I'll give you without the cross. And the same thing the devil said in the world. You could have all the kingdoms of this world. You could have all the power. And Jesus is like, I'm about to go to the cross and strip you of all this. You have it now. You're the ruler of this world now. But I'm going to strip you of this. But I got to go to the cross. The devil offers us the same benefits without the cross. And that's what that's the free grace message, right? It's it's a message of laziness, a message of compromise. We know grace is free. But dying to yourself will cost you everything. Following Jesus will cost you a saved. And I will be saved. Not just I get saved and I do whatever I want. There has to be evidence. Prove the Bible says. James says faith without words is not saving faith. No, it doesn't. Does James let's let's read through James two and see. Yeah. He's a big fat liar. Well, it's it's completely free, but it's everything. Just like I said, just like I said, you got you come to my free party, but make sure you give me all of your money. Yeah. And no other area of life in no other area of life would this apply. That's the funny thing. When's the last time you heard a free grace preacher say that all you have to do is worship the devil to get to heaven? Never likens that we teach that we don't have to go on the cross. We just have to worship the devil. Yeah. Well, you just sin. We just preach the sin. That's all we preach. It's so funny how they keep saying all the things that we say, but it's nothing we've ever said. And we're just talking about the words that they literally just said. Yeah. Show us the video where we're saying fall down on your knees and worship the devil and you'll go to heaven. Yeah. Never happened. Exactly. Because they have to make false false actions to make people think that we're just, you know, preaching all this stuff. It's obviously not true to make us look bad, but it says I'm trying to see if faith without works is not saving faith. I'm trying to find that. Just 23. That's all you should read. Verse twenty three. James two twenty three in the scripture was a field which say if Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God. Oh, sounds like salvation just by faith then, because Abraham believed God and it was imputed on him for righteousness. Yeah. And it's funny how they'll they'll take two fourteen James two fourteen, which says what death it profit my brother and though a man say he has faith and have not works, can faith save him? And then we'll actually get the context because they'll just read James two with no context ever. But it says and fifteen, if we keep reading, if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you saying to them, the part in peace be warmed and filled, notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body. What does it profit? Even so, faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone. Yea, a man may say thou has faith and I have works. Show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works. Thou believeth there is one God. Thou doest well. The devils also believe and tremble. Yeah, they acknowledge that there is a it says one God doesn't say they trust in Jesus, but they'll take that verse and they'll run with it. But will thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Was it not Abraham our father justified by works when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought his works and by works was faith made perfect? And the scripture was fulfilled, which said Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God. Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, not by faith only. Isn't that funny? Because if you just go to Romans four, it just totally explains who he's justified. This explains who Abraham's justified before. It says, What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For Abraham were justified by works he hath where of the glory, but not before God. So if he were justified by works, he had the where of the glory, but not before God. So before who? Before man. For what sayeth the scripture? Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. So how would Brother Josh and Gideon understand that verse? How would they explain that? Well, you can't refute them. So no, we never show him anything, dude. We never show him anything. He said there was other places where he was talking about you guys. You should show that. Oh, there is. Oh, about me. How about you? Where is it? It's a little bit later on. Hold on. I was just trying to see. But it says in Titus, I think it's Titus. Oh, that's the problem with these people. They're not saved. So when you read them the Bible, they're not going to get it. Yeah. Brother Josh has said he doesn't want to talk to us because when he does, his argument gets refuted. Yeah. And it makes him mad. We just ignore the Bible, apparently. Yeah, we we ignore the false teachings of the Bible. Let me see here. Titus chapter three says for us, I'm trying to find it. Not by works of righteousness, which we have done, but according to his mercy, he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ, our savior, to that being justified by his grace. Oh, notice that you're justified by his grace. We should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. This is the verse I'm talking about. This is a faithful saying in these things. I will that thou affirm constantly that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. Why? It tells us these things are good and profitable under men. It doesn't say that these things will bring your salvation. No, it says they're profitable in the men. It's like, my gosh, dude, do you just get all these? Well, salvation's free, but you have to get on the cross. You have a free offer to get on the cross. Exactly. It just costs you your life. It's free to give everything. But here's the thing. If it costs you your life, then why haven't they given all they have to the poor and follow Jesus perfectly? It's like, what's the point of Jesus dying if, you know, we had to do the same thing? Exactly. What did he make free exactly? Oh, well, OK, here's here's how it works. What is he offering me for free? So basically, you can basically enter a raffle for salvation. And if you're good enough, you get picked. Is it is it the fact that if he didn't die on the cross, then I don't even have the chance to get on the cross? Yes, you can't earn it. You can't earn your salvation. That's it. Yeah. OK, let me see what it says here. Click. Oh, oh, there's my bad. I always forget there's a saving. There's a real saving faith. Or maybe you just don't understand the Bible. Well, that phrase is never used in the Bible. I know it's not even used in the modern versions. It's just how many they just say it. How many types of faith are there, man? A company said to prove that we're truly in the faith. You can't just say, oh, I'm a Christian. Everybody says that you can literally go to the bar right now, Judy, on, you know, this and ask a hundred people. And 80 of them will say, oh, I'm a Christian. As they're drinking, shooting down shots, grinding up on somebody, you know, on on some type of drug, they just snorted off of some nasty bathroom bathroom. And they he really does a lot of stuff. Is he the one doing this? Cassidy, why are you doing all that? I know, man, it's crazy. It's crazy. It's a lot of imagination that they just got in snorting. They're itching their nose. I'm a Christian. It's like, what kind of Christian are you? Well, well, you know what? That wouldn't make you not a Christian. But obviously you shouldn't be doing that. It's like, I mean, if somebody was if somebody believed