(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Absolutely, I got a story for you man, so real quick before we get started officially, so we're going door knocking and this older guy comes out and I'm like, hey sir, we're just going around the neighborhood, is there anything that I can pray for you about? And he's like, Ukraine! And I was like, oh my gosh dude, this is one of those boomers. And then I just looked at my friend behind me and I'm like, you can do it. And then he prayed for him and I was like, okay sir, so did you give, I said, do you believe in Christ? And he said, yeah. I was like, have you surrendered? And he's like, I did that a long time ago, but I got stuff to do now. And I was like, okay, whatever. He's like, I got stuff going on in my life. It's funny, like you said, can we pray for you about anything? What in the world does Ukraine have to do with him? How does Ukraine affect him? No, absolutely. And people, they get so emotionally involved in just whatever is on TV. Yeah. If the TV says that, we have to do it, okay? And it's funny because these people don't even have like American flags. They have Ukraine flags. They care about another country. Their own country has enough stuff going on, but let's pray for Ukraine. If a church says pray for Ukraine on their Instagram or anywhere, I'd definitely question it. So anyways, let's get to it. So guys, I am here with Pastor Steven Anderson. I've actually been wanting to interview you for the longest time. So thank you so much for being here. Yeah, it's my pleasure. Thanks for having me on. Okay. Did you used to work at Chick-fil-A? Nope. You said it's my pleasure and I just started thinking that so here I am with the corny jokes. Anyway, so I want to show everybody my favorite video of you and I've shown people this before, but I want to show them this video and it'll give you a good laugh, but this is why I appreciate you because there are so many people, there's a screen share here, there are so many pastors that back down, they back down and you did not back down to this guy on the news. So let's get you in here. All right, here it is. No homos will ever be allowed on this church as long as I'm the pastor here. Those hateful words are from the mouth of a Tempe pastor preaching that God's word says that killing gay people is the only way to get rid of AIDS by Christmas. He says all gays are pedophiles. He says the biggest hypocrite in the world is the person who believes in the death penalty for murderers, but not for homosexuals. Pastor Steven Anderson has agreed to join us tonight for an exclusive one-on-one interview. Pastor Anderson, thanks for coming in. Thanks for having me on. Have you always hated gay people? Is it something your father taught you or is it something that you came to on your own? No, I haven't always. You know, I grew up in a Christian home, but it wasn't until I read the Bible cover to cover at age 17 that I discovered the truth of what the Bible really says, because a lot of passages don't ever get preached from the pulpit because they're simply not popular. I have to be honest. When I heard your sermon, it sounded like the rantings of someone who was either a hate-monger or a religious zealot, and I'm wondering, which are you? Well, I'm a religious zealot, and you know, I love the Bible. I love God's word. I believe that the law of the Lord is perfect, and you know, Leviticus 20, 13 clearly says if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with the woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them, and you know, as a Christian, I believe the Bible, and that's where I get my belief. Doesn't the Ten Commandment, isn't the first commandment, thou shalt not kill? No, the first commandment is thou shalt have no other gods before me, but of course... Is thou shalt not kill one of the commandments? Yes, it is, but what you have to understand is that the Bible commands that certain people be put to death, not by me, not by Christians, it's obviously not my job or the job of any Christian to go out and kill anybody, and I've never taught anything like that. But rather that the government's job is to punish criminals and to execute those who committed capital crimes, and according to the Bible, homosexuality is a capital crime, and I didn't write the Bible. What if irony of irony, as it turned out that you had a gay son or a gay daughter, would you want them dead as a way to cure AIDS? Well, that's just a fallacy that it just turns out that certain people are gay. That's just a lie, because it's not random, it's not something that's just going to accidentally happen to one of my children. How do you think it happens then? Well, the Bible's real clear how it happens in Romans chapter 1, it talks about how God gives people over to a reprobate mind to do these filthy acts, so it has to do with them rejecting the Lord and rejecting Jesus Christ. And I'll ask again, Pastor, and I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I want to understand that you're a man of your word, if you had a gay son or a gay daughter, what would you do? Well, it's not going to happen. If I did, I would have nothing to do with them. That's like saying, well, what if your daughter, you know, grew up to be an axe murderer? What if your son grew up to be like Adolf Hitler? You know, what would you do then? I mean, it's just a silly question. Well, as long as you bring up Adolf Hitler, he wanted to exterminate Jews and anyone who wasn't blonde hair and blue-eyed, who didn't fit into his vision of the way people should be. Isn't that, in a way, what you're preaching, that you want to get rid of anyone who isn't heterosexual? Absolutely not. I'm preaching the Bible, something that Adolf Hitler rejected. He taught evolution, which is why he wanted to execute what he considered to be inferior races. But you would like to see anyone who's not heterosexual die, correct? Well, the Bible says that everyone – I'm asking what you believe. I believe the Bible. I believe what the Bible says. And if I didn't, then I wouldn't be a Baptist. I wouldn't be a Christian. You know, it sounds like, because you won't answer what you believe – I did answer what I believe. A little hiding behind the Bible. Hold on a second. I believe what the Bible says, that homosexuals should be executed. Let me make myself clear. I believe that. And I've never gone back on that for one second. So every Christian believes the Bible, or else they're not even really Christian. So if you believe that, anyone who is not heterosexual should die, correct? Absolutely. Of course. That's what the Bible says. You hate gay people. Yes. I'm Jewish. How do you feel about Jews? I don't hate Jews. I mean, that's just a straw man to try to compare me to Hitler. I don't hate Jews whatsoever. Blacks? Do you hate black people? Of course not. My church is filled with black people. Did you say, Pastor, that you prayed for the death of Barack Obama? Oh, so now Obama and the race card comes out. My church is filled with black people. My church is filled with all races. In fact, the Bible says we're all of one blood. Am I misquoting you, or did you say that you prayed for the death of Barack Obama? Well, yes I did, but Obama's white. Obama's not black anyway. He's half white and half black. So just as well as you can call him black, I'll call him white. He's a white man. Some would say that just as the Taliban and the ISIS fighters have perverted Islam and made it violent to fit their vision of the world, that that's what you're doing, is you're perverting Christianity to fit your vision of the world. Well, let the viewer read for themselves. Let them pull the Bible off their shelf and look up Leviticus 2013, and then let them be the judge. Intelligent people will listen to the entire sermon, aids the judgment of God, and will pull their Bible off their shelf and read Leviticus 2013. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but did you say that if people perceive you as a hate monger or your church as a hate group, so be it? Absolutely. I don't care how people perceive me. They called Jesus Beelzebub. They nailed him to the cross. And Jesus said that they hated him because he testified of their works that their works were evil. That's what I'm doing. That's why they hate me. All right. You know, it's funny that all these comments are just. Last time I looked at these comments, they were just talking about how based you were. So anyways. All right. Let me get to stop the screen share. Well, there's some positive stuff there. This interview is a classic, you know, absolutely, absolutely. Wasn't all negative. No. I mean, during that interview, though, like, what was going through your mind? I mean, I was doing it live, so I got to think fast. And the guy is constantly trying to trip me up or trick me. He's asking me these loaded questions like, you know, so you sound like either a hateful bigot or a religious zealot. So which one are you? Because to him, both of those are bad. So then I kind of just beat him at his own game by just picking one like, well, I'm a religious zealot. You know? Yeah. I'm really jealous about my religion. Like, why would that be bad? But he was he was constantly trying to, like, trick me. So what was I thinking about? I was thinking about what I was going to say next, because I had to be like on the ball. Yeah. You had to be witty with that. You know, it was funny. And it's just like so random. He's like, oh, well, you hate gay people. What do you think about Jews? I'm Jewish. I'm like, what does that have to do with anything, dude? You're just you're just he's reaching. He's trying to get something because he couldn't get you with the whole gay thing. And you're preaching the Bible. I've seen other preachers like Osteen and all these, you know, these frauds up there and they're so scared. Well, you know, like they don't know what to say. They can't just say homosexuality is a sin. Simple. Well, because it's complicated when you're lying. You know, lying is always complicated, right? Oh, what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive. And so when you're like Joel Osteen and you're constantly lying, well, then you get put in these positions where you're caught in a lie and it's like, well, oh, you know, I mean, our Hindus going to heaven and Joel's not really sure. You know, when you actually stand for something, these interviews aren't that hard because you just tell the truth. You just do you hate these people? Yes. He's like, hold on. I don't want to offend anyone. Then again, you know, I believe someone like