(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Hey, what's up guys, so I'm here with pastor Jason Robinson from Mountain Baptist Church. How's it going, man? How's it going? Good to see you. Hey, man. It's going great. Glad to have you on here. So We're gonna be reacting first to Alan Parr's video You said you haven't heard of Alan Parr? No, I haven't heard of him. So yeah, man, this video is called many Christians will go to hell because of this I've got news for you many Professing Christians who go to church every Sunday who give money to their church and probably were raised in a Christian home Unfortunately on Judgment Day are gonna sadly find out that they are going to hell and my friend It is very possible that you watching this video right now very well may be in that number Now that opening was not meant in any way to spark any sort of fear or shock value in you But the reality is that Jesus said that one day at judgment. He's gonna say depart from me. I never knew you now That's not the passage of Scripture that we're gonna look at in this particular video But what I believe is happening in our society today is that we are placing such a huge Emphasis on just believe believe believe and let me be very very clear Believing in Jesus Christ is the only prerequisite for being a Christian the question is what does it actually mean to believe and what does it actually look like to believe and Is your belief consistent with your behaviors? Because James says that if you have faith without works, that is a dead faith so I believe that there is another passage of Scripture that we're gonna dig into today in this particular video that if it was Explained to more people who say they want to be a disciple who say they want to be a Christian before they actually walk down this road if they were to truly think about it and try to Understand whether it is they want to take this step I think we'd have a whole lot less false conversions and a whole lot less people who are Deconstructing their faith. Let's jump in beginning in Luke chapter 14 verse 25 It says this now great crowds were traveling with him now. Let's just stop right here We're gonna break this passage of Scripture down. I want you to visualize this for just a moment. You may have to close your eyes So the first thing that he says at the very beginning of this video Is true meaning that most there's a lot of people that profess that think they're Christians think they're saved and aren't actually saved Right, so that's true But the funny part is is that he brings up he brings up Matthew chapter 7 where it says He's gonna say depart from me. I never knew you but in that passage it actually explains that Not not everyone that said to me Lord Lord to honor in the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven and Then it said Then that they will say many will profess unto me in that day You know Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and then thy name done many Wonderful works and then while I profess unto them. I never knew you depart from me eat the work iniquity But when you look up what the will of the Father is and John's John 6 It says this is the will of him that sent me that Everyone would see at the son and believe it on him may have everlasting life and I'll raise him up at the last day and He's gonna go in to I'm sure in this video and basically try to say well you have to have works in there with that faith whereas Matthew 7 the first verse he's using is actually proving what we believe which is that it's by faith alone and not by works and The people that are gonna actually be departed You know that Jesus is gonna say depart from me are those that are trying to put works in with their salvation so but I just wanted to preface it with that is that this guy is like Obviously going James chapter 2 taking that out of context and we could talk about that too if you want But you know one and see what he's gonna what he has to say about Luke 14 here Yeah, and I was just gonna say that You know Obviously works justify us but before who before man because man can't see our faith So works aren't gonna justify us before God Well in James chapter 2 and and that's a definitely a true statement what you just said there but what I believe James chapter 2 is talking about is the fact that can faith save him is talking about Judgment without mercy because in that passage it talks about That you shall have judgment without mercy if you show no mercy and mercy rejoices against judgment, then it goes on to say You know What that the prophet my brethren though a man say he has faith and have not works conveyed save him from what from judgment without mercy which is getting into the fact of You know if your brother or sister be destitute of daily food, and you basically tell him go be warmed and filled Unless you give them those things which are equal to the body and he's basically saying it's not profitable So what we're talking about in James chapter 2 is profitable faith and unprofitable faith But in Specifically what it talks about is Abraham which says that Abraham believed God and it was imputed on them for righteousness And he was called the friend of God And I don't know if you remember the verse But you know a big verse in John about being God's friend is you're my friends if you do whatsoever I command you so the prerequisite to being God's friend is being saved So believe on my eyes not shall be saved but to be the friend of God is another step on top of that where now I need to have the works that are yeah in that and They're obviously looking into the passages and say it says saved Therefore it must be talking about eternal salvation Yeah, exactly when it's not even talking about your spiritual salvation at all. Same thing with Ephesians or Philippians chapter 2 when Paul says work out your salvation with fear and trembling, right? It's not talking about your spiritual salvation. It's talking about that physical, correct, right? That's right Yeah work out your own salvation with fear and trembling You got to get top context on that passage as far as are we talking about physical