(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey guys so I'm joined with Pastor Jonathan Shelley and in this video we're gonna be reacting to Norm Diamante's video talking about calling upon the name of the Lord. So let's just get right into it and play his video. Is a public confession or a sinner's prayer necessary for salvation? Now the short answer is absolutely not. The very moment someone believes on Christ, trusting him alone to save them, they are saved period. The instant, the very moment someone believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, they are saved. The Bible is very clear about the subject of salvation. We are saved by grace through faith alone. It's not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast. With a confession or without a confession. Now if you wanted my Bible you would ask me for it. If God has a gift that you want, if God has salvation, he wants to give it to you, the next step is to ask him for it. It's as simple as changing what you believe, telling God that, asking him to save you, and in that instant, in that moment of time, you're saved forever. It's as simple as that. So before I leave I could lead you in a quick word of prayer. I could pray you could repeat after me and I could help you tell God that this is what you believe. Ask him to save you and if you mean that in your heart he'll do it right now. So just bow your head and repeat this after me and mean this in your heart. Dear Jesus, they believed on Christ and they received salvation without a public confession, without repeating a sinner's prayer. Is a public confession or a sinner's prayer necessary for salvation? Absolutely not my friend. We are saved by grace through faith alone with or without a confession. Wow well you know I guess which norm are we gonna believe? Are we gonna believe the norm that tells people they need to pray and repeat a prayer or the one that says you don't have to confess, you don't have to repeat a prayer, you know to be saved. You know this is this guy's just prideful. He's just sure he's just an arrogant jerk that changed his mind and I mean how does he even reconcile this? Was he like a false prophet teaching a false gospel back before when he's like telling people like helping them pray? It confused me to be honest. You know I guess praying is just somehow a magical you know it's just adding all these works to salvation asking God to save you. You know you're asking for it so it's a work. Oh man you know those people on the street are working pretty hard you know when they're standing out there with their sign yeah asking for free money. Free money. I mean they they don't want to you know stop working. Yeah you know I my daughter she asked me for $100 the other day and I gave it to her but she had to work for it I guess cuz she had to ask for it. Yeah I mean asking is pretty difficult and you know it's a full-time job. Believing requires brainpower so therefore you actually have to be in a full-blown coma in order to not work your way. Yeah well you did have to move your mouth and sometimes that's kind of like work. Yeah but even if your heart you're believing in your heart that's a work. I mean your heart has to pump blood so was Abraham your heart's pumping every minute. Was Abraham not saved because he called upon the name of the Lord in Genesis? I mean yeah and the Apostle Paul wasn't saved when he called on the name of the Lord and you know again the Apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter number 10 that what he preaches is for people to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved so I guess is he preaching a false gospel too? I guess but what's funny to me is that what it's a straw man these people make up this whole thing well public confession nobody said you need to go into the public in front of everybody and just confess Jesus nobody said that you could you could do it in your heart ask Jesus to save you you could go into your closet all by yourself in your house where nobody's there and ask Jesus to save you you don't nobody says that you need to repeat a prayer repeat a prayer yeah of course we learn things through repetition so there's nothing wrong with repeating a prayer just like Jesus disciples were learned how to how to pray from Jesus telling them and giving them an example of how to pray and we learned how to walk by watching other people walk and repeat how they walk I mean you learn everything by repeating so there's nothing wrong with helping someone but if someone prayed a unique prayer that it's never been prayed before of their own words asking to save them putting their faith in him of course they would be saved so it's just a silly straw man argument that this guy's making up this idea that somehow you know calling on the name of the Lord or asking is like work salvation yeah Jack Smack said that as well that it's total work salvation you that you guys preach a total work salvation because you you have to ask Jesus to save you I mean this is just silly this is just a misunderstanding of so much of the Bible and really I would want to say what's what's the motivation in this because virtually every single person that teaches the right salvation believes this and even these guys taught this and believe this yeah so it's just everybody a false prophet and they were false prophets and then now only these few gurus online have come to the knowledge of the truth and realize that yeah this is a workspace salvation we need to just believe only like when Jesus said in John 4 10 if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is to say it to thee give me to drink that would have asked of him and he would have given thee living water well I thought well she worked for it though she asked by asking come when they said come drink freely well you have to drink so that was work yeah you actually had to do something again obviously no one's denying