Osteen is, you know, part of a satanic cult because why wouldn't somebody like why wouldn't the devil use somebody like him to influence a mass amount of people and lead them astray from the actual word of God? Yeah. And his motives easy to see because he lives in some super multimillion dollar mansion and the love of money is the root of all evil. That is facts. So let's actually get into it now with the first question. So why did you give your life to Jesus? Well, you know, the thing is I got saved when I was six years old because I didn't want to go to hell. Okay. Yeah. And I think that's the best reason to get saved because the Bible is pretty clear that if you don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you're condemned already. The wrath of God abides on you. And so, you know, I don't really use the term give my life to Christ because, you know, he gave his life for me and I was the recipient of a free gift and I got saved because I didn't want to go to hell. Okay. As far as like, why, why did I later on choose to follow Christ with my life? You know, because let's face it, a lot of people, they believe in Jesus and they're saved doesn't mean that they really dedicated their life to serving him. That's kind of a, a smaller subset of people who are saved. And the reason that I actually got serious about serving the Lord and decided to spend my whole life on this is just thinking about other people going to hell. You know, I just wanted to get people saved because it horrified me to think of people going to hell and not hearing the gospel. So I wanted to get them saved. Yeah. And you know, that is one of Jesus commandments. He tells us to go make disciples, uh, throughout the nations, new disciples and teach them the commandments. So, you know, if you see a lot of Christian, you see a lot of Christians, they don't go and make disciples. They just doing nothing. They keep it to themselves. So, yeah, I mean the, the great commission is that we would preach the gospel to every creature and then also, yeah, we want to, we want to get people baptized and then like you said, teach them to observe all things that Christ commanded us. So, you know, that's the job and, and like you said, the vast majority of Christians aren't doing it. Otherwise the world will be a different place. Oh, a hundred percent. Absolutely agree with you on that. Um, so out of, you know, there's thousands of different religions, but what made you choose Jesus? Well, I, obviously I grew up in a Christian home, so, you know, when I was a child, thankfully my parents just brought me up in Christianity with the Bible and everything. But when I became a teenager, I went through that kind of period that you go through as a teenager, kind of figuring out who you are and what do you believe? And so I questioned everything and I even looked into other religions. I know you say there's thousands of religions. That's technically true, but really you could boil it down to just a few because I mean, big ones are like pretty much Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, atheism. I mean, you really only have five or six big ones. And it's pretty easy to see that Islam is starved by a pedophile who's illiterate. That's what I've been saying. That's what I've been saying. And Buddhism and Hinduism, they're kind of a similar reincarnation, mumbo jumbo. And you know, I looked into all that stuff. I read up on other religions as a teenager and everything, and it's just, there's nothing out there comparable to the Bible. The word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. And everything else that is called like a holy scripture is such a cheap imitation next to the awesomeness of the word of God. And so, you know, I got saved as a little kid because my parents raised me in the faith. But you know, why do I believe the Bible? Because the Bible, that's why, because the Bible is unlike anything that man could ever write. It's a supernatural book. I completely agree with that. It is so incredibly powerful. And not to mention Christianity is not, salvation is not works based. Wouldn't you say like pretty much every other religion is works based? You're going to get judged by only your works. Yeah, absolutely. Islam is totally works based. You know, Buddhism and Hinduism, it's a ton of work to achieve salvation. You know, their weird view of salvation in those religions, moksha. But basically when it comes to Christianity, even within so-called Christianity, there are a lot of false teachings where people are teaching a workspace salvation, like the Roman Catholic Church, where you have to go to church, you have to do the sacraments, you have to confess. That's a work salvation. Well, you forgot one thing. You have to kiss the Pope's feet. And the holy water, which actually I want to show pretty in a little bit. I want to show him that clip where you dress up as the Pope. I thought it was great. And I had, I had a friend, he's a Catholic and I'm trying to tell him, you know, because when he was sinning, he would think, oh, I need to go to the mass and I need to go, what's it, confess, do confession with the Pope. And I'm like, you know, you can just pray anywhere, right? You know, you know, you can just pray in your room to Jesus or in the name of Christ. And you can ask for forgiveness. You could pray about anything and he's going to hear you. And he's like, well, it just feels like I'm doing more when I'm going to the church. I'm driving like an hour, hour and a half back and forth. I'm going and waiting in line to talk to the priest. And I'm just like, well, salvation isn't works based. It doesn't matter what you do because then you're putting your faith in something else, not Christ. Yeah, exactly. He's, he's trusting in his own deeds and his own works. And you know, the Bible says that for this one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. And so we don't need the priest or Mary or the saints to be some other mediator between us and God. We can go straight to the father and the name of the son and you know, we don't need any middleman. Yeah. Somebody said, Steven Anderson makes fun of Catholics and the Pope. Fine. Christian pastor. Good. The Catholic church is the devil. I mean, I don't see a problem with it. But yeah. And you know, Elijah made fun of the prophets of Baal. Yeah. I mean the old Testament prophets constantly made a mockery of false religion. Exactly. You know, to hell with the stupid Pope. Okay. He's leading people to hell. And so making fun of him is a lot less than he deserves. And here's the, here's the thing, um, you know, the Catholic church banned the Bible for years. They murdered Christians and William Tyndale, when he was, um, translating the, uh, the Bible into English, he's the first person to translate the Bible into English. They murdered him at the stake. And you know, you'll get Catholics trying to say, Oh, well it's because like he was, they didn't want like him to write a false translation or something, or like they'll make up the stupidest thing. It's like, um, I don't know. Like if that were, if that were true, then why didn't they provide their own translation because, you know, they, they weren't providing a modern English translation of the Bible and they did not provide a modern English translation until the Douay-Rheims version at the beginning of the 17th century, because the King James Bible was about to come out. And so they wanted to compete with it. So they came out with the Douay-Rheims, but again, the Douay-Rheims is not even a translation from the original Greek and Hebrew. The Douay-Rheims is a translation of the Latin Vulgate into English. So it's actually a translation of a translation. Okay. But yeah, no, they just didn't want people reading the Bible in English period. That's why they didn't even provide an alternative until they're pretty much forced to at the beginning of the 17th century. Yeah. And I was also going to say, you know, cause like at one point the Bible, nobody could have the Bible except like the Pope and priests and whatnot. So if, if, when that happens, then they're in full control. They can control people because nobody else has the Bible. Cause you know, people say, well, religion is to control people, blah, blah, blah. Well, think about it. That's when like people like us can't have the Bible and only these people in high power, like the Pope and priests can have the Bible, then yeah, you can control people. Yeah, because Joe Blow didn't speak Latin. And so if the Bible's only in Latin, it's only going to be for those religious elites, whether it's the priests or the bishops or whoever that have that education in Latin. Yeah. And I'll go to the next question here. How do you know that you're saved? Well, the reason that I know that I'm saved is because the Bible says that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. I know that I have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. So therefore that verse guarantees that I'm saved. Number one, number two, the Bible says the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. So I also know that I'm saved because I know that I'm indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Okay. And I will get to the next question here. Would you consider somebody to be saved if there is absolutely zero change in their life from now until they first got saved? Say if they say, oh, I got saved like three years ago, zero change in their life. And you can't even tell like at all. Well, here's the thing, if I asked them and they basically said that they believed all the right things and confessed all the right things about Jesus dying for them and that he's the only way to heaven, that he rose again, that they're trusting him, then I would take their word for it that they're saved. I would believe them. Okay. But obviously I can't really know who's saved and who's not saved. But, but here's why I say that. Okay. Is because I've known a bunch of people who got saved, but they didn't really get a lot of growth as far as they didn't get plugged into church right away. They didn't start reading their Bible. They're walking in the flesh. And then what happened is their life continued on a bad trajectory, even though inside they knew they were saved and inside they felt really guilty and bad about what they were doing, their life didn't change. But then like years later, like say eight years later or something, then they finally like started going to church. Then they had like a dramatic change in their life because now they're reading the Bible. They're going to church. They start cutting things out of their life that are bad. But if you ask that person, they would tell you that they were saved all along. It's just that they were like resisting the spirit and they weren't. So we can't always tell from the outside. Right. You know? No, I totally agree with that because it took me a little while too. Once I believed and got baptized, it took me probably like, I don't know, six, seven months until I started actually making, uh, like till there was noticeable change in my life. So external changes. Yeah. It took you six months. It might take somebody else six years. Now I agree. People, you know, ideally when people get saved, they change right away. Outwardly, obviously the moment someone gets saved, there's a dramatic change on the inside. Yeah. But it's just in order for that change to manifest on the outside, they have to put on the new man walk in the spirit. If they're walking in the flesh, they're going to continue living the way they did before they were saved. I completely agree because it was really hard for me. I felt like I was really fighting like the flesh and the spirit was really fighting because one thing, the spirit wants to do this and the flesh wants to do this, you know, all this bad stuff. And man, it was really tough. I was honestly going insane, but then it worked out. So, I mean, was it that way with you at first? I mean, you were a kid, so. I had a different experience because, you know, growing up in a Christian home is a lot different. Obviously, you know, I wasn't coming out of some hard life of saying at age six. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sexual immorality. Before I was saved, I would eat as many cookies as I wanted. I didn't ask my mom's permission. And, you know, obviously, what can you really do super sinful when you're six? So I don't have that dramatic conversion story, but honestly, I don't really care that I don't have that because the gospel is not about me anyway. The gospel is about Jesus. And so it's about his death, burial, and resurrection. So I don't really need a cool story to tell people about Jesus because I can just tell them the cool story about Jesus. Yeah, yeah. I don't have some story where it's like, yeah, I was getting shot at and Jesus stopped the bullets. I mean, but I still have a pretty cool story and it's a pretty drastic transformation. So, you know, it's amazing. Great. I mean, people have that story. You know, the Apostle Paul, he had a cool story. Yeah. But, you know, some of us that grew up in Christian homes don't necessarily have that story. But, you know, I'm thankful that I grew up in a Christian home. You know, it is what it is. Yeah, I did not. I actually got saved about a little over a year ago. So I'm so happy about that. And I came across, I haven't told my audience, you know, how I came across your video at first, actually. So I was with one of my good friends who was visiting and he showed me this video that was hilarious. And you're like, I want my son to be gay. I want all my kids to be gay. I want them to be happy. But one thing my kids won't be is a is a flaming. I'm not going to say the word on here because I want to get, you know. So anyways, I saw that video and I was cracking up. But I was like, this is like so good because, you know, most sermons are so boring. And I was like, I was like, I don't see anything wrong with it. But, you know, there's some people that are like, that's mean. How dare he say that? You know, but. Well, you know, the reason that I will use humor in my sermons and try to make them entertaining is because no matter how good a sermon is, if nobody listens to it, then what good is it? Right. So the humor is the spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. I try to make the sermons entertaining so that people will listen to them. But what I'm really trying to get across is the serious stuff of what the Bible teaches. But here's the thing. I could be laying down all kinds of amazing biblical truths. But if my sermons are boring, nobody's going to listen to them. And then what good does it do anybody? I agree. Most of these pastors put me to sleep. That's what I loved about your sermon. So yeah, I mean, they keep me awake and they're funny. OK, so the next question is, you believe in one saved, only saved. So what type of punishment do you think someone would receive here on Earth if they were saved but they're just continuing to walk in the flesh and ignoring the spirit? Well, they're absolutely going to face punishment because the Bible says, whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourges every son whom he received. And so if God is scourging every son, that goes to show that we're going to continue to sin after we're saved because he's not just beating us for no reason. He's obviously beating us because we did something wrong. Yeah. And it says he scourges every son of me receive it. So nobody as a saved Christian is going to go out and commit a bunch of big sins and get away with it in this life. Like, you know, the type of punishments. I mean, if I let's say I went out and committed adultery or something, you know, God could cause me to get a disease or he could cause me to lose my job, lose my family, all kinds of. He could make you gay. Well, no, that was just kidding. But the point is that is the worst possible punishment that could ever happen to anyone. But he he's never going to do that to any of his children. All right. You'd only do that to the unsaved that are that really piss him off. But the thing is, you know, car accidents, disease, even death. I mean, you know, there are all kinds of chastisements we could face in this world. And some people are just like, oh, well, cool. You know, I'm saved. There's nothing I can do to lose my salvation. So I guess I'll just do whatever. But the thing that's so stupid about that is think about how bad you could mess up your life on earth. And I mean, you know, I'm 40 years old. I'm probably going to be here, God willing, for another 30, 40, 50 years. Yeah, I'd hate to just be on the receiving end of God chastising me. I want God to bless me. Absolutely. His life right now. And one of the things I noticed, like, you know, the the sins that I used to love doing and and I never felt any regret or remorse doing it now. Like, you know, even just hearing some of my friends use curse words and stuff like I hate it. I used to curse a lot. I used to, you know, do all these different sins. And I had no remorse. I would laugh about it afterwards. But now I'm like, oh, I hate that. I don't even like want anything to do with that. Yeah, you for sure, you know, have more of a conscience. And the Holy Spirit is grieved when we sin. And so you're going to not be able to enjoy sin the way that you did before you were saved. You know, people, people that are unsaved, they can go out and do all the sin and maybe have a good time, maybe not. But once you're saved, if you if you were to try to go back to some of the old ways, you'd find that it's not as fun as it used to be because you're going to feel guilty. And now you're a new person now. Yeah, you're a new creature. And that's, you know, one of the things that I believe that's how you really can see if you're truly saved. Like, if you're out here, like doing all these different sins and you're just enjoying it and you don't feel any sorrow or remorse, then I personally don't feel like you're saved. You're just with the world. Well, and here's the thing. You know, when you get saved, you change on the inside, you become a new person. Like we were saying earlier, sometimes outwardly, you know, that change might not happen right away because you might just be walking in the flesh. But the thing is, not only are you going to, you know, feel bad about those things on the inside, but also everybody who's truly saved deep down on the inside, they love the Lord. Yeah. Love Christ. And the thing is, like you said, if someone's just outliving a life of sin and they have no remorse about it and no conscience about it, and then they search inside their heart and can't find any love for Christ, then it's like you said, then that means they're not even saved because otherwise there'd be a new creature in there. Yeah. You know, we still have the old man. We still have the flesh. And it's like you said, there's a battle between the flesh and the spirit. But if you just don't even have that battle going on, if you're just indulging the flesh and just like don't even care, then yeah, it's because you're not even saved. Absolutely. And another thing in a lot of churches, they get weird about it when you bring up demons. Like what's your thoughts about demons? Well, I mean, obviously, yeah, obviously they exist. You know, I tend to not talk a whole lot about angels and demons and things just because we don't really know everything there is to know. And so I don't want to talk about things that I don't fully understand. And the Bible does obviously talk about demons and angels, but not in a huge amount of detail. So, you know, I think we want to be careful not to just like just bring these railing accusations against the devil and just, oh, the devil this and the devil did this and demons did this. We don't want to just like guess and start just saying this is the devil and that. But I mean, there are definitely people out there that are demon possessed. And I believe that I've encountered people on many occasions that were demon possessed. I got all kinds of stories that I could tell about all the people that I believe were demon possessed. And so it's definitely out there. I don't believe that a Christian can be demon possessed, but I do believe unsaved people can become demon possessed. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't think Christians would be demon possessed, but they can definitely be like attacked or tempted. Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing that the devil does is he tempts us. Yeah, but God, good thing God always shows us the way out. And the Bible even says that, you know, we are all tempted the same. So, yeah, there's no temptation taking you, but such as is common to man. Now there's this there's somebody wanted me to ask you this. I actually didn't write this down. It just came to my head. Okay, so there was a guy going into your church and he came up to the front and he's like, can you pray for me? Like, what was going on with that? Okay, here's what the guy was actually psychotic. So he thought he had like a drug induced psychosis. Clinically, it would be called religious grandeur delusion. So he believed that he was Michael the Archangel. Okay. That's what he was telling people in the parking lot. And what he actually said was he didn't even say, can you pray for me? If you listen real carefully to the video, he said, I'd like to have this prayer read. Okay. And he pulls out a piece of paper and he holds it out. I looked at the paper and I saw it was some weird, like Catholic prayer mumbo jumbo thing that he wanted to read. And we were already dealing with like a major problem in our church that morning. There was like a big issue going on. And so he kind of picked the wrong morning. Yeah. To just like stumble down the aisle with this goofball prayer. So then I'm just like, get out of here, drag this bozo. Can I show them the video real quick? Because it's hilarious. Okay. Because if somebody was just to come across that video, they don't know the full story. That's why I want everybody to know the full story before they go and say, oh, Steven Anderson, he did this. Yeah. People tried to say that that was like one of that. That's how I treat my church members. Oh my gosh. The guy was just asking a question. All he wanted was a little prayer. He was just looking for grace, but the guy was a literal lunatic. We were dealing with serious church business and he comes up and wants me to read some Catholic mumbo jumbo. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Let me just make sure it's okay. There we go. I think it's like, and by the way, you know, these videos of me throwing people out and stuff, you know, whenever we've had to actually like throw people out of the church and stuff, we don't live stream that to the internet, but there's always somebody who just pulls out. So, cause people think that I'm like uploading that kind of stuff and I don't. Yeah. What's it called again? I think it's like, there's too many. It's the one, here we go. Kicked it. Yeah. You're right there with the orange. This one kicks out man who asked for prayer. Yeah. That's your Steven Anderson is, no, this isn't it. Some of these, okay. It's the one with the orange and the thumbnail. Pastor Steven Anderson mistreats members of it. Or no, no, no. Sorry. Uh, kicks guy out below that. Sorry. It's there. Okay. Right here. SMH. That's the one. Okay. Hey, sit down. Sit down. What are you, what are you coming up here to do? You want it? You want to come take over the service? Huh? What do you want? What? Get out of here. No, you can't. No, you get out of here. Get him out of here. Drag this bozo out. Pull him out. Hey, pull him out. Get him out. Yeah. Anybody wants to come up here and take over the service? We'll throw you out of here, buddy. This church is not a free for all. This isn't an open mic. This isn't a karaoke bar. Okay. I'm the man of God here. I meet the qualifications. I run this church. And if you don't like it, then get out. This is not some church where every first time visitor and brand new believer and people who've never even read the Bible are going to come up and take over the service. Not happening. Okay. If you want that kind of watered down leadership, go to some house church with your Amish buddies and sit around the coffee table with your coffee class. This is a New Testament church. We have a bishop here. We have an overseer here. Like it or lump it. And if you don't like it, feel free to get up and leave the service at any time. 50% of people walk out. I don't care because you know what? I'm not going to pastor a oneness cult. I'm not going to pastor a Pentecostal church. I'm the pastor of a Baptist church. And if you're not a Baptist, then get out. I'm just cracking up. It's like, this could literally be a comedy bit. Yeah, but you know, now I'm going to go. Oh, come on. Do we have to watch this? No, that just came up. What is up with this guy too? You guys know each other? Oh, Jeff Burban. Yeah. I've seen some of his content. I just know he made a video talking about you and you and that James White. Well, here's what's so funny is that I actually made a video called Jeff Durban, Depart From Me, I Never Knew You. Because of the fact that he like pretended that he knew me and I'd never talked to him. It was so weird because I made this I was preaching a sermon and I was preaching against him and I said, you know, oh, Durban. I said, I'm pretty sure his name's Jeff Durban. Yeah. And the reason that I said I'm pretty sure his name's Jeff Durban is because I kept wanting to say Dick Durban because there was this guy in Illinois. I used to live near Illinois and there was a senator named Dick Durban. Yeah. Remember that guy? It sounds familiar, but he was like a Democrat senator. So I had that like drilled into my head of that guy, Dick Durban. But I didn't want to call him Dick Durban because then they think I'm just calling him, you know? Yeah, yeah. Dick Durban like to make, you know, to make fun. Yeah. So I had to like pause for a second to make sure I didn't accidentally say that. So I'm like, I think his name's Jeff Durban. So then he makes this video accusing me of pretending not to know him. Like, yeah, he pretended like he didn't know my name. And he's like, come on, Steven. He's like, I've been to your house. I saw that. He said he's been to your house. He's like, I know what your ottoman looks like in your family room and whatever. But this is what it was. My wife had run like a produce co-op where people are coming to the house, like picking up fruits and vegetables. But I had never spoken to him. I've never even said hi to him or even exchanged a single word with him. But he like, because he knew what the inside of my living room looked like, he was trying to act like we knew each other. Right. We had literally never talked. In fact, to this day, we've never actually spoken. So it's just kind of funny that, so that's why I made this video. Like, depart from me, I never knew you. Like, I never knew you Durban. Ever. Yeah. Like, what are you talking about? Oh my gosh. Anyway, that, but back to the, we're getting off topic here. I wanted to, I wanted to say something about that, throwing that guy out video. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. So, you know, the guy who drags him out of there, brother Segura, he's wearing sunglasses. Yeah. Secret service. Yeah. But the funny thing about that is that he actually, a couple days earlier, was drilling a hole in a door and he got something in his eye. So he got this wood chip in his eye. So his eyes were all bloodshot and whatever. So that's the only reason he was wearing sunglasses was because his eyes were messed up. But it kind of just made that video more dramatic. Like, this guy coming in with sunglasses, like, you're disrupting the service. Yeah, it looks like two secret service members escorting some guy out of a church. Yeah, but it was just like a weird coincidence that happened to be wearing those glasses. The guy happened to do that on a day when we were, like, fighting a battle in our church because there were, there were some false teachers that had crept into the church that were denying the Trinity and we were throwing out the people who denied the Trinity. Church. And then, you know, so emotions were really running high. And then this bozo crazy person comes down the aisle and wants this prayer read. And it's just like, drag this bozo out. And, you know, people get offended when you get up and say, hey, it's not an open mic. And, you know, we have a pastor that meets the qualifications and it's not just. But I've been in churches where you go to these Bible studies and just everybody's just allowed to talk. Yeah. And it's like total bozos. Like people like, like you go to these Bible studies and you're talking about preach the gospel to every creature and they're just like, what about dogs? I mean, that's a creature too. You just. Oh my gosh. You're just like, come on. Like, you know, and when people come to a Baptist church, they want to listen to somebody preach who's actually qualified, not like a super novice or a stranger who thinks they're Michael the Archangel who just stumbled in because they had too many drugs. Yeah. I mean, if that's the case, he can go to a Bible study or like a group, not a full on service, you know. That's my side of the story. Well, that's that checks out for me. So anyways, the next question is, what is your favorite verse in the Bible? Do you have one? You know, it changes from time to time, but some I'll give you a couple of my favorite verses. Obviously, John 3 16 is everybody's favorite verse pretty much. But one of my favorites is in Matthew five, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. And then also, I really love Philippians chapter three, verse 10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable onto his death. I mean, I go through different phases where different verses are my favorites, but those are some of my favorites. Okay. Jesus wept is one of my favorites too. Let me make this bigger. Okay, cool. And the next question is, what is your favorite book from the New Testament? And then what is your favorite book from the Old Testament? If you have one, my favorite book of the New Testament, the Gospel of John, really the four Gospels. Yeah, four Gospels in general, but especially the Gospel of John. And then in the Old Testament, I love the book of Proverbs. I love the book of Psalms. I mean, it's hard to pick because there's so many good ones, but absolutely. I guess those are probably kind of boring choices because they're like everybody's favorite, like John and Psalms, but it is what it is. They're the people's favorites for a reason. I mean, Ecclesiastes is really good. Oh yeah. And I mean, I love the book of Job, but I mean, it's hard to pick, you know? Absolutely. No, I agree. There's so many. I guess I really just, I love the poetic books in the Old Testament. I love the Gospels in the New Testament. Yeah. One time my wife said Numbers was boring and I was like, don't you ever dare talk about the Bible like that. It does. I mean, he's right though, because there are a lot of parts of Numbers that are pretty rough. No, I agree. But the more you read it, the more you read it, the less boring it gets. But the first time, I think the first time anybody reads Leviticus Numbers, they're going to get bored at times. Oh no, I 100% agree. Yeah. I could read the New Testament. I mean, I wake up every morning and I read the Bible for about 30 minutes to an hour and I never get bored of it. I can read the New Testament every single day and never get bored of it. It's amazing. Yeah, and you know, no other book