salvation or eternal salvation? And and so those are like two big passes I think Philippians 2 and James 2 are the two ones that everybody is trying to take and try to take physical salvation And pull it into eternal salvation. Yeah, let me ask you this, you know when it comes to James chapter 2 It likens faith without works is dead To the body without the spirit is dead But just because the spirit doesn't have the body does that mean that that person that body isn't real No, it's not only that person. No, right and that's what they try to say is they try to say Well, if you don't have works and it's not true faith, it's not real faith It's like well, he's not real then yeah Right. They'll do the same thing with Matthew When Jesus is talking about the tribulation and he says he that endures till the end will be saved They think it's talking about a spiritual salvation, but it's talking about making it through the tribulation physically yeah, because in context right after it says he that endureth unto the end the same shall be saved later on it says Except those days should be shortened. No flesh should be saved and that is a perfect example of salvation being Defined as physical salvation. I mean, I don't know how much more clear it could be in that passage that Physical salvation when it says flesh shall be saved. So but yeah, that's a great example Yeah, I mean at the end of day We have to be able to rightly divide the word of truth and and be able to discern what is what? Yeah, is that cool if I get back into it, yeah, yeah go for it sweet And I want you to imagine this huge crowd of people who are traveling with Jesus and basically they've heard about what he can do they've heard about him raising the dead and healing the blind and and healing the sick and doing all these different things and And maybe they're following him because they want to see a magic show maybe they're following him because they need something from him They want to be healed They want their their their family members to be healed or whatever it is But what Jesus is getting ready to say in this passage? He is going to separate the committed from the crowd and I want you to ask yourself While you're going through this passage with me, are you just part of the crowd of people that are following Jesus? Or are you part of the committed that Jesus is going to explain and describe here now Let's keep going now great crowds were traveling with him. So he turned and said to them if anyone comes to me now Let's just stop right there Because what we see here is that whatever Jesus is gonna say next he is applying it to anyone and everyone who says they want to be a follower of Jesus a Disciple anyone who names the name Christian he says what I'm getting ready to say is what I am requiring of somebody who says they want to be Disciples because oftentimes we think oh, you know what I can do this because I'm not a pastor. I'm not a minister I'm not a missionary. I'm not this I'm not in ministry Oh, no, no, no what Jesus get ready to say is it whatever it is. I'm applying it from the pulpit to the puke Okay, let's just see what he says the first quality of a disciple Somebody who says they want to be a Christian is that they elevate their faith over their family notice It says here if anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother wife and children Brothers and sisters and later on it says he cannot be my disciple. So Jesus is basically laying it down here now I want you to understand that the way Jesus is using the word hate here. He's not talking about Seeing somebody in a negative light he's basically using hyperbole to set the bar so high that he's basically saying How you see me and everybody else there should be such a huge gap between your faith and every other relationship so much so that comparison so he on One he's not using the King James Bible, but yeah He's all he's already showing you that he doesn't actually believe what mark words mean So when it says hate It means hate. Okay, right now when you look at this passage here And we can get into what he's been big misunderstanding is his disciple doesn't equal saved Okay, the first thing to mention here is the fact that Judas is called a disciple and yeah In John chapter 6 that that Judas was never a believer that That have I not chosen you 12 when one of you is a devil and I said that he knew from the beginning Who would not believe on him? So Judas was called a disciple yet. He never believed So the idea of equating disciple with believer is a false equivalence. Yeah But then Luke chapter 26 here what it says if if any come unto me Who come to me and hate not his father and mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters Yea in his own life also He cannot be my disciple, but then it goes on whosoever doth not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple If you go to Matthew where this is quoted, it'll say Whosoever loveth father mother going down the line more than me Cannot be my disciple. There's two different categories here. There's two different circumstances. Okay? Matthew is dealing with the typical case where You have an unsaved family member or you have a saved family member and you were to love God more than them. Okay? Luke chapter 14 is dealing with what if what if one of your family members was a hater of God and There's actually cases in the Bible where you have like Abigail whose husband was a child of the devil, you know It calls him a son of Belial The Bible says do not hate them Oh Lord that hate thee and am I not grieved with them that rise up against thee and it says I hate them with perfect hatred so if a family member was a hater of God and You're not willing to hate that person then you're not you can't be a disciple and So there's two different circumstances that you're dealing with and the Matthew Circumstances the typical like every day like probably most of the case you're gonna be dealing with that one, right? You're not dealing with reprobates all the time but In this case, I believe hate means hate But I don't need to hate why would I need let me ask you this? why