on Christ and they were doing all that stuff, they would still be saved if they really believed on Christ. But what he's saying, if you do these things, you're not even saved. And like, what makes that worse than lying? Yeah. Well, I mean, it is a worse sin. But I mean, as every single person in my church, like it's all the little eight year olds and 12 year olds in my church who believe salvation is a gift. Are they secretly going out to the club and snorting cocaine off of a dirty bathroom floor? Yes. Now, like just there's no one who believes free grace that's actually serving God or going to church or trying to live a holy life. They're all just cocaine snorting clubbers. Exactly. Exactly. What in the world? Yeah. Well, the only thing that makes you not the only thing that can make you a Christian is trusted in Christ. But they're saying that your works, they justify you for your salvation. That's the thing. It's like, yeah, obviously we don't think you should be doing any of that stuff. It's bad. You know why they're bringing up those sins is because they're not doing that. They're like, well, I'm not killing like twenty five people and snorting cocaine off of a bathroom floor. And it's like, OK, the Bible also says that you're not supposed to have bad thoughts and you're not supposed to ever lie. And the Bible says that you're not supposed to even look upon people with lust. Why aren't they bringing up those sins? Yeah, because if they were bringing up those sins and like, oh, these free gracers just want to act like sometimes they lie. Sometimes they have bad thoughts and sometimes they lust every once in a while. Sometimes they covet. Maybe it's like, yeah, they don't want to bring that up because everybody's like, well, I do, too. Yeah. Yeah, I have made that mistake. But it's like most people aren't going to the club doing cocaine. Nella's the off of the floor. So, no, we do that at church. I guess they could. Yeah, they could all pat themselves on the back like, oh, I'm glad I'm not like these free gracers. Oh, that gives me what's up. That literally gave me an idea. Hold on here. Go to the club now or what? No, actually. Oh, my goodness, man. To do like a prank, man, about that, something like that. I know I wanted to do something. How many illicit drugs do us free gracers have to do to prove that we don't believe salvation or something? What's that in in in Luke? What's the passage about the rich young girl or what chapter is that? I don't know. Chapter. Dang. Try to look at that. Maybe it's 17. What are you the rich rung ruler parable where he's coming up to Jesus asking what good thing I must. Yeah, what chapter 18 chapter 18 Luke 18. So this was what I was going to say. This is literally this is them right here. I got the perfect, perfect passage to describe these guys here. This is it says. Two men went up to into the so it says two men went up into the temple to pray. The one a Pharisee and the other a publican, the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself. God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are extortioners, unjust adulterers or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week. I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes on the heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God, be merciful to me, a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone that exalted himself shall be a base, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. And they brought unto him also. OK, well, that's the end of that passage. But that literally just sounds like them. Oh, I'm not like these other people. Yeah, I'm I'm better than them. Perfect. And then it's funny, it's funny how like people who believe in hardcore work, salvation, when we call them out for preaching what they're preaching, they'll say that we are Pharisees. But I'm like, you're a Pharisee. And it's funny that, you know, they'll say that they also say that you need to keep the law. In order to be saved. But it's it's just like they'll say. And I've heard Gideon say, I believe that the Pharisees kept the law. But it literally says, Jesus says in Matthew 7 19 to the Pharisees, did not Moses give you the law? And yet none of you keep it the law. Why go ye about to kill me? I mean, it's Christmas, man. They didn't. Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites. Yeah, exactly. Oh, I don't sin. Well, I just don't do the big sins. They say and do not. That's what a hypocrite is. And these guys say how they keep the law, but they don't. Exactly. Well, you just have to keep some of it, not all of it. How many times do they pass over? Let me see. Let me go back to the thing that I think is going to talk about him in a second here. He's going to call. Yeah, I mean, he's got a straight rail into me. Oh, that sounds pretty. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. Don't don't do that, man. Don't do that. Oh, man. You invited Jesus to build a treehouse in your heart and you never ever lived for him. That's not a Christian in the Bible. So, yeah, that's I mean, I could go on. You had that built up in you, Isaiah. But I don't know if you'd be talking like this in your live streams, but you don't need to be today. Don't get me started. Can we get a man in the chat? Can we get a man? Amen. And someone said they're looking good enough and give a W to form for myself. Yeah, I'll give you the W to fall solid boy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got to get really solid bars saying that they're free gracers. That's an insult to the lukewarm ones out there. Wow. That's why I don't stream at midnight, bro. This is Pastor Shelley. I wonder if their church goes soul winning. They just exercise demons. True, true, true. That's even better, man. Forget preaching the gospel, man. Just exercise demons out of save people. And they might, man, but it will be the false gospel. Yeah, they're not even saved. So here we go. Why stream at six o'clock? Because if you get me on here at midnight, start saying some crazy stuff. So this is the blue version. Yeah, this is the midnight uncensored version. You being on such a high platform. And, you know, I know a lot of it isn't through the spirit that people are coming after you from. I know a lot of it's probably like people see you as a come up, you know? Yeah, man, I treat criticism and praise the same. Yeah, you should be the thing about you stand naked before God with fire in his eyes. And the devil is alive. I can't go back now, even if I were to go back. Everybody, even non-believers will laugh. Bro, if you don't get out of here, we just seen that video. I made it to where I have no excuse. I'm burning those bridges. I'm trying to do what Paul said and nail my flesh to the cross. Once you nail something to the cross, you can't just take it down and then put it back together. Everybody that got nailed to the cross, they were left for dead, even Jesus. So if you're going to nail something to the cross, that means it's staying there forever. And so I'm I'm nailing my old flesh to the cross and I'm trying to walk in the newness of newness of spirit. Yeah, and you're doing it, bro. Keep doing it, man. Lay that sacrifice down. A lot of people out here, they want the fire, but they don't want to put a sacrifice down. We know the sacrifices that fire Pentecost came on them. And without that sacrifice, there's no fire. And again, this is why a lot of these these these what do they call New Agers free gracers. I keep mistaking New Agers. I'm doing that. A lot of these. That's a joke. They really are different. Well, yeah. Grace, there's no fire because there's no sacrifice. And so you got