(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know, there's a video of you on Facebook circulating, and so that's how they found out about this and people protesting. If you want to make any kind of statement about your message that you give at your church? Okay. So the Best Baptist Church is in front of a Baptist church, or a New Testament church, and it will be all in the Bible. These King James Bibles are our only source. We preach everything in the Bible, good, bad, and ugly. Our main purpose and goal is to preach the gospel and try to get people saved. However, some of the more controversial parts of the Bible have caused people to get angry at us, protest us, vandalize our church. The same is a lot of death threats. Is that what happened here? I see the wood where a piece of glass probably was. Someone broke your glass maybe? Yes, last night someone vandalized the church. Okay. I think one of the reasons this maybe hit is Pride Month, but the video on Facebook was sort of anti that, you know, just your reaction to people who are protesting you and don't agree with what you have to say. Sure. There's been several videos that have gone viral on social media from our church and things that we preach. The Bible does say in Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13, If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination. They shall surely be put to death, their blood shall be upon them. This verse is really what gives us a lot of issue. A lot of people don't agree with that verse. They don't like us preaching that verse. That verse does not give us the right to commit harm to any individual or any person. I don't have the kind of violence or harm to any person. It's for a civil government to implement as a capital punishment law. In America, in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, that was the law in America that the death penalty was put on homosexuality. In the 19th century, it started to deteriorate to just a capital, or not to capital, but just a felony offense, imprisonment. Not until 2003 was homosexuality considered legal in the state of Texas due to a Supreme Court case, Orange versus Texas. According to the Texas Penal Code 21.06, homosexual conduct is still illegal. And if that were ever returned, the Supreme Court case, then homosexuality would still be illegal in the state of Texas. I don't anticipate everyone to agree with that message, but it is my duty as a pastor to preach and believe whatever the Bible says, regardless of what the culture or what people think about it. Okay. Okay. So, and forgive me, I just found out about all this, you and them and the whole thing today, hours ago. It's actually your employee, he called himself Dylan in the video, not you. Because I'm like, you don't look like the person I saw. Okay. And from what I understand, and again, I know you have time, so I don't want to go back and listen to it. And if I'm wrong, you correct me. But he in this video says that homosexuals should be murdered. Is that inaccurate? Dylan Oz is an employee at Steadfast Baptist Church. He preaches in my absence. This previous Sunday, he did preach a sermon where he taught the exact same thing that Leviticus 2013 teaches. That the government should find people guilty of the crime of homosexuality through due process, through a proper legal channel. If convicted and found guilty, that the government should execute those criminals. That is not violence, that is not murder. Just like in the state of Texas, we have the capital punishment for murder. We have the capital punishment for trial defenders. So that's not advocating violence or murder towards those individuals. The same as the Bible in Leviticus 2013. It's not advocating violence and murder. Murder is hurting someone that's innocent, not someone that's guilty of the capital punishment and the government executing it on their own. So people will lie and say that we advocate murder or violence. But my church and myself have never advocated violence towards any individual. We would condemn that. The Bible says thou shall not kill. So obviously we're not going to go around and kill anyone. We've never done that. The people protesting us certainly don't believe that. Otherwise they wouldn't be here if they truly believed we were going to hurt or harm them. They know that we would never do such a thing. They have to lie about us to project the fact that they are the actual violent ones. They break our church windows. They harass me. They cause me to be publicly doxxed. They say they want to murder me and my family on a regular basis. In fact, I have thousands of voice groups right now from today and the previous weeks saying they want to murder me and all of my children, all of my church members. They hope you all burn, die. They're the ones advocating violence and murder. We simply are just telling what the Bible says. And we're only preaching it to our church. Obviously people can find that online if they would like. But we're not forcing anybody to listen to our sermons. They're trying to find our information using Instagram because they're actually the criminals. But you don't advocate for anyone to go out there and kill a homosexual because they're homosexual? I strongly am against that. I don't think that you should take any law into your own hands. I think you should abide by the laws of the land as long as it's not in direct violation of a Christian dude such as worshipping God. Obviously Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego weren't going to worship Paul's God. They got thrown into the fiery furnace. So if someone was going to force me to worship the devil, I wouldn't comply with such organs. But we're never going to take the law in our own hands. We're never going to advocate murder or violence towards any person. Never have, never will. So that's just a lie about it. I don't have any more questions. Anything you want to say, I didn't ask you a question about, or if you have any other statements you want to make. I don't have anything. I'll just make one last statement. The goal of our church is that we will be saved. And the way to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us it's a free gift. Most churches do not teach this. Most churches teach that salvation is faith and works. That's a false gospel. A false gospel is what actually leads many people into a reprobate nature, meaning that they reject God, they hate God, and they actually become homosexual as a result of it. So it's actually a benefit if we preach the gospel and try to get people saved. That will stop them from going down a dark road, becoming reprobate, or even going to hell. And that's our goal is for people to be saved and go to heaven. God is love. Everything in the Bible is loving. Leviticus 20-13 is in fact loving because it's not loving to allow rapists and murderers and pedophiles to just continually hurt and harm society and not do anything to God. Thank you for your time. I appreciate you. God bless. Have a good day.