would I need to hate my wife if she loves the Lord and She's following the Lord and she's doing what you know, she's doing you should be doing and she's following me That doesn't make any sense, but if you're dealing with like a navel like Abigail situation then that does make sense that you would have to do that because It the Bible says in 2nd Chronicles 19 2 it says shouldest thou Help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord Therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord But this is a common thing that most people that claim to read Christians don't understand it There's a time to hate and there's a time to love and we need to rightly divide the word of truth to understand that So the thing that's interesting about this guy is that he's he's coming at he's basically saying, you know most people don't they don't actually look at what the Bible teaches on this and he's Automatically taking the Word of God and then just saying well that word hate there doesn't actually mean hate Why is it there? Yeah, it actually means like loveless And listen I've heard say people do that too So I'm not saying like just that means he's unsaved if he's doing that, right? The thing is is that if you're gonna say like hey, you need to hold to what the Bible says Then you know what words have meanings and if you're gonna say listen it says that in English and guess what it says in the original language to there's no difference and It's just interesting that he's doing that but obviously it's a false equivalence on the cycle anyway So this passage is not talking about salvation. It's talking about being his disciple so You can't do that. If you're not willing to follow him holistically And be able to either love your family less than him Or in some cases, which probably everybody has a family member somewhere out there, you know Some distant cousin or something like that that hates the Lord that you would have to even go that far So yeah, that makes perfect sense so Well, let's actually go to the Greek To me It seems as though you hate these people because you're so prioritizing your relationship with me. And so listen You might be in a situation where it's difficult to share your faith with your family or your friends or you might Risk embarrassment or shame or whatever and Jesus is saying if you want to be a disciple you have to be willing to elevate your relationship with me with Jesus Christ and That has to take preeminence over every single other relationship the person that you're dating even the person that you're married to every other Relationship quality number two if anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother wife and children brothers and sisters Yes, even his own life he cannot be my disciple so now he's talking about sacrifice over self-centeredness You see there's this tendency in our lives to want to do what we want to do and to do our will but Jesus is saying I am calling anyone who wants to be a disciple to a life of Surrender a life of sacrifice where we constantly put down what we want in Exchange for what God wants but see what we want to do is we want to compartmentalize our lives We have certain things that we say. Okay God, I'm gonna give you control over this. Oh, but not over this, right? I'll let you control over my money. I'll give money to the church Oh, but I don't want you to control my my sexuality or my dating relationships or my marriage or what? You know you may want me to do with my career or my money So so it's like we're got one foot in but there's some areas of our lives where we're just not willing to surrender and he Says if you want to be a disciple What I'm calling you to is a life of total and complete Surrender see this passage. It needs to be explained to new Christians So that they know exactly what they are getting themselves into and what they are signing up for from the jump Let's keep going quality number three pain Now notice it says here So he said he says, you know, it's a life of sacrifice, right? That's what he's looking for. And if he's equating this to salvation then that's blasphemous because the Bible says that Jesus is the sacrifice is his body was offered at sacrifice once for all and To try to say that that our sacrifice is a part of our salvation is complete Blasphemy when when you look at Jesus and what he did Saying like it. Well, it's Jesus sacrifices enough we got to sacrifice our life and this is that typical lordship salvation where it says what we need to give our life we need to Surrender our life to Christ for salvation. It's like well, no, it says for God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but everlasting life And I don't remember ever reading where it says I I have to give my life to him for salvation Actually, see it's the complete opposite, but this turns into a boasting I mean ultimately if you are sacrificing your life and you are the one that's that's a part of your salvation then you have room to boast and this obviously is what he's getting into but Anyway, I just wanted to mention that because it I mean Hebrews I mean if you read Hebrews and then came out thinking that I need to sacrifice Myself or my life for salvation. I mean it nails that in Hebrew chapter 10 that he is the sacrifice once for all Yeah, yeah What what's that verse that says he who sacrifices his life shall have everlasting life Yeah, I I can't remember that one. It must be it must be in second hallucinations Hey Here Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple You see in these days there were a lot of people who were losing their lives because of their faith and here's the reality Saints Jesus for most of us is not even calling us to a life where we might be in jeopardy of Losing our lives or being a martyr He is just simply saying you know what in this life there's gonna be pain there's gonna be difficulty there's gonna be humiliation There's gonna be shame. There's gonna be suffering. There's going to be all of these there's gonna be loss There's gonna be financial struggles. There's gonna be marital stress strain and struggles But see the issue for many