it. You got to lay down that sacrifice. You got to build that altar. You know, I want my kids to see me in prayer. My kids brought it a live stream the other week. I have a nine year old, a seven year old, a five year old and a three year old. And bro, they did a live stream with me for two hours. These little kids prayed in worship for two hours straight. They didn't complain once. They didn't say when are we going to be done? My kids are praying. They're worshiping. My three year olds worshiping, you know, two hours and half these pastors out here. You know, they'll go golf for nine hours, but they won't pray for 10 minutes. They have these three minute altar time. And my daughter will outpray most of your guys's pastors in the chat right now. I mean, my three year old while you got to really live that life of sacrifice in your home. Live that radical life day in and day out. What you see is what you get living in a glass house. People meet me and they're like, dude, you're literally all you talk about. Like, is there anything else you talk about? And it's like, dude, what else is there? I got all all he talks about is losing his salvation. Three year old talking for hours. Three. Yep. Three year old. I want to meet the person that plays golf for nine hours. I think that's what you're talking about. Yeah. I play golf for nine hours. That's ridiculous. And we'll get a three. I mean, look, three year old. I have I have a lot of kids. I have five kids and another one on the way. A three year old cannot pray for hours. You can't get a three year old to do anything for an hour. And it's like nothing. I mean, yeah. Night. Yes. Three year olds are now praying for hours. And again, it's so funny that he brags about him and his family praying these long prayers when Jesus literally tells you to be aware of the people that are making long prayers. Yeah. If you don't pray for three hours, you're not saved. Yeah. They think they're going to be hurt. Well, that's what Luke speaking. It says for a pretense, make long prayers. These shall receive greater damnation. He says in that was in Mark 12 in Matthew 23 says, Well, he describes it first as hypocrites. We devour widows houses and for a pretense, make long prayer. Therefore, shall you receive the greater damnation? So the few times that Jesus brings up a long prayer, it's always negative. And he's saying to the people that are doing it are fake. Just like Isaiah salad bar is fake and he's doing it as a pretense to pretend like he loves God. When Jesus Christ gave a sample prayer. Let me tell you something. It didn't take nine hours to recite the Lord's Prayer. You can read the Lord's Prayer in about 30 seconds. Look, I'm not against someone praying, you know, in their prayer closet for 30 minutes or an hour or whatever, if they feel like they're led to do that or they're really under stress or something. But I don't I don't subscribe to this pharisaical attitude where you have to pretend like you're so holy because you pray for hours and you do it in public and they think they're going to be heard for their much speaking. I mean, the Bible tells us very clearly the Holy Spirit even can intercede for us and is making up a hedge for us. He's basically God knows what we need for before we even ask. He's not needing me to detail and explain all out exactly how I have to like he already knows what I want. He just wants me to just simply ask in prayer, believing I'll receive it. We have a lot of prayers in the Bible. I mean, tons and tons where God be mercifully a sinner. That wasn't a very long prayer. And Jesus said, this guy went home justified. In fact, yeah, but his prayer to that publican that you read earlier, his prayers, like only 25 percent in length of the other guy's prayer. Much shorter. And yet the one was justified and the other one wasn't. So again, this guy's fake. The Bible's crystal clear. I don't see any example of these, quote, long prayers or whatever he wants to pretend and make it seem like he's so religious and so holy. Plus, I don't want his love, his long demon casting out prayers anyways. Yeah, it's just these guys are all show. Yeah. Yeah. Like we're supposed to talk to God like a friend. Not like like what's it called the Orthodox Church. They took that they took that one part where be merciful to me, a sinner. And then the Orthodox Church says that for five hours. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful sinner. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful sinner. Lord Jesus Christ. Yeah. But they say it's not vain repetition. They say it's just repetition. Come on, get it right. I like what someone said. A vain repetition. Well, see, if it didn't mean anything. I like what Golden Knight says. He said, I need to find a free grace golf instructor. Salabard told me they golf for nine hours. Let's see here. Well, at least hey, there's a benefit to being free grace that you'll get really good at golf, apparently. Yeah, that's all that's all we do, man. Yeah. Like you don't cry. You just have like everybody show up at the golf course on Sunday morning. And then we get drunk on the golf and drive the golf carts around. Although you see here, I'm trying to find the part where he talks about you. I don't get it. Yeah. Why would I talk about grown men wearing tight? On a field when I could be talking about the God like of the universe and what he's doing and what he's done in his word. So I'm just like, bro, I just go all in, dude, go all in. Don't go ankle deep. Don't go like that prophecy and Ezekiel, like go up to your neck where the river takes over. Let me see. I was just on YouTube. I opened it up. I opened it up. In the chat again here. I'm a pop it up. I don't know. What's his name? What's his name in the chat? I call him Brody so many times. It's a Christian for real. Yeah. That's his name on. Of course. He's in the chat right now. He woke up. He woke up. Someone. Oh, man. This can't be even for real chat. Chat, did I not know all these nudes were getting their clips ready because they want to go ham in the paint tomorrow. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Let him do it. For the record, disclaimer, y'all, I said I was done with the Free Gracers. I said it. So aim all the heat at Gideon. And he says he's done because he doesn't want to get annihilated. He's going to start. Oh, what's that? When did he start with the Free Gracers? It's like, oh, I'm already done. I'm retired. It's like, dude, you didn't even make it to the NBA. What are you talking about? You hiring? Come on now. Come on now. Preach. Please say it. I don't know. Cash earlier. I was like, brother, you said you said I didn't even ban them, chat. Nobody can say I was being mean to him because I told him I didn't want to hear it no more. But I let him stay in the DMV line. I didn't lose his ticket. I just told him that we will be not servicing him, but he's welcome to stay in the DMV line as long as he wants. But then he started acting up. So I had to get security to politely remove him from the premises. Brother, in my opinion, bro, a little. He creeped me out just a little bit because it doesn't make any sense to one. Like one man to be that obsessed with another man. I mean, we know you're a free gracer. You know, we're not. You don't say what you have to say about. He lives in Florida, so that means it's no three a.m. for him. It's the same time. Oh, you thought I'm saying like, bro, let it go. Let it go. This do have a literal these news, literal, literally eat, sleep and breathe. Jidea, if you if you could be free based Jidea, baby free base in you, you will begin. Well, I know that's obsessed with men like