(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) A rare meteorite that fell on a UK driveway may contain ingredients for life. This is the fireball that lit up the sky over the United Kingdom and Northern Europe on February 28th was an extremely rare type of meteorite. Fragments of the space rock discovered at the driveway of Cotswolds could provide an answer to the questions of the early history of the solar system and life on Earth. So a rock falls from the sky and they say, there's the answer! It falls in somebody's driveway. Talk about lazy science! And they always tell me, well, Matt, you're just making arguments from the 90s creationists. I love the 90s creationists, but this actually is from 2021, less than a month ago they released this. Now, evolutionists all say, well, Matt, we don't believe we came from a rock. Isn't that kind of insinuating that you did? So contain the ingredients for life, and within that rock was liquid water. Great! You know what? There's a lot of things that contain ingredients for life. In fact, if I was to put a frog in a blender and blend it up, those are all the ingredients. But I don't expect the frog to assemble itself back together. They say, well, you've got to give it time. Just imagine. Okay, well, let's say I was to put a dot on the pulpit here, and we're going to go forward a few billion years, and we're going to wait for it to explode, because there's no absolutes. I'm absolutely sure there's no absolutes, and anything could happen. Folks, it's going to sit there and deteriorate. It's not going to explode. Professing themselves, you know, it reminds me of a verse, professing themselves to be wise and be fools. You know what? There's no absolutes. There's no absolutes.