of us because we're not taught this because we've been fed this cotton candy gospel this watered-down Version of the gospel the secret sensitive type of gospel this gospel from the church and from the pulpit Oftentimes where they're afraid to mention sin, they're afraid to call out certain things They're afraid to challenge people to go deeper in their faith. What happens is when these things come into their lives They're disillusioned and they don't know what to think because they've been fed this lie that Everything in their life is going to go well and as a result whenever pain comes whenever it's time for them to carry their own cross Over the past six months we have been investigating as well as exposing the truth behind all these food processing plan They want to shake their angry fists in the face of God and Ultimately leave the church and ultimately leave the faith and Jesus is saying hey look I'm actually calling you to a life that is going to include pain difficulty and hardship number four Relationship over religion notice he says here whoever does not bear his own cross and come After me or another version says follow me cannot be my disciple now Do you see the strong language that Jesus is using here? Cannot be my disciple So he's inviting us to a to a relationship with him Not just religion. He says you have to follow me What does that look like that means spending time with him? That means praying that means fasting that means trusting that means learning that means obeying that means worshiping all that means putting our trust in him See what religion is okay. Let me go to church. Let me give some money Maybe let me You know hang out with some Christian friends or whatever know that those are all Religious activities what Jesus is calling us to is a life of intimate fellowship with him I'm not the one that writes. He says look if you don't come after me and follow me in relationship He says you cannot be my cycle number five commitment over convenience Let's see what it says, but don't begin. I'm reading this from the New Living this time until you count the cost I love this. He says hey He's reading from different translations like several different translations throughout the thing so he's not just reading one This is a typical move by by these these new evangelical type of Crowd it's just like well, I like the way the NLT says it, you know Yeah, like the way the NASB says it over here. It's just like whatever whatever verse fits Whatever they're trying to say more make whatever narrative I was gonna say too. I remember one of his videos He said he's not a five-point Calvinist, but I think he might have said a three-point Calvinist So always at now, but here all I just wanted to say that let me get back to it. Okay This is what I've been getting to this entire video He says don't even start down the road of saying you want to be a Christian You want to be a disciple of Christ he says don't begin until you think about it until you consider until you count the cost of what might be required of you as A fully devoted follower of Jesus. That's why I said this passage needs to be taught to every single new believers matter of fact, if you have a friend who just got saved within the last year send them this video and Make sure they watch this so that they are not Disillusioned about what it means to truly be a Christian Let's keep going for who would begin Construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it He says who does that who starts building an entire building only to realize they don't have enough money to be able to finish it Nobody does that instead what we do is we look at the bank and we say, okay, you know In fact, we've got banks that approve us for loans to make sure that we don't do this Make sure we have the money we have to count the cost We have to consider it and what Jesus is saying is hey I'm calling you to do the same thing with regards to your relationship with me He says otherwise you might complete only the foundation before running out of money and then everyone would laugh at you They would say there's that person who started that building and couldn't afford to finish it Wow Isn't that what we see today? So many people starting down the road of building their faith Only to leave it partially built. I believe the word that we call that is deconstruction. I Believe that we would have less stories of deconstruction today if on the front end of someone's conversion We clearly taught them what it means to be a disciple I'm gonna get in trouble for this I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway If you're a church leader watching this I want you to ask yourself the question as new people come into your church and they get Baptized are you explaining to them? What it means to be a Christian or are we just simply trying to get them into a small group or getting to serve a church? Which is nothing wrong with that But they need to know What is required of them as a Christian before they move on and finally number six usefulness over uselessness Notice he says here salt is good for seasoning But if it loses its flavor, how do you make it salty again? Listen salt in those days was used as a flavor enhancement Now I'm just gonna be honest with some of y'all need to use some more salt and yes in your food. Okay, man Okay, but we're gonna move off of that. Okay, listen Salt changes the flavor Salt was also used as a preservative in either case What is he saying salt change is a change agent when you put salt on stuff stuff starts changing taste starts changing Right, and he's saying in the same way That's why he says we are to be salt because we are to be change agents But instead and far too often we are not changing the culture around us instead We are being changed by the culture that is around us and jesus is saying here if the salt So talk about stretching it, you know as far as what that's talking about, yeah, so let me He uses these terms like relationship Yeah, and and uh, basically religion, but he doesn't define it with the bible See if you're going to talk about relationship, why don't you talk about