this. They have an LG TV in their house. And you know what I'm trying to say that I'm leaving at that. I've never seen somebody this obsessed with men and the same men. The same men over and over, not even switching it up, going after different types. It's a rotation of three men. OK, Jidea, I'm telling you, bro, you know, I'm saying they want to be in your life, bro. That's how it is. We got a stalker, bro. They want to be in your life. They want you to think about them. Yeah. Is that pretty much what he was saying? They actually review my channel and like look at my thumbnails and all that. Oh, yeah. Let me fast forward. Let me fast forward where they do that. He put a halo over my head. He gave me a halo, y'all. I feel special. Oh, he gave me one too. We the holy bros. We the holy bros. That's an arrow. He got an arrow point at your head. You know, he want everybody to pay attention to your head for some reason. I don't know. What's that about? No, look at this one right here. He put a halo. Oh, yeah. Oh, you do that one and on your left shoulder for some reason. I don't know what. OK. I don't know. So we have one, two, three. Then we got him putting devil horns on somebody. We got a stark image of a black family. We don't know what doctrine they rep. We don't know what they believe in. Does anybody know who this stark image is? Does anybody know who these people are? And he's over here putting demon horns on their head. On the whole family. The whole family. The grandma. You're telling me the whole family's possessed? The whole family's possessed. You know, I ain't trying to pull the race card or nothing, but it don't look right that, you know, he's just putting it on a whole black family. You know, you see, you know, I didn't want to say that, but the Josh, but you were the person that, you know, hold on, hold on, hold on. He said, he said, oh, Lord, yo, that video is edifying y'all. You know, I don't know what's very edifying about putting devil horns over a random family that you definitely don't know. A random black family event. But here, let's let's go. Yeah, I did. On this episode, what do you bear? So we got one video. We got two videos, three, four. On this episode of my work, my works will save me. Four, five, three. He said there's only three people. He shows like, hey, there's only three people he'll talk about. And then he pulls up the thumbnails and it's like 10, 15 different pieces, like Michael Brown and all these. Right. And he's like showing like tons and tons of different people that he's exposing. It's like he's focused on only three people. Yeah, exactly. There's this this one clip. This was from last night, but this was when he had someone else on this, someone else on the stream. I didn't see that one stream. Yeah, let me pull it up. Let me see here. Let me see when people leader so or mischievous here says Psalms twenty one eleven for lots of my. So this is the usual music. And I don't know the girl. Yeah. Everybody let me pull up for everybody. Let me know. Let me see here. Other way and just. Those are lukewarm and neither cool. Oh, he's going to take the lukewarm. The lukewarm Francis Chan takes this out of context to. Idiot. Nation of God. Verse 15. I know that works. Thou art neither cold nor hot. I would. Thou were cold or hot. So Christ is saying here, I'd rather you be cold or hot. So you're saying you're not cold. You're not hot. You're just you're like in the middle. And he was like, bro, I would rather you just be shade of cold or shade of hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. So he's going to just like with the wiki, he's still going to just sing you into the lake of fire. Really, that's what it says. You like, even though you're in the middle, still going to sing into the lake of fire, man. So that verse is talking about a church and their works. Wow. Wow. Is that revel? Is that Pastor Shelley? Yeah. Is that Revelation chapter three? Yes. Okay. That's what I thought. It says. Gosh, I'm trying to find it. The last thing was so long. Dude, they're all so loud. It's insanity. Yeah. We're over two hours now. We want to hit seven hours. Yeah, I could never. Verse number 16. Oh, okay. It says. Yeah, because he's talking to the different churches and unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans. Right. These things. He's talking to the Laodiceans. These things saith the Amen, the faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God. I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot. I would thou work cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth because thou sayest I am rich and increase with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. It's funny when people say, Oh, it's this is about salvation when it has nothing to do with salvation. Like it's clearly written to a church and their works are there. They're they are not hot or cold. So it's not a church not being profitable. It's crazy. It's crazy how someone can just take that out of context and say that's about someone's salvation. Goodness. Here, I'll keep playing it. You just got to truly give your life over to Jesus. Thank you. No problem, brother. They just got saved. Hold up, chat man. Oh, chat. Oh, slip. The real Slim Shady finally stood up. Hey, Julian. My app was messed up. Do you mind if I join? I mean, you're in. Perfect. Thank you. So I was wanting to just ask about something that I haven't have seen you talk about, but I don't necessarily believe I'm a Christian. And I believe that we are all saved by faith through Jesus. And with that faith that we have in Jesus that he died on the cross for our sins, we will do work. So I believe that faith without works is dead. But at the same time, I do believe that, you know, we are all we all fall short. We all fall short and we can't do anything to save ourselves. So I think my biggest thing that I wanted to ask you was, do you believe that even if you did fall, you can still be saved? Because I think that Jesus is perfect and we're not. Look at the parable of the, look at the parable of the prodigal son. What happened to him? Well, he was welcomed back, right? But what did he do before? He messed up, right? He messed up. But he got welcome back. Like he never did anything wrong. Right. Exactly. So I think that are you going to stay short? No, I don't. Right. So that's what the true faith comes in. Right. So like if you're truly saved, you're not going to totally turn the other way and just never follow Jesus again. But I think that if you're truly saved that, you know, he's the one the reason why we go to heaven. I agree with you. The worst that we do. Okay. I just want to make sure. Yeah. But but what I'm saying is because we truly believe in him. We believe in him. Like I was saying earlier is our that's how we get qualified. Okay. Oh, you want to be part of the body of Christ? Do you believe in Jesus Christ and that he's your Lord and Savior? Yes, I do. You're hired. Awesome. So what is my job? This is your job. Boom. You don't do it. You don't do it. You lose it tomorrow. You go get drunk at a party, you know, you just you know, you fall back into your sin, right? And you go get drunk at a party that night. Yeah. Do you believe after that night, say you I don't I just want to make a crazy example. But say that you get a car accident, you die right for that party and you haven't repented of your sin. Do you believe that you'll go to heaven or hell after that? I died in my sin. But through Jesus, you're saved. Like it's through his works versus our works. So I think that I believe that, you know, Come on, man. So Jesus didn't die for all your sins? Well, it's it's funny