(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Are you open to me having a one-on-one conversation with you for a few minutes just the two of us about Some of my feelings and me asking you a few questions about what happened. Oh, yeah. Yeah Okay, awesome Well, just call it Man I had to go add more room to my coke. Yeah, I wish I would have drink tonight Holy I needed it But I'm drinking a southern tradition of sweet tea Bridge draw was doing everything but debating. Yeah. Oh, man Yeah, I'm still trying to process it I know there was some parts there where I was really frustrated and I think he was starting to look a little good I know sir. So man raging a these can do better at one point. I just can't even really remember the point He's tactical Yeah, yeah, he's I've always said a map houses a smart guy. He knows what he's doing. He's a walking charisma machine That's the problem here and he's a manipulation Yes, he's quick. He's witty. He's uh, that's the reason why I don't debate that power. It's like it's like you're rooting for you I don't debate how I think I feel good about parts of it I do but everything you guys said I agree with Why I went into it telling myself not to get emotional I never get really emotional in the face-to-face is when that He does have this way recently to to trigger the right buttons I went into a telling gem and telling ocean I know this guy and I have an idea of what he's gonna do and it turned out that he knew me far better I will give that map out He used the personal thing to his advantage that whenever you would start talking about theology He would he would kind of bait you a little bit and then it's so I just saw it man Just like crystal clear. He just suck you right back in. I was like no Yeah, you doing? Yeah, he was able to get me off track it really threw me off from the beginning and I was trying to rebound from that because We just didn't get that element So it really threw me off and I had to kind of try to rebound from that and I and I got really Aggravated people like people especially people like Matt Powell never do anything new Yeah, it threw me off dude. I was like man He's I mean like he's obviously got something that he thinks that that he is gonna catch me with Like he like Matt Powell is the kind of person he's a hoven I he has a script He's gonna go on that's open and Anderson I appreciate I mean As I was telling the ocean earlier, I surround myself with smart people because I will learn and you are one of those Hello, this is Gary wish on the disgruntled heathen doing a video to the raging atheist I'm sorry to hear you receiving a lot of criticism for your part in Matt Powell's movie We all have this drive For truth And you try to do your part The only failure in life is not even trying to attempt to do what's right Don't stop Next time you do better The edit to me in this movie got the atheist community into an uproar are in raw one of the people I look up to Called me an atheist my opponent found on the streets we have This position where we're the op where their opposition. We are the counterbalance on the mentalism. I Hope you continue Your channel And I get comments About how he crushed me and I just need to quit YouTube I've literally gotten those comments that I should just quit YouTube because Matt Powell ended my YouTube career I hope you continue Your Channel In your movies science falsely so-called you quote mind our conversation Blatantly misrepresented me and my beliefs in order to make me look inferior to you To the raging atheist if you watch this video just know that we're on the same side Having said that I have to be honest and admit you lost the debate to Matt Powell on the modern-day debate YouTube channel Hopefully you see this video Thank you and goodbye I want to explain a little bit to you rage why that happened that the Matt was the affirmative Which means he goes first the affirmative controls the debate In a debate structure the the affirmative always controls the debate That's the reason why Matt Powell had a position of strength in ignoring you completely Yeah, Matt Matt is definitely Smarter than I gave him credit for He knew what he knows how to talk. You're debating somebody talks for a living. Yeah, and he knew He just had to bide his time and make it to that debate and he had me, you know And that's another thing that has done with me throughout my interactions with him he tries to pick debate topics that he knows that I don't really want to have like Um, I can't argue against the existence of God he definitely saw advantage of that and he He knew that he had emotionally affected you and he had triggered you like I was trying not to be like just okay I got it. I got it I got up and started pacing I drove me crazy Like you have to be tactically prepared for the fact That you're going to be dishonest, but he's going to be setting up a narrative Yeah, yeah, you are exactly right You know it is It is a fault of mine. I'm getting emotional right now. Just thinking about it because I didn't get that, you know I Don't want to say it is because of this necessarily but I think all of us are in agreement that Matt is definitely a duplicitous character that There's no there's no dissent if I say that Matt is a duplicitous person and He showed it there because he was from what you tell me a slightly different person off air than he was on air here Actually knowing Matt Powell Having seen one of Matt Powell's sermons and then seen him personally off to the side It's not just an online, you know duplicitous character thing. It is a that is him What do you think about Powell's doing right now? I think he's the same thing exactly And Matt Powell has a second has a second layer of it that he is not only an occult He is a leader within a cult To do is survive the debate and state how much that he holds his position and then he gets the accolades when he goes back Home, is it worth it? Interacting with him or are you just increasing the purview? That he has and the reach that he has because he's not going to change his mind. Who are you compelling? I definitely felt through most of it that that Matt was winning when you up you give them a gift So when if you're in a big room, right if you're in a debate with Matt Powell and you give him a gift I've never referred him as the raging atheist. I originally noticed him from the one video you did after you had spanked him in the debate and I've always since then referred him