(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So catastrophism is what best explains geology. Now if you talk to an evolutionist, usually they'll say that uniformitarianism is the mechanism that we know explains the past, and they'll say that the present is the key to the past. But the problem with that is that it does not explain the formations that we see even in the rocks. All throughout the world we find bent rock layers. According to evolution, rocks and mountains slowly formed through plate tectonic shifts. Well I'm sorry, the rocks simply would have crumbled and they would have broken. They would not have bent, okay? And that proves that these layers were soft and moist upon the time of their formation, and that they were all formed in one event and then solidified into sedimentary rock. And so it's just great proof, great evidence that we can show people that the flood of Noah is what caused the catastrophic events that we see in the past, not uniformitarianism and just slow and gradual changes in the Earth's crust. We also find identical amounts of C14 in coal seams across the world. Now C14 only lasts 50,000 years, so if you have a layer forming and then it solidifies and then C14 or coal getting smashed in between those layers, vegetation, that over time is going to lose its C14 because the half life is 5730 years. So C14 is not going to last over 50,000 years in anything that it is encapsulated in. The fact that we find identical amounts of C14 in all of the coal seams across the world is great evidence that all of those layers are the same age and that they were all laid down in one event. Like I said, catastrophism best explains the past. Catastrophism is what we would predict as part of Noah's flood. It would cause the most catastrophic events that you could possibly imagine and leave behind the evidence that we see today. Mountains and then C14 inside of coal seams and identical amounts. One of the other things that we continuously find on all mountains is sea life and crustaceans. And in some cases we find clams or mollusks that are as big as cars in the closed position on the top of Mount Everest, for example. Now keep in mind when creatures like this die in nature, naturally they open up. The muscle will relax and a scavenger will come and eat them. But the fact that we find them in a closed position, clams that are as big as cars, proves that they were buried by catastrophism, by Noah's flood, and then pushed up through the mountain through plate tectonics in a rapid event. Think about it, if the mountains, if the whole world I believe would be eroded in less than two million years, all mountains would be eroded flat, how is it that it takes millions of years for mountains to form? It doesn't make any sense, they would have eroded as they're being created. Gravity causes everything to erode flat over time. The reason that mountains exist and that clams on top of mountains exist in the closed position is because of Noah's flood, because of catastrophism. Another thing that we continuously find in mountains across the world is whales. Entire whales are found perfectly preserved on the top of mountains. That can only be explained by Noah's flood. Noah's flood put those whales on the mountain and buried them in a catastrophic event. Uniformitarianism cannot explain this. When whales die, naturally they float to the surface and scavengers will eat them, they'll get beached, crabs will come and eat the carcasses. The only way that you're going to get a perfectly preserved whale in nature is by catastrophism, once again by Noah's flood, especially on the top of mountains. It proves that while the continents were moving and the fountains of the deep broke open, as the bible says, that certain of the crust of the earth was subducted causing catastrophic plate tectonics and those mountains were pushed up and the whale fossils were pushed up with them, the whales before they'd become fossilized. And remember, fossilization is not about time. Fossilization is simply about conditions. According to evolution, it takes 10,000 years at least to get a fossil to form, yet we find fossilized teddy bears. We find fossilized flower bags. I even saw some fossilized sausage links. I mean, we continuously find these things that prove that fossilization is not about time. If it was about time, those sausage links would have deteriorated. Flower bags would have deteriorated. Teddy bear would have simply deteriorated. We even have a fossilized pickle in our creation museum. These things will not last in the ground for 10,000 years waiting to be fossilized. Anybody that would say that fossilization is about time is just not educated on the topic. Fossilization is about conditions. And just the fact that people believe that fossilization takes up to 10,000 years and they'll use that as a crutch to disprove the bible? It's ridiculous. We even find a fossilized ichthyosaur giving birth. Now, I don't know of any creature that takes 10,000 years to give birth to their young. I mean, if they did, that'd be a pretty painful birth. It's not that these fossils took 10,000 years to form. It's that they were buried in catastrophic conditions that allowed them to be protected. It's just like footprints. The reason that we even find fossilized footprints of any creature is because of catastrophism. If I was to go make a footprint in the beach or on some sand or on some mud, it's going to smooth out in just a few days. Tops. It's going to smooth out very quickly. If it takes 10,000 years for something like that to fossilize, it wouldn't even be possible to have fossilized prints of any sort. But yet, we find fossilized prints of raindrops, fossilized ripples of water. We find fossilized footprints of all sorts of different creatures throughout the entire geologic column even. I mean, these things had to be buried so quickly and protected so quickly in order to be preserved. Catastrophism and Noah's flood is the reason why these things even exist. I mean, when people argue against it, they're arguing against the very mechanism that even put those things there to begin with, the fossils that we're talking about. I mean, to even get a fossil, you have to have rapid burial. The only way that you're going to get that throughout the entire column is by Noah's flood. It had to be catastrophic by the definition of what a fossil even is or what the column even is. You ask an evolutionist or even an atheist, what is the geologic column made out of? They will say, mostly sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock is defined as rock that was laid down by water. So they're literally admitting, just by admitting that it is sedimentary rock that these animal fossils are found in, that it is rock that was laid down by water, by catastrophism, by Noah's flood. There's really no way around it. I think that the best way to explain the past is not by using the present, but is by using the catastrophic events that are spoken of in the Bible and also that we see the evidence of throughout the world around us. Now, if you look at the way that evolutionists try and rescue this, they will draw pictures of dinosaurs diving down into the ocean and they will say that, see, that's how the footprints got preserved. Well, hello, I wouldn't expect to go see my footprints of me diving down into some water back when I was a child. Those footprints would have been smoothed out by the water. But if you look at this photo, it has the dinosaur diving down into the water and they expect you to believe that all of those footprints that you see in the water did not get smoothed out by the water. I mean, let that sink in. They think that you're actually going to believe in this textbook that those fossils actually sat there in water, those footprints, and did not smooth out for over 10,000 years as they're slowly getting fossilized. I mean, what a joke. Folks, people that believe in evolution, we have to help them understand the world around them. Evolutionists always say to me, and atheists will continuously mock and say, well, how can I believe in a god that I can't see? They need to start believing what they can see first. What we can see in the past is catastrophism. What we see in the present does not explain the past, but rather what we see in the past explains the present and where we are today. Catastrophism, once again, is what explains the past, not uniformitarianism, not naturalism. God bless, guys.