is like that because I have a lot of favorite books that I've read over and over again, but after the ninth or 10th time, it gets old. Whereas the Bible keeps being fresh. No, 100% because you're always, don't you feel like, say you read the book of John, you've read it 100 times, but you go back and read it for the 101st time and you find something you didn't see before. You're like, oh, that's amazing. Oh yeah. And even chapters that seem really basic and you've read them a million times, you've heard them preached a million times, it's like Genesis one or something or John chapter one, these real basic chapters. I mean, I am constantly learning new things from these chapters. Absolutely. It never gets old, never gets boring. So we talked about the Catholic Church. That was going to be one of my questions. What are your overall thoughts of the Catholic Church? I mean, it's pagan, it's satanic. Other than that, it's great. Would you agree? So terrible. So would you agree that what the Catholic Church did was mix some of the teachings of Christ with their pagan and pagan worship? Oh yeah. I mean, there's so many things in Catholicism that aren't in the Bible whatsoever. Like all of monks and nuns and the monasteries, sprinkling babies. You know, I mean, go down the list and all of these saints that they have where they pray to saints, that's just to replace all the gods and goddesses of paganism. Because, you know, the Roman gods, there's a god of the forest, there's a god of the rivers, there's a god of farming. They have like a god for everything. And then the saints kind of replace that where they have like the patron saint of rivers or forests or farming or plumbers or, you know, if you lose something, you pray to this saint. It's like if you lose something, you pray to this pagan god. So different. Yeah, I've seen so many documentaries on it and explained. And you know what? Sometimes their argument is, well, Peter was the first pope, but Rome killed Peter. From what I've seen, Rome killed Peter. Here's the thing about that. In the New Testament, Peter is described as having a wife and he has a mother-in-law. So how could he be the first pope when the pope isn't allowed to get married? You know, and the Bible talks about people teaching doctrines of devils forbidding to marry and they have an unmarried clergy. It's unbiblical. In fact, the Bible flat out says that a bishop must be the husband of one wife. The Catholic Church sees the opposite. The bishop cannot be the husband of a wife. And also the Catholic Church teaches a workspace salvation. The Bible doesn't. Yeah, exactly. Let me actually show them this clip where you dress up as the pope. I love this. Okay, all right. Let me screen share here. They are going to love this one. All right, let me see here. Dresses as the pope. Look, for those of you who didn't grow up Catholic, I brought a little demonstration for you, okay? I'm going to demonstrate this. But in order to give you the full feel, I have to dress up a little bit for this next part of the sermon. Because this isn't how Catholics dress, right? So I've got some stuff to put on here to give you a feel for this. So I'm going to be putting on my clerical robe here. And I've also got a miter here so that you can get a feel for the Catholic hocus pocus. All right. Yeah, my wife's really good at origami. I noticed. Every magician puts on a robe and a funny hat, just like every Catholic puts on a robe and a funny hat. All right, so my wife made me this hat this afternoon. She's very good with arts and crafts. All right, now I've got the holy water here. And those of you who've been Catholic, you know this is real what I'm about to do, okay? All right, now don't worry. This is clean. This has never been used before. Okay, so all right. All right. Yeah. All right, everybody. This is going to keep the vampires and zombies away. All right. Don't worry about zombies and all the different undead creatures. Temptations. You won't be tempted anymore to deliver his doctrine. All right. Pax, be a formiscum. Oh, that was a little too much. All right, everyone. Here you are. Here's your holy water. Be sure to cross yourselves regularly. All right. Now you say, well, Pastor Aniston, you're being ridiculous. Yeah, this is no more stupid and ridiculous than what goes on in Roman Catholic churches every Sunday. It's not Christianity. It's not of the Bible. It's not of the New Testament. It's a bunch of hocus pocus today. It's crazy. Well, that's just the sword of the Lord folded up into a funny hat. Well, you know what? It's no different than all these other funny hats and robes and weird outfits that they put on. And that toilet brush is no different than the little thing that they use to throw holy water around and everything like that. And what you've just been sprinkled with isn't going to keep the demons away any more or less than their so-called holy water. The whole thing's crazy. It's nonsense. And sorry to those of you in the back who did not receive a blessing. I don't want to spend the whole evening on that. The auditorium's too big to sprinkle everyone. All right. All right. Okay, so the next question I'm going to go to is, once I get this screen share off. Okay. Okay, next question is, what are your thoughts on Islam? Well, I mean, Islam is basically just a perverted spin-off of Christianity because Muhammad comes along in 7th century AD and he claims to be following in the footsteps of the Bible and the Old Testament, the New Testament, but he says, oh, the Bible's been corrupted and so we can't trust anything the Bible says. And he gives his own revelation. Obviously, I mean, the guy married a nine-year-old. Six, I think, right? What's that? Oh, I think that he actually married a six-year-old, but then he had sex when she was nine. Exactly. Yeah, he married her when she was six and then he consummated when she's nine. That makes him a pedophile. And what's funny is when you confront Muslims about this, they're like, oh, that was normal back then. It's like, on what planet was that ever normal? No, that's never been normal. But anywho, obviously, it's just a made-up religion. But here's a great point about Islam is that, how about this? Look at the top 10 most illiterate countries in the world and their Muslim countries. So how about that? Just look at the correlation between illiteracy and Islam because it's founded by... And they literally brag about the fact that Muhammad was illiterate. And because that proves he must have got it from God because he couldn't have read it in the Bible because he's illiterate. That just means he's lazy, stupid or both. Okay. And so Mormonism is a lot like Islam. Mormonism is like Islam for white people. Oh, yeah. No, I had Mormons come to my house and I tried to show them your documentary about Mormonism. And they're like, we don't have time for this. We're gonna go. Yeah, but it's kind of the same thing, like, claiming to be building on the Bible, but claiming that the Bible is corrupt and you gotta go with my new revelation. And it's just as absurd. And the fact that Joseph Smith, that's his name, right? He was a Freemason. Does that scare you? I have a book in my office that I bought at the Mormon bookstore. I bought it from the Deseret bookstore. It's written by a devout Mormon scholar. And it's a life story of Joseph Smith. And it has a timeline in the front. And it shows, like, on this and that date, he joined the Masonic Lodge. And then three months later, he introduced their temple endowment ceremony, which is just like the Masonic ceremonies. So he literally just ripped off the ceremonies from Freemasonry, even according to their own church approved source, three months after he joins the Masonic Lodge when he comes out with their own rituals. So, yeah, totally. And Joseph Smith. I think Mormonism is a bigger insult to Christianity than atheists could ever give. Yeah, I mean, you're right. Yeah. And then who's the one that made Jesus? The Catholic Church is, I'm pretty sure, is the one that made Jesus a white man. Oh, yeah, they've got him with, like, blonde hair and blue eyes. And he looks really, you know, effeminate and everything. And yeah, I mean, those paintings are from the Renaissance. And even like the East Orthodox Church, their oldest picture of Jesus is from, like, probably around the sixth century A.D. So 500 years after the fact. I mean, there are no pictures of Jesus from his lifetime. And the Bible doesn't give us a physical description because he doesn't want us to worship an image He wants us to look to the Word of God, you know, for who Jesus is, not to bow down to a picture. Yeah. And wouldn't you say that if Catholics actually read the King James Bible, that they would not be Catholic? Oh, yeah. And even if they read their own Douay Rheims Bible, you know, they shouldn't be Catholic because they're not even consistent with that. Yeah. But obviously rather that they read, you know, the real Bible of King James. Yeah. And I know that you're King James only. You know what the Bible actually read first? The NLT. Because, well, the reason I did it was because a lot of this I couldn't understand in the King James. But now that I've read the NLT, I can actually understand it. So I'm like, oh, okay, I know what this means now because I've read it in the NLT. Yeah. But the thing is, you know, obviously these new versions are easier to understand. But here's the thing. You know, I'd rather read something that's accurate that has some difficult parts. At least I know that what I'm reading is accurate. The NLT, yeah, some things are going to be right in it, and then a bunch of other things are going to be way off. Yeah. So, you know, if you can't trust the Bible, what can you trust? So I agree. That's why I'm strict on the King James. And obviously there's a little bit of a learning curve if you're not familiar with, you know, that Elizabethan English or Shakespearean style English. But, you know, I grew up playing the Nintendo game Dragon Warrior, and it would tell you thou hast died. So, I mean, we're kind of exposed to this stuff in our culture anyway, because when I was a teenager, they came out with a Romeo and Juliet movie with Leonardo DiCaprio. And it was like the original script. It had all the these and the vows. They didn't update anything. And all of my teenage friends went to the theater. They all watched it. They all liked it. And nobody said that they couldn't understand it. Like, yeah, so you can figure it out, folks. It's just, you know, it just takes a little bit of getting used to the old lingo. I was