(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Like, what if I said nothing caused something over here to explode? Again, highly unlikely. No, it's impossible. I would say it's highly unlikely. I would not say impossible. So you think it's possible that nothing could cause something to explode? I would say, is there a chance? Yeah. Because again, I don't exercise absolute certainty. Are you absolutely certain of that? Do you think artificial intelligence always requires a designer? I don't know. Yeah. But intelligence doesn't. Like, actual intelligent beings don't require a designer. So we don't know. Your statement, you said, atheists believe something came from nothing. That's not accurate. I don't recall any atheist's specifics. I can use ten right now that say something came from nothing. Do you really believe that something came from nothing? Yes. Because there are laws such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. So he says because gravity exists, nothing will create everything. Well, how can gravity and then nothing exist at the same time when gravity is something? Yeah. And so Stephen Hawking makes no sense. I mean, even Michio Kaku said, and I quote, he said, it could be that the universe was nothingness that became unstable and created a soap bubble. Well, how could nothing become unstable? The universe could essentially be nothingness, which was unstable and created a soap bubble. How could nothing become unstable? I mean, it really doesn't make any sense. There's a theory that we came from the stars and we just gave away all of our technology. We didn't want it no more. And we started over. And yet here we are again. But that takes faith. That takes irrational faith to believe that. No, it takes an imagination to consider it. Just imagine. Yeah. So if all animals appeared at the same time, are they going to appear through a magic act or by intelligent design? They always accuse us Christians. They say, well, that book you've got right there, that's magic. That's a magic book. No, you know what's magical? Saying that the universe came from nothing. What's magical, folks? God creating the universe or time, space, and matter poofing into existence from nothing? A guy responded to me recently on the internet. He says, well, how could you, it just doesn't make sense that one day God just poofed us into existence. Folks, that's what the big bang teaches. It was literally a poof. What if I said a giant boulder popped into existence right in the middle of this auditorium? What if the whole universe popped into existence? You wouldn't believe it based on the information that you have. Since they're not asking questions like that, they would say, well, Matt, you're not encouraging people to ask questions. That's what we do in science. Yes, we do ask questions, but we need to ask the logical questions. Where do things come from? Where are we going when we die?