like I'm not denying that what saves you is the moment you believe yeah I would say that too I would say hey the moment you believe the moment you trust Christ the moment you put faith in him you're saved the question is often then well how do I do that and in fact when we go soul winning I've had people ask me that you know you show me the gospel you show that you're showing them believe believe believe and they say okay well how do I do that and it's like okay well here's the Bible telling exactly how to do it Romans chapter number 10 and it's telling you to hey confess with your mouth and believe with your heart and and so why would I not follow the clear instructions of the scripture and help that person to call upon the name of the Lord and ask for that salvation because without that moment of calling or deciding sometimes people will say they believe but they really don't yet they don't really understand what is at stake here and that that calling on the name of the Lord is kind of that moment for someone to place their faith in Jesus to truly trust in him and to be saved yeah and there's that comment of norm saying that he's never called upon the name of the Lord but he's telling other people to do it in the video it's so good yeah I mean how have you never asked Jesus to save you but think about this because he's having them repeat his words yeah so he literally did say like Lord please save me and give me eternal life but I guess just because he was only doing for them he didn't really mean it when he said it or something I'm like how does that work I the whole thing is just so confusing and it's unnecessary it's just it's just more division it's just pride exactly and it's like and they're making up arguments that are non-existent like did you I have never heard you say that you have to go and make a public confession in front of everyone to be saved I've never heard anybody say that maybe it exists out there maybe there's someone that does believe you have to be this public confession to be saved but you know really the scripture teaches that you know even if you prayed in your heart quietly obviously the Lord can hear your words but you know think about it this way air Abraham and Sarah when they were confronted with the Lord he said that Sarah had laughed and yet she was thinking that she didn't because her mouth didn't laugh but then the Lord was saying that she kind of had laughed inside internally in her heart like Hannah right exactly so somehow words like are emanating from the heart yeah so even if you suppressed it with your mouth it's not like you didn't still speak of the Lord out of your heart and put your faith in him and you know what other thing they love to say well what if somebody's mute then exactly they pray it out of their heart and they believe in Jesus and regardless of their their lips could move they're safe yeah this is a stupid argument coming from someone that just doesn't want to go so money anymore or something you know Norma obviously went so winning and would go up to people and try to preach them the gospel why would you want to not help that person call in the name of the Lord or to believe in Jesus by helping them pray and ask God to save them you know am I really supposed to believe God wants me to ask for everything ask for health and and prayer for daily food and and prayer for all these different things but he doesn't want me to pray for salvation like that's the only thing that I'm not allowed to pray for I'm allowed to pray for everything else that's that's it's it's asinine you cannot ask for it if you if you ask for it not safe you know I remember that part in the Bible where they came to Jesus and they said you know can I come into heaven he's like no you asked for it yeah you should have just believed buddy yeah why didn't you just believe you know that I was silly that for you to ask for it you know what you're just trying too hard he said he worked I never knew you you trusted in your work so yeah asking there is enough there's another funny point I was gonna make well you know while you think about that when I go soul winning I pray with people and I make sure them to pray that they believe and every single time afterwards I ask them I say are you sure you're gonna go to heaven now and you know what they never say to me oh well I prayed I repeated a prayer they say because I believe in Jesus if thou shall repeat the prayer they're never like oh I repeated prayers now I'm saved yeah it's like they say well I believe in Jesus and it's like exactly so they know what I'm saying it's just a prideful person that that pretends like they don't know what we're saying yeah they're yeah they're making it this whole thing yeah if you pastor Shelley thinks that if you repeat the prayer you're saved no yeah you can repeat the prayer a thousand times and not be saved if you didn't believe it yeah you know obviously you know you can call in the name of the Lord and a lot of context but in the context of Romans 10 it's about spirits of salvation going to heaven having God's righteousness imputed unto you you only need it once and God wants to give it to you but the Bible says you have not because he asked not yeah and so you know the reason why people don't have salvation is because they never called on in the Lord in faith and they're not saved there are people calling on the Lord without faith and they're not saved yeah and so you know the Bible makes it clear that's what they have to do is one time trust Christ place their faith in him they receive eternal life God's imputed righteousness and they're saved but people attacking this you know sometimes they might just be wicked I don't know yeah I see the Calvinists attack it a lot and then I see like yeah even then like these people that are free grace attack and I'm confused I'm like you're just asking so if you won the lotto you won ten million dollars and