that they got to bring up these extreme examples. Because again, if we if we pay attention to James chapter two, verse 10, it says that if you have you transgressed in any way a single, so so why don't we just say, okay, Let's say you believe in Jesus Christ, and then you have one bad thought and then die. Did you die in your sin? You didn't go to church. You didn't read your Bible. You didn't like, why do we always have to use these crazy extremes? Right. Exactly. And it's like, oh, well, I, you know, committed rampant fornication and murder and drinking. And they're like, well, no. Yeah. So they have to use these crazy extremes, because they know they can pretend like, well, I don't do that. But it's like, right. Have you relied though? Did you have any lustful thoughts? What if he Yeah, well, like, so what if somebody should ask him, like, so what if you told a lie, and then 10 minutes later, he ended up dying, and you didn't have a chance to repent of that lie? Or you had the foolish thoughts, and you'd have a chance to repent? Or you're just being lazy? Yeah, exactly. Like I do laziness. No, bro. That's not that bad. Well, CJ shrimpy commented and said, Gideon really said that with a straight face while munching on a conspiracy snack of the day is lemon bread. I really hope he gets saved. It is just pride at the end of the day. Well here. How about this? Is Gideon going out soul winning? So what if he dies? Well, that's not a that's not like his to do list. Okay. He's doing soul winning from YouTube. He's preaching the law from the computer screen. He's just confused, because he's been lied to by these false prophets for so long. Yeah. And he's, he's, his problem is, he's just not willing to have the conversation. I mean, if they're so right. I just don't understand why he wouldn't want to have a conversation with you. Wouldn't want to address these things, not talk about the verse. I mean, there's so many verses that we bring up with. Why don't they bring them up? Why don't they explain what John 3 16 really means? Why don't they explain what Romans three and four and five and six and seven and eight and nine? I mean, why don't they explain what all these bastards mean? Why don't they explain what Galatians mean? Why do they always have to go to these obscure and again, salad bar doesn't even actually he kind of makes it seem like he's bringing up scripture, but he's not really quoting scripture. He's kind of like alluding to passages, kind of twisting what they actually say to the new spin, his particular narrative. So you know, these individuals are just not willing to be honest with the text and the person that's honest. I mean, again, if we're wrong, then prove us wrong. You know, clearly in the Bible, but that's, that's what I like about debates or, or bringing these conversations to a head is because you start noticing one side is just constantly accusing of it's like, Oh, these people just want to drink and party and they're alcoholics and they're gay and they're obsessed with men and look at these videos and blah, blah. And then the other side's like, here's this verse in the Bible and here's what this verse says. It's like one side appeals to scripture. The other side just tries to make fun of the little and attack the opposite. And of course we've made some attacks of them or we've, we've said some things about them too. But most of the time we're quoting them or using their words. They're just bringing up random stuff that we've never said, never done. Not even true. No one believes straw man argument after straw man argument, I'm done with free gracers. You never started with the free gracers. It's like, I could see if he had a debate with someone on free grace and they're bringing up the same point for two hours that he's finally like, look, I'm done. I've already explained what I believe on this. We disagree. We're going in circles here, but he's not doing that. He's just ignoring the debate, not wanting to have it, pretending like we're just these stalkers of Gideon. Like, I don't even know. Maybe I've watched one Gideon video fully. I don't think so. I mean, I've watched like a few snippets, like I don't care to watch every single one of Gideon's videos. I don't know if that hurts his feelings or not, but you know, like, and I have nothing against him. I watched this video on the WNBA thing. That was hilarious. You know, it's funny and you know, he, he kind of, it's funny, he makes videos about getting kicked out of stuff constantly, but then he has to kick people out of his live streams or whatever when they want to bring up salvation by faith. So he's just reaping what he sows on that. And I think he says something juicy here. You know, we all sin, you know, everyone sinned, you know, Paul struggled with multiple things and so did everyone in the Bible. We're not all perfect just because that we're Christian. So I just think that, you know, Jesus is the reason why we would go to heaven and we do, we do fall short. We're not perfect. We're not made perfect. In Revelations, it says the unbelievers. And then it also gives a list of all these other different people that are going to heaven that aren't going to heaven. It says unbeliever. Here, let me pull it up. There's food in my way. You got to forgive me. My eyes were hungrier than my stomach. Let's see. You better not die in that set of gluttony. I was just thinking that. If you die in gluttony, that's forgiven. What if somebody brought this up, they said, what if Gideon accidentally puts on a professional raw dog or shirt without knowing it and he dies 10 minutes later? It was an accident. Well, here's a question. Are people still selling? Is he still selling them? Because what if someone buys one on his site? What if people are wearing his shirt and then Gideon dies? Does he die because he was influencing them to wear those shirts? It has to be. Yeah. Is he still making money from his pranks? Yeah. Does he have a video with that shirt on and he's getting ad revenue from it? Is he going to die in that sin? Oh, there you go. He better delete the whole channel. See, it never ends. See, if you go by their own logic. Well, he has to sell it and give it to the poor. Yeah. Yeah. Every penny needs to go to the poor. That house, he needs to sell it and give it to the poor. That's true salvation. You need to be starving on the side of the road holding up a sign that says anything helps. Well, he better not eat food either because the food that he needs to eat is the will of his father. It's the death will of my father, which is in heaven, so how dare he eat? He's got a will on man. He's going to sell everything and go be a street preacher and get this only person to blow on. What's it? What is skipping lunch? Yeah. What did John the Baptist tea? What did he wear again? He came here. Okay. I was going to go into the wilderness and he needs to be eating locusts and wild honey. Yeah. Amels hair living out in the wilderness baptizing. Just baptizing and teaching the law. Hold on and maybe do some animal sacrifices. Well, when I talked to him on the phone, he said that if there was a third temple that you could do animal sacrifices. That's not blasphemous or anything, is it? No. See, because when I asked him, because when Paul did the offering to please the Jews in Acts 21, I was like, well, that's not biblical that he went to do an offering of animal sacrifice because Jesus is the only sacrifice. I was like, so, you know, would you do an offering? Would you do animal sacrifice? He's like, well, the third temple is not there, but if the third temple was there. Oh, okay. So the anti Christ, that's what the anti Christ is going to do. That's Hebrews 10 to 26. He's going back. He was trampling on the blood of Jesus. You know, still go after sacrifices. There's no more other sacrifices. There remains no more sacrifice. OK, let me click play on believers. Hopefully I spelled that right. And I did. Unbelief, it's a revelation. Look at the scripture where it says, and such were some of you. I think I'm going to trust you on that. Let's see. Revelation 21 verse 8. Maybe. Let's see. Let's see. But the fearful and humble. Yeah. Fire on. Let me pause this real quick. Somebody even left a comment. They said, they said he's lost. Even even his brother, young Don knows he's stuck in his lost salvation. And that's bad when even young Don. And it's I mean, and that guy changes his doctrine every week. So that that that shows you're lost. Whatever he's about to go over. First Corinthians six, six eleven contradicts that. And so I know you be or wash, be your sanctified, be your justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the spirit of our God. Yeah, exactly. Let me let me just keep playing it, though. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers, foremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Right. OK. So then what about Ephesians two, eight through 10? I can read. So he's trying to prove that, like, if you're any one of those people, you're not safe. But it says all liars. So if you've told one lie, you're going to hell. But obviously, no sinner is going to hell. Not one single sinner is going to hell, because obviously, when somebody believes in Jesus, they are saved and they're made righteous through the blood of Christ. And that's what God sees. All sinners are going to hell. Yeah, exactly. Those of us that believe in Christ, we have the new man and the new man can't send a new man is going to go to heaven. And that's where they kind of misunderstand these passages or like you brought up at First Corinthians, chapter number six, when it says such were some of you. But, you know, I even see someone commented earlier in this passage about that. And they're like, oh, see, if you do anything on this list or you're still doing them, you're not safe. But one of the things in First Corinthians six is covetous. It's like, oh, so you're going to tell me that you've never one time desired something that's not yours since having been saved. It's like it's not saying that you're never going to be covetous again ever in your life or have a covetous thought. It's simply saying that you now as you're renewed and you're your new man, you're not any of those sins. So it's just silly. Yeah, exactly. Let's say here, somebody said, oh, gosh, this is funny. Golden Knight said, you tell one lie, forget about going to heaven. You're done. If you even look, if you even if you ever looked upon a woman with lust, forget about going to heaven. Three seconds, you're done. You're lit, bro. You're sometimes what I do is to show that I'm not tempted whatsoever. I just I just go to the strip club and I just, you know, just hang out just to show that no temptation has power over me. Sin does not have power over me. Like Gandhi would sleep in the bed with a bunch of young girls and just to, you know, prove that he wouldn't be tempted. You know, all the time. It's a lot higher than New Covenant. You know, if you just hate your brother in your heart, you you're a murderer. Scripture says that. Yeah. Let me see here. I think it's almost done this part from the ESV. But if you want to. Oh, yes. Yeah, I got you. But for by grace, you have been saved. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Let me let me pull up for everybody. Let me pull up for everybody. Let me know. You say Ephesians, Ephesians two, eight through 10. I love that you kept the. He thinks verse 10, like proves it's not by grace. Usually people stop. They don't they don't they don't ever read 10. So I give you huge props for reading 10. Awesome. So are you ready? Yeah. OK, so for by grace, you've been saved your faith. And this is not your own doing. And it's the gift of God, not result of work so that no one may boast for we are his workmanship, creating Christ, Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. So I do agree we should walk in them. But again, it's not our own doing that saved us. It's God's grace and Jesus's gift of dying on the cross for us. Can you read that verse 10 here? I read that verse 10 real quick for we are. So it says right here in verse eight says for by grace, are you saved through faith and not of yourselves? So not of work that you've done yourself. So now your own works. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man boast. So this is talking about your own works. So there's nothing that you personally done. You know, it's not because you were a good person or anything like that. Nothing that we personally done is getting us into the kingdom. But then in verse 10, it says, for we are for we are his workmanship, creating Christ, Jesus, Jesus onto good works, which God have before ordained that we should walk in them. So what are these good works? He's talking about in 210, right? So I, you know, the things, you know, hold up Apollo. Yo, I'm not gonna lie, my man. You know, I know you might be seeing your people to let him come in and stuff, but that's really disrespectful Brody. You feel me like like, you know, it's like if you're having your thing and I'm having people blow up your chat and stuff like it's really. Yeah, I agree. So the good works are whatever is of God, right? He does command us to do good works. So anything not good is not of God. So I don't think that we should do them. But I do think that faith and grace play hand in hand. And I think the main, you know, John 3 16 is the core verse, right? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. And we we just I feel like if you're saying so I'm not saying to sin, right? But you know, I believe in Jesus and I struggle sometimes and she had to remind him because anytime you say that it's free that he thinks you're saying this in. Yeah, she had to just let him know. I know everyone does no matter what pastor you are. Why did he stop her and say no, I don't. He forgot to stop her. There's an animal sacrifice getting prepared behind him. I mean, this girl sounds pretty safe. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, if she if he's gonna listen to her, you know. Yeah, exactly. She she saved but if she was just more knowledgeable, that was probably had a couple of things that I would like, you know, kind of not fully agree with like, I don't think that she's saying everything perfectly here, but it just sounds like she saved. No, it does because she just she's saying it's literally over and over. It's not anything that she's doing. She's just saying that we should, you know, do good works. Obviously we should do good works. No, we should just do nothing. That's what I always preach. Do nothing. Isn't that every time we go to church, Pastor Shelley just tells us to like go home. He's like, what are you guys doing here? Yeah, Pastor Shelley is never on time. He shows up at like five minutes after church is already over because he's hung over every time. All right. But for me, it's that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. And so, you know, no matter how much I struggle, I will lean on Jesus, right? I'll lean on God to guide me. But he's the reason why I'm saved. It's nothing that I can do. Like I can never be good enough to, you know, be saved. But it's Jesus giving me grace. Well, Paul thought he was good enough at the end. Paul thought he was good enough at the end to be saved, like not saved, but just to go to heaven. Wow. How about when he's like, let's go over here. What did you say? He's Paul's saying, like, it's clear that he counts everything that he's done is gone. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It's crazy. And I think that was, it was first Timothy, if I'm not mistaken. It was not Philippians chapter three. It was the book of Philippians chapter three, nine. Here's Paul and being found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness of God by faith. How about when Paul says that? Was that him saying, oh, he can tell he's righteous? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. But I like the but. This is a new Bible, so he said, I have walked the, I have fought the good. It was like something like, I have fought the good fight. I think I know what you. Oh, here it is. I found it. Second Timothy chapter four, verse seven. So he was basically over here. Actually, let's let's read back where he first said this. OK. And, you know, like I said, I'm not here to change your mind or anything because it's just just no point in that. You know what I mean? But I just want to leave you with this. I think there's no point in that. There's no point in changing someone's mind. So when I go give the gospel to people, there's no point in that. Why is he making the video like what? I'm going to do a live stream, but I don't want anybody's mind to be changed about anything. Yeah, exactly. What was the point of the live stream even start with? Exactly. Every time I post a video on Instagram, I'm like on my Cassidy Campbell 1611. I'm like, I'm going to post this, but there's no point in it. There's no point. Jesus said go preach the gospel, even though there's no point in it. There's no point. Yeah, exactly. No, repent means. Oh, I love how I didn't go over the part where Isaiah Saldivar uses Acts 2 38 to try to say that you need to repent of your sins. You said his name wrong, man. Saldivar, sorry. So Acts chapter 2 starting in verse 36. Let me just go on the screen here. After this one scripture, I probably got a dip out, y'all. Oh, same here. Acts chapter 2 verse 36 says, Therefore, let all the house of Israel know surely that God hath made that same Jesus whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ. Now, when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? So the whole thing is, he's talking to the Jews who crucified Jesus, and then they're pricked in their heart, and it says, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Stop drinking. Stop fornicating. Stop lying and stealing. You guys were drunk when you crucified Jesus. No. It says, Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. And he's telling them to repent because they did not accept Jesus. They rejected Jesus. They didn't believe in him. So they need to turn to Jesus from their unbelief and believe in Jesus. And people will say, Oh, see, it says that you need to be baptized for the remission of sins. No, it's saying that you're being baptized because you received the remission of sins by believing in Jesus. Let me show you a clear scripture for that. Acts 10 43 says, To him give all the prophets witness that through his name whoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins. So you receive the remission of sins by believing on Christ, and then you get baptized just, you know, as an outward symbolism. Someone was literally arguing with me today saying you need to be baptized to be saved, and I had to stop talking to them at that point. Here's a funny verse they're used to, right? Mark 16 16, and it's so obvious. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. So it says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. That's a true statement. If you believe and you're baptized, you're saved. But then it goes on to say, but he that believeth not shall be damned. So he that does not believe is damned. It does not say he that is not baptized is damned. All right. It's a true statement. If you believe and you're baptized, you're saved. If you just believe you're saved. I mean, it's it's pretty crystal clear, but I think that was. Let me see here if there was anything left of that one little clip we were watching. Even baptized. Um, I think he gets re baptized every week, to make sure. I don't know, I have no idea. To be honest. Let me see here. Oh crap I didn't click on the right with you. I switched over. What's your name again. Meredith. Okay, he's risen her up. Meredith I've ever met. Okay, baby. I mean, you're done. It's all good. Oh, okay. Very unique name. The only Meredith I know is from the office. So. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, you're you're way better than that. So here in first Corinthians verse 19, we got Paul here and he says for though I be free from all men. Yet have I made myself servant unto all I might gain the more and unto the Jews. I became as a Jew and I might gain the Jews. Oh, no, no, it's not. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it is this let's get down to 26. Yes, and every man that shyness for the mastery is a temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible crown incorruptible. I'm thinking about the other translation. So Paul's saying the oh here in verse 24. No, you not that they which run in a race run all but one receive of the prize. So run that you may attain. So you saying he's a liken and get into the kingdom of heaven and to run in a race. He's not even talking about getting into heaven. He's talking about rewards. How is that? He's he's lit how salvation is a gift. But then this is talking about every ward. So how do you get the two mixed up? Rewards are earned. So a gift is not earned. The gift is free. That's nothing to do with that piece and exactly then 25. He says and every man that's striving for the mastery is a temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible I therefore so run not as a certain see so fight. I not as one that beat of the air is this one. He's talking about boxers. He's saying he doesn't run so he doesn't win. He doesn't fight just to beat the air. But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection. So he watches over his body. He makes sure that he keeps his body from sinning list that by any mean when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. And so this is one of the few times is way easier in the so it makes a little bit more sense. It said I discipline my body and bring it under strict control so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified. So he's saying he doesn't want to be disqualified from this race. So if Paul obviously he believed confessed that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. Why would Paul be worried about being disqualified? Can you can you answer that? Can you refute that? Such a weird version that he's even using there. He didn't want to be a castaway according to the Bible. Yeah, obviously, you know, just like anyone doesn't want to be a bad employee and get fired. We don't want to simply be a bad Christian and God stops using us and and causes even physically perish. But at the end of the day, we're still children of God. We're still saved by faith. He's not he's he's wanting to win the prize in the rewards in heaven. But again, nowhere does it say eternal life, salvation, heaven, any of these type of words. And it's kind of like, again, why do we have to go to this passage? It's because they don't want to bring up the passages that actually is the words heaven and salvation and eternal life, faith. Because because Acts 16, Romans four, John three, 16. I mean, they're all so clear. So they have to go to these obscure passages that are not