(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is Matt Powell from his YouTube channel Matt Powell official. I don't know why he's got an official on the end of it but there you go. Yes Matt Powell is a younger creationist and he is an unbelievable moron and science denying half-wit. He puts all his faith and trust in the Bible. Anyway Matt the floor is all yours. Google says if you type in when monkeys surf feel free to just type that in if you want on your phone I won't judge you. When monkeys surf these are the first things that pop up. Now evolution literally teaches that monkeys they had to get to South America somehow because they found fossils over there. So the only way that monkeys could have gotten to the United States from Africa was surfing. The monkeys that sailed across the Atlantic to South America BBC. Monkeys suddenly appeared in South America about 40 billion years ago. Unlikely though it may seem they probably sailed there from Africa. Prehistoric monkeys traveled 900 miles between continents on rafts. You know surfing monkeys surfing dinosaurs it's perfectly plausible. They also find that dinosaurs cross the ocean. This is what evolution teaches. This is new stuff. They always tell me Matt stop making arguments from the creationists from the 90s. Well those are great arguments that they made but these are from 2020. This is from 2020. They just released this. Because Africa was isolated by the deep oceans at that time duck-billed dinosaurs must have crossed hundreds of kilometers of open water rafting on debris. According to evolution theory they surf there. The article literally says that the duck-billed dinosaurs must have crossed hundreds of miles of open water. Hmm guys I wonder if that's what evolution actually says. All I had to do was a simple Google search and this was the very first thing that came up. Dinosaurs once crossed oceans. First duck-billed dinosaur fossil discovered in Africa. You know Matt's right about that. This is what they're saying but they want to tell you that God's Word is inferior. They want to tell you all the Bible it just doesn't have the answers. People like Matt Powell really pissed me off. The fact that he's going around and claiming that he's trying to rid the world of all these lies really irritates me. He dumbs it all down to make it sound stupid to his audience because it's a lot easier if you make something sound stupid to convince him it's wrong or it's flawed. They teach that dinosaurs devolved into chickens. Yes science has compelling evidence that dinosaurs evolved into chickens. Now folks if it's survival of the fittest only the strongest survive in evolution theory. Which one is stronger? They say well if you have a hundred or a thousand chickens I'm sorry they're not gonna win against their their great-great-great-great grandfather. They went from the largest creature that could eat you down to my favorite lunch at KFC. Because it was a perfect dinosaur skeleton that just had feathers on it and now we know that there are a host of dinosaurs that were completely feathered including velociraptor. I'm sure you've heard of velociraptor right? Did you know they were fully plumed? Fully plumed, covered in feathers. Like I said if you're an evolutionist and you want to find dinosaurs you could find living ones today. Here in my hand I actually hold proof of evolution. The reason brother Greg that you have a beard is because you were punched because remember natural selection says that we have to have an explanation for things that are different between us and monkeys. So what evolution teaches is that when we were primates we fought so much and so hard and hit each other in the jaw that our jaw had to create a cushion in our face. Folks that is weird okay? It's not just unscientific okay? That is weird. So by all these punches to the face somehow we have this perfect cushion so if we get punched again we'll be okay okay? Well here's the thing. I got married in 2019. My wife was my only girlfriend but you know what? Women fight too but you know what? They certainly didn't grow a beard. What's up with that? Wouldn't the women monkeys fight more than that? No I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. No no no. Hey Matt it's me brain bug. See you've been busy misrepresenting science. What do you got for us today? So dinosaurs gas themselves into extinction. Again, sauropod dinosaurs they think they actually passed a little too much there. We know how these digestive processes take place and we know what they produce. This is not speculative and we know how those gases affect the environment. We understand these things. They literally teach that dinosaurs farted themselves to death. And then one guy says well you have misrepresented us. We believe that they they tooted and it warmed the environment. That sounds even more stupid. And that's why they died. They died from the global warming. And we know how those gases affect the environment. We understand these things. And this stuff is just crazy but this is the crowd that wants to tell you not to keep your purity. They think that they have the advice for life. They don't have the advice for life. Just last month a rock fell from the sky and they said there's the answer. It has the ingredients for life. There's the answer. That's lazy science. A rock falls from the sky onto somebody's driveway and they say well it contained the ingredients though Matt. Okay big deal. I could put a frog in a blender. Blend it up. That is all the ingredients for life. But I don't expect the frog to put itself back together and start hopping around again. So today it's going to be another first for the response list. Today we're going to be responding to a 22 year old pastor named Matt Powell. There is no logic at all into believing that one day God just decided to poof us into existence. This one atheist responded to me recently. He's like there's no logic at all into believing that one day God just magically poofed us into existence. Isn't that what the Big Bang teaches? It was a poof. So let me ask you because they say well you Christians believe in magic. Okay what's magical? Somebody creating the universe or matter and energy creating itself from nothing? Funny you said earlier they can't think for themselves. Buddy you are 22 years old. Buddy if there's anyone that doesn't think for themselves I would say that it's freaking you. They say well the floods a myth you know the creationism is a myth. Even Bill Nye himself said you know creationism is in itself in and of itself silly. And he says you know what your worldview becomes so fantastically complicated boys and girls when you don't believe in evolution. Your world just becomes fantastically complicated when you don't believe in evolution. What part of believing that you came from an ape makes your world less complicated? I'm not a big fan of evolution or any of its theories. I think it's all stupid to be quite honest. I think it's all funny in the sense that people actually believe it. I don't I don't think any of it is just I don't do it on it. I just I think it's ridiculous altogether and that's something I've always thought even when I was in the public school system growing up I just knew I believed the Bible's account of creation and that I didn't believe what they were teaching me in school on it and they did present it as a theory but then they went forward to act like it's a fact. So it's kind of funny that they teach classes on so-called theory as if it's fact. So I think it's all baloney. When you're engaging atheists and they claim they came from nothing that turned into space rocks with squid, octopussy hitchhikers, that their ancestors were slimy rodents who climbed trees just after being a fish and turned into a turd-flinging monkey, how do you not pee your pants and laugh hysterically in their face? Where does the strength inside you come from? Because you actually engage them out in public. How do you... I watch you and you've got this straight face and I can actually see the love coming off you but you never like break and go oh my goodness did he just say that? How do you do this? You know when you deal with atheists they a lot of times have been just brainwashed and you know Hitler said if you tell a lie big enough, loud enough, and often enough people will believe it and so you know it doesn't come as a surprise that they believe these things and so it's because they believe it and because their belief in that rather than the Lord Jesus Christ is gonna one day be what sends them to the lake of fire. In my mind you know I hurt over that no matter how stupid the belief is. Obviously you know I take time to kind of mock that belief in general because it is ridiculous I don't want to mock them per se but I do want to make fun and and you know make light of a silly belief system and show them how ridiculous it is so they'll question it because they're not asking questions. The best thing you can do is just show them the love of Christ and hope that someday they'll get saved and I've had a lot of their viewers trust Christ and actually become Christians as a result of the dealings that I've had with them. Why? Well because their position is indefensible and they found a stronger model in fact they found God's model the Lord Jesus Christ. you