(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And it's it's your thing. Yeah, but when I when I would watch that I was like man, this is like intense and stuff. I'm like, this guy is filled with the spirit. And yeah, no, I'm just like, man, I really hate this guy. See here. It takes like a minute to get more people in. Oh, yeah. I'm pretty open to just do whatever you want, man. Okay, glad to be here. It's good to be here. And then we then we can just vibe a little bit. Then we can just answer people's questions or whatever, who in the comments as well. Okay. How long how long have you been pastoring, by the way? So I've been serving in ministry in some capacity since 2015. Okay. I've been at first in Roy since early 2019. So I've been the pastor here before coming here. I was the youth pastor, the church that I was at before. So large Baptist Church, and I was the youth pastor there for a little bit. And that was a really good time. You know, I feel like it helped bear me for where I am now. And I definitely enjoyed it. Okay, cool, man. And let's get in. Let's get into this. Talking about how God. Let's see, trying to find the verse here. Okay. How God predestinated us. Okay, so in order to talk about predestination and foreknowledge, you know, just a couple things to put down as like a ground rule and a rubric to think with something my pastor said to me a long time ago, and I think that it's the right way to think he said, we don't believe manmade positions, we believe the Bible. So a lot of people think in the paradigm of like, you're either a Calvinist, or you're an Armenian. And I think we should just forget both of those things, and just believe what the Bible says. Right. So I don't think it's helpful to say this is my system, this is my team, this is my camp, and I'm going to ride or die for it. I think it's helpful to say whatever the Bible says, that's what I believe. So I think first and foremost, we need to say like, I'm not a Calvinist, I'm not an Armenian mobile believer. And whatever the Bible says is what I want to is what I want to align my thoughts with my doctrine. The second thing I would say is another thing that my pastor said to me one time is Roman Catholics believe the Trinity to what he meant by that is just because a false group, or just because a false system believes something doesn't mean that we should automatically rejected. Right. So you get a lot of dudes in Baptist circles who will say things like, I don't believe in predestination, or like, there is no such thing as predestination. And the reason they say that is because they rightly recognize the problems that Calvinism has. But the problem is, in order to try to not be lumped in with Calvinists, or not to believe like Calvinists, they take something that the Bible clearly teaches, and then say, we don't believe it. And so in order to talk about those things, the first couple things I'd say is, first of all, like, we don't believe manmade positions, we believe the Bible. And second of all, just because an errant group believes something doesn't mean we should reject it wholesale. Right now, what they believe about predestination is not exactly the same as what the Bible teaches. And that's where the rub is. That's where the real problem is. So on the subject of foreknowledge on the subject of predestination, some text to look at Romans 828, through the end of the chapter, Ephesians chapter one, non chapter 10, maybe John chapter six. And a few of these passages, I think are really helpful. And they really like, flesh the doctrine out really well. And so I don't know if you want to start maybe in Romans chapter eight, I think is a good place is a good place to start and kind of just look at what the Bible says. Yeah. If you're if, if you want to jump in or something, man, just go ahead and stop me. Yeah, I was just letting you talk. Yeah. Romans chapter eight. Where does it start? If you if we just start in verse 28? I'm definitely a Baptist. And so like, if I start talking, dude, I'll just keep talking. So if you just Oh, yeah. Then on me, like, that's totally fine. We're reading the NLT. Correct? Yeah, yeah. No, we're not. Let me just be okay. 28. Starting in verse 28. Yeah. And it says, in Romans chapter eight, starting verse 28. Bible reads, and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose, for whom he did for no, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born among many brethren. Moreover, whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified, and whom he justify them he also glorified. So, a few things to just look at this passage about first of all, if you'll notice that verse 28 opens up by saying, and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. So there's a specific group of people that are in view in this passage and the group of people that in context are in view, is those who love God. And what it says about these people is that they are the called according to his purpose. This is the same language used in Ephesians chapter one, we'll look at it in a moment. But if you'll notice at the beginning of verse 29, it says for whom he did for no, there's a group of people, what theologians often call the elect, the chosen, the key. However, you want to phrase that, there is a group of people who God has for no. Now, what this means is that God knows that these are his people, these are the ones that are going to be saved, right? It says for whom he did for no, them he did also predestinate. And notice that the predestination is that they will be conformed to the image of his son. Now, this is a huge, important text for the doctrine of eternal security. And here's the reason. Because what it is saying is that if you're foreknown, and if you're predestined, you can never lose your salvation, because your destiny is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. And if we didn't believe in the doctrine of predestination, and God's exhaustive foreknowledge, we would not be able to have the level of assurance in our salvation and our security and salvation that we do have. Right, I know that he who has begun a good work in me, is going to perform it into the day of Jesus Christ. And I know that he's going to do that because he's the one who began it, he's the one who continues it, and he's the one that's going to complete it. And so just like this text says here, it says whom he did for no, that he foreknows a people. And those people that are foreknown are the ones that are going to be saved. It says those are the ones that are predestined. And then it says that they're predestined to be conformed to the image of his son. And notice it says that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. And so in verse 30, it gives what is called the Bolden chain of redemption. There's five links in this chain. Link one is foreknowledge. Link two is predestination. Link three is calling. Link four is justification. And link five is glorification. So if God foreknows you, then God predestined you. If God predestines you, then God calls you. If God calls you, then God justifies you. And if God justifies you, then God glorifies you. There is no one who is foreknown, predestined, called, justified, who will be lost. And there is no one that is not foreknown, who will be saved. Now, this is where Calvinists run off the rails, where they run off the rails that they teach that in the same way that God foreknows the people, he actively reprobates and damns people before the creation of the world. And that's not when reprobation happens. Reprobation happens in space and in time. Election happens according to God's foreknowledge in eternity past. But reprobation happens in space and time, right? Romans chapter one, even if they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over for the reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient, right? That happened in space that happened in time, where God took out his stamp and put rejected. Yeah, that that Calvinist doctrine would make no sense if you're reading Romans chapter one in correct context. Correct. So, so God doesn't reprobate people from eternity past. But according to his exhaustive foreknowledge, right, since God knows all things, right, God knows the end, and God knows the beginning. And God knows everything in between. God knows who his people are. This is why Jesus said in john chapter 10, he said, my sheep, hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. Right. So what that passage is saying is something similar to Romans eight here, it's saying that Jesus has sheep. And how do we know who those sheep are? Well, those sheep hear his voice, right? So it's the same, almost exactly the same thing as moreover, whom he did predestinate them, he did also, Paul, right. And when those who are predestined are called, they come. And because they come, they're justified. And that's why Jesus says, my sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me, I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, right? Neither shall any man put them out of my out of my hand, my father, which gave them to me is greater than all. And no man is able to pluck them out of my father's. Right. So Jesus even says that those sheep who come, he says that they're given to him by the Father. And so as you if you look here in Romans eight, in verse 29, it says, for whom he did for know, so God for knows the people, he did also predestinate. And so those who are foreknown, he predestines, and then it says to be conformed to the image of his son. So the destiny of every person that is predestined, because they're foreknown, is to be glorified, that when Jesus Christ came out of the grave on the third day, he came out of the grave with a perfect body, right, his body was glorified. And the destiny of all those who are foreknown in predestined is to have the same glorified body as Jesus. That's why the Bible says in another place, he'll change our vile bodies to be fashioned like unto his glorious body. Right. And so the destiny of all those who are known, that have been set by God is that they will be like Jesus. Make sense? Yes, that makes sense. Okay, so once God foreknows and predestines, go ahead, man, sorry. No, just say what you're gonna say real quick. Obviously, so once God foreknows and predestines, that's when God begins to act in space and time to bring about his plan. Right. So that's where verse 30 begins. So verse 30 says, Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called. So since God foreknows them and predestines them, he calls them. Yeah, every everyone is called. Yeah, everyone has light. Everyone is called. But the difference is, sorry, sorry, I was gonna say, it's funny, because, because if everyone's, that's not the cat that would Calvinists believe, though, the Calvinists believe only certain people are called. Yeah. So you know, the thing about Calvinism is it's such a mixed bag, you'll get one belief from one, and you'll get another belief from another. Yeah. Because there's so many different Calvinists. And that's why, like, again, like the best principle to operate off of is like, we don't believe manmade positions, we believe the Bible. Right. And so that's exactly right. So everyone is called, but like Jesus said, many are called, you are chosen, you are chosen. And so since everyone is called, the difference between those who respond to the call, and those who do not, is that God foreknows them and predestines them. So when he calls them, they come. That's why Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice, I know them, they follow me. So when people ask the question, then like, well, how do I know, right? Like, how do I know if I'm predestined? Here's the question, right? You came to Christ, if you came to Christ, and you know, right, like, it's the same, it's the same question that people ask, Well, how do I know if I'm saved? Well, Jesus said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and then I shall be saved. Right? So you believe, if you do, you know, you're saying, right. And so, so, here, here, notice, the next step is, after calling, when they come, and they put their faith in Jesus, it says they're justified. And justified is just a word that means acquitted of their sins mean declared to be innocent, and then declared to be righteous. And they're declared innocent and righteous, not on the basis of their works, but on the basis of Christ work on the cross, right? Because they believe Jesus, right, Jesus shed his blood, they come to Jesus, and they say, we can't save ourselves. But we believe that you can save us, right, your blood, and they're safe. So it says, moreover, we need to predestinate them, he also called and whom he called them, he also justified. And then it says, and whom he justified them, he also glorified. So the destiny of every person who has had their sins forgiven, you're justified right now, you will be glorified, right? There is no person who's forgiven right now, that will later stand before God and he'll be like, just kidding, you're not actually saying, right? He's gonna just play a prank on them. This is why Jesus says in Matthew seven, many will come to me in that day, and say, Lord, Lord, have you not prophesied in thy name, have you not cast out devils in thy name. And in thy name, we've done many wonderful works. And then I will I will profess unto them, depart from me, I never knew you, right? Not I used to know you, but I never knew you. Right. And that's part of that exhaustive foreknowledge of God, right? Like God knows his people, right? predestined his people, God calls his people, yeah, God forgives his people or justifies his people. And then eventually, when we're risen from the dead, that the, you know, at the Trump at the twinkling of an eye when when Christ comes on the clouds, which is a different subject for a different time that a lot of people are wrong. A lot of people are wrong about the timing of all that, but that's okay. I mean, I believe in a post trip. Yeah, yeah, a lot. A lot of people are wrong about that. You know, they don't understand. I think where you're at, right? That, that it says that the Antichrist must be revealed first, right? Right. And that that they won't come until he is. But either way, because the thing is, the thing is, if you if you believe in a pre tribulation rapture, the book of Revelation won't even make any sense to you. Yeah, it's really hard to make heads or tails. And it's like, well, why do I even need the book of Revelation? I won't even be there. Yeah, well, if you have to make heads or tails of the book of Revelation, you know, I preach verse by verse through every verse of the book of Revelation. It's on my channel, you can find it on YouTube at that FBC Roy. I believe in historic premillennialism, which means that I believe that the church is Israel. I don't believe that God has one people in the Old Testament and another people in the New Testament. I believe that there's one people and that there are one people that are united in Christ. The seed is right. Yeah, I mean, how could you read the whole New Testament and believe, you know, not believed in that? It just doesn't make you know, that's because most of those people, they have little footnotes at the bottom of their Bible that say like, hey, this verse doesn't actually mean what it says, you know, right. So oh, yeah, you just get if you just get a Bible that doesn't have all those footnotes at the bottom to tell you to believe wrong, who probably be a lot better off, who are the people that made that? That, uh, that study Bible, where it basically in the 1800s? I can't remember I was probably probably see I Schofield. Schofield reference Bible. Yeah. And I don't know if I might be wrong, but did they not take verses out to fit our belief? I don't know. I don't know if Schofield took verses out. But if you look at like Genesis chapter one in the Schofield reference Bible, he put stuff literally in the body of the text. So like between Genesis one verse one and Genesis one verse two, it has a little little inserted part of Schofield's doctrine that there was first earth and then between Genesis one, one and Genesis one, two, there's no second earth. So he does a lot of stuff like that, as well as in his notes at the bottom. He's like, I don't believe this verse. Oh, my the oldest, most reliable manuscripts, that kind of stuff. That's so weird. That's as a rabbit trail, but about three about predestination. So I think this this passage here is clear, right? Like those five links in the golden chain is for knowledge, predestination, calling, justification, and glorification. Right? So since God knows the beginning from the end, he knows his people, he predestines his people, he calls his people, he justifies his people, and then he ultimately glorifies his people. Yeah. Another place to look at is, if you look at the book of First Peter, chapter chapter one, there's another there's another there's another statement there about God's foreknowledge and the election that is according to that foreknowledge. Okay, so let me see here. I'm sorry, I was having an issue with my computer, my computer out of nowhere. My gosh, I'm so hang tight with me for one second here. My goodness, man, this is a nightmare. It's like, I don't know what the heck the deal is. Okay, give me one second. What is this? Goodness, dude. It's like, I don't even know what this is going on. While you're working on that, man. Yeah, I don't know how many I don't know how many people are watching. I don't know exactly what's going on. But I think