you wouldn't ask for the check yeah I guess you had to work for it yeah if you go turn in your lottery ticket you worked for it yep you know you said hey can I get my ten million dollars oh you worked for it stop it yeah I mean if they say hey in order in order to win the lottery all you have to do is have the right numbers and then you you go up and you you have the right numbers of the ticket you're like where's my money and it's like well you actually had to turn the ticket in you actually had to then come and ask for it it's like well all you said was that I had to have the numbers I have the right numbers yeah and it's like well yeah dummy you still have to go turn in the ticket and it's like yeah just because you understand the gospel's true doesn't mean it just instantly gets applied to you you just ask for it once you realize God has eternal life on the table for you like like pastor Anderson said that if he asked for his welfare check at the welfare office that oh he asked for it he had to work for it yeah these people are employed well no you technically had to go to the welfare office where is the unemployment they're working they'll come up with anything it's just like you just ask go in your closet you know whatever some and just you can never tell a homeless person hey go get a job buddy because when they ask for money they're working they already have a job yeah that's true they're they are working for that money so hey can I have five dollars for a sandwich oh he asked for it he worked for it yeah and no other aspect of life is that working I'm just so confused like where are the people my children are some of the hardest workers you'll ever meet because they ask me questions all day every day and I mean man that's just tiring yeah every time I ask you a question I'm just working for it and you give me the answer oh you work for it it's just you know it's a tiring job to ask when I said when when what's it called when the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas sirs what must I do to be saved he said oh you yes you have to do yeah yep can't do that man can't do that I think the whole thing is just silly and it just is gonna just confuse people and it's so unnecessary well when the thief on the cross looked at Jesus and said Lord remember me when I'll come us to my kingdom Jesus said oh sorry you asked for it you're gonna be in hell buddy yeah he shouldn't have worked you shouldn't tried to work your way into heaven yeah repeat a prayer yeah when the center when the publican goes and says Lord be mercy me a sinner Jesus said oh this guy went home unjustified because he asked for salvation he worked for it he tried to he tried to ask the Lord for mercy there's there's so many examples of you know of people asking to be saved you could never ask for grace because grace is unmerited but by asking you you merited it so therefore you know you can't ever actually ask in it in in math in Matthew 7 7 I think it is it says ask and it should be given you oh well how does that even make sense doesn't God know that asking is at work I mean how does the Bible say that you can ask for something and then be given it you know it also if you ask the Heavenly Father you know he's gonna give you the Holy Spirit I asked my wife for a back rub the other night oh I worked for it yeah she should be like why should I give that to you I asked for it I mean what else kind of work do you want me to do here right I'm like I'm pretty sure that she's doing the work I just asked you know I'm gonna go to the bank and I'm going to ask for a million dollars and then they're gonna say why and I said I worked for it because I asked for it yeah right since I so I worked for it it's so silly man these guys these guys are just too smart for themselves it hurts my head yeah they're too you know what next time I'm gonna go when I go so when am I tell someone look man before you get saved just make sure that you go into a full-blown coma so that your your body is shut down and you just cannot do any sort of work for it yeah just believe and and if you even try to ask you're not even save you and believe I told you that stop it if I told you you believe because it's using brainpower oh man I mean this there's a lot of burning calories while you're doing that which is a well reading the Bibles of work right yeah and you know usually a lot of it we're showing them the Bible and they're reading the verses with us we should stop showing them because by them reading the Bible verses they're working for their salvation and they're listening because their ears yeah they had to work while they were listening man I can't I mean this work salvation yes it's just so difficult when you go so when you had to tell Pete you bring earplugs and you put the blinders over their eyes just so they cannot do any sort of works I mean by standing is that working do they need to be laying down so is breathing working just don't even breathe right now I only go give the gospel to dead people because they're not working yeah this is like a Calvinist doctrine you know what is the dead man this is the new doctrine this is this honestly that way to be for so funny to come out with like a fake doctrine like like something that's a joke and be like guys check out the new job should I well look I mean JD Greer the Calvinist he said that you know some people think of salvation as you're drowning and you yell out to the life gourd save me he's like that's wrong actually you're dead in the water and you're not even moving and the lifeguard comes and just rips you out of the water and breathes life into you yeah and it's like that's almost like their doctrine of like you didn't even call on the Lord you didn't ask for salvation you just breathe believe into you or something yeah yeah it's like you're just sitting there no work believe is this irresistible grace you do make a decision no yeah there's no