the fact of a father-son relationship? Or you know god the father and and the children of god Which is the fact that except you be born again You cannot see the kingdom of god and the bible says as many as received him They them gave you power to become the sons of god even to them that are his disciples. Is that what it says? No, actually it says to them that believe on his name And then it says you're all the children of god by faith in christ jesus nowhere in there does it say anything about uh, you know Any of these things that he's trying to state as far as being a disciple Actually when we're talking about being a disciple that goes back to john 15 where it talks about being fruitful And then you know you're my friends if you do whatsoever I command you that is being a disciple that is not Being born again being born again is by faith alone in jesus christ And then he talks about religion But you know what the bible actually defines pure religion in james chapter one Which is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction So if you're going to talk about religion and say well, let's put let's pit religion against uh against relationship one You want to talk about relationships show me that chapter verse in the bible Doesn't exist now, obviously, you know Relationship we can say that there's a father-son relationship, but that word isn't there So if you're gonna if this guy is going to try to say well, we need are you showing are you showing your your congregants? You know what? Uh what the bible says about this? It's like well show me chapter and verse on relationship Now maybe it's in the nlt somewhere, but you know what they also add Repent of your sins and turn to god Yeah all over the place and they're just adding to the word of god But you know in the king james bible, I don't see have a relationship with jesus Yeah, actually the bible teaches that it talks about fellowship with god but fellowship with god Is being a disciple that is something that has nothing to do with whether we're saved or not That has to do with whether you're walking in the light or not and You know what? I have five children And my children are going to be my children and there's nothing they they can do about it There's nothing I can do about it, right? There are my children biologically But the fellowship of father and child father son father daughter can change depending on whether they're Keeping my commandments whether they're doing what they should be doing and that fellowship can change but guess what that that? That relationship of a father son father daughter will never change and you know what when we get saved we're born again by faith So so when your kids misbehave you don't just put them in the oven Just put them in the oven Right exactly Yeah, no, but the lord loveth gave me chasteness and scourges every son whom we receive it and you know The bible says he that spares his rod hated the son and so um that same relationship of you know My children and me as their fathers is the same type of relationship we have With our heavenly father, but it's just funny how they they try this guy's trying to say well You know, I wish someone would teach that you know, what's funny about that though yeah, is that our type of churches that believe that salvation is by faith alone in jesus christ and the Preaching that harder than anybody else That you need to like like we were talking about with luke chapter 14 I believe that there's actually people that are maybe family members that you should hate And you can't be a disciple of jesus unless you hate them. That doesn't mean that you're not saved It doesn't mean that you're not a child of god But you can't claim to be his disciple if you're not going to hate those that hate the lord and this guy would Would probably balk at that and say well, no, we should never hate anybody You know, even though in psalm 139 it says that we should well, that's old testament. See that doesn't apply anymore except for luke 14 Yeah, apparently that's the testament, isn't it? And I noticed too that you know the new independent fundamental baptist churches like yours, you know people in there You know, obviously they believe that they're saved by the grace grace only right by faith or through faith and you know They do a lot of works. They probably do more works than These people that are preaching to workspace salvation Yes, that's what's funny about it. Is that you know, we go out soul winning every single week and We're getting close to having a soul winning time every single day of the week And I know other churches that have that I know faithful word has that they have probably more than one every single day of the week And you know as far as fulfilling the great commission getting people, you know saved getting them baptized But then also discipling them and we have we have multiple people in our church that uh, we want to christ out Soul winning in our in our area that come to church got baptized and are actually out soloing as well and You know what? That's That's the work of the lord But it's interesting that I didn't need to preach that they needed to surrender to life to go to heaven That they didn't need to start adding works to their salvation, you know To go to heaven, you know, it's it's interesting how that works because actually you know why they go Because they love the lord Yeah, because it's not about them Uh receiving salvation. It's about them actually actually caring about people and loving the lord So yeah, that's actually the the way that god has designed it to be so Yeah, if it was if it was like oh i'm gonna lose my salvation Like you would just dread doing that you're like, oh I have to do it because if I don't i'm gonna lose my salvation You want to do it because you love god Like when I go out soul winning I do it because I want to do it, you know, like not because I'm gonna just lose my salvation I mean in the end, you know Of some having uh of some having compassion making a difference and the idea there is that There's many multiple reasons why you'd go out soul winning why you'd want to go win people to