it's always a good time to maybe share the good news about Jesus Christ. Oh, go ahead. You know, the Bible says in the book of Romans, chapter number three, it says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. The truth is that even though most of us try to be good people, we're all sinners, and we've all all broke God's law. We've all done things that we're not proud of. We all have done things that God has told us not to do. That's what the definition of sin is. It says in the Bible that sin is the transgression of God's law. The Bible is real clear all of sin and come short of the glory of God. You know, and because of our sin, God has a payment that he's going to pay to us someday. And that payment is death. Book of Romans chapter six and verse 23 says the wages of sin is death. You know, that's not just talking about physical death. But it's also talking about spiritual death. The Bible is real clear that it's appointed on demand wants to die, but after the judgment, we're all going to stand before God and because of our sin, he's going to judge us. And because of our sin, he's going to find us guilty. The book of Revelation in chapter 21, in verse number eight, it says all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. This is the second death. I know that hell is an uncomfortable topic, and most preachers don't want to touch it with a 10 foot pole in the 21st century. But the truth is just because people don't talk about it doesn't mean it's not a real place. And every single person deserves to go there. Because we have personally sinned against the Holy God. That's why the Bible says the wages of sin is death. That's really bad news, that every person is sinful, but because of every person sin, they deserve to go to hell. That's really bad news. But the good news is that God loves us. And he doesn't want us to go to hell. He doesn't want to send us to hell. What he wants to do is save us. And God sent Jesus Christ to be the sinless sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God came on earth. He was God in flesh. He did miracles. The Bible says that everywhere that Jesus went, he went about doing good. He walked on water, he turned water into wine. The Lord Jesus Christ performed miracles such as giving sight to the blind, raising the dead. And how did humanity repay him for all of the wonderful works that he demonstrated to them? They nailed him to the cross. But the good news is, is that while Jesus Christ was on the cross, every sin that you've ever done and every sin that I've ever done, Jesus Christ took those sins in his own body. The Bible says in the book of First Peter, chapter two, who himself bear our sins in his own body while he was on the tree. The Lord Jesus took all of my sin, he took all of your sin, he took all of the sins of every person that is listening to me, and every sin of every person who has ever lived as well on himself. And as he hung on the tree, he faced the penalty that you deserve and the penalty that I deserve. The payment that should be paid to us was paid to Jesus. The wrath of God that we deserve fell upon Jesus. The Bible says in the book of Isaiah 53, it pleased the Lord to bruise him. In the book of Second Corinthians, it says for he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. When Jesus hung on the cross, he took my sin, he took your sin upon himself. And the payment that we could never pay, he paid it. The justice that we could never withstand, he took it in our place. The death that we deserve to die, he died it for us. It is often called the vicarious suffering of Jesus Christ that he substituted himself for us on the cross. And Jesus truly died. They took him off of the cross and he was in the grave for three days and three nights, but he rose again the third day. And when he rose again from the dead, he truly rose again with the body that he went into the grave with. He's not just a spirit, he's a glorified man. And he conquered death. He says in the book of Revelation, I am he that liveth, was dead, and behold, I'm alive forevermore and have the keys of hell and of death. And that's great news that Jesus lived and died for all of us. But there's something that we have to do. And this is the part where most people get off the rails and they don't understand. There's something that we have to do and it's not join the church. It's not do good works. It's not turn over a new leaf and never mess up again. What we have to do is put all of our faith and all of our trust in Jesus. Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. The most famous verse in the Bible is John chapter three, verse 16. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. That verse doesn't say, do better, try harder, never mess up again, join the church, pay your tithes. Those are all things that we should do. We should join the church, we should pay our tithes. We should try to live good lives. But doing those things is not how we accept the free gift that God's going to give to us. That verse says that it's by believing in Jesus, believing that his death, believing that his burial, believing that his resurrection is enough to forgive you for your sins. Now, the verse that I like to talk about a lot because of where I live out here in Utah and Mormon country is Ephesians chapter two, verses eight through nine. It says, for by grace, are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. That passage says that God's grace is a gift. We don't pay for a gift. The gift that is paid for is paid for by the person who gives it. And Jesus pays for that gift on the cross. And we receive it freely. We just put out our hand and say Jesus, save me, I believe that you will. And when we do that, that's when we're saved. And I don't know who's listening. I don't know who's going to listen in the future. But I would just encourage everyone to look away from whatever you were trusting in before. If you were trusting in your good life, you need to look away from that. If you were if you were trusting in your church membership, you need to look away from that. If you were trusting in your good works, you need to look away from that and fully to the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Because if you look to anything or anyone else other than Jesus, they'll be lost. Because only Jesus can save. And he says that he saves those who believe. And what he means by that is those who trust that he is the Savior, and that what he did is enough. I just encourage everyone to trust Jesus. Amen to that. You just forgot to tell everybody that the term from all their sins to be saved. Well, well, if that's what you have to save the no one saved, right? Look, I love when they say, salvation is free, but it'll cost you your life. I'm like, wait, what? Free, but it's a million dollars. Yeah, yeah. It's but that's fine print. And it's funny, those same people will call us cheap grace. I'm like, No, this is free grace. You believe in a cheap grace. You know, there, there's a, there's a there's like a historical context that you can put all of that in. And there was a in the in the Church of Scotland. Some several years back, there was a presbytery that would make its ministers affirm a quotation in order to be fit for the ministry and and what they would make them affirm is the statement, I believe that it is not sound or orthodox, who tell men that they must forsake sin in order to come to Christ. And what they were called is the merriment. And there was some guys that got mad about that, just like there's people that get mad about that today. And they brought up those guys on charges. But guys like Thomas Boston and others, they didn't back down on that. Yeah, the truth is you can't forsake sin until you come to Christ. Until you're until you have a new heart, until you have open eyes until you have ears that hear you can't forsake sin. That's why that's why Ephesians 210 comes after verses eight and nine. It says for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works. Yeah, the good works don't come before they come after you can't even do good works until you're saved. Yeah, I love that little statement. I believe that it is not sound or orthodox to tell men that they must forsake sin in order to come to Christ. It is not sound and it is not orthodox of people because they have to stop sinning in order to come to Christ. And they'll only tell you to stop doing the sins they're not doing. Well, of course, of course. But don't worry about the thing that just just stop doing the things that I'm not doing, but the other stuff. Don't worry about it. Well, the problem with a lot of that is it's a it's a low view of sin. Right? Yeah, the Bible says the thought of foolishness is sin. Even the dumb stuff that we think is sin. Right? So so when they're like, well, like you can't drink and be saved, like that's because they have a low view of sin. They don't realize how sinful they are. Right? Like they look at and they're like, well, I don't drink. So like, if you do, you're not saved. It's okay. I don't think anybody should drink. No one should drink right? Like wine is a mock or a strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived, thereby is not wise. But look, you could stop drinking still not be saved because that's how many people do it. That's not how you get saved. How you get saved. Yeah, trust Christ. And so I just think that's that's just foolishness. And it's what you said, right? It's the stuff that they don't that they don't do. Yeah, they promote. And it's funny, too, because they'll say, Well, you got to repent of your sins to be saved. It's like, well, Catholics repent of their sins, Muslims repent of their sins, Mormons repent of their sins. And in fact, it's funny in the King James Bible, the phrase repent of your sins isn't found one single time. But if you go to the Book of Mormon, you can find it. And they're not saved. They believe something totally different. Well, the problem with a lot of that stuff is what they're teaching people is look to yourself in order for salvation. Right? Like, look to your good life, look to your good deeds, look to your ability. And the truth is, like, I know who I am, like, I'm just I'm just this, I'm just a sinful person who I'm trying to serve Christ now. You know, and I'm not I'm not the person that I used to be. But like, I'm not foolish enough to act like I'm perfect. But yeah, I know who I am. I need a Savior. I need someone to save me. Like, I need someone to die for me. I need someone to tell me that, like, even though I sin, he still loves me and died for me. I don't need someone to tell me, well, change your life. And then maybe I'll accept you like that. Yeah, how it works. Yeah, I was just this somebody sent me the street preacher earlier, and he's literally just he goes to the LGBTQ, you know, the pride parades. It's like, you're just looking for views at that point, because you just want people to get pissed off at you because you know, those people aren't going to get saved. You know, they're just gonna scream and yell at you. You'd be better, you'd be better off just knocking on people's doors. Yeah. And trying to give them the gospel. They don't want to get people saved, though. Well, that I think that's a sad product of our modern culture, right? That people want want to be famous. People want to have a lot of views. And, you know, I think that there's a lot of a lot of that out there, right? They just go to a place, pause a big scene and then post it on the internet and see what see what I did. And it's like, hey, is that about yours? Is it about Christ? Like, which which person you trying to bring glory to? Yeah, cuz the guys like, look, if you just turn away from all your sins, and give your life to Jesus, then maybe he'll save you. I'm like, Wait, didn't Christ give his life for us? The problem with some of that stuff is like what you said earlier, like, you can't even do that until you come to Christ. Yeah, I, I'm super thankful that I grew up under the pastor that I grew up under. And he was a lot more eloquent than I am, and had a lot of like, good sayings. And some of them I like to repeat that I picked up from him. But one he used to say is, you don't get good to get God, you get God and he'll start getting you good. Like, like, you don't like get good in order for God to be like, Okay, you can come to me now, right? You get God and then like, then you're enabled to like, start repenting of sin to start forsaking sin to start realizing like, my goodness, I'm even worse than I thought I was like, right? More I read the Bible, the more I realized, like, I need Jesus more today than I ever realized before, like, you know, because I just know that I don't measure up to who God is. And that's what the standard is. God is so holy. He is so righteous. Yeah, if we really think we could just impress him by our good works. We don't know the first thing about God. Yeah. And, and, and, and, you know, people don't realize salvation so free, that God is even going to reward us for the works that we do. I mean, it says it many times in the Bible, especially the book of Revelation, how Jesus Jesus is talking about how he's going to judge every man according to his works, he's bringing his reward. And, you know, first Corinthians chapter three, but people think, well, you know, salvation is a reward. But the thing that, like, they don't think there's any rewards in heaven, you just get your reward of salvation, you made it to heaven, you were good enough, you know, and I mean, that's just so wrong. But, you know, it's so free that obviously, he's going to reward us for our works, because if salvation was free, and then all the works that you did after, you know, they just say that the works prove you're saved. And, you know, they earn your salvation. But basically, then you're just paying back God for salvation, because it's the debt you owe. But Jesus paid our debt, who can even pay him back? Nobody. That's why the Apostle Paul says in the book of Romans chapter four, he says to him that work is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. Yeah. Right. Like, so like, if you try to work for it, if you try to earn it, what you're saying is like, God owes me, God owes this to me. Yeah. And like, if you really believe God owes you something, one, you don't know who you are. And two, you don't know who God is. Like, God doesn't owe you anything. Yeah, like, you could never even put something in front of God where he would be like, that's pretty good. That's pretty good. Like, even our best effort is filthy rags is what Isaiah 64 six says. Yeah, exactly. Now, and I always say this, like, these people, when they're preaching, they're just talking about themselves. And they're, they'll talk about anything but salvation. That's the funny thing, anything but salvation. And, I mean, that's how you can really tell, you know, if somebody's ministry is good or not, are they preaching about the gospel? Or they what are they talking about? You know, I mean, are they just talking about themselves or, you know, other stuff in the Bible that has nothing to do with, you know, getting anybody actually saved. So, like, that's, that's the number one thing we should be doing as believers is going out and giving the gospel go out in the world and preach the gospel to every creature. But these people aren't even doing that. But they're telling you that you need good works in order to prove you're saved. I'm like, you're not even doing any works. Yeah, it seems like right. If, if we were going to go with what they say, right, like, you have to do works to be saved. Most of the people that say that aren't saved anyways, because the best works that you could do is fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave right before you left, right? Each all nations, baptize your disciples, and then teach them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded. Yeah, they don't do any, they don't do any of those things. They don't, they don't do any soul winning. You know, they never have baptisms, because they don't preach the gospel. So no one gets saved, right? Yeah. Bible says the gospel is the power of God and the salvation. Believe it. And then they're like, Well, how come no one ever gets saved in our church? It's like, you don't preach the gospel. Like people don't get saved if you don't preach the gospel. Yeah. Or why is everybody foaming out the mouth and demon possessed in my church? Like this charismatic or in a church like that? Get out of there. Oh, yeah. That's what's popular on YouTube, though. And Instagram like, like, where in the Bible does? Does it talk about Jesus putting a trash can in front of people and they're like throwing up demons? Yeah, that's some of that's some of that stuff that I've seen is so crazy, like barking like dogs and oh my gosh, the one that is kind of unnerving to me, I saw a video a few weeks ago, a whole room full of people just like laughing, like hysterically, there was not like normal laughing. It was like, this is like demonic laughing. And I like, I just don't understand how people like you go to church and y'all just sit there and laugh and stuff. Like, what is the point of that? Like, yeah, I was not fulfilling what Paul said, let everything be done decently and in order like that's neither one of those things. But, you know, I don't know. And then where in the Bible are the apostles casting demons out of each other? Because because this whole deliverance ministry this garbage, what they all they do is they focus on casting demons out of so