free will in it but I mean here's here's a question I always ask these people it's like okay if there's no action involved as far as like believing in the sense that you didn't call on the Lord you didn't you didn't place your faith in him through you know confessing like the Bible says then how would you know you believed enough yeah I'm confused now like what like okay I saw the gospel in here is it just instantly make me say because I saw it or because I intellectually assented to it or because I think it's true or like it what level is your belief enough don't believe it that's works okay go away now don't believe it yeah that doesn't even make any sense these guys are just so contradictory they change on a dime how are you tell yeah and how are you telling someone yeah uh I'll lead you in prayer just repeat after me but then you're telling people that oh well you know that's a work well think about it this way okay if if asking for salvation means that it's like a false gospel and you're not even saved yeah then when he was leading people in prayer back then was he not even saved apparently so like at what point did he even get saved you know it did he get saved like later after realizing oh I had asked for it I've been working for it all this time yeah and now I finally realized that I don't need to ask for it and then that's when I got saved or how does it even work because cuz they're my brain is hurting honestly he if his doctrine is true he couldn't have been saved when that video was made yeah because if he believes that salvation is not asking and then he's telling other people to ask yeah he's not even believing the right thing at that point in time so he's not even safe so at what point that he even gets a when he came out with that video okay as soon as yeah I finally realized it's not asking and that's when I got saved yeah right cuz cuz otherwise you'd have to believe that he was saved and he was teaching a false gospel when asking people to pray and get saved yeah cuz I saw his videos before and I even talked to him before and I thought everything he said was good I need to I'm with it I mean and even still he makes videos where he explains you know the importance of believing alone and not works and it sounds good but then like where's this this weirdo anti calling on the name of the Lord which he clearly believed yeah he clearly was trusting it always was he trusting in his prayer back then was he trusting and repeating a prayer to save him back then yeah or how does that work this doesn't even make sense and it's just like I keep repeating this nobody said you have to repeat a prayer to be saved well Jesus I know I I know I'm a sinner can't Jesus I put my trust in you please save me Jesus yeah oh my gosh oh wait I didn't repeat it so it actually you know I've gone so wanting where people didn't actually repeat what I said or they said it differently or they wanted to pray their own thing I guess I should have declared them unsaved because they didn't repeat the prayer yeah it's so stupid repeat the prayer you had to repeat that's what you believe you believe that you got to repeat it absolutely you're a false problem in fact you don't have to do anything else just repeat it you're saved somebody's gonna take this out of context and say see he doesn't course he believes it he believes that you got to repeat the prayer to go to heaven absolutely oh my gosh yeah like I said I think this whole thing is just silly and it's just gonna like it just it just hurts my head thinking about it I'm like when cuz somebody I just made a video saying that um you know all you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved I think and I said you know ask him to save you just ask him to save you oh that's dangerous what how yeah it's not contradictory people aren't confused on this yeah it's really an online only doctrine yeah you don't see people in real churches and like going out soul winning that really believe well you're an online pastor rare yeah pastor I really suck because my church keeps getting taken down and strikes and this I terminate the policy apparently you know our church isn't governed by the Bible it's governed by YouTube your church just keeps getting not taken down every single time and you got to keep rebuilding your church oh man in that crazy how that how long have we been talking because it's just it's just like a comedy at this point it's silly these people are just they should really just be made fun of because they're just being stupid and there's there's really there's almost no sense and even trying to be logical with them because they're not logical there's no argument they're just being foolish on purpose they're just being stupid and they're just morons and they're just too prideful to admit that they're wrong and just change but you know I don't I don't have to keep making fun of you if you just take your videos down and get the right doctrine then yeah exactly fun of you because then other than that we would all agree on everything like pretty much probably 99% okay I think we would all agree on because I think Norm Diamante said like pretty much all good stuff and then like when he came out with this I was just like I'm just so confused well I don't know he did someone asked the other day he's like are you a Baptist and he's like no I'm not denominational oh my gosh like what you know if somebody said I mean if somebody said to me I'd be like yeah I go to a New Independent Fundamental Baptist Church I said you know what but I ultimately I just believe the Bible so it's not like I'm saying you have to go to a New Independent Fundamental Baptist Church to be saved I mean come on yeah obviously you don't have to you don't have to be a Baptist to be saved you don't have to go to a Baptist Church but how could someone that used to be a Baptist or go to Baptist churches then want to go to a non the non church I