christ One of one of the reasons is that you care about people and you don't want to see them go to hell Another reason would be that jesus deserves For people to get saved and you know, you want to you want to see him be glorified in any way that you can um, but Yeah, it's it's very interesting that uh the same people that preach this type of surrendering your life and you have to be a disciple to be saved They end up watering down What the bible actually teaches about being a disciple they end up And they almost have to right because if that's a requirement if that's like really a requirement as far as for salvation They have to water it down because listen none of us Are ever going to to actually uh walk in the spirit and be a disciple 24 7 right and never mess, you know, I mean like and just follow all the fatigue, right? We're constantly falling. We're constantly messing up. We're constantly having to get back on track. Yeah, and you know When you realize that that's not talking about salvation Then it's something that you can strive for and say hey, you know, i'm going to mess up But you know what? I'm going to keep getting better I'm going to keep trying to go for it I'm going to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling on god christ. Jesus But as paul says in philippians chapter 3 I have not attained you know the idea is that they it's almost like If you think that's a part if you think that's how you get saved and you're you think you're saved and that's that's how you're saved Right there then you straight up attained You know, I mean like you're picking up your cross daily. You're you're you know, you know I mean like you're doing everything you're the soul of the earth like you're all the time Like you never stop being the soul of the earth. You never you're never not picking up your cross Like yeah, it's it's uh, it's foolishness to think that um anybody Is actually living that Right my basis like I had somebody tell me real quick before we get back to it. I had somebody tell me Uh, was it yesterday that They have fully surrendered and I was like really so you haven't told a lie You haven't uh, you haven't sinned you haven't missed church. Uh, you haven't missed prayer. You haven't ever missed reading your bible No, I haven't. Well, you know, well, I haven't sinned willfully Oh, you know what? You're delusional. You're just puffed up full of pride and you're a liar Yeah, I mean And I know you probably heard this verse a million times talking about this issue But you know the bible says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves But you know what another thing to go with that is the bible says wherefore let him that thinketh He stand to take heed lest he fall And all these people that think that they're standing there Like take heed lest you fall those it's funny the people that claim that are the worst offenders They're the worst offenders. They're always the ones that are in the worst of When they're claiming to be like Somehow attaining until earlier than now All right back to this here. All right, we got like Three minutes. Oh is not performing its job of changing the atmosphere and changing the situation He says what good is it? How do you make it salty again? as a matter of fact There's a secondary use of salt In those days they would throw salt on a pile of manure To keep the weeds from growing up and jesus is basically saying I can't even use you for that Notice it says here. He says here flavorless salt is good neither for the soil Nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He says look Not only can I use you not for to change and and for the seasoning and all that stuff I can't even use you for the most basic thing Which is to throw salt on a manure pile and keep the weeds from growing up He says anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand now my friend listen I know at this point in the video you might be scared you might be thinking Listen, this video was not intended to spark Crazy fear in you to make you question your salvation. No, no, no, but it was intended as a heart check as a warning And for some of you watching this video, it should create some fear because if you've gone most of your life And if you're being honest with yourself just honest You have no relationship with jesus You may call out to him whenever you need something or you pray whenever something's in trouble But but let's be honest. You you don't really read your bible. You don't really pray And you're really not going to church and it hasn't just been that way for a short season This has been a consistent theme of yours for most of your life This video was intended for you this passage of scripture was intended for you Because it's intended for you to take a close look at your life and ask yourself the question. Am I really a christian? Because the answer to that question could determine your entire eternal destiny And if you want to be a christian The only prerequisite is that you believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt not be And thou shalt be saved but that belief my friend should be a byproduct a natural byproduct of your belief should be Followed up with changed behavior and a desire to be A disciple a fully devoted follower of christ so I pray that as you Take a look at your life You'll use these six principles To guide and assess where you're at on your journey of being a disciple of jesus And if you're a church leader, I pray that you would use this passage as scary as it may be and it might scare some people away But I pray that you use this passage to truly communicate what it means to be a disciple of christ I'll see you in the next video. Bye for now So so in the end he's saying it's just believe but Now the thing is is that he says this should This should happen Well, I agree you should But does that mean it will See, there's a big difference between should and will right or not, right and so You know the bible says that god has created us under the good works which he had before ordained that we should walk in them Right, and so when it comes to this When it comes to this is