called believers. But when you ask them what they believe their doctrine is so warped, they believe just a hardcore work salvation. It's like these people aren't even saved in the first problem. The problem with some of that stuff, too, is like, if you don't get saved, it's like what Jesus said, right? Like you can clean and sweep the house. But that that that demon that devil will go out and get seven worse ones and come back and make it worse, right? Like, you'd have to get the whole you have to get the Holy Spirit inside of you. And and that will drive any of that stuff far, far away. And the only way to have the Holy Spirit inside of you is to be saved. Yeah, like idea that a person could be demon possessed and say, the Bible knows nothing of that. So something my pastor used to say, say is, the Holy Spirit doesn't have roommates. Right? Like, like the Holy Spirit doesn't have roommates. It's not like the Holy Spirit and a couple of demons living in there. Like, yeah, the Holy Holy, the Holy Spirit is lives inside of believers. And there's not room, there's not room for unclean spirits. Yeah, that's just weird doctrine, man. And I was watching this, this guy, he had a video on people who have that kind of doctrine. And he's saying how these people don't get their doctrine from actual statements. They just read the book of Acts, which is a story. And they're like, Whoa, let me just take this and I'll just, you know, incorporate it my way. And they're just start twisting things and just making up their own, you know, stupid doctrine full out of a story. That's like, like, you know, because, for example, there's this guy who preaches a false gospel. And he'll say that Apostle Paul believed in keeping the law in order to be saved, because he was trying to please the Jews in Acts chapter 21. By going and doing the offering, I believe he shaved his head, and something else. But anyways, he was just basically trying to please the Jews. And he made me he made a mistake, though. And it's like, No, he made a mistake. He was being a hypocrite, you know, and he screwed up. But when I tried to tell this guy, I was like, Yeah, he's human. We're human. He's a great man of God. But you know, just like David made mistakes. You know, he committed adultery. He had Bathsheba's husband killed. He made a mistake. So just just like us, we make mistakes. Doesn't mean it was right. But he's like, Oh, so you're trying to say he's lying. I'm like, why don't you go read Galatians and Romans and tell me if Paul believed in keeping the law to be saved. And then there's crickets. Yeah, well, I mean, how can it be right? Like, Paul says in the book of Galatians, do not frustrate the grace of God. Yes, sir. Righteousness cometh by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. statements versus stories, holds our Bible and go, you know, as a pastor, I think like, this is a good opportunity to might maybe help people understand how to read the Bible and how to think about it. So like, there's a difference between prescriptive statements and descriptive stories. Right. So when the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved in Acts chapter 16. That is a prescription. Right? Like that is like what you're supposed to do. Yeah, you're supposed to do that. But when the Bible tells the story, like you brought up a moment ago of David and Bathsheba, that is describing an incident in David's life. That is not a story about why it's okay to take someone's wife, and then murder the husband. Like that's like, that's not what that means. It's the same thing that people do when they read through the Old Testament. And they're like, well, look at all the polygamy. I'm a polygamist, too. It's like, hold on a second, like, Matthew 19. From the beginning, he made them male and female, that a man should leave his father and mother leave unto his wife, and they do should be one flesh. It's like, yeah, that's a prescriptive statement. That is a doctrinal statement. Same with just, you can just take a story and then go, Well, this is how it applies. Like, that's not that's not the right way to do it. Yeah. And same same with Ephesians chapter five, it says the same thing. A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined unto his wife and they too shall become one flesh. Exactly. It doesn't say that the man leaves his father and mother and goes and marries 30 people. Right, you know, right. Well, that's 100% right. So like, you know, when people read the Bible, it's important to realize, like, it's not, it's not okay to just go read the story of Judas hanging himself and be like, Oh, gosh, I'm gonna try. Right? Like, that's, that's not that's for like, that's not that's not that's not why that's in there. Judas. Judas repented of his sins, and he felt sorry for his sins, but he never believed. Yeah, I like to tell people that one there. Then I get people saying, man, it never says Judas never believed that I show them and then they still are in denial. Well, I think like, the problem is people want to believe what they want to believe. Right? Yeah. And a lot of people, it doesn't matter what you show them in the Bible. They already believe what they believe. Yeah, it's preconceived. Go. They're going in with preconceived ideas. 100% right. And look for verses that kind of like, make them like, Oh, like, yeah, this is teaching what I'm what I want, right? Like, yeah, I think that that's a huge problem. You know, that's, that's why, you know, maybe going all the way full circle to where we started. And I like that's why it's important to be like, we don't believe manmade positions. We believe the Bible, right? Our own, even our own made position, right? Like, should always be able to be corrected by the Bible, even our preconceived ideas should be able to be corrected by the Bible. Because if they're not, then what's the final authority you were the Bible, the church for those? Yes. You know, good stuff. You can find bad stuff. And you can find ugly stuff. Right? I'm like, right like that. Well, that's what people do. Because it's funny, because there I was just out soul winning, this was probably like three weeks, four weeks ago, when this happened, this, this whole thing. I'm trying to, you know, preach to this guy who, you know, he's Orthodox, and I first went up to him, I said, Hey, you know, are you 100% sure you're gonna go to heaven if you die today? And he's like, Oh, you know, I got a lot to work on, you know. And I'm just like, well, you know, you can be 100% sure the Bible tells us. And then he tries to go and show me James chapter two. And then he tries to show me math, Matthew chapter 25, about the sheep and the goats. And he tries to show me that as a salvation passage. And I'm, and then when he couldn't really like, because he didn't know Bible better than me, like, obviously, because he's not even saved. And I'm just trying to give him the clear scripture, I'm trying to get him saved. You know, he tries to do he tries to bring up church history. And I'm just like, I don't care about your church history. I'm trying to show you the Bible. Why don't you learn this book? Instead of worrying about these doctrines of men? And the problem with a lot of that stuff is a lot of the time when you look up in context, some of the stuff that they even vote, it's like they're misrepresenting what those people taught anyways. But the truth is, like, it's not about what a person taught. It's about what does the Bible say? Like, anyways, so why not just ride around and go directly to the source anyways, you know, because you can find good stuff, you can find bad stuff, and you can find some downright ugly stuff in church history, and the church fathers or whatever. Well, like, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they said, because they're not the final authority, the final authority is the Bible. Oh, absolutely, man. Because I mean, I'm not going to anything else but the Bible. And if if this other person says something contrary to the Bible, I'm gonna go with the Bible, you know what I mean? And that's, that's the thing why, you know, so many people are just deceived in these false churches, because they don't know the Bible. And they're just sitting there listening to this garbage, like, have you heard of Gateway Church, Robert Morris? It is, you know, it's crazy. All the biggest false prophets are in Texas. And I mean, it's a big, it's a big hub of Christianity, right? Because a lot of people to live by God, God, guns and glory, you know, that's right, and Trump, but anyways, so this, this guy's literally saying, you know, he's only saying, God spoke to me, God told me this, and I'm just like, well, that's not in the Bible. What I mean, it's like, we need that revelation from we need that in our in the we need to get to add that now the the, but anyways, this, he's a pastor at the Gateway Church, which this church grosses $60 million a year. It's crazy. And he got up in front of everybody and told him God spoke to him, and told him that he needs to put his wife before God. What does that mean? That he needs to just basically put her, you know, hurt her first? Because you know how people say, like, Oh, like, so so he is his order of loyalty is my wife, and then God and then then his job. Yes, that's definitely I mean, I don't know, this is the problem with some of that stuff is like, people just are so deceived by it. And that's why it's so important to be Bible alone, right? Like, it's so important to be Bible alone, because it's like, anybody can say, God told me, anybody can say, God showed me like, if they don't follow it up with in this passage, whatever they're about to say, like, I'm not gonna listen to that. Yeah, it's like, how can I check that? How do I know? How do I know? Like, I have no way of knowing. And what I do, what I do know is that the Bible says that the spirit of the prophets is subject unto the prophets, right? Like, so, if I already have God's Word right here, I don't need an like an advanced revelation or something to add to it. Right? Like, right. No, we that's, that's crazy. Yeah, no, we know we don't. That's where, you know, there's a huge problem with that in Utah. That's what Mormons are all about. Right? Like, personal revelation, right? Like, pray and ask God, if it's true, they'll tell you it's true. And, you know, I don't doubt that some of those people really do feel something, but what they're feeling is not not what they're feeling is maybe the devil, right? Yeah, maybe they're maybe they're feeling heartburn. I don't know. Right? Like, the issue is, like, we don't test it based off of those things. We test everything by scripture, right? Prove all things hold fast to that, which is true. What we're proving it with is the Bible. There's no way for me to prove like, hey, God told me that you're supposed to give me $5,000. It's like, well, God didn't tell me that yet. Because I don't remember that verse. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Like, people just like, they think that God is just speaking to this guy audibly. Like, what? It's just crazy. You know, what's interesting? What's interesting? Yeah, he is so special. Apparently, what's interesting is if, if you actually know the Bible, you know, that's not a super common occurrence anyways. Like, like people think like, well, God talked to people in the Old Testament, or God had prophets in the Old Testament. But if you actually look at like, all of the prophets, and all of the instances where God is like, communicating directly with people, if you if you judge that based off of all of human history, all of humanity that's ever lived, and all of the years that go by, that doesn't happen very often like that didn't like even in biblical times, even in the Old Testament. It's not like God's talking to every single person and every place and every single time. Like, that's a very rare occurrence for God to like, tell someone like Abraham, like, get out of your country and go to the place that I'm going to show you. Like, that's, that's a super rare thing. Yeah. And I was just gonna say this is a little off topic of that. But um, you know, when people say that, well, people believe that they actually are keeping the law. There's people that actually believe they're keeping the law. And they don't sin. And I've had people say, well, the Pharisees kept the law. But I like this verse in, in john 719, where it says, Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keep it the law? Why go ye about to kill me? So Jesus is literally telling the Pharisees that you do not keep the law. I mean, okay. Okay. And anybody, right? Like, it's like Romans chapter three, I think it's verse 20. It's, it says, it says, we know, yeah, it says that, therefore, by the deeds of the law, the no flesh be justified in his sight, or by the law is the knowledge of sin. Yeah, it's like the purpose of the law. Here's another thing my pastor used to say, look, the purpose of the law is like a mirror, right? You look at the law, when you look into it, and you see, something's wrong with me. I'm a sinner. I'm a liar. I'm a blasphemer. I'm a fornicator. I'm, you know, I'm a murderer, you know, you look at the law, and you identify, there's something wrong with you and you're guilty before God. But what a lot of these people do is then they try to take the mirror that is the law. And they like try to like fix themselves with the mirror. First, you know, it wakes up in the morning is like, do I have anything in my teeth? And then they took the mirror and they're like, that does doesn't work. You have to get the toothbrush out for that. Like, that's not the purpose of the mirror. The purpose of the mirror is to show you what's wrong. And then when you know what's wrong, you go find Christ for salvation. You don't just go, Well, I did wrong, I'll do better. But some people, they just think, Yeah, I'm perfect. I keep the law. I'm 100% perfect. Which is, which is crazy. 100%. And because these people don't realize how sinful they are, obviously. Yeah. And, you know, it's funny, because there is this one guy, and he was claiming to keep the law, you know, this big YouTuber. And you know what happened to him? He exposed himself. He's talking about how he was drinking and smoking and all this stuff. But he was accusing people who believe in what we believe to be, you know, living a life full of sin. I'm like, well, look at it every single time. It's these guys. They're just projecting. Well, that's the problem with a lot of that stuff. I think you know that they try to use righteousness as a cloak or sin, right? So they use the they're like fake zeal, their fake righteousness, as a cloak to make themselves feel better about all the horrible things that they're doing. You know, a lot of those guys, you know, they get ended up, they end up getting busted in horrific, horrific sin. You know, they give Christianity a black guy, because the world doesn't know the difference. Right? Like, the world has no has no idea that there's even a difference between, like Baptists or Pentecostals or Yeah, they don't know. They have no idea. Yeah, there's, and people think that all Baptists are the same. There's a big difference, right? Like even amongst, you know, so I was raised, I was raised Southern Baptist. I went to a Southern Baptist seminary. And my church is independent. We left the convention. I'm not SBC anymore. I follow the path of they Frank Norris and Lee Robertson and other independent Baptist guys before me. But even amongst like Southern Baptists, you'll find 10 different opinions on 10 different subjects, right? Even amongst even amongst independent Baptist. Oh, yeah, you'll, you'll find 50 different opinions on 50 different subjects, you know, and and so it's pretty, it's pretty hard when someone does something foolish, or stupid, or sinful. And then the world's like, oh, they're Baptist, you're Baptist. That's like, like, well, no, we're not like, no, wrong. Yeah. You know, Paul washer claims to be, you know, he's a Baptist. Yeah, well, other Baptists, whatever. Well, Paul washer is a neat Paul washer is a neo gnomian. He treats the gospel like it's a new law that needs to be obeyed. And that's wrong. It's not. I don't believe that it's sound or orthodox to tell men that they must forsake saying in order to come into Christ. Yeah, that's not right. That's neo gnomianism. It's not it's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says, but to him that worketh not, believeth on him that justifyeth the ungodly his faith accounted for righteousness. And there's, there's, there's a, there's a really, there's a really great resource for why some of that stuff is wrong. And it's called the book of Romans. So, you know, like, if people just read the book of Romans, you can see really clearly that chapters one, two, and three condense the whole world. And chapter four says, but there's grace in Christ, and you can't earn it, you can't work for it. You can believe Christ for it. Yeah, like, I like to give, like, when I'm out soul winning, I'll often give people Roman, I'll like read some of Romans chapter three, like, because I'll run into a lot of people that they go to church or whatever. So they're kind of familiar. And just to explain how, you know, salvation is free, and it's not by our deeds are turning from sin and things like that have nothing to do with it. So I'll give them that or, you know, Romans chapter four. And usually it makes sense to them. The problem. The problem is those those guys, they blur the line between justification and