mean that's those churches you know and again I don't know what the church is talking about specific Church of Christ but you know that the works church I've never seen a church that I have more respect for that's not a than a Baptist than a Fundamental Baptist Church 100% because you know all these I was I think I mentioned this to you before but all the churches that say they're non-denom they're really denom yeah they're in fact what's so funny about it is you will find more unity amongst non-denom churches than virtually any other denomination quote-unquote and of course they're describing themselves even with this label they claim it's non-denom but it's really a label it can tell exactly what they're like every one of these non-denoms is virtually the exact same whereas you know you could see a lot of difference between Baptist you can see a lot of difference between Methodist you can see a lot of difference between Catholic even but you know you're not gonna see a lot of variance between non-denoms they simply all typically have the same pattern same activities same language same heresies they're all friends and buddies they all read from new translation like the NIV and the yeah well either new the NIV I've seen some read from the ESV and then what's it the you know I use anything pretty much but here's the thing why not just read from the King James absolutely why not again how many non-denoms are King James only I mean I'm probably less than 1% I'm sure I've never seen it I it probably exists but it's probably such a small percentage that is not even worth mentioning yeah and and like I said yeah pretty much all these guys they I mean what would you say most denominations are these so-called non-denominational churches well again if you understand you know in the 70s or earlier but then that even non-denominational didn't exist there was no such thing as a non-denominational Church so essentially non-denominational churches came from two major denominations Pentecostals and Baptists so it essentially what they would do is they would just drop the name instead of being such-and-such Pentecostal Church or such-and-such Baptist Church they would just drop that lingo and then they're just this quote non-denom church to get more people well but honestly and that's some of it but a lot of them are church splits so you'd have a Baptist Church preach against a particular doctrine and they would have a bunch of heretics say well we don't believe that so they would go start their own little cult church and then it just would grow into these big non-denominant churches so most non-denominant churches are just an unbiblical separation heretics but they really spawned from they were basically Baptist light or Pentecostal light and so they they were mostly that kind of particular denomination and and most non-denominational churches are very similar to a Southern Baptist Church because they're just kind of Southern Baptist light you know or they're kind of a Pentecostal charismatic like here's maniac yeah type with all the ominous casting out demons and all that nonsense yeah but they're almost all virtually the same yeah oh my gosh yeah but how would this progress this he seems like he's devolving it's like he was Baptist I believed and then now he's not the nom yeah he was believing and you know calling on the name of the Lord now he's not so it's like what is he gonna devolve to next you know he needs to get right yeah and at the end of the day like the reason I like the new independent fundamental Baptist churches is because it's coming from the Bible you guys preached the whole Bible and you actually understand it and ever since I really started listening to you guys it just helped me understand the Bible everything just became clear to me it like like the Bible says the rightly be able to rightly divide the word of truth and most people really can't well if you're saved and you're actually reading the Bible I think you're gonna be drawn to preaching like Pastor Anderson or other great new IP preachers because it lining up with what the Bible actually says so it kind of feeds itself yeah you hear that kind of preaching it makes you want to read the Bible and then you read the Bible and they're both saying the same thing and they both kind of draw you to one another whereas the reason why a lot of people don't go to a church like ours is because they're not reading the Bible yeah and when I go to your church it makes me want to read the Bible more because I'm like oh I want to read into that more and understand it more but yeah like when I went to these other churches I don't care well they don't bring anything up in the Bible no they don't barely yeah it's nice to when you hear a sermon about biblical topics do you think like I want to go check out that reference they mentioned or this story or see what I reminded of a verse and honestly if you have the Holy Spirit inside of you you're saved a lot of times the Holy Spirit will remind you of verses in the Bible that weren't even mentioned in the sermon but they're just related to that topic or you're something you're kind of thinking about and so it's like a way to actually be edified through preaching even though it wasn't directly as a result like it wasn't the preacher saying it it's the Holy Spirit reminding you of other things in the Bible yeah definitely man well I really I really appreciate you doing this video God and guys watching if you enjoyed this video please be sure to leave a like and leave a comment and subscribe to the channel and be sure to check out pastor Jonathan Shelley I'm sure a bunch of his sermons are also still up on YouTube and you have a rumble correct yeah rumble is a good place to find us you can just type in the steadfast Baptist or Baptist we usually pop up pretty quick sweet and that's way you can check our sermons every week amen all right guys I'll see you the next video