(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) this is Matt Powell from his YouTube channel Matt Powell official I don't know why he's got an official on the end of it but there you go yes Matt Powell is a younger creationist and he is an unbelievable moron and science denying half-wit he puts all his faith and trust in the Bible anyway Matt the floor is all yours Google says if you type in when monkeys surf feel free to just type that in if you want on your phone I won't judge you when monkeys surf these are the first things that pop up now evolution literally teaches that monkeys they had to get to South America somehow because they found fossils over there so the only way that monkeys could have gotten to the United States from Africa was surfing the monkeys that sailed across the Atlantic to South America BBC monkeys suddenly appeared in South America about 40 billion years ago unlikely though it may seem they probably sailed there from Africa prehistoric monkeys traveled 900 miles between continents on rafts you know surfing monkeys surfing dinosaurs it's perfectly plausible monkeys who sailed 900 miles across the Atlantic intrepid monkeys accord again according scientists made an improbable sea voyage from Africa to South America on a raft picture it on a raft 34 million years ago they're saying the only way they could have got there it's climbing on a little little raft they also find that dinosaurs cross the ocean this is what evolution teaches this is new stuff they always tell me Matt stop making arguments from the creationists from the 90s well those are great arguments that they made but these are from 2020 this is from 2020 they just released this because Africa was isolated by the deep oceans at that time duck billed dinosaurs must have crossed hundreds of kilometers of open water rafting on debris according to evolution theory they surf there the article literally says that the duck billed dinosaurs must have crossed hundreds of miles of open water hmm guys I wonder if that's what evolution actually says all I had to do was a simple Google search and this was the very first thing that came up dinosaurs crop once crossed oceans first duck billed dinosaur fossil discovered in Africa you know Matt's right about that this is what they're saying but they want to tell you that God's Word is inferior they want to tell you all the Bible just doesn't have the answers people like Matt Powell really pissed me off the fact that he's going around and claiming that he's trying to rid the world of all these lies really irritates me he dumbs it all down to make it sound stupid to his audience because it's a lot easier if you make something sound stupid to convince him it's wrong or it's flawed beards can really take a hit University of Utah researchers discovered human beards evolved to absorb punches to the head and jaw research shows that flowing facial hair might have evolved to help fight hungry humans better absorb blows to the head so what evolution teaches is that when we were primates we fought so much and so hard and hit each other in the job that our jaw had to create a cushion in our face folks that is weird okay it's not just unscientific okay that is weird alpha males caveman fortunately no humans were slugged in the name of science put it to the test real life they teach the dinosaurs devolved in chickens yes science has compelling evidence that dinosaurs evolved into chickens now folks if it's survival of the fittest only the strongest survive an evolution theory which one is stronger they say well if you have a hundred or a thousand chickens I'm sorry they're not going to win against their their great-great-great-great grandfather they went from the largest creature that could eat you down to my favorite lunch at KFC because it was a perfect dinosaur skeleton that just had feathers on it and now we know that there are a host of dinosaurs that were completely feathered including velociraptor I'm sure you've heard of velociraptor right did you know they were fully flown fully fluid covered in feathers like I said if you're an evolutionist and you want to find dinosaurs you could find living ones today here in my hand I actually hold proof of evolution do you want to hear about dinosaurs do I ever want to hear about dinosaurs turns out that uh so this is a new report from british scientists and they said that basically the dinosaurs they also warmed the planet uh thanks to all the cast they admitted from eating all the leafy plants and all they emitted a total of 520 million tons per year of global methane which is they say the level comparable to the total given off today by animals and industrial activity so they they parted their way to extension they literally teach that dinosaurs farted themselves to death that they and then one guy says well you have misrepresented matt you have misrepresented us we believe that they they tooted and it warmed the environment that sounds even more stupid and that's why they died they died from the global warming hmm dinosaurs did part themselves into extinction all their greenhouse gases cause climate change which caused uh you know an ice age and they all froze to death and this stuff is just crazy but this is the crowd that wants to tell you not to keep your purity they think that they have the advice for life they don't have the advice for life just last month a rock fell from the sky and they said there's the answer it has the ingredients for life there's the answer that's lazy science a rock falls from the sky onto somebody's driveway and they say well it contained the ingredients though matt okay big deal i could put a frog in a blender blend it up that is all the ingredients for life but i don't expect the frog to put itself back together and start hopping around again so today is going to be another first for the response list today we're going to be responding to a 22 year old pastor named matt powell there is no logic at all into believing that one day god just decided to poof us into existence this one atheist responded to me recently he's like there's no logic at all into believing that one day god just magically poofed us into existence isn't that what the big bang teaches it was a poof so let me ask you because they say well you christians believe in magic okay what's magical somebody creating the universe or matter and energy creating itself from nothing funny you said earlier they can't think for themselves buddy you are 22 years old buddy if there's anyone that doesn't think for themselves i would say that it's freaking you if we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys well because we're not monkeys we're fish now knowing you're a fish and not a monkey is actually really important to understanding where we came from people that take and consider this they don't think about what they're even being told that they evolved from a sponge or that we all evolved from literal jellyfish that's what evolution teaches is that we evolved from jellyfish i always like to ask people do you think that your ancient ancestor was a fish you know it's like the incredible mr limpet 2.0 i wish i wish i were a fish well according to them we were fish millions of years ago many of us were taught evolution wrong you and i are fish one fish lineage came onto land and gave rise to among other things the mammals and reptiles perhaps it's better still to think of us as a little fish out of water evolutionists claim it says one plausible explanation in our view is that the genes are likely new extraterrestrial imports to earth these scientists declare that quote the squid eggs hitched a ride to earth on the back of asteroids that is what evolution teaches folks i am not kidding i was in an interview with a friend of mine who's got it he's an actual creation scientist now him and i don't see i die on everything but he brought this up and i thought he was joking with me i said are you serious we cut for a moment i'm like you've got to be kidding me this is what they teach i said yeah that's what they i looked it up sure enough evolution teaches that they hitched a ride on the back of asteroids doesn't that sound fun and they don't get along anyways squids and octopuses are constantly fighting each other so i don't know how they made it here to begin with but of course they were eggs and and the article goes on to say that they were you know they were fertilized they don't know how but they were fertilized so that they could hatch when they hit the water do you really believe that something came from nothing yes because there are laws such as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing they always accuse us christians they say well that that book you've got right there that's that's magic that's a magic book no you know what's magical saying that the universe came from nothing what's magical folks god creating the universe or time space and matter poofing into existence from nothing what if i said a giant boulder popped into existence right in the middle of this auditorium you