as the crying atheist and That guy does more for our side than anything. I mean even his own crowd knows he's an idiot He but yet he just continues to just go and fight He continues to say I'm not gonna do any more videos about Matt Powell But I don't think I've ever watched a video where he doesn't mention Matt Powell I'm gonna be talking about my new and last vid on that pile here in a moment Quentin silver So I Am an emotional wreck He just can't get over the fact that he got just severely spanked in the debate and I'm sorry, but it was funny and I Really have enjoyed watching some of the footage of the Therapy sessions that they've been having and I haven't watched a lot of his stuff But that man I'm surprised the atheist community isn't trying to run him off and they're not trying to Ruin that guy because man, he's the best player on our team I'm telling you right now and I would love to watch another debate between him and Matt Powell Because it would be a lot of fun to watch him cry again He's a guy who's just been completely defeated by creationists He's been made to look like an idiot multiple times to the point. He's been brought to tears That's why I call him the crying atheist. And so to see this guy continuing to try is funny Do you guys? Remember that time I made Matt Powell look really stupid. I Would feel sorry for him, but I can't feel sorry for him the guy's just such a scumbag and You can tell the atheist community Doesn't want to have anything to do with them. They are so they've got to be embarrassed by him He is an absolute joke and it is kind of funny to just watch him Sometimes just I don't know if he's acting like he's drunk or if he is drunk or on drugs, but just to watch him just go and Just puke forth his nonsense I think he does more for our cause than anybody else and he's a great source of just showing The stupidity that one has to go to to reject God the Bible says the fool has said in their heart There is no God and what better? Proof do we have than the crying atheist? Matt is is a lot smarter than I have ever given them credit for He is conniving and sneaky and every breath every piece of his soul is deceitful He's a good actor. And so in regards to that debate, I would say he was winning it But the jabs that I kept putting had built I'm not gonna be on too long I'm just trying to explain myself and get to the last video that I'm ever gonna do on that pile and then explain to My mods the rules regarding to my power My final video the last time I danced with the devil is gonna be coming out very soon Think this is gonna be the absolute last video and when this video comes out mods Matt Powell is banned All of his comments get deleted All of his comments on my videos I am going to delete Matt Powell once I am done with Matt Powell Will no longer be called Matt Powell on my channel He will be known as he who has no soul So if you say Matt Powell, you'll get it. You'll get a warning No, it's he who has no soul When I'm done with Matt he no longer exists to me Since I have started talking to him that dude comes up with like this like this like entire arguments like like this no research Thank you all for the support and I'll see you soon The people who espouse Powell Anderson Hoeven these people specifically are heavily indoctrinated But you can escape that indoctrination the difference between Kent Hoeven and Matt Powell is years I mean, you're talking to two years old. Like I remember when I was 22 Yeah, and they're just sensationalizing it and further publicizing it Yeah, they made that happen and then blame somebody else for the fact that they made that happen. I I Agreed with oceans point at the same time is that we have to be smart about it And I found that out the hard way tonight. I think it's important to call out people like like Matt Powell because we are prepared to Attack him from hauling whatever angle he's coming from You need to be ready for that and just put everything else aside You need to answer every single question he throws at you to make it look like it would be Because he is he's a very very smart Yeah, definitely have to drop everything else and just focus on it. Sorry. Yeah, that was my mistake I should have walked away I should have demanded the debate be what the debate was supposed to be about Now that he's managed to associate himself with this group and it's just like this There's now way more reasons not to debate him than there are to the band. I have decided after What happened to Nakasuchi tonight? because I'm now just learning how to Produce content myself and I don't know if you're familiar with what dragknot does to g-man But I am going I'm going to make it my mission in life to do the same thing Wow, he had the chance tonight to really he's the best freaking actor there is he got me when But I knew it I suspected it. Yeah. Yeah The problem John is and this has been my experience with Matt and I did the same thing I'm dancing with the devil's section. It's got almost 30 response videos to Matt Powell and The thing I find about Matt. I think he's a different animal than g-man to where dragknot can get into g-man said He just really can't with Matt like he he had me where he wanted looking back now It's easy to see he got me into the exact place I knew he was trying to get me and I even told Jim before going into it He's trying to he's trying to do this. He's trying to do something and he did it He got he got what he wanted and he exposed me at the same time I'm always honest about my debates and I never run from from from bad ones and I went into it overconfident What is it with and it's not just Matt that does it but I mean he I Would say what like 40% of the time he was like the Bible. I feel the same way and that's what's Really frustrates me the most about the debate tonight with Matt is I feel like for the first time Matt did use some of his Pseudoscientific facts and like that easily debunked but for the first time he was using a lot of Bible verse. Usually he doesn't and That would have had I went into that side of the debate Full-hearted would have really worked into my advantage because I've read his Bible extensively had I been prepared and ready for it I could have really just really hurt his arguments every single one that he was trying to make. I Mean he I Would say what like 40% of the time he was like quoting the Bible for the first time He was using a lot of Bible verse they hold the Bible as a source of authority