having a very I'm not gonna lie to you. I was having a very difficult time. And yeah, read the NLT and then read a lot of the King James kind of went back to the NLT. And then I what's it called? I got Tyndale, the Tyndale translation. And I'm reading that right now. And, you know, I'm going to be that's even a little bit harder than the King James because it's a little bit older. Yeah. And the thing about this one is so all the publisher did was because you know how they used to spell certain words differently back then, like, say the word light or glory was spelled differently. That's what they just like those words. So and it hits so much harder. It is. It just is so powerful, man. And another question is, let's get to the next question. Do you think that there is a chance that we're in the end times right now with everything going on in the world? I would say that, you know, we're always in the end times, broadly speaking. Yeah. But like, as far as are we in the tribulation, I would say absolutely not. Yeah. Because one of the first things that happens in the tribulation is that there's going to be like a world war. Yeah. And so since we're not experiencing a world war right now, we're not into it. You know, that would be one of the first things that happens. One of the things that I don't know if you're familiar with the World Economic Forum, what that is, Klaus Schwab, who's really, you know, the Rothschild family. He's a Rothschild. His mom's a Rothschild. He's married to a Rothschild. You know, they keep it in the same bloodline. But anyways, he looks like the bad guy of every movie. So anyways, one of the things he continues to talk about is a cyber attack. He keeps warning us. And, you know, that's when you know something's going to come. You know, if there's a cyber attack and our everything is shut off, you know, what can they do? Because, you know, it's problem, reaction, solution, right? So the solution to a cyber attack. So we don't get that again to protect our everything is a chip. He wants to put a chip in everyone, and he continuously talks about it. Well, I believe it's eventually coming. You know, it's anybody's guess. Is it going to come a year from now or five years from now? Or is it going to come 50 years from now or 100 years from now? I don't know. Yeah, I mean, it could definitely be soon, though, for sure. When the mark comes, you know, the Antichrist is going to be here. So, I mean, I think that's when it's really showtime. And I just feel like that all follows that follows like a world war, though. So if you get the timeline, so, you know, when World War Three breaks out, it's quite possible that that's meaning that we're into the tribulation. But it's always possible that it's World War Four that leads into the tribulation. Although Albert Einstein said he's not sure what weapons would be used to fight World War Three, but that World War Four is probably gonna be fought with sticks and stones simply because of the fact that, you know, if we had a world war right now, it seems like, you know, nukes would be deployed and it would really like be major. That's why if I had to guess, I would say World War Three is going to be the war of the tribulation. But again, we can't really be sure until we see the abomination of desolation. We can't really know for sure. You know, okay. But I don't even follow the news. Did that whole Russia Ukraine thing fizzle out? Or is that still kind of not talked about as much? You know, and it's a lot of propaganda. Yeah, it's just not as much, you know. The propaganda, they kind of went down a little bit. Yeah, and check this out. So this is scary. I'm going to show you this. You are going to be like, wow, it's on my Twitter. So see Campbell based Twitter. Okay. Oh crap. What the heck is this crap? Okay, well, that's gay. Let's see here. Okay. It's not going in one word. Not bad. All right. I'll just go to Twitter because that's where I have this. You can't even find yourself. I know, man. They hate me. All right. So all right. Oh my gosh. Oh, there we go. Okay. So I actually posted one of your videos on here yesterday. Check this out real quick. Okay. It's only 30 seconds. I don't know. I just filmed this real quick of the gas pump today. What am I doing right now? I'm pumping my gas and I'm fighting systemic racism and I'm saving lives. I will gladly pay more money for my gas as long as Donald Trump is not in the White House. If you have a problem with paying more for gas, then maybe you're just homophobic and you're a bigot. You know, I'm protecting our democracy right now and I'm fighting for Ukraine. What are you doing? You anti-vax conspiracy theorist. You science denier. What are you doing? Nothing. Nothing. Okay. I'll go to the video now. People are looking at me like, what is wrong with this guy? I thought it was serious. All right. All right. So this, this is the, uh, this is one of the guys from the world economic forum. Tell me this isn't creepy, dude. This is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance. We want to stop this epidemic. We need not just to monitor people. We need to monitor what's happening under their skin. What we have seen so far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch. The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin. We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries, which previously rejected them. And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance. Previously, surveillance was mainly above this. Now it's going under the skin. Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet above all. They want to know what is happening under our skin. What's our body temperature? What's our blood pressure? What, what is our medical condition? Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before. We are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction. We are really upgrading humans into gods. We are acquiring, for instance, the power to re-engineer life. I know that in recent years, we saw populist politicians undermining the liberty, the trust that people have in important institutions like universities, like respectable media outlets. These populist politicians told people that, say, scientists are this small elite, disconnected from the real people. I mean, all this story about Jesus rising from the dead and being the son of God, this is fake news. Humans are now hackable animals. You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, this, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me. So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That's over. That's over. Yeah. Is this guy warning about this? He's telling us. Yeah. He's part of the world economic forum. He's telling us what is to come. But it's just stupid to say like, oh, you know, free will is over. You know what? This is idiotic. And, you know, he needs to stick to the history department down at the Hebrew University. Well, don't say anything that might be anti-Semitic. He clearly doesn't know anything about science because, you know, I've studied a lot of science. I've thought a lot about science. And let me tell you something is that nobody who's an actual real scientist, who's a biologist or an astrobiologist will tell you that they even know what life even is. There is no scientific definition for life. There's no scientific definition for death. There's no scientific explanation or even hypothesis that gives a detail of where life originally came from. And so how can we know scientifically what consciousness is? We don't know. Ask a biologist, what is consciousness biologically? If they're actually real biologists, they'll say like, we don't know. And so how in the world can he say that body temperature, blood pressure, and all of these physical metrics somehow add up to decision-making? We have a soul. Okay. Oh, definitely. It's bizarre to believe that we don't have a soul. But a lot of these atheists don't, they literally don't even believe in the existence of the soul. And they believe that basically our brains are just like computers, like biological computers, just firing, you know, ones and zeros or something more complicated than that. But, you know, if that were true, if we don't have a soul, then basically you could create a conscious computer in that case. Well, isn't it interesting how every atheist is not an atheist on their deathbed? Yeah. But honestly, I don't know what that guy, I mean, was he warning people though? Yeah, that's what they do. That's what they do. They literally will tell you, check this out real quick. Okay. Then he's like, we're going to be like gods. He seemed a little excited about that. Oh no, because you know, you know how they always tell us everything before they do it. But he sits there and tells us free will is over, which is absurd. And no real scientists would agree that we, that we've solved the mystery of consciousness or free will, but yet this guy has the audacity to call the death barrel and resurrection of Jesus fake news. Yeah. Well, they are satanic. He said the death barrel and resurrection's fake news. Meanwhile, he's telling us free will is over. That's the fake news. Well, here, let me quote a Bible verse for you. Absolutely. Who is a liar? Who is a liar but he that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ. He is anti-Christ that denyeth the father and the son. How about that? An absolute. Put that in your Pope and smack it. No, that's a fact. And this is just some of the, here's the, this is the main guy of the world economic form, Klaus Schwab. Pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete haunt to see power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack. And that is it. See, they tell us everything. You know, Bill Gates told us there was going to be a pandemic a few years later or so. There's a pandemic. So you think that right now, basically they're predicting the cyber attack because it's what they're cooking up in the same. Absolutely. So it's, it's kind of in people's minds that it's going to happen. You know what I mean? They always tell, you notice they always tell us what they're going to do before they do it. That's the, that's what the devil does. He always tells us. And you said that America is Babylon. Is that what you believe still? Yeah, sure. I mean, I mean, I think that Babylon is, you know, symbolizes America for sure. Is that because everything, you know, corrupt and impure comes from here? Cause I believe it does. Well, that's part of it. Part of it is because if, you know, if you study the motif of Babylon in the Bible, Babylon is really prosperous. Babylon thinks that she's invincible. You know, Babylon is used by God, but ultimately gets destroyed by God because of her total corruption. And, and there's just so many parallels. Absolutely agree. You know why I think we could be in the end times because the world economic form, like I said, they tell us what's going to happen before it happens. One of the things they said is by 2030, America will no longer be a superpower. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's interesting to think about because, you know, if America is Babylon and if it's actually like the end times Babylon, as far as the city getting destroyed in, in revelation 18, if that represents the U S then that would make it feel like, you know, the end is coming sooner rather than later. But, you know, maybe America will pass off the scene and some other superpower will arise. But I mean, we're definitely look, is there any doubt that we're a culture in decline right now? I mean, you'd have to be an idiot not to see that the United States is a culture in decline. And we can talk about how we're the smartest and we're the best workers and we're exceptional. But really though, is that, are we really churning out of today's high schools and universities, the smartest, best workers in the world? Are we though, or are we in decline? We're, we're, we're a culture in decline, high decline. That's for sure. I mean, we're praising sin. Yeah. We're literally praising sin. So, you know, good is called evil and evil is called good. Now if you see what's going on, you know, it's funny. It's so funny. Go ahead. It's so funny how we think that we're special, you know, but you could look at all the empires of the past and we're just, we're following the exact same pattern. Yeah. History repeats itself. Every empire falls at some point. And you know what I was going to say briefly. So this pastor at this church I went to a few times and I dipped out because, you know, it's just terrible. Like it was just weird. So, um, the pastor is preaching about, um, you know, how, what was it? Our government and being godly, how they're elected by God and stuff. And I was just thinking, okay, obviously like God allows everything to happen. He allows it. Joe Biden is not godly. Our government right now is so not godly, you know? And I talked to him after the sermon. I was like, you know, most of our elected leaders are Freemasons. And he looked at me like I'm a nut job and did not want to even keep talking to me. And this is like a big, big church. So, you know, a lot of pastors are actually Freemasons. Like at these big churches too. And he, my wife was like, yeah, he didn't want to talk to you anymore is the most awkward. Yeah. I mean, you know, a friend of mine was at a independent Baptist church and one of the deacons was wearing a belt buckle, like an all seeing eye. And he's like, what's going on with that? And the guy's like, oh, I'm a Freemason. And it's just like, really? Like I did a sermon called Freemasonry in Light of the Bible. And I didn't even, I didn't even go into like all the conspiracies about Freemasonry. I just went to their own websites. Even what they're openly admitting is so anti-Bible that it's hard to believe that people think they could be a Christian and a Freemason. Oh, absolutely. And that's what they did though. They created the Freemasonry so they could deceive Christians. And the Illuminati and the Freemasons are merged. Is that I think because the Freemasonry is the one that's out in the open, like everybody who's a Freemason admits to being Freemason, like, like they're proud of it. It's it's, they got the sticker on their car, they got the license plate, whatever. But the way I see it is that organizations like Freemasonry that are more out in the open, they're like a recruiting ground. You kind of like climb from there into the darker, higher levels of like, you know, whatever the, you know, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, you know, Skull and Bones, if you're at Yale University or whatever. Yeah. And that's the thing, the higher up you get, that's when you learn that Lucifer is your God. They believe because they believe that the God of the Bible is evil and they believe Lucifer is the God of Love. Well, if you have two brain cells together, you'd figure that out on the way to becoming a 33 degree Mason. You'd figure out that you're worshiping Satan at some point because it's pretty clear. Absolutely. Another question is, so I have a couple of other pastors that I watch from time to time. I want to ask your opinion because you've actually called them a false preacher before. So I wanted to ask why. So one of my favorite pastors is actually Paul Washer. Okay. So why do you believe that he's a false teacher? What I don't like about Paul Washer is that I believe that he's crossed the line as far as teaching workspace salvation because he takes it to the point of like, well, if you're still doing all these sins and if you're not living right, you're not saved. And he takes that so far to where it sounds like he's just teaching a workspace salvation. And so for him, it feels like the gospel is turn from your sins and you shall be saved. Yeah. And I don't know about you, but I have not turned from every single sin in my life. Otherwise I'd be Jesus. Otherwise I'd be perfect. I'd be walking on water. I'm sure you're not living in sin though. You know what I mean? Like, well, okay. I'm not like willful sin. You know what I mean? You're not like, like before. But don't you think that I commit a willful sin from time to time? I mean, or do you think every single time I say it's an accident? No, I'm sure. I'm sure you, I'm sure everybody does. Yeah. Like you said, we'd be Jesus. Exactly. So that's my beef with him. Also, I don't, I mean, is he preaching out of a King James Bible? Cause I'd be shocked. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so, you know, I feel like it's used as multiple translations. So yeah. Well, I'm not a member of the Bible of the month club. Okay. No, no. And then the thing is about me, I, I, I, I feel like you can't agree with everything that every pastor says, but you could definitely find some good things that they say. Like, he's not like somebody, you know, Steven Furtick is, have you heard of him? Oh yeah. Like he's not like a Steven Furtick. At least he's preaching the Bible. Like he's not like, obviously you say that some of the stuff you think is like workspace, but it's not like he's going in line to people and saying, yeah, you can do this and this. And he's saying God broke the law and stuff, you know? Well, you can definitely always find somebody who's worse. No, absolutely. And, uh, I mean, obviously, um, then there's, uh, Jean Kim. Okay. Okay. Jean Kim, dude, don't get me started. First of all, how about his fake PhD? Dr. Jean Kim, he always tries to make it so deceptive because he's got, he's got his BA and PhD from, uh, Berkeley university, UC Berkeley and PBI. So he tries to make it sound, he tries to make his doctorate seem legitimate. Like it came from like UC Berkeley or something. When in reality, he got some related to eat from UC Berkeley. Like let's just, sorry, I cut off for a second. He got what from, he got, he got some kind of just a bachelor's degree in something unrelated at UC Berkeley. Like he just got a four year degree in like, say, I'm just guessing computer science or something. There's just something totally unrelated. Yeah. Then he goes to whack job, Peter Ruckman's fake Bible college and gets a fake PhD. It's not an actual, like, you know, if you actually went to a state university and wanted to get a PhD, you have to go through like a lot of rigorous education and you have to write a doctoral thesis that's up to a certain standard and everything. Or you can just go to one of these hole in the wall, fake institutions and get a fake PhD. But he's constantly, everything he uploads, it's like Dr. Gene Kim, PhD. And then he puts UC Berkeley trying to make it seem like he got his PhD from UC Berkeley. When in reality, he got a bachelor's there and got a fake PhD from Peter Ruckman. Peter Ruckman, the bizarre racist whack job who basically taught that abortion's not murder because babies aren't alive until they breathe their first breath. And he believes that, you know, we're all going to be living on other planets. And, you know, he thinks that black people are the mark of Cain and everything. So this whack job, crazy Peter Ruckman is his role model. And then, you know, he teaches this thing of like different salvation in different eras. Like, well, salvation used to be by works in the Old Testament and it's going to be by works again in the tribulation. It's called hyper dispensationalism. That's what Gene Kim teaches. Gene Kim teaches that in the tribulation, you'll be saved by works. Well, here's what I say to that. When could a filthy rag ever save me? Because all my righteousnesses are as filthy rags. So, so filthy rags could save you in the Old Testament. Yeah. Or they're going to save you in the tribulation. So don't get me started about Gene Kim. Okay. Had to ask, had to ask. That was one of the, like, I didn't really watch him that much just from time to time. But he's a clickbait guy too. He disables all the comments. He disables dislikes. I mean, well, now YouTube has done that. And then he just puts out these, like, super radical clickbait titles of, like, alien sex fiends. Like, it's just all this crazy stuff. Okay. Is there anything positive? Is there one good thing you could say about Paul Washer or Gene Kim? No, I don't. Who would you prefer out of the two, Paul Washer or Gene Kim? I mean, that's a tough one. But I mean, if I had to choose, if I have a gun to my head, I would say Paul Washer. Oh, okay. But like, man, that's tough. Okay. Now, this is so funny. Okay. What about Kent Hovind? You know, the thing about Kent Hovind, he's another guy with a fake PhD, by the way. Okay. I've heard that. But I wasn't sure. Here's the thing about that is that, you know, who needs a PhD anyway? Like, I'm not saying that I'm not. I need one or that you need one or that anybody needs one. But why pretend to be something that you're not? Like, it's insulting. It's insulting to people who actually did the real work. Money. It's insulting to people who actually did the real work to get a PhD when you mail in your box tops and pay some hole in the wall storefront to give you a PhD without actually doing. His PhD dissertation is not a real dissertation. It's a fake PhD. But that's, you know, he has been teaching some