bringing up. Yeah. You know, it kind of means I kind of thought of this analogy recently. I haven't preached it before. But, you know, if you buy a vehicle, you buy a car. They give you this giant manual of instructions about your vehicle and it's usually broken up in different sections. And like you'll have a section that will be dedicated to different parts of your car, like the engine. But it's like if I want to learn about the engine of my vehicle and learn about the different mechanics that are involved, then I'm going to go and look at the table of contents. I'm going to find the sections about the engine. And then I'm going to go and read about the engine in that section. I'm not going to go and find out about the seatbelts section to try and figure out about the engine in my car. And it's like this is what people are doing with the Bible is like, hey, John, chapter 21 tells you that the Book of John is written about salvation by faith and like how to be saved and like what it takes to get to heaven. Like if I'm going to learn about salvation, I'm going to go to that section of the Bible. I'm not going to go to the section that talks about marriage or the section that's talking about how to raise a family or the section about church planting. Or, you know, I'm not going to go to these sections to figure out how I go to heaven. And that's what these people are constantly doing. And they ignore the context. They ignore what it's bringing up. And you may even have some passage in the section on seatbelts that says, whenever someone slams on the brake, it causes the engine to stop, which then may cause the seatbelt to tighten. But it's like, was that really what we want to learn? Like, do we want to learn about the engine from the seatbelt section? Even though it mentioned the word engine randomly one time, it's like, no, you want to learn about the engine from the engine section. And it's like, we want to learn about salvation, the salvation section. And yes, there are sometimes little phrases and little side passages that allude to salvation by faith throughout the whole Bible. And we see that in the whole Bible. But it's like there are whole chapters dedicated to explaining salvation. Romans is like one of the clearest and just kind of a doctrinal, you know, just laying it out, playing, talking about that. That's the subject matter. That's the context. That's what every verse is about. It's like this is where we're going to establish our clear doctrine. And we're not going to use these obscure passages about Paul running a race to determine how I go to heaven or not. Exactly. And it just should immediately let you know that that's not talking about salvation when he's talking about rewards. I mean, it's pretty clear, but even it says that in 1 Corinthians, as Trump would say, 1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians. It says in 1 Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 11, For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation, gold, silver, precious stones, wood, haste, double. Every man's work shall be made manifest, for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire. And the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he had built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. Notice that he shall receive a reward for his work if it abides. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by a fire. So if you have no works, you're still saved because you have the foundation of Christ. It's pretty clear. Well, hopefully that Meredith will figure out that Gideon's just kind of on the wrong track here. I'm pretty sure she gets it. Yeah, it's kind of sad. But the thing is, he's not like, changing her mind doesn't matter. We're not here to change people's minds, man. I wish that Gideon would change his mind. And we've showed a lot of verses, but I'm probably going to have to drop off here too. Yeah, same. Well, notice that we were actually showing a lot of verses, like clear verses, unlike them. They'll just talk out of their ass. Sorry for saying a cuss word. Oh, wait, that's in the Bible. That was the demon. That was the Jets demon that you have. Can they explain the so-called cuss words in the Bible? They can't explain it. They pisseth. Somebody said about Pastor Anderson on the comment, Oh, is this the guy that's talking about pisseth against the wall? Oh, do you sit down when you pee? Yeah? Somebody who reads it. Scatological wording. Well, somebody who reads the NIV does sit down when they pee. A CSV. The message. The what's that? Passion. The passion. Ooh. The passion. The message. Yeah, there is a passion. All right. That's weird. All right, man. Well, thanks for coming on the stream. Yeah, thanks for having me on the show, man. Go Rangers. Yeah, absolutely. The only team not to support the alphabet mafia. Let's go. God bless those teams. Exactly. Aaron Rodgers needs to get saved and then not support the alphabet mafia and then they'll win. I saw a video of him talking about the Bible from a while back, and he's trying to explain why he doesn't agree with it, but when he's talking about it, he's so clueless. He's so clueless about his interpretation of Christianity is just so far off. It was weird. I'm like, what church were you going to, man? Some bacchi church. No wonder he ran from it. I thought he said he's an atheist. Well, he does New Age. He does New Age now. Oh, so he's pretty close to being like us. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like there's no difference between a New Age or three racers. Well, we're Buddhist too, apparently, and Muslim. We accept all religions. They're all saved. Yeah, we have a mosque hooked onto our church and all these temples and stuff. Come to our church. It's a fun center. It's a rock and roll fun center too. Yeah, I wonder which one seems more like a club, Isaiah Salazar's rock band or the hymns that we're singing. But whatever. He tells people to repent of their sins. That's impressive. Yeah. Yeah. Now, demons. Well, here's the thing. One more thing. One more thing. This is what they would say. They would say, well, the devil believes everything that we believe, but the reason the devil's not saved is because he won't repent of his sins. They would say that. David Platt actually said that before when he was preaching. I was like, this guy's an idiot. And now that's why Francis Chan calls people like us lukewarm, even though he's going and meeting with the pope. Yeah, what's the passage? Where's the passage where the devil says, hey, Jesus, I believe in you? I'm pretty sure he constantly is questioning Jesus being the son of God. He's saying, if thou be the son of God, demand these stones that they be made bread. That doesn't sound like he believes in Jesus. He's tempting him and trying to accuse him of not being the son of God. Exactly. Exactly. All right. You guys have a good night. God bless. You as well. Good chatting with y'all. Try not to stay in the clubs too long tonight. I know I'm actually headed there right now. I think this one's open until like four. I lost my salvation on stream. Hopefully I'll get it back tomorrow. Yeah. Bye. You just got to beg for it. You got to beg. Yeah, man. I got to, I got to repent of my sins and turn from them. Yeah. Yeah, man. Perfectly. All right, bro. Peace out. Peace out. All right, guys, I'm done. You guys have a good night. Appreciate you guys for coming on. Yeah, we're going to go golf for nine hours tomorrow, guys. It's going to be so much fun. We don't even do church. We just go golf all day. We just get drunk and party and golf, man. That's it. That's all we do. We've never read the Bible once, man.