that we get saved by faith or by grace or you saved through faith and that Not of yourselves get the god not of works of sending men to bows but we should Walk, we shouldn't do good works. We should walk in him and You know, he talked about the soul of the earth And he kind of went rogue on that when he was talking about like that means that you need to be making change, you know well uh, it's funny because I was just reading through proverbs and it's talking about like Not meddling with people that are given the change So I just made me think of that guy but but the and in matthew chapter five when it talks about the year of the soul of the earth But if the salt had lost its savor wherewith shall be salted The bible talks about it says let your speech be always with grace seasoned with salt That you may know how you ought to answer every man And so when you're talking about salt, I believe it has to do with what you're saying what you're preaching, right? Um, you could also look at that if you're coupling it with being the light of the world Right because if you're light of the world you are the light of the world And it says let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven so obviously being the soul of the earth being the light of the world I do believe is You know, it is linked with being a disciple right but again the false equivalence of saved and being a disciple That that that whole video could just be summed up in that that he's making a false equivalence And judas would be The nail in the coffin that you can't do that. You can't say because he didn't believe he was saved. He didn't believe I'll give you another example of Where a disciple doesn't mean you're saved act chapter 19 act chapter 19 it's it's it Literally the narrative the narrator saying that that paul that apollo's and paul I don't want to misquote it so I want to look it up real real quick here um You know that ray conference favorite disciple is judas i'm not even kidding he made a video That's weird how how fitting That that that would be his favorite disciple well Well, I mean, that's just uh, that's that's uh, that's too much man. That's that's too on the nose. My good night But in verse one of chapter 19 of ax it says and it came to pass that while paul's was at quorrent Paul having passed through the upper coast came to ephesus and finding certain disciples Okay They find certain disciples Find certain disciples And it says and he said unto them have you received the holy ghost since you believed and they said unto him We have not so much as heard whether there be any holy ghost So let me ask you a question just off that that phrase right there Do you think these people under do you think these people are saved? No And it goes on to say and and he said unto them unto what then where you baptized and they said unto john's baptism Now what's interesting about that? Is that every passage that you look at where john is preaching he's talking about the holy ghost He's basically saying I baptized with water But he that cometh after me is going to baptize with the holy ghost And they're basically saying we don't even know there is a holy ghost Not even not like have you received the holy ghost? We don't know we received it They're like, we don't even know if there is one right right and then it says that you know, he preached paul said uh said then said paul john barely baptized with the baptist of repentance saying Unto the people that they should believe on him that you come after him that is on christ. Jesus And then they ended up getting baptized Because they weren't believers But they were called disciples weren't they? so That's interesting because judas was called a disciple. He was actually one of the 12 disciples So anyways, like was he really a disciple was he really called a disciple? I mean, he was one of the 12 literally listed. He was called an apostle. He's called a disciple. You know, I mean like Uh, so you can't get around that and so when someone I would say this when people are trying to use those passages Where it talks about being a disciple You have to understand that just because someone's a disciple doesn't mean that they're saved And just because someone's saved doesn't mean that they're a disciple yeah, so um, you know I would say the majority of people that are saved aren't actually disciples And that's the sad truth, but it's like the it's like the 10 lepers that got cleansed How many came back? one And I think that's a good representation of percentages of people that get saved And people that actually come back and glorify god with their life, right? And yeah And and I just feel like everybody's you know, obviously different not everybody's gonna glorify god in the same manner Like somebody else is gonna glorify god more than the other person, you know, not everybody's the same Well, yeah, and well and here's the thing The bible teaches that there's going to be better resurrections and that the resurrection is likened unto the glory of stars and it says one star difference in glory because some people Are going to be like the thief on the cross that maybe gets saved at the end of their life And they don't really have any time to do anything for the lord And then you're going to have people that live their whole life living for the lord Or you're going to have people like paul that persecuted those that were believers and then he was on fire for the lord After that, yeah, and So you're going to have all kinds of different circumstances Obviously, I believe every believer should try to do as much as they can for the lord but um But we can't force anybody to do that and i'm not going to try to force anybody to do that As much as I can't force anybody to get saved I definitely am not I can't force them to live for the lord and actually, you know, do what they should be doing but Yeah, man for sure and uh guys also be sure to subscribe to pastor jason robinson's youtube channel I'm going to leave the link to that in the pinned comment down below show him some love support him and his church And I appreciate you doing this video man. Yeah, it's fun, man