(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) world's largest dinosaur footprint discovered in Australia scientists have discovered the world's largest footprint in a stretch of remote coastline known as Australia's Jurassic Park the unidentified sauropods print is five feet five inches long it's huge the size of a grown man they say that the remains were unearthed and rocks aged up to 140 million years old now I obviously disagree with the dating of these rocks you know I believe according to the Bible the earth is only about 6,000 years old and yes dinosaurs lived with man be sure to check out my free ebook called dinosaurs in the Bible the truth about dinosaurs you can get it at truth of Genesis calm or just click on the link below in the description here's just some of the evidence that man has seen live dinosaurs in the past these are ICA stones their collection of stones that were found in ICA Providence Peru the stones are estimated to be about 1,400 years old many were found in the 1960s but the stones have been mentioned as far back as the 1500s the first mention of the stones is from a Spanish priest journeying to the region of ICA in 1535 father Simon a Jesuit missionary accompanied Pizarro along the Peruvian coast and recorded his amazement upon viewing the stones in 1562 Spanish explorers sent some of the stones back to Spain like I said here here's a few of the ICA stones and you can see that they have dinosaurs carved on them now how would someone be able to carve accurate depictions of dinosaurs on stones 1400 years ago unless they had actually seen a living dinosaur many people would discredit the stone simply because of the fact that they have dinosaurs on them they never even seen the stones personally but they discredit them because they do not fit in with their particular worldview like I said be sure to check out my free book dinosaurs in the Bible the truth about dinosaurs it goes into a little more detail on the subject and you know Satan's used dinosaurs for a long time to promote his evolution theory and it's time we start using dinosaurs to point people to the Bible the truth about the Bible and Jesus Christ so let me know what you think about this in the comments below and be sure to hit the subscribe button and stay tuned for more videos thanks for watching