(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Like, Matt has basically destroyed him at the opening, and he knows it. Like, what you're seeing right now is recognition that he does have nothing, and that the whole rest of this is going to be him trying to play a game that he maybe knows something. And he knows it. He knows he's in trouble, and he knows he can't run away, he knows he can't back out, so he's going to try to be very condescending and dismissive. Thanks to Matt Powell for being so incredibly conscientious and prepared for this debate, and thanks for Raging Atheist for being, well, himself. So he has a video? Wait, I came prepared with a video? Wait, who else? Who is the last person you ever saw show up to a debate with a video? A video! Should I change those? I don't even know how to do this. Like, oh, a video? Matt Powell is incredibly sharp, especially when it comes to actually deductive, inductive, abductive argumentation, finding the flaws in arguments. He's very good. He's very capable. He has a natural leaning towards it, and I think that's why I resonate with him a little bit. He does truly want to find the rationalizations of his faith and help reveal them. Does God exist? My thought, my immediate answer is no, but I cannot prove that. In your movies, Science Falsely So Called, you quote mind our conversation. Blatantly misrepresented me and my beliefs in order to make me look inferior to you. I'm about to show you, Matt, how your ethics and integrity are the questions here. It was Matt's editing that did that, right? How oblivious can you actually be? It was the editing's fault. That's, that's what, yeah, no, we don't, we don't really buy that. He couldn't even look, he's got a, he's got a video uploaded on his channel with four views saying real debate tonight. I'll make James, I'll make James play it. I'll make you, that's what I'll do. I'll, I'll, I'll make him do something he's unfamiliar with doing, never really done on the debate before. He can say this thing I'm saying in my video instead of me saying it. Oh, how desperate. This is so desperate. How desperate can you be? I'm, I'm really puzzled by this and he's playing this during the debate. What does this have to do with the topic? Like this is just personal, like I'm going to expose Matt Powell on modern day debate. This, this, this, what does this have to do with does God exist? Like why is this, why is this devolved into Matt Powell has done something I don't like and now I'm going to take this time in my opening statement to play videos that I post on my channel with only four views talking about what I didn't like. Like this is, this is his mind. His mind thought all of this was a good idea. He was, he, he cooked all this up in his brain and said, yeah, this is brilliant. Is there an argument for, for the, for the non-existence of God somewhere in here? Cause I don't, I don't see it. What I see is I am, I am hurting of emotional distress from having been exposed in a documentary for being a complete and utter vacuous rage-filled vitriolic moron and I don't like it. I don't enjoy the publicity I'm getting right now. I'm angry and now I need to make it look like I need to make it appear that I am a victim in this. His peers were not impressed with his work in this debate at all. The edit to me in this movie got the atheist community into an uproar. Aron Ra one of the people I look up to called me an atheist my opponent found on the streets. Now Aron Ra responded to me and I think he knows the truth now, but I had to work to repair that damage and I am still working to repair that damage. So Matt Powell, does God exist? I don't care. I care about how you misrepresented me. It is dangerous. It is reckless. And just another example of your disgusting hate speech. I am done. All right. Well, with that being said, that was a great 10 minute opening for you as well. We're going to go into a examination of who thinks, who in chat thinks that was a generous consensus. Who thinks Jim Majors was just desperate to have that not appear quite as horribly cringy as it actually was? I think I've answered that question before. This is not the first time you've asked me that exact question, Matt. I'm more interested in how you're trying to pretend like you weren't aware that this is what the debate was going to be about. So here's my text message from Matt. Was he about to put his phone, like his bright stinking screen, no chance anyone could see it on his Walmart webcam, wish.com webcam. And he's like, here's proof. Here's more proof that that Matt Powell is a garbage human being in my opinion. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Absolutely. Unbelievable. That it's the same as before, Matt. It's the same as before. It's the same exact response that you asked me this probably both times I talked to you face to face. Um, it hasn't changed. So raging atheist is referencing the answers he gave Matt in the video he's claiming was taking him out of context. Does everyone follow me? Does everyone follow me? He just, he says, I gave you the answers. He's actually referencing the answers he gave in the video that he says, that's not what I said. Let that sink in. He just did that right now. You know, this debate is just like the gift that keeps on giving. I swear, no matter how many times I see it, no matter how time, how many times I watch it, I will notice something new, something hilarious about rageous performance here. Like that. This is the gift that just keeps on giving. It's like this, this is like Christmas. I mean, it's just amazing. So don't pretend like you don't know that this was what it was going to be about. I sent several emails to James. So, so he is now making the debate about his personal angst. He is now, he is now just decided to hijack the platform, the topic, the discussion, the audience, and the viewers in perpetuity for the sake of grinding his personal acts to as big of an audience as he possibly could. There you have it. Anyone, literally anyone can get a following if they just stick at it long enough. This man is proof. Absolutely. Deductive proof right here and to yourself. Do not sit here and be disingenuous with me. If you want to ask me questions and want me to answer, you address the topic. The topic is, does God exist? That's