sanctification. And so like sanctification is the process of being conformed to the image of Christ every single day. And justification is when God forgives you and declares you righteous. And those are not those those are not the same thing. Right? Like, like, they're, they're not the same thing. But like, that's why those guys, they blur the line where it's like, they basically teach sanctification and justification are the same thing. And that's not that's not right. That's not Orthodox. It's not sound. Yeah, I can't get it from you can't get it from the Bible. Like, that's another problem. Yeah, makes no sense. It's work salvation. It's a process, man. And, and all these people, what you'll notice, probably 99% of them, they read a modern Bible. Everyone, everyone does in this era, you know, and I really liked what, what Pastor Steven Anderson said about, you know, these so called scholars, they'll, they'll, they think that, you know, they're so much smarter than us, because they read these modern versions. But, and they'll talk crowd about the King James. And then they're like, Well, the King James is hard to understand. And then he's like, Well, doesn't that make us smarter? Because we understand it. It's just, I think that it's a marketing ploy, that like, some of those publishers have really perpetrated on people, but they they've told people, like, it's hard to understand that. And so people are like, Yeah, it is hard to understand that. And it's like, it's really, it's really not, you know, like, if you just get in there, you start reading it. But the truth, the truth is, like most people that have an NIV don't read it anyways. Oh, it's garbage. Most people that have an NASB, they don't read it anyways, you know, like, it sits there, they never read it. And that's what the real problem is, is that like, they just they don't read the Bible in the first place, you know? Yeah. I mean, it took me a couple weeks to adapt to the King James. But I wasn't like struggling or anything. But now it's so smooth to me. I love it. And because I've been, man, I've been reading the King James, like consistently for at least a year now. Because well, here's what happened. I got saved. And then I was reading the King James. And then, dude, I was lazy. And I went into a modern version. Okay. And then, you know what happened? When I kept reading the modern version, I was like, this doctrine isn't right. This, this is giving me false doctrine. So I was like, I'm done. That's that was it. And I went to the King James, I never looked back. And then I'm like, look, I'm never reading another modern version ever again. Like at this point, if you put a modern version in front of me, I just couldn't read it. I hate it. But the problem is, is that, you know, the, the modern versions are translated from inferior text, right? Like, the text that they're based off of the Nestle Alon 28th, or I guess they're on the 29th edition, is inferior to the Texas Receptus and like, whatever text like, I don't care if a person says Stephanus, Beza, Scriveners, I personally think Scriveners is the preserved Word of God. But either way, the differences between those editions of the TR are so minor, so minimal, that it's like, I don't know how anybody could think that the UBS or the the NA 29 is a better Greek text to translate from, because just those two editions, the UBS five, and the NA 29 have so many differences, one from the other, that it's like, it's like, how could you be sure what the Word of God even is? Or like, how could you how could you even be certain? How could you affirm the doctrine of preservation? You know, Jesus said, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will not pass away. If you have a Greek text that says one thing, and then another Greek text that says another thing, and then you're just picking and choosing whatever you like best, like, how is that the doctrine of preservation, right? Like, the doctrine of preservation is that God's words have been preserved, kept pure at all ages, as some of the ancients have said. Yeah. And it's just like, have you have you heard of the message Bible? Yeah, Eugene Edwards, I think is the guy who let's read from it. Let's read from it. I need a good laugh. Uh, let me add this to the screen here. There's a there's a there's a funny passage in the message in Psalm chapter one. Let's go to that. Let's go to Psalm chapter one. It says something like, you don't hang out at sin saloon or something. It's pretty funny. Okay, can you see the screen? Okay, it says, Psalm chapter one of the message, how how well God must like you. You'd let me read it like this is like how they would talk the people that read the message. They're like, we're good Starbucks. They're like, so like, let me see here. Okay, hold on. Where's the Bible? Oh, my gosh, what happened? Oh, whoops. Okay, there we go. Can you see it now? Sorry. How well God was like you, you don't walk in the ruts of those blind as bats. You don't stand with the good for nothings. You don't take your seat among the know-it-alls. Instead, you thrill to God's Word. You chew on Scripture day and night. You're a tree replanted and eaten, bearing fresh fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom. You are not at all like the wicked. You are mere windblown dust without defense in court. Unfit company for innocent people. God charts the road you take, the road they take leads to nowhere. Oh, I didn't have that one verse you're talking about. I was thinking as the passage, I just some of that some of that stuff is just like, how can you how can you preach from that? Right? Like, how do you walk verse by verse through this? Right? Like, dude, like, I don't understand it. You want to see one that's really hard. That like, I was like, this is hurting my brain. Look at this Ephesians. Chapter two, verses seven through 10. It's the Bible says, Now God has us where he wants us with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus. Saving is all his idea, and all his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It's God's gift from the start to finish. We don't play the major role. If we did, we probably go around bragging that we've done the whole thing. No. Yeah, then it says, No, we either make nor save ourselves. God does both the making and saving he creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does the work the good work he has gotten ready for us to do work we had better be doing. It makes me cringe reading that. Some of that stuff is, I think harder to understand. Yeah. Because it's just, it's like you're like, your head's ready to explode. Like reading that because it's so all over the place. But the King James is just so smooth. For by grace are you saved through faith and that none of yourself is the gift of God not of works. Oh my gosh. You know, there's a what was it the in I think it's Oh, oh my goodness. It's first. Timothy. Let's let's see first Timothy 316 real quick. First Timothy 316 says it just says the Christian life is a great mystery far exceeding our understanding. But some things are clear enough he appeared in a human body was proved right by the invisible spirit was seen by angels. He was proclaimed among all kinds of peoples believed in all over the world taken up into heavenly glory, like who? What's the what's the invisible spirit? That's, that's, that's supposed to be the holy fear right there. Yes. Some of that stuff is, I don't know why people like that better or why they want to read from that. Because, I mean, you can't get doctrine from that, right? Like, I don't know how you could, you know, first Timothy 316, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh. Yeah, that's super, that's super clear, right? Like, right. eternal God, Jesus Christ, was shown in the flesh, right? Like, so the eternal Son of God took on human flesh. And he went to the cross and died for our sins. He would preach to the world. Like, I don't know how you can get that same thing from that. No, so like, I don't know what they mean when they say it's easier. But it's definitely not easier to understand what the Bible is trying to tell you. That's for sure. Yeah, that actually just hurt my head reading it. But I don't blame you. I mean, imagine the pastor that preaches from the mess. Yeah, there are actual churches that do that, dude, which is the sad thing, right? Like there are actual churches that are like preaching from the New Living Translation. Yeah, the churches are all these non denom churches that I've, you know, because I, I used to go to non denom churches. And you know what, they all read from the NIV or the NLT. Well, is this a problem? Because that's the reason why people don't know anything, right? They don't know anything, because who could understand that that's a confusing thing. Not that doesn't even scratch the surface of missing verses or changed phrases. You know, so just that alone, just like the understand ability, the readability is a big enough problem. Yeah. And people will say, Well, like, for some of the trans, some of the English translations, they'll say, Well, all the verses are there. So it's fine, right? But it's like, they're changed, though. They don't say the same thing. So that's a pretty big deal when they don't say the same exact thing as the King James. And it's just the whole thing as well. The other verses versions are easy to understand. No, they're not as far as far as I understand it. The King James is the only translation in English that is translated from the Mesoretic text. And from the PR, even the even the new King James, in some places, is not translated from the Mesoretic and the old tech and Old Testament. And there's several places in the New Testament where they follow the readings of the modern critical edition, they ignore the Texas Receptus tons of times. So and they, they take the word out, repent, every time God repents, you know, that's obviously, strategical. But I think that if a person, you know, there's, there's obviously a fine line between right doctrine and wrong doctrine. I saw a video the other day of some crazy people being like the King James Bible is superior to the Hebrew. Oh, I know who you're talking about. Gene Kim gets up and said the Greek is garbage in front of the whole congregation. It's just that's just a stupid position. It's like, the King James is an accurate translation of the Mesoretic text and the TR, therefore, it is equivalent, it cannot be better. Like there, you know, how could it be better than the perfect preserved Word of God? It could be the same. It can be better. They're both perfect. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense. And like some of those guys, you know, they they go so far off the rails. I don't want to be associated with them. But it is clear that there is a difference between the TR and the Mesoretic text and the King James Bible. And the modern translations like like any anybody who doesn't actually see that either is willfully blind, or is just ignorant. Right? I think there's probably a lot of people out there that ruckmanism just read the NIV, but they don't know. You know, like, no one's ever taken the time to show them. Yeah, I think there's a lot of people like that. They're just ignorant. But I think people that do know that like, these are different. And they're like, doesn't matter. It doesn't change anything. Like I think that they're just will they're just will they're willfully ignorant, right? They're willfully. It does change. It does change the doctrine and in several places. Well, here's a big does change the meaning of text. Here's a here's a big one. When in First Corinthians 118, when it says, for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. That's the King James, but all the modern versions pretty much. They say unto us which are being saved. So it's a process according to the modern versions. Yeah, I think another good example is john 118. In the King James, it says no man has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him the modern, critical text and the translations that are based off of it say, no man has seen God at any time, the only begotten God who's in the bosom of the Father. And so basically, they're, they're, they're taking a strong proof text of the eternal sonship of Christ, and change and changing it. And then then because of that they have two gods there, right? So there's like God, and then there's the only begotten God. It's like that's two different gods rather than it being God and the Son. So I think there's there's definitely doctrinal differences that you can clearly see, if you look it up. And and I think it's disingenuous, or it's ignorant to say that it doesn't change anything. It does change some things. That's actually looked at earlier. First Timothy 316. Yeah, the King James God was manifest in the flesh modern translations based off of the modern critical text. They say he who was manifest in the flesh. Yeah, like it's a big difference between saying he and God, right? Like, yeah, like the the ESV says, Great, indeed, we confess is the mystery of godliness. He was manifested in the flesh. Yeah, doesn't say God was manifest in the flesh, because they want to take away from the deity of Christ. Yeah. And I love the ESV. That's their favorite. I think the ESV is actually one of the worst modern translations that there is. Like, you know, obviously, like, I think, in James is the best translation. It's perfect. It's, it's, it's, it's the Bible that we should stick to. But as far as modern translation go, most people switched to the ESV, because they were told the NIV is going gender neutral. And the ESV is gender neutral, too. So if you think of any text that uses the the word man, as the word for all of mankind, so like the book of James, the the the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. If you look up any text like that, that's using the word man, the ESV will say person, or it won't say it won't say man, it will say person, because it's gender because it's gender neutral. And so like, I think that alone is there is a reason not to use it. Because the original the Greek text there says man, it doesn't say person, it clearly it means mankind. But that's not what it says. It says it says man. And so and so I don't think that taking the liberty with the text to translate stuff like that as person. I don't think that that's right. Like that. That's not right. And another thing is to the always put standard, the new American standard, the ES, the English standard version. But I guess their standard just constantly changes. Like, they just they don't. I think everybody knows what the real standard in English. Oh, yeah. I mean, like, like, it's, it's under it's an undeniable that the King James Bible is the standard English Bible has been for hundreds of years. So there's a reason why they try to say that. If you read the preface on lot on a lot of those, they're like, this is in the tradition of the King James. And it's like, No, it isn't. It's not even from the same text, but they want to piggyback off the King James. Yeah, they make it sound they, they try to make it sound slightly, you know, like the King James, but it's garbage. I you know, the problem, the problem with some of that stuff is bigger than just even Bible translation. It's really, it's really a tool that the devil is using the further the decline of our culture. Yeah. You know, that now we don't have a standard standardized Bible in our language, that everybody is at least familiar with some of the texts like you think of like, this classic passages of Scripture, like Psalm 23, the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, you know, anybody from like, my generation, my parents generation above, like, when they think of Psalm 23, they think of how it's written in the King James, or like john 316, for God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son. That's how our collective Western culture thinks about john 316. But all of the modern translations change those, you know, scripture passages, like john 316, and most modern versions, they don't say the only begotten son, you know, which takes which takes away the eternal generation of his only son, eternal stuff. Yeah, it's just and it's it's just, it changes everything. And it changes our culture as at large. It's just it's just a big problem. I just I just I don't like it. I just think in Bible that grandma had, stick with the same Bible that grandma had, it's good enough for grandma. Well, let's read it here in the ESV. John 316 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. And then obviously, the King James says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Let's go to the NIV. There's actually a version called easy. That made me laugh. The easy Bible, the easy and I was just looking out jokingly like, let's see what they have. They have an easy to understand version. It's one called easy. Dang, in the NIV, you know, it's crazy. So it's red. John 316 is red letter in the King James. And in the NIV, it's not. It's the publishers chose to be that weird, says for God so loved the world that he gave his only one and only son, that who's whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. The NLT says God gave his only begotten son that whosoever repents of their sins shall have eternal life. Let's see here. Does it really say that? No, but in all the other verses, it says repent of your sins several times. But it says this, for this is how God loved the world. He gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. But in