weird heresy lately. Like, first of all, he's not like his fourth wife. Okay. Wow. How about that? But he also is teaching this Joey Foust doctrine that says that, like, Christians could go to hell temporarily to be punished. Oh, it's like a Baptist version of a Muslim thing because they believe hell is not eternal. Like, even if you're saved, you could still temporarily get cooked for a while. Oh, my gosh. Okay, that's not good. Okay, yes or no question. We can't get too far in depth with this. Do you believe that the protocols of the learned elders of Zion is real? I don't know enough about it, but off the cuff, I would say yes. Okay. Because it's like, oh, it's been proven to be a fraud, but then everything in it kind of ends up being kind of accurate. If you look at every single one of those protocols, they're happening or they've happened. Yeah. So if it's fake, I guess it's like life imitating art or something because it seems like it's happening. Absolutely. And that book, it's funny that I took a picture of this book in the bookstore, Christian Anti-Semitism, and I text that to you and you sent me the sermon where the guy's literally just talking about you in the book. I was cracking up. And you're just like, when you're imitating him, you're like, how dare he? How dare? Like they can't ever, they never have any facts to back up what they're saying. It's just like, I can't believe he said it. Yeah. Can you believe this guy? I love it when you do that. I love it when you do that. Okay. So in one of your videos, moving on to the next question, you said that no gays would ever be allowed in your church. However, if there was a gay person that actually wanted to get saved and wanted to completely turn from that lifestyle, would you be willing to help them if you knew they were genuine? Here's the thing, you know, I've, I've preached the gospel to tons of homos because not everybody is wearing a sign saying I'm a homo. And even if I was out soul winning and I felt like there was a 99% chance someone was a homo, I still give them the gospel for the 1% chance that they're not. But here's what I tell people in my church, because some people in my church, they believe that like homos could be saved and whatever. And I always just tell them, I just say, you know, go out and get as many homos saved as you want, but don't bring them to our church. Because if someone came to my church and said that they were like a full blown homo and had just been like some, some out and proud sodomite. And they said, but now I'm different now. I know I would not allow them to come to our church. So what are they? I would just say they're a liar. They're just, because how do I know they're not just lying to come get access to children? What's a homo? Always a homo is what I say, you know? Yeah. Look, here's, but I will say this. I do think it's possible in our bizarre corrupt society that some people might've gotten confused. Maybe they got molested as a kid and they're confused. That's how it comes. That's how it stands. And maybe they like, yeah, maybe they like experimented with something or they, they, maybe they were drunk or on drugs and it dabbled in something. I'm not saying that that makes them a reprobate, but according to Romans chapter one, when you have a dude that's burning in his lust for another dude, it's because God gave him over to a reprobate mind. He gave him over to that vile affection. And though for those people, it's too late for them. So if somebody tells me that that's where they were at, but that they're saved now, I just wouldn't believe them. Cause I believe Romans one. Cause they, yeah, they could be trying to get access to kids. I do agree with that. I have a church. They want to infiltrate the church. I have a gay brother, um, you know, um, and I have a black friend. No, but I really do have my, my brother, my half brother, he's a half brother, but he's my brother and my family. Um, yeah, that part of my family, they're not too happy with me. Um, so I mean, I have a sodomite uncle, you know, everybody does right these days. I guess so. Um, and I have nothing to do with him. Yeah. I, um, it's just, it's just kind of awkward man. Cause my sister's an atheist. My brother, um, you know, cause I've, cause I preach the Bible all the time. I just feel like they just really aren't happy with me right now, but maybe in a weird position at family gatherings and stuff. Absolutely. And you know, I feel like I should still try to preach, you know, the gospel to my, my brother, you know, and try to talk to them about it. Just the thing is a lot of the times, like my sister doesn't want to listen to me. So is it, are they willing to listen? Because you know, if you try to tell them twice, three times, you know, their blood is not on my hands anymore. Well, and everybody always makes this big deal about why aren't you going to witness to homos and you need to give the gospel to homos. But here's the thing that I find is that when I'm out evangelizing 99% of the time that I'm thinking somebody's probably a homo, when I offered nicely, Hey, you know, could I just take five, 10 minutes and just show you from the Bible how to be saved? Yeah. They don't want to hear it anyway. They're just like, Nope, not interested. And if they said yes, I would show it to them. Yeah. Unless they come to the door and they're like in drag or if they come to the door and they're like, like I knocked on the door of this one guy and I asked him if I could show him the gospel. He's like, Oh, well, you know, my boyfriend's in the shower. How about when he comes out, you can give it to both of us. That sounded so gay. You can give it to both of us. Oh my gosh. Like I said, even if I, it's because sometimes you might think somebody's a homo and they're not, you know, they're just effeminate or whatever. So I, I'll give people the gospel. I'll give people the benefit of the doubt all day long. I'll give people the benefit of the doubt. But you know, when there's no doubt, I'm, you know, the Bible says not to cast your pearls before swine. Yeah. So I'm not going to. No, I mean, I don't blame you. Um, now what is the Lord expects me to stand at somebody's door and look at somebody in drag. No, I will. Says I'll set no wicked thing before my eyes. I'm not going to look at someone who's in drag for 10 minutes. Like I, God doesn't expect me to have my eyeballs molested like that. So you would not get in drag to make them feel more comfortable. No, I'm just kidding. Become all things to all men only go so far. Okay. So what is your best advice for someone who's trying to, um, have a relationship with Christ? What, what do you think they should do? I mean, the best advice is get in the best church in your area, read the Bible. I mean, are you talking about somebody who's saved or something? No, no, no. Somebody who's, um, just trying to seek that relationship and, um, they're trying to, to, to, um, how do I say it? I mean, if, if, if somebody, to learn. If somebody is not saved, you know, I would love for them to just watch my Bible way to heaven video and just kind of get the gospel and get saved because getting saved is the first step. And then as far as learning, you know, read the Bible, go to church, you know, find it, find a good Baptist church in your area, read your Bible, pray. I mean, you know, just the basics. What do you think about, uh, I know you're a Baptist church, but I mean, what do you think about just non-denominational churches? I mean, non non-denominational churches are usually a Baptist church where the pastor is just dressed more casually and they have a rock band. I mean, most, most, a lot of non-denominational churches are, are basically they're Baptist. They're just, they're just not advertising the fact that they're Baptist, but some of them are more Pentecostal leaning. So, you know, I think that there are some non-denominational churches out there that are doctrinally sound. And I think that there are a lot out there that are not doctrinally sounded, you know, that's the problem with not having a label is that it makes it hard to figure out what's what. It'd be like, if you open the food pantry and you'd removed all the labels from your food, it's going to be a little harder to figure out which can to open. And so with non-denominational, who knows what they believe. Some of them could be a great church that believes the Bible and whatever. At least the Baptist label tells you something about what you're getting, you know? So you can't really, you can't really characterize non-denominational churches because they're so diverse. That is great. And some could be horrible. I actually had a really bad experience at this church down the street from me. It's called the dwell church. We went in there and the pastor, I think he was gay. No, but no, I think he's like Metro sexual. And anyways he starts telling everybody, you know, that they need to be baptized in the spirit of Bartimaeus. And I was like, wait, what? What exactly? And actually have a video of it. Let me show you this. And you know, we, me and my wife wrote reviews on their Google. Oh my gosh. That the pastor's wife started insulting my wife saying that her head's deeper than a toilet bowl and all this stuff because we were commenting on the Google reviews about how their doctrine was wrong and they're teaching this weird stuff. So let me pull that up for you. Hey, listen, I hate to cut you short. It's been, it's been awesome talking with you. Oh yeah. No worries. Our church is having a church roller skating night. Okay. Well, we rent, we rent out the whole skating rink because then we don't have to listen to YMCA and all the rap music and everything. Oh, that's terrible. Yeah. So we, we rent out the whole skating rink a couple of times a year and you know, I love roller skating. What can I say? I can't. So, you know, so we're, we're, I get, and my kids are going to be real upset if we're late to this. No worries, man. Like they're like, dad, we got to leave at five 30. You know, we want to be the person line. So I got to, I got to head out to the, uh, the roller skating. Oh, no worries, man. I really appreciate you, uh, coming on here and taking the time to do this. So hope we can do something again. I really appreciate it, man. Absolutely. Yep. God bless you, man. You too. God bless. All right, guys. Um, that is it for, uh, the interview. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm about to actually get off here. So yeah, guys, hope you have a good night. Be sure to like this, uh, stream and, uh, yeah, guys, that's all I have.