the topic. How can I trust a word out of your mouth, man? Well, that wasn't the agreed upon topic though. The topic of the debate is, does God exist? Same answers before I move on to the next question. Okay. Next question. You got six minutes, man. Wow. So do you believe that it's so, so he's not actually answering the question. He's just saying same answers before. You know, that answer I gave you in the video that was taken out of context or I said, wasn't said, you know, that thing, that's my answer. That's the answer that I'm going with. The thing that made me look really, really dumb in the video I just referenced, that's going to be the answer I referenced for this debate. That's you have my answer, man. You know what my answer is. It's right there. And you used it to make me look dumb and I hate you for it. Um, we've discussed it thoroughly. Same answer. Move on. Okay. No problem. Um, same urns tinkle that you put mine nonstop. Same answer. Move on. Are you kidding me? Okay. Do you have an answer that you want to give the viewers? Wait, he doesn't want to debate. He wants a screaming match. He wants to rage. He wants an, he wants an excuse to rate. Look how uncomfortable he is. By the way, people, can you notice same answer? Move on. Same answers before I move on to the next question. Okay. Next question. Same answer. Same answer. Same on any of the questions with the actual debate itself. He just wants to say same answers before I refer to it. This is the same stuff. He is just so antsy to get to the end, to get past the debate topic, to get past the thing that he clearly knows nothing about just to get to where he can rage at Matt on air. Look at this. He just can't stand it. He just, he can't, he can't even stand just going through the effort of the debate because he only came here for one reason. He didn't come here to defend his position or pitch a good argument or, or, or make his stance known. He came here for none of that. He came here to fight. That's, that's just all he did. I thought he was coming out swinging tonight, man. This is nothing new. See, look how desperate look, look at the desperation. Look at the absolute unbridled sheer desperation to manifest what he came there for. Look at that. He just, he can't stand being in this debate for one minute longer than it takes him to get to where he gets to start yelling and cursing. We've been over this at least four times, man. Come on, dude. You can't remember like two months ago. Well, sometimes the same questions stump the same atheists. So, so it's based on what your morality is based on. Matt, why did you approach me yesterday morning with about a debate to end our feud? And then this morning I found out the debate title was does God exist? And I got all up in the emails with James here and with you, I even emailed you first or texted you personally. And it was like, what's up with this? And you called me and we talked and I'm like, dude, I'm totally going to attack you with the stuff. I'm going to attack you. The things that I want to talk about is our few, the things that you approached me and the damn text message, man, it was about the few. So for you to sit here and act surprised, it's just another example. Look at the smiling now. Now Matt's smiling is appropriate. See Matt knows he has just like Matt. I think Matt is fully aware. I think Matt is fully aware. Absolutely. How bad rage has made himself look and he's enjoying it. I think he's enjoying it. I think that smirk is enjoying that smirk is I am enjoying the fact that he can't understand how bad he is making himself look. That's I believe maybe Matt could correct me if he's still in the audience, but I think that's what that smirk was all about right there. You want to be a coward, Matt, instead of address the issue you approached me with the issue. I reached out to James about the issue that I have been very vocal about all day in the emails all day on Twitter. This isn't anything new to you. Well, with all the videos, the reason that I asked you Ronnie is because number one, they've reached out to me about a month ago. Wait, wait, is this name actually Ronnie? Like is Ronnie like, like that, that Naga, what is it? Naga's Naki, sushi, Naga, sushi. What, what is that? What does that Naga, sushi, what is his name? It just sounds like something, it sounds like he was, you know what it was, it sounds like he was drunk at a party and he, and he like tripped over a Scrabble board. And then like, and then like he passed out like on the Scrabble pieces. And then when he woke up, like he just, like he went to the mirror and he had that like pasted, like on his head and face. And he's like, Oh, spirits. You know, like, like, like that's the type of story I pick. Like I picture some sort of name. What does that name mean? What even is that? You just don't get off script. I mean, who gave this to you? Was it Steven Anderson or was it Kim? What does that have to do with any of the arguments? I'm just saying who's who's arguing. Have you stolen this time? Does it matter? Does it, does it, why are you wanting me to make an argument from authority, sir? Why do you want me to say, listen to this authority figure where I got this argument. I'm presenting you with an argument, which you are failing masterfully to address any of them. In fact, you're, you're actually basically just, just answering and even conceding the debate. How, how this man decided to continue doing YouTube after this, it is, it's just amazing to me. I, I don't, I don't get it. I thought we were gonna have an interesting debate. I thought this was gonna be something new that we have a chance to put it out on Twitter. Hey, right. No, I understand that, Matt. You just made it worse. You just perpetuated it. So, uh, so rage, so rage raging and not answering any questions, and then he's going at his opponent for not bringing anything quote unquote new. And again, this is the man's logic that somehow in his brain, oh yes, I'm doing very well right now. This is this I'm coming back. I'm, I'm digging into Matt Powell. I'm doing well. No, no, that's, that's unfortunate. I mean, I, I'm, I mean, if he actually had probably even a little bit of self-awareness, he would have just like turned the computer off and pretended that like the power went out and