NLT, it says in what does it say in Matthew 21 if you go to Matthew 21 30, I believe it's 32. It says Yeah, and Matthew 21 32. In the NLT, it says, for john the baptist came and showed you the right way to live, but you didn't believe him, while tax collectors and prostitutes did. And even when you saw this happening, you refuse to believe him and repent of your sins. So it's all about the right way to live in the NLT. But obviously, it's talking about because they rejected what john the baptist was saying. It's not talking about repenting of your sins. That phrase is so interesting, too. If you ask five different people what that means, you'll get five different answers, right? Some people think repent of your sins means stop sinning. Some people think repent of your sins means like be sorry. Some people think that it just means like, admit you're a sinner. Yeah, like, obviously, there's a, I don't know what you would call it like a breeze there of things that are worse, right? Like the worst of like, if you think that that means stop sinning, like that's not good. If you think that that means, you know, be sorry, that's better than thinking that it means stop sinning. Do you think that it what if you think that what that means is like, admit your sin, that's probably the best case scenario. Yeah, right. Admit that you're a sinner. But like, if you ask people that you'll get a bunch of different answers. So my wife, my wife has raised Mormon. And her whole family is still Mormon. And I'm not an expert about Mormonism by any means. But you know, I've lived in Utah my whole life. And I'm pretty familiar with it. And if you ask Mormons, what repent of your sins means, or what repent means, what they think that repentance is, is they think that it means, confess your sin. And if it's really bad, you have to confess it to the bishop, forsake your sin, make restitution for your sin, and never return on to it. Well, if you do, and if you do return on to it, you didn't really repent. So when I years and years ago, I used to work at the grocery store, we used to always like, what would happen is like, 18 year old kids, like just barely getting out of high school. Yeah, like once or twice a week, they would come in and be like, Hey, can you ring this candy bar up? And like, I'm just gonna pay for it and leave it. And like, after that happened, like, maybe like 10 times, I was like, why does this keep happening? So I asked one of my co workers, like, why do these people keep coming in and being like, I'm paying for this candy bar, but like, I'm just gonna leave it. And he'd be like, oh, they're getting ready to go on And they probably confess that they stole some stuff to their bishop. And so they're making restitution for it. So like, what they think is like, if you stole a candy bar, when you're a little kid, the way to repent of it is go to the store. Yeah, hey it, pay it back. And like, I'm not saying that's a bad thing to do. But I'm just saying like, they think if they don't do that, they won't be saved. And like, that's crazy. Like, that's not what the Bible teaches. Yeah. That is another gospel. Can you hold on one second? Yeah, yeah. Well, while he's gone, I don't know who's listening. But if you want to check out some of my sermons and check out my YouTube channel, you can find it at at FBC Roy on YouTube, you can go to our website, FirstBaptistRoy.com. We're located at 2025 West 5700 South in Roy, Utah. There's an independent Bible believing church if you love reverent traditional music. If you love expository preaching and King James Bible. And if you're zealous for soul winning, we're the church for you. So come check us out. Again, you can find us on YouTube. If you just type in First Baptist Church Roy, you'll see it right there. And love to see you guys at church sometimes want to come visit here in Utah. Heck yeah. What's the um, oh my gosh. What's that guy who who ended up being like a being a reprobate where he was preaching a sermon called polishing the shaft that weirdo Jack's sex cop? Yeah. And it's crazy because Pastor Anderson was talking about how he preached against him because that guy started saying some really wacky stuff. And he was preaching against the King James. And he was getting off was, I know, I know, I don't know a lot about him. I'm not, not from the same kind of circles of that. So I don't I know who he is. I don't know. I don't know a ton about him. Yeah, I just remember seeing one of his sermons where he's talking about that. And he's getting a lot of hate from people. Because he was calling them out. And then he ended up being right. Because then obviously, you know, he was a predator. He's, I think he just really got out of prison, right? Yeah. In prison for a long time. Have you? We should. I don't know a ton. I don't know a ton. I don't know a ton about him or his preaching. I know he took over at Jack Heil's church. Yeah. But other than that, I don't know much about him. How do you spell his name? I think it's spelled S C H A A P. I'm pretty sure. Oh, yeah. S C H A P. Oh, it's one of the first ones that comes up. Well, I'm sure it is. It's just the sermon that makes Baptist look crazy. Being a sexual deviant from the pole. And just like, I don't understand why that we've got deacons sitting behind him, you know, like, I'm, you know, my church is a real traditional Baptist church. And so like, if I started doing something like that, the chairman of my deacons would stand up and be like, Pastor, like, have you lost your mind? Like, yeah, like, like, his deacons are sitting there behind him, and they just let them do it. It's just, I would have fallen out of my seat laughing that would have been like, Okay, you need to go. No one said he's preaching to 1000s of people. Yeah, that thing is big. Let me see his assistant pastors. They're all sitting there. No one does anything. It's it's nuts, dude. It's really weird. Okay, let's watch it real fast. It's only like two minutes. Of course it hurts. Of course it's fire. Of course it's pain. Look at that. I don't know why those guys don't get up and stop like that. Look at them. Do they just sit there and let they don't like say you watch this stuff, dude. Just so perverse. Just so perverse. You know, it's just so perverse. Yeah, that's just to do that behind the sacred desk. Yeah, like, do that. In the gathering of Christ bride behind the sacred desk. That's just it's just it's just so grievous to like, you know, I know, it's like, it's, you know, it's funny to laugh at or whatever. Yeah, it's like, if you don't laugh, you'll cry because it's like, it's just, he's supposed to be feeding the flock. But instead, he decides to simulate perverse things in front of them, like, and all of those guys just sit there and do nothing. Oh, it's crazy. I believe, you know, I believe really strongly, you know, in in the man of God doctrine, I believe really strongly that the pastor is the leader of the church. But look, dude, like, if the pastor is being a pervert, like, it's okay to say, stop, like, it's, it's okay to be like, hold on a second. Yeah, that's too far. Like, I don't think you should, you know, challenge your pastor, you know, because he has a little bit different eschatology than you. I don't think you could challenge your pastor because maybe he views a passage that is, you know, pretty minor a little bit differently than you. But when someone's doing something like that, dude, like, it's your obligation to be like, Whoa, people sit there. And they do come back the next week. And they just like, they don't do anything like nothing happened. Yeah, it's just it's just crazy. Well, I probably got maybe like 510 more minutes left, man. Sorry, I don't want to take up your whole night. Oh, no worries. Ah, I was gonna say there was a there was a sermon. Have you heard of TD Jakes? You love the black guy? Yeah. And he literally says God injects his semen into you. I was like, dude, this is weird, man. And people just sit there. Like this is perverted. Yeah, I think like there's a very so in the book of Jude. It says that the cloud it talks about the clouds that don't have water, like the trees whose fruit wither it. And about them, it says that they have eyes that are full of adultery and cannot cease from sinning. Right? Like one of the key indicators of a person is a is a false prophet is that they're just sexually perverse. Yeah, that they have no control over their ability to understand this is not appropriate to be saying to 1000s of people, like this is not appropriate to be saying in this context, it's probably not appropriate to be saying in any context, like, but let alone the the house of God behind the sacred desk. Weird. Yeah. They're just, that's just, you know, that's how those a lot of those guys are, though, right? Like, they're perverts. That's what the Bible says about them, that there's certain men crept in unaware were before of old or dangerous condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, right, like lasciviousness. That's their perversion, bro. Like, I don't know, you know, it's, it's one of those things that if you don't laugh at it, you just cry because it's like, there's literally 1000s of people that are unstable souls that are being beguiled by that. Yeah. And and like, that's a pretty sad thing to think, right? Yeah, there's people that are earnestly trying to go to church to try to figure out like, who is God? Who am I? What does God want from me? And then they sit through that, like, yeah, that is sad. I mean, that's why it's like, I mean, I hate these people. And people will be like, man, you should love everybody. Where's the Bible say that? I just I just read a sermon last Wednesday night, so a week ago, from Proverbs 813, called the fear of the Lord is to hate evil. And, you know, David is real clear. He says, I hate the I have hated the congregation of evil doers. He says in Psalm 139, Do not I hate them, O Lord that hate me? Yeah, I might not grieve with them that rise up against me. So I hate them with a perfect hatred. I count them mine enemies. Right? Like, I think that it's really easy to be like, well, that's so funny or whatever. But like, at the bottom at the end of the day, it's just like, those people are hurting people's souls. They're literally supposed to be a doctor for the soul and what they're actually doing is damaging them. Yeah, and reverting their mind like, yeah, I hate that stuff, too. It's grievous. It's wicked. It's wrong. Yeah. And then it's like, you know, the just these weak softies, they'll be like, man, that's just not right to just be mean to them, man. You just gotta like, talk to them privately. Talk to the guy privately, who's preaching to thousands of people. Well, how can you anyways, right? Like, so, like, let's just say, theoretically, that is what's supposed to happen. Like, I don't think that's right. Anyways, right? Yeah. Like, that's, obviously, that's incorrect. Right? Like, if they're a public figure, public sin deserves a public rebuke. First Timothy five, them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear. Right? Like, I don't see anybody going after the Apostle Paul for saying, Alexander, the coppersmith has done me much evil the Lord repay him according to his words. Yeah, I don't see anybody coming after Paul for saying like, stay away from Hymenaeus and Philethis. They subvert people. I don't see anybody coming after john the Apostle for saying that my atrophy loves the preeminence. Like, you know, naming names and going after people. I don't see anybody upset about that. And like, even if those people are right, like how, like, that church that Scott was the pastor of First Baptist Hammond is literally tens of 1000s of people. Yeah, like, if you attend to that church, you probably don't get an audience with the pastor very often. If you're a member, you don't even attend to there and you don't live anywhere by what are you going to do to pick up the phone and be like, you know, the phone stop right now. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. Like, that's not gonna happen. There's so many layers. There's so many layers of like, people you have to go through in order to get like, that's never gonna happen. Like, that's, that's stupid. That's foolish. Yeah, that's why I think it's just important that like, these people just need to be called out. Yeah, I think I think right, like that, what we ought to do is be very quick, like, we ought to be very careful not to be on the hair trigger to reprobate everyone in the world. Yeah, right. That's a very serious, that's a very serious thing, right? Yeah, call someone a false teacher. You say yours, what you're saying is that they're going to hell. Yeah, right. So like, like, that's a very serious thing. So you shouldn't just do it on a hair trigger. But we also should not be afraid when someone is doing something so blatant as that to be like, what in the world like this dude's a wolf like clearly that guy's a feature. Like, how could you do something like that? Right? No 100%. I mean, I get it on my Instagram, like, the comments that I see sometimes it's just like, only online. I mean, I've got when I was out soul winning, I've seen some, you know, pretty ridiculous stuff, too. But it's always more crazy on the, on the internet, you know, but this one guy when I was so when he was like, Hey, man, what do you think someone needs to do to go to heaven? And he's just like, Oh, man, just believe in Jesus. And I was like, Okay, so you think you can lose your salvation? Oh, yeah, absolutely. You know, I thought it was just, you know, believing in Jesus. And then he's like, Well, I know, I'm not gonna lose it. Because I'm not gonna like do anything bad enough. I'm not gonna fall away. I was like, Okay, so you're trusting yourself. But it's funny, because I said, you know, what church do you go to? And the church he he I knew of the church he went to, and they have a female pastor. I was like, so what about your church? They have a female pastor? Well, I'm repented that. Okay, dude, like, you, you're knowingly going to a church of the female pastor. And you know, that's wrong. But yeah, well, if you if you go to the church of fire, Tyra, dude, with the female pastor Jezebel, you need to get out of there. Right that right away. Yeah. And the church has if your church has just on the pulpit, you need to get out of there right away. Do not do not stay there. And the crazy thing is, because me and my wife one day, we're just like, let's listen to us like a sermon just to like, see what they say. Because it's always interesting sometimes. And it took 23 minutes in the sermon until she even named one Bible verse. I was like, wow. And then the whole time, she's just talking about herself and her garden and all this stuff. And I'm just like, and she's saying Yeshua and Yahweh. I'm just like, really, like, the verse. I'm sorry, I didn't want to like forget what I was gonna say. The verse she said, was about bringing forth fruit. And then she said, Yeah, the fruits of the Spirit. I'm like, that's not even what I was talking about. So you're also taking the verse totally out of context. I mean, Paul said, Let your women keep silence in the church for a reason, right? You know, I take a lot of heat for this. I've said this before in some sermons, but like, I stand by it. I've never heard a good lady preacher ever in my entire life. Like, never once have I been like, well, that's like good teaching right there. Like never once like, and the thing is, it's because God has not called them to do that. They are not they are not made to do that. They're not made to be the pastor. They're not called to be the pastor. And since they're not made for it or called for it, like, they're never going to be good at it. And you'll never show me a lady who you're like, Oh, this is a good lady preacher, they all preach false doctrine. They all they all are just weird. And like it just it doesn't exist. Yeah. And what do you think about people that are like, like I've seen videos where, you know, somebody will be like, I know, God's real. Because I said, I said, God, if you're real, get I want this man right here to speak to speak to me. And, and he claims that the pastor when he showed up late to the church, he's sitting in the back, there's 1000 people there, the pastor called him up. And he said, you're going to be famous for God. And, you know, you're going to dance, you're going to dance in front of the world. And, and then at that moment, he fell out and he knew God was real. I was like, so wait, God's gonna use you to dance. Where's that in the Bible? David, David dance mightily before the Lord, right? Remember? Yeah. Yeah. But it's just, it's just as if those things where I honestly think like, there is good and there is evil. Yeah. And I don't think I don't think the devil is omnipresent. But he does have he does have demons and devils that are everywhere. Yeah. And a lot of that stuff where they're like prophesying over people, those pastors are not saved. And I think a lot of that is demonic. Yeah. So yeah, that's very, yeah, it's very, it's very possible that like, it's very possible that like, you really did say, like, this, and then this, and then something happened where it's like, they miraculously called you out. Like, that doesn't mean it's from God. Like, yeah, the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament show at this handiwork, like, everybody knows that God exists because the creation, everybody knows that God exists because of their conscience. Everybody knows that God exists because he revealed himself unto them. Right. That's like Romans one says, so a person who says like, I need to see this. So I know that God is real. And then God showed me it. So I know that he's real. It's like, they're already not going down a biblical path anyways, because everybody knows that God exists is what the Bible says. And it doesn't say that he has to show himself to people through signs and wonders in order. Right. Like, let me pull it up real quick. Sorry. You 16. This, it says, it says, Matthew 16, for a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the Prophet Jonas. And he'd left them and departed. Yep, a wicked and adulterous generation seek it after a sign. That's what people think they're going to see some miraculous sign. It's called the gospel read the Bible. As Jesus said, so Jesus said in Luke 16, when he is telling the story of the rich man and Lazarus, says that, he says that Abraham says to the rich man, that his brothers have Moses and the prophets, and if they won't believe them, they won't believe someone who rose from the dead. Exactly. And there's people that, sorry, go ahead. In john chapter 20, Jesus told Thomas, like, you're blessed, because you've seen and you believe, but blessed are those who have not seen and believe, right? Like, I don't think that God is obligated to show anyone a sign because he already has all the Bible of creation. It's called the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And, you know, like you said, an evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign. Yeah. And the thing is, that wouldn't be faith if you saw him. Because you that would just be you saw it. That's by sight. We walk by faith, not by sight. Yeah, that's a good verse. Um, oh, here's that video of the Greek guy. Let me play this up this Calvinist pastor. My undergrads in math. My master's is in biblical studies. Okay. So, you know, today, we're kind of just talking about the premise of God hating people. What do you think about that? Yeah, I mean, I guess I would say I disagree. Okay, explain to me why you think that that God doesn't hate anyone? Well, it might depend on your capacity for nuanced thinking. These rustics nearly takes the honor out of victory. For example, john 316, a verse you probably are aware of. For those of you that aren't aware in john 316, it says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, but the so isn't a degree. I don't know if you know, Greek, the who toast behind the words in the lemica. Yeah, so wait, hold on. God loving it. Let me go. I don't speak modern Greek, but I can. Okay. Dude, he got so embarrassed. It's funny. He goes. So I don't know if you speak Greek. Right. Let me speak. So I don't. Yeah, right. Dude. Oh, man, that is that is. Well, you're gonna play that again. That's freaking hilarious. Dude. I want to do that again. That's so funny. Okay, let me play it. My undergrads in math. My master's is in biblical studies. Okay. So you know, today, we're kind of just talking about the premise of God hating people. What do you think about that? Yeah, I mean, I guess I would say I disagree. Okay, explain to me why you think that that God doesn't hate anyone? Well, it might depend on your capacity for nuanced thinking. These rustics are so inept, nearly takes the honor out of victory. For example, john 316, a verse you probably are aware of. For those of you that aren't aware in john 316, it says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, but the so isn't a degree. I don't know if you know, Greek, the Hutos behind the word. Yeah, so wait, hold on. I don't speak modern Greek, but I can. Okay. God. Oh, buddy. That's too good, bro. Is that your that's your pastor that I can't hear you. So you're saying there's no limiter to someone's morality? No, no limiter. There's only what we can physically do. Do you feel like you are capable of murdering 100 children? Yep. What? Bro, what are you talking about, man? Okay, so just just make sure I understood what you're saying. You're saying that if you are in Germany, and you've been drafted in the army against your will, and they line up a bunch of Jews, and they say, pull the trigger, you would do that? Like 99.9% of all other people? Yes, I would. Oh, my goodness, dude. Wow. Well, that is that's something bro. That is that's something. I don't know. I don't know how are you still there? I accidentally left it. I'm back now. That is that is that is. Yeah, 99% of people speak for yourself. Really? No. Speak for yourself. Speak for yourself. So the whole thing was, he was like, he knows he's full of crap. He was just trying to double down. So it didn't look like he lost the debate. Yeah, well, you're crazy. I'd rather I'd rather just be like, Okay, actually, you're right. I'm wrong. I don't know why I said that. That was, you know, then be like, Yeah, well, I'll kill hundreds of them. Like, what in the world? Yeah, he said, you did. But then the funny thing was, let me see here. He says, in this one, no, it's Oh, this one was crazy. So that was your that's your pastor, then? Is that right? Yeah, we're talking to him. Where's it? Where's he interviewing these people? Is this on a college campus somewhere? Oh, of course. Yeah, yeah. What's what school is that? University of Texas. Yeah, it's bad, dude. Look at look at this. Oh, a girl or a boy? It's a it's a girl. Let me see here, I'm going to pull this one up here. Who am I talking with today? Hi, my name's Zen. Nice to meet you. And Zen, do you have any religious background? Yes, I was born and raised by a Buddhist. Is there something you're hoping to be reincarnated as or is there something you have a goal towards? I have always had a fascination with whales. I have always wanted to be a whale. A whale is a hard thing to be. You have to be a very good person to be a creature of statue. So I would hope to be a whale, but I don't think it's achievable. Whales are definitely large mammals. Well, he's definitely really good at keeping a straight face. All these people say the basis. Oh, that's so funny. Whales are definitely large mammals. Oh, man, dude, I keep going back. I meant to go back on the video instead of the stream. I know he's definitely he's definitely good at keeping a straight face while people say crazy stuff. I'd laugh at my person's face like, how could you take that serious? Like I don't know how hard. Very hard to be an animal of stature. Like, yeah, OK, what? And the crazy thing is, I have no idea how he sat there with like he was so patient with these people and did not get mad one single time. And he sat there all day. And I was just like, dude, I would just be like, I'm done. You guys are just dumb. I'm walking away right now for I go crazy. And it was funny, too. There was this one kid who he what was it? He said that there was over 500 contradictions in the Bible, but he couldn't name one single contradiction. Well, that's usually what they do, right there. So the Bible is full of contradictions. Name one. Well, I don't know. Right. Like, there's just someone told them that. So they repeat it. Exactly. Yeah, they have literally no idea. The would you say out of all, like all the preachers, would you would you say Billy Graham is probably the most famous preacher, most like. I mean, in America, I mean, in America, probably right, like he's called America's preacher. I mean, he definitely is. You know, I think probably I don't know why you got it. You got someone else you think might be more. No, I was just asking you because I thought he was personally. And then it's funny because he literally says that he thinks everybody's basically going to heaven. Have you seen that of him talking to Robert Schuller, Crystal Cathedral guy? Yeah, he basically says like they may not even know the name Price. Yeah, that's the video. Yeah, it's pretty sad, man. Pretty sad that the person who's the largest, you know, most notable preacher is out there saying all roads lead to all roads lead to Christ. Yeah, that's pretty sad. And do you think like as far as, you know, like the end times and stuff like that, do you think the Antichrist will come in the next 10 years? You know, I don't know. It's you know, I would hate to put a number on it. I would hate to put a year on it. Yeah, I do think that the Bible clearly says perilous times shall come. And man, it does seem like things are pretty wicked. It does seem like the world is moving increasingly faster towards globalism, one world government, one world religion. And I do think that, you know, it is very it is very probable that the Antichrist could be revealed. Yeah. But but, you know, maybe I'm wrong. You know, you read you read old preachers that are preaching during World War Two and and and that time period. And they thought like this must be it right. Like so I don't know for certain. But what I do know is that we're definitely living in perilous times. The love of many has waxed old. That men are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, that they definitely are petty and high minded. And so, you know, I think that we can look around in our culture and just kind of examine a little bit what condition it's in and maybe get a feel that like maybe we are getting close. Yeah. Again, again, I don't want to put a number on it. I would hate to say like he's coming back in the next 10 years because the Antichrist is about to be revealed. And then there's seven, you know, seven years in there. Robert Breker said the rapture was going to be in 2017. Well, Robert Breker also teaches that people in the Old Testament were saved by works. Yeah. He worships, he worships views. But, you know, like, yeah, Robert Robert Breker doesn't understand the Bible. He believes in dispensationalism. Yeah. And not just like your run of the mill dispensationalism, which is still wrong, but at least is maybe not heretical. He believes in he believes in dispensational salvation. He believes he believes that that people in the Old Testament were saved by works. He believes that people in the tribulation will be saved by works. The Bible, the Bible does not teach that. The Bible teaches that it has always been by grace through faith and that it has always been not of work. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, of course, a guy like that would predict that Christ is coming back and he's still preaching, I guess, even though he's made a false prophecy. So, you know, because everything, you know. Yeah. And I was going to say, too, like he believes that if somebody takes the mark of the beast, they could like chop their hand off or cut their head off. It's not what the book of Revelation says. The book of Revelation says the same shall drink of the wine and the wrath of God. So, yeah, and they're going to be tormented forever. Those people who took the mark of the beast because they worship the beast. It's like I don't even I don't even know how people believe this. You know, people like this. It's crazy. And it's like so people are good enough. They're going to be good enough to be saved by works in the in the book of Revelation. But they're not good enough now. I'm a little. Well, you know, he won't be there, so it doesn't matter. Or so he thinks. So he thinks. Right. And then it's like I've heard this, too, from some old IFB preacher. He's like, oh, yeah, see, you know, Noah built the ark and that's how he got saved. Just like, you know, Noah built the ark by faith because he already was saved. Yeah. That's what Hebrews 11 says. Yeah, like Abraham offered Isaac on the altar. That's how he got saved. No, Abraham offered Isaac on the altar because he already was saved. Yeah, that's that's that's so stupid. That's ridiculous. He did the works to get say it's like, but it says he called upon the name of the Lord, like when he was 75. Yes, and he didn't do that till way later, so. Well, a lot of those a lot of those guys, again, like, you know, dispensationalism is a poison that needs to be rooted out of Christianity. Yeah, Baptists, Baptists historically do not believe in dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is Plymouth Brethren doctrine, whether you whether you read the men who formulated the first London Baptist confession or the second London Baptist confession, whether you read old school Southern Baptists like John Broadus and B.H. Carroll, whether you read. Even older, older Baptists, even before all of those guys believed in covenant theology, every single one of them believe that the church is Israel. Every single one of them believe that it's one people of God united in Christ Jesus and what you read. So in the sixteen hundreds, when they're like, you read the first London Baptist confession of faith, that's what they believe. Yeah, whether it's whether it's Benjamin Keach, whether whether it's John Gill, whoever it is, they all believe that, whether it's John Broadus, B.H. Carroll in the late eighteen hundreds, they believe that like like Baptists do not historically believe in dispensationalism. But what's sad is because of C.I. Schofield and the propagation of his Bible, as well as the fundamentalist movement, many Baptists have fallen have fallen victim to the lie of dispensationalism. And look, God doesn't deal in dispensations. God deals in covenants. The the way that God works, he makes a covenant with people. And God has made. God has made a covenant with Jesus Christ. He's the seed of Abraham. And if you're in Christ, you're a recipient of that covenant as well. And so my my my thing is if you guys will take the dispensational glasses off and just read the Bible, you'll see that the Bible doesn't teach anything close to dispensationalism. It teaches covenant theology. If you just read history of what Baptists wrote, you'll see that they don't believe that. And it's Plymouth Brethren doctrine because it's from Darby. It's from Schofield. It's not it's not it's not about this. Yeah. And another thing I was going to say, I've I've seen people saying this. Well, like because you know what they say, what we believe in is called free grace. But it's like so funny. It's like, well, if grace was anything but free, then it wouldn't be grace. You know what I mean? But these people will say that the our doctrine wasn't invented until the nineteen hundreds. Yeah, well, I mean, to anybody that believes that it is sound and orthodox that tell people that you must forsake sin in order to come to Christ and that that is modern doctrine. You can look at men like Thomas Boston. Look up the Octorot or Creed. Look up and look up the book, The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher. These books were written hundreds of years ago. This is the this is the sound and orthodox position of the Protestant Orthodox. I know that Baptists are not Protestant. But all I'm saying is that the historic position of anybody that is even remotely close is that it's not sound and it is not orthodox to tell people that they must forsake sin in order to come to Christ. Look up The Marrow of Modern Divinity. Read it for yourself. Read the works of Thomas Boston for yourself. You could see that what what people have bought this lie of. Paul Washer and those guys. Yeah, not that is not the orthodox position. Yeah, and where can I find that if you if you look up The Marrow of Modern Divinity, the guy that wrote it, his name is Edward Fisher. It's a really old book. There's even modern, you know, obviously I'm not reformed. I'm not a Protestant. But there's even there's even modern guys that have wrote books against that. A couple of modern books that were wrote wrote against, you know, lordship salvation. One book is called Christ the Lord. One is called The Whole Christ. And both of those books are are teaching that what this modern what the modern what the modern idea is, is lordship salvation. That's not what that's not what the ancients taught. And they prove it from original sources. You know, I'm not Protestant, but I can at least look at when they get something right and be like, yep, that's right. Yeah. So but then it's like, you know, faith alone. They'll say faith alone and scripture alone, but then they don't actually do it. Yeah, there's a there's a big problem in Protestantism, dude. Most of them are flying the sodomite pride flag outside of their churches. So, yeah, you know, that's crazy. And then real quick before, you know, we just kind of ended, I was going to say. I lost my train of thought. Gosh, dang it. It was about gosh, dang, it was just maybe it'll come to me when we get off. Well, I appreciate you having me on, man. Absolutely. Thanks a lot. I'm glad I'm glad we got to meet and kick it a little bit, man. Yeah, for sure. You're a cool dude, bro. I saw your videos, I don't know, three or four years ago doing your little white boy character. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oakland, New Jersey, acting a fool. And then I saw I saw a video, I don't know, a few months ago where you were saying like, you trusted Christ by faith alone. And I was like, man, praise the Lord. That's that's great. That's great to hear. I didn't I didn't trust my works like everyone, you know. Yeah. Well, thank God, man. And then I was just going to let everyone know where they could find your channel. It's just first bass, first Baptist Church of Roy on YouTube. And I was going to say to when they're looking for your sermons, they got to go to live stream. Yeah, I don't know why YouTube does that. I don't know why. I don't know why they separate the videos like that. I have like three videos and then everyone's like, where's the rest of them? And it's like, you got to go to a live stream. That's what I did. You do that. I don't know why YouTube does that, because I because I saw yours. I ended up after I watched some shorts, I clicked on that sermon, you know, on why you can't lose your salvation. And I was like, OK, because I'm just, you know, trying to find, you know, I guess more reasons why you can't lose your salvation all the time, like just more to build more knowledge. So I was like, OK, I actually haven't heard those reasons. So that was pretty, pretty good. I mean, God, man, that's awesome. Absolutely. So everybody go check out his channel, man. We got to definitely you got to definitely come out, come out here, man. I'd love I'd love to meet you sometime in person. I love you. I'm going to definitely look up some more of those funny clips of. Yeah, yeah. Well, that you're showing me that's pretty funny, man. Yeah, I'll send them over, man. God bless. Thanks for coming on and have a great night. Thanks a lot, brother. Have a good one. You, too. Sweet. All right. I'll stay on a little bit longer. Yeah. Yeah, he's cool, man. Um. Great doctrine. Do do do do do do. Let's see here. Thank you, brother, for coming up and speaking out tonight. You're welcome. Um. You used to be Catholic gang. Um, I'm just reading some of the comments now. Let's see what we can do here. Paul Washer, what is Paul Washer's version of the gospel? Let's see. Let's see what Paul Washer's version of the gospel is. This video is literally called What is the Gospel by Paul Washer. It is a great privilege for me to be here with you this evening, a tremendous privilege. Before I get started, the pastors asked me to to introduce myself. My name is Paul Washer and. And I need some help with the microphone. My name is Paul Washer and. I serve with the Heart Crime Missionary Society, which we support indigenous missionaries around the world and south America. Thank you, Ricky. I appreciate it. Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East. Let's fast forward this proposal in doing this work of preaching. And they will bear upon themselves a glory unspeakable. If they die, very important. There are people in this room right now. Who, if they die. Will be translated into heaven. And they will bear upon themselves a glory unspeakable. And there are other people in this room right now. Who, if they die. Will be sent by the judgment of God. Straight into hell. Where the grace of God is totally removed and they will be revealed as the monsters that they truly are. You see, those of us who preach the gospel, we are not here to entertain you. We are not here to talk to you about temporal things, about how you can get the best that you can get out of this present life. No, I am not concerned tonight about your self-esteem. I am not concerned about whether or not your billfold and your checkbook balance themselves out. I'm concerned about one thing one day, each and every one of you will stand naked before a holy God and you will be judged. That is my great concern. This is not a game. This is not something that has to do with culture, Western or Eastern. This has to do with the word of the living God, the God, is he going to preach the gospel or is he just going to like keep going on and on? My goodness, the gospel of Jesus Christ, life and death, heaven and hell, and it is an amazing burden for a preacher to stand before a group of people knowing that some of you will hear my voice and go to heaven when you die and others of you will hear warning after warning after warning and you will not listen and you will die under the wrath of God and spend eternity in hell. Bozo doctrine. Yeah, that is why it is such a difficult thing. Faith, you know what it's like to suffer. You would rather die. Then deny Jesus Christ. Or live in a way that contradicts his word, but young people listen to me, many of you were raised here. Many of you were born in the West and you need to be very, very careful, this Christianity is not a cultural thing. This Christianity is is not something that just should be a small part of your life, it is not something that you do on Sunday. Christianity is not about you living in the world six days a week and coming to church, Christianity is not about you being just like the world all the time and then coming to church on Sunday. If that is your Christianity, you have no Christianity, you are not Christian. It is a dangerous thing to be raised in a Christian family. It is a dangerous thing to be raised in a Christian community, because you may think that somehow because your parents are Christian, you are Christian. Or because you come from a group of people who have suffered that you to participate in that glory, that is not true. OK, where's the gospel, I'm waiting for the gospel, man, gosh, this guy's such a crybaby. Young people, let me ask you a question, how do you know that you're Christian? How do you know? Well, you would know if you were Christian because you actually trusted Christ alone, you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you believe that he died on the cross for all your sins and that he rose again, you believe he's the son of God. I mean, that's how you know you're a Christian, but what's this bozo going to say? Let's find out, I guarantee it's by your works that you have truly come to know Christ. How do you know that if you died right now, you would go to heaven and be accepted by God Almighty before his throne? How do you know? You say, well, it's all of grace, yes, it is all of grace, but he's going to insert the heresy here, we are not saved by works, we are saved by grace, we are saved by believing the promises of the gospel. That is true. But what you need to understand, oh, see, exactly, I called it, but but but nothing, you bozo, you bum. Shut up, Dan. Is grace is a powerful thing that he who has given you grace to repent and believe gives you grace to continue repenting and to continue believing, so if I don't continue repenting of my sins, I'm not saying. Look at that, I mean, this is just garbage. This guy has a false idea of what repentance for salvation even is, because repentance for salvation requires you to turn from what you're trusting in for salvation. Most people obviously are trusting in themselves or, you know, their false religion, which false religion is just you trusting in yourself, your own works. So you need to turn from trusting yourself and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, that is the correct repentance for salvation. But this bozo obviously can't understand that. He who gives you grace to believe and to justification also will give you grace for your sanctification. That you might grow in holiness, as a matter of fact, listen to me, one of the greatest evidences that you have truly believed in Christ under salvation. Oh, what's it going to be works? Works, watch, is that God has begun a good work of sanctification in you, he works sanctification, so it's your works and works. Sorry, sorry, you cleaning up your life. Is proof that you're saved, but the Bible says, but to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justify at the ungodly, his faith is for his kind of for righteousness. So here's the thing. God knows a man's heart. God knows what you are trusting in for salvation. Obviously, man, you're going to be justified before man by what you do outwardly, your works, but you're not justified before God by works. That's the thing. You're justified by faith with God. So this guy is preaching a whole nother gospel. And works to make you holy. Yes, he works that a reality in your life works. Young choir, exactly, he's saying, like Golden Knight says, You are saved by faith, but if you don't have the works, slash monthly payments, you lose it or you were just never saved. That's what they'll say. That's garbage behind me, let me ask you a question, you sing beautifully, but can you honestly tell me that your great desire is to be holy? Can you honestly tell me that your great desire is not to be like the world, to not be like what you see here in the West and many other places, but to be like Jesus Christ, can you tell me that? Because if you cannot. You should be afraid. You should be very afraid. So basically, if you're not doing the works or desiring to do the works, you just you're not saved, you're just not saved. That is another gospel, man. That is another gospel. Those who love the world. Do not have the love of the father. Now, we're going to take a passage tonight in the Old Testament, and we're going to look at that passage, it's a new covenant promise. OK, Bozo, why don't you take something from the New Testament and use it? This whole thing is literally titled, what is the gospel? And he has not even given the gospel, you know, the gospel is what Christ did, the gospel is not our works. It's always it's always the same thing with these guys, yeah, we're saved by grace through faith, but. It's like, no, but nothing, the Bible doesn't say, but anything it says, for by grace are you saved through faith in that, not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. It doesn't say but, but this, but that, no, but nothing. Yeah, you must be born again. The only way somebody is born again is by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. You're trusting Jesus. You depend on Jesus in order to be saved. That's it. It's so your rebellion and it's really the most simple thing in the world. But, you know, Bozo's like Paul Washer make it complicated. Yeah, the gospel is perfectly defined and it's in first Corinthians. And let me actually go to it real quick. First Corinthians, after 15, 15, 15. Okay, so in first Corinthians, chapter 15, let's pull it up. Paul Washer is such a clown. I seriously hate that guy anyways. He's just leading so many people astray. Okay, let me see here. Oh, here we go. Somebody donated Nathan Morris next. I don't know who Nathan Morris is, but this says here in first Corinthians, fifth chapter 15, what the gospel is. It says, moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel, which I preached unto you, which also ye have received and wherein ye stand by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain, for I delivered unto you first of all, that which I also received, how that Christ died for sins, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures, that's it. That is the gospel. And when it says, by which also ye are saved, if he keep in memory, what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. So if somebody was to believe in vain, right? So say I give someone the gospel and I come back to them a week or two later. And I said, Hey, so, you know, what do you think somebody needs to do in order to go to heaven? And they just give me something totally different than what I gave them. That person believed in vain. They did not keep it in memory. That's what that's saying. And it's funny. People will add works to try to add works to this somehow. Like Gideon's pastor was that brother, brother, Josh, false brother. Josh literally took first Corinthians chapter 15 and added works to this. Somehow it's just like, what? Yeah. Uh, uh, Romans chapter one, verse 16 says, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Yeah. Everyone, every human being has sin and except obviously Jesus was Jesus is God brother, Josh, false brethren, Josh. I mean, I don't even know how somebody can sit through that garbage. It's just mind blowing. It's wicked. It's like their gospel is believing yourself, do the works and you might be saved. That's the good news. Apparently I even asked Gideon one time. I said, I said, Gideon, so is that good news? If I came to you with this, with this Bible, and I said, look, if you follow all of these commandments perfectly, you're going to go to heaven, but you have to follow all of them. I said, is that good news? And he actually had the balls to tell me. Yes. I was like, yeah, you're full of crap, dude. Um, like, what are you, what are you talking about? So you actually believe that you can follow every commandment in here perfectly. Get out, get out. It's like, people think they're so righteous, but they're obviously not. And he was trying to justify saying you could lose your salvation by saying, here's the thing, look, um, look, here's the thing, say that I told you, Cassidy, I was going to pay off all your debt, but what if you got in debt again? I can't keep paying your debt, so I'm going to have to stop helping you at some point. So therefore you could lose your salvation. I'm like, wait a second. So, so Jesus only paid off some of your debt. Is that, that what it is? Cause that's what you're telling me basically, not basically, but that is what you're telling me. Sam says the Bible also says when you are born again, you become a new creature and we put off the old man. So yes, you will prove your salvation by living for Christ. But here's the thing. You still have the old man. You still have the old man. You have the new man and you have the old man. So your spirit is obviously new. You have the Holy ghost. Your spirit is quick. And before your spirit was dead past, it's only so. Yeah, we'd be, we'd be damned. We'd be freaking screwed if it was past sins only, but obviously these people don't sin. It's crazy how somebody like Gideon doesn't sin yet. Um, you know, all these great men in the Bible sinned. Isn't that crazy how David sinned, but Gideon doesn't. It's wild. The high priest sinned daily. We sin every day, but Gideon and all these bozos like Apollo, they don't sin. Oh, young Don doesn't sin either. It's funny. He was accusing everybody else of sinning and living in sin. Yet he himself came out and said that he was getting drunk with alcohol and smoking behind closed doors. Isn't that crazy that the guys who preach this hardcore work salvation and this law keeping garbage, they're over there, uh, you know, committing the worst sins, but then they accuse us and say, well, you just believe in this so you can live a life full of sin. Really? That that's you, buddy. That's you. No, I'm not a pastor. Um, let's see here. Abide in the word and young you abide in the word. Oh my gosh. That guy is a freaking bozo, man. Oh, good night. That guy preaches literally sinless perfection as well. He thinks he doesn't sin. Yeah. I never has a foolish thought. Well, the fact that you say you don't sin is already a foolish thought. So you just sinned. Uh, well, anybody who's preaching the real true gospel is not going to make a ton of money. They're not, um, let's see here. Mm. Sin when you know, to do good and yeah. So yeah, the book of James says he that knows to do good and do with it, not to him, it is sin. So even the fact that if you know, to do something and you don't do it, that is sin. So people, yeah, people don't realize how sinful they are, man. That's the thing. And so they think that they can, you know, make it to heaven by their works. I mean, that's just a flat out lie though. And, um, you know, like we were saying earlier that, uh, basically, uh, people will say that you need to clean it. You need to stop sinning. You need to get the sin out of your life in order to be saved. Well, here's the thing. You can't do that until you can't even start to get the sin out of your life until you're saved. So that's just absolutely, you know, stupid, you know, without Christ, you're not going to be able to do any of that. So that's just stupid. When people say you need to repent of your sins to be saved, you need to, and these people that say that, you know, they're saying you need to turn from your sins in order to be saved. You cannot even begin to do that until Christ saves you. A Jets and only a sinner would be, well, you know what, when you're a Jets fan, the just endure the suffering, you know, being a Jets fan makes you into the best Christian. Don't hate man. Won't give more, then we'll stop depending. Well, I can't even understand. I don't know what context you're saying. Uh, I remember Jesus saying you have to, I don't even have a Tesla anymore. I actually, uh, I actually turned it in and I got a different car. Um, I got a different car, uh, yesterday because I went on Kdub. I know, I know it's Kdub. Uh, so what I'm saying is that, um, about the Tesla real quick is funny. Cause I went on a road trip to, uh, I was going to go to the most racist town in America and film and, um, anyways, I couldn't go there because there was no Tesla supercharging stations and I didn't want to get screwed over. So being my film or we ended up going to Tulsa, Oklahoma. So we went to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and dude, it was a freaking nightmare because on the way back, I ran out of battery on my Tesla and there was no charging station anywhere. So I had to, um, I had to, I had to get a tow truck and I was, I was two and a half miles away from the charging station and the car died out of me. So I'm calling every single tow truck, uh, you know, that I can find on Google that's near me and none of them are going to tow my Tesla, I'm like, damn it. So then anyways, man, by the grace of God, I'm serious. This is a blessing from God. I call one of the tow truck companies and I thought I had already called them, but I guess I didn't. And they were like, yeah, we'll come get it. And cause this guy, uh, with a tow truck drivers just happened to be in my area. So he came and he got my Tesla's $125 and he took it to the charging station two and a half miles down the street. And after that, I was just like, you know what? That, that was the last straw for the Tesla. I was already about to be done with it because you can't go on road trips with the Tesla. You have to literally, and if you do, um, drive long distance, because there, if there happens to be charging stations, uh, on the way, you have to sit there and charge up your Tesla for like 45 minutes to an hour. Uh, it like, if, if the battery's basically dead, you have to just sit there for almost an hour. It is terrible. But if you have a gas car, you can just gas up your car and then you can go on your way. It takes like a few minutes, maybe five minutes. But anyways, uh, what I'm saying is that, yeah, I turned my Tesla in and I actually got a Toyota Camry. So I was, I'm actually really happy with the Toyota Camry. It is super freaking nice, man. It's, uh, it's the, it's the XSE, the Toyota Camry XSE. That thing is freaking nice, man. I love it way better than Tesla. Um, everyone. Yeah, I'm done. Tesla is done, bro. Never getting to Tesla ever again. Yeah. Camry's are, are not, dude, those new Camry's are sick, man. And yeah, I only have Toyota's now. So, cause we have a, we have a 2014 Toyota, a four runner, and then I have the Camry, so only had Toyota's. Toyota's are really reliable. Cassie, do you think that the reason these guys who say they don't sin is because they don't have the Holy Spirit to convict them? I think it's possible. Yeah, that could be a possibility. Um, or they just don't realize, um, how sinful we really are. Um, brother, I totally agree that we are not saved by works, but we can't deny that the word teaches us that we will be different after salvation. Well, here's the thing. If you were judging somebody's salvation by the way they were living, uh, at that point, it's like, how much do you need to change then in order to show that you're really saved? You know what I mean? Cause everybody's different. Everybody has different sins that they're dealing with. Everybody is completely different. So like, if you don't clean up your life enough where you just never saved, well, here's the thing. If somebody gets saved and they never get into this, they never go to church, they never pray. They don't do anything spiritual. Their life is going to look exactly the same. And that's why I say that if you're not reading the word of God, you're not going to start to clean your life up. I mean, it's plain and simple. If you're not doing those spiritual things, you are going to look like the same person. So when somebody says that, if you don't have a changed life, you're not saved, that's absolutely garbage and lies because if somebody gets saved and they don't go to church and they don't read their Bible or do any of those things, spiritual things, they are going to look like the same exact person. It's just nonsense, man. Obviously we should read our Bible. Obviously we should go to church. Obviously we should pray. Obviously we should go out and preach the gospel. But here's the thing, that has nothing to do with your salvation. I mean, and it's funny when somebody, somebody would tell me like, oh, you don't believe in doing any works. Well, you know, I go to church three times a week. I read my Bible every single day. I pray, I go soul winning every single week. And I know none of that stuff has anything to do with my salvation. I don't have to do any of those things to go to heaven. I still do it because I love God. I fear God. That's why I do it. And you know what I want to, I want to do the things that are pleasing to God. And obviously I know that, uh, my life is going to be better if I, you know, do the things that God wants me to do versus the things, uh, you know, that pleases my own flesh, my own desires and, you know, I want to have rewards in heaven. So, yeah, easy. Believism isn't the problem because being saved is easy. The problem is Christians need to read the sincere milk. Absolutely. People do need, it is easy to be saved because Jesus did all the work. Jesus did the hard part, but obviously, you know, growing spiritually, that's, that is the difficult thing because it takes work to grow spiritually. It takes work to get in your Bible, to read the Bible, to study the Bible. It takes work to go to church. It takes work to go preach the gospel. It takes work to, to, you know, um, you know, to spend time in prayer. It does, it takes work. So, um, those, I mean, those are all great things to do, but yeah, um, that has nothing to do with your salvation. What do you make of the first 15 centuries of Christian history, preaching a different gospel than I don't believe that for two seconds, that, uh, that people preach the different gospel. I don't believe that for two seconds. There's, there's always people preaching work salvation throughout time. And there's always been people preaching, uh, you know, faith alone. There's always been people preaching that in the Bible. There were people telling, you know, preaching that, um, you need to keep the law in order to be saved. They were saying that you're justified by the law. Nobody's justified by the law. Um, so yeah, it was, it was happening to Paul. People were preaching work salvation. People were preaching lies. It's not like all of a sudden, you know, a hundred years ago, people started just preaching that it's all by faith. No, this, this has been throughout time. I mean, so that's just ridiculous when people will say, well, you know, people just started now believing in free grace theology, really? Then why is it in the Bible? So you're telling me right now, since the Bible's been around just less than a hundred years ago, people started believing in free grace theology. That salvation is free. That is just stupid. I mean, what, where do people come up with this? Um, it's honestly funny. If you will, golden Knight has the funniest comments. He says, if you, uh, if you willfully sin, once you lose your salvation forever, it's funny though, because the people that believe that you can lose your salvation, they think you can get it back. But the Bible says that once somebody, let me, let me read it in Hebrews. Uh, I'll just go to that. Um, Hebrews, Hebrews chapter six, the Bible reads, let's go to the, um, let's go here. Hebrews chapter six says, um, let's just start in verse one to get the context. It says, therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection, not laying again, the foundation of repentance from dead works. Notice what you are repenting from dead works, which what is dead works. That's you trusting in yourself, self-righteousness and of faith toward God. So you're repenting of your dead works, trusting in yourself. That's what that's saying. And a faith toward God of the doctrine of baptisms and of laying on of hands and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment, and this will we do if God permit for it is impossible for those who once, uh, who, sorry, sorry, let me read that again for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the power of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucified of themselves, the son of God afresh and put him to an open shame. And it's funny that people will lose it, read this verse and say, see, they lost their salvation, but the same people that say that you can lose your salvation, you know what they say that you can get it back, but here's what it says here. If they shall fall away to renew them to, Oh, sorry. Let me read this one more time. It started in verse five. It says, uh, actually I need to start in verse four. Sorry. It says for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy ghost and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away to renew. So it is impossible for these people to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucified of themselves, the son of God afresh and put him to an open shame. So the Bible says that it's impossible to renew these people unto repentance again, but here's the thing. The people that say you can lose your salvation, they say you can get it back, but that's clearly saying otherwise, because this is not talking about losing your salvation. It is not talking about that whatsoever. And if you read this whole chapter of Hebrews, it's talking to saved people and it's literally saying, Hey, let's move on and grow spiritually and move on past the basic, you know, simple doctrine of Christ. Let's get into more advanced doctrine because it is impossible to renew those unto repentance, uh, who fall away, but that's not saying they're not sick. They're not, it's not saying that they're not saved. Does that make sense? It's saying that they can't get saved again. They're already saved. So stop preaching them the gospel basically, because here's what people will do. A lot of people, uh, so say, you know, there's people in church, they, they backslide or whatever. And, uh, instead of going and like, you know, maybe getting them into more advanced doctrine or anything like that, um, you know what these people will do. There'll be like, Oh, you know, I don't, I think they lost their salvation. I'm going to go give them the gospel again or whatever, even though these people are just backslid. And I hope I'm kind of explaining that, but, uh, anyways, the whole moral of the story is that this is not talking about losing your salvation. It's talking about, uh, once it's talking about moving on past, you know, uh, the, the basic doctrine of, you know, salvation and moving on, uh, to more advanced doctrine. And cause, you know, the people who are, uh, who, who do fall away, you know, you can't, they, they're not, they don't need to get saved again. Uh, pastor Shelley did a great job of explaining it. Yeah. It's only on rumble though. I don't want to. Yeah. You can actually go. You can actually go on rumble and look it up, uh, on steadfast Baptist. Uh, uh, I was going to say YouTube channel, but if you go to their rumble channel, but yeah, like if somebody saved and they, you know, somebody, well, these people would say they're not saved anymore. You know, if they, if they fall away or they backslide, but here's the thing. Then they'll go give them the gospel again and try to get them resaved. That's not what they need. You know, it's not what they need. They need to get back in church. They need to, uh, get into some more advanced doctrine. Cause you know, a lot of these people, they're just babes in Christ and they just stay with the, uh, the most basic doctrine, salvation. It's like, okay, it's time to move on at some point. But I mean, my main goal is to, uh, you know, just get the gospel out there. The true gospel, get people saved. Sorry if that was complicated or confusing, but, but, but what if they then decide to start trusting in their works? Well, I think there's some people that can be confused. They might get mixed up in false teaching, but I, you know, I believe if somebody really trusts Christ, um, you know, obviously they're saved, but I think there's people that could get mixed up with, uh, you know, they're, they're a babe in Christ and they get mixed up by a false prophet. Yeah. If somebody thinks they can lose their salvation, they're not saved. They're trusting in themselves a hundred percent. Um, let's see here. Oh man. There's so many clear scriptures that you can't lose your salvation. Um, let me see here. I have, I'm not going to be on here much longer. Um, let me just make this clear here. Um, oh, Hebrews chapter 10 is really good actually. Uh, and it's funny cause people will say Hebrews chapter 10, like proves you can lose your salvation. Uh, but Hebrews chapter 10, starting in verse 10, the Bible says by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ. Once for all and every priest stand at the daily ministry and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth, expecting till his enemies be be made his footstool for by one offering, he has perfected forever than that are sanctified. Isn't that crazy by one offering. And it says in verse 10, by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. So it's a one time deal. So, cause here's the thing. If you could lose your salvation and then you had to keep getting it back, that means Jesus would have to die over and over and over and over. It doesn't work like that. Jesus died one time. It's once for all you are born again, one time in the moment in twinkling of an eye. But with these people, it's like, well, Jesus needs to just keep dying over and over. You know, I just got to keep getting resaved, rededicating my life to Christ. OK, you dedicating your life to serving Christ is not salvation, though. That isn't the gospel. You know, that is works. You dedicating your life is works. OK, so when people say, oh, you got to give your life to Christ to be saved. Where is that in the Bible? I even ran into this lady when I was soul winning and I was like, so what do you think a person needs to do to go to heaven? And she's like, surrender your life to Christ. I was like, where's that in the Bible? Couldn't even answer me. Just she just walked off. Her justification was that my husband's a pastor. Anyways. And obviously also like me and Pastor David, we were talking about we were talking about how God foreknew his people. God knows your whole life from beginning to end. He knows who was going to believe, who knows was going to be saved because we are predestinated to the image of Christ. So for somebody to say you can lose your salvation. So God's just toying around with your salvation. He knows you're going to lose it. But he's just going to screw with you. What kind of God do you believe in, man? It's like you're this is what these people believe. Oh, I'm living right. I'm saved. I backslid. I'm not living as good as I should. Now I'm not saved. Oh, I'm living right. I'm saved. Yeah, you're trusting yourself. You're not trusting Christ. Like you got to keep rededicating your life, you know, to Christ in order to, you know, just got to keep getting resaved every year, you know. My gosh. So it's like if you just have one bad thought and you don't repent of that, you die and go to hell. That's what Gideon believes. Gideon believes that if if if you commit a sin and you don't repent of that sin before you die, that you're going to go to hell. Good luck with that, buddy. Good luck with that. OK. Let me see here. And you know what I love about I'll just do this. If you are actually saved, you always get pulled back no matter what you do. I wouldn't agree with that because Saul. King Saul, he died, backslidden, very backslidden, and he saved. Solomon was very backslidden. He saved. You think God's going to have an unsaved person write three books in the Bible? No, he's not. Yeah, one second. What's that? Oh, no, I'm about to end it right now. OK. Yeah, so a possible sorry. You can't prove Saul was saved. Well, the Bible says that he would be in paradise. With Samuel and his sons. So, yeah, he he is saved. Who do I believe you or the Bible? I believe the Bible. Judas never believed in Jesus. Judas didn't believe. And I could prove that. I mean, I don't I don't know what Bible you're reading, but Judas says Judas never believed he was a devil from the beginning. So I'm going to read this and I'm going to get off here because. It says John 664, but there are some of you that believe not for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him. And he said, therefore, said I unto you that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my father. From that time, many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus under the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life, and we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ, the son of living God. Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve? And one of you is a devil. He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for he was that should betray him being one of the twelve. Well, there you go. Judas never believed Judas wasn't saved. Judas was a devil from the beginning. You can follow Jesus all you want, but if you don't trust in Jesus, if you have not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ depended on him, then you are not saved. That proves it right there. Judas followed Jesus. Judas repented of his sin. He felt sorry for his sin, and he wasn't saved. Why? Because he never believed on Jesus. Bible's clear. Who am I going to believe you were the Bible? John Chapter six versus 64 through the remaining of John Chapter six is very clear that Judas never believed. Judas was one of the first bozos, exactly. So, yeah, guys, thanks for. Yeah, there's look. There's there's Judas is everywhere. And here's the crazy thing. You probably don't even know who they are, but, you know, they're going to come out of the woodworks eventually. You know, I hope we don't have any in our church. But, you know, there's people like young Don. He claimed to believe in, you know, free grace theology. And then he ended up being a Judas. And now he believes in hardcore work salvation. The guy changes his doctrine every week or so. I mean, one minute it's Calvinism, then it's free grace. Then he's preaching the law to be saved. Now he's believing in hardcore work salvation. Yeah, Judas was a disciple, a follower of Jesus, but he did not believe in Jesus. He was a devil from the beginning. You can follow Jesus. Following Jesus does not save you. Trusting, a.k.a. believing on the Lord Jesus Christ saves you. You can follow Jesus day and night. But if you don't trust in Jesus, you're not saved. So, no, I'm not a Calvinist, definitely not a Calvinist. Anyways, guys, I'm about to get off here. Thanks for coming on this dream. God bless.