just, you know, disappeared, you know, sent James an email the next morning and said, Hey man, sorry. My computer went out. Like instead of just letting it like, if he had any self-awareness at all, I think that's what he would have done. If he knew how embarrassing he was actually being like, I don't, I don't think he would have stuck around. I really, I have a difficult time with that. Have you not added that to be a part of the penal system to my face? Do I not have you on video saying it in spirit, in spirit of the debate? Does, does what you just said invalidate the existence of God and how, which one are you talking to Jim? But, uh, talking about the, the things in the Old Testament, does that invalidate, uh, the existence of God? Uh, as far as the top, Jim is helping him. Jim is trying to walk him down, holding his hand ever so gently. Jim, you are a cockroach for doing that. That is a skeezy, scummy, disgusting, you know, because you, you know what, Jim, that just shows how incredibly embarrassed you are. That just shows how desperate you are to try and make this horrible, disgusting, amoral dumpster fire of a person look slightly better than he actually is. Jim, gross, gross, shame on you. You are the liar. You can sit here and call me the liar all you want. I've shown you for a liar time and time again. You came in here lying again. Just feel the frustration. Look at the eye roll and find these answers in two seconds. And there's multiple sources for them. Otherwise, why would I? And so, but I mean, to be fair though, I can go on Google and find that Ariana Grande is really a man. You know, it doesn't mean that it's true. So I think what they're wondering is what are your, what are your scholarly sources for that? Sure. Well, Jim, really? So Jim's, Jim's just debating now. Jim apparently has stepped out, stepped in as debater. Lovely. He said that the simplest life has the amount of specified complexity in it of over 1000 complete sets in psychopedias. That's on page 116 of the Blind Watchmaker. Get the book folks, pull it off of yourself. Spot on, Matt. 116 of the Blind Watchmaker. Round of applause. Eat that, Jim. Nothing exploded. It expanded. Also, vacuum fluctuations may play a part also. Entropy doesn't work that way. And how does that point to Yahweh? Is anyone else catching what's happening? Jim Majors is using his platform as moderator asking questions to debate Matt Powell personally. Is anyone else seeing that? Does anyone else see skeezy scummy Jim Majors here debate using the comment section to basically debate Matt? You see how matter of factly he poses the questions you have to think of? Think of the, the bit of theatrics that James even nowadays throws into the questions and, and Jim is just reading them in, in very, very direct diction and format. What, what about this, Matt? I think he's butthurt. I think he's butthurt at the just severe embarrassment that happened here. How does that point to Yahweh? What, that there was an explosion? You see this? Wait, do you see it? Matt Powell just answered the question. Now Jim has forced him to now answer the question again because Jim is not satisfied with the answer. Do you see this? Jim, I was willing to give you an awful lot of credit up until this exact point. You are a piece of garbage. You are a garbage human being that you turn this into an opportunity for you to debate Matt Powell on the fly and you use your position as neutral moderator to weaponize the questions of the audience to do an impromptu debate against one of the opponents. Disgusting. Truly disgusting. By the way, guys, I didn't have anything against Jim Majors before this at all. I really didn't. I, this is what I've just seen tonight has, has refreshed my mind and reminded me that apparently I didn't pay close enough attention. I didn't pay close enough attention last time. And Jim Majors is, is, is worthy of zero respect after this. Unless, unless he was to actually put out a direct public apology to Matt Powell himself for behaving this disgracefully in a public debate, unless he was to do that, Jim Majors has zero respect for me. Gross. This man's a scholar of some kind or something. So much for that, right? What is, uh, what does scholarship matter when you're a sack of trash human being who, who does things like this, impromptu, just to try to, just to try to get a win for your cult. Beautiful, Jim. That's a, that's a great display for the audience of your character as a human being. Beautiful. That's a lot, a lot of use that, uh, that scholarship did you, it, it, did you have an ethics class anywhere, sir? Was, uh, was it any part of your scholastic training? Did it include an ethics class or maybe even just basic manners or, or is that just, just beyond you? It's just your, your naturalistic obsession, um, and your hatred for anything supernatural, just what carries you. Gross, sir. You are disgusting. Absolutely. I lost all respect for you, Jim Majors. You could basically write any paper with any level of evidence from here on out and I wouldn't care or pay attention to it. This is a horrible display, but what a, what a disgraceful thing to subject Matt Powell to. He's there, he's there to debate rage and now he's debating the moderator. He's answering the moderator's question. The moderator's for, it's just so, if I had seen a Christian do what these two just did, if I had seen some Christian debaters or something, my words would even be harsher. What I want to do is I want to share with you some of the absolute hilarious fallout that, that came after this, the, the incredible, the incredible coming together of the, of the atheist and Christian community to recognize the embarrassment that had just taken place. Since I've started talking to him, that dude comes up with like this, like this, like entire arguments like this. No research. Yeah. Yeah. That's called being really smart and good at debating. I'm sorry. That's beyond you. How sad. I hope you have enjoyed the ride tonight. I certainly did. This has been incredible. Matt Powell's a very, very capable apologist, but certainly extraordinary capable apologist. I give him massive kudos and respect for how he manages to defend the faith and put together watching